The History of the City of Bellingham Washington State garden_of_eden_2013_9_1_1440

Compilation ISRAEL 2014 12 15 1332

Whatcom County was an active warzone from circa 1600-1930; very likely more than a century before. The cities of the area were settled by the British (The last of the direct family from the Trojan War; which literally makes the Battles and Wars fought in Whatcom County an extension of the Trojan War. Pickett, and his confederates on the side of Esau/Hyksos/Avaris, Dorian<Agamemnon>, etc. on the side of the Enemy. The Trojans were Jews the Dorians many centuries later name changed <at least a branch of the Hyksos descendants> to Palestinian. In more than a few ways the conflicts in Bellingham and surrounding counties were a continuation of Esau’s War against Jacob. The Trojan War Agamemnon versus King Priam was only one in a sequence of Wars where Esau’s line on a sub-conscious soul level need to seek out and obliterate anything to do with Jacob and the Jews. A.H. was a Hyksos descendants. Which is why his ancestors were allowed to stay in the area. He was Semitic but Esau not Jewish line. The Wars in Whatcom county previous to the 1850s were all but entirely erased from the  history books. The British versus everyone became Natives versus Natives; not the first time in the Americas the British were renamed by the English to be Natives or flat out called Indians.), Royalist French, Germans, etc. as the last safe zone from the invading Dutch, English, etc. the earliest cities were settled in a pattern which dated all the way back to the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. The river system running down from the Volcano Mount Baker is the key aspect to the location; Mount Baker being literally a symbolic representation of the Mountain of the Garden of Eden, the Holy/Sinai Mountain/Hill. Second aspect is four rivers, two  primary,  two  secondary. The Indus, Nile, Ruxton Creek (Ruxton Creek is the same name of another creek in Manitou, where Fr Francolon chose to build Miramont Castle), and Nooksack run north or at least northerly for part of their journey.  Part of the Nooksack River runs north for several miles,  then turns west, on the top of the north bend in the river (Uruz) is Lyndon, then the river turns almost due South with Ferndale in the middle of the River. That U shaped bend forms the basis of why the area was chosen, since it resembles at least in part the legends of what the course of the Garden Of Eden River system.

This is important since Whatcom County all the older cities were founded in the exact positions they were because they served strategic ancient sacred geometry (following the rules set out in genesis chapter 1 and 2).

But to understand why and how all the cities of Whatcom were founded a trip to ancient Egypt, Troy, Greece, Rome, Little Egypt, etc. are required. The events from millennia back directly cascade into al Bellingham directly  almost every aspect of the area of Whatcom and the cities which lay within. The cities which societies and governments operate with almost identical behavior patterns from 3800 b.c.e to present.

Troy and Bellingham

ON the surface it might not seem like the literal Trojan War and the founding of Bellingham have anything at all whatsoever to do with each other. But as a matter of the hardest facts, a continuity line can be drawn directly from the founding of Bellingham directly  back to the Trojan War. Harris as in the founder of Fairhaven was a Jew, Harris is a Jewish name. Judson as in Pheobe Judson is also a Jewish name, although her husband Holden’s family converted to Christianity to avoid execution. Just south of Pheobe’s founded city of Lynden is Lake Weiser, which is also a Jewish name. In that general area is also King Tut Road. At the time Captain Pickett of the American army strongly axis with the confederacy was stationed at Fort Bellingham renamed from Castle Bellingham. Pickett documented a War between himself and one of the last pockets of British in the Area. Known as the pig war it pitted Pickett against the British. The most ironical aspect of the entire situation, the events in War’s and Battles in Wahtcom County led directly to both the waves of Anti-Semitism which sweap through Euorpe in the middle to late 1800s, which cascaded directly into the rise of Fascism and what has become known as World War II 1932-1946. The events inside some of Pickett’s actions were discussed at the Wannsee Conversences in Berlin circa 1942, eight months after Rudolf Hess defected to Britain which his defection cascaded directly into the Third Reich launching Operation Barbaroosa just six little weeks after Hess’s defection. The Primary Panzer devision made as close to a bee line from Berlin to the East side of St Catherine’s Cathedril St Petersburg Russia to capture the Amber Room. The problem is, the Amber Room was never just an Amber Room. The Amber Room is literally just the Room which holds the Ark of the Covenant. The Amber Room sits on the third Floor of the Tabernacle aka King Solomon’s Temple. But the Temple is not a temple but a Tabernacle. Zerubabel took the basic architectural plans for the building and laid the building on its back. Making a three sectioned building instead of three stories. Every church and Cathdril from Zerubabels’s design change to present still reflect the three sections. Entrance, main area, alter. The Russians were present in Whatcom County and observed a working Tabenracle of Adam System first hand. The Buildings involed with the Working Tabencle of Adam System in Wahtcom County were Castle Ogle aka Pickett Tower (which was a few feet up to hill from the current location of the Pickett House on Bancroft Street), Castle Bellingham renamed Fort Bellingham. Pickett was a born and bread dedicated Plantation man, the castle he seized three miles north of his future home Pickett House had to be renamed to Fort since Pickett was not a Catholic or Anglincan. Western Washington University another location. The Peace Arch, a location of a major battle which extremely similar to Alba Longa used to be the location of a Major Castle and secondary Tower to Ogle Castle but that Castle was torn entirely apart and replaced in 1814, the signing of the Treaty of Ghent which ended the War of 1812. More than a little of the War of 1812 was fought in Whatcom County. From the city of Troy and seemingly endless waves of Wars on that site backwards to Egypt with the conflicts between the 18th dynasty and the 17/19the Hyksos/Avaris dynasties. The two had been in constant conflict since 2100 b.c.e when the Hyksos invaded Egypt.

Back farther the Esau and Jacob fighting to determine whom would reign as King of Kings of their fathers cultures. Esau taking after Terah and Jacob taking after the ancient line of Israel which was in most likely from Adam  himself. Ancient grudges playing out in Whatcom county.

The lines of continuity and connection are dozens independent of each other.

As a matter of hard fact Reoder owned a boat company on Lake Erie in the City of Vermillion. That city is only about 50 miles from Tiffin Ohio. Tiffin Ohio is a location where direct from De Ogle from the battle of Hastings descendants had lived since no later than the 1700s. Very likely 1600s. The problem is the Ogles of Tiffin were British, the English to the base of their soul enemy of the British were attempting to conquer all the areas west of the colonies to expand slavery, and generally create as much of a new Islamic/protestant state as possible. Even though the protestants would rather die than admit they are an offshoot of the militant Islamic religion; the statistics not only do not lie, the behavior patterns of many protestants match closer to that of militant Islam than to what Christ was talking about.

Roeder, to vermillion, to Tiffin, to the Ogle family, The Ogle family directly to Northumberland, Northumberland being one of the founding families of the British culture, the British culture itself were founded from Prince of Troy cousin (a few generations removed) of by then deposed King Priam Brute King of Britain. The British are simply a name change from the Trojans; taking on a new Name to avoid being immediately hunted down and erased from existence. The American revolution was the English pitting the British against the Colonies; the English profited off of this conflict. But the true enemy of the colonies was the English not the British. But the aggressors in the revolution were the protestants many of which were so close to behaving like militant Islamics that as a  matter of hard fact were “More Spartan than a Spartan.” They were Muslim in all but name; calling themselves Protestants but almost all their actions were militant Islamic. This most strongly defines the Puritans and their Ramadan/Thanksgiving celebration. Same celebration with slightly different names and ceremonies.

Trojan War

The Battle of Troy was a War against a couple dozen cities surrounding the main city.

There is no reason in the world to assume that one of the cities around the central hub of Troy was not called Bellingham. Or some version of Bellingham.

The Conflicts in Bellingham are profound not because they occurred over centuries but because those involved worked so unbelievably hard to cover up the conflicts. All be it most of the conflicts were almost exclusively political in nature. Using a fist or using a piece pf paper, the outcome was the same. Castle Bellingham fell in the 1800s and fell hard enough it was all but entirely erased from history.

Only the smallest remnance of the cities and castles remain, mostly in discarded and ignored pockets architecture most have not the slightest interest in paying attention too.

Freemasonry in Whatcom County

Previous to 1650 the United Grand Lodge of Britain was its name. After the Kingdom of Northumberland was finally conquered by the Tudors and successive English Royal Families Britain was absorbed by the Kingdom of England. The remaining British were exiled out of Britain to the Americas. A culture being forced to leave their own land in Egypt the Anatolia Peninsula, Italy, Britain, Boston, New York, etc. ; how insulting.

Not only were their lands stolen but their heavenly tasks. The English removed the facts regarding that the British at both Jerusalem (Levant Ghetto), Troy, and Tyre each have a copy of the Great Temple. Those copies were needed because the places where they were supposed to be were literally taken from them by Esau descendants millennia before.

In Truth FreeMasonry is British not English. The Lodges in America in the Europe from 1650-1800s had to change charters from British to English or face violent reprisals.

The several lodges in Whatcom county were all chartered under the British but successfully changed their charter from 1850-1890. The previous records and charters were destroyed. The Masonic Buildings were also destroyed. When a culture wants to erase something from existence, it is not difficult to find as much evidence as possible and destroy it. By flame, explosives, killing those that refuse to disavow, etc.

The British Chartered Lodges were literally one of the political lines of battle in the last Wave of the Trojan War in Whatcom County. By the 1800s the Trojan War was fought mostly politically not huge army versus huge army. Plus in Whatcom county there was no place to have huge armies clash. Only small undocumented skirmishes were possible. The losing side trying to survive while the winning sides had less than 0 interest in documenting any of it.

Evidence Pickett’s officers 68 were documented and their actions noted, but not any of the 1500 soldiers were. They were mostly mercenaries hired to do as much damage as possible in order to allow their boss a quick Victory.

The Temple of Apollo at Troy is an earlier version of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem. Documentation of this fact is the Kirkwall scroll. There were a number of exact copies of the Temple of Jerusalem (Levant Ghetto) before that structure was built. Inside each degree is evidence of the previous builds and the previous political structures efforts to not only build their version of Adam’s tabernacle but also to maintain it under Genocidal War conditions.

Phoebe Judson

As Phoebe Judson (descendant of Jude aka Judie aka Judah; the fourth son of King Jacob Israel) stated in her book “A pioneer’s search for an ideal home” attempting to find a “New Israel” in America since being either a Jew or a converted over to Christian of Jewish descent in either Europe or the East coast in the 1800s was a capital crime. “A New Home” meant a new Israel, free from the genocidal oppression from Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English, Militant Islamic, etc. cultures whom only wanted to seek out and destroy any and all items which they as a culture felt threatened them.

A pattern which repeated without fail from Hierakonpolis circa 3800 b.c.e to the founding of Bellingham Washington State 1880. Several of the earliest settlements in America were named some version of Israel, Salem, Jerusalem, etc. with the code of what the truth was buried different layers within the name itself. Example Beacon Hill aka Boston is just a different version of what the meaning of Jerusalem is. Orlando Florida used to be called the Latinized version of Jerusalem. Radical anti-Semitic cultures found the earliest settlements and chose to not only to destroy the inhabitance but change the names to erase the Jewish presence in America. The same cultures which did the genocide and erased the Jewish footprint are the same ones who literally wrote the history; who are also the same ones who literally destroyed all evidence and records they could get their hands on regarding what the truth was. Although key clues can still be cobbled together; dissenting voices were either outright killed, or sent west “on a rail” in hopes the natives would eventually kill the voice of truth.

Something is which beyond absolutely important, Britain is the largest Island. The Kingdom of Britain is from Sherwood Forest North to Scotland. The Kingdom of England is from Sherwood Forest south. The Ogle Kingdom inside Britain is from Central Britain East. The British and the English cultures are radically very different.

The British circa 1700s having just lost several large scale wars back to back had to retreat from both Europe and the east coast in order to not succumb to genocide e.g. being entirely erased from western culture.

The remaining power structure of the British families decided that at the far end of their trade routes across the continent was a nice area to create a new kingdom from which it might be possible to build a culture, built infrastructure, and live in the area safe from invasion. The previous attempts on the American continent by the late 1700s were mostly lost, conquered, etc. away from the British. Only a few hold outs which were not strong enough to withstand a full scale invasion were left east of the Rockies. Sort of playthings for the powerful to be violent against a defeated enemy. Metaphorically like keeping a king or a member of the royal family around just to torture and humiliate them till the fun was over. Among them Little Egypt, Manitou Colorado, etc. a solid defendable position was needed. The area of what would become Whatcom County would be a perfect battle of Thermopolis setting. For the enemies of the south and north into a bottleneck. Make it impossible for the enemies to the south to move up quickly, allowing the terrain to be most of the defense. The large defenses were placed to the north; Castle Bellingham for example. Although in hard reality; Castle Bellingham north was decommissioned and transformed into Fort Bellingham. The aray of Castles in Whatcom County Washington State distinctions were mostly lost by the time Pickett left the area to officially join the Confederacy and accept a position as General. Although Pickett’s largest contribution to the American Civil War was not his Military Prowess but his understanding of the Tabernacle of Adam System he brought from Wahtcom County. The Russians brought similar information with them back to St Catherin’s Cathedrils; e.g. the location of the Russian Amber Room. Which was close to the point of Opoeration Barbaroosa, to capture a working Taberncle of Adam System and use it against the enemy. Pickett and the Russians took what aspects of the research they could get their hands on back home. The Pickett information was taken to the South and handed to Jefferson Davis, he ordered one constructed and attempted to use it agains thte Union. It failed and he Lobotomized himself Electro-Magneticlaly. The structure was moved after the Civil War to the West side of the Great Lakes and worked with. Reassembling and attempted to make it work. It partially worked, Custer was sent to the area to capture any working Systems and eleiminate all threats to the Union. He worked with the System and Lobotomized himself with out of control Electro-Magnetics. Evidence, compress amber and it will release electricity. 60 tons of Amber over the course of just a normal day, from mid-night to mid-night the shift of cold to hot back to cold will cause the 60 tons of Amber to compress on itsef different. Releasing electricity as the weight shifts do to pressures involved with heat expansion. The core of the infoarmtion from Wahtcom County and the Tabernacle of Adam System  present was slwly ferried out of the Pacific North West to Germay between 1790-1860. The resulting ferrying out caused an extreme rise in anti-Semitic behavior which eventually led to the rise of Fascism and Adolf. The Wannsee Conferences are in part to find out if the remaining NAZI could either make their Tabernacle Systems work or destroy them. Most of the high command had been in various froms EST Lobotomized by 1942 January. Informaiton from Wahtcom County played several key portions of the World War which took place between 1932-1946. That does not mean Picket was the only confederate officer or army in Whatcom county. He might have been forced to leave but he was replaced by others whom were not only Confederate sympathizers but full fledged Confederates in their own right. Whatcom County became in essence the battle of the 300 the British versus the combined armies of all the enemies of the British and remaining allies. From the vast amounts of experience in being hunted and destroyed, the British/Trojans were well accustomed to knowing the enemy was coming and commign to erase them from existence. The fields/food planes south and north of Bellingham being in all reality for the British Armageddon.  With the sea to the west and the mountains to the east, only having to defend North the Canadians and the Americans from the sea; the area which would become known as first the Oregon territory and later Washington state would be their last stand.

The British instead of having centuries to build up defenses and a sufficiently trained army. Repeating the same behavior patterns they had done from Meritatens time up to and through the Roman invasions. The British having had to flee from the Hyksos/Dorian/Greek invasion and conquest of the city of Seven Hills aka Rome to Northumberland, were already well studied on the aspects and effects of what the Hyksos/Dorian/Greeks/Roman/English were going to do; same exact behavior pattern from 2100 bce to present. The British only had decades and were just about literally caught with only part defenses and a population unprepared for a full scale invasion in both  Whatcom county and Bellingham.

Connecting the physicality of the actual garden of Eden and the actual location of Israel (Israel is in Egypt not Levant; Jacob was in Luz aka Memphis which is in Egypt) with Whatcom county. The four rivers of each, the volcano to the west south west depending on the point of view of the Kingdom of Israel. Which is reflected in the construction of the city of the seven hills aka Rome the forum in the middle and the Hills around; reflecting the seven “constructed Hills” of the pyramid structure areas of Egypt. Rome Washington, with the other cites laid out in kind of a Circle Around, reflects Rome Italy. It also reflects the Tabernacle of Adam, it also reflects the circles built into the Pyramids. The area between Sakkara and Giza on the west/left/dirty side of the Nile. Dirty is a reference to those descendants from the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. The Rivers built into the structure of the pyramids by way of well-constructed “Causeways” which is a waterway/river which either never held water or held water on special occasions. The Pyramids rivers/causeways clumped into to the mm extremely specific details and parameters of construction are the metaphoric rivers of creation which flow from the fountain/spring at the center of the Garden of Eden.

Sacred rivers/creeks from Mnt Baker

N Nooksack

W Whatcom

E Skagit

S squallicum


Mnt south west of Tabriz Iran, Volcanic, same as Baker.

Sacred rivers from the garden


Phishon whatcom

Gihon squallicum

Nooksack Tigerous

Whatcom Euphrates


The city of Ur

The city of Eridu = Ferndale/Marietta (Marietta = the Virgin Mary).

The city of Ur; Bellingham



The city of Bellingham Washington has a history beyond comprehension more complicated than can be imagined.


In just five moves I can connect Bellingham the city itself directly to Emperor Constantine.

One small connection farther and I can connect Bellingham Washington State with Cleopatra and the Ptolemaic Egyptian Pharonic Dynasty. There is an extremely good chance that Emperor Constatine was a direct descendant from Cleopatra.

A few more connections connects Bellingham Washington State with Israel and Jerusalem in Egypt.

Bellingham to honor Lord Bellingham

Vancouver Expedition

Castle Bellingham the name sake of Lord Bellingham

Castle Bellingham was founded/renamed in the Viking invasions to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland is 18 miles a couple points north of due west from Ogle Castle.

Ogle Castle is just 5 miles north of Hadriens wall

Emperor Constantinous was forced to marry the daughter of the Commanding general of the Ogle family. Their child was Constantine e.g. Constantine the Great

The Roman Empire had been going to war with Northumberland/the Kingdom of Ogle and loosing from 50 b.c.e to the last day of the Roman Empire circa 400 ce. Close to 500 years.


Connecting Northumberland to Ancient Egypt.



Just because in the modern world we do not believe in curses does not mean for a second those cultures not only did not believe in curses but those curses shaped their behviors. Curses or the perception of an insult still in the present shape and alter behavior patterns. A person can be told half a sentence and feel great for the rest of the day, half a sentence alterd into something bad and the equal and opposite reaction can occur. Driving the person into a self destructive spiral.

Although the Trojan War did nto actually start when Agememonon and his troops arrived on the shores of the city of Troy, the War which immediately proceeded was on the planes outside the city of Athens. That War all but entirely obliterated the Dorian army Agemeono commanded. The years between his defeat at Athens and his arriving at Troy, the Trojans did a huge amount of actions which cascaded directly into the founding of Brtiain which ended in Wahtcom County circa 1860 with the Pig War. The Pig is an extreme insult calling the British Jews, as in Drity Pigs. The insult goes all the way back to the Scorpion King aka Narmer and the Narmer Plate/Passport. Said passport identified the boundrieas of Israel.

The Trojan War Agamemnon had to collect every single available army loyal to their ancetroral line the Hyksos. Which included the Avaris. The Avaris sub-comander called into duty was Moses. He took troops to both Athens and Troy. The first time he lost almost all his troops. The second time he did not loose most of his troops. But he lost a consider volume of his jewish slave shield wall.

If correct and Moses was cursed, the fit into the time tlines, fathers often took their children into the battles they were commanding. A general of the army can do just about anything he wants to. If the commander wants to teach his young son the art of war, little better experience than battlefield experience. The late adolescent early teenager might have tried to engage the enemy in battle and been hit by a weapon. If the weapon was a special blade or not, makes less than no difference to the outcome of the War or the evetn s which plagued the young man from then to his dying breath. If a man wounded in battle at the age of 10 lived to be 80-90 the five or so pharaohs whom lived from his to the time was old and could have died there is more than enough time in those decades to achieve all those goals. The thought curses were real. **

Replace a fallen with a female clergy, even if that clergy was the equivalent of a Nun. Nun’s of an appropriate age still have working reproductive biology. No reason to assume a Nun could not produce an offspring provided proper rummers were spread regarding sacred parentage. As for Rome as the Romans stated on many occatinos; “fight the man all you want, but do not pick a fight with the wife/mother. She will not only not stop when tired she will not still till one of you is dead. A  man will stop at mercy.” No reason to assume the twins of Rome were not women; who were the best fighters in the army. Not an uncommon occurance.


New Castle = Jerusalem

Israel is actually in Egypt not Levant lands. Levant as in Moses (a Hyksos descendant) who force marched the Israelites out of Israel into Levant and proceeded to force the erasure of all ceremonies from previous to the exodus. There is some evidence to suggest that Moses could have taken his slaves to the city of Troy to be involved with the Trojan War, on the side of Agememnon and  his Droains. Moses made all new ceremonies based on Moses’s perspective of what the ceremonies should be; which would be based almost exclusively on the Hyksos/Avaris understanding of Israel and Jacob ceremonies. Insulting and nasty would be an understatement. Twisting all the cermoenies and rituals to ensure the originals were lost and replaced with edited and slightly changed versions of Esau’s ceremonies. Esau who was not chosen to be King of Kings, whom conquered, genocided, and performed some type of unholy ritual inside the Kaaba to set forward his philospy of the world. The problem is Islam the Hajj is a direct motion for motion copy of the Esau did when he conqewured Mecca and performed said unholy ceremony inside the Kaaba. Fatimah  Kaaba demon summoningborn just a handful of years before Mohammed started to reveal what he had learned. Could Fatimah have been born from a copulatino with a fallen; copulating with a fallen, after the girl was born (Nephilim) and a year or two old, only then did the fallen start to tell Mohammed the secrets that Esau and Moses learned before him. The history of Bellingahm Washington is in basic the same story as the Trojan war and the need to seek out the truest enemy of Esau and erase them from existence. Bellingham and British Columbia are the last stand of the Trojan Royal Family. Which the Avaris/Hyksos Ramses and Seti erasing the Israel presence in Egypt; the pre 1850 History of Bellingham with the British was also erased. The Jews some 300 years after the Exodus were finally able to recreate one of their old   ceremonies from the ancient past. A ceremony conneting The Temple of Apollo at Troy, with Trye, with Memphis, with IWNW/Heliopois in the Levant Ghetto; the Levant Ghetto Moses, the Dorians, and the Avaris name changed Levant to Israel. But just because those three cutlures agreed to change the name on all official documetsw does not eman by any stretch levant has every been Israel. The jews talking about and writing about Israel leavnign Egyp to travel to the promised land were talking about in most likely scenarios going to the Trojan War. The ceremony at Solomon’s Temple itself to rebuild Pharoah eg Gods house had to compress and combine at least three separate buiding of the temple stories into just one. To convey the message and to hide the truth from enemies. Bellingham itself was a place which was designed by the British to literally be a new Troy. Having failed sent new settlers and new supplies with a new army in Joseph Smith to rebuild the Temple of Apollo, He never arrived, killed by his own organization. The next set were sent to Bellingham about 10 years alter with Roeder, Judson, etc. to build a Jew Troy and a new Israel. That city was only partially successful; parts of that original city still exist but only in small portions Saw Mill). Most of the evidence is under old town Bellingham circa 1890. FreeMasonry has had in influence on Bellingham since the 1700s; but most of it was erased. But almost all records regarding the origin or the original practice of that ceremony was erased/lost/intentionally destroyed. What the modern world was left with was most of the ceremonies of early monotheism compressed into the framework of the ritual performed during the final stage of construction at King Solomon’s temple. In the renamed Jerusalem Israel.


The Aten is the deity from which was around long before Pharaoh Narmer aka the Scorpion King unified Egypt into one country. The story of the Aten and the story of Genesis chapter one are so close as to be difficult to separate the two.


The last son in the line of pharaohs of the 18th dynasty circa 1550-1330. Most likely his wife escaped Egypt and went to Carpathia to rule as their queen. Ay took a much less important sister as his bride, a handmaiden, or just called some female tut’s widow and married her. There is no reason whatsoever that the concept of Ay was invented by the Avaris/Hyksos in order to cover the events of the situation. ***It is even possible Pharaoh Ay was Moses himself. The Avaris would not be able to say no to Moses or whatever his new name was with the his curse but working on ways to either remove the curse or work around that curse. It is fascinating to think that Moses sat on the throne of Egypt in the one of the States of Israel twice. Once at Ay and the next as Merneptah.  Ay according to the time lines and with a monsterouly large army of his own to command. The dyunasty took over after tut, since tut was killed in battle by then. Ay killed Tut and seized the throne, tried to remove the curse, failed, then left to take the jews to the backup israel at Troy. Having two children, Nefertiti, Mutnedjmet. The concept that Ay was Nefertiti’s father is a laughable concept to say the absolute least. Little could be farther from the truth. So why work so unbelievable hard to hide the truth about whom Ay was; the truth of what and whom that man was is beyond intereting. It could be a linchpin in understanding the events of that time. Ay having two children before battling Tut is interesting. Two children before heading out of Egypt for a second time to conquer the City of Trojan. This time leaving with a sufficiently large army to not only conquer the city but cut a wide area on his way conquring and increasing the size and power of his new Dynasty. Whether or not he still allied himself with the Avaris has been buried so deeply iwthin the framework of the political spin any truth is difficult to find. He left the first time to conquer the city fo Troy to seize the Bride fo Priam; Hecaba. Odysseus included this portion in the story to hide the fact that Menaleus was never within an arrow shot away from Helen. There is less than 0 chance Menaleus would have had any type fo chance with obtaining Helen as a bride. Not a single member of Helen’s family would agree to that. Most of Menaleus’s family would also not agree to it. But before Ay set out on his theorized second trip to Troy he left one of his daughters as Pharoah of Egypt. The other he took to the Trojan War. This adds more hard evidence to the theory that Moses/Ay (at troy known as Ajax the Lessor) produced children from his time in Mecca. Those children had to be documented but the documentation would be spun to allow his children to exist but not to be identified property. Espcailly if one of those children was a Female. A female Nephilim would be beyond freightening in almost all aspects. **. After four years left Egypt to fight in the Trojan War. *** Few were ever allowed to get close enough to the Royal family to actually know what they looked like. Tut died from an infestation from a chariot fall. If he fell while hunting or was felled in battle, we do not know. But one thing is certain. About that same time Moses was bragging about battling a Pharaoh and winning. Better to battle an equal than to take on a sickly handicapped 18 year old. The win is bad form.

The first time Moses left Egypt, As this theory  goes Moses as a young 20s Avaris prince captured a small collection of jews in Egypt. Then smuggled them out of Egypt to create a war party; traveling up to Troy to attack and conquer the city for his adopted father the king of Avaris. But failed in his conquest. He conquered other cities in the middle east and antolia but failed at Troy. Troy at the time was a superpowerhouse city. In all practicality the city was all but unconquerable. But Moses with his profound arragence chose to think he could conquer the city anyway. The slaves in his army were captured by their cousins iteh Trojans and allowed to stay in the city. Moses and his Avaris were killed, moses was stabbed with the blade/tome of Enoch, which curced him to walk the earth as a half alive half dead unclean thing. In a way part human, part werewolf, part demon/death sorcerer.

Making his way back to eGytp, the Avaris rejected him outright. “take your curse and be gone” the response. So Moses was faced with a radically difficult adjenda. Find a way to survive with the 18th dynasty wanting him dead and rejected by his family the Avaris. Traveling to Memphis in order to beg for a cure, the priests at the temple of Ptah sent him away.

Moses leving Egypt for the second time, traveled to Mecca to have the curse removed. It is possible the only thing he was able to avhieve was to create a Nephilim by copulating iwht a fallen in the Kaaba. Assuming he was having a divine encounter to remove the curse. The curse was set in harder.

Traveling back to Egypt to collect as large a jewish slave army as he could; truly and radically cursed this time. But curses come with very nasty effects. Those side effects are spiritual powers; control over various elements, items, and of course the really nasty aspects of life. Insects, death (control over dead bodies not resurrection), etc. really nasty stuff. Each time those gifts are used sets the curses all the deeper into the persons soul.

Upon gathering a huge slaver army, the close to invincible Moses went to leave Egypt. Since his father was dead the teenage Tut was forced to gather his army and stop Moses from leaving Egypt for a third time with 100s of thousands of jews as slaves for his shield wall army. The battle did not last long, Tut was felled in the attack. Moses contieued as if the pharaoh and his army were inconsiquencial. Tut felled by literally a cursed moses.

Would be really interesting if Tut was actually felled by Moses with some type of dark spell. The knee injury and related infection are well within the aspects of what a cursed person could have as a gift. In the books Moses wrote, he actually bragged about cursing the Pharoah with plagues. Insects, boils/sores, darkness, and the death fo the first born, etc. Forcing tut into a war, then into death, seizing the throne, the proceeding to erase as much of the past as humanity possible. Moses would have less than 0 problem killing the unfit for leadership Tut. The entire Ay as a great uncle or grandfather sotry is all political spin. Ay as Moses a hard line Avaris allied person; killing tut by for forcing tut to engage in battle knowing their was less than no possible way tut could stand on a chariot in battle.

Having felled the Pharaoah Tut, Moses could have seized onctrol over the Pharoanic throne. Ushering in the 19th dynasty. Spending several years with less than no resistance regarding finding every last Jew in the areas he now controlled. Ramses, Seti, and Ramses II would have simply added Ay and said to the 18th to avoid association with Moses having that much power. Once rejected it is very difficutl for an arrogant culture to accept the rejected back. Plus all htat power was not put to use for the Avaris, although they did take full advantage fo it once Moses’s hypothezised daughter left to travel to either the Aegean or to the Italian Peninsula, joining her sister. But in Italy taking control over the treasures and weapons which could kill them proved to be a more difficult task than can be assumed on its surface. He contgroled all the areas of Egypt, all the areas of the Sinai, most of the west of Saudia Arabia, and the areas from Hebron South. Rounding up every single jew he could find in the years he was pharaoh. Then left to return to conquer Troy with an army larger than the Trojans possessed. In a variety of ways Moses could have known about or been ignorant of the facts of Agememnon was rounding up an army to conquer Troy at virtually the same time. Where the two knew about each other or not, is a mystery. But the linguistics and time frame evidence is consistnat with some type of connection and or communicatnoi between the two. The Hyksos descded cousins Agemonen ad Moses working together (at least it is possible) to crate an army literally so large the Trojans would hopefully simply give up. Then the two armies could match on Athens and take that city without a fight. Agememnon King of Athens, menalaus King of Troy, Moses King of the Seven Hills; tis would have worked out great for that power base. Setting up a cooperative empire which could stretch around the entire MEditerian. The three upon regrouping in their respective cities could then take on Carpathia with its undefeatable army and better defenses. Destroying the last of the powerhouse cultures whom stood against the Hyksos. As a group the sons of the three could then take on the Might of Northumberland. But that scenario simply did not happen. It was impossible to happen.

Hwen Moses assuming Ay was moses left Egypt to go fight the Trojans again, he took one of his daughters conceived in the Kaaba and left the other incharge of Egypt. But isnce that entire scenario was unacceptable in all ways to the 19th dynasty, they simply included Ay and Mutnedjmet in the 18th dynasty as an added insult. Whether or not that was done with Merneptah really does not matter. The fact that the editing and ersure of specfici dtails is. Why would so much trouble go into those details

It is even possible that the copulation in the Kaaba with a fallen was in direct response to Achilles and his divine gifts regarding a good and holy interaction in a properly consecrated temple. The Kaaba has been a spoiled temple of adam since at least Esau genocided the former caretakers.

Tut died as a result of the knee in jury, how the knee injury occurred has been an object of specuation since the second the event occurred.


By incorrect legend, this Queen and her sister Neferiti were the daughters of Ay. But if Ay was not of the family of iv from the Amarna issues, if he was Moses with a different cursed name. Than this would make whatever their names were hidden behind Nefertiti and Mutnedjmet both Nephilim. Why Nephilim, because one of the ways to remove a curse is to copulate with an angel. The only difference between an Angel and a Fallen Angle is the action of a mistake in behavior pattern. But they are essentially the same thing.

But if a fallen does manage to copulate with human, and a child or twins are conceived. That makes the situation entirely intersing.

If Mutnedjmet was the kid of Moses/Ay and a Fallen, being a female would not have been acceptable in any way shape or form when it comes to the Avaris. The second the time for the immortal Mutnedjmet to leave Egypt after ruling for 27 years; 1319–1292 bce. The timelines would force her to leave Egypt to go to somewhere else. Come back when the current generating oof people were entirely dead and then work with the culture some more.

Which is really interesting. What if one of these supposed Nephilim Twins was able to produce a child, a Male Child. Goliath. To kill goliath would have required a sacred weapon, the tome/blade fo enoch and or something of equivalent divine force. Since Moses wrote the sotry, he could spin, twist, alter it in anyway he so chose. Benefits of being a tyrannical dictator, questioning the authority of the King is an executable offense. Consequently since that same dictator had all the previous jewish sacred books translated into his new language then had all the previous copies destroyed. He could write anything he wanted and it was a execuatable sin to question it. What type fo wewapon did David use. No matter how much of a giant goliath was. His size and power would be no match whatsoever for the weapon David possessed. Consequently, if David Possessed the Tome/Blade of Adam/Enoch Moses would be 100% interested in changing that weapon to a sling. Or did the rock he used in the sling have all the power. Medicine has proved a very long time ago that the Placebo effect is nto only strong but can affect individuals as well as groups. A group can easily be convinced something bad is actually good ro even great entirely based on accepting x placebo is a real thing.

It is possible these Nephilim produced children which went onto produce children which reched havoc on the eastern Mediterranean. The Minotaur, Goliath, etc.

Mutnedjmet; killed in the Alba Longa, Italy battle of 753 bce. Depending on which sister was killed in the battle the other sibling, not being able to tolerate the loss of her sister, would have forced herself into the city of Rome to either open their gates or face obliteration. From a Nephilim in grief this is an insanely bad position to be in. Killing a Nephilim’s twin; expect retribution.

It is easy to change the history from a female to a Male. Pharoahs reoutinely changed their name, so whatever the sisters name was edited centures later to Nefertiti. Her name could have been some form of Romulus. Espeiclaly since to the patriarchal society from which the culture Romulus creates was just shy of Misogynistic. Which would play into the understanding of why no fathers in a severa  hundred mile radius would allow their daughters to be married into the Roman culture, not the mysoginitic parts of the society but the Nephilim mascarading as a male.

Interesting to go from being a pharaoh of Egypt to killing Achilles, 500 years later to watching your twin sister die by the very blader father was cursed with. Held in the hands of a dirct descentant of the man who held the blade. The rage would hve been all but immesurable. Which could be why if a gifted with super powers Nephilim was literally driven to that level of rage watching her twin sister killed in battle. Seizing onctrol over the city where the army she just obliterated came from. Totally destoring both armies and the city of Alba Longa, Italy in a very short amount of time.

Becommign the Queen of the city. But then their was a problem. Several powerful prophets and seers came to the newly named City of Rome to provide counsel. Each one gave information Romulus did not want to hear.

The War in Bellingham itself the descendatns of the dorians were still looking for the items they were seeking and hunting for at luz/Memphis, troy, NewCastle, and eventually Bellingham. The problem is, by the time the Dorians descendatns arrived in Bellingham, no one knew why they as a culture possessed a genocidal need to hunt down nad obliterate any and all things connected with the issues at troy. But hunt down they did, without the slightest idea why they were still hunting.


The eldest daughter of Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten and Nefertiti. She witnessed her father beginning the most power man in the world, witnessed the decline of other kingdom, and witnessed an old man attempting to hold onto the dynasty till his children could succeed him.

Merittaten by legend was sent out of Egypt to form her own kingdom. That kingdom was first according to the writings of the 19th dynasty (one of the nasties mortal enemies of the 18th dynsty) in the Iberian Peninsula (it was more than likely in the Aegean centered in the city of Athens. But since Athens the city itself was beyond an embarrassing subject to both the Avaris and Dorians, that portion of the informatnoi would be edited to something less embarrassing) then moved to Northumberland. Upon her death she was transported back to Egypt for mummification and burial with her ancestors.

During this time in Egypt Moses could have gone by a name similar to Hotep. As in a Dark Hotep meaning a cursed person. The curse would be default give the person priest like gifts; but dark priest like gifts. Sore, infections, diseases, control over insects (which is interesting since the insects and where some of the nastier diseases live is in the nervous system, insects communicate using electro-magnetics), etc.

The legens which became movies eg the Mummy talk about events around the time of Tut and his sept mother Nefertit. That person was in most lieklyhoods Moses, renamed when he was cursed. His name was removed and he was called Cursed one or dark hotep. As apposed to light gifts which would be for form of light hotep.

The worst curses in fact do come with the gift of immortality. Making Moses’s life capable of being 120 years. Allowing him to live from the middle of the 1350s to 1220 bce.

If the curse was not removed at Troy, there is no reason why he could nto have gathered another slave army and seized the throne of Egypt after Rameses II. The clue is in the name Ptah, as in the reference to the curse of Ptah.

The Love told out in the stories of the Mummy could have been what Moses felt for not Meritaten but her younger sister Meketaten. Followign her all the way to Troy (the elements of the story of Helen and Menalaus). Inlcuding the Gifted one Helen and editing Moses/Ajax out and inserting his actinos for the actions of soeone whom would never ever have been within 500 yards of Helen and her betrothed Paris. Moses/Ajax would not have seen Meketaten but would have seen her images carved on the walls in the Temples. Would have flat known one of the ways to the throne of Egypt to replace the 18th was to capture Meketaten and marry her; produce one child and he could claim to sit on the throne after iv. But was rebuffed by the first time he attempted to conquer Troy; and it si possible he was cursed in that first attack. Then attempted to come back and either seize her or her daughter Cassandra; since Cassandra possessed renounced spiritual power. Powers which would make Moses/Ajax (or whatever he was calling himself) the most powerful pharaoh since Narmer. But by the time Moses/Ajax arrived in the Trojan Royal Chambers he was met with only whores and standins; people whom literally were mostly black out drunk or drugged into unconsciousness. Knowing the Dorians were either going to kill them or sell them into slavery; no reason to not be unconscious for the pain of it. Enraged Moses/Ajax was forced to turn his wrath onto a stand in whore and ravish her savagely in the Temple of Athena/ATEN.

Which casts strong linguistic evidence to suggest Ajax the lessor was the cursed Moses/Ajax. But a handmaiden of Cassandra (and very likely whore standin/double) raping her in the temle of Athena (the Temple of ATEN) not only would not remove the curse but would further deepen it.


Moses/Ajax as Merneptah would eventually marry and produce chileren with the great granddaughter of his childhood sweatheart. She loved him with all her heart but married her brother Ramses II Nefertari. Although having no relation with the 18th dynasty. Nefertari loved Moses/Ajax from the first day, but Moses/Ajax wanted either Meritaten or her sister Mekataten. Not settling for anything but what he would demand, Moses/Ajax’s life and all that cascaded from his behavior patterns point to a life of striving for what was not his. Strive for what was unacceptable, doing anything and everything in the world possible to obtain it, being denied time and time again, raging against all that is holy in order to obtain his obsession, finally ending up with the throne of Egypt under a different name married to the granddaughter of the woman who loved him unconditionally her entire life.

He had no problem whatsoever in betreaing that love his entire life. Finally marrying her granddaughter since no other options were available. 

The rage and frustration regarding Moses/Ajax’s life stayed with his created Hebrews from then to rpesent. Which a huge amount of that frustration led to the foudntin of Bellingham and its eventually erasure of its history previosu to 1850.


The namesake of Scotland, most likely she was a descendant of the last pharaoh of the 17th dynasty. Almost all aspects of her life are legend; stories from Egypt were partially written by her family partially written by the enemy 18th dynasty. But since she was a Hyksos descendant, the 17th dynasty were not pleasant people when it came to anyone telling them no.


In truth Alba is several things both related to each other and related to Bellingham.

First Alba is another name for either Scotia the namesake of Scotland. 

Second Alba is the name of the city Prince of Troy Helenus founded after leaving Carpathia.

Waves of Egyptians escaping too Britain; directly reflected at Stonehenge.

Britian Prince of Troy Brute King of the British father or grandfather founded Alba Longa, Italy; before part of the family evacuated to Northumberland.

Prince of Troy Helenus 

Grandson of Prince of Troy Helenus Prince Branis the origin of the name British.

**Child of Apollo/Deity means a child conceived during the spring fertility rite. Son of Apollo means a male conceived during that rite. Are usually assumed to have specific related to the deity/electro magnetics attributes related to that deity.

Deities of the pre-Greek world. Every magnetosphere has a frequency, wave, signature, etc. related to the way that energy is compressed into electricity. The push push, pull pull, neutral of any given magnetosphere will have specific attributes associated with itself and how it will interact with other spheres. Born during a specific deity means the electro magnetics of that time period could have an effect on the person’s magnetosphere. The ancient world possessed a profoundly stronger understanding of the science and practical applications for electro-magnetics than the modern world undertstands. Said information is buried within the framework of how their cities were laid out.

Shortly before the death of Tut letters were sent out to various Hyksos cities by Ankhesenamun. The letters begged for a son to marry. The Hittite letter is a coded letter not to be taken seriously on its surface. The letters were a battle stratagie designed to lure the princes out to kill htem.

Ankhesenamun tuts now widow traveled to carpathia to be their queen.

Queen of carpathia Ankhesenamun marry Aeneas/Helenus Prince of Troy

Helenus and Ankhesenamun have at least one child

Grandson of Helenus Branus is the namesake of the British Culture and one of the founding families of the British Royal Family line

Founding of Alba Longa, Italy, Italy by Helenus after leaving Carpathia

The Punic wars started when forces from a Hyksos/Dorian line arrived in Italy and attacked Alba Longa, Italy, Italy. Forces from The Seven Hills arrived to lend support. The battle was so intense that the city of Alba Longa, Italy, Italy was destroyed in the process. But the winner was the Hyksos/Dorian army. The Alba Longa, Italy, Italy and Seven Hills armies were destroyed; leaving the city of seven hills all but entirely defenseless. That day the city of seven hills was renamed by the commanding general to honor himself; Rome.

Carpathian family and allies immediately sent to destroy the Dorian army and retake the city of the seven hills. But instead of being able to retake the city Carpathia itself was eventually destroyed.


Founding of Rome**

Rome original name City of 7 Hills; 7 areas of pyramids

Rome the eternal  city and Memphis

Alexander **



In the same sequence of people, the movie agora depicts the end of her life. Her life ended as a Human Sacrafice by Paul devoted Christians. Hypathia’s beyond brutal murder was both unbelievably violent, but also motivated by the followers of Paul whom hated the Virgin Mary to the ultimate degree. Paul bth is begat and ancestoral line from Esau the group and each generation fuel their religion and faith by Human Sacrafice. Killing on the alter of evil in order to secure their continued survival.

The number of people the Vatican bragged about Killing during the Dark aGes is extremely conservatively estimated at between 100,000 and several million. The problem with those figures is they depend on documentation. When only a handful of priets were allowed to know how to read and write, a smaller number understood the ramifications regarding why creating documentation was bad. Almost all local priests outside of the Vatican not only did not know how to read and write they did not want to document anything. Occatinoally a traveling Vatican inspector would come around to make an official recording ot births and deaths. But dpending on the militant radicalness of the priests blieefs writing was evil, some only would record the best followers births and deaths. The instruments of evil did not deserved to be written down. So any records whatsoever of some villages were not recorded but the royals, the rich, and those fanatically devoted to the priests. If the priest liked you then you were recorded if the priest did not; you were nto recorded.

If you were executed for heracy; no records of any of it were done. The accusation, trial, and execution were done entirely without documentatnoi. Most times without those incharge following any type of rules or regulations. If a person was incharge of an area and they did not like someone, a family, a neighborhood, or they were in the way of a business deal, they would soon find themselves accused of witchcraft and executed. Sometimes on the spot in the middle of the town.

Hypatia found h erself in just such a situation. She found herself surrounded by Paul devotees upset because she was not a Paul devotee and her understanding of Mathematics was well beyond that which would be acceptable. Almost two entire millennia latter her equations would be part of the basis for modern astrophysics and the spae age. Kepler in the 15-1600s proved her equations.

Hypatia was associated with the Virgin Mary, Mary of Megdalain, Medusa, Cassandra, Rachael, etc for being the embodiment of evil and therefor must be destroyed. Yes for a while their in Paul’s descendants the Virgin Mary was consierd evil. Why because Paul and his begat as well as his cultural ancestoral line are radically insane. Beligning in thigns which have  no basis in reality and ignoring violently when presented with an improved perspective. Hypatia lived during a transition time, when the power of the followers of Simon Peter were waining and the followers of Paul were militantly gaiing strength. Hypatia fell victim as an object ot Murder/Sacrafice in order to propel the philosopy of Paul to spread farther into Egypt. Which was only mildly successful. Most of Egypt was still under the philosophy of Simon Peter. Within 200 years Pauls philosophy was absorbed by Mohamed and Egypt has been under the violent dictarship of Paul’s thorugh Esau and Moses/Ajax’s philosophy based Mohammed’s religion ever since.

Moses/Ajax from day one to his last breath a devoted Esau line philosophy descendant. There is no reason to assume his time in Mecca he di dnot find and repeat the ceremony Esau created when he conquered and genocided every person in the entire area who did not immediately swear unconditional loyalty him.

Hypatia like Meduca was an expert mathematician.

The early evidence that Mary herself was of the same discipline, training, and career path is starting to become clear. The Lot of the Virgin Mary are carefully hidden Equatinos. Convert the letters and actions to numbers and you will find very carefuly hidden physic equations. PRovinging documatnion the Virgin Mary was infact an accomplished Mathematician.

Brings up the idea how much the Paul’s line of Christianity has always hated women. Women are objects to not only possess but are of lesser value than a slave. This is one of the major reasins hypatia was murdered, she dared to rise above her station wthin the rules of those whom followed the path of Paul. She had to folloer someonw elses rules of order, when the revolution occurred in Alexandria she lived in a city were she should have evacuated to a safe area months if not a year or two before. If she evacuated she would have been able to continue her studies without the fatal threat of a new social structure she could nto live within.

But on the other hand. Maybe she did evacuate. Maybe she was able to evacuate the hours, days, weeks before because everyone know she was an extreme object of the Paul’s line hatred. Evacutaing West to Carthage, then north to Northubmerland were she had relatives she could live with.

The question is; is their a record of an incredibly intelligent woman with an unbelievable level of information arriving and starting to teach in Northumberland. No where else in the whole of Europe, Africa, the middle east, Russia, etc would be a safe palcxe for her to go. All the other areas had been  mostly seized by either a pre-islamic form of religion which Paul’s begat created or descenatns of the ancient Hyksos cultures. Both sides hated women with equal verocity.

Although what could have caused the proboem. She refused to give several very powerful men sexual favors. Refusing to give the powerful what they want, that is a death sentence above all. Sahing no to the powerful in most cases they consider that a sin all on its own.


It is realtively easly to hide the fact an enemy has evacuated. Take a servant, or someone who might pass for that person, Weler body (Hitler´s double) - Berlin 1945. Taken someone whom might pass, seize them, torture them, kill them, mutilate the body, then burn it to destroy any evidence the body double is not actually the object of the hatred. This is the exact pattern the Russians did when they claimed they found Adolf’s body and cremated it, along with Eva Braum She most likely was killed and cremated, but adolf’s was a body double, a stand in for a better term. Adolf had evacuated to South Americna years before. He was already in South America for years before operation Valkari occurred. One of the reasons that operation was conducted was to remove the body double from power and surrender to the allies. But the plots to kill the body double failed.

The evil person can tehn claim they killed the object of hate and no one questions when the evidence is literally destroyed. Impossible to examine ashes to determine who the person was.

Hypatia in all likelihood exacaped and someone else was murdered in her place. The library was going to be destroyed again. Paul’s begat hate education as much of his ancestors and his centures later begain Mohammed.

What this has to do with Bellingham and Western Washington University; the 1850s wave of settelrs to Bellingham came with large collections of libraries and instantly went about rebuilding the great library.

First attempt was in Lynden, which failed becue the Dtuch Reform former slavers whom were pushed out of Michigan and Minnesota came to Bellingham. Pushing their values onto the area; almost identical to what occurred with Hypathia in Alexandria Egypt. Like Pheobe descedants of Paul and the later Mohemmed philosophy cutlures invaded Lynden and pushed their violent philophsy onto that area. Forcing Phoebe to move her Womans (Hypathia) Colege from Lynden to a box canyon between Ferndale, Seahome, into the established Castle Bellignahm South. Holding a library in a castle would help to ensure battles occurring would have to get through Roeders aarmy and the castle defenses first before burning the books, killing the old, and taking as slaves the women. In many ways Mary Magdelain and hypatia are the inspiration for Western Washington Univerity.

When in all likelihood when HYpatia evacuated to Northumberlnad 400 ce her legacy of educatnoi and extremely advanced physics are part of the reason the Ogles not only were able to defeat the Pictish army so effectively but also were able to literally cast an educatnal beacon of truth from 400 ce to present. Edinburgh, New Castle, Harvard, Columbia, Heidelburg, and finally Western Washington Univerity can be attributed to that long string of extremely accomplished women in or at least most likely from NOrthumberrland.

Memphis the Luz aka Eternal city


Heliopolis = Jerusalem

Plates of Destiney


Why would the Roman Empire put so much force and energy into continuously for half an entire millennia. Pushing to the future site of Hadrian’s Wall, unless there was something beyond scary on the other side of that future defensive position. Emperor Hadrian built in response a wall in order to reduce Roman casualties. A plausible explanation as to why the army on the north of Hadriens wall was so powerful they could literally keep the Roman army at arm’s length for almost half a millennia is the army were protecting the exiled Cleopatra and her children. Her royal guards being better at combat than the Roman infantry. Would also make Cleopatra and the entire Ptolemaic line Jews; a pocket of Jews e.g. the children of Israel from the Hyksos/Dorian invasions of the Aegean and Egypt. Cleopatra leaving for Northumberland with  her fleet during the battle of Antium; part of the strategy was for Anthony to go back  to being a normal Roman Citizen; hoping to be able  to retire to his mansion in Athens with the sister of the now Emperor Augustus. Promising to protect her and Caesars heir has he had always done. Anthony sacrificed himself throwing himself in front of the army and fleet of Augustus in order to allow Cleopatra to leave with her children safely. The closer to being able to come back the less troops the now working to be a senator and regular citizen Anthony negotiated, the more troops he sent to Cleopatra in Northumberland. Unfortunately Augustus forced Anthony to commit suicide. Then forced the legend of Cleopatra in Northumberland to also   commit suicide; but he buried a code inside her suicide so Egypt and her followers would know but not be able to do much about it. Her detractors would be able to know she was dead e.g. no longer a threat, her supporters would know she faced the same fate as Medusa. Exiled but still powerful. Her followers who wanted to could find a way to travel from their location to the location indicated in the suicide code. A pattern the parent culture of the Romans perfoemed the same with the Trojian Royal family. Interestying how three separate issues with Hyksos/Avaris/Dorians/Romans and each time the survifors exile to Northumberland. Descendants of those in exile literally name change to Ogle creating Castle Bellingham in Northumbernad, Ireland and Washignton state.

The Roman Empire in part were Dorian/Greeks whom were descendants of the Hyksos. Part of the same army group which had attacked and destroyed Troy 1300 years before.

Also the Evidence that Tuts ancestors were from or at least one branch were from Northumberland.

By legend both Scotia (circa 1500 bce) and Meritaten (another name for the Pharaoh Meritaten might be Alba circa 1330 bce) exiled from Egypt to Northumberland when the dynasty they were in were replaced. No reason to assume Cleopatra (circa 30 bce) would not be included in said exile sequence pattern. When an evacuation from Egypt, Troy, The Aegean, Greece, Italy, Paris, etc. is needed; head to Northumberland on the north side of the fortifications which would eventually become the wall built by Emperor Hadrian. Cleopatra that would be a significant to the max reason to keep sending Romans to die at the to be built and named decade’s later Hadrian’s Wall. From the time the Romans traveled north of Sherwood Forest to the location Hadriens wall would eventually be located, the Romans were being killed in larger and more dramatic numbers.

Which connects Bellingham to the Roman Empire, The Trojan War, ancient Rome, the Exodus, the 18th Egyptian Dynasty including King Tut his sisters and their paretns. Whatcom County from Mnt baker to the west has a ring of cities with Rome at the center which is reminiscent of the layout of the Seven Hills of Rome itself. A similar shape can be found in the circular design of the pyramids. Bellingham being Aventine hill to the forum/Palentine Hill relationship. Mount Sinai and the hills of Rome, with the Temple of Apollo Troy (which was a copy of the Temple of Tyre, which was a copy of the Temple of Ptah in Memphis; hwere Merneptah made his Capital), each being in some way a reflection of the Eridu Zigurate aka Tower of Babel.

Meritaten by DNA evidence was tuts sister and more than a bit of evidence points to her being his mother. Did Meritaten have two sons with iv , one much older and strong, the second sickly and crippled The first named Thereus the second Tutekhamun.  During the spring pharaonic ceremony at the headwaters of the Nile, the ceremony was a fertility right.  Meritaten at that point was performing the duties of queen to her father’s King; performing the duties points directly to she took part in the Rite with her father. The genetic issues surrounding tuts life almost by default confirm this extremely close genetic relationship between father and daughter. Also still born children from Tut and his other sister/wife. Who later went onto in all likelihood to be married to a Prince of Troy and queen of Carpathia. That same prince working with the city of Alba Longa, Italy, Italy (the namesake of the blade Longinus. The name was the name of the blade not the name of the person. Plus the Crusifixtion would have been by blade from an officer not just some foot soldier. Which strongly connects the tome of Jacob/blade/sword Jacob/Troy with Alba Longa, Italy; which then connects Longinus with the Prince of Troy. Whose grandson by legend was one of the founding members and the namesake of Britain. One of the families of Britain are the Ogles; in Manx Gaelic the full name is Yr Hen Ogle DD.) Later to be conquered along with the city of seven hills and the entire area renamed to Rome.

The Trojans are a direct linguistic line descendant of Jacob; making the Trojans and Phoenician’s Jews who were used as a shield wall by the Hyksos. Which is where the pocket culture alexander came from were also Jewish descendants. Alexandra of Macedonia used similar tactics centuries later , this time picked up and used in battle not as a shield wall but used the Dorian/Hyksos descendant cultures as part of his army.


since the Templars were founded by three Knights from Normandy circa 1100 ce (Northumberland descendants) the route from Northumberland to the holy lands were protected by the same family which had created more than a few trade routes previous and post not to mention the facts regarding the Templars brought their treasures they found under the temple mound back to Northumberland. Evidence the radical rise in education and the libraries which suddenly became available in the area in the decades and centuries to follow. Several members of the Northumberland family suddenly became fluent in ancient Middle Eastern languages. Heresy laws did not apply since the armies between the Vatican and Northumberland were stronger than the Vatican army; under the command of the inquisition. The inquisition would have had to go to war with several more powerful armies, each more powerful individually than the Vatican army. 

So you ask yourself what in the world does Ogle Castle have anything at all to do with the City of Bellingham, the Trojan War, and Emperor Constantine.

Ogle Castle is only 6 miles north of Hadriens wall.

Hadriens wall is where Roman Legions went to die from the second the Romans hit Northumberland the boundary itself circa Caesar to the very last day of the Roman Empire the wall was a place Romans went to die.

The wall was erected in the first place to prevent the Ogle Royal family and their impressive to say the absolute least army from pushing the Romans into the sea.

Emperor Constantine the great is by hard fact a direct descendant of these battles where the Romans could not stop losing.

So tell me something; did the Romans do A, win battles and then sign peace treaties with the defeated enemy army and the emperor marry the commanding general’s daughter. Or B did the Roman army lose and part of the armistice was for the emperor to marry the daughter of the commanding general.

The answer is of course the Romans executed the commanding general and his entire staff in Rome as spectacle of the might of the Roman Empire.

So Emperor Constantine was direct evidence of Roman bragging it won but in truth legion after legion died at the wall.

I know the last name of the British Royal family because there is a nursery rhyme about it. “Old king Cole”

That has the family code buried inside it in several ways. The code is the very name of the Manx Gaelic full translation of the actual name of the Family. The full name of the British not English Ogle Royal family is Yr Hen Ogle dd.

Which means exactly the same as the Latin translation of that name. North (old English North did not mean compass but it meant vertical almost solar<amber>, although in very hard truth when the name was created Polaris was the constellation Draco or Dragon)Umber as in amber as in gold as in sacred, Land a specifically designated area.

In just a few connections I can connect Western Washington University through Cleopatra, Constatine, the Trojan war, to the 18th dynasty, with Imhotep and the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt.

The University of Western Washington was founded by settlers who traveled to the area courtesy of the Ogle family trade Route. Which was renamed the Lewis and Clarke trail, originally the trade route was courtesy of the Ogles from Northumberland. The settlers traveled to the area of Bellingham in a ultimately unsuccessful attempt at rebuilding the city of Troy in Bellingham.

The ogle family trade route was created from the Ogle family from Northumberland who had hired the Vikings to whittle away at the Pictish army in order to overthrow them.

Consequently the circumnavigation abilities the Vikings possessed were handed to them from among others the Ogle family. Whom are one of the founding families of Britain. Which connects the British directly by legend to the descendants of the Princes of Troy who managed to escape.

The British are one of the strongest families which took part in the crusades. The crusades which required the knights Templars to protect the pilgrim road. From Northumberland through Troy to Jerusalem. Interesting enough, knowing between some and most of the Trojan Royal family excaped well before the end of the War; the first rally point would have been at the present locatn of Constantinople renamed after the militant islmaic army conquered the city to Istanbul. The Templears has to move through the city the Ogle Copnstantine built over the first rally point his ancestors used to excape the Dorian and Avaris warzone. Makies a person wonder why that location was to key to the Trojans, Constantine, the Templars, and the Islamic culture. Which is even more ironic since one path of the Pilgrim Road led from Jerusalem/NewCastle through consstantinople to Jerusalem Levant lands.

The Ogles picked up so many books and pieces of information from the crusades that they were able to assist in creating the network of universities in Europe. Another thing the Ogles might have picked up and carted back to Northhumbelrnad was athe both the Throne of Constatine and the Amber Throne Room. Since by Rite it did belong to Constantine, but Constantinope was under direct threat of invasion and conquest,  the only safe and sane thing to do was to cart all the valuable items from Constantinople back to a safe zone which happened to have a large enough army to take on all other armires. That safe zone was Northumberland. Which could be one reason why the German Royal family descended Ruddof Hess chose to escape NAZI Germany to Northumberland. He might have also brought with him somme of the most valuable artifacts the NAZI regigm plungered in their decade long archaeologal  hunt for any and  all spiritual items to assist tehm in their war for global domination. Oddly enough weeks after Hess’s defection Adolf invaded Russian, one of his divisions made a direct bee line directly to the rebuilt German/Russian  Amber room. Once at the Catherdril two things occurred. First the existing room was inspected for authenticity, the nazi scholars with the panzer devision stated it was authentici beyond a doubt.

Second they started to immestaely dismantle the room, put boxes on trucks, and take those trucks directly to the closest nazi controlled train station. Where the boxes were shipped back to Germany for safe keeping. The problem is, those boxes disaperaed from hitsoyr the second they were placed on the trucks.

But the next problem is, the Russians (then an allie to the west) were told they had just months before the NAZI would be literally dismantling the amber room. So there is not a single reason the Russians would not have taken apart their own amber room and shipped it off somewhere for safekeeping.

But this still draws down to a key problem. Did the Russians with full knowelge that the NAZI were on thri way in force dismantle the room and sent it somewhere for safekeeping. Did the Russians dismantle their own Amber Room and ship it someplace, building a set piece in its palce, whckh the NAZI when they came through found but destroyed the fake. Bragged they captured the real one (to them real fake from the 1600s) ordred it sent back. But the captured the real one and sent it back is all political spin illusion to not look bad. The Russians in all likelihood dismantled the room and set it someplace for safekeeping. It has been either kept in crates or was reassembled in the house of some incredibly powerful Russian family for the last x decades. The truth is problably held in some private collection deep inside Russia for the last decades.

Of course that Prussian/German/Russian Amber Room was a mere copy of the orginal carted off to other places in euorpe circa 1700 when the Prussian Empire seized power. With the help of the Constantine library (part of that library was from Rome, part from the Alexandrian Library, part from  the Ogle family library, part from ancient egytian library, part from  the parissi library, etc) the Northumberland family and Britain were able to gain technolgoiical domination over most of euorpe for the next more than half a century. The crusaders, knights Templars, Ogle family helped to transport copies and originals of the Constantine library back to Northumberland, recreating the university systems in Europe. Some of the material from the Constantine library came from copies of the Edinburgh/NewCastle/Ogle library previous to the Roman invasions. PRefviously portions of the library at WWU a few pieces can be traced back to Edinburgh, back to NewCAStle, back to Constantinople, Back to Edinburgh, and back to Troy. From Troy back to Egypt. From Egypt back to literally the Eridu Zigurate. Since the Roman Empire was fading fast circa 350 ce, the Vatican and its need to erase all knowledge but what it could control, Constantine chose to move the library from Europe to Anatolia in order to preserve and protect it. Pieces remained in Vatican controlled lands, but those pieces within a few centuries were either burned/destroyed or locked in the Vatican’s vaults. The Byzantium Empire was beyond too strong for the Holy Roman (Vatican/Papal States) Empire to go to war against. The Byzantium Empire would have defeated the Papacy with ease. Why the Byzantium Empire did not attack to regain control over Rome has been a question since the fall the Holy Roman Empire.

Hagia Sophia

It would be beyond fascinating if Hagia Sophie had some type of intenral eg Taberncle of Adam which would have looked almost exactly like the Kaaba, but instead of being only 30 feet tall this one would hve been around 50 feet. Depending on the size of the internal structure of Hagia Sophia could make that tabernacle which was carted back to northumbeland a closer match to what the actual garden of eden looked like.

But the muslims had preovus less than 0 idea that the previous structure existed so they left the huge open space empty. Not sure wht the interal space was used for but sure it was used for something.



Constatine chose to build is new glorious city and empire at the first rally point from teh city of Troy. As the city of Troy needed to have its several hundred thousand person populatn oievacuated and replacement soldier with supplies carried in, the Bospherous sTraght was used for this purpose. Usher in materials, supplies, troops, and civilians out. Near the end, start to fill the city with the populations of the allied cities of people the Dorians would have a difficult time with, mentally ill, criminals, captured enemies (who would be equally enmies with the Dorians; the Nubians, the Ethiopians, etc), fill the city with the refuse of the known world. Then leave the layers of the city for the Dorians to find and have to fight through a large array of not good people. Not civilians but actually difficult to deal iwht people. In 10 years a network of tunnels could be built. No problem pouring in supplies while other tunnels would be used to pour out civilians and other irriplacable items.  Constnatine chose to built his Capital not on the ruines of Troy but at the rally point between the contients. The next rally point was the city of Rome itself. Although at the time that rally poit was literally called The City of Seven Hills.

The the Roman library was considered one of the greatest around. Still is. Before portinos of that library arrived I Rome it was in Troy. Before it was in troy it was in Egypt. Before it was in eGytp it was in the Eridu zigurate along hudnreds of other zigurates. The library has always had a shifting and ever changing collection. The items and books in the colletion have changed but the structure of the concept has not since the beignign of civilizatno. Housed in enumerable locations, some small, some huge, burned scattered, reassembled, etc. the library at WWU dates all the way back to literally Eridu.


Princes of troy the libraries arrived from Egypt into Jewish held cities in the Middle East after the exodus. The royal families among other things were in charge of not only safekeeping the libraries but also allowing scholarly access to the libraries. But keeping the bad people out of the libraries. Which used to be all Jews could access the libraries but all Esau line descendants could not.

Troy Jacobs descendants (which could be a very strong reason the Dorians wanted to erase them so hard) possessed knowledge, genetics, and libraries which were shipped to them for safe keeping from Egypt.

Trojan descendants arrived at troy or whatever it was called previous to being conquered and renamed. The Hyksos were and still are unbelievably good at using other cultures and children as shields to conquest with; a behavior pattern which has changed not a single measurable amount from the start of recorded history to present. Hyksos descendant cultures still use to this very day human shields to protect themselves from damage. But occasionally the shield can and will grow strong enough to revolt against its oppressor, consequently the sections of shield wall which are too strong are placed in charge of a newly conquered city. In this case the cities of Phoenicia, troy, etc.

Once established the new city will contact their relatives in other areas and start to generate trade in goods, money, scholastics, etc.. Which the Hyksos planned on. The Hyksos plan was if the city they left a Jewish family/army in charge of became unruly they could simply come back with a large army and retake the city and take the accumulated treasures, books, etc the Jews had hidden. Heinrich Schliemann found one said cache of jewels. The Hyksos and their descendants preferring to kill the Jews rather than act appropriately and work with the Jews.

The libraries which were at Troy, Jerusalem, Biblos, Tyre, etc. in Levant and other allied cities received their libraries from both ancient local sources and the ancient libraries from Egypt.

The Egyptian libraries were in existence before the invention of hieroglyphics or Sumerian. Hard evidence of the existence the academic use of Indo-European language. Which the libraries from which filtered down into the Northumberland libraries contained some small trickles of information from Indo-European language buried deep within.

The Egyptian libraries would have been under the protection and guidance from the head of the Temple of Ptah in Memphis. For a few decades Imhotep (circa 2700 bce) himself was head of that Temple, he was head of that scholastic system. Imhotep whom had direct access to a library which was more than 1500 years old by the time evidence of a previous library at Heirakonopolis comes into archaeological existence. Means the Heirakonopolis library which contains a world map mural had been in existence from previous centuries; how far back is an unknown at this point. **

The library the Ogles and their contractors they sent to various areas carried parts of the library from which originated from the Ziggurats in the Middle East and pre-Pharaonic Egypt. Which includes the library which is the base of Western Washington University, as well as Whatcom Community college. Whether or not the existence of a city or castle existed in the area of Whatcom with a library the ogles sent is arbitrary, what is a fact is the City of Bellingham Washington state can draw a connection line directly back to the library at Jerusalem, which itself is directly connected to both ancient Egypt and the Eridu Ziggurat.



John Ogle

The Ogle family itself has a long and incredible history. Entering the history books at Hastings, William gave their lands back. The word back as in before the Pictish revolt circa 700 ce the Ogles owned that Kingdom. How big was their kingdom, that answer is 1/3rd the entire island. From Sherwood forest to about half of Scotland from the Middle east circa 1070 was the Kingdom of Ogle, but the name was changed from Gaelic to Latin. From Ogle to Northumberland. This is important casdcading down the line, because the Ogle family were forced to not claim the modern Ogles might not be connected or direct descendants from the Kingdom of Ogle.

The Ogle family itself were forced by the Pictish to change the name of their country/kingdom from Yr Hen Ogle dd to Northumberland. In part because by the time the Pictish realized the Ogles were a direct descended family form the Trojan Royal Family, the aspects regarding the that war and the Pictish being a close cousin with the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians was too much for the Pictish to ignore. The hatred grew from genocidal to immeasurable.

The Ogle Family and their lands from Sherwood Forest north to Scotland (the boarder changed often, at various times the Scottish boarder was north of Clan Ogilvy / Ogilvie Ogilvy Castle. is more than half way between the modern southern boarder of Scotland and the northern boarder After 610, the Pictish battle stratagie changed. It changed from the Pictish just fighting as normal either untrained and undisciplined fighters or in a modified Roman style. Both of which for the Ogles was easy to defeat. But then the stratagie changed circa 610 ce. The individual fighters change philosophy from preservation of the self to “It is a far far better thing, than I have ever done before.” The Fighters would charge the shield wall with the goal of kill as many enemy as possible before being killed themleves. The first decades of this stragaie did not work, but slowly over time the stratagie started to work. Eventually within several decades the statagie not only worked but the Ogles were forced to leave their Kingdom circa 700. Evacuating to Ireland and Northern France. THE Ogles name changed their army to something more effective and start to attack Pictish milatin instillations. A sea of water/electricity with a raised/vertical platform in the center. To break the military back of the Picitsh. A few hundred years of breaking them militarily and they would be ready to literally be conquered with a full ground invasion. That few hudred years was called “The Age of the Viking.”

From Hastings the crusades started only a few years later. The Ogles took a long and direct part in both the creation of the crusades as well as the formulation of the Knights Templar ushering travelers from Northumberland NewCastle/Jerusalem to the Middle East (Levant Ghetto)Jerusalem; in a very realistic way reversing the actions and behaviors done during the Trojan War, but this time instead of soldiers in and civilians out. The job was to usher soldiers and civilians both directions; as well as keeping Islamic armies from pushing into Europe. What does John Ogle have to do with any of this. Creating a documented and in some cases still in existence trade route from the east coast to Chicago down to St Louis; more than a century before each was actually settled and built. They were built because the Ogle family including John Ogle possessed the knowledge and skills nessessary to usher protective soldiers in secure a location then using their navy transport settlers form Ogle allied nations from their country of origin to their new homes west of the colonies. Filling in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, etc with settlers. Same almost exact behavior patterns the Ogles used to create the Pilgrim routes to the Crusades and evacuating from the Trojan War

In more than a few ways the Ogle family with the Crusades were merely reclaiming lands they had possessed for centures and millennia before. Just because the Ottomans and Persians name changed Hyksos does not mean for one second in the last 6000 years those cultures have changed their behavior pattenrs one small bit.

The centuries of the crusades the ogles took direct hand in the entire situation. Written out of the history books by the Stewarts, Tudors, and later English Royal families.

Partially written out because of political pressures. One of the reasons the militant islmaic armies never turned their attention toward Rome itself in large numbers was because of the betrayals done to the British and speicifically Ogle family. Of course the Ogle fmnaily had been a profound throne in the side of those armies since Mohamed went into the Kaaba to repeat whatever Esau did to create Islam in the first or second place. Islam was not created by Mohammed it was recreated/reinvented by him. Several previous attempts to create the philosophy and religion have been performd.

Esau, Moses/Ajax, Paul, Mohammed, and Fatimah. Although no muslim in the wold will admit that Fatimah worked directlyu in the Kaaba. That work as well as her going around prostelitizing for her fathers philospy did more to spread the word then all the previous attemtps put together. The question becomes what exactly did Fatimah do in the Kaaba to spreed her fathers message. What type of ritual did Fatimah do in that building. How closely did she follow recreating Esau’s conquest cermoeny in the Kaaba. If she repreated it almost exactly, what she did inside would not be acceptable male or female.

The Ogle family reestablished FreeMasonry after they arrived back from Jerusalem Dring the Crusades. Working to both conquer the city and establish a safe zone for pilgrims to travel from home to Jerusalem and back.

Fatimah the Nephilim

If Abu Bakr thought that Fatimah was actually a Nehilim, this would provind hard havior pattern and psycholigcal evidence as to why she nwated to kill her so badly. But it does not allow for his wanting to continue the teachngs fo Islam. If the teachings fo Islam are as Abu Bakr and his sunnies have carried forward the assumption that Fatimah was in some ways a Nephilim; true or not, the ansier is the same. The Sunni would perceive all Shia as descendants of a Fallen Angle. But if she was a fallen descendant than would not the philosophy which came from that same angle also be from the philosophy fo the fallen. This same reasoning forward, was her son or all of her children more of a Nephilim than she was. Simple logical exersize, if in this specific academic expersize Fatimah was half human(Mohamed’s daughter) and half Fallen(angle demon). If she went into the Kaaba to perform her own repeat pattern of what her dad did, Paul, Moses, and Esau did what that not have produced her own Nephilim. Making her son ¼ human and 3/4s Nephilim. No wonder Abu Bakr wanted her dead. Wntaed to kill her chilred also.

Just because in western culture said type things are pure mythology, does not mean for a second other cutlures do nto perceive those creatures as real. If they are real, then the actinos they can or will do are also real.

Which brings up an interesting questin; did Paul before he was in the middle east was he in Mecca. Attempting to recreate the ceremony fo Esau at Mecca. Which most of the time does involved invoking /summoning a falled/demon to do your bidding.

Evidence of this can be found in the bible. Esau knowing that he was not going to be chosen summoned  demon to go and attack his brother before his brother Jacob could assend the throne.

Which is interesting since that is the same basic plot of the movie “Terminoator” send a killing machine to stop a future event from occurring. Stoping his brother from becoming King of Kings by summoning a Demon in the Kaaba to attack and kill his brother.

In a very real effect Esau (the Hajj) sold his soul to the devil in order to summon a demon to find and kill his brother Jacob. From then on this issues between Esau’s descendnats and Jacobs has been literally the forces fo good versus the forces of pure sell yoru soul to the devil evil. The Hajj could be a reaction of Esau selling his souls to the devil. The statisics point to every year the different Islamic clergy involved sell their soul to the devil to continue allowing islam to spread around the world.

Islam and IDOL Worship

The religion of islam insists to be a proper mulsim you must pray toward mecca 5 times a day.

In those prayers each person whom performs said action is literally forming an IDOL as they pray.

Which on the surface does not seem to be that big a deal but in truth forming an IDOL of the ATEN is about as big a deal as it possible.

Not only is IDOL worship part of islam but in a very very interesting way; the way the prayers are done also creates a foot.

As in Islam five times a day is performing and swearing allegiance to the Foot fo the divine.

Jacobs foot 2015 2 8 2009The horizontal lines are each muslim praying to Mecca. The Calf bone the energy loop up and down of the divine. The Foot is the foot of the Divine; Foot, arm, limb, in Sumerian it is not clearly as to whch is define. But the ATEN as in, at the end fo the lines descending from the disk are the limbs fo the divine. Jacob holds onto one fo those Limbs. Intereting that in the Kaaba and the Hajj is built in islam are supposed to be the army for Jacob instead of the army to fight against him. All people whom are given special tasks from the divine are literally tested and struggle with the tasks they are given. If they pass they are in effect promoted to something better. Jacob was promoted to Israel King Israel. Pharoah Israel Jacob; which is intersign since the name given to Jesus was Pharoah Isreal Immanuell.



Viking invasions

During the age of Vikings the ogles exiled to first Holland then Normandy. Of course the Vikings conquered and name changed Normandy.

Normandy means; the good/sacred family of the north (vertical), which contains the code.

The Vikings also conquered and renamed Dublin.

Belfast also contains the code. Bell sound/god/sacred from above. Which a bell can be heard over a specific designated area.

Vancouver expedition

Lord Bellingham was on board. Lord Bellingham was not only on board but most likely provided the maps his heretical ancestors had already created thanks to John and Joseph Ogle’s explorations of the Americas in the 1600s and early 1700s.

The Vancouver expedition took place in 1791–1795, with lord Bellingham involved Vancouver knew or at least had a really good idea where he was going. it is very possible Vancouver sent his ships south around the horn himself traveled the few months from the east coast along the Ogle family northern leg trade route to the city which decades later would be named to honor Lord Vancouver. The City which would be later renamed to Vancouver was a fully up and thriving city long before Vancouver arrived.

Which would also allow him to commission a new ship in that area in case he lost one on either the trip around the horn or the trip from the future Vancouver to china.

The province of British Columbia

Naming BC to honor the British the original settlers in the area by hard evidence in the islands to the west of Bellingham still show large British/Trojan settlements. The Pig War is part of the last stand of the British/Trojan Empire in America. The Pig War itself the actual conflicts over the Pig are close to the only portion of the conflict which survives documented.  The Pig War was close to the last conflict which took place in the overall war between the cultures.

It would be extremely fascinating if the previous to being called Vancouver, British(Trojan) Columbia the city was called New Castle or even Troy.

Bellingham Armageddon

The Battle which raged from no later than the Vancouver Expedition forward to 1889 had most of the entire world involved in the conflict.

Spain, England, Britain, Royalist French, Revolutionary French, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Greeks, Americans, Confederates, Native cultures (most if not all of them on the west coast), Several if not all the major Latin American  cultures, etc. the list of those fighting for control and dominance over the area which would eventually be called Whatcom county is incredible.

The armies of the world gathered and fought out their differences for well over a century. Both politically and violently. Although most of the violence was not Napoleonic but platoon versus platoon. Since there was little space to line up sufficient amounts of troops in the forests of the Pacific North West, the conflicts had to be small.

Several of the countries involved not only lost but lost so badly their existence was all but erased. The British presence in the Americas was reduced to that of what the English/American cultures wanted their defeated enemy to be. Which was nothing more than a façade from which the English and American government could do horrific actions and blame their conquered enemy. In a very real effect the armies of the world gathered a fight between good and evil took place currently called Bellingham Washington and the surrounding communities. The winner based on a huge amount of really bad behavior from 1790-1946 is difficult to determine exactly if good or evil won. The natives, the slaves, the Jews, etc. would flat out state evil won. In the present more than a few living native individuals in America were sterilized by white doctors just like Mengele did to the Jews. No matter what the excuse, the fact that some natives are still alive today  who were not only sterilized but experimented upon by the American government is so close to that of what the national socialist workers party did, the two are almost indistinguishable in action. In the 1960s and 1970s some additional really horrific actions were done upon native tribes. 

The American NAZI party,+1939.jpg(this rally was at Madison Square Garden) was huge with 10’s of thousands of members up to and through the first few years of world war two. It was not till it became clear regarding the death camps and said that the membership ranks dropped. Just because membership ranks drop does not mean the people who joined were not still interested in and believing in the politics of that organization. The American KKK and white supremacists movements are still large and a significant voice in southern politics from the early 1800s too present.

Custer’s battle strategy was to kill all the woman and children of a culture, to prevent future generations. If the kids are dead and the woman are dead that is retroactive genocide. In effect kill them before they can be born.

Custer was so popular serious consideration was in effect regarding his future run for president. America had more than a little of its own genocide to work through. Its own death camps (reservations). Its own horrific behaviors to find out how to not continue. Which in truth are still present. Ted Nuget speaking as an inbasic spokesperson for the Modern American Tea Party (0 affiliatino with the original political movment in Boston) “You must scold people to help themselves”; that is close to the exact sentiment regarding the argument between god and Lucifer/satan regarding giving man free will. Lucifer wanted to punish/scold man whom rejected the will of god; the more free will you used to do things “I(lucifer) think god does not like, the more I get to scold/punish you.”

The philosophy of the NAZI party has not disaperaed it just changed names. Esau’s descended cutlures name change almost constantly.

Bellingham Railroad

Direct evidence of the battles and conflicts in Whatcom County in the 1850s was the unbelievably expensive railroad built 1000 miles beyond where the Railroad should have been. The Railroad was built decades before it should have been within several hundred miles of Bellingham, but the facts remain the Railroad not only was present in Bellingham connecting south to Seattle and North  to Vancouver but the lines were long and extensive. That type of technology is partially economic but mostly diplomatic and military. The Military needs to move huge amounts of soldiers and material into and out of an area, not to mention the supplies needed. Every country would have needed to have the Railroad up and operating as quickly as possible in the area.

The problem was, the facts regarding the only company which possessed all the necessary tools in which to build a Railroad where they chose was the East India Trading Company. The Hudson’s bay company was a subsidiary company from the East India Company.

British Columbia is a play on words regarding the British and their ancestral connection to “The great river” aka Indus/Nile. Also a vailed insult regarding the facts that the Northumberland family not only funded a Jew (almost a crime in those centuries) but their ancestors could have been Jewish descendants.

The Rail Road was developed by a partnership between the Ogle family in Ohio and the French. Having a fully operational railroad in Bellingham in the 1850s means the families which controlled the EIC had to send the 1000s of tons of supplies to Bellingham and the area in order to build the Railroad. Sent both overland and around the horn, the journey was beyond perilous. But the railroad was built and operated successfully for decades before the 1880s. Close to the only reason to have an unbelievably expensive Rail Road would be for military purposes.

Since the EIC was a company owned and Operazted by the British governemtn (not English) the EIC would simply be the supply company for the British Miliaty. Again the British and English military organizanoal structures are different in almost all aspects. The two evetnaly merged as the British were coneure and absorbed into the Eligshy which took from circa 1590-1910.

Just because the documentation regarding the English companies forming was not before 1870 does not mean other countries did not have operating railroad in the area. The lines it is more efficient to militarily seize control over something than to pay for its construction in the first place.

The need to seize control over the railroad in Bellingham was obvious. Also the need to destroy the documentation that the lines were built by the American’s rather than the British was also important. The documentation which is part of the mythology, Rome was built in a day. The evidence states the city was a fully large 100,000 person population city built more than 1000 years previous is clearly in evident but the city itself still points to its founding in 753 bce.

All those railroad lines working in the area decades too early, point to those lines were seized and distributed to the highest bidder who helped finance the military campaign to conquer the British/French/German armies present. Then erase the facts that Whatcom County was a fully populated area with a dozen cities long before the English or the Americans had a clue the Pacific North West even existed.

German Amber Room

When the Amber room was going to be rebuilt after the Prussian empire seized power. The original room was dismantled and moved.

But the problem is the legends of what that room could do data all the way back to King Solomon’s building of the great temple.

As various military forces’ pushed for control over Jerusalem the tools, methods, etc. from which

(Shadow run, the psionic chair and ship used could be a cultural member of how King Solomon used Adam’s amber throne room in order to control demons to build the walls. Since the walls were so large a dozen armies since have not been able to destroy the western wall. The blocks are simply too large to move. But that ship and the stargate ship which used a specific type of chair which was activated by a person with a specific type of DNA could operate that chair. Similar fiction from buried subconscious cultural memory)

King Solomon built his temple, if that room was the seat of his power. If the Germans possessed said power taken from the English would have wanted it back in a major way. Especially if that room had been taken from Jerusalem to Egypt when the Ark of the Covenant was taken. Both to Egypt. The ark moved farther south, while the amber room stayed in Memphis.

Caesar upon conquering Egypt seized control over the throne and took it back to Rome.


Constantine took the throne room and throne with him to Northumberland, and then to Constantinople.

But before the Throne Room and Throne of Adam was in Constantinople it was in all likelihood the Pantheon downtown Rome. Constantine took the Taberncle and the Throne out and transported them to his new city 1835 view of the Pantheon byRudolf von Alt, showing bell towers). The 1835 painting depicts towers in front. Their used to be towers in back; ala Hagia Sophia, but the back towers were removed a long time ago. Whereas the at that time tyrannical influence of Paul and his phyksophy would have as little impact on the room and throne as humanly possible amber throne and room should have been made out of amber not gold. But over the millennia amber became mistranslated as godl). The facts the Paul was literally a Hyksos descendant and spread the philosophy of Esau like a cancer inside Simon Peters church was becoming a larger and larger problem. It is unknown where the Tabernacle of Adam copy which this building could have been construted to hold was before; that copy could have been from the Alexandrian library, it could have been a copy of the one found in the City of Seven Hills.

Simon Peters philosopy battling toe to toe with Paul’s philosophy. A philosophy of peace and brotherhood fighting against “Death, Death, Death to all whom oppose us” is a difficult task to achieve. Depengin on the decades depends on which leaders are incharge. Which leaders base nature dictate of the church is in the direction of Simon Peter or Paul. the center of Hagia Sophia a very likely shell surrounding the Tabernacle of Adam. A copy of this huge structure or the structure which actually sat here could have been taken to Bellingham. Of course it would have been taken apart and transported by pieces around. Moving this gigantic Room during the Viking age would be easy to do in one group of pieces. After it would have had to be separated out and transported under extremely secret conditions, a few boxes in each ship, each group of ships taking different routes at different times.

The Vatican only had secondary sacred items from Adam’s temple. Not the throne room and throne itself.

A huge amount of violence and conflict occurred in Rome between 35-330 ce. The conceot that Christians were persecuted is not an accurate description; the city was attempting to crush an open and violetn war between Paul’s descendants and Simons. The war was bloody, violent, nasty, and seemingly endless.

Paul’s people the instigators 99% of the time were executed because they constantly sought out the jews and Simon peters people to torture them to death. It occurred so much that only public grizzly executions seems to be the only real soluation. Those public executions and feeding Paul’s begat to Lions was a way to deal with Paul’s begat constnaly murdering anyone who disagreed with them. Paul’s begat in the first 300 years would happily kill any and all who gave even the slightest hint they were not 100% backing Pauls philosophy. No one had a right to say anything to Pauls people, except how great and wonderulf they were. Exactly the same as Mohammed’s people from 615 to present, “you will either convert to my philosophy, or I have the divine right to kill you in whatever way I want to.” Because dissenting voices are to almost all of Esau’s descendants a sin; hence the heracy laws based on Blasphemy. Blasphemy in this case are what the heresy laws are all about. To have the church punish those whom break gods laws. Making all in the sphere of influence surrounding the church obey the laws of the church fo face torture and or eventual death.

Jacobs line

A standard church cathedral possesses the design of zerubabel. That design has the tabernacle of adam laying down the Temple Mound Jerusalem(Levant Ghetto) feet towards the Bent Pyramid.

But each of the churchs and cathedrils since have been designed with an extremely tall cross bar area directly infront of the alter.

That crossbar area has been since zerubabel designed to be tall, wide, and a huge space in order to do sometign. That something has been mostl lost to history.

But if there are two tabernacles conneted at what can be described as an ancle eg Achilles. The tenden which moves the foot and the Trojan War directly connected. that would make the Tabernacle of Adam the part from the ankle (anke) vertical (Ogle family aka Northumberland) and the horizontal the standard deign of most churches and cathedrils. Each one spells out in the architecture the holder of the foot. The foot of the ATEN, whom holds the foot Jacob Pharoah Israel.

Prevous purpose built buildings desgiend to house the Tabernacle.

Hagia Sophia,

St Peters Basiilca


Any of the ancient buildings with a  cavernous space inside. The inside demensions larger enough to hold a building. As large as or larger than the Kaaba.

King Solomon’s temple was most likely a replica of the Khufu Pyramid.

The Causeway being the portion zerubabel was able to rebuild of the horozontable temple. The Bent Pyramid points directly to the Temple Mount where King Solomon’s Temple was construted. Where King Solomon’s Amber Room came from is an unknown. But as all of Adam’s Amber Rooms, after the War to erase Adam and his achievmetns for later blieevers whom only wanted themlves acknowlegred and not their ancestors. Commonly understood to be Patracide; the inside and outside of the Tabernacle would have been designed for different purposes. The inside the Tabernacle of Adam the outside the Façade and fortification. TO hide what the inside of the building was designed to be for; so the warlords would not come as an insect to the flame. If the outside looked like a hill, or a mound of dirt, just an ordinary building, etc. their would be nothing to attract those whom on a soul level would need to come and destroy the inside. Provided they did not know that the inside eg Amber Room existed.  Keeping things secret became a primary motivator for most cultures which possessed an amber Room. Or have a gigantic enough populatnoi and army in order to fight off the worlds hatemongers when they would find out about it.

The vertical being Adam’s tabernacle.

Connected through the anke and Achilles tendon. Which strongly makes Achilles a jew.


Which brings up another incredibly difficult concept.

Adam’s Tabernacle design was built to be 18 inches off the ground. Adam built several in key locations around the areas he traveled. Those different areas were each both a location of “As above So Below” as well as as much as he could remember regarding what the shape and structure of the building looked like. The engineering was well beyond complex, a tent, a several story tent, with various ways to travel up to the different levels of the tent. The tent designed the same way the many generatinos later Temple of Solomon was designeed. With the third floor having an amber room in them. The Prussian/German/Russian Amber room is not actually the original, it was a badly done copy of a room which was shipped out years to decades before.  The badly done fack was given to the Russians as a gift. Unfortunately the fack was passed off as the one and only. But it was merely an assumed copy. The artist never saw the original, only legends and rumors as to what it might have looked like. The style of the room itself was in Boroque, which was assumed to be use to fill hwere the facts were not present. Dozens of Tabernacles Heliopolis, Mecca, Tyre, Troy, etc all pointed to the same location; heaven. That makes the symbol of the ATEN; which is the sme symbol Islam uses literally five times a day with to pray to mecca itself. Praying to Mecca to the spot Mohammed became a Prophet. He was repeating the actions and ceremony Esau did conquring the city.

The Tabernacle is so much more than just a building, it was originaly designed to (at least the version for earth) be a mirror of heaven. Taberncles were designed to be 18 inches off the ground. By legend Adam after construction, at the location of IWNW/Heliopolis. Where it stood till 3500 b.c.e when the upper Egypt war lords started to conquer north. As they were conquering north, the lower Egypt cultures simply moved Adam’s tabernacle either west or east and built a copy so the conqueror would have something to burn. Part of the reason the conquest occurred was to destroy the Tabernacle of Adam. Hatred of advanced technology has been present since the dawn of technology.

18 inches levitation, did the tabernacle levitate. Floating on a sea of electricity.

Pryamid skids as evidence

Have a plate of a material that has a strong magnetic charge. Infront have some type of device which charges the ground infront as the same as the plates under the tent. Strong enough charge on both and the weight will by default be pushed up.

Or have workers layout plates infront moving the plates in back to the front. Making in effect a moving railroad.


After 3200 b.c.e when Pharaoh Narmer aka the Scorpion King conquered all of Egypt and brought the entire country under his rule. Adam’s tabernacle was either brought back to IWNW or was moved to Luz/Memphis. **

The Tabernacle of Adam was for the most part left in Heliopolis or Luz/Memphis for the next 1100 years till the Hyksos invaded. When the Tabernacle was moved at least in theory to Troy. In order to secure the technology and ensure the enemy would not possess such a strong and radically dominant item. **

A copy was made at Tyre as the Several story tent from IWNW of Adam with a whole through the middle was moved past. The Cycladic/Linear A culture aka Minoan’s were so strong they simply were no match for the enemy army’s around. Troy would be the perfect place to keep Adam’s amber room. With a back up at Tyre. Whether adam built the one at Tyre or not is of little consequence.

But to protect the place. A protective shield was built entirely around each of the tabernacles; that shield would do two things. Hide the fact where the Tabernacles of Adam was and hide the facts what the tabernacle could do. There is evidence of said type of contructino; Newgrange a larger man made hill with is partially hollow inside. The Causeway horrozontal, the vertical component a Foot. The ankle and the foot itself. The Junction “Achilles” This is literally architecturally a foot and part of the ankle. Jacob means: holder of the foot. This could be an extremely ancient Synagogue. The side chambers are both in the shape of Orion’s belt but also ancle bones.

But that also locked the Tabernacle into a fixed location. Inside the Hollow Temple of Apollo.

It also made sure when the Hyksos circa 2100-1550 bce learned that the item of their deepest soul level lust had been moved outside their tyrannical grasp, they immediately set forward to find and seize control over that specific structure. The Tabernacle of Adam they possessed in Mecca did not work, so they assumed if they captured a different one, that one would work just fine. They were wrong.

From 2100 b.c.e to 1300 the Tabernacle inside the Temple of Apollo at the city of Troy was mostly safe and secure. Invaders came and went, the city was sacked a few times, but the Tabernacle for the most part was left mostly intact. The façade was left all but entirely ignored. The Façade was large enough that the internal structures were not breached. The way to the internal tabernacle was for the most part not discovered.

The city of troy although the temple of Apollo remained the city itself had been attacked and sacked on a few occasions before agemonon’s Dorians arrived. It was at this point

The theory goes when the Dorians and Avaris both Hyksos descendants joined forces and armies to conquer first Athens. The assumption regarding this theory is that iv sent his daughters out to form their own Kingdoms since the Avaris/Hyksos were gathering an army and were not going to back down till they were either killed or they reowned Egypt. The “Thow shall not kill” part of the commandments weighted heavily on iv. So instead of Taking his army and removing the threat from the Avaris by violent and brutal force. He shifted from being a brutal dictator/tyrant who would kill anyone whom threatened his life, the life of his family, or his throne. He allowed the Avaris to rise in power. But to protect his family he sent his daughters out to key cities. Meritaten he sent out most likely to Athens to either take back the city itself or to assume command from an allie, increase the defenses with improved architecture and a huge undefeatable army. Sening his next Daughter out to marry King Priam of Troy (side note the son of Meritaten at the to be called Athens <ATEN> Theseus, his daughter Helen would be married to the Son of King Priam and this second wife (iv second daughter Meketaten) next in line son Paris. A good portion of the Egyuptain army was in Athens when either a young Agememnon arrived to lead the army against Athens or an older relative lead the army with a young Agememnon taking orders from his relative. That war against Athens by the Dorians was a beyond miserable failure, and then shifted focus from Athens to Troy. The Troyan army arrived in Athens to lend a hand to soundly defeat the Dorians. Knowing the city of Athens was undefeatable, the only solution to break the back of this group of allied cities was to travel to the next powerful city in the mix and destroy it. Then come back to Athens to destroy it. Most of the Dorians did not survive to attack and conquer Athens. Break the power of the iv , Troyan, Athens, city of Seven Hills, Alba Longa, Italy, Pompeii, etc network of cities and you could literally rule the entire Mediterianian without question. A feet the millennia later name changed form Esau to Hyksos to Dorian/Avaris to villannovan to Rome achieved. In basic same culture, they just name change a great deal. Mostly to hide the facts of their cultural crimes against humanity. The Trojans are Jews.

Bellingham Holocaust erased from History

What if all the consentratn camps the NAZI set up were knocked down any type fo infastructre a developer would want to build was put ntop of. With all the evidence still in existence, their si a large group of people whom still say the holocaust did not happen. Or they might go as far as saying a few thousand were killed but not a isngle person more. Going as far as to count the bodies the individual pictures to say only these people were killed not a single person more.

In America circa 1700-1800 there was not Ameica to come to the resuce fo the jews in the consentran camps. America was just as any semitic in the 1800s as the third reich in the 1900s. Amiecan did it better, they did nto get caught. The decades after the major purges in America, the government spent decades erasing all the evidence. Which is exactly what the NAZI provided they won the war (which America was not being attacked, other than intenrally). Germay was at War, American for the most part was not. So the Americans in the 1800s have a profoundly easier time erasing their own holocaust then the fauled attempts by the NAZI. A few weeks under battle condictions, almost nothing could be erased Decades (1790 - 1890) outside of the public eye, eveyrthin can be erased.

The abolishinons movement was strong and loud by the end fo the 1700s. so the American govnermtn simply moved their theorized death camps outside the reach fo reporters.

2000 miles is plenty of distance to not have pesky press around telling the powerful they could nto do something. A few dozen miles from France to Poland is nto enough distance. Covert intelligence missions happened in the third Reich. Spy’s sneeking to the death camps, taking pictures, and excaping occurred more than a few times. In America the supposed death camps were simply too far away.

In Bellingham the crimes against humanity specifically the jews in the 1700-1800s occurred but those crimes were almost entirely erased Evidence of those crimes and assocated activites can be found under the infrastructure fo old town Bellingham, the infrastructure surrounding Ferndale, Fairhaven, the City of Lynden (political infighting forced Pheobe Judson to sell her lands lot by lot to the Dutch Same holds true for her mothers lands which stretched from the north part fo the Nooksake north fo Lydnen to Canada.), and north fo the Lettered streets district where the estates used to be. Some fo those buildings are still intact but minus the Roeder Estate all the lands have been turned into small lots and sold off. If the winners took the battlefields and turn them all into cililizatino infrastructure the evidence fo the battles would be in hwere ever the dirt dump piles were and under houses and buildings. It is beyond unacceptable to have an archaeological dig under a large building connected to other buildings of a city block. The Roads, buildings, and solid infrastructure built ontop of say a Auschwitz–Birkenau (Tis interesting that a fully functioning Rail Road in Bellingham(provides a good idea where the possible death camp was in Bllingham, Wa. The use fo Railroads to trnasport the jews to their death. Large numbers of people need to be taken by train.) was operating decades before it should have been 1000 miles beyond similar levels of civlizatino. At the same time in the South Remnance of the “Trail of Tears” was still occurring. )will sufficiently erase ay and all traces fo a death camp for jews in Old Town Bellingham.

Trail of Tears Bellingham

Even though technicaly speaking the Trail or Tears ended in Oklahoma, their were more bodies sent out than arrived in Oklahoma.

Plus of the hardest facts regarding the Trail fo Tears and the naming of British Columbia. The name Columbia is a reference to Christopher of course. But the harder facts are that Columbua was a Conversos. Which means he was littleal only a few generatinso removd from being a Jew himself. Being a Jew in Catholic Euorpe was an executable offence. Not the NAZI did nto invent genociding Jews, they just did the actions in their own unique way. But America in the 1700-1800s was just as bad if nto worse than NAZI Germany. The NAZI only had 15 give or take years. The American government had more than a century and what is worse, not only did they not get caught, the leaders have been heralided as heros for it. For instant “Old Hickory” seriously aided in the externianatn ofo the Jews in side the Native Popuations of America. In some ways Old Hickory is not much differtn than Himmler.

America Externinates Jews

From 1492 to circa 1960 disposing of jews in America was common practice. Not only acceptable but the way thigns were done. The better at killing jews in creative and unsuspecting ways the better. Creating a death camp in Bellingahm, Washington perfect. Well outside the reach of any press, well outside the reach of anyone saying no. 1000 miles beyond anywhere any normal settler would travel in order to create a new homestead.

The area was settled by the EIC decades to a centure or two before 1810. All that informantion has been carefuly erased from history; because linguistically the British are Jews. Not the English the English are for the most part Romans; all of western culture is keenly aware of the facts regarding how the Romans reacted to jews. For the most part open and often executions.

Befreo the Dutch betrayed their British allies the English hired the poorest in the slums of England as “Indentured servants.” As anyone knows as a matter fo hard fact the in most communities and countries the poorest during the end fo the medival period were mostly jews, because the jews the laws restricting what hety could do were almost to the NAZI level. Sometimes the laws were so restrictive that starving in the streets was close to the only thing a jew could do legally. So they turned to illegial activieis to survive. Would be arrested and sent to debters prison. Once in debters prison they could be sold into indentured servitude in order to pay off debts and have a meal at least once a day, a palce to sleep, and a job. Since jews were long considered lazy. Make them work, and work hard till they drop dead of exhaustion was the opintino of most euorpens for most of the span o fwestern culture.

When the colonies started, the rich in the countires which had the ability to sail across the ocean did so. They hired massive numbers fo indentured esrvants. The vast majority were literally jews.

Once across the ocean. Many simply ran away, to either form their own colony out in the wilderness and or join a native tribe.

Several decades to a century and the secret/hidden jewish communities on the east coast would be thirving. Exclusively nto documented but an extremely rage point for the Rich whom paid for their passage but wanted their money back. Hard work was the only solution. Going out recapturing their property and making the indentured esrvants work became the only option. But when you h ave a large enough of a jewish community or a group fo communities. Protecting itself becames a hard target requirement. Once defenses, weapons, etc were assembled the Enlgsh had no choice but to let their jewish property out fo their contracts. Unless the Englsh wanted to pay more money to sent out either a private army and or hire the English govment to come in and have litterlaly open combat, killing anyone whom di dnot come back peacefully. Killing the profits fo the work seems like a waist fo money. But rest assured some rich land owners litterlaly would rather execute their property than see it living withouth putting in the hard work.

In basic “you will either work yourself to desath for  me, or I will kill you.” The point is to kill you (death camp, but having both the pleasure of watching you work yourself to death as well as profit off the work that killed you. Best fo both worlds. Profits and the jews are exterminated. American 1492- circa 1960.

Over time the Jewish resistance in America grew to become its own strong culture and standing well trained army.

By the 1700s, the Enlgish could not stand this concept for one more tiny second. Sengin out troops to find and kill all “Uppity Jews”. Especially the jews that had infiltrated into bth the native populations and the runaway slaves. Which the Ogle family did not help in that aspect one tiny bit. Oglethorne created the State fo Georgia as a free state. The response from the Miliant Islamic plantation owners, the English, Dutch, Libertine French, etc was; we will see your free state and invade with everything we have.

The start of at full military strength going out, findgin the jews/natives/slaves, roudnign them up, and taking them someplace to be dispoted of. But that place wopuidl have to be well outside the reach fo any abolishonist, etc group whom would say no.

Not ot mention the facts regarding the African slaves had at least 10% fo their poulatuion were Coptics, jews, and Simon Peter philosopy Christians in their midst. Pauls army was still seeking out Simon Peters begat to hunt them down and kill them.

See when Mohammed ordered the invation fo Egypt; simon peter’s philosophy as well as a huge amount fo jews were living in and ruling Egypt. They evacatued coptic slave trade 2014 12 10 1314south and west to Niger. 99% fo the slaves were captured by 99% militant Islamic cutlures in Niger. The Jews and Simon Peters people had integrated into the native populations of Niger. So to hunt down and kill the jews requied killing natives of American and natives fo Africa to ensure the Jews were all found and killed.

Bellingham already had a large infrastructure of civilization the East India Company built. Almost all that infastrcture and evidence was erased from 1890-1889. The remaining evidence was by chgance erased from 1890-  present. So much has been erased that only non sequencial puzzle pieces remain.

Peabody’s home, the location Picket seized torn down the original, built his 10 lbs starter kit castle (Picketts Home), the Lettered Streets, the configuration of the infrastructure, etc are most fo the only remaining evidence fo the EIC infrastructure. Added to the campus of Western Washington Univerity.

Trojan War Bellingham

The Bellingham and Whtacome areas were literally the Last wave of battles in the Trojan War.

Just because the primary city was captured by Agemmonen and he stayed in the city to be its next King does not mean that ended the War.

The Trojan war continued into the Itanian Peninsuala were the Trojans first evacuated. It took several hundrd years but the Dorians by then name changed to Villanovans manger to create a large enough army to challenge the and topple those Trojans who remained in both the City of Seven Hills and Alba Longa, Italy. Everyone else evacuated to Balonia, Parissi, and Northumberland.

In Northumberland the battles were so intense that a wall was craetd from NewCAstle/Jerusalem to the West Coast ot prevent the Romans from dying as quickly.

One of those wars on the Wall would end so badly for the Romans that the Emperor was forced to Marry the Daughter of the Commanding General. That marriage produced Constantine the Great.

There is more direct evidence the Northumberland family are not only Jews but Trojans. Pharoah Cleopatra when she was forced to evacuated the Mediterianan was literally (the battle at x hwen Anthony took his ships and troops and ran headlong into Augustus’s ships, Cleopatra did nto run away from the battles, the battle fo Antium

<the only place Cleopatra could have done was to the island across, pick up a few supplies thenhead across the way to Italy. Then around to Spain, around Spain to the cliffs of dover, up the coast to NewCastle. Coming to rest at NewCastle Northumberland. Sailing south inside fo the ROMan Fleet allowed both Cleopatra to give a false direction to wehre she ws going, which allowed Augustis to claim she traveled back to Egypt. Which was the second least acceptable option for longevity next ti sailing directly to Rome itself. Cleopatra would have litterlaly lasted a few minutes to a few hours if she would have sailed up the River to Rome; killed before she could read the city itself. The second worst would be anyhwhere in Africa.> was designed for Cleopatra to escape and regroup in Northumberalnd.) Anthony wanted to return to being a Roman Citizen and Cleopatra needed to live. The only real solution was for Anthony to run block to allow the Heir to the Roman Empire and Julious Caesaris son Caesarian to evacuate to Northumbeland, To a place called Jerusalem. The Latin translation of the Hebrew word Jerusalem is NewCAStle. There Cleopatra joined her army with the existing army and defended the Kingdom against the next wave of Romans. Which they immediately came in droves. But the defenses were far too strong. It is a fair assumption to combine the evidence into a stasticial format to conclude the direct descendant of Cleopatra’s son Caesarian circa 32 bce was Empress Helen Ogle circa 300 ce. The descendant of Caesar fighting and winning against an impostor emperor of Rome. Producing an Emperor so strong that he was able to literally pull away from the Roman Empire and form  his own Empire. The place he chose was the ancient rally point of the Trojans exacpaing from the War. The Trojans chose the Bospehrou Straight to cross from Asia Minor inot Eruope. At that exat cross point is hwere Constnatine built his new capital city.

Named for the Latin translation of the People of Britain, a cousin 2 generatinos removed from King Priam.

The Trojans had a beyond difficult decision to make. Either hold off the armies or box everything up and evacuate. Knowing full well that the enemies of Adam would this time stop at literally nothing to possess that Tabernacle, needed on a soul level to kill and sell into slavery every last jew they could get their hands on. Plus Moses/Ajax attempting to remove his curse more than likely created a Nephilim inside the Kaaba. The statistics point to that Nephilim was actually Twins. To come into the picture half a millennia later at the battle of Alba Longa, Italy/Seven Hills; one of the twins was felled in battle by the blade of Enoch/Adam.

A half cursed with the blade/tome of Adam/Enoch/Methusziala/Israel/Jacob/Dan/etc half human being Moses/Ajax and half fallen angel produced a Nephilim in order to have both a powerful enough weapon to crush all enemies before them and to counteract the skills of the blessed Achilles.

The descition was made to evacuate all the treasures from troy and move tehm first to Alba Longa, Italy, tehn to Northumberland. (If the theory regarding Moses/Ajax’s Nephilim has any validity to it, if Priam had left the Blade/Tome of Adam in Troy instead of evacuating it to Alba Longa, Italy. Achilles could have used it to Kill the half falled.) For the next millennia moving the Amber Room back and forth between Germay, back to Northumberland, back to Germany, to Constantinople, back to Northumberland. Finally shipping the Room and the massive treasures across the pond to America.

More than likely the Tabernacle of Adam and a thousand other treasures were what the Templars fleet had in their possession as they trveled across the ocean to America. Several hundrds years before Columbus. More than a few legends state that the Santa Maria was a ship built and given to Columbus for the purpose of adding another ship to the fleet in America. Sailing trade routes across the Ocean to achieve a wide variety of goals

But unlike the fictional National Treasure, although the total sum of the Treasure was equal to or larger than what was depicted in the movie, building an underground bunker that size is entirely unrealistic in all ways. One it would take a very long time to carve that size cavern. Best to store the treasures in dozens of buildings in order to if needed quickly move the crates into and out of buildings. A couple days to move everyone into a sequence of buildigns, a couple dyas to move it out to a different city.

The City of Beacon Hill when conquered by the puritans (a hard line militant form of Protestintism; which is 99.99% Islamic in all but the name and a handful of rituals. They do not pray to Mecca but several times day praying was still present. Killing anyone whom would nto convert, still very much involved.) changing the name to Boston. The British presence in Massachuessts was for the most part erased. The library had to be moved south to Manhattin. Then the Dutch converted to Protestantims and produced the same problem. Circa 1630, Manhattin was not founded in that year it was conqweured in that year. As m uch of the previous infrastructure was erased as possible.

The parts of the libraries and treasures which the British and the Ogles could nto get out, had to stay for a few decades till the Ogles could come back in force to take the city back 1680. John Ogle was on board and took part in the Battle of New Amsterdam.

In the 1600s the Ogles and the British started to move the treasures inland away from the Coast towards Ohio. Tiffin was a storehouse of the library and treasures for a while. The area was populated by setterls from countries converting to Protestantism. The Catholics and those whom thought islam was evil had to evacute out of those countries. The Ogle fleet allowed them ot evacuate.

Soon enough the protestanits came a knocking with their armies and the libraries and treasures had to be again moved farther west.

A kind of temporary Garden of Eden was set up in the area known as Little Egypt. From Memphis Tennessee to the middle of Missouri. North to the Great Lakes south to northern Kansas. The libraries, Treasures, and defensive positions were reestablished their.

The legend that the Garden of Eden was placed in little Egypt is part of the evidence of this moving from Ohio possibly Tiffin to Little Egypt.

Kaskaskia was the former Capiticl of the area. Visious and long standing wars ocured in the area. The English, Confederates, Islmic armies, etc finally managed to win the wars in 1805. Irronically within a few months the final end of the Holy Roman Emire collapsed in Germany. Openign the library and treasures their to scholars and the public for the first time in EUorpe for more than a millennia.

In Kaskaskia the library, treasures, and defenses were set up. But very powerful lights attract insects. Those insects the militant muslims, puritans, etc those cultures will stop at nothing to destroy anything they feel threaten their faith. According to them to allow others to live their own lives is a sin; others have to live their lives according to the rules of my faith; from the perspective of people in those faiths. Be interesting if their was a consensus regarding what faith and what exact doctorine the rest of the world had to obid by. Most of the time various fanatical groups war with eachother over minor differences in doctorin. But their wars usually leave a massive area affect of damage. The damage they cause is almost always ignored.

To Colorado specifically Manitou and the Pacific North West. The libraries did not stay in Colorado for more than around 100 years. Late 1600s to the early to middle 1800s; by the 1840s it was clear the Islamic armies had name changed again to Confederate and the militant move to kill all whom apposed them was in full military force.

The only real problem is the facts regarding 99% of white culture had no idea what they are actually fighgint for. The Façade of freedom, liberty, no rules, no regulations, no rstrictinos, and above all else the abiity to be as violent to those whom say NO as possible. Torturing yoru enemy to death became not only a center piece but one of the driving princaples to the convervative/confederate cause. With no idea whatsoever that they enemy were actually the Trojans/Egyptians and Jesus based christains whom had excaped earlier genocide.

A long time ago that infomratn was easily accessible. After a bit of time, that information became lost. Knowelge and education is one thing islam and its subsidiary organizations hate above all things. When technology works in their favor it si great, but they hate the people whom think the ideas up and build them. A perfect world for them would be all those technical inventions would just magically appear and all the people whom think of the inventiosn would not exist at all.

 (Frankenstein; the tower of Frankenstein, the location of the tower and hollow interior, the use of eletricty, etc. All these fictinol concepts were written about because Mary Shelly and her husband were good frinds with Lord Byron. Lord Byron was able to have unfiltered access to both the Roman Library as well as any academic institute which had any type of scientific experimentation occurring. The Romans took the libraries and treaures of the world or copies they knew about and kept them. When the Roman Empire collapsed circa 1806 in Germany; Materials which had been gathered since the dawn of civilization were entirely avaialbe to any scholar around. The Dozen Amber Rooms which the Roman Empire had both collected and buit themselves were not only present but in some cases still in working order. Mary shelley could have easily seen a working Amber room. She documented that Amber room in her book “FRankenstain”.)

Upon arriving in the holy lands the Ogles would have known exactly where the room and throne were and carted them back to NewCastle.

During the issues and wars with Northumberland the Room would have been taken to Germany for safe keeping.

But once power shifted again the room would no longer be safe in Germany and would need to be taken away. The question would be where; since Northumberland was a nastier war zone in the 1500-1600 than it has been during the Pictish invasions.

So the only real place to take the Amber Room and Throne would be America.

But upon arriving within a few decades of battle. The east coast would have been no place to have those devices either. The farther west was the only true option. Back to Europe was not an option since the powers that be were fighting harder than ever in Europe for control over everything they could think of.

First to Little Egypt, then to the area of the Pacific North West.


Aegean Armageddon

As the Hyksos were battling their way out of Egypt 2100-1550 bce, into the middle east, up and around the Anatolia peninsula, and finally into the promised land of the Aegean. The repeat pattern which occurred later is identical to what occurred circa 1550 bce.

The Hyksos were entirely culture focused on finding and destroying any and all in their way. Seizing control over the Aegean seems to be a cultural desperation.

The desperation which takes on the role of seeking out, finding, and erasing the existence of the enemy.

Circa 1550 bce, as the Cycladic cultures and the proto-Canaanites were evacuating due to the impending eruption of the Thera volcano the Hyksos were on the horizon wanting to seize the lands. The Hyksos felt like conquering heroes, because they interpreted the enemy running north and west as a sign of pure hard fear of the mighty Hyksos army. But in truth the running away had nothing to do with the Hyksos and everything to do with the Thera volcanic eruption.

The Hyksos finally arrive in the Aegean meeting little resistance, and seize the areas of the cities. Capturing Athens/Poseidon, Sparta, Macedonia, Knossos, Akrotiri, etc. but just as the Hyksos were settling into their nice new cities; the volcano erupted and destroyed virtually the entire army, population, the rich, powerful, etc. living in the area. It must have seemed like the end of the world to the Hyksos. Not only did they loose most of their power over night but within a few years they were also toppled from power in Egypt. Their mortal enemy the Jews had not only rise up from the aches but had seized control over the Pharaonic throne. Ushering in the 18th dynasty; the Hyksos who remained in Egypt were forced to live only in their capital city of Avaris. 

The Hyksos and their descendants have sought on a cultural stand point ever since revenge upon their moral enemy for all that has been done wrong to them. The Hyksos and their descendent seem to not understand that not everyone in the world wants to live their life under the violently oppressive thumb of the Hyksos and or their descended cultures. Just because the Hyksos want to be in charge and be violent to any and all whom they want to does not mean those that the Hyksos want to be violent or to control; they refuse in all aspect be controlled, but have a need to control all around them. Some type of strange and abnormal pathology “you must live your life according to my rules, but I refuse to even consider the possibility of listening to you or living my life according to your rules” this is the pathology the Hyksos and almost all of their descended cultures operate from a subconscious level.

Thus the Great War in Bellingham circa 1790-1880. The English, Americans, Confederates, and Free French discovering a British stronghold thriving in a hidden corner of the world. For the previous century entirely outside the reach of said cultures. But once discovered the old grudges and blood lust was triggered again with the most violent of responses. Open and complete genocide, erasing almost all aspects of British and their allied nation’s presence in the Pacific North West.

Roeder, Col. Pattenson, etc. were sent in to the area by the Ogles and other British families with not only reinforcements but a last ditch effort to maintain some level of control in the area. The battles were only little platoon versus platoon and major naval battles but almost all evidence of said is either under trees which regrew after or under city infrastructure. None of the winner’s wanted to have the conflicts in the area known. The previous waves of settelrs are erased from existence. The evidence of their arrival as well as what infastrcture they built were both hunted down and removed.

Hyksos Descendants in Bellingham

The same almost exact behavior patterns which crippled the Hyksos when they attacked and conquered the forces evacuating from the Thera volcano occurred in the Pacific North West from Vancouver Washington to Vancouver BC. With the descended Hyksos determined not to fall victim to the same problems from previous. Although in truth what destroyed the Hyksos the first time in the Aegean was the Thera volcano, the active volcanoes in the Cascades are not a threat to erupt with the anything close to the same level of “Super Volcano” the Thera volcano erupted as.

Although the Yellowstone super volcano is warming up for an eruption. The British being by legend a direct descendant of the Cycladic culture as well as the Princes of Troy.

Upon finding the British Empire in the Whatcom county area not only upset those cultures that found them, but those same cultures immediately void to send the military and destroy the British. Mind you the English and British are a vastly different culture. The English Rule from London, the British Rule or Ruled from Newcastle. Ironically Newcastle translates to Jerusalem. Same translation of Heliopolis in Hieroglyphic.

The Eternal City of Rome Washington with the circle of Hills/Cities around following the course of the Rivers (Nooksack and Whatcom) is similar to the definition of the word Viking itself. Both Bellingham Bay (the one time name of the city) and the rivers forming circles around the area. Viking a Raised platform/boat/ship/earth/land surrounded by water. Which when warn is very close to the symbol look of a Rabbical shawl worn in the temple. The sometimes blue stripes coming together at the bottom for form a blue ring.

Seven years’ war part ii

Most of the cultures who fought the French and Indian war or the seven years’ war which cascaded directly into the revolutionary war simply retreated to regroup during the revolutionary war in order to reorganize.

The reorganization as it turned out simply pushed the inevitable from the major battle taking place in 1700s from Little Egypt to the east coast to the Pacific North West. Same cultures, same battle, just different location.

The really interesting portion of the seven years’ war as it applies directly to the applications of Winston Churchill’s “The first World War” was actually the Seven Years War. Which consisted of three portions. It was fought in Little Egypt, the Deep South, and the Pacific North West.

First World War 1750-1890

A serious amount of the battles of this war were fought in Bellingham WAshignton State.

The Second World War 1914-1919 was fought almost exclusively in Europe between forces of Germany versus France.

The Third World War was fought in the Pacific and Europe 1933-1946

The fourth world war is being fought between those cultures allied with the Hyksos descendants and the descendants of Jacob. The war is one of ideology not declared country versus country; mostly individuals fighting each other trying to prove by killing the others philosophy is wrong.

An   odd thing regarding this information. If the mathematics and what each placeholder means

World war five; this is the catastrophic Mutually assured destruction model from which there is little to return to after the war is over.

Something else which needs to be reconsidered is the facts regarding how things are numbered and how those numbers could be defined different then has been assumed.

Ogles in British Columbia

How do I know as a matter of hard fact the ogles were present in Puget Sound prior to the Vancouver expedition. Naming things is a privilege reserved only for the highest ranked royals in the area. And they name things to either honor themselves or honor their family.

So in truth the name British is only realistically possible to be if a British very high ranking Royal family member of groups of very high ranking British family members were present.

Naming the area Britain is like Constantine naming his empire Byzantium.

Which in truth Byzantium is Late Latin for the Gaelic Britain. So in a very real way British Columbia is Byzantium Columbia. To tie the voyage of Columbus to the British. Who funded the expedition and one of the ships of Columbus’s expedition was built by the British. That same ship part of the timbers which made up the ship itself were used to build a public house close to the ship yard where that ship was built.


One of the ships that Columbus used went through the most radical of journeys all by itself.

One of the ships Columbus used was beached; the ship itself was used to create the town of navidade, and Columbus left 8 men (who were most likely his Jewish crew members) behind in navidade. When he came back years later, instead of finding a thriving city he found an abandoned ruined area. The timbers taken from the beached ship were both gone? And the skeleton of the ship itself was also gone.

Which leads one to speculate that the Jews he left could have easily rebuilt the ship using the same exact timbers taken off of it.

They could have taken that ship North West with little to no difficultly.

Evidence of DNA in the desert south west around hour corners area shows Jews in that area circa the early 1500s.

Naming British Columbia

Is a linguistic code the very high ranking British royal family were not only present. But remembered the exploits of 1492 honoring Columbus for his giving his ship built by the British to the Jews. So they could establishing a New Jerusalem in America. All the while hiding all those facts so that the inquisition priests and their army would not execute the Jews because they were Jews and not converted Christians.

More than a little bit of evidence strongly suggests that Columbus who his family just a few generations before were Jews.

He had to travel through more than a few obstacles to prove he was a true Christian and not a Jew pretending to be a Christian but held onto his Jewish beliefs. Those tests and trials forced him to record and name things to hide his true intentions.

To honor that sacrifice; it is likely the British wanted to honor him for providing what he did and allowing the Jews to create a New Jerusalem in America.

Which is also why in another city the Ogles founded Tiffin the high school is named after Columbus.

Lewis and Clarke

Lewis and Clarke directly plagiarized the Ogle family maps, diplomatic connections, etc. to perform their trip. They knew where they were going and directly lied about it.

Lewis was killed because he broke international law by creating a grand lodge of England in British Masonic Territory. His lodge in St Louis was within miles of the British Grand lodge established by the Ogle family almost a full century before.

Lewis is executed

Lewis made a terminally fatal mistake. He was clearly allied as an American and Englishman. Which at that time was still an acceptable format. The English once defeated allowed the colonies to be independent but still English. So as to remove the British influences from the formulation of America.

So Lewis became a Master FreeMason under the United Grand lodge of England.

When he traveled to St Louis. Lewis broke many an international law by placing a United Grand Lodge of England grand lodge in St Louis miles from the United Grand lodge of Britain the Ogles had built in the early 1700s

Knowing that he broke international law; he knew he was facing punishment regarding his lodge. His punishment was to either be killed or commit suicide under the direct watchful eye of those that he had broken international law with. His transgression building a major center of power well behind enemy lines and not bothering to ask any type of permission. From America, England, Britain, and France. His actions are akin to building a mosque of a radical fanatical bent sect of the most radical form of Islam on military seized lands of a Catholic Catherine in Rome. First seizing lands of the Mission and then built a grand Mosque on those lands.


British versus English

The cultures of the British and the English are entirely and vastly different. The English have gone to war against the British on more than a few occasions.

Robin Hood

List of facts

First Sherwood Forest in the 1100s was the border lands between the British Northumberland Kingdom and the Kingdome of Mercia which is the northern territory of the English culture.

With no top hats, or other fancy head wear. FreeMason Worshiful Masters wear a type of crown to signify their rank and position. But when being attacked almost constantly; hiding truth becomes a survival technic. So the Hood could be a sign that the

Robin Hood politics

The entire situation of Robin Hood is a mini-war fought between the English cultures aligned King John and the British allied King Richard. But Richard lost causing the case of Robin Hood to g

Erasing of the British influence

Every single conquest which has occurred in the entire length and breadth of written history the following is beyond a hard 100% repeat pattern fact.

The new culture either erases the previous cultures accomplishments or they absorb them as if the accomplishments were created by the new culture. The evidence regarding how long before the item existed to the conquest date is usually applied to the work the conqueror did before they were able to topple the old culture.

A type of "we knew we were going to be take over; so we built x, y, z, etc. preparing to take over"

The evidence it existed very long before is either erased or flat ignored.

Which becomes an interesting situation when you add what occurs in a given amount of time when the new culture is conquered and their conqueror does the same thing. Creating layers and layers of political spin regarding who did what and more importantly when.

The British has a profound influence onto the American continent very long before the English came into the picture as a strong influence. In a very real way the English did exactly the same behavior pattern in both the UK and America to the British.

Including but seriously not limited to absorbing the name British Royalty as the name of the English Royal family. But since the British Royals are the rightful rulers of the UK and not the English; when the English finally conquered the British in the UK circa1600, the English took the name British Royalty for their own. Rewriting the documentation to say it was actually the English are British. Which is violently not true. The British are the rightful rulers of the UK and the English are descended from Romans and the Anglo-Saxon cultures.

Anglo Saxon

The Anglo Saxon culture is actually comprised to a very large degree of former Roman settlements in Germany. After centuries they mixed with the native Rhineland tribes, who themselves have a very muddled hundreds to thousands of conquests erasing the counter erasing the events of history.

In a way of saying it, part of the original tribes who comprise the Germany/Rhineland cultures are a sizable chunk of the Hyksos. the Hyksos invaded the middle east and pushed themselves up into Thracian land, this specific branch who later became known as descendants of Odin pushed north on the east side of the black sea, pushed north around the Urals, pushed and traveled west above the Urals which put them directly into Poland and Germany.  Odin's culture then met and warred with the already existing Vinča who are mostly likely descendants of the Vanier of several millennia before.


Is an insult description for the Hyksos. The Hyksos is ancient Egyptian description for "shepherd kings" shepherd over sheep. So the insult is the kings or those that speak with Sheep. So sheep speak, the bah of a sheep became an insult regarding this cultures interactions with the sheep speakers/shepherds.

bar/bah bar/bah person of the sheep; over time became barbarian, then changed to bar bar ian. Turning into Barbarian.

So in a very real effect the barbarian wars were the cultures in the Aegean fighting against the remance of the Hyksos.

Who in a very real way; the Hyksos invaded upper Egypt from Mecca.

Making the Hyksos descendants of Esau.

Making the barbarians and Odin both descendants of Esau's line. Which makes the English at least in a very large part descendants of Esau's line.

Which is not really a problem because Paul who the Dead Sea scrolls call "the evil priest" was also an Esau line descendant. Simon Peter and Paul in Roman had more than a few arguments. Unfortunately for the Vatican organization it was Paul's teachings and not Simon Peter’s teachings which conquered and become dominant.

Screwing the message of Jesus from Jacob's teachings to Esau's teachings. The two most famous Esau teachers other than Paul were Moses/Ajax and Mohammed. Moses/Ajax himself was an Esau/Hyksos line descendant.

Making the English Royal family at least 25% Esau line descendants. The British Royal family are descendants of Jacob. Since the Trojan War the prince’s one of the places they escaped was to Northumberland.

We know Trojans are Jacobs line descendants because the translation of the word troy itself is "Descendants of the foot holder" as anyone can tell you Jacob means all be it in ancient Sumerian "the Foot holder" translates into Latin as Jacob.

Confederacy Washington Idaho

Athough it does not seem like the Confederacy would have anything at all to do with any of the topics invoovled. The facts remain the same.

The confliects which the Hyksos/Doorians had with the Trojians, Adding in the mythology, makes the entire situation unbelievably amazing but all hard fact based.

When the confederacy started as a violent departure from the sociological standards of the eartly1800s not long after the importing of Slaves from Africcan became illegal. The Southern Culture would have instantly responded with the standard “We absolutely refuse, period. To allow anyone to tell of we can or cnnot do what we want. The war is coming, since war with the Union is coming, the only realistic thing to do is; force the expanded territory out west to be a slave state. Whoo cares if that terrotiry is north of the Mason Dixon line. We want to maintain a lifestyle, we will allow not a single person to  tell us wee cannot maintain the lifestyle we have soo chosen to live within.

The primary problem with that is; the area west of the  Mississippi was technicaly owned by Frence, Spainn, Britain, the East India Compnay, and were to the core of their being violently opposted to not only having their lands taken from them (again) but violently opposed to southern lifestyle.

I am finding more and more evidence of a confederate gov not under Davis reforming in Washington territory. Could 1851 when Washington and Idaho split off from Oregon have been confederate leaning population spurred into action?

Theory; in 1790 the Planatation  owners start to push for not only more land but easing of the already extremely lax laws retricting the plantation system. In the constitution itself stated flat out that the entire plantation system was an affront to the Amerrican most of the entire population did not like. The did not like it for more reasons than have been stated previoous. Not only the slavery issue, but the forced labor, the connection to radical islam, the gifts given  to the plantation owners, the secret religions several  of the gifts descendants kept(when the daughter of one gift marries the daughter of another gift; the partents are both half iislamic by nature. Their children will be half. A hundred years of said and a few hundred palentatioon owners would be descendnats of gifts from the Barbary coast muslims.), as well as a very possible invasion from enemy Barbary coast militant Islamic cultures(their were at any given time from 1200-1800 about a hundred different milittatnn Islamic cutlures battling each other for control over both the lands and which philosophy was better.), etc. the plantation owners were litterllaly looking for new lands to turn into plantations. which would be a major reason why Jefferson purchased Louisiana, give his plantation supporters more lands in which to expand into and not concern themselves with any more oppressive laws.

From 1801-1859 a mass exodus from the south  would have been  occurring. The huge plantation owners sending their children out to the frontier in order to create new plantations; creating a plantation network. As the laws against slavery started to become ever increasingly harsh, the plantation nowners would start to sell their  lands and move west to the new Oregon/Washington terriroty.

But the Amiercan  army was right behind them.

Battles ensued.

Partialy since the East India Company a British Enterprise was already in nthe area and had been prooduucing prodducts in the pacific north west for nnundreds of years. The area the confederates attempted to take over was already full of British, Royalist French, germans, etc who had been in the area for cenntures. The planttatioon owners and the euorpeans aready their  started to fight over land.

The army was tehn sent in to pasifiy the violence.


The battle of troy and Bellingham

since one of the places the princes of troy went is Northumberland to the kingdom Meritaten by DNA evidence shows (although the Egyptian government refuses to release the evidence of Tutankhamun’s DNA results. refusal to release said data forces the idea that the current Egyptians are not interested in any way allowing there ancient royalty to be anything other than Arabic based. Of course the Red haired mummies cause a problem with that forced assumption that does not mean by any stretch that the truth is any different than a few of the princes of troy who escaped traveled to the UK at some point in the battle.

Since the battle itself lasted for 10 years. The smart princes would have known and would have found escape routes. The escape routes being not to the sea but to the east. Then making their way from Anatolia peninsula north into the Aegean and south to Tyre.

The princes then moved steadily west to Northumberland.

Who would eventually be absorbed into the name British before being exiled from Northumberland and forced to travel to America circa 1500s. It does not take much strategies to know if a conqueror wants to take your castle they will find a way after a given amount of time. Almost always by bribing their way past the defenses.

Which is exactly how they breached the walls of troy. And breached the walls of Rome. And breached dozens of other cities. Pay or convince the powers that be a gift is a gift and not a concealed weapon. Rome fell once because the best soldiers of the attacking army were given as slaves to the Romans. Months later when the inside defenses were down. The soldiers simply went to the main gate, killed the guards at the gate, then opened the gate up, then signaled for the troops to invade. Same strategies as the Esau line horse.

This effects Bellingham because descendants of those princes are some of those that created a trade route between Boston/NewCastle Delaware to the Columbia. That trade route led directly to exploring the Puget Sound. Which led directly to the founding of Bellingham.

The five points from Bellingham to Northumberland

Bellingham to honor Lord Bellingham

Lord Bellingham was on the Vancouver expedition. The Vancouver expedition based on the fact that lord Bellingham was on board provides a considerable amount of circumstantial evidence that Vancouver knew close to exactly where they were going. It is even possible Vancouver ordered or reordered a ship to be constructed at a ship yard in either the city north of the Columbia name changed to Vancouver or a ship yard in the Puget Sound. Possibly Seattle possibly Bellingham.

Since the Ogles had created a trade route for almost a full century before the Vancouver expedition formed and left.

The trade route the Ogles created was in existence from circa 1680 when John Ogle on board the British fleet to take the island of Manhattan away from the Dutch. Since the Dutch had been slowly taking power away from the Ogle family who founded New Amsterdam although what the name was before it was called New Amsterdam might have been lost to history. the guesses are "New Castle" or "Castle Ogle"

The University of Columbia was first founded under the Ogles in the area. But their presence was erased by the Dutch from 1650 to john Ogle came back to take the place back from the Dutch. The English then took Manhattan away from the British. Although the city was founded by the Ogles. Why because the Ogles had a fleet and had the maps to show them how to cross the Atlantic. Which are the same maps that Columbus used to cross in the first place. Columbus did not think he was in India he knew he was in America but he did not want to anger the priests and their army on board. So they needed to hear the place was India so Columbus wrote down India. But India was an acceptable name because the Ogle family had direct connections to the Indus Harappa culture from ancient history. The Indus River was and is considered to be extremely sacred. The first charter was destroyed, the Dutch charter was semi-documented, but the only charter which is still in existence is the university charter the English called for again from the pope circa 1700s. Which means Columbia University has been chartered by the pope at least five separate times. Two of which were by the same culture the British Ogle family.

Without the 1610 and earlier presence in America the Ogle family built a huge amount of infrastructure which was then taken and their influence removed. Boston, New York, Bellingham directly own the city's founding to the British Ogle family.

To go from Boston New York required going inland. So the Ogles of which john ogle did his best to repeat this same pattern at his time was to start making inroads from the coast inland. Once inland by a few miles. The ogle family are really good at creating trade routes. Those trade routes required diplomacy. The British are good at diplomacy the English are good at diplomacy by violent force; as in do it our way or else we kill you. Which has resulted in more than a few needless battles. But the English from Esau to the English have used exactly the same behavior pattern of diplomacy by violent force.

So the Ogles from New York made headway with the natives the farther west they traveled. The farther west the natives started to develop a trust with the British since the British allowed the natives to control the trade route and control most of the flow of money. Best way to win the hearts of the natives by giving them power and money. The ogles did not care about the money as much as they cared about a safe way to arrive at the pacific. To create a northern silk road from china to Europe. Being able to cut more than two entire years off the journey around the cape of green horn was seen at the time as the most desperately needed road from 900 Ce forward.

So the ogles needed to create a way to security create a trade route of 2000 miles from Boston/New York to what would be called Astoria Washington state.

so the ogles traveled the rivers leading through Pennsylvania, into the Ohio river valley, down into the Mississippi, up the Mississippi to the head waters of the Missouri,

Once at the headwaters of the Missouri, it is only 200 miles to the headwaters of the Columbia.

Once at the Columbia a short and mostly fun sail down the Columbia to the pacific. Thus creating a trade route from New York to Astoria. That same trade route and maps is what Lord Bellingham used and gave to Vancouver in order to arrive safely at the Columbia.

But once at the Columbia it is only a few hundred miles north to Puget Sound. 

Evidence of this trade route can be found in the renaming of Vancouver Washington, the renaming of a city a few hundred miles north south of Seattle called NewCastle. The extreme infrastructure already built on the islands and at the city/Castle Bellingham. Most of that original infrastructure in Castle Bellingham sits below the campus of Western Washington University and in and around the Pickets fort three miles north of the Picket building which is a few hundred yards north of the 1892 city hall.

It is very safe to say the founding of western Washington univeirty is at least 100 years older and chartered not under the English/Americas but under the British. all of that has been edited out of existence and or buried under tons of later construction

The original city of Bellingham sits under what is now western Washington univeirty.

Vancouver Expedition

the Vancouver expedition was an expedition far more complicated than


Castle Bellingham the name sake of Lord Bellingham

lord Bellingham found

move to the next section

Lord Bellingham was so titled and named due to the Vikings invading Ireland after they conquered parts of Northumberland and Scotland. Conquering the city in Northern Ireland and renaming it Bellingham. Which creates a direct and hard target evidence regarding why the Vikings spent the time to conquer and city miles inland from the north east coast of Ireland and name it for a city 18 miles west of Ogle castle. Itself miles inland from NewCastle Northumberland, itself miles inland from the coast. The entire procedure smacks of entirely odd. But when you add the facts regarding the year the ogles were conquered by an allegiance between the Pictish, Scottish, Mercia, etc. the Vikings immediately invaded. The area the Vikings invaded was the exact area from which the Norseman had been coming to Northumberland for centuries to be trained and hired as mercenaries hired by the British Ogle Royal family to fight against the constantly attacking armies of the above mentioned cultures. Which directly connects the city of Bellingham, to lord Bellingham, to castle Bellingham, to the Vikings, to castle Bellingham Northumberland, to the British Ogle Royal family. Of which the Ogle Royal family chartered the name and titles of Bellingham to the British Bellingham royal family. Directly connecting the city of Bellingham Washington and western Washington University to the Vikings and the British Ogle Royal family. Evidence of this connection is the mascot for western Washington university is the Viking.

Now you might ask why in the world the Ogle Royal family has anything at all to do with the city of Bellingham and then connections back from Northumberland back to Troy and back to the Pharaohs of Egypt. The answer for each is less than 5 moves each traces the Ogles back to troy, similar but different five moves traces the Ogles directly back to the Pre-Exodus Pharaohs of Egypt.


Castle Bellingham was founded/renamed in the Viking invasions to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland.

insert above here

Castle Bellingham Northumberland is 18 miles a couple points north of due west from Ogle Castle.

Caste Bellingham sits 18 miles away from Ogle castle. Ogle castle has a long and almost beyond calculation complicated history. It first came back into documentation evidence as being a realistic thing after Hastings. William the conqueror gave the land and granted the right to erect a castle on lands the Ogles were kicked off of circa 780 Ce. By giving back and using the word giving back shows hard documentation that ogle castle in fact existed before 780 and was owned by the Ogle family.

This evidence also shows that the Ogles were major power brokers of the Arthurian age. Being able to hold off for 400 years the attacking armies of the six cultures that surrounded Northumberland. The Pictish to the west, the scots to the north, the Mercia to the south, the Welch to the south west. The Anglos and Saxons who were between the Mercia and the Welch. Those other cultures lost from the age of the Roman Empire to the Pictish revolts the Ogles won almost consistently till they were eventually toppled.

Which places Ogle castle just 7 miles north of Hadriens wall the only army in the history of the Roman Empire to defeat them from 50 b.c.e to the final day of the Roman Empire the Ogle royal family won and the only army capable of winning and winning consistently.

Which makes Emperor Constantine his mother was a British Ogle Royal family descendant. Which is one of the reasons why Constantin named his new empire Byzantium. Which is Late Latin for the ancient Manx Gaelic British.

Empress Helena was married in a diplomatic effort to keep the peace between Constantine’s father coinstantaneous and the daughter of the commanding general of the forces to the north of the wall. Only one castle is close enough and that is Ogle castle.

Additional evidence regarding this last name of Constantine is Ogle is the rhyme; “old king Cole" which if you break the language up you will find the code for the Ogle Royal Family buried deep inside.


The Ogle family code

Inserter the places where ether code exists. The code is who under extreme long standing combat the ogles could name change and still be recognizable to cousin cultures decades, centuries, and millennia. Later. When you are almost always under attack; you have to devolve ways in which you can change as a culture but still leave clues for your cousins to find you.

The code is

Yr hen ogle dd

Which means north (vertical), sacred (amber), a blessed man/family (the specific area where the family itself is located is classified as a specific sacred area of land, specifically designated as the land the sacred family controls), means exactly the same as the Latin equivalent of Northumberland.

Records of this can be found in several Welch maps naming the Ogle family and its territory. Which at various times included north of Perth. which by legend that city was founded by Meritaten the princess then co Pharaohs, then sole pharaoh, then co-pharaoh again till she gave her throne over to her little brother Tutankhamun when he reached the age of 13.

By legend after relinquishing the throne to her little brother/very possibly son, she had already established a kingdom in Northumberland.

So immediately upon passing the flail and crook over to her brother/son she left Egypt for her already thriving kingdom in Northumberland. By DNA evidence this legend has a profound level of credibility. Since Tuts ancestors are supposedly from Northumberland.

In Northumberland Meritaten had commissioned the holy sanctuary at Perth which is not a cathedral. At that specific location; she had built a thing she called the throne of destiny. Of which she used her family's plates/stones of Destiney which her family had been in possession of for thousands of years. Which by legend states the plates of destiny are the same plates of at least copies of the same plates Abraham took out of the Eridu ziggurat circa 2800 b.c.e. when at tower or ziggurat was razzed. The city of Eridu had another name; the tower of babel.

University and the Ogles

Almost everywhere the ogles created a city a major top end university has remained in place.

Boston, new York, tiffin, St. Louis, Chicago, Bellingham, Portland, and Vancouver separately, NewCastle Northumberland, Edinburgh, oxford, etc. just to name few were the Ogles have had direct hands on involvement with the founding of places of higher learning.

Northumberland connected to Prince Vladimir Wallachia III

Dragon = Draco

The mythology of the Vampire has the code of Northumberland built in. Vertical/sun issues, Amber issues with the divine, sacred defined area issues with vampires have to be invited and cannot step foot onto holy ground. Drinking amber/blood.

A similar army group pushed forward which Vlad had to hold back to the way the Pictish army pushed forward called the Pictish revolt.

Which is incredibly ironic and statistically matches perfectly with the events from 1800 -1890. The Dutch and English has been century’s long allies, business partners, etc. with the Barbary Coast Militant Islamic fanatical armies. Same armies which battled with Vlad descendants were directly connected and ran the African leg of the Triangle Trade.

Once in America; more than a few of the plantations were either directly owned by militant Islamic families or descendants gifted daughters were part of southern culture.  The half white half Arabic descendants had been part of the south since the early 1500s.

More importantly floor Bellingham is the sizable population of the Dutch whom had been both directly and indirectly connected with the salve trade and partners with militant Islam had relocated to Whatcom County.

Proving strong evidence toward same conflict which occurred between the Pitch and Northumberland, Vlad and the Ottomans, was occurring again in Bellingham between the British and those cultures which had direct business with militant Islam.

The whole Vampire mythology has a significant problem. Since the whole vampire mythology takes all the positive aspects of Northumberland and turns them bad. When a culture is conquered the enemy writes their story. Turning good into bad is just part of what happens.

Which also connects Northumberland and Crucifixion with the army of Pendragon. The word is a title not a name. Five (hand) of Dragon; which is you look at a cross section of the Khufu pyramid the architecture is a palm print. Makes the army of the five dragons connected to Khufu in at least two ways.


The constellation of the North Star back a few thousand years was the constellation Draco. It is Polaris now.

Dragon, lizard, Khufu, the five points of a palm, British battling against an army which uses the same behavior patterns and tactics, etc.

Since the Northumberland army was more than strong enough to hold off both the Romans and Pictish; Northumberland is the only kingdom which could logically be the location of specific mythologies.

Makes the connection between Bellingham and Northumberland even Moore interesting since the legend of Avalon is a raised area of land surrounded by water. Which is a similar definition to both Northumberland and the Vikings. Which the Vikings spent their time attacking Pictish fortifications. Softening up the defenses in order to allow for an eventual taking the island back from the Pictish and their allies.

Every time either a militant Islamic army goes on the march to conquered any and all things they can. Most of their actions are entirely predictable. Killing, degrading, humiliating, erasing as much of a footprint of the conquered foe as possible, if they win they will systematically destroy any and all traces of the conquered enemy as possible. Changing stories which the population enjoys into bad stories, changing good elements to bad ones.

Same pattern with Vlad, same pattern with the confederate army in Bellingham circa 1856, same exact pattern circa the Pictish revolt 700 c.e., same pattern Zoroaster/Persian/etc. lines did before Mohammed. The descendants of that one culture are responsible for erasing many languages, genocide all kinds of cultures, and causing at least three separate 1000 year long dark ages.

Circa 1850 - 1885 is just another in the same exact behavior pattern. Many in the city of Bellingham think they have a really good idea of what happened and what when on from Roeder and Pickett to present. The problem is, the first English/American recorded history of the area the first fifty years of the City of Bellingham’s existence is almost entirely political spin. The physical evidence of paintings, legends, rumors, etc. not only do not back up the official statement they are contradictory.

1500 troops are not sent up into an area for nothing. Pickett and his men were not sent up out of some odd blind let us sent 1500 men up into an area because we feel like it. The army does not do that, especially leading up to a war. Resources were not needed on the frontier resources were needed at the capital and on the home front. Not 3000 miles away, taking months to arrive and months to get back to the front if things went wrong at home.

The 1500 troops were sent in as a response to previous to Pickett being sent north of Seattle to pacify resistance. Which means in the years and decades before 1856 or more the violent conflicts were not only started to have an effect but causing disruption. Enough disruption in the flow of settlers that sending a west point graduate with 68 regular counted soldiers and 1500 non counted soldiers to protect those present. Means the history of Bellingham and the history of Camelot as well as the history of the battles of Transylvania have more than a few points of commonalities.

Same pattern can be found in the Exodus, where the enemy was able to rewrite the entire history to make themselves into the hero.

The Knights of the Dragon

The knighthood of the Dragon was by hard fact used as least one more time. It was used mythically for Arthur circa 680 c.e but it was used again during an equally nasty time ironically against a very likely same enemy. Militant Islam attempted to invade the UK and the “Hand of the Dragon” Knighthood battled them back and won. At least won temporarily; of course the Hand of the dragon is a code which dates back to the very foundation of civilization.

The code itself is buried extremely deeply inside the Khufu Pyramid. The hand is the architecture of the Pyramid itself, and Dragon is the fact that the North Facing Air Shaft points directly at Polaris which up to a few millennia ago was the constellation Draco or Dragon.

The Knighthood of the Hand of the Dragon its head and King was the mythical Arthur of Camelot. If you match the timelines up, part of the time Camelot was supposedly still operating the militant armies of Islam were attempting to perform their first wave of taking over the world. Not the first time the ancestors of Mohammed attempted to conquer the world, not the last, still occurring in the present.

The next time that Knighthood was used to was to keep the Radical Islamic Ottoman Empire out of Europe. Or at least battle them back to the Aegean.

The head of the order was Prince Vlad Wallachia II father of Vlad iii.

Upon his father’s death Vlad iii ascended to the Princely throne, and took on the name “Son of the Dragon” to honor his father. Unfortunately in translating the name from Transylvania into Latin/English the Title translates to “Dracula” ula being “son of in that language.

Why is this important; one because the Dragon and that order directly connect to the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Second because the militants want to seek out and destroy the armies of the order of the dragon by default the civilian and governmental structures have to escape in order to continue to live. Leaving the army behind in order to fight and buy the society sufficient time to get to safety.

The army fights but the civilians have to wait till the all clear sign is given.

Or prepare of the remainder of the army to come to the new home.

Dracula the hand of Khufu “Fedaykin” is one of the most powerful symbols in all of the ancient world .

Four fingers pointing up, the thumb pointing down



The four shafts 2 in the kings longer; the middle and ring, the 2 shorter queens chamber the index and pinky fingers. The thumb pointing down, the well connecting from the end of the “lifeline” “Yggdrasil” “grand gallery” down to the subterranean chamber.

Which is a direct reference to not only the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza

But is a direct reference to the concept of Resurrection and the ark journey of Noah/Gilgamesh. Who copied said ceremony from the Rite of Adam attempting to resurrect his murdered son. The Battle between Caine and Able; hence thede name of the Order of Knights. The Fight between the forces working with the North (north having something to do with resurrection) and the forces working against life.

Most of the time the forces working against life have almost no idea their actions are bad. Most people assume they are working not only for the good but are the hero of their actions. No matter how bad their actions are. Humans can justify most all of their behavior in some way. Logic even flawed logic can and will allow people to do “Milgram” the more horrific things as long as they can find a way to justify their actions.


Is a very difficult subject to discuss since Esau’s line has fought aginsat the idea of anyone being resurrected. But then the Paul begat accepted Jesus might have been resurrected. But that still entails the framework of



Navigation and Resurrection


Navigation the Boatman Resurrection


Order of the Dragon/PenDragon aka the Order of Noah


Order of the Dragon/PenDragon aka the Order of Adam

The order of the Dragon the Knights order incharge of protecting the Megaliths eg Stoneheng its tools, library, etc is part of what Adam’s job entailed.

Vlad was placed incharge of one Knight order not more then one Knight order. The Order of Pendragon itself is an order of at least five separate Knight armies. Which goes with the concept of the ATEN.


Three steps from Northumberland to the pharaohs



Arriving in the UK from Egypt

Approximately between 1500 b.c.e and 1300 b.c.e. which if you know anything about Egyptian history. There was a major coupe which occurred between the ruling Hyksos/Esau line and the then powerful Jacobs line. Forcing scoots (the namesake of Scotland) to flee circa 1550 to first Ireland and then to Scotland. 1320 Meritaten was forced by legend to escape due to the fact that you cannot have two separate pharaohs co ruling for long. So dad Amenhotep IV desired that his very capable daughter would form her own kingdom in Northumberland after the Spanish settlement failed. Since tut only had a very small chance at remaining in control of Egypt from 13 to-- his natural death. The forces of other cultures pressures were most likely not going to be able to allow tut to hold onto the throne. And by all accounts the advisors who took over after tut died only held the throne for a matter of years before they were toppled by Ramses from a former Hyksos stronghold. Making Ramses line royal descendants of the 1550 Hyksos line. Which could explain the radical hostility between the scots and the ogles. Told in part through the story of William Wallace and his wars against both the British to the south and the English south of York.

In Egypt

The story of Egypt and Bellingham grows very thin but is still present.

Egypt has a layered and extremely long story which dates back to in part 4004 b.c.e.

Since according to the Khufu pyramid was created to honor the monotheistic prophet Noah. The grand gallery line if measured using Jewish inches marks to 4004 b.c.e. which would either be the name Noah’s wash over the population occurred. Or the date Noah sons Ashen entered Egypt from Upper Egypt.

3800-3500 first empire

3500 - 3200 second empire of which Esau's line would take after this monotheistic cousin.

3200-2100 Narmer and a united Egypt under the Pharaonic government framework

2100-1550 Hyksos

1550 - 1320 Amenhotep ivs ancestors.

1299-300 b.c.e when Alexander conquered Egypt.

300 b.c.e - 300 ce Rome

300-650 Coptic's rule Egypt. Coptic means Christian. The apostles who went to Egypt created Coptic Christianity. They ruled Egypt till the Muslims invaded.

650 to 1934; Muslims control Egypt.

1934-1947 when the Nazi conquer and control Egypt till the English conquered them. Although in very serious truth there is a considerable amount of evidence that Adolf after being excommunicated by the Vatican turned to Islam and became a Muslim. Which would make Adolf and all his upper most NAZI in very serious truth for at least 1939-1946 Muslims.


3200 b.c.e; when Narmer "the striker" conquered the five cultures of Egypt, forcing them all under his control Narmer stole the name pharaoh from the previous holders of the title. Pharaoh means "guardian of the long house/tabernacle". Which is the same exact meaning as Nazareth. Which strongly means that Jesus of Nazareth means Pharaoh Jesus. Remember in Latin last name/surname first first name last. Narmer forced the yet to be called for another 700 years Jews to live on a reservation/refugee lands between Sakkara and Giza on the west(west/western) side of the Nile(sacred river/Indus river/Mississippi river/Columbia river/ other sacred rivers around Bellingham) between Sakkara and Giza. Which is where most of the pyramids are that were built between 2900-2100 b.c.e. Narmer on his plate gave the yet to be called Jews the land to remodel the existing megaliths into whatever they wanted to. That way Narmer could erase the very powerful people of Kaern megaliths like Stonehenge and give the Jews their own monuments. Which being allowed to build monuments would then allow that culture to direct their frustration at building instead of trying to revolt? So the Jews of the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza chose to go into extreme construction. Remodeling the Stonehenge into pyramids. Thus the nickname that stuck till the Jews from the Middle East and Egypt immigrated to Ireland keeping the name west's but then forgot why they were labeled west. Of which the University of Western Washington is partially named to honor.

Which also accounts for Jesus by legend having blue eyes, the Irish blue, Northumberland blue, and the Egyptian specifically the Jacobs line having blue eyes


Founding of Bellingham Washington



The founding of the city of Bellingham had more twists and turns than most cities with a 1000 more years of history.

The founding of Bellingham is actually the story of the founding of about a dozen cities around Bellingham bay.

Which Fairhaven and Bellingham with modifications have become the only cities which survived although Bellingham like Luz/Memphis/Cairo is one city which changed names and capital locations more than twice over the course of its founding?

Bellingham itself used to be called Whatcom. Which was later name changed to Bellingham and the name Whatcom was used to replace the old name for the county.


But in solid truth; the name and location of Bellingham Washington is entirely surrounded by myth. Most of it politically spun out of nothing to hide the truth. Making sure that large buildings and road infrastructure was placed on top of the evidence to prove over wise.





Were most likely named by either Jacob line and Ionians fighting against a weakened and not in the ruling portion of Esau's line



The bar bar is a direct insult regarding sheep speak. But it is also a double insult regarding Esau’s symbol was a sheep. They were the shepherd kings.

Shepherds tend goats and sheep.


So the barbarians were Esau line descended.




The Ogle Family Trade Route part of it ran directly through the city of Bellingham Washington State, as well as the surrounding towns and cities. Running through Ferndale first

The city of Bellingham Washington has a profound connection with the city of Memphis Egypt.

The city of Memphis has had so many different “City Halls” and said that it is close to impossible to determine the original location.

Documentation and Physical evidence

Documentation is only created under extremely unusual situations.

Documentation is also destroyed much easier than it is created within.

Every culture which has created documents has created said documents based on what political leaders want. If the leaders did not want documentation or did not want specific types of documentation created those documents were either not created or were destroyed.

Under conquest conditions usually the library and or the courthouse are burned to the ground first. Which means the places which contain the records are the first to be destroyed. Attempting to find documentation of various and assorted items through the use of documentation only is almost a catastrophic waste of time.

Example the burning of the white house started by lighting the books which were the basis of the library of congress is where the English started the fire with the books as kindling.

The burning of Atlanta also hit the libraries and city hall.

British empire

The British and the English are vastly different cultures in most ways. The British are from Sherwood Forest north and the English are from Sherwood Forest south not including Cornwall.

The wars henry viii fought against the Northern Kingdom were against het British specifically among other families the Ogles.

Consequently the Ogles were forced to take the majority of their culture and leave the UK. Heading to both mainland Europe and America.

Unfortunately for the British families not just the Ogles the English followed and continued to erase their presence from the world.

First thing is of course first.

1492 Columbus sails the ocean blue

Columbus himself was a convert; which means Columbus himself was ancestral Jew.

By legend entirely unprovable but the Santa Maria and the journey was financed by the Ogles.

Since the English seized control over the British in the 1600s; if the English encountered them outside the Britain, they English would have had to come up with a different extremely insulting name for the former British families. Indian works well for that purpose.

The British had been allies with the northern French since the area and people were still called Gaul.

As the British moved out of the UK in order to find and build a new country the English invariably chased them. Across the pond to American, across America to the last vestiges of the lands still semi-available.


The Founding of Bellingham Washington state and the Roman Empire

The city was named after Lord Bellingham

Who possessed said title from the castle his family were lords of?

That Castle being Castle Bellingham Ireland (which is only a few miles south of present day Northern Ireland)

Castle Bellingham Ireland was a city which existed for a considerable amount of time before the Vikings conquered the city and renamed it for the castle in Northumberland

Castle Bellingham Northumberland sits about 10 miles north of Hadriens wall. This castle was just one of a dozen the Northumberland family used to defeat the Romans every time they crossed north of the wall.

Castle Bellingham sits only a few miles west of Ogle Castle. The Name sake Castle of the Family Ogle. Which the area of Northumberland is the Latin translation (thank you conquering Pictish army for changing the name from the original Gaelic to Latin) the Gaelic is Yr Hen Ogle DD.


Why is this beyond significant for the founding of Bellingham Washington? New Castle e.g. where Hadriens wall ends to the east (from the west to the east; reference intended) is only 7 miles away from Ogle Castle. New Castle is a beyond significant city for a huge number of reasons. Not the least of which is New Castle in Hebrew translates to Jerusalem.

The City of Bellingham Washington from Rome (Hadriens wall) back to Ancient Egypt.

The City (Castle) of Bellingham Washington state and Hadriens wall have a significant connection.

Hadriens wall was created to keep the Ogle/Northumberland forces from invading Rome. Hadriens wall is a place the Romans went to die.

But the structure of Hadriens wall was in direct response to the applications of how strong the army they faced in Northumberland was. In addition one


Daughter of

Wife of her brother the son of her father

Her brother did not life long

Anthony and Cleopatra are defeated by Augustus

Cleopatra is ordered into exile to Northumberland.

Cleopatra, her guards, her children, her closest family are in exile.

Her son and heir to the roman throne the only direct blood descendant of Julius Caesar are in exile.

They live in castles north of the Roman army.

One of those cities in that area is New Castle which translates as Jerusalem.

Connecting Cleopatra to being of Jewish descent.

Cleopatra and her ancestors among them descendants of Meritatent are able to consolidate enough power and a strong enough army in order to keep holding the

Battle of Actium; knowing they were facing defeat, Anthony attempted to make diplomatic efforts with her in truth brother in law since he has married Octavian’s sister Octavia the Younger. Anthony chose to get back with his Roman family and allied himself with Augustus; but was forced under the rules of Roman law to commit suicide. He did not die in the arms of Cleopatra but in the arms of Octavia minor Augustus’s sister.

Roman history is almost entirely full of lies to make Rome look all powerful and her enemies look bad. If the situation is observed in another way; Anthony in one last valiant attempt to provide for his fallen commander and emperor. Anthony agreed to provide a block to allow Cleopatra to escape from Greece and sail with her fleet to Northumberland.

The troops which kept abandoning if you look at it from a different point of view were not abandoning, they were layers of advanced guards who stayed at their posts till Anthony could negotiate a sufficient way to come back in to the Roman fold. Anthony would never be able to be Pharaoh or emperor. He was dutiful to the memory of both Caesar and protector of Caesar’s heir the entire time. If you look at the situation from that point of view; the Augustus’s lies and diplomatic story telling allow for the entire story of Cleopatra and her escaping/exiling to Northumberland. Cleopatra and her family could live happily, while Augustus could claim total victory.

The battle plan at Actium appears to be more of a, Anthony would block Augusta’s from attacking Cleopatra’s escape. Cleopatra would be able to successfully escape. The bulk of the army would follow in waves. As Anthony would require less and less number of soldiers as he negotiated to reenter Roman life not as a general but as either a counsel to the senate and or just a regular Roman  citizen and make his home in Athens. With his wife Augustus’s sister and his children with her. Children with Cleopatra would be with their mother and now have the same Royal responsibilities.




The life of Meritaten was nothing in the neighborhood of easy. Her life was so difficult and complicated that entire books could be written about her. Unfortunately for western culture almost the entire 18th dynasty is overshadowed by both Meritatens father and the next pharaoh, namely Tutenakem.

Meritaten was the daughter of Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Nefertiti was a strong and vibrant woman who was by almost all accounts stronger and a more formidable leader than her husband. Her husband was no shrinking violet in the power and leadership department. But she was stronger than he was.

Ian addition previous to Akhenaten’s rise to the pharaonic throne various and assorted political changes occurred which the Egyptian people were more than accepting of.

First the previous dynasty the 17th were forced to only live within the boundaries of their former capital city. They were also tasked with not being allowed to actually have a standing army. By the end of Akhenaten’s time the Amaris had broken both of these rules; they had started to venture out of their city and the surrounding areas and had started to create an army.

Second the aviaries were Hyksos descendants whom never got over the really horrifically negative aspects of sending armies out of the med only to have those armies and their powerful in the medi when the thera volcano erupted. Horrific because the culture and descendants of the Hyksos have never been able to culturally allow that volcanic eruption trauma to go. The culture itself and their descendants keep the trauma alive almost on a constant level in order to never forget. Even though in truth they have not only forgotten but have misdirected their traumatic behavior patterns to unrelated items in order to regain control over anything they can. Which includes forming an army to recapture the pharoanic throne. Which they achieved shortly after tut died from a chariot injury.

Third the freedom of religion in Egypt meant that most people were allowed to have their own beliefs as long as they provided proper homage to the pharaoh at appropriate times.

Means the royal family and the people most times had different religions. But to keep up appearances the royal family would not only keep up appearances but would as well


Keep having to exile from invaders from descendants from the same culture

Having to keep evacuating farther and farther away.

From the Egypt (wherever they had run away from to arrive in Egypt in the first place, then exile from Egypt, exile from the areas they left from Egypt to farther and farther away places, eventually being pushed across the Atlantic, then pushed from the east to the far northwest corner of the united states. Since that corner was the last area they could escape to. The English to the north  and west and Americans to the south and west

There were two forts

The southern fort was were Western Washington University sits now

The northern fort its location is well known, the northern forts location was on Fort Bellingham drive about 3 miles north of Pickets Home.

The question becomes why built two separate fortifications within five miles of each other.

Of course by the time Picket arrived the area south or Western was the about to be formulated city of Fairhaven which was founded by “dirty” henry. A very socially unaccepting individual who prided himself on the fact that he was of a lower class; he prided himself on being a very hard worker. He did not come from money but did come from a point of view regarding the harder you work the more prosperous you will become.

In effect Picket created a forth south of the city in order to protect Seahome and the southern portion of his planned plantation from attack from the south.

Pickets’ northern fortification was to protect the northern portion of his plantation from attack from the invaders from those areas.

Means the picket fortifications the northern named Bellingham the southern name has bene lost to history a serious and hard core threat from the several armies in the area were beyond and proven significant.

The Indians labeled the Vikings raided the settlements up and down the coast picking and choosing to attack only the Spanish and English settlements. Leaving ally natives and ally French along.

Would be interesting to find out of the Viking Natives and their architecture influenced the Lummi natives in building long houses.

There were several sacred long houses in the immediate area of the Picket Plantation.

Japanese internment camps

More than a few assigned to refugee/reservations have occurred in American history. The native Americans, the Japanese, the Germans, etc. anyone whom the English/Americans did not like at various times were sent off to camps to make sure they would not be threats to the English/American government.

When the British in the 1800s would not comply with Napoleons orders regarding selling lands he did not own to the Americans, the Americans responded with ultimate violence to reclaim what they paid for.

Sending Picket (and around 1200 non-constripcted/non-recorded/non-regular troops) was in response to Roeder and others allied with the German/Royalist French and Germans chose to fight against the anization of their lands.

Roeder and or others were sent in to back up the conflicts which had already taken place. What is more important is the response to both the previous conflicts and the reenforments. Roeder/? Or someone came up with reinforcements, Picket was sent in with his own reinforcements.

The Pig war was not just one conflict that was just one violent conflict in a series of conflicts which took place over the course of the decades from 1776-1860.

The City of Bellingham Washington directly connects with not only ancient Egypt through Northumberland but the very founding of Egypt itself (Pharaoh Narmer)

Castle Bellingham Washington State sits close to the Roberts Family Farm used to be, which the Campus of Western Washington University sits on currently.

The Castle was built by the Ogle family as part of a protective network of Castles along the Ogle Family Trade Route.

The Castles exact location has been almost entirely lost to the annals of history, but what is known is the location of fort Bellingham south and the respective armory where the weapons and more importantly the powder cashes were stored.

One of the major problems with Castle Bellingham is a desperate need to hide the facts regarding it’s not only location, but its entire existence. The Castle and the events surrounding the destruction and erasure of the castle are entirely humiliating for the post-Civil War American government.

The Castle was seized by a very pro-confederate force under the command of Captain Picket later to be promoted under the confederate government to Brigadier General. Picket seized control over the Castle and change the designation from Castle to Fort since Picket was most decidedly not Catholic or Anglican.

The Castle and the farms associated were seized and held from 1850 to the start of the Civil War. When the Fort was under dispute by its next commander which places the fort clearly and militarily in the hands of confederate soldiers.

Making Bellingham the city itself a confederate outpost only 50 miles from the under extreme dispute Canadian Border.

North of the fort by about two miles is where Captain Picket chose to seize lands purchased only a few years before by Captain Henry Roeder (his Captaincy might be navy oriented but more likely he was a military commander of British <not English but British forces> forces. He arrived in the area in order to very likely be the next commander of Castle Bellingham under the direct orders from the Ogle family. He lived and married his wife in Vermillion Ohio, a city only about 50 miles from Tiffin. Tiffin Ohio would be an area where the Ogle Family had owned and operated property for at least a century by the middle of the 1800s.

Picket seized the lands captain Roeder had purchased only a few years before.

Which would be part of the reason Picket and the military forces he commanded would have been sent to Castle Bellingham to suppress the military forces located in the area. And the reinforcements which Roeder might have been connected with.

Where current Down Town Bellingham is would be part of Castle Bellingham’s expansive farms and lumber business. Trade Routes require products to transport. Lumber and crops being some of the products transported as well as information. Information being as important if not more important part of the North American Ogle Trade Route Ogle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306with ran through Bellingham.

The English during the civil war especially an area which would be unprotected and extremely vulnerable would have been seen as extremely easy pickings by the English government. Especially since the while some bits and pieces of the British government was still in somewhat power in BC from 1770-1860. Close to the last vestiges of power the British still possessed. The English took advantage of the civil war in American to eradicate the last power of the British Empire. Both in the UK and in the American continent.

What would stop the English from attempting to carve out a little more territory south and seize control over Bellingham? The answer would not “absolutely nothing”. Consequently the area which would become downtown Bellingham first came into the history books as the Roeder Farm/Estate a few years later the American military seizing control over the Roeder Farm/Estate. Picket being not only a Captain and graduate of West Point but also a direct descendant of the slavery plantation system. Would have by default started up a plantation in the seized property from Roeder.

Building a home on a portion of the Roeder lands. Intending to rebuild grander once either the confederacy won the war and or the plantation supplied sufficient income in order to build his grand plantation house.

But the civil war started only five years later.

Leaving his plantation in fort Bellingham in order to fight directly in Virginia and the south. It is possible his family asked him to come home and fight for his home state instead of staying behind to defend his plantation in Bellingham Washington state.

But leaving a contingent of good men behind to hold the fort of the confederacy.

Which there is less than zero reason that fort and the military presence at that fort would have surrendered in 1865. Acting as more of a place for the rest of the confederacy to retreat and regroup to attack another day.

The battles and legal arguments from 1865 to the 1880 attest to the very likely confederate not only presence but continued conflicts in the area. The Roeder Saw Mill being the site of at least one of those possible American versus confederate battles. Small fights between very small forces but a fight none the less.

Evidence of said is the facts that with the Picket and Roeder historical societies legal “freedom of information act” paperwork has to be filed and the bureaucracy worked around in order to find just the basic facts which occurred.

Lots of information can be hidden behind bureaucracy. And some of the most damaging portions of the information released can and a lot of times does come with a “sure you can see and information but you have to sign a non-disclosure contract in order to see the truth”. You can also find the information if you ask the perfect question in the perfect way at the perfect time. Who would guess Bellingham Washington state was an active civil war battlefield. Fort Bellingham was attacked by forces from England, American, and the confederacy from 1850-1861. All that information is so exacting in its detail that in truth it is extremely difficult to assess how to ask those types of questions.


The revolutionary War frought from 1770 to 1778. Was a sequence of battles fought between several major armies.

The Platation system armies eg militant Islamic armies

The English

The Hessians

The British (whom the Enigh blamed eveyrhtigni on)

The Colonies

Royalist Frency

The War and battles were a direct result of a long war fought in little Egypt over control of that area.

A war of 1776 itself

 The war was fought between the diffretn major militant powers whom wanted a piece fo the riches of north America. Although the facts regarding the battles are and were literally almost all political spin the winners. The Enlgish and Americans had and stil have 0 intent of ever telling the world that radical miliatn islam not only possessed several major footholds in Ameica but were for a long tie were a major threat to take over north America from 1776-1870; a regroup wave of attackes from the 1650-1750 attackes aimed at the same goal. Though the previous waves fo battles took place mostly in the colonies and the missippi the next attacks were almost exclusively west fo the Appalachian mountains. Constant covert military operations is what stopped the militant Islamic invations. Some portinos were public, like closing the ports in the last 1700s, but the war was kept almost exclusively quiet to avoid public panic.

Jefferson versus Adam debates

It does bring up an interesting concept; to keep the war out fo the public perception did Adams and Jefferson agree to the political debate unbelievably bad to keep the American attention directed at the political process and away from the secret war America versus Islam. Hard evidence America actually exchanged fire with islam “The battle of Tripoli.” Jefferson closing the ports to prevent Islamic reenforcments from coming in. Also not allow them to escape. Kill the terrorist and take there riches; what better way to fund the foundation of America. Take their estates, sell htem off pocketing the profits. All of hwh ich had to be done in both secret as well as issolatino. Which brings up an interting idea. Did the natives in those areas witness those events and need to be silented in order to protect the common good.

The trail of tears and a place to ship those whom might have seen too much to be executed on mass. The evidence, the massive population drop from 1600s in the native populations to most fo the natives 200 years later dozens were genocided out fo existence and the rest had their populatinos so descreates the few whom remained alive have struggled with vanishing all together for the next 200 years. Millions of pelole per large tribe, down to only a few 100,000 total across all tribes.

Passing the deaths off as starvation and disease. Which is the exact cause fo death for the majority fo the jews whom were not sent to the gas chambers; starvation and disease. The raiding parties by the calvery in the 1880s took care fo the rest of the wondering holdout tribes whom had escaped the previous round ups.

Problem is, the Southern States electred officials were so stongly alied with the mliatn Islamic cultures most fo the south fought for islam not against it. A larger number fo the rich and powerful in the south were related to Islamic cultures.

So much power and money it ws close to impossible to ignore. Plus the philosophy of islma is a difficult thing to ignore when at your base the southern person and their culture wanted so badly to hate and express as much violence to those they hated as possible. They wanted to literally kill anyone whom told them NO. this “Death, Death, Death to all whom oppose us” in some seriously ways is still very much active in the present. Forget judgeing a person on the color of their skin, but the philosophy allows how different from me are you and how much can I hate you. More importantly how violent can I be against the people not like me that I hate.

The political rhetoric rom 1750 to present is “I am great,  you are scum. I have to hurt you to make you be more like me.” Paraphrase from several Tea Party spokespersons “I work hard, I must punish/scold you because you are ont working hard enough and you much be punished till I am satisfied you are owrkign as hard as me.” Which is close to the philosophy of Satan from biblical sources; the argument came “humans do not deserve what you have given them. They much be punished/scolded in order to earn what you have given them.”

The revolutionary war was about paying for the War the English fought in little Egypt. The war they fought some fo the battles were fought in the colonies but mostly it was up and down the MississippiLittle Egypt 2015 2 9 1253.


Bellingham and Egypt

The city of Bellingham connects by architecture and infrastructure placement to pre-Pharaonic Egypt circa 4000 b.c.e

Heliopolis translates to Jerusalem

Heliopolis original name IWNW

Newcastle translates to Jerusalem

Israel translates to Northumberland

The area of Whatcom County was built as the last new Israel. Since the previous ones were not only either destroyed or the culture was seized and the conqueror was not only in charge of Israel but was treating the place as the worst of their

Ferndale and the Garden of Eden

Although by legend the garden of Eden was transported to the Chicago area (the Creation of the City of Chicago thanks to the Trade Route create by the Ogle family, specifically John Ogle) and lowered from heaven to the area.

This legend directly connects to the city of Ferndale by way of the architecture of the original layout of the city by way of the Log Jam.

The layout of the Garden of Eden can be seen through the understanding of the Plantation system which is a direct reflection of the Persian Garden.

The Persian garden layout architecturally can be seen directly in the houses of Roeder and Hovander. Both large estates and the

Lynden Washington

The city was founded by a group from Sandusky Ohio, which is close to Tiffin Ohio. Tiffin Ohio the Ogle family owned land in Ohio since the 1700s.

The Family which founded Lynden was from an area the Ogles had founded 100 years previous.

Showing at least in general a second tier direct connection between the founding of Lynden Whatcom county and the Ogle family itself.

What occurred next is directly in line with the same exact behavior patterns those allied with the B culture do almost by default.

The Lynden is an Ogle family located, laid out, and settled city but a group of Dutch came in seizing control. The Dutch did not found the city; they simply through progressive numbers forced a sociological takeover of the city itself.

The city from the minute the Dutch aka a group which were first hand active participants in the slave trade; the force of their numbers caused the area to move from being British controlled to being Dutch controlled. The Dutch by the 1800s were so connected economically, socially, and culture wise with Militant Islam that behaviorally there is little to distinguish between some aspects of Sharia Law and Great Awakening Evangelical Fundamentalism. Different names but almost identical behavior patterns.

The city of Bellingham Washington State

Everything below relates to the city of Bellingham Washington State, because this is the untold backstory regarding the history of the city itself. How the founders including Mr. Roeder arrived. How they knew how to travel from their home location to Bellingham. Meaning a trip of hundreds and perhaps thousands of miles requires having an extremely good idea of where you are going and how to travel between your current locations to the destination you want to arrive at. Who they obtained permission to create the cities they created. Or in most cases refounded cities which had been in existence for a long time but were almost entirely unrecognized by later conquering cultures. Since the later conquering cultures wrote the history they decided what to include and more importantly what to leave out. How the trip across the country was developed,  how Europeans arrived in America to begin with, how the royalty of Europe allowed their subjects to travel across the pond, all of the following topics are still effecting the city of Bellingham Washington to this very minute. Including but not limited to the major university which was founded based on the library the Ogles left behind when they were conquered decades before. Every subject relates to the founding and current cultural organizational structure of Bellingham. Even the most basic of how the culture of Bellingham developed based on the mixture of the cultures involved. The amount of pre-cultural programmed behavior patterns which existed millennia before the founding which are still having a daily effect on the city.

The events which follow, follow the following mathematical equation

A a  need for more space

B the need to seek out a better place to be

C searching for that better place to be

D creating a network from home to the destination

E build up the new location to mirror at least in part home.

F the inevitable a dominant group comes up and wants to take the home location the new location and or both. Battle it out or create a strategic retreat.

G if losing or the enemy is so bloodthirsty that defeating them would require a significant amount of bloodshed if not close to genocide in order to force the aggressor back.

A starts again; a need for more space in this case the need for space which would allow some distance between the home which could be conquered and the new. Hopefully far enough away to build up proper defenses in order for when the enemy grows large enough to come and attack again, there is sufficient time to build up enough infrastructure which will allow a quick defeat of them.

There can be no negotiation with a culture whose members have no idea why they want to erase you and your culture from existence. They have no idea why they are doing what they are doing; they invent all kinds of reasons to do the violence they want to, but in truth they have at base no idea. 

Key questions

How the founders located Bellingham

How the founders of the Pacific North West left the areas they were in previous, how they traveled, and how they knew how to arrive in the areas they eventually settled.

Whom or the individuals who allowed them to leave the areas they were in.

How did the individuals and or their families leave Europe? Which king allowed them to leave?

What type of passport did they obtain?

Which companies did they work for in which allowed them to obtain land.



Till the modern age, obtaining a passport was a long, drawn out, and extremely difficult task to achieve. Many kings and lords had no intention of having their subjects do anything other than work within their immediate areas of control.

Usually in most cases a person had to have permission from their lord, count, duke, and then the king just to leave the area. Not to mention the religious leaders might also have to provide permission.

Upon arrival the local royal appointed person in charge and the local religious leaders would also have to provide permission for the individual and or family to come into their territory.

Till a territory becomes a state some of those laws were still very much in effect. Trespassing and the like were punishable by whatever violence the owner so choose.

Yr Hen Ogle DD = Northumberland






Poseidon; the definition of Poseidon is not been translated correctly, it is not meaning the god of the water, sea’s, ocean but rather the flow of energy. That which connects all atoms is energy. Poseidon is that which connects all energy.

The definition of Viking; a raised piece of solid surrounded by water has been translated to mean the small inlets and or bays they used to dock their ships in. the problem is, the enemies of the Vikings translated and forced western culture to adopt this as an answer. But in hard truth this definition is incorrect.

What is the correct answer, the correct answer is ancient and complicated.



Sacred on top


Phoebe Goodall Judson

Also known as the Founder of Lyndon Washington was born in Ontario Canada but was closely connected to Vermilion, Ohio (which is only a few dozen miles from Tiffin Ohio. A city the Ogles by centuries of evidence owned property; there is also a major university which the Ogles took active and direct part in negotiating with the German government in order to establish Heidelberg University). Which directly connects Phoebe Judson with both the Ogle Family Trade Route which extended from the Ohio River through the Nooksack River.

Providing evidence as to where Judson was able to obtain the core of the library and the core of the library used to start what became known as Western Washington University

Fort Bellingham Washington state

The area which would become the University of Western Washington in part was a Farm owned by the Roberts family. Which was commandeered by the 1840s American military and government. The residence were evicted (later to be allowed to build a cabin on the Beach) and forced to leave.

Eventually the Roberts family were allowed to come back at least semi-they were not allowed to outright own the land but were allowed to come back and farm the land.

The land itself was still a military reservation for years after the military left the post.

Since the reservation was still owned by the US government but the military declined to post soldiers at the location; the next best thing to do was to apply to have the reservation turned from a military reservation to a state owned and operated school. So the land could be used, income could be generated by the activities present, the original owners could reinstitute a working farm (complaints and harassment from the original owners would have been annoying for the government to deal with. Especially since the rightful owners were British not English), but a solid educational institute is legal to operate on a military reservation.

It can also be stated that in a legal way Fort Bellingham <castle Bellingham, since the original pre Fort Bellingham possessed not only a church but most likely clergy the fort was actually a Castle. Evidence of the presence of clergy is the mission which was present in the area at the turn of the century> or the conquered by a bloodless takeover of Castle Bellingham by American forces Western Washington University is still a military instillation. Unless the proper paperwork was filed and is still present, unless the American government officially released the land the land is still a military instillation.

Why is the land being a military instillation of such incredible importance; because where fort Bellingham nee Castle Bellingham Washington State was located is not only where Western Washington University is currently, but the evidence of the existence of that Castle provides hard statistical evidence of the existence of a thriving British Castle in the area which would be why the Military was sent in to take over the castle.

That Military unit at one time the commander was Captain George Picket.

Why all this information was erased from the history is unknown. One possible reason is the events leading up to the civil war which the soldiers on the extremes of the frontier at least one if not more were not only confederate sympathizers but were also actively interested in promoting the ways of the south.

Conquest of Castle Bellingham New Northumberland aka the future Washington State

The Confederacy

1776 the writing was on the wall regarding the end of not only slavery but the fact that the American government was no longer going to tolerate the existence of Islam in America. Steps needed to be taken in order to preserve their way of life.

Not 25 years later Jefferson spent vast resources to hire men to trace the trail of the North American Ogle Trade RouteOgle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306, erase its existence, reclaim the territory for the American people, and allow those that owned plantations another avenue in which to have plantations but not be subject to the suppression of said by the society of the east coast pushing to abolish said rules.

Undocumented but it only makes logical sense for those in the east to start to travel from the east to the north west in order to continue with their plantation systems, without having to deal with the government rules telling them No and worst the society they lived in telling them not only No but their entirely lifestyle was a crime against humanity. Which is a major reason the schism between the British and the English occurred courtesy of the Tutors. The Tutors wanted to keep slavery occurring and the British had always been radically against slavery. Of course the English are descendants from the Roman Empire which operated its entirely 1500 year stretch using slave labor. The oppression of others for the betterment of the state was part of their base rules.

Yes it is correct that a lot of the early settlers of London and the areas from Sherwood Forest south were Germanys. Specifically Anglo’s, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, etc. but in those areas a huge number of Roman soldiers had settled and created little Roman settlements themselves.  Just because a culture name changes a lot does not mean their behavior patterns will change at all in any way shape or form. In fact unless those behavior patterns are worked with using solid proven techniques it is impossible for said either nurture or nature behavior patterns to not make the majority of the decisions for a person/culture/family/group.

Thus the start of the confederacy where the rules were much closer to that of the Roman Empire with extreme emphases on not one emperor but each land owner/plantation owner was his own emperor. The power was in the plantation owner’s hands which slowly cascaded down from plantation owner to the local level, down to the state, to a puppet of a central government. Which the central government could be ignored by any one of the plantation owners along with way without much if any consequence.

Which these behavior patterns are simply an extension of the Persian garden and Persian cultural application. Each plantation being a sub-conscious Garden of Eden; the plantation owner being a defacto god over his land and all on his land. Man was created in the Image of the Divine; so some cultures took on the concept that if they created their own “Garden of Eden” they could and or would be able to be a reflection of the divine themselves. All their actions would then be by default divine.

Which is beyond a sick and twisted psychological phenomenon regarding the applications of if I mirror the divine than I am the divine and all I do is holy. No matter how bad or nasty my actions are holy and there for good.

In a way the Lewis and Clarke journey was in a way forced to cover up the plantation owners being pushed out of the east coast and needing to conduct their business as they saw fit in the west and avoid the coming hostilities. E.g. the plantation owners were already traveling the old North American Ogle Trade RouteOgle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306 and settling up new plantations in the Pacific North West; so best get up there, seize/claim the territory from the other countries, buy the lands from Napoleon, and erase the facts of which had occurred in the previous three decades.

French and Indian war; the French and Indian war had already created a huge dent into the functionality and framework contained within the plantation system.



The American military conquest at the end of the Oregon Trail was an interesting one. A campaign which took decades to both orchestrate and eventually subdue the locals into submission.

From the 1806 Lewis and Clarke expedition which was entirely plagiarized and trade route already existed, had existed for at least two hundred years before the 1800s. The Trade Route was created by the Ogles from Boston in the last 1500s early 1600s using the river system. At what would be called later hiway 99 stopping at Portland/Vancouver <NewCastle> Washington State turning north then proceeding to the Puget Sound.

The Area of Bellingham was at least semi-occupied by British Settlers. Picket himself could have learned about both the trade route and the existing settlements as a child when he was sent from Virginia to Ohio to live with relatives.

The British settlers in the area of Bellingham could have been present from as early as the 1700s very likely 1600s. The English and later Americans would not have documented the foreigners living in the area. Only English Citizens and their own military. If the British would have been documented at all it would have been by way of calling them Indians, to further humiliate and degrade them. The British and English being vastly different cultures.

From 1806 to 1861 the American government sent more and more troops and settlers into the area in order to secure the Pacific North West for American interests. However the encroachment would have forced those already living in the area to either find ways to live in harmony and or find other places to live. Tensions would of course grow into ever increasing levels of violence. From simple yelling, to small fights, up to and including deaths. The military would of course be sent in after enough complaints. The military present in the area from 1810 to 1861 would grow.

At various times and points it is only natural to have larger populations like the city of Bellingham <most likely Castle Bellingham since there was a religious presence in the area> to not only be stronger but not accept the presence of either the English or the new Americans. This would of course cascade into a military response form the Americans. That Military response would be to send some platoons, with a captain in charge to the area to put down any hint of a rebellion. The city of Bellingham the documentation regarding said rebellion is obvious and established. But since the events were done by a future traitor to the United States bragging about the military accomplishments is not done. So the documentation regarding the presence of a huge city with a large population can be found in the Roeder Saw Mill, the Roberts Farm, the founding of the City of Lyndon, opening of the schools, the start of a university or what would grow into a university, the Cities of Fairhaven, Seahome, Whatcom, New Whatcom, Logjam/Jam<aka Memphis>aka Ferndale, all that infrastructure present and thriving before 1853. That is a large infrastructure in place and thriving which would be a major reason the American Military sent in Platoons of soldiers to support their English/Americans settlers and suppress rebellion from British, Native, etc. cultures. 

Fortunately most of the conflicts were not bloody. The bloody conflicts were not military battles but small skirmishes between either one on one or just a few on either side. The American military was not interested in a loud bloody battle, they wanted to seize the territory as quietly as possible.

A slow and steady incurious into the area was the goal.

Instead of sending a huge military presence the American military sent small contingencies to slowly eat away at the influence of the British, the remaining English, the natives, the Russians, etc. the American government was not interested in a quick take over since the entire concept of slavery was not only not a decided factor the issues were already pointing to war as early as the end of the 1700s.

The approaching Civil War

One reason the Pacific North West was not admitted into the Union before the dates was because the both the argument regarding slavery but also the argument regarding the Mason Dixon Line.

The States north of the line it was agreed would be Free states while the states south would be Slave.

The number of people in Oregon and Washington who wanted slavery was not a small amount. The twenty years leading up to the start of the civil war violent arguments and small battles had already started. The city of Bellingham was no different, part of the military presence wanted slavery and were not only southern sympathizers but were flat out strongly in favor of the confederacy. Including George Pickett.


More than a few of the American settlers in the pacific North West were not only southern slavery sympathizers but were in fact heavily in favor of expanding the influence of the plantation system into the Pacific North west.

The first in truth plantation in Bellingham was established by George Picket who later would renounce his US Military officer commission and join the confederacy.

The evidence regarding the South’s attempt to create a new plantation system at the end of the Oregon Trail would explain most of the missing gaps in both the history of the area and why some of the behavior patterns occurred.

Picket and Bellingham Washington State

Although little to no actual evidence exists the missing pieces to the events are amazing to say the absolute least.

Why would Picket have built a Bridge, a substantial bridge?

Why would picket have constructed a Home more than 2 miles north of Fort Bellingham

Picket had purchased at least two if not more plots of land in the area; was he planning on just an investment or was he planning on creating some type of plantation where his family, the confederacy, etc. would be able to obtain a safety net foothold in as are away from the Yankees as could reasonably be afforded.

Immediately after the Civil War Picket did travel to Canada, and stayed in Canada for several years. Traveling from wherever he entered Canada west to Vancouver BC then down is not out of the question and or realm of possibilities. His little plantation just south of the US Canada boarder could be perceived as this little safety net. A place where he could escape to no matter what the conditions in the rest of either the US or the confederacy.

Schisms in the ranks of the confederacy has already began years before the actual fire on Fort Sumter. The schisms had not only started well before the confederacy was founded but itself was had already started to fraction into smaller groups well before 1860.

Western Washington University

Western Washington University is situated on the very spot where the original founded city of Bellingham used to be.

The buildings of the original city; city hall, businesses, etc. were converted over to the university.

Which is perfect since the city itself is dating back into very ancient history has unless in times of extreme war Roman invasions, English invasions, etc. the city has always been the host of major centers of learning.


The name and title of western has more than one meaning.

The name is compass heading; but it also could be a very ancient reference to Westies. Which is the Greek Nick name for the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Where just shy of all the pyramids built between 2700-2100 were constructed.

But despite all you might have heard; the evidence regarding most everything you have heard about the pyramids is in almost all cases flat out wrong.

The pyramids at Giza were not graves; they were monuments to the three great monotheistic profits. The rest of the pyramids were made for different ceremonial purposes. The Bent for instance was built for both men and woman to attend or to flee from attackers. Since a pyramid is not breathable; without extreme effort.

Picket Plantation

George E Picket was born on a Plantation in Virginia. Which means he not only understood the plantation system but was schooled in the framework of the structure of a plantation.

Evidence of the Plantation

A plantation based on an English castle design is an extremely simple and regular upgrades calculation.

The tent and then the starter house are almost always not placed on the location which has been selected as the future location of the tower/manor/plantation house. The plantation house would be placed in the most strategic area possible. The Picket House was stopped construction of the sequence shortly after the building itself was completed. The Tower was built shortly after, but the violent events of the area prevented further construction on anything. Picket’s son, the Pig war, the onset of the civil war, etc. meant there was literally no possible way in which to keep building. Also if the area of Bellingham, the Picket Plantation, and the forts were handed over to the confederacy, the lands Picket had been working with and on for the previous years would have become the property of the new commander of the forts.

Picket left in the middle of the night to join the confederacy. He might have left because the new commander of the fort was either a staunch union man and or the new commander gave orders to picket that he had to leave immediately and the new commander seized the cities and their fortifications for the confederacy. In effect the plantation picket was building which he seized the land from Roeder that land might have been seized from him by the same rule and laws.


you made a tent


Then the tent is replaced by a simple two story structure of approximately x feet wide by y feet long, two stories is non-negotiable has to be built.

The two building needs to be made in such a way as to take the materials down and reuse them in the design of the manor or plantation house. The design of the simple house needs to incorporate the concept of cut once and reuse.

Most of the time the construction of the actual house is not difficult, but the construction of the manor house is long, expensive, taxing, and the conflicts with the natives are almost a guarantee. So cut once and reuse. So the boards needed for the manner house are drawn up first then those boards are used in the small house. But intended to be used in specific locations in the large plantation house.


The most important step in the process

The future plantation needs an actual tower. That tower has to be placed in the most strategic area possible. That tower has to be tall enough in order to not only give a several miles around perspective of the area, but that tower has to be the anchor tower of the future keep.

The tower is the anchor; where the rest of the manor house will be built from. In large and defined areas the manor plantation building the design might include more than one tower. If so the design and location of the tower is decided before construction of the first tower itself is started.

Design the manor house before starting to construct it.

Plantation House.

Once the lord is in the area for an appropriate time to survey the lands, determine the needs of the fortification, etc. this is when the lord will start to plan out what type of plantation/manor house is needed. If the situation changes from the tower to the manor house; the manor house or the tower will be reconstructed in order to be able to construct the manor house as quickly as possible.


The proof for the evidence of the picket plantation is in the English concept of the 10lbs castle design.

When Picket arrived in the area of Castle Bellingham Oregon Territory (to be renamed Washington Territory) he did so with a lot of troops. It is assumed he arrived with between 1500-5000 possibly more soldiers.

Captain could be in charge of several lieutenants, each lieutenant in charge of a company, a company is several platoons, each platoon consists of 12-24(48 soldiers) depending on the job each platoon is assigned.

Means that Picket had more than sufficient numbers of soldiers to not only seized any lands under the Imminent Domain laws but could capture said lands first under the American flag, then in around 1860 claim the lands for the confederacy. Which the American government would be less than accepting of any such information regarding that type of event.

Odd thing to have a previously unknown Confederate fortification in the Pacific North West. But all evidence points to this possibility not only being possible but realistic.

Picket when he arrived informed those living in the area which he claimed as the future “fort Bellingham north” to leave so he could claim the lands and built a fortification for the American government. The area contained at least one if not more working farms. The area also most likely contained a previously buried deep in the ashes of destruction a Castle built by the British as both an area of protection as well as a trading hub. Much like the first established under the East India Trading Company banner then a corporate and internationally relations hostile takeover by the EIC own subsidiary Hudson’s Bay Company. The Hudson’s bay company which by then was operating under the authority of the English and Dutch seized control over Fort Vancouver (formerly Castle Vancouver; formerly New Castle) on the north side of the Columbia.

In basic the same actions would occur in Bellingham; with the previous infrastructure either included into the new Fortification and or torn down/erased and a new fortification structure built.

Either way the infrastructure present previous would by the arrogance of a conqueror would need to be obliterated and the state date would need to be when the Fort was constructed. Erasing the previous structures and previous cultural influence.

When Picket arrived in the area of Castle Bellingham, he seized the Castle immediately, then renamed it Fort Bellingham South.

He went two miles north of the lands which would in forty years be the foundation of the current downtown Bellingham. He seized the lands from the owner Captain Henry Roeder; and proceeded to not only build a house, but start to build a farm/plantation.

But he was not the only officer in the area with an active and well trained army.

The British (very likely Roeder was part of the British army) not only had an army but the area of Bellingham was close to the British under the command of the Ogle family’s last stand. The area was close to the land/lands they still possessed and still controlled with a large military. The rest of their lands had been seized, conquered, or they were pushed off by the threat of overwhelming military force.

The English

The Americans

The emerging confederacy

The last stand of the French Royalists allied with the British

The Natives whom some were allied with the British and somewhere allied with the English, a few had allies with the Americans (both sides).

The Picket Plantation existed from (documented) G Street down Holly to where Holly becomes Forest. Which is only a few miles from the currently called Interstate 5 was called Hiway 99. Previous was part of the North south North American Ogle Trade RouteOgle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306; which stretched from Mexico to Canada, most likely all the way up to Alaska. In other words the area Roeder purchased was the in the 1880 would be downtown Bellingham. Picket seized most if not all that land for his personal use.

The corner of G and Holly to the Canadian border was also semi-perceived as being part of the Fort Bellingham North Territory, as well as the Lands from Fort Bellingham South, south to Seattle. Hence the need for a large contingency of infantry.

The fights both legal and militarily lasted from circa 1750 - 1880. Which points strongly to Fort Bellingham North was not only a confederate stronghold but the confederacy might have attempted to reform at Forts Bellingham to seize control over what would become the State of Washington. For a bit of time it is possible the State of Washington was a confederate state; when the American military arrived in force, which the confederacy was not strong enough to battle and win a second war. Thus creating the state of Washington; could have been designated as a future confederate state of a currently unknown name circa 1850. For the majority of those decades from 1852-1870 its confederate name would not be used by the American government. The American government would only use their name, not the name the confederacy used. Although basd on the ideas of Washginton and he was also a Plantation owner, his family had been in the plantation and slave business for geneartioons. The confederates naming their new State west of the Rockes and Mississippi presumably outside the Mason Dixon line for Washington.

Which also points to the facts that the confederacy was not only incredibly strong in the pacific North West but had strong and significant influence in the area at least a decade before.

Would be interesting if evidence could be located as to part of the spur for the start/founding of the confederacy came from strong voices and influence from whatever the confederate state was called from 18(30)40 forward. The confederate forces in the area of the America named Washington State being strongly influential to the confederate forces in the old south.

Evidence of these direct interactions would be the Dutch and southern ex plantation owners who chose to move to the pacific North West to avoid the legal hurdles and negative issues surrounding the aggression from anti-slavery forces. The Dutch having a significant and strong influence and control over the entire slave trade from 1300-to the last slave sold specifically related to the triangle trade. The Dutch a onetime strong cousin culture and ally with the British specifically the Ogle family later to be one of their worst enemies. The Dutch were not only responsible for helping to establish the slave/triangle trade but were active participants in supporting the early confederacy. The Dutch of Lynden Washington are beyond a doubt no exception to the events occurring. In the 1600s when the Dutch as a culture converted from Catholicism over to Protentism; is when the betrayed all most all their previous values to focus on money and power.

Fort Lyndon could have had the same fate and behavior patterns which fell Castle Bellingham and the city of Jam. Seized from their previous owners and the previous owners history all but obliterated.

Civil War

The civil war was much longer and more difficult than from the actual firing on fort Sumter and the surrender at Appomattox. The events took place long before and after. One of the reasons it is very likely the confederacy stated to become extra nasty was due to losses they suffered in the theorized battle in Bellingham/Ferndale area. Loosing battles in Bellingham, coming back home to find things in worse condition than when they left. Tensions boiled over.

The events of the civil war include the trail of tears, the reconstruction of the south, the regrouping/attempting to reestablish some type of confederacy after Appomattox, etc.

Since Castle Bellingham itself was seized by the American Government which was commanded by a future Confederate General e.g. Picket the City which Western Washington University currently sits on and the Picket House were part of both the Civil War, the reconstruction efforts (lands seized by the government from confederates), and part of a few feeble attempts as regrouping under a different governmental structure the key being without Jefferson Davis and those that assumed Jefferson Davis was great. At the end of the civil war large percentages of confederates and confederate sympathizers were absolutely disgusted by the actions done under Davis’s leadership and those he placed in charge.

It is very like at the end of the Civil War the preparations north of Seattle of a staging area were put into place. Political battles which took place in and around Bellingham Washington could have been a very quiet but entirely hard fought second portion of the Civil War.

The evidence is the speed at which the cites of the Pacific North West grew before the Civil War and the decades after. Seattle till the 1960s was still relatively small. Portland and San Francisco were equally still relatively small.

Los Angeles itself even though it was still a large city was itself still relatively small in comparison.

After the 1860s the populations exploded.

But from 1861-1940 the populations of the west coast were still relatively small

But the populations of the same areas from 1790-1861 were exploding with White Settlers. Why the sudden drop in settlers, opportunities abounded, but the settlers were not coming out.

Points to the areas from Los Angeles to Vancouver BC were fighting some type of North Versus South Cold War. Where the battles and violence were still occurring but without the Napoleonic tactics of standardized battles.

This would be individual families and business leaders fighting small battles and not being reported almost exclusively.

Real violence but not being talked about much.

The legacies regarding the city of Bellingham which became Western Washington University and the acres of land from Holly to G street were purchased by Roeder circa 1852 but seized by Picket in 1856; disputes over the land kept the future city of Bellingham from forming till the 1880s.

The Roeder family his business partners were locked in a legal battle with firs the American Government, then the confederate government (who attempted to seize control over said lands during the civil war), then the American Government again. The legal battles lasted over the lands from 1851-circa 1910.


The evidence regarding loosing was not only obvious but the governmental structure of the confederacy more than a small percentage of the government itself was not in favor of Jefferson Davis or his supporters.

So in truth not only after 1861 the confederacy broke into at least two portions. One in the East in the classic southern areas including Texas and the state’s east. The one to the West from California to Vancouver BC; At least from a bit north of Los Angelis to areas north of Vancouver BC.

One of the Major Battlefields was in the city of Whatcom which is currently called Bellingham.

The center of the Battle would be from Lakeway down the area of Holly Street to G Street to the current area of the Airport.

Unfortunately proving this battle took place is impossible since the land itself has had building sitting on top since 1870 almost the entire area would be close to impossible to find evidence of the battle.

Part of that construction was intentional by the American government to cover up a portion of the civil war which embarrass the American government to the point of no return.

The direct evidence regarding a very likely civil war battle between confederate soldiers and union soldiers (a third possible set of soldier’s English troops) fought in and or around the areas between the Picket Building and House (which is only about 100 yards away) the Plantation he built in the five years before the firing on fort Sumter.

That plantation although Picket was not present, there were troops stationed only two miles south at his Forts Bellingham. More than a few would have been confederate soldiers and or confederate sympathizers. Taking over the fort from the confederacy to make it an American military reservation again would be why the battle took place.

A battle at the fort

A battle with English troops where downtown Bellingham is currently.

Hiding the evidence is easy with such a low population and an entire control over the written history of the area. Forcing diaries and other documentation to either not exist or destroying those documents.

One of the reasons the battlefields of the east are preserved is to maintain an understanding of the events.

But what happens a decade’s long concerted effort is done to erase all evidence of the battle and or battles.

1865 after the civil war

Shortly after the civil war it is possible those directly connected with and or the actual remaining confederate leaders attempted to retreat and regroup in the city of Bellingham Washington State. Or at least in the general area of Washington.

George Pickets wife was more than likely not native but rather a descendent of the Barbary Coast Muslims. At least some generations back.

It was all too common for the slavers of the Barbary Coast (battle of Tripoli was America’s first foreign military engagement which took place against the Barbary Coast militant Muslims) to present their very low ranking daughters as gifts to the plantation owners. Their descendants were very present in the plantation system; eventually owning their own plantations themselves. More than a few of the descendants married and generated children with lower middle and upper class gentlemen who were either family embarrassments or low ranking sons.

The infrastructure Roeder and company created in Whatcom country which was mostly destroyed instead of being destroyed based on accidents, it is likely the destruction was caused by the battles between the Americans, confederacy, and the English.

Quatrells Raiders

Evidence of the south and the plantation system using guerrilla tactics in order to win the battles dates from well before the start of the Civil war to well after.

Part of those guerrilla army tactics would be the formulation of the KKK in which to intimidate all those stood against the plantation system after the war.

Just because slavery was outlawed did not mean the same basic behavior patterns did not continue well past 1865 to the civil rights movement. In some cases radical prejudice still exists in cultural pockets which still exist around American from southern sympathizers and outright confederate descendants who view the Civil War as the war of northern aggression. Having erased and ignored the facts regarding how much of the civil war was based on hunting out and destroying a very strong Military Islamic army present in America since the early 1600s.

Quatrells raiders were only one such band which operated previous, during, and after the main trust of the war. And the KKK were only one said militant group operating after.

There is nothing at all which would indicate Bellingham was not a retreat to regroup staging area for one or more of these types of groups. Traveling from the south to Bellingham in order to regroup on a plantation established before the war started.

The legal battles, destruction of built up infrastructure (destroying the Lumber Mill among others), the area of Whatcom and New Whatcom had to wait till after 1875 in order to truly get off the ground. Even though the jobs and the prosperity were plentiful, something kept the settlers from coming in droves.

A regrouping confederate presence in the area would be a strong reason to have the metropolis of Bellingham not to attract settlers will the confects were either over or suppressed.

Which would also explain why the legal battles were occurring;

It would also explain why captain Roeder was present in Bellingham from 1852 but was unable to build his house for four entire decades. Those four decades would be a time when the city which would become known as downtown old Bellingham was under military occupation by descendants of the old confederacy.

The battlefield and the evidence of said was so beyond embarrassing that they were plowed under and an entire town built on top to ensure the four separate army battles could not be identified.

The armies of





Each fighting tooth and nail for supremacy and survival. Two of which ended up losing the British and the confederacy; which the English/Canadians and the Americans being all too keen on not only not letting many know what was happening but as well to make sure no information leaked out regarding the events.

Allowing the confederacy to regain a foothold was beyond embarrassing

Allowing the British to regain a foothold of power in lands they had controlled before the Vancouver expedition.

All of these events would be unacceptable in all ways shapes and forms.

The Bellingham Confederacy Foothold

Just because Picket had to leave in the middle of the night to avoid conflicts with the American military reinforcements to make sure the area was secure; does not mean those that Picket had hold and invited up to the area were going to “go quietly into that good night”. Of course if he did leave in the night, that might have been a metaphor regarding (from the American government perspective) his cowardice to break his oath to the American Government and Military to specifically take up arms against the very institution he had sworn a dozen oaths to lay down his own life to protect and defend. Evidence of a confederate foothold in the area is the Dutch and southerners who has come to the area and settled in areas free and open to both confederates and ex confederates. Namely Lyndon, which is just a few miles south of Canada; but a city seized from the British and had long been a safe haven for cultures which took a direct and active part in the Slave Trade. Who had been long standing business partners with the Militant Muslims of the Barbary Coast.

From 1850-1900s; based on the battles and the cultures which actually settled in the area. Bellingham and Lyndon were actually the place outside the south for the confederates to move to, settle, and attempt to reestablish a solid confederate government.

Today in those same areas small the very loud movements regarding dividing Washington into the states of Washington and Jefferson is present and loud. Although has almost no real chance of succeeding. Jefferson was not only a slave owner but he and his family had conducted direct and login standing business with the Barbary Coast Militant Islamic states for the previous several hundred years. One of the reasons Jefferson was asked to write the declaration of independence is his allegiance and philosophical leanings into those subjects. In hopes that those legislators who not only had strong leanings into those areas would be comforted by one of their own writing the documents but feel a kindship with some of the harder provisions.

However most of that good will had entirely evaporated by 1850 when the great grandchildren of the founding Americans of the colonies had become disillusioned by the negative aspects of the events which took place.

The battles both legal and physical which took place from Lyndon/Blaine to Seattle took up most of the time from 1840-1900. The heart of Bellingham having to suffer, be not built yet, or be destroyed once or twice with the civil war being fought out in very small ways in the area from 1861-1890. Most of the evidence of said has been lost of buried under a mountain of political rhetoric and or spin.

Added to the above information is the facts regarding the extremes to almost Germany 1945 level anti-Semitism occurring from sea to shining sea in American from 1776-1946. Easing any and all which had anything even remotely to with the children of Israel was extremely high on all lists. In fact a good portion of the trail or tears and the civil war had to do with erasing the presence of the Jews in America.

Bellingham and Lyndon would be a good place for ex confederates to come to and attempt to rebuild their lives. The American and confederate groups would fight out their differences for the next four decades. Only ending in time for the mansions and said to start being constructed.

Of course the other issues involved what if those mansions were simply the second time they were built. What if some of the small battles occurred and those mansions were the second construction of said buildings.

The battle strategies of Troy; whittle away at the sides closing in on the center. Eventually destroying the center the city’s at the heart of Bellingham/Whatcom/Seahom/Fairhaven.

Instead of taking just 10 years taking four decades. Not counting the battles which could have taken place which sent both replacement armies under command or Roeder and Picket into the area. Replacements of 1000s of men are usually in direct response to active threats of military violence and invasion. A few platoons and or a few hundred men are usually enough for small violence; but 1000s on both sides that requires consistence and over the course of year’s violence and a long trading military presence.

American  Gladiators

In American unlike in central and Eastern Europe, the genocide of the Jews took on a behavior pattern of degradation, humiliation, and eventual genocide.

Central and eastern European cultures have had sufficient degradation and humiliation that flat out killing every Jew works, since the Jews and the Jewish communities are not only present but most everyone is very aware of the situation.

In America so much cultural erasure occurred that few have any idea what and or why they were performing the actions they were.

Those violently opposed to the natives and African Americans had literally no idea they were also anti-Semitic. But inside both native cultures and African American cultures are pockets of Jewish cultures. Most sides have no idea.

Putting a Jewish slave to death in the arena has been a popular sport since the Greeks. Although the romans popularized the situation and make the spectacle part and parcel with the applications of how a citizen lives their life. The arena is simple part of the lifestyle; like sports, movies, and going to the bar is part of American culture.

Nazareth Pharaoh and Pope

Nazareth, Pharaoh, Pope all mean the same. There is very strong evidence that Jesus was called by the Romans INRI; Iesus Nazareth Rex Israel. They called him Rabbi King, same as the Scorpion King. Rex means King. King of Nazareth, Naz means King in Aramaic, Roth house, sacred long house.

Leader of the sacred long house which holds the tree of life, aka sprig of akasha.

Leader of the Long house; is what Nazareth, Pharaoh, and Pope mean.

Castle Bellingham in what would become Washington State possessed some type of Long house. The city/castle also possessed some type of seat of power which the culture of Britain and the family Ogle had. Which could be one of the major reasons the enemy followed and followed with sufficient troops to seize it all for themselves.

Creates a very interesting Frankenstein, Russian/German amber room, Roman Forum/etc. line of evidence said type of material were present at Castle Bellingham.

Frankenstein if you remove the Fiction Mary Shelley just a few decades before added to the hard facts of the science she based her short story on. Electricity, extremely advanced science, resurrection, Germany, Britain, Northumberland, Egypt, the plates of Destiny, the Amber room(squeeze amber and it will produce electricity), etc. tells the evidence tail that there was much more science and advanced technology present in Bellingham and at the theorized Castle Bellingham than the governmental structures at the time want to admit too.


King Henry Viii

Would be a very interesting thing if the reason Henry assembled the Anglican church was to in effect recreate the “Kingdom of the Seven Hills” appointing himself the new “Pharaoh”. Which means to fulfill this wish, he would have had to seize control over the northern kingdom, erase as much of the information and evidence he could. Then work to push away from the corrupt Catholic Church to form more of a Pharaoh Line organizational structure.

Castle Bellingham


Burning of the Castle Bellingham

1852 construction

The conflicts which occurred before Roeder and Picket arrived were long and intense.

I think in the 1840s maybe earlier, Bellingham was a safe zone for runaway slaves, Jews and others displaced by manifest destiny

I think the city which used to be under downtown Bellingham might have been destroyed because Jews were welcome


Anti-Jewish 1492-1946

Specifically in the 1800s the anti-Semitic laws in America were particularly brutal.


Burning of the City of Bellingham

1870 the first major city of Bellingham built by the Roeder family was burned to the ground between conflicts which arose between the different armies in the area.

City of Bellingham

The city of Bellingham has a much longer and more profound history than most have even the slightest idea about. The more you learn about the true history the more of an understanding is possible regarding the true history of the city and America itself.

The city of Bellingham Washington State was named in honor of Lord Bellingham.

Lord Bellingham

Lord Bellingham was given his title based on the fact he was the current Lord of Bellingham Castle Ireland; which is located just a few miles south of present Northern Ireland.

Lord Bellingham was onboard the Vancouver Expedition; which was the first English expedition to the area. However it was not the first British expedition to the area. But those records were erased based on property records of older British families existing and exploring 100 years earlier.

Vancouver expedition

The Vancouver expedition was chiefly created to find and or claim a trade route around the horn and or across the northern portion of America. A trade route capable of being a vital link between England and the Orient.

But in truth the 1680 expedition was designed to claim a trade route between Northumberland/France which had been created sometime in the 1500s.

Most likely at least 800 years earlier with the Vikings since the Vikings possessed all the nessessary tools and training in order to cross both the Atlantic and the American continent.

Strong evidence points to the Vikings and their earlier culture were present in America from around the time of Christ forward.


New British Empire in the Pacific NW

The evidence of this earlier trade route was the settlements, town, cities, names of cities, and the infrastructure on both the mainland and the islands in the Puget Sound. The British attempted to create a new Kingdom/Empire in the Pacific North West. Which in truth ultimately failed; not because they did not build a good infrastructure but because the English were hot on their heels and destroyed the settlements and colonies before the British could create sufficient infrastructure in order to defend a full on assault.

Lord Bellingham Castle Bellingham/ Ireland

Lord Bellingham was named for the Castle his family owned and were lords of, which was Castle Bellingham Ireland. Which was conquered and renamed by the Vikings during the Age of the Vikings circa 780-1066 c.e.

Castle Bellingham itself has an older name and history but the fact that the Vikings conquered and renamed that castle Bellingham in honor of Castle Bellingham Northumberland and the connection between Northumberland and the Vikings is profound and beyond significant.

Lord Bellingham descendant of Northumberland family

Castle Bellingham Northumberland is located 20 miles west by west north of Castle Ogle which is the Gaelic version of the Latin Northumberland. Castle Ogle is the namesake castle of the Ogle family which kept their Gaelic name or at least the shortened version of their name when the rest of the culture was forced to change to the Latin based Northumberland.

The Family of Yr Hen Ogle DD is one of the founding families of the British culture.

The Ogle Family created a trade route between Northumberland, across the North Atlantic, to Boston, then New York, then Newcastle Delaware, across the river system from the east coast, through Pennsylvania, to the Great Lakes, down the Ohio River to the Mississippi, up the Mississippi to the Missouri River, up the Missouri River to its headwaters, over the continental divide, down the continental divide to the headwaters of the Columbia, down the Columbia to the Pacific Ocean.

This Trade Route was created in part to allow the Ogle’s and their allies the ability to sail across the Atlantic in a few weeks to a few months. Then travel across the continent in a few weeks by the river systems. Then a mere few months across the Pacific to the Orient. Cutting about two entire years off the journey other cultures were forced to travel. Other cultures had to travel all the way down to the bottom of the Horn which itself is a serious year in the making journey. Then back up across the Pacific the long way to the Orient.

The Ogles could make about five round trips in the time it took the other countries to perform a one way trip. So much money was being generated by the Ogle family and their allies that they were a natural target for conquest and taking those trade routes.

But those trade routes required huge cooperation with those educated sufficiently to navigate the journey, sufficient mathematics, sufficient negotiations with the natives along the way (which is much harder since the British are negotiators, while the English and their allies are “do it our way or we will happily kill you for saying no”). The native tribes along the way did not respond well to the violent way in which the English forced their cooperation.

Castle Bellingham Ireland

Castle Bellingham Ireland was so named by the Vikings whom conquered it.




Castle Bellingham Ireland Vikings

The Vikings started to attack Northumberland areas which the conquering picts had conquered, claimed, and made their own strongholds.

The conquering Vikings most likely under direct direction from the Ogle family aka Northumberland family

Castle Bellingham has an extremely dubious name origin. Logically it makes almost no sense at all based on current assumptions regarding the Vikings as simple mercenary blood thirsty bands which would attack anyone without warning. Anyone or anywhere they chose to attack they did, do all manner of really bad things, taking what they wanted, and more. Sometimes even worse they would stay and seize control over the newly conquered city and force the population to obey the new rules of order. Not much good in that situation.

But little can be farther from the truth. The Vikings were not just a group of mercenaries. They might have turned into that over time, but at the start they were a well-disciplined army hired and trained by the Ogle Family after the Ogle’s were finally conquered and exiled off their lands. Their lands being approximately from a few miles south of York England to Perth Scotland. But their borders changed on an almost constant basis. Facing almost constant attack.

The Ogles solved this problem of constant attack by hiring and training soldiers form their allied nations. Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, France, etc.

Castle Bellingham is part of the castles the Ogles directed their army to conquer and rename to keep in memory that which was lost but would be one day reclaimed.

Castle Bellingham was named to keep the memory of Castle Bellingham Northumberland alive. In case that city was renamed by either the English or the Pictish. Also an extreme concern regarding another ally which seems to have all but suddenly appeared on the horizon in England within a few decades of Mohammed forming Islam.



Age of Vikings

We know Western Washington University its mascot is the Viking. Why; because the age of the Vikings started the very year the Pictish alliance against the Ogle family worked and the Ogles were exiled to Holland.

The age of the Vikings lasted from the year the Ogles were defeated to the year the Ogles reconquered the UK with William the conqueror.

Additional evidence the Vikings and the Ogles are directly connected; besides the year it started and ended the ogles were directly involved with both.

The Vikings conquered and renamed Castle Bellingham Ireland. The exact namesake of the city of Bellingham Washington. Since Lord Bellingham his name and title came directly from the conquest and rename.

The Vikings are a group of extremely well trained, disciplined, and under the direct (at least in the beginning) army formed by way of the British Ogle Royal Family whom had been conquered and exiled form their lands in Britain.

The Vikings had a dubious name which is a layered and complex code.

It essentially means “to go a Vi king” which is Nordic for sailing around from small inlet to small inlet or bay and cause as much havoc as humanly possible. However the real and true definition of the concept of Viking is the following

“A raised platform e.g. platform being a well-defined area raised above the rest of the area” surrounded by the flow of any and all things which are around. But a calm and defined area “sacred” which is used to perform sacred actions/duties.

Which if you look at the Jewish prayer shawl/ the blue stripe when worn correctly is a raised platform surrounded by blue.

Blue is a metaphor not for water but for the blue of electricity. This is a direct reference back to the ancient Jews and Israel whom used and worked with electricity as a matter of how they built what they built.

Evidence for this can be found in the legends and written accounts of the ways in which the Temple of Solomon was constructed.  Solomon was said to have harnessed demons in order to move the 100,000 ton rocks into place e.g. the west/wailing wall. Focused sound and magnetism if done correctly will create a zero gravity sphere.

There is so much about the Vikings which has remained hidden and secret from the beginning.

 I have ideas about the Vikings and their attack on Abbey on Lindisfarne; what if that attack was not an abby but a Mosque. The Pictish has lost to the Ogles for centuries, then the Islamic army went on the war path. Within a decade the Ogles started to loose in Northumbria. Centuries of losses and suddenly a 300 year winning streak.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland

Castle Bellingham Northumberland is about 20 miles west of Ogle Castle which is the seat of power for the Ogle family.

Supposedly Bellingham Castle Northumberland used to be much larger. Since it had to face down the might of the entire Rome Empire. The Romans lost and lost and lost for 400 years in Northumberland. So the assumption would be every x miles along the wall e.g. Hadriens wall the Ogles would build an impressive Castle in order to fight and win over the Romans.


Castle Bellingham Ogle Castle

The heart of the naming of the city of Bellingham Washington is Castle Ogle. Which is 5 miles north of the Wall and 7 miles from Newcastle Northumberland; which is where Hadriens wall dead ends.

Ogle castle was given back to the Ogles after they performed the key aspects of the battle of Hastings. The deciding factor in that battle were the German long bowmen who could pick off the English army from much farther away with accuracy than the English bowmen could reach.

As a result of winning a decisive battle at Hastings against the Pictish, William the conqueror gave the lands of by then renamed Northumberland from their Gaelic origin of Yr Hen Ogle DD or Ogle for short. William gave their lands back to them; the areas from York to Perth. Also giving them permission not only for the lands but to rebuild their name sake castle.

Which in truth was so much larger than the current version of the castle.

Bellingham castle was one of the key attack centers to battle against the Romans.

In all the history of the Roman Empire from 753 b.c.e -400 c.e the Romans did not build another wall anywhere. They only built this wall to keep the natives in check. But being 20 miles away Castle Bellingham would be needed in order to have a few thousand troops at the ready and not a day’s ride away to the east.


Ogle Castle

The origin of Ogle castle is an unknown, the castle has been rebuilt so many times it is close to impossible to create any type of dating for the area without a solid and complete archaeological examination of the property.

The property since 1066 Hastings has had at least a couple different castle designs. From large to very small, only a fraction of the large post- Hadriens still in existence.

100 years ago the castle was abandoned and neglected to the point only a small portion of the original was still standing. The rest of the castle was in ruins.

Previous the Hastings little about that era is known. But the facts regarding being able to hold off the might of the Roman Empire are not; those are hard facts.

Ogle castle Hadriens wall

The wall was constructed to hide the fact that the Romans had been losing and losing badly against the Ogles from the moment the Romans started to push north from Sherwood Forest.


Hadriens wall Emperor Constantine

After losing a series of battles against the Ogles, Emperor Constantine was forced to sign a peace treaty. The results were that the emperor was forced to accept as his wife the daughter of the commanding general of the opposing forces. This is in the entire width and breadth of the history of the Roman Empire; minus Cleopatra unheard of almost exclusively.

Cleopatra life in exile

Immediately being able to leave Greece, thanks to Anthony running a military blocking maneuver. Cleopatra would then immediately set course for the only truly safe place in which to live. All the other cities her ancient ancestors set up as safe zones has been either compromised, conquered, or were ruled by enemies. Northumberland was the only place left.

So she traveled to Northumberland; with the last of the core of her Egyptian army with her, the most loyal of Caesars troops formerly under the command of Anthony. And her allied supporters from northern Europe.

Arriving in Northumberland Cleopatra would again need to instantaneously set up as strong of a defensive position as humanly possible. Laying down as much of an offensive position in order to hold off the entire might of the Roman Empire. If Augustus so chose to erase her existence. 

The conflicts between Augustus and Cleopatra in Egypt, Greece, and Northumberland are mirrored exactly in the founding of Bellingham Washington state. Incidentally erasing the evidence of Cleopatra in Northumberland. The Political, powers that be wrote what they wanted to, without anyone around to tell them any different. And those political powers that be who actually did voice opposition were executed all but on the spot. Best way to make sure no one tells the power no is to kill anyone who might say no.

In Bellingham add to the facts of all the competing armies, competing issues, competing conflicts, most fi not all the battles taking place in Whatcom county would be entirely embarrassing for the English and American governments. Embarrassment means as much evidence as possible erased.

Cleopatra and Hadrian’s Wall

What would Hadriens wall and Cleopatra have anything even mildly to do with each other. The answer is Cleopatra was not executed nor did she commit suicide; neither were in her personality profile. She always looked for a better solution which would place her on top of the power structure. You can achieve lots of goals if you are alive, dead you can do nothing. Anthony on the other hand was not much more than his boss’s XO (Executive Officer) so for him not being able to stand in his boss’s shoes was more than his ego and arrogance could allow him to deal with. So he almost had to commit suicide in order to save his honor but for Cleopatra; that was not an option.

Augustus on the other hand had to follow the Laws, Rules, and cultural identity of the cultures he was emperor of. Cleopatra’s son was the rightful emperor; heir to his fathers and mothers countries. Which makes Cleopatra’s son and his mother by Greek, Roman, and Egyptian laws not only untouchable but by no possible way of allowing her or her children to be killed. Allowing her to commit suicide was beyond unacceptable. Her supporters would have immediately revolted in the entire Roman Empire. So the only solution possible was to exile her outside of the influence of the Roman Empire. The only option was Northumberland; where by chance the Roman’s had been losing battle after battle in that location for the previous decades.

If she could not remain as Pharaoh; then she would find another way of surviving.

If she could not seduce her adopted son in law/her husband’s great nephew. Then she would find another way back into power.

So the reports of her death being a Raised Platform (north/vertical) Sacred Snake(Amber) her room (defined sacred personal  space) can be decrypted to tell she was exiled by Caesarean e.g. Augustine Caesar to Northumberland. The exact same place which the Romans had been fighting losing battles at since before Caesar went into Politics

Which could be one reason the Romans chose to start building a wall at the southern border of Cleopatra’s exiled area.

Cleopatra exiling to Northumberland.

First thing she would have done was to start to rebuild her army.

Second thing she would have done is consolidate her political power in Northumberland.

Third thing would have been to ensure her son with Caesar would have been well trained and sufficiently connected to the powerful of the area

The response from the Romans with the growing army would have been to send additional troops to the area of Northumberland to suppress the growing rebellion, which resulted in a stalemate.

That stalemate would have immediately led to the building of a wall to keep Cleopatra’s army out of Rome

Then a major push to erase Cleopatra’s descendants from existence.

Failing this, they attempted to push north and create a wall “Antonina’s wall”

Attempting to isolate the family and the descendants of Cleopatra’s army.

Failed at bringing Cleopatra’s army to their knees and failing at Antonia’s wall. The Romans retreated to Hadriens and stayed put until the end of the empire.

One of the reasons Northumberland would have been considered safe ground was the defenses that Meritaten by legend set up in preparation for the descendants of the Hyksos/Dorian/Villanovans/Romans to come and attack with everything they had.

Another reason Northumberland was considered a safe place was by legend Northumberland was where the 17th and 18th dynasty pharaohs exiled to when their respective dynasties were over or were conquered out of power. Meritaten and Scotia were both by legend assumed to have settled in the area. Scotia is the namesake of Scotland. Meritaten by DNA evidence came back to Egypt from her time outside of Egypt but that was decades after she left. From her age of late teens early 20s for decades there is no records regarding her life. Other than buried deep in come mastaba’s that she established a new kingdom “Pharoses” in first Iberian then Northumberland.

It is possible one of the reasons the Romans wanted to expand their empire into among other place including Britannia could be to seek out and destroy on a sub-conscious level the descendants of Akenaten’s children.

Which would explain why the Romans spread into the areas they did; following the path assumed the descendants of Akenaten’s kids went.

Cleopatra and Medusa

Medusa by legend was morphed poetic license into a gorgon, a part human part snake creature. Interesting how Cleopatra was executed and not exiled like Medusa was. Perhaps the stories of Medusa still being strong and powerful centuries later were a warning to Augustus that tell the story she committed suicide rather than exiled. Her followers could simply go and reclaim her, form a new army with Caesars actuals son as its head and not only threaten his power but take over the entire Roman Empire.

Ruling Rome not from Rome but from Northumberland.

But since Newcastle translates to Jerusalem; and Cleopatra was a Jew, this does create some very interesting connections regarding the reasons why those said items occurred.


The legend of Medusa was mostly simple. Medusa (which part of this legend found its way into the basic story of Beowulf; courtesy of the cultures which left the Aegean after 1200 b.c.e and traveled up into Germany/Scandinavia. The stories are so similar not to have a strong similarity or the same origin, changed based the story telling techniques of the different cultures involved) was a priestess of Athena. Poseidon had some type of an issue and traveled to Athens. At Athens he went into the Temple of Athena and had sexual relations with the priestess Medusa. Once Athena found out; she punished both Poseidon and Medusa.

Obviously Athena punished Medusa more stringently they she could punish Poseidon.

Medusa was known for her beauty which enraged Athena and caused her jealously to flair into mythical proportions.

Medusa was morphed into a half human half snake. Exiled forever away from Athens into the northern portion of the Aegean. And for extra punishment her beauty was used as a weapon; anyone who dared look upon Medusa’s face would be turned to stone.

Sometime later Perseus (later this basic story telling framework was turned into the basics of the spy James Bond by Ian Fleming) attempting to save Athens form the sea (Poseidon) creature the * traveled to Medusa’s exile location, fought her, cut her head off (using the back of his bronze shield of a mirror to locate her, not unlike the effects of a vampires gaze will be lost on a person if they use a mirror on a vampire. The effects flipped), took the immortal head back to Athens, used the immortal head to turn the creature attacking Athens to stone, thus saving the day.


This is all well and good but the primary issue is; that is all political spin regarding at least three separate invasions/conquests of Athens by several different cultures.

First the current city of Athens was actually previous to 1300 b.c.e called Poseidon. The city was Poseidon for at least 1000 before the name was changed to Athens by a conqueror.

Second the city dates back previous to 600 b.c.e more than 2500 years. Some evidence regarding the city have some types of settlements in the area of Athens dating back more than 5000 years before the common era or the 0 year in the Julian/Gregorian calendars.

Third the elements were changed and shaped by the facts regarding there are more than one type of enemy when a conqueror is on the horizon. The conqueror wants to take the city they are aiming at, but do not necessarily want to destroy the inhabitance. That city could merely be a link in the chain of other later actions. E.g. nothing person we just need this city to achieve a larger goal. Then there is the person battles, the battles which occur because the conqueror hates the inhabits of a city and need to kill everything in that city which breaths. The reward is not the gold, slaves, strategic location, etc. the reward is knowing everyone in the city is dead. The city of Athens was conquered at 1300 b.c.e by unknown cultural forces. Not long after the city was reconquered by forces from the Hyksos/Dorian culture. The Dorians hated with a passion both the culture which had invaded circa1300 and the culture which was conquered at 1300 b.c.e. Both were hated beyond measure. So after the city fell to the Dorians all the stories of the city were rewritten using the cultural perspective of the Hyksos/Dorians. What does the story of the conquest of Athens have anything at all to do in any aspect with the city of Bellingham Washington State. The violence and conquest center conquest from the half a dozen or more armies in the area from 1800-1890 tell a very similar tail. The French, Indians, Indians/British, Americans, Confederates, Russians, Canadians, etc. were all in the area from Vancouver BC to Seattle fighting for control and supremacy. Just because the later Dorian stories were from their personal perspective does not mean for a second those conquests not only did not occur but most of the information regarding what occurred between in the wars of 1500, 1300, 1100, 800 did not change and shape true to reflect the perspective of each of the dominant cultures. Linear A and Linear B were both erased from being translated because later cultures wanted to make sure their stories were the ones being talked about and the previous versions were erased. The best and most efficient way to make sure information is erased is to change the language to something else and kill all who keep using or teaching the old language. So even if bits of the old stories are found no one can read them. Same thing occurred when Sumerian and Akkadian Hittite, Phoenician, etc. laws were passed to make sure the next generation would be entirely ignorant of those languages so ancient knowledge would die just like the people who knew the ancient stories were killed outright.

Fourth just because a story has been changed so much that is almost does not reflect the original truth does not mean by any stretch the original stories elements are not still present. To decrypt the changes simply requires a mathematical model take the key elements of the story itself, then take the culture which changed the elements of the story to fit their militant perspective, then separate out the elements which what they could have been changed from and into regarding how the culture or cultures would perceive the cultures they hated elements. For instance we know that the Hyksos hated the Jews on a mythical level. Every single time the Hyksos and their descendants encounter the Jews they attempt to recreate a holocaust. The success of that generations holocaust vary, some full out genocide others merely long standing prejudice. But hatred is present from 2100 b.c.e to present.  In addition just because the Germans did not get away with their holocaust did not mean and does not mean previous conquests did not do the same thing and were not stopped in their genocidal activities.

Five it is possible use the above elements to decrypt the stores. By separating out the actions of each culture involved in the sequence they were involved, then determine which element was changed in what sequence, by whom those elements were changed, adding that each story has specific frameworks which are present in their stories. Medusa and the snake theme. *



This story is about the true occurrences which occurred to Cleopatra. The true story is so much beyond anything so far reported that all the rest of the stories pale in comparison to the true behind what actually occurred to Pharaoh Cleopatra


Most of the major problems in history come from a total intended mistranslation of the definition of the word Pagan and polytheism.

Pagan means outside of the city dweller. Meaning roughly those that chose to live outside the city. When monotheism started to strive into Europe the cities would cover to Christianity easy but those out in the country would either resist with everything they had or they would convert slowly over generations.

But the amount of true information regarding this is entirely based on Vatican sources. Which are 100% untrusable in all accounts. Historically the Vatican had a very difficult time finding the truth let along writing it down.


So claiming the Egyptians were pagan/polytheistic is not truth. They were but the older definition of pagan is different. Since there was a gigantic war fought between the Esau’s line descendants and the Jacob line descendants. Of which Cleopatra was caught in one of the major turning points in the entire war of cultural domination and suppression of the losing side.

For one thing Cleopatra died a very old woman surrounded by children and grandchildren possibly even great grandchildren in exile in Northumberland.

The suicide was pure hard core propaganda; by Augustus trying to remove obstacles to his rise to being emperor.

Cleopatra was if you look carefully at all the specific blood lines and said was actually a Jacob line Jew. Ptolemaic was given Egypt by alexander because he was a Jew. He was from the group of Jews the Hyksos captured and forced into their army. As the Hyksos marked toward the Aegean; pockets of Jews were left to safeguard the territories the Esau’s line captured. Tyre and Troy were among dozens of cities Esau’s Hyksos captured and handed to Jacobs’s line descendants.

Ptolemaic was part of one of those Jacob line families. So when he was given Egypt. He simply assumed the same titles and formats that his very ancient ancestors were conquered by Narmer circa 3200 b.c.e. Narmer conquered; alexander gave it back.

So Cleopatra could not have been killed so the only option was to exile her and her male descendants. Her female descendants were taken and given to Octavia Minor to raise has her own. To ensure that line would not bother the Romans again.

Caesarian Caesar  Emperor of Rome II

Imperial Rome II Northumberland

From 30 bce to 400 c.e there were two Roman Empires.

The standard Roman Empire and the Exiled Roman Empire under the Empires from the descendants of Cleopatra and her son with Caesar Caesarian.

Emperor Caesarian

The two Empires battled from 30 bce to the last day of the Roman Empire fell circa 400 ce. Attempting to erase the second Rome or the second Empire of the Seven Hills cost Rome Everything.

The Battles over and around the concept of the Rise of the Vatican. The Empire of the Seven Hills was not only a major threat to the Vatican, the Vatican itself was under almost constant and continuous attack based on the very existence of the Empire of the Seven Hills.

The very foundation of the Vatican rested on principles which the Empire of the Seven Hills by its very existence forced everyone to  know where flat out not only incorrect but founded on direct lies and deceit.

Upon reaching the age of adulthood; Caesarian would have become Pharaoh.

Although technically in exile; the definition of exile is a relatively odd one. Since who says when and where something is in exile and something is acceptable. Just because x military group states something is good does not make that something correct.  Which brings up the definition of pagan; which is technically is non-city dweller. But pagan is not some odd religious belief but more of does the governing authority of the city recognize the persons rights or not. If the rights/citizenship are recognized that person is a citizen, if not that person is a pagan.

Although in truth whom decides who is a proper citizen and who is not depends entirely on the power of the society and the domination of the military.

Caesarian around the time of his death in a presumed 80 years of age; at approximately  that same time a distant cousin in the middle east was about to start his ministry/new government. The new government would not be based on a specific location but based on the facts that he was the government. Anywhere and everywhere he traveled he was the head of both his mother’s family lines and his father’s family lines. He was born as the head of all 12 tribes of Israel.

Till Caesarian died he could not accept the throne of Israel but he could be heir or in the French the Dauphine.

The Dauphine of Israel was not going to be the son of caesarian but the son of another branch of the family.

The Ptolemaic line were not close enough genetically to become the Next Israel. Ptolemy had been just a throne keeper. They were assistants to the throne himself, not capable of actually sitting on the throne.

Which was what the deal with “are you claiming to be” was all about regarding the Philistines and Jesus. Jesus was born as the head of the families of Israel.  Which was also a direct hard target threat to the power of the Philistines.

The philosophies could challenge for the power of the throne as long as the Ptolemaic line were defacto Pharaohs. The Ptolemaic line by heritage could not tell the philistines they could not do what they had done, were doing, Wanted to keep doing.  But Pharaoh Israel Jesus not only could but the Philistines had to bow away from the throne and power the second it became societally understood the direct Ptolemaic heir was dead and a direct descendant was not only alive but capable of acceding to the throne of Adam.

Upon the death of Caesarian Ptolemy xvii; ironically during the spring fertility rite festival. Child of the festival; the new Pharaohs/Emperor/King/Caesar was crowned and took on the standard Pharaohs names.

Thus no longer being called Emmanuelle he would be called by his Pharaohs names.

Ironically Jesus translates to the same definition as Imhotep. The person in charge of the sacred Egyptian resurrection ceremony.

Child of Apollo

Jesus was born in December but standard rules of birth apply. Especially for a royal infant. They are not counted till 1/3rd the way through their first year as being a full citizen. Which makes their birth at Mid-Winter but their recognition would be at the Spring Fertility Rite festival.

Making Jesus a son of Apollo. But since Apollo was not a popular name anymore, the Jews were reduced to only being able to use the name deity.

Also the facts that caesarian  had died at the time of the same festival means the new pharaoh Israel would be a double if not more child of deity. Conceived, born,

Dolman one of Jesus birth

Conceived during spring fertility rite

Born during winter rite

Acknowledged during spring fertility rite

Dolman of Jesus rise to Pharaohs

Started in the spring

Caesarian died in the spring



 Accented to pharaoh during different high holy events.


Sent out in the Shape of the Aten


Which causes on to pause

Akhenaten sent his remaining children out to the cities their ancestors at 2100 bce sent their children out to. Byblos,  Babylon, Athens, Crete, The city of Seven Hills, Paris, NewCastle, Dublin, etc. in order to not only secure a safe zone but also to allow generations later their descendants would know where to return to the source from. All roads lead to heaven; was a phrase long before Caesar. Caesar simply not only stole it, but worked hard to erase the fact that the phrase and location was Memphis aka Luz Egypt not Rome.

To the cities which had already been founded, Akhenaten sent his children out to. Which is one reason the name change from Hyksos to Persians have had a subconscious desperate need to seek out where said descendants went to and  erase them from existence.


Jeru Salem and the Aten

What does Jeru (JERA the sun’s cycles RA, Atem/Atum/Atan{the electro-magnetic effected raise of the sun bending the lines of Aten}) Salem, have to do with the Futhark? Well for one the 12th character is in the name itself.

Also the Hebrew have used the Futhark in every single character they have written from the first to the last time Hebrew will be written. Every Hebrew Character is at least two if not three sometimes four Futhark characters as its construction model.

Pharaoh Narmer aka The Scorpion King

Pharaoh Narmer with the Narmer passport, with built in Futhark Characters which do fit what is happening. In truth the Futhark Characters pointed out add more substance to the story.

Translation of Poseidon

What does the name change from a Sea God to Athens have anything at all to do with the Futhark? Because Poseidon was not god of the Sea he was the Linear B translation of Nord which is actually not the sea but Laguz which is Energy, compressed to Electricity. Electricity the same mechanism this calendar was created to identify and Measure.

Poseidon to Athens

Athens, the capital city of Greece. Athens, take the h off after the t. Now since it is a name and possessive take the‘s (‘not included in post Linear B languages). You arrive at Aten; the Egyptian god Amenhotep IV or AhenATEN named all his children and sent each one off to create new kingdoms.

Poseidon and Medusa

During the Battle when Poseidon was conquered and name changed to the name of the Mother of the commanding general. In the Battle the head priestess for the temple and very likely a co ruler of the city Medusa was banished along with her followers. She had the ability to turn anyone who looked her in the eye to stone.

Before the Dorians could conquer Athens

Before the Dorians could conquer Athens the city was possibly conquered but more likely the Mycenaean’s simply accepted the new rulers of Pericles and his Mother Aten. His mother Aten was after a very crude much later translation of

As soon as the city was under a descendant of the Egyptian 18th dynasty e.g. the daughter from Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten. He sent his children out to create new kingdoms of their own; leaving his youngest son Tut and his oldest Daughter Meritaten in charge of Egypt to get the last of their people and items out of Egypt before the Avaris rose up to seize power over Egypt. Ending the 18th and starting the 19th which Seti and Ramses. Which ironically at virtually the same time the 18th was being deposed and the 19th was seizing power the exodus was occurring; add more irony the Mycenaean city of Poseidon was captured and name changed to Athena to honor both his Mother Aten and most likely  his Grandfather Akhenaten.


Dorians conquer Athens

When the Dorians conquered Athens, they put their own spin on the tales and the founding of the city. Which conqueror turned Medusa into a monster is unknown, but the behavior patterns are closer to that of what the Hyksos/Dorians did previous and post, than to what the descendants of a possible Akhenaten could have done.

Medusa and Megaliths

The Legend of Medusa was she would turn you to stone, e.g. pillar e.g. megalithic component. For a conquering army (either Athens or the later Dorians) destroying the power of the previous is part of the conquest. The Futhark is the language, mathematics, and science which was used to create Stonehenge aka a Ring of Pillars.

If this legend is even close to accurate, than turning someone to stone is just part of the entire situation regarding the ancient secrets which the Dorians worked very hard to erase.

As the story goes, “medusa could turn you to stone simply by looking at her”. She has hair a snakes.

What if this idea has merit and she could not turn you to stone literally, but write your life’s story from first breath to last breath. That to an uneducated and Luddite culture like the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian’s little is more frightening than that possibility.

Perseus cut her head off, which was immoral. Took her head to the attacking Athens Kraken and turned him to stone. What is that entire adventure was Perseus traveled to the area the library was still being maintained which Medusa was one of the last libraries’ guardians of the library. Forced to leave Poseidon when the Dorians invaded. Of course the dorians would not have wanted to blame all those really horrific actions on themselves. They would blame the Mycenaean’s.

Medusa and Lilith

Feathered serpent? Interesting symbolically Lilith; I wonder if Thoth is hieroglyphic for Lilith

Medusa and Bellingham/Ferndale

Although the log jam might have occurred naturally, the fact that some logs stuck up could have been used by the British Empire to create a settlement and a sacred center from the center of the log jam out. Reminiscent of the city of Memphis which if the translation of the legend of medusa is correct than Medusa and the megalithic cultures were one in the same. Medusa being schooled in and an expert in understanding the language, mathematics, and science of the megaliths themselves.

Choosing the Woodhenge of that log jam connecting the pieces of that log jam directly to the pieces of Memphis, Eve (snakes), and the Tabernacle at the center of the Garden of Eden. There is not one tree at the center of the garden but four. The four trees were used to build and or some type of cascade effect from the center of the garden of Eden to have the entire universe and its flows of time be not only present but also be carefully woven. The amount of details and information which was edited out of Genesis is beyond profound.

Adam and IWNW

Side Note; by legend the name of the first temple of stone Adam built on earth was “The Sacred City/Temple of Pillars” or in pre-Hieroglyphic IWNW. Which was conquered circa 3500 b.c.e the remaining ancient temples destroyed and a new city built in its place. The new city was called Heliopolis aka Jerusalem in Egypt.


The story of Medusa fits into the founding of the city of Bellingham is a profoundly difficult sociological framework to work with. Not difficult by any stretch of academic credibility but how does a fictional character fit into the narrative of a city which was founded millennia later on a different continent on the other side of the northern hemisphere. The answer is extremely easy.

The story of medusa if you break it down into its most basic elements and change the names from Linear B back to hieroglyphics; you get a story which is radically similar to the concept and story of Isis, Osiris, and their son Horus.

Isis = Medusa = Eve

Osiris = Poseidon

Horus = Adam or a resurrected Able, yes the son whom was murdered by his brother. Who went on to become the first Pharaoh after his father “Adam”.

Medusa transformed into a snake; Isis/Medusa being Eve has a snake as a symbol. Which is the same as the symbol for Lower Egypt the deity Wed Jet; which has long been considered a name change forerunner of Isis.

The Definition of Deity is not the modern definition of the word.

Deity is closer to the definition of “electro magnetics sphere” and or “Magnetosphere”.

Wedjet is only a few small accents of sound away from being pronounced “Wunjo” which is the Futhark work for Magnetosphere, Joy, etc.

Lower Egypt is also the area which contains the city of Heliopolis aka Jerusalem. Former to 3500 b.c.e was called IWNW which translates as “The Sacred city of Pillars”. Which is by legend the location and very likely the temple Adam built which was designed to be a reflection of what he could remember regarding the center of the Garden of Eden.

The city of Bellingham specifically the city of Ferndale being a close enough in geography and geology to the Nooksack compared with the Nile. The city of Ferndale being connected geographically with the Jam; which was close to the metaphor regarding the original rebuilt city of Memphis. Which was by legend built by Abraham as a physical e.g. stone copy of the temple of Heliopolis which by his religion Adam built himself.

In many ways at least the most basic outlines and the most basic layout of Ferndale could have been how the city of Ferndale was thought of and conceived. Since little if any of the original is left; replaced by modern construction and modern square layout patterns (courtesy of firs the English and then the Americans; who hated all things to do with the Semitic cultures and most specifically Jews. Remember that fascism was just as strong fi not stronger in American than it was in Germany.).

Medusa being transformed into a Gorgon, her son being transformed into an equally hideous creature, when Perseus attacked and killed Medusa. Her son seized revenge; which caused giant Scorpions to attack Perseus’s and his group.

Which is a story telling metaphor for the Scorpion King. Which the hidden inside Greek Culture Jews became experts in hiding their culture inside the conquerors cultural infrastructure. Which connects the story of the Scorpion King aka Narmer, with Medusa/Isis/Eve, with her cursed son or sons (resurrected and or Caine), the city Adam built aka Jerusalem, with Memphis, which connects Memphis and Heliopolis directly together.


Emperor Constantius I Latin: Marcus Flavius Valerius Constantius Hercules Augustus and Helen


The product of the forced Marriage between Konstantinos and Helen was a male child Constantine. Who later went on with his mother to become known as Constantine the Great?

Partially because he was the first Emperor to become a Christian (of Jewish origin from his mother’s side) but because he did so many marvelous and miraculous things.

Part of the reason Constantine was able to achieve so many goals was because he was half of the Ogle family which means he was half British and at least in some part descendant from the Cycladic culture which the British culture also at least by legend descended from.

Even though Konstantinos’s hated the very thought of the power his wife possessed before he married her. The marriage only lasted for 10 years; the Romans broke the piece deal negotiated between the Ogles and Konstantinos’s.

The second the hostilities continued at Hadrian’s Wall was the second the marriage was over. Konstantinos’s immediately divorced his wife; which forced her to go back home. Which is odd since the minute he died years later, the son the new emperor Constantine called for his mother to return from exile. Since Konstantinos’s died in York, having temporarily lost the city of New Castle at least the city was under such hard siege the emperor was not safe to remain in the city. Especially under declining health.

His son Constantine was directing most of the battles. But then again the battles were difficult since he was literally fighting against member of his other family on his mother’s side. Also his mother was most likely somewhere on the north side of the wall.

Cleopatra descendant’s and a strong very likely connection to the family of Helen



Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar aka Caesarion’s  aka Ptolemy Caesar (June 23, 47 BC – August 23, 30 BC)

The reports of his death are greatly embellished. His death was reported entirely by the Roman Empire, no body, no trace of this date is based on anything other than the facts that his adopted half-brother and cousin (Julius Caesar was Emperor Augustine’s great uncle, Julius Caesar was Caesarian’s father) Augustine was emperor and Caesarian was the definition of a threat to the Emperor’s seat. So he was exiled to Northumberland with his mother (most likely) and stayed in exile to build an army and force that army against the Romans specifically the descendant Emperors of his cousin/adopted half-brother Augustine.

Which strongly points to why the walls were built, why a huge amount of the Roman army was at the Wall. Which also points to why the Romans spent so much (eventually crushing the entire empire to defend against the army just on the other side of the wall) to both crush the army on the other side of the wall and to defend against that same army. The Wall was meant to keep the Ogles out of Rome than as a fixed fortification to crush the army north of the wall.

Vatican the Holy Sea

First the name comes from Noah’s ark which itself is a copy from a boat/vessel used in the resurrection ceremony Adam used to resurrect Able. What parent would not go to the ends of the earth to resurrect their child. Knowing god personally, facing death in order to return a child to life is an acceptable format for a good parent.

The holy Sea e.g. the vessel from which Adam built in the River from which he was able to take the growth from the four trees from the center of the Garden of Eden and weave the fabric of the string of life.

That boat/ship carries forward into the name of the Vatican itself.

The Vatican almost immediately after seizing power away from the senate and the emperor Constantine set up to erase any and all threats to its power base.

Which included the army north of hadriens wall.

The Kingdom of the Seven Hills was one if not the largest threat to the Vatican power base from day one to present.

The Kingdom of Seven  Hills was such a large threat that the Vatican began a 1000 year plus long dark age in order to genocide any and all threats to its power base.

** From 400-present the Vatican’s hold on absolute power is still very strong.

The two Empires battled from 30 bce to the last day of the Roman Empire fell circa 400 ce. Attempting to erase the second Rome or the second Empire of the Seven Hills cost Rome Everything.

The Battles over and around the concept of the Rise of the Vatican. The Empire of the Seven Hills was not only a major threat to the Vatican, the Vatican itself was under almost constant and continuous attack based on the very existence of the Empire of the Seven Hills.

The very foundation of the Vatican rested on principles which the Empire of the Seven Hills by its very existence forced everyone to  know where flat out not only incorrect but founded on direct lies and deceit.


Occurring at virtually the same time

All the following activities are what the cultures which founded the English cities which are the foundation for the modern city of Bellingham Washington State. Although ancient Egypt might not be directly connected (minus books and research found in the libraries of Western Washington University itself) the cultural behavior patterns have repeated in Bellingham just as they had repeated from the earliest historical documentation circa 3800 b.c.e to present. The more an individual understands about the past the less they are going to be controlled by behavior patterns of the past and in some cases the ancient past.




Last wave of construction on Salisbury



The whole issue with Cleopatra with her children in (according to the code the same man who claimed she committed suicide and her son was killed <the only rival to his claim to the throne of Rome> Augustine) Northumberland, Hadriens wall (and the eventual fall of Rome <too many troops were committed to the wall, too many losses of Roman soldiers occurred at the wall. The army could not continue to maintain a strong army when they were losing so badly at the wall> eventually losing so many soldiers that the army was not majority sons of the land owners in Rome anymore. Mostly hired mercenaries from the distant areas of Rome. The sons of Rome were being slaughtered at Hadrian’s), the Birth of Jesus, the destruction of the temples at Jupiter (Jupiter being the pre-Exodus name for the city. The City was renamed to reflect a city which was taken from the Jews by the 18th to 19th dynasty issues. The 18th dynasty were most likely Jews while the 19th dynasty were a risen back to power Hyksos. The city of Jupiter is the old name for the modern city of Jerusalem. Which begs a very interesting question; where was the original city of Jerusalem since David had to rebuild Jerusalem after the exodus; which in this case was some 200 or so years later.), etc. which harkens back to a previous time when many events took place at also the same time. Troy, the start of the British culture, the Exodus, the Rise of the Hyksos from Avaris(their capital city) aka the 19th dynasty, the start of the middle eastern culture aka the descendants of the former Hyksos armies constantly attacking and wanting to obliterate the Aegean cultures.

From 1900 b.c.e to present the descendants of the Hyksos have culturally had their eyes set on just one goal; erase from existence their mortal enemy the cultures of the Aegean.

That same battle or war from 2100 b.c.e attacking and destroying the previous cultures of Egypt and the reason why the previous history of the city of Bellingham Washington state have been erased is for the same exact purpose. The original settlements and city of Bellingham which sits under the modern university of Western Washington University is the original city the Ogles and their British other families built in an attempt to build their new empire/kingdom 1000 miles away from the closest Attackers army. Which in 1806; those efforts failed partially because of the Vancouver expedition and the cooperation of Lord Bellingham from Bellingham Castle Ireland. He provided the Maps his ancestral family created to show how to perform that journey.

(Most of this section was written with a severe downs syndrome adult sitting next to me. But just this small amount regarding the mixture between Jesus, Cleopatra, and Northumberland. Although the Jesus portion has not been written yet).


Constantine start of Byzantium

The Byzantium Empire stated as an offshoot from all the major problems which existed in Roman Empire at the time. The Roman s

Fall of Constantinople,

The number of things which occurred within the decades of 1066 are incredible.

Although technically speaking the fall of the city of Constantinople did not occur for another few hundred years. The writing was on the wall and not only did the scholars pay attention but the powerful political families did to. They started to leave a century or more before the fall.

Although history documents that the fall did not occur till 1453 (mere decades before the voyage of Columbus was allowed) the city was already in extreme decline.

end of the Viking era,


The Vikings created a regular trade route between Newfoundland through Scotland from Norway. Ran the trade route regularly from previous to the Viking age till around 1400,

start of the Knights Templar

discovering the hidden library under the temple of Solomon




Helen her father

Although Helen is a saint and had been a saint for a considerable amount of time. Almost nothing about her life and who she actually was is known. The facts remain that even her city of birth is an unknown. Of course the problem is; her family are a profound embarrassment to the entire Roman Empire.

Helen had her past almost entirely erased by both the Roman Empire and the Vatican. Although in truth the Vatican did not exist in its present location till after her son converted to Christianity and provided that area for the organization to have a permanent home. The pervious several hundred years the organization had a wondering location.

Helens father was by a statistical comparison the commanding general of the forces opposing Rome north of the wall.

Although it is technically not possible to connect Helen’s family with any specific last name. The info Constantine, the Constantinople library, Helen, and the Northumberland library contained point to the family associated with the Ogle (in Gaelic) Northumberland (in Latin) family. What Helen was able to achieve, what Constantine was able to achieve, what the 1000 year of scholars whom gained access to the Constantinople library were able to achieve all point to the same radically advanced sources of information.

Adding the fact that the city of Constantinople was constructed so well that only the cannon could penetrate its walls with effectiveness. Although the city was partially breached a bit before the cannon arrived from the east; the siege failed soon after the breach. With the walls being rebuilt.

But the facts remain; Helens father was able to have constant access to extremely advanced info which allowed him and his ancestors for the previous 350 years and the next generations for close to the next 100 years to keep holding the Romans off. That requires beyond significant amounts of education and information in order to pull off a feat no other army was able to perform against the Romans. The Romans hid their defeat well; but the fact they were defeated is not in question. The facts that the Romans write about the wall and all the flurry of excuses they gave about their victories and the fact the wall was not meant to keep the invaders out but merely a convenient place to perform commerce with the tribes of the north. Something which did not exist anywhere else on the entire around 10,000 miles of Roman borders. They only needed a place for commerce in a defensive wall with more than a quarter of a million troops at Hadriens wall 200 miles it was needed. 10,000 miles it was not.

Her father Ogle Castle

Helen was most likely born either at Ogle Castle or one of the other Castles the family owned.

Her family most likely had his military headquarters at Ogle Castle. Which of course had a much different configuration then than present. The Pictish took especial care to dismantle and destroy that castle the second they managed to finally win against the Ogles and exile them out of the country. To northern Europe.

Helens son Constantine

Constantine was a beyond remarkable man. He possessed the power of the Roman Empire, the abilities of his mother’s father, both the library of the Roman Empire and the library of his grandfather. He possessed all the tools needed to be a great and formidable man.

The thing which kills most families is the negatives revolving around the entropy. Several generations after success the family starts to have generations who take the family determination and turn it into either self-destructiveness and or selfishness. They spend the family money like it is going out of style. Destroying the family and the power of the family as quickly as they can. For a wide variety of selfish and destructive reasons.


Immediately after the Crucifixion Joseph of Arimathea chose to immediately leave the Middle East. Mostly because even though Joseph was a member of the Jewish counsel, a Roman Officer, owned land in Rome Proper, and was rich after the crucifixion thanks largely to the influence on the Roman government by the Esau/Hyksos descendants being a Israelite/Jacob descendant for a while was considered a capital offense. Jesus’s presence was so frightening that the entire core of the Philistine’s and their Esau/Hyksos culture the very essence of the culture itself was so frightened by Jesus and his message that they immediately went on a from that point for the next several hundred years search and destroy any and all Jacob descendants.

What this means for the city of Bellingham Washington is the following concept “let us get as far away from the enemy as possible, to create a network of cities and libraries where they cannot go right now. Build up our infrastructure, create defenses, build libraries, etc. by the time our enemy arrives to genocide us we will be ready. For the city of Bellingham Washington this worked great for the first several hundred or more years. From at least Columbus to Vancouver 1500-1680 it worked. The library, sacred artifacts, etc. were not only safe but 1000 miles from the nearest anything which could indicate a threat.

Roman officer

One of the most difficult aspects of all Catholic and Christian history is the fact that if you were on the counsel you were a Roman citizen. If you were a Roman citizen you owned land in Rome Proper (e.g. inside the Gates of the City of Rome itself). All Roman Citizens who owned land had to have at least one member of their age appropriate family in the military. For a high ranking family this meant officer.

So Joseph of Arimathea was a land owning in Rome Officer in the Roman Army who was a Roman Citizen. Which is also what allowed him to leave the Middle East after the crucifixion and travel all the way to Britain.


Council member

Owned land in Rome proper

Simon peter

Crucifixion items to Northumberland

Items transferred for safety from Northumberland to Glastonbury abbey

A very strong chance the 600 circa Pictish allied themselves with a militant Islamic army

Militant Islamic army are more than capable of taking out the Ogle army.

Islamic zealots have 0 problem and want to die in battle. The more animals they deliver up as sacrifice the higher the honor they have been convinced they will receive in heaven. 

Heaven all roads lead to heaven

Julius Caesar stole the ancient nick name of the city of Memphis Egypt when he conquered the city. He stole the name and rebranded Rome “the Eternal City”. Which is interesting since the Eternal city means “the city of Luz”. Luz is the only bone in the body to survive cremation. Consequently it was labeled the “eternal or heaven bone” for this reason.

The city of Luz was supposed to be a sacred city.  It was designed and built to be sacred. It was designed and built to be sacred from day one forward. Problem is any and all centers of power by default automatically attract those that just want power and could not care less of the consequences of that power.

Memphis has undergone several name changes, several rulers, been conquered so many times that the original location of the city has been entirely obliterated. Guesses as to its original location can be found based loosely on the facts regarding some of the outlying areas and buildings associated with the city itself. Some of them are still in existence. Which makes those structures in the approximate area where luz/Memphis used to be but most definitely not the original location of the city of Luz/Memphis.

Why this is important to Bellingham Washington state. The Temple of Ptah Egypt is the actual name of the country of Egypt. Eg Y Pt: temple of Ptah. After the city of Heirakonolopis was sacked and partially destroyed those living in the city were forced to move their library from Upper Egypt to Lower Egypt. The new area they set up was in an ancient even for that time; a city called “The City of Pillars” or in proto-Hieroglyphic IWNW. The interesting thing about the city of Pillars is that by legend the city of Pillars was either a copy of the temple Adam built at the city and or the original pre-flood temple Adam built as an earthly physical reminder of the center of the Garden of Eden.

But also only the smallest amount of detail retarding where Heliopolis used to be still exist. Its original location is close to a complete mystery. Memphis at least has some resemblance of where it used to be within a few Miles. The pre-3500 b.c.e name for the city of Heliopolis was IWNW.

Everywhere this culture does; one of the key things they do immediately, they create a large cultural infrastructure from day one. Which includes a library; which that library eventually turns into the foundation of a university. The statistics of where and how western Washington University was founded is shrouded in mystery. Mostly because the later conquest cultures of England (which is vastly different than British) and the Americans who allied themselves with the Dutch, English, and Napoleon France (all heavily into the slave trade) did not like the British and their power base. So as many of the ancient records regarding the British Families creating infrastructure in America and the Pacific North West were all but entirely erased. To be reestablished centuries later in the late 1800s by the present founders of the University. But there had already been a school in this city since the 1600s. Although the new government disavowed its legitimacy after both the English moved in reference the change from the East India Company to the Hudson’s Bay Company and the English government being at open war with the British.

All Road lead to heaven; was sacked and destroyed to prevent the very knowledge that Western Washington University and the network of libraries it was connected to dated back to no later than the library at heirakolopis????? In Upper Egypt circa 3800 b.c.e. Conquerors do not like leaving tools of power in the hands of those they conquer. Libraries and universities are high on the list of those things which the conqueror destroyed immediately upon killing the ruling family.

All Road lead to Heaven all Roads Lead to Heliopolis which translates from ancient Greek into English as Jerusalem. Yes Heliopolis in Egypt was named Jerusalem as a fully up and functioning city of 10,000s of people by the time Sumerian and Hieroglyphic were invented. Jerusalem Egypt aka Heliopolis (which had been all but entirely obliterated; much like the true history of Columbia University formerly Kings college Manhattan) its library and center of higher education were erased obliterated.

All roads lead to heaven has a very interesting architectural reference. All the pyramids causeways which have been located and documented have an Aten appearance. Which for the city of Memphis aka Luz (Genesis 28:19; 35:6 Genesis 35:6) is where all Road literally converged onto. Which Caesar then stole and renamed Rome. Centuries after the collapse of Rome, the culture collapsed but remained virtually intact, changing from being centered in Rome to partially centered in Constantinople.

As the Cannon was reinvented and moved toward Constantinople the governmental structure of the Byzantium Empire moved from Constantinople back to Europe bringing the library, government, etc. back to Europe with them. Which threatened the peace in Europe but did allow of the return of civilization.



Plantation System and Academics

The plantation system and the field of academics is based on the same rules, regulations, and philosophy. They are both descended from ideas which are descended from the concept of the garden of Eden

Plantation system


Great River; Nooksack

Whatcom creek/river


Simon Peter

Most likely his former name was Jesus Christ. During the crucifixion he was most likely elected or appointed to be the Next Pharaoh (since pharaoh was originally a title which belonged to the people of Israel e.g. Adam’s descendants).  In approximately the same year or a year after a statistical likelihood that Cleopatra’s son and the son of Julius Caesar died in exile in Northumberland.

A clean shaven  Simon Peter circa 300 ce in Spain. First thought a representation of Mary Magdelaine with Peter and James 0


The Apostles

Yes the journey of the Apostles does have a direct and layered effect on the founding of Bellingham Washington. The founding of Bellingham Washington is a direct result of the events of the Exodus, the Crucifixion, Constantinople, the Ottoman Empire, and trade routes which allowed the ancestors of the men whom founded the city to arrive from Europe in the first place. The reasons the Vatican erased/obliterate the information regarding the continent on the other side of the Atlantic. Etc. all those things and a million more are why the men who founded the city were in the area in the first place. Why the history of who allowed them to travel from wherever they traveled from to arrive in the Pacific Northwest in the first place. Why the original settlements/towns/cities/were erased when the official date of the founding of the city/s was when the American government recognized them, versus dating archaeologically back hundreds perhaps 1000s of years.

The apostles traveled out to create their own churches in the areas they could reach

One place a couple of them traveled was to Egypt.

Coptic Christians

Both the apostles whom heard the message first hand and the converted who might have been present or just heard about it later; those that traveled to create a ministry in Egypt aka Coptic faced at first a huge amount of problems. When Egypt was taken over by the Rule of the Byzantium Empire; a state of relative peace and easiness was present.

The Persians (Esau/Hyksos descended culture; equally and blood thirsty and education obliterating as their previous named culture) invaded and conquered

In the early 1600s when Mohammed chose to invade and seize control of all Egypt. In a very real effect “Traveling to Heaven” through Jerusalem.

It is very likely the entire claim Muslims have on Levant lands is fictitious. It is more likely Mohammed traveled to Egypt. Performing the ceremony not in Levant but in the Great Pyramid of Khufu in order to climb the Ladder of Jacob to heaven.

The Ladder being north West of Luz aka Memphis. Which also happens to be the location of Eternity. Somehow Mohammed found out and it was to the west he traveled not to the north.

Why does this matter.

Because when the Muslims invaded to allow Mohammed access to Egypt. The Coptic’s and Jews whom had ruled over Egypt for the previous close to 300 years were forced to exile or face immediate execution.

The only way for the Jews/Coptic’s to travel was to go first south. To the end of the Sahara. At the end there was sufficient water and food in which to travel the several thousand miles west to the coast of Africa.

They could not travel north since the Islamic empire was not going to stop at just Egypt. They wanted all of Africa. One army of the army kept pushing and invading west along the Mediterranean.

The problem was that by the 1400s; the Jewish Coptic’s had arrived in Niger. The Islamic Army arrived and found the cultures their ancestors assumed had died in the desert when they fled to the south and west.

When the Militant Islamic empire found those living in Niger they discovered several major problems.

First major problem was the trade routes had shifted away from where they used to be.

Second some of the good which they generated a fortune on in previous years, decades, centuries, etc. were no longer that valuable.

Third and this is critical. Land in Europe was at beyond a premium. Islamic armies by the 1400s were starting to lose their footholds. Vlad and other enemies of the Islamic state had started to push back and the areas which Muslims controlled in Europe were either not under complete Muslim control and or they were the center of major battles which lasted for years and decades at a time.

Consequently the farmers and those that wanted to create Persian style large plantations had no land to expand into. The land they could obtain was beyond too expensive and the land they could not obtain had an opposite army on it pushing them back to the Middle East. The culture of Islam was not only loosing but they were losing on all fronts. They had just started to recover the Middle East after the crusades but had lost almost all footing and stabile areas in Europe as a result.

So they Muslims, Muslim sympathizers, and others in Europe who wanted to expand their crop production started to look around for huge multi-acre multi-1000s of acres of land they could cultivate and produce vast profits from.

The Islamic nations were more than willing to lease their lands to create plantations. Which is a modified and expanded version of the Persian garden. Which itself is a modified version of the Garden of Eden. The plantation owner being in a metaphoric representative of their understanding of the divine. Providing a major ego and arrogance boost to the Plantation owner (perceiving themselves as a divine being e.g. god) and providing so much money they have trouble spending it.

The militant Muslim armies and cultures who controlled the leased land offered the native populations (e.g. at least 10% of them Coptic’s and Jews) as slave labor.

But the problem is, the slave labor being on the same continent and in the areas they were familiar with. All they had to do was to wait for the proper time and run back home. After a journey from Egypt to Niger, a few hundred miles back home seemed like nothing.

They turned to Northern Africa. So in the 1200s forward Europeans started to negotiate with militant Islamic in Northern Africa for vast tracks of land they could cultivate and product profit from.

But the problem became. With dozens and dozens of different armies and Militant war lords more than a few plantations were burned to the ground. Slaves running away, crops ruined, and worst of all no profits. A solution had to be found

The solution for this problem; Europe and Africa would not work but somewhere else with free land, the slaves having no other place to go had to stay, to produce crops which would allow for huge profits.

Some who had access to ancient knowledge found the information regarding the continents on the other side of the Atlantic. But how to allow the cultures to go venturing out, then report back their findings, how would the populations react to the situation regarding being lied to for the previous 1400 years. The Islamic cultures would not care; but the Vatican could lose all kinds of power and trust of the people.

Which soon after 1492, Martin Luther heavily influenced by Mystical Judaism and militant Islam did create a huge division in the Vatican.

Which is one major reason most of the population of America are from a Protestantism philosophy and have broken almost entirely away from Catholicism.

Which something has to be remembered, Irish Catholic is closely allied with the Avignon papacy and not with the Roman Catholic Church aka the Vatican.

That set up is one of the most important reasons the Protestant who founded all the cities and reformulated the cities into Bellingham and Fairhaven were strongly protestant rather than being allied with the Vatican.

The Islamic invasions of both Egypt and north from the Aegean cascaded directly into the basic philosophy which the founders of Bellingham adhered too.

The great library

The great library was not destroyed it was secretly carried out of Rome in order for the romans to maintain control and possession of all knowledge and education.

They liked invention as long as they could control all aspects of it.

So the Alexandria library was crated up and carted off to Rome. The empty building was set ablaze. The romans claimed they burned the building but in truth they did not.

They had such an explosion of technology immediately after they took the library back to Rome that it is unprecedented.

Copies of that same library were in Constantine’s possession as emperor. He had them crated up and sent to his new city. Because he knew the Vatican would simply burn them or lock those books away to remain in power. All the books they locked away when they seized power 1600 years later are still locked away in the Vatican archive.

The basis of the library at Constantinople which consistat3ed of part Ogle library, part Roman library, part Egyptian library, part Greek, etc. that is the basis of the codices which after being copied were sent back to Europe circa 900 c.e. Those copies were sent to the more powerful families in Europe for safe keeping.

Centuries later those same families asked for permission from the Vatican to teach the people in their kingdoms how to do specific tasks. Those tasks were needed since the populations under extreme levels of ignorance were both starving and freezing. Being unable to educate their populations; the kingdoms were unable to generate sufficient food to feed their people, unable to build solid enough structures to shelter from the cold. Fight off disease; etc. so the Vatican allowed limited education to come back as long as that limited education was separated out and focused partially on survival and partial8y on creating grand architectural monuments to the glory of the Vatican itself.

Everywhere the Ogles created a new settlement, city, empire, they brought copies of their library with them. Bellingham Washington state is no exception to the Rule.

The seeds of the western library are copies of the books the ogles routinely brought with them in order to allow themselves references but to teach the populations they were around. It would also encourage their allies to send sons and daughters to study and the new city. Most families had many children; only the first two boys and two girls where needed. The others were spares in case the older siblings either died or chose to not follow the path the family needed them too. So the third through x daughter or son could be sent to a frontier city. Study and create a new location for the family. Any business and or trade there was a new location the family could pull products from or sent products for new markets.

Bologna, Edinburg, Oxford, NewCastle, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, St Louis, Chicago, etc. are all universities which were founded based on the library the ogles carried with them.

Great Library web  network system

The major families in Europe where were strong enough not to be negatively affected by the inquisition. They had armies larger and or more powerful than the inquisition army. They created works and those works were copied within the library system.

Which Western Washington University was part of that library system?

The families Ogles included did not want the same repeat pattern which occurred in the previous when there was one library which could be attacked. This time the library system would be networked and several copies of the same works would be available thousands of miles away from each other.


Heresy laws and the mass execution of all whom apposed the Vatican

One of the major reasons the Vatican hated education and information so much is they having their authority questioned. The more educated someone is the more they question authority.

Since the Vatican is at least half in not more based on the philosophical teachings of Esau which cascaded directly into the structure which Mohammed learned and  used in order to create Islam out of the behavior patterns from 3000 b.c.e to present regarding the facts of the blind hatred of education has been beyond well documented. As well as the number of books, libraries, scholars, the educated, technology which has been purposely destroyed is too long a list to talk about easily. Several of the most brilliant geniuses of the world have instead of being supported by their cultures have been hurt so badly they have not been actually able to function in society. The story of Galileo is just one in an almost infinite number of scholars and innovators who have had to destroy their ideas because they threatened the power of the religion in charge.

In the middle ages from 250-in many ways present the Heresy laws have been invented and put into place.

What the heresy laws are; a group of laws which guild the culture in how to react to those educated who produce idea the society does not like. Almost all the punishments are in various degrees of violent.

The closer to the center of the religion the heavier and more violent the reactions to those that do things which the religion and culture at least center do not like.


Constantine and the Ogle Family

It is unknown the details regarding how Constantine interacted with his mother’s family. It is known as a matter of fact that he based on his father’s wishes that the battles and wars continued. But the ogles were simply too strong for the Roman Empire to deal with. They fought to more than a few stalemates. Why did the Ogles not attack and push into Rome. Why would the Ogles want to sack Rome; such a large empire to manage, so much easier to fend off the occasional attacks than to stop the attacks at their core.  The culture wanted the attacks not just the army. The culture itself was and is extremely bloodthirsty.

When Constantine was born and his early life, he learned well what each side of his family wanted. His mother’s side wanted, x while his father side wanted y. attempting to balance both sides became a task so overwhelming that Constantine eventually was forced to go to war with competing generals within his own army. They all wanted the power. The new Christian church (although without the benefits of a physical headquarters) was also pushing inside the empire for the ability to not only be legitimized but wanted to be a real powerbroker inside Rome. The early Vatican knew as a matter of absolute fact regarding the concept of “All Roads Lead to Rome”.


This capital city was built up from a previous city which had existed for millennia. Constantine knew not only where the city was but knew of the megalith which he converted over to form the center of Hagia Sophia. Hagia Sophia was originally a Stonehenge looking megalith. But was remodeled a few times before it became Hagia Sophia. Most of the conquerors who came through put their own touches on the monument.

What does Constantinople have anything to do at all with the city of Bellingham Washington? That answer is simply; the same library which the city had created before Constantine, placed it in and around the Hagia Sophia monument points to the exact same infrastructure which Western Washington University is based from.


The Byzantium Empire was created by Constantine in order to have a place he was in all but full control over. To remove himself from the militant influences of both the revenge of those that he had just defeated in battle and to allow the Vatican to seize control over the city of Rome.

The Holy Roman Empire was entirely ruled and controlled by the Vatican. Till corruption and other equally nasty behaviors destroyed the city from within.

Constantine did not assume he could create a Utopia city far to the east, he assumed that men are corrupt, so no reason to assume a Utopia could be created. But on the other hand he wanted to his empire to be at least mildly fare. So he give up Rome for Constantinople a city he could built up from a city which had existed for millennia before he arrived, just not anywhere near as large in the present.

What does the founding of the Byzantium Empire have anything at all to do with the funding of Bellingham? There were settlements and villages in existence in the Bellingham area before 1850. Same as the city which was already in existence before the city of Rome was renamed. Athens, Sparta, London, etc.

Also the name Byzantium is a Late Latin derivative of the Gaelic word Britain. Constantine was attempting to give Honor to his mother’s family and that empire while still changing the name enough not to draw too much attention to himself.

The British are a different culture than the English; the British attempted to create a new empire a new Byzantium in the Pacific North West but they failed to create a sufficient infrastructure before the English arrived to seize it from them. So in a very real way the pre Oregon/Washington name for that area New Byzantium can be added to the history books. Especially the Islands portion of the empire; where it is well documented that the British attempted to but were conquered to quickly from creating a solid settlement in the San Juan’s.


The Fall of Rome

The assumption is that the fall of Rome was in part due to the amount of troops which had to be the wall to keep the Ogles out.

Since the majority of the main troops were at the wall, the rest of the army had to consist of mostly mercenaries.

Mercenaries are not really Romans, they do not have the understanding of what being a Roman is. So just a group of soldiers who fight battles for no understanding of way.

The empire fell in part because the spirit of the essence of Rome had been replaced by just a group of people trying to get by without the social structure which made Rome a world power. Of course this was also assisted by the fact that the Vatican was working very hard to replace the rules and regulations of the social structure of Rome with its own rules of how to live in a society.


Ogles and Picts Battle is Out

After the fall of Rome, the soldiers and cultures which remained in Britain.  The Ogles and their allies continued to be allies, while their enemies continued to be their enemies. This is critical for the times of Author since the times of Camelot started at this specific time. From the fall of Rome to the Age of the Viking was the time of Camelot.

The remaining armies and cultures simply reformed and kept fighting out the same battles they had been fighting for the previous half millennia.

The name had changed a bit but the locations and the combatants had not changed that much.

The Welch were not much of a threat, the Kingdom of Cornwall were not much of a real threat. But at Hadriens Wall the armies and cultures were more of a threat than they had been before the Roman Empire fall.

They were more of a threat because before the Romans only wished to contain the threats from the northern portion of the wall. After the cultures south wanted to obliterate any and all traces of those north of the wall; stopping only when they were able to link back up with their allies north of Perth Scotland.

Pictish revolt

From 400 to 750 the armies at the wall were in almost constant battle. It is amazing the forces south of the wall were able to maintain sufficient troop levels in order to actually keep fighting. The cultures north of the wall were able to keep fighting because they had long standing alliances with Germany, Northern France, and Scandinavia in order to pull sufficient troop numbers to keep defending their homeland.

The fact that the Pictish lost at the wall as much as the Romans did not stop them from continuing to attack.

From 400-750 the Pictish were in active and continuous battle against the Ogles.

Which is interesting since the battles were almost unanimously the Pictish lost.

Till the decades immediately following the Esau/Hyksos culture name changing to follow the radical and ancient teachings reassembled by Mohammed at Islam. When that event occurred, a tremendous amount of those cultures which were descended from Esau’s line fell into the organizational structure which was Islam.

Since more than a little of the Vatican’s organizational structure was also strongly Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Villanovan based the government and social structure of the remaining Roman empire and the social structure of the Vatican also started to heavily lean toward the Rules and social regulations re-outlined by Mohammed.

Pictish and Islam

The key change which altered the battles from the Pictish loosing almost continuously from the end of the Roman Empire to the decades following the convergence of most of Esau’s line to Islam.

Which is a marked issue. The Ogles won from 50 b.c.e to 750; the Pictish whom were most likely descendants from the Hyksos who moved to Britain circa 1500 b.c.e in the century either  before the Thera Volcano or immediately after.

Although in truth just because the Romans labeled them according to their tattoo’s the Romans were not keen on being nice or honest when it came to their combat mercenaries/support in other words the cultures they used at a shield wall. The culture could have had some kind of they were all identifiable by a graphic they wore, tattooed upon themselves, identified with, etc. so the graphic being of all importance to the culture they were called “graphic” or in Latin “pic”. But removed from the home source for millennia it is common for some of the basest rules of the culture to be ignored/forgotten. Even though Islam forbids tattooing, the Pictish had been in Britain by then for more than 2000 years. More than a few of the rules of the culture could have been lost in those 2000 years.

Also the minute that the Pictish took over in Britain they immediately banned the use and all material from Gaelic. Replacing Gaelic with the new language of English. Which the country was forced to take on that same name.

Which is a standard procedure dating back to the origins of language? Obliterate the previous conquered cultures language and replace with a new language the entire population is forced to learn. Learn the new or die.

It places English as one of the Cuneiform languages.

It also places additional statistical variables regarding the same exact behavior patterns from ancient times up to and through the events from 750 forward.

The fact that first the Romans lost, then the Pictish lost at the same place. Islam is developed and then the Ogles lose and lose badly tells a significant tail regarding what variable changed which cause the battle over Northumberland to change so radically. It is very likely that in the last 600s a group of militant Islamic came to the UK and started to convert whoever they could find. Eventually leading to converting over a portion of the Pictish culture. With a new battle strategy of; kill all who disregard the teachings of the prophet.

Since the Vatican has had an uneasy but distant alliance with Esau’s line from day one. Paul was an Esau/Hyksos descendant the co-founder of the church alongside Simon Peter (they disliked each other intensely; Simon Peter in his own hand called Paul the Evil Priest. Simon Peter and Peter being different people; Saul was still Saul but editing of the Bible from 80 c.e to the counsel of Nicaea edited/merged Saul and Paul into being one person. Nothing could be farther from the truth). A portion of the founding of the Vatican itself is based on the same principles that the Vatican was founded upon.

So the Vatican itself might have assisted in small ways the spread of Islam. Absolutely the cover-up of a very likely Islamic invasion of Britain by Islamic forces circa 750.

In effect it is feasible to assume the Vatican th9ought, when this phase is over let the Muslims convert the masses or kill the unbelievers off. Then we will follow behind and either destroy Islam and or Islam in Britain will eat itself and we will step in and gain all those that converted to Islam. Let them do the work and eventually we will gain all those new followers.

The battle strategy regarding why the ogles might have lost under a very likely Islamic controlled army; the strategy being all who reject the teachings of the profit are beasts who need to be sacrificed to the greater glory of god. Personal safety and security is secondary to the basics of, the more you kill/sacrifice the higher your glory in heaven will be. With an army who have 0 problem taking as many with them as possible without concern for personal safety changes the entire equation regarding battle.

Why would Muslims arrive in the U.K. and spend vast resources attacking and obtaining as much of a foothold as possible. New Castle Northumberland were the wall end to the east is the answer.

New Castle = Jerusalem

Why would the Islamic army spend so much time pursuing this goal; because the pre-Latin name for the city of New Castle was and is Jerusalem?

So Esau’s descendants were simply following their cultures ancient subconscious rules regarding find and seize control over Jerusalem. Any and all of them. 

The Ogles were forced into exile in the northern portions of France soon to be conquered and separated out as Normandy.


The word Viking means “a small inlet or bay whereby those connected could anchor their ship in relative peace” being too far out to swim but being close enough to shelter from rough seas.

The Vikings are labeled badly not because they are and or were bad, their enemies wrote their history. Almost no enemy in the world write nice and flattering things about those they just defeated. At most university the history is bad, negative, and twisted as if the conquered foe is the worst culture which ever existed.

One of the reasons proposed regarding the invasion of Islam into Britain circa 750 c.e is because of the Catholic Missions created in the wake of the invasion. The Vikings attacked missions and cities the Pictish and or a possible Islamic culture had created a foothold in. leaving the other cities almost entirely alone.

Vikings to Hastings

The age of the Viking started immediately after the Ogles were exiled the age of the Viking ended the year Hasting occurred. Since the Ogles took direct and active part in the entire situation from beginning, all throughout the Viking age, and the end of the Viking age at Hastings the Ogles and Vikings it would appear they were working together. The very title and namesake of Bellingham comes directly from a castle the Vikings attacked, conquered, renamed, etc. Castle Bellingham Ireland.

Immediately upon the De Ogle bringing the German mercenaries with their long bows to Normandy. The invasion of Hastings began. The invasion of course was decisive despite Williams’s army being smaller, the long bow made all the difference. The Long bow could pick off targets from a much greater distance than the bows the Pictish were using. At semi-close range the Long Bow could pierce armor. Something the Pictish bow could not do.


Ogles exiled to Holland/Normandy


Viking trade routes

Vikings and Maine

North American Ogle Trade Route across the northern portion of AmericaOgle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306

Boston up the river system

River system to the great lakes

Great lakes to the Ohio river

Ohio River down to the Mississippi

Mississippi to St. Louis

St Louis to the Missouri

Missouri to the headwaters of the Missouri

Over the continental divide

Headwaters of the Columbia

Headwaters of the Columbia to the Mouth

Across the pacific to the orient

Asia and orient are different words


Hastings 1066

Northumberland descendant William the Conqueror King of Britain

William the Conqueror was a descendant of the Ogle family.

The Ogles keep the trade route to the orient thriving

One of the key reasons the city of Bellingham was create in the first place was the facts regarding it was needed in order to have a weight station between the Orient and Northumberland.

The trade route was beyond extremely successful between 1066-1492. The success on the other hand also spelled its doom. The other countries who were trying to sail around the horn took 2 or more years to make just a one way trip. In two years the Ogles could complete about 10 round trips. Making the Ogles and their allies beyond rich. Which is what lead to the trade route and eventually the ogles being attacked on virtually every side possible even close allies betrayed and worked to destroy them.

Why because money is money/business is business.

One of the reasons which brought the entire North American Ogle Trade RouteOgle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306 to an end or at least ending the Ogles being in charge of it was the fact that the Dutch, English, and Italians wanted to make their fortunes on the Slave trade. The triangle trade was not yet invented or a thing yet, but the Militant Muslims of Africa had all kinds of slaves for sale (at least 10% of the gross mass of the slaves were Jews; having fled Egypt when the Islamic army conquered. Following the Nile south, finding the edge of the Sahara, following the Sahara west to Niger) by the time the Islamic army found them in Niger was approximately 1450. By this time the trade routes had shifted and the good the Muslims had made fortunes on before were no longer profitable. Forcing the Muslims to seek other more profitable source of income. Their mortal enemy the Jews were the perfected choice.

Islam in Europe

Ottoman empire

What can be said about the pursuit of power of Militant Islam? One of the reasons the African University of Timbuctoo was strong and powerful, one of the greatest centers of learning and education while it was allowed to flourish was because the Muslim families who had settled in Europe after major military pushes into Europe by Ottomans and other Militant Muslim armies invaded from both the Aegean and Spain. Those families sent their children to the Islamic university of Timbuctoo.

A huge amount of European families were either Islamic or militant Islamic in the middle of the dark ages.

Which since Esau’s line from practically day one has spent vast resources working to destroy all knowledge and education which disagrees with them. Even if that disagreement is only an illusion that a work in a vast library might be something they disagree with; they take no chances and burn the entire library to the ground in order to avoid that single word causing a problem.



On the surface the evidence is the Crusades were started to recapture the holy lands from Islam. But in truth the crusades were stated in order to take the fight coming into first turkey and then the Aegean from militant Islam. The culture since millennia before Mohammed was born had had a sub-conscious goal of take over the world and force all within their power to follow the leader’s rules of acceptable order. Or some form of violent punishment. Most punishments are some form of barbarism or execution. Bring the war to their doorstep instead of simply waiting the decades to the century for the Persian/ottoman Empire to invade Europe. Which they did anyway. Pushing all the way into Eastern Europe to influence the politics of Germany. As well as sit in the area of Austria for a few centuries. Radical Militant Islam had influenced the cultures of Austrian for hundreds of years, only being pushed back south just a few centuries before Adolf was born in the same exact area militant Islam had sat for centuries. The influences are beyond obvious.


The Templars taking the treasure as far away from the offending cultures as possible, Bellingham is one spot which is about as far away from danger as is possible.

But unlike previous, where the library was not copied. The knights and Northumberland would have had plenty of time to create several copies of their library. Depositing each in specific locations to be found by latter generations; after the current militant Islamic treat calmed down, or the current wave of radicals were dead. As history has shown religious radicals do not have the cultural ability to back down unless they are either too tired to keep fighting or are dead.

Travel across the Atlantic Ocean, then travel across the North American continent, then travel not south but north into the Puget Sound, traveling up to as isolated and sacred an area in the pacific North West as they could find. Bellingham fits most of those categories.


You might be asking yourself what in the world does Prince Vlad III of Wallachia have anything at all to do with the city of Bellingham Washington state. The answer is simple; the city of Bellingham Washington State was founded inside the same struggle which caused Vlad to continue the war against the Ottoman Empire in Eastern Europe.

Not only was the Vatican partially founded on the same principles which Mohammed used to form Islam but Martin Luther, John Calvin, etc. themselves were heavily influenced by Militant Islam. The Ottoman Empire was less than 100 miles away, had been less than 100 miles away for the previous more than 500 years. The philosophy from which Luther was influenced pieces of that influence filtered into Protestantism. Which was one of the things which Vlad the dead of the Order of the Knights of the Dragon was fighting to prevent. His father Prince Vlad II of Wallachia was a celebrated commanding knight of the Vatican appointed “Order of the Dragon” so to honor his father Vlad III took the name “Son of the Dragon” or in Romanian “Dracula”. Army which chased the British into the Bellingham area then worked from 1800-1900 to eradicate all trace of them were working from the same behavior patterns as which Vlad III and his father Vlad II were working to both head off and defeat. Vlad won the British commanders in Bellingham lost and lost huge. Just as Vlad’s ancestors has lost in the Aegean. Traces of them had been erased, eradicated, etc. as well.


Martin Luther

Martin Luther being a German lived most of this life within less than 100 miles from extremely militant Muslims who when not saber rattling to make infidels convert were preaching to gain converts. Word of mouth spreads extremely fast, especially if that information is in any way controversial and or against the dominant paradigms perception of correct. People will always be entertained by knowing things they are not supposed to know.

Consequently the information the Militant Islamic armies had been spreading of the previous close to 800 years filtered into the realms from which Martin Luther and other Protestant leaders lived.

Not only had the influence of Militant Islam but Jewish Mysticism also flourished in the 1400-1500s in the areas Luther was living.

His indictment of Vatican doctrine regarding rules which had been set down in large part of the bishop of Lyon. Who was a self-braggart regarding being a Paul devotee and not a follower of the teachings of Peter aka Simon peter. Making his dogma, philosophy, and his actions based in huge part not on Jesus’s teachings but the teachings which would later become part of the same base which Mohamed used to create Islam.

Luther had a problem with this entire situation. Little if any real and accurate information was present, little if any real way to dig for the truth was allowed, and questioning the church was against heresy laws.

Heresy laws depending on how close to the Vatican you were depended on their severity. In Rome Luther would have been executed either on the spot or in a very public trial. In Germany which suffered extremely under the yoke of Vatican rule was less strict. But that less strict regarding Vatican rules also allowed the Islamic message to come to the people.

It is fair to say the building blocks of Protestantism is about a third to half Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Roman/Paul/Islamic philosophy. Which is good to know, but a difficult pill to deal with regarding those that are followers of said religion who have no idea what the true base is.

It is doubtful even Martin Luther himself knew of the base information which he was criticizing and looking into.

Response to the ottoman empire

Each time an Esau line descendant militarily pushed as hard as they could



John Calvin

John Calvin a few years after Luther chose to follow in the same line and look into the hard truth of which was Christianity.

King Henry VIII

For a missing one small decision the Pope sealed the fate of the dwindling

Austrian Jews


Triangle Trade

One of the worst things which occurred in the 1500-1600s is the amount of money the countries responsible for developing the triangle trade did was to betray the very fabric of human decency in order to generate all kinds of money. Which each of those countries in turn lost either everything for part of everything? The English empire was beyond strong in the 1500s; by the end of 1920, they had become a shadow of their former power. Still strong politically but as to military and how much of a global force, almost not much.

The Dutch went from being one of the strongest and most powerful of all countries in Europe to being not much more than a footnote along the way.

The English and Dutch are two of the primary countries involved with the Triangle trade.

The triangle trade was about the slave countries of Europe created or accepted business deals with the

Great Awakening movement origins in Europe

As the Ottoman Empire conquered and pushed into Europe in various waves; one of those waves pushed into southern Germany. Germany was also the seat of the new Protestantism reformation movement.


Trade Route across Northern Atlantic


Leif Erikson


1492 Columbus and the Santa Maria


Native Genocide

The Natives of America were put through genocide the likes of which is difficult to understand. Until that info is placed into proper context.

More than a few of the native tribes possessed members who were escaped Jews from either Europe and knew enough how to cross the Atlantic and or the earliest English colonists who hired “indentured servants” from the lowest classes of the UK and other countries to come over to be servants and or work in the various commercial and or industries.

Many of them ran away.

The overwhelming number of those who did choose to leave were from the lowest classes. Which means they were not only from the lowest classes but they were also in large percentage Jews.

Which means after a few decades the number of Jews which ran away from their “English Lords” was sufficient in order to actually create large Jewish communities in and around the colonies. The more “indentured servants” whom came across the pond and escaped to form their own Jewish communities the angrier and more violent the reaction from the English Lords became.

Scalping became tied into this. To distinguish between the escaped indentured Jewish servants whom owned the English money; taking their scalps to distinguish between the long straight black native hair and the curly middle eastern hair became a benchmark for those indentured servants whom had been killed while being captured to be identified.

The problem is; too much prejudice and not enough understanding that only a percentage of the Jewish populations are generticlal8y from the Middle East. Some families managed to avoid being pulled into the carnage of the Middle Eastern battles and forced breeding which took place. So those lucky families and family offshoots were able to maintain their non-middle eastern complexion.

The English being a bloodthirsty group once they started to accept the concept that bloodletting was ok. The floodgates regarding bloodletting and killing indiscriminately became the norm.

Roanoke; Jews who simply left. It is entirely possible and realistic that Roanoke was predominantly a group of Jews. If they were majority Jews and the oppressors lost control, the remaining indentured servants could have risen up and forced a coupe detente. Which since the next supply ship was not going to be that long. The inhabitants would not have simply merged into the local tribes; the Jews would have either killed their English oppressors and left or simply left leaving the English oppressors to the mercy of the local tribes whom would not have reacted well when they learned their offensive and defensive capacity was removed

The need for brutal suppression has been part of the English culture since cutl8ural generations before they were called Romans. Although in truth those that settled London after the collapse of the Roman Empire were technically Germans. This does not change the hard facts.

Many roman citizens were either sent to Germany, soldiers were given land in Germany, or they chose to relocate to Germany. Live in either Rome and or around the Mediterranean was less than hospitable. Wars, conflicts, religious persecution of all shapes and sizes, etc. life on the frontier was actually in some ways from 250-500 easier in Germany than Rome.

Some of the Roman families who escaped Rome, moved to Germany, then moved from Germany to south east Britain.

Jews either rebuild Santa Maria or build a new ship

Jewish community at the end of the Santa Fe trail

The Santa Fe Trail started around the area of John Ogle’s property and ended in Santa Fe. Which is within a reasonable distance from the area by DNA evidence has shown a group of Jews had settled in the late 1400s.


North American Ogle Trade Route across northern portion of the American continent Ogle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306


Illinois first Capital city Founded by the Ogles

Little Egypt

Little Egypt Memphis old name for St Louis

East India Trading Company

The east India Company was created by among other Lord Cumberland. Who was a direct descendant of the Ogle/Northumberland family?

In the 1500-and to the middle of the 1600s the Northumberland family had conquered the Pictish living in the west and seized their titles. The Ogles and Pictish had traded the lands back and forth for the last several millennia.

Consequently the East India Company was created and named to reflect the family’s ancient connections as well as the true names of both their heritage in the east as well as their connection to the great sacred river.

It was a great Canadian city when it was founded. Shame we lost it in the establishing of the boarder.

your areas border was solved in the middle 1700s

but for BC the areas boarders entirely in dispute till 1890

I am finding new evidence

well uncovered evidence hidden under genocide

those that did the genocide were the ones whom hid the evidence and wrote the history. imaging if the nazi won. they had already rewritten the history books

white washing their perspective of history.

till the 1960s the triangle trade was taught but from an extremely pro slave owner point of view. the slaves volunteered more than a few textbooks stated flat out

pro slaver sp

Hermann Muller

Hermann Muller

I know that the HBC had a post at the mouth of the Columbia River. It was called Fort Vancouver, I believe.

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

lots of hidden and buried battles along most of the west coast from san fran to alaska

the HBC was backed by the Dutch, the HBC was originally a subsidiary of the EIC

broke away and patracided their origin

Hermann Muller

Hermann Muller

I'm curious what your source material is regarding the HBC. Until it was bought out by a US company 20 years ago, it had been the oldest British, and then Canadian Corp, founded in 1670

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

how did the french men who founded it

wait for it

get across the pond?

only crew capable of that journey with all the trimmings in the 1650s was the EIC

passports are now an easy thing to come by. then you had to have two kings personal signature on your document. .and your immediate lots permission both to leave and arrive.

immediate lords permisssion sp

herecy laws were still very much in effect, owing a piece of paper in italy or an italian ship was a capital crime

only the EIC and militant muslims of west africa had the navys to back the vatican downn on the high seas.

Hermann Muller

Hermann Muller

The French used Canada much like the English used Australia.

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

in a way, yes but that is too limited a story

some aspects of france was bad, but other aspects were really good

especially to canada

Hermann Muller

Hermann Muller

As for history being rewritten, the whole thing of Whites ruling Spain is a prime example. The Moors were black.

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

some aspects the royalist french and the EIC are teh reasons canada exist


very true moores are black

the white spanish are goths from germany and scandinavia

hence the white spanish

lots of mixed sex,

moors with goths eg visigoths

Hermann Muller

Hermann Muller

Most people are not even aware that Canada is a corporation itself, and that it's head office is in Washington.

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

canada is still partially owned by the semi-defunct EIC. only defunct because of Royal politic

Hermann Muller

Hermann Muller

The Spanish Inquisition was as much a religious purge as an ethnic purge.

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

the british and english cultures are vastly vastly different. english arre mostly roman hyksos dorian descendants


the moores were doing the same in teh 800 years before

T R. Robert Welling


T R. Robert Welling

the EIC thanks to the Ogle family aka Northumberland family never lost their ability to sail around the world. consiquently when everyone else was folllowing along the Vaticans party line of kill all teh educated and burn all the books. the ogles were not only keeping up their education but improving. hence their founding 1610 EIC and being public about their global trade route

T R. Robert Welling

the founders of the HBC were under contract to the EIC

they had to have permission from the King of France, Britian, the Pope, adn the local Lords in order to form that company.


no problem

future general of the confederacy pickett owned a plantion in Bellingham, more than 1500 seized acres of land. more like most of the area from Everett to Vancouver

he had 68 scripted soldiers. 1500 possibly 5000 nonscriipted soldiers

that is a full scale army,

why in the world would that area need that many soldiers. because the nations of the world were fighting pitch battles in the area

Canada, Britian, France, England, Spain, Muslims, Greeks, Russains, etc the list is endless. were fighting for the last bit of the continent which had only semi been claimed. despite teh british ogles having been in teh area for ? undetermined amount of time


Hudson’s Bay Company

The Hudson’s bay company was a subsidiary of the east India Company.

The men who founded the company did so under the permission and supervision of the east India Company.

Ogles allied with the French

At some point in the workings of time the Ogles had allies themselves in the government which eventually became known as the French. Although in reality they were most likely allied with the Gaul’s before that.

Notre-Dame de Reims; was not only were the French Kings were crowned but also a major cultural center.

Notre-Dame de Reims

The Ogles and their French Allies

The French Royal Family are in part descended from the Ogle family. Means the Ogles have just as much right if not more right to the Unclaimed French Throne than most other families.

Irish Catholic Church (Vikings) the Avignon Papacy

After the French Papacy was suppressed and collapsed the power of the Avignon papacy shifted from France to Dublin Ireland.

Versailles part paid for by the Ogle Family Trade Route

Because of the massively lucrative trade route from Britain to the Orient through the Northern Portion of the American continent the Ogles and their allies were able to produce almost immeasurable levels of wealth.

One of the projects this wealth paid for was the Palace of Versailles.

One of the reasons the French government suffered under Louis XVI was the direct result of the losses in the trade route which other countries like Holland, England, Spain, etc. had carved off of the trade route over the centuries. They took over the trade route and with violent suppression guarded them.

Many castles and said paid for by profits of the Ogle family trade route


English start to erase the British and ogle influence in the colonies

1600s the Tudor’s conquer those from Northumberland aka the kingdom to the north


Islam and American

The English culture was only interested in profits, not successfully managing their colonies. They left the management of the colonies up to the British and the regional governors.

So in a large way those with an Islamic and or militant Muslim background and or culture were allowed to come to the colonies. As long as they provided sufficient money to the crown.

The Start of the Slave Trade

The Slave trade in America started primariy to conquer the Ogle Family Trade Route Dominatnoi of North America. Instead of 2 years one way for Eruope to Asia, it was a month following this route Ogle Trade Route 2015 2 9 1306. However to achieve this conquer goal, required swithign allegences from Catholic to some versio nfo miliatnh Islamic eg protestant in order to break the agreements and sieze control over these areas. But money does  a lot fo talking, greed and lust do a lot fo work regarding what is possible and hwta is not. Convincing people and cultuers to betray friends and family for tons of gold becomes easy. Islam wanted to expand its plantain tsystem to the Rockies but were dead stoped by the British and the British Ogle families lock on this route. The OGel military was too strong to challenge north America. The farthest North islam and and Spanish were able to push into was central mexico and pockets fo Florida. St Augustine Florida was traded back and forth a number of times between British and Islamis hands.

Most times the Islamic groups pretended to be Spanish but they were Islamic in all but name.

And the English, Spanish, and Dutch kept cutting off portions of the North American Ogle Trade Routes (defending their claim with armada’s armed to the teeth; bloodthirsty and capable of battle with no mercy. Which the culture of the Ogle’s being more passive and peace oriented. Instead of fighting to keep their trade routes, they simply moved on to other both ideas and sources of income).

Because of this; the millennia long established North American Ogle Trade Routes were eras3ed and in their place the new countries claimed they created the trade routes.

The newest country on the list with impressive agreements with the English were able to lay claim that the heart of the main portion of the trade route from New Castle Delaware to the Columbia River was their discovery courtesy of Lewis and Clarke. America was able to make that claim; with no one alive being able to t3ell them any different.

The more power the English, Dutch, Spanish, etc. gathered the more violent their reaction and business practices became. In basic “We stole it, we will defend it with everything we have.” The nice thing is the patterns are entirely predictable, the bad thing is, the aggressive usually leaves almost no evidence behind as to the true origin of what was captured and corrupted.

The key countries were not interested in any kind of human rights, they were only interested in making profits and causing as much misery and suffering as humanly possible. With the added bennifit of being able to perform actions for hundreds of years which make what the NAZI did centuries later look like only minor crimes in comparison?

The ogles refused to interact or do business with the militant Islamic of the Barbary Coast. But the English, Spanish, Dutch, etc. had not only no problem doing business with them, they had been business partners for centuries.

Formerly close allies the Dutch switched and betrayed the Ogles. The result was within a century 1600-1700 the Dutch went from being one of the most powerful and tiniest countries in the world to having almost all their power removed both militarily and politically.


Cumberland pass


Ogles loose the 7 years’ war

Indian’s has more than a few meanings. It does in a way mean those of the subcontinent of India. But that is most likely not what Columbus was talking about. He was a convert; which means he was a converted over Jew to Catholic. The smallest of wrong moves and he was subject to immediate execution. If he did anything even the smallest degree a priest did not like, that priest could order his immediate execution. Habeas corpus and due process would be the amount of time it took a guard to receive the order, pull his weapon, and attack the enemy of the church.

Consequently when Columbus named the natives Indians’ there’s a better than good change that he was doing so not to name them the incorrect India(continent) name but rather after the Indus River. A sacred River similar to the Nile, etc.

The Seven years’ war aka the French and Indian war the English, Spanish, Dutch, and colonies fought to defeat the French and their allies and Indians. But the Indians consisted of dozens of cultures including Natives, Jews, British, Northumberland, etc. the war was to assert more power and control over the economics or the raw materials in the colonies. Also the force those nations/cultures to give up lands which contained the raw material the English wanted. Which in a way also included the land; to expand the colonies into.

After the loss of the lands east of the Mississippi the revolutionary war the writing was already on the wall.

Few could deny the fact that another major war was coming.

The facts that the war was coming was only unperceived from the point of view of the English government and the English crown.

The reason the revolutionary war was coming was due to the fact that every revolution there are always two or three. The one who started the war they have enemies which want to topple them the second they are in power.

But after two or three the culture itself is tired of war and starts to fight against any further conflict


Ogles forced to give up rights to lands



New York,


Ohio, etc.

St Louis



Ogles move to the farthest extent of the trade route 1500 miles west of the English

Ogles attempt to create a new kingdom from Vancouver to Vancouver BC.

English hot on the heels of the Ogles

America Just a keen as the English to erase the Ogles


Great Awakening movement

In American the great awakening movement started within a few miles of the sea ports and the areas where the majority of the shipping was directly related to the slave trade.

The distance from the ship yards, and the ports where the slaves (among other shipping items) was less than 60 miles; which means the distance was less than 30 miles less than the influence of the same culture which Martin Luther and John Calvin were influenced by.

Great Awakening movements and Islam


Jefferson Presidency

To make up for goignn to war against both southern allies, business partners, etc was to open up the west for Jeffferson’s plantation friends and family. To hide the facts regarding that deal, he sent Louis and Clarke to cover both the North American Ogle Trade Route and to cover his southern allies from going in that direction.

There is nothing to suggest that sending this supporters, friends, and those that knew the plantation system was coming to an end would not have simply sold their plantations to head out west in 1776.

It is only smart to know what was commming. Plus of the facts that more than a few of the plantation owners by the 1770s were more Arabic/Islamic in relilgion, philosophy, looks, and general cultural attitudes  than of European cultures. So in very real essense the only real way to go about achieving the plantation system wihotu causing soo many issues is to keep moving away from civilizaitoon. The only way to do that was to move to the toher side of the Rockiies. The other side of the Rockies fromm San Fransisco north to Alaska was mostly unclaimed territory. It was kn own of its location, but to  claim and have a cultural presence means more than drawing a liien on a map shows that land belongs to you.

American history itself is divided into what the culture will accept versus what the culture cannot or will not deal with. One of the key details is the facts that the events out west have beee colored by politicians and the fictions which occurred 10 and 20 years after the civil war.

The quarrels with John Adams during Washingtons time in office as well as during Adam’s eight years couudl have been a negotiation regarding doing what was best of the contruy. To keep the masses consentrating on brass knuckle politics versus all the Barbary coast, Islamic foothold in America, the plantation owners moving west, and of course the English attempting to recapture America but wearing the face of the British.

The war of 1812 and the pacific north west.


Jefferson erases as much of the history of the Ogles as possible.

For some reason among all the other things Jefferson had an extreme problem with was the facts regarding Jefferson worked very hard and spent vast amounts of money to erase as much of the North American Ogle Trade Route presence as he could in the eight years he was President. He most likely worked very hard to erase the evidence in the previous decades but was more effective as president.

Jefferson also erases as much of the facts regarding invasions from Militant Islam in American as possible.

Jefferson screamed at the top of his lungs about the injustice which the English and British had done against the colonies. He equally screamed at the first government before the constitutional convention.

The negativity and really bad criticism he did during both Washington’s time and Adam’s time were vitriolic worse than the current political grid lock.

All pale in comparison with the nasty and power-hungry behavior he did while in office himself.

One of the reasons Jefferson closed to ports and started to build the concept of hard core strict isolationist; was because the vast number of both militant Muslims in American in 1776 and the extremely powerful army/navy the militant Muslims/Barbary coast were able to build up over centuries of both taking hostages and demanding huge ransoms, along with the by then about 300 years of the slave trade. Which was just about pure hard profit.

Jefferson closed the boarders because in America specifically in the south the Militant Muslims who had possessed plantations for centuries were starting to get politically itchy and thinking the new American government would be easy to topple and seize control over.

What does this have anything at all to do with the founding of Bellingham Washington? Manifest destiny was in part due to those that wanted opportunity could not obtain opportunities in the east, plus in the 1700s and early 1800s the non-organized or recognized battles occurring in the east and in the south forced men like Roeder and Hanover to seek their lives and fortunes in places as far as we from the carnage of real and political battles as they could. Since more than a few of the battles took place in and around Georgia (founded by Oglethorpe<a direct descendant of the Ogle/Northumberland family), northern Florida (also directly involving the Ogle family), Tennessee, the Carolinas, etc. the only real place to go would be the polar opposite side of the country. Instead of south east north west; which places those that want to seek fortune and peaceful lives between the Columbia River and Vancouver British Columbia.

But to seize control of the situation and not allow the spread of militant Islam in America; it is most likely a good assumption that Jefferson closed to ports and went to open and silent war against those that had allied themselves with the Barbary Coast and Islam. This of course has long and thoroughly documented history; this story is part of the ballad of the marine core. From the hills of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli. The Battle of Tripoli was the first military conflict between America and Militant Islam.

Jefferson had a keen understanding of the insides of Islam. He was a plantation owner, he and his family had long standing centuries long business deals with militant Islamic nations in order to maintain a steady supply of slaves<which were at least 10% Jewish> . He understood the cultures he was going to war against. He also knew that there was a sizable amount of militant Islamic settlers and plantation owners in the south.

He knew this because he had experienced Islamic generosity first hand.

It is not uncommon in fact it is a standard procedure during a business deal with a powerful ally for a Muslim father to add one of his youngest daughters from a second or less important wife to the deal.

Which allows for the children that daughter produces to create a family foothold in the new country.

Perform this task over the entire culture and the children when they are of age can have a large supply of other half Muslim mates to choose from in the new country.

Two half Muslim kids being also half a white plantation owner would have several things going for them. One they would have all the money to buy anything they wanted with the financial backing of their Muslim grandfather/or his extended family, they would be citizens of the new country, they would have access to large tracks of land in the new country to further explore and expand their and their grandfathers family in the new land.

Over the course of a hundred years; would create literally hundreds of not thousands of militant Islamic descendants in the south. Not to mention the white plantation owners who would be more than a little sympathetic to the Islamic cause.

Forgetting the facts regarding how many of the plantation owners were themselves centuries back the product of the same thing in Europe. Some were descendant of the Ottoman Empire pushing hard into Europe. Doing business deals and giving as a gift the younger daughters from unimportant wives. Same pattern caused a huge influence of militant Muslims in Europe and America.


The Real Civil war

One of the primary reasons the cities of Bellingham was founded in the first place was the wars, conflicts, etc. taking place on most of the east coast. From north to south from the coast to the Mississippi the conflicts were intense. Just because the civil war is labeled to be between circa 1790-1920. Which included huge amounts of anti-Semitic behavior worse than Germany between 1932-1946.

Huge numbers of settlers from the east needed to flee west as all refugees do during times of extreme conflict.

Those that wrote the history are the ones who were engaged in the conflicts. But unlike the normal conflicts of a standard army versus army; these conflicts were not designed to be that type of battle. These conflicts were about power, suppression of all that the conquers wanted suppressed, money, land, and above all to not be questioned about anything regarding their actions.

Some conquerors want to brag, some just want the unmitigated unbridled power of it all. Those that want the power usually are not the braggart type; they want to keep their accomplishments secret. So instead of writing about how great the battle was, they do not allow any information about the battle to leak out. Almost all of the losing side are either killed or forced into silence.

The civil war

Lewis and Clarke

First thing to know about the great and wonderful adventures of Lewis and Clarke they plagiarized more of their journey. Copying maps, diplomatic connections, and most of the entire journey they simply placed their mark on a trade route which had been in active operation for the last around 200 years.

The evidence for said is within the framework of so far the Viking presence, Founding of Boston (Beacon Hill), founding of whatever New York city was called before the Dutch Betrayal and seizing control (which they did over the course from 1630-1680), the British with John Ogle both on board and taking part in the conquest(renaming the city to honor his Uncle the Duke of York <with permission from the King of Britain the Duke of York’s Brother>), the area of Delaware, the City of NewCastle Maryland, the Trade Route which ancestors and descendants of John Ogle created from New York then shifted to NewCastle to Illinois. Ogle Country Illinois and Property deeds in the 1600s show the evidence of the ancient trade Route to the Pacific the Ogles created. Which Lewis and Clarke simply plagiarized, followed, then erased the evidence of the previous interactions.

A major academic and diplomatic issue was not only done wrong against

America extreme Anti-Semitic behavior patterns

In America circa the 1800s the waves of Anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish laws were almost as bad as Berlin circa 1944; almost as bad as marching Jews into gas chambers but very close. The Austrians performing said actions performed their actions based on the facts regarding they wanted clean and nonviolent extermination. Americans especially in the 1800s wanted things as violent and bloody as they could possibly obtain. Every aspect of American culture from the end of the revolutionary war up to and including the beginning of world war one (although technically world war one was the American  civil war; world war two was 19915-1919, world war three was 1932-1946. The cold war was technically speaking world war three, where the majority of the battles were fought with primitive weapons hand to hand. Spy versus spy and armed thugs fighting against other either armed thugs or well-armed/trained military) which included pre-world war one race riots. Which at least a good percentage of former slaves and African Americans are either Jews or Coptic Christians pushed out of Egypt by invading Islamic armies.

The two cultures fought in Egypt, one pushed north along the medi the other followed the southern Sahara west to Nigeria where the two cultures met again centuries later. Just in time for the militant Islamic nations to need to eradicate the Jews/Coptic’s again as well as generate profits based on selling slaves, creating plantations, and forcing trade routes under their Barbary coast control.

In American several  large African American communities include Orlando, Tulsa OK, George town District of Columbia, Colorado  springs Colorado(old Colorado city),  apparently Bellingham Washington state, etc. which were safe heavens were targeted and English put as much violence to those communities as they could. Destroying those communities in the process. Some rebuilt, while others were forces to simply move onto

There is an extremely good chance Bellingham was a Jewish settlement in the 1840s.

American Spartacus

First thing to know about a very likely American Spartacus; there was more than one army of ex slaves from all the way back in the first settlers and their “indentured servants” carried through in the centuries later in the 1700 and 1800s especially in the battles and bloodshed leading up to the northern states versus the southern states

The ex-slaves who were not Jews going up against the plantation owners, as well as the northern business owners who depending on creating income based on what the plantation system produced.

The ex-slaves who were Jews creating in effect a very early version of Masada.

Masada having all the key components of the definition of “Northumberland” vertical, sacred, defined area. Which is of course the standard place for both a fortification and a castle.  What type of church/cathedral is the important part?

If the cathedral

A Jewish homeland aka new Jerusalem in America

In America since almost all of Europe being a Jew was a death sentence, executable at the will of those in power. So what is the only real intelligent thing to do, escape from those that wish to “Humiliate, degrade, then only after an undetermined amounts of time genocide”.

Several of the Jewish families and the cultures from northern Europe never lost their understanding of ship building, navigation, and the maps of how to cross the Atlantic.

The places the Jews went they rebuilt the country of Israel and their capital of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem being based on the pre-exodus design of Jerusalem. Which was Memphis, which itself is based on the city of Heliopolis.

Statistically and architecturally said designs can be identified and measured from the key areas the Jews settled.

Cities the Jews of American may have created

City of Seven Hills

Area of Seven Hills

Rings of the Fisher King 2013 12 27 1759Giza Ring of the Fisher Laguz King 2013 12 27 1759Ring_of_the_Fisher_Laguz_Rome_Manitou_2013_12_27_1808

The pyramids are built in seven areas.



The cities of the seven sacred areas of the Pacific North West


New York


Albuquerque nm


The original capital of Georgia

Ferndale Washington State

Bellingham Washington state


In the Areas of the Americas it is nessessary to look for the seven settlements which were designed to work together.

Just like Giza and Rome (etc.) every area has more than one town/structure/etc. built inside it. Giza has all kinds of interdependent items.

Which is similar to a clump of trees; a tree is a thing, but a forest in an area. A group of trees depend on each other in order in order to work and create an ecosystem

In the Fairhaven


In the Bellingham area



Lettered streets


New Whatcom

In the Ferndale

In the Van Zandt

Rome Washington State

Even though the city itself is not very large in any stretch of the imagination. It does have some of the key aspects of the architectural design needed in order to qualify as a specifically chosen location.


The town of Rome Washington State is an unusual town. It sits in the center of

Henry Roeder and Russell Peabody

The English and early American governments in the area wanted the city of Vancouver BC to be the major city and supply route in the area. But Roeder and company wanted to have and control their own city.

Same exact behavior pattern they learned from the great awakening movements which also caused

Whatcom; Great River e.g. Nile/Indus/Mississippi.

Henry Roeder immigrated from Germany to Vermillion, Ohio (which is only about 50 miles from Tiffin) which allowed him to have firsthand access to information regarding where Castle Bellingham Washington state was as well as how to transport himself and his family from Vermillion, Ohio to Bellingham Washington state.

Whether or not Henry Roeder was pro or anti-slavery himself is of little consequence. What is of extreme consequence is the facts regarding George picket chose to build his home 2 miles north of Bellingham Washington and less than half a mile from where the Roeder home would be constructed (or perhaps rebuilt) some 50 years later.

It is very likely the original Roeder home and farm were seized by George Picket. Seized the property in order to both dismantle the infrastructure but also to create his own plantation on the land.

Roeder and the Mines

The Coal mine which Roeder and others created could have had a double purpose.

First purpose was to generate income from coal.

Second purpose would be to create in effect a “Necropolis” a place underground where refugees can run and escape to when warlords want to cause violence and genocide. Several necropolis in western culture history have been used as both a storehouse for the most precious and a place to hide from attacking armies.

The army spends its money on weapons and training its soldiers.

The run and hide cultures spend their money on building and education. Which the warlords hate anyone having better than they have (they only have what they can steal from others) which is not much and education which makes the warlord look/feel dumb. Many scholars have been executed not because they were not valuable, but because someone else had an inferiority complex.

Large carved out areas are common when a cultural society are either forced to run away or defend themselves against an enemy they have little idea how to defeat. 

Bellingham Necropolis

One of the absolute key features when dealing with the descended cultures from the west side of the Nile between  Sakkara and Giza which could be tentatively called “Israel” is the fact that everywhere that culture went one of the first things they did after settling and setting up basic defenses was to start building/carving an underground city. Both for a place for the population to escape to when the invaders they had to run from previous invaders and a place for the dead so their graves will not be violated.

In effect a necropolis is for both the living to keep living, and an extremely expanded Mastiba.

The extremely large and decades to carve out coal mine; which stretched for miles.

One of the keys to being able to tell where the culture went from after leaving Sakkara are the engineering placed into the necropolis. Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, Paris, London, Boston, New York (an entire TV show was developed around the idea, the lead was a strange half lion half human <the lion being a gigantic deal to monotheism> and the community which lived in safety under the streets “Beauty and the Beast” staring Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman), Chicago, San Francisco, Portland/Vancouver, Seattle, Bellingham. Obviously the underground caves and carved out chambers are not uncommon to say the least. The specific architecture and engineering regarding the size and purpose built structures are the important point. Similar to the difference between a normal car e.g. a cave tunnel and a race car e.g. a necropolis.


Hovander Homestead on the east side of the; or the remainder of the Hovander estate/plantation was located on the east side. Be interesting to explore if the Hovander's built anything on the west side in accordance to sacred sites from either the Indus Culture ad or the Nile. The Nile specifically Memphis/Luz. Rebuilding that which was taken due to the battles and conquests of little Egypt of centuries previous southern Illinois eastern Missouri western Tennessee.

Pacific North West totem pole

The Totem poles of the North West and various Egyptian statues look extremely similar.

Mormons and Bellingham 

Although almost 0 info can be obtained based on the history of either Bellingham or the Mormons themselves. But the city of Bellingham was a smaller and much lesser known destination for Mormons fleeing persecution from Great Awakening movements.

Ogles create a new kingdom/empire in the pacific NW


The city of Ferndale was developed and created before the city of Bellingham was founded a few decades later.

The city of Ferndale was established because the city itself where it sat was on a log jam in the middle of the Nooksack River.

The Nooksack being a large and sacred river reminiscent of the Indus, Nile, Mississippi, Rio Grande, etc.

The Log Jam was reminiscent of the original city of Memphis Egypt which was built much like Venice in the Middle of the Nile River.

Well in truth Memphis or what it was called then was Luz (Eternal city) was a city which thrived as a temporary city will Pharaoh Mem came into the picture. As pharaoh mem came into the picture he ordered protective dykes placed around the city. Which would allow the river during its both flood and normal flow throughout the rest of the year to move around the city. Much like the conditions found at Ferndale.

Which begs the question regarding the name Fern and Dale.

Which those events cascade directly into the founding and the area to find regarding the City of Ferndale.

The city of Ferndale might have looked extremely close to what the fictional Superman’s earth home in the Arctic Ocean looked like. Superman’s’ home being a very likely cultural connection with the city of Jerusalem. Our sun is what gave the fictional superman his incredible powers. Would be interesting if the stories of this area and or firsthand encounters with the area of Ferndale and or Bellingham could have been the inspiration of the home of Superman.

Fern; a large plant which usually grows either in a circle and or a group of them grow together. A large fern could look similar to a bush, a circle of ferns.

Dale; a valley and or a Valley between tall things on either side. Tall things could be trees, hills, mountains, plants, etc.

Jam; a confined but specifically designed/designated area, which was made of old growth trees(amber), some if which stuck up, a few had continued to grow and or their acorns grew out of the middle of the sacred defined clump of trees.

As the earliest settlers traveling across the trail that Lewis and Clark Plagiarized from the ogle/Northumberland family. After Lewis and Clarke arrived back circa 1810 they still needed to finalize their notes, have presidential approve for their book, and then publish their book. Once circulated, it took a few years for the earliest settlers to gather up their necessaries. Ask permission in the early 1800s from the local authority figures. Then head out on the Oregon Trail.

Of course previous to being labeled Oregon the Pacific North West was called something else. Most likely Northumberland, New Castle, or even Ogle. But most if not all those records have been long since lost.

Ferndale and the Benben

The key aspect of the development of the area of Ferndale


Benben and the Aten

The Benben stone could sit on one of the arms of the causeways of the pyramids. That extension

Ferndale and Memphis

The design of the city of Ferndale starting on the log jam which was located in the middle of the Nooksack River.

Memphis and Benben


Medusa and turning you to stone/connection to the writing on Benben

The Aten and Medusa the education which comes from the library



Ferndale Stonehenge

The log jam and the nature built (possibly human built) Woodhenge

An artificial island made of logs which some of those trees sticking up to form some type of a Woodhenge.

Reminiscent of the city of pillars aka IWNW by legend built my Adam.


Ben ben description and the Vikings


Bellingham Washington

The city of Bellingham sites below the Western Washi8ngotn Un9vierity. Which itself it is on top of the farm Maria Roberts and her family not only were living on, but had built a substantial infrastructure.

Standard operating procedure for almost all military is to occupy the best built and most strategic locations in an area. Commandeering the built infrastructure and evicting the current tenants.

Fort Bellingham north was built on top of or out of the farm/plantation/estate which the Roberts family had been living on for a number of years before the US military forced them to leave.

One of the commanding officers was Captain George Pickett. Who built a house some two miles north.

Forts Bellingham were built to protect American interests from further Indian and Russian encroachment on lands which Napoleon had sold to the Americans.

Bellingham original city

The original city of Bellingham sites below and or was incorporated into Western Washington University. The founder of Western Washington University was a woman and a family from upper middle Ohio; who was informed of the city of Bellingham by the Ogle family. Since the Ogle family had sent relatives into the area centuries before in order to create a new Kingdom. After the dust of another conquest settled

Bellingham satellite settlements

Whatcom lettered streets

New Whatcom picket building


Bellingham (sits under the University of Western Washington) original settlement first city. All but entirely erased



The Founding of Fairhaven

The founding of the city itself is due in part because a man by the name of Dirty Steve Harris worked to build the place.

But he was not just a dirty as in unclean person, he was in fact related to and or connected with being a black Irishmen or a Jew. Since at the time being called a Dirty Jew did not mean unclean it was a very ancient reference to the applications of being a Jew descended from the children of Israel from the left side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza.

The area of Whatcom country previous to the 1880 reincorporation had suffered under nearly 50 years of invasions and battles. With around six or more cultures fighting for supremacy.

Dirty Jew

Dirty Jew does not mean what almost anyone assumes it means. Dirty Jew is an ancient reference to the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza; which was a flood place, great for fertilizer and crops horrible for sanitation and smell.

Reincorporation 1880s


New Bellingham

centered just north of what used to be the city of Whatcom just south of New Whatcom

Erasing of the past


Revisionist history

Every time a new conquest occurs, the defeated enemy goes through the practice of rewriting the past to the perspective of the culture.


Modern history of Bellingham

The modern history of Bellingham has been significantly altered based on the limited information available from the conquests and construction which occurred from 1806-1890. So the modern city of Bellingham in truth is only a bit over 130 years old.

The modern city of Bellingham was so named to honor in a hidden way the original city under Western Washington University.

The Cities of Fairhaven, Bellingham (under Western Washington University), Sehome, Whatcom, and New Whatcom comprise the modern growing into a metropolis Bellingham Washington.

Before Bellingham can grow into the metropolis it needs to grow into; it needs to understand its ancient past. Not only of the founding as part of the North American Ogle Trade Route but its ancient connections to ancient Northumberland/Yr Hen Ogle DD but ancient Egytp which are both connected to the dawn of civilization. Before the city can grow into the full and complete metropolis it was intended to grow into; the information regarding its ancient past must be addressed first.

Part 2

From Cleopatra back to the exodus

The desperate need to destroy and erase them from existence by their enemies’ means by default this family has power others want to both possess and destroy.




Alexander the great (Zeus)


Greece; the Hyksos versus the Ionian (very likely name change Jews)



The great library



17-18-19 dynasty Egypt

Part tree


The aspects of genesis are a slightly difficult thing to deal with.

Bellingham Stonehenge

Orions Belt and the constellation of Orion are in part used as a scaffolding from which the cities of Bellingham were built.

Although in truth the Orions belt configuration is upside down.

The north facing constellation is mirrored in Bellingham south.

The three kings are upside down.

MemKaura fort Bellingham north

Khafre Bellingham proper aka Down Town Old Town

Khufu Western  Washington University


THE Rings of Stonehenge and Bellingham

Ring south western Washington u Fairhaven

Ring middle Bellingham itself

Ring north lions inn to fort Bellingham north


The Great Library

The Great library at Alexandria was not destroyed by the fire which destroyed the building itself. The Romans e.g. Julius Caesar ordered the library boxed up and shipped back to Rome before his troops hit Egyptian soil.

What alexander did was not assemble the library, he reassembled it based on previous times forms of that library had been assembled and disassembled.

The entire library system of Constantinople was courtesy of Constantine combining the remnants of the Alexandria library which was not destroyed or stolen/in private hands with his mother’s family library. He combined them together to create his library at Constantinople.

That library was the seed of all the major libraries which 700 years later created the University system. As copies of the library of Constantinople were shipped back to Europe because it was obvious the cannon was on its way and the city of Constantinople was going to fall. First thing needed was to ship copies of the library to safe area. The 100 years before Hastings and the centuries after the only real safe place was in the hands of the super-rich and powerful in Europe. Those that possessed an army capable of standing up to the Vatican’s army. Among them was the army of the city of Bologna, another were the Ogles at Edinburgh.

But this library with various content changes and copies of the original works dates to the ziggurats of Sumeria.

The ziggurats of Sumeria were in all reality a form of University. When the army from Ur attacked and sacked the ziggurat of Eridu; the army razed the city and the tower to the ground but took out the library. Evidence regarding what the army from Ur was able to achieve before and what they were able to do after is sufficient evidence regarding how advanced their scholars became virtually overnight.

The University of Western Washington University can literally trace its library ancestry back to the first recorded libraries of the ziggurat system.





History of the Lions Inn Motel

Part 1

Tells the basic information regarding the Lion’s Inn, a bit about its history, a small amount regarding how the city it sits in was founded. THE property it replaced e.g. the Roth Estate. The Roth Garden. Hiway 99 which runs in front of the property to the west. The Vikings. A very likely British trade route between first Boston using the river system to cross west and east to the Columbia.

Part 2

THE history of the name Bellingham. The Ogle family trade route connected to the East India Company. War of 1812 and Churchill’s quote regarding the actual first world war, which part of that took place in Bellingham Washington. The Great library of Heirakonopolis and Alexandria copies of which made up the core of Western Washington University library. Radical anti-Semitic laws of the 1700-1946 which directly and with emphases effected Bellingham and Whatcom county directly and over the long term. George Pickett’s 1500 men and his plantation in Bellingham. Armageddon and Ferndale. Megaliths of Bellingham. Great Awakening movements.

Part 3

Megaliths of Bellingham eg Stonehenge the remaining infrastructure which presents the evidence a megalithic infrastructure was not only present but where it could be located.

Part 4

Great Awakening movements in Bellingham Lyndon. It is a standard procedure to push the agenda of the radical ideas from which John Calvin and Martin Luther proposed. The truth of their influences, both culturally, and how they mixed the messages. The founding of what would become the Vatican Pope Simon Peter and the Impostor Paul. The Slave trade 

Part 5

Energy Vortex’s; scientifically all megaliths mark a place which has a naturally occurring energy vortex. An energy vortex is part of the planets electro-magnetic machine which makes a compass needle point north. The scientific evidence of said can be spelled out in as easy to understand format.

The vortex’s of Bellingham are known to exist but so far no one has plotted out what they are, where they are, how they work, how to interact with them.



History of the Lions Inn Motel, Bellingham Washington Part I


T “T.R.” Robert Welling






The history of the Lions Inn Part I

The history of the Lions Inn dates back to before Pickett Seized the lands to create a planation and very likely Confederate safe zone for those who were disinterested in Jeffersonian Davis’s leadership. The Lions Inn sits on land which was the British/English/Persian Garden for the Roth Estate. Which previous to the Roth estate the Garden was built on the Ruins of a Megalith eg Stonehenge.

This book explores the Lands the Lions Inn sits on, the cultures and people whom have had a direct and long standing effect on the land itself. The area of North Bellingham. The city of Bellingham, The name of Bellingham. The Vancouver Expedition. The Vikings in Bellingham, Ireland, Northumberland, etc. Northumberland the lands, the Royal family of Ogle. The Roman Empire. The list of items which directly associate with the City of Bellingham is a full trip through the width and breadth of western culture all the way back to Imhotep and the Hierakonpolis library circa 3800 bce.


History of the Lions Inn Motel I



2419 Elm St Bellingham Washington



The Lions Inn Motel is situated on old Hiway 99 currently called Elm Street in the City of Bellingham, Washington. Highway 99 stretches (known by many different names and forms) from present day southern California to Canada. Lions Inn to Pickett House Hiway 99 runs to the east of both the Pickett House and the future location of the Lions Inn (the Lions Inn which is designed to  resemble a Motel version of the English Garden which is modeled upon what the Garden of Eden looked like), which is about .46 of a mile 340’ North West.. City of Sehome circa 1889. Hiway 99 would be name changed to Holly Street (from a slightly different angle

The Lions Inn sits on property which was part of the Roth Estate. The Roth Estate was built as a grand three-story Italianate style Roeder-Roth Home (1897) which sat at the northwest corner of Elm and Monroe in Bellingham (demolished in 1956). The businesses and homes which were built after, built in part to take advantage of the bourgeoning tourist trade as well as an attempt to erase/hide embarrassing history of the city.

Roth Back Yard and the Garden of Eden

All proper society in their back yard would have their own personal copy of the Garden of Eden. The Lions Inn Hotel sits almost exactly were the Roth Estate “English Garden/Family copy of the Garden of Eden” would have been.

The Lions Inn was built as a place to stay due to the expanded traveling possible after World War Two, and availability of the automobile, with the capacity of those automobiles to travel on dependable roads, the automobiles capacity to travel farther than a person’s local area e.g. availability of gas stations, etc.

Hiway 99 was built as an upgrade from ancient Native Trails which had been used for centuries and possibly millennia.

The Lewis and Clark Trail

The junction of Portland, Oregon, the Columbia River and Vancouver, Washington bisect the Lewis and Clark Trail with the north south trail which would later be called hiway 99. Follow the Lewis and Clark trail to Portland/Vancouver Washington West then turn 90’ .(where Fort Vancouver, Washington sits. . Fort Vancouver was originally called most likely New Castle named by the Ogle’s who founded the East India Company, subject to a hostile takeover thanks to the Dutch backing the Hudson’s Bay company(HBC). HBC was a subsidiary of the IEC, before the Dutch betrayed the British.) North follow old Highway 99 to North Bellingham about Eight miles south of Ferndale, Washington . The Lewis and Clarke trail was plagiarized from the North American Ogle Trade Route which extended from Boston to Vancouver Washington Very likely north along Hiway 99 to Canada.

The city of Bellingham itself

The city of Bellingham has an incredible history. This history is reflected within the framework of the construction of the Lions Inn itself.

North West Passage

Asking yourself why all this activity in Bellingham previous to 1850; makes absolutely no logical sense.  Till the evidence of “The NorthWest Passage” there was so much money to be made in finding a faster and more economical way for a trade route from Europe west to the orient. Instead of sailing almost a full year around the Horn, a few weeks using the river system is only the most logical thing to do. Bellingham is a perfect location in order to have a deep port city in which to bring goods in. then sail them out of a very protected bay, sound, and down to the Columbia river Or an overland down what would be called Hiway 99. The explores from just about every country whom ventured into the Pacific North West traveling up the Road to the west of the Lions Inn is not out of the question, but an almost guarantee. Papal Permission to Explore the Pacific North West was granted 1493. The British were too strong till the late 1600s to challenge their North American monopoly. Thanks to Henry VIII; he broke their cultural and military back in the North  Kingdom Almost exactly the same battle strategies the English ancestors the Romans used to defeat Carthage  .

The city was named after Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition(George Vancouver Probably George Vancouver from NPG.jpg)

His title came from Castle Bellingham Ireland,_Louth.jpg/220px-Castle_Bellingham,_Louth.jpg (Conquered and renamed to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland The Title came directly from the British Ogle Royal Family

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was named by the Ogle Family who was present at Hastings 


and fought alongside William the Conqueror De Ogle brought the deciding German Mercenaries with their long bows into the battle; as a reward the Lands from York to Perth Scotland  

 350px-Northumbria_802 were given back to the Ogle family (which included Ogle Castle,  Castle Bellingham<the name sake city of Bellingham Washington >, New Castle, etc.). The Pictish (the Pictish most likely had allied with Islam < entire culture represented by this graphic>in order to defeat the Ogles) during the age of the Viking renamed the land to Northumberland which is the Latin translation of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle DD Ogle being the shortened family name and name sake of Castle Ogle and the origin of both Castle Bellingham and the Lord Bellingham title Islam had ruled with   Tyrannical iron fist the Iberian Peninsula for some 800 years previous to circa 1490, only 200 years later the radically strong Islamic philosophy would not only still be present in the Spanish Culture but would be a primary guiding principle for the Spanish explorers and colonizers in the New World. Since the West Coast was still at least semi-in Spanish hands; many of the Islamic leaning individuals and groups would naturally want to evacuate from the Spanish inquisition and make their new life in New Spain Solid Militant Islamic leaning Dutch, English, and Spanish settlements would have been in the area of the Pacific North West from the 1500s forward.

The Star of Bethlehem (three kings is a reference to Orion’1 Belt, the Gaze plateau, and Stonehenge.) has the code of North Umber Land built in. is both a thing and a cryptic code to let the Children of Israel (Hieroglyphic Isis, Re, El) know a bit more information and to hide that information from their enemy.

The Star (Vertical/North) Beth (Female/defined land) La (divine) Ham (sacred define land; translates to North<in non-Latin based languages north meant vertical as in up not compass heading> Umberland. Connects Bellingham Washington state and Castle Bellingham Washington Territory with both NorthUmberLand and the Nativity. Bethlehem is 5.3 miles south of Jerusalem.  Similar layouts between modern day Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to Ferndale and BellinghamFerndale to Bellingham 2014 10 8 1928. Which linguistically connects the British Royal Family of Ogle<specifically the ancestors and descendants of De Ogle> to Egypt, Jerusalem (several including Newcastle, Bethlehem, and the Castle Bellingham’s.

28.7 miles the West to the East from Castle Bellingham is NewCastle Northumberland  which to translate NewCastle from Latin into Hebrew spells out Jerusalem. About Eight miles North West of the Lions Inn is the city of Ferndale Ferndale to Bellingham 2014 10 8 1928which was built and named for a Log Jam in the middle of the Nooksack River . Jerusalem itself was built as a copy of the Temple of Tyre, itself was a copy of the Temple of











Ptah (location Memphis Egypt) in (Egyptian spelling for Ptah and the story of EL are close enough for Ptah to simply be a different set of letters for the same monotheistic deity) Memphis Egypt . Memphis was famous in the ancient world for being a city (much like Venice, Tyre, and Ferndale/Jam) in the middle of water in this case in the middle of a large river. The body of a Main Temple built from the eastern portion of a wall/Dyke, with arm Dykes on the remaining three sides stretching west; architecturally similar to a metaphoric hug using squared off walls Which is mirrored in the design of the Lions Inn Motel? The Dykes around Memphis were built by Pharaoh Mem File:MenkauraAndQueen-CloseUpOfKingsFace MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.png whose name could be ancient Hieroglyphic for the Hebrew Abraham That name would make Memphis (or the old name Luz<Genesis 28:19> memphis to giza ) El Beth El.  Another even older legend from Sumeria tells the tale that the Temple of El Beth El aka Memphis Egypt,_Pascal_(1823-1886)_-_n._237_-_Statue_de_Ramses_-_Memphis_-_18802.jpg Abraham modeled his temple/tabernacle from what his culture could remember from the original temple Adam built at Heliopolis previous to 3500 b.c.e name IWNW (the Capital of the Pillars aka Stonehenge Although the name Jeru Salem is a combination of two languages Futhark Jera means the motions of the Sun which generates time and Salem which in Hebrew means Sacred defined city. It is not outside the linguistic realm of possibilities that Jerusalem could translate to North (the motions of the Vertical Sun) Umber (Sacred) Land (Defined Area). This linguistic evidence is strongly backed up by the definition of NewCastle which in Latin means new day e.g. the motions of the sun Castle is a sacred defined city/fortification. The difference between a Castle and a Fort; a Castle has to be sanctified by a priest and have a priest in residence. New = Jera and Castle = Salem.

Engineering and architecture wise humanity has been using the temple in the middle with protective walls around architecture from modeled after the Temple of Ptah in Egypt ever since; including Jerusalem itself. Mecca is designed the same way.

That architecture is built into the blue print of the Lion’s Inn. Although in respect to the class structure only the manor house and one functioning (the rooms) north wall of the dyke was constructed. The wall to the east, south and west are simply just walls not rooms or functioning architecture.

Ptah is just another spelling for El; Ptah by legend stood on the Ben Ben(the stone is upside down from the mythical origin)ben ben stone (an elevated from a primordial pool) stone at Heliopolis  to create the world from. Heliopolis by another legend is where Adam built a replica of the Garden of Eden; Heliopolis in hieroglyphic translates into Hebrew as Jerusalem.

The History of Bellingham and the Land the Lions Inn sits on

The history of the land the Hotel sits on is just as interesting as the city itself.

The Lions Inn sits on land which was part of the Roeder and the Pickett Farm/Estate/Plantations for most of the 1800s respectively. Pickett seizing the Roberts, Roeder’s, etc lands transforming them into Forts. Turning the Roeder (1500 acres) lands into the Pickett Plantation; the Lions Inn sits on part of that seized land which is less than half a mile from the Roeder Home which would not be built/rebuilt until 1895 The Pickett House was built in 1855 when (Future Confederate General) Captain George Pickett was stationed at Fort Bellingham (North) Lions Inn to Pickett Housethree miles North in order to secure the city of Bellingham (Currently Old Down Town Bellingham built circa 1880) and the emerging metropolis of the area for first the American and then Confederate governments. Strongly indicating the 1880 Bellingham is a rebuild from a previous city which was replaced after conflicts removed it Based on the other megaliths in and or close to the cities connected to the East India Company and Hudson Bay Company. Would make Whatcom County a place which held several Megalithic structures. The 1500 acres Roeder purchased would have held a megalith/Stonehenge or two. One of those megaliths would have been on the Jam in the Nooksak and another would have been where the Lions Inn Motel now sits. Well connected too ancient knowledge built their houses in specific locations, Roth building his home directly south of the location of an ancient megalith would have been within the standard behavior pattern of British families.

Although in truth; Pickett could have just as easily been working to secure an area for the emerging confederacy. Which would make the lands Pickett purchased/seized the Plantation he built and started to turn into a profitable investment; destroying the megalithic structures in the process. The Pickett Plantation could be part of the land the Lions Inn sits on, may have been in the beginning for the American government but somewhere between 1856-1861 would have been more Confederate than American(Making the Lettered Streets not only the Pickett Plantation but also the core of the Pacific North West Confederacy). Making the area from Blaine/Lynden all the way down to just north of Seattle, confederate territory .

Pickett being a Virginia boy and the direct descendant of the Plantation system

, it would only be natural for Pickett to buy/seize a large amount of acres of land and work to turn that land into a Plantation. Since at the time the area of the Pacific North West was not entirely governed under the laws of the American government; consequently a future leader of the confederacy whose family owned a plantation in Virginia and owned a large number of slaves could have attempted to purchase slaves and have those slaves work the Pickett Farm/Plantation which the Lions Inn could sit on part of that land. In the 1850s property rights and boundaries especially for the well to do and military were not clear and the unclear rules were not strictly enforced. Enforcement of any laws was usually by the military, consequently the laws the military commander chose became the rules everyone had to follow. The confederate Pickett by rights and rules of law could do literally anything he wanted since he like all commanders on the frontier was the soul embodiment of the rule of law, judge, jury, and executioner. Only his commanding officers hundreds of miles away could stop said actions of their sub-ordinate officers.

The construction of the Lions Inn itself

The Hotel itself was built from a collection of different architectural standards.

First there is the main building at the East Center pf the property e.g. manor house where the lord of the property lives with his family. Which includes various additions for the property maintenance.

Second the row of actual hotel rooms/suites/etc. is aligned in a row on the north of the property. Which is in accordance to part of the Roman Villa design This is a modified copy of both the Greek estate structural design and the ancient Persian Garden  design Eram Garden: famous historic Persian garden in Shiraz, Iran.. This by legend was created to reflect the architecture Adam could remember regarding what the Garden of Eden used to look like. Which looks similar to the upper torso of a human (manor house Because the universities are among the best in the world... arms (the walls around) outstretched elbowing in to meet the hands in a form of a squared off hug



the Persian garden the tree in the middle of the garden was replaced by the Lords Manor House/Mansion/Keep/Long house. Next to the tree to the West was the spring/fountain situated close to the exact middle of the Garden, the spring/fountain was the water source for the trees and all the rest of the inhabitance of the garden The graphic is a fountain in the middle, the four crescents are trees with boat structures around, the lines with circles are the four rivers (Tigeris, Euphrates, Phishon, Gijon Tree of Life, Death,

Of course no Persian Garden/Manor House/Mansion could be complete without some reflection of a large expansive garden situated infront of the Lords house stretch to the East, as described in the Holy Bible Genesis

.Pi Lions Inn 30 and donovan

Pi south the middle Bisects the middle of Old Main Western Washington Universty  Campus.

Distance from the Roeder Estate/Plantation

Although in all truth the Roeder Home to the Lions Inn is about half a mile. The land between was mostly by the 1940s filled in with houses. Originally most of the half mile even a few decades before was fields or part of the remains of the Pickett Plantation. The legal and physical battles over the entire area stretched from 1850s to the 1890s. The essence of the architecture of both the Plantation/Persian garden and the Class structure from the Roeder home as well as the other classically styled houses in the area cascaded into the overall design of the Lions Inn Motel.

Captain Henry Roeder Whatcom Museum of History & Art Collection:  Center for Pacific NW Studies Western Washington University came to the area in the 1850s. Henry Roeder arrived in the area from Vermillion, Ohio , which is only 47 miles from the Ogle Family in Tiffin, Ohio (the Ogle family in Tiffin are direct line descendants from De Ogle from 1066 Hastings The history books claim Capt. Roeder came to the area to create a lumber mill circa 1873. (this one is Seattle built by Roeder) in order to send lumber down to fuel the building boom occurring in San Francisco and the gold Rush. Capt. Roeder came to the area most likely to take over as Chief Proctor for the East India Company (EIC); one of the last remaining American profit locations before the company finally went defunct June, 1 1874. The Chief Proctors house

at Fort Vancouver (1845) 


the Roeder House have a similar architectural design updated by a century of social progress. Making Bellingham part of the East India Company. The Roeder saw mill burned down in 1873 EIC went bankrupt a year later. The Chief Proctor of Castle Bellingham Oregon Territory would have been where the Pickett House/Tower is and was in the present respectively. Standard military strategies take over the strongest position when conquering a new area e.g. take the castle of the opponent and live in it.

The design of the Roeder home is reminiscent of the classic Victorian style common at the time, which is a stylized version of the architecture of British Manor Estates. The sociological structure and the way the Roeder house was built are directly reflected within the way the Lions Inn was built. A class structure scaled down version of the most prominent house around. As well as a reflection of what the EIC house style would have been (there is an outbuilding to the North of the Proctors House in Vancouver, as well as a back kitchen). The most prominent house/home/mansion the structures around will be equal or a lesser degree of a similar sociological class. The Lions Inn Motel is no different in this structure. Since it is a motel it fits within the standard mold of said sociological structure in addition to the need for a motel on the new emphasis from the tourists on Highway 99.

Pickett Home   Bellingham home

Before the civil war the American and Confederate governments and military had a significant presence in the area. Their presence was so strong in fact that the officers posted had time to build not only homes but businesses. The Pickett Home was constructed as an English 10lbs castle O'Dowd castle), there are 1000s in Ireland. The English would donate 10lbs to the construction of a castle with a Tower in order to pacify the natives. Eventually the small house (Pickett’s House on Bancroft) would be rebuilt as an addition to the tower (on the hill); only much larger. Which is why the small and currently only house is built to be disassembled quickly.

Captain George Pickett the commander built a home and started to build a business out of the lands he purchased/seized. A farm/plantation; although he did have to compete with the amount of land Roeder had purchased which would make a 1000s of acres large plantation impossible (Pickett Plantation). Very likely part of the part of the EIC grounds; which were most likely part production facility part British/PersianGarden/Megalith aka Stonehenge.  . Unless Pickett seized parts of the Roeder lands for personal and/ or military use. A situation not uncommon in the military and exactly what Pickett did when he seized control over the previous city of Bellingham circa 1856 (Very possible Castle Bellingham Washington Territory). The current downtown Bellingham would be the rebuilt city from after the conflicts circa 1880 (a very likely megalith stood close to the corner of W Holly and Bay Street). Fort Bellingham North’s

location is well known, it was located on the East side of the road Fort Bellingham  which is 3.14(Pi) miles north of the Lions Inn. Pi Lions Inn 30 and donovan

Pi south the middle Bisects the middle of Old Main Western Washington Universty  Campus.

3.5 miles north of the Pickett House/Plantation Pi Radius Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North.

Distance from the Pickett Building

The Pickett building and home are less than half a mile south by south east from the Lions Inn.

The Pickett house being the first English/American home constructed north of the established or yet to be reestablished city of Bellingham. Although in the immediate area hundreds to thousands of European families did live between Bellingham and Ferndale; they were mostly British, Royalist French, German (not English) and not Americans.

Fort Bellingham North

The North Fort was located near and on Ms. Roberts’s farm which she had to be evicted from. The lands between the North Fort and the Pickett Home were used by Pickett. This took decades by those whom later built large houses/estates to recover their lands/property. Only too have most of their lands seized again when Washington became a full-fledged state.

After the fort was abandoned Ms Roberts was allowed to return . The 3.14 (Pi)miles from the Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North was full of Mansions and Estates; they were not built till after 1880. The large estates seemed the government started selling off their lands in the 1890-1900s; huge building booms immediately followed. Not unlike dozens of other seized lands and sold off to settlers happening at the same time example Oklahoma, Colorado, etc. There is nothing to suggest that the battles were not both legal and physical; with perhaps remnants of the confederacy still fighting to keep some level of control and or a foothold to launch a second wave (circa 1865-1885). The battles would not be reported since the winners would not want any news of said battles to be documented.

In addition the Mansions/Estate lands being split up and the lots divided and sold could have been part of the negotiation to become a state on November 11, 1889. The remaining British families finally won the legal and physical battles from the previous four decades only to have the rights and lands re-seized, divided up, and sold off for new American settlers. A standard procedure in American policies in the 1800s, seize lands then profit off of selling divided parcels.

The sociological structure of the society from 1850 to present still shape the way the culture of those that live and work in Bellingham operate, including the construction of independent hotel/motels. The Lions Inn was not created by way of a corporate chain, which come in to a city and create their buildings based on a standardized blue print; then alter the base to fit into the community itself. The Lions Inn was designed as a reflection of the city it was being constructed within. As well as the garden it was replacing from the Roth Estate.

Every few decades more parcels of the lands north of the center of Downtown Bellingham would be parceled and sold off, which the Lions Inn in the 1940s was part of one of.

 Fort Bellingham South

Located under what is now the campus of Western Washington University Although whether or not the Southern Fort Bellingham was officially decommissioned is a strong subject of debate; would also raise the question regarding did the American government shift the land from being a military reservation to being an educational institute still maintaining the rights to reestablish the military as needed at any time. Indicating that even as late as after Washington Territory became a State the American government still considered the British, French Royalists < Chouan>, and Confederacy  in Washington state a serious and substantial threat.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden has been tentatively been identified as being just north of the present day city of Tabriz Iran building is obviously a copy of a copy, etc. but linguistically it is within a few miles of the original location) The Lions Inn basic engineering architecture was modeled to directly reflect how much of the ancient design documentation and memories that garden looked like. Ironically the Lions Inn sits were the Roth Mansion English Garden/Persian Garden copy of the Garden of Eden

pic85x040301aimages (2)images%20(1)PersianGardenimagesss_garden_english_450downloadx040301c used to look like.


Although in all truth both names are a direct reflection towards the “Great Sacred River” in language of India the river on the West fir of the country is “The Indus” River which is where India was named from, it is also the name Columbus chose to call the “Red Man” whom he discovered inhabiting the area.

Indian does not mean what most assume it means, it is a direct reflection of the Indus River which is named exactly the same as the “Great Sacred River” aka the Nile in Hieroglyphic More than a few legends, DNA, and evidence connect Egypt with the area of Northumberland and Scotland. The very Name of Scotland/Alba itself comes from two separate Egyptian legends(Scottia and Meritaten There is a Pub in Northumberland (it used to be Northumberland) which claims to have timbers which that same tree other timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria Some portions of the Columbus expedition state that Columbus a well-known Conversos!Goya_inquisition.jpg (a Jew who claimed to convert but only for show; the conversos are wearing hats) named the Natives “Indians” to honor both those that bankrolled parts of his expeditions but also to honor his own Jewish ancestry regarding the Jews time as Pharaohs of Egypt

The Native trail e.g. Highway 99 might have been part of an ancient Viking trail.

The Vikings enter the history books courtesy of their first invasions of Northumberland circa 793 ce to 1066 ce, when they attacked Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water). The Vikings created trade routes between Scandinavia map of the scandinavian peninsula, scandinavian peninsula maps to Newfoundland with direct evidence Newly found evidence places the Vikings on both the East coast of America and across the Northern portion of the United States of America'Anse_aux_Meadows,_recreated_long_house.jpg/325px-L'Anse_aux_Meadows,_recreated_long_house.jpg  By using the river systems and occasionally overland; dragging their boats over land for short distances. The Vikings would have had less then no problem journeying down the Columbia, up the west coast to the Puget Sound, around the Puget Sound on their way to Alaska. Little evidence of said exists but nothing would have stopped the Vikings from achieving circumnavigation File:Circumnavigation marchand.svg (sailing entirely around the globe; key points along the route numbered). Occasional very tall and light completion natives along that described route would strongly point to the Vikings on occasion did produce children along the way. The Vikings were not only good with navigation but excellent map makers, they would have figured out a shorter overland route between  what we now call Portland, Columbia, Vancouver Washington north to the southern portion of the yet to be named Puget Sound . Meaning the literal ability to take the yet to be called Hiway 99 the real actual Vikings circa 800 ce could have literally walked the Native Trail which ran  in front of where the Lions Inn Motel sits.

The Lummi Native Americans

By legend one of the Spanish Explorers named the Lummi natives from their habit of using elevated torches to navigate around the Islands Thus the name itself had the code contained within, Vertical/North, Amber/Umber, Land/defined area e.g. Northumberland. Which could be a reference to the Vikings who settled in the area. After more than 1000 years, the mixture of cultures can deeply bury the Viking DNA under dominant darker complexion DNA.

Jews in America 1800s

The anti-Semitic laws in America in the 1880s up to about 1946 were still so strong as to only be a little bit less than that of the height of NAZI Germany, which strongly indicating the conflicts in Bellingham between the arrival of Roeder and Pickett 1865 and the actual building of Downtown Bellingham 1890 link to violence against Jews in the areaBellingham Herald, April 29, 1926, p. 1KKK Parade Float, 1926

KKK Parade Float leading 750 Klan members on a march through downtown Bellingham, May 15, 1926. 
Courtesy of the Whatcom County Historical Society

The history of Bellingham is vastly more complicated than the current history books will tell you. The more you learn about the place the more fascinating you will find it.



History of  Part 1


T “T.R.” Robert Welling

2419 Elm St Bellingham Washington






garden of eden 2013 11 28 1554 (2)

The Lions Inn Motel

The Lions Inn Motel is situated on old Hiway 99 currently called Elm Street in the City of Bellingham, Washington. Highway 99 stretches (known by many different names and forms) from present day southern California to Canada. Hiway 99 runs to the east of both the Pickett House and the future location of the Lions Inn (the Lions Inn which is designed to resemble a Motel version of the English Garden which is modeled upon what the Garden of Eden looked like). Which according to legend Adam built a replica of the Garden of Eden on earth as close as he could remember regarding what the original looked like; a tabernacle. One of those replica’s he placed in what would become Heliopolis, another or copy of his was placed in what would become Mecca.


Evil will take something good and turn it as bad as they can get away with. And so goes the story of the Swastika, a holy item which used to be a symbol of the Garden of Eden itself and turned it into one of the most if not the most evil symbol in the world. The Lines are the Four Sacred Rivers, the Dots are the four trees of creation; Life, Good, Evil, and construction. To create the weave of life (String Theory) requires the application of weaving with a substructure the byproducts of the Tree of Life, Good, and Evil; the tree of construction is the binder which allows the others a foundation/footers to be woven into. The Persian/British/English garden is by legend a copy of the Garden of Eden used to look like. Both the Roth Garden (where the Lion’s Inn sits) and the Lion’s Inn are both in varying degrees copies of the Garden of Eden. Each in their own way.

Roth Estate

The Lions Inn sits on property which was part of the Roth Estate. The Roth Estate was built as a grand three-story Italianate style Roeder-Roth Home (1897) which sat at the northwest corner of Elm and Monroe in Bellingham (demolished in 1956). The businesses and homes which were built after, built in part to take advantage of the bourgeoning tourist trade as well as an attempt to erase/hide embarrassing history of the city.

Roth Back Yard and the Garden of Eden

All proper society in their back yard would have their own personal copy of the Garden of Eden. The Lions Inn Hotel sits almost exactly were the Roth Estate “English Garden/Family copy of the Garden of Eden” would have been.

The Lions Inn was built as a place to stay due to the expanded traveling possible after World War Two, and availability of the automobile, with the capacity of those automobiles to travel on dependable roads, the automobiles capacity to travel farther than a person’s local area e.g. availability of gas stations, etc.

Hiway 99 was built as an upgrade from ancient Native Trails which had been used for centuries and possibly millennia.

The Lewis and Clark Trail

The junction of Portland, Oregon, the Columbia River and Vancouver, Washington bisect the Lewis and Clark Trail with the north south trail which would later be called hiway 99. Follow the Lewis and Clark trail to Portland/Vancouver Washington West then turn 90’ .(where Fort Vancouver, Washington sits Fort Vancouver was originally called most likely New Castle named by the Ogle’s who founded the East India Company, subject to a hostile takeover thanks to the Dutch backing the Hudson’s Bay company. The HBC was a subsidiary of the IEC, before the Dutch betrayed the British.) North follow old highway 99 to North Bellingham about seven miles south of Ferndale, Washington. The Lewis and Clarke trail was plagiarized from the North American Ogle Trade Route which extended from Boston to Vancouver Washington. Very likely north along Hiway 99 to Canada.

The City of Bellingham itself

The city of Bellingham has an incredible history. This history is reflected within the framework of the construction of the Lions Inn itself. The Lion’s Inn sits just close to a half mile North of the Picket House/Plantation Manor from which was most likely the location of the Chief Proctors Manor Home of the East India Company (the East India Company was the only company capable of the navigation and trade route infrastructure to have a trading post in Bellingham. Previous to the 1600s; the Spanish were able to navigate around in the 1500s but a onetime trip is entirely different than building an infrastructure. Example a couple cars can race from stop light to stop light; that is easy. Building an infrastructure for a racing circuit is extremely difficult.

North West Passage

Asking yourself why all this activity in Bellingham previous to 1850; makes absolutely no logical sense.  Till the evidence of “The North West Passage” there was so much money to be made in finding a faster and more economical way for a trade route from Europe west to the orient. Instead of sailing almost a full year around the Horn, a few weeks using the river system is only the most logical thing to do. Bellingham is a perfect location in order to have a deep port city in which to bring goods in. then sail them out of a very protected bay, sound, and down to the Columbia River. Or an overland down what would be called Hiway 99. The explores from just about every country whom ventured into the Pacific North West traveling up the Road to the west of the Lions Inn is not out of the question, but an almost guarantee. Papal Permission to Explore the Pacific North West was granted 1493. The British were too strong till the late 1600s to challenge their North American monopoly. Thanks to Henry VIII; he broke their cultural and military back in the North Kingdom. Almost exactly the same battle strategies the English ancestors the Romans used to defeat Carthage.

The city was named after Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition.

His title came from Castle Bellingham Ireland (conquered and renamed to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland). The Title came directly from the British Ogle Royal Family.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was named by the Ogle Family who was present at Hastings and fought alongside William the Conqueror. De Ogle brought the deciding German Mercenaries with their long bows into the battle; as a reward the Lands from York to Perth Scotland were given back to the Ogle family (which included Ogle Castle,  Castle Bellingham<the name sake city of Bellingham Washington >, New Castle, etc.). The Pictish (the Pictish most likely had allied with Islam in order to defeat the Ogles) during the age of the Viking renamed the land to Northumberland which is the Latin translation of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle DD. Ogle being the shortened family name and name sake of Castle Ogle and the origin of both Castle Bellingham and the Lord Bellingham title. Islam had ruled with a Tyrannical iron fist the Iberian Peninsula for some 800 years previous to circa 1490, only 200 years later the radically strong Islamic philosophy would not only still be present in the Spanish Culture but would be a primary guiding principle for the Spanish explorers and colonizers in the New World. Since the West Coast was still at least semi-in Spanish hands; many of the Islamic leaning individuals and groups would naturally want to evacuate from the Spanish inquisition and make their new life in New Spain. Solid Militant Islamic leaning Dutch, English, and Spanish settlements would have been in the area of the Pacific North West from the 1500s forward.


The Star of Bethlehem is both a thing and a cryptic code to let the Children of Israel know a bit more information and to hide that information from their enemy. aten_and_causeways_stonehenge_2013_11_27_1711(The directions are not in regards to a compass, they are in regards to the orientation of the name. South would be between west and east on the left side, but the definitions for north and vertical are what is being pointed out. )

aten_and_causeways_ stonehenge 2013_11_27_0736 (2)(The Aten the Deity from which was Amenhotep IV allied himself to. Named his children to honor, and forced the Egyptian people to adopt said religion. The Aten is built into the structure of the causeways of the pyramids; 16 of them at least. As seen in the above graphic on the right, although the top is south west, as you can tell from the compass in the lower left corner.)

North Umber Land aka Yr Hen Ogle dd

The Star (Vertical/North) Beth (Female/defined land) La (divine) Ham (sacred define land; translates to North<in non-Latin based languages north meant vertical as in up not compass heading>Umberland. Connects Bellingham Washington state and Castle Bellingham Washington Territory with both NorthUmberLand and the Nativity. Bethlehem is a few miles south of Jerusalem.  Similar layouts between modern day Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to Ferndale and Bellingham. Which linguistically connects the British Royal Family of Ogle<specifically the ancestors and descendants of De Ogle> to Egypt, Jerusalem (several including Newcastle), Bethlehem, and the Castle Bellingham’s.

The Pillars of Adam

The Pillars of Adam were by legend a temple/tabernacle Adam built of Wood at IWNW which that temple/tabernacle was conquered and burned to the ground by an  army from the south e.g. Upper Egypt. The burning of that temple/tabernacle could be were the ritual of the Yule Log came from. After that temple/tabernacle was erased, the conqueror built a new temple/tabernacle and renamed the city Heliopolis. Which is North East of present day Cairo Egypt. This is important because a very likely copy of that temple/tabernacle was built at Mecca; but the problem is, the temple/tabernacle which was built either by Adam himself or was a copy of the temple/tabernacle Adam built in IWNW part of the original at least copy still exists. That copy of the original IWNW temple/tabernacle is the Three Pillars used in the Hajj; Muslims throw stones at those three Pillars (very likely the Pillars of Adam, modeled after the Pillars at the center of the Garden of Eden from which all life originated) are the direct object of violence, scorn, screaming, curses, and metaphorically the priests of the old way standing in front of those Pillars were stoned to death. The Hajj recreates the stoning murder of those holy persons.

That event took place after Jacob was crowned King of Israel (which is in Egypt; Abraham traveled south three times, interacting with Pharaoh on the second, then built El Beth El, traveled south again. From Hebron which is several miles south of present day Jerusalem. Places Israel in Egypt on the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza which is exactly what the Narmer plate documented circa 3200 bce.. The natural jealousy associated with the son who wanted to be King but was unable to be king reacting with the same basic pattern as most scorned and removed from being heir children. Depending on how bad the personality is depends on how violent the reaction of being passed over to the next King. In this case the Hyksos whom can trace their origins back to being Esau’s line descendants have been at open and active war against the Jews from Esau’s day to present. Almost without stop. This is important since not only the design of the Lion’s Inn Motel is a direct reflection of the legend of the garden of Eden, the very likely Megalith which sat on the grounds, was destroyed, the English garden which replaced it, was also destroyed, and the Lion’s Inn was built in its place. One piece of land; with different cultures versions of the Garden of Eden built on virtually the same exact area. The previous information erased in the same exact behavior pattern as most things Hyksos descendants do not like, erase it, and pretend it never existed.

Egyptian Tomb in Bellingham

A friend in Bellingham strongly suggested a tomb was located some decades ago which was found somewhere in Bellingham. The Tomb was a Mastiba; at least from the description from the person from Bellingham.

Poseidon statue Ferndale

Another friend who lived at the Lion’s Inn Motel told a story regarding finding a statue of Poseidon just south of Ferndale. Indicating a strong Egyptian presence in Metro-Bellingham previous to 1850. The Statue was huge and as of a few decades ago was still present.

Castle Bellingham

18 miles from the West to the East from Castle Bellingham is NewCastle Northumberland which to translate NewCastle from Latin into Hebrew spells out Jerusalem. About seven miles North West of the Lions Inn is the city of Ferndale which was built and named for a Log Jam in the middle of the Nooksack River. Jerusalem itself was built as a copy of the Temple/tabernacle of Tyre, itself was a copy of the Temple/tabernacle of Ptah(Location Memphis Egypt) in (Egyptian spelling for Ptah and the story of EL are close enough for Ptah to simply be a different set of letters for the same monotheistic deity) Memphis Egypt. Memphis was famous in the ancient world for being a city (much like Venice, Tyre, and Ferndale/Jam) in the middle of water in this case in the middle of a large river. The body of a Main Temple/tabernacle built from the eastern portion of a wall/Dyke, with arm Dykes on the remaining three sides stretching west; architecturally similar to a metaphoric hug using squared off walls the Heart<defined area e.g. land>, Flame <vertical and Umber>, Divine <Umber and Sacred – North Umber Land the Latinized name the Kingdom of Northumberland which the Ogle family were Rulers of, defeated the Romans at, built Castle Bellingham, Created the Title of Lord Bellingham, founded the East India Company, allowed the Hudson’s Bay Company to exist, and created the maps Lord Vancouver used courtesy of Lord Bellingham to show him exactly where he was going.> which is a metaphoric ancient symbol connection for a fountain, which is connected to the Legend/Curse familiar with both Rome Italy{the Eternal City}, and Bellingham{legend of Bellingham states that if you spend time in Bellingham Washington, you will at some point return to the city.} the Garden which was built after Roth and Roeder arrived in the area in the backyard of the Roth Estate had a fountain in the center of the Garden. That Fountain based on the fact both the legend from the Trevi Fountain and staying in Bellingham for a length of time match; you will most likely return.). Which is mirrored in the design of the Lions Inn Motel. The fountain in the middle of the Garden of Eden is mimicked in the Persian/British/English Garden which was the backyard of the Roth estate. Well each of the major land owners in Bellingham would have had their own miniature garden. Well in truth all proper European Society would strive to have their own gardens, each styled from the legend of the first one. If you were rich and had sufficient land holdings, not having your own garden would be an almost unheard of concept. The Dykes around Memphis were built by Pharaoh Mem whose name could be ancient Hieroglyphic for the Hebrew Abraham. That name would make Memphis (or the old name Luz<Genesis 28:19>) El Beth El.  Another even older legend from Sumerian tells the tale that the Temple/tabernacle of El Beth El aka Memphis Egypt Abraham modeled his temple/tabernacle from what his culture could remember from the original temple Adam built at Heliopolis previous to 3500 b.c.e name IWNW (the Capital of the Pillars aka Stonehenge). Although the name Jeru Salem is a combination of two languages Futhark Jera means the motions of the Sun which generates time and Salem which in Hebrew means Sacred defined city It is not outside the linguistic realm of possibilities that Jerusalem could translate to North (the motions of the Vertical Sun) Umber (Sacred) Land (Defined Area). This linguistic evidence is strongly backed up by the definition of NewCastle which in Latin means new day e.g. the motions of the sun Castle is a sacred defined city/fortification. The difference between a Castle and a Fort; a Castle has to be sanctified by a priest and have a priest in residence. New = Jera and Castle = Salem.

Caesar and Rome aka Eternal City aka The City of Seven Hills aka Memphis

One of the key reasons Caesar conquered Egypt was to claim the power of Memphis for himself. He wanted Rome to be the Eternal City, he wanted Rome to be “All Roads Lead to Heaven/Eternal/Luz/Rome”. He also wanted to claim the library at Alexandria; to erase that library from Egyptian hands, then claim Rome invented all that stuff. The library at Alexandria was boxed up and shipped back to Rome minutes after the city was taken by Caesar. Evidence the ballistic rise in all aspects of Roman education, academics, science, and technology immediately following the sacking of Alexandria. A steady rise in technology for 700 years; a ballistic rise in technology the months following the seizing of Alexandria. A short few decades later Rome invents the Steam Engine. Based on the engineering and hydrodynamic codexes from Greek PolyMaths.

Bellingham and Rome

Rome Wa the area of Seven Cities 2014 10 21 1842Seven Hills of Rome 2014 6 29 1922


Akenaten iv and Aten 2014 10 23 1809

Even though it will not seem like the two are directly connected. Bellingham the city in Washington state and Rome Italy are directly connected in many ways. For the first part the two are directly connected based on Rome Washington Stateaten_and_causeways_ stonehenge 2013_11_27_0736 (2)Rome Wa the area of Seven Cities 2014 10 21 1842

(Rome, WA in the middle of the Aten. The Extensions from Rome WA, match the infrastructure of the first documented and architectural framework of the Symbol of the Aten. From Memphis Egypt in the general direction of East is the Aten. Built into the walls of the Causeways extending from the pyramids. Which hard evidence connects Rome WA with both the Amenhotep IV and Ancient 2600 bce Egyptian Pyramids.)

Rome Wa the area of Seven Cities 2014 10 21 1842, which is a few miles west of Bellingham has around seven cities around it in a semi-circle (mirroring the Aten from ancient pre3800 bce Egyptian mythology). Rome its pre753 bce name was “The City of Seven Hills” Seven Hills of Rome 2014 6 29 1922Rome It aten 2014 10 24 1332

which in hard fact is named for not only the seven hills which surround the Forum, the forum of the Seven Hills was built at a location close to the center of those seven hills. The area of Whatcom County the cities and said around the area were founded at least by subconscious cultural member based on societal reflections/remembrances from Rome itself.

The cities of Rome WA and Rome Italy are Aten mirrors of each other; WA pointing for the most part North, Rome, IT pointing East. Which means somewhere maybe Boston or Vancouver Washington State are the South and East Aten’s. Which is extremely important to both the Garden and Civilization because to make water requires South = Hydrogen, North = Oxygen, East = Fire (Catalyst), to form West = Water. Flying is the motion of combining the four elements into 2 Hydrogen 1 Oxygen into various types of water. Genesis 1 2; which is not the only biblical reference which the area of Bellingham or Whatcom County has built in. The one and only fully recognized Monotheistic Pharaoh Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten(ATEN) sent his children out to form their own kingdoms. His oldest daughter Meritaten circa 1350 bce and most likely the mother of Tut, was by legend sent to Northumberland. Which is south of the area Scotia was sent a few hundred years before circa 1550 bce.

turtle_island_and_7_hills_ 2 2014_1_14_0809

Temple/tabernacle Castle with a Mote

Engineering and architecture wise humanity has been using the temple/tabernacle in the middle with protective walls around architecture from modeled after the Temple/tabernacle of Ptah in Egypt ever since; including Jerusalem itself. Mecca is designed the same way.

That architecture is built into the blue print of the Lion’s Inn. Although in respect to the class structure only the manor house and one functioning (the rooms) north wall of the dyke was constructed. The wall to the east, south and west are simply just walls not rooms or functioning architecture.


Ptah is just another spelling for El; Ptah by legend stood on the Ben Ben (an elevated from a primordial pool) stone at Heliopolis to create the world from. Heliopolis by another legend is where Adam built a replica of the Garden of Eden; Heliopolis in hieroglyphic translates into Hebrew as Jerusalem.

The History of Bellingham and the Land the Lions Inn sits on

The history of the land the Hotel sits on is just as interesting as the city itself.

The Lions Inn sits on land which was part of the Roeder and Pickett Farm/Estate/Plantation for most of the 1800s respectively. Pickett seizing the Roberts, Roeder’s, etc lands transforming them into Forts. Turning the Roeder (1500 acres) lands into the Pickett Plantation; the Lions Inn sits on part of that seized land which is less than half a mile from the Roeder Home which would not be built/rebuilt until 1895. The Pickett House was built in 1855 when (Future Confederate General) Captain George Pickett was stationed at Fort Bellingham three miles North (fort Bellingham North) in order to secure the city of Bellingham (Currently Old Down Town Bellingham built circa 1880) and the emerging metropolis of the area for first the American and then Confederate governments. Strongly indicating the 1880 Bellingham is a rebuild from a previous city which was replaced after conflicts removed it. Based on the other megaliths in and or close to the cities connected to the East India Company and Hudson Bay Company. Would make Whatcom County a place which held several Megalithic structures. The 1500 acres Roeder purchased would have held a megalith/Stonehenge or two eg a Collection of Pillars similar to what was destroyed at Heliopolis and is currently in rebuilt existence in Mecca. Important note; the Pillars used in the Hajj were millennia old by the time both Abraham and his son Esau arrived to conquer, which is what the Hajj is a ceremonial recreation of. The genocide and murders which occurred during the conquest are recreated each time the Hajj is performed; the stoning to death portion is murdering the innocent priest of the city. One of those megaliths would have been on the Jam in the Nooksack and another would have been where the Lions Inn Motel now sitsLions Inn Motel Megalith v4 2014 10 24 1320

Lions Inn Motel Megalith v2 2014 10 24 1251. Well connected too ancient knowledge built their houses in specific locations, Roth building his home directly south of the location of an ancient megalith would have been within the standard behavior pattern of British families.

Although in truth; Pickett could have just as easily been working to secure an area for the emerging confederacy. Which would make the lands Pickett purchased/seized (which the Lions Inn sits only one-fourth of a mile north of the Pickett House) the Plantation he built and started to turn into a profitable investment; destroying the megalithic structures in the process. The Pickett Plantation could be part of the land the Lions Inn sits on, may have been in the beginning for the American government but somewhere between 1856-1861 would have been more Confederate than American. Making the area from Blaine/Lynden all the way down to just north of Seattle, confederate territory.

Pickett being a Virginia boy and the direct descendant of the Plantation system, it would only be natural for Pickett to buy/seize a large amount of acres of land and work to turn that land into a Plantation. Since at the time the area of the Pacific North West was not entirely governed under the laws of the American government; consequently a future leader of the confederacy whose family owned a plantation in Virginia and owned a large number of slaves could have attempted to purchase slaves and have those slaves work the Pickett Farm/Plantation which the Lions Inn could sit on part of that land. In the 1850s property rights and boundaries especially for the well to do and military were not clear and the unclear rules were not strictly enforced. Enforcement of any laws was usually by the military, consequently the laws the military commander chose became the rules everyone had to follow. The confederate Pickett by rights and rules of law could do literally anything he wanted since he like all commanders on the frontier was the soul embodiment of the rule of law, judge, jury, and executioner. Only his commanding officers hundreds of miles away could stop said actions of their sub-ordinate officers. Unless the local cultures were able to rise a large enough army to stop the invader from imposing whatever rules of order the Commanding Officer wanted.  

The construction of the Lions Inn itself



P1030598P1030595P1030596P1030597(A composite photo array of the hug design of both the Persian/British/English Garden and the way Jesus Christ is shown)

The Hotel itself was built from a collection of different architectural standards.

First there is the main building at the east center of the property e.g. manor house where the lord of the property lives with his family. Which includes various additions for the property maintenance.

Second the row of actual hotel rooms/suites/etc. is aligned in a row on the north of the property. Which is in accordance to part of the Roman Villa design? This is a modified copy of both the Greek estate structural design and the ancient Persian Garden design. This by legend was created to reflect the architecture Adam could remember regarding what the Garden of Eden used to look like. Which looks similar to the upper torso of a human (manor house) arms (the walls around) outstretched elbowing in to meet the hands in a form of a squared off hug.

The Persian garden the tree in the middle of the garden was replaced by the Lords Manor House/Mansion/Keep/Long house. Next to the tree to the West was the spring/fountain situated close to the exact middle of the Garden, the spring/fountain was the water source for the trees and all the rest of the inhabitance of the garden.

Of course no Persian Garden/Manor House/Mansion could be complete without some reflection of a large expansive garden situated infront of the Lords house stretch to the East, as described in the Holy Bible Genesis.

Distance from the Roeder Estate Pickett Plantation

Although in all truth the Roeder Home to the Lions Inn is about half a mile. The land between was mostly by the 1940s filled in with houses. Originally most of the half mile even a few decades before was fields or part of the remains of the Pickett Plantation. The legal and physical battles over the entire area stretched from 1850s to the 1890s. The essence of the architecture of both the Plantation/Persian garden and the Class structure from the Roeder home as well as the other classically styled houses in the area cascaded into the overall design of the Lions Inn Motel.

Pickett Plantation Confederate Headquarters North West

The neighborhood of Eldridge which part of it is called the Columbia Eldridge Fountain District the rest called the “Lettered Streets” is part of the remaining infrastructure from the Pickett Plantation. The Columbia part was a reference to both British Columbia and Columbus which by legend part of his journey was paid for by the Northumberland family.  A likely Confederate Foothold far away from the future home of the confederacy is only smart tactics. Jefferson Davis had more than a few enemies plotting against him years before the actual legal founding of the Confederacy. The Plots using basic military strategy would almost by default need to include a faraway place which would allow training, regrouping, the command structure to issue orders from, and if all was lost in the South a place to retreat in order to reform the Confederacy under proper leadership outside of Jefferson Davis’s organizational structure. Where to place said Confederate Stronghold, one in the strongest and most inaccessible location the enemy has no access too. Two either a formerly defeated enemy’s stronghold or an enemy whom would be easy to defeat middle of their power base; go up into a defeated foe’s home and place your command post in the center of their capital city, or as close to said as possible. Bellingham specifically the area between Holly Street and Fort Bellingham is the heart (or as close as can be expected) to the conquered foe. Or a foe easily conquerable.

Captain Henry Roeder

Captain Henry Roeder came to the area in the 1850s. Henry Roeder arrived in the area from Vermillion, Ohio (Coincidently at around that same time within about 24 months of each other Phoebe Judson was in Vermillion Ohio as well, they arrived in the Bellingham area at approximately the same time. One person with a library/university in tow the other with a military presence.). Which is only about 50 miles from the Ogle Family in Tiffin, Ohio (the Ogle family in Tiffin are direct line descendants from De Ogle from 1066 Hastings). The history books claim Capt. Roeder came to the area to create a lumber mill in order to send lumber down to fuel the building boom occurring in San Francisco and the gold Rush. Capt. Roeder came to the area most likely to take over as Chief Proctor for the East India Company (EIC); one of the last remaining American profit locations before the company finally went defunct June, 1 1874. The Chief Proctors house at Fort Vancouver the Roeder House have a similar architectural design updated by a century of social progress. Making Bellingham part of the East India Company. The Roeder saw mill burned down in 1873 the EIC went bankrupt a year later. The Chief Proctor of Castle Bellingham Oregon Territory would have been where the Pickett House/Tower is and was in the present respectively. Standard military strategies take over the strongest position when conquering a new area e.g. take the castle of the opponent and live in it.

The design of the 1895 Roeder home is reminiscent of the classic Victorian style common at the time, which is a stylized version of the architecture of British Manor Estates. As well as a reflection of what the EIC house style would have been. The sociological structure and the way the Roeder house was built are directly reflected within the way the Lions Inn was built. A class structure scaled down version of the most prominent house around. Which is also reflected in the Roth House, that was also a scaled down for class structure from the Roeder Home. The most prominent house/home/mansion the structures around will be equal or a lesser degree of a similar sociological class. The Lions Inn Motel is no different in this structure. Since it is a motel it fits within the standard mold of said sociological structure in addition to the need for a motel on the new emphasis from the tourists on Highway 99.

Pickett Home/Plantation

Before the civil war the American and Confederate governments and military had a significant presence in the area. Their presence was so strong in fact that the officers posted had time to build not only homes but businesses. The Pickett Home was constructed as an English 10lbs castle, (example O'Dowd castle) there are 1000s in Ireland. The English would donate 10lbs to the construction of a castle with a Tower in order to pacify the natives. Eventually the small house (Pickett’s house on Bancroft) would be rebuilt as an addition to the tower (on the hill); only much larger. Which is why the small and currently only house is built to be disassembled quickly.

Captain George Pickett the commander built a home and started to build a business out of the lands he purchased/seized. A farm/plantation; although he did have to compete with the amount of land Roeder had purchased which would make a 1000s of acres large plantation impossible. Unless Pickett seized parts of the Roeder lands for personal and/ or military use. A situation not uncommon in the military and exactly what Pickett did when he seized control over the previous city of Bellingham circa 1856 (Very possible Castle Bellingham Washington Territory). The current downtown Bellingham would be the rebuilt city from after the conflicts circa 1880 (a very likely megalith stood close to the corner of W Holly and Bay Street). Fort Bellingham North’s location is well known, it was located on the East side of the road Fort Bellingham which is 3.14 (Pi) miles north of the Lions Inn or 3.5 miles north of the Pickett House/Plantation.

Lions Inn to North Fort 2014 10 24 1419

(north  circle )

Pi Lions Inn 30 and donovan

pi lions inn south fort 2014 10 24 1427

(South Circle)

Pi south the middle Bisects the middle of Old Main Western Washington Universty  Campus. The_Code_2013_11_27_0431A generalized graphic depictding the Code North(vertical), Umber/Amber/Gold, Land(defined area space).  

If the natives call America “Turtle Island” turtle_island_and_7_hills_2014_1_14_0806 but if you observe a turtles back, it has the symbol for the Aten built in. Which is also the ancient nickname for Rome; the city(circular defined area) of Seven Hills.  0_Tabernacle_crusifixion_201_3_2_0327The issues surrounding the Crusifixion are numberous, adding to the facts that the Philosophtes were infact a religious sect from Esau’s/Hyksos line only adds to the conflusion. The hyksoo have been at war with all Israel and the descendantss of Jacob from day one. Orions belt is built into both the Giza Plateau and most aspects of the Crusifixion. Adding the fact that Stonehenge also have Orions Belt as part of its architecture only adds to the mystery regarding the earliest cultures and religions.

Giza Ring of the Fisher Laguz King 2013 12 27 1759 (2)The circle is built into most hidden aspects of monotheism. The circle being one of the most difficult items to build, a key in determing exactly which culture built what. Let alone a way for when the hyksos descendants go on the next generatioons war path. For the descendants of their enemy, sometimes generations later, it requires building into everything a cultural code so the later generations can decrypt and follow the clues back to the source.

giza_aett_2013_3_21_1242This circle is around the Giza Plateau in Egypt. The Three Primary Pyramids are within the circle; Khufu to the north, Khafre in the middle, and Mankaure to the south. What is really interesting about a circle is the Bent Pyramid 0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angleshas both angles of a Rainbow. Both sides of the circle the angles and degrees associated represent a circle. The circles built into both Stonehenge which the construction on that began with circles circa 4000 bce. Which the circle and the rainbow brings up an entirely interesting definition for the phrase “Children of the Light” adding to the concept of what Adam means.  Adam is defined as “Red Earth”; Red the color of blood, and the outer most color of Roy G Biv

Giza trees of the tabernacle 2013 3 7 0653

Giza Trinity 2014 10 24 1346

The site of Giza is the Tree of construction, where by the cycle of life is created. The trees which by legend was at the center of the garden; first there were four trees. But the fourth was connected to a ship, which the ship itself was where the loom which Adam controlled the naming of all the things in the garden occurred. To name something applies the concept of naming its birth, lifecycle, what it does, what it interacts with, what its soul name is, and when it as an individual and species dies. The fourth tree of the Garden is shown, just not in the way you would expect (The bottom right of the three right angles is in the North East corner of the Giza Plateau). The fourth tree is the exact squares made out of the 3 and 3 small pyramids which have been falsely assigned to the wife’s of the two men involved. The Purple right angle is an architectural representation of a ship; which all Masons will recognize as the ship was translated into being a Goat. the right angles are a representation of a ship itself ship in the Narmer Monolith Petroglyph, the right angles of the 3 and 3 small pyramids represent the ship of Adam bottom Boat has three Prongs pointing in, which are close to right angles). Giza Trinity 2014 10 24 1359Which is reminiscent of the Job of Kaeron which is to ferry the dead from earth to the other world. What if Adam’s job after being kicked out of the garden stayed the same but instead of working the weave of each creature, his job turned into ferrying souls into bodies and that same soul from their body back to the other world (All Masons will recognize Ferrying the Dead around.). Literally speaking, unless a parent is a complete psychopath, what parent would not give up just about any and all things just to be able to bring a murdered child back from the dead. That child was of course Able; what if Adam signed on to be in charge of the boat, to bring his son back. Which the later conquers of his culture corrupted the story so much only a small portion of the original still exists. But if you decrypt sufficient amounts of the Indo European translated into Sumerian Genesis; the basics of the older story are still very much present. The original ship which was built in the center of the garden around the three of construction according to genesis; Adam was in charge of that Boat, so no reason at all for Adam to not be in charge of the boat ferrying souls into and out of a physical body. The pyramids being graves is almost entirely a fallacy. Zero evidence of mummies previous to 1200 and the 19th dynasty. Which was not the first time a conqueror changed the stories from the past to suit themselves. The conquest of 3500 bce which destroyed the temple/tabernacle at IWNW changing the name to Heliopolis; their is a very good chance the wooden temple/tabernacle of pillars by legend Adam built in Heliopolis the concept of the Yule Log started at 3500 bce.

Orions Belt in Bellingham Metro 2014 10 21 0305

Orions Belt Bellingham Washington 2014 10 23 1838Orions%20Belt%20Bellingham%20Washington%202014%2010%2023%201840

(Orion’s Belt Khakre’s point is just about where the Shamrock Motel is located)



Orions Belt Bellingham Washington  v3 2014 10 23 1957(According to direction; not according to Orion’s Belt.)

(A the Khufu Pyramid aka Noah’s Pyramid)

(B Khafre’s Pyramid aka Adam’s)

(C Mankaure’s Pyramid aka Abraham)

Orions Belt Bellingham Washington  v4 2014 10 23 2039

(A the Khufu Pyramid aka Noah’s Pyramid; Shamrock Bar)

(B Khafre’s Pyramid aka Adam’s’; Lions Inn Motel)

(C Mankaure’s Pyramid aka Abraham; Fairhaven)



Israel_Egypt_2013_12_17_0956 (2)(The picture is of the areas which contain Pyramids, which are grouped. Those groups are outlined with a circle; there are seven areas of circles. Which match the Seven Hills of Rome and the Seven Days of the Week. The Pyramids are a great deal closer to that of being monotheistic than anything else. Giza is very close to the angle of Fort Bellingham North (Mankaure), the Pickett Plantation (Khafre), and Old Main aka Western Washington University (Khufu). Which is beyond fascinating when you translate the meanings of those four into English they match the definitions of the three great Prophets of pre Jacob “Children of the Light {from Isis, through El, to Ra [Ra is the Egyptian Sun Deity]}” Adam (Khafre), Noah (Khufu), MemKaure(Abraham). Pi a constant theme through the entire process. Which Pi is an extremely difficult thing to engineer into anything. Let alone find locations were Pi occurs in a somewhat natural formation. .Places Orions Belt juncture just east of Marietta Alderwood. Which Is semi—close to the middle of Pi regarding the circle from Fort Bellingham(which the straight line runs through the middle of to the Lion’s Inn.

Rings of the Fisher King 2013 12 27 1759 (2)(the circles represent as stated the architecture of the children of the light, was not used just by the children  of the light but other cultures. But not to anywhere close to the same level  of sophistication and or global application as from the architects of the megaliths aka Stonehenge).

Ring_of_the_Fisher_Laguz_Rome_Manitou_2013_12_27_1808 (2)

The complex and intracute mannor by the circles were made into the architecture iin the first place is a subject which requires finding and mapping out to a signifficant detail the basic geography of an area. Then finding the natural contours which will work in order to built that which is needed in order to allow nature to do most of the landscaping. The key feature regarding megalithic construction is the ability to create perfect circles over vast stretchs of land. Miles and sometimes hundres of miles in diameter circles. Something modern architecture has only been able to identifyy inn the last 10 years, but have no idea how to duplicate, let alone duplicate on a global scale.

0_f_stonehenge_Jerusalem_2013_11_27_1938 (2)

Distance from the Pickett Building

The Pickett building and home are less than half a mile south by south east from the Lions Inn. The Pickett house being the first English/American home constructed north of the established or yet to be reestablished city of Bellingham. Although in the immediate area hundreds to thousands of European families did live between Bellingham and Ferndale; they were mostly British, Royalist French, German (not English) and not Americans.

Fort Bellingham North

The Fort was located near and on Ms. Roberts’s farm which she had to be evicted from. The lands between the north fort and the Pickett Home were used by Pickett. This took decades by those whom later built large houses/estates to recover their lands/property. Only two have most of their lands seized again when Washington became a full-fledged state.

After the fort was abandoned Ms Roberts was allowed to return. The 3.14 miles from the Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North was full of Mansions and Estates; they were not built till after 1880. The large estates seemed the government started selling off their lands in the 1890-1900s; huge building booms immediately followed. Not unlike dozens of other seized lands and sold off to settlers happening at the same time example Oklahoma, Colorado, etc. There is nothing to suggest that the battles were not both legal and physical; with perhaps remnants of the confederacy still fighting to keep some level of control and or a foothold to launch a second wave (circa 1865-1885). The battles would not be reported since the winners would not want any news of said battles to be documented.

In addition the Mansions/Estate Lands being split up and the lots divided and sold could have been part of the negotiation to become a state on November 11, 1889. The remaining British families finally won the legal and physical battles from the previous four decades only to have the rights and lands re-seized, divided up, and sold off for new American settlers. A standard procedure in American policies in the 1800s, seize lands then profit off of selling divided parcels.

The sociological structure of the society from 1850 to present still shape the way the culture of those that live and work in Bellingham operate, including the construction of independent hotel/motels. The Lions Inn was not created by way of a corporate chain, which come in to a city and create their buildings based on a standardized blue print; then alter the base to fit into the community itself. The Lions Inn was designed as a reflection of the city it was being constructed within. As well as the garden it was replacing from the Roth Estate.

Every few decades more parcels of the lands north of the center of Downtown Bellingham would be parceled and sold off, which the Lions Inn in the 1940s was part of one of.

Fort Bellingham South

Located under what is now the campus of Western Washington University. Although whether or not the Southern Fort Bellingham was officially decommissioned is a strong subject of debate; would also raise the question regarding did the American government shift the land from being a military reservation to being an educational institute still maintaining the rights to reestablish the military as needed at any time. Indicating that even as late as after Washington Territory became a State the American government still considered the British, French Royalists, Confederacy, as well as about a hundred other cultures with and without armies in the area in Washington state a serious and substantial threat.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden has been tentatively been identified as being just north of the present day city of Tabriz Iran. The Lions Inn basic engineering architecture was modeled to directly reflect how much of the ancient design documentation and memories that garden looked like. Ironically the Lions Inn sits were the Roth Mansion English Garden/Persian Garden copy of what the Garden of Eden used to look like. Courtesy of research conducted by David Rohl.


Although in all truth both names are a direct reflection towards the “Great  Sacred River” in language of India the river on the West side of the country is “The Indus” River which is where India was named from, it is also the name Columbus chose to call the “Red Man” whom he discovered inhabiting the area.

Indian does not mean what most assume it means, it is a direct reflection of the Indus River which is named exactly the same as the “Great Sacred River” aka the Nile in Hieroglyphic. More than a few legends, DNA, and evidence connect Egypt with the area of Northumberland and Scotland. The very Name of Scotland/Alba itself comes from two separate Egyptian legends (Scotia and Meritaten). There is a Pub in Northumberland (it used to be Northumberland) which claims to have timbers which that same tree other timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria. Some portions of the Columbus expedition state that Columbus a well-known Conversos (a Jew who claimed to convert but only for show) named the Natives “Indians” to honor both those that bankrolled parts of his expeditions but also to honor his own Jewish ancestry regarding the Jews time as Pharaohs of Egypt.

Highway 99

The Native trail e.g. Highway 99 might have been part of an ancient Viking trail. The Vikings enter the history books courtesy of their first invasions of Northumberland circa 793 c.e to 1066 c.e, when they attacked Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water). The Vikings created trade routes between Scandinavia to Newfoundland with direct evidence. Newly found evidence places the Vikings on both the East coast of America and across the Northern portion of the United States of America. By using the river systems and occasionally overland; dragging their boats over land for short distances. The Vikings would have had less then no problem journeying down the Columbia, up the west coast to the Puget Sound, around the Puget Sound on their way to Alaska. Little evidence of said exists but nothing would have stopped the Vikings from achieving circumnavigation. Occasional very tall and light complexion natives long that described route would strongly point to the Vikings would have produced children along the way. The Vikings were not only good with navigation but excellent map makers, they would have figured out a shorter overland route between  what we now call Portland, Columbia, Vancouver Washington north to the southern portion of the yet to be named Puget Sound. Meaning the literal ability to take the yet to be called Hiway 99 the real actual Vikings circa 800 c.e could have literally walked the Native Trail which ran  in front of where the Lions Inn Motel sits.

The Lummi Native Americans

By legend one of the Spanish Explorers named the Lummi natives from their habit of using elevated torches to navigate around the Islands. Thus the name itself had the code contained within, Vertical/North, Amber/Umber, Land/defined area e.g. Northumberland. Which could be a reference to the Vikings who settled in the area. After more than 1000 years, the mixture of cultures can deeply bury the Viking DNA under dominant darker complexion DNA.

It is a feasible theory that the Lummi Island people were conquered by an oriental culture somewhere several hundred years before the 1800s; the cross breeding changed the base look of the Lummi’s from Nordic in appearance to Oriental. Only DNA will conclusively provide evidence as to if this theory has merit.

Jews in America 1800s

The anti-Semitic laws in America in the 1880s up to about 1946 were still so strong as to only be a little bit less than that of the height of NAZI Germany, which strongly indicating the conflicts in Bellingham between the arrival of Roeder and Pickett 1865 and the actual building of Downtown Bellingham 1890 link to violence against Jews in the area.

The history of Bellingham is vastly more complicated than the current history books will tell you. The more you learn about the place the more fascinating you will find it.

Jews on the Columbus Expedition

There were about 30 Jews and or conversos left at La Nividad to start a new colony. Which was abandoned almost the second the Spanish authority sailed beyond the reach of the colony. As in the Jew’s left the area the second they figured they would be safe from a returning Spanish inquisition and soldiers itching to kill them if they did anything the Priests did not like.


The founding of the Lion’s Inn is vastly more complex than has been previously presented.  The Motel itself was built on land which was the Roth Estate Garden. Previous to the Roth Estate garden the property was the center of a double circle, one extending north the Fort Bellingham North the second  extending south with the middle being Old Main on the Western Washington University campus.  The property was most likely part of a slave plantation operated by then Captain George Pickett.  The property boarders Hiway 99 to the west.  Hiway 99 itself is a stretch of road with its own unique history.  All in all an extremely interesting place to say the absolute least.


Volume 1

The Lions Inn has an incredible history

City of Bellingham was named to honor Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition

Vancouver expedition Lord Bellingham of Bellingham Castle Ireland was on board the expedition. He brought the maps allowing Vancouver to know where they were going.

Lord Bellingham received his title from his hierarchical father and his father going back to the Vikings who conquered the previous city and name changed the city to Castle Bellingham.

Castle Bellingham Ireland is beyond odd as it was named to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland, which is only 18 miles west of Ogle Castle. Ogle family and castle worked with and most likely hired the Vikings to whittle away at the power of the Pictish who seized the throne circa 680. For a few hundred years Castle Bellingham was a major Viking seat of power. From 630-780 c.e under a new battle strategy the Pictish and the Northumberland families battled it out. Eventually over the century of conquest the Pictish slowly won control over both Northumberland and Britain. Changing the name of Ogle to Northumberland when they switched from Gaelic to English. Forcing the Ogles into exile; the Ogles spent from 700-1066 regrouping to come back. With William the Conqueror they did. Which ended the Pictish domination of Britain (at least for a while) but sparked the start of the Crusades.

Vikings were a hired well trained, disciplined, and under a strict command structure army hired by the British Ogle Royal family to whittle away at the Pictish culture to eventually conquer Britain back.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was built by the Ogle family along with the title itself.

Castle Ogle Northumberland was the name and home of the British Ogle Royal family. They had owned the castle minus the Pictish revolt to Hastings (which they took direct and key part in both the battle and the outcome) from before the Romans arrived in Britain to 1650 when Henry the VIII attacked and eventually conquered the Kingdom to the North.

Hadrian's Wall is 5 miles south of Castle Ogle. Hadrian’s Wall is where Romans went to die. The battles were so intense and on the losing side at the wall that it forced Emperor Constantinos to marry the commanding general’s daughter. Producing both a peace deal which lasted about 10 years and the future Constantine the Great. The Rise of the power of the Vatican and more than a little Persian army influence forced a schism in the Roman Empire. As a consequence, Constantine was forced to surrender Rome and the Western portion of the Empire to the Vatican and claim the Eastern portion for himself. Instead of being Emperor of the entire Empire, Constantine became Emperor of just the Eastern portion. Which he renamed Byzantium; to honor his Mother’s family (The Ogles) and the culture the Ogles made up the core of which is Britain. Which ironically was the name of the son of the Trojan Prince who escaped the war, married, at least one of his wives was if you look at the time frame the widow of King Tut, the last ruler of the 17th and 18th Dynasty; makes any children they had both the next pharaoh of Egypt (in exile), a Prince of Troy (in exile), and the Ruler of the city of Alba Longa, Italy circa 1330 b.c.e.. Alba Longa, Italy translates into Latin as Long (vertical) Sacred Vista; which is very close to the definition of Longinus. Which was not the name of the person but the name of the Blade itself. Inus; to make an amber mark/permanent imprint. Vista in this case and permanent imprint would be of a similar definition; a permanent sacred area, printed or made sacred by the divine. Both definitions are close to the description of the Aten

A key in converting Gaelic into Latin is follow the syllables*

Byzantium has 4 syllables; By zan tiu m

Bellingham has 4 syllables; Bell ing Ha m

They are close enough to create the idea linguistically as to Bellingham might be a close enough play on words to be the Gaelic version of Byzantium.

It would be seriously fascinating if by some odd almost entirely sub-conscious chance that the area of Whatcom specifically the Metropolis of Bellingham was actually in an odd way intended to be a new Britain/Byzantium. The Architecture of the infrastructure of Rome WA and the major cities around, the Library at WWU, the very likely statistical analysis that a copy of the Tools of Adam at least one was placed here for safekeeping, the Jews created a safe zone to escape from genocide in the east, the city of Jam a copy of the engineering of Memphis and Venice was built which name changed into Ferndale, etc. the area the evidence is stacking up to this was intended to be an independent empire formed by the remaining British, Royalist French, Royalist Germans (the libertine Austrians are who caused the problems), etc.

Rome invaded the island of Britain circa 50 b.c.e, partially in order to keep erasing its past. The first 1000 to 1500 years the city of Rome was called “The City of Seven Hills” which itself is a copy over from the name of the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Whatcom County Washington State has a Rome, with the cities/hills in a sort of a circle around are close to both the pyramid layout and the hills of Rome.

Hyksos/Dorians invaded Egypt from Mecca. These invaders name changed almost constantly, every few decades to generation or so their descendants are constantly name changing. Including changing to the name Villanovan and Rome. Rome was conquered by Dorian descendants. Fleeing the Aegean after being defeated and kicked out by the culture which would eventually be called “Greeks”. The Dorians are directly descended from the Hyksos.

Greece was invaded dozens of times, wave after wave from Hyksos descended armies which started at the latest 2100 b.c.e. when the Hyksos invaded Egypt then invaded the Middle East after securing all of Egypt under their tyrannical thumb. Hence the people from the west side of the Nile had to evacuate Egypt and move someplace out of the reach of the Hyksos. Italy sounded good at that time. Circa 1600s b.c.e After a couple wars on the east coasts and Mississippi the Pacific North West sounded good to make a last stand for those that had to evacuate from the Hyksos and their name change descendants, in this case Militant Islamic from northern Africa and their English/Dutch ally’s.

Glossy Darkness can reflect light

The illusion of light can be the illusion of glossy darkness reflecting light, but it is only a reflection of light not the real thing. Illusions can and do sometimes look like the real thing. But once you know it is just glossy dark, you can turn toward the actual light and proceed from the west to the east.

Some of the information below is identified darkness which is very glossy but it is darkness. That darkness is only reflected light, not actually light itself. It is only the illusion of something else’s light.

I have seen the enemy and have become him

Psychologically speaking, the accusation regarding Eve and Lilith interacting with snakes harkens to the field of psychology. The most basic portions of the brain consist of what has been nicknamed “The Reptilian Brain”. Could the most basic of animal behavior and the actions associated have been based on either said brain and or the enemy looking for excuses to attack without mercy; acting from the Reptilian brain but accusing others of said. The quote from Dr Phil “what about you do I dislike about myself”.

Legends and Mythology

Below is a long list of ideas which are based on legends, mysteries, etc.

For some unknown to logic reason, conquerors have a soul level desire to conquer and burn/destroy that which they do not like. The one constant thread in human history, if someone thinks of something, someone else wants that thing destroyed.

But it is possible to back build the legends to find the truth through a careful application of statistical analysis. The following information is designed to find out why Bellingham was so important that the armies of the world gathered and then spent decades hiding all the actual evidence of their presence and the battles they fought.

El Dorado Cibola *

The legend of El Dorado and Cibola was introduced into post medial culture by a Jewish Slave. A survivor of a Spanish merchant ship sent to the new world to gather as many riches as they possibly could. Although in total truth the story has been a semi-active story from the beginning of western culture forward till the middle of the dark ages of Europe; said stories were as hard as the Vatican could force the erasure they did. But the Jewish Slave under immediate order of execution told the story in order to both safe his life and to provide a code which other Jews and those that knew how to return and find the sacred city.

Gold is of course valuable in all aspects, but to the religious gold is a means to a religious end. What can the gold me used to either glorify the deity and or pay for things to glorify the deity.

The legend of Cibola was not about a city of gold it was about spreading a story about tons of gold for the taking all the militant Islamic/Spanish had to do was genocide the people it belonged too. No problem, killing entire populations was just an average days’ work. But the code buried inside the legends of both Cibola (a megalithic complex) and El Dorado (a city entirely made of gold) were designed to use the vast amounts of lust and greed to spread the story to the Jews a new homeland across the pond was built and ready for occupancy.

The concept of El Dorado and or a Sacred City which is dedicated to the divine has been around for a considerable amount of time. But the city previous to the Roman Empire was closer to looking for the Amber Room or the Amber Room which Adam built as a reflection of the Garden of Eden. Although the two stories were at least in part different enough to be different stories; the similarities point to the facts that the Amber Room and the city which surrounded the Tabernacle which held the Amber Room is the same story. Although the difficult portion is, if the amber room is partly the story of el Dorado and or Cibola this creates an interesting dynamic since as conquests and conquerors were performed more than one son from the war lord commander of the army would create his own kingdom and build his own Amber Room supposed copy of Adam’s Amber Room within his own Tabernacle. Sometimes siblings would work together sometimes like Esau and Jacob they were the bitterest of enemies from toddlers to their last breaths. Each sibling would have required his own copy of Adam’s tools, one of those tools being an Amber Room.

The armies gathered on the planes north of the city of Bellingham would be no doubt interested in any story which might point to some mythical city of Gold. Since there was evidence of European and Egyptian influence in the area, one can only assume that the Portuguese, Spanish, Militant Islamic, etc. were in the area to take it and use it for their very own if they found it. Which they would have to fight large scale battles if they hoped to conquer their enemy and find Adam’s Treasure.

History of The Lions Inn Hotel part ii Armageddon



·       The Lions Inn has an incredible history

o   How this relates back to the Lion’s Inn Motel. The Lion’s Inn based on the architecture left behind after the conquests from 1500-1850 c.e in Bellingham, there was a megalithic infrastructure exactly where the Lion’s Inn sits. When that megalith aka Stonehenge was destroyed in battle, it was incorporated into the Pickett Plantation circa 1856. Which was then destroyed and made into the Roth Estate English Garden circa 1890. Which was then destroyed to make room for the Lion’s Inn. But a constant theme from the Hyksos who eventually became known for a time as the Persians was the Persian Garden. The Persian Garden is itself by legend a copy of what the Garden of Eden looked like. By legend Adam rebuilt the garden on earth as a reflection of what it looked like in heaven. The Persian garden and the British Garden are virtually the same thing, which one is older is up for debate depending on which politically motivated documentation is used as a reference. The British/Persian Garden was copied and renamed to be the English Garden. Which is what all upper class society would build in their backyards; to reflect their own personal copy of the Garden of Eden. To show hard evidence of their commitment to the divine and how religious they were. In the 1800s was just past a point where everyone did not have to perform all their actions to make sure the society is constantly re-convincing the church of their loyalty to both the Church and the Divine. Since any doubt the lord would be subject to arrest, assets seized, and executed for heresy. Depending on the sadistic personality of the local priests would depend on if their family were sold into slavery. The city of Bellingham and the Lion’s Inn property itself reflect these behavior patterns exactly. Best keep up appearances and continue the theme of religious devotions e.g. built your own English Garden anywhere you avhe a house, or the clergy might become violent.

·       The time from Adam to King David

o   The time from Adam to King David finds monotheism both formed and all but obliterated from within about a dozen times. Not long after Monotheism began internal conflicts led to schisms. Those schisms almost always lead directly to in varying degrees of violence.

o   The violence inevitably will escalate. It is within the escalation that as a matter of the hardest fact will lead to the inevitable conclusion of one trying to dominate and erase the other. Very similar to the concepts behind the psychological phenomenon of “Sibling Revelry”; some siblings from a common core will work together as if they are on the same team. But the opposite is true, more than a few siblings view the other sibling as a rival for whatever reason. The rivalry expands into both violence and eventually into attempts at erasing the presence of the other sibling. The more power and more likely siblings will turn against each other. Happens all the time in Royal families; just look at Richard III; he killed everyone he needed to in order to sit on the throne of England. Including a very likely his brother, his nephews, and as many men in his army as he wanted to in order to be King of a united under his tyrannical thumb. It is merely unpleasant not unheard of. Exactly the same thing occurs within the framework of the begat of religious orders. Almost every religious order which grows beyond x level over a y amount of time will start to divide. The divisions without a charismatic leader to focus everyone into just one frame of reference another charismatic leader has to be able to take the reigns and lead. Rarely occurs. Hence the immediate division from those that Adam converted to his way. Within one generation a good and bad tradition started. The good followed closely to what Adam’s philosophy was, while the Bad tradition followed part of what Adam’s philosophy was but would alter it to suit their own wants/needs/desires.

o   Thus the case of the bad tradition being eventually known as the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Moses/Hebrews and the good being eventually known as Israel/Judah/Jews.


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o   The largest problem is the number of different times that Esau/Hyksos have infiltrated and work as hard as they could regarding trying to destroy Jacobs line.

o   Although Jacob aligning with Israel and his brother aligning with The Shepherd Kings (which is what Hyksos means; leaders with the sheep as their symbol). Whereas Jacob’s symbol was the Bull; which represented both the strength (energy compressed to electricity, electricity is the substance which causes muscles to move) which a thing can be accomplished through as well as the Horns represent the Pillars of Adam. Which the amount of times the evidence regarding Adam and the people of the bull have been erased is more than can easily be calculated.

o   All of the ceremonies if the Jews previous to the exodus have been erased. The Jews could not celebrate Passover, Hanukkah, etc. till after those events actually took place.

o   However there is an extremely good chance that Hanukkah is partially based on the burning of the temple of Adam in Heliopolis. During that battle the city was name changed from IWNW to Heliopolis. Which translates to New Castle and Jerusalem.

·       No room at the Inn; Nativity

o   A hotel was chosen in many cases to replace the gardens of the rich because people need a place to stay and payback for the 2000s years previous illusion there was no room at the Inn. Houses and motels were built onto the rich family’s gardens as payback. Although the actual story is entirely fiction specifically regarding the Inn and no room (it was the only safe and secure place to house a newborn where the Enemies of the family if they looked would not find the newborn male); the safest room in the house would be in the manger, since the Emperor had laid down a kill all the first born Jewish boys. To hide both the birth and the fact the child was a boy, the birth was conducted in the most secure and private area imaginable. If soldiers came around, a crying baby would be drowned out by a few dozen animals. Especially in a cave where the noise would be too difficult to distinguish.

o   In addition the erasure of the Gardens was a cultural radical anti-anything not directly connected to the Great Awakening movements. The Great Awakening movements started to erase all of the previous cultural infrastructure including things they would have cherished if they knew what they were. But alas said cultures not interested in things which might scare them.

·       Ogle family Trade route

o   The Ogle family had been working and running successful trade routes from the point they entered documented history forward.

o   From 1492 (almost without doubt previous) to 1680 the Ogles owned and controlled a trade route across North America. That trade route was the key to both military and financial success. The Ogles aka the Vikings the military army of the family from 750-1066 c.e created an across the north Atlantic trade route which was until operating successfully in the 1700s.

o   The Ogles had created a network of towns, trading posts, etc. along the entire route.

o   When the English finally progressed with sufficient technology in order to follow the Ogles across the Atlantic, the English immediately did what the English do, set forth and conquer (take what others have built) claiming not only did they do the work but erasing as much of the old presence as possible.

§  Which is a behavior pattern which repeated perfectly at Rome, Athens, Sparta, Troy, Mecca, and each time Egypt is reconquered. Not to mention London, Paris, etc. conquer the city/culture then rewrite all the history books stating that the city did not exist before the conqueror arrived. Same action by statistics occurred previous to 1850 in Bellingham WA; when the named founders arrived, they arrived using the Ogle Trade Route.

o   Wave after wave of conquests forced the British Ogles farther and farther both south and west from their original cities of Boston, New York, Maryland, etc. The southern end stopped at Georgia and Florida. The settlers and natives in that area allied with the British Ogles, Royalist French, escaped slaves, free Africans, etc. were force marched from Georgia to Oklahoma called the Trail of Tears. Hence the point those in the north and west evacuated to the North West. The behavior patterns of the Seven Years war aka the French and Indian war was enough for most of the British Ogles and allied cultures to know the same pattern which forced them to leave Egypt circa 2100 b.c.e. was still very much in effect and as strong as ever.

·       Joseph Ogle; Ogle County Illinois

o   The evidence regarding why it is called the Ogle Trade Route is crystal clear. Joseph Ogle the namesake of Ogle County Illinois was named to honor the trade route which allowed the earliest settlers of Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis to find the location and settle in those cities. The Ogles both the ancestors of Joseph and his descendants created and maintained the North American Trade Route. Lewis and Clark chose to plagiarize their journey thanks to maps provided by the Ogles, and the backing of a plantation owner whom wished to follow the advice of his militant Islamic business partners and erase the presence of the Ogles in the Colonies/States; that would be President Thomas Jefferson.

·       New Castle to New Amsterdam

o   The city of Newcastle was named as a replacement for the soon to be lost city of NewCastle Northumberland. It was designed to be a new Center for the British Ogle’s. The city was established in the 1500s and ran successfully under the British organizational government until the Dutch started to pull away from Catholicism and push toward Calvin and Luther philosophies (which are strongly militant Islamic based). By 1630 the city was re-founded and renamed New Amsterdam by the Dutch to take over control of the city itself. Any treasures e.g. the movie “National Treasure” which were present would have been moved West circa either 1620 before the Dutch took over, or immediately upon John Ogle recapturing the city his family founded in 1680. Either way the treasures would have had to be moved farther west, or be lost by being destroyed or into private hands. The exact same behavior patterns all the Hyksos descendants have performed from the second they entered the history books to present; which includes both the 19th dynasty (Seti, Ramses, Moses, etc.), Paul/Bishop of Lyon’s Vatican, and the NAZI; Adolf was a Hyksos descendant which is why his Semitic family were allowed to stay in Germany when Jewish purges occurred in the decades before.

o   Before 1630 b.c.e. the Dutch and British had been the closest of ally’s, after they turned into bitter enemies. So bitter that the Dutch within a few decades had by force of cannon taken over command and control of the Hudson’s Bay Company forcing the British out of their own subsidiary company. From that point on the writing was on the wall. The British and the Family Ogle were not only the enemies of the Dutch but enemies of most of Protestant Europe. Which could be why the British, French Royalists, Royalist Germans, etc. who continued to side with the British started to be attacked from all directions from all their former ally’s. But when the ally converts from a religion based on at least half the teachings of Jesus to 75% based on the teachings of the Hyksos and the Evil Priest Paul. They will start to follow the same exact behavior patterns the Hyksos did; which is erasure of any and all things the Hyksos do not like. Which would also explain why the Ogles and their other British families along with their allied countries evacuated first to Little Egypt which is currently called Illinois and Missouri. This is the area which was documented on the Golden/Amber Plates Joseph Smith not only found but started to translate into English. Those plates showed the information as to what occurred in the centuries before and the need to evacuate farther west. But what was not made clear was once the British, French, etc. arrived in Southern Illinois/Missouri they were followed quickly by their enemies. They chose to not only move farther west but chose to divide their treasures in half. Half want to Colorado and Santa Fe the other portion traveled up and over the continental divide, down the Columbia, and up the coast to the largest but easily defendable position they could find. In order to build defenses fast enough, to withstand another Rome Empire invasion. Knowing that Rome was coming; although not knowing what the new name the Hyksos descendent culture would choose, the defenses and army in Northumberland were ready for the Romans. Knowing the Romans were coming on mass was inevitable. Knowing the enemy was right behind in the 1600s was also inevitable in Bellingham, the history of the Lion’s Inn and the area itself tells the tale, the settlers knew as a matter of hard fact the Hyksos descendants were coming and coming armed to the teeth. Which prove to be both successful for a time but ultimately several hundred years later; it was all but entirely erased from the pages of history. Only fragments of evidence remains as to the infrastructure the Ogles and other British families built from Seattle to Vancouver BC.

o   Which could easily be why the treasure was removed from Germany was taken to New York circa 1580 then after the Dutch switched from being Catholic to being Protestant the treasure was moved again to Little Egypt. The battles which started in the late 1680s forced the treasure to be moved from Little Egypt straight to Bellingham Washington. All the other areas were too close to the enemy. Bellingham was the closest and most secure for defense all the British and other countries families could find. In a very real effect Bellingham became, for the time, a modern version of Thermopolis; aka the Battle of the 300. The armies of the descendants of the Hyksos (which included the Persians; whom were the named aggressors at both Marathon and Thermopolis) which included the English, Romans, Libertine French, all the militant Islamic cultures, Spain, Portuguese, Greeks, etc. followed the British to Bellingham and they fought it out. The Hyksos descendants eventually winning and erasing the entire conflict.

·       Mormons and Bellingham

o   The Mormons and Bellingham circa the time of Joseph Smith 1804-1844.

o   The Great Awakening movements had been occurring since the late 1600s in North America; they had been occurring in basic all along in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Although the movements did not achieve the goals they were intended to achieve, they did reveal a strong continuity of the same behavior patterns associated with the Protestant faithful. Mormonism is not part of Catholicism or Protestantism. Mormonism comes directly from a deposit of plates hidden in a Mound close to the Great Lakes in New York. Which matches the timeline regarding when the Plates would have had to be shipped out of the future New York when the culture of the Dutch betrayed their society.

o   Unfortunately for the faith, when Joseph Smith was martyred by a group of Protestants, Brigham Young took over. Unfortunately for the entire organization; Brigham was more from the Great Awakening movement than understanding the true faith. But pull the faith toward the great Awakening movements he did, without the slightest hesitation. In fact his political stance on the subject was strong enough to perform the same exact coup de etat with Mormonism as had been performed after Mohammed’s death when the Mohammed appointed leader was deposed and a new charismatic leader forced control over. Same pattern; same bad outcome.

o   What is important is the fact that Joseph Smith following the plates he was headed to Little Egypt. Which could have been the destination for the Ogle British Treasury; which in all likelihood if the range of other theories come up with some level of truth was a place the Tools of Adam were placed at least for a few decades.

o   The treasury was then force moved again copies were sent to Manitou Colorado and Bellingham Washington.

o   Joseph knew to follow the trail to Missouri, but did not know the trail continued to Bellingham. Although a portion of the trail did go to Manitou Colorado. He both did not live long enough, and the enemies around both within and externally were not going to allow him to continue past Missouri. Even though he could translate, if you touch the divine others whom have no ability to do said will be soul level bound to attack, hurt, destroy, both the item they cannot gain access to and you for daring to be able to do a task they want to.

o   Not allowing all the information to come to light regarding what the plates said next was both good and bad. Placing the Mormons in Bellingham in 1844 would have made the entire situation beyond measure worse. Although a small group did venture to both Manitou and Bellingham. The numbers which followed the Protestant Young were the majority. Plus if the 10,000s of Mormons would have traveled to Bellingham; they would have simply been slaughtered. Those 10s of thousands needed to stay on safe ground e.g. Salt Lake City.

·       The Seven Years War

o   The Seven Years’ War was fought for a large number of reasons. Not the least of which was for control over the slave trade. The British had been fighting against the slave trade since the Dutch converted to Protestantism and took on the philosophy in a large way that maybe Mohammed had a point. The Empire which the Ogles had been building from Ohio to the Mississippi was under direct and imminent threat of attack. So the treasures and said were moved farther west. It did not take long for the Royalist French, British, Germans, etc. to know they were about to lose. A strategic regrouping occurred on the other side of both the Rockies and the Cascade Mountains. The Ogle’s which stayed in the east converted to Protestantism and continued to be a lifeline keeping at least part of the ancient trade route open and operating. Sending supplies west, as best they could. The Ogles in Tiffin were no exception. Building a large estate and building a large difficult to attack manor house from which to operate from. That house called the Maples stood from the late 1700s to 1980 when it was torn down and the lands sold off. The family Ogles in Tiffin had disintegrated by the 1970s; face defeat and genocide enough times and the individual families the trauma of those events will cascade down the generations. The Ogles in Tiffin eventually died out and their descendants moved away. Several moved to Florida. One moved to the Pacific North West.

·       Tiffin Ohio Megalith

o   There is a piece of property which used to be owned by Elmer Ogle before his daughter inherited it that belong to the family since at the middle (more likely the late 1600s) the 1700s. The property was located at the corner of what is now Market and the 224 bypass to the West of the city.

o   The Property used to have a Manor House called “The Maples” which was built in the middle to end of the 1700s. google maplesgoogle maples largerMaples_old_and_new_merged_closer_2013_5_31_2025 

o   The original house was under the megastore on the corner.

o   That Original house was next to a first Mount Builders Mound which was part of the Megalith infrastructure. Most likely that dolmen was part of the mound structure. But since the entire area has been bulldozed and erased, the only hope for archaeology are the memories of those older than when the place was erased from being an Ogle Family farm to being sold off. Possibly the evidence from ground penetrating radar.

o   This was a major trade route juncture from NewCAstle, Delaware to Portland Oregon. Although strong circumstantial evidence does show two separate early Bellingham settlers did travel through Vermillion and Tiffin on their way through the River system to Portland. Although Phoebe Judson and Captain Henry Roeder did carry with them tons of supplies. Judson carried not only farming supplies but a library to start a University in the area. That university was first located in Lynden Washington (which she changed the name from what it was before to Lynden) but was forced to move the library and eventual university south to a more secure location. Which happens to be a box canyon to the North East of the currently called Fairhaven WA. Large defensive Manor houses and estates surrounded the Library which eventually became a university years later.

o   The Ogles in Tiffin pulled more than a few settlers from Europe over using the Ogle navies, as well as shuffled lots of settlers from Ohio west into the Pacific North West. A large population of supporters was going to be needed when the enemies managed to gather sufficient technology in order to follow with their army.

o   But unfortunately for the Ogles the Dutch whom had just come from having their stolen trade routes stopped because the slave trade became illegal. Had to move on to other sources of individual and cultural income. The Dutch simply followed the crowd west with their old allies and now betrayed mortal enemies to the British specifically the Ogles and came on mass to the Pacific North West. A mass migration of Dutch into the area of Bellingham started soon after the civil war forever stopped the Dutch and their kissing cousin allies Militant Islamic armies from restarting the slave trade. Seeking new revenue sources as well as to bring the war to the British whom had stolen their income source the Dutch spared nothing traveling through Tiffin to Bellingham in order to in effect seek revenge. Seeking revenge against a former allies whom they betrayed for the money and the new philosophy of Protestantism which is 75-95% based on Islamic principles and philosophy. But all that information is hidden behind layers and layers of façade. But the facts remain the facts.

o   What evidence exists which connects the library system of Edinburgh, New Castle Northumberland, Heidelberg Germany, with Western Washington University, etc. That evidence is extremely easy.

o   There are two universities in Tiffin. Tiffin University and Heidelberg University were both assisted in their creation by the ogle family. The Germans and Dutch who settled in Tiffin in the 1800s were in fact just following the crowd which the British Ogles had been escorting through for the previous several centuries. No matter if the history of Ohio reflects these facts. The history of Ohio was written by enemies of the British and the Ogles. In the 1800 and early 1900s most of the impact of the Ogles had in Ohio was erased. By the 1970s being an Ogle in Tiffin was not an easy task; the population was in some ways supportive and in other ways violently against.

o   The core of the University libraries was first in the hands of the Ogles copies made and divided up to ensure some portions of the essence of the original library remained. The core of Western Washington University library can trace itself directly back to Tiffin, back to Heidelberg, back to Edinburgh, NewCastle Northumberland, and from their back to Constantinople.

o   The name Tiffin was labeled onto the city when the Dutch seized control of the area and renamed the area for the man whom pushed for Ohio Statehood. Breaking treaties with Royalist France and Germany in the process. The city was renamed to honor him. Fort Ball which was located on the  north side of the River from settlement Tiffin on the south side of the river were both to the east of the 1000s of acres the Ogles owned. Which was cut down for statehood to only 500 acres. Years later it was cut down again to only 250 acres on the North East side of the 224 bypass.

o   What better way to divide and conquer an enemy than perform the same action in the newly named Tiffin than to make a road/wall directly through the middle of what little property the family was allowed to keep after statehood was established.

o   It is possible the core of the Maples property the 5 acres were sold to friends to ensure some portions of the land the Ogles would be able to maintain after the betrayal and being forced to renounce being British and French allies and being Americans.

o   What does Tiffin Ohio have anything at all to do with and apply with Bellingham Washington. virtually the same cultures who erased the British and Ogle presence in Bellingham  had done the same thing at virtually the same exact time in Tiffin. The behavior patterns are absolutely clear. Plus the amount of documentation which was erased/burned/destroyed regarding what tiffin used to be called before it was renamed to honor Edward Tiffin. Whom was a diehard Jeffersonian which was a philosophy of do not trust the banks, FreeMasons, the British are bad, the English are good, the Dutch and Barbary coast militant Islamic cultures are our trading and  business partners. We need large slave plantations, we need to expand west to create new plantations, to expand the slave trade. When slavery became illegal, the same plantation mentality was present but instead of purchasing new slaves from Africa the owners simply sold the offspring from their already purchased slaves to new plantations in the west.

o   Although the mason Dixon agreement stopped that and stopped the practice in Ohio, it did not stop the facts regarding erasing as much of the past of the British, Royalist French, Royalist Germans, etc. in Ohio. Many names of cities, counties, etc. in Ohio were renamed immediately after the area became first a territory and then a state. Erasing the old names and cultures with violent oppression.  

o   224 bypass around Tiffin the west side runs directly through the middle of the lands the Ogles owned. It is also on a 45’ angle from north south. Which is the exact same angle used in Megalithic construction. Providing additional evidence as to their used to be a megalithic infrastructure along with the proven existence of mound on the Ogle Property. The assumption is the megalith was on the south west side of the road, the road the Ogles installed to make a clear distinction between the 1000 acres used for family and farming and the acres used for whatever they used a megalithic infrastructure for.

o   This relates directly to Bellingham in the Lettered streets, which are themselves a direct reflection of the Captain (at the time later General in the Confederate Army) George Picket Plantation. Picket seized the holdings of the remaining East India Company, torn down the dolmans/megaliths/etc., replaced the existing infastructure with a plantation, which he proceeded to work on for the next few years. But he only had five total years in Bellingham to work on his plantation. Since the Civil War started in 1861 he had to evacuate immediately back to the south. Was he chased out by a stronger confederate commander, was he chased out by a commanding officer of the American military, were the conflicts in the area enough to make him want to evacuate. He left in the middle of the night with no word and never returned to the lands he possessed. Decades later his lands were turned from a plantation into the infrastructure of Bellingham and the Estates from what would be built downtown from Holly to F street and from F street to Fort Bellingham. Roeder whom owned the lands from Holly to F after decades of legal battles finally recovered the lands only to have those same lands seized again when the territory became a state.

o   Which is remarkably similar to the founding of Tiffin, fort  Ball would not be the original name of the City the Ogle’s founded. Fort Ball would be a Fortification the English and or the Dutch built in order to bring the war to the British Ogles in their own fortification to the west. What that fortification was and where can only be guessed at, but it is somewhere on the original property. Although the original property is the 1000s of acres from the corner of Market and 224. Lots of area to cover and an insufficient archaeological attention since academics are convinced the propaganda is correct regarding what the English, Dutch, Plantation owners, and Americans told them. The winners write the history, the losers have their history erased.

·       Joseph Ogle property in St Louis

o   Lewis and Clark had to move directly by the property the Ogles had owned where the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers meet. The Ogles owned the property since the early to middle 1700s.

o   The Ogles are great at exploring and building new trade routes. All they would have needed was a few months to Travers the rivers from St Louis to the mouth of the Columbia river. They had decades.

o   Sail up the Mississippi to where the Missouri dumps into the Mississippi.

o   Then sail up to the Missouri until you hit the Continental Divide.

o   Cross west over the Divide.

o   Once on the other side you will find the Columbia River.

o   Sail down the Columbia to the Pacific.

o   From 1750 forward when the documentation clearly shows the Ogles were in the area of St Louis to the Lewis and Clark expedition the Ogles had plenty of time to chart out that leg of their North American Trade Route. But in all likelihood, that leg of the trade route had been charted out and used for centuries before Joseph Ogle was born. The Ogles via the evidence of their military arm the Vikings, never lost the ability to sail across the north Atlantic. Which means the North American trade route could have easily been established by the Ogles 1000 years before. Their enemy spent 300 years erasing the facts regarding the Kingdom of Camelot; erasing the existence of the North American trade route is easy in comparison.

·       The War of 1812

o   The English using the façade of the British, the English defeated the British between 1400-1650 in the UK. In American the British were still at least semi-strong. Partially because the British still possessed the ability to maintain a large enough army and a large enough education background to keep their navies and naval trade rroutes. The English did nto development sufficient skills to challenge the British sea dominance till the 1700s. But once the English caught up to the British naval technology the American leg of the full scale Enlgiish to erase the British was back on, in force. Part fo the reason the English allowed the Amiericans to win 1776, was to consentrate roe effects into defeating the British in Little Egypt, Canada, and the West Coast. Allwoing the colonies ot defeat the British on the East coast. Although in total truth the entire revolutionary war was the English pitting the british against the Americans. Allowing the two to exhaust each other fighting foro control. As the Egnlish fought against the British on other fronts. Assuming then when the Colonial leg fo the British assessts were lost to the colonies, the colonies would be beyond easy for the Egnish to come back and reconquer the colonies. The war fo 1812 was not American versus Britiain it was American versus England.

o   The English attacked America using the façade of the British.

o   All the nasty behavior the English did, including burning the White House (pharaoh’s house) was entirely from English behavior. .

o   It is starting to look like 1750 the armies of the world met and battled in among other places from the East Coast west to the Mississippi. Other battles were occurring in Bellingham and Fairhaven Washington. The losers which included the Royalist French, British, Greeks, etc. on the East Coast evacuated west to regroup to former settlements established decades and centuries before. But after a few decades the aggressors followed. Causing another war, this time around Portland. Another strategic retreat this time north, meeting again just south of Vancouver BC. Where the world gathered and fought. But this battle was odd because there were no clear sides. Odd evidence. Since the evidence shows the battles but the winners did not brag, the winners not only did not brag about the win but refused to acknowledge a battle even took place. Of course it was not a clear battle ally’s versus axis. more than one side, more than x and y fought z and a a bit later y fought x alongside b

o   But there were about 12 cultures involved, so the variables become clouded fast. The Russian involved on both sides, the Portuguese also involved on both sides, native tribes switching back and forth, different tribes involved. Very complex. The battles take place between circa 1700-1885, Pickett’s 1500 men involved from 1855-1861. Obviously under different command when he escaped in the middle of the night circa 1861.

·       The British were forced to evacuate from the east to the west

o   The British lost battle after battle, despite having superior forces in almost all engagements. Starting in the late 1500s in both the UK and America. Once the string of losses started to pile up, the enemies kept pounding until the British culture was eventually absorbed into the English and other cultures depending on where those battles took place. The British kept losing, the more they lost the assumption was they needed to get out of the way of the still advancing enemy. Fortunately the British in America in the centuries before had a series of cities already built and within a few decades’ hard defensible positions. But in actuality the British in Bellingham were unprepared for an onslaught. They had prepared for being besieged by the equivalent of the Roman Army, but not for the Battle of Thermopolis. Facing more than a dozen cultures each with a powerful army. Each army required different tactics in order to implement a proper defense.

·       British Evacuated West

o   Following the ancient Ogle Trade Route, the British evacuated after losing three major wars in a row

o   1750 1863 took place in mostly little Egypt.

o   1776 the English used the British and the Ogle Family

o   1812 the British were used as a scape goat by the English and Americans, in order to push a radical agenda. And partially to hide the facts regarding the solid push by descendants of Militant Islamic settlers and plantation owners within the Colonial/States Borders. Show weakness and the enemy will immediately exploit in order to turn the situation into their own best advantage.

o   After losing so many times the armies of the world regrouped in the Pacific North West in order to achieve different goals. Most if not all the cultures of the world were present and fighting. Some of the fighters were aligned with each other others kept changing sides.

·       Little Egypt

o   *Why little Egypt you might ask; buy legend Chicago was the location where the Garden of Eden descended from heaven. Years after Adam and Eve were forced to leave, the angles move the Garden of Eden away from Tabriz Iran across the pond to the area to be later known as Chicago. Which translates as “The area of Onions”; layers of the onion are similar to the Aett, the juice of an onion is good for creating both a battery and a source of electrical power.*

o   Which would explain why in the 1600s John Ogle made an all but bee line from NewCastle to Illinois. He wanted to reestablish a trade route between his family’s financial estates in Massachusetts, Manhattan, and the newly settled Maryland.

o   The Ogles were followed almost instantly by their mortal enemies the English, Portuguese, Spanish, Militant Islamic armies, Italy, etc.

o   So the Ogles knowing the same battle strategy was going to be used on the new continent as had been used for millennia. Forcing the ogles to move out of the middle east to Egypt, then from Egypt back to the middle east, to Anatolia, to the Aegean, to Italy, to France, to the Islands of Britain, across the Pond to the New World, etc.

o   So the statistics was clear as a bell; the enemy were coming and would settling for nothing shy of the entire erasure of the British. Then in an extremely disgusting behavior pattern, literally change their name to being British without actually being British. Homicidal maniacs whom kill the person of their infatuation have a personality disorder; that personality disorder causes them to need to kill their object of adoration then become what they killed.

o   The ogles found and required parts of the library and treasures left for safe keeping in the area of Chicago. Since it was obvious the enemy were knocking at the gates of their territory.

o   The seven years’ war circa 1750 is a direct result of going to the area; finding the treasures, the evacuating farther west. *

o   Leaving troops behind in order to cover the treasures being evacuated.

o   If you look at the entire area from Chicago west; the terrain is clear. There are only a few places in the entire west coast which are hidden away, difficult for the conqueror to get to, and a strategic area from which to stage a Thermopolis fight. One of the few is a place called Bellingham Washington. The area was almost definitely founded as Castle Bellingham, which is most likely the original name of old Main and University of Western Washington was the University of Castle Bellingham.

o   But that information was erased between 1750-1890 while the war between almost every major army was present and fighting from the early 1700s to the day the area became a state.

·       Exodus

o   The Exodus, the facts regarding the exodus are almost exclusively wrong. The victors and the nastiest people worked very hard for close to 800 years to erase any and all traces of the bad actions to make the enemy look great and the good people look bad.

o   The Exodus was conducted by Moses, but the time frame is 1330 not 1260 b.c.e.. I say this because the number of factors involved show then the events took place.

o   First the Avaris e.g. the about to become the 19th dynasty seized power long before the history books claim. Why because the original history of the situation was written by those that wanted so badly to hide the evidence of their crimes they worked on over the course of three entirely different millennia to erase them The sphinx recurved at based on weathering evidence the same time.

o   First Moses and his Hyksos allied descendants worked to erase the facts and the truth, at the same time Seti and Ramses were also working very hard to erase all the evidence.

o   Second the languages of the time which presented any other evidence and documentation regarding what was actually occurring were erased e.g. Indo-European, Sumerian, Akkadian, and proto-Hieroglyphics, to name just a few. Hebrew was invented and all were forced to learn the new all who knew the old were executed.

o   Third; the parent of Hebrew was intentionally erased. The parent language of Hebrew is the Futhark. Which makes what was written on the Plates some hard evidence as to what it could have been.

o   During the time of Zerubbabel who rebuilt the great temple according to his own ideas, ignoring outright the evidence of what the original looked like Causeway Bent to Solomon 2014 11 22 0915. The original was an exact copy of the temple of Tyre, which itself was an exact copy of the temple of Ptah,1962644_237124073077948_1535784633_n which by legend and rumor was an exact copy of the tent/tabernacle Adam built at Heliopolis/Jerusalem. But he erased the first temple in order to allow for a reference to the ancient symbol of the Aten to be presented.

o   Causeways

§  16 of the Pyramid Causeways bisect strategic locations hundreds and thousands of miles away.

§  Pepi Pyramid

·       The Pyramid of Pepi I has a causeway which bisects the cave of the Nativity. That cave is according to Empress Helen the cave from which Jesus was born some 2500 years after the Pepi I pyramid causeway was built.

·       Which is seriously significant to say the absolute least.

§  The Bent Pyramid Bisects the Temple Mound   0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angles


·       Bent causeway to the Temple Mound Jerusalem







·       The former location of the Temple of King Solomon. The Bent Pyramid bisects where that Temple used to be. Currently the location of a mosque. Which Mohammed did not have much if anything to do with. He went to Egypt.

o   The Aten built into the Holiest of Holy for the Israelites; the Aten built into the causeways by the Jews. This is beyond significant to any and all Children of Israel

o   Fourth the remainder of Sumerian, Acadian, Hittite, Phoenicians, etc. were erased and the few left who knew said languages were executed. To make sure said secrets were hidden and unrecoverable.

o   Fifth the brutality of Moses (his actions were copied by Adolf and his gang 2300 years later) were erased and the number of Jews he killed was washed from history.

o   Sixth the power of Stockholm syndrome. I have seen the enemy and have become him. From 1300-1000 b.c.e. the Jews were put through so much adversity from the Hebrews (Jews and Hebrews are very different cultures. Hebrew’s are Moses’ descendants, he was allied with the Hyksos. The Hyksos are Esau’s descendants (most likely) that the two Hyksos and Jews eventually merged into one culture. Which was the aim of Moses. The identity disorder all the Hyksos and their descendants have is a 100% repeat pattern regarding a desperate need to become their enemy. Their enemy being Jacob’s; to be able to be granted access to the great room, its tools, and be leaders of the long house. Which in the width and breadth of human civilization has never worked. Sure the Hyksos descendants are able to force control by killing all whom oppose them (including in climate issues e.g. divine will, storms, natural disasters, volcano’s) but eventually when they kill enough, destroy enough, etc. they are able to claim ownership of the Tabernacle of the Divine. But because of who they are, they are never able to hold onto it for long. They internally destroy themselves, then the children of Israel are able to reclaim their rightful place within.

o   Jezebel; the response once the Jews started to work out the facts that all the pre-Moses ceremonies of the children of Israel were erased and Moses replaced them with new post exodus ceremonies. Many started to question what was happening and why. Jezebel convinced her husband the king to look into the old ways and looking why the old ways were erased.

§  What he found was extremely concerning.

§  He renounced his allegiance to the ways of the Hebrews and realigned himself with the ways of the children of Israel. Which in return Jezebel was executed and he was forced to recant and refollow the ways of the Hebrew.

§  Why is this important to the progress of Bellingham? It demonstrates that the followers of Esau’s line will stop at literally nothing in order to literally kill all whom stand between them and the divine. No matter if the divine wants said to occur or not.


o   Immediately after the exodus all the ceremonies of the Jews were stripped from them, new ceremonies were put into place. And the enemy Moses started to rewrite the history to place himself as the hero and in truth the 18th dynasty as the villain. Zerubbabel recast the 19th dynasty as the villain. Separating out Moses from his family.

o   This has a direct influence with Bellingham, since those that managed to arrive in Bellingham circa the 1500s and before knew as a matter of hard evidence they possessed information from before the Exodus. They possessed the evidence from the founding of Rome circa 2100 b.c.e. when the city was called “The Seven Hills”. Which is an amazing thing, but once word started to leak out regarding the settlements in America which were built as a last stand of the pre-exodus children of Israel. The powers that be whom knew the facts changed the story from “Divine/Jerusalem’s in the new world. Changed the story to Cities of Gold” manipulating those whom had a lust for gold so intense they would spend their entire lives and fortunes searching for gold, killing all whom got in their way regarding either not telling the Spanish and Muslim where the gold was or worst the conquistadors would assume the people they encountered were lying and would kill them for lying. Best way in the world to deal with those whom either can or will commit the most evil to get one step closer to the divine.

o   Which is odd since the more evil committed the closer to their understanding Satan they are stepping. But since Satan e.g. Lucifer “The Light Bearer” can appear to be divine. Those that commit evil in order to step closer to the divine become fooled into betraying the very foundation of the divine in order to step closer to the façade of evil. Since evil looks bright and shiny, whereas the divine appears to be humble.

o   Which cascaded into the legend of both Cibola and El Dorado. Interesting how Bellingham Washington State connects with El Dorado; which would be an extremely good reason (once the armies often would determine there was not enough gold) to erase the legend that the area had hidden gold mines and the natives were simply hiding the gold from them. That would be a totally logical reason to have the armies of the world present and then have the armies of the world deny to their last breath they were present. Embarrassed at not finding the gold.

o   Of course the problem is, the gold was a coded message within the framework of the code the code being; North (vertical), Umber/Amber (Divine, the sun, etc.), Land (specifically defined area). The code is used throughout western culture to indicate where the children of Israel descendants either have built something and or have hidden something.

·       Egypt 1325 b.c.e.: The year the exodus started

o   The conquests of Athens, the Exodus, and Troy happened within a few decades of each other if not at almost exactly the same time. The aggressors being the Hyksos and the losing side being the descendants of the 18th dynasty Amenhotep IV.

o   Which in general makes the application Amenhotep IV sending his children out to form their own kingdoms; the Hyksos on mass then followed each of the children to their respective new locations and started to attack them without mercy. In Northumberland the descendants of the 17th dynasty circa 1550 were present and well established. Those battles have been mostly forgotten by history and legend.

o   Tutankhamen 1341 BC, ruled 1332 BC – 1323 BC (guestimated dates based on most of the sources were from the Hyksos 2100-1550 and again 1300-300 b.c.e. time periods. The dates cannot be trusted, the Hyksos hated the 18th dynasty circa 1550-1330 with a genocidal passion.)

o   The below has a direct impact on Bellingham Washington, Castle Bellingham Ireland, Castle Bellingham Northumberland, the very name of Bellingham itself, the origin of the Title Lord Bellingham, as well as the maps which allowed the Vancouver Expedition to arrive in the Puget Sound in the first place provided by Lord Bellingham from Castle Ireland. Around this exact same time period within a few decades one way or another. The following myths and legends but have key details regarding the founding of both America and Bellingham. The Prince of Troy whom married the Queen of Carthage had a son unknown if that son was from the Queen of Carthage (a very likely candidate would be Tut’s widow) or another wife the Prince of Troy married either before or after. That son is the namesake of the British People (be fascinating if another of the founding families was the child of Meritaten and Tut, or a surviving Tut and the Queen of Carthage child evacuated Egypt before the Hyksos seized the throne. Would be seriously interesting if one of those extremely hypothetical children was named Bellingham or the hieroglyphic version of said. Hieroglyphic to Gaelic, to Latin). Which would make the origin of the British people three half sibling’s direct descendants of King Priam of Troy and Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. The history based on the available documentation is beyond unreliable since the documentation is almost exclusively written by enemies. Some enemies only wanted to conquer, others wanted to literally purge the entire family and all they had done from the earth. The purge enemies then creating documentation regarding their vanquished enemy is the definition of unreliable. For all these reasons and 1000s more the city of Bellingham and the metropolis of Whatcom County had so much more happening in this area than can easily be described. The area is almost beyond measure complex. Added to all these facts which have undocumented outcomes which collide later on within other facts with huge missing detailed holes in them. The armies of the world were gathered in Bellingham fully armed and in large numbers. Fighting in other places, not as the documentation states in Bellingham. Fighting in other locations but not fighting in Bellingham; this is beyond an unrealistic scenario in almost every way possible. But ancient Egypt, British Empire, Carthage, Punic War, England, Confederacy, Vatican, Militant Islamic, etc. whom were in the area have a 100% consistent behavior pattern when it comes to how they react when reflecting upon the War which raged between the British and the English immediately after the crusades e.g. Robin Hood, circa 1400s, much later the during the Tudor time when Henry circa 1500s went to full scale war against the British (whom lost because their troops were in eastern Europe fighting off the invading Islamic empire), and in Bellingham fighting out on the genocidal level. The conclusion of each of the battles was the same side lost, after they lost the enemy erased as much of the information of the battles as humanly possible. Same pattern from the start of written language in the west to present.

·       Ogle Orders of Knights

o   The Ogle Army in the 1600s was committed to fighting full scale wars on the Eastern Front fighting to keep the Militant Muslims out of Europe. Fighting Henry VIII back home, fighting on the East Coast of America, Fighting the length of the Mississippi, and fighting on the West Coast. Each opponent was at full strength; while their army was at best 1/4strength. Large populations only lasts for so long even in northern Europe and Scandinavia there is not enough babies per generation to keep the numbers in an army at fighting strength decade after decade. Generation after Generation. The Number of areas the Ogles were fighting pitch battles presents the final reason why they lost almost everything 1500-1850 c.e. It was similar from 630-750 c.e when the Pictish switched allegiances and became allied with a very different culture; that is when the Ogles started to loose and loose badly. Defeated the Roman Empire but was toppled (after almost 175 years) by the battle strategy of the post 630 Pictish army in Northumberland. But the Ogles and the Militant Islamic know something the rest of the world do not know; the actual true subject as to why the battles were occurring in the first place. The battles are over who possesses the Amber Room, Adam’s tools, and the loom. That knowledge is hidden deep in the DNA of the Ogle’s descendants that knowledge is not hidden deep anywhere with the Esau/Hyksos line cultures. On a soul level the Ogles possess that information.

o   According to both the archaeology and the writings of the Iliad/Odyssey the Trojan War was fought almost exactly the same way; but with Troy the evidence regarding the Legacy of Egypt, the Tome of Jacob/Adam, and the unbelievable treasure are all hard evidence. Trojan means: descendants of Jacob.

o   Ironically the archaeological data regarding how the Hyksos were able to conquer Egypt 2100-1900 bce match with Wars of Troy, Britain 630-780 c.e, 1400-1650 Europe, and America1400-1890 c.e. A dozen or more descendants of the Hyksos form together under the leadership of one warlord and attack without mercy till they are either all dead or they seize control over the Amber/Adam’s Room.

o   I am sure there are more examples for instance the Wars in Egypt 3800 and 3500 bce. With a possible 3200 Scorpion King using the same strategy as well.

o   What does this family have which forces the rest of the world to on a soul level want/need/desire to go and attack them till no one is left standing.


·       Female Pharaoh

o   Stating that a woman was Pharaoh in Egypt was so deeply disturbing and aggravating that the Avaris Hyksos had close to less than no choice on a sub-conscious beastly level to rise up, attack, and destroy the female Pharaoh. Meritaten had been acting queen of Egypt for most of her adult life. She co-ruled with her father Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten and her mother Nefertiti. Consequently being ruled by not one but two women was not only out of the question but entirely unacceptable in all ways shapes and forms. So the Hyksos in Avaris had to rise up and put all of the royal family to the sword. Because females are beyond unacceptable among 1000 other insane reasons to hate them all and want the entire culture purged from the earth. First ruled by Nefertiti and Meritaten, and then Meritaten and Ankhesenamun. Tut’s birth defects and being ruled by at least one extremely powerful and dominant woman and her sister with unknown levels of personal strength. More than the ego of the Hyksos/Avaris could stand. The history books claim Ankhesenamun committed suicide when her Prince of Troy husband left shortly after the wedding to found the city of Alba Longa. The enemies wrote the history; not wanting to have a living breathing threat as an ancestor easier to say translate “her time in Carthage ended; taking the Tome of Israel with her” by “her life in Carthage ended; by taking the Blade of Troy with her to the grave.”

o   The history was later changed due in so small amount based on the facts that grown adults were attacking the by then 17 year old Pharaoh Tutankhamen (Tut). Since his sister Meritaten had already evacuated to Northumberland (after their father Amenhotep IV died, she co-ruled Egypt with her younger brother and his wife another sister until Tut was old enough to rule Egypt himself. Both Tut and his sister/wife were still young children when their father the Pharaoh died. An / adult co-ruler was needed. Brings up an extremely interesting question, did the pubescent around the age of 13 year old pharaoh Tut perform the fertility rite in the spring as all Pharaohs were required to do? Did he perform said rite with his sister/wife or is sister/co-ruler, or did both women perform the ritual with the Pharaoh. The Rite has been done almost without break since Narmer, no reason to assume the Rite would have been skipped that year. Did that ritual produce a child or two; which those children were labeled the child/son/daughter of the specific season/date the child was conceived in? Especially if that Rite was a major holiday; which the spring fertility Rite was one of the most important of the year. Did Tut have a child with Meritaten who would have lived in exile in Northumberland with its mother? Did Tut have surviving children with his wife/sister? Two of their children were until born, did they have others which might have survived? Where did they go to live? Which would be a reason for Meritaten to come back to Egypt and be mummified with her family. Other than the facts that she had been a full Pharaoh for around a decade of her life. The Honor of being buried as a pharaoh could be just that.). The Queen Mother Nefertiti had already evacuated to set up the new kingdoms for her children. One new kingdom per child. So in effect the most logical aspect of what Nefertiti did was to travel between the cities/kingdoms of her children assisting them in assembling the proper infrastructure to allow their new kingdoms to thrive. But again a queen in charge of Northumberland, Athens, Troy, etc. would be too much for the Misogynistic Hyksos to deal with. On a somewhat conscious level but mostly sub-conscious level a cultural need to seek those women out and destroy them would be all but number one on their priority list.

o   Hammer on a group hard enough and they will start to take on the behavior patterns of those abusing them. It is called Stockholm syndrome. Which is represented perfectly within the framework of Female Circumcision which is performed by either a female relative of the young girl or other designated female. Because being cleansed of said is more important than stepping away from animalistic behavior. The trauma which comes from said procedures and the society which forces the females to assume said actions are not only good but the only way to live properly, is not purity, but a step away from humanity and toward beastly behavior. Or as the Greeks called it Bab-Bar-Ian behavior patterns. Since the sheep is the animal symbol of the Hyksos and Esau the people of the beast/sheep is not only their self-described name in ancient Egyptian/Hieroglyphic. But their continued behavior patterns throughout their existence. In addition almost all aggressors teach/groom their victims to repeat self-abuse patterns. The women in said cultures are equal to if not worse abusers than their men/leaders. Worse in an attempt to win favor and approval from their leaders. But all the actions are nothing shy of inhuman. Which would be one of the strongest reasons for the needs of the Persians to go to the Aegean and kill everyone who would not submit to the rules of their culture. The rules of their parent culture, the rules of their ancestors. Being told no, becomes an insult not only personally but to the entire family line. Erasing those that say no is a way of honoring their entire family line.

§  Purity of Philosophy

§  Female circumcision no matter how beastly it is, is also another aspect of the root of the behavior patterns causes the same culture which is in the present and has in the past performed said are the same cultures which forced the genocidal purging of both the people and evidence their culture existed in the first place. Something about this culture seems on a sub-conscious level to be unclean/impure to the aggressor. Which psychologically speaking is a mirror. The aggressor perceives themselves in the enemy and must erase the image and all that culture does because they are so impure; not understanding they are perceiving themselves. The impure ones are the aggressors not those being genocide.

o   Evidence, the second the Hyksos were back in charge of Egypt circa 1900 and 1300 bce. They immediately repeated the same pattern in 1300 as they had done in 1900 b.c.e.. As soon as Egypt was secure, they go conquer the world. Hard evidence Levant had been named that from the time it entered translatable languages circa 3000 bce. Moses starts to rewrite the history and you have Levant renamed to Israel. Hard fact two; on the heels of the Jews and Hebrews (entirely different cultures, although they have a common ancestor by legend circa 2600 bce) the 19th dynasty erases as much of the presence of the Jews and the Israelites in Egypt as is possible. Remodeling the sphinx, chopping dozens of feet off a temple in upper Egypt, renaming the same temple to his name Ramses II, erasing what the temple used to be called, etc. This list of erasures in both Levant and Egypt for the next several hundred years is extensive to say the absolute least. All written material which contradicted the story that the Hyksos/Dorians/19th dynasty/Agamemnon/etc. could find they sent their entire army against to erase all documentation and all who might know the old stories. During this time Indo-European, Sumerian, Akkadian, Linear A, are all erased. 800 years later when Zerubbabel seized power again and ruled over the New Jerusalem in Levant lands renamed to Israel. The cross over languages were also erased including but not limited to Phoenician, Hittite, Linear B, any remnance of Linear A, Vinca, Indus Harappa, Italic, etc. Why spend the time and money to erase languages and all the scholars who could disagree with your new political stance unless what they could say threatened your power.

o   Which is exactly the same pattern occurring in the present. Secure Egypt under a radical Hyksos descended leadership and then go conquer the world.

o   Which brings up a fascinating concept. Having an extremely good reasonable argument that the descendants of Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten sent his surviving girls out to form their own kingdoms, Athens being one of those cities.

§  Would it not be an advisable argument to say Athens if you cut the h out and the ‘s of the name out? Since by legend the city of Athens was named by the commanding general whom had conquered the city to name the place after his mother. Aethra or Aithra’s the ‘s is her possession.

§  Makes Aethra remove the h after the t and make atena male Aten <altering the masculine and famine spelling of ra and en; en e.g. masculine ra feminine likely in linear B. {one has to remember that at this exact time not only are there all types of cultural floods e.g. an area by violent means changing from Dominant Paradigm A for B then A recaptures C comes along, B recaptures the area, A regroups and retake, D takes advantage and seizes control for a while, B recaptures, etc. There are from 1400-700 in just the Aegean about 20 major languages used. Including but not limited to Linear A, Linear B, Hieroglyphic, Sumerian, Akkadian, Aramaic, Persian, etc. trying to translate what actually occurred in an attempt to literally translate that sea of languages becomes a task. A task from which especially since half of them by 500 bce. would be entirely extinct, is a challenge.} Ra is hieroglyphic for the Hyksos influence masculine. AE is an ancient character representing a specific sound and a specific portion of information; that facts that Aethra or Aithra’s had the AE or AI in her name points to a connection to the very ancient deity of AEtt’en. Which the en would be later used in the centuries from being invented Latin as a possessive for similar to the English‘s>. Makes the city of Athens the female version of the divine being Akhenaten named all of his children. Athens the capital of Greece being named to honor the Monotheistic deity Aten. Which is also one of the major symbols of and for Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten. Which harkens back to the Aten a very likely reference to the Deity of Akhenaten who sent his children out to create their own kingdoms. Fits with the entire narrative to have AEtra be a very likely the second surviving daughter after Meritaten from Nefertiti and Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten; the only surviving son Tutankhamun taking control over Egypt. Which he soon after his circa 18th birthday lost in battle to the Hyksos from Avaris. Athens Greece being named to honor the Mother of Theseus as well as being named for the Aten(very likely based on the linguistics). But what is actually more important is the first two characters. The first two characters being AE and T. according to the legend of Enoch (Noachite Rite; no<A>ch within the word and title is the legend by which the Semitic People were created. Noah had three sons. Several months after their father Noah died (remember that the Title of Pharaoh is a Monotheistic title; means Noah most likely had more than one name being the leader of his people) his three sons came to his grave in order to try and obtain some type of answer from his corpse. He was almost a two way radio from him to the divine before he died; they might have been thinking that his corpse might still be. Each attempted to reach into the grave; each using a different grip to reach into the grave.

§  The oldest tried, and failed.

§  The middle tried and also failed.

§  The youngest Ashem reached down and received the information needed. He was elected leader of the people. From his name is derived the word Semitic.

§  Their ancestor Enoch in his tomb was written a word which FreeMasonry has held as an extremely important concept. Almost the entire field revolves around what that word is, what it could have been, and most importantly why that word is so important as a connection between the Divine/Adam/us in the present.

§  The legend goes the word has been described as being three characters which two repeat. AEtra the first 2 letters match the internal structure of the Parent of Hebrew. THE Futhark aka Runes are the Parent Language of Hebrew. Within the structure of Futhark are 3 divisions; known as the AEtt’s. The AE is one character in those ancient languages. Makes the AEtt two characters with the last repeating AETT as the TT. Connects AEtra with Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten with the Aten (AET), with monotheism, directly with Islam since when the Muslim’s Idol Worship to Mecca {they themselves are the Idol; although idol worship is the largest sin next to insulting the profit. They are the Idol themselves, very curious as to how they will react to being told the action they do five times a day is their own definition of evil.}form the AETT out of themselves, connects with another legend regarding Meritaten and her being sent out to first Spain {a very likely prepping Spain aka the Iberian Peninsula} to create the necessary infrastructure for a younger sister to form her kingdom in Iberia. Meritaten traveled to Northumberland (evidence Tut’s ancestors were partially from Northumberland and southern Scotland) to create her own Kingdom.

§  Now another idea in this same line; since Nefertiti’s mummy has not been found and around the time of her death having her corpse travel back to Egypt was politically unacceptable. Meritaten lived decades longer so the political need for the Hyksos to seize and control all aspects of life lessoned over time. Something which is unacceptable in a new tyrants first years twenty years later is met with an “I do not care less.” Allowing Meritaten’s mummy to come and be buried in the Valley of the kings but not her mother. But Nefertiti’s death would not have been in Egypt, nor would her mummification process, nor would her tomb have been allowed in, etc. So this causes one to pause and think it is possible since Nefertiti herself was a pharaoh in her own right co-ruling with her husband/brother Akhenaten that by documentation she would have had her own five names. Could very well link Nefertiti to being the Immortal Snake Haired Head of Medusa.

§  Athens Greece and the name change Esau/Hyksos/Hittite/Persians

·       The behavior pattern is simple, from Caine, through Esau, through every descended culture from Esau to present have overriding goal in the cultures existence. To capture the latest rebuild of El Beth El aka the Great House of the Divine and possess its power. If they cannot possess the power they will happily destroy the power and or the culture which it rightfully belongs. Usually with a song on the lips and pure religious ecstasy in their hearts.

·       the hardest evidence from Mohammed forward to present, but he simply found old Esau/Hyksos ceremonies and the story of how Abraham, Isaac, and Esau invaded Mecca and took the location for Esau’s new kingdom. TO make up for the fact that his brother was crowned King Israel instead of himself.

·       The practices of worshiping the Kaaba was practiced way back in the 3000 bce millennia but was reengineered and Mohammed continued the practice. That practice the entire Islamic culture which worship the Kaaba are creating an Idol out of themselves in the form of a 5 layered Aten.  Esau’s descendants are so sub-consciously radicalized regarding needing to possess the Holiest of Holies they create the holiest of Holies out of themselves. In a very real hard evidence way; they are themselves the Idol they claim to be against with every fiber of their being.

·       Makes you wonder what Temple/Tabernacle did Aethra bring with her that her son conquered the city of Poseidon and installed the relic from Egypt in Athens. Which was at least the remembrance of said could be an extremely good reason for the Persian army to form armies every generation or two and attack the Aegean without mercy.

·       Any relic rebuild in Athens transported there from Egypt to at least one could have of course been moved to a more secure location outside the reach of whatever the Esau/Hyksos army was calling itself that generation were hunting for. Once all of Europe was under direct threat from the same army different name the only real option was to send the relic or the relics from Adam across the pond. The only culture which possessed both the navy and the personnel to carry out said mission would be the Ogles with their army the Vikings. The name Viking was slapped onto that army by their enemies. It has a wide variety of meanings but mostly it is meant to be both insulting and a cryptic metaphor to both identify whom the Vikings were and to hide who they were at the same time.

·       I am starting to think the 20 years previous to the Hyksos from Avaris rising up; Nefertiti and or her husband Akhenaten started to make copies of the amber room. Sending close to exact copies out with their surviving children to locations temporarily outside the reach of the Hyksos. As each culture was conquered in turn; not only does this scenario make the missing gaps as to why spend so much time and money conquering a sequence of cities when the treasury is not large enough to pay for the expense of the invasion. It would take a gymnasium sized vault to pay for the Trojan War itself. The treasure vault was not large enough. So the money is one thing, a strategic area is another reason sure, but seizing control over a divine tool or a set of tools the other reasons would simply be a distant second to obtain a divine weapon.

·       But the scholars knew the armies were coming, so they had time to pack up the tools (if they were present) and send them out of the enemies reach.

·       Those amber rooms most likely were collected in Northumberland and assembled into either a “Megalithic complex” and or reassembled into one large room.

·       Which that room/s if they existed would be a gigantic reason for the armies of the world to be in Bellingham Washington at full strength to fight to control those tools/room.

§  As for Medusa, the ruling head priestess of the Temple of Athena. Would make her a very strong possibility one of the following. The Daughter of Amenhotep IV or an extended granddaughter of Athena the daughter of Amenhotep IV whom was sent to Athens to avoid being executed by the Hyksos from Avaris. A member of the Aten clergy whom worked directly with the 18th dynasty specifically with Akhenaten.

§  Would make Medusa by definition Pharaoh Medusa and consort to Poseidon.

§  Which brings up both a very interesting point regarding both Poseidon and Queen Medusa (leaving out for now the facts that all Pharaoh’s were given at least 5 names upon ascending to the Throne of Adam aka the throne of the Pharaoh. Also leaving out the facts that the Children of Israel are counted and named based on a maternal lineage, not paternal.) Could make her Pharaoh Medusa.

§  The point left out corresponds with the facts regarding by Legend Theseus the mythical founder of Athens (erasing the 2500 years the city’s history while it was named Poseidon; which corresponds to the same pattern in Fairhaven, there was a statue of Poseidon Carved on the shore just south of the city. Dan Harris with the added <adding a nick name especially a derogatory name during an extremely anti-Semitic time> nickname of Dirty points to his lineage having some connection with the line of Judah. Which is where the name Jew came from.) if his mother was still alive shortly after and the city was under some type of attack from an army similar to Agamemnon’s.

§  Theseus having two fathers; harkens back to the Egyptian fertility Rite. If a child was conceived during one of those rites the child would have the added title of being a child from both his father and that time of year; each deity associated with a specific equinox and solstices. Theseus; having Poseidon as a father would have been conceived during the Poseidon Festival. Question becomes what deity to what time of year. Poseidon assuming Samhain/Halloween the deity of the ocean but more importantly sailing the sea of the dark carpet of the sky.

o   Medusa

§  Medusa was turned into a gorgon, half human half snake by Athena after having been raped by Poseidon in the temple of Athena. Medusa herself has been presented to history from the perspective of no less than three separate conquerors from 1300, 1100, and again at 800 b.c.e. Each one twisted her story to suit their own cultural desires. The Dorian’s whom by default were a misogynistic culture; tolerating women much like the 2000 years later militant Muslims. The truth behind whom she was and what she did has been rather extraordinarily buried under a mountain of political spin. But it is possible to take each and every twist to her story and decrypt the information. Why would we waste our time on this fruitless endeavor; the simplest answer is, when a variety of enemies goes to the hard time and trouble to literally destroy any and all aspects of the truth of a story (how much of the history of New York City, Boston Mass, Bellingham Washington, Rome Italy, etc. have been treated exactly the same way), they are afraid of what they are trying to erase. What they are afraid of is worth finding out what that was. In addition if the culture who twisted and spun the original into an unrecognizable fabrication was an enemy of education and knowledge. Along with the idea that the base of the story was founded on education and knowledge; with a healthy dose of connections to the 18th dynasty regarding being directly connected to Pharaoh Akhenaten aka Amenhotep IV. Makes Medusa a very likely descendant of AEtra/Athena (daughter or part of the religious order AEtra/Athena set up from her father Akhenaten’s reassembly of ancient monotheistic faith e.g. the Aten could be spelled AETT could be spelled AEten *(the number of languages and millennia involved have to be taken into account, en, er, a, ‘s, etc are all forms the languages we know turn a general concept into a personal concept. Athen add the ‘s the place is named after Athen or Athena). Be interesting if Medusa was either the head priest of AEtra/Athena or one of her blood descendant e.g. daughter, granddaughter, etc. . Would be a solid reason to change the story so much; a very hard target threat to the later cultures. Knowing they had a direct either religious descendant and or worse a biological descendant of the 18th dynasty in Athens.). Then the base of the story has something to do with hidden language, mathematics, science, engineering, and a very likely application of physics (the AEtt of the Futhark the AEtten, and three divisions of the Futhark each being called AETT. The Physics of megalithic construction the Northumberland family still possessed as late as the 1600s. Hard evidence for said; the Northumberland family possessed the navy which ferried more than a few pilgrims during the time of the Crusades 1070-1400s to and from the Holy Lands. That same ferrying system found the ancient libraries and brought them back from Antioch, Jerusalem, Constantinople, etc. to Northumberland. Of course part of those libraries created the University of NewCastle and Edinburgh. Since at the time Edinburgh was still in Northumberland territory. Edinburgh spent most of the last 2000 years in the Kingdom of Ogle/Northumberland. The Ogle family soon after the first shipment of library materials came back from the Middle East had a radical increase in education. One family member became fluent in various ancient Middle Eastern languages and translated more than a few ancient medical texts into modern languages.). This being an accurate statement; it is very likely to take the elements of the story and work to decrypt the science from the political spin; hidden knowledge lives behind lies and deceit. Scratch a lie find a thief; what was so frightening about the whole concept of the conquest of Poseidon name change to Athens conquered by the Hyksos/Dorians to need to alter the story of Medusa to a radical amount. Hidden language, mathematics, science, physics, very likely string theory (modern physical work using an equation regarding string theory which looks like a string. But what if the ancients came up with a similar mathematics in their radically more advanced equations and they did not see a string but saw a Snake They would call what we call string theory Snake Theory, or the study of a Snake. The hardest evidence imaginable regarding direct and hard evidence the Egyptians very likely had some access to String/Snake theory the Snake {eve and the garden of Eden legend and Wadjet

§<on the crown of the Pharaoh , Medusa Head of snakes, a direct linguistic corrolation> Lower Egypt }, engineering, a religion the Hyksos/Dorians hate with a soul level passion, etc. Especially since linguistically Aetra/Athena possessed a copy of the divine tools copied from the tools of Adam. Which is what the Hyksos/Dorians/etc. wanted and would stop at nothing to seize them from anyone but themselves possessing them. In a very real effect will happily destroy the entire world to either possess the tools of Adam or destroy the entire world to make sure no one else can have them.

§  Which relate directly to Masonry regarding the Rocks used by Adam at IWNW which was a megalith, the Rocks Jacob remodeled into a Pyramid/Ladder to heaven, the Turn to Stone <write your life’s journey down based on the patterns of the shadows> e.g. Medusa, King Solomon using the Rocks to harness demons to build the Rock wall e.g. wailing wall, Eve consuming the knowledge from the Trees at the center of the Garden courtesy of the Snake manipulating her.

§  The caduceus strings/snakes wrapped around the Pillar, which could be a combination of a Pillar of Adam and the wings of the Wadjet aka Eve.) is the symbol for Medicine. Which Hippocrates found the symbol for as well as the basic medical textbooks from Ancient Egypt in the Rhodes Library. Which was transported there from the Children of Israel from the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Courtesy of the Hyksos and various invasions, counter invasions, and evacuations.

§  The significantly advanced technology Esau/Hyksos/Dorians/and their descended hate with an unmeasurable passion. The technology of mummification, megaliths, immortality, etc. combine with the legend of the building of King Solomon’s copy of the Great Temple at the renamed Levant to Israel on the Mound which held a Stonehenge like rock circle. The legend is that Solomon and Hiram Abiff used the rock circle in some way to harness Demons to move the massive 1000+ton stones of the wall around. The technology of zero gravity sphere has been beyond proven in laboratories. Place two magnetospheres pointing at each other; those two electro-magnetics can and will create a zero gravity sphere (the led wires being connected to the bowl of Noah. )< Hathor temple at Dendera (Egypt),>. How can ancient man explain moving tons by unperceived forces; use electro-magnetics   . We know as a matter of hard fact that at most of the Churches, Cathedrals, Temples, Mosques, etc. at the very center of the alter was where a megalith or a dolmen used to be. Placing a sanctuary over “a gateway to hell” a place where Demons come and go freely. The later Hyksos name changed to philistines and Hebrews (Israelites and Jews are the same minus the whole Judah portion; but Hebrews are Hyksos descendants from Moses. Moses was not a Jew he was flat out a Hyksos.) forced the erasure of most if not all the major megaliths in western culture by using the rocks as Jacob did to build his ladder to Heaven. Which so happens to be the exact angles of the Bent Pyramid0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angles; both sides of a Rainbow. Both sides of a rainbow is metaphorically a ladder to heaven (Mohammed both invaded Egypt and traveled to Israel in order to ascend to Heaven using Jacobs’s ladder. Everyone for the last 1500 years has assumed he traveled via the Temple Mound Jerusalem. But in truth, he travelled to Israel which is actually in Egypt between Sakkara and Giza on the West/Left/Dirty side of the Nile.). Since a rainbow is actually a circle. The Pillars of the stones is what IWNW (the previous name of Heliopolis was, although the new name of IWNW translates to Jerusalem circa 3500 bce) connect to the building of Solomon’s temple since it was through layers of mythology, legends, etc. that the same structure at King Solomon’s temple was present throughout every major city. All the way back to IWNW. Which also connects the electricity needed to generate a strong enough magnetic field; compress amber sufficient especially if the quantity of Amber is in the hundreds of lbs. to tons range. The amount of electricity an amber room can generate is significant. Run that electricity into a megalith; the results might be very likely an electro magnet. Makes what was at the Lion’s Inn Motel before it was the Roth Garden the megalith and or the Dolman could very likely have been an electrical generator, in a network of electrical generators. With one under where Fort Bellingham used to be, Old Main, at the corner of Bay and E Holly, etc.. What the enemy would consider a weapon can also be used for any number of different scientific and academic pursuits. But the armies of the world would see the electro-magnetic infrastructure as a weapon of war they would either have to possess using it to erase their enemies or destroy it to make sure it would not be used against them. Electricity connects with Immortality through the basic structure of a defibrillation machine can and does every minute of the day restart the heart. Taking someone who is literally dead and resurrecting them back to life. Medusa “turn you to stone” classic mythology; what if the “turn you to stone” meant not freezing you but to an illiterate culture whose’ leaders hated all forms of knowledge and education using the stones like Adam did in his tabernacle and the four in the tabernacle at the center of the garden of Eden. Adam’s job was to name everything; including when they are born and when they die. Alterations from the name it is given comes from the four pillars. The Pillars of Adam coffer three pegs 2013 3 20 1328 (There are three on one side; the round possibly Aten between would have needed its own post hold.) the naming you e.g. turn you to stone from Medusa; more than a few statistical commonalities. Medusa like Noah supposedly had divine powers even x time after her death. Which involved aspects of the Naming and the Pillars of a Dolman/Stonehenge. Which connects directly to the Noachite/Enoch Rite where the body was used as a two way radio to the divine; as least that is how the story goes. Would be very interesting if the story of Adam, Eve, Caine, Able, murder, was renamed after Able was resurrected very likely to Seth(means death and or the underworld <Ra’s journey from the setting sun to the West around the dark side/underworld side to Rise again in the East; Set from the West to the East.> in Sumerian, Akkadian, etc.), and Set’s son Enoch was translated into Hieroglyphic by way of Osiris, Isis, Set, Osiris’s son Horus image019 image001. Since the name Isis Ra and El are the word Israel. More than a few statistical and linguistic connections present.

§  Especially since after her immortal head was cut off by a Dorian Hero; he gave the head to her deity Athena, who mounted it on her shield. Either metaphorically giving the body back to either her mother/grandmother/x-grandmother or Medusa’s patron. This could also be a play on words regarding an enemy truly trying to erase the information. Instead of mounting the head on the shield; with the extremely strong connections of evidence with Egypt the mounting on a shield is more likely a reference to the image on a Sarcophagus lid 

§ snakes off of the headpiece of a Pharaoh ; for an illiterate and entirely unknowing population regarding Egypt, seeing the crown with Snakes with the odd hat/crown and the strange wrappings, etc all point to Medusa’s connection with the Phaorahs of Egypt specifically the 18th dynasty IWNW the Aten. Which irronically connects Medusa with the Blood Countess (the blood countess has been by some legends associated with the Greek diety of Hecate the masonic trowel in her left hand as well as the keys hanging from strings from her arms.)<>; with Snakes in her hands, as well as a tall crown which could be missunderstood to be of snakes. In addition part of the Vampire mythology is having something to do with transforming into among others a snake; the fanges, not to mention the fact that Prince Vlad III aka Vlad Tempish aka Dracula was cousin of the Blood Countess. Adding to the egyptian concept that Kings Chamber North Shaft in the Great Pyramid pointed directly at the constellation of Draco is where the Pope granted the Knighthood of Dragon to his Prince Vlad II. Same order of Knights the Pope granted to the Mythical King Arthor of Camelot. All legends associated with King Arthor being in or from Wales have absoltuely no merit to them, what so ever. Camelot was centered on the only piece of land and the only standing army which could defeat almost all who challenged, this was not the Welch; another kingdom in Britian had the ability to achieve all the goals of Camelot and a need for the church to bury the evidence regarding. Provides strong evidence to the concept of instead of staying in the middle east to be murdered, Mohammed’s daughter Fatima evaculated to Britian to expand her fathers philopshsy. Since Mohammed was a Hyksso descendant she would not be the first Hyksos to evacuate to Britain to avoid being executed. Scottia circa 1550 <follwing the Thera Volcanic eruption> from the 17th dynasty evacuated to the British Isles, Scotland is also named partially from her. Fatima following Scottia to Britain specifically southern Scotland provides the answer as to why the Church wanted to erase the evidence. Islam spreading like a wild fire in Britian in 650 ce is an unacceptable framework.). The immortal head shows the connection to the immortality of the pharaohs, it is also a very good linguistic metaphor for the head of Medusa to have been mummified. The wrappings being an association of the snakes.

§  Blood sucking demon; amber electricity, demon astrological energy similar to astrophysics(string theory), soul , house Adams house,

§  Vampire and Adam’s Amber House/Room

·       A vampire according to legend cannot cross over onto sacred land.

·       Neither can a vampire cross the threshold of a proper home. The vampire has to ask permission of the owner of the house in order to enter.

·       The sacred houses of Esau’s line and the sacred Houses of Jacobs line are an interesting cross comparison.

§  Sacred Ground

·       In both vampire *mythology and the definition of Yr Hen Ogle Dd sacred ground is a key component.

·       A vampire according to bran stocker can only rest on soul of his native land, castle, etc. if they travel they have to bring the dirt of their confinement with them.

§  Noachite Rite Enoch Rite*

·       The Grandson of Adam, Cain’s son. Was in charge of building the first cities dedicated to the philosophy of his grandfather Adam.

·       Builder of the first Long Houses to the Divine aka Nazareth aka Pharaoh. Probably helped Grandfather build his copies of the Tabernacle in the Garden. His father was exiled, does not mean his son was. Also does not mean his son did not work hard to get back in the good graces of the divine by furthering Grandfathers goal of creating a mirror on earth of the tabernacle Adam had in heaven .


·       Side note the Legend of the Noachite Rite which has Noah’s three sons coming to him months after his death in an attempt to pull any type of information from his dead body.

·       If the dead from said line were indeed powerful and their bodies did possess some type of ability even after death, Noah’s sons raising his dead body from the crypt in order to keep making his body work in effect as a two way radio to God and listen to the information from God.

·       The next leader of his descendants was needed to be chosen. The three boys could not decide. In the end the third boy Ashem (aShEM; bold to show the letters connecting Ashem with Sem.) <the head and namesake of all Semitic People> was successful.

·       This story is remarkably similar to that of Medusa. Having god like powers even well after her death. Saving her city from some type of bad situation.

·       Although it is possible the “Storm” of the Cetus (large fish/whale type creature; similar to the Jonah’s Whale <evidence the Hyksos and their descendants hate with a soul level passion from day one to present, recently a group of militant Islamist’s found and destroyed as much of Jonah’s crypt as they could. The Whale is a reference to Adam’s boat aka Ceron’s boat. Based on behavior patterns Esau/Hyksos/Dorians hate all connections with any form of monotheism which differs from their own root philosophy.>, which is a reference to the Boatman Adam/Charon whom ferries souls into and out of the physical realm) being a sea creature could be a symbolic reference to the Hyksos/Dorians were attacking the city and in that wave of attacking the Athenians were able to battle them back. Poseidon, Noah’s flood, river, the Holy Sea, etc. does not mean literally water it is a metaphoric construct regarding the facts the sociological reference to a Dominant Paradigm change. When and or if a society by whatever reason suddenly changes from following one set of rules to following a different set of rules; for instance in America the change from Kennedy to Nixon rules of order (considering the men hated each other with a passion. Nixon hated Kennedy so much that he did everything he could to change the basic rocket structure of NASA to make his own. Switching from one and done to reusable, which was beyond a fatal mistake, on several occasions.), that is a radical and violent Dominant Paradigm shift. That is what “Noah’s Flood means” on a linguistic level. Which corresponded to the melting glaciers with did have a huge amount of water contained within. Water is a strong part of the events; but the key is understanding the symbol of water washing away the old rules of order for the new rules of order.

·       Changes Perseus from a Hyksos/Dorian to a descendant of Athena, a descendant of her son the commanding general of the city. Which could be why Perseus knew where to find the body. Perseus was by all claims an Ionian; which is a province in Anatolia on the West side a few provinces south of where Troy is. But it is a good location for some of the Trojans to escape to. Coin from around the time of the Trojan War, the tails portion is a recreation of the Garden of Eden/Persian Garden.

·       Of course if you look at Trojan and look at Ionia. Remove the TR from Ojian you have a very close match linguistically to the word Trojans. Under genocide hide any way you can, hiding is what the Jews and children of Israel have had to do best. Which linguistically connects Theseus to being a Trojan descendant very likely a Prince of Troy. Makes his mother also a Princess and or Queen of Troy. Since Trojan translates to “Holder of the Foot” same exact definition as Jacob; makes a strong argument that the Trojans were most likely direct descendants of Jacob. Makes the Sword/Blade of Troy connected with the Blade/Sword of Jacob which had another name the tome of Jacob. Which he was given as part of his Kingship of Israel; a city and kingdom created by way of Enoch the son of Set. Set whom was tasked to build the great temples dedicated to the monotheistic divine same divine of Israel.

·       Of course this might be a story about how the Hyksos/Dorians were eventually defeated from Ruling the city by an ancient ancestor of Athena Perseus. Further exploration of this concept provides for the necessary next Socratic Method to ask the next logical question. That answer is if the tome of Jacob/blade of Jacob was in reality a blade with writing on it, than the stone found in Enoch’s crypt which had a word written on it, that would be either the same or similar to the word written on the Blade itself. That word with so many close and in an over 90% stasticial comparison between the builders and the tribe of Israel, that word could very well have something to do with the Futhark itself. The word itself the best way to write the word and to describe what the word means is to use the three portions of the word to draw and write what it means. That word being AEtt. The AE is one character with the second doubling. By legend the word written on the stone of Enoch was three characters one character repeats. Matches the legend of Enoch and the Futhark AEtt. The Futhark is the parent language Moses used to create Hebrew from. The Futhark circle is the Scaffolding used to create each Hebrew character within. Makes every single Hebrew character an entire word in Futhark. Makes every word in Hebrew an entire sentence in Futhark. Every sentence structure from word to sentence and up expand exponentially with its Futhark Meaning.

·       Megalithic technology and a Dorian attack

o   It is clear based on the story and the resulting battles regarding obtaining the head of Medusa the former head clergy of the temple of Poseidon that her temple mason on the far northern reaches of the Aegean, that temple contained more information than just the gorgon. Of course; for the Latin tongue a Gorgon is simply some type of half human half snake creature. But what if Gorgon is the Linear A, Linear B, and or a Hieroglyphic word for Mummy.


§  Poseidon to Athens

·       The city was conquered circa 1600 again 1330 and again 1100. The 1330 might not have been a conquest but the Mycaenians accepting the Daughter of Akhenaten as their new ruler. More of a change of management based on the rulers were part of a previous Aten exile from Egypt.

·       No matter if the merging of cultures in Athens was militant, accepting, etc. the stories remain the same. The stories alterations based on the facts of later conquests are also facts. There are stories later conquerors changed those stories.

·       The stories would eventually be taken into the concept of mythology since they were changed so much from the original as to have little if any value.

§  Athens to Bellingham Washington State

·       All cascade into the founding and founding history of Bellingham by way of the winners changed the stories so much that the original story is hidden beyond so many layers of twisted politically spun ideas that finding the truth becomes more than a bit challenging. The storms in Bellingham e.g. metaphorically speaking the Bellingham/Ferndale being attacked mercilessly by sea (different political structures) creatures/cultures from 1700-1889 is extremely well documented. But as to understanding what this area was like, how the area responded to being under almost solid war for close to 200 years. Dozens of armies present and fighting, each with their own violent agenda. Leaves a mark. Unfortunately those marks within a few centuries would be very difficult to reassemble to decrypt to find the original information. Since some of the events in Bellingham occurred within 130 years; it is possible to reassemble some of those facts based on the stories from grandparents who witnessed the events first hand.

·       The first 2500 years of Athens history the same thing occurred. Socrates made note the city was 2500 years old before the Athenians conquered the city.

·       Rome is more than 1000-1500 years older than 753 b.c.e.

·       Bellingham is centuries older. Whether the city was founded by actual natives or insults labeled onto the British and Royalist French who settled in the area in the 1500s (very likely earlier).

§  Turning men to stone, with an immortal head. In the time of the Dorians knowledge, wisdom, the ability to write was treated so badly that they were as a matter of hard reality violently reacted to, as if writing instruments were literally tools of evil. This time period is called the Dorian Dark age circa 1500-800 b.c.e. One of the casualties of this time was being able to understand Linear A. Another casualty of this time period is what exactly occurred in the Aegean from 1550-1330 as both the Hyksos and the pharaohs of the 17th and 18th dynasties had to evacuate from both Egypt and the Aegean. The Thera volcano erupted circa 1530 b.c.e. and made the area within a few hundred miles especially to the east uninhabitable.

§  Sequence Tao II was not Hiram; a few centuries too early. The Hyksos are an Esau line descendant. In other words a culture which fosters bad behavior patterns as if they are good. He was dethroned because he wanted like his ancestors to capture the Aegean. They were told the volcano was going to erupt; arrogantly they chose to ignore. I think they did it in an attempt to find and seize the Golden Amber room of Adam; which holds the Arc, which holds both the tome/blade of destiny, and the loom of time.

§  Hiram was a Child of the Light; aka Isis Ra El aka Israel. He was an enemy of the Hyksos/Dorians/Romans (the half that are Hyksos/Dorians).

§  With the ability to turn men to stone; more like use a megalith or a Dolman e.g. copy of the Trees in the Garden of Eden with the tree bowl as a platform to hold the tools and the loom. The turning you to stone is similar to astrology. But instead of other planets influence onto you, it is the interplay between the earth and the sun which are the key players. The earth’s magnetosphere being the most influential portion; being able to measure your life’s journey out in stone e.g. turn you to stone. Would be a perfect way to spin a good thing into a horror story.

§  Rome Washington State

·       The area was designed to reflect the symbol of the Aten. The Aten being the literal deity of IWNW aka Heliopolis aka Jerusalem Egypt. IWNW means; the capital of pillars. The megalith with the remaining architecture strongly points to the Lion’s Inn Motel is the location of a Megalith at least a Dolman was literally an attempt to rebuild Heliopolis in Whatcom County.

·       That Dolman, megalith possibly a recreation of what the Adam Tabernacle temple of Pillars used to look like. Could very well be what was on the property before it was destroyed. Roth came in decades later in order to replace that tabernacle with a Persian/English Garden. That Garden was then replaced by the Lion’s Inn Motel which was modeled upon the basic architecture of the Persian Garden. Which itself was modeled upon what is assumed to be what the Garden of Eden looked like.

§  Medusa and Akhenaten

§  Additional linguistic evidence that Medusa was directly connected to the Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty which was either at her time or just a few generations previous to her time; was her son’s animal symbol. Which is the scorpion. The animal of the first unified Egyptian Pharaoh was “The Scorpion” e.g. “The Scorpion King” aka pharaoh Narmer. Whom had given the lands from Sakkara to Giza to the Children of the Darkness/Light on the West side of the Nile. Those lands would be used by Jews from 3200-1330 the time of the exodus. Narmer used the symbol of the Scorpion (which has a tail shaped like the Futhark/Rune Symbol of Laguz, which means flow of water and or electricity e.g. Poseidon.). In addition; Akhenaten was trying to find as much evidence as he could regarding the facts of what the original ceremonies of ancient monotheistic Egypt were. Then attempted to rebuild the entire structure. As close to the Adam and Eve story as he possibly could.

§  In addition; the entire framework regarding darkness and light. As the story goes in Egyptian mythology; Ra (the middle word in Is RA el) travels from the west to the east every night. From the West to the East is a huge aspect of Freemasonry. Which metaphorically speaking is the journey through the underworld of death; e.g. the children of death, the children of darkness. The Dark or West side of the Nile being the side identified as the side of death. Has been misunderstood by later conquerors as being full of mummies, a necropolis, etc.

§  Sell your soul to the Devil at the Cross Roads

·       Most of the legends which took place in America have said activities taking place on the East side of the Mississippi in what was not long before the area of New France. Which the Ogle family were in charge of. They were also in charge of Little Egypt. The Sell your soul to the devil at the cross roads connects to the mythology of the Ogle Trade route which would also be a reason to erase it. Especially by the Great Awakening movements; each one more fanatical than the last, each one being in various degrees above 75% influenced by Radical militant Islamic philosophy.

·       Why Islamic and its ancestor culture the Hyksos/Dorians were so afraid of what other cultures belief systems and sciences that they created an entire mythology surrounding said. Taking the acceptableness of violent oppression without knowing why and progressing forward with their descended cultures some aspects of the Protestants. They as a culture seem to be entirely violently petrified regarding any mention of the subject what so ever.

§  The Sakkara Necropolis would be a library, each of the 80 ton boxes would be a representation of the box or arc e.g. which each one carried a loom or there was one loom and the other boxes would be the materials which went into the loom or the castoff from the loom. A coil of information which would be unbelievably similar to a May pole e.g. Beltane; each box holding one coil. Or the coil of a specific time.

§  The earliest writing of Sumerian talks about a piece of clay representing some type of realistic product. A crop of wheat, fruit, animals, etc. from a farmer and or a specifically designated area; the physical symbols of that year’s crops being placed within a larger container. Would be a representation of this same idea. Only smaller and made of clay instead of whatever material was used in the Sakkara necropolis.

§  “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. The Rod and Staff they comfort me” this is straight out of a Masonic Rite. This is also partially the journey of the Adam the boat Man traveling from the West to the East and from the East to the West ferrying souls into and out of body.

§  The loom from which Adam did his job. Identifying and measuring out the species and the length of time each creature within that species would live. Perform their jobs, etc. want to mess with your fate, go communicate with Adam.

§  Ben Ben stone (Medusa and the turning you to stone) which was created by those whom were connected to the Aten who stood on it. The Aten is the foot which is held by Jacob. Jacob means “Holder of the Foot”; which is interesting and directly connected to Troy since the Trojan culture were named “Descendants of the Holder of the Foot”. Makes the Trojan army and their deity Apollo Children of the Light aka Israelites, aka Jews. Turn to stone e.g. reflected from the concept of the Ben Ben stone. A type of Megalith. The Ben Ben stone we do have an idea what it could have looked like; that would be the main altar at Stonehenge. Which the Aten stood upon to create the world from. Which is also the center of a magnetosphere which is also an AEtt sphere. Hard evidence of ancient magnetosphere technology the same type of technology used to move the blocks of the wailing wall into place. The magnetosphere is what the AEtt itself is.

§  Akhenaten

·       What Akhenaten was attempting to do would be based on the assembled evidence was attempting to literally rebuild the religion of Adam. As close to he could to the original infrastructure, the ideas, the ceremonies, the rituals, the philosophy, etc. which resulted in not only his death, but his entire structure erased because the Hyksos could not on the DNA level accept that information not being erased from history.

·       Same thing which occurred to Emmanuelle 1300 years later, would be very interesting if Mary and Joseph were somehow descendants of Akhenaten e.g. Amenhotep IV.

·       Each time a person and or a culture have worked very hard to reassemble the lost rituals of Adam. As close to their entire organizational infrastructure is all but totally destroyed.

·       3800 b.c.e., 3500, 3200, 2800, 2600, 1900, 1550, 1330, 1100, 800, 300 (be very interesting if Socrates had found those ceremonies and was talking about them in a Dorian/Hyksos controlled city) b.c.e., 33 c.e etc.

·       The number of times those that go and reassemble bring the entire might of the enemies of truth down upon their heads with a level of violence which is difficult to measure. The only real way to identify how hard the enemies of truth seek out and hammer upon the culture and or the individual whom has reassembled is the definition of Armageddon. Which the last time based on the reactions of the world was in Bellingham Ferndale Washington. A copy of the city of seven hills/Rome, e.g. an ancient rebuilding of the city of Heliopolis aka Jerusalem <20 miles north east of Cairo Egypt>.

§  The bowl of Adam at the center

·       The bowl floating on the fountain aka the river/fountain Styx. The bowl metaphorically speaking would be a bowl/temple/tabernacle/synagogue/church surrounded by the waters of creation e.g. the fountain Styx. The fountain Styx flow into the four rivers of creation. Which nourish the four trees of creation. Those four trees would be the four pillars first made of wood then made of Rock in order to resist fire and be a more permanent structure.

·       Example of those four Trees/Pillars Crusifixion_and_Kaaba_tabernacle_2013_3_11_152010410552_10203486338415705_994284625951667685_n<the cross roads> There are only three pillars, e.g. a dolman four trees of creation along with the Adam’s Arc which based on a huge assembly of various legends, mythology, the architecture left behind, how exactly to go about weaving the trees of life together onto a loom, etc. the Dolman could very well be some form of the trees of life e.g. genesis 2;9 with the arc holding the loom from which Adam wove the naming process of all the items of the garden. Which was later reused approximately 1000 years later by Noah circa 4000 bce 0_Khufu_Time_Line_2013_2_26 0303; just because the religious fanatics whom think the world is only 4000 years old, are counting from Noah forward not From Adam Forward. Although in many ways it is more the time from AShem and his descendants forward. What is more interesting the three sections indicate places for three people on the Arc Adam, Lilith and Eve. Evidence for said the pharoanic name “The pharaoh with the two wife’s wife one Lilith wife two Eve.” Which is fascinating since the statistical connection between replacing and then erasing the first wife in order to focus all attention on the second wife is part of both the “Maleficent/e.g. the Evil Queen” story and the “The First Wives Club”. Which both are extremely prevalent within the framework of a man hits that midlife crisis, dump first wife, marries second, the first wife’s reaction is not good, the second wife leads her man into a variety of bad reactions and decision making, finally the man breaks up with the second wife and seeks life elsewhere. If you follow the story of Adam, this is almost exactly the same behavior pattern Adam to present.). The fourth pillar is the construction and tools pillar presented by the staves and working tools of Masonry

·       1234524_661508070539494_1304868472_nThe mecca tabernacle is an ancient tabernacle design which dates from Adam. All tabernacles used to be three stories, usually a three story tent. After Zerubbabel; the three stories was laid on its back 

·       (The last images is of the infinity loop within a masonic temple. Which match based on the angle of Orion’s belt the layout of Bellingham Washington State  the southern half of the infinity loopthe northern infinity loop.

·       ).

§  Would make Medusa and her son connected to the 18th dynasty. Which makes any other children she had and or any children her son had also descendants of the 18th dynasty.

§  Would make a perfect reason for the Persians to want to destroy all traces of the 18th Egyptian dynasty in the Aegean and the rest of the places Akhenaten sent his girls. They and all their descended cultures would be able to claim the Egyptian throne for themselves.

§  Be very interesting if the place Medusa and her son were exiled to be around the area of Macedon. Which could make Alexander and his ancestor’s descendants of Pharaoh Medusa. Would make Alexander a very long lost 1000 years distant descendant of the 18th Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten. Being Pharaoh Alexander would have been mummified and buried in the Valley of the Kings.

·       Which would also explain the half human half snake, with the upper portion of her body wrapped tight with various religious implements, including Hecate’s/Nekhebet crown (aka Eve), legs bound together e.g. snake likedownload (14)(Wedjet from Lower Egypt and a very likely ancient form of Eve from the Garden of Eden, or a possible early take on Lilith, perhaps both.). For the entirely uneducated Hyksos/Dorians never having experienced a Mummy. Would make perfect sense to have the upper be similar to a well wrapped mummy, complete with face nicely wrapped, and the cross wrappings of the middle of the body down scale like. Decrypts a gorgon for a mummy in due order.


§  There is at least some bit of evidence for this theory.

§  The evidence is partially in the Iliad, which by chance Alexander was an extreme fan of, and read a great deal.

§  The sun god Apollo aka Aten was the key deity at Troy.

§  The Trojan horse was not a Horse the animal of Apollo was the Bull. The bull e.g. the Golden Calf, Golden e.g. from the Light of Apollo. Later this same basic concept was adopted into a torture device by descendants of the Trojans in Italy and around, the bull was used as a torture and execution device With this evidence presented, this torture and execution device brings up some very interesting connections to the bowl which was floated over the fountain Styx, which head the box (arc) which held both loom and the other tools of Adam (including the tome/blade e.g. blade of destiny). The bodies inside partially based from those that snuck inside the Horse/Bull the Trojans allowed inside their walls; filled with Achilles and his men.

§  The Trojans viewed Apollo as a singular deity. They used the word plural but what they meant was not what we understand as gods. They meant that which all magnetospheres originate. (Hard evidence of ancient magnetosphere technology the same type of technology used to move the blocks of the wailing wall into place.)

§  For most of his youth Alexander’s mother claimed his birth was asexual. That the great god Apollo came to her in the night and laid with her. Extremely similar to the conception of Jesus of the Light, teacher of the light Emmanuelle a few hundred years later.

§  The priests of Apollo were both male and female.

§  Carrying forward with a portion of the tradition of the pharaohs from which Apollo descended from, there were fertility rites involved.

§  Which means the Iliad contained a description of one of those female priests of Apollo.

§  In the most recent movie she was played by Rose Byrne the character of Briseis; whether or not she was a priestess of Apollo in the book makes little difference. In the movie her character is combined with one of the female attendants of Apollo.

§  Achilles and the character of Briseis have a relationship which lasts for years. Both when she is under the guardianship of Agamemnon (both men were Hyksos/Dorians) or under the consort of Achilles. They were unable to marry on Trojan soil and Achilles is killed before the end of the war. He is killed inside the city of Troy

§  Although it is true that Achilles by legend was immune to weapons for having been dipped repeatedly into the river Styx as an infant by his mother. So only his ankles were vulnerable. His taking a consort of a female of the temple of Apollo speaks to this connection.

·       There is an Esau/Hyksos ritual of taking your child to the top of a mosque and dropping that child off the roof to a waiting blanket and crowd gathered. Islamic cultures have continued this tradition, it is considered a blessing, imbuing their infants with special powers which they will need throughout their life.


·       Very similar to the blessing which Achilles’s mother gave him.

·       Which presents the idea that the area outside of sanctuary is the sea of Styx. That the River Styx is similar to a large body of water/energy from which a sanctuary is a port in the storm.

·       The Holy See, Noah, the solar boat, the river Styx. Define Viking, Northumberland/Yr Hen Ogle dd, new(cosmos/Jera)Castle,

§  Special types of influences and ability were connected to those allied to Apollo, Medusa was not of Apollo but of Poseidon. But then again the Hyksos/Dorians made special effort to change the stories to hide the truth and force their perspective onto the world. No reason at all to assume later conquerors did not change the deity from Apollo to Poseidon. The Dorians and early Greeks did not care what portions of the stories they changed as long as they remained with tyrannical power.

§  Medusa and a snake, Eve and a snake; both with extreme connections with a megalith/dolman. The center of the Garden of Eden were 4 trees, 4 pillars of a dolman. Reading the passage of the shapes of the shadows will tell you all kinds of details about a person’s life e.g. your life in stone e.g. turn you to stone.


o   Poseidon

§  Poseidon is not a sea deity. A deity in charge of the sea. The Sea is a string theory metaphor regarding those that are experts in working with and or around electro-magnetics. The Blue generated by compressing energy into electricity is the blue of the sea. Think of a tesla coil the sea of lightning would be the sea of Poseidon. Makes the 18th dynasty and their ancestors experts in electro magnetics.

§  Now add the construction of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem old name Neptune as using demons to move the blocks in the modern world modern engineering cannot move one of those blocks without the use of explosives.

§  Deity is the old name for an EM sphere. known as ball lightening. The proper manipulation of said is what pharaohs were trained in by the descendants of Imhotep. Placing electro magnetics and the field of medicine/psychology as virtually one in the same. Since after all psychology is all about the electrical charges which are thought.

o   Ankhesenamun

§  Ankhesenamun was the daughter of the pharaoh Akhenaten. She was the wife of his son Tutankhamen.

§  Knowing that the enemy was at the gate of at least several of the areas the descendants of Akhenaten were sent. They had to be extremely careful. Especially after Meritaten left to start her kingdom in Northumberland.

§  The teenage Ankhesenamun facing an enemy her brother/husband could not defeat left her with few if any real options. So he began to plan for the worst, hoping for the best. But her brother/husband was a cripple. He was a bad charioteer, which makes his going into battle on a chariot close to a death sentence. His body did not have the coordination in order to stay on. Let alone direct the battle, even less to fight from the platform.

§  So she was left with almost no options. In addition the battle of Troy was raging at approximately the same time. Which is a behavior pattern their descendants use to this day. Attack more than one target far apart at the same time for maximum damage in minimal effort.

§  The next issue which comes up regarding his wife. After he died the last record of her was sending a letter asking a king of Hittite to send a son for her to marry. But the problem was, the Hittites were an enemy. The Hittite’s were part of the Hyksos. So asking for his son in marriage was an order of execution. She and her family wanted to kill one of his son’s. For some reason that king and or that son was a threat. So the easiest way to draw someone into a trap is to convince them it is not a trap.

§  So if that prince was executed on the way to being the next ruler of Egypt. What happened to her?

§  That answer is surprisingly simple.

·       Immediately upon Tut’s death she would become the next Pharaoh; complete with the standard five names. Being a daughter of Nefertiti, Amenhotep IV, and sister to Meritaten whom was an equal pharaoh with their father for years. She would have had more than sufficient skills at 16-19 (depending on her age) to take command of the remains of the Army, the country, and of the situation itself. Yi was just an advisor; whom she could have had executed in a second for being disloyal. She was not shrinking violet, even if she was a shrinking violent, her mother, sister, and those in Egypt still loyal to the 18th dynasty would have elevated her to full Pharaoh status the second her husband when into battle.

·       She would go from having one name a family name to having five names.

·       What were those other names, that information has been partially lost to history.

·       But safe to say; even it was simply based on her dominant mother and sister’s she would have evacuated Egypt. Most likely to Carthage. Why carthage, it would be the closes city within at least s

§  The next character on the list to make an appearance would be a prince of Troy. The battle of Troy was so long, violent, and intense that there were plenty of times for the inhabitants to dig escape tunnels. Which would be one of the first things the original builders would have done anyway. Since the city itself was conquered by the Hyksos at least once, that makes the Hyksos a prime hard evidence army to come back and reconquer the city. First thing you do, dig at least two if not more escape tunnels. Large enough to actually be able to get out of the city undetected. Sometimes the tunnels would be an entire network with more than a few entrance exits along miles of corridors. Other times they were simply very long tunnels designed to have the exit well beyond where the enemy would be.

§  In any case the tunnels would not only be in place, but those tunnels would be a way for the population to escape.

§  One of the princes of Troy could have easily escaped the carnage taking various treasures with him. Since the writing was on the wall, the Trojans knew they were not going to survive. The city was going to fall, one way or another. The Hyksos/Dorian’s were not going to give up.

§  In Egypt knowing thee Avaris Hyksos were also not going to give up the only safe and secure thing for Ankhesenamun to find an escape to the north or through the Sinai and leave Egypt herself.

§  The only safe and secure place she could go was to Carthage. Which in the present is where Libya is.

o   Achilles

§  Based on a careful description of the Iliad, it appears that the Hyksos/Dorians still had plenty of shield wall Jews fighting for them. Among them the Mermaiden; Mer creatures e.g. water creature their deity Poseidon. Poseidon the namesake of Athens before the conquest and name change. Achilles only fought against the Trojans when he absolutely had to; otherwise he kept his men well outside the lines of battle. Only engaging after specific events forced him into the battles.

o   Achilles and the Spear of Destiny

§  He was shot with an arrow to the heal by Paris (Parissi; the guardian of the library. Using an arrow or a spear e.g. spear/tome of destiny aka the blade/tome of Jacob aka the tome/blade of Enoch/Noah. Achilles felled it can be statistically argued by the same blade or a copy of the same blade which restored Jesus back to life, or anointed him with the blood of Achilles and the power from Adams tools from the garden) whom had caused according to the grandson of Ulysses whom wrote the stories down based on by then an old man’s recollections.

§  In the Iliad and odyssey it shows the still in existence shield walls the Hyksos/Dorians were so fond of using. Still using Jews to do their dirty work.

§  Would also explain why the wife he took a former handmaiden to Apollo name changed from Ra name changed from Aten. Would be an acceptable match; they were both Jews. Which also cascades down to why it was acceptable the actions done in Athens, and the actions done at Carthage. Especially a Prince of Troy and the last surviving member of the 18th dynasty to marry in Carthage.

o   Once at Carthage

§  The widow of Tut and the prince of Troy met, connected, married, and started to live together. According to legend she could not bear to have him leave and found the city of Alba Longa not Rome. She committed suicide the ***morning she left. Which is incorrect, but since her enemies are the ones who told the tale, and both her enemies and the defeated previous enemies are who altered the story. Little of what about the outcome of the story can be true.

§  She would have stayed in Carthage, with him in Alba Longa with the Sword/Blade of Troy. Which was a direct descended copy and or the original from the blade of Jacob. Which was also known as the tome of Jacob since the blade had writing on it.

§  When the Romans attacked Alba Longa seized control over the City of Seven Hills destroying Alba Longa and changing the name of the Seven Hills to Rome, Carthage being both an ally and directly related immediately want to war with Rome.

§  Any remaining evidence from the tome of Jacob the Queen of Carthage would have possessed. Copying that information she would keep a copy, send one to Alba Longna, and she her husband’s son Brutain traveled to Northumberland to form the British Empire that library would have gone from Egypt, to Carthage, to Alba Longa, to Northumberland. That Library and very likely tools of Adam would have then traveled around steps ahead of the Hyksos descended whom would stop at nothing to kill all who stood in their way of possessing that library and the tools. From Northumberland to Germany, Constantinople, back to Germany, back to Northumberland, over to Boston, then New York, then to little Egypt, then over to Portland Oregon, then up to Bellingham.

·       Prince of Troy and the Parissee

o   The city of Paris was not called that before the Romans conquered the Middle East and forced the Parisii into their service (exact same behavior patterns as their ancestors the Hyksos/Dorians). Once the Parisii became too powerful to control; the Romans decided to give them the city which would later be renamed to the city of Paris.

o   The Parisii were in the middle east guarding the library or Tomes of Jacob. Which were called that after Jacob, before they were called something else. Since Jacob as an Israelite it is only a logical assumption to assume the tome of Israel was started by Enoch the grandson of Adam.

o   In order for Adam to perform his job he had to have a library of information. That library was in part written on the blade from which was one of Adam’s tools from the Garden. But the library of information Adam and his descendants needed was extensive to say the absolute least. From the dawn of recorded history the Parissi were in charge of maintaining the library as well as moving it out of the way of those that wish to destroy it. Which accounts for both the Prince of Troy Paris and Helen as well as that same man killing Achilles with the Spear/Blade/Tome of destiny. It also explains where Paris would have evacuated too; name changing slightly in order to throw off the perception he was still alive after evacuating the burning city of Troy with the remaining tools and codex’s.

o   The City of Bellingham 3300 years later would be close to the only place left from which the Royalist Parisii from France would have agreed to place what they could from the remains from the Great library.


·       Great Library

o   The great library has come together and separated more than a few times previous and post Alexander creating a repository for the libraries. A portion of the library was sent to Bellingham previous to Judson; but the area of Ohio proved to be a harsh warzone from circa 1700 - 1800s. The transition between being British French territory to being American proved to be a very difficult to implement. Many on both sides chose violence. Resistance to a conquering culture had in almost all ways proved to be beyond a bad idea. The conqueror usually responds to having their authority questioned with harsh and inhuman violence. Not only does the conqueror take what they want, but add harsh and most of the time capital punishment for the audacity to defy the rules of the new Master. Those on the frontier of said types of conquests and political battles until proper authority is called in, literally make the crimes of the SS look pale in comparison. The SS only had x number of years to do their worst; a conqueror has all the time in the world. No one is going to come to tell them any different, other than their own military and or some type of legal authority. Judge Roy Bean among others is a perfect example of killing anyone who questioned his authority. The great library has come together and been split into pieces several times over the course of the last 6000 years. As western culture itself chooses to have leaders who hate knowledge rise to power, then have leaders who choose to advance knowledge and education. Angering to the core of their being the opposing leaders. The balance of knowledge versus power had become a very odd pendulum swing between a Dark Age and a rise in technology which allows for advancements which are difficult for the next rise from the ashes of a Dark Age culture to understand the previous cultures rise in technological advancements.*

o   Western Washington University was intended to be a repository of sources, well in truth Lynden was supposed to be the primary city for said University. But when the Dutch arrived with the rest of the nations of the world to seize control over the assets. Phoebe Goodell Judson was forced to move the location of the future university to a more secure location. Behind Fairhaven an “Intentional” Jewish settlement seemed to be the only safe location in within 50 miles to achieve that goal.

o   From Heirakonopolis to the Smithsonian many cultures have attempted to create a centralized area where the knowledge of the world can be present. Only a few times have said collections lasted more than a few decades to centuries before the hate mongering war lord’s work very hard to find and destroy said information depositories. Those few times have occurred in Ancient Egypt but again only for a few decades, modern western academics which has lasted from almost a millennia. But has been under almost constant attack from militant Islam the entire time. Fortunately most of the cultures in the west have developed armies too strong to attack. Unfortunately for the west an infiltration army of militant Islam has not only infiltrated but has been steering the development of information and education from the first days of Greece to present. The infiltration arm of Islam even though it is almost entirely sub-conscious to the west is entered on the philosophy of John Calvin and Martin Luther. Although in hard truth the Catholic Church itself is comprised of at least half of this base philosophy from the Hyksos descended Paul. Mohammed was also a Hyksos descended person. In both blood line and philosophy. The Hyksos never sub-consciously forgot the hatred Esau bore against his Brother Jacob aka King Israel. Attacking descendants of Esau’s brother at every single chance they have. It is unprovable but the most likely descendants of Esau are the Hyksos. Esau the one not chosen to be the leader of El Beth El.

o   For some libraries which were the start of a variety of Universities, the rules of can you securely hold a library were replaced by the backup. If the library closest to the enemy going to be either destroyed or placed in private vaults for only the most powerful to access. In which case instead of forcing a decades long or even a century length of time to prove they could hold a smaller library; before being sent the larger one (copies of course). The culture closest to the enemy would have its originals and copies sent off to a wide variety of as safe as humanly possible locations. Those locations would be far enough away to which could at least in theory hold off until more reinforcements arrived. In the case of the founding of the yet to be called WWU, large volumes of troops were already in the areas with more reinforcements on the way. The battles in the Midwest were lost, so shifting the resources in a strategic retreat to regroup was the only logical choice.

·       Parissi

o   A similar spelled culture are self appointed to guarding a specific library. They enter history with the Romans invading Egypt. They live in Alexandria and maintain the library. When the Romans moved the library from Alexandria to Rome part fo the Parissi relaocate to another library around the city fo Tyre, most of them travel with the library to Rome. Which they tehn needed to be relocated out fo Rome since they were for the most part Jews. Plus the Roman empire needed to continue to hide the facts that they stated tehyburned the library. They di dnot burn the library they removed the material and then burned an empty building. Or in this case a group fo empty buildings. The things which Rome wanted destroyed, was placed in the building and the building burned to the ground. Thus erasing anything the Romans did not want revealed to the world.

o   The Roman empire chose to relocate the Parissi to the area know known as Paris. Named from the culture the Romans granted the city to. The city was a large thriving metropolis but most fo that evidence was either destroyed or is under the modern city fo paris.

o   The Parissi with portions fo their library in the yet to be called Paris; it would have been easier to ship their library to NewCastle or Edinburg than to ship it to constantiniple. A short few days from Paris to Edinburgh or a several months through Vatican and Persian armies absolutely determined to destroy any and all information they can get their hands on to have 100% total and complete control over all education. The remains of the Perissi library would have been sent to Northumberland. The only and only safe place for the library to have been sent.

·       The events in the Eastern Mediterranean

o   All those wild events in the Eastern Mediterranean between 1550-800 were slowly shifted from the Aegean, Jerusalem, Antioch, etc. to The City of Seven Hills.

o   Once the city of Seven Hills was conquered and renamed Rome. The treasures and tools were slowly under the tyranny of the Roman Kings was slowly sunk out of Rome and shipped off to Northumberland. To a military fortification.

o   It took decades to ship what was not capable of being shipped before. Although a huge amount was shipped to Northumberland from 1200-800 from the City of Seven Hills primarily because the enemy descendants of the Esau were already on the move to the west to capture what they were unable to capture in previous invasions. It is actually interesting to note that descended copies, generations of copies later was still so important that even through the tools were sent out of the Aegean centuries before (if this theory holds) the Persians wanted to possess a tools which were several generations away from the original. But even that distance was still a powerful enough tool to attempt a conquest and seizing of the fake tools.

o   Cleopatra whatever tools, relics, etc. that were still in her possession she escaped at Actium when Anthony ran block for her to escape. He was a Roman Counsel member, Cleopatra was about as hard target threat to the newly crowned emperor of Rome as is imaginable to be. She was full pharaoh of Egypt for years before the Romans invaded. She was for about four year intimate relationship to Caesar. Empress Cleopatra of Rome and Egypt. With the assassination of Caesar she had no choice but to seek a new military commander to be with. But when the tide of battle turned she had to take herself out of harm’s way. Evacuating to Northumberland; why Northumberland, there was simply no other option, the Northumberland family had the only army in existence which could stop the romans in there tracks. Combining any renaming relic which was left in Egypt. Amassing a huge collection of books, material, relics, sacred tools, etc. from the combined Alexandrian Empire. Part of it was shipped to Rome part of it was kept by Cleopatra. Who knows how much if it she was able to smuggle away from Rome once she was living in Rome at least for a short bit of time. She was the Mistress head of Imperial Rome and the Mother of the Basterd Heir to the Empire; much to the soul level hatred of any and all of detractors. Especially since she and her entire Ptolemaic line are Jews. *

o   When Constantine became emperor centuries later. He combined the relics and tools of Rome and the Ogles of Northumberland creating one huge gigantic place in which to have the knowledge of the world gathered. Which he had to ship out to his new city after he agreed to give the entire western empire and Rome over to the yet to be called Vatican. They seized the Rock of Mars aka the Megalith where St Peters basilica is now and just like Jacob did remodeled it into a church/ladder to heaven. .

o   The info was again shipped back to Northumberland as Constantinople was lost


·       Western Washington University

o   WWU was established as all universities previous to 1890 as a library first, then an educational institution. In order to qualify to teach, an institution/city had to prove they could handle a large collection of books with a large enough army to defend the books despite invasions. One of the primary tasks involved with obtaining a license to teach was to make sure based on decades of evidence that the library could be maintained. More than a few libraries were burned to the ground, so before an institute could start to accept students and teachers they had to prove a safe enough place for students to study without an imminent threat of execution by some army or another.

o   There are some cultures which all they do is seek out scholars and libraries to destroy them, makes no difference to them what information they are destroying as long as they can take their low self-esteem and attack a defenseless building, group, etc. and take their rage out on it. The city and army associated with the library has to make defending the library a top priority. The low self-esteem war lords will feel dumb just knowing a library is in their consciousness. They will stop at close to nothing to both kill all whom are associated with that building and erase all traces of the library. The illusion they have is the same as the fictional character of Maleficent from Snow White, the Queen was so radically vain about having to be the most beautiful in her sphere of influence that she would happily kill any and all who posed a threat to that beauty. For men education works the same way, make a man feel dumb (a state entirely based on how they perceive things) and he will stop at close to nothing to eradicate the thing which made him feel dumb. Hence the constant battle education versus violence.

o   Referencing the Hexenbeast Maleficent; Maleficent like Morgana could have been a devotee of an Esau/Hyksos clergy. Especially the clergy which came out of the philosophy of Fatima. In essence an Esau/Hyksos version of Hebrew mysticism, where a female can and does have talent. Which is the Islamic philosophy females are not supposed to hold any such talent whatsoever; which ignores the basic tenants of DNA as well as the fact that Mohammed had only one child survive into adulthood. A female; whom without her help the religion and philosophy of Islam would have advanced a much slower growth if not stopped as just a regional belief system. Females are hated but serve a key function.

o   Which has produced several large scale 1000 year long dark ages, where the war lords were able to eradicate as much education as they possibly could. Usually destroying languages which told stories they did not like. So to erase those stories, the language was destroyed, all that were known to be fluent in the language were killed, and new stories in a new language would be created. Carefully crafted according to what the new Tyrant wanted, versus what the tyrant did not like.

§  3200-2100 b.c.e. although pockets of education did exist, those pockets were under absolute constant attack. The libraries at the time had to be built inside impenetrable buildings. In Egypt they solved that problem by making underground unfindable libraries which stretched for miles (the Sakkara necropolis, the infrastructure under the sphinx, etc.), and large buildings which were also unbreachable. In Bellingham Washington state there are huge underground mines, stretching for miles.

§  1300-600 b.c.e. the Dorian Dark Age which was created by virtually the same culture as the descendants from the first Dark Age. The Dorians previous were called Hyksos. Previous to being called Hyksos, they were called something else.

§  300-1700 b.c.e. this time the Hyksos/Dorian descended Paul who his group merged with Simon Peter’s group to form the Vatican, Paul’s descendants hated education so much they destroyed every book they could get their hands on.

§  1920 to present in Muslim controlled lands, they are suffering under a new dark age. Killing all who there even the smallest is thought could be considered against the faith. Destroying libraries which might contain even a word of information which might be against what the faith likes (akin to Pyromania but culture based instead of person based). All information is either supporting the faith of that information and the person who thought it up are immediately erased. A few years ago an entire Islamic library was burned to the ground all material in that building was systemically destroyed, all because someone slipped a piece of paper into one of the books. On that piece of paper was one single word some Imam had the perception that one word questioned the authority of the prophet. Consequently the entire 700 year old library had to be destroyed because that one imam his faith was threatened by one single word in the entire building. One word is sufficient to destroy the entire planet to militant Islam.


o   Western Washington University was created by way of Phoebe Judson (fascinating name) formed the Normal School for women because at the time, women had no rights whatsoever. The solution for both no rights as well as careers other than a domestic, or other societally frowned upon work would be to be educated. That education would need to be at a safe and secure (as secure as the 1800s would allow at least) a location as possible.

·       Radical Anti-Semitic laws from 1700-1800s throughout the entire Western Culture

o   In the 1700s and 1800s the Jews were considered to be less than slaves. Eradicating Jews needed less than no mention at all. It was not until after 1946 that western culture began to readjust their thinking about acknowledgement and treatment of Jews might be a bad thing.

o   Direct hard evidence of a strong Jewish presence in Bellingham and Whatcom County. Judson is a family line directly from Judea; son/descended of Judea aka Jacobs fourth son Juda aka the origin of the Jewish line.

o   Dirty Dan Harris; dirty did not point to his hygiene but his Egyptian heritage. The West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza was literally called “The Dirty side” all people from the Dirty side were and until to this very day are called “Dirty X culture”. In Europe they are called “Westies”. Yes the Irish who are called Westies their culture are descendants from a group which can trace its origins back to the west side of the Nile.

o   Jews were hated in the 17-1800s in America so badly that killing an entire village of Jews was not considered a bad thing, it was not considered a thing at all. The movie Fiddler on the Roof tells the tale of the Russians pushing the Jews around without the smallest hint of regret regarding their actions. In fact the cleansing of Jews from an area was not even worthy of a report. No paperwork, the commanders would choose where the Jews could be next and they would be force marched from location x to location y. Sometimes that force march would be to open pits where they would be flat executed. This had been occurring for centuries in Europe. No records since the Jews were considered walking animals. No reason to record a simple less than animal hunt. Nothing good about the point of view, but a hard fact reality in America and most of Europe for most of the last several millennia.

o   Harris and Judson point to the area was a Jewish New Israel with first FernDale/Jam being the capital then switching for a few years to Lynden, then being forced to relocate the capital to Bellingham. Which is where the capital stayed from 1855 to present.


·       The slave trade

o   The slave trade itself was mostly worked with and controlled by militant Islamic cultures. The culture has been indoctrinated so radically that they literally perceive anyone not of their specific type of Islam to be simply an intelligent animal and tool of the devil. The devil can and will use animals to do his bidding. Consequently, animals are there to be used in anyway the slaved by the grace of god human wants to. The harsher the treatment of the animals whom are instruments of evil the more rewards the imams five times a day tell their congregation they will receive in both earth and heaven. The harder a beast controlled by evil fights against the captivity the more rewards to suppress the beast and bring the beast into the fold of the ways of Islam. 282913_248884165276103_1315324075_n

o   The slave trade had been conducted for millennia, Esau’s line had been actively using this basic tenant and rules of divine order from before writing was invented.

o    The slave trade is in a very strong way assisted by the facts of John Calvin and Martin Luther were both extremely influenced by Militant Islam in developing their theories. In a very strong way Protestantism is more than 75% militant Islamic philosophy.

o   The Vatican itself comprises half and half split; Simon Peter’s philosophy which is extremely close to if not dead on the money to what Jesus was talking about. And the “Evil” Priests (which is interesting since Evil priest in German translates to HexonBeast) Paul, the person the Vatican credits for bringing the church to Rome. Even though Simon Peter brought the Church to Rome. Paul was in Rome awaiting execution. Simon Peter was not awaiting execution, he was building his church in his home in Rome Proper. Simon Peter was performing actions which were entirely legal for him to perform. He was a Roman Citizen, his family owned land inside Rome proper. The amount of land Simon Peter owned was at least an acre, which also means, Simon Peter’s family were extremely wealthy. Which does not fit the narrative regarding the early church; which that narrative was strongly influenced by Paul’s begat (those taught by Paul), whom write lots of books, burned lots of material they did not like, and eventually started to execute anyone whom questioned the authority of Paul’s church. Which under direct and immanent threat of execution; traveling away from the militant Paul’s line became close to the only real solution remaining for those whom allied with Simon Peter’s church.

o   More than a millennia later, pockets of one of those Simon Peter groups sailed across the pond, set up towns in the new world, but had to keep moving west to avoid being followed by those whom would happily execute anyone whom questioned the authority of Paul’s church.

o   The farther west those pockets of Simon Peters descendants traveled, one of those groups literally settled in Bellingham as a last stand in order to build sufficient infrastructure of civilization to fight off the protestant hoards on their way.

·       Hexon beast

o   Hex; a hex in German is a person who performs actions which are related to spells, prayers, hexis, sorcery, witchcraft, etc. but this definition is not limited. It is also extremely colored by the perspective of the church who perform hexes all the time but call them prayers.

o   Beast; an individual whom had behavior patterns closely associated with that of an unpredictable beast than a civilized human. A beast from the dawn of civilization has been recognized as someone who works and lives outside the standard rules of society itself. Although it is important to note; different societies have different ways in which to present rules of acceptable order. An individual living within the framework of a Hyksos culture performing beastly actions; are radically different than individuals whom are performing beastly actions within an Israel community. Some Hyksos good and solid citizen action are close to the definition of beastly to an Israel culture. Actions performed based on an Israel culture are considered to be pathologically crazy and beastly inside a Hyksos culture.

o   Electro magnetics; hexes and the like can be easily explained by way of using science and the field of electricity.

§  The field of electricity has a specific sequence of events.

§  All matter is made of compressed energy.

§  Energy compresses to create the stuff which compresses even more to form particles.

§  More energy compresses those particles into quarks

§  More energy is compressed using quarks to make the building blocks of atoms

§  All atoms have a polarity. Positive particles, negative particles, and neutral particles. A good person is a person with their electromagnetic particles polarity aligned to attract and behave in a good way. A good person will attract good people. That attraction is on the sub-quark level regarding the combination of all the positive, negative, and neutral particles assembled. The number of each indicates exactly like a magnet the push push, pull pull, and neutral of any one given collection of molecules unite.

§  Evil in this case and description is someone whom makes choices which attract bad things. How to alter the individual’s electrical polarity is by making decisions which are in the good versus bad. The more good which is thought of the more those good thoughts will cascade into good behaviors. Good behaviors cascade into a change of polarity.

§  Most people who want to change are more comfortable in the old bad polarity field. They want to have other things, but in truth their other things alter their polarity away from their previous comfort zone.

o   Paul was called the “Evil Priest” which Aramaic to German translates to Hexonbeast.

o   Paul was called “The Evil/Dark/Hex Priest” by all the apostles whom interacted with the man. They all to a person disliked him intensely.

o   They all considered him translated into German a HexanBeast. Which is an evil spell caster/witch/sorcerer/summoner of demons. Since based on his teachings and the teachings of his followers, the only way to heaven was to summon a demon to let it possess you. Be saved by the spirit of Jesus Christ, but those are arbitrary titles which can be applied to most priests. What is more important is the fact that Paul had a “Vision” five full years after the Crucifixion events. His vision was that the dead Jesus came to him and ordered him to open up the ranks of Christianity to the Romans and the Hyksos. The only way to heaven was by being saved by allowing the church itself to act as a conduit between you and Jesus (which is as close as possible to the message of Islam Prophet and Jesus could base on cultural application have the same meaning; so which exact “Teacher of the Light” are you asking to possess you? In addition Lucifer means; the bearer of light, he was not only an angel but he was the most brilliant and god like of all the angels. A reasonable argument can be made that whom some Jesus/Teacher of the Christ/light you are inviting in to possess you is a Minion of the Devil.). James and all the other apostles refused outright; since they knew the message had not a single thing to do with what Paul was talking about. Indicating Paul was suffering from some type of identity disorder. Paul wanted to be Jesus, but his message was nowhere even close to what Emmanuelle was talking about. But crazy people will not back down to the fact of criticism or reality. They retreat into their insanity harder, the more their fantasy is questioned the harder and more violent they will react. A few of them told Paul that Jesus was not only not dead but alive and well, so it was impossible for the spirit of Jesus to come to him in a dream since he was not dead. Paul’s begat the Bishop of Lyon shaped the Bible into what Paul would want, destroying any and all documentation which points to any other opinion than the one Paul possessed. The gospels written by those closest to Jesus were located and destroyed circa 30-present by either Muslims and or Paul’s begat. Jesus was not in the Middle East at the time but conducting his ministry elsewhere. Paul was beside himself with rage, almost apoplectic in having his entire existence shattered. Paul ignored the apostles and headed back to Greece in order to start his own ministry; acting as if he was Jesus. He attracted more than a few followers. Was arrested, upon his arrest he requested he be tried in Rome Proper. At the same time Simon Peter resigned from his Archbishop position in Antioch and traveled to Rome at virtually the same time Paul did. Simon Peter was not only not under arrest he was able to conduct his church from the center of Rome. Without question by the authorities. Decades later and years after the Hexenbeast Paul was executed was Simon Peter arrested and put to death; or at least that is the story the Roman Empire told. Unless you were a slave you could not live full time in Rome proper without being a proper Citizen of Rome. Living in Rome proper for decades makes Simon Peter a Roman citizen.

o   What does this have even the slightest, smallest, most tiny thing to do with Bellingham? Other than the relationship between the name Bellingham and the namesake of the British culture who was a descendant of King Priam of Troy (descendent of Jacob) Caesar when he invaded Egypt. He conquered Memphis as well. He had the city all but entirely boxed up and shipped back to Rome piece by piece. He wanted Rome to be the Eternal/Ethereal/Heaven of the world; renicknaming the City, Rome “The Eternal” city. Which was the ancient name of Memphis before it was renamed to honor pharaoh Mem. Mem’s name translates to the same exact meaning as Abraham; father of all. Whatcom County Bellingham being one of the cities in the Spoke was supposed to be a New Rome. A New Eternal/Heaven city; far away from the invaders who wished to conquer, destroy, obliterate, and seize control of the city for their own arrogant/ego/pleasure. Places a great deal of emphases that the city of Bellingham is one spoke in the megalithic infrastructure which was another recreation of the Pyramids of the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. The Lion’s Inn Motel is by what is left of the infrastructure the property where one of those megaliths stood.

o   If correct, that the city of Bellingham was meant to be a New Jerusalem aka new Memphis aka A New Heliopolis (Helios = New Sun) (Opolis = Sacred defined City). Then Whatcom and Bellingham area was one of the infrastructure of cities which was designed as the last holdout of The Children of Israel the Jews; their enemies came on mass to perform a holocaust on them. Fighting from 1500-1889; the victor then immediately erased all traces of the previous, turned all remaining into a facade to ridicule, and turned the city into something entirely different by rebuilding almost the entire city brick by brick. Erasing literally almost every single trace of anything which existed before. But they left enough to reassemble to trace backwards to know what might have happened.

o   That is a major problem when it comes to the uneducated, they have no idea what to burn and what not to. They have no idea the buildings themselves hold the answers to the puzzle which was their story. A conqueror has no idea the building itself is the library, the Jews faced sufficient genocide in the previous 5000 years to know how to leave puzzle pieces in the most obvious places. So the ignorant conqueror would not know that something was in need of being destroyed.

o   Half dark half light

o   *

·       Slave trade internal workings

o   The internal workings of the slave trade itself was a very difficult mixture of not only Catholics, English, but the strong Protestant movements which fostered the slave trade to an unimaginable degree.

o   Islam invades Egypt

o   Egypt Coptic’s, Christians, and Jews flee south

o   Egyptians follow the headwaters of the Nile to the southern border of the Sahara

o   Follow the southern border of the Sahara west

o   The Egypt Coptic’s, Christians, and Jews arrive in Nigeria.

o   Meanwhile the militant Islamic cultures keep invading and conquering west along the Mediterranean. Assuming their Egyptian escapees died in the desert.

o   Centuries later the militant Islamic cultures finally arrive on the west coast of north Africa and find pockets of descendants of the cultures they as a group thought died out centuries before when their ancestors conquered and seized control over Egypt.

o   By the time the militant Islamic cultures had conquered west around the Mediterranean and started to push south, the trade routes had shifted. The shift away from the militant Islamic nations controlling the silk road to other trade routes. Bypassing the militant Islamic cultures. They found themselves out of immediate income.

·       Slave Trade begins

o   The militant Islamic nations require funding in order to keep constantly invading and attacking. Large militaries cost money. Not every day will an army attack, conquer, and be able to pay for its soldiers by raiding the treasury of the conquered foe. Between city conquests the military until has bills to pay.

o   When the trade route shifted away from militant Islamic control in the late 1300s; they had to find a new way to fund their military campaigns.

o   From just after William the Conqueror recaptured the UK from the Pictish and Militant Islamic control, the descendants of militant Islam living in Europe from the previous centuries pushed into Europe. The children of those militant Islam who settled had no place to go. 10 children per Islamic land owner, each have 10 children. With no lands to expand to around 1066; the descendants start to send their children to Africa to their cousin militant Islamic cultures whom were seizing large areas of lands in northern Africa. The children of the European Muslims had a place to go.

o   The large problem which followed; just because the culture militantly owned and controlled large areas of Africa does not mean they truly controlled it.

o   Then came the hard facts of the Egyptians in Nigeria had to be disposed of. And in effect the Jewish/Coptic question was proposed in Africa long before militant Islamic descended third Reich proposed the same question. Adolf and his government simply used the same exact strategies the African militants used close to 1000 years earlier.

·       Slave trade and the Coptic/Jewish question (aka Third Reich)

o   With all those in Nigeria and other North West African areas whom refused to either convert to Islam or were the mortal enemy of Islam. E.g. would not accept if they did convert. Added to the fact that more than a few of the militant Islamic cultures were in active war with each other as well as with their combined enemy.

o   So what to do with all those people, killing them all seems like a bad ecological idea

o   The cousin cultures from Africa need land to expand into. It did not take the African Muslim cousins long to figure out. If we offer large tracts of lands in Africa to build a replica of the Garden of Eden and have the captured natives, Coptic’s, Jews, Christians, or the captured enemies work the lands. We can both profit off of their labors via the products they produce. We can sell those products to the world. But we can also dispose of unwanted people by working them to death.

o   But the problem came into the situation; being on the same land mass the captured slaves working on the plantation’s owned by either the local militant Islamic cultures and or their European cousin. The slaves could simply run home, or run out of reach of the Islamic army.

o   From 1000-1390 circa lots of money was spent on recapturing escaped slaves.

o   Rebuilding burned out plantations. The plantations were stationary. Those stationary plantations would be subject to the next war lord and or different militant Islamic cultures going to war with each other.

o   In order to keep the plantations from being burned to the ground by the next battle, the slaves from simply running home, control over the lands from invading countries, etc. the militant Islamic cultures chose to relocate their plantation system to the Caribbean. But that would require the Vatican’s cooperation. Since the Vatican had spent the last 1400 years flat denying that continent over there existed; let alone allow travel that way. The northern European cultures and the Islamic cultures never forgot about the location. But the northern Europeans were the only cultures which possessed the sailing ability to cross the Atlantic.

·       Evidence of the Ogle Trade Route

o   The Library the Romans possessed was of course impressive to say the least. But the library the Ogles possessed was measurably better. For evidence of said, when Constantine combined the libraries of his father the entire Roman Empire’s library and his Mothers Ogle library, then shipped it to Constantinople. For the next 600 years that city the Capital of Byzantium was the intellectual center of the entire western civilization. More information and technology emerged from that library in just a few hundred years than the previous 300 years had emerged while the Romans only possessed a fraction of Alexander’s.

o   Knowing the Roman Empire was approaching and were going to take Alexandria, seize the library; it was only a good idea to ship the library or at least the portions which could be transported quickly to a safe zone.

o   The Romans only having access to what could not be moved fast seized what was left and shipped it to Rome, but told the world the entire thing was destroyed. The Romans always reacted badly to being humiliated. Since huge quantities of the library circa 60 b.c.e. were shipped out, that only means they had to ship the library to somewhere which was safe from Roman hands.

·       Alexandria library shipped to Northumberland

o   The rise in technology in Northumberland in the decades immediately following 60 b.c.e. when the bulk of the easy to move items arrived from Egypt. Which is odd considering this exact behavior pattern is illustrated in Bellingham with Western Washington University; the hard facts without theories or added concepts. Once the library arrived from Ohio Judson, the armies of the world finally allowed their fighting in the area of Bellingham to be at least semi-known. Which is odd since as soon as the Alexandria library arrived in Northumberland, a similar chain of events took place. A full scale invasion of Northumberland commenced. Unfortunately for Bellingham the invasion worked, unlike in Northumberland.

o   The library shipped to Northumberland would also explain why the Romans stopped pushing to conquer more lands in Germany, Russia, etc. and focused most of the army’s attention to Northumberland to the future location of Hadrian’s Wall.

o   Safe from Roman hands points directly to; that library was shipped to Northumberland, with Cleopatra following about 12 years later. Knowing as a fact the Romans were coming, it would actually break with the equation not to have the library not boxed and shipped out of the reach of a conquering army. Since the Egyptians had no idea how the Romans would react. They had burned libraries before. They had taken libraries out then claimed that all information was lost (then go about inventing the items in the lied about destroyed books; so they could claim they invented it), before. Since the Egyptian had about a century of warning the Romans were on the march. They had time to copy the key books, box them up, and ship it off. Plus the writing was on the wall centuries before the Romans had made as close to a bee line from Rome directly back to Egypt. Everyone knew where the descendants of the Hyksos were headed. They were going to recapture home. At least their Egyptian home.

o   Once again the evidence regarding where the library was shipped could not be any other place than Northumberland. It was far enough away for the Romans not to be able to reach the library. It was in a sufficiently ecological area which would not rot or damage the materials. Hot and dry or cold and dry are the preferred conditions in which a library needs to be without mechanical climate controls. Plus Northumberland was the only place in the entire area of the known land masses in which it would be possible to store said with at least some level of military control. Every other compass point the ecology was wrong and or the area was in constant conflict.

·       Great Library in Northumberland

o   All the armies in the Roman Empire converged upon Northumberland and were whittled away without much effort by the enemy of Rome to the north.

o   From 50 b.c.e. to 350 b.c.e. The Roman Empire lost almost every engagement, every battle, and eventually the entire war. Although in truth the overall war Rome lost when Constantius I was forced to give his son the empire. Knowing he was more his mother’s son than a child of Rome.

o   From 350-700 the Northumberland family and army were unbeatable. It was not until Islam invaded the UK circa 632 c.e that the tide changed.

o   Which is interesting since what kind of information did that library contain (which part of that library was shipped to Ohio, and then made up the core of Western Washington University library system) which allowed the Roman Empire and the Pictish to lose and lose badly for over 800 years


·       Islamic Northern African Nations

o   The Islamic nations needed a way to cross the ocean. But only the northern Europeans specifically the British (not English but the British) the family of Ogle until knew how to cross the ocean. They had never stopped their regular trade route across the ocean. They sailed regularly supplying their settlements over the entire north Atlantic.

o   After decades of thinking about it, the Vatican finally allowed one of the explorers who put in a petition go sail west permission to do so. Columbus’s petition was accepted to cross the ocean. Which would allow itself to gain lands and converts and pacify the radical militant Islamic cultures from invading Europe again to invade the Caribbean and the yet to be called American continent.

·       American Plantation/slavery system begins

o   Upon Columbus’s application acceptance Militant Islam were able to redirect their focus away from Europe and Africa toward the new world.

o   The first thing they started to do was create large plantations. Sailing captured Jews, natives (Africans), Christians, etc. every enemy of both the Vatican and Islam were sent over to the new world. So the Vatican could have a stranglehold on power in Europe, while leaving the new world to Islam.

o   Although in all hard truth; the name change did not affect the cultures of Islam as much as the name change behavior pattern started to affect the religious arm of Islam. But the Islamic descendants until living in Europe had the most profound influence on the scholars in Germany. Specifically Martin Luther and John Calvin among others. Their philosophy is so strongly influenced by militant Islam; it is mostly Islamic. Minus the name and a few ceremonies.

o   Enter the American plantation system; and Pickett’s ancestors.

o   George Pickett the direct descendant of a plantation in Virginia. His father and father’s father owned and owned that land as a full slave operated plantation for generations. They had close and centuries long business dealings with militant Islam.

o   Which the only real problem is, for whom are you allied with.

o   The slave trade and Bellingham have more than a few commonalities. Which lead directly to the armies of the world gathered in Bellingham and Ferndale to fight out their differences. Far away from the public eye.

o   The armies in other areas were limited by the facts of a citizen population would after a while object in the strongest way to the armies of the world fighting it out in their backyard, front yards, houses, fields, towns, etc. If it was only the armies of the world and the natives in the area. There was no one around whom could literally tell the armies “this is very bad, and stop”.

o   So the armies were able to keep fighting and fighting and fighting. Since only those whom would not be believed were witness to the slaughter.

o   From around 1400 – to 1850 circa the armies had been battling it out in population zones. Those population zones were in no small effect run by and controlled by the cultures who paid the taxes 1000s of miles back east and hundreds of miles south. Which allowed the politicians to keep ordering the military into battle. If you removed the civilian population from the equation, there is nothing at all to stop the armies from battling away until a clear and concise victor is declared.


o   The only real European culture which was present was the British and the Royalist French. Both of which had been all but kicked out of their home countries and were seeking to create a new empire in the Pacific North West. Which is close to the exact same parameters as the confederates were experiencing. As well as the Spanish, militant Islamic, Portuguese, etc. they left their home countries to seek a better life elsewhere.

o   The war with the Barbary Coast mentioned in the Marine Corps Hymn references the battle of Tripoli. Which is in Libya. The problem is, Islamic cultures once they feel they need to do any specific behavior pattern. Only death usually stops them from seeking to complete the task.

o   Once stopped in the south (thanks to the first four decades of the founding fathers conducting a private war with them on both the Barbary Coast and in the States themselves), militant Islam itself also turned to the Pacific North West to obtain their own foothold in America. Since from the Rockies east from 1785 forward was already claimed and heavily militarized areas. The cultures present were already ready for battle. The only real place was in South America and the far west coast of North America.

o   The conflicts with Mexico, the natives, Spain, the Vatican, the Greeks, and other Pacific Rim cultures prevented a foothold by Islam in California. But north of Seattle the areas were not yet claimed with a tyrannical militant fist. Of course in those days California extended from Tijuana to the Columbia River. The border did not become modern recognizable for a few more decades and the wars finished which the Islamic cultures were attempting to avoid. Hence moving north of Seattle and making a stand in Bellingham/Ferndale. Not to mention the facts that in the 1700s the area of what would be called Whatcom County had become a safe haven for Jews, Coptic’s, Catholics, etc. running from genocide in America.


·       Pickett Plantation Bellingham

§  The Pickett Plantation the Lions Inn Motel sits on part of that Plantation. Actually full on slavery existed in Bellingham in the 1800s. Part of the reasons Oregon and Washington State separated as territories was over the concept of slavery. Which has been going on in the area for an undetermined amount of time. Pickett was simply the most documented person in the area to have direct and physical evidence of a plantation in the city. As well as a direct and hard evidence military presence.

§  George E Pickett was born on a plantation in Virginia. Which means he not only understood the plantation system but was schooled in the framework of the structure of a plantation.

§  Evidence of the Plantation

·       A plantation based on an English castle design is an extremely simple and regular upgrades calculation.

·       The tent and then the starter house are almost always not placed on the location which has been selected as the future location of the tower/manor/plantation house. The plantation house would be placed in the most strategic area possible. The Pickett House was stopped construction of the sequence shortly after the building itself was completed. The Tower was built shortly after, but the violent events of the area prevented further construction on anything. Pickett’s son, the Pig war, the onset of the Civil War, etc. meant there was literally no possible way in which to keep building. Also if the area of Bellingham, the Pickett Plantation, and the forts were handed over to the confederacy, the lands Pickett had been working with and on for the previous years would have become the property of the new commander of the forts.

·       Pickett left in the middle of the night to join the confederacy. He might have left because the new commander of the fort was either a staunch union man and or the new commander gave orders to Pickett that he had to leave immediately or the new commander renewed the cities and their fortifications for the confederacy. In effect the plantation Pickett was building which he seized the land from Roeder that land might have been seized from him by the same rule and laws.

·       The structure and sequence of how to build an English 10lbs castle

o   First

§  you made a tent

o   second

§  Then the tent is replaced by a simple two story structure of approximately x feet wide by y feet long, two stories is non-negotiable has to be built.

§  The two building needs to be made in such a way as to take the materials down and reuse them in the design of the manor or plantation house. The design of the simple house needs to incorporate the concept of cut once and reuse.

§  Most of the time the construction of the first house is not difficult, but the construction of the manor house is long, expensive, taxing, and the conflicts with the natives are almost a guarantee. So cut once and reuse. So the boards needed for the manor house are drawn up first then those boards are used in the small house. But intended to be used in specific locations in the large plantation house.

o   Third

§  The most important step in the process

§  The future plantation needs an actual tower. That tower has to be placed in the most strategic area possible. That tower has to be tall enough in order to not only give a several miles around perspective of the area, but that tower has to be the anchor tower of the future keep.

§  The tower is the anchor; where the rest of the manor house will be built from. In large and defined areas the manor plantation building the design might include more than one tower. If so the design and location of the tower is decided before construction of the first tower itself is started.

§  Design the manor house before starting to construct it.

o   Plantation House.

§  Once the lord is in the area for an appropriate time to survey the lands, determine the needs of the fortification, etc. this is when the lord will start to plan out what type of plantation/manor house is needed. If the situation changes from the tower to the manor house; the manor house or the tower will be reconstructed in order to be able to construct the manor house as quickly as possible.


§  The proof for the evidence of the Pickett plantation is in the English concept of the 10lbs castle design.

§  When Pickett arrived in the area of Castle Bellingham Washington Territory. Pickett did so with a company of troops. It is assumed he arrived with between 1500-5000 possibly more soldiers.

§  Captain could be in charge of several lieutenants, each lieutenant in charge of a company, a company is several platoons, each platoon consists of 12-24(48 soldiers) depending on the job each platoon is assigned.

§  Means that Pickett had more than sufficient numbers of soldiers to not only seize any lands under the Imminent Domain laws but could capture said lands first under the American flag, then in around 1860 claim the lands for the confederacy. Which the American government would be less than accepting of any such information regarding that type of event.

§  Odd thing to have a previously unknown Confederate fortification in the Pacific North West. But all evidence points to this possibility not only being possible but realistic.

§  Pickett when he arrived informed those living in the area which he claimed as the future “Fort Bellingham north” to leave so he could claim the lands and build a fortification for the American government. The area contained at least one if not more working farms. The area also most likely contained a previously buried deep in the ashes of destruction a Castle built by the British as both an area of protection as well as a trading hub. Much like the first established under the East India Trading Company banner then a corporate and internationally relations hostile takeover by the EIC own subsidiary Hudson’s Bay Company. The Hudson’s Bay Company which by then was operating under the authority of the English and Dutch seized control over Fort Vancouver (formerly Castle Vancouver; formerly New Castle) on the north side of the Columbia.

§  In basic the same actions would occur in Bellingham; with the previous infrastructure either included into the new fortification and or torn down/erased and a new fortification structure built.

§  Either way the infrastructure present previous would by the arrogance of a conqueror would need to be obliterated and the start date would need to be when the Fort was constructed. Erasing the previous structures and previous cultural influence.

§  When Pickett arrived in the area of Castle Bellingham, he seized the Castle immediately, then renamed it Fort Bellingham South.

§  He went one mile north of the lands which would in forty years be the foundation of the current downtown Bellingham. Another mile north west he seized the lands from the owner Captain Henry Roeder; and proceeded to not only build a house, but start to build a farm/plantation.

§  But he was not the only officer in the area with an active and well trained army.

·       The British (very likely Roeder was part of the British army) not only had an army but the area of Bellingham was close to the British under the command of the Ogle family’s last stand. The area was close to the land/lands they until possessed and until controlled with a large military. The rest of their lands had been seized, conquered, or they were pushed off by the threat of overwhelming military force. *

·       Armies present

·       The English

·       The Americans

·       The emerging confederacy

·       The last stand of the French Royalists allied with the British

·       The Natives whom some were allied with the British and somewhere allied with the English, a few had allies with the Americans (both sides).

§  The Pickett Plantation existed from (documented) G Street down Holly to where Holly becomes Forest. Which is only a few miles from the currently called Interstate 5 was called Hiway 99. Previous was part of the North south Ogle Trade Route; which stretched from Mexico to Canada, most likely all the way up to Alaska. In other words the area Roeder purchased was the in the 1880s would be downtown Bellingham. Pickett seized most if not all that land for his personal use.

§  The corner of G and Holly to the Canadian border was also semi-perceived as being part of the Fort Bellingham North Territory, as well as the Lands from Fort Bellingham South, south to Seattle. Hence the need for a large contingency of infantry.

§  The fights both legal and militarily lasted from circa 1750 - 1880. Which points strongly to Fort Bellingham North was not only a confederate stronghold but the confederacy might have attempted to reform at Forts Bellingham to seize control over what would become the State of Washington. For a bit of time it is possible the State of Washington was a confederate state; when the American military arrived in force, which the confederacy was not strong enough to battle and win a second war. Thus creating the state of Washington; could have been designated as a future confederate state of a currently unknown name circa 1850. For the majority of those decades from 1852-1870 its confederate name would not be used by the American government. The American government would only use their name, not the name the confederacy used. Although based on the ideas of Washington and he was also a Plantation owner, his family had been in the plantation and slave business for generations. The confederates naming their new State west of the Rockies and Mississippi presumably outside the Mason Dixon line for Washington.

§  Which also points to the facts that the confederacy was not only incredibly strong in the Pacific North West but had strong and significant influence in the area at least a decade before circa 1861.

§  Would be interesting if evidence could be located as to part of the spur for the start/founding of the confederacy came from strong voices and influence from whatever the confederate state was called from 18(30)40 forward. The confederate forces in the area of the America named Washington State being strongly influential to the confederate forces in the old south.

§  Evidence of these direct interactions would be the Dutch and southern ex plantation owners who chose to move to the Pacific North West to avoid the legal hurdles and negative issues surrounding the aggression from anti-slavery forces. The Dutch having a significant and strong influence and control over the European leg entire slave trade from 1500-to the last slave sold specifically related to the triangle trade. The Dutch a onetime strong cousin culture and ally with the British specifically the Ogle family later to be one of their worst enemies. The Dutch were not only responsible for helping to establish the slave/triangle trade but were active participants in supporting the early confederacy. The Dutch of Lynden Washington are beyond a doubt no exception to the events occurring. In the 1500s when the Dutch as a culture converted from Catholicism over to Protestantism; is when they betrayed all most all their previous values to focus on money and power.

§  Fort Lynden could have had the same fate and behavior patterns which fell Castle Bellingham and the city of Jam. Seized from their previous owners and the previous owners history all but obliterated.

o   Civil War

§  The Civil War was much longer and more difficult than from the actual firing on Fort Sumter and the surrender at Appomattox. The events took place long before and after. One of the reasons it is very likely the confederacy started to become extra nasty was due to losses they suffered in the theorized battle in Bellingham/Ferndale area. Losing battles in Bellingham, coming back home to find things in worse condition than when they left. Tensions boiled over.

§  The events of the Civil War include the Trail of Tears, the reconstruction of the south, the regrouping/attempting to reestablish some type of confederacy after Appomattox, etc. Based on the facts regarding several confederate groups including the most loyal to Jefferson Davis attempted to continue reassembling the confederacy. It would only be natural to try again in Bellingham from 1865-1889. The area was until a territory, the area was until controlled by confederates and southern sympathizers. The Dutch, English, and Barbary Coast militant Islamic cultures were until interested in pursuing the goals of reestablishing a foothold/power base. *

§  Since Castle Bellingham itself was seized by the American Government which was commanded by a future Confederate General e.g. Pickett the City which Western Washington University currently sits on and the Pickett House were part of both the Civil War, the reconstruction efforts (lands seized by the government from confederates), and part of a few feeble attempts as regrouping under a different governmental structure the key being without Jefferson Davis and those that assumed Jefferson Davis was great. At the end of the Civil War large percentages of confederates and confederate sympathizers were absolutely disgusted by the actions done under Davis’s leadership and those he placed in charge.

§  At the end of the Civil War the preparations north of Seattle of a staging area were put into place. Political battles which took place in and around Bellingham Washington could have been a very quiet but entirely hard fought second portion of the Civil War.

§  The evidence is the speed at which the cities of the Pacific North West grew before the Civil War and the decades after. Seattle until the 1960s was until relatively small. Portland and San Francisco were equally until relatively small.

§  Los Angeles itself even though it was until a large city was itself until relatively small in comparison.

·       Pickett and his 1500 troops

o   Circa 1850 - 1885 is just another in the same exact behavior pattern. Many in the city of Bellingham think they have a really good idea of what happened and what went on from Roeder, Peabody and Pickett to present. The problem is, the first English/American recorded history of the area the first fifty years of the City of Bellingham’s existence is almost entirely political spin. The physical evidence of paintings, legends, rumors, etc. not only do not back up the official statement they are contradictory.

§  Pickett a Plantation and a solid Confederate

§  Roeder very likely the military commander of the EIC before it was seized by Pickett

§  Peabody; the chief proctor of the EIC in the area. The HBC would obtain all the documentation, since the winners always write the history of what they like. Erase the documentation of what they do not.

o   1500 troops are not sent up into an area for nothing. Pickett and his men were not sent up out of some odd blind let us sent 1500 men up into an area because we feel like it. The army does not do that, especially leading up to a war. Resources were not needed on the frontier resources were needed at the capital and on the home front. Not 3000 miles away, taking months to arrive and months to get back to the front if things went wrong at home.

o   The 1500 troops were sent in as a response to previous to Pickett being sent north of Seattle to pacify resistance. Which means in the years and decades before 1856 or more the violent conflicts were not only starting to have an effect but causing disruption. Enough disruption in the flow of settlers that sending a West Point graduate with 68 regular counted soldiers and 1500 non counted soldiers to protect those present. Means the history of Bellingham and the history of Camelot as well as the history of the battles of Transylvania have more than a few points of commonalities.

o   Same pattern can be found in the Exodus, where the enemy was able to rewrite the entire history to make themselves into the hero.

o   the founders of the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) were under contract to the East India Company (EIC)

o   They had to have permission from the King of France, Britain, the Pope, and the local Lords in order to form that company.

o   evidence

o   no problem

o   Future general of the confederacy Pickett owned a plantation in Bellingham, more than 1500 seized acres of land. more like most of the area from Everett to Vancouver

o   He had 68 scripted soldiers. 1500 possibly 5000 nonscriipted soldiers

o   that is a full scale army,

o   Why in the world would that area need that many soldiers? because the nations of the world were fighting pitch battles in the area

o   Canada, Britain, France, England, Spain, Muslims, Greeks, Russians, etc. the list is endless. Were fighting for the last bit of the continent which had only semi been claimed. Despite the British Ogles having been in the area for an undetermined amount of time, the Ogles and their army the Vikings never lost the ability to cross the North Sea. Consequently when the other nations were struggling for a passageway to the Orient for trade, the Ogles had a well-established trade route across North America using the River system. In Truth that journey was relatively easy; the problems came from the conquest cultures whom demanded the natives in the area be proper slaves and or proper indentured servants. The British and the Ogles worked with the natives, creating good trading partners. Both sides were able to have a supportive coexistence. But more than that, both the Natives and the British specifically the Ogles were also able to create a kind of workable application of cultural infrastructure. Not only did both sides profit but both sides were able to thrive thanks to the strengths of the partnership. The diseases which decimated the populations were not because of the new diseases, but because the British and northern European cultures had a high degree of hygiene. Whereas the English, Spanish, Mediterranean, etc. cultures had little if any idea of what the concept was let alone how to use hygiene correctly. Force a culture into a toxic dump, surround them with disease ridden guards; rampant disease is the only logical outcome. No matter how healthy someone or a population is, or how well their immune system was used to the European diseases, the natives were forced to live in what can only be properly described as the wrong side of the outhouse. Of course diseases will spread.


·       The previous troops sent into the area

o   The American Military had been sending troops into the area of the Pacific Northwest steadily from 1776 to present.

o   Just because Pickett was a Captain in charge of around 1500 to 3000 troops did not mean for a second he was the only captain in the area. It also does not mean he was not under the direct command of a major or upper brass stationed between Everett and Vancouver BC. The American Military had a profound presence in Canada until the areas borders were finally finalized in 1890 when the territory became a state.

o   But 1500-3000 troops under just one captain would not be sent in fresh. They would be at best relief troops for previous hard evidence of conflicts and battles occurring in the Bellingham Whatcom area. The military would not just send that many troops into the area just because. There had to be a direct and casualty based need to send in sufficient troops to crush the rebellion.

o   One of the strongest reasons why the battles and said were erased or not recorded into the history books would be because the enemy were either British Jews or flat out Jews. Jews were not considered human until the mid-1920s. Not acceptable to society until after World War Two.

o   Performing violence against a Jew or a village of Jews was not considered a bad thing. It was not considered at all, just something which was done occasionally. Usually by youth attempting to take their aggressions out on a culture which were not allowed by law to fight back.

o   What happens when the Jews do fight back? Overwhelming military force to put the animal/Jews back into their place. This bowels of hell nightmare moral and ethical rules of acceptable order would not change until the western world witnessed the NAZI death camps. But it was not until the west witnessed most of the population of European Jews starved to death, gassed to death, mass cremations, etc. that millennia of pent up rage against the Jews was finally satisfied.

·       Pickett Plantation

o   Captain George Pickett has built an entire large more than 1500 seized acres from Roeder just a year after Captain Henry Roeder has obtained those acres. From Holly Street to G streets. Pickett placed his 10 lbs. castle over the most likely Chief Proctors house. Since the area was a trade station for the East India Company which had been (by cannon hostile takeover by the Dutch/English backed Hudson Bay Company) in the area for a while before 1850. Captain Henry Roeder was most likely the new military army of the EIC. Roeder with the military and Peabody as either the well-established Chief proctor or the new chief proctor. Peabody being killed in a battle in 1868; not long after the end of the Civil War.


o   The lands which were in dispute, which Pickett seized to be the heart of his plantation and a foothold for a new and improved confederacy. A confederacy which would enable a better version without the puppet leadership of the all wind and no backbone Jefferson Davis. Well before the start of the Civil War officially at the firing on Fort Sumter; the divisions in the Confederacy had already created divisions so large it was close to impossible for Jefferson Davis’s leadership to be taken seriously. He made far more bad decisions than good ones. By a little over a year into the war, Davis only possessed a small fraction of the support needed to truly be able to lead his nation. Which caused ripples inside his governmental structure which were not redeemable. Just because the confederacy were winning the battles does not mean they had the capacity to win the war. Especially dealing with a full scale Slave uprising occurring. They had to keep their slaves in line, keep the fractured confederate government held together, attempting to make business deals with enemies of America while maintaining sovereignty. The south worked to renew their ties with militant Islam of North Africa. Which was successful for the most part, but militant Islam also wanted to replace the confederacy with their own government in the south. Obtain a foothold, and eventually seize control over the entire new continent for the glory of Allah. Which the South both did not want and the descendants of the gifts not only wanted but worked very hard to foster.

o   The confederacy was doomed from the beginning. But stirred into a whirling dervish of lust, greed, and power those in charge could not see beyond their own deepest desires.

o   One of those solutions was those whom were not interested in the losing battles in the south relocated to the Pacific North West in order to not only remake the place in the proper image of the plantation system. But also allied with the Spanish, Portuguese, the Vatican, and other similar cultures which would allow for the Plantation system to continue without threat from Islamic fanatics who were going to invade and seize control over the confederacy anyway.

o   Makes the events in the Pacific North West from Everett north to Vancouver BC all the more interesting. Active conflicts between the Blue and the Grey in the south, same armies present in Bellingham. The Grey strongly allied with Militant Islam, more than a few of the plantation owners children, descendants, some of those plantation owner Militant Islamic descendants owned their own plantations(giving militant Islam a very strong foothold in America and the Pacific North West), the Spanish explorers whom created settlements in the area but western culture refuses to acknowledge those settlements (remember that just a few years before 1492 Militant Islam had controlled most of the Iberian Peninsula for most of the previous 1000 years. The philosophy Mohammed resurrected from the past was actively being used by a variety of Hyksos descended cultures, which included some Arab cultures in Iberia.), Russia ( with their own militant Islamic problems still had a strong golden horde <who had converted to radical militant Islam centuries before> were still strong and clearly an influence in the Russian culture and government were in the Pacific North West and had a military presence in Bellingham), the Orient (China, Japan, etc. had a military presence in Bellingham/Ferndale), India, Indonesia, more of the armies of Europe were also in the Bellingham Ferndale area, etc.

o   Several of those cultures were actively engaged into open and large scale army versus army conflicts in other areas. Consequently, if the say 5th army of country a is actively involved with fighting country b’s 3rd army; if both of those cultures say 7th army were present in Bellingham/Ferndale, what makes anyone assume those armies would not be actively engaged in at least itching to start a battle in a new location.

o   The armies of the world gathered in Bellingham, the erased War between most if not all the armies is not only unavoidable but inevitable.

o   The evidence is the fact that Captain George Pickett had purchased some lands but seized huge areas of land to create a farm with. His farm was not a farm but a plantation. First to clear cut the trees in the area, a picture from 1873 clearly shows the facts regarding the trees in the areas were regrowth from a 20 years before clear cut. First clear the trees, then use slave labor to create a crop from the then cleared out forest lands

o   But Pickett only had five years to enact his plan. The Civil War started in 1861 he had only arrived in Bellingham circa 1856. He followed Roeder and Peabody up; with their military reinforcements.

o   Pickett’s Plantation and the forts he was in charge of both where Western Washington University Old Main sits and the Roberts farm were present to serve as a protective fortification for first the American Government and when it became clear the American people did not want the Plantation system to operate any further in the American culture Pickett switched the allegiance from American to confederate. If you cannot make a living doing business x in location A than move the business to location B. Making Bellingham and the surrounding areas Confederate territory.

o   Former one culture was now officially at least on the frontier two cultures; whom were in active small conflicts with each other.

·       Armageddon Syria

o   The biblical Armageddon needs to have some clarification applied to it.

o   Megiddo is a city which has been a Jewish/people of the light capital city more than a few times.

o   The city has always been conquered and ruled by evil more than a few times.


o   The city of Megiddo was part of a chain of cities which the Hyksos left the strongest portions of their shield wall in those cities in order to not have their shield wall attack and conquer them.

o   Troy, all the cities of Phoenicia, Megiddo were all cities Jewish rulers which had at one time from 1900-1500 been used as a shield wall. The rulers and their respective armies had military become too strong for their Hyksos commanders to control.

o   Since the cities were Jewish to begin with, the Hyksos chose to leave in effect an indoctrinated shield wall Jews in charge of the city.

o   What the actual story is about, the armies of the children of Israel formed together to battle against the children of Esau (very likely Asia). The armies of Esau and the armies of Israel to come together on the fields outside the Jews that time point in history capital city to fight.

o   This battle has occurred more than a few times.

§  3800 b.c.e. Heirakonopolis and Heliopolis

§  3500 b.c.e. Heliopolis where IWNW was name changed to Heliopolis

§  2600 b.c.e. Bent pyramid

§  1300 b.c.e. Troy

§  Marathon

§  Thermopolis aka 300

§  Alba Longa City of Seven Hills versus Romulus

§  Battle of Ogle at Newcastle (aka Jerusalem)

§  Camelot the legend and mythology of Camelot

§  Alsace-Lorraine

§  Normandy D Day

§  Bellingham

§  Syrian Damascus


o   Each side recovers and they battle it out again decades to centuries later. The aggressor is always Esau’s descendants, the defender is always Israel descendants.

o   But an extremely important fact. Esau’s descendants are sneaky, lying, cheating, fallacy, and façade wearing deceivers. The thing they are the best at is infiltrating a group to take it over, change the rules but still claim they are the people now removed from the group. Adolf did this exact pattern. He changed the National Socialist’s Party from just a group of people who needed a forum to complain into a true hate mongering terror group.

o   Another extremely important point, after the infiltrator has conquered. They change the history to suit their own perspective, which is in more ways than one classified as cognitive dissonance. Where the reality is sometimes vastly different than the actions and believed actions done. A person and a group can justify all kinds of actions under a variety of disassociation issues.

o   Which can be traced back to the founding of Judaism. The legendary Esau was supposed to be chosen as the heir and crowned Israel; unfortunately for the rest of humanity, he was not chosen, his brother Jacob was. That being passed over for the heir broke his and his entire descended lines perspective regarding truth versus fiction. So instead of accepting the roll they were assigned by their culture; the descendants have spent virtually every second from that moment in that story to present destroying all that Israel is, could be, was, etc. in vain attempts to seize back what was in effect taken from them. The taken from them caused a psychological break from reality. Which is still happening in the present.

o   The battles listed above are the times when the children of the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza have created a large defensive infrastructure; which to defend their territory against those that wish nothing more than to literally erase the presence of those that built the infrastructure. Take the infrastructure as if they built it, then forget the previous existed. Bragging about the battle but downplaying the achievements of the defeated culture at the same time.

·       Armageddon Bellingham *

o   The competing nations of the world met on the fields north of Bellingham to fight out control of not only the west coast but the entire continent.

o   The winners are obvious. The English, Americans, Canada, Confederacy (for a time, were defeated later), to name just a few.

o   The armies of the world met in the Uruz Bend of the Nooksack.



·       The City of Jam

o   The city of Jam located in the middle of the Nooksack River name changed to FernDale.

o   That city was the epicenter of the First World War. Which Churchill himself eluded to when he talked about the war of 1750 aka the Seven Years’ War as World War One. But later generations did not want to admit to any type of battles occurring in the west. Especially that size, where virtually the entire world collided just north of Bellingham

o   Which is beyond interesting since the definition of Armageddon is

§  Ar; the fields outside very likely to the north. A Sumerian reference to the arms of the Garden of Eden. Since the south arm is all mounds and valleys from south Bellingham to Skagit county.

§  Outside the great trade route capital city of Megiddo. Bellingham was founded by the EIC


·       Megaliths of Bellingham

o   Because of the battles occurring from circa 1750 forward the megaliths of Bellingham which were casualties of the world gathering at Jam.

o   A megalith in each of the major cities

o   Thanks to the facts that the Ogle family retained the tools necessary in which to build a megalith. It only seemed natural for the Ogles once they arrived in the area, to set up a new homeland, empire, place to live. Which was at least 1000 miles away “when they started” from the nearest enemy. Other than the Iberian cultures, the natives, and the cultures in the Pacific. China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, etc. the Pacific were threats militarily but not genocide level threat.


o   The layout of the megaliths followed the standard network of megaliths.

o   One under the Lions Inn Motel

o   Western Washington University future campus

o   Between the Lions Inn and Fort Bellingham. The center of town for the surrounding communities. Including a megalith in Lynden; erased soon after the Dutch arrived.

o   The location of each megalith was close to the public house, usually the first church was built on top of the megalith. A way of closing the gate to hell. For millennia some assumed a megalith was a gateway to hell, so they had to destroy them, and built a church directly on top of it. The altar being placed literally in the center of the circle of rocks. Forgetting the fact that a circle of rock is the exact description of IWNW which is by legend an accurate description of the tabernacle Adam built at Heliopolis. Heliopolis translates to Jerusalem.

·       Tabernacle of Adam

o   The Pillars of the Tabernacle of Adam; is reminiscent of the center of a FreeMasonic lodge temple. By legend this temple was located in the city of IWNW which the city itself and the conquered and renamed Heliopolis sits on top of where this city used to be. IWNW/Heliopolis has been laid conquest to and have to be rebuilt more than a dozen times. Shortly after the Hyksos seized power in Egypt; they tore down the old temple in the center of the city and rebuilt their own. A temple dedicated to Memkaure, which is just a slightly different spelling for the southernmost pyramid Mankaure on the Giza Plateau.

o   By legend after Adam and Eve were forced to leave the garden, they traveled around. Everywhere they stopped for a bit, Adam in some way made an earthly copy of the tabernacle he worked within the garden.

o   What is more important is, the facts regarding the wall which holds the Black stone points directly to where Heliopolis and or IWNW used to be. Where that tabernacle was that wall bisects.

o   Three Burning Tapers represent several key aspects. But the important point is not what they represent, it is the items not talked about. Burning tapers indicates a connection between the burning of the original temple circa 3500 b.c.e. when the conquering army changed the name from IWNW to Heliopolis (Jerusalem). Burning the pillars down and the burning of the Yule log. The connection is Adam was associated with death because of a very long erased legend regarding his resurrecting Abel from the dead. He had to take a journey from this world, back to the gates of heaven, beg for attention, finding a way to cross over the bridge between this world and the beyond 0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angles, to find Abel where his spirit went to, then journey back to earth, to allow Abel to live, Abel continue, etc.

o   But there is always a price to be paid; which means the price to be paid could very well be Adam became the boatman. The person whose job it is to ferry souls from the ethereal into the body, and upon the point of death ferry them back into the ethereal.

·       Adam the Boatman


o   This is the classic image356

o   This is a fish but it is a hidden symbol for the ship*

o   The ship Adam ferries souls into and out of the body.

o   This is also a symbol for the ship which carried the ritual body of Noah to heaven. UP the grand staircase.

o   The fins on the sides are the posts which hold the “Jonah Ship” in place as the ritual calls for sailing Adams ship up the grand gallery to the final resting place. The body is not actually dead, the body is akin to a ritual recreation of the death process. A reaction of the burial of Noah, the 40 days and 40 nights the ark rode the waves. Which are both descended from the boat journey Adam took to the gates to beg God to all him to resurrect his murdered son.

o   image321

·       image147

·       image278


·       image457

·       Whatcom County designed to be a recreation of Rome aka the city of Seven hills aka a connection with ancient Egypt.

o   The city of Rome itself followed the same behavior pattern the Hyksos/Dorians used on Rome as they did at Athens. Both cities were founded at least 1000 years before they were conquered and renamed. In the Renaming process the old name and original founding dates were erased. Athens was called Poseidon which dated to roughly 2500 years before the 1200 b.c.e. invasion and relabeling by the Hyksos/Dorians. Another descended army from the same culture this time relabeled the City of Seven Hills Rome.

o   On the beach where the original city of Bellingham used to be, which is currently under Old Main WWU campus. There is a statue of Poseidon, meaning Fairhaven’s original name was Poseidon. It was changed before Dan Harris arrived. It was changed in the battles which occurred in the area in the decades before 1850.

o   The city of Rome has a central Forum which is no later than 1750 b.c.e. when it was founded. More like 2100b.c.e. or 1500 years before 753 b.c.e.. The reason is, the priest and three assistants which their graves were found under the forum, were buried under that building hundreds of years before the founding of Rome. The problem is, the priest and three assistants graves would literally not be buried out in the middle of a field miles away from a city. He was a high ranking priest, so he would have been buried in one of the great or the great temple/tabernacle of his faith in the capital city. Which makes the forum about 1500-1000 years older than Romulus’s claim. .

o   Rome Hills equals pillars, *

o   The Pillars/Hills of Rome or the old name City of Seven Hills. And the Pillars of Adam. 1517394_802153276476015_3792903874193319453_n four pillars of a Masonic Lodge and the four points where the labyrinth intersect, the Pillars of Adam. The Pillars of Adam was the former name of the Pillars in Mecca, which has rocks thrown at it. Same pillars from IWNW aka Heliopolis the city Adam either founded and or built a temple to the divine. Which come close to the stories of the Minotaur from the Place at Knossos the half man half bull <Jacobs symbol is a bull; Jacob means: holder of the foot e.g. the foot of the Aten on the Ben Ben stone> which was. Theseus the Commanding General of the forces which conquered or at least merged with the Rulers of Poseidon, renaming the city from Poseidon to Athens. Which has been the capital of Greece for the majority of the last 3000 years, give or take a few breaks, and political infighting. Theseus was the son of Atenia; the female version of Aten. Which was the name given to the children of Akhenaten aka Amenhotep IV; whom sent them out to create their own kingdoms. Theseus, the Labyrinth, the Pillars, of Adam, Heliopolis, and the famed Cross Road’s where the Devil will make a deal for your soul in exchange for a gift. A Masonic temple which is a recreation of the tabernacle which Abraham copied from legends from his ancestors regarding what Adam built as a reflection of the Garden of Eden, which was recreated by the Persians as a garden, carried forward by the British, copied and carried forward by the English, and which each of the major pioneers post 1850 built a Persian/British/English Garden in their backyard in accordance with the Victorian social structure. The Roth Estate was no different in any aspect.)

o   List of Masons needed to open a Lodge 3 or more. To open a regular lodge 7. City of Seven hills.

§  WM

§  S D

§  J D

§  S W

§  J W

§  Tyler

§  Chaplain

§  Each man represents a Pillar.

§  WM; forum

§  S D

§  J D

§  S W

§  J W

§  Tyler

§  Chaplain

§  Each man represents a Pillar.

§  Aventine Hill (Latin, Aventinus; Italian, Aventino) water

§  Caelian Hill (Caelius, Celio) force relocated the survivors of the destruction of Alba Longa. When The City of Seven Hills became Rome.

§  Capitoline Hill (Capitolium, Campidoglio) the acropolis of Rome reminiscent of the Acropolis of Athens. Where Theseus lived and ruled.

§  Esquiline Hill (Esquilinus, Esquilino) “In Towner’s, those that lived in The Seven Hills before” later was reclaimed; in the 6th century b.c.e. Servius Tullius the sixth Roman king and second Etruscan king. The Etruscans reclaimed the throne of Rome after the name conquest and name change. Tullius built a garden e.g. replica of the Garden of Eden on his property on that hill.

§  Palatine Hill (Palatinus, Palatino); the center of the Aten symbol of the previous to Roman conquest city name and layout. The Palatine was the founding Hill outside the Island in the River.

§  Quirinal Hill (Quirinalis, Quirinale); wielder of the spear is the name of the hill. This hill was named to honor a pre-753 b.c.e. deity of the area. The holder of the spear, the spear of Jacob e.g. the spear/tome of Adam.

§  Viminal Hill (Viminalis, Viminale); this hill or collection of three hills(2 not destroyed) make up a dolman, which is interesting since this dolman of hills point at the forum.



o   Whatcom County and the Cities around Rome Washington. If you perceive each city as a hill/pillar

·       Great Awakening Movement

o   The Great Awakening movements started long before they started 50 miles from the coast during the 1500s. The great awakening movements also started long before John Calvin and Martin Luther mixed Catholicism and Islam together.


o   The great Awakening movements were so threatened by the facts regarding a built copy of the holy lands which they were not only unaware of but were not in control of that they stopped at nothing to either possess the area of Whatcom or destroy it, to make absolute sure no one could connect to the divine unless they were in complete control over that said connection.

o   Enfield, Connecticut


·       Halleluiah

o   Halleluiah translates to "Praise (Simone; to speak from sacred, Preach) Him (a specifically designated area/person/place/thing/location<of the masculine>). Longinus called Jesus "Simon Peter" in the most Holy and Sacred way he could. Longinus I am starting to think did not stab him with a spear but the Sword of Jacob.

·       Trevie Fountain

o   There is a legend in Rome, if you throw a coin into the Trevy fountain you will return to Rome.

o   Rome Washington this area was designed to reflect Rome Italy. Which itself was a copy of Memphis Egypt.

o   Legend the Trevie fountain and if you have a job in Bellingham you will return to the city.

·       The Amber Thorn Room of Pillars of Adam

o   The political battles and wars of the last 1500s caused the British specifically the Ogles along with their allies the Germans, the Royalist French, etc. to move the most valuable of the items in their group of cultures collection. Away from the wars which were inevitable. 1500-1946ce was a time in Europe were literally nothing and no one was safe. The discovery of the new world forced a massive redistribution of power; the church was losing power on a daily basis to the Protestantism, some of the militant Islamic groups were becoming aggravated again and pushing for battles. Which in the early days of said the Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed aka The Blood Countess 1560-1614 along with her 100 years previous cousin Prince Vlad Wallachia III, were some of the first victims of those battles and wars. Blood Countess was accused of the nastiest of inhuman behavior; unfortunately she did not do any of the like. All the evidence was a façade created by her accusers whom each one owed her a considerable amount of money. Some tons of gold. Easier to simply kill her and take her treasury which was upon her arrest subject to being seized by the crown and reparations made to her victims. Some of the nastiest of her accusers sought damages for her counter accusations in open court. She wronged their good name and the only way they could regain their good name was by taking her estates and her treasury. Because those men had lost the battles they borrowed money from her to finance. She as a 100 year removed cousin of Prince Vlad Wallachia III aka Dracula. The Blood in her name comes from the amber color of the divine; from the order of the Dragon her family was associated with. The wars and battles her family were decimated in were battles between the powers that be for control and supremacy over everything. She helped to finance her own demise. Her accusers borrowed money from her to wage wars, both against each other and against the invading Islamic armies. But some of the battles and wars, her accusers’ borrowed money for they lost. Instead of being able to pay her back with the treasury of the conquered kingdom, they were left with huge debts. Being indebted to a woman was more than they could stand. Constant wars based on stealing the treasury in order to both fund those wars and pay back the financers is a losing proposition. Eventually the treasuries will be conquered and the sums of money will be divided between young Kingdoms whom have not had time to build up tons of gold yet. The solution to keep fighting, raid whatever treasuries were available in any way, shape, or form, etc. The blood countess’s treasury since her army was too large to take on was the next easiest treasury to seize and keep fighting. So in all hard reality, the Blood Countess’s her own financial ability was what cost her everything. Which the Wallachia and Báthory family’s internal betrayals were only the beginning of the battles to come. 1500-1946 c.e Europe was almost always at war, almost always battling against the forces of some tyrant who was just sure he was acting on the will of God go kill everyone who opposed him. Which included Adolf “of the People”.

o   We must never forget the hardest evidence of all; every single place the Militant Islamic cultures are allowed to set up what can be laughingly referred to as culture and or civilization; without doubt there will be execution pits. Where the culture will take those it deems to be worthy and execute them in the most horrific ways imaginable. Many young girls are taken and tortured to death. For the last 6000 years of western culture history; although the culture has been known by more than 10,000 names. They perform similar behavior patterns from the dawn of writing to present. The only thing which stops the inhuman behavior is when the culture is not allowed to act on their barbarous and beastly sub-conscious desire to influence maximum agony on those they deem to be unworthy of being a citizen. Sometimes the mass execution pits have thousands of bodies just dumped over large sequences of time. The teenage girls deemed to be not pure enough for the culture are the highest on the priority list to be taken and executed. The practice is occurring in militant Islamic strongholds to this very day. There is something wrong with a philosophy which grants those that believe in it to be as violent as they want against all those whom do not share that specific persons philosophical perspective. In the case of the Countess; a very likely reason she was accused was the money her accusers needed to fund more battles was only half of it. The Militant Islamic armies in the area would think nothing of going on raids in search of victims to brutalize. If the families of those whom sent their daughters to jobs caused a large fuss; then the actual murders being the militant Islamic armies could not be prosecuted. But the Blood Countess could be. Hide the real murder and give the families a sense of “someone paid for the murder, so that is ok. Just as long as someone faced justice” but to a truly civilized person, a random person being selected to be punished for something someone else does not equal justice. It might make the crime victim happy for a bit, but in truth that victim is just making someone else pay for the crimes someone else committed. Odd that western culture has a need for someone to pay for a crime no matter who pays for the crime; as long as the victim feels better, that is all that is needed. There is something wrong with that equation.

o   Pillars of Adam and the Crowns

§  European Royality have been wearing crowns which resemble both a megalith and a dolman since well before the Roman Empire was born.

§  The task of Able was to be a farmer/rancher have sheep and grow crops. The Task of Caine (the name in Indo-Eorpean says it all) was to built the cities in which the world would live. Eventjually becoming the Cities Royal family.

§  The Mark Caine and his descendnats could have been given might be the mark of the Beasat. Which is a much later political spin on the mark of the plah of light eg “Jacob traveled out fo Luz/Memphis, to the light place eg Megalith of Rocks” where he resnted for the night on a Rock. The next day chose to remodel the rocks into a ladder to heaven. Connecting a dolmen with the pit of hell entrance had been done statistically more times than can be counted.

§  Almost all churches, catherils, mosques, synagogues, etc the center fo their alter is the center fo where a megalith eg Stonehenge used to be. The sotnehenge was either torn down or the stones remodeled into a church. It was feared that the stone circle was the entrance to hell.

§  Stone circle and a closed circuit on an electrical device. A mother board for lack of a better description.


o   Cerinunos the Pillars of Adam

§  Being Jewish for most of the western culture has been literally an executable offense. Dozens of times Jews in Northern Africa, all of Europe, the Middle East, and America have faced pockets of being targeted by individuals and the community  itself.

§  In order to actually be whom you are under genocide conditions it requires hiding and creating metaphors in order to continue operating so all that know, know, all those that do not know do not need to know.

§  The Horned One


·       Amber Room Shipped out of Germany 15/600s

o   Whether the Tools of Adam were taken out of Northumberland and shipped back to Germany in the 1500-1600s or were simply shipped to Boston MA is an unknown. But the facts that the armies of the world followed a sequential pattern which indicates that something had to proceed an all or nothing attack on a variety of locations. Not just those nations were strong and the next on the list to be conquered but something else was driving the conquering axis army to attack without mercy generation after generation.

o   When the British and German Royal family chose to take apart the amber room and ship out of Germany a copy of the original amber room was made by the Prussians. Even though the baroque designer only heard second hand stories of what the room looked like based on people who might have seen it a decade or more previous. Which is why when the Germans regained control over the Amber room, they gave it to the Russians; because the gift was to the Germans and British a copy of a façade. The original was safely out of the hands of the same tyrants that previous accused and then killed the Blood Countess. As well as killed Vlad Dracula. They were both killed by being betrayed from within by those whom were once allies.

o   What does the Blood countess and Eastern Europe have anything even remotely to do with the events of her cousin Prince Vlad Wallachia III Dracula. The answer is simple; Elisabeth was accused of being a priestess of Hecate, which was a name for the Jewish way. Dracula actually means son of the Dragon; or the constellation Draco.

§  The constellation Draco is where the North Star used to be 1000s of years ago.

§  The Order of the Dragon was also given in title to another Knight order several hundred years before it was used by the Wallachia family. It was used in the UK for the Knight order of Camelot. Penta means five; as in the palm.

§  The palm of the hand of the dragon. The power of the dragon the hand of that knight order. The Wallachia were battling against the same army in Eastern Europe as Camelot in the UK. Hence the reason almost all the evidence regarding Camelot was erased.

§  In addition. The location of Camelot is not in Wales. Wales never possessed anywhere close to the population nor the diplomatic contacts in order to maintain an army of sufficient size.

§  There is one Kingdom in the UK between 100 b.c.e. – 700 which was more than strong enough to hammer back at most any army which chose to come up and dance. That was the Ogle army on the north side of the Wall. The Wall itself was built as a defensive position to keep the Roman side casualties low.

§  Without the assistance of the British and Ogle family in exile in Normandy, the story of Camelot would have been lost to the ravages of the conqueror who wanted nothing more than to erase the facts that they did not own and control all aspects of the UK from the first King circa 50 c.e to 1066. But when William came to the throne, he immediately started to place back the history which the Pictish kings had erased. Minus a few details to keep the legends alive.

§  Vlad III had to take a very small group of knights and battle against the waves of Ottoman’s bent on seizing control over Europe. Putting sharia law into place and killing any and all who opposed them. Key figures stand up and stop them when said occurs. Vlad, Arthur, King David, etc. All stood up and did not allow evil to conquer the world; reshaping the world into some twisted version of reality to fit their philosophy. **

§  Camelot has been falsely associated with Wales for a number of reasons, the first of which was the facts that the code is buried in the national flag of Wales. The Dragon has the code in it. Another reason; during the Pictish revolt, the items from Camelot were shipped to Wales for safe keeping. It would be nice if the Welsh would ship them back to their rightful home; rather than continue the façade. Another reason the stories of Camelot were written down at Oxford shortly after 1066. Oxford is very close to Wales.



o   Romani

§  If you include the concepts that the Romani were also in the area, and have been associated with various Hecate activities since they entered the history books. The statistics becomes even clearer.

o   Northumberland army in Germany

§  While the Northumberland army were fighting the Ottomans keeping them from seizing control over all of Western Europe. Henry took full and total advantage, attacking without mercy the North Kingdom in order to conquer them.

§  Same exact battle strategy used against Carthage by the Romans. While the army was almost to the goal, destroy their homeland.

§  But at the same time; Islam was a nasty bug in his ear telling him how more powerful he could be if he simply switched to Protestantism. He could rule his own church, no asking the popes blessing for anything. In fact the pope would have to ask Henry VIII to even enter the country.

§  So the Northumberland family had no choice but to evacuate in the face of genocide. Taking their treasures with them.

§  The only place the Northumberland could go was to the Colonies. Since the colonies were the only safe place.

§  Which the plantation system already had an army ready and waiting in each of the colonies. Ready and waiting to receive the Northumberland family. And seize their treasures. Which most likely included the tools of Adam.

§  But the Ogles knew it was a trap.

§  They could not go to Germany, France, Holland, Normandy, and Scandinavia. So the only place they could go was to the most remote sequence of locations available in the trade network they still controlled.

§  So the army packed up and sailed to the Colonies. But instead of sailing into Boston, Newcastle (gives a remarkable statistic as to why the Dutch seized control over what would become New York 1680). The treasures would stay in NewCastle from 1580 until 1630 when the Dutch attacked and converted.

§  Then the Dutch were convinced to convert; leaving one major ally.

§  Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) 


o   Fatimah 605 – 632 the date she left for the UK

§  The hexonbeast Morgana; the Fatimah caliphate not long after it began needed to be elsewhere. The Sunni and Shia were both aiming to destroy this branch of Islam. A woman was in charge, no matter if that woman was the daughter of the prophet, it was still a female.

§  Knowing as a matter of hard fact that the culture from which Fatimah originated do not represent the truth if they lose any type of honor whatsoever. So on his death bed, Mohammed knowing that his enemies and those willing to kill for power would put her to the sword the second his influence diminished. He most likely ordered her to leave the Middle East and follow the path of the other escapees from their ancestors. When Amenhotep IV sent his children off, he sent a few to the UK. Since the UK was at that time well outside the range from which the Hyksos could reach. Mohammed being a Hyksos culture and philosophy descendant. The capital of the Hyksos since 2600 b.c.e. to present has been Mecca. They have been displaced a few times in battle, but always manage to go back to Mecca.

§  But Mohammed knowing murder was coming, would have ordered his pregnant daughter and only surviving heir to the UK. Where she could both preach the word and live without threat of assassination from whom were misogynists around her father.

§  Enter Fahitam into the UK circa 632 c.e; where the Gaelic people would have immediately known who she was and immediately attacked her. But would have also changed her name to something deeply insulting. Take a name from someone and you take their power.

§  Mohammed sent his troops to conquer Egypt. He traveled to Egypt in order to conduct specific rites and rituals according to his newly reengineered faith. He said he was going to Jerusalem, but since there are two Jerusalem’s; Mohammed did not make himself clear. The ladder to heaven which Jacob built. Ironically the heir to the line of Jews, Mohammed climbed that ladder. It has been radically mistranslated as being in Levant lands. Which is entirely incorrect. The Ladder and Israel is in Egypt; on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Mohammed did not travel north he traveled to Egypt. Makes the area Mohammed did his thing was not Jerusalem (old name ? possibly Cronus)

§  Traveling to Egypt, he would have encountered an Egyptian copy of the Amber Room aka the Throne Room of Pillars which Adam built at Heliopolis. Which translates as Jerusalem. The one in Levant is a Moses and Ramses Lie. Made to make sure the Jews would never return to Egypt and claim it as their own.

§  Mohammed would have gone to Egypt, conquered Egypt, and investigated where the tools of Adam were. The Room/Pillars, the tome/blade, and the chest which contains the loom were. Upon his return to Mecca he informed his daughter to travel to the UK; leaving behind Mecca forever.

§  Places at least one of the tools if not all three in Northumberland.

§  During the conquests which followed Fahitam and her army’s’ invasion of the UK, the tools were boxed up and shipped to a safe location. Very likely Germany. Since immediately after the Holy Roman Empire formed. 793 Holy Island of Lindisfarne was attacked by the Vikings; *.

§  671 the year the Pictish were able to gather sufficient forces to attack Northumberland. Defeated, but the Picts from that moment on kept attacking and attacking. Eventually by 750s the Ogles were forced to evacuate their territory. Which points to somewhere in the 700ce. The Pictish won and Adam’s tools were shipped to Germany. Within a few decades those tools by legend were used to recreate the Holy Roman Empire; but in truth those tools were used to recreate the Empire of the Seven Hills. Which is a direct reference to the seven areas of Pyramids. One of which is Jacobs Ladder to Heaven.

§  Which would also why immediately after those tools were sent to Germany; the Ottomans started a huge all army involved push into Germany. Reaching as far north of Vienna for hundreds of years. Which cascaded into influencing Martin Luther and John Calvin.

§  When Adam’s tools were then shipped out of Germany circa 1650 for safe keeping in America. The militant Islamic nations followed their progress and relentlessly attacked where they thought the tools were without pause from 1650-present.

§  The pathology of Esau and the Hyksos relentlessly chasing the tools of Adam (the amber room, tome/blade, and arc/loom) are both incredible but also the best statistical explanation for their zealous hunger to find and possess those tools. Which would also explain in rather stark contrast why the armies of the world including at least 12 Islamic armies and or descended armies including the Russians, Spanish, Portuguese, Barbary Coast Pirates, etc. were all in Bellingham with their armies fighting to control the area. A friend knew of an archaeological site which looked similar to an Egyptian tomb. But the reports are not second or third hand and said legend is more than three decades old.

§   But if the tools of Adam were present in Bellingham it would explain a huge amount of detail regarding why the events of the 1500-1889s occurred.


o   There is an extremely good statistical chance the Amber room was relocated to Bellingham since it was the most remote and isolated city in the EIC,s network .

o   Consequently, if the real amber room was relocated to Bellingham along with a huge assortment of libraries, treasures, etc. and other items. That would be beyond a measurable reason to in fact to have the armies of the world once they started to gather sufficient evidence regarding what was in Bellingham, Ferndale, etc. to go to Bellingham on mass to take the treasures of the ages. The most sacred, the most magnificent. The most associated with the divine. For the most part the evidence is clear, 5000 years of uninterrupted history tells the world that the Hyksos and their descendants either have to possess the treasures of the world or they want the treasures destroyed.

o   Otherwise there is almost zero reason whatsoever for the armies of the world to be present on mass fighting over literally nothing.

o   Bellingham being a place which was destined in the 1500s to literally be the start of the next City of Seven Hills. *

o   There is a small piece of evidence regarding this being true. Decades ago a friend heard from a sequence of friends that an Egyptian type room was found somewhere in Bellingham.

·       Adam’s Tools the Amber Room

o   arc of the covenant

§  loom of time

§  The number of countries which wanted the Amber room is longer than can easily be mentioned. The Prussians and Russians knew they were building a façade which was only the mildest connection to the actual German amber room. Which was in truth shipped from Britain to Germany for safekeeping during the wars with the North the Crown after King Richard III died. Destroying the North kingdom seemed to be a modus operendi of the English from the 1300-1650s when they were mostly defeated.

§  Consequently just short of chasing down the possible location of the Templar Treasure e.g. tons of gold. The only real thing which all those nations would want to get their hands on would literally be one of the primary tools aka Tools of Adam (namely the spear/blade, the box with the loom, and the Amber room).

o   Tools of Adam

§  The Ark of the Covenant, the spear of Longinus, and the amber room.

§  Which in truth the amber room was by legend made by Adam as an earthly copy of the amber room he had in heaven.

§  The spear of Longinus was not the name of the man but the name of the blade itself. Although it had nothing at all to do with the Roman foot soldiers blade. The blade was the blade of Alba Longa. Which the Blade of Alba Longa would be the Blade/Spear of Troy. Troy being defined as “Descendants of the Foot Holder aka Jacob” which Jacobson as in the founder of Lynden was a by last name Descendant of Jacob. Meaning she was either a Jew or a conversos who converted to Catholicism/Christianity to survive. The Blade was held in the bottom drawer of the Arc of the covenant. The top of the arc was an open from the top box which contained a loom. That loom being in all real effect a copy of the loom Adam used to perform his job as described in Genesis chapter 2. “19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.” To name is more than just you are john. To name something requires knowing its being.

§  To name everything Adam needed to have a loom of some sort in order to perform his task. The loom was not only to identify what the thing was, but its birth, death, life, where it came from, what it would do, etc.

§  Adam named the thing and worked its life sequence by way of the Loom. Which would have been held in a box e.g. the arc of the covenant.

o   Chalice of Christ chalice of light




§  Use light to focus the Djed with the three curved bowl




§  The Djed and could be the circles at the top/base. Focusing light/sound to and or through

§  The famed Chalice which caught the blood of Christ could easily be connected to the following

§  Adam one of the other tools, used to resurrect Abel

§  Osiris; in the Djed being resurrected to be the first pharaoh and father of Horus. The second pharaoh

§  Noah and his chalice connected to resurrection, via Noah’s arch 2x2 inside the ark. 2(Isis) (2Ra<light>) (inside the ark/chalice) El (1003285_10201295213761159_738893611_n).



§  2 x chemicals in a binder with 2 y chemicals; this would be a molecular formula.

§  The pyramids hard eviden connection with resurrection

§  Jesus and resurrection of both Lazarus and himself

§  The chalice could be some type of old loom design


§  Stonehenge and other megaliths could be a modified version of the Adam chalice/loom from which he wove the fabric of space-time from.

§  Stonehenge support structure of a loom




§  The Hieroglyphics found in Egypt and the Didgeridoo

§  Connects the Djed with the didgeridoo

o   Cave of Wonder

§  The Cave of Wonder is part of the mythology of the Amber room, throne room, etc.


o   Adam’s Amber Room

§  The Tabernacle copy of Adam which Noah and Abraham worked very hard to recreate rebuilt to match as closely as humanly possible. That Room was designed to be a perfect or as perfect as possible reflection mirror from Earth to the Tabernacle at the Center of the Garden of Eden.

§  Which based on the Three Pillars which match the Pillars of Adam at least in some way the Pillars of Adam can be seen within the framework of the Khufu Coffer.

§  Stone EL Beth El on the Ground with a Wooden Coffer supported by the Pillars carved into the granite base.

§  As above so below.*


§  The degrees are built into Khufu Just as three Perfect angles are built into the Plateau  

o   Joseph of Arimathea

§  The story of Joseph of Aramathea is an interesting one.

§  One of the only figures in the bible we actually know as a documented fact existed. But there in presents the problem. The facts regarding Councilman Arimathea do not fit the narrative the Vatican and Paul wanted to tell. Since both Paul and Jesus were both Roman citizens; Paul was not from the city of Rome proper, he was a Hyksos descendant whom was only Roman by conquest. Jesus on the other hand his Citizenship came from the senate itself. Courtesy of Joseph.

§  Joseph was a Council member which is a documented fact. Which means he either owned land in Rome proper beforehand as in his family owned land in Rome proper or he was given lands in Rome proper. Rome proper is within the walls of the Seven Hills of Rome.

§  After the crucifixion Joseph headed to the only safe place he could think to go. Even though he was a council member, Roman citizen, and rich does not mean he was not above being executed by the Emperor for committing treason. Tiberius could have seen Jesus as a direct and hard target threat to his Reign as Emperor. Since Caesarian the son of Caesar and Cleopatra and the rightful next in line Pharaoh of Egypt and the Roman Empire died in exile. The next pharaoh on the list being INRI aka Jesus of Nazareth (which means the same in Latin as it does in Hieroglyphic: Pharaohs. Yes the Romans themselves called Jesus Pharaoh of Israel) was not only the next appointed by committee Pharaoh or Rome he could lay claim by blood to being able to sit on the Throne of Rome. INRI’s family were of the founding families of Britain; Britain was named and started by the son of a surviving Prince of Troy. That specific Prince of Troy married the Queen of Carthage. Whom was most likely the widow of Tutankhamen.

§  Cleopatra was not executed nor commit suicide; she escaped the clutches of the Roman Empire by fleeing to the North while Anthony Ran block during the battle of Actium. The battle was designed for Anthony to block the Augustus’s fleet with his fleet, thus to allow Cleopatra and her children to escape into exile and him to merge back into being a retired citizen of Rome. Although technically speaking Augustine’s claim to the throne was mild at best, he whom wins the war claims the prizes. In this case the prizes was to be Emperor of Rome. But Augustus was not Pharaoh of Rome; that was not a win by combat allowable. Since the rightful Pharaoh Cleopatra was still alive. In exhale but still alive. Her son in exile would live several more decades. Unfortunately Augustus did not allow Anthony to simply slip into retirement. Anthony was allowed to commit suicide in the arms of his wife Augusta’s sister Octavia the Younger (69 BC – 11 BC). Although in retirement she was allowed to live and raise Anthony’s children.

§  Cleopatra in the code Augustine built into her suicide is “North/vertical, Umber, and Land”. So her followers would know where to find her and her detractors would be satisfied she was dead.

§  So the only safe place for Joseph to escape the clutches of the Roman Empire was to travel to the north side of the yet to be constructed Hadrian’s Wall. Since the army in Northumberland; at Ogle Castle, Castle Bellingham, Jerusalem, etc. were more than a match for the likes of the Roman Army. New Castle translates to Jerusalem. The city of Bellingham Washington state its origin is Castle Bellingham Northumberland, 18 miles west of Castle Ogle. The namesake castle of the family and area of Northumberland.

§  Northumberland: North/Vertical, Umber/Sacred, Land/Defined area. Can translate to the definition of the Aten. The deity whom stood on the ben ben stone at Heliopolis (aka Jerusalem) to create the world from. Which the main temple of Heliopolis was rumored by legend to be built by Adam himself. Which that temples location is also where the Black stone of the Kaaba bisects. Tut’s ancestors were from or at least some of the previous generation to tut were from or moved from Egypt to Northumberland.

o   Blade/Tome of Longinus

§  All the myths and legends about this blade are over and above wrong. All the façade copies of this blade are also wrong. The blade was not a first century blade but an ancient blade with writing on it. The writing was as a matter of compiled legends written based on transcribing the information Abraham and his family were able to pull from the Plates of Destiny they obtained by attacking and razing the Tower of Babel aka the Eridu Ziggurat.

§  But what is even more important, that blade once it pierced the side of Jesus became more than it was intended to be.

§  That blade was either a copy of the blade Adam could remember from his blade and tools he used in the garden or he was allowed to take those tools with him out of the garden (which is an amazing concept to say the absolute least. If Adam made them after leaving then they are copies of tools either he made based on what God told him to, or even more interesting God made the tools and gave them to Adam. Which could be why both the Plates of destiny and the Spear of Longinus/Blade of Longinus both carry the name Destiny.). Either way; when Adam did his parent thing with his son Abel to resurrect him from the dead. One of the tools he might have used was the tome of Jacob. The Tome of Jacob and the blade of destiny are for most intents and purposes the same exact item. The writing on the blade is where the tome is located. The blade was to cut a piece of the tree of life to determine how long the person was going to live. That blade being bloodied through piercing of Jesus’s side. Jesus days before was appointed to be both the next Pharaoh of Egypt but also the next King of Kings of Israel. Hence the Rex Israel. INRI; Nazareth Rex Israel. Nazareth means the same as Pharaoh in Aramaic. Rex means King in Latin. When Jesus’s own blood met the copy of the blade Adam used in the Garden to measure out the life of each thing he named; that was a monumental event.

§  But where did the blade come from.

§  The blade was carried by as a duly appointed Jew. The blade had been part of Rome since practically the first second Romulus conquered the armies of Alba Longa and The Seven Hills seizing possession of the blade/tome and walking into the City of Seven Hills unopposed because they had no army left to defend.

§  The blade was carried by a Roman Officer; preferably either a high ranking Jew or a Jew from the Line of Jacob (Judah). Phoebe Judson (Son of Judah; a family direct from Jacob King of Israel is fourth son. Started a school (possessing a Tome) with the library she brought with her from Ohio and the Ogle family from the area. The Blade was a library all to itself; which means in truth if you can decode what the blade’s writing meant it was a similar technology to the Dr Who fictionalized concept of larger on the inside than on the outside. Romulus seized control over the treasures of Alba Longa including the blade/tome. But what he could not do was to work with the blade. He did not have the correct heritage or understanding of the blade. He had to appoint a Jew to carry it and use it to the best advantage of Rome.

§  Before that blade arrived in Alba Longa it came from the Prince of Troy who carried it from Troy, down to Tyre, over to Carthage, then up to Alba Longa.

§  The blade of Troy had been in the possession of the Trojans for a very long time. Before it was possessed by the Trojans it was possessed by the Israelites in Egypt. Since it was in Egypt were Jacob was crown Israel. Israel is in Egypt between Sakkara and Giza on the West side of the Nile.

§  Where the blade/tome of Jacob was before Jacob was born is a mystery. But what is for certain. That blade has played at least its legend has played a key role in most aspects of western culture from the conquest of the ziggurats, the pyramids, the Jews, the people of Troy, Alba Longa, Carthage, the Crucifixion, and finally to Northumberland where the blade would have been taken for safe keeping it away from the Romans.

o    Crucifixion

§  Tools of Adam*

§  Dolman

§  Dolmans of Jesus

§  Most likely a dolman as part of the

o   Plates of Destiney

§  By legend the plates of destiny are from the eridu ziggurat which were seized in battle by Abraham and his father.

§  Once the plates were in the hands of Abraham and his family; the technology they were able to immediately produce was nothing short of ballistic.

§  Even though the plates of destiny disappeared into the pages of history. The facts that they not only existed but the technology the ancient Mesopotamians were able to engineer because of their advancements can be recreated. They left sufficient clues beyond in order to produce at least a critically thought out evidence based idea as to what might be on those plates. In addition those plates might hold the key to unwrapping which cultures possessed them after. If a culture has a constant level of technology then suddenly they conquer, or have access to new information and their technology expanded exponentially example the Romans before they conquered Egypt had a measured and steady rise in technology from 753 to 50 b.c.e., immediately after in all fields the Romans had a ballistic rise in technology. Up to and including the fact that just three decades after conquering Alexandria the Romans possessed the ability to create an industrial age. But the powers that be could not see how Roman life would continue without the use of slaves. So instead of the idea and technology of the steam engine to power the industrial revolution at 20 b.c.e., the Romans stuck with the slaves to do all their work and slowly faded from existence. There can only be so many slaves before the market is saturated and or the slave revolt. Humans cannot put up with menial and degrading work forever; the strong will eventually rise up and become masters themselves.

§  From the Eridu Ziggurat the next rise in technology came in Egypt with the construction of the pyramids. The pyramids themselves were marvels of engineering which have not been repeatable at all in the last 4600 years. It is simply impossible for modern science to duplicate the construction of one of the pyramids, let alone 120 so far found. So a good statistical analysis points to the several hundred feet tall ziggurat design the science and mathematics was taken to Egypt and the pyramids were the result. Then the plates were taken out of Egypt circa 2100 b.c.e. and the Cycladic culture with its Temple at Knossos was constructed. One building with 1500 rooms, 3 subbasements, etc. the marvels of its technology go on and on. Which match those which were in Egypt evacuated in an Aten pattern in order to escape the onslaught and genocide from the Hyksos. Especially since the Hyksos were aiming directly at the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Which is where the Children of Israel were living. Narmer set up a reservation/refugee area in that area. Which is the exact area the pyramids are. Which is also the exact by legend area which Abraham who was a Semitic e.g. child of Israel. When the Hyksos invaded circa 2100 b.c.e. the Pharaohs of the 11th dynasty knew get while the going is good. Using the form of the Aten; they separated out and traveled to key locations. Which both Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten would repeat when his dynasty the 18th came to an end as well as a very likely area which Mohammed sent his only surviving daughter. Knowing she was a hard target threat to his enemies and those that wished to seize control over his re-envisioned philosophy which was as close to the original faith which Esau followed as possible. Including the facts that the attack and conquest of Mecca was reacted in the Hajj; which includes lining up the survivors and executing them by stoning and profanity against the Pillars of Adam. Which are a copy of the Pillar’s Adam by legend built at Heliopolis as an earthly copy of what he could remember from heaven.

§  Although there is less than 0 way to prove definitively beyond a shadow of a doubt what was written on the Plates of destiny, we do have at least a reasonable idea as to what the language could have been. That language being the Futhark. First criticism would be the Futhark is a child of Latin. But we all know the hard evidence regarding how much the Roman government lied about anything they did or do not like. Lying is so second nature it is easy to tell in most cases if they Roman Government is lying, they are attempting to communicate some type of idea; either verbally or written.

§  Proof exists the parent of Hebrew is the Futhark. Making the Futhark the language the 10 commandments were written on.

§  Provides a reasonable idea the language written on the blade very likely to be Futhark. Allows for an extremely strong possibility that the pre-4000 b.c.e. cultures knew and mastered string theory. Which would be one violent reason to erase any and all references to said; technology based on strong theory is a century beyond what the most modern technology on the drawing board can do. All those without access to said technology all the individuals and cultures whom could not understand it would have a base of their core terror regarding it. That terror would eventually grow into a level violence which eventually can and will cascade into outright genocide. Which then explains in detail why the history of genocide had occurred.

§  Berlin circa 1944 was not the first time the Jews faced genocide, it was not even the first 100th time. Nor would it be the last time, just on a smaller scale.

o   Megalith

§  Of course we must not forget the facts surrounding the megaliths. The megaliths were being built which are much more complicated to construct, align, and maintain than a pyramid. Which there are literally several hundred thousand megalithic like Stonehenge around. Mostly under mosques, synagogues, churches, cathedrals, etc. the following cultures were afraid that megaliths were literally a gateway to hell so they built their sanctuary directly over the center of the circle. The altar was designed to be directly over where the megalith used to be. In many cases the altar at the center of the megalith was literally used as the new sanctuary altar. Based on the megaliths, it is a statistical probability that the information contained in the plates of destiny had engineering which came close to explaining how to move gigantic rocks into perfect alignment like the western wall of the renamed Jerusalem in Levant lands. The ballistic rise in technology follows specific patterns of sociology which can be identified and measured. Then cross compared with other similar events; to recreate the technology which might have been on the plates to begin with.

§  Be interesting if el is a form of Lilith. Male Adam, Female Eve, balance between Lilith. Would in effect make Lilith a very interesting being; being literally the balance between. A very powerful and badly misunderstood thing. But almost without fail, when a conqueror rides into an area, after they seize control. They kill all who dare to oppose them. They take the most powerful/strong images and symbols from those they just conquered and will do any and all of the following actions. Seize control over the former symbols of power, taking those symbols of power for themselves. Reference Narmer took the flail and crook, the beard, both crowns, etc. and used them as his own personal symbols of power. Then they take the symbols which are not seize able and corrupt them to the point they take something good and make it bad. Reference Medusa, was a good person before the Dorian invasion edited her story from a good person to an evil being. Along with her son turning him into a dark being as well.


o   Place them all together

§  The room, the plates, and the blade what do you get. Well by legend Adolf possessed the spear for a few years and he was able to do miraculous things with it. Possessing just one of the pieces. The Russians once they were able to obtain the fake amber room; were also able to do miraculous things with the Russian Empire. But put them all together and you have what most countries in the Middle Ages believed to be a combination of divine tools which would literally make your nation the most powerful in the world.

§  No army in the world, no combination of armies in the world could challenge the possessor for power.

§  The only real reason the armies of the world would be present was if there was either huge amounts of gold or a divine tool to help them conquer the world. I assume the Amber room, the spear of destiny, and the arc of the covenant which contained the loom of Adam would qualify as divine type powerful tools. Which the armies would gladly fight over.


·       Forbidden fruit

o   The fruit is a metaphor regarding the acid used in batteries, Noah’s alcohol is also good for batteries.

o   Fruit of the batteries used to charge and work with the amber room to direct the electricity toward an unknown. But this evidence helps to create a picture as to how the zero gravity sphere was generated.

o   A one side of the electromagnet

o   B the other side of the electromagnet

o   C The Sphere itself and the associated blocks being moved.


o   Forbidden fruit, alcohol e.g. Noah, dolman,

·       Conclusion



Megalithic infrastructure *

the general idea that the correct frequency of sound can have a physical reaction, a network of speakers or sound generators within a network of Amber Rooms combine electricity with sound with focused light combined with the earths energy

Equation A: hydrogen + Oxygen + catalyst fire = Water image004

Equation B: Sound + electricity + focused light = x

if you think of every megalithic complex including the pyramids as being Equation B than you have a combination of things built which can and will produce something. What that something is can only be guessed at.

The Lions Inn Motel has a megalithic infrastructure under it based on the measurements to and from other key locations in Bellingham Washington. The measurements were to the micro meter, as in what is smaller than a millimeter.

Bellingham had a huge selection of archaeology which can and does point to a larger and more undefined sequences of infrastructure and battles to control said infrastructure. What were the armies of the world doing in Bellingham Washington (at full size and armed to the teeth) and why spend decades and in some cases centuries present. No logical reason, unless the amount of gold present was in the millions of tons range (which there is no evidence of that level of gold present) than the reason about 20 armies of the world were not only present but as the history books claim with an extreme passion “We were present but not fighting, we all promise”. Centuries of hard military presence and no battles took place. Ok yes that political spin is entirely unbelievable in all aspects.

The infrastructure of a megalith is not all that dissimilar to a circuit board. A circuit board for some type of metaphoric mother board.

So what would the French Parisii and the British specifically the Ogles be doing building a circuit board? What would they need a circuit board which extends for miles and miles for.

Do each of the megalithic complexes around the world which also resemble a circuit board do they interconnect in some way. Very likely using the earths own magnetosphere in order to in a very real effect (which Tesla proved was possible beyond a doubt) did the megaliths Wi-Fi connect with one another. What would this connection entail? Why would the ancients have put together a miles large multi-megalithic collection of specifically carved rocks (which strongly resemble a modern circuit board) which are aligned to the micrometer with the earth’s only measure to and from fixed points.

The solstice and equinoxes are beyond a doubt the only thing in our planet which follows the first two rules of mathematics. Measuring to and from absolutely fixed points. All the close to million megaliths are aligned to measure with exact detail the exact millisecond when the astrophysics fixed points occur. Counting the seconds to and from each of the eight per year.

We know as a matter of fact that Stonehenge can and does produce sound waves. Each stone is cut pitch perfect. We know as a matter of also the hardest fact imaginable that the Pyramid since they were made of rock which contains quarts does very time it is compressed varying amounts of electricity. The harder compressed the more electricity is released.

The megaliths are starting to statistically speaking resemble in a very real and physical effect a worldwide computer internet using Wi-Fi to connect every megalithic site with every other megalithic site.

But for what purpose.

We also know the legend of Adam building a three story tent and both a dolman and a megalith are part of the three story tabernacle design he built image014. We have the buildings and the legend of whom built them. But one key element of the story; from Heaven to Earth; from above Aten so below. The Tabernacles on earth were by legend designed to be a mirror reflection of the tabernacle in heaven(the purple could be the pillars of Adam). Which the megaliths are directly related in about 1000 different ways. *

Hyksos invasion

When the Hyksos invaded Egypt; the 11th dynasty circa 2100 b.c.e. chose to on mass evacuate. Knowing the behavior patterns, that the Hyksos possessed one battle strategy. Win or die trying, if this generation does not win the next generation will, etc. When the Hyksos circa 1900 b.c.e. did finally manage to conquer the whole of Egypt. They immediately started to assemble their enemies; first and foremost those whom according to the Narmer Plate and Passport could only live on the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Otherwise known as the Children of Israel 1888660_495269853915944_404367141_nalso known as the Jews. The Jews were used as a defensive shield wall for the Hyksos behind. As the Hyksos immediately invaded into the Middle East taking their Jewish shield wall with them.

People of the light shield wall

The shield wall takes most of the damage while the Hyksos stand behind and clean up the mess. Hoping both the shield wall would be decimated and the enemy would be tired by the time they carved up the shield wall; allowing the Hyksos to come in from the flanks and kill all the enemy without much of a struggle. Interesting how the Hyksos battle strategies from 2100-1550 b.c.e. regarding using others as a shield wall to present using children as shields has not changed at all. Be it a sharp stick, a blade, a weapons cache, some type of rocket, etc. the Hyksos and their descended cultures use innocent cultures as a way for in innocent to take the damage and as a culture receive all the rewards, which includes the former enemy survivors being used as victims on the shield wall. Effective battle strategy, but no honor in the victory or the war.

Shield wall Grows Strong

But after a while, the shield wall will not only grow extremely strong, but will grow beyond the ability of their slave masters to control. When those occurrences happen, the next city the Hyksos conquer, that city is given to the next powerful shield wall. With an idea that if the powerful shield wall army can hold the city, than that army needs to pay the Hyksos a royalty/tax to honor the Hyksos for the city. Several of the major cities in the Middle East this is how Jews became the rulers.




Etc. the list is long.


How this relates back to the Lion’s Inn Motel. The Lion’s Inn based on the architecture left behind after the conquests from 1500-1850 c.e in Bellingham, there was a megalithic infrastructure exactly where the Lion’s Inn sits. When that megalith aka Stonehenge was destroyed in battle, it was incorporated into the Pickett Plantation circa 1856. Which was then destroyed and made into the Roth Estate English Garden circa 1890. Which was then destroyed to make room for the Lion’s Inn. But a constant theme from the Hyksos who eventually became known for a time as the Persians was the Persian Garden. The Persian Garden is itself by legend a copy of what the Garden of Eden looked like. By legend Adam rebuilt the garden on earth as a reflection of what it looked like in heaven. The Persian garden and the British Garden are virtually the same thing, which one is older is up for debate depending on which politically motivated documentation is used as a reference. The British/Persian Garden was copied and renamed to be the English Garden. Which is what all upper class society would build in their backyards; to reflect their own personal copy of the Garden of Eden. To show hard evidence of their commitment to the divine and how religious they were. In the 1800s was just past a point where everyone did not have to perform all their actions to make sure they constantly re-convincing the church of their loyalty to both the Church and the Divine. Since any doubt the lord would be subject to arrest, assets seized, and executed for heresy. Depending on the sadistic personality of the local priests would depend on if their family were sold into slavery. The city of Bellingham and the Lion’s Inn property itself reflect these behavior patterns exactly. Best keep up appearances and continue the theme of religious devotions or the clergy might become violent.

The time from Adam to King David

The time from Adam to King David finds monotheism both formed and all but obliterated from within about a dozen times. Not long after Monotheism began internal conflicts led to schisms. Those schisms almost always lead directly to in varying degrees of violence.

The violence inevitably will escalate. It is within the escalation that as a matter of the hardest fact will lead to the inevitable conclusion of one trying to dominate and erase the other. Very similar to the concepts behind the psychological phenomenon of “Sibling Revelry”; some siblings from a common core will work together as if they are on the same team. But the opposite is true, more than a few siblings view the other sibling as a rival for whatever reason. The rivalry expands into both violence and eventually into attempts at erasing the presence of the other sibling. The more power and more likely siblings will turn against each other. Happens all the time in Royal families; just look at Richard III; he killed everyone he needed to in order to sit on the throne of England. Including a very likely his brother, his nephews, and as many men in his army as he wanted to in order to be King of a united under his tyrannical thumb. It is merely unpleasant not unheard of. Exactly the same thing occurs within the framework of the begat of religious orders. Almost every religious order which grows beyond x level over a y amount of time will start to divide. The divisions without a charismatic leader to focus everyone into just one frame of reference another charismatic leader has to be able to take the reigns and lead. Rarely occurs. Hence the immediate division from those that Adam converted to his way. Within one generations a good and bad tradition started. The good followed closely to what Adam’s philosophy was, while the Bad tradition followed part of what Adam’s philosophy was but would alter it to suit their own wants/needs/desires.

Thus the case of the bad tradition being eventually known as the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Moses/Ajax/Hebrews and the good being eventually known as Israel/Judah/Jews.



The largest problem is the number of different times that Esau/Hyksos have infiltrated and work as hard as they could regarding trying to destroy Jacobs line.

Although Jacob aligning with Israel and his brother aligning with The Shepherd Kings (which is what Hyksos means; leaders with the sheep as their symbol). Whereas Jacob’s symbol was the Bull; which represented both the strength (energy compressed to electricity, electricity is the substance which causes muscles to move) which a thing can be accomplished through as well as the Horns represent the Pillars of Adam. Which the amount of times the evidence regarding Adam and the people of the bull have been erased is more than can easily be calculated.

All of the ceremonies if the Jews previous to the exodus have been erased. The Jews could not celebrate Passover, Hanukkah, etc. till after those events actually took place.

However there is an extremely good chance that Hanukkah is partially based on the burning of the temple of Adam in Heliopolis. During that battle the city was name changed from IWNW to Heliopolis. Which translates to New Castle and Jerusalem.

No room at the Inn; Nativity

A hotel was chosen in many cases to replace the gardens of the rich because people need a place to stay and payback for the 2000s years previous illusion there was no room at the Inn. Houses and motels were built onto the rich family’s gardens as payback. Although the actual story is entirely fiction specifically regarding the Inn and no room (it was the only safe and secure place to house a newborn where the Enemies of the family if they looked would not find the newborn male); the safest room in the house would be in the manger, since the Emperor had laid down a kill all the first born Jewish boys. To hide both the birth and the fact the child was a boy, the birth was conducted in the most secure and private area imaginable. If soldiers came around, a crying baby would be drowned out by a few dozen animals. Especially in a cave where the noise would be too difficult to distinguish.

Ogle family Trade route

The Ogle family had been working and running successful trade routes from the point they entered documented history forward.

From 1492 (almost without doubt previous) to 1680 the Ogles owned and controlled a trade route across North America. That trade route was the key to both military and financial success. The Ogles aka the Vikings the military army of the family from 750-1066 c.e created an across the north Atlantic trade route which was until operating successfully in the 1700s.

The Ogles had created a network of towns, trading posts, etc. along the entire route.

When the English finally progressed with sufficient technology in order to follow the Ogles across the Atlantic, the English immediately did what the English do, set forth and conquer (take what others have built) claiming not only did they do the work but erasing as much of the old presence as possible.

Which is a behavior pattern which repeated perfectly at Rome, Athens, Sparta, Troy, Mecca, and each time Egypt is reconquered. Not to mention London, Paris, etc. conquer the city/culture then rewrite all the history books stating that the city did not exist before the conqueror arrived. Same action by statistics occurred previous to 1850; when the named founders arrived, they arrived using the North American Ogle Trade Route.

Wave after wave of conquests forced the British Ogles farther and farther both south and west from their original cities of Boston, New York, Maryland, etc. The southern end stopped at Georgia and Florida. The settlers and natives in that area allied with the British Ogles, Royalist French, escaped slaves, free Africans, etc. were force marched from Georgia to Oklahoma called the Trail of Tears. Hence the point those in the north and west evacuated to the North West. The behavior patterns of the Seven Years war aka the French and Indian war was enough for most of the British Ogles and allied cultures to know the same pattern which forced them to leave Egypt circa 2100 b.c.e. was still very much in effect and as strong as ever.

Joseph Ogle; Ogle County Illinois

The evidence regarding why it is called the North American Ogle Trade Route is crystal clear. Joseph Ogle the namesake of Ogle County Illinois was named to honor the trade route which allowed the earliest settlers of Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis to find the location and settle in those cities. The Ogles both the ancestors of Joseph and his descendants created and maintained the North American Trade Route. Lewis and Clark chose to plagiarize their journey thanks to maps provided by the Ogles, and the backing of a plantation owner whom wished to follow the advice of his militant Islamic business partners and erase the presence of the Ogles in the Colonies/States; that would be President Thomas Jefferson.

New Castle to New Amsterdam

The city of Newcastle was named as a replacement for the soon to be lost city of NewCastle Northumberland. It was designed to be a new Center for the British Ogle’s. The city was established in the 1500s and ran successfully under the British organizational government until the Dutch started to pull away from Catholicism and push toward Calvin and Luther philosophies (which are strongly militant Islamic based). By 1630 the city was re-founded and renamed New Amsterdam by the Dutch to take over control of the city itself. Any treasures e.g. the movie “National Treasure” which were present would have been moved West circa either 1620 before the Dutch took over, or immediately upon John Ogle recapturing the city his family founded in 1680. Either way the treasures would have had to be moved farther west, or be lost by being destroyed or into private hands. The exact same behavior patterns all the Hyksos descendants have performed from the second they entered the history books to present; which includes both the 19th dynasty (Seti, Ramses, Moses/Ajax, etc.), Paul/Bishop of Lyon’s Vatican, and the NAZI; Adolf was a Hyksos descendant which is why his Semitic family were allowed to stay in Germany when Jewish purges occurred in the decades before.

Before 1630 b.c.e. the Dutch and British had been the closest of ally’s, after they turned into bitter enemies. So bitter that the Dutch within a few decades had by force of cannon taken over command and control of the Hudson’s Bay Company forcing the British out of their own subsidiary company. From that point on the writing was on the wall. The British and the Family Ogle were not only the enemies of the Dutch but enemies of most of Protestant Europe. Which could be why the British, French Royalists, Royalist Germans, etc. who continued to side with the British started to be attacked from all directions from all their former ally’s. But when the ally converts from a religion based on at least half the teachings of Jesus to 75% based on the teachings of the Hyksos and the Evil Priest Paul. They will start to follow the same exact behavior patterns the Hyksos did; which is erasure of any and all things the Hyksos do not like. Which would also explain why the Ogles and their other British families along with their allied countries evacuated first to Little Egypt which is currently called Illinois and Missouri. This is the area which was documented on the Golden/Amber Plates Joseph Smith not only found but started to translate into English. Those plates showed the information as to what occurred in the centuries before and the need to evacuate farther west. But what was not made clear was once the British, French, etc. arrived in Southern Illinois/Missouri they were followed quickly by their enemies. They chose to not only move farther west but chose to divide their treasures in half. Half want to Colorado and Santa Fe the other portion traveled up and over the continental divide, down the Columbia, and up the coast to the largest but easily defendable position they could find. In order to build defenses fast enough, to withstand another Rome Empire invasion. Knowing that Rome was coming; although not knowing what the new name the Hyksos descendent culture would choose, the defenses and army in Northumberland were ready for the Romans. Knowing the Romans were coming on mass was inevitable. Knowing the enemy was right behind in the 1600s was also inevitable in Bellingham, the history of the Lion’s Inn and the area itself tells the tale, the settlers knew as a matter of hard fact the Hyksos descendants were coming and coming armed to the teeth. Which prove to be both successful for a time but ultimately several hundred years later; it was all but entirely erased from the pages of history. Only fragments of evidence remains as to the infrastructure the Ogles and other British families built from Seattle to Vancouver BC.

Which could easily be why the treasure was removed from Germany was taken to New York circa 1580 then after the Dutch switched from being Catholic to being Protestant the treasure was moved again to Little Egypt. The battles which started in the late 1680s forced the treasure to be moved from Little Egypt straight to Bellingham Washington. All the other areas were too close to the enemy. Bellingham was the closest and most secure for defense all the British and other countries families could find. In a very real effect Bellingham became, for the time, a modern version of Thermopolis; aka the Battle of the 300. The armies of the descendants of the Hyksos (which included the Persians; whom were the named aggressors at both Marathon and Thermopolis) which included the English, Romans, Libertine French, all the militant Islamic cultures, Spain, Portuguese, Greeks, etc. followed the British to Bellingham and they fought it out. The Hyksos descendants eventually winning and erasing the entire conflict.

Mormons and Bellingham

The Mormons and Bellingham circa the time of Joseph Smith 1804-1844.

The Great Awakening movements had been occurring since the late 1600s in North America; they had been occurring in basic all along in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Although the movements did not achieve the goals they were intended to achieve, they did reveal a strong continuity of the same behavior patterns associated with the Protestant faithful. Mormonism is not part of Catholicism or Protestantism. Mormonism comes directly from a deposit of plates hidden in a Mound close to the Great Lakes in New York. Which matches the timeline regarding when the Plates would have had to be shipped out of the future New York when the culture of the Dutch betrayed their society.

Unfortunately for the faith, when Joseph Smith was martyred by a group of Protestants, Brigham Young took over. Unfortunately for the entire organization; Brigham was more from the Great Awakening movement than understanding the true faith. But pull the faith toward the great Awakening movements he did, without the slightest hesitation. In fact his political stance on the subject was strong enough to perform the same exact coup de etat with Mormonism as had been performed after Mohammed’s death when the Mohammed appointed leader was deposed and a new charismatic leader forced control over. Same pattern; same bad outcome.

What is important is the fact that Joseph Smith following the plates he was headed to Little Egypt. Which could have been the destination for the Ogle British Treasury; which in all likelihood if the range of other theories come up with some level of truth was a place the Tools of Adam were placed at least for a few decades.

The treasury was then force moved again copies were sent to Manitou Colorado and Bellingham Washington.

Joseph knew to follow the trail to Missouri, but did not know the trail continued to Bellingham. Although a portion of the trail did go to Manitou Colorado. He both did not live long enough, and the enemies around both within and externally were not going to allow him to continue past Missouri. Even though he could translate, if you touch the divine others whom have no ability to do said will be soul level bound to attack, hurt, destroy, both the item they cannot gain access to and you for daring to be able to do a task they want to.

Not allowing all the information to come to light regarding what the plates said next was both good and bad. Placing the Mormons in Bellingham in 1844 would have made the entire situation beyond measure worse. Although a small group did venture to both Manitou and Bellingham. The numbers which followed the Protestant Young were the majority. Plus if the 10,000s of Mormons would have traveled to Bellingham; they would have simply been slaughtered. Those 10s of thousands needed to stay on safe ground e.g. Salt Lake City.

The Seven Years War

The Seven Years’ War was fought for a large number of reasons. Not the least of which was for control over the slave trade. The British had been fighting against the slave trade since the Dutch converted to Protestantism and took on the philosophy in a large way that maybe Mohammed had a point. The Empire which the Ogles had been building from Ohio to the Mississippi was under direct and imminent threat of attack. So the treasures and said were moved farther west. It did not take long for the Royalist French, British, Germans, etc. to know they were about to lose. A strategic regrouping occurred on the other side of both the Rockies and the Cascade Mountains. The Ogle’s which stayed in the east converted to Protestantism and continued to be a lifeline keeping at least part of the ancient trade route open and operating. Sending supplies west, as best they could. The Ogles in Tiffin were no exception. Building a large estate and building a large difficult to attack manor house from which to operate from. That house called the Maples stood from the late 1700s to 1980 when it was torn down and the lands sold off. The family Ogles in Tiffin had disintegrated by the 1970s; face defeat and genocide enough times and the individual families the trauma of those events will cascade down the generations. The Ogles in Tiffin eventually died out and their descendants moved away. Several moved to Florida. One moved to the Pacific North West.


Joseph Ogle property in St Louis*

Lewis and Clark had to move directly by the property the Ogles had owned where the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers meet. The Ogles owned the property since the early to middle 1700s.

The Ogles are great at exploring and building new trade routes. By the  time John Ogle arrived from Virginia to the area in about a century would be called St Louis Missouri in the early to middle 1700s he moved his family well outside the range of the English and Dutch forced takeover of the Eastern Sea Board. The Colonies that the Ogles spent time and money building the English, Dutch, Libertine French, etc. came in with  their large armies and galleon  and took the areas. The Ogle army were spread too thin to fight that war as well. The Ogle army were still for the most part fighting to keep the Ottoman’s from expanding into all of Europe. The Ogle’s had been in central and eastern Europe fighting to keep the Militant Islamic armies out of Europe for by then 1100 years circa 580-1700. Although the orders of knights and the families had been changed and names altered; the core of the knights were directly connected to the Ogle family. The Ogle family were well accustomed to fighting large scale wars against several armies all at the same time, but a constant war over the course of 1000 years will break even the strongest and most fortified of armies. By the time John Ogle arrived in what would become St Louis he had decades to send explorers out to explore both ways up and down the river. Create detailed maps, send more explores up the tributaries, and explore a wide range of the internal portion of the continent. With full funding and a large collection of personal this exploration of most of the internal of the Mississippi would have taken at most six years. Lewis and Clarke would not be around till 1803. More than fifty years later. Six years may be fifteen years to explore from the Appalachian hills to the Rockies and the Ogles had more than fifty years. That is only counting from John Ogle forward. The question then becomes how did John Ogle find that piece of land some 700 miles past where white folks were supposed to be. He could not have traveled by sea since the trip around Florida would have been beyond dangerous. So he would have had to take either the route north to Pennsylvania, Ohio, then down the river system, or south along the yet to be called Cumberland pass.

It is a hard documented fact that

From St Louis to the Future Portland Oregon

Sail up the Mississippi to where the Missouri dumps into the Mississippi.

Then sail up to the Missouri until you hit the Continental Divide.

Cross west over the Divide.

Once on the other side you will find the Columbia River.

Sail down the Columbia to the Pacific.

From 1750 forward when the documentation clearly shows the Ogles were in the area of St Louis to the Lewis and Clark expedition the Ogles had plenty of time to chart out that leg of their North American Trade Route. But in all likelihood, that leg of the trade route had been charted out and used for centuries before Joseph Ogle was born. The Ogles via the evidence of their military arm the Vikings, never lost the ability to sail across the north Atlantic. Which means the North American trade route could have easily been established by the Ogles 1000 years before. Their enemy spent 300 years erasing the facts regarding the Kingdom of Camelot; erasing the existence of the North American trade route is easy in comparison.

The War of 1812

The English using the façade of the British, whom were not only until present in the area but until strong at least semi until educated and a large military in America.

The English attacked America using the façade of the British.

All the nasty behavior the English did, including burning the White House (pharaoh’s house) was entirely from English behavior. .

It is starting to look like 1750 the armies of the world met and battled in among other places from the East Coast west to the Mississippi. Other battles were occurring in Bellingham and Fairhaven Washington. The losers which included the Royalist French, British, Greeks, etc. on the East Coast evacuated west to regroup to former settlements established decades and centuries before. But after a few decades the aggressors followed. Causing another war, this time around Portland. Another strategic retreat this time north, meeting again just south of Vancouver BC. Where the world gathered and fought. But this battle was odd because there were no clear sides. Odd evidence. Since the evidence shows the battles but the winners did not brag, the winners not only did not brag about the win but refused to acknowledge a battle even took place. Of course it was not a clear battle ally’s versus axis. more than one side, more than x and y fought z and an A bit later y fought x alongside b

But there were about 12 cultures involved, so the variables become clouded fast. The Russian involved on both sides, the Portuguese also involved on both sides, native tribes switching back and forth, different tribes involved. Very complex. The battles take place between circa 1700-1885, Pickett’s 1500 men involved from 1855-1861. Obviously under different command when he escaped in the middle of the night circa 1861.

The British were forced to evacuate from the east to the west

The British lost battle after battle, despite having superior forces in almost all engagements. Starting in the late 1500s in both the UK and America. Once the string of losses started to pile up, the enemies kept pounding until the British culture was eventually absorbed into the English and other cultures depending on where those battles took place. The British kept losing, the more they lost the assumption was they needed to get out of the way of the still advancing enemy. Fortunately the British in America in the centuries before had a series of cities already built and within a few decades’ hard defensible positions. But in actuality the British in Bellingham were unprepared for an onslaught. They had prepared for being besieged by the equivalent of the Roman Army, but not for the Battle of Thermopolis. Facing more than a dozen cultures each with a powerful army. Each army required different tactics in order to implement a proper defense.

British Evacuated West

Following the ancient North American Ogle Trade Route, the British evacuated after losing three major wars in a row

1750 1863 took place in mostly little Egypt.

1776 the English used the British and the Ogle Family

1812 the British were used as a scape goat by the English and Americans, in order to push a radical agenda. And partially to hide the facts regarding the solid push by descendants of Militant Islamic settlers and plantation owners within the Colonial/States Borders. Show weakness and the enemy will immediately exploit in order to turn the situation into their own best advantage.

After losing so many times the armies of the world regrouped in the Pacific North West in order to achieve different goals. Most if not all the cultures of the world were present and fighting. Some of the fighters were aligned with each other others kept changing sides.

Little Egypt

*Why little Egypt you might ask; buy legend Chicago was the location where the Garden of Eden descended from heaven. Years after Adam and Eve were forced to leave, the angles move the garden of Eden away from Tabriz Iran across the pond to the area to be later known as Chicago. Which translates as “The area of Onions”; layers of the onion are similar to the Aett, the juice of an onion is good for creating both a battery and a source of electrical power.*

Which would explain why in the 1600s John Ogle made an all but bee line from NewCastle to Illinois. He wanted to reestablish a trade route between his family’s financial estates in Massachusetts, Manhattan, and the newly settled Maryland.

The Ogles were followed almost instantly by their mortal enemies the English, Portuguese, Spanish, Militant Islamic armies, Italy, etc.

So the Ogles knowing the same battle strategy was going to be used on the new continent as had been used for millennia. Forcing the ogles to move out of the middle east to Egypt, then from Egypt back to the middle east, to Anatolia, to the Aegean, to Italy, to France, to the Islands of Britain, across the Pond to the New World, etc.

So the statistics was clear as a bell; the enemy were coming and would settling for nothing shy of the entire erasure of the British. Then in an extremely disgusting behavior pattern, literally change their name to being British without actually being British. Homicidal maniacs whom kill the person of their infatuation have a personality disorder; that personality disorder causes them to need to kill their object of adoration then become what they killed.

The ogles found and required parts of the library and treasures left for safe keeping in the area of Chicago. Since it was obvious the enemy were knocking at the gates of their territory.

The seven years’ war circa 1750 is a direct result of going to the area; finding the treasures, the evacuating farther west. *

Leaving troops behind in order to cover the treasures being evacuated.

If you look at the entire area from Chicago west; the terrain is clear. There are only a few places in the entire west coast which are hidden away, difficult for the conqueror to get to, and a strategic area from which to stage a Thermopolis fight. One of the few is a place called Bellingham Washington. The area was almost definitely founded as Castle Bellingham, which is most likely the original name of old Main and University of Western Washington was the University of Castle Bellingham.

But that information was erased between 1750-1890 while the war between almost every major army was present and fighting from the early 1700s to the day the area became a state.


The Exodus, the facts regarding the exodus are almost exclusively wrong. The victors and the nastiest people worked very hard for close to 800 years to erase any and all traces of the bad actions to make the enemy look great and the good people look bad.

The Exodus was conducted by Moses/Ajax, but the time frame is 1330 not 1260 b.c.e.. I say this because the number of factors involved show then the events took place.

First the Avaris e.g. the about to become the 19th dynasty seized power long before the history books claim. Why because the original history of the situation was written by those that wanted so badly to hide the evidence of their crimes they worked on over the course of three entirely different millennia to erase them The sphinx recurved at based on weathering evidence the same time.

First Moses/Ajax and his Hyksos allied descendants worked to erase the facts and the truth, at the same time Seti and Ramses were also working very hard to erase all the evidence.

Second the languages of the time which presented any other evidence and documentation regarding what was actually occurring were erased e.g. Indo-European, Sumerian, Akkadian, and proto-Hieroglyphics, to name just a few. Hebrew was invented and all were forced to learn the new all who knew the old were executed.

Third; the parent of Hebrew was intentionally erased. The parent language of Hebrew is the Futhark. Which makes what was written on the Plates some hard evidence as to what it could have been.

Exodus and the battle of Troy


Rebuilding the temple

During the time of Zerubbabel who rebuilt the great temple according to his own ideas, ignoring outright the evidence of what the original looked like . The original was an exact copy of the temple of Tyre, which itself was an exact copy of the temple of Ptah,1962644_237124073077948_1535784633_n which by legend and rumor was an exact copy of the tent/tabernacle Adam built at Heliopolis/Jerusalem. But he erased the first temple in order to allow for a reference to the ancient symbol of the Aten to be presented.

Temple rebuilt Jerusalem and the Seizing of the Throne or Rome 600 bce

The seizing of the throne of Rome and the actions of Zerubbabel occur at virtually the same time. We have learned from modern history that as a matter of hard fact that the Hyksos descended militant Islamic cultures have a cultural habit of attacking more than one target at a time. They are so proficient with said that it has become a dependable habit that they attack at least two if not three or more targets at the same time. Which strongly points to their hatred being directed against the dolmen inside both mecca and the dolmen located inside the Kaaba itself.

If they cannot be in charge of the great house they will destroy anyone who actually can operate the great house.  The associated megalithic infrastructure; they avhe not been able to figure out what it is or how to  make it work.  for some reason which this and this were designed almost exactly the same, before the one in Mecca was redesigned They used to be closer together and a top connecting Rock. Like at Stonehenge. But militant Islam is not interested in seeking truth, they are only interested in destroying anything and everything (including god) which might tell them they are wrong.

A; Old Testament

B; New Testament

C; Book of Mormon


16 of the Pyramid Causeways bisect strategic locations hundreds and thousands of miles away.

Pepi Pyramid

The Pyramid of Pepi I has a causeway which bisects the cave of the Nativity. That cave is according to Empress Helen the cave from which Jesus was born some 2500 years after the Pepi I pyramid causeway was built.

Which is seriously significant to say the absolute least.

The Bent Pyramid Bisects the Temple Mound   0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angles

Bent causeway to the Temple Mound Jerusalem






The former location of the Temple of King Solomon. The Bent Pyramid bisects where that Temple used to be. Currently the location of a mosque. Which Mohammed did not have much if anything to do with. He went to Egypt.

The Aten built into the Holiest of Holy for the Israelites; the Aten built into the causeways by the Jews. This is beyond significant to any and all Children of Israel

Fourth the remainder of Sumerian, Acadian, Hittite, Phoenicians, etc. were erased and the few left who knew said languages were executed. To make sure said secrets were hidden and unrecoverable.

Fifth the brutality of Moses/Ajax (his actions were copied by Adolf and his gang 2300 years later) were erased and the number of Jews he killed was washed from history.

Sixth the power of Stockholm syndrome. I have seen the enemy and have become him. From 1300-1000 b.c.e. the Jews were put through so much adversity from the Hebrews (Jews and Hebrews are very different cultures. Hebrew’s are Moses/Ajax’ descendants, he was allied with the Hyksos. The Hyksos are Esau’s descendants (most likely) that the two Hyksos and Jews eventually merged into one culture. Which was the aim of Moses/Ajax. The identity disorder all the Hyksos and their descendants have is a 100% repeat pattern regarding a desperate need to become their enemy. Their enemy being Jacob’s; to be able to be granted access to the great room, its tools, and be leaders of the long house. Which in the width and breadth of human civilization has never worked. Sure the Hyksos descendants are able to force control by killing all whom oppose them (including in climate issues e.g. divine will, storms, natural disasters, volcano’s) but eventually when they kill enough, destroy enough, etc. they are able to claim ownership of the Tabernacle of the Divine. But because of who they are, they are never able to hold onto it for long. They internally destroy themselves, then the children of Israel are able to reclaim their rightful place within.

Jezebel; the response once the Jews started to work out the facts that all the pre-Moses/Ajax ceremonies of the children of Israel were erased and Moses/Ajax replaced them with new post exodus ceremonies. Many started to question what was happening and why. Jezebel convinced her husband the king to look into the old ways and looking why the old ways were erased.

What he found was extremely concerning.

He renounced his allegiance to the ways of the Hebrews and realigned himself with the ways of the children of Israel. Which in return Jezebel was executed and he was forced to recant and refollow the ways of the Hebrew.

Why is this important to the progress of Bellingham? It demonstrates that the followers of Esau’s line will stop at literally nothing in order to literally kill all whom stand between them and the divine. No matter if the divine wants said to occur or not.


Immediately after the exodus all the ceremonies of the Jews were stripped from them, new ceremonies were put into place. And the enemy Moses/Ajax started to rewrite the history to place himself as the hero and in truth the 18th dynasty as the villain. Zerubbabel recast the 19th dynasty as the villain. Separating out Moses/Ajax from his family.

This has a direct influence with Bellingham, since those that managed to arrive in Bellingham circa the 1500s and before knew as a matter of hard evidence they possessed information from before the Exodus. They possessed the evidence from the founding of Rome circa 2100 b.c.e. when the city was called “The Seven Hills”. Which is an amazing thing, but once word started to leak out regarding the settlements in America which were built as a last stand of the pre-exodus children of Israel. The powers that be whom knew the facts changed the story from “Divine/Jerusalem’s in the new world. Changed the story to Cities of Gold” manipulating those whom had a lust for gold so intense they would spend their entire lives and fortunes searching for gold, killing all whom got in their way regarding either not telling the Spanish and Muslim where the gold was or worst the conquistadors would assume the people they encountered were lying and would kill them for lying. Best way in the world to deal with those whom either can or will commit the most evil to get one step closer to the divine.

Which is odd since the more evil committed the closer to their understanding Satan they are stepping. But since Satan e.g. Lucifer “The Light Bearer” can appear to be divine. Those that commit evil in order to step closer to the divine become fooled into betraying the very foundation of the divine in order to step closer to the façade of evil. Since evil looks bright and shiny, whereas the divine appears to be humble.

Which cascaded into the legend of both Cibola and El Dorado. Interesting how Bellingham Washington State connects with El Dorado; which would be an extremely good reason (once the armies often would determine there was not enough gold) to erase the legend that the area had hidden gold mines and the natives were simply hiding the gold from them. That would be a totally logical reason to have the armies of the world present and then have the armies of the world deny to their last breath they were present. Embarrassed at not finding the gold.

Of course the problem is, the gold was a coded message within the framework of the code the code being; North (vertical), Umber/Amber (Divine, the sun, etc.), Land (specifically defined area). The code is used throughout western culture to indicate where the children of Israel descendants either have built something and or have hidden something.

Volume 2

Egypt 1325 b.c.e.: The year the exodus started

The conquests of Athens, the Exodus, and Troy happened within a few decades of each other if not at almost exactly the same time. The aggressors being the Hyksos and the losing side being the descendants of the 18th dynasty Amenhotep IV.

Which in general makes the application Amenhotep IV sending his children out to form their own kingdoms; the Hyksos on mass then followed each of the children to their respective new locations and started to attack them without mercy. In Northumberland the descendants of the 17th dynasty circa 1550 were present and well established. Those battles have been mostly forgotten by history and legend.

Tutankhamen 1341 BC, ruled 1332 BC – 1323 BC (guestimated dates based on most of the sources were from the Hyksos 2100-1550 and again 1300-300 b.c.e. time periods. The dates cannot be trusted, the Hyksos hated the 18th dynasty circa 1550-1330 with a genocidal passion.)

The below has a direct impact on Bellingham Washington, Castle Bellingham Ireland, Castle Bellingham Northumberland, the very name of Bellingham itself, the origin of the Title Lord Bellingham, as well as the maps which allowed the Vancouver Expedition to arrive in the Puget Sound in the first place provided by Lord Bellingham from Castle Ireland. Around this exact same time period within a few decades one way or another. The following myths and legends but have key details regarding the founding of both America and Bellingham. The Prince of Troy whom married the Queen of Carthage had a son unknown if that son was from the Queen of Carthage (a very likely candidate would be Tut’s widow) or another wife the Prince of Troy married either before or after. That son is the namesake of the British People (be fascinating if another of the founding families was the child of Meritaten and Tut, or a surviving Tut and the Queen of Carthage child evacuated Egypt before the Hyksos seized the throne. Would be seriously interesting if one of those extremely hypothetical children was named Bellingham or the hieroglyphic version of said. Hieroglyphic to Gaelic, to Latin). Which would make the origin of the British people three half sibling’s direct descendants of King Priam of Troy and Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. The history based on the available documentation is beyond unreliable since the documentation is almost exclusively written by enemies. Some enemies only wanted to conquer, others wanted to literally purge the entire family and all they had done from the earth. The purge enemies then creating documentation regarding their vanquished enemy is the definition of unreliable. For all these reasons and 1000s more the city of Bellingham and the metropolis of Whatcom County had so much more happening in this area than can easily be described. The area is almost beyond measure complex. Added to all these facts which have undocumented outcomes which collide later on within other facts with huge missing detailed holes in them. The armies of the world were gathered in Bellingham fully armed and in large numbers. Fighting in other places, not as the documentation states in Bellingham. Fighting in other locations but not fighting in Bellingham; this is beyond an unrealistic scenario in almost every way possible. But ancient Egypt, British Empire, Carthage, Punic War, England, Confederacy, Vatican, Militant Islamic, etc. whom were in the area have a 100% consistent behavior pattern when it comes to how they react when reflecting upon the War which raged between the British and the English immediately after the crusades e.g. Robin Hood, circa 1400s, much later the during the Tudor time when Henry circa 1500s went to full scale war against the British (whom lost because their troops were in eastern Europe fighting off the invading Islamic empire), and in Bellingham fighting out on the genocidal level. The conclusion of each of the battles was the same side lost, after they lost the enemy erased as much of the information of the battles as humanly possible. Same pattern from the start of written language in the west to present.

Ogle Orders of Knights

The Ogle Army in the 1600s was committed to fighting full scale wars on the Eastern Front fighting to keep the Militant Muslims out of Europe. Fighting Henry VIII back home, fighting on the East Coast of America, Fighting the length of the Mississippi, and fighting on the West Coast. Each opponent was at full strength; while their army was at best 1/4strength. Large populations only lasts for so long even in northern Europe and Scandinavia there is not enough babies per generation to keep the numbers in an army at fighting strength decade after decade. Generation after Generation. The Number of areas the Ogles were fighting pitch battles presents the final reason why they lost almost everything 1500-1850 c.e. It was similar from 630-750 c.e when the Pictish switched allegiances and became allied with a very different culture; that is when the Ogles started to loose and loose badly. Defeated the Roman Empire but was toppled (after almost 175 years) by the battle strategy of the post 630 Pictish army in Northumberland. But the Ogles and the Militant Islamic know something the rest of the world do not know; the actual true subject as to why the battles were occurring in the first place. The battles are over who possesses the Amber Room, Adam’s tools, and the loom. That knowledge is hidden deep in the DNA of the Ogle’s descendants that knowledge is not hidden deep anywhere with the Esau/Hyksos line cultures. On a soul level the Ogles possess that information.

According to both the archaeology and the writings of the Iliad/Odyssey the Trojan War was fought almost exactly the same way; but with Troy the evidence regarding the Legacy of Egypt, the Tome of Jacob/Adam, and the unbelievable treasure are all hard evidence. Trojan means: descendants of Jacob.

Ironically the archaeological data regarding how the Hyksos were able to conquer Egypt 2100-1900 bce match with Wars of Troy, Britain 630-780 c.e, 1400-1650 Europe, and America1400-1890 c.e. A dozen or more descendants of the Hyksos form together under the leadership of one warlord and attack without mercy till they are either all dead or they seize control over the Amber/Adam’s Room.

I am sure there are more examples for instance the Wars in Egypt 3800 and 3500 bce. With a possible 3200 Scorpion King using the same strategy as well.

What does this family have which forces the rest of the world to on a soul level want/need/desire to go and attack them till no one is left standing.


Female Pharaoh

Stating that a woman was Pharaoh in Egypt was so deeply disturbing and aggravating that the Avaris Hyksos had close to less than no choice on a sub-conscious beastly level to rise up, attack, and destroy the female Pharaoh. Meritaten had been acting queen of Egypt for most of her adult life. She co-ruled with her father Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten and her mother Nefertiti. Consequently being ruled by not one but two women was not only out of the question but entirely unacceptable in all ways shapes and forms. So the Hyksos in Avaris had to rise up and put all of the royal family to the sword. Because females are beyond unacceptable among 1000 other insane reasons to hate them all and want the entire culture purged from the earth.* First ruled by Nefertiti and Meritaten, and then Meritaten and Ankhesenamun. Tut’s birth defects and being ruled by at least one extremely powerful and dominant woman and her sister with unknown levels of personal strength. More than the ego of the Hyksos/Avaris could stand. The history books claim Ankhesenamun committed suicide when her Prince of Troy husband left shortly after the wedding to found the city of Alba Longa, Italy. The enemies wrote the history; not wanting to have a living breathing threat as an ancestor easier to say translate “her time in Carthage ended; taking the Tome of Israel with her” by “her life in Carthage ended; by taking the Blade of Troy with her to the grave.”

The history was later changed due in so small amount based on the facts that grown adults were attacking the by then 17 year old Pharaoh Tutankhamen (Tut). Since his sister Meritaten had already evacuated to Northumberland (after their father Amenhotep IV died, she co-ruled Egypt with her younger brother and his wife another sister until Tut was old enough to rule Egypt himself. Both Tut and his sister/wife were still young children when their father the Pharaoh died. An / adult co-ruler was needed. Brings up an extremely interesting question, did the pubescent around the age of 13 year old pharaoh Tut perform the fertility rite in the spring as all Pharaohs were required to do? Did he perform said rite with his sister/wife or is sister/co-ruler, or did both women perform the ritual with the Pharaoh. The Rite has been done almost without break since Narmer, no reason to assume the Rite would have been skipped that year. Did that ritual produce a child or two; which those children were labeled the child/son/daughter of the specific season/date the child was conceived in? Especially if that Rite was a major holiday; which the spring fertility Rite was one of the most important of the year. Did Tut have a child with Meritaten who would have lived in exile in Northumberland with its mother? Did Tut have surviving children with his wife/sister? Two of their children were until born, did they have others which might have survived? Where did they go to live? Which would be a reason for Meritaten to come back to Egypt and be mummified with her family. Other than the facts that she had been a full Pharaoh for around a decade of her life. The Honor of being buried as a pharaoh could be just that.). The Queen Mother Nefertiti had already evacuated to set up the new kingdoms for her children. One new kingdom per child. So in effect the most logical aspect of what Nefertiti did was to travel between the cities/kingdoms of her children assisting them in assembling the proper infrastructure to allow their new kingdoms to thrive. But again a queen in charge of Northumberland, Athens, Troy, etc. would be too much for the Misogynistic Hyksos to deal with. On a somewhat conscious level but mostly sub-conscious level a cultural need to seek those women out and destroy them would be all but number one on their priority list.

Hammer on a group hard enough and they will start to take on the behavior patterns of those abusing them. It is called Stockholm syndrome. Which is represented perfectly within the framework of Female Circumcision which is performed by either a female relative of the young girl or other designated female. Because being cleansed of said is more important than stepping away from animalistic behavior. The trauma which comes from said procedures and the society which forces the females to assume said actions are not only good but the only way to live properly, is not purity, but a step away from humanity and toward beastly behavior. Or as the Greeks called it Bab-Bar-Ian behavior patterns. Since the sheep is the animal symbol of the Hyksos and Esau the people of the beast/sheep is not only their self-described name in ancient Egyptian/Hieroglyphic. But their continued behavior patterns throughout their existence. In addition almost all aggressors teach/groom their victims to repeat self-abuse patterns. The women in said cultures are equal to if not worse abusers than their men/leaders. Worse in an attempt to win favor and approval from their leaders. But all the actions are nothing shy of inhuman. Which would be one of the strongest reasons for the needs of the Persians to go to the Aegean and kill everyone who would not submit to the rules of their culture. The rules of their parent culture, the rules of their ancestors. Being told no, becomes an insult not only personally but to the entire family line. Erasing those that say no is a way of honoring their entire family line.

Purity of Philosophy

Female circumcision no matter how beastly it is, is also another aspect of the root of the behavior patterns causes the same culture which is in the present and has in the past performed said are the same cultures which forced the genocidal purging of both the people and evidence their culture existed in the first place. Something about this culture seems on a sub-conscious level to be unclean/impure to the aggressor. Which psychologically speaking is a mirror. The aggressor perceives themselves in the enemy and must erase the image and all that culture does because they are so impure; not understanding they are perceiving themselves. The impure ones are the aggressors not those being genocide.

Evidence, the second the Hyksos were back in charge of Egypt circa 1900 and 1300 bce. They immediately repeated the same pattern in 1300 as they had done in 1900 b.c.e.. As soon as Egypt was secure, they go conquer the world. Hard evidence Levant had been named that from the time it entered translatable languages circa 3000 bce. Moses/Ajax starts to rewrite the history and you have Levant renamed to Israel. Hard fact two; on the heels of the Jews and Hebrews (entirely different cultures, although they have a common ancestor by legend circa 2600 bce) the 19th dynasty erases as much of the presence of the Jews and the Israelites in Egypt as is possible. Remodeling the sphinx, chopping dozens of feet off a temple in upper Egypt, renaming the same temple to his name Ramses II, erasing what the temple used to be called, etc. This list of erasures in both Levant and Egypt for the next several hundred years is extensive to say the absolute least. All written material which contradicted the story that the Hyksos/Dorians/19th dynasty/Agamemnon/etc. could find they sent their entire army against to erase all documentation and all who might know the old stories. During this time Indo-European, Sumerian, Akkadian, Linear A, are all erased. 800 years later when Zerubbabel seized power again and ruled over the New Jerusalem in Levant lands renamed to Israel. The cross over languages were also erased including but not limited to Phoenician, Hittite, Linear B, any remnance of Linear A, Vinca, Indus Harappa, Italic, etc. Why spend the time and money to erase languages and all the scholars who could disagree with your new political stance unless what they could say threatened your power.

Which is exactly the same pattern occurring in the present. Secure Egypt under a radical Hyksos descended leadership and then go conquer the world.

Which brings up a fascinating concept. Having an extremely good reasonable argument that the descendants of Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten sent his surviving girls out to form their own kingdoms, Athens being one of those cities.

Would it not be an advisable argument to say Athens if you cut the h out and the ‘s of the name out? Since by legend the city of Athens was named by the commanding general whom had conquered the city to name the place after his mother. Aethra or Aithra’s the ‘s is her possession.

Makes Aethra remove the h after the t and make atena male Aten <altering the masculine and famine spelling of ra and en; en e.g. masculine ra feminine likely in linear B. {one has to remember that at this exact time not only are there all types of cultural floods e.g. an area by violent means changing from Dominant Paradigm A for B then A recaptures C comes along, B recaptures the area, A regroups and retake, D takes advantage and seizes control for a while, B recaptures, etc. There are from 1400-700 in just the Aegean about 20 major languages used. Including but not limited to Linear A, Linear B, Hieroglyphic, Sumerian, Akkadian, Aramaic, Persian, etc. trying to translate what actually occurred in an attempt to literally translate that sea of languages becomes a task. A task from which especially since half of them by 500 bce. would be entirely extinct, is a challenge.} Ra is hieroglyphic for the Hyksos influence masculine. AE is an ancient character representing a specific sound and a specific portion of information; that facts that Aethra or Aithra’s had the AE or AI in her name points to a connection to the very ancient deity of AEtt’en. Which the en would be later used in the centuries from being invented Latin as a possessive for similar to the English‘s>. Makes the city of Athens the female version of the divine being Akhenaten named all of his children. Athens the capital of Greece being named to honor the Monotheistic deity Aten. Which is also one of the major symbols of and for Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten. Which harkens back to the Aten a very likely reference to the Deity of Akhenaten who sent his children out to create their own kingdoms. Fits with the entire narrative to have AEtra be a very likely the second surviving daughter after Meritaten from Nefertiti and Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten; the only surviving son Tutankhamun taking control over Egypt. Which he soon after his circa 18th birthday lost in battle to the Hyksos from Avaris. Athens Greece being named to honor the Mother of Theseus as well as being named for the Aten(very likely based on the linguistics). But what is actually more important is the first two characters. The first two characters being AE and T. according to the legend of Enoch (noachite Rite; no<A>ch within the word and title is the legend by which the Semitic People were created. Noah had three sons. Several months after their father Noah died (remember that the Title of Pharaoh is a Monotheistic title; means Noah most likely had more than one name being the leader of his people) his three sons came to his grave in order to try and obtain some type of answer from his corpse. He was almost a two way radio from him to the divine before he died; they might have been thinking that his corpse might still be. Each attempted to reach into the grave; each using a different grip to reach into the grave.

The oldest tried, and failed.

The middle tried and also failed.

The youngest Ashem reached down and received the information needed. He was elected leader of the people. From his name is derived the word Semitic.

Their ancestor Enoch in his tomb was written a word which FreeMasonry has held as an extremely important concept. Almost the entire field revolves around what that word is, what it could have been, and most importantly why that word is so important as a connection between the Divine/Adam/us in the present.

The legend goes the word has been described as being three characters which two repeat. AEtra the first 2 letters match the internal structure of the Parent of Hebrew. THE Futhark aka Runes are the Parent Language of Hebrew. Within the structure of Futhark are 3 divisions; known as the AEtt’s. The AE is one character in those ancient languages. Makes the AEtt two characters with the last repeating AETT as the TT. Connects AEtra with Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten with the Aten (AET), with monotheism, directly with Islam since when the Muslim’s Idol Worship to Mecca {they themselves are the Idol; although idol worship is the largest sin next to insulting the profit. They are the Idol themselves, very curious as to how they will react to being told the action they do five times a day is their own definition of evil.}form the AETT out of themselves, connects with another legend regarding Meritaten and her being sent out to first Spain {a very likely prepping Spain aka the Iberian Peninsula} to create the necessary infrastructure for a younger sister to form her kingdom in Iberia. Meritaten traveled to Northumberland (evidence Tut’s ancestors were partially from Northumberland and southern Scotland) to create her own Kingdom.

Now another idea in this same line; since Nefertiti’s mummy has not been found and around the time of her death having her corpse travel back to Egypt was politically unacceptable. Meritaten lived decades longer so the political need for the Hyksos to seize and control all aspects of life lessoned over time. Something which is unacceptable in a new tyrants first years twenty years later is met with an “I do not care less.” Allowing Meritaten’s mummy to come and be buried in the Valley of the kings but not her mother. But Nefertiti’s death would not have been in Egypt, nor would her mummification process, nor would her tomb have been allowed in, etc. So this causes one to pause and think it is possible since Nefertiti herself was a pharaoh in her own right co-ruling with her husband/brother Akhenaten that by documentation she would have had her own five names. Could very well link Nefertiti to being the Immortal Snake Haired Head of Medusa.

Athens Greece and the name change Esau/Hyksos/Hittite/Persians

The behavior pattern is simple, from Caine, through Esau, through every descended culture from Esau to present have overriding goal in the cultures existence. To capture the latest rebuild of El Beth El aka the Great House of the Divine and possess its power. If they cannot possess the power they will happily destroy the power and or the culture which it rightfully belongs. Usually with a song on the lips and pure religious ecstasy in their hearts.

the hardest evidence from Mohammed forward to present, but he simply found old Esau/Hyksos ceremonies and the story of how Abraham, Isaac, and Esau invaded Mecca and took the location for Esau’s new kingdom. TO make up for the fact that his brother was crowned King Israel instead of himself.

The practices of worshiping the Kaaba was practiced way back in the 3000 bce millennia but was reengineered and Mohammed continued the practice. That practice the entire Islamic culture which worship the Kaaba are creating an Idol out of themselves in the form of a 5 layered Aten.  Esau’s descendants are so sub-consciously radicalized regarding needing to possess the Holiest of Holies they create the holiest of Holies out of themselves. In a very real hard evidence way; they are themselves the Idol they claim to be against with every fiber of their being.

Makes you wonder what Temple/Tabernacle did Aethra bring with her that her son conquered the city of Poseidon and installed the relic from Egypt in Athens. Which was at least the remembrance of said could be an extremely good reason for the Persian army to form armies every generation or two and attack the Aegean without mercy.

Any relic rebuild in Athens transported there from Egypt to at least one could have of course been moved to a more secure location outside the reach of whatever the Esau/Hyksos army was calling itself that generation were hunting for. Once all of Europe was under direct threat from the same army different name the only real option was to send the relic or the relics from Adam across the pond. The only culture which possessed both the navy and the personnel to carry out said mission would be the Ogles with their army the Vikings. The name Viking was slapped onto that army by their enemies. It has a wide variety of meanings but mostly it is meant to be both insulting and a cryptic metaphor to both identify whom the Vikings were and to hide who they were at the same time.

I am starting to think the 20 years previous to the Hyksos from Avaris rising up; Nefertiti and or her husband Akhenaten started to make copies of the amber room. Sending close to exact copies out with their surviving children to locations temporarily outside the reach of the Hyksos. As each culture was conquered in turn; not only does this scenario make the missing gaps as to why spend so much time and money conquering a sequence of cities when the treasury is not large enough to pay for the expense of the invasion. It would take a gymnasium sized vault to pay for the Trojan War itself. The treasure vault was not large enough. So the money is one thing, a strategic area is another reason sure, but seizing control over a divine tool or a set of tools the other reasons would simply be a distant second to obtain a divine weapon.

But the scholars knew the armies were coming, so they had time to pack up the tools (if they were present) and send them out of the enemies reach.

Those amber rooms most likely were collected in Northumberland and assembled into either a “Megalithic complex” and or reassembled into one large room.

Which that room/s if they existed would be a gigantic reason for the armies of the world to be in Bellingham Washington at full strength to fight to control those tools/room.

As for Medusa, the ruling head priestess of the Temple of Athena. Would make her a very strong possibility one of the following. The Daughter of Amenhotep IV or an extended granddaughter of Athena the daughter of Amenhotep IV whom was sent to Athens to avoid being executed by the Hyksos from Avaris. A member of the Aten clergy whom worked directly with the 18th dynasty specifically with Akhenaten.

Would make Medusa by definition Pharaoh Medusa and consort to Poseidon.

Which brings up both a very interesting point regarding both Poseidon and Queen Medusa (leaving out for now the facts that all Pharaoh’s were given at least 5 names upon ascending to the Throne of Adam aka the throne of the Pharaoh. Also leaving out the facts that the Children of Israel are counted and named based on a maternal lineage, not paternal.) Could make her Pharaoh Medusa.

The point left out corresponds with the facts regarding by Legend Theseus the mythical founder of Athens (erasing the 2500 years the city’s history while it was named Poseidon; which corresponds to the same pattern in Fairhaven, there was a statue of Poseidon Carved on the shore just south of the city. Dan Harris with the added <adding a nick name especially a derogatory name during an extremely anti-Semitic time> nickname of Dirty points to his lineage having some connection with the line of Judah. Which is where the name Jew came from.) if his mother was still alive shortly after and the city was under some type of attack from an army similar to Agamemnon’s.

Theseus having two fathers; harkens back to the Egyptian fertility Rite. If a child was conceived during one of those rites the child would have the added title of being a child from both his father and that time of year; each deity associated with a specific equinox and solstices. Theseus; having Poseidon as a father would have been conceived during the Poseidon Festival. Question becomes what deity to what time of year. Poseidon assuming Samhain/Halloween the deity of the ocean but more importantly sailing the sea of the dark carpet of the sky.


Medusa was turned into a gorgon, half human half snake by Athena after having been raped by Poseidon in the temple of Athena. Medusa herself has been presented to history from the perspective of no less than three separate conquerors from 1300, 1100, and again at 800 b.c.e. Each one twisted her story to suit their own cultural desires. The Dorian’s whom by default were a misogynistic culture; tolerating women much like the 2000 years later militant Muslims. The truth behind whom she was and what she did has been rather extraordinarily buried under a mountain of political spin. But it is possible to take each and every twist to her story and decrypt the information. Why would we waste our time on this fruitless endeavor; the simplest answer is, when a variety of enemies goes to the hard time and trouble to literally destroy any and all aspects of the truth of a story (how much of the history of New York City, Boston Mass, Bellingham Washington, Rome Italy, etc. have been treated exactly the same way), they are afraid of what they are trying to erase. What they are afraid of is worth finding out what that was. In addition if the culture who twisted and spun the original into an unrecognizable fabrication was an enemy of education and knowledge. Along with the idea that the base of the story was founded on education and knowledge; with a healthy dose of connections to the 18th dynasty regarding being directly connected to Pharaoh Akhenaten aka Amenhotep IV. Makes Medusa a very likely descendant of AEtra/Athena (daughter or part of the religious order AEtra/Athena set up from her father Akhenaten’s reassembly of ancient monotheistic faith e.g. the Aten could be spelled AETT could be spelled AEten *(the number of languages and millennia involved have to be taken into account, en, er, a, ‘s, etc are all forms the languages we know turn a general concept into a personal concept. Athen add the ‘s the place is named after Athen or Athena). Be interesting if Medusa was either the head priest of AEtra/Athena or one of her blood descendant e.g. daughter, granddaughter, etc. . Would be a solid reason to change the story so much; a very hard target threat to the later cultures. Knowing they had a direct either religious descendant and or worse a biological descendant of the 18th dynasty in Athens.). Then the base of the story has something to do with hidden language, mathematics, science, engineering, and a very likely application of physics (the AEtt of the Futhark the AEtten, and three divisions of the Futhark each being called AETT. The Physics of megalithic construction the Northumberland family still possessed as late as the 1600s. Hard evidence for said; the Northumberland family possessed the navy which ferried more than a few pilgrims during the time of the Crusades 1070-1400s to and from the Holy Lands. That same ferrying system found the ancient libraries and brought them back from Antioch, Jerusalem, Constantinople, etc. to Northumberland. Of course part of those libraries created the University of NewCastle and Edinburgh. Since at the time Edinburgh was still in Northumberland territory. Edinburgh spent most of the last 2000 years in the Kingdom of Ogle/Northumberland. The Ogle family soon after the first shipment of library materials came back from the Middle East had a radical increase in education. One family member became fluent in various ancient Middle Eastern languages and translated more than a few ancient medical texts into modern languages.). This being an accurate statement; it is very likely to take the elements of the story and work to decrypt the science from the political spin; hidden knowledge lives behind lies and deceit. Scratch a lie find a thief; what was so frightening about the whole concept of the conquest of Poseidon name change to Athens conquered by the Hyksos/Dorians to need to alter the story of Medusa to a radical amount. Hidden language, mathematics, science, physics, very likely string theory (modern physical work using an equation regarding string theory which looks like a string. But what if the ancients came up with a similar mathematics in their radically more advanced equations and they did not see a string but saw a Snake They would call what we call string theory Snake Theory, or the study of a Snake. The hardest evidence imaginable regarding direct and hard evidence the Egyptians very likely had some access to String/Snake theory the Snake {eve and the garden of Eden legend and Wadjet<on the crown of the Pharaoh , Medusa Head of snakes, a direct linguistic corrolation> Lower Egypt }, engineering, a religion the Hyksos/Dorians hate with a soul level passion, etc. Especially since linguistically Aetra/Athena possessed a copy of the divine tools copied from the tools of Adam. Which is what the Hyksos/Dorians/etc. wanted and would stop at nothing to seize them from anyone but themselves possessing them. In a very real effect will happily destroy the entire world to either possess the tools of Adam or destroy the entire world to make sure no one else can have them.

Which relate directly to Masonry regarding the Rocks used by Adam at IWNW which was a megalith, the Rocks Jacob remodeled into a Pyramid/Ladder to heaven, the Turn to Stone <write your life’s journey down based on the patterns of the shadows> e.g. Medusa, King Solomon using the Rocks to harness demons to build the Rock wall e.g. wailing wall, Eve consuming the knowledge from the Trees at the center of the Garden courtesy of the Snake manipulating her.

The caduceus strings/snakes wrapped around the Pillar, which could be a combination of a Pillar of Adam and the wings of the Wadjet aka Eve.) is the symbol for Medicine. Which Hippocrates found the symbol for as well as the basic medical textbooks from Ancient Egypt in the Rhodes Library. Which was transported there from the Children of Israel from the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Courtesy of the Hyksos and various invasions, counter invasions, and evacuations.

The significantly advanced technology Esau/Hyksos/Dorians/and their descended hate with an unmeasurable passion. The technology of mummification, megaliths, immortality, etc. combine with the legend of the building of King Solomon’s copy of the Great Temple at the renamed Levant to Israel on the Mound which held a Stonehenge like rock circle. The legend is that Solomon and Hiram Abiff used the rock circle in some way to harness Demons to move the massive 1000+ton stones of the wall around. The technology of zero gravity sphere has been beyond proven in laboratories. Place two magnetospheres pointing at each other; those two electro-magnetics can and will create a zero gravity sphere (the led wires being connected to the bowl of Noah. )< Hathor temple at Dendera (Egypt),>. How can ancient man explain moving tons by unperceived forces; use electro-magnetics   . We know as a matter of hard fact that at most of the Churches, Cathedrals, Temples, Mosques, etc. at the very center of the alter was where a megalith or a dolmen used to be. Placing a sanctuary over “a gateway to hell” a place where Demons come and go freely. The later Hyksos name changed to philistines and Hebrews (Israelites and Jews are the same minus the whole Judah portion; but Hebrews are Hyksos descendants from Moses/Ajax. Moses/Ajax was not a Jew he was flat out a Hyksos.) forced the erasure of most if not all the major megaliths in western culture by using the rocks as Jacob did to build his ladder to Heaven. Which so happens to be the exact angles of the Bent Pyramid0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angles; both sides of a Rainbow. Both sides of a rainbow is metaphorically a ladder to heaven (Mohammed both invaded Egypt and traveled to Israel in order to ascend to Heaven using Jacobs’s ladder. Everyone for the last 1500 years has assumed he traveled via the Temple Mound Jerusalem. But in truth, he travelled to Israel which is actually in Egypt between Sakkara and Giza on the West/Left/Dirty side of the Nile.). Since a rainbow is actually a circle. The Pillars of the stones is what IWNW (the previous name of Heliopolis was, although the new name of IWNW translates to Jerusalem circa 3500 bce) connect to the building of Solomon’s temple since it was through layers of mythology, legends, etc. that the same structure at King Solomon’s temple was present throughout every major city. All the way back to IWNW. Which also connects the electricity needed to generate a strong enough magnetic field; compress amber sufficient especially if the quantity of Amber is in the hundreds of lbs. to tons range. The amount of electricity an amber room can generate is significant. Run that electricity into a megalith; the results might be very likely an electro magnet. Makes what was at the Lion’s Inn Motel before it was the Roth Garden the megalith and or the Dolman could very likely have been an electrical generator, in a network of electrical generators. With one under where Fort Bellingham used to be, Old Main, at the corner of Bay and E Holly, etc.. What the enemy would consider a weapon can also be used for any number of different scientific and academic pursuits. But the armies of the world would see the electro-magnetic infrastructure as a weapon of war they would either have to possess using it to erase their enemies or destroy it to make sure it would not be used against them. Electricity connects with Immortality through the basic structure of a defibrillation machine can and does every minute of the day restart the heart. Taking someone who is literally dead and resurrecting them back to life. Medusa “turn you to stone” classic mythology; what if the “turn you to stone” meant not freezing you but to an illiterate culture whose’ leaders hated all forms of knowledge and education using the stones like Adam did in his tabernacle and the four in the tabernacle at the center of the garden of Eden. Adam’s job was to name everything; including when they are born and when they die. Alterations from the name it is given comes from the four pillars. The Pillars of Adam coffer three pegs 2013 3 20 1328 (There are three on one side; the round possibly Aten between would have needed its own post hold.) the naming you e.g. turn you to stone from Medusa; more than a few statistical commonalities. Medusa like Noah supposedly had divine powers even x time after her death. Which involved aspects of the Naming and the Pillars of a Dolman/Stonehenge. Which connects directly to the Noachite/Enoch Rite where the body was used as a two way radio to the divine; as least that is how the story goes. Would be very interesting if the story of Adam, Eve, Caine, Able, murder, was renamed after Able was resurrected very likely to Seth(means death and or the underworld <Ra’s journey from the setting sun to the West around the dark side/underworld side to Rise again in the East; Set from the West to the East.> in Sumerian, Akkadian, etc.), and Set’s son Enoch was translated into Hieroglyphic by way of Osiris, Isis, Set, Osiris’s son Horus image019 image001. Since the name Isis Ra and El are the word Israel. More than a few statistical and linguistic connections present.

Especially since after her immortal head was cut off by a Dorian Hero; he gave the head to her deity Athena, who mounted it on her shield. Either metaphorically giving the body back to either her mother/grandmother/x-grandmother or Medusa’s patron. This could also be a play on words regarding an enemy truly trying to erase the information. Instead of mounting the head on the shield; with the extremely strong connections of evidence with Egypt the mounting on a shield is more likely a reference to the image on a Sarcophagus lid snakes off of the headpiece of a Pharaoh ; for an illiterate and entirely unknowing population regarding Egypt, seeing the crown with Snakes with the odd hat/crown and the strange wrappings, etc all point to Medusa’s connection with the Phaorahs of Egypt specifically the 18th dynasty IWNW the Aten. Which irronically connects Medusa with the Blood Countess (the blood countess has been by some legends associated with the Greek diety of Hecate the masonic trowel in her left hand as well as the keys hanging from strings from her arms.)<>; with Snakes in her hands, as well as a tall crown which could be missunderstood to be of snakes. In addition part of the Vampire mythology is having something to do with transforming into among others a snake; the fanges, not to mention the fact that Prince Vlad III aka Vlad Tempish aka Dracula was cousin of the Blood Countess. Adding to the egyptian concept that Kings Chamber North Shaft in the Great Pyramid pointed directly at the constellation of Draco is where the Pope granted the Knighthood of Dragon to his Prince Vlad II. Same order of Knights the Pope granted to the Mythical King Arthor of Camelot. All legends associated with King Arthor being in or from Wales have absoltuely no merit to them, what so ever. Camelot was centered on the only piece of land and the only standing army which could defeat almost all who challenged, this was not the Welch; another kingdom in Britian had the ability to achieve all the goals of Camelot and a need for the church to bury the evidence regarding. Provides strong evidence to the concept of instead of staying in the middle east to be murdered, Mohammed’s daughter Fatima evaculated to Britian to expand her fathers philopshsy. Since Mohammed was a Hyksso descendant she would not be the first Hyksos to evacuate to Britain to avoid being executed. Scottia circa 1550 <follwing the Thera Volcanic eruption> from the 17th dynasty evacuated to the British Isles, Scotland is also named partially from her. Fatima following Scottia to Britain specifically southern Scotland provides the answer as to why the Church wanted to erase the evidence. Islam spreading like a wild fire in Britian in 650 ce is an unacceptable framework.). The immortal head shows the connection to the immortality of the pharaohs, it is also a very good linguistic metaphor for the head of Medusa to have been mummified. The wrappings being an association of the snakes.

Blood sucking demon; amber electricity, demon astrological energy similar to astrophysics(string theory), soul , house Adams house,

Vampire and Adam’s Amber House/Room

A vampire according to legend cannot cross over onto sacred land.

Neither can a vampire cross the threshold of a proper home. The vampire has to ask permission of the owner of the house in order to enter.

The sacred houses of Esau’s line and the sacred Houses of Jacobs line are an interesting cross comparison.

Sacred Ground

In both vampire *mythology and the definition of Yr Hen Ogle Dd sacred ground is a key component.

A vampire according to bran stocker can only rest on soul of his native land, castle, etc. if they travel they have to bring the dirt of their confinement with them.

Noachite Rite Enoch Rite*

The Grandson of Adam, Cain’s son. Was in charge of building the first cities dedicated to the philosophy of his grandfather Adam.

Builder of the first Long Houses to the Divine aka Nazareth aka Pharaoh. Probably helped Grandfather build his copies of the Tabernacle in the Garden. His father was exiled, does not mean his son was. Also does not mean his son did not work hard to get back in the good graces of the divine by furthering Grandfathers goal of creating a mirror on earth of the tabernacle Adam had in heaven .


Side note the Legend of the Noachite Rite which has Noah’s three sons coming to him months after his death in an attempt to pull any type of information from his dead body.

If the dead from said line were indeed powerful and their bodies did possess some type of ability even after death, Noah’s sons raising his dead body from the crypt in order to keep making his body work in effect as a two way radio to God and listen to the information from God.

The next leader of his descendants was needed to be chosen. The three boys could not decide. In the end the third boy Ashem (aShEM; bold to show the letters connecting Ashem with Sem.) <the head and namesake of all Semitic People> was successful.

This story is remarkably similar to that of Medusa. Having god like powers even well after her death. Saving her city from some type of bad situation.

Although it is possible the “Storm” of the Cetus (large fish/whale type creature; similar to the Jonah’s Whale <evidence the Hyksos and their descendants hate with a soul level passion from day one to present, recently a group of militant Islamist’s found and destroyed as much of Jonah’s crypt as they could. The Whale is a reference to Adam’s boat aka Ceron’s boat. Based on behavior patterns Esau/Hyksos/Dorians hate all connections with any form of monotheism which differs from their own root philosophy.>, which is a reference to the Boatman Adam/Charon whom ferries souls into and out of the physical realm) being a sea creature could be a symbolic reference to the Hyksos/Dorians were attacking the city and in that wave of attacking the Athenians were able to battle them back. Poseidon, Noah’s flood, river, the Holy Sea, etc. does not mean literally water it is a metaphoric construct regarding the facts the sociological reference to a Dominant Paradigm change. When and or if a society by whatever reason suddenly changes from following one set of rules to following a different set of rules; for instance in America the change from Kennedy to Nixon rules of order (considering the men hated each other with a passion. Nixon hated Kennedy so much that he did everything he could to change the basic rocket structure of NASA to make his own. Switching from one and done to reusable, which was beyond a fatal mistake, on several occasions.), that is a radical and violent Dominant Paradigm shift. That is what “Noah’s Flood means” on a linguistic level. Which corresponded to the melting glaciers with did have a huge amount of water contained within. Water is a strong part of the events; but the key is understanding the symbol of water washing away the old rules of order for the new rules of order.

Changes Perseus from a Hyksos/Dorian to a descendant of Athena, a descendant of her son the commanding general of the city. Which could be why Perseus knew where to find the body. Perseus was by all claims an Ionian; which is a province in Anatolia on the West side a few provinces south of where Troy is. But it is a good location for some of the Trojans to escape to. Coin from around the time of the Trojan War, the tails portion is a recreation of the Garden of Eden/Persian Garden.

Of course if you look at Trojan and look at Ionia. Remove the TR from Ojian you have a very close match linguistically to the word Trojans. Under genocide hide any way you can, hiding is what the Jews and children of Israel have had to do best. Which linguistically connects Theseus to being a Trojan descendant very likely a Prince of Troy. Makes his mother also a Princess and or Queen of Troy. Since Trojan translates to “Holder of the Foot” same exact definition as Jacob; makes a strong argument that the Trojans were most likely direct descendants of Jacob. Makes the Sword/Blade of Troy connected with the Blade/Sword of Jacob which had another name the tome of Jacob. Which he was given as part of his Kingship of Israel; a city and kingdom created by way of Enoch the son of Set. Set whom was tasked to build the great temples dedicated to the monotheistic divine same divine of Israel.

Of course this might be a story about how the Hyksos/Dorians were eventually defeated from Ruling the city by an ancient ancestor of Athena Perseus. Further exploration of this concept provides for the necessary next Socratic Method to ask the next logical question. That answer is if the tome of Jacob/blade of Jacob was in reality a blade with writing on it, than the stone found in Enoch’s crypt which had a word written on it, that would be either the same or similar to the word written on the Blade itself. That word with so many close and in an over 90% statistical comparison between the builders and the tribe of Israel, that word could very well have something to do with the Futhark itself. The word itself the best way to write the word and to describe what the word means is to use the three portions of the word to draw and write what it means. That word being AEtt. The AE is one character with the second doubling. By legend the word written on the stone of Enoch was three characters one character repeats. Matches the legend of Enoch and the Futhark AEtt. The Futhark is the parent language Moses/Ajax used to create Hebrew from. The Futhark circle is the Scaffolding used to create each Hebrew character within. Makes every single Hebrew character an entire word in Futhark. Makes every word in Hebrew an entire sentence in Futhark. Every sentence structure from word to sentence and up expand exponentially with its Futhark Meaning.

Megalithic technology and a Dorian attack

It is clear based on the story and the resulting battles regarding obtaining the head of Medusa the former head clergy of the temple of Poseidon that her temple mason on the far northern reaches of the Aegean, that temple contained more information than just the gorgon. Of course; for the Latin tongue a Gorgon is simply some type of half human half snake creature. But what if Gorgon is the Linear A, Linear B, and or a Hieroglyphic word for Mummy.

Poseidon to Athens

The city was conquered circa 1600 again 1330 and again 1100. The 1330 might not have been a conquest but the Mycaenians accepting the Daughter of Akhenaten as their new ruler. More of a change of management based on the rulers were part of a previous Aten exile from Egypt.

No matter if the merging of cultures in Athens was militant, accepting, etc. the stories remain the same. The stories alterations based on the facts of later conquests are also facts. There are stories later conquerors changed those stories.

The stories would eventually be taken into the concept of mythology since they were changed so much from the original as to have little if any value.

Athens to Bellingham Washington State

All cascade into the founding and founding history of Bellingham by way of the winners changed the stories so much that the original story is hidden beyond so many layers of twisted politically spun ideas that finding the truth becomes more than a bit challenging. The storms in Bellingham e.g. metaphorically speaking the Bellingham/Ferndale being attacked mercilessly by sea (different political structures) creatures/cultures from 1700-1889 is extremely well documented. But as to understanding what this area was like, how the area responded to being under almost solid war for close to 200 years. Dozens of armies present and fighting, each with their own violent agenda. Leaves a mark. Unfortunately those marks within a few centuries would be very difficult to reassemble to decrypt to find the original information. Since some of the events in Bellingham occurred within 130 years; it is possible to reassemble some of those facts based on the stories from grandparents who witnessed the events first hand.

The first 2500 years of Athens history the same thing occurred. Socrates made note the city was 2500 years old before the Athenians conquered the city.

Rome is more than 1000-1500 years older than 753 b.c.e.

Bellingham is centuries older. Whether the city was founded by actual natives or insults labeled onto the British and Royalist French who settled in the area in the 1500s (very likely earlier).

Turning men to stone, with an immortal head. In the time of the Dorians knowledge, wisdom, the ability to write was treated so badly that they were as a matter of hard reality violently reacted to, as if writing instruments were literally tools of evil. This time period is called the Dorian Dark age circa 1500-800 b.c.e. One of the casualties of this time was being able to understand Linear A. Another casualty of this time period is what exactly occurred in the Aegean from 1550-1330 as both the Hyksos and the pharaohs of the 17th and 18th dynasties had to evacuate from both Egypt and the Aegean. The Thera volcano erupted circa 1530 b.c.e. and made the area within a few hundred miles especially to the east uninhabitable.

Sequence Tao II was not Hiram; a few centuries too early. The Hyksos are an Esau line descendant. In other words a culture which fosters bad behavior patterns as if they are good. He was dethroned because he wanted like his ancestors to capture the Aegean. They were told the volcano was going to erupt; arrogantly they chose to ignore. I think they did it in an attempt to find and seize the Golden Amber room of Adam; which holds the Arc, which holds both the tome/blade of destiny, and the loom of time.

Hiram was a Child of the Light; aka Isis Ra El aka Israel. He was an enemy of the Hyksos/Dorians/Romans (the half that are Hyksos/Dorians).

With the ability to turn men to stone; more like use a megalith or a Dolman e.g. copy of the Trees in the Garden of Eden with the tree bowl as a platform to hold the tools and the loom. The turning you to stone is similar to astrology. But instead of other planets influence onto you, it is the interplay between the earth and the sun which are the key players. The earth’s magnetosphere being the most influential portion; being able to measure your life’s journey out in stone e.g. turn you to stone. Would be a perfect way to spin a good thing into a horror story.

Rome Washington State

The area was designed to reflect the symbol of the Aten. The Aten being the literal deity of IWNW aka Heliopolis aka Jerusalem Egypt. IWNW means; the capital of pillars. The megalith with the remaining architecture strongly points to the Lion’s Inn Motel is the location of a Megalith at least a Dolman was literally an attempt to rebuild Heliopolis in Whatcom County.

That Dolman, megalith possibly a recreation of what the Adam Tabernacle temple of Pillars used to look like. Could very well be what was on the property before it was destroyed. Roth came in decades later in order to replace that tabernacle with a Persian/English Garden. That Garden was then replaced by the Lion’s Inn Motel which was modeled upon the basic architecture of the Persian Garden. Which itself was modeled upon what is assumed to be what the Garden of Eden looked like.

Volume 3

Medusa and Akhenaten

Additional linguistic evidence that Medusa was directly connected to the Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty which was either at her time or just a few generations previous to her time; was her son’s animal symbol. Which is the scorpion. The animal of the first unified Egyptian Pharaoh was “The Scorpion” e.g. “The Scorpion King” aka pharaoh Narmer. Whom had given the lands from Sakkara to Giza to the Children of the Darkness/Light on the West side of the Nile. Those lands would be used by Jews from 3200-1330 the time of the exodus. Narmer used the symbol of the Scorpion (which has a tail shaped like the Futhark/Rune Symbol of Laguz, which means flow of water and or electricity e.g. Poseidon.). In addition; Akhenaten was trying to find as much evidence as he could regarding the facts of what the original ceremonies of ancient monotheistic Egypt were. Then attempted to rebuild the entire structure. As close to the Adam and Eve story as he possibly could.

In addition; the entire framework regarding darkness and light. As the story goes in Egyptian mythology; Ra (the middle word in Is RA el) travels from the west to the east every night. From the West to the East is a huge aspect of Freemasonry. Which metaphorically speaking is the journey through the underworld of death; e.g. the children of death, the children of darkness. The Dark or West side of the Nile being the side identified as the side of death. Has been misunderstood by later conquerors as being full of mummies, a necropolis, etc.

Sell your soul to the Devil at the Cross Roads

Most of the legends which took place in America have said activities taking place on the East side of the Mississippi in what was not long before the area of New France. Which the Ogle family were in charge of. They were also in charge of Little Egypt. The Sell your soul to the devil at the cross roads connects to the mythology of the North American Ogle Trade Route which would also be a reason to erase it. Especially by the Great Awakening movements; each one more fanatical than the last, each one being in various degrees above 75% influenced by Radical militant Islamic philosophy.

Why Islamic and its ancestor culture the Hyksos/Dorians were so afraid of what other cultures belief systems and sciences that they created an entire mythology surrounding said. Taking the acceptableness of violent oppression without knowing why and progressing forward with their descended cultures some aspects of the Protestants. They as a culture seem to be entirely violently petrified regarding any mention of the subject what so ever.

The Sakkara Necropolis would be a library, each of the 80 ton boxes would be a representation of the box or arc e.g. which each one carried a loom or there was one loom and the other boxes would be the materials which went into the loom or the castoff from the loom. A coil of information which would be unbelievably similar to a May pole e.g. Beltane; each box holding one coil. Or the coil of a specific time.

The earliest writing of Sumerian talks about a piece of clay representing some type of realistic product. A crop of wheat, fruit, animals, etc. from a farmer and or a specifically designated area; the physical symbols of that year’s crops being placed within a larger container. Would be a representation of this same idea. Only smaller and made of clay instead of whatever material was used in the Sakkara necropolis.

“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. The Rod and Staff they comfort me” this is straight out of a Masonic Rite. This is also partially the journey of the Adam the boat Man traveling from the West to the East and from the East to the West ferrying souls into and out of body.

The loom from which Adam did his job. Identifying and measuring out the species and the length of time each creature within that species would live. Perform their jobs, etc. want to mess with your fate, go communicate with Adam.

Ben Ben stone (Medusa and the turning you to stone) which was created by those whom were connected to the Aten who stood on it. The Aten is the foot which is held by Jacob. Jacob means “Holder of the Foot”; which is interesting and directly connected to Troy since the Trojan culture were named “Descendants of the Holder of the Foot”. Makes the Trojan army and their deity Apollo Children of the Light aka Israelites, aka Jews. Turn to stone e.g. reflected from the concept of the Ben Ben stone. A type of Megalith. The Ben Ben stone we do have an idea what it could have looked like; that would be the main altar at Stonehenge. Which the Aten stood upon to create the world from. Which is also the center of a magnetosphere which is also an AEtt sphere. Hard evidence of ancient magnetosphere technology the same type of technology used to move the blocks of the wailing wall into place. The magnetosphere is what the AEtt itself is.


What Akhenaten was attempting to do would be based on the assembled evidence was attempting to literally rebuild the religion of Adam. As close to he could to the original infrastructure, the ideas, the ceremonies, the rituals, the philosophy, etc. which resulted in not only his death, but his entire structure erased because the Hyksos could not on the DNA level accept that information not being erased from history.

Same thing which occurred to Emmanuelle 1300 years later, would be very interesting if Mary and Joseph were somehow descendants of Akhenaten e.g. Amenhotep IV.

Each time a person and or a culture have worked very hard to reassemble the lost rituals of Adam. As close to their entire organizational infrastructure is all but totally destroyed.

3800 b.c.e., 3500, 3200, 2800, 2600, 1900, 1550, 1330, 1100, 800, 300 (be very interesting if Socrates had found those ceremonies and was talking about them in a Dorian/Hyksos controlled city) b.c.e., 33 c.e etc.

The number of times those that go and reassemble bring the entire might of the enemies of truth down upon their heads with a level of violence which is difficult to measure. The only real way to identify how hard the enemies of truth seek out and hammer upon the culture and or the individual whom has reassembled is the definition of Armageddon. Which the last time based on the reactions of the world was in Bellingham Ferndale Washington. A copy of the city of seven hills/Rome, e.g. an ancient rebuilding of the city of Heliopolis aka Jerusalem <20 miles north east of Cairo Egypt>.

The bowl of Adam at the center

The bowl floating on the fountain aka the river/fountain Styx. The bowl metaphorically speaking would be a bowl/temple/tabernacle/synagogue/church surrounded by the waters of creation e.g. the fountain Styx. The fountain Styx flow into the four rivers of creation. Which nourish the four trees of creation. Those four trees would be the four pillars first made of wood then made of Rock in order to resist fire and be a more permanent structure.

Example of those four Trees/Pillars Crusifixion_and_Kaaba_tabernacle_2013_3_11_152010410552_10203486338415705_994284625951667685_n<the cross roads> There are only three pillars, e.g. a dolman four trees of creation along with the Adam’s Arc which based on a huge assembly of various legends, mythology, the architecture left behind, how exactly to go about weaving the trees of life together onto a loom, etc. the Dolman could very well be some form of the trees of life e.g. genesis 2;9 with the arc holding the loom from which Adam wove the naming process of all the items of the garden. Which was later reused approximately 1000 years later by Noah circa 4000 bce 0_Khufu_Time_Line_2013_2_26 0303; just because the religious fanatics whom think the world is only 4000 years old, are counting from Noah forward not From Adam Forward. Although in many ways it is more the time from AShem and his descendants forward. What is more interesting the three sections indicate places for three people on the Arc Adam, Lilith and Eve. Evidence for said the pharaonic name “The pharaoh with the two wife’s wife one Lilith wife two Eve.” Which is fascinating since the statistical connection between replacing and then erasing the first wife in order to focus all attention on the second wife is part of both the “Maleficent/e.g. the Evil Queen” story and the “The First Wives Club”. Which both are extremely prevalent within the framework of a man hits that midlife crisis, dump first wife, marries second, the first wife’s reaction is not good, the second wife leads her man into a variety of bad reactions and decision making, finally the man breaks up with the second wife and seeks life elsewhere. If you follow the story of Adam, this is almost exactly the same behavior pattern Adam to present.). The fourth pillar is the construction and tools pillar presented by the staves and working tools of Masonry

1234524_661508070539494_1304868472_nThe mecca tabernacle is an ancient tabernacle design which dates from Adam. All tabernacles used to be three stories, usually a three story tent. After Zerubbabel; the three stories was laid on its back 

(The last images is of the infinity loop within a masonic temple. Which match based on the angle of Orion’s belt the layout of Bellingham Washington State  the southern half of the infinity loopthe northern infinity loop.


Would make Medusa and her son connected to the 18th dynasty. Which makes any other children she had and or any children her son had also descendants of the 18th dynasty.

Would make a perfect reason for the Persians to want to destroy all traces of the 18th Egyptian dynasty in the Aegean and the rest of the places Akhenaten sent his girls. They and all their descended cultures would be able to claim the Egyptian throne for themselves.

Be very interesting if the place Medusa and her son were exiled to be around the area of Macedon. Which could make Alexander and his ancestor’s descendants of Pharaoh Medusa. Would make Alexander a very long lost 1000 years distant descendant of the 18th Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten. Being Pharaoh Alexander would have been mummified and buried in the Valley of the Kings.

Which would also explain the half human half snake, with the upper portion of her body wrapped tight with various religious implements, including Hecate’s/Nekhebet crown (aka Eve), legs bound together e.g. snake likedownload (14)(Wedjet from Lower Egypt and a very likely ancient form of Eve from the Garden of Eden, or a possible early take on Lilith, perhaps both.). For the entirely uneducated Hyksos/Dorians never having experienced a Mummy. Would make perfect sense to have the upper be similar to a well wrapped mummy, complete with face nicely wrapped, and the cross wrappings of the middle of the body down scale like. Decrypts a gorgon for a mummy in due order.


There is at least some bit of evidence for this theory.

The evidence is partially in the Iliad, which by chance Alexander was an extreme fan of, and read a great deal.

The sun god Apollo aka Aten was the key deity at Troy.

The Trojan horse was not a Horse the animal of Apollo was the Bull. The bull e.g. the Golden Calf, Golden e.g. from the Light of Apollo. Later this same basic concept was adopted into a torture device by descendants of the Trojans in Italy and around, the bull was used as a torture and execution device With this evidence presented, this torture and execution device brings up some very interesting connections to the bowl which was floated over the fountain Styx, which head the box (arc) which held both loom and the other tools of Adam (including the tome/blade e.g. blade of destiny). The bodies inside partially based from those that snuck inside the Horse/Bull the Trojans allowed inside their walls; filled with Achilles and his men.

The Trojans viewed Apollo as a singular deity. They used the word plural but what they meant was not what we understand as gods. They meant that which all magnetospheres originate. (Hard evidence of ancient magnetosphere technology the same type of technology used to move the blocks of the wailing wall into place.)

For most of his youth Alexander’s mother claimed his birth was asexual. That the great god Apollo came to her in the night and laid with her. Extremely similar to the conception of Jesus of the Light, teacher of the light Emmanuelle a few hundred years later.

The priests of Apollo were both male and female.

Carrying forward with a portion of the tradition of the pharaohs from which Apollo descended from, there were fertility rites involved.

Which means the Iliad contained a description of one of those female priests of Apollo.

In the most recent movie she was played by Rose Byrne the character of Briseis; whether or not she was a priestess of Apollo in the book makes little difference. In the movie her character is combined with one of the female attendants of Apollo.

Achilles and the character of Briseis have a relationship which lasts for years. Both when she is under the guardianship of Agamemnon (both men were Hyksos/Dorians) or under the consort of Achilles. They were unable to marry on Trojan soil and Achilles is killed before the end of the war. He is killed inside the city of Troy

Although it is true that Achilles by legend was immune to weapons for having been dipped repeatedly into the river Styx as an infant by his mother. So only his ankles were vulnerable. His taking a consort of a female of the temple of Apollo speaks to this connection.

There is an Esau/Hyksos ritual of taking your child to the top of a mosque and dropping that child off the roof to a waiting blanket and crowd gathered. Islamic cultures have continued this tradition, it is considered a blessing, imbuing their infants with special powers which they will need throughout their life.

Very similar to the blessing which Achilles’s mother gave him.

Which presents the idea that the area outside of sanctuary is the sea of Styx. That the River Styx is similar to a large body of water/energy from which a sanctuary is a port in the storm.

The Holy See, Noah, the solar boat, the river Styx. Define Viking, Northumberland/Yr Hen Ogle dd, new(cosmos/Jera)Castle,

Special types of influences and ability were connected to those allied to Apollo, Medusa was not of Apollo but of Poseidon. But then again the Hyksos/Dorians made special effort to change the stories to hide the truth and force their perspective onto the world. No reason at all to assume later conquerors did not change the deity from Apollo to Poseidon. The Dorians and early Greeks did not care what portions of the stories they changed as long as they remained with tyrannical power.

Medusa and a snake, Eve and a snake; both with extreme connections with a megalith/dolman. The center of the Garden of Eden were 4 trees, 4 pillars of a dolman. Reading the passage of the shapes of the shadows will tell you all kinds of details about a person’s life e.g. your life in stone e.g. turn you to stone.



Poseidon is not a sea deity. A deity in charge of the sea. The Sea is a string theory metaphor regarding those that are experts in working with and or around electro-magnetics. The Blue generated by compressing energy into electricity is the blue of the sea. Think of a tesla coil the sea of lightning would be the sea of Poseidon. Makes the 18th dynasty and their ancestors experts in electro magnetics.

Now add the construction of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem old name Neptune as using demons to move the blocks in the modern world modern engineering cannot move one of those blocks without the use of explosives.

Deity is the old name for an EM sphere. known as ball lightening. The proper manipulation of said is what pharaohs were trained in by the descendants of Imhotep. Placing electro magnetics and the field of medicine/psychology as virtually one in the same. Since after all psychology is all about the electrical charges which are thought.


Ankhesenamun was the daughter of the pharaoh Akhenaten. She was the wife of his son Tutankhamen.

Knowing that the enemy was at the gate of at least several of the areas the descendants of Akhenaten were sent. They had to be extremely careful. Especially after Meritaten left to start her kingdom in Northumberland.

The teenage Ankhesenamun facing an enemy her brother/husband could not defeat left her with few if any real options. So he began to plan for the worst, hoping for the best. But her brother/husband was a cripple. He was a bad charioteer, which makes his going into battle on a chariot close to a death sentence. His body did not have the coordination in order to stay on. Let alone direct the battle, even less to fight from the platform.

So she was left with almost no options. In addition the battle of Troy was raging at approximately the same time. Which is a behavior pattern their descendants use to this day. Attack more than one target far apart at the same time for maximum damage in minimal effort.

The next issue which comes up regarding his wife. After he died the last record of her was sending a letter asking a king of Hittite to send a son for her to marry. But the problem was, the Hittites were an enemy. The Hittite’s were part of the Hyksos. So asking for his son in marriage was an order of execution. She and her family wanted to kill one of his son’s. For some reason that king and or that son was a threat. So the easiest way to draw someone into a trap is to convince them it is not a trap.

So if that prince was executed on the way to being the next ruler of Egypt. What happened to her?

That answer is surprisingly simple.

Immediately upon Tut’s death she would become the next Pharaoh; complete with the standard five names. Being a daughter of Nefertiti, Amenhotep IV, and sister to Meritaten whom was an equal pharaoh with their father for years. She would have had more than sufficient skills at 16-19 (depending on her age) to take command of the remains of the Army, the country, and of the situation itself. Yi was just an advisor; whom she could have had executed in a second for being disloyal. She was not shrinking violet, even if she was a shrinking violent, her mother, sister, and those in Egypt still loyal to the 18th dynasty would have elevated her to full Pharaoh status the second her husband when into battle.

She would go from having one name a family name to having five names.

What were those other names, that information has been partially lost to history.

But safe to say; even it was simply based on her dominant mother and sister’s she would have evacuated Egypt. Most likely to Carthage. Why Carthage, it would be the closes city within at least s

The next character on the list to make an appearance would be a prince of Troy. The battle of Troy was so long, violent, and intense that there were plenty of times for the inhabitants to dig escape tunnels. Which would be one of the first things the original builders would have done anyway. Since the city itself was conquered by the Hyksos at least once, that makes the Hyksos a prime hard evidence army to come back and reconquer the city. First thing you do, dig at least two if not more escape tunnels. Large enough to actually be able to get out of the city undetected. Sometimes the tunnels would be an entire network with more than a few entrance exits along miles of corridors. Other times they were simply very long tunnels designed to have the exit well beyond where the enemy would be.

In any case the tunnels would not only be in place, but those tunnels would be a way for the population to escape.

One of the princes of Troy could have easily escaped the carnage taking various treasures with him. Since the writing was on the wall, the Trojans knew they were not going to survive. The city was going to fall, one way or another. The Hyksos/Dorian’s were not going to give up.

In Egypt knowing thee Avaris Hyksos were also not going to give up the only safe and secure thing for Ankhesenamun to find an escape to the north or through the Sinai and leave Egypt herself.

The only safe and secure place she could go was to Carthage. Which in the present is where Libya is.


Based on a careful description of the Iliad, it appears that the Hyksos/Dorians still had plenty of shield wall Jews fighting for them. Among them the Mermaiden; Mer creatures e.g. water creature their deity Poseidon. Poseidon the namesake of Athens before the conquest and name change. Achilles only fought against the Trojans when he absolutely had to; otherwise he kept his men well outside the lines of battle. Only engaging after specific events forced him into the battles.

Achilles and the Spear of Destiny

He was shot with an arrow to the heal by Paris (Parissi; the guardian of the library. Using an arrow or a spear e.g. spear/tome of destiny aka the blade/tome of Jacob aka the tome/blade of Enoch/Noah. Achilles felled it can be statistically argued by the same blade or a copy of the same blade which restored Jesus back to life, or anointed him with the blood of Achilles and the power from Adams tools from the garden) whom had caused according to the grandson of Ulysses whom wrote the stories down based on by then an old man’s recollections.

In the Iliad and odyssey it shows the still in existence shield walls the Hyksos/Dorians were so fond of using. Still using Jews to do their dirty work.

Would also explain why the wife he took a former handmaiden to Apollo name changed from Ra name changed from Aten. Would be an acceptable match; they were both Jews. Which also cascades down to why it was acceptable the actions done in Athens, and the actions done at Carthage. Especially a Prince of Troy and the last surviving member of the 18th dynasty to marry in Carthage.

Once at Carthage

The widow of Tut and the prince of Troy met, connected, married, and started to live together. According to legend she could not bear to have him leave and found the city of Alba Longa, Italy not Rome. She committed suicide the ***morning she left. Which is incorrect, but since her enemies are the ones who told the tale, and both her enemies and the defeated previous enemies are who altered the story. Little of what about the outcome of the story can be true.

She would have stayed in Carthage, with him in Alba Longa, Italy with the Sword/Blade of Troy. Which was a direct descended copy and or the original from the blade of Jacob. Which was also known as the tome of Jacob since the blade had writing on it.

When the Romans attacked Alba Longa, Italy seized control over the City of Seven Hills destroying Alba Longa, Italy and changing the name of the Seven Hills to Rome, Carthage being both an ally and directly related immediately want to war with Rome.

Any remaining evidence from the tome of Jacob the Queen of Carthage would have possessed. Copying that information she would keep a copy, send one to Alba Longna, and she her husband’s son Brutain traveled to Northumberland to form the British Empire that library would have gone from Egypt, to Carthage, to Alba Longa, Italy, to Northumberland. That Library and very likely tools of Adam would have then traveled around steps ahead of the Hyksos descended whom would stop at nothing to kill all who stood in their way of possessing that library and the tools. From Northumberland to Germany, Constantinople, back to Germany, back to Northumberland, over to Boston, then New York, then to little Egypt, then over to Portland Oregon, then up to Bellingham.

Prince of Troy and the Parissii

The city of Paris was not called that before the Romans conquered the Middle East and forced the Parissii into their service (exact same behavior patterns as their ancestors the Hyksos/Dorians). Once the Parissii became too powerful to control; the Romans decided to give them the city which would later be renamed to the city of Paris.

The Parissii were in the middle east guarding the library or Tomes of Jacob. Which were called that after Jacob, before they were called something else. Since Jacob as an Israelite it is only a logical assumption to assume the tome of Israel was started by Enoch the grandson of Adam.

In order for Adam to perform his job he had to have a library of information. That library was in part written on the blade from which was one of Adam’s tools from the Garden. But the library of information Adam and his descendants needed was extensive to say the absolute least. From the dawn of recorded history the Parissi were in charge of maintaining the library as well as moving it out of the way of those that wish to destroy it. Which accounts for both the Prince of Troy Paris and Helen as well as that same man killing Achilles with the Spear/Blade/Tome of destiny. It also explains where Paris would have evacuated too; name changing slightly in order to throw off the perception he was still alive after evacuating the burning city of Troy with the remaining tools and codex’s.

The City of Bellingham 3300 years later would be close to the only place left from which the Royalist Parisii from France would have agreed to place what they could from the remains from the Great library.

Great Library

The great library has come together and separated more than a few times previous and post Alexander creating a repository for the libraries. A portion of the library was sent to Bellingham previous to Judson; but the area of Ohio proved to be a harsh warzone from circa 1700 - 1800s. The transition between being British French territory to being American proved to be a very difficult to implement. Many on both sides chose violence. Resistance to a conquering culture had in almost all ways proved to be beyond a bad idea. The conqueror usually responds to having their authority questioned with harsh and inhuman violence. Not only does the conqueror take what they want, but add harsh and most of the time capital punishment for the audacity to defy the rules of the new Master. Those on the frontier of said types of conquests and political battles until proper authority is called in, literally make the crimes of the SS look pale in comparison. The SS only had x number of years to do their worst; a conqueror has all the time in the world. No one is going to come to tell them any different, other than their own military and or some type of legal authority. Judge Roy Bean among others is a perfect example of killing anyone who questioned his authority. The great library has come together and been split into pieces several times over the course of the last 6000 years. As western culture itself chooses to have leaders who hate knowledge rise to power, then have leaders who choose to advance knowledge and education. Angering to the core of their being the opposing leaders. The balance of knowledge versus power had become a very odd pendulum swing between a Dark Age and a rise in technology which allows for advancements which are difficult for the next rise from the ashes of a Dark Age culture to understand the previous cultures rise in technological advancements.*

Western Washington University was intended to be a repository of sources, well in truth Lynden was supposed to be the primary city for said University. But when the Dutch arrived with the rest of the nations of the world to seize control over the assets. Phoebe Goodell Judson was forced to move the location of the future university to a more secure location. Behind Fairhaven an “Intentional” Jewish settlement seemed to be the only safe location in within 50 miles to achieve that goal.

From Heirakonopolis to the Smithsonian many cultures have attempted to create a centralized area where the knowledge of the world can be present. Only a few times have said collections lasted more than a few decades to centuries before the hate mongering war lord’s work very hard to find and destroy said information depositories. Those few times have occurred in Ancient Egypt but again only for a few decades, modern western academics which has lasted from almost a millennia. But has been under almost constant attack from militant Islam the entire time. Fortunately most of the cultures in the west have developed armies too strong to attack. Unfortunately for the west an infiltration army of militant Islam has not only infiltrated but has been steering the development of information and education from the first days of Greece to present. The infiltration arm of Islam even though it is almost entirely sub-conscious to the west is entered on the philosophy of John Calvin and Martin Luther. Although in hard truth the Catholic Church itself is comprised of at least half of this base philosophy from the Hyksos descended Paul. Mohammed was also a Hyksos descended person. In both blood line and philosophy. The Hyksos never sub-consciously forgot the hatred Esau bore against his Brother Jacob aka King Israel. Attacking descendants of Esau’s brother at every single chance they have. It is unprovable but the most likely descendants of Esau are the Hyksos. Esau the one not chosen to be the leader of El Beth El.

For some libraries which were the start of a variety of Universities, the rules of can you securely hold a library were replaced by the backup. If the library closest to the enemy going to be either destroyed or placed in private vaults for only the most powerful to access. In which case instead of forcing a decades long or even a century length of time to prove they could hold a smaller library; before being sent the larger one (copies of course). The culture closest to the enemy would have its originals and copies sent off to a wide variety of as safe as humanly possible locations. Those locations would be far enough away to which could at least in theory hold off until more reinforcements arrived. In the case of the founding of the yet to be called WWU, large volumes of troops were already in the areas with more reinforcements on the way. The battles in the Midwest were lost, so shifting the resources in a strategic retreat to regroup was the only logical choice.

The events in the Eastern Mediterranean

All those wild events in the Eastern Mediterranean between 1550-800 were slowly shifted from the Aegean, Jerusalem, Antioch, etc. to The City of Seven Hills.

Once the city of Seven Hills was conquered and renamed Rome. The treasures and tools were slowly under the tyranny of the Roman Kings was slowly sunk out of Rome and shipped off to Northumberland. To a military fortification.

It took decades to ship what was not capable of being shipped before. Although a huge amount was shipped to Northumberland from 1200-800 from the City of Seven Hills primarily because the enemy descendants of the Esau were already on the move to the west to capture what they were unable to capture in previous invasions. It is actually interesting to note that descended copies, generations of copies later was still so important that even through the tools were sent out of the Aegean centuries before (if this theory holds) the Persians wanted to possess a tools which were several generations away from the original. But even that distance was still a powerful enough tool to attempt a conquest and seizing of the fake tools.

Cleopatra whatever tools, relics, etc. that were still in her possession she escaped at Antioch when Anthony ran block for her to escape. He was a Roman Counsel member Cleopatra was about as hard target threat to the newly crowned emperor of Rome as is imaginable to be. She was full pharaoh of Egypt for years before the Romans invaded. She was for about a decade full-fledged married to Caesar Empress Cleopatra* of Rome and Egypt. With the assassination of Caesar she had no choice but to seek a new military commander to be with. But when the tide of battle turned she had to take herself out of harm’s way. Evacuating to Northumberland. Combining any renaming relic which was left in Egypt. Amassing a huge collection of books, material, relics, sacred tools, etc. from the combined Alexandrian Empire. Part of it was shipped to Rome part of it was kept by Cleopatra. Who knows how much if it she was able to smuggle away from Rome once she was the Empower of Rome at least for a short bit of time. She was the head of Imperial Rome; much to the soul level hatred of any and all of detractors. Especially since she and her entire Ptolemaic line are Jews. *

When Constantine became emperor centuries later. He combined the relics and tools of Rome and the Ogles of Northumberland creating one huge gigantic place in which to have the knowledge of the world gathered. Which he had to ship out to his new city after he agreed to give the entire western empire and Rome over to the yet to be called Vatican. They seized the Rock of Mars aka the Megalith where St Peters basilica is now and just like Jacob did remodeled it into a church/ladder to heaven. .

The info was again shipped back to Northumberland as Constantinople was lost


Western Washington University

WWU was established as all universities previous to 1890 as a library first, then an educational institution. In order to qualify to teach, an institution/city had to prove they could handle a large collection of books with a large enough army to defend the books despite invasions. One of the primary tasks involved with obtaining a license to teach was to make sure based on decades of evidence that the library could be maintained. More than a few libraries were burned to the ground, so before an institute could start to accept students and teachers they had to prove a safe enough place for students to study without an imminent threat of execution by some army or another.

There are some cultures which all they do is seek out scholars and libraries to destroy them, makes no difference to them what information they are destroying as long as they can take their low self-esteem and attack a defenseless building, group, etc. and take their rage out on it. The city and army associated with the library has to make defending the library a top priority. The low self-esteem war lords will feel dumb just knowing a library is in their consciousness. They will stop at close to nothing to both kill all whom are associated with that building and erase all traces of the library. The illusion they have is the same as the fictional character of Maleficent from Snow White, the Queen was so radically vain about having to be the most beautiful in her sphere of influence that she would happily kill any and all who posed a threat to that beauty. For men education works the same way, make a man feel dumb (a state entirely based on how they perceive things) and he will stop at close to nothing to eradicate the thing which made him feel dumb. Hence the constant battle education versus violence.

Referencing the Hexenbeast Maleficent; Maleficent like Morgana could have been a devotee of an Esau/Hyksos clergy. Especially the clergy which came out of the philosophy of Fatima. In essence an Esau/Hyksos version of Hebrew mysticism, where a female can and does have talent. Which is the Islamic philosophy females are not supposed to hold any such talent whatsoever; which ignores the basic tenants of DNA as well as the fact that Mohammed had only one child survive into adulthood. A female; whom without her help the religion and philosophy of Islam would have advanced a much slower growth if not stopped as just a regional belief system. Females are hated but serve a key function.

Which has produced several large scale 1000 year long dark ages, where the war lords were able to eradicate as much education as they possibly could. Usually destroying languages which told stories they did not like. So to erase those stories, the language was destroyed, all that were known to be fluent in the language were killed, and new stories in a new language would be created. Carefully crafted according to what the new Tyrant wanted, versus what the tyrant did not like.

3200-2100 b.c.e. although pockets of education did exist, those pockets were under absolute constant attack. The libraries at the time had to be built inside impenetrable buildings. In Egypt they solved that problem by making underground unfindable libraries which stretched for miles (the Sakkara necropolis, the infrastructure under the sphinx, etc.), and large buildings which were also unbreachable. In Bellingham Washington state there are huge underground mines, stretching for miles.

1300-600 b.c.e. the Dorian Dark Age which was created by virtually the same culture as the descendants from the first Dark Age. The Dorians previous were called Hyksos. Previous to being called Hyksos, they were called something else.

300-1700 b.c.e. this time the Hyksos/Dorian descended Paul who his group merged with Simon Peter’s group to form the Vatican, Paul’s descendants hated education so much they destroyed every book they could get their hands on.

1920 to present in Muslim controlled lands, they are suffering under a new dark age. Killing all who there even the smallest is thought could be considered against the faith. Destroying libraries which might contain even a word of information which might be against what the faith likes (akin to Pyromania but culture based instead of person based). All information is either supporting the faith of that information and the person who thought it up are immediately erased. A few years ago an entire Islamic library was burned to the ground all material in that building was systemically destroyed, all because someone slipped a piece of paper into one of the books. On that piece of paper was one single word some Imam had the perception that one word questioned the authority of the prophet. Consequently the entire 700 year old library had to be destroyed because that one imam his faith was threatened by one single word in the entire building. One word is sufficient to destroy the entire planet to militant Islam.


Western Washington University was created by way of Phoebe Judson (fascinating name) formed the Normal School for women because at the time, women had no rights whatsoever. The solution for both no rights as well as careers other than a domestic, or other societally frowned upon work would be to be educated. That education would need to be at a safe and secure (as secure as the 1800s would allow at least) a location as possible.

Volume 4

Radical Anti-Semitic laws from 1700-1800s throughout the entire Western Culture

In the 1700s and 1800s the Jews were considered to be less than slaves. Eradicating Jews needed less than no mention at all. It was not until after 1946 that western culture began to readjust their thinking about acknowledgement and treatment of Jews might be a bad thing.

Direct hard evidence of a strong Jewish presence in Bellingham and Whatcom County. Judson is a family line directly from Judea; son/descended of Judea aka Jacobs fourth son Juda aka the origin of the Jewish line.

Dirty Dan Harris; dirty did not point to his hygiene but his Egyptian heritage. The West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza was literally called “The Dirty side” all people from the Dirty side were and until to this very day are called “Dirty X culture”. In Europe they are called “Westies”. Yes the Irish who are called Westies their culture are descendants from a group which can trace its origins back to the west side of the Nile.

Jews were hated in the 17-1800s in America so badly that killing an entire village of Jews was not considered a bad thing, it was not considered a thing at all. The movie Fiddler on the Roof tells the tale of the Russians pushing the Jews around without the smallest hint of regret regarding their actions. In fact the cleansing of Jews from an area was not even worthy of a report. No paperwork, the commanders would choose where the Jews could be next and they would be force marched from location x to location y. Sometimes that force march would be to open pits where they would be flat executed. This had been occurring for centuries in Europe. No records since the Jews were considered walking animals. No reason to record a simple less than animal hunt. Nothing good about the point of view, but a hard fact reality in America and most of Europe for most of the last several millennia.

Harris and Judson point to the area was a Jewish New Israel with first FernDale/Jam being the capital then switching for a few years to Lynden, then being forced to relocate the capital to Bellingham. Which is where the capital stayed from 1855 to present.


The slave trade

The slave trade itself was mostly worked with and controlled by militant Islamic cultures. The culture has been indoctrinated so radically that they literally perceive anyone not of their specific type of Islam to be simply an intelligent animal and tool of the devil. The devil can and will use animals to do his bidding. Consequently, animals are there to be used in anyway the slaved by the grace of god human wants to. The harsher the treatment of the animals whom are instruments of evil the more rewards the imams five times a day tell their congregation they will receive in both earth and heaven. The harder a beast controlled by evil fights against the captivity the more rewards to suppress the beast and bring the beast into the fold of the ways of Islam. 282913_248884165276103_1315324075_n

The slave trade had been conducted for millennia, Esau’s line had been actively using this basic tenant and rules of divine order from before writing was invented.

 The slave trade is in a very strong way assisted by the facts of John Calvin and Martin Luther were both extremely influenced by Militant Islam in developing their theories. In a very strong way Protestantism is more than 75% militant Islamic philosophy.

The Vatican itself comprises half and half split; Simon Peter’s philosophy which is extremely close to if not dead on the money to what Jesus was talking about. And the “Evil” Priests (which is interesting since Evil priest in German translates to HexonBeast) Paul, the person the Vatican credits for bringing the church to Rome. Even though Simon Peter brought the Church to Rome. Paul was in Rome awaiting execution. Simon Peter was not awaiting execution, he was building his church in his home in Rome Proper. Simon Peter was performing actions which were entirely legal for him to perform. He was a Roman Citizen, his family owned land inside Rome proper. The amount of land Simon Peter owned was at least an acre, which also means, Simon Peter’s family were extremely wealthy. Which does not fit the narrative regarding the early church; which that narrative was strongly influenced by Paul’s begat (those taught by Paul), whom write lots of books, burned lots of material they did not like, and eventually started to execute anyone whom questioned the authority of Paul’s church. Which under direct and immanent threat of execution; traveling away from the militant Paul’s line became close to the only real solution remaining for those whom allied with Simon Peter’s church.

More than a millennia later, pockets of one of those Simon Peter groups sailed across the pond, set up towns in the new world, but had to keep moving west to avoid being followed by those whom would happily execute anyone whom questioned the authority of Paul’s church.

The farther west those pockets of Simon Peters descendants traveled, one of those groups literally settled in Bellingham as a last stand in order to build sufficient infrastructure of civilization to fight off the protestant hoards on their way.

Hexon beast

Hex; a hex in German is a person who performs actions which are related to spells, prayers, hexis, sorcery, witchcraft, etc. but this definition is not limited. It is also extremely colored by the perspective of the church who perform hexes all the time but call them prayers.

Beast; an individual whom had behavior patterns closely associated with that of an unpredictable beast than a civilized human. A beast from the dawn of civilization has been recognized as someone who works and lives outside the standard rules of society itself. Although it is important to note; different societies have different ways in which to present rules of acceptable order. An individual living within the framework of a Hyksos culture performing beastly actions; are radically different than individuals whom are performing beastly actions within an Israel community. Some Hyksos good and solid citizen action are close to the definition of beastly to an Israel culture. Actions performed based on an Israel culture are considered to be pathologically crazy and beastly inside a Hyksos culture.

Witch Burning


There is a distinct difference between Dark Magic and Light Magic. The difference is where the energy comes from and how that energy is applied. the Witch burnings in Europe which had been going on since before Fatimah did her thing for her father; could the witch burnigns have been in a way a response to the assumptions she escaped from the middle east and settled in Eruope. First Northumberland and hten exacped that to Germany. From 640 ce forward a strong and concerned effort to seek out the descendnats fo Fatimah as well as every single other non catholic person in euopre and kill them.

Of course most of the deaths were political. But they could have started out by seeking out the cursed descendants fo Fatimah to find them and kill them. But the only real way to kill a cursed beast is by fire. Drauning and other aspects would not ontly not work but avhieve little more than giving the descendant fo Fatimah a chance to escape. Curses come with very nasty side effects.

But as usually equally evil people took the search for Fatimah descendants and twisted that search into their own unholy plan to gain more power.

Electro magnetics and Magic


Electro magnetics; hexes and the like can be easily explained by way of using science and the field of electricity.

The field of electricity has a specific sequence of events.

All matter is made of compressed energy.

Energy compresses to create the stuff which compresses even more to form particles.

More energy compresses those particles into quarks

More energy is compressed using quarks to make the building blocks of atoms

All atoms have a polarity. Positive particles, negative particles, and neutral particles. A good person is a person with their electromagnetic particles polarity aligned to attract and behave in a good way. A good person will attract good people. That attraction is on the sub-quark level regarding the combination of all the positive, negative, and neutral particles assembled. The number of each indicates exactly like a magnet the push, pull, and neutral of any one given collection of molecules unite.

Evil in this case and description is someone whom makes choices which attract bad things. How to alter the individual’s electrical polarity is by making decisions which are in the good versus bad. The more good which is thought of the more those good thoughts will cascade into good behaviors. Good behaviors cascade into a change of polarity.

Most people who want to change are more comfortable in the old bad polarity field. They want to have other things, but in truth their other things alter their polarity away from their previous comfort zone.

Paul was called the “Evil Priest” which Aramaic to German translates to Hexonbeast.

Paul was called “The Evil/Dark/Hex Priest” by all the apostles whom interacted with the man. They all to a person disliked him intensely.

They all considered him translated into German a HexanBeast. Which is an evil spell caster/witch/sorcerer/summoner of demons. Since based on his teachings and the teachings of his followers, the only way to heaven was to summon a demon to let it possess you. Be saved by the spirit of Jesus Christ, but those are arbitrary titles which can be applied to most priests. What is more important is the fact that Paul had a “Vision” five full years after the Crucifixion events. His vision was that the dead Jesus came to him and ordered him to open up the ranks of Christianity to the Romans and the Hyksos. The only way to heaven was by being saved by allowing the church itself to act as a conduit between you and Jesus (which is as close as possible to the message of Islam Prophet and Jesus could base on cultural application have the same meaning; so which exact “Teacher of the Light” are you asking to possess you? In addition Lucifer means; the bearer of light, he was not only an angel but he was the most brilliant and god like of all the angels. A reasonable argument can be made that whom some Jesus/Teacher of the Christ/light you are inviting in to possess you is a Minion of the Devil.). James and all the other apostles refused outright; since they knew the message had not a single thing to do with what Paul was talking about. Indicating Paul was suffering from some type of identity disorder. Paul wanted to be Jesus, but his message was nowhere even close to what Emmanuelle was talking about. But crazy people will not back down to the fact of criticism or reality. They retreat into their insanity harder, the more their fantasy is questioned the harder and more violent they will react. A few of them told Paul that Jesus was not only not dead but alive and well, so it was impossible for the spirit of Jesus to come to him in a dream since he was not dead. Paul’s begat the Bishop of Lyon shaped the Bible into what Paul would want, destroying any and all documentation which points to any other opinion than the one Paul possessed. The gospels written by those closest to Jesus were located and destroyed circa 30-present by either Muslims and or Paul’s begat. Jesus was not in the Middle East at the time but conducting his ministry elsewhere. Paul was beside himself with rage, almost apoplectic in having his entire existence shattered. Paul ignored the apostles and headed back to Greece in order to start his own ministry; acting as if he was Jesus. He attracted more than a few followers. Was arrested, upon his arrest he requested he be tried in Rome Proper. At the same time Simon Peter resigned from his Archbishop position in Antioch and traveled to Rome at virtually the same time Paul did. Simon Peter was not only not under arrest he was able to conduct his church from the center of Rome. Without question by the authorities. Decades later and years after the Hexenbeast Paul was executed was Simon Peter arrested and put to death; or at least that is the story the Roman Empire told. Unless you were a slave you could not live full time in Rome proper without being a proper Citizen of Rome. Living in Rome proper for decades makes Simon Peter a Roman citizen.

What does this have even the slightest, smallest, most tiny thing to do with Bellingham? Other than the relationship between the name Bellingham and the namesake of the British culture who was a descendant of King Priam of Troy (descendent of Jacob) Caesar when he invaded Egypt. He conquered Memphis as well. He had the city all but entirely boxed up and shipped back to Rome piece by piece. He wanted Rome to be the Eternal/Ethereal/Heaven of the world; re-nicknaming the City, Rome “The Eternal” city. Which was the ancient name of Memphis before it was renamed to honor pharaoh Mem. Mem’s name translates to the same exact meaning as Abraham; father of all. Whatcom County Bellingham being one of the cities in the Spoke was supposed to be a New Rome. A New Eternal/Heaven city; far away from the invaders who wished to conquer, destroy, obliterate, and seize control of the city for their own arrogant/ego/pleasure. Places a great deal of emphases that the city of Bellingham is one spoke in the megalithic infrastructure which was another recreation of the Pyramids of the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. The Lion’s Inn Motel is by what is left of the infrastructure the property where one of those megaliths stood.

If correct, that the city of Bellingham was meant to be a New Jerusalem aka new Memphis aka A New Heliopolis (Helios = New Sun) (Opolis = Sacred defined City). Then Whatcom and Bellingham area was one of the infrastructure of cities which was designed as the last holdout of The Children of Israel the Jews; their enemies came on mass to perform a holocaust on them. Fighting from 1500-1889; the victor then immediately erased all traces of the previous, turned all remaining into a facade to ridicule, and turned the city into something entirely different by rebuilding almost the entire city brick by brick. Erasing literally almost every single trace of anything which existed before. But they left enough to reassemble to trace backwards to know what might have happened.

That is a major problem when it comes to the uneducated, they have no idea what to burn and what not to. They have no idea the buildings themselves hold the answers to the puzzle which was their story. A conqueror has no idea the building itself is the library, the Jews faced sufficient genocide in the previous 5000 years to know how to leave puzzle pieces in the most obvious places. So the ignorant conqueror would not know that something was in need of being destroyed.

Half dark half light


Slave trade internal workings

The internal workings of the slave trade itself was a very difficult mixture of not only Catholics, English, but the strong Protestant movements which fostered the slave trade to an unimaginable degree.

Islam invades Egypt

Egypt Coptic’s, Christians, and Jews flee south

Egyptians follow the headwaters of the Nile to the southern border of the Sahara

Follow the southern border of the Sahara west

The Egypt Coptic’s, Christians, and Jews arrive in Nigeria.

Meanwhile the militant Islamic cultures keep invading and conquering west along the Mediterranean. Assuming their Egyptian escapees died in the desert.

Centuries later the militant Islamic cultures finally arrive on the west coast of north Africa and find pockets of descendants of the cultures they as a group thought died out centuries before when their ancestors conquered and seized control over Egypt.

By the time the militant Islamic cultures had conquered west around the Mediterranean and started to push south, the trade routes had shifted. The shift away from the militant Islamic nations controlling the silk road to other trade routes. Bypassing the militant Islamic cultures. They found themselves out of immediate income.

Slave Trade begins

The militant Islamic nations require funding in order to keep constantly invading and attacking. Large militaries cost money. Not every day will an army attack, conquer, and be able to pay for its soldiers by raiding the treasury of the conquered foe. Between city conquests the military until has bills to pay.

When the trade route shifted away from militant Islamic control in the late 1300s; they had to find a new way to fund their military campaigns.

From just after William the Conqueror recaptured the UK from the Pictish and Militant Islamic control, the descendants of militant Islam living in Europe from the previous centuries pushed into Europe. The children of those militant Islam who settled had no place to go. 10 children per Islamic land owner, each have 10 children. With no lands to expand to around 1066; the descendants start to send their children to Africa to their cousin militant Islamic cultures whom were seizing large areas of lands in northern Africa. The children of the European Muslims had a place to go.

The large problem which followed; just because the culture militantly owned and controlled large areas of Africa does not mean they truly controlled it.

Then came the hard facts of the Egyptians in Nigeria had to be disposed of. And in effect the Jewish/Coptic question was proposed in Africa long before militant Islamic descended third Reich proposed the same question. Adolf and his government simply used the same exact strategies the African militants used close to 1000 years earlier.

Slave trade and the Coptic/Jewish question (aka Third Reich)

With all those in Nigeria and other North West African areas whom refused to either convert to Islam or were the mortal enemy of Islam. E.g. would not accept if they did convert. Added to the fact that more than a few of the militant Islamic cultures were in active war with each other as well as with their combined enemy.

So what to do with all those people, killing them all seems like a bad ecological idea

The cousin cultures from Africa need land to expand into. It did not take the African Muslim cousins long to figure out. If we offer large tracts of lands in Africa to build a replica of the Garden of Eden and have the captured natives, Coptic’s, Jews, Christians, or the captured enemies work the lands. We can both profit off of their labors via the products they produce. We can sell those products to the world. But we can also dispose of unwanted people by working them to death.

But the problem came into the situation; being on the same land mass the captured slaves working on the plantation’s owned by either the local militant Islamic cultures and or their European cousin. The slaves could simply run home, or run out of reach of the Islamic army.

From 1000-1390 circa lots of money was spent on recapturing escaped slaves.

Rebuilding burned out plantations. The plantations were stationary. Those stationary plantations would be subject to the next war lord and or different militant Islamic cultures going to war with each other.

In order to keep the plantations from being burned to the ground by the next battle, the slaves from simply running home, control over the lands from invading countries, etc. the militant Islamic cultures chose to relocate their plantation system to the Caribbean. But that would require the Vatican’s cooperation. Since the Vatican had spent the last 1400 years flat denying that continent over there existed; let alone allow travel that way. The northern European cultures and the Islamic cultures never forgot about the location. But the northern Europeans were the only cultures which possessed the sailing ability to cross the Atlantic.

Evidence of the North American Ogle Trade Route

The Library the Romans possessed was of course impressive to say the least. But the library the Ogles possessed was measurably better. For evidence of said, when Constantine combined the libraries of his father the entire Roman Empire’s library and his Mothers Ogle library, then shipped it to Constantinople. For the next 600 years that city the Capital of Byzantium was the intellectual center of the entire western civilization. More information and technology emerged from that library in just a few hundred years than the previous 300 years had emerged while the Romans only possessed a fraction of Alexander’s.

Knowing the Roman Empire was approaching and were going to take Alexandria, seize the library; it was only a good idea to ship the library or at least the portions which could be transported quickly to a safe zone.

The Romans only having access to what could not be moved fast seized what was left and shipped it to Rome, but told the world the entire thing was destroyed. The Romans always reacted badly to being humiliated. Since huge quantities of the library circa 60 b.c.e. were shipped out, that only means they had to ship the library to somewhere which was safe from Roman hands.

Alexandria library shipped to Northumberland

The rise in technology in Northumberland in the decades immediately following 60 b.c.e. when the bulk of the easy to move items arrived from Egypt. Which is odd considering this exact behavior pattern is illustrated in Bellingham with Western Washington University; the hard facts without theories or added concepts. Once the library arrived from Ohio Judson, the armies of the world finally allowed their fighting in the area of Bellingham to be at least semi-known. Which is odd since as soon as the Alexandria library arrived in Northumberland, a similar chain of events took place. A full scale invasion of Northumberland commenced. Unfortunately for Bellingham the invasion worked, unlike in Northumberland.

The library shipped to Northumberland would also explain why the Romans stopped pushing to conquer more lands in Germany, Russia, etc. and focused most of the army’s attention to Northumberland to the future location of Hadrian’s Wall.

Safe from Roman hands points directly to; that library was shipped to Northumberland, with Cleopatra following about 12 years later. Knowing as a fact the Romans were coming, it would actually break with the equation not to have the library not boxed and shipped out of the reach of a conquering army. Since the Egyptians had no idea how the Romans would react. They had burned libraries before. They had taken libraries out then claimed that all information was lost (then go about inventing the items in the lied about destroyed books; so they could claim they invented it), before. Since the Egyptian had about a century of warning the Romans were on the march. They had time to copy the key books, box them up, and ship it off. Plus the writing was on the wall centuries before the Romans had made as close to a bee line from Rome directly back to Egypt. Everyone knew where the descendants of the Hyksos were headed. They were going to recapture home. At least their Egyptian home.

Once again the evidence regarding where the library was shipped could not be any other place than Northumberland. It was far enough away for the Romans not to be able to reach the library. It was in a sufficiently ecological area which would not rot or damage the materials. Hot and dry or cold and dry are the preferred conditions in which a library needs to be without mechanical climate controls. Plus Northumberland was the only place in the entire area of the known land masses in which it would be possible to store said with at least some level of military control. Every other compass point the ecology was wrong and or the area was in constant conflict.

Great Library in Northumberland

All the armies in the Roman Empire converged upon Northumberland and were whittled away without much effort by the enemy of Rome to the north.

From 50 b.c.e. to 350 b.c.e. The Roman Empire lost almost every engagement, every battle, and eventually the entire war. Although in truth the overall war Rome lost when Constantius I was forced to give his son the empire. Knowing he was more his mother’s son than a child of Rome.

From 350-700 the Northumberland family and army were unbeatable. It was not until Islam invaded the UK circa 632 c.e that the tide changed.

Which is interesting since what kind of information did that library contain (which part of that library was shipped to Ohio, and then made up the core of Western Washington University library system) which allowed the Roman Empire and the Pictish to lose and lose badly for over 800 years


Islamic Northern African Nations

The Islamic nations needed a way to cross the ocean. But only the northern Europeans specifically the British (not English but the British) the family of Ogle until knew how to cross the ocean. They had never stopped their regular trade route across the ocean. They sailed regularly supplying their settlements over the entire north Atlantic.

After decades of thinking about it, the Vatican finally allowed one of the explorers who put in a petition go sail west permission to do so. Columbus’s petition was accepted to cross the ocean. Which would allow itself to gain lands and converts and pacify the radical militant Islamic cultures from invading Europe again to invade the Caribbean and the yet to be called American continent.

American Plantation/slavery system begins

Upon Columbus’s application acceptance Militant Islam were able to redirect their focus away from Europe and Africa toward the new world.

The first thing they started to do was create large plantations. Sailing captured Jews, natives (Africans), Christians, etc. every enemy of both the Vatican and Islam were sent over to the new world. So the Vatican could have a stranglehold on power in Europe, while leaving the new world to Islam.

Although in all hard truth; the name change did not affect the cultures of Islam as much as the name change behavior pattern started to affect the religious arm of Islam. But the Islamic descendants until living in Europe had the most profound influence on the scholars in Germany. Specifically Martin Luther and John Calvin among others. Their philosophy is so strongly influenced by militant Islam; it is mostly Islamic. Minus the name and a few ceremonies.

Enter the American plantation system; and Pickett’s ancestors.

George Pickett the direct descendant of a plantation in Virginia. His father and father’s father owned and owned that land as a full slave operated plantation for generations. They had close and centuries long business dealings with militant Islam.

Which the only real problem is, for whom are you allied with.

The slave trade and Bellingham have more than a few commonalities. Which lead directly to the armies of the world gathered in Bellingham and Ferndale to fight out their differences. Far away from the public eye.

The armies in other areas were limited by the facts of a citizen population would after a while object in the strongest way to the armies of the world fighting it out in their backyard, front yards, houses, fields, towns, etc. If it was only the armies of the world and the natives in the area. There was no one around whom could literally tell the armies “this is very bad, and stop”.

So the armies were able to keep fighting and fighting and fighting. Since only those whom would not be believed were witness to the slaughter.

From around 1400 – to 1850 circa the armies had been battling it out in population zones. Those population zones were in no small effect run by and controlled by the cultures who paid the taxes 1000s of miles back east and hundreds of miles south. Which allowed the politicians to keep ordering the military into battle. If you removed the civilian population from the equation, there is nothing at all to stop the armies from battling away until a clear and concise victor is declared.

The only real European culture which was present was the British and the Royalist French. Both of which had been all but kicked out of their home countries and were seeking to create a new empire in the Pacific North West. Which is close to the exact same parameters as the confederates were experiencing. As well as the Spanish, militant Islamic, Portuguese, etc. they left their home countries to seek a better life elsewhere.

The war with the Barbary Coast mentioned in the Marine Corps Hymn references the battle of Tripoli. Which is in Libya. The problem is, Islamic cultures once they feel they need to do any specific behavior pattern. Only death usually stops them from seeking to complete the task.

Once stopped in the south (thanks to the first four decades of the founding fathers conducting a private war with them on both the Barbary Coast and in the States themselves), militant Islam itself also turned to the Pacific North West to obtain their own foothold in America. Since from the Rockies east from 1785 forward was already claimed and heavily militarized areas. The cultures present were already ready for battle. The only real place was in South America and the far west coast of North America.

The conflicts with Mexico, the natives, Spain, the Vatican, the Greeks, and other Pacific Rim cultures prevented a foothold by Islam in California. But north of Seattle the areas were not yet claimed with a tyrannical militant fist. Of course in those days California extended from Tijuana to the Columbia River. The border did not become modern recognizable for a few more decades and the wars finished which the Islamic cultures were attempting to avoid. Hence moving north of Seattle and making a stand in Bellingham/Ferndale. Not to mention the facts that in the 1700s the area of what would be called Whatcom County had become a safe haven for Jews, Coptic’s, Catholics, etc. running from genocide in America.


Pickett Plantation Bellingham

The Pickett Plantation the Lions Inn Motel sits on part of that Plantation. Actually full on slavery existed in Bellingham in the 1800s. Part of the reasons Oregon and Washington State separated as territories was over the concept of slavery. Which has been going on in the area for an undetermined amount of time. Pickett was simply the most documented person in the area to have direct and physical evidence of a plantation in the city. As well as a direct and hard evidence military presence.

George E Pickett was born on a plantation in Virginia. Which means he not only understood the plantation system but was schooled in the framework of the structure of a plantation.

Evidence of the Plantation

A plantation based on an English castle design is an extremely simple and regular upgrades calculation.

The tent and then the starter house are almost always not placed on the location which has been selected as the future location of the tower/manor/plantation house. The plantation house would be placed in the most strategic area possible. The Pickett House was stopped construction of the sequence shortly after the building itself was completed. The Tower was built shortly after, but the violent events of the area prevented further construction on anything. Pickett’s son, the Pig war, the onset of the Civil War, etc. meant there was literally no possible way in which to keep building. Also if the area of Bellingham, the Pickett Plantation, and the forts were handed over to the confederacy, the lands Pickett had been working with and on for the previous years would have become the property of the new commander of the forts.

Pickett left in the middle of the night to join the confederacy. He might have left because the new commander of the fort was either a staunch union man and or the new commander gave orders to Pickett that he had to leave immediately or the new commander renewed the cities and their fortifications for the confederacy. In effect the plantation Pickett was building which he seized the land from Roeder that land might have been seized from him by the same rule and laws.

The structure and sequence of how to build an English 10lbs castle


you made a tent


Then the tent is replaced by a simple two story structure of approximately x feet wide by y feet long, two stories is non-negotiable has to be built.

The two building needs to be made in such a way as to take the materials down and reuse them in the design of the manor or plantation house. The design of the simple house needs to incorporate the concept of cut once and reuse.

Most of the time the construction of the first house is not difficult, but the construction of the manor house is long, expensive, taxing, and the conflicts with the natives are almost a guarantee. So cut once and reuse. So the boards needed for the manor house are drawn up first then those boards are used in the small house. But intended to be used in specific locations in the large plantation house.


The most important step in the process

The future plantation needs an actual tower. That tower has to be placed in the most strategic area possible. That tower has to be tall enough in order to not only give a several miles around perspective of the area, but that tower has to be the anchor tower of the future keep.

The tower is the anchor; where the rest of the manor house will be built from. In large and defined areas the manor plantation building the design might include more than one tower. If so the design and location of the tower is decided before construction of the first tower itself is started.

Design the manor house before starting to construct it.

Plantation House.

Once the lord is in the area for an appropriate time to survey the lands, determine the needs of the fortification, etc. this is when the lord will start to plan out what type of plantation/manor house is needed. If the situation changes from the tower to the manor house; the manor house or the tower will be reconstructed in order to be able to construct the manor house as quickly as possible.


The proof for the evidence of the Pickett plantation is in the English concept of the 10lbs castle design.

When Pickett arrived in the area of Castle Bellingham Washington Territory. Pickett did so with a company of troops. It is assumed he arrived with between 1500-5000 possibly more soldiers.

Captain could be in charge of several lieutenants, each lieutenant in charge of a company, a company is several platoons, each platoon consists of 12-24(48 soldiers) depending on the job each platoon is assigned.

Means that Pickett had more than sufficient numbers of soldiers to not only seize any lands under the Imminent Domain laws but could capture said lands first under the American flag, then in around 1860 claim the lands for the confederacy. Which the American government would be less than accepting of any such information regarding that type of event.

Odd thing to have a previously unknown Confederate fortification in the Pacific North West. But all evidence points to this possibility not only being possible but realistic.

Pickett when he arrived informed those living in the area which he claimed as the future “Fort Bellingham north” to leave so he could claim the lands and build a fortification for the American government. The area contained at least one if not more working farms. The area also most likely contained a previously buried deep in the ashes of destruction a Castle built by the British as both an area of protection as well as a trading hub. Much like the first established under the East India Trading Company banner then a corporate and internationally relations hostile takeover by the EIC own subsidiary Hudson’s Bay Company. The Hudson’s Bay Company which by then was operating under the authority of the English and Dutch seized control over Fort Vancouver (formerly Castle Vancouver; formerly New Castle) on the north side of the Columbia.

In basic the same actions would occur in Bellingham; with the previous infrastructure either included into the new fortification and or torn down/erased and a new fortification structure built.

Either way the infrastructure present previous would by the arrogance of a conqueror would need to be obliterated and the start date would need to be when the Fort was constructed. Erasing the previous structures and previous cultural influence.

When Pickett arrived in the area of Castle Bellingham, he seized the Castle immediately, then renamed it Fort Bellingham South.

He went one mile north of the lands which would in forty years be the foundation of the current downtown Bellingham. Another mile north west he seized the lands from the owner Captain Henry Roeder; and proceeded to not only build a house, but start to build a farm/plantation.

But he was not the only officer in the area with an active and well trained army.

The British (very likely Roeder was part of the British army) not only had an army but the area of Bellingham was close to the British under the command of the Ogle family’s last stand. The area was close to the land/lands they until possessed and until controlled with a large military. The rest of their lands had been seized, conquered, or they were pushed off by the threat of overwhelming military force. *

Armies present

The English

The Americans

The emerging confederacy

The last stand of the French Royalists allied with the British

The Natives whom some were allied with the British and somewhere allied with the English, a few had allies with the Americans (both sides).

The Pickett Plantation existed from (documented) G Street down Holly to where Holly becomes Forest. Which is only a few miles from the currently called Interstate 5 was called Hiway 99. Previous was part of the North south North American Ogle Trade Route; which stretched from Mexico to Canada, most likely all the way up to Alaska. In other words the area Roeder purchased was the in the 1880s would be downtown Bellingham. Pickett seized most if not all that land for his personal use.

The corner of G and Holly to the Canadian border was also semi-perceived as being part of the Fort Bellingham North Territory, as well as the Lands from Fort Bellingham South, south to Seattle. Hence the need for a large contingency of infantry.

The fights both legal and militarily lasted from circa 1750 - 1880. Which points strongly to Fort Bellingham North was not only a confederate stronghold but the confederacy might have attempted to reform at Forts Bellingham to seize control over what would become the State of Washington. For a bit of time it is possible the State of Washington was a confederate state; when the American military arrived in force, which the confederacy was not strong enough to battle and win a second war. Thus creating the state of Washington; could have been designated as a future confederate state of a currently unknown name circa 1850. For the majority of those decades from 1852-1870 its confederate name would not be used by the American government. The American government would only use their name, not the name the confederacy used. Although based on the ideas of Washington and he was also a Plantation owner, his family had been in the plantation and slave business for generations. The confederates naming their new State west of the Rockies and Mississippi presumably outside the Mason Dixon line for Washington.

Which also points to the facts that the confederacy was not only incredibly strong in the Pacific North West but had strong and significant influence in the area at least a decade before circa 1861.

Would be interesting if evidence could be located as to part of the spur for the start/founding of the confederacy came from strong voices and influence from whatever the confederate state was called from 18(30)40 forward. The confederate forces in the area of the America named Washington State being strongly influential to the confederate forces in the old south.

Evidence of these direct interactions would be the Dutch and southern ex plantation owners who chose to move to the Pacific North West to avoid the legal hurdles and negative issues surrounding the aggression from anti-slavery forces. The Dutch having a significant and strong influence and control over the European leg entire slave trade from 1500-to the last slave sold specifically related to the triangle trade. The Dutch a onetime strong cousin culture and ally with the British specifically the Ogle family later to be one of their worst enemies. The Dutch were not only responsible for helping to establish the slave/triangle trade but were active participants in supporting the early confederacy. The Dutch of Lynden Washington are beyond a doubt no exception to the events occurring. In the 1500s when the Dutch as a culture converted from Catholicism over to Protestantism; is when they betrayed all most all their previous values to focus on money and power.

Fort Lynden could have had the same fate and behavior patterns which fell Castle Bellingham and the city of Jam. Seized from their previous owners and the previous owners history all but obliterated.

Civil War

The Civil War was much longer and more difficult than from the actual firing on Fort Sumter and the surrender at Appomattox. The events took place long before and after. One of the reasons it is very likely the confederacy started to become extra nasty was due to losses they suffered in the theorized battle in Bellingham/Ferndale area. Losing battles in Bellingham, coming back home to find things in worse condition than when they left. Tensions boiled over.

The events of the Civil War include the Trail of Tears, the reconstruction of the south, the regrouping/attempting to reestablish some type of confederacy after Appomattox, etc. Based on the facts regarding several confederate groups including the most loyal to Jefferson Davis attempted to continue reassembling the confederacy. It would only be natural to try again in Bellingham from 1865-1889. The area was until a territory, the area was until controlled by confederates and southern sympathizers. The Dutch, English, and Barbary Coast militant Islamic cultures were until interested in pursuing the goals of reestablishing a foothold/power base. *

Since Castle Bellingham itself was seized by the American Government which was commanded by a future Confederate General e.g. Pickett the City which Western Washington University currently sits on and the Pickett House were part of both the Civil War, the reconstruction efforts (lands seized by the government from confederates), and part of a few feeble attempts as regrouping under a different governmental structure the key being without Jefferson Davis and those that assumed Jefferson Davis was great. At the end of the Civil War large percentages of confederates and confederate sympathizers were absolutely disgusted by the actions done under Davis’s leadership and those he placed in charge.

At the end of the Civil War the preparations north of Seattle of a staging area were put into place. Political battles which took place in and around Bellingham Washington could have been a very quiet but entirely hard fought second portion of the Civil War.

The evidence is the speed at which the cities of the Pacific North West grew before the Civil War and the decades after. Seattle until the 1960s was until relatively small. Portland and San Francisco were equally until relatively small.

Los Angeles itself even though it was until a large city was itself until relatively small in comparison.

Volume 5

Pickett and his 1500 troops

Circa 1850 - 1885 is just another in the same exact behavior pattern. Many in the city of Bellingham think they have a really good idea of what happened and what went on from Roeder, Peabody and Pickett to present. The problem is, the first English/American recorded history of the area the first fifty years of the City of Bellingham’s existence is almost entirely political spin. The physical evidence of paintings, legends, rumors, etc. not only do not back up the official statement they are contradictory.

Pickett a Plantation and a solid Confederate

Roeder very likely the military commander of the EIC before it was seized by Pickett

Peabody; the chief proctor of the EIC in the area. The HBC would obtain all the documentation, since the winners always write the history of what they like. Erase the documentation of what they do not.

1500 troops are not sent up into an area for nothing. Pickett and his men were not sent up out of some odd blind let us sent 1500 men up into an area because we feel like it. The army does not do that, especially leading up to a war. Resources were not needed on the frontier resources were needed at the capital and on the home front. Not 3000 miles away, taking months to arrive and months to get back to the front if things went wrong at home.

The 1500 troops were sent in as a response to previous to Pickett being sent north of Seattle to pacify resistance. Which means in the years and decades before 1856 or more the violent conflicts were not only starting to have an effect but causing disruption. Enough disruption in the flow of settlers that sending a West Point graduate with 68 regular counted soldiers and 1500 non counted soldiers to protect those present. Means the history of Bellingham and the history of Camelot as well as the history of the battles of Transylvania have more than a few points of commonalities.

Same pattern can be found in the Exodus, where the enemy was able to rewrite the entire history to make themselves into the hero.

the founders of the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) were under contract to the East India Company (EIC)

They had to have permission from the King of France, Britain, the Pope, and the local Lords in order to form that company.


no problem

Future general of the confederacy Pickett owned a plantation in Bellingham, more than 1500 seized acres of land. more like most of the area from Everett to Vancouver

He had 68 scripted soldiers. 1500 possibly 5000 non-scripted soldiers

that is a full scale army,

Why in the world would that area need that many soldiers? because the nations of the world were fighting pitch battles in the area

Canada, Britain, France, England, Spain, Muslims, Greeks, Russians, etc. the list is endless. Were fighting for the last bit of the continent which had only semi been claimed. Despite the British Ogles having been in the area for an undetermined amount of time, the Ogles and their army the Vikings never lost the ability to cross the North Sea. Consequently when the other nations were struggling for a passageway to the Orient for trade, the Ogles had a well-established trade route across North America using the River system. In Truth that journey was relatively easy; the problems came from the conquest cultures whom demanded the natives in the area be proper slaves and or proper indentured servants. The British and the Ogles worked with the natives, creating good trading partners. Both sides were able to have a supportive coexistence. But more than that, both the Natives and the British specifically the Ogles were also able to create a kind of workable application of cultural infrastructure. Not only did both sides profit but both sides were able to thrive thanks to the strengths of the partnership. The diseases which decimated the populations were not because of the new diseases, but because the British and northern European cultures had a high degree of hygiene. Whereas the English, Spanish, Mediterranean, etc. cultures had little if any idea of what the concept was let alone how to use hygiene correctly. Force a culture into a toxic dump, surround them with disease ridden guards; rampant disease is the only logical outcome. No matter how healthy someone or a population is, or how well their immune system was used to the European diseases, the natives were forced to live in what can only be properly described as the wrong side of the outhouse. Of course diseases will spread.


The previous troops sent into the area

The American Military had been sending troops into the area of the Pacific Northwest steadily from 1776 to present.

Just because Pickett was a Captain in charge of around 1500 to 3000 troops did not mean for a second he was the only captain in the area. It also does not mean he was not under the direct command of a major or upper brass stationed between Everett and Vancouver BC. The American Military had a profound presence in Canada until the areas borders were finally finalized in 1890 when the territory became a state.

But 1500-3000 troops under just one captain would not be sent in fresh. They would be at best relief troops for previous hard evidence of conflicts and battles occurring in the Bellingham Whatcom area. The military would not just send that many troops into the area just because. There had to be a direct and casualty based need to send in sufficient troops to crush the rebellion.

One of the strongest reasons why the battles and said were erased or not recorded into the history books would be because the enemy were either British Jews or flat out Jews. Jews were not considered human until the mid-1920s. Not acceptable to society until after World War Two.

Performing violence against a Jew or a village of Jews was not considered a bad thing. It was not considered at all, just something which was done occasionally. Usually by youth attempting to take their aggressions out on a culture which were not allowed by law to fight back.

What happens when the Jews do fight back? Overwhelming military force to put the animal/Jews back into their place. This bowels of hell nightmare moral and ethical rules of acceptable order would not change until the western world witnessed the NAZI death camps. But it was not until the west witnessed most of the population of European Jews starved to death, gassed to death, mass cremations, etc. that millennia of pent up rage against the Jews was finally satisfied.

Pickett Plantation

Captain George Pickett has built an entire large more than 1500 seized acres from Roeder just a year after Captain Henry Roeder has obtained those acres. From Holly Street to G streets. Pickett placed his 10 lbs. castle over the most likely Chief Proctors house. Since the area was a trade station for the East India Company which had been (by cannon hostile takeover by the Dutch/English backed Hudson Bay Company) in the area for a while before 1850. Captain Henry Roeder was most likely the new military army of the EIC. Roeder with the military and Peabody as either the well-established Chief proctor or the new chief proctor. Peabody being killed in a battle in 1868; not long after the end of the Civil War.

The lands which were in dispute, which Pickett seized to be the heart of his plantation and a foothold for a new and improved confederacy. A confederacy which would enable a better version without the puppet leadership of the all wind and no backbone Jefferson Davis. Well before the start of the Civil War officially at the firing on Fort Sumter; the divisions in the Confederacy had already created divisions so large it was close to impossible for Jefferson Davis’s leadership to be taken seriously. He made far more bad decisions than good ones. By a little over a year into the war, Davis only possessed a small fraction of the support needed to truly be able to lead his nation. Which caused ripples inside his governmental structure which were not redeemable. Just because the confederacy were winning the battles does not mean they had the capacity to win the war. Especially dealing with a full scale Slave uprising occurring. They had to keep their slaves in line, keep the fractured confederate government held together, attempting to make business deals with enemies of America while maintaining sovereignty. The south worked to renew their ties with militant Islam of North Africa. Which was successful for the most part, but militant Islam also wanted to replace the confederacy with their own government in the south. Obtain a foothold, and eventually seize control over the entire new continent for the glory of Allah. Which the South both did not want and the descendants of the gifts not only wanted but worked very hard to foster.

The confederacy was doomed from the beginning. But stirred into a whirling dervish of lust, greed, and power those in charge could not see beyond their own deepest desires.

One of those solutions was those whom were not interested in the losing battles in the south relocated to the Pacific North West in order to not only remake the place in the proper image of the plantation system. But also allied with the Spanish, Portuguese, the Vatican, and other similar cultures which would allow for the Plantation system to continue without threat from Islamic fanatics who were going to invade and seize control over the confederacy anyway.

Makes the events in the Pacific North West from Everett north to Vancouver BC all the more interesting. Active conflicts between the Blue and the Grey in the south, same armies present in Bellingham. The Grey strongly allied with Militant Islam, more than a few of the plantation owners children, descendants, some of those plantation owner Militant Islamic descendants owned their own plantations(giving militant Islam a very strong foothold in America and the Pacific North West), the Spanish explorers whom created settlements in the area but western culture refuses to acknowledge those settlements (remember that just a few years before 1492 Militant Islam had controlled most of the Iberian Peninsula for most of the previous 1000 years. The philosophy Mohammed resurrected from the past was actively being used by a variety of Hyksos descended cultures, which included some Arab cultures in Iberia.), Russia ( with their own militant Islamic problems still had a strong golden horde <who had converted to radical militant Islam centuries before> were still strong and clearly an influence in the Russian culture and government were in the Pacific North West and had a military presence in Bellingham), the Orient (China, Japan, etc. had a military presence in Bellingham/Ferndale), India, Indonesia, more of the armies of Europe were also in the Bellingham Ferndale area, etc.

Several of those cultures were actively engaged into open and large scale army versus army conflicts in other areas. Consequently, if the say 5th army of country a is actively involved with fighting country b’s 3rd army; if both of those cultures say 7th army were present in Bellingham/Ferndale, what makes anyone assume those armies would not be actively engaged in at least itching to start a battle in a new location.

The armies of the world gathered in Bellingham, the erased War between most if not all the armies is not only unavoidable but inevitable.

The evidence is the fact that Captain George Pickett had purchased some lands but seized huge areas of land to create a farm with. His farm was not a farm but a plantation. First to clear cut the trees in the area, a picture from 1873 clearly shows the facts regarding the trees in the areas were regrowth from a 20 years before clear cut. First clear the trees, then use slave labor to create a crop from the then cleared out forest lands

But Pickett only had five years to enact his plan. The Civil War started in 1861 he had only arrived in Bellingham circa 1856. He followed Roeder and Peabody up; with their military reinforcements.

Pickett’s Plantation and the forts he was in charge of both where Western Washington University Old Main sits and the Roberts farm were present to serve as a protective fortification for first the American Government and when it became clear the American people did not want the Plantation system to operate any further in the American culture Pickett switched the allegiance from American to confederate. If you cannot make a living doing business x in location A than move the business to location B. Making Bellingham and the surrounding areas Confederate territory.

Former one culture was now officially at least on the frontier two cultures; whom were in active small conflicts with each other.

Armageddon Syria

The biblical Armageddon needs to have some clarification applied to it.

Megiddo is a city which has been a Jewish/people of the light capital city more than a few times.

The city has always been conquered and ruled by evil more than a few times.

The city of Megiddo was part of a chain of cities which the Hyksos left the strongest portions of their shield wall in those cities in order to not have their shield wall attack and conquer them.

Troy, all the cities of Phoenicia, Megiddo were all cities Jewish rulers which had at one time from 1900-1500 been used as a shield wall. The rulers and their respective armies had military become too strong for their Hyksos commanders to control.

Since the cities were Jewish to begin with, the Hyksos chose to leave in effect an indoctrinated shield wall Jews in charge of the city.

What the actual story is about, the armies of the children of Israel formed together to battle against the children of Esau (very likely Asia). The armies of Esau and the armies of Israel to come together on the fields outside the Jews that time point in history capital city to fight.

This battle has occurred more than a few times.

3800 b.c.e. Heirakonopolis and Heliopolis

3500 b.c.e. Heliopolis where IWNW was name changed to Heliopolis

2600 b.c.e. Bent pyramid

1300 b.c.e. Troy


Thermopolis aka 300

Alba Longa, Italy City of Seven Hills versus Romulus

Battle of Ogle at Newcastle (aka Jerusalem)

Camelot the legend and mythology of Camelot


Normandy D Day


Syrian Damascus


Each side recovers and they battle it out again decades to centuries later. The aggressor is always Esau’s descendants, the defender is always Israel descendants.

But an extremely important fact. Esau’s descendants are sneaky, lying, cheating, fallacy, and façade wearing deceivers. The thing they are the best at is infiltrating a group to take it over, change the rules but still claim they are the people now removed from the group. Adolf did this exact pattern. He changed the National Socialist’s Party from just a group of people who needed a forum to complain into a true hate mongering terror group.

Another extremely important point, after the infiltrator has conquered. They change the history to suit their own perspective, which is in more ways than one classified as cognitive dissonance. Where the reality is sometimes vastly different than the actions and believed actions done. A person and a group can justify all kinds of actions under a variety of disassociation issues.

Which can be traced back to the founding of Judaism. The legendary Esau was supposed to be chosen as the heir and crowned Israel; unfortunately for the rest of humanity, he was not chosen, his brother Jacob was. That being passed over for the heir broke his and his entire descended lines perspective regarding truth versus fiction. So instead of accepting the roll they were assigned by their culture; the descendants have spent virtually every second from that moment in that story to present destroying all that Israel is, could be, was, etc. in vain attempts to seize back what was in effect taken from them. The taken from them caused a psychological break from reality. Which is still happening in the present.

The battles listed above are the times when the children of the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza have created a large defensive infrastructure; which to defend their territory against those that wish nothing more than to literally erase the presence of those that built the infrastructure. Take the infrastructure as if they built it, then forget the previous existed. Bragging about the battle but downplaying the achievements of the defeated culture at the same time.

Armageddon Bellingham *

The competing nations of the world met on the fields north of Bellingham to fight out control of not only the west coast but the entire continent.

The winners are obvious. The English, Americans, Canada, Confederacy (for a time, were defeated later), to name just a few.

The armies of the world met in the Uruz Bend of the Nooksack.

The City of Jam

The city of Jam located in the middle of the Nooksack River name changed to FernDale.

That city was the epicenter of the First World War. Which Churchill himself eluded to when he talked about the war of 1750 aka the Seven Years’ War as World War One. But later generations did not want to admit to any type of battles occurring in the west. Especially that size, where virtually the entire world collided just north of Bellingham

Which is beyond interesting since the definition of Armageddon is

Ar; the fields outside very likely to the north. A Sumerian reference to the arms of the Garden of Eden. Since the south arm is all mounds and valleys from south Bellingham to Skagit county.

Outside the great trade route capital city of Megiddo. Bellingham was founded by the EIC


Megaliths of Bellingham

Because of the battles occurring from circa 1750 forward the megaliths of Bellingham which were casualties of the world gathering at Jam.

A megalith in each of the major cities

Thanks to the facts that the Ogle family retained the tools necessary in which to build a megalith. It only seemed natural for the Ogles once they arrived in the area, to set up a new homeland, empire, place to live. Which was at least 1000 miles away “when they started” from the nearest enemy. Other than the Iberian cultures, the natives, and the cultures in the Pacific. China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, etc. the Pacific were threats militarily but not genocide level threat.


The layout of the megaliths followed the standard network of megaliths.

One under the Lions Inn Motel

Western Washington University future campus

Between the Lions Inn and Fort Bellingham. The center of town for the surrounding communities. Including a megalith in Lynden; erased soon after the Dutch arrived.

The location of each megalith was close to the public house, usually the first church was built on top of the megalith. A way of closing the gate to hell. For millennia some assumed a megalith was a gateway to hell, so they had to destroy them, and built a church directly on top of it. The altar being placed literally in the center of the circle of rocks. Forgetting the fact that a circle of rock is the exact description of IWNW which is by legend an accurate description of the tabernacle Adam built at Heliopolis. Heliopolis translates to Jerusalem.

Tabernacle of Adam

The Pillars of the Tabernacle of Adam; is reminiscent of the center of a FreeMasonic lodge temple. By legend this temple was located in the city of IWNW which the city itself and the conquered and renamed Heliopolis sits on top of where this city used to be. IWNW/Heliopolis has been laid conquest to and have to be rebuilt more than a dozen times. Shortly after the Hyksos seized power in Egypt; they tore down the old temple in the center of the city and rebuilt their own. A temple dedicated to Memkaure, which is just a slightly different spelling for the southernmost pyramid Mankaure on the Giza Plateau.

By legend after Adam and Eve were forced to leave the garden, they traveled around. Everywhere they stopped for a bit, Adam in some way made an earthly copy of the tabernacle he worked within the garden.

What is more important is, the facts regarding the wall which holds the Black stone points directly to where Heliopolis and or IWNW used to be. Where that tabernacle was that wall bisects.

Three Burning Tapers represent several key aspects. But the important point is not what they represent, it is the items not talked about. Burning tapers indicates a connection between the burning of the original temple circa 3500 b.c.e. when the conquering army changed the name from IWNW to Heliopolis (Jerusalem). Burning the pillars down and the burning of the Yule log. The connection is Adam was associated with death because of a very long erased legend regarding his resurrecting Abel from the dead. He had to take a journey from this world, back to the gates of heaven, beg for attention, finding a way to cross over the bridge between this world and the beyond 0_bent_with_double_rainbow_angles, to find Abel where his spirit went to, then journey back to earth, to allow Abel to live, Abel continue, etc.

But there is always a price to be paid; which means the price to be paid could very well be Adam became the boatman. The person whose job it is to ferry souls from the ethereal into the body, and upon the point of death ferry them back into the ethereal.

Adam the Boatman

This is the classic image356

This is a fish but it is a hidden symbol for the ship*

The ship Adam ferries souls into and out of the body.

This is also a symbol for the ship which carried the ritual body of Noah to heaven. UP the grand staircase.

The fins on the sides are the posts which hold the “Jonah Ship” in place as the ritual calls for sailing Adams ship up the grand gallery to the final resting place. The body is not actually dead, the body is akin to a ritual recreation of the death process. A reaction of the burial of Noah, the 40 days and 40 nights the ark rode the waves. Which are both descended from the boat journey Adam took to the gates to beg God to all him to resurrect his murdered son.






Whatcom County designed to be a recreation of Rome aka the city of Seven hills aka a connection with ancient Egypt.

The city of Rome itself followed the same behavior pattern the Hyksos/Dorians used on Rome as they did at Athens. Both cities were founded at least 1000 years before they were conquered and renamed. In the Renaming process the old name and original founding dates were erased. Athens was called Poseidon which dated to roughly 2500 years before the 1200 b.c.e. invasion and relabeling by the Hyksos/Dorians. Another descended army from the same culture this time relabeled the City of Seven Hills Rome.

On the beach where the original city of Bellingham used to be, which is currently under Old Main WWU campus. There is a statue of Poseidon, meaning Fairhaven’s original name was Poseidon. It was changed before Dan Harris arrived. It was changed in the battles which occurred in the area in the decades before 1850.

The city of Rome has a central Forum which is no later than 1750 b.c.e. when it was founded. More like 2100b.c.e. or 1500 years before 753 b.c.e.. The reason is, the priest and three assistants which their graves were found under the forum, were buried under that building hundreds of years before the founding of Rome. The problem is, the priest and three assistants graves would literally not be buried out in the middle of a field miles away from a city. He was a high ranking priest, so he would have been buried in one of the great or the great temple/tabernacle of his faith in the capital city. Which makes the forum about 1500-1000 years older than Romulus’s claim. .

Rome Hills equals pillars, *

The Pillars/Hills of Rome or the old name City of Seven Hills. And the Pillars of Adam. 1517394_802153276476015_3792903874193319453_n four pillars of a Masonic Lodge and the four points where the labyrinth intersect, the Pillars of Adam. The Pillars of Adam was the former name of the Pillars in Mecca, which has rocks thrown at it. Same pillars from IWNW aka Heliopolis the city Adam either founded and or built a temple to the divine. Which come close to the stories of the Minotaur from the Place at Knossos the half man half bull <Jacobs symbol is a bull; Jacob means: holder of the foot e.g. the foot of the Aten on the Ben stone> which was. Theseus the Commanding General of the forces which conquered or at least merged with the Rulers of Poseidon, renaming the city from Poseidon to Athens. Which has been the capital of Greece for the majority of the last 3000 years, give or take a few breaks, and political infighting. Theseus was the son of Atenia; the female version of Aten. Which was the name given to the children of Akhenaten aka Amenhotep IV; whom sent them out to create their own kingdoms. Theseus, the Labyrinth, the Pillars, of Adam, Heliopolis, and the famed Cross Road’s where the Devil will make a deal for your soul in exchange for a gift. A Masonic temple which is a recreation of the tabernacle which Abraham copied from legends from his ancestors regarding what Adam built as a reflection of the Garden of Eden, which was recreated by the Persians as a garden, carried forward by the British, copied and carried forward by the English, and which each of the major pioneers post 1850 built a Persian/British/English Garden in their backyard in accordance with the Victorian social structure. The Roth Estate was no different in any aspect.)

List of Masons needed to open a Lodge 3 or more. To open a regular lodge 7. City of Seven hills.








Each man represents a Pillar.

WM; forum







Each man represents a Pillar.

Aventine Hill (Latin, Aventinus; Italian, Aventino) water

Caelian Hill (Caelius, Celio) force relocated the survivors of the destruction of Alba Longa, Italy. When The City of Seven Hills became Rome.

Capitoline Hill (Capitolium, Campidoglio) the acropolis of Rome reminiscent of the Acropolis of Athens. Where Theseus lived and ruled.

Esquiline Hill (Esquilinus, Esquilino) “In Towner’s, those that lived in The Seven Hills before” later was reclaimed; in the 6th century b.c.e. Servius Tullius the sixth Roman king and second Etruscan king. The Etruscans reclaimed the throne of Rome after the name conquest and name change. Tullius built a garden e.g. replica of the Garden of Eden on his property on that hill.

Palatine Hill (Palatinus, Palatino); the center of the Aten symbol of the previous to Roman conquest city name and layout. The Palatine was the founding Hill outside the Island in the River.

Quirinal Hill (Quirinalis, Quirinale); wielder of the spear is the name of the hill. This hill was named to honor a pre-753 b.c.e. deity of the area. The holder of the spear, the spear of Jacob e.g. the spear/tome of Adam.

Viminal Hill (Viminalis, Viminale); this hill or collection of three hills(2 not destroyed) make up a dolman, which is interesting since this dolman of hills point at the forum.


Whatcom County and the Cities around Rome Washington. If you perceive each city as a hill/pillar

Great Awakening Movement

The Great Awakening movements started long before they started 50 miles from the coast during the 1500s. The great awakening movements also started long before John Calvin and Martin Luther mixed Catholicism and Islam together.


The great Awakening movements were so threatened by the facts regarding a built copy of the holy lands which they were not only unaware of but were not in control of that they stopped at nothing to either possess the area of Whatcom or destroy it, to make absolute sure no one could connect to the divine unless they were in complete control over that said connection.

Enfield, Connecticut



Halleluiah translates to "Praise (Simone; to speak from sacred, Preach) Him (a specifically designated area/person/place/thing/location<of the masculine>). Longinus called Jesus "Simon Peter" in the most Holy and Sacred way he could. Longinus I am starting to think did not stab him with a spear but the Sword of Jacob.

Trevie Fountain

There is a legend in Rome, if you throw a coin into the Trevy fountain you will return to Rome.

Rome Washington this area was designed to reflect Rome Italy. Which itself was a copy of Memphis Egypt.

Legend the Trevie fountain and if you have a job in Bellingham you will return to the city.

The Amber Thorn Room of Pillars of Adam

The political battles and wars of the last 1500s caused the British specifically the Ogles along with their allies the Germans, the Royalist French, etc. to move the most valuable of the items in their group of cultures collection. Away from the wars which were inevitable. 1500-1946ce was a time in Europe were literally nothing and no one was safe. The discovery of the new world forced a massive redistribution of power; the church was losing power on a daily basis to the Protestantism, some of the militant Islamic groups were becoming aggravated again and pushing for battles. Which in the early days of said the Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed aka The Blood Countess 1560-1614 along with her 100 years previous cousin Prince Vlad Wallachia III, were some of the first victims of those battles and wars. Blood Countess was accused of the nastiest of inhuman behavior; unfortunately she did not do any of the like. All the evidence was a façade created by her accusers whom each one owed her a considerable amount of money. Some tons of gold. Easier to simply kill her and take her treasury which was upon her arrest subject to being seized by the crown and reparations made to her victims. Some of the nastiest of her accusers sought damages for her counter accusations in open court. She wronged their good name and the only way they could regain their good name was by taking her estates and her treasury. Because those men had lost the battles they borrowed money from her to finance. She as a 100 year removed cousin of Prince Vlad Wallachia III aka Dracula. The Blood in her name comes from the amber color of the divine; from the order of the Dragon her family was associated with. The wars and battles her family were decimated in were battles between the powers that be for control and supremacy over everything. She helped to finance her own demise. Her accusers borrowed money from her to wage wars, both against each other and against the invading Islamic armies. But some of the battles and wars, her accusers’ borrowed money for they lost. Instead of being able to pay her back with the treasury of the conquered kingdom, they were left with huge debts. Being indebted to a woman was more than they could stand. Constant wars based on stealing the treasury in order to both fund those wars and pay back the financers is a losing proposition. Eventually the treasuries will be conquered and the sums of money will be divided between young Kingdoms whom have not had time to build up tons of gold yet. The solution to keep fighting, raid whatever treasuries were available in any way, shape, or form, etc. The blood countess’s treasury since her army was too large to take on was the next easiest treasury to seize and keep fighting. So in all hard reality, the Blood Countess’s her own financial ability was what cost her everything. Which the Wallachia and Báthory family’s internal betrayals were only the beginning of the battles to come. 1500-1946 c.e Europe was almost always at war, almost always battling against the forces of some tyrant who was just sure he was acting on the will of God go kill everyone who opposed him. Which included Adolf “of the People”.

We must never forget the hardest evidence of all; every single place the Militant Islamic cultures are allowed to set up what can be laughingly referred to as culture and or civilization; without doubt there will be execution pits. Where the culture will take those it deems to be worthy and execute them in the most horrific ways imaginable. Many young girls are taken and tortured to death. For the last 6000 years of western culture history; although the culture has been known by more than 10,000 names. They perform similar behavior patterns from the dawn of writing to present. The only thing which stops the inhuman behavior is when the culture is not allowed to act on their barbarous and beastly sub-conscious desire to influence maximum agony on those they deem to be unworthy of being a citizen. Sometimes the mass execution pits have thousands of bodies just dumped over large sequences of time. The teenage girls deemed to be not pure enough for the culture are the highest on the priority list to be taken and executed. The practice is occurring in militant Islamic strongholds to this very day. There is something wrong with a philosophy which grants those that believe in it to be as violent as they want against all those whom do not share that specific persons philosophical perspective. In the case of the Countess; a very likely reason she was accused was the money her accusers needed to fund more battles was only half of it. The Militant Islamic armies in the area would think nothing of going on raids in search of victims to brutalize. If the families of those whom sent their daughters to jobs caused a large fuss; then the actual murders being the militant Islamic armies could not be prosecuted. But the Blood Countess could be. Hide the real murder and give the families a sense of “someone paid for the murder, so that is ok. Just as long as someone faced justice” but to a truly civilized person, a random person being selected to be punished for something someone else does not equal justice. It might make the crime victim happy for a bit, but in truth that victim is just making someone else pay for the crimes someone else committed. Odd that western culture has a need for someone to pay for a crime no matter who pays for the crime; as long as the victim feels better, that is all that is needed. There is something wrong with that equation.

Volume 6

Amber Room Shipped out of Germany 15/600s

Whether the Tools of Adam were taken out of Northumberland and shipped back to Germany in the 1500-1600s or were simply shipped to Boston MA is an unknown. But the facts that the armies of the world followed a sequential pattern which indicates that something had to proceed an all or nothing attack on a variety of locations. Not just those nations were strong and the next on the list to be conquered but something else was driving the conquering axis army to attack without mercy generation after generation.

When the British and German Royal family chose to take apart the amber room and ship out of Germany a copy of the original amber room was made by the Prussians. Even though the baroque designer only heard second hand stories of what the room looked like based on people who might have seen it a decade or more previous. Which is why when the Germans regained control over the Amber room, they gave it to the Russians; because the gift was to the Germans and British a copy of a façade. The original was safely out of the hands of the same tyrants that previous accused and then killed the Blood Countess. As well as killed Vlad Dracula. They were both killed by being betrayed from within by those whom were once allies.

What does the Blood countess and Eastern Europe have anything even remotely to do with the events of her cousin Prince Vlad Wallachia III Dracula. The answer is simple; Elisabeth was accused of being a priestess of Hecate, which was a name for the Jewish way. Dracula actually means son of the Dragon; or the constellation Draco.

The constellation Draco is where the North Star used to be 1000s of years ago.

The Order of the Dragon was also given in title to another Knight order several hundred years before it was used by the Wallachia family. It was used in the UK for the Knight order of Camelot. Penta means five; as in the palm.

The palm of the hand of the dragon. The power of the dragon the hand of that knight order. The Wallachia were battling against the same army in Eastern Europe as Camelot in the UK. Hence the reason almost all the evidence regarding Camelot was erased.

In addition. The location of Camelot is not in Wales. Wales never possessed anywhere close to the population nor the diplomatic contacts in order to maintain an army of sufficient size.

There is one Kingdom in the UK between 100 b.c.e. – 700 which was more than strong enough to hammer back at most any army which chose to come up and dance. That was the Ogle army on the north side of the Wall. The Wall itself was built as a defensive position to keep the Roman side casualties low.

Without the assistance of the British and Ogle family in exile in Normandy, the story of Camelot would have been lost to the ravages of the conqueror who wanted nothing more than to erase the facts that they did not own and control all aspects of the UK from the first King circa 50 c.e to 1066. But when William came to the throne, he immediately started to place back the history which the Pictish kings had erased. Minus a few details to keep the legends alive.

Vlad III had to take a very small group of knights and battle against the waves of Ottoman’s bent on seizing control over Europe. Putting sharia law into place and killing any and all who opposed them. Key figures stand up and stop them when said occurs. Vlad, Arthur, King David, etc. All stood up and did not allow evil to conquer the world; reshaping the world into some twisted version of reality to fit their philosophy. **

Camelot has been falsely associated with Wales for a number of reasons, the first of which was the facts that the code is buried in the national flag of Wales. The Dragon has the code in it. Another reason; during the Pictish revolt, the items from Camelot were shipped to Wales for safe keeping. It would be nice if the Welsh would ship them back to their rightful home; rather than continue the façade. Another reason the stories of Camelot were written down at Oxford shortly after 1066. Oxford is very close to Wales.



If you include the concepts that the Romani were also in the area, and have been associated with various Hecate activities since they entered the history books. The statistics becomes even clearer.

Northumberland army in Germany

While the Northumberland army were fighting the Ottomans keeping them from seizing control over all of Western Europe. Henry took full and total advantage, attacking without mercy the North Kingdom in order to conquer them.

Same exact battle strategy used against Carthage by the Romans. While the army was almost to the goal, destroy their homeland.

But at the same time; Islam was a nasty bug in his ear telling him how more powerful he could be if he simply switched to Protestantism. He could rule his own church, no asking the popes blessing for anything. In fact the pope would have to ask Henry VIII to even enter the country.

So the Northumberland family had no choice but to evacuate in the face of genocide. Taking their treasures with them.

The only place the Northumberland could go was to the Colonies. Since the colonies were the only safe place.

Which the plantation system already had an army ready and waiting in each of the colonies. Ready and waiting to receive the Northumberland family. And seize their treasures. Which most likely included the tools of Adam.

But the Ogles knew it was a trap.

They could not go to Germany, France, Holland, Normandy, and Scandinavia. So the only place they could go was to the most remote sequence of locations available in the trade network they still controlled.

So the army packed up and sailed to the Colonies. But instead of sailing into Boston, Newcastle (gives a remarkable statistic as to why the Dutch seized control over what would become New York 1680). The treasures would stay in NewCastle from 1580 until 1630 when the Dutch attacked and converted.

Then the Dutch were convinced to convert; leaving one major ally.

Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) 


Fatimah 605 – 632 the date she left for the UK

The hexonbeast Morgana; the Fatimah caliphate not long after it began needed to be elsewhere. The Sunni and Shia were both aiming to destroy this branch of Islam. A woman was in charge, no matter if that woman was the daughter of the prophet, it was still a female.

Knowing as a matter of hard fact that the culture from which Fatimah originated do not represent the truth if they lose any type of honor whatsoever. So on his death bed, Mohammed knowing that his enemies and those willing to kill for power would put her to the sword the second his influence diminished. He most likely ordered her to leave the Middle East and follow the path of the other escapees from their ancestors. When Amenhotep IV sent his children off, he sent a few to the UK. Since the UK was at that time well outside the range from which the Hyksos could reach. Mohammed being a Hyksos culture and philosophy descendant. The capital of the Hyksos since 2600 b.c.e. to present has been Mecca. They have been displaced a few times in battle, but always manage to go back to Mecca.

But Mohammed knowing murder was coming, would have ordered his pregnant daughter and only surviving heir to the UK. Where she could both preach the word and live without threat of assassination from whom were misogynists around her father.

Enter Fahitam into the UK circa 632 c.e; where the Gaelic people would have immediately known who she was and immediately attacked her. But would have also changed her name to something deeply insulting. Take a name from someone and you take their power.

Mohammed sent his troops to conquer Egypt. He traveled to Egypt in order to conduct specific rites and rituals according to his newly reengineered faith. He said he was going to Jerusalem, but since there are two Jerusalem’s; Mohammed did not make himself clear. The ladder to heaven which Jacob built. Ironically the heir to the line of Jews, Mohammed climbed that ladder. It has been radically mistranslated as being in Levant lands. Which is entirely incorrect. The Ladder and Israel is in Egypt; on the west side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Mohammed did not travel north he traveled to Egypt. Makes the area Mohammed did his thing was not Jerusalem (old name ? possibly Cronus)

Traveling to Egypt, he would have encountered an Egyptian copy of the Amber Room aka the Throne Room of Pillars which Adam built at Heliopolis. Which translates as Jerusalem. The one in Levant is a Moses/Ajax and Ramses Lie. Made to make sure the Jews would never return to Egypt and claim it as their own.

Mohammed would have gone to Egypt, conquered Egypt, and investigated where the tools of Adam were. The Room/Pillars, the tome/blade, and the chest which contains the loom were. Upon his return to Mecca he informed his daughter to travel to the UK; leaving behind Mecca forever.

Places at least one of the tools if not all three in Northumberland.

During the conquests which followed Fahitam and her army’s’ invasion of the UK, the tools were boxed up and shipped to a safe location. Very likely Germany. Since immediately after the Holy Roman Empire formed. 793 Holy Island of Lindisfarne was attacked by the Vikings; *.

671 the year the Pictish were able to gather sufficient forces to attack Northumberland. Defeated, but the Picts from that moment on kept attacking and attacking. Eventually by 750s the Ogles were forced to evacuate their territory. Which points to somewhere in the 700ce. The Pictish won and Adam’s tools were shipped to Germany. Within a few decades those tools by legend were used to recreate the Holy Roman Empire; but in truth those tools were used to recreate the Empire of the Seven Hills. Which is a direct reference to the seven areas of Pyramids. One of which is Jacobs Ladder to Heaven.

Which would also why immediately after those tools were sent to Germany; the Ottomans started a huge all army involved push into Germany. Reaching as far north of Vienna for hundreds of years. Which cascaded into influencing Martin Luther and John Calvin.

When Adam’s tools were then shipped out of Germany circa 1650 for safe keeping in America. The militant Islamic nations followed their progress and relentlessly attacked where they thought the tools were without pause from 1650-present.

The pathology of Esau and the Hyksos relentlessly chasing the tools of Adam (the amber room, tome/blade, and arc/loom) are both incredible but also the best statistical explanation for their zealous hunger to find and possess those tools. Which would also explain in rather stark contrast why the armies of the world including at least 12 Islamic armies and or descended armies including the Russians, Spanish, Portuguese, Barbary Coast Pirates, etc. were all in Bellingham with their armies fighting to control the area. A friend knew of an archaeological site which looked similar to an Egyptian tomb. But the reports are not second or third hand and said legend is more than three decades old.

 But if the tools of Adam were present in Bellingham it would explain a huge amount of detail regarding why the events of the 1500-1889s occurred.


There is an extremely good statistical chance the Amber room was relocated to Bellingham since it was the most remote and isolated city in the EIC,s network .

Consequently, if the real amber room was relocated to Bellingham along with a huge assortment of libraries, treasures, etc. and other items. That would be beyond a measurable reason to in fact to have the armies of the world once they started to gather sufficient evidence regarding what was in Bellingham, Ferndale, etc. to go to Bellingham on mass to take the treasures of the ages. The most sacred, the most magnificent. The most associated with the divine. For the most part the evidence is clear, 5000 years of uninterrupted history tells the world that the Hyksos and their descendants either have to possess the treasures of the world or they want the treasures destroyed.

Otherwise there is almost zero reason whatsoever for the armies of the world to be present on mass fighting over literally nothing.

Bellingham being a place which was destined in the 1500s to literally be the start of the next City of Seven Hills. *

There is a small piece of evidence regarding this being true. Decades ago a friend heard from a sequence of friends that an Egyptian type room was found somewhere in Bellingham.

Adam’s Tools the Amber Room

arc of the covenant

loom of time

The number of countries which wanted the Amber room is longer than can easily be mentioned. The Prussians and Russians knew they were building a façade which was only the mildest connection to the actual German amber room. Which was in truth shipped from Britain to Germany for safekeeping during the wars with the North the Crown after King Richard III died. Destroying the North kingdom seemed to be a modus operendi of the English from the 1300-1650s when they were mostly defeated.

Consequently just short of chasing down the possible location of the Templar Treasure e.g. tons of gold. The only real thing which all those nations would want to get their hands on would literally be one of the primary tools aka Tools of Adam (namely the spear/blade, the box with the loom, and the Amber room).

Tools of Adam

The Ark of the Covenant, the spear of Longinus, and the amber room.

Which in truth the amber room was by legend made by Adam as an earthly copy of the amber room he had in heaven.

The spear of Longinus was not the name of the man but the name of the blade itself. Although it had nothing at all to do with the Roman foot soldiers blade. The blade was the blade of Alba Longa, Italy. Which the Blade of Alba Longa, Italy would be the Blade/Spear of Troy. Troy being defined as “Descendants of the Foot Holder aka Jacob” which Jacobson as in the founder of Lynden was a by last name Descendant of Jacob. Meaning she was either a Jew or a conversos who converted to Catholicism/Christianity to survive. The Blade was held in the bottom drawer of the Arc of the covenant. The top of the arc was an open from the top box which contained a loom. That loom being in all real effect a copy of the loom Adam used to perform his job as described in Genesis chapter 2. “19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.” To name is more than just you are john. To name something requires knowing its being.

To name everything Adam needed to have a loom of some sort in order to perform his task. The loom was not only to identify what the thing was, but its birth, death, life, where it came from, what it would do, etc.

Adam named the thing and worked its life sequence by way of the Loom. Which would have been held in a box e.g. the arc of the covenant.

Chalice of Christ chalice of light,%202.gif

Use light to focus the Djed with the three curved bowl

The Djed and could be the circles at the top/base. Focusing light/sound to and or through

The famed Chalice which caught the blood of Christ could easily be connected to the following

Adam one of the other tools, used to resurrect Abel

Osiris; in the Djed being resurrected to be the first pharaoh and father of Horus. The second pharaoh

Noah and his chalice connected to resurrection, via Noah’s arch 2x2 inside the ark. 2(Isis) (2Ra<light>) (inside the ark/chalice) El (1003285_10201295213761159_738893611_n).

2 x chemicals in a binder with 2 y chemicals; this would be a molecular formula.

The pyramids hard evidence connection with resurrection

Jesus and resurrection of both Lazarus and himself

The chalice could be some type of old loom design

Stonehenge and other megaliths could be a modified version of the Adam chalice/loom from which he wove the fabric of space-time from.

Stonehenge support structure of a loom

The Hieroglyphics found in Egypt and the Didgeridoo

Connects the Djed with the didgeridoo

Cave of Wonder

The Cave of Wonder is part of the mythology of the Amber room, throne room, etc.


Adam’s Amber Room

The Tabernacle copy of Adam which Noah and Abraham worked very hard to recreate rebuilt to match as closely as humanly possible. That Room was designed to be a perfect or as perfect as possible reflection mirror from Earth to the Tabernacle at the Center of the Garden of Eden.

Which based on the Three Pillars which match the Pillars of Adam at least in some way the Pillars of Adam can be seen within the framework of the Khufu Coffer.

Stone EL Beth El on the Ground with a Wooden Coffer supported by the Pillars carved into the granite base.

As above so below.*

The degrees are built into Khufu Just as three Perfect angles are built into the Plateau  

Joseph of Arimathea

The story of Joseph of Aramathea is an interesting one.

One of the only figures in the bible we actually know as a documented fact existed. But there in presents the problem. The facts regarding Councilman Arimathea do not fit the narrative the Vatican and Paul wanted to tell. Since both Paul and Jesus were both Roman citizens; Paul was not from the city of Rome proper, he was a Hyksos descendant whom was only Roman by conquest. Jesus on the other hand his Citizenship came from the senate itself. Courtesy of Joseph.

Joseph was a Council member which is a documented fact. Which means he either owned land in Rome proper beforehand as in his family owned land in Rome proper or he was given lands in Rome proper. Rome proper is within the walls of the Seven Hills of Rome.

After the crucifixion Joseph headed to the only safe place he could think to go. Even though he was a council member, Roman citizen, and rich does not mean he was not above being executed by the Emperor for committing treason. Tiberius could have seen Jesus as a direct and hard target threat to his Reign as Emperor. Since Caesarian the son of Caesar and Cleopatra and the rightful next in line Pharaoh of Egypt and the Roman Empire died in exile. The next pharaoh on the list being INRI aka Jesus of Nazareth (which means the same in Latin as it does in Hieroglyphic: Pharaohs. Yes the Romans themselves called Jesus Pharaoh of Israel) was not only the next appointed by committee Pharaoh or Rome he could lay claim by blood to being able to sit on the Throne of Rome. INRI’s family were of the founding families of Britain; Britain was named and started by the son of a surviving Prince of Troy. That specific Prince of Troy married the Queen of Carthage. Whom was most likely the widow of Tutankhamen.

Cleopatra was not executed nor commit suicide; she escaped the clutches of the Roman Empire by fleeing to the North while Anthony Ran block during the battle of Actium. The battle was designed for Anthony to block the Augustus’s fleet with his fleet, thus to allow Cleopatra and her children to escape into exile and him to merge back into being a retired citizen of Rome. Although technically speaking Augustine’s claim to the throne was mild at best, he whom wins the war claims the prizes. In this case the prizes was to be Emperor of Rome. But Augustus was not Pharaoh of Rome; that was not a win by combat allowable. Since the rightful Pharaoh Cleopatra was still alive. In exhale but still alive. Her son in exile would live several more decades. Unfortunately Augustus did not allow Anthony to simply slip into retirement. Anthony was allowed to commit suicide in the arms of his wife Augusta’s sister Octavia the Younger (69 BC – 11 BC). Although in retirement she was allowed to live and raise Anthony’s children.

Cleopatra in the code Augustine built into her suicide is “North/vertical, Umber, and Land”. So her followers would know where to find her and her detractors would be satisfied she was dead.

So the only safe place for Joseph to escape the clutches of the Roman Empire was to travel to the north side of the yet to be constructed Hadrian’s Wall. Since the army in Northumberland; at Ogle Castle, Castle Bellingham, Jerusalem, etc. were more than a match for the likes of the Roman Army. New Castle translates to Jerusalem. The city of Bellingham Washington state its origin is Castle Bellingham Northumberland, 18 miles west of Castle Ogle. The namesake castle of the family and area of Northumberland.

Northumberland: North/Vertical, Umber/Sacred, Land/Defined area. Can translate to the definition of the Aten. The deity whom stood on the ben ben stone at Heliopolis (aka Jerusalem) to create the world from. Which the main temple of Heliopolis was rumored by legend to be built by Adam himself. Which that temples location is also where the Black stone of the Kaaba bisects. Tut’s ancestors were from or at least some of the previous generation to tut were from or moved from Egypt to Northumberland.

Blade/Tome of Longinus

All the myths and legends about this blade are over and above wrong. All the façade copies of this blade are also wrong. The blade was not a first century blade but an ancient blade with writing on it. The writing was as a matter of compiled legends written based on transcribing the information Abraham and his family were able to pull from the Plates of Destiny they obtained by attacking and razing the Tower of Babel aka the Eridu Ziggurat.

But what is even more important, that blade once it pierced the side of Jesus became more than it was intended to be.

That blade was either a copy of the blade Adam could remember from his blade and tools he used in the garden or he was allowed to take those tools with him out of the garden (which is an amazing concept to say the absolute least. If Adam made them after leaving then they are copies of tools either he made based on what God told him to, or even more interesting God made the tools and gave them to Adam. Which could be why both the Plates of destiny and the Spear of Longinus/Blade of Longinus both carry the name Destiny.). Either way; when Adam did his parent thing with his son Abel to resurrect him from the dead. One of the tools he might have used was the tome of Jacob. The Tome of Jacob and the blade of destiny are for most intents and purposes the same exact item. The writing on the blade is where the tome is located. The blade was to cut a piece of the tree of life to determine how long the person was going to live. That blade being bloodied through piercing of Jesus’s side. Jesus days before was appointed to be both the next Pharaoh of Egypt but also the next King of Kings of Israel. Hence the Rex Israel. INRI; Nazareth Rex Israel. Nazareth means the same as Pharaoh in Aramaic. Rex means King in Latin. When Jesus’s own blood met the copy of the blade Adam used in the Garden to measure out the life of each thing he named; that was a monumental event.

But where did the blade come from.

The blade was carried by as a duly appointed Jew. The blade had been part of Rome since practically the first second Romulus conquered the armies of Alba Longa, Italy and The Seven Hills seizing possession of the blade/tome and walking into the City of Seven Hills unopposed because they had no army left to defend.

The blade was carried by a Roman Officer; preferably either a high ranking Jew or a Jew from the Line of Jacob (Judah). Phoebe Judson (Son of Judah; a family direct from Jacob King of Israel is fourth son. Started a school (possessing a Tome) with the library she brought with her from Ohio and the Ogle family from the area. The Blade was a library all to itself; which means in truth if you can decode what the blade’s writing meant it was a similar technology to the Dr Who fictionalized concept of larger on the inside than on the outside. Romulus seized control over the treasures of Alba Longa, Italy including the blade/tome. But what he could not do was to work with the blade. He did not have the correct heritage or understanding of the blade. He had to appoint a Jew to carry it and use it to the best advantage of Rome.

Before that blade arrived in Alba Longa, Italy it came from the Prince of Troy who carried it from Troy, down to Tyre, over to Carthage, then up to Alba Longa, Italy.

The blade of Troy had been in the possession of the Trojans for a very long time. Before it was possessed by the Trojans it was possessed by the Israelites in Egypt. Since it was in Egypt were Jacob was crown Israel. Israel is in Egypt between Sakkara and Giza on the West side of the Nile.

Where the blade/tome of Jacob was before Jacob was born is a mystery. But what is for certain. That blade has played at least its legend has played a key role in most aspects of western culture from the conquest of the ziggurats, the pyramids, the Jews, the people of Troy, Alba Longa, Italy, Carthage, the Crucifixion, and finally to Northumberland where the blade would have been taken for safe keeping it away from the Romans.

 Sword of Methuselah *

the sword of methuselah the grandson of adam and eve

Charles Martell aka “the Hammer” his sword related to the sword of Methusla. Which is also related to the tools of Adam. Giver and taker of life; specifically sacred life.

The sword of methusla and the blade of longinous.

The sword will not take the life/soul of the carrier is the carriers soul is either inteact and or the carriers soul is a divine tool; eg a saint.

Then the tool becomes a sacred weapon held by a sacred person working against something unholy.

King Author possessed a sword, infact the sword he possessed was a sacred blade which had been part of british history since before the Romans. The Romans attempted to pull the Sword from the Stone but were entirely unable to.

However an youth was able to not only touch the sword but was able to pull the sword from the stone. Which had layers and layers of political spin added to it since so many armies had attempted to pull the sword from the stone but all failed and failed miserably. Which means that if you persue the sword, attempt to touch it, fail to do said, their could be penalties regarding the closer you get to the sword the more pure you have to be in order to achieve that goal. If you intend to go touch the sword you have to be ready to touch it.

The rules are different for weapons which are sacred, they are not just things you can go work with, touch, intent to work with, etc. there are apparently according to the legends all types and manners of electro-magnetic rules associated with even the intent of going to one of those tools. Let along to touch it, actually assuming you can pull the tool out of the rock the number of tests before are impressive.

Added to this concept as the story goes. Arthur was able to pull the sword from the stone. And use it against his enemies and vanquish them. Menaing his enemies were in part had some type of unholy course and or unholy tools they used. Holy tool versus unholy tool; it comes down to the purity of the sourl of the person holding each weapon. Or in the case of the unholy; it comes down to how corrupt the holder of the unholy item is.

Brings up a lot of very interesting ideas regarding the invasion of Islam the Fatima branch of Islam of Mohammed’s only surviving child into adulthood as well as the documentation presents that she had to leave the area of Mecca shortly after her father was most likely poisoned by his main rival for leadership of the religious movment. The man Abu Bakr whom would appoint himself the first leader of the movment after Mohammed’s death. Or more likely poisoned Mohammed to sieze control over the powerful group Mohammed had built. Fatima was in the way of Abu Bakr seizing total and complete control over Islam. Even thought her husband was apapointed to be the next leader of the movmnement. That does not matter to a charazmatic leader whom most of the population will follow because they need to follow a great leader no matter what the ethics of that leader are. Some will follow a great leader who’s ethics are not so pure or are in some cases unethical before they will follow a leader who’s ethics are either pure or is just a better overall human being. Those people are looking for a in  effect Milgram excuse; they want to be inhuman and nasty so they look for  a leader whom will allow them to be within limits as nasty  as they want to be.

Points to strongly that in the middle east Mohamed found a tool which he gave to Fatimah which she then used in a variety of battles. Winning most of those battles. But that tool or set of tools Abu Bakr wanted to possess them; so he attacked with poison Mohammed and physkcally his daughter. Killing Mhammed and forcing his daughter to flee the area. Which Abu Bakr then claimed she died of greif over loosign her father.

At the same time in Britain the legends of CAmlot, Arthur, Merlin, and the sword of Excalibor were occurring at exactly the same time.

There is little reason the sword which had the name enoch(Enochite/Enochian) wrote as close to the very name of god or the power powerful word which god allowed man to have on his blade. Connecting that blade to the blade of the tools of adam he used to name everything.

If that blade of methuzla was the sword of enoch, which could be the same or a copy of the same blade as the tome/sword of Israel. Which Jacob was given when the people of the children of Israel gave him the sword upon crowing (crown a circle with a megalith sticking up from the circle) Jacob Israel. if that was the same or a copy of the same blade; at the mummification burial of Jacob Esau arrived with a military enterage to disrupt and cermeoney and destroy the mummy of his brother. Whom he had always hated with a passion.

If that sword was used by Dan son of Jacob, grandson of issac, and nephew of Esau used the blade of Israel aka the blade of Methuzla on Esau. That would have rendered esau without his mortality; in effect killing him from the book of death. The book of death as in when you can come back home to heaven. Which might provide Esau and or those cut down by the Sword of Israel aka the sword of Methusla fashioned upon, a copy of, or exactly the same as the blade of Enoch, which might very well be just a name change from the very tool adam possessed in the garden. Means that Esau was stripped of his mortality and forced to live a cursed intelligent undead life, a beastly life in effect devoid of that which Adam was given in . Which would account for why the undying need for Esau’s descended cutlures to focus the next 2500 years wihtoth stop to destroy and erase Jacob and his descended Israel line.

If Esau his heart was pierced by the sword of adam/enoch/methuzla/Israel that would make Esau’s existence very bad.

In extreme basic the first werewolf could be at least by legend Esau; after he was stabbed by the sword of methuzla.

Jacob being the leader of the great house el bet el of Israel Egypt; his brother if his brother was killed by the sword of enoch with the sacred word written on it, Why was Jacob Mummified if he had nothing to do with Egypt.

Jacob Mummy Rose from the Dead

Rose from the dead with a strong connection with Amber/Blood/Red and a situation with the divine.

Jacob one of the first Vampires, his brother the first or one of the first werewolves.




Tools of Adam*

The Crusifixion of Jesus


Dolmans of Jesus

Most likely a dolman as part of the


If the Spear/Blade of destiny is either the Sword of Methuselah and or a copy of that by then 5000 + year old blade; then that balde since it was going to into the side of Jesus Weilded by his uncle Joseph of Aramathea whom has been declaired a Saint. Since the sword could not take the life of Jesus or Joseph did the sword seek out to find a less holy sould to pull what it needed.

Pulling the life from x person and or a roman soldier (possibly one of the soldiers who were playing craps to determine who would take Jesus’s clothing) or the leader of the Philosties present whom were taunting, swearing, cursing, etc at Jesus while he died. Literally enjoying every second as the jew saw suffering from this wounds, since the philosties were Esau/Hyksos descendants these actions are not different than the same argument which was simply  a continuation of the arguments which took place their entire lives between Jacob eg King of Israel and Esau the eventuall king of Mecca.

Pulling the life from the head of the Philostines; that is an interesting situation.

Their was a book fiction written about a person whom touched the spear or was touched by it whom had been known as Longinous. But that being known as longinous might have a different meaning.  That person might be the person whom had their soul/life taken from them by the blade of longinous at the crucifixion. The research regarding that fiction book follows that person’s life; and immortality, piercing the side of ejsus changed that soldier from being just a solider to being given  the gift of immortality and stripping him of whom he was before. Sort of a conscious undead (beastly thing) thing cursed like caine to walk the earth forbidden from entering the kingdom oe haven. Be even more interesting if that person the book titles Longinous was the head priest of the philosties, or even more interesting if that person was either Esau himself (having found some type of powerful took in Mecca and used it to obtain immortality) to lead and maintain a strong discipline over his culture.

Esau living a cursed undead (beastly thing) life like that of caine; could make him a very odd way  Immortal. But an immortality simialrl to that of the base story of “Pirates of the Carribean” the stolen Aztec godl changed the crew from being humans to being intelligent but still undead things. Which in the moonlight their true selfs show. Makes Esua a very likely the first vampire; needing to consume the souls and blood of those around him in order to reamin at laest semi-alive. Unable to eat but able to consume nutrients from the blood of others.

Be interesting if the reason the philosties were so angry and enraged regarding Jesus is Esau was not only present but actively campaingning for his execution.

The Hajj at the crucifixion*

Oen of the reasons the Cruifixion was so bad was because the philostpies turned the curisifixion into a yet to be called Hajj. Where they go to the Pillars of Adam eg a Dolman and throw rocks, curses, and generally bad bahviro toward those Pillrs. Fully intending to kill whom is tied to the polls. Esau took the priests from the temple, tied them to copyies of those famous pillars outside away from the Kaaba. Once tied to the Pillars Esau and his army threw insults, stones, etc till they were all dead. Stoned to death; to make god pay for not appointing him Israel. but if your soul is so dark you literally need to put others through the most pain they will ever experience which leads directly to their death. This being the one and only thing which would make you feel better to torture to death someone else; there is something violently wrong with you. You and your culture have fundamental problems.

On the Cross Jesus  was himself both a doleman and recreating the battle over Mecca. Allpwing himself to go through a similar torture to that Esau forced the clergy of that time to go through. Not stoning but insults and eventually either suffication after three days and or blade through the heart. Etiehr way hours of insults and as close to the Hajj stoning and degrading manner as possible.

Be totally interseitgn if the immortal undead esau was(beastly thing) present. It would be even more interesting if the immortal undead esau was whom was being messed with on a soul  elvel regarding the sword of adam/enoch/methuzla/Israel/Troy/etc used on Jesus. Two holy items with an unholy item present. Makes for an incredible and beyond mythical application ofo what actually happened.


The resurrection of Lazarus and this encounter with Jsus. Jesus from the age of 6-25 ish spent time in the Temple of Ptah Memphis. Why because one he needed to learn and spend time within the framework of the temple Abraham built which was under direction from god.

Second he needed to udnerstsand the entire ramification of the philkosophy of Memphis. Since Memphis eghpt is one of the first Israel capital city Jerusalem.

Jesus became an expert in the tools of adam, meaning he became an expert in the understanding which comes from the walk of life “what walks on four legs, two legs, and three legs” which is the riddle of the sphinx which if you translated the meaning of khafre “the man whom resmeples the Aten”. The Aten being the oldest reference to a divine being.


Volume 7


A book is a powerful boat/arc which can and will take you to many different places.

Somehow a boat/arc and a spiritual being became one in the same through 50 layers of translations.

Eridu Zigurat

The Eridu Zigggurate was attacked eg the tower of babyle because Tehar the father of Abraham hated all things which threatened his power. Tehrah’s greatgrandson took after him that person would be Esau. Esau and tehar hate all things which question their authority  including god. Neither men cared at all about what god watned, both their actions were entirely based on seizing as much power as they possibly could, killing anyone who stood in the way, both cut  down in battle.

The Eridu ziggurate contained at least a few of the tools of Adam. Which at the time would make the ziggurate of Eridu for that time teh great temple of El Beth el. Which means that Abraham since he took part in the destruction and erasing of said was tasked with rebuilding it.

The question starts to become, why are the information contained on the paltes so unbelievably frightening to those whom follow the philosophy of Tehar and his great grandson Esau their philosophical descended line the Hyksso to present they are known as militant islam.

Plates of Destiney

By legend the plates of destiny are from the eridu ziggurat which were seized in battle by Abraham and his father.

Once the plates were in the hands of Abraham and his family; the technology they were able to immediately produce was nothing short of ballistic.

Even though the plates of destiny disappeared into the pages of history. The facts that they not only existed but the technology the ancient Mesopotamians were able to engineer because of their advancements can be recreated. They left sufficient clues beyond in order to produce at least a critically thought out evidence based idea as to what might be on those plates. In addition those plates might hold the key to unwrapping which cultures possessed them after. If a culture has a constant level of technology then suddenly they conquer, or have access to new information and their technology expanded exponentially example the Romans before they conquered Egypt had a measured and steady rise in technology from 753 to 50 b.c.e., immediately after in all fields the Romans had a ballistic rise in technology. Up to and including the fact that just three decades after conquering Alexandria the Romans possessed the ability to create an industrial age. But the powers that be could not see how Roman life would continue without the use of slaves. So instead of the idea and technology of the steam engine to power the industrial revolution at 20 b.c.e., the Romans stuck with the slaves to do all their work and slowly faded from existence. There can only be so many slaves before the market is saturated and or the slave revolt. Humans cannot put up with menial and degrading work forever; the strong will eventually rise up and become masters themselves.

From the Eridu Ziggurat the next rise in technology came in Egypt with the construction of the pyramids. The pyramids themselves were marvels of engineering which have not been repeatable at all in the last 4600 years. It is simply impossible for modern science to duplicate the construction of one of the pyramids, let alone 120 so far found. So a good statistical analysis points to the several hundred feet tall ziggurat design the science and mathematics was taken to Egypt and the pyramids were the result. Then the plates were taken out of Egypt circa 2100 b.c.e. and the Cycladic culture with its Temple at Knossos was constructed. One building with 1500 rooms, 3 subbasements, etc. the marvels of its technology go on and on. Which match those which were in Egypt evacuated in an Aten pattern in order to escape the onslaught and genocide from the Hyksos. Especially since the Hyksos were aiming directly at the West side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza. Which is where the Children of Israel were living. Narmer set up a reservation/refugee area in that area. Which is the exact area the pyramids are. Which is also the exact by legend area which Abraham who was a Semitic e.g. child of Israel. When the Hyksos invaded circa 2100 b.c.e. the Pharaohs of the 11th dynasty knew get while the going is good. Using the form of the Aten; they separated out and traveled to key locations. Which both Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaten would repeat when his dynasty the 18th came to an end as well as a very likely area which Mohammed sent his only surviving daughter. Knowing she was a hard target threat to his enemies and those that wished to seize control over his re-envisioned philosophy which was as close to the original faith which Esau followed as possible. Including the facts that the attack and conquest of Mecca was reacted in the Hajj; which includes lining up the survivors and executing them by stoning and profanity against the Pillars of Adam. Which are a copy of the Pillar’s Adam by legend built at Heliopolis as an earthly copy of what he could remember from heaven.

Although there is less than 0 way to prove definitively beyond a shadow of a doubt what was written on the Plates of destiny, we do have at least a reasonable idea as to what the language could have been. That language being the Futhark. First criticism would be the Futhark is a child of Latin. But we all know the hard evidence regarding how much the Roman government lied about anything they did or do not like. Lying is so second nature it is easy to tell in most cases if they Roman Government is lying, they are attempting to communicate some type of idea; either verbally or written.

Proof exists the parent of Hebrew is the Futhark. Making the Futhark the language the 10 commandments were written on.

Provides a reasonable idea the language written on the blade very likely to be Futhark. Allows for an extremely strong possibility that the pre-4000 b.c.e. cultures knew and mastered string theory. Which would be one violent reason to erase any and all references to said; technology based on strong theory is a century beyond what the most modern technology on the drawing board can do. All those without access to said technology all the individuals and cultures whom could not understand it would have a base of their core terror regarding it. That terror would eventually grow into a level violence which eventually can and will cascade into outright genocide. Which then explains in detail why the history of genocide had occurred.

Berlin circa 1944 was not the first time the Jews faced genocide, it was not even the first 100th time. Nor would it be the last time, just on a smaller scale.



Pandora’s box has been part of western ccutlulre mythology since shortly after the thera volcano erupted. That eruption caused two things to occur. One it caused almst the entire


Lilith the first wife of adam




Of course we must not forget the facts surrounding the megaliths. The megaliths were being built which are much more complicated to construct, align, and maintain than a pyramid. Which there are literally several hundred thousand megalithic like Stonehenge around. Mostly under mosques, synagogues, churches, cathedrals, etc. the following cultures were afraid that megaliths were literally a gateway to hell so they built their sanctuary directly over the center of the circle. The altar was designed to be directly over where the megalith used to be. In many cases the altar at the center of the megalith was literally used as the new sanctuary altar. Based on the megaliths, it is a statistical probability that the information contained in the plates of destiny had engineering which came close to explaining how to move gigantic rocks into perfect alignment like the western wall of the renamed Jerusalem in Levant lands. The ballistic rise in technology follows specific patterns of sociology which can be identified and measured. Then cross compared with other similar events; to recreate the technology which might have been on the plates to begin with.

Be interesting if el is a form of Lilith. Male Adam, Female Eve, balance between Lilith. Would in effect make Lilith a very interesting being; being literally the balance between. A very powerful and badly misunderstood thing. But almost without fail, when a conqueror rides into an area, after they seize control. They kill all who dare to oppose them. They take the most powerful/strong images and symbols from those they just conquered and will do any and all of the following actions. Seize control over the former symbols of power, taking those symbols of power for themselves. Reference Narmer took the flail and crook, the beard, both crowns, etc. and used them as his own personal symbols of power. Then they take the symbols which are not seize able and corrupt them to the point they take something good and make it bad. Reference Medusa, was a good person before the Dorian invasion edited her story from a good person to an evil being. Along with her son turning him into a dark being as well.


Place them all together

The room, the plates, and the blade what do you get. Well by legend Adolf possessed the spear for a few years and he was able to do miraculous things with it. Possessing just one of the pieces. The Russians once they were able to obtain the fake amber room; were also able to do miraculous things with the Russian Empire. But put them all together and you have what most countries in the Middle Ages believed to be a combination of divine tools which would literally make your nation the most powerful in the world.

No army in the world, no combination of armies in the world could challenge the possessor for power.

The only real reason the armies of the world would be present was if there was either huge amounts of gold or a divine tool to help them conquer the world. I assume the Amber room, the spear of destiny, and the arc of the covenant which contained the loom of Adam would qualify as divine type powerful tools. Which the armies would gladly fight over.


Forbidden fruit

The fruit is a metaphor regarding the acid used in batteries, Noah’s alcohol is also good for batteries.

Fruit of the batteries used to charge and work with the amber room to direct the electricity toward an unknown. But this evidence helps to create a picture as to how the zero gravity sphere was generated.

A one side of the electromagnet

B the other side of the electromagnet

C The Sphere itself and the associated blocks being moved.


Forbidden fruit, alcohol e.g. Noah, dolman,





History of The lions Inn Hotel


The battles which occurred at in the Garden of Eden


At least one if not more battles directly took place directly where the Lions Inn Motel is located.

One battle was to destroyed the megalith which to replace that megalith Roth replaced it with a garden of Eden replica

Battle one destroying the megalith

Destroying the first Roth estate

Destroying the roth garden replacing the garden with the lions inn hotel

Lions Inn Motel IIII

Megalith eg Stonehenge





The Lions Inn Motel is situated on old Hiway 99 currently called Elm Street in the City of Bellingham, Washington. Highway 99 stretches (known by many different names and forms) from present day southern California to Canada. Hiway 99 runs to the east of both the Pickett House and the future location of the Lions Inn (the Lions Inn which is designed to  resemble a Motel version of the English Garden which is modeled upon what the Garden of Eden looked like), which is about .46 of a mile 340’ North West.

The Lions Inn sits on property which was part of the Roth Estate. The Roth Estate was built as a grand three-story Italianate style Roeder-Roth Home (1897) which sat at the northwest corner of Elm and Monroe in Bellingham (demolished in 1956). The businesses and homes which were built after, built in part to take advantage of the bourgeoning tourist trade as well as an attempt to erase/hide embarrassing history of the city.

Roth Back Yard and the Garden of Eden

All proper society in their back yard would have their own personal copy of the garden of Eden. The Lions Inn Hotel sits almost exactly were the Roth Estate “English Garden/Family copy of the Garden of Eden” would have been.

The Lions Inn was built as a place to stay due to the expanded traveling possible after World War Two, and availability of the automobile, with the capacity of those automobiles to travel on dependable roads, the automobiles capacity to travel farther than a person’s local area e.g. availability of gas stations, etc.

Hiway 99 was built as an upgrade from ancient Native Trails which had been used for centuries and possibly millennia.

The Lewis and Clark Trail

The junction of Portland, Oregon, the Columbia River and Vancouver, Washington bisect the Lewis and Clark Trail with the north south trail which would later be called hiway 99. Follow the Lewis and Clark trail to Portland/Vancouver Washington West then turn 90’ .(where Fort Vancouver, Washington sits Fort Vancouver was originally called most likely New Castle named by the Ogle’s who founded the East India Company, subject to a hostile takeover thanks to the Dutch backing the Hudson’s Bay company. The HBC was a subsidiary of the IEC, before the Dutch betrayed the British.) North follow old highway 99 to North Bellingham about seven miles south of Ferndale, Washington. The Lewis and Clarke trail was plagiarized from the North American Ogle Trade Route which extended from Boston to Vancouver Washington. Very likely north along Hiway 99 to Canada.

The City of Bellingham itself

The city of Bellingham has an incredible history. This history is reflected within the framework of the construction of the Lions Inn itself.

North West Passage

Asking yourself why all this activity in Bellingham previous to 1850; makes absolutely no logical sense.  Till the evidence of “The NorthWest Passage” there was so much money to be made in finding a faster and more economical way for a trade route from Europe west to the orient. Instead of sailing almost a full year around the Horn, a few weeks using the river system is only the most logical thing to do. Bellingham is a perfect location in order to have a deep port city in which to bring goods in. then sail them out of a very protected bay, sound, and down to the Columbia river. Or an overland down what would be called Hiway 99. The explores from just about every country whom ventured into the Pacific North West traveling up the Road to the west of the Lions Inn is not out of the question, but an almost guarantee. Papal Permission to Explore the Pacific North West was granted 1493. The British were too strong till the late 1600s to challenge their North American monopoly. Thanks to Henry VIII; he broke their cultural and military back in the North  Kingdom. Almost exactly the same battle strategies the English ancestors the Romans used to defeat Carthage.

The city was named after Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition

His title came from Castle Bellingham Ireland (conquered and renamed to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland). The Title came directly from the British Ogle Royal Family.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was named by the Ogle Family who was present at Hastings and fought alongside William the Conqueror. De Ogle brought the deciding German Mercenaries with their long bows into the battle; as a reward the Lands from York to Perth Scotland were given back to the Ogle family (which included Ogle Castle,  Castle Bellingham<the name sake city of Bellingham Washington >, New Castle, etc.). The Pictish (the Pictish most likely had allied with Islam in order to defeat the Ogles) during the age of the Viking renamed the land to Northumberland which is the Latin translation of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle DD. Ogle being the shortened family name and name sake of Castle Ogle and the origin of both Castle Bellingham and the Lord Bellingham title. Islam had ruled with  an Tyrannical iron fist the Iberian Peninsula for some 800 years previous to circa 1490, only 200 years later the radically strong Islamic philosophy would not only still be present in the Spanish Culture but would be a primary guiding principle for the Spanish explorers and colonizers in the New World. Since the West Coast was still at least semi-in Spanish hands; many of the Islamic leaning individuals and groups would naturally want to evacuate from the Spanish inquisition and make their new life in New Spain. Solid Militant Islamic leaning Dutch, English, and Spanish settlements would have been in the area of the Pacific North West from the 1500s forward.

The Star of Bethlehem is both a thing and a cryptic code to let the Children of Israel know a bit more information and to hide that information from their enemy.

The Star (Vertical/North) Beth (Female/defined land) La (divine) Ham (sacred define land; translates to North<in non-Latin based languages north meant vertical as in up not compass heading>Umberland. Connects Bellingham Washington state and Castle Bellingham Washington Territory with both NorthUmberLand and the Nativity. Bethlehem is a few miles south of Jerusalem.  Similar layouts between modern day Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to Ferndale and Bellingham. Which linguistically connects the British Royal Family of Ogle<specifically the ancestors and descendants of De Ogle> to Egypt, Jerusalem (several including Newcastle), Bethlehem, and the Castle Bellingham’s.

18 miles from the West to the East from Castle Bellingham is NewCastle Northumberland which to translate NewCastle from Latin into Hebrew spells out Jerusalem. About seven miles North West of the Lions Inn is the city of Ferndale which was built and named for a Log Jam in the middle of the Nooksack River. Jerusalem itself was built as a copy of the Temple of Tyre, itself was a copy of the Temple of Ptah(Location Memphis Egypt) in (Egyptian spelling for Ptah and the story of EL are close enough for Ptah to simply be a different set of letters for the same monotheistic deity) Memphis Egypt. Memphis was famous in the ancient world for being a city (much like Venice, Tyre, and Ferndale/Jam) in the middle of water in this case in the middle of a large river. The body of a Main Temple built from the eastern portion of a wall/Dyke, with arm Dykes on the remaining three sides stretching west; architecturally similar to a metaphoric hug using squared off walls Which is mirrored in the design of the Lions Inn Motel? The Dykes around Memphis were built by Pharaoh Mem whose name could be ancient Hieroglyphic for the Hebrew Abraham. That name would make Memphis (or the old name Luz<Genesis 28:19>) El Beth El.  Another even older legend from Sumerian tells the tale that the Temple of El Beth El aka Memphis Egypt Abraham modeled his temple/tabernacle from what his culture could remember from the original temple Adam built at Heliopolis previous to 3500 b.c.e name IWNW (the Capital of the Pillars aka Stonehenge). Although the name Jeru Salem is a combination of two languages Futhark Jera means the motions of the Sun which generates time and Salem which in Hebrew means Sacred defined city. It is not outside the linguistic realm of possibilities that Jerusalem could translate to North (the motions of the Vertical Sun) Umber (Sacred) Land (Defined Area). This linguistic evidence is strongly backed up by the definition of NewCastle which in Latin means new day e.g. the motions of the sun Castle is a sacred defined city/fortification. The difference between a Castle and a Fort; a Castle has to be sanctified by a priest and have a priest in residence. New = Jera and Castle = Salem.

Engineering and architecture wise humanity has been using the temple in the middle with protective walls around architecture from modeled after the Temple of Ptah in Egypt ever since; including Jerusalem itself. Mecca is designed the same way.

That architecture is built into the blue print of the Lion’s Inn. Although in respect to the class structure only the manor house and one functioning (the rooms) north wall of the dyke was constructed. The wall to the east, south and west are simply just walls not rooms or functioning architecture.

Ptah is just another spelling for El; Ptah by legend stood on the Ben Ben (an elevated from a primordial pool) stone at Heliopolis to create the world from. Heliopolis by another legend is where Adam built a replica of the Garden of Eden; Heliopolis in hieroglyphic translates into Hebrew as Jerusalem.

The History of Bellingham and the Land the Lions Inn sits on

The history of the land the Hotel sits on is just as interesting as the city itself.

The Lions Inn sits on land which was part of the Roeder and Pickett Farm/Estate/Plantation for most of the 1800s respectively. Pickett seizing the Roberts, Roeder’s, etc lands transforming them into Forts. Turning the Roeder (1500 acres) lands into the Pickett Plantation; the Lions Inn sits on part of that seized land which is less than half a mile from the Roeder Home which would not be built/rebuilt until 1895. The Pickett House was built in 1855 when (Future Confederate General) Captain George Pickett was stationed at Fort Bellingham three miles North (fort Bellingham North) in order to secure the city of Bellingham (Currently Old Down Town Bellingham built circa 1880) and the emerging metropolis of the area for first the American and then Confederate governments. Strongly indicating the 1880 Bellingham is a rebuild from a previous city which was replaced after conflicts removed it. Based on the other megaliths in and or close to the cities connected to the East India Company and Hudson Bay Company. Would make Whatcom County a place which held several Megalithic structures. The 1500 acres Roeder purchased would have held a megalith/Stonehenge or two. One of those megaliths would have been on the Jam in the Nooksak and another would have been where the Lions Inn Motel now sits. Well connected too ancient knowledge built their houses in specific locations, Roth building his home directly south of the location of an ancient megalith would have been within the standard behavior pattern of British families.

Although in truth; Pickett could have just as easily been working to secure an area for the emerging confederacy. Which would make the lands Pickett purchased/seized (which the Lions Inn sits only one-fourth of a mile north of the Pickett House) the Plantation he built and started to turn into a profitable investment; destroying the megalithic structures in the process. The Pickett Plantation could be part of the land the Lions Inn sits on, may have been in the beginning for the American government but somewhere between 1856-1861 would have been more Confederate than American. Making the area from Blaine/Lynden all the way down to just north of Seattle, confederate territory.

Pickett being a Virginia boy and the direct descendant of the Plantation system, it would only be natural for Pickett to buy/seize a large amount of acres of land and work to turn that land into a Plantation. Since at the time the area of the Pacific North West was not entirely governed under the laws of the American government; consequently a future leader of the confederacy whose family owned a plantation in Virginia and owned a large number of slaves could have attempted to purchase slaves and have those slaves work the Pickett Farm/Plantation which the Lions Inn could sit on part of that land. In the 1850s property rights and boundaries especially for the well to do and military were not clear and the unclear rules were not strictly enforced. Enforcement of any laws was usually by the military, consequently the laws the military commander chose became the rules everyone had to follow. The confederate Pickett by rights and rules of law could do literally anything he wanted since he like all commanders on the frontier was the soul embodiment of the rule of law, judge, jury, and executioner. Only his commanding officers hundreds of miles away could stop said actions of their sub-ordinate officers.

The construction of the Lions Inn itself




The Hotel itself was built from a collection of different architectural standards.

First there is the main building at the east center of the property e.g. manor house where the lord of the property lives with his family. Which includes various additions for the property maintenance.

Second the row of actual hotel rooms/suites/etc. is aligned in a row on the north of the property. Which is in accordance to part of the Roman Villa design? This is a modified copy of both the Greek estate structural design and the ancient Persian Garden design. This by legend was created to reflect the architecture Adam could remember regarding what the Garden of Eden used to look like. Which looks similar to the upper torso of a human (manor house) arms (the walls around) outstretched elbowing in to meet the hands in a form of a squared off hug.

The Persian garden the tree in the middle of the garden was replaced by the Lords Manor House/Mansion/Keep/Long house. Next to the tree to the West was the spring/fountain situated close to the exact middle of the Garden, the spring/fountain was the water source for the trees and all the rest of the inhabitance of the garden.

Of course no Persian Garden/Manor House/Mansion could be complete without some reflection of a large expansive garden situated infront of the Lords house stretch to the East, as described in the Holy Bible Genesis.

Distance from the Roeder Estate/Plantation

Although in all truth the Roeder Home to the Lions Inn is about half a mile. The land between was mostly by the 1940s filled in with houses. Originally most of the half mile even a few decades before was fields or part of the remains of the Pickett Plantation. The legal and physical battles over the entire area stretched from 1850s to the 1890s. The essence of the architecture of both the Plantation/Persian garden and the Class structure from the Roeder home as well as the other classically styled houses in the area cascaded into the overall design of the Lions Inn Motel.

Captain Henry Roeder came to the area in the 1850s. Henry Roeder arrived in the area from Vermillion, Ohio, which is only about 50 miles from the Ogle Family in Tiffin, Ohio (the Ogle family in Tiffin are direct line descendants from De Ogle from 1066 Hastings). The history books claim Capt. Roeder came to the area to create a lumber mill in order to send lumber down to fuel the building boom occurring in San Francisco and the gold Rush. Capt. Roeder came to the area most likely to take over as Chief Proctor for the East India Company; one of the last remaining American profit locations before the company finally went defunct June, 1 1874. The Chief Proctors house at Fort Vancouver the Roeder House have a similar architectural design updated by a century of social progress. Making Bellingham part of the East India Company. The Roeder saw mill burned down in 1873 the EIC went bankrupt a year later. The Chief Proctor of Castle Bellingham Oregon Territory would have been where the Pickett House/Tower is and was in the present respectively. Standard military strategies take over the strongest position when conquering a new area e.g. take the castle of the opponent and live in it.

The design of the 1895 Roeder home is reminiscent of the classic Victorian style common at the time, which is a stylized version of the architecture of British Manor Estates. As well as a reflection of what the EIC house style would have been. The sociological structure and the way the Roeder house was built are directly reflected within the way the Lions Inn was built. A class structure scaled down version of the most prominent house around. Which is also reflected in the Roth House, that was also a scaled down for class structure from the Roeder Home. The most prominent house/home/mansion the structures around will be equal or a lesser degree of a similar sociological class. The Lions Inn Motel is no different in this structure. Since it is a motel it fits within the standard mold of said sociological structure in addition to the need for a motel on the new emphasis from the tourists on Highway 99.

Pickett Home

Before the civil war the American and Confederate governments and military had a significant presence in the area. Their presence was so strong in fact that the officers posted had time to build not only homes but businesses. The Pickett Home was constructed as an English 10lbs castle, (example O'Dowd castle) there are 1000s in Ireland. The English would donate 10lbs to the construction of a castle with a Tower in order to pacify the natives. Eventually the small house (Pickett’s house on Bancroft) would be rebuilt as an addition to the tower (on the hill); only much larger. Which is why the small and currently only house is built to be disassembled quickly.

Captain George Pickett the commander built a home and started to build a business out of the lands he purchased/seized. A farm/plantation; although he did have to compete with the amount of land Roeder had purchased which would make a 1000s of acres large plantation impossible. Unless Pickett seized parts of the Roeder lands for personal and/ or military use. A situation not uncommon in the military and exactly what Pickett did when he seized control over the previous city of Bellingham circa 1856 (Very possible Castle Bellingham Washington Territory). The current downtown Bellingham would be the rebuilt city from after the conflicts circa 1880 (a very likely megalith stood close to the corner of W Holly and Bay Street). Fort Bellingham North’s location is well known, it was located on the East side of the road Fort Bellingham which is 3.14 (Pi) miles north of the Lions Inn or 3.5 miles north of the Pickett House/Plantation.Pi Lions Inn 30 and donovan

Pi south the middle Bisects the middle of Old Main Western Washington Universty  Campus.

Distance from the Pickett Building

The Pickett building and home are less than half a mile south by south east from the Lions Inn.

The Pickett house being the first English/American home constructed north of the established or yet to be reestablished city of Bellingham. Although in the immediate area hundreds to thousands of European families did live between Bellingham and Ferndale; they were mostly British, Royalist French, German (not English) and not Americans.

Fort Bellingham North

The Fort was located near and on Ms. Roberts’s farm which she had to be evicted from. The lands between the north fort and the Pickett Home were used by Pickett. This took decades by those whom later built large houses/estates to recover their lands/property. Only two have most of their lands seized again when Washington became a full-fledged state.

After the fort was abandoned Ms Roberts was allowed to return. The 3.14 miles from the Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North was full of Mansions and Estates; they were not built till after 1880. The large estates seemed the government started selling off their lands in the 1890-1900s; huge building booms immediately followed. Not unlike dozens of other seized lands and sold off to settlers happening at the same time example Oklahoma, Colorado, etc. There is nothing to suggest that the battles were not both legal and physical; with perhaps remnants of the confederacy still fighting to keep some level of control and or a foothold to launch a second wave (circa 1865-1885). The battles would not be reported since the winners would not want any news of said battles to be documented.

In addition the Mansions/Estate Lands being split up and the lots divided and sold could have been part of the negotiation to become a state on November 11, 1889. The remaining British families finally won the legal and physical battles from the previous four decades only to have the rights and lands re-seized, divided up, and sold off for new American settlers. A standard procedure in American policies in the 1800s, seize lands then profit off of selling divided parcels.

The sociological structure of the society from 1850 to present still shape the way the culture of those that live and work in Bellingham operate, including the construction of independent hotel/motels. The Lions Inn was not created by way of a corporate chain, which come in to a city and create their buildings based on a standardized blue print; then alter the base to fit into the community itself. The Lions Inn was designed as a reflection of the city it was being constructed within. As well as the garden it was replacing from the Roth Estate.

Every few decades more parcels of the lands north of the center of Downtown Bellingham would be parceled and sold off, which the Lions Inn in the 1940s was part of one of.

Fort Bellingham South

Located under what is now the campus of Western Washington University. Although whether or not the Southern Fort Bellingham was officially decommissioned is a strong subject of debate; would also raise the question regarding did the American government shift the land from being a military reservation to being an educational institute still maintaining the rights to reestablish the military as needed at any time. Indicating that even as late as after Washington Territory became a State the American government still considered the British, French Royalists, and Confederacy in Washington state a serious and substantial threat.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden has been tentatively been identified as being just north of the present day city of Tabriz Iran. The Lions Inn basic engineering architecture was modeled to directly reflect how much of the ancient design documentation and memories that garden looked like. Ironically the Lions Inn sits were the Roth Mansion English Garden/Persian Garden copy of the Garden of Eden used to look like.


Although in all truth both names are a direct reflection towards the “Great  Sacred River” in language of India the river on the West side of the country is “The Indus” River which is where India was named from, it is also the name Columbus chose to call the “Red Man” whom he discovered inhabiting the area.

Indian does not mean what most assume it means, it is a direct reflection of the Indus River which is named exactly the same as the “Great Sacred River” aka the Nile in Hieroglyphic. More than a few legends, DNA, and evidence connect Egypt with the area of Northumberland and Scotland. The very Name of Scotland/Alba itself comes from two separate Egyptian legends (Scotia and Meritaten). There is a Pub in Northumberland (it used to be Northumberland) which claims to have timbers which that same tree other timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria. Some portions of the Columbus expedition state that Columbus a well-known Conversos (a Jew who claimed to convert but only for show) named the Natives “Indians” to honor both those that bankrolled parts of his expeditions but also to honor his own Jewish ancestry regarding the Jews time as Pharaohs of Egypt.

The Native trail e.g. Highway 99 might have been part of an ancient Viking trail.

The Vikings enter the history books courtesy of their first invasions of Northumberland circa 793 ce to 1066 ce, when they attacked Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water). The Vikings created trade routes between Scandinavia to Newfoundland with direct evidence. Newly found evidence places the Vikings on both the East coast of America and across the Northern portion of the United States of America. By using the river systems and occasionally overland; dragging their boats over land for short distances. The Vikings would have had less then no problem journeying down the Columbia, up the west coast to the Puget Sound, around the Puget Sound on their way to Alaska. Little evidence of said exists but nothing would have stopped the Vikings from achieving circumnavigation. Occasional very tall and light completion natives long that described route would strongly point to the Vikings on occasion did produce children along the way. The Vikings were not only good with navigation but excellent map makers, they would have figured out a shorter overland route between  what we now call Portland, Columbia, Vancouver Washington north to the southern portion of the yet to be named Puget Sound. Meaning the literal ability to take the yet to be called Hiway 99 the real actual Vikings circa 800 ce could have literally walked the Native Trail which ran  in front of where the Lions Inn Motel sits.

The Lummi Native Americans

By legend one of the Spanish Explorers named the Lummi natives from their habit of using elevated torches to navigate around the Islands. Thus the name itself had the code contained within, Vertical/North, Amber/Umber, Land/defined area e.g. Northumberland. Which could be a reference to the Vikings who settled in the area. After more than 1000 years, the mixture of cultures can deeply bury the Viking DNA under dominant darker complexion DNA.

Jews in America 1800s

The anti-Semitic laws in America in the 1880s up to about 1946 were still so strong as to only be a little bit less than that of the height of NAZI Germany, which strongly indicating the conflicts in Bellingham between the arrival of Roeder and Pickett 1865 and the actual building of Downtown Bellingham 1890 link to violence against Jews in the area.

The history of Bellingham is vastly more complicated than the current history books will tell you. The more you learn about the place the more fascinating you will find it.



Lions Inn Hotel v

Fort Bellingham North

The Fort was located near and on Ms. Roberts’s farm which she had to be evicted from. The lands between the north fort and the Pickett Home were used by Pickett. This took decades by those whom later built large houses/estates to recover their lands/property. Only two have most of their lands seized again when Washington became a full-fledged state.

After the fort was abandoned Ms Roberts was allowed to return. The 3.14 miles from the Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North was full of Mansions and Estates; they were not built till after 1880. The large estates seemed the government started selling off their lands in the 1890-1900s; huge building booms immediately followed. Not unlike dozens of other seized lands and sold off to settlers happening at the same time example Oklahoma, Colorado, etc. There is nothing to suggest that the battles were not both legal and physical; with perhaps remnants of the confederacy still fighting to keep some level of control and or a foothold to launch a second wave (circa 1865-1885). The battles would not be reported since the winners would not want any news of said battles to be documented.

In addition the Mansions/Estate Lands being split up and the lots divided and sold could have been part of the negotiation to become a state on November 11, 1889. The remaining British families finally won the legal and physical battles from the previous four decades only to have the rights and lands re-seized, divided up, and sold off for new American settlers. A standard procedure in American policies in the 1800s, seize lands then profit off of selling divided parcels.

The sociological structure of the society from 1850 to present still shape the way the culture of those that live and work in Bellingham operate, including the construction of independent hotel/motels. The Lions Inn was not created by way of a corporate chain, which come in to a city and create their buildings based on a standardized blue print; then alter the base to fit into the community itself. The Lions Inn was designed as a reflection of the city it was being constructed within. As well as the garden it was replacing from the Roth Estate.

Every few decades more parcels of the lands north of the center of Downtown Bellingham would be parceled and sold off, which the Lions Inn in the 1940s was part of one of.

Fort Bellingham South

Located under what is now the campus of Western Washington University. Although whether or not the Southern Fort Bellingham was officially decommissioned is a strong subject of debate; would also raise the question regarding did the American government shift the land from being a military reservation to being an educational institute still maintaining the rights to reestablish the military as needed at any time. Indicating that even as late as after Washington Territory became a State the American government still considered the British, French Royalists, and Confederacy in Washington state a serious and substantial threat.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden has been tentatively been identified as being just north of the present day city of Tabriz Iran. The Lions Inn basic engineering architecture was modeled to directly reflect how much of the ancient design documentation and memories that garden looked like. Ironically the Lions Inn sits were the Roth Mansion English Garden/Persian Garden copy of the Garden of Eden used to look like.


Although in all truth both names are a direct reflection towards the “Great  Sacred River” in language of India the river on the West side of the country is “The Indus” River which is where India was named from, it is also the name Columbus chose to call the “Red Man” whom he discovered inhabiting the area.

Indian does not mean what most assume it means, it is a direct reflection of the Indus River which is named exactly the same as the “Great Sacred River” aka the Nile in Hieroglyphic. More than a few legends, DNA, and evidence connect Egypt with the area of Northumberland and Scotland. The very Name of Scotland/Alba itself comes from two separate Egyptian legends (Scotia and Meritaten). There is a Pub in Northumberland (it used to be Northumberland) which claims to have timbers which that same tree other timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria. Some portions of the Columbus expedition state that Columbus a well-known Conversos (a Jew who claimed to convert but only for show) named the Natives “Indians” to honor both those that bankrolled parts of his expeditions but also to honor his own Jewish ancestry regarding the Jews time as Pharaohs of Egypt.

The Native trail e.g. Highway 99 might have been part of an ancient Viking trail.

The Vikings enter the history books courtesy of their first invasions of Northumberland circa 793 ce to 1066 ce, when they attacked Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water). The Vikings created trade routes between Scandinavia to Newfoundland with direct evidence. Newly found evidence places the Vikings on both the East coast of America and across the Northern portion of the United States of America. By using the river systems and occasionally overland; dragging their boats over land for short distances. The Vikings would have had less then no problem journeying down the Columbia, up the west coast to the Puget Sound, around the Puget Sound on their way to Alaska. Little evidence of said exists but nothing would have stopped the Vikings from achieving circumnavigation. Occasional very tall and light completion natives long that described route would strongly point to the Vikings on occasion did produce children along the way. The Vikings were not only good with navigation but excellent map makers, they would have figured out a shorter overland route between  what we now call Portland, Columbia, Vancouver Washington north to the southern portion of the yet to be named Puget Sound. Meaning the literal ability to take the yet to be called Hiway 99 the real actual Vikings circa 800 ce could have literally walked the Native Trail which ran  in front of where the Lions Inn Motel sits.

The Lummi Native Americans

By legend one of the Spanish Explorers named the Lummi natives from their habit of using elevated torches to navigate around the Islands. Thus the name itself had the code contained within, Vertical/North, Amber/Umber, Land/defined area e.g. Northumberland. Which could be a reference to the Vikings who settled in the area. After more than 1000 years, the mixture of cultures can deeply bury the Viking DNA under dominant darker complexion DNA.

Jews in America 1800s

The anti-Semitic laws in America in the 1880s up to about 1946 were still so strong as to only be a little bit less than that of the height of NAZI Germany, which strongly indicating the conflicts in Bellingham between the arrival of Roeder and Pickett 1865 and the actual building of Downtown Bellingham 1890 link to violence against Jews in the area.

The history of Bellingham is vastly more complicated than the current history books will tell you. The more you learn about the place the more fascinating you will find it.

The History of the City of Bellingham Washington State Version II 2014 8 25 1606


The city of Bellingham is directly connected to the Roman Empire through the North American Ogle Trade Route. The City of Bellingham Washington State is also directly connected to ancient Egypt with architecture, city names, and descended cultures extending from the earliest civilizations and city layouts up to and through the cities of Whatcom County. The evidence regarding the exacting details of various Indo-European architecture is comparable within modern architecture since the ancient cultures from which the cities contained in Whatcom County are built from are exact in their parameters. Exacting down to the millimeter.

The following his how the city of Bellingham Washington state could have been founded.

First point to make

It Of Course it is a cultural default to found cities in the islands of a river and or on its banks if not directly on a coastal waterway. That is not significant in any way shape or form; that is not what is being pointed out. What is being pointed out in a significant way is the shape, placement, design, and material used in the buildings of that city.

Based on established measurements from the Megaliths, the architecture in which the buildings were built was exacting down to the millimeter. Example the causeways of the Pyramids are so precise that the language, mathematics, science, and engineering included the curvature of the earth and continental drift. Which to put it mildly modern academics has only just started to study the concept of continental drift in the last few centuries. Whereas the cultures which constructed the megalithic infrastructure were experts in the concept.

Additionally the City of Bellingham with so many architectural connections with the sequence of cities (from which it is part of this theory) that the ancients in sequence from pre-translated writings through to the present have rebuilt each time they have been exiled from their previous rebuild and make copies of cities. The cascade effect of the same architecture from 4500 b.c.e to present of the hundreds of copies of a similar city design create a statistical model from which to find each city from present back to the earliest remaining evidence. Which that evidence is itself a copy from previous libraries and previous information assembled and or reassembled from previous time’s culture A was forced to evacuate from conquest culture B. The copy in reference is at the city of Hierakonpolis aka the City of the Hawk, ancient Egyptian Nekhen. The Hawk on the Crown of the Pharaoh’s comes directly from this city. The Snake comes directly from Wadjet from the city of Dep.

The below cultures are divided into two groups. A culture and B culture; A are the builders, B are the conquerors. In almost all cases in the cultures being presented the Builders are almost exclusively descendants from the same culture which built the pyramids. B are descendants from a culture which has stopped at absolutely nothing to erase all traces of the A culture(from the dawn of recorded history to present culture B and descendants from Culture B almost every new generation works very hard to obliterate culture A). The mathematics are so exacting that in any given event, you can almost predict when the B culture will arrive after A has built something. A cultures actions are almost universally the same, they rebuilt a new copy of their ancient infrastructure, B soon as they receive word A has rebuilt they summon up an army and attack without mercy till as many traces of A are obliterated as they can reach. The farther away A culture is the more difficult the battles and the longer it takes to erase A by descended forces from B.

The North American Ogle Trade Route

The North American Ogle Trade Route was an ancient trade route created first to promote trade, connection, communication, cultural support, etc. to cultures from around the world.

It ended being a military infrastructure to prevent humanity from being destroyed under descended cultures from tyrants (descendants from culture B) whom only wanted to destroy and control everything on the face of the world.

The area of Whatcom was refounded by English and American settlers whom followed the then reestablished North American Ogle Trade Route renamed Lewis and Clarke Trail. Lewis and Clarke plagiarized their journey, plagiarized most of their findings, and then aided/assisted in the erasure process of the North American Ogle Trade Route so that the newly formed America could claim any and all credit absorbing the profits. Merriweather Lewis also built Grand Lodge of England within a few miles of a Grand Lodge of Britain; thus breaking both French and International Law.

The North American Ogle Trade Route specifically this specific leg which had Bellingham Washington state as part of its infrastructure.

Side Note before the areas of this trade route are explained. A few notes must be addressed first.

First note; the Vikings were a Mercenary army hired and trained by the Ogle(Northumberland) family in order to battle against the Pictish Revolt and work to unseat the coup d’état forcing the Ogles off the British throne and replacing the British Throne for a Pictish English Throne. Same throne different ruling family and societal infrastructure. A situation and occurrence which happened more than a few times from the first kings of Britain to present. Each Royal family have alliances and allegiances to different places and cultures. A careful observation of each family group’s behavior patterns will point to which culture the head of that family is aligned with. The rest of the family taking orders, directions, and influence from the head of the family.

Second note; the Vikings and culture from Northern Europe were more than skilled enough to create a trade route across the north Atlantic from Scandinavia to Newfoundland. Down the Eastern Sea board is nothing in comparison with sailing across the North Atlantic.

The Extremes in evidence regarding Scandinavian and Viking presence in America on a regular basis date from no later than 50 c.e. 2000 years of presence in America erased because those that wrote the history books were the Romans and Roman culture descendants e.g. the French English, and finally Americans. The English are a descended culture from the Romans. Whom themselves are a descended culture from at least a portion of the cultures which make up Rome were and are Dorians. Same with the Germans e.g. Anglo Saxons more than a few of the Anglo Saxon tribes were roman and Hyksos Descendants.

The Northern American Leg of the Ogle Family Trade Route;

First Boston through the river system to the great lakes,

The great lakes to the Ohio River

Ohio River to the Mississippi

Mississippi to the end of the Missouri. Where the Missouri dumps into the Mississippi.

The end of the Missouri to the headwaters of the Missouri

Across the continental divide to the headwaters of the Columbia

Down the Columbia to the Pacific

That entire journey would take less than six weeks, more like three weeks. Whereas the journey from England to the Columbia would take close to if not over two entire years.

There is extremely good reason in all aspects for the B cultures to want to conquer, possess, and then erase the A culture creating that lucrative of a trade route. Not only based on the money but the time saved in creating a from the east to the west Silk Road.

Lewis and Clarke Plagiarized their entire journey

The Santa Fe Trail was also in existence long before the opening of the west occurred. The Santa Fe Trail began at approximately the property from which Captain Joseph Ogle owned and his family had operated from the early 1600s very likely late 1500s to the 1800s.

Whatcom county and the Bellingham/Ferndale Washington area was a safe and secure place in which to make an attempt at re-creating a new empire/kingdom/country to model/copy from their previous countries from which they had been violently exiled.

The re-founding of Bellingham Washington State after Lewis and Clarke

The city was named after Lord Bellingham

Whom possessed said title from the castle his family were lords of?

That Castle being Castle Bellingham Ireland (which is only a few miles south of present day Northern Ireland)

Castle Bellingham Ireland was a city which existed for a considerable amount of time before the Vikings conquered the city and renamed it for the castle in Northumberland

Castle Bellingham Northumberland sits about 10 miles north of Hadriens wall. This castle was just one of a dozen the Northumberland family used to defeat the Romans every time they crossed north of the wall.

Castle Bellingham sits only a few miles west of Ogle Castle. The Name sake Castle of the Family Ogle. Which the area of Northumberland is the Latin translation (the conquering Pictish army changed the name from the original Gaelic to Latin) the Gaelic is Yr Hen Ogle DD.

Why is this beyond significant for the founding of Bellingham Washington? New Castle e.g. where Hadriens wall ends to the east (from the west to the east; reference intended) is only 7 miles away from Ogle Castle. New Castle is a beyond significant city for a huge number of reasons. Not the least of which is New Castle in Hebrew translates to Jerusalem.

The Ogles whom had created the Trade Route which Whatcom county and the cities therein directly own their founding and earliest settlers followed the Ogle Maps to find. As well as the North American Ogle Trade Route had negotiated for centuries with the kingdoms of Europe which allowed the earliest settlers to obtain passports and permissions to create new settlements to begin with. The Ogle family are who named and the Royal Titles of Bellingham originated; the Ogle family is where the Name and Title Lord Bellingham on the Vancouver expedition are a direct result of. The Ogle family is where the City of Bellingham, Ferndale, Lyndon, etc. draw direct lineage from.

The Ogles are the army from which the entire might of the entire width and breadth of the Roman Army broke itself on at Hadriens Wall. From 50 b.c.e to the last day of the Roman Empire the Romans lost almost 100% of the battles 100% of the time. Which is why Emperor Hadrian after close to a century of losing ordered a defense wall to be erected. It is true that the wall in its last decades was mostly used for Trade as a center of commerce. But in the previous centuries the wall was a place Romans went to die.

How in the world does Hadriens wall connect with Ancient Egypt?

The City of Bellingham Washington State and Ancient Egypt.

It is amazing and not very realistic to assume the city of Bellingham Washington and ancient Egypt have anything to do with each other at all, but in fact the connections and the evidence is almost overwhelming from the proper perspective. In the most extreme brief Ferndale and ancient Egypt have a very likely and strong commonality? The city of Memphis Egypt at several different points in the history of Egypt was the capital city. This city started out as a little settlement on a sand barge in the middle of the river. What if the City of Ferndale or the old name Jam was intentionally built from a collection of logs from which gathered together in the middle of the river to reflect the ancient city of Memphis by the British decades before the Lewis and Clarke trail. The British either taking advantage of a naturally formed log Jam and or forming the log jam intentionally.  If that city of Jam or whatever its original name was did exist on that jam with the remnants of the city on that jam being the logs which stuck up if no one knew or remembered that decades or even a century before it was a full city. If the natives were all but entirely ignored, that places the city of Jam and the city of Memphis as well as the city of Venice with the same architectural design features.

Which the logs sticking up do also connect Memphis/Ferndale with the City of Pillars aka the Temple Adam built before the flood. That city was conquered and renamed Heliopolis (Translates from Linear B into English as Jerusalem).

The Roman Empire the cultures which founded the city or in this case conquered the city and renamed it <erasing the entire length and breadth of the previous centuries the city existed> Rome to honor the commanding general of the city itself.

Previous the city was called “The City of Seven Hills” which was a direct reference to the original founders from the Aegean aka the Cycladic culture which had reestablished in the Aegean after Egypt was conquered and they had to evacuate/exile far away. Apparently the Aegean was not far enough.

The city of Seven hills aka Rome and Bellingham are directly connected not because of some odd trade route but because the following legend fits with the standard conquest of A built, B comes and wants to erase as much of A as possible. The founding or re-founding of Bellingham Washington itself follows the exact same pattern as the founding of the City of Seven Hills then being conquered and all the history from the previous centuries erased. Same pattern; almost exactly. Which is exactly what the Romans tried to do and failed badly at Hadriens wall, conquer then erase the armies north of the wall. Which only 10 miles north of the wall and about 20 miles west of Ogle Castle is the origin of the namesake of the city of Bellingham Washington Castle Bellingham Northumberland. Ogle Castle is beyond significant to the founding of both Bellingham and Hadriens wall since the Ogle Family named the Castle, but they also named the area of Northumberland. Northumberland is a Pictish renaming of the Ogle Kingdom after the Pictish revolt.

The Romans failed so hard to destroy the Ogles north of the Wall that they in fact during one specific sequence of battles; the Romans had to negotiate < beyond unheard of in all of the Roman Empire> with their enemy and the Sitting Emperor had to accept the daughter of the Commanding general as his wife to secure the peace treaty. Which only lasted for 10 years, at which point the Emperor filed for Divorce. The product of that marriage was future Emperor Constantin or Constantin the Great. Founder of the Christin Nation Byzantium. Byzantium being a close enough name to his mother’s family British ancestors. The same ancestors which were forced to evacuate out of Troy <not all that far away from Constantinople> to form both by legend Alba Longa, Italy and a few generations later the British Royal Family and the British Empire.

The City of Seven Hills

Was the pre753 b.c.e name for the city of Rome?

The Theory is the city was named courtesy of the Trojan Princes who escaped the battle of Troy when the Hyksos/Dorian descendant Agamemnon attacked the city and spent a decade to conquer the nation of Troy. Picking away at the little cities around till there was only the capital city left with no defenses and no supplies to fight off the attack. Unbreathable walls; but a population tired after more than 10 years of hard battles. The Trojan horse was more likely the Trojan Bull; since Jacobs animal symbol was a Bull. The Dorians are who wrote the history of the battle; more specifically the grandson of Odysseus.

But there is an obvious problem with this scenario; in truth there are a dozen problems with this scenario.

First problem with this concept is the facts regarding the battle of Troy took place roughly by Heinrick Shlemons evidence circa 1300 b.c.e, and founding of Rome was circa 753 b.c.e. The close to half a millennia between the two dates causes too large a gap between. However if the Princes of Troy simply moved to an already existing city which was built by their ancestors, they would not have needed to found the city they could have simply moved to an already existing major city having full military and political power when they arrived. Kind of like a returning from exile branch of the royal family.

In addition Akenaten aka Amenhotep IV sent his surviving children minus the future Pharaoh Tut out to found their own kingdoms in a wagon wheel and or the symbol for the Aten format. Each line being a direction he sent a child.

Since there were more than a few waves of conquest of Egypt by ancestors of the Hyksos if Akhenaten sent his surviving children where did he think about and or formulate this idea? He could have simply copied the idea from his distant ancestors of according to his perspective 300 years previous when the 17th dynasty was obliterated by the Thera Volcano and the 18th dynasty (his family) seized the throne back. By legend of Scotia the e17th dynasty did just that, right at the height of their power and shortly after the volcano obliterated their army in the Aegean the 17th dynasty sent out their Royal family members to safe and secure locations as to not be confined to the city of Avaris (their capital city) or outright killed by the 18th dynasty. A standard procedure in almost all seizing of power; the previous rulers and their families who do not escape are exiled or killed. Did the Hyksos sending out their royal family members repeat a pattern the Pharaohs of the 2000 b.c.e do? When it became clear the Hyksos were going to seize control over the country, did the royal family simply evacuate. Cascading into their enemies followed centuries later and their descendants again followed 300 years after that. Legends and standard get the ruling family to safety would indicate this is close to exactly what occurred.

When Troy was starting to be attacked, did Priam send the non-necessary personal and family away?

The question becomes; why does the B culture and its descendants almost always win?

Second problem Rome was by legend not founded till 753; although archaeology points to the facts that the City itself was founded no later than 1000 years before. Which places the founding somewhere between circa 2100- 1700 b.c.e. or before the Thera volcano erupted. Making the 1700 b.c.e Aegean Cycladic and the Trojans in some way related on a cultural level and a likely family level.

Third problem; there is another city in the area of Rome “Alba Longa, Italy” which could have been founded about 1300 b.c.e which was on the coast a few miles from Rome or at that time the city was still called “The City of Seven Hills”.  It would make the city of Alba Longa, Italy the city founded by the Princes of Troy. Which is why and how Hadriens wall, Constantine, and Egypt are directly connected with the Founding of Bellingham Washington State.

The descendants of the princes of Troy who founded or had by legend interaction with either or both “The City of Seven Hills” and or “Alba Longa, Italy” traveled up to the Islands which later became known as Britain to found the British Empire and the British Royal Family. The British Royal family claim to be direct descendants from the Princes of Troy who managed to escape the Hyksos/Dorian onslaught.

But there is a second layer problem with this.  That problem is, that the Name of Troy itself has a very difficult meaning. The city of Troy itself means “Descendants of the Foot Holder” but in Sumerian the Descendants of the Foot holder <remember when the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/etc. conquer they erase as much of the past of those they just conquered as they can get their hands on>. The foot holder in Sumerian <which at 1500 b.c.e was still an active and thriving living language> is pronounced and spelled Jacob. Jacob according to biblical stories was the Blessed brother of Esau.

Jacob possessed a blade (so did the scorpion king Narmer) which he used as one of his symbols for power. The Blade of Jacob was also known by another name “The Tome of Jacob” since the blade had writing on it.

Through a wide variety of languages, that blade/tome could easily have a name which would be close to that of the name of “Alba Longa, Italy” which translates from Linear B into Latin as Longinous. So in this linguistic and sociological experiment it is very likely the Blade which by legend pierced the side of INRI was not held by a Roman foot soldier but held by an Officer and the name was the name of the Blade not the name of the person. Making that Blade Alba Longa, Italy/Longinous and not the person.

Fourth problem; the Romans hate embarrassment more than the English do. The English hate embarrassment so much that they gave up control over the continent of India because Gandhi embarrassed them so much. Before the American colonies did the same thing, embarrassed the English Crown so much the Crown ordered the army out of the conflict. The Romans hating embarrassment would have done everything in their considerable power to erase any and all things which would show them in any other light than they were the greatest country the world had ever seen. Which causes a problem when it comes to following the documentation of history; the Romans falsified more than a few documents then claimed the documents were beyond question regarding their authority. If something cannot be questioned, a few generations later the lies are accepted as if they are hard facts. No need to question a hard fact especially one which has a strong society wide institutionalized rejection of questioning lies which have been accepted as fact.

This is a major problem for the founding of Bellingham Washington since all the evidence the Americans, Dutch and English could lay their hands on them translated and edited as each individually and collectively saw fit. Then erased any trace of any other story than the newly created version.

Psychological implications of Cultural Cognitive Dissonance.

The founding of the cities of Whatcom and the links to ancient Egypt and the very foundation of civilization has not only been erased but the suppression of that information has caused cascades of extreme difficulties in all aspects of the cultures whom have to live within the framework of a lie which the population has been forced to believe is truth.

In the cities, communities, etc. all around Western Culture can be found groups which suffer significantly from Cognitive Dissonance, where the individuals have been taught information which diverges from reality strongly enough, the individuals and groups have a huge difficult time interacting both internally and with most other groups. The interactions grow in difficulty other groups are to operating within the framework of truth and or close to how the real world functions.

The founding of the City of Seven Hills has actually several portions which link directly from the much later Rome to both the founding of the British Empire and the re-founding of the new British Empire from the San Juan Islands east to MT Baker.

First the City of Seven Hills was founded just before the Thera volcano erupted.

Second the Esau/Hyksos army(the founding of Troy, the entire area of the Phoenicians, Byblos, Tyre, etc. directly connected to the following battles) immediately after invading Egypt from Mecca (most likely descendant culture from the legendary Esau), after they conquered and possessed Egypt, they set out to conquer and possess the west side of the Mediterranean, the second the Esau/Hyksos captured the middle east they set their sights on the Anatolia Peninsula aka Turkey, immediately after taking as much of Turkey as they could they immediately set out to seize control over all the Aegean. Which is interesting since obviously from that second forward to present Esau’s descended cultures have been working to take and conquer the Aegean ever since. Which strongly indicates both a desperate need by Esau’s descendants to seize control over the Aegean but also since the Aegean from the time of the Cycladic’s to around 100 b.c.e was the center of power and control over not only the Mediterranean but the known world. Even after Rome conquered the Aegean the place was still almost beyond too powerful to control. In comparison Egypt was easy for the Romans to conquer. But the facts that the Villanovans were for a large part Dorian descendants the conquest of both the Aegean by the Romans and then seizing back control over Egypt again is part of the Culture itself sub-conscious nature. In effect if we cannot have Athens, Rome, Cairo (whatever that decades location and capital name was), the middle east, Madrid, Paris, London, Edinburg, etc. than they as a subconscious culture simply cannot rest till those belong not only to them but also control all aspects of political power with education. Esau’s line through the Hyksos/Dorians could not seize control over the Aegean being called Persians but could attack and seize control being called Romans. Nor could they seize control over Egypt again being called their previous names but they could being called first Romans and then Muslims. Although it should be noted that even though Esau has no real documentation or physical item to show a having existed, the cultures which aligned themselves according to that same philosophy and sub-conscious controlled behavior patterns starting with the Hyksos from Mecca which has been in the area of mecca since that army had invaded said area from Levant lands only a bit after a similar army left Ur to sack the city of Eridu. Whether they are the same culture is immaterial, from the Hyksos through to the portion of the English culture which are direct descendants from the Hyksos. That information and cultural sequences can be tracked through DNA, language, philosophy, customs, laws, etc.

Third the Cycladic culture knowing the Thera volcano was about to erupt had been evacuating for centuries before. As the Cycladic culture left the Hyksos followed and captured all the abandoned cities in the wake of the Cycladic evacuation. The Hyksos were entirely not interested in hearing any kind of information about how unsafe their actions were. They had 0 interest in any kind of predictions about a volcano. Culturally this might account for the Anglo Saxon tale of MT Doom, the one ring, middle earth, etc. which also could account for why the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the entire width and breadth of the Hyksos culture suffered when virtually overnight they lost their entire army which was within about 100 miles of the volcano. They also lost all the lands of the Aegean which were spoiled from being many feet burred in volcanic ash. The worst was yet to come.

Fourth when the Thera volcano did erupt; about 90% of the entire Hyksos army, culture, rich, powerful, etc. were turned to literally human toast in a few seconds. The volcano erupted with that much force it obliterated the entire Hyksos culture in the north eastern portion of the Aegean both overnight and over the next years when crops failed and the fish left.

They then lost control over the Antonia peninsula

They then lost control over almost all the armies and cultural infrastructure around the black sea

Some of those armies headed north east into the Steppes of Russia. One very likely becoming known later as the Aesier; commanded/lead by Odin.

Then they lost the middle east

Then adding the most grieves insult to injury, their shield wall Israelite slaves revolted and seized control over Egypt. Becoming the 18th dynasty.

Which would explain in detail why culturally they have to get even and obliterate the Cycladic and all descended cultures form the face of the earth. Even though they were warned not to perform those actions, it is still the fault of the Cycloid and Israelite descended cultures they were destroyed in 1550 b.c.e when the thera volcano erupted. That culture from then till now has been working very hard to gain the power they possessed before the volcanic eruption and destroy the culture guilty of causing it. Mental and emotional trauma does not rely on logic or reason to function. Many times mental and emotional trauma operate so far removed from reality the two are difficult to quantify as to how separate they are.

Fifth the Cycladic in bulk moved their culture west in order to avoid catching the Thera volcano in the teeth. Which would be either the approximate time the Cycladic could have been founding the city of Seven hills.

Making the Cycladic culture the true founders of the city.

But there is so much more.

By legend Amenhotep IV aka Akenaten sent out his surviving children to form their own kingdoms since he knew the Avaris (the capital city of the Hyksos; and after the 17th Hyksos dynasty was removed from power <thanks to the Thera volcano> the 18th dynasty the ancestors of Akenaten took over.

In effect he used the Symbol of the Aten in order to send his surviving children out. One line per child. center being Giza Ring of the Fisher Laguz King 2013 12 27 1759close to and or connected with the Circle created by connections between the different sites.

They were sentenced to be only able to be in their former capital city and not to venture out. By the middle of Akenaten’s reign the Hyksos were more than ready to raise an army and topple the 18th dynasty. So Akentaen sent his kids out to create their own kingdom which allowed the Hyksos to seize back power in Egypt.

Where Akenaten (ATEN) sent is surviving children out to would be the cities the previous Hyksos conquest were either established and or merged with centuries past relatives

Why is this important; the descendants of the Hyksos have been chasing and hunting down the descendants of Jacob from Troy to the cities of Whatcom County? Same battle virtually the same war from prehistory to present; almost without stop. As it happens the occurrence was a double blow to the Cities of Bellingham, Ferndale, and Lyndon which were founded centuries before, force to be abandoned, refounded by Ogle descendants and then seized by the forces from the Dutch, English, or Americans. Just because the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians name changed to Romans at least part of their founding culture were Hyksos. Does not mean the Romans at Hadriens were not still acting out the same exact behavior patterns from the beginning of (translated) written history to present. Or acting out the same patterns which caused the Battle of the 300 aka Thermopolis, all the Persian invasions, the Hyksos to conquer the middle east, the Hyksos to invade and conquer Egypt, previous the pattern is present but without the documentation the Esau’s line destroyed of the ability to read Indo-European language also something the hykso and their descended cultures performed. Modern academics can only guess the same exact behavior patterns present in western culture from the earliest records to the present existed in the centuries and millennia previous. Since the languages were destroyed from the previous; the statistics are almost 100% guaranteed the need to find and destroy the A culture by the (Hyksos/?) B culture is assured.

The Hyksos Army and Troy

When the Hyksos army invaded from Mecca into Upper Egypt they immediately seized their remaining enemies in Egypt and used them as front line troops. Those front line troops aka the remaining Israelites slowly under pressure of fight and live or die became really good special operations troops very quickly. If a person is under immanent threat of death from both in front and behind; you add a person and a group will either have to get really good really fast or you will be cut down in stride. With 0 mercy from either side.

Those same battle tactics tracked into the basic outline for the Spartan Phalanx. Train so well and hard that an army is in truth one unit, they move and act according to the orders of their commander. No random brawls, act and move as a single unit. Which that training could have been partly learned and adopted from the previous centuries memories from when the descendants of the Hyksos shield wall troops performed so well they literally became a serious threat to their slavers.

When said would occur, those units which had proven themselves would be gifted with the control of a city or a sequence of cities.

The list of cities who’s leaders it can be hypothesized descended from the Hyksos shield wall troops are as follows.




All the cities in the Phoenician influence

The area of Ionia


Athens<although still called Poseidon before 800 b.c.e>


When the slaves become better than the master, steps need to be taken

As stated the Hyksos shield wall soldiers came in part of the Israelites who were unable to escape Egypt before being captured.

Makes the City of Seven Hills aka Rome a rebuild from previous the Aegean, previous Troy, previous various sites in the middle east < including but not limited to Athens, Biblos, etc.>, and finally back to the West Side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza where Pharaoh Narmer forced gave that conquered foe that land as either a refugee/reservation area. To do with as they so choose.

The Pyramids being concentrated into that exact area between Sakkara and Giza give or take a few miles. Which would be about 35 miles north to south built between 2800-2100 when the Hyksos invaded. The Hyksos continued to build pyramids; but theirs were a small and unacceptable imitation of the originals.

The Pyramids are laid out in seven distinct areas; seven areas with an eighth being Memphis or its pre Pharaoh Mem name Luz.

Which makes the city of Bellingham and the area of Bellingham the last copy dating from Ancient Egypt <guaranteed previous> to the founding and architectural layout of the county of Whatcom.

Area of Seven Hills

The area of seven hills could be an easy way to define and describe the areas of the Pyramids in Egypt.

Evidence of the city of Rome its original name being the City of Seven Hills from refugee from Egypt can be found in the waves of construction on the Salzburg plane.

1 3800

2 3500

3 3200

4 2800

5 2100

6 1550

7 1300

Which is the start of the last wave of construction at Stonehenge

Seven invasions of Egypt; seven waves of construction at Stonehenge.

When a culture which is rich and powerful perceives an enemy on the horizon they have two basic choices, to stay and fight or to evacuate the non-essential personal to preserve as much of the culture as they possibly can.

The first wave are the woman and children, followed closely by the library and scholars, the rich evacuate closely in that same time. But culturally the people themselves start to evacuate the woman and children; since the Rich can pay for the journey themselves.

But where to go, does the entire population travel to just one location; that is ridiculous. Best to split up and try to maintain as much of the culture in pockets spread out as possible. Far enough away from the enemy as to be able to maintain a safe enough distance so the army has a place to retreat too if nessessary and or the population can come back. But the larger the cultural infrastructure the more influence and harder to be destroyed the culture will be.

Sending out different families to different areas is the best way to ensure cultural survival. Hence sending families out to the Aegean, Anatolia, Italy, Iberia, different areas of Britain, etc. the wider the array the less chance of being destroyed.

The city of seven hills dates to approximately the correct time when at least one of the invasions of Egypt occurred 2100-1900 Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos.

It is likely the area of seven hills was the name not for what today we call Rome but for the areas the pyramids are built in clusters around.

Which is directly reflected within the framework of how the infrastructure of the cities and communities in groupings in Whatcom country are arranged. Which also includes the islands in the Puget Sound.


Bellingham/Ferndale the New Jerusalem

The city of Bellingham was not the first city founded in the area but it has grown to become the largest.

The connections with the area itself with ancient Egypt are easy to connect the dots.

Lord Bellingham, from namesake Bellingham Castle Ireland, from namesake Bellingham Castle Northumberland, which is only 20 miles from Castle Ogle Northumberland, Castle Northumberland is only five miles north of Hadriens wall, Hadriens wall was built by the Roman Empire to keep the Ogle out of Rome, (from here there are several direct paths to trace the origins of Bellingham Washington back to ancient Egypt) Hadriens wall dead ends at New Castle Northumberland.

Properly translated NewCastle Northumberland translates as Jerusalem. Which is a rebuilt city from the ashes of the destroyed other copies of the same city. Those that built Jerusalem have had to make dozens of replacement copies since they have an aggressor nation whom is always just a few steps behind ready to genocide anyone whom gets in the way of their power.

Hence the pursuit of those that built NewCastle e.g. the Ogle family and this strange game of Run and build to prepare for the coming enemy who culturally only want to seek out their intended victim and erase them and all trace of their presence from the face of the earth.

The Romans attacking into Britain was only the latest in a very long string of A culture being conquered and forced to run away, B culture entirely subconsciously needing to always keep a weather eye on the horizon in case any type of report comes back regarding if A culture is either still around and or building another copy of their ancient infrastructure. Soon as word comes back that the A are still in existence and thriving; B goes on the war path.

What does NewCastle Northumberland and Bellingham/Ferndale have anything at all to do with each other and some mythical connection to ancient Egypt?

The proper translation of New Castle is Jerusalem as stated, but here is how it translates.

Jera is Futhark for the motions of the earth around the sun

Salem in Latin is Sacred Fortified city. The difference between a fort and a Castle is a castle has a temple/church/synagogue/sacred defined room inside it. But that sacred space requires a high ranking priest to be present and sanctify both the fortification and the room itself separately.

The Futhark character of Jera is the language from which Hebrew was built within. The parent language of Hebrew follows exactly the same behavior patterns as the rest; A culture creates something, B culture does everything in their mighty power to seize control over it and erase (patricide) all traces of the past.

The City of Bellingham/Ferndale/Lyndon is just one set of cities in a specifically designated area which were built as a defacto “New Jerusalem” to rebuild from the corrupted and not controlled by Culture B forces, which was built as a new Israel. The shape and design of Ferndale and Bellingham can be traced backwards to each of the major cities which the previous culture from the original claimed founders obtained access too.

The culture (Culture A) north of the wall had some 1000 years give or take a few centuries to prepare for the coming Roman Empire(Culture B). Circa 1200 b.c.e to 50 b.c.e when the Roman Empire arrived in force. Since they had so much time to prepare they were actually able to formulate both sufficient defenses (network of Castles) but also sufficient trade network where goods and services (specifically mercenaries hired from other countries could come to Northumberland to fight against the Culture B forces) could be traded back and forth supplying everyone with profits.

The culture B name change so often that they are best labeled as simply culture B. in the modern age Culture B had had no less than 15 different names but each have close to the exact same cultural behavior pattern. Almost no one in Culture B understand their behavior patterns are literally controlled by sub-conscious forces which have been present with culture B since before the languages of Sumerian and Hieroglyphics were invented.

By the time the Defenses were in place in Northumberland; the new named Culture B arrived to perform the same exact behavior as they had done countless time from 50 b.c.e to 4000 b.c.e. Guaranteed before then but Culture B likes to erase previous languages in order to escape their bad actions. What they did in the past they name change to claim they were not party to the actions of the previous name. Which psychology call “Cognitive Dissonance” the firm belief that the facts are incorrect and the fantasy is correct.

In large measure the Romans are a simple name change B culture from the Dorians, who themselves are name change from the Hyksos, who are also name change from whatever their name was before. The Hyksos are most likely Esau line descendants; but since Esau by legend and various stories lived around 2600 b.c.e and the same behavior pattern existed for some 1500 years before that. It points to “Esau” simply became the head of and or the new leader of the Culture B at that point. His Brother becoming the Crown Israel of Egypt at around the same time.

What does this have anything at all to do with the Founding of Bellingham/Ferndale Washington; that answer is, the founders (Culture A) of what is now the SanJuan Islands and Whatcom County (the original founders, before The Vancouver Expedition (1791–1795)) were attempting to build a new Israel and Jerusalem were found and battled against (Culture B) by the English and the infrastructure the Ogles built in the area of Whatcom county was erased and abandoned.

1780 to 1840 the area was mostly abandoned; waiting for the American government to send Lewis and Clarke up to finalize the erasure and replacement of the North American Ogle Trade Route with the Lewis and Clarke Trail.

Once Lewis and Clarke (Culture B) retraced the path the Ogles created, settlers from both Culture A and Culture B could arrive back in the area to rebuild what was already built but close to 200 years of neglect and all but erased.

But the basic infrastructure of what was built 200 years previous was still in place. The new settlers simply used the same infrastructure they found to fix it and built anew.

That infrastructure being just another copy from the original Culture A civilization from no later than 4000 b.c.e (the city of IWNW aka Heliopolis) and most likely 4500 b.c.e (the city of Heirakonolopis in upper Egypt.).

Culture A kept rebuilding the same infrastructure where ever they went.


Ferndale and the Garden of Eden

Although by legend the Garden of Eden was transported to the Chicago area (the Creation of the City of Chicago thanks to the Trade Route created by the Ogle family, specifically Captain Joseph Ogle<the namesake of Ogle County Illinois>) and lowered from heaven to the area.

This legend directly connect to the city of Ferndale by way of the architecture of the original layout of the city by way of the Log Jam.

The layout of the Garden of Eden can be seen through the understanding of the Plantation system which is a direct reflection of the Persian Garden.

The Persian garden layout architecturally can be seen directly in the houses of Roeder and Hovander. Both large estates and the; which estates of said size and architectural layout pattern reflect the Persian garden engineering and mathematical parameters. Which the Persian Garden System reflects by legend what could be remembered as to the architectural layout of the original Garden of Eden.

Why is this impornat; for the pursuit of academics, there can be no greater pursuit of academic discipline than to understand advances in understanding from the past? “Those of whom forget the past are doomed to repeat” the more you know about what your actions, behaviors, etc. both culturally and individually are the more you can work with yourself instead allowing those same actions and behaviors to control who you are and what you do.

Religion without the dogma is a wonderful tool to study from a mathematical and statistical point of view. Cross comparing the facts will present information beyond that offered by just academics itself.

Best example regarding a study of monotheism is clues to the concept that ancient cultures might have understood String Theory. For western culture string theory is only a few decades from hypothesis, the ancients had millennia to explore. Would it not be a good idea to understand their ideas and concepts regarding string theory?

The city of Bellingham connected to Ancient Egypt

The city of Ferndale connects with ancient Egypt by way of its most basic founding and infrastructure is most likely a copy of the city of Memphis Egypt. Which itself is a copy of the city of Heliopolis which by legend was built my Adam named IWNW or the city of Pillars. Which the Woodhenge in the middle of the River directly points to; the Jam or log jam

The city of Bellingham connected to Jerusalem

One of the key components of Bellingham and Jerusalem are the libraries each was founded around. Power comes from the observance of knowledge. Knowledge comes from the collection of information. Information comes from the ability to allow scholars the freedom to be both supported and to generate the time (Jera) sequences (Salem) in which to produce the nessessary thoughts in order to process vast amounts of data into a cohesive set of ideas. Those ideas then can grow into a cohesive hypothesis. Hypothesis and more ideas with testing produce and provide a solid theory.

Jerusalem had a library within which had information so advanced the Templars and all the cultures before and since once they gained access to said information were able to have radical advances across all fields of study. The library at Western Washington University possessed a library courtesy of the founder of Lyndon which can trace itself all the way back to both Jerusalem and the great library at the Eridu Ziggurat.

Bellingham the city itself which sites under the campus of Western Washington University some of the material in a variety of ways can trace itself all the way back to the first documented libraries of the western world.

The city of Bellingham directly connected to the Biblical Genesis

The City of Bellingham and the Biblical book Genesis have a very interesting albeit a bit on the unusual side when it comes to their connection.

First the definition of the word Biblos is where the papyrus was shipped from to Greece in order to hand copy over the first books of the Bible.

Second the city of Biblos is by legend close to the city were the pillar (City of Pillars connection to Heliopolis) which contained the body of Osiris was carried off in the Djed to after Set killed and sealed his brother inside.

Which also comes to a point where the city of Bellingham and a portion of the concept of Resurrection are connected.




History of The Lettered Streets 


The battles which occurred at in the Garden of Eden


·       At least one if not more battles directly took place directly where the Lions Inn Motel is located.

·       One battle was to destroyed the megalith which to replace that megalith Roth replaced it with a garden of Eden replica

·       Battle one destroying the megalith

·       Destroying the first Roth estate

·       Destroying the roth garden replacing the garden with the lions inn hotel




The Lions Inn Motel is situated on old Hiway 99 currently called Elm Street in the City of Bellingham, Washington. Highway 99 stretches (known by many different names and forms) from present day southern California to Canada. Hiway 99 runs to the east of both the Pickett House and the future location of the Lions Inn (the Lions Inn which is designed to  resemble a Motel version of the English Garden which is modeled upon what the Garden of Eden looked like), which is about .46 of a mile 340’ North West.

The Lions Inn sits on property which was part of the Roth Estate. The Roth Estate was built as a grand three-story Italianate style Roeder-Roth Home (1897) which sat at the northwest corner of Elm and Monroe in Bellingham (demolished in 1956). The businesses and homes which were built after, built in part to take advantage of the bourgeoning tourist trade as well as an attempt to erase/hide embarrassing history of the city.

Roth Back Yard and the Garden of Eden

All proper society in their back yard would have their own personal copy of the garden of Eden. The Lions Inn Hotel sits almost exactly were the Roth Estate “English Garden/Family copy of the Garden of Eden” would have been.

The Lions Inn was built as a place to stay due to the expanded traveling possible after World War Two, and availability of the automobile, with the capacity of those automobiles to travel on dependable roads, the automobiles capacity to travel farther than a person’s local area e.g. availability of gas stations, etc.

Hiway 99 was built as an upgrade from ancient Native Trails which had been used for centuries and possibly millennia.

The Lewis and Clark Trail

The junction of Portland, Oregon, the Columbia River and Vancouver, Washington bisect the Lewis and Clark Trail with the north south trail which would later be called hiway 99. Follow the Lewis and Clark trail to Portland/Vancouver Washington West then turn 90’ .(where Fort Vancouver, Washington sits Fort Vancouver was originally called most likely New Castle named by the Ogle’s who founded the East India Company, subject to a hostile takeover thanks to the Dutch backing the Hudson’s Bay company. The HBC was a subsidiary of the IEC, before the Dutch betrayed the British.) North follow old highway 99 to North Bellingham about seven miles south of Ferndale, Washington. The Lewis and Clarke trail was plagiarized from the Ogle Trade Route which extended from Boston to Vancouver Washington. Very likely north along Hiway 99 to Canada.

The City of Bellingham itself

The city of Bellingham has an incredible history. This history is reflected within the framework of the construction of the Lions Inn itself.

North West Passage

Asking yourself why all this activity in Bellingham previous to 1850; makes absolutely no logical sense.  Till the evidence of “The NorthWest Passage” there was so much money to be made in finding a faster and more economical way for a trade route from Europe west to the orient. Instead of sailing almost a full year around the Horn, a few weeks using the river system is only the most logical thing to do. Bellingham is a perfect location in order to have a deep port city in which to bring goods in. then sail them out of a very protected bay, sound, and down to the Columbia river. Or an overland down what would be called Hiway 99. The explores from just about every country whom ventured into the Pacific North West traveling up the Road to the west of the Lions Inn is not out of the question, but an almost guarantee. Papal Permission to Explore the Pacific North West was granted 1493. The British were too strong till the late 1600s to challenge their North American monopoly. Thanks to Henry VIII; he broke their cultural and military back in the North  Kingdom. Almost exactly the same battle strategies the English ancestors the Romans used to defeat Carthage.

The city was named after Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition

His title came from Castle Bellingham Ireland (conquered and renamed to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland). The Title came directly from the British Ogle Royal Family.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was named by the Ogle Family who was present at Hastings and fought alongside William the Conqueror. De Ogle brought the deciding German Mercenaries with their long bows into the battle; as a reward the Lands from York to Perth Scotland were given back to the Ogle family (which included Ogle Castle,  Castle Bellingham<the name sake city of Bellingham Washington >, New Castle, etc.). The Pictish (the Pictish most likely had allied with Islam in order to defeat the Ogles) during the age of the Viking renamed the land to Northumberland which is the Latin translation of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle DD. Ogle being the shortened family name and name sake of Castle Ogle and the origin of both Castle Bellingham and the Lord Bellingham title. Islam had ruled with  an Tyrannical iron fist the Iberian Peninsula for some 800 years previous to circa 1490, only 200 years later the radically strong Islamic philosophy would not only still be present in the Spanish Culture but would be a primary guiding principle for the Spanish explorers and colonizers in the New World. Since the West Coast was still at least semi-in Spanish hands; many of the Islamic leaning individuals and groups would naturally want to evacuate from the Spanish inquisition and make their new life in New Spain. Solid Militant Islamic leaning Dutch, English, and Spanish settlements would have been in the area of the Pacific North West from the 1500s forward.

The Star of Bethlehem is both a thing and a cryptic code to let the Children of Israel know a bit more information and to hide that information from their enemy.

The Star (Vertical/North) Beth (Female/defined land) La (divine) Ham (sacred define land; translates to North<in non-Latin based languages north meant vertical as in up not compass heading>Umberland. Connects Bellingham Washington state and Castle Bellingham Washington Territory with both NorthUmberLand and the Nativity. Bethlehem is a few miles south of Jerusalem.  Similar layouts between modern day Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to Ferndale and Bellingham. Which linguistically connects the British Royal Family of Ogle<specifically the ancestors and descendants of De Ogle> to Egypt, Jerusalem (several including Newcastle), Bethlehem, and the Castle Bellingham’s.

18 miles from the West to the East from Castle Bellingham is NewCastle Northumberland which to translate NewCastle from Latin into Hebrew spells out Jerusalem. About seven miles North West of the Lions Inn is the city of Ferndale which was built and named for a Log Jam in the middle of the Nooksack River. Jerusalem itself was built as a copy of the Temple of Tyre, itself was a copy of the Temple of Ptah(Location Memphis Egypt) in (Egyptian spelling for Ptah and the story of EL are close enough for Ptah to simply be a different set of letters for the same monotheistic deity) Memphis Egypt. Memphis was famous in the ancient world for being a city (much like Venice, Tyre, and Ferndale/Jam) in the middle of water in this case in the middle of a large river. The body of a Main Temple built from the eastern portion of a wall/Dyke, with arm Dykes on the remaining three sides stretching west; architecturally similar to a metaphoric hug using squared off walls Which is mirrored in the design of the Lions Inn Motel? The Dykes around Memphis were built by Pharaoh Mem whose name could be ancient Hieroglyphic for the Hebrew Abraham. That name would make Memphis (or the old name Luz<Genesis 28:19>) El Beth El.  Another even older legend from Sumerian tells the tale that the Temple of El Beth El aka Memphis Egypt Abraham modeled his temple/tabernacle from what his culture could remember from the original temple Adam built at Heliopolis previous to 3500 b.c.e name IWNW (the Capital of the Pillars aka Stonehenge). Although the name Jeru Salem is a combination of two languages Futhark Jera means the motions of the Sun which generates time and Salem which in Hebrew means Sacred defined city. It is not outside the linguistic realm of possibilities that Jerusalem could translate to North (the motions of the Vertical Sun) Umber (Sacred) Land (Defined Area). This linguistic evidence is strongly backed up by the definition of NewCastle which in Latin means new day e.g. the motions of the sun Castle is a sacred defined city/fortification. The difference between a Castle and a Fort; a Castle has to be sanctified by a priest and have a priest in residence. New = Jera and Castle = Salem.

Engineering and architecture wise humanity has been using the temple in the middle with protective walls around architecture from modeled after the Temple of Ptah in Egypt ever since; including Jerusalem itself. Mecca is designed the same way.

That architecture is built into the blue print of the Lion’s Inn. Although in respect to the class structure only the manor house and one functioning (the rooms) north wall of the dyke was constructed. The wall to the east, south and west are simply just walls not rooms or functioning architecture.

Ptah is just another spelling for El; Ptah by legend stood on the Ben Ben (an elevated from a primordial pool) stone at Heliopolis to create the world from. Heliopolis by another legend is where Adam built a replica of the Garden of Eden; Heliopolis in hieroglyphic translates into Hebrew as Jerusalem.

The History of Bellingham and the Land the Lions Inn sits on

The history of the land the Hotel sits on is just as interesting as the city itself.

The Lions Inn sits on land which was part of the Roeder and Pickett Farm/Estate/Plantation for most of the 1800s respectively. Pickett seizing the Roberts, Roeder’s, etc lands transforming them into Forts. Turning the Roeder (1500 acres) lands into the Pickett Plantation; the Lions Inn sits on part of that seized land which is less than half a mile from the Roeder Home which would not be built/rebuilt until 1895. The Pickett House was built in 1855 when (Future Confederate General) Captain George Pickett was stationed at Fort Bellingham three miles North (fort Bellingham North) in order to secure the city of Bellingham (Currently Old Down Town Bellingham built circa 1880) and the emerging metropolis of the area for first the American and then Confederate governments. Strongly indicating the 1880 Bellingham is a rebuild from a previous city which was replaced after conflicts removed it. Based on the other megaliths in and or close to the cities connected to the East India Company and Hudson Bay Company. Would make Whatcom County a place which held several Megalithic structures. The 1500 acres Roeder purchased would have held a megalith/Stonehenge or two. One of those megaliths would have been on the Jam in the Nooksak and another would have been where the Lions Inn Motel now sits. Well connected too ancient knowledge built their houses in specific locations, Roth building his home directly south of the location of an ancient megalith would have been within the standard behavior pattern of British families.

Although in truth; Pickett could have just as easily been working to secure an area for the emerging confederacy. Which would make the lands Pickett purchased/seized (which the Lions Inn sits only one-fourth of a mile north of the Pickett House) the Plantation he built and started to turn into a profitable investment; destroying the megalithic structures in the process. The Pickett Plantation could be part of the land the Lions Inn sits on, may have been in the beginning for the American government but somewhere between 1856-1861 would have been more Confederate than American. Making the area from Blaine/Lynden all the way down to just north of Seattle, confederate territory.

Pickett being a Virginia boy and the direct descendant of the Plantation system, it would only be natural for Pickett to buy/seize a large amount of acres of land and work to turn that land into a Plantation. Since at the time the area of the Pacific North West was not entirely governed under the laws of the American government; consequently a future leader of the confederacy whose family owned a plantation in Virginia and owned a large number of slaves could have attempted to purchase slaves and have those slaves work the Pickett Farm/Plantation which the Lions Inn could sit on part of that land. In the 1850s property rights and boundaries especially for the well to do and military were not clear and the unclear rules were not strictly enforced. Enforcement of any laws was usually by the military, consequently the laws the military commander chose became the rules everyone had to follow. The confederate Pickett by rights and rules of law could do literally anything he wanted since he like all commanders on the frontier was the soul embodiment of the rule of law, judge, jury, and executioner. Only his commanding officers hundreds of miles away could stop said actions of their sub-ordinate officers.

The construction of the Lions Inn itself




The Hotel itself was built from a collection of different architectural standards.

First there is the main building at the east center of the property e.g. manor house where the lord of the property lives with his family. Which includes various additions for the property maintenance.

Second the row of actual hotel rooms/suites/etc. is aligned in a row on the north of the property. Which is in accordance to part of the Roman Villa design? This is a modified copy of both the Greek estate structural design and the ancient Persian Garden design. This by legend was created to reflect the architecture Adam could remember regarding what the Garden of Eden used to look like. Which looks similar to the upper torso of a human (manor house) arms (the walls around) outstretched elbowing in to meet the hands in a form of a squared off hug.

The Persian garden the tree in the middle of the garden was replaced by the Lords Manor House/Mansion/Keep/Long house. Next to the tree to the West was the spring/fountain situated close to the exact middle of the Garden, the spring/fountain was the water source for the trees and all the rest of the inhabitance of the garden.

Of course no Persian Garden/Manor House/Mansion could be complete without some reflection of a large expansive garden situated infront of the Lords house stretch to the East, as described in the Holy Bible Genesis.

Distance from the Roeder Estate/Plantation

Although in all truth the Roeder Home to the Lions Inn is about half a mile. The land between was mostly by the 1940s filled in with houses. Originally most of the half mile even a few decades before was fields or part of the remains of the Pickett Plantation. The legal and physical battles over the entire area stretched from 1850s to the 1890s. The essence of the architecture of both the Plantation/Persian garden and the Class structure from the Roeder home as well as the other classically styled houses in the area cascaded into the overall design of the Lions Inn Motel.

Captain Henry Roeder came to the area in the 1850s. Henry Roeder arrived in the area from Vermillion, Ohio, which is only about 50 miles from the Ogle Family in Tiffin, Ohio (the Ogle family in Tiffin are direct line descendants from De Ogle from 1066 Hastings). The history books claim Capt. Roeder came to the area to create a lumber mill in order to send lumber down to fuel the building boom occurring in San Francisco and the gold Rush. Capt. Roeder came to the area most likely to take over as Chief Proctor for the East India Company; one of the last remaining American profit locations before the company finally went defunct June, 1 1874. The Chief Proctors house at Fort Vancouver the Roeder House have a similar architectural design updated by a century of social progress. Making Bellingham part of the East India Company. The Roeder saw mill burned down in 1873 the EIC went bankrupt a year later. The Chief Proctor of Castle Bellingham Oregon Territory would have been where the Pickett House/Tower is and was in the present respectively. Standard military strategies take over the strongest position when conquering a new area e.g. take the castle of the opponent and live in it.

The design of the 1895 Roeder home is reminiscent of the classic Victorian style common at the time, which is a stylized version of the architecture of British Manor Estates. As well as a reflection of what the EIC house style would have been. The sociological structure and the way the Roeder house was built are directly reflected within the way the Lions Inn was built. A class structure scaled down version of the most prominent house around. Which is also reflected in the Roth House, that was also a scaled down for class structure from the Roeder Home. The most prominent house/home/mansion the structures around will be equal or a lesser degree of a similar sociological class. The Lions Inn Motel is no different in this structure. Since it is a motel it fits within the standard mold of said sociological structure in addition to the need for a motel on the new emphasis from the tourists on Highway 99.

Pickett Home

Before the civil war the American and Confederate governments and military had a significant presence in the area. Their presence was so strong in fact that the officers posted had time to build not only homes but businesses. The Pickett Home was constructed as an English 10lbs castle, (example O'Dowd castle) there are 1000s in Ireland. The English would donate 10lbs to the construction of a castle with a Tower in order to pacify the natives. Eventually the small house (Pickett’s house on Bancroft) would be rebuilt as an addition to the tower (on the hill); only much larger. Which is why the small and currently only house is built to be disassembled quickly.

Captain George Pickett the commander built a home and started to build a business out of the lands he purchased/seized. A farm/plantation; although he did have to compete with the amount of land Roeder had purchased which would make a 1000s of acres large plantation impossible. Unless Pickett seized parts of the Roeder lands for personal and/ or military use. A situation not uncommon in the military and exactly what Pickett did when he seized control over the previous city of Bellingham circa 1856 (Very possible Castle Bellingham Washington Territory). The current downtown Bellingham would be the rebuilt city from after the conflicts circa 1880 (a very likely megalith stood close to the corner of W Holly and Bay Street). Fort Bellingham North’s location is well known, it was located on the East side of the road Fort Bellingham which is 3.14 (Pi) miles north of the Lions Inn or 3.5 miles north of the Pickett House/Plantation.Pi Lions Inn 30 and donovan

Pi south the middle Bisects the middle of Old Main Western Washington Universty  Campus.

Distance from the Pickett Building

The Pickett building and home are less than half a mile south by south east from the Lions Inn.

The Pickett house being the first English/American home constructed north of the established or yet to be reestablished city of Bellingham. Although in the immediate area hundreds to thousands of European families did live between Bellingham and Ferndale; they were mostly British, Royalist French, German (not English) and not Americans.

Fort Bellingham North

The Fort was located near and on Ms. Roberts’s farm which she had to be evicted from. The lands between the north fort and the Pickett Home were used by Pickett. This took decades by those whom later built large houses/estates to recover their lands/property. Only two have most of their lands seized again when Washington became a full-fledged state.

After the fort was abandoned Ms Roberts was allowed to return. The 3.14 miles from the Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North was full of Mansions and Estates; they were not built till after 1880. The large estates seemed the government started selling off their lands in the 1890-1900s; huge building booms immediately followed. Not unlike dozens of other seized lands and sold off to settlers happening at the same time example Oklahoma, Colorado, etc. There is nothing to suggest that the battles were not both legal and physical; with perhaps remnants of the confederacy still fighting to keep some level of control and or a foothold to launch a second wave (circa 1865-1885). The battles would not be reported since the winners would not want any news of said battles to be documented.

In addition the Mansions/Estate Lands being split up and the lots divided and sold could have been part of the negotiation to become a state on November 11, 1889. The remaining British families finally won the legal and physical battles from the previous four decades only to have the rights and lands re-seized, divided up, and sold off for new American settlers. A standard procedure in American policies in the 1800s, seize lands then profit off of selling divided parcels.

The sociological structure of the society from 1850 to present still shape the way the culture of those that live and work in Bellingham operate, including the construction of independent hotel/motels. The Lions Inn was not created by way of a corporate chain, which come in to a city and create their buildings based on a standardized blue print; then alter the base to fit into the community itself. The Lions Inn was designed as a reflection of the city it was being constructed within. As well as the garden it was replacing from the Roth Estate.

Every few decades more parcels of the lands north of the center of Downtown Bellingham would be parceled and sold off, which the Lions Inn in the 1940s was part of one of.

 Fort Bellingham South

Located under what is now the campus of Western Washington University. Although whether or not the Southern Fort Bellingham was officially decommissioned is a strong subject of debate; would also raise the question regarding did the American government shift the land from being a military reservation to being an educational institute still maintaining the rights to reestablish the military as needed at any time. Indicating that even as late as after Washington Territory became a State the American government still considered the British, French Royalists, and Confederacy in Washington state a serious and substantial threat.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden has been tentatively been identified as being just north of the present day city of Tabriz Iran. The Lions Inn basic engineering architecture was modeled to directly reflect how much of the ancient design documentation and memories that garden looked like. Ironically the Lions Inn sits were the Roth Mansion English Garden/Persian Garden copy of the Garden of Eden used to look like.


Although in all truth both names are a direct reflection towards the “Great  Sacred River” in language of India the river on the West side of the country is “The Indus” River which is where India was named from, it is also the name Columbus chose to call the “Red Man” whom he discovered inhabiting the area.

Indian does not mean what most assume it means, it is a direct reflection of the Indus River which is named exactly the same as the “Great Sacred River” aka the Nile in Hieroglyphic. More than a few legends, DNA, and evidence connect Egypt with the area of Northumberland and Scotland. The very Name of Scotland/Alba itself comes from two separate Egyptian legends (Scotia and Meritaten). There is a Pub in Northumberland (it used to be Northumberland) which claims to have timbers which that same tree other timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria. Some portions of the Columbus expedition state that Columbus a well-known Conversos (a Jew who claimed to convert but only for show) named the Natives “Indians” to honor both those that bankrolled parts of his expeditions but also to honor his own Jewish ancestry regarding the Jews time as Pharaohs of Egypt.

The Native trail e.g. Highway 99 might have been part of an ancient Viking trail.

The Vikings enter the history books courtesy of their first invasions of Northumberland circa 793 ce to 1066 ce, when they attacked Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water). The Vikings created trade routes between Scandinavia to Newfoundland with direct evidence. Newly found evidence places the Vikings on both the East coast of America and across the Northern portion of the United States of America. By using the river systems and occasionally overland; dragging their boats over land for short distances. The Vikings would have had less then no problem journeying down the Columbia, up the west coast to the Puget Sound, around the Puget Sound on their way to Alaska. Little evidence of said exists but nothing would have stopped the Vikings from achieving circumnavigation. Occasional very tall and light completion natives long that described route would strongly point to the Vikings on occasion did produce children along the way. The Vikings were not only good with navigation but excellent map makers, they would have figured out a shorter overland route between  what we now call Portland, Columbia, Vancouver Washington north to the southern portion of the yet to be named Puget Sound. Meaning the literal ability to take the yet to be called Hiway 99 the real actual Vikings circa 800 ce could have literally walked the Native Trail which ran  in front of where the Lions Inn Motel sits.

The Lummi Native Americans

By legend one of the Spanish Explorers named the Lummi natives from their habit of using elevated torches to navigate around the Islands. Thus the name itself had the code contained within, Vertical/North, Amber/Umber, Land/defined area e.g. Northumberland. Which could be a reference to the Vikings who settled in the area. After more than 1000 years, the mixture of cultures can deeply bury the Viking DNA under dominant darker complexion DNA.

 Jews in America 1800s

The anti-Semitic laws in America in the 1880s up to about 1946 were still so strong as to only be a little bit less than that of the height of NAZI Germany, which strongly indicating the conflicts in Bellingham between the arrival of Roeder and Pickett 1865 and the actual building of Downtown Bellingham 1890 link to violence against Jews in the area.

The history of Bellingham is vastly more complicated than the current history books will tell you. The more you learn about the place the more fascinating you will find it.



The Lions Inn Motel is situated on old Hiway 99 currently called Elm Street in the City of Bellingham, Washington. Highway 99 stretches (known by many different names and forms) from present day southern California to Canada. Hiway 99 runs to the east of both the Pickett House and the future location of the Lions Inn (the Lions Inn which is designed to  resemble a Motel version of the English Garden which is modeled upon what the Garden of Eden looked like), which is about .46 of a mile 340’ North West.

The Lions Inn sits on property which was part of the Roth Estate. The Roth Estate was built as a grand three-story Italianate style Roeder-Roth Home (1897) which sat at the northwest corner of Elm and Monroe in Bellingham (demolished in 1956). The businesses and homes which were built after, built in part to take advantage of the bourgeoning tourist trade as well as an attempt to erase/hide embarrassing history of the city.

Roth Back Yard and the Garden of Eden

All proper society in their back yard would have their own personal copy of the garden of Eden. The Lions Inn Hotel sits almost exactly were the Roth Estate “English Garden/Family copy of the Garden of Eden” would have been.

The Lions Inn was built as a place to stay due to the expanded traveling possible after World War Two, and availability of the automobile, with the capacity of those automobiles to travel on dependable roads, the automobiles capacity to travel farther than a person’s local area e.g. availability of gas stations, etc.

Hiway 99 was built as an upgrade from ancient Native Trails which had been used for centuries and possibly millennia.

The Lewis and Clark Trail

The junction of Portland, Oregon, the Columbia River and Vancouver, Washington bisect the Lewis and Clark Trail with the north south trail which would later be called hiway 99. Follow the Lewis and Clark trail to Portland/Vancouver Washington West then turn 90’ .(where Fort Vancouver, Washington sits Fort Vancouver was originally called most likely New Castle named by the Ogle’s who founded the East India Company, subject to a hostile takeover thanks to the Dutch backing the Hudson’s Bay company. The HBC was a subsidiary of the IEC, before the Dutch betrayed the British.) North follow old highway 99 to North Bellingham about seven miles south of Ferndale, Washington. The Lewis and Clarke trail was plagiarized from the Ogle Trade Route which extended from Boston to Vancouver Washington. Very likely north along Hiway 99 to Canada.

The City of Bellingham itself

The city of Bellingham has an incredible history. This history is reflected within the framework of the construction of the Lions Inn itself.

North West Passage

Asking yourself why all this activity in Bellingham previous to 1850; makes absolutely no logical sense.  Till the evidence of “The NorthWest Passage” there was so much money to be made in finding a faster and more economical way for a trade route from Europe west to the orient. Instead of sailing almost a full year around the Horn, a few weeks using the river system is only the most logical thing to do. Bellingham is a perfect location in order to have a deep port city in which to bring goods in. then sail them out of a very protected bay, sound, and down to the Columbia river. Or an overland down what would be called Hiway 99. The explores from just about every country whom ventured into the Pacific North West traveling up the Road to the west of the Lions Inn is not out of the question, but an almost guarantee. Papal Permission to Explore the Pacific North West was granted 1493. The British were too strong till the late 1600s to challenge their North American monopoly. Thanks to Henry VIII; he broke their cultural and military back in the North  Kingdom. Almost exactly the same battle strategies the English ancestors the Romans used to defeat Carthage.

The city was named after Lord Bellingham from the Vancouver Expedition

His title came from Castle Bellingham Ireland (conquered and renamed to honor Castle Bellingham Northumberland). The Title came directly from the British Ogle Royal Family.

Castle Bellingham Northumberland was named by the Ogle Family who was present at Hastings and fought alongside William the Conqueror. De Ogle brought the deciding German Mercenaries with their long bows into the battle; as a reward the Lands from York to Perth Scotland were given back to the Ogle family (which included Ogle Castle,  Castle Bellingham<the name sake city of Bellingham Washington >, New Castle, etc.). The Pictish (the Pictish most likely had allied with Islam in order to defeat the Ogles) during the age of the Viking renamed the land to Northumberland which is the Latin translation of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle DD. Ogle being the shortened family name and name sake of Castle Ogle and the origin of both Castle Bellingham and the Lord Bellingham title. Islam had ruled with  an Tyrannical iron fist the Iberian Peninsula for some 800 years previous to circa 1490, only 200 years later the radically strong Islamic philosophy would not only still be present in the Spanish Culture but would be a primary guiding principle for the Spanish explorers and colonizers in the New World. Since the West Coast was still at least semi-in Spanish hands; many of the Islamic leaning individuals and groups would naturally want to evacuate from the Spanish inquisition and make their new life in New Spain. Solid Militant Islamic leaning Dutch, English, and Spanish settlements would have been in the area of the Pacific North West from the 1500s forward.

The Star of Bethlehem is both a thing and a cryptic code to let the Children of Israel know a bit more information and to hide that information from their enemy.

The Star (Vertical/North) Beth (Female/defined land) La (divine) Ham (sacred define land; translates to North<in non-Latin based languages north meant vertical as in up not compass heading>Umberland. Connects Bellingham Washington state and Castle Bellingham Washington Territory with both NorthUmberLand and the Nativity. Bethlehem is a few miles south of Jerusalem.  Similar layouts between modern day Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to Ferndale and Bellingham. Which linguistically connects the British Royal Family of Ogle<specifically the ancestors and descendants of De Ogle> to Egypt, Jerusalem (several including Newcastle), Bethlehem, and the Castle Bellingham’s.

18 miles from the West to the East from Castle Bellingham is NewCastle Northumberland which to translate NewCastle from Latin into Hebrew spells out Jerusalem. About seven miles North West of the Lions Inn is the city of Ferndale which was built and named for a Log Jam in the middle of the Nooksack River. Jerusalem itself was built as a copy of the Temple of Tyre, itself was a copy of the Temple of Ptah(Location Memphis Egypt) in (Egyptian spelling for Ptah and the story of EL are close enough for Ptah to simply be a different set of letters for the same monotheistic deity) Memphis Egypt. Memphis was famous in the ancient world for being a city (much like Venice, Tyre, and Ferndale/Jam) in the middle of water in this case in the middle of a large river. The body of a Main Temple built from the eastern portion of a wall/Dyke, with arm Dykes on the remaining three sides stretching west; architecturally similar to a metaphoric hug using squared off walls Which is mirrored in the design of the Lions Inn Motel? The Dykes around Memphis were built by Pharaoh Mem whose name could be ancient Hieroglyphic for the Hebrew Abraham. That name would make Memphis (or the old name Luz<Genesis 28:19>) El Beth El.  Another even older legend from Sumerian tells the tale that the Temple of El Beth El aka Memphis Egypt Abraham modeled his temple/tabernacle from what his culture could remember from the original temple Adam built at Heliopolis previous to 3500 b.c.e name IWNW (the Capital of the Pillars aka Stonehenge). Although the name Jeru Salem is a combination of two languages Futhark Jera means the motions of the Sun which generates time and Salem which in Hebrew means Sacred defined city. It is not outside the linguistic realm of possibilities that Jerusalem could translate to North (the motions of the Vertical Sun) Umber (Sacred) Land (Defined Area). This linguistic evidence is strongly backed up by the definition of NewCastle which in Latin means new day e.g. the motions of the sun Castle is a sacred defined city/fortification. The difference between a Castle and a Fort; a Castle has to be sanctified by a priest and have a priest in residence. New = Jera and Castle = Salem.

Engineering and architecture wise humanity has been using the temple in the middle with protective walls around architecture from modeled after the Temple of Ptah in Egypt ever since; including Jerusalem itself. Mecca is designed the same way.

That architecture is built into the blue print of the Lion’s Inn. Although in respect to the class structure only the manor house and one functioning (the rooms) north wall of the dyke was constructed. The wall to the east, south and west are simply just walls not rooms or functioning architecture.

Ptah is just another spelling for El; Ptah by legend stood on the Ben Ben (an elevated from a primordial pool) stone at Heliopolis to create the world from. Heliopolis by another legend is where Adam built a replica of the Garden of Eden; Heliopolis in hieroglyphic translates into Hebrew as Jerusalem.

The History of Bellingham and the Land the Lions Inn sits on

The history of the land the Hotel sits on is just as interesting as the city itself.

The Lions Inn sits on land which was part of the Roeder and Pickett Farm/Estate/Plantation for most of the 1800s respectively. Pickett seizing the Roberts, Roeder’s, etc lands transforming them into Forts. Turning the Roeder (1500 acres) lands into the Pickett Plantation; the Lions Inn sits on part of that seized land which is less than half a mile from the Roeder Home which would not be built/rebuilt until 1895. The Pickett House was built in 1855 when (Future Confederate General) Captain George Pickett was stationed at Fort Bellingham three miles North (fort Bellingham North) in order to secure the city of Bellingham (Currently Old Down Town Bellingham built circa 1880) and the emerging metropolis of the area for first the American and then Confederate governments. Strongly indicating the 1880 Bellingham is a rebuild from a previous city which was replaced after conflicts removed it. Based on the other megaliths in and or close to the cities connected to the East India Company and Hudson Bay Company. Would make Whatcom County a place which held several Megalithic structures. The 1500 acres Roeder purchased would have held a megalith/Stonehenge or two. One of those megaliths would have been on the Jam in the Nooksak and another would have been where the Lions Inn Motel now sits. Well connected too ancient knowledge built their houses in specific locations, Roth building his home directly south of the location of an ancient megalith would have been within the standard behavior pattern of British families.

Although in truth; Pickett could have just as easily been working to secure an area for the emerging confederacy. Which would make the lands Pickett purchased/seized (which the Lions Inn sits only one-fourth of a mile north of the Pickett House) the Plantation he built and started to turn into a profitable investment; destroying the megalithic structures in the process. The Pickett Plantation could be part of the land the Lions Inn sits on, may have been in the beginning for the American government but somewhere between 1856-1861 would have been more Confederate than American. Making the area from Blaine/Lynden all the way down to just north of Seattle, confederate territory.

Pickett being a Virginia boy and the direct descendant of the Plantation system, it would only be natural for Pickett to buy/seize a large amount of acres of land and work to turn that land into a Plantation. Since at the time the area of the Pacific North West was not entirely governed under the laws of the American government; consequently a future leader of the confederacy whose family owned a plantation in Virginia and owned a large number of slaves could have attempted to purchase slaves and have those slaves work the Pickett Farm/Plantation which the Lions Inn could sit on part of that land. In the 1850s property rights and boundaries especially for the well to do and military were not clear and the unclear rules were not strictly enforced. Enforcement of any laws was usually by the military, consequently the laws the military commander chose became the rules everyone had to follow. The confederate Pickett by rights and rules of law could do literally anything he wanted since he like all commanders on the frontier was the soul embodiment of the rule of law, judge, jury, and executioner. Only his commanding officers hundreds of miles away could stop said actions of their sub-ordinate officers.

The construction of the Lions Inn itself




The Hotel itself was built from a collection of different architectural standards.

First there is the main building at the east center of the property e.g. manor house where the lord of the property lives with his family. Which includes various additions for the property maintenance.

Second the row of actual hotel rooms/suites/etc. is aligned in a row on the north of the property. Which is in accordance to part of the Roman Villa design? This is a modified copy of both the Greek estate structural design and the ancient Persian Garden design. This by legend was created to reflect the architecture Adam could remember regarding what the Garden of Eden used to look like. Which looks similar to the upper torso of a human (manor house) arms (the walls around) outstretched elbowing in to meet the hands in a form of a squared off hug.

The Persian garden the tree in the middle of the garden was replaced by the Lords Manor House/Mansion/Keep/Long house. Next to the tree to the West was the spring/fountain situated close to the exact middle of the Garden, the spring/fountain was the water source for the trees and all the rest of the inhabitance of the garden.

Of course no Persian Garden/Manor House/Mansion could be complete without some reflection of a large expansive garden situated infront of the Lords house stretch to the East, as described in the Holy Bible Genesis.

Distance from the Roeder Estate/Plantation

Although in all truth the Roeder Home to the Lions Inn is about half a mile. The land between was mostly by the 1940s filled in with houses. Originally most of the half mile even a few decades before was fields or part of the remains of the Pickett Plantation. The legal and physical battles over the entire area stretched from 1850s to the 1890s. The essence of the architecture of both the Plantation/Persian garden and the Class structure from the Roeder home as well as the other classically styled houses in the area cascaded into the overall design of the Lions Inn Motel.

Captain Henry Roeder came to the area in the 1850s. Henry Roeder arrived in the area from Vermillion, Ohio, which is only about 50 miles from the Ogle Family in Tiffin, Ohio (the Ogle family in Tiffin are direct line descendants from De Ogle from 1066 Hastings). The history books claim Capt. Roeder came to the area to create a lumber mill in order to send lumber down to fuel the building boom occurring in San Francisco and the gold Rush. Capt. Roeder came to the area most likely to take over as Chief Proctor for the East India Company; one of the last remaining American profit locations before the company finally went defunct June, 1 1874. The Chief Proctors house at Fort Vancouver the Roeder House have a similar architectural design updated by a century of social progress. Making Bellingham part of the East India Company. The Roeder saw mill burned down in 1873 the EIC went bankrupt a year later. The Chief Proctor of Castle Bellingham Oregon Territory would have been where the Pickett House/Tower is and was in the present respectively. Standard military strategies take over the strongest position when conquering a new area e.g. take the castle of the opponent and live in it.

The design of the 1895 Roeder home is reminiscent of the classic Victorian style common at the time, which is a stylized version of the architecture of British Manor Estates. As well as a reflection of what the EIC house style would have been. The sociological structure and the way the Roeder house was built are directly reflected within the way the Lions Inn was built. A class structure scaled down version of the most prominent house around. Which is also reflected in the Roth House, that was also a scaled down for class structure from the Roeder Home. The most prominent house/home/mansion the structures around will be equal or a lesser degree of a similar sociological class. The Lions Inn Motel is no different in this structure. Since it is a motel it fits within the standard mold of said sociological structure in addition to the need for a motel on the new emphasis from the tourists on Highway 99.

Pickett Home

Before the civil war the American and Confederate governments and military had a significant presence in the area. Their presence was so strong in fact that the officers posted had time to build not only homes but businesses. The Pickett Home was constructed as an English 10lbs castle, (example O'Dowd castle) there are 1000s in Ireland. The English would donate 10lbs to the construction of a castle with a Tower in order to pacify the natives. Eventually the small house (Pickett’s house on Bancroft) would be rebuilt as an addition to the tower (on the hill); only much larger. Which is why the small and currently only house is built to be disassembled quickly.

Captain George Pickett the commander built a home and started to build a business out of the lands he purchased/seized. A farm/plantation; although he did have to compete with the amount of land Roeder had purchased which would make a 1000s of acres large plantation impossible. Unless Pickett seized parts of the Roeder lands for personal and/ or military use. A situation not uncommon in the military and exactly what Pickett did when he seized control over the previous city of Bellingham circa 1856 (Very possible Castle Bellingham Washington Territory). The current downtown Bellingham would be the rebuilt city from after the conflicts circa 1880 (a very likely megalith stood close to the corner of W Holly and Bay Street). Fort Bellingham North’s location is well known, it was located on the East side of the road Fort Bellingham which is 3.14 (Pi) miles north of the Lions Inn or 3.5 miles north of the Pickett House/Plantation.Pi Lions Inn 30 and donovan

Pi south the middle Bisects the middle of Old Main Western Washington Universty  Campus.

Distance from the Pickett Building

The Pickett building and home are less than half a mile south by south east from the Lions Inn.

The Pickett house being the first English/American home constructed north of the established or yet to be reestablished city of Bellingham. Although in the immediate area hundreds to thousands of European families did live between Bellingham and Ferndale; they were mostly British, Royalist French, German (not English) and not Americans.

Fort Bellingham North

The Fort was located near and on Ms. Roberts’s farm which she had to be evicted from. The lands between the north fort and the Pickett Home were used by Pickett. This took decades by those whom later built large houses/estates to recover their lands/property. Only two have most of their lands seized again when Washington became a full-fledged state.

After the fort was abandoned Ms Roberts was allowed to return. The 3.14 miles from the Lions Inn to Fort Bellingham North was full of Mansions and Estates; they were not built till after 1880. The large estates seemed the government started selling off their lands in the 1890-1900s; huge building booms immediately followed. Not unlike dozens of other seized lands and sold off to settlers happening at the same time example Oklahoma, Colorado, etc. There is nothing to suggest that the battles were not both legal and physical; with perhaps remnants of the confederacy still fighting to keep some level of control and or a foothold to launch a second wave (circa 1865-1885). The battles would not be reported since the winners would not want any news of said battles to be documented.

In addition the Mansions/Estate Lands being split up and the lots divided and sold could have been part of the negotiation to become a state on November 11, 1889. The remaining British families finally won the legal and physical battles from the previous four decades only to have the rights and lands re-seized, divided up, and sold off for new American settlers. A standard procedure in American policies in the 1800s, seize lands then profit off of selling divided parcels.

The sociological structure of the society from 1850 to present still shape the way the culture of those that live and work in Bellingham operate, including the construction of independent hotel/motels. The Lions Inn was not created by way of a corporate chain, which come in to a city and create their buildings based on a standardized blue print; then alter the base to fit into the community itself. The Lions Inn was designed as a reflection of the city it was being constructed within. As well as the garden it was replacing from the Roth Estate.

Every few decades more parcels of the lands north of the center of Downtown Bellingham would be parceled and sold off, which the Lions Inn in the 1940s was part of one of.

 Fort Bellingham South

Located under what is now the campus of Western Washington University. Although whether or not the Southern Fort Bellingham was officially decommissioned is a strong subject of debate; would also raise the question regarding did the American government shift the land from being a military reservation to being an educational institute still maintaining the rights to reestablish the military as needed at any time. Indicating that even as late as after Washington Territory became a State the American government still considered the British, French Royalists, and Confederacy in Washington state a serious and substantial threat.

The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden has been tentatively been identified as being just north of the present day city of Tabriz Iran. The Lions Inn basic engineering architecture was modeled to directly reflect how much of the ancient design documentation and memories that garden looked like. Ironically the Lions Inn sits were the Roth Mansion English Garden/Persian Garden copy of the Garden of Eden used to look like.


Although in all truth both names are a direct reflection towards the “Great  Sacred River” in language of India the river on the West side of the country is “The Indus” River which is where India was named from, it is also the name Columbus chose to call the “Red Man” whom he discovered inhabiting the area.

Indian does not mean what most assume it means, it is a direct reflection of the Indus River which is named exactly the same as the “Great Sacred River” aka the Nile in Hieroglyphic. More than a few legends, DNA, and evidence connect Egypt with the area of Northumberland and Scotland. The very Name of Scotland/Alba itself comes from two separate Egyptian legends (Scotia and Meritaten). There is a Pub in Northumberland (it used to be Northumberland) which claims to have timbers which that same tree other timbers went into the construction of the Santa Maria. Some portions of the Columbus expedition state that Columbus a well-known Conversos (a Jew who claimed to convert but only for show) named the Natives “Indians” to honor both those that bankrolled parts of his expeditions but also to honor his own Jewish ancestry regarding the Jews time as Pharaohs of Egypt.

The Native trail e.g. Highway 99 might have been part of an ancient Viking trail.

The Vikings enter the history books courtesy of their first invasions of Northumberland circa 793 ce to 1066 ce, when they attacked Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water). The Vikings created trade routes between Scandinavia to Newfoundland with direct evidence. Newly found evidence places the Vikings on both the East coast of America and across the Northern portion of the United States of America. By using the river systems and occasionally overland; dragging their boats over land for short distances. The Vikings would have had less then no problem journeying down the Columbia, up the west coast to the Puget Sound, around the Puget Sound on their way to Alaska. Little evidence of said exists but nothing would have stopped the Vikings from achieving circumnavigation. Occasional very tall and light completion natives long that described route would strongly point to the Vikings on occasion did produce children along the way. The Vikings were not only good with navigation but excellent map makers, they would have figured out a shorter overland route between  what we now call Portland, Columbia, Vancouver Washington north to the southern portion of the yet to be named Puget Sound. Meaning the literal ability to take the yet to be called Hiway 99 the real actual Vikings circa 800 ce could have literally walked the Native Trail which ran  in front of where the Lions Inn Motel sits.

The Lummi Native Americans

By legend one of the Spanish Explorers named the Lummi natives from their habit of using elevated torches to navigate around the Islands. Thus the name itself had the code contained within, Vertical/North, Amber/Umber, Land/defined area e.g. Northumberland. Which could be a reference to the Vikings who settled in the area. After more than 1000 years, the mixture of cultures can deeply bury the Viking DNA under dominant darker complexion DNA.

 Jews in America 1800s

The anti-Semitic laws in America in the 1880s up to about 1946 were still so strong as to only be a little bit less than that of the height of NAZI Germany, which strongly indicating the conflicts in Bellingham between the arrival of Roeder and Pickett 1865 and the actual building of Downtown Bellingham 1890 link to violence against Jews in the area.

The history of Bellingham is vastly more complicated than the current history books will tell you. The more you learn about the place the more fascinating you will find it.









Bellingham and Salem


Knowing  that as a matter of fact the inquisition in whatever form it was going to be known by (saidi culture name change consnaly; allows them to keep performing the same horrors but under different names) were coming and the East Coast was no longer going to be a safe place to be.

So what do those that were on the East Coast but diid nto have the radical adjenda of the Great Awakening movmentss do when faced with execution. They evacuate just as they ahd evacuated Eruope decades and centures before.  The accepted foudinig of the colonies was the legal dates, but in many cases the colonies of the east were a military take over on x date from previous infrastructure. The citizens simply fled west when the troops with muskets, bayonets, and armed iwht a radical almost Islamic zeal regarding all their acgtions are acceptable as long as those actioons are carried out in the name of the lord.

Faced with genocide, time to evacuate west.

Fortunately the Ogles had a trade route and were as vioolnetly against the great awakening movments as they ahd been against Militatn islam in Europe. The Britiissh and Muslims had been at war since practically the say Mohammed was born. They had been at war with the cultulre Mohammed adopted their religious philosophy and proceeded to bring up from the past the ceremony which was a recreation fo the invatioon fo mecca by Abrahm and Esau. Abrahm had to help his other son since the his other son Jacob had litterlaly been crowned King of Israel. Esau needed his own kingdom. Mecca was chosen.

Genociding the poulatioon infont fo the “Pillars fo Adam” was in some way a fitting patricide fromm Esau to god. Since god chose Jacob, Esau and his entire descended lines would have a soul elvel  hatered for any and all of Jacobs line from that day forward. Which simply fostered the hatred which the culture Esau allied with were already full on Israel haters.

Knmwing from at least 2600 bce to present the bahvior patterns were entireliiy predictable regarding what the descendents fo Esau/Hyksos would do to any who questioned their authority or religion would do. Time to either fight till all the Esau were mostly dead or back off for a few years to regroup, or evacuate. Since it is not in the cultural havior pattern to back off, they simply regroup to attack another day. Peace is only possible while they are as a culture too tired to continue. Once they have their next wind back, they attack till they are spent. Which is an odd extremely  gross innuendo buut the innuendo fits in a 5000 year dependable pattern. Each outcome is predictable years before it occurs. Especially the gross innuendo part.

What does any of this have to do with Bellingham Washington State.

In the 1500s when the dominant cultures were gathering sufficient supplies too follow Columbus over to create colonies those that had already escaped the tyranny in Europe knew the only way to go was to evactuet not a few hundred miles west but to evacuate to the opposite coast. Built up sufficient infrastructure to allow for a proper defense. Since that stratagie had worked perfectly against the Romans. When the descendants of the 18th dynasty circa 1340 bce saw the writing on the wall and knew beyond a doubt the Hyksos at  Avariis were goingn to rise back up and seize control over Egypt again. The only thing to do was to choose, do we as a culture slaughter then and remove their chance of rising up again for a few more generations (knowing noting was going to stop them from rising up eventually) or start to evacuate and let the blood shed be to a minumume.

The question became, wehre to go.

The answer was follow the 2100 bce ancestors to the UK when  the Hykso invaded egyypt that time. Then spent centuries safely outside the reach fo the enemy building up defesnese, armies, trade routes, etc. in preporation for a battle which was not going to be avoidable but choose wisely its time and location. The Hyskso and their ancestor culture have no concept of how to not seek out and obliterate their soul level  cultural enemy. They sipnly must as some kind fo DNA controeld behavior pattenr.

Iin truth  Bellingham Washington has the best strategic location in which to stage a full on defense.

Seatttle is good as a buffer zone, when creating a layered defense. But Bellingham makes a smaller choke point. Ala the battle of Thermopoli.

So the only real thing for a peace and lilving in harmony with nature culture to do. Evacuate far away, set up defenses, contact cutlures who are good with fighting, allie with them, so that it becomes possible to survive the coming in all truth Armageddon in the area to be called Bellingham..

Which is interesting since Bell (Sound = Simon) ing (action of the Bell, making sound) ham (sacred and or divine location. Beth la Ham, is a prime example of the use of Ham.

A sacred area for the divine to come and seek comfort and divine protection.

The area at least in sevdral  fo the remaining architecture was the location of a megalithic infrastructure. That infrastructure being at least close to that of resembling Stonehenge. Which is really interesting since Stonehenge its waves of construction match to the cneture when Egypt was invaded. The seven major times Egypt has been invaded match the seven waves fo construction at Stonehenge.

The megalithic infastruucture in Bellingham, part of it is centered in the middle fo the property currently called The Lion’s Inn Motel. Which used to be the location of the Roth Estate Garden. Which was a copy fo the Perian Garden.

The history of the area is in the extreme range of interesting. Not only was the area in part the scene of a major war which dozens of little battles from 1750-1885 but some of those battles were between most if nton all the countriies in the world. Not to mention more than a few of those countries were at war in other areas, actively exchanging fire and  casulaties. So if those armies met in Bellignahm which all evidence states as a matter fo hard fact they did; the evidence states battles occurred before 1860 in the area but they were not discussed since those battles were not part of the narrative most of those that wrote the history were interested in diiscuussing. Salem was still a bad subject in the minds fo most fo the cutlulres involved. If they were conducting said types fo witch hunts, the authoriies did nto want anyone at all to  know about it.

But the railroad’s repsence int eh area decades before it should have is a violent clue as to the wars occurring. Since aarmies need supplies and will built a railroad themselves if needed.

The evidence of a railroad in the 1870s is plentiful. The evidence of the military  in the 1850s is eacy; Captain George Picket and his 68 regulars and 1500 conscripts is well documented. So what conflicts were occurring in the area to sent a company with a west point graduate in charge. The American military would have already had to be engaged in battles too warrant reenforcemnts with a company.

Churchhill himself stated that the battles of the seven  years war were actually the great war. Since most fo the nations inn the world took part. What has been  left out fo history is the facts that the war did nto stop, the armies minus the colonies regrouped west and kept fighting. The Engliisiih turned the British and colonies against each other; since the british in the French and Indian (deeply  insulting slang term for the British from the English; since the Britiish and English are vastly  different cutlures) were undefeatable. The English to win control over the north American trade routes to the  orient, defeat the Britihs, and seize control over the colonies from the British turned the colonies agaiinnst the briitish. Which was extremely successuful, the engislih were able to defeat two  enemies by making them fight aginst each other; then came in at the end to clean up the mess. Which was itself the Engliish lost to the colonies.

The briiths had retreated to fight at both   home in Northumberland and in the west to defend terroiroty from Ohion to the Paciifi North West.

The culture which  had created the megalithic infrastructure in Bellingham, the conflicts, battles, bloodshed, etc were not part of that cutlures make up. Which is one reason the area was chosen hundreds of years before the 1800s.

Well far away from said conflicts with EUorpe. But conflicts with the pacific cutlulres replaced Europe. Russsians, orientals, the Spanish, islmaics, portugese, etc were all in the area and wanting as much land as they could seize. Seizing lands are much better htan lands negotiated for. Paying, why pay for lands you can have fun taking.

The first megalith which is been identified based on its loccatioon proximate to a couple other key locations is the property  the Lion’s Inn sits on. Which used to be an English Garden, which was renamed from the British Garden  system. Which is similar to a Persian garden. A Persian garden is as close as they can copy of what the garden fo eden looked like. So in a very real way the lions inn has had three separate recreations of the garden  of eden built on it.

Another is just to the north west corner of bay and  holly streets in Belliingham wa. That location is of the most critical of impotance,  for that was at one tiem of the most important corners in the entire city fo Bellingham, Back when that was close to the only corner in Bellingham. Land fill has increased the size fo the city allwing it to expand to the west, but before that, Bay and  Holly were the end of the bay itself. Business’s were on the north west side but not a lot of ground was avaialbel to built. Bay is and holly iis were hiway 99 ran thorugh. A sharp corner at that intersectdioon is of critical important. Why is of fo the most critical fo importance. Because that road was partially built following sacred lay lines.

In truth  Bellingham has just as much energy and vortex’s as Sedona, if not more. The area has always been an energy conduit. An active volcano to the east, a strong bay to  the west, the crystal packed mountains too the south, and the planes to  the north. The area is compressed electro magnetic.








Part 1

Tells the basic information regarding the Lion’s Inn, a bit about its history, a small amount regarding how the city it sits in was founded. THE property it replaced e.g. the Roth Estate. The Roth Garden. Hiway 99 which runs in front of the property to the west. The Vikings. A very likely British trade route between first Boston using the river system to cross west and east to the Columbia.

Part 2

THE history of the name Bellingham. The Ogle family trade route connected to the East India Company. War of 1812 and Churchill’s quote regarding the actual first world war, which part of that took place in Bellingham Washington. The Great library of Heirakonopolis and Alexandria copies of which made up the core of Western Washington University library. Radical anti-Semitic laws of the 1700-1946 which directly and with emphases effected Bellingham and Whatcom county directly and over the long term. George Pickett’s 1500 men and his plantation in Bellingham. Armageddon and Ferndale. Megaliths of Bellingham. Great Awakening movements.

Part 3

Megaliths of Bellingham eg Stonehenge the remaining infrastructure which presents the evidence a megalithic infrastructure was not only present but where it could be located.

Part 4

Great Awakening movements in Bellingham Lyndon. It is a standard procedure to push the agenda of the radical ideas from which John Calvin and Martin Luther proposed. The truth of their influences, both culturally, and how they mixed the messages. The founding of what would become the Vatican Pope Simon Peter and the Impostor Paul. The Slave trade 

Part 5

Energy Vortex’s; scientifically all megaliths mark a place which has a naturally occurring energy vortex. An energy vortex is part of the planets electro-magnetic machine which makes a compass needle point north. The scientific evidence of said can be spelled out in as easy to understand format.

The vortex’s of Bellingham are known to exist but so far no one has plotted out what they are, where they are, how they work, how to interact with them.







Genesis connected directly to Biblos

The city of Byblos is the city where the papyrus was made or imported from Egypt in order to be shipped to Greece in order to print the first books of the Bible. The city of Biblos is also where the Pillar (Capital of the city of Pillars aka Heliopolis aka Jerusalem) aka Djed which contained the body of Osiris was taken and used in the city itself.

Why this is important to Genesis and the Bible; simple answer, what normal, sane, and heathy parent in the world would not immediately upon learning their son was murdered not want their son to be returned alive and well.

Since by legend Adam knew god personally; he could know exactly how to not only talk to god but also know exactly where to travel to in order to beg god at the gate to bring his murdered son back from the dead.

Which is an incredibly huge deal; why, because Osiris’s wife was named Isis, his son after resurrection was named Horus. If you break the word Israel down into its individual Hieroglyphic parts you get Isis Ra and El.

Israel first letter is Isis which is the wife of Osiris who was in the Byblos Pillar and Djed.

The city of Byblos (Genesis, Castle Bellingham<both Ireland and Northumberland>, Bellingham Washington state) connected to Osiris/Horus

The Log Jam only a few miles north of Bellingham itself is about the same ratio as the distance between Memphis to Giza and or the Step Pyramid.


Ogle Castle (Bellingham Washington state) connects with the 18th dynasty

The Egyptian 18th dynasty is part and partial with the concept of Northumberland.

The start of the 18th and the end of the 18th both have significant items regarding the founding and the power of the culture which inhabited that area circa 1500-1200 b.c.e.

Both Scotta from Egypt and Meritaten are both rumored to have traveled to that exact area in order to avoid the conquests occurring the Egypt at the time.


Eg Y Pt, translates to Temple (EG) <Pillars> of (Y) Pt (god). No reason to assume Hieroglyphics we spell god with a god with more than one Israelite group and thousands of years no reason to assume they did not have more than one spelling for the divine, Pt being just one name for the god of Jesus.

Horus the son of Osiris

The connections between Horus and Noah is an obvious one; although the obvious is from a specific set of perspectives. Each piece of evidence has to be understood as an isolated entity rather than as part of the existing picture within the existing theories which are without base in fact.

The Horus tax collection ceremony of ancient Egypt takes place in the spring. That ceremony started out taking approximately 2x2 breading animals or the equivalent from every person and or family group. Collecting the Animals two x two in part began as an adaptation from the Noah concept.

Another puzzle piece is; the name and spelling of Noah comes from Hebrew a language which would not exist for another close to 2000 years. Whatever the spelling was based on how many names were translated over from the previous into Hebrew it is a solid statistical likelihood that Noah was not the original spelling in Sumerian or Indo-Europe language.

This is important because as Egypt was conquered two and from by a number of different cultures, each one had different prejudices regarding acceptable versus unacceptable information from the past. Some would alter seriously information from cultures they hated. Consequently a hated culture can and will have their history altered to suit the needs of those that conquered them. In other words a cultures strength will be turned into weaknesses and their weaknesses will be greatly exaggerated. The conquered cultures symbols of power will be stripped away and become the property of the new culture. Like Pharaoh was stripped from the Israelites and to this day not given back; or in other words the Jews have not reclaimed their primary leader’s title.

Osiris the first Pharaoh (Israel)

The constant and continuous battles / conquests occurring in Egypt, not all the conquerors possessed the same perspective when it comes to the application of religion. In fact from 3800-1900 there were several invasions and changes of dynasties which significantly altered most of the structure of Egyptian religion or as the modern world calls it “Egyptian Mythology”. The Hyksos were in fact as hard against the 3800-3500 b.c.e pre-Pharaonic dynasty as they could; the hykso worked as diligently as they could for the length and breadth they were in power to erase, edit, etc. as much of the structure from 3800-3500 as they could. Which included changing the names of the deities, changing the stories to suit their own needs, changing the entire structure to mirror their perspective, etc.

Osiris was a named used mostly after 2100 b.c.e only limited before



The city of IWNW aka Heliopolis

The City of Pillars or in Hieroglyphics IWNW was by legend built by Adam before the flood. He built it to reflect what he could remember regarding what the center Tabernacle at the center of the Garden of Eden looked like.

Although it has undergone extremes to the Maximum amount editing; the story of the Tree at the center of the Garden of Eden is much more complex a situation than the current word flow indicate.

The current word flow still maintains some aspects of the sentence structure of Sumerian and Indi-European language. Which can be proven based on a graphic and a simple letter by letter examination of t-he Book of Genesis.

The tabernacle at the center of the Garden of Eden possessed four separate trees, which were feed from a fountain of sorts which divided into four separate rivers.

Each river and each tree were used by Adam to create what was mentioned in the first two chapters of Genesis as the fabric of life itself. Which is odd since the sentence structure could strongly point to the presence of the basic ideas behind sprint theory.

Adam was placed in charge of the naming and flow of all the things on the planet. Their length of life, naming them, etc. Working to support the plants, animals, etc. which exist on the planet. He was placed in charge of their in effect strings.

By legend it is that tabernacle from which Adam rebuilt a copy on earth. That copy at least one of those copies was built where Heliopolis now stands. Why this is important to the founding of Ferndale and for that matter the city of Lyndon; because those cities were first founded on the principle of recreating an infrastructure which the British Ogle’s have been violently conquered off of. So where one is good two copies are better. In the past rebuilds the Ogles had followed at least by architectural and archaeological evidence left behind (which the conqueror did not destroy) they only built one. In Whatcom County they build several of the most key and sacred cites they could get their hands on. Making more than one copy in the hopes that when the Dutch, English, and American did arrive to erase them again that the duplicate copies would be missed and key architecture would be simply incorporated into the new buildings.

Lyndon and Ferndale both have serious and significant architectural city layout patterns close to that of the city of Pillars. Not to mention the facts regarding why the conquerors of Lynden the Dutch managed to erase their connection to the slave trade. Since the entire culture had been directly involved with the slave trade; not a single family which are Dutch descended can claim they are innocent in making centuries long business deals with the militant Muslims which solely ran, operated, and participated in, etc. the eradication of Semitic peoples from inside the cultures in Niger. Which more than 10% of the slaves were Coptic's from Egypt; who fled Egytp when the Militant Muslims invaded. Which brings this story back to both Heliopolis and Lyndon/Ferndale. Ferndale and its Log Jam and an Ogle family connected settler founding the city of Lynden being discovered by the Dutch then having as much of the old British and ancient Egyptian connections erased. Makes no difference whatsoever as to how much of the information from the ancient past the founder of Lynden and Ferndale knew about Egypt. The fact that the cultures they came from the Northumberland/Ogle Family and Egyptian information was part and parcel within how the culture itself was formed.

The city of IWNW most likely was founded on a sand barge in the middle of the Nile River. That Sandbar being in a large degree the safest and most secure area in which to have both a culture start to thrive and to build a sacred building aka temple.

The city of Memphis old name Eternal or in another way of saying it Heaven “The City of Heaven” was itself a copy of the city of Heliopolis. It was renamed Mem to honor Pharaoh Mem; but since later conquerors hated both the children of Israel and the sons of Jacob aka Jews the hatred edited the information they did not like away from truth to very convenient lies.

In the sequence of those same lies is why today the true location of the city of Heliopolis has been entirely lost. A city which was a huge metropolis for thousands of years, on all the maps from 4000-500 b.c.e and only guesses remain as to where that city was located. All those maps were either destroyed, and or are in private collections locked away from the world.

The river where Heliopolis was placed either next to or on has changed its location possibly by dozens of miles in the more 5000 years since the city entered the history books.

Be interesting if the city itself was in the middle of the river, it would account for why hidden within the framework of the descended copies of the temple Adam built at Heliopolis the tabernacle was designed in the shape of a Boat.

This same design is reflected within the framework of the 1000 years later story of Noah and his Arc (the great flood was not necessarily water, more like the blue of electricity. Means the culture in the area has a philosophical change from previous to the teachings of Adam), down into the Solar Boat or Boat chamber found inside the Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid some type of a sled or said was used. That sled held huge many ton blocks. The assumption is those blocks were used in the construction of the building. But the, at that time Israelites being industrious and under genocide conditions had to make one thing do more than one task. So the sled could have been a card/sled carrying a boat. Which is reflected directly within the framework of the stories. The body of the Pharaoh would be carried on a boat. The journey of his soul would also be in part by way of a boat in the afterlife.

The gabled roof rooms within the pyramids; would make more logical sense for those rooms to be the chamber which held the “Adams Boat/Ark” which would be renamed 1500 years later to “Noah’s Ark”.

Hiding the boat ceremony within the gigantic fortifications of the pyramids would ensure several things. One privacy, two security, three a 64’ temperature in which to perform actions (versus the 120’ in the shade outside), four to provide a place to learning and security for the individuals themselves, etc.

The boat being part and parcel within the framework of both the Adam Tabernacle, and a serious part of the entire structure of monotheism from Adam to present.

We have an idea of where Heliopolis used to be as well as the shape, design of the building itself based on its reflection in copies from Mem to Ferndale/Lyndon and all the cities which were settled by culture A then conquered and erased by culture B. bits and pieces of the original structures can be found by reassembling most of those conquered cities comparing each piece of architecture with the others in order to come up with a composite idea as to what Heliopolis used to look like. From the look like we can assemble a composite idea using the same techniques to rebuild at least in part what the original Adam ceremonies used to be. Since it is harder to destroy a ceremony than a building.

A culture thrives on its ceremonies. Change and reorganize the ceremony but the essence is still very much the same as it used to be. Cross compare the various protestant ceremonies and you will find most of the ceremonies of Catholicism buried within.



One of the primary rules regarding Vampires is “they cannot enter a structure unless invited”, they also cannot enter a “Sanctified Location at all” “Crosses and other holy relics are also painful/destructive, and can kill a vampire”.

Reflected within the framework of the definition of Pharaoh; lord/head/leader/king of the long house. The long house which contains the sacred trees.

Which “tree” specifically wood can be used to shove through a vampire’s heart to kill it?

The story of the Vampire and the story of the word “Pharaoh” are more than directly connected.

Heliopolis translates to Jerusalem

Helio; means the motions of the sun itself also another word for the Aten. The Aten being a pre-hieroglyphic name for both the sun and god.

Polis; in Hieroglyphics the name for a city is different than the name for a Sacred city. Polis is the word they used for “Sacred City”.

Sacred City in Latin is Castle; the difference between a fort and a Castle is the sanctified room/area within the fortification which both contain a sanctuary and a high ranking religious leader. Castle in Latin means the same exact thing as Salem in Hebrew.

Helio in Futhark is the word Jera; which means the Motions of the Sun. Jera is also the 12th symbol in the Futhark sequence.

Salem means Sacred city;

Heliopolis literally translates to Jera Salem in Futhark and Hebrew. But since Hebrew came in to existence based on the facts regarding Moses/Ajax and his line used the Futhark as the scaffolding to build the characters on Hebrew from. Every single Hebrew character is an entire word in Futhark. Makes every word in Hebrew virtually an entire sentence in Futhark.

Thus proving that Heliopolis in English translates to Jerusalem. Which is interesting since the currently accepted Jerusalem is in Levant constructed by David’s grandson Solomon after the Exodus. As a copy of the Jerusalem great temple of the city of Tyre (from which Alexander pours huge amounts of resources into conquering that city and seizing control over its library. Which he had sent to his conquered and renamed city of Alexandria.).

The Great Temple of Tyre itself was a copy of the Great Temple in the City of Memphis. Which based on very sketchy information was itself based on what the culture could remember from the original Great Temple Adam built at Heliopolis. Which as it turns out that city aka the City of Pillars aka IWNW its original name was Jerusalem.

A city which was already in existence and a fully functioning large temple at 4000 b.c.e being called and or a reflection of the name Jerusalem. Calls into radically serious question the entire structure regarding the descendants claim to Levant. Looks like the actual location of Israel is in Egypt.

Back to the subject at hand; Heliopolis actually being called/named the Jerusalem and or the city of pillars.

Pillars are a megalith. A megalithic structure aka Stonehenge is mentioned in the genesis. Jacob left Luz aka Memphis traveling North West to the Light Place. The light place being a location which would be an area to identify and measure the passage of the sun in the sky. In short this is the same definition as the Futhark word Jera; a place to practice and work to translate what the motions of the sun was doing in accordance with how the earth was moving. Tracking and working with the actual motions of the Sun itself. Although the sun does not move what moves is the earth. So the light place is the area by with and from which the motions of the Aten can be understood.

The light place or what information can be gained by way of learning to decode the lessons of the Light place aka Megalith can be perceived within the mythology of Medusa. Being turned to stone, the stones which Jacob spent the night the next day deciding to build a ladder to heaven at the light place. To angels could ascend and descend from heaven using the light place.


Starting with creating a new (Jera) Capital (Castle/Salem) City at the base of the Tree. Could be a vague reference to the Queens chamber Khufu Pyramid.

Yggdrasil and Ragnorok

By legend the descendants of the Futhark will cling to the roots and trunk of the Yggdrasil tree, till the “flood35%20copy” has subsided. When the time (Jera) is correct, the descendants will descend from the roots and form the ancient culture anew.


Not much of the mythology of Medusa and the Dorians would not come down very hard on the aspects of knowledge coming from the interaction between humans and a megalith. Medusa was banished and Trans morphed into a hideous creature half snake with snakes of hair (Eve and her interactions with the Snake at the Trees at the center of the garden. The Deity of Lower Egypt being Wedget the animal symbol for Wedjet is the Snake). Snake, stones, the language of the Aten using pillars (capital city of pillars), extremely advanced language/mathematics/science/etc. at Heliopolis, the world snake of Nordic mythology, Yggdrasil and the tree of life,

yggdrasil_tree 2013 2 5 1313

grand_gallery_with_boat_12012 11 27 0001

counter weight pulley attackmentsgrand gallery sled boat ontop and wedgesimage001


Heliopolis was by legend built by Adam

At the center of the Garden of Eden was a structure built to enable to weave of time to be generated/created.

The three trees outside the tabernacle/boat feed into the tree inside the tabernacle/boat.

Would make the built/assemble tree some type of water tree.

Swamp tree with a floating barge built around it.


The garden of Eden

The basic shape and design of the Garden of Eden based on a reassembly of the descended cultures building copies, and copies of copies, etc. regarding what the garden of Eden looked like

Persian Garden

English Garden

Existing copies







The working tools

The working tools used by Adam and or copies of used on earth.

Blade/Tome; of course why would a blade have writing on it. Why write a book on a blade. That answer has yet to find a solution.

But mostly from the dawn of civilization to present kings have used a Sword to represent their power.

So the tome written on a blade could be metaphoric. The power was in the words not in the blade itself.

So a tome could just be a tome, using a symbolic representation of a blade to indicate the type of knowledge that tome contained.



Jug of presumably wine; is a terrific conductor of electricity. Vinegar is use to this very day as the fluid in some batteries.



Part three

Houses of the city of Bellingham

The houses of Bellingham were most likely built in or before 1860, but the conflicts with Picket, the American government, the confederacy, the English, the British (whom founded the city to begin with), the French, Native Tribes, etc. the grounds of many of the notable family houses/estates were the sites of fights/battles/conflicts/etc. which caused most if not all of them to have to be rebuilt when the legal battles were concluded in the 1880s.

Even the Lumber Mill which Roeder had built in the early 1850s was the site of one said battle. The claim by the latter legal battles and the governments changes the history to hide the facts of the total embarrassments which occurred in the area from 1840-1880.

There is a reason the British descendants were in the area; Roeder most likely based on the behavior patterns associated with what he did and what Picket did immediately after were all conflict oriented.

Fighting over specific mansions/estates was not only a common theme now but dates back to the invention of writing. The Manor houses are attacked after the main body of the city itself is conquered. Or the surrounding areas are attacked whittling down the perimeter defenses in order to slowly but surely weekend the main city.

One of the more famous of the second battle strategy was the battle of Troy. The Dorians whittled away the small towns and manor houses/estates first. By the time they reached the main city it took years but the city was finally conquered. If the battles and war over Bellingham occurred and started in the 1840s or maybe even earlier, the length of time e.g. decades would account for what and why the situation from the time of Lewis and Clarke to 1880 some 60 years (Lewis and Clarke had to return home, compline their notes, chat with the American government about their journey, then start to write the book, after the writing the book had to be published, then distributed. That took years). The communities already in the area would not have reacted well to having the English and Americans pushing their way into the last vestige of territory the Royalist French and British had managed to keep hold of in America. With the Americans pushing in from the south and the English holding firm to the north the level of conflict would have been well beyond acceptable. Any conflicts would immediately send in the military to quash any violence to the American settlers.

The American military would first send in a platoon or a small company in order to assess the situation. Captain Picket would not have been sent in to assess the situation, he led a group of 68 regulars and about 1000 plus conscripts (non regular soldiers were almost never counted. Today “Blackwater soldiers and or other conscript soldiers are still not counted”) would have been the backup soldiers sent in to back up the first patrols sent in to assess what the problem is and how to deal with the violence. Sending in a West Point graduate whom had achieved the rank of Captain would not be a scouting mission to find out what was happening, he would have been sent in as back up to the first scouting platoon.

Showing direct military strategy evidence of previous to Picket American military presence in the area and the additional presence of violence previous to 1850. In addition captain Roeder might have himself been reinforcement officer sent into the area for the same reason. The British and French needed back up troops in order to support the last stand of the British and Royalist French whom had to run away from genocidal activities farther to the east. They had already been kicked out of their countries, the English had conquered the British absorbed the titles and the names, the French Royalists were either royal supporters and or Royals themselves escaping from the French revolution.

Sending in the army; the smartest thing to do would be to set up forces north and south of the city itself. The city being of course Bellingham; which had existed long before the Vancouver expedition, what the name of that city was has been buried so deeply finding it had proved to be difficult. Then to have the forces slowly push south and north from their respective Command Posts. Slowly whittling away at the resistant populations.

Possibly starting at around Blaine maybe even Vancouver BC and moving south. Possibly starting in Seattle and moving north. Decades later the two meeting in Bellingham. Then fight out the issues by setting up a Fortification south of the city and north of the city; to continue to squeeze the life out of the few British and French people and forces still resisting the Pax Romana e.g. Manifest Destiny the American culture believed was their divine right to own from sea to shining sea.

Would be interesting if the towns from Seattle north to Bellingham minus Fairhaven and from Vancouver running south to Bellingham would show evidence of military, conquest, slow take over, and whittling away from the American forces slowly pushing to each other to meet in the middle. Being resolved from 1815-1880.

The city of Ferndale being part of that infrastructure the previous inhabitants would have had to abandon their city on the logs and their sacred temple on the logs as well in order to live another day.

Roeder house

First building

Burnt down

Second building

Roth house

First building

Burnt down

Second building


Part four

The Last Stand of the British Empire 2014 9 12 0707

The Last Stand of the British Empire took place in Bellingham Washington state

The British empire started out named from several families who had escaped the Trojan (Descendants of the Foot holder aka Jacob) traveled to first Tyre, then Egypt(around what would become Alexandria), then Carpathian(all kinds of experiences took place), traveling to “the City of Seven Hills” which would be 500 years later conquered and renamed Rome, at the City of Seven Hills they founded the city of Alba Longa, Italy, several years or a generation or two later they traveled up to help support the settlements Meritaten and her mother had established in Northumberland, in preparation for the coming invasion from descendants of the Roman Empire.

In Northumberland they took on the name British at least by legend from the name of the Son of the Prince whom had escaped the Trojan War.

Once in Northumberland since the Hyksos/Dorian/etc. have a cultural sub-conscious and desperate need to seek out descendants of Jacob? Humiliating, degrading, killing them, erase as much of the evidence of what they did, what which could not be erased they absorbed as if they were the ones whom built the thing in the first place. Reverence Rome, Temple of Ramses II(which had been a fully functioning temple for 2500 years before Ramses renamed it and erased a key statue), Athens(used to be called Poseidon for about 2500 years), Mecca(had existed for 5000 years before Mohammed did his thing), etc. the list is long and extensive.

Knowing this is a matter of hard and calculable fact that the descendants of the Hyksos on a sub-conscious level want to seek out descendants of Jacob and kill them the British at 1200 b.c.e that the Hyksos (no matter what their name would be then, the culture name changes a lot in order to keep the same behavior patterns but claim no association with their parent cultures actions. Same actions different names, escaping the punishments from former cultural crimes.) were coming and they  had centuries to millennia in order to build up defenses and the like in order to not only preserve their way of life but develop sufficient offensive capacity in order to bring the fight to the aggressor.

The North American Ogle Trade Route

The North American Ogle Trade Route was created in order to be not only a good thing, it ended up being the last surviving tool the culture could use in order to stay alive.

The trade route used to extend around the world. Connecting large and small communities, being able to ship goods, information, and people form one corner of the globe to the other.

In the end the trade route was turned against the ogles and the same thing which allowed them to prosper over the millennia became the instrument their enemies used to destroy and erase them from existence. Leaving behind only the smallest traces of the previous scattered around the western world.


Castle Bellingham


Castle Bellingham was built as a Royal Sacred fortification to first protect the North American Ogle Trade Route, and as settlers arrived to protect and give a trade center or hub from which to have good delivered and send good out from. Settlers having a hub from which to take their goods to sell and having a place to order goods from. In a very strong way; the castles along the route the World Wide Web and Facebook are simply extensions from the basic organizational structure which was established by the North American Ogle Trade Route. Which other cultures and later businesses later copied.

Castle Bellingham himself remnants of it can be found incorporated into the Campus and surrounding areas of Western Washington University.

The structure of Castle Bellingham could be similar to the structure of Miramont Castle.

The building itself could have been designed to reflect that of Noah’s ark.

Fr Francolon most likely designed Miramont to reflect what he could research cobble together as to what Solomon’s temple looked like. Although in truth Zerubbabel in his rebuilt of that structure did the same behavior pattern as Rome did at approximately the same time. He built his own understanding of that building, then erased what the previous building design looked like.



A statue of Jupiter was found along the shore on the beach

Jupiter is the old pre exodus name of the city of Jerusalem.

Stalking Jacobs descendants

The war between Jacob and his brother Esau although hard fact those two men are impossible to show any evidence for their existence. Their descendant cultures are not only easy to prove they existed but easy to show the cascade of cultures which descended from their cultural lines.

What does this have anything at all to do with the city of Bellingham; that answer is Esau’s descended cultures their behavior patterns from the minute they entered the history books to present have followed on a measurable and definable level the behavior patterns of “A stalker” but not on an individual level on a culture level. It is almost like Esau’s line had needed to perform the same actions against Jacob and his descended line from 2700 b.c.e to present without stopping for pause. They only stop when they as a culture are too week to keep fighting.

But stalk they do and they use all the behavior patterns of a stalker in order to keep up the sub-conscious desperate need to not only stalk but cause as much damage to their intended victim as possible before finally killing their victim. The goal is to intimidate, interrogate, destroy, erase, humiliate, degrade, etc. till sufficient amounts of the previous are done which allows the stalker to then finally for that generation kill their victim.

The culture has spent vast resources in the destruction process. They will allow almost nothing in the world to stop them from pursuing the goal of seek out and destroy through a slow process of torture to death.

The settles of Bellingham since Picket and the soldiers he commanded were sent to the area immediately after Roeder arrived in the area. Roeder arriving in the area from Ohio. The Ogles in Ohio were there because they were kicked out of the areas on the east coast.

Every generation or two the pushers get anxious again and seek/destroy again, each time their intended victim fights as much as they can but eventually they will retreat. Since victory against a foe whom only wants to do the most amount of damage before obliterating you form existence; that is not a fight, a battle, a war that is a category of behavior patterns well become criminally sick.

Evidence of said behavior patterns are the Nazi versus those who stood against them.

The Nazi holocaust was not the first nor did the last time the culture which created the Nazi perform said action.

In the 1800s in American anti-Semitic laws ran so hard at least one city was renamed and it Jewish population was exiled; that would be Orlando Florida used to be named Jerusalem and was established as a refuge for Jews to escape genocide conditions in other portions of the united states. The city was captured by military forces, the Jews exiled, and the city was renamed to Orlando.

If something similar occurred in Bellingham the issues would not only not be unprecedented the laws in American especially on the frontier openly allowed and encouraged said types of behavior.

The Counties vying for control over Castle Bellingham

List of Cultures

British are a culture from the middle portion of the UK. From Sherwood Forest to the Scotland. Which is a radically different culture than the English; though after Hastings the English wanted nothing more than to destroy the British and absorbed the names/titles.

America; are mostly



Royalist French; more than a few of the French living on the American continent were French Royalist who had escaped from being executed. Those whom could afford to escape did so; their descendants attempted to reformulate the French government in New France and Louisiana. But the Lewis and Clarke trails plagiarism and the resulting settlers pushed the French Royalists farther and farther into the Pacific North West. Eventually ending in Vancouver Oregon and Bellingham Washington.

Natives Allies with the British; for the previous several hundred years more than a few of the native tribes of the Americans had been close allies with the British.

Each having their own unique and distinct claim to the area and reasons for pursuing their own unique goals.

The Royalist French and British fought as allies

The Americans and English at times fought as allies

The confederacy fought mostly alone but with a few native allies which shared their cultural rules of order e.g. slavery etc.

The natives who were not allies mostly kept out of the conflicts.


The Battles over Castle Bellingham

The Battles and wars which raged in the area were numerous and took decades to sort out.

The skirmishes and battles took place from 1845-1885 (circa give or take)

Those battles and skirmishes are difficult to narrow down the exact details because the winning participants were not only not interested in letting the outside world know about the battles but the entire situation was beyond embarrassing for both the winners.

The English because they had been claiming for the previous 200 they were British and all the really bad behaviors they did were not done under the name English but British. The British culture on their own Island of Britain were conquered and force exiled from the UK in the 1600s. Which is approximately the same thing which occurred from 1066-1600 to the Pictish culture. Which is ironic since the Pictish culture made up the majority of the combatants of the confederacy. The Pictish culture being an incredibly strong ally with the Hyksos/Dorian/Villanovan/Roman culture which name changed to English. They were allies because they had a similar ancestry; although the ancestry was from a very distant cultural line dating to circa 1500 b.c.e. The English aka the Canadians were not interested in broadcasting to the world they found and battled eventually winning against the last pocket of the British Empire huddled in Castle Bellingham circa 1852.

Captain Roeder could have been part of the British Military since he was in Vermillion Ohio, married his wife, spent time in the area, etc. how did he know how to arrive in Bellingham unless the trade route from Ohio to Bellingham was laid out for him as well as from the British Ogles permission to not only purchase the lands but have a commission at Castle Bellingham as a Captain.

Roeder and the reinforcements from Ohio and California he brought with him were a direct and hard target threat to both the confederacy and the American government. Since both were operating openly and clearly in the west since the middle to last 1840s.

The American Military in almost every post had as least a few if not majority either southern sympathizers or those who were flat out confederates hoping the American government would see the way they wanted to live and operate was the best way and side with them. The coming Civil War was not a matter of if but when. The firing on Fort Sumter the forces by 1861 had already been divided up, the confederates had already started to wear grey uniforms, swore allegiance with the confederacy, the process of separating from the Union had started decades before.

Of the many questions which remain, were their conflicts in at Castle Bellingham previous to 1852 which caused the need for Roeder to have a commission in the British Military and bring reinforcements? Where the reinforcements needed form previous to 1852 conflicts.

What conflicts between1806-1850 occurred and where.


Revolutions conquests

Each and every single time through the entire length of history when a culture has been conquered, there is always another battle/war immediately to follow. Depending on how difficult it was to topple the previous power structure the culture which took over is profoundly less strong, therefor much easier for a truly powerful group to topple the very week conqueror. The only way to not have a second revolution after the first is to impose violently hard sanctions on the population. Which will eventually lead to the conqueror to be conquered themselves. It is only a matter of time.

Thus with the British entrenched in the area between Seattle and Vancouver, having already lost control over the area in previous decades the battle of Bellingham became in a very real effect the last stand other British Empire. The Ogles being just one of the group of families which formed the British culture. The English are new comers from Rome. The Anglo-Saxons are in varying parts made up of lots of collective romans colonies living in the area to be called Germany later in history.

When the British e.g. the Ogle family were toppled from power between 1855-1860, the confederate forces under various commanders kept trying to take over control of the area away from the fledgling American government and impose the confederacy from Seattle to Vancouver. The conflicts were decades long and both legal and bloody. Eventually the Americans won but the final battles were not over till the 1880s. Almost two full decades after Lee surrendered.


1854 Battle of Castle Bellingham

From 1854-1856 the conflicts were not only present but strong.

In direct result of the Roeder very likely reinforcements Picket was sent to the area to seize control over the area Roeder was sent to reinforce.

It is not currently known if there were any battles or it was just a negotiated surrender. Either way the same both result and erasure which occurred before happened again. The British presence was erased from history and the English took over as if the previous did not happen. Same thing had been occurring from the Founding of the city of Rome backwards through the length and breadth of western Culture. The founding of Rome dates to between1500 and 1000 years before 753 b.c.e. The first 1500-+1000 years of the city’s history its original name and who ruled were carefully erased from the history books by those that conquered the city. The conqueror being descendants of the Hyksos. Which the English are a direct line descendant from the Hyksos, or at least a couple of the families are.

Which means the behavior patterns of erasing the past and claiming you did the work had been part of the confederacy, American, English cultures since long before those names were invented. Since each can trace their ancestry of behavior patterns directly back to a similar if not the same origin.

As a result Castle was erased from the history books.

But how to hide both the architecture and not allow the British to gain a foothold in the area again. The answer is not relinquish control over the Castle and lands of the castle from military hands. Which is one major reason why the lands of Fort Bellingham (formerly Castle Bellingham) were turned into a School when the conflicts between the aforementioned cultures seized.

Non-conscripted Troops

The conflicts which occurred immediately before Roeder and or similar came out to Bellingham in order to bring reinforcements. Those reinforcements cascaded in with Picket and his 68 regular with about 1200 no conscripted soldiers. Note non-conScripted are not usually recorded soldiers. Con against script written down; the very word itself defines the fact that previous certain points in various cultures history hired in effect privates were not only not counted but often times paid only from the collection of booty after the battle is over; in other words the soldiers are paid by looting that which can be scavenged from the people who have either just been killed or have fled for their lives.

1861 Fort Bellingham and the Civil War

Despite denials from the winners of the conflicts (America and England) Bellingham most likely was the site of at last one if not several bloody guerrilla battles between the aforementioned forces.

Picket was a graduate of West Point, which means he would have known keeping the strategic fortification of Bellingham not only intact but leave it in the hands of Confederate forces.

Which means Fort Bellingham from 1861-1865 possibly earlier was in Confederate Hands. Which means the city itself was a Confederate Stronghold. A good place for the confederate army to not only have a faraway place to rest and recuperate but also a place to regroup to attack the Union again.

The fort itself was made from the buildings and infrastructure which was left from Castle Bellingham.

It is absolutely ridiculous to assume a Captain of the Confederacy would not have made sure to keep fort Bellingham and the City of Bellingham as a strategic confederate staging area. Even though the rest of the war was almost exclusively fought in the south from Virginia to Florida; a place far away from the war would be needed.

Revolt in the Confederate Government

As has been clearly identified the government which Jefferson Davis formed was not stable in most ways. The governmental structure of the confederacy already had serious and significant issues before the firing on fort Sumter occurred in the first place.

There were at least two if not three working confederate armies operating from 1855-1870. Jefferson Davis’s cabinet might have surrendered but Jefferson Davis himself refused to give up. It was only after he was arrested and placed in jail that he finally after months of confinement agreed to give up the fight.

But Jefferson Davis was clearly not the only leader of the confederacy, he was also not the only member of the confederate government to keep wanting to fight. He was among the few who not only did not back down but was not convinced of the issues till months in jail cooled his temper.

On the other hand many in the confederate government including Picket simply chose to retreat to a more desirable possible, regroup, rest and reorganize, then form another army to fight another day.

In truth Castle Bellingham and the cities surrounding would not only be the perfect place in which to stage said regroup but also the perfect place to have a backup confederate government. Far away from prying Yankee eyes, close to allies in the Pacific/Asia, close to the Mexican government which was entirely on the side of the confederacy.  As well as within easy reach of Canada/England governments in Vancouver which had sided with the confederacy from the earliest days of the schism between the nations.

Bellingham would be a perfect place to have the backup confederate government not only sit in power but to regroup to seize control over American again. Attacking the North from the West where they were the most vulnerable.

Which would account for why from 1861-1875 the records of the area are so sparse, why few if any settlers were allowed into the area, why Roeder did not build his home for four entire decades after he arrived in the area.

It also explains why the founding of Ferndale took so long and why the area was renamed.

A confederate stronghold and very likely seat of the reformed confederate government is not only likely but probably happened.









Part Five

George Picket cast as Perseus

George Picket his third and final wife needed to generate income in order to live. So she devoted the rest of her life from before he died to the end of hers to not only building a mythology surrounding the life of Picket but she either subconsciously or consciously cast Picket into the Roll of a modern day Perseus. Which would make Bellingham the area from which he traveled to in order to pick up Medusa’s head, to travel back to Athens/Atlanta Georgia to fight the good fight against Northern Aggression.

Bellingham was simply a place where George picked up nessessary in field experience and other tools in order to come back and be a hero of the confederacy. It was the cast as the nasty Zeus e.g. Robert E Lee who prevented Picket from being able to pursue the true glory and victory at Gettysburg. It was Lee’s fault not Picket, Picket did everything he could but orders from the supreme head of the army are orders from the supreme head of the army.

The third wife spending decades telling the same stories over and over again cast into the societies mind that Picket and Perseus were all but one in the same regarding adversity and the difficulties imposed upon them by their superiors.

Which also cast herself as the beautiful Princess Andromeda the prize which Perseus won at the end of the story.

Medusa and Poseidon with dealing with Athena occurred more than once. *

But killing Medusa opened up the area which medusa lived to be taken over to expand the kingdom of Athens.

Part six Western Academics

Development of academics

Reverse order

Modern academics comes to us from renaissance academics.

Renaissance academics comes to the world courtesy of medieval dark ages academics.

Dark age academics comes to the world through the Vatican allowed through papal bull guild system

The guild system of education comes directly out of the Vatican’s need to have a higher degree of architecture and food production. Starvation leads to even extremely oppressed people to start questioning authority.

The Vatican came into existence courtesy of the organizational structure of Imperial Rome.

Imperial Rome came into existence from both the Egyptian governmental system (which by then was 1/3 Ptolemaic/Greek, 1/3 ancient Pharaonic, 1/3 Jewish/monotheistic) and the Greek city state system.

The roman republic is not a city state organizational model as a whole but 3/4s Cycladic culture from Crete and the Aegean and ¼ Greek city state model. The conquest of the city of the 7 hills renamed Rome 753 b. c. e.; Romulus kept the governmental structure intact since the vast 100,000 plus population was already estimated at being over 1000 years old at the time. Too difficult to change sociological infrastructures, best to keep the conquered format.

The Greek city state model e.g. a combination of the Dorian system and the Athenian democracy system. Eg geocentric mistranslation comes directly from this framework.



People of Kaern


Dark age 1


City of 7 hills


Dorian's Dark Age 2 (possibly a Semitic tribe?)

The Dorian's might be either a Semitic tribe displaced from the east by a conflict with a Semitic tribe or were a Semitic tribe attempting to not only conquer the kingdom of Canaan, but conquer all allies as well.

Leading to the first recorded dark ages. Although a case can be made the first actual dark ages in recorded history is the sacking of the tower of Babel. Since the infrastructure of civilization was already up and appearing with millions of inhabitance in the Canaan kingdom by the time “technology” records start to show up. I am not a fan of “poof” instant something exists; especially if that something is as complicated as architectural and engineering technology. Multiply into the mythological area when the architecture and engineering are as advanced as what was built pre3000 b.c.e. instead of arguing the Dorians created the first Dark Age. The evidence points to the tower of Babel was the first Dark Age.

Dorian can translate into English very roughly as "the country people", "the mountain people", "and the up landers “,” the people of the woods". Which if you add the concept of a glacier and a tribe who had a reputation for living on, near, around glaciers, etc. the definitions of the first and last country and woods would be similar and indicate a tribe who did not life on a glacier. But up lander and mountain might point to them living on or have interaction with glacier tent cities.

It is possible not all the cultures who descended from the ice continued the innovation philosophy. It is entirely pathological to add the variable of once the pressure was off, the citizens only wanted do minimums to maintain at least an educational infrastructure.

If they did not want to maintain an educational infrastructure, even though they were alive only because of said, than a ruler or two could have pushed for a different set of philosophy on the ground.

It is not unheard of

Change in base philosophy forces some cultures to become violent

Attacks from violent tribes could have forced a cultural PTSD and turned a formerly peaceful and innovative culture into a warlike and conquest culture. Who could have gone as far as to reject any and all technology except for that which made the leaders happy and feel safe/secure?

Not an unheard of concept. “If technology brought all this death and destruction; maybe it is the technology which is to blame and not us. If we downgrade and erase all the technology except for what we need to survive in a non-glacier age; maybe we can get back to peace and tranquility.”

southwest Asia Minor,



Classic Greece

The remaining library

The polymaths


Roman republic

Other than a few carefully selected items; most of the educational formats of the Roman republic were not included when the Gaius family took over; both great uncle and grandnephew were more interested in power and domination than they were interested in making Rome the most technically advanced culture around.

Rome Imperial

Gaius Julius Caesar and his grandnephew became the first dictators for life in Rome. Changing the format from the almost 1700 years of existence of the eternal city, almost overnight.

Imperial Rome was only interested in the knowledge and technology they could gather and use to exploit political aims.

They applied their knowledge of the newly gained library at Alexandria to further glorify the empire instead of using it to advance the causes of science, innovation, advancement, and understanding. They were simply not interested in almost any way; expect militarily.

The dictators allowed some aspects of the knowledge they gained from the library. (Side note, just because they burnt the building to the ground does not mean they did not take books and other materials out of the building first. Doing in effect the same thing the later conquerors of Alexander did; took the books out and destroyed the building. Why is a cultural question for the ages; other than both the Romans and Semitic cultures only wanted to control information not advance it.

One of the worst things the first roman emperor did was design to dispose of the calendar the city and entire population had been using since antiquity. The old calendar has mostly been lost to history; the new calendar named after the first emperor Julius Caesar is a combination of 5 statistical models. Each statistical model does not work to measure time effectively. But like most things romans did; they made it work by way of forcing more imprecise statistical models for measuring time onto the first device.

Hoping to remove the errors by 2 or more negatives will cancel each other out. If the things I full of mathematical errors than in the mix something good can be created.

Unfortunately adding more things broken will only cause a structural error.


To eliminate the threats from those that knew of things from before; the Vatican choose to kill them.

Not because the organization necessarily wanted to do such barbarous actions; but because the information was deemed as has been pointed out in previous points in this paper; something good in the hands of evil the something good needs to be removed from the evil person/culture/group/etc.

So the Vatican choose to create heresy laws. Heresy laws are designed to do one thing; reduce the level of education down to the bare minimum. The bare minimum levels are set by the officials as to who individually they choose to learn how to read, what information that person will receive, and what they will be allowed to write down. Several hundred years of this and absolutely everything in almost every library within the control of the Vatican would be from the Vatican.

Dark ages

The heresy laws plunged almost all of European into a major dark age. All aspects of society collapsed. Most could only meagerly support themselves and family.


Always valued the applications of education. Had to follow some rules of the Vatican but mostly scholars were allowed to go into the libraries.

The libraries were always on the lookout for additional material

Additionally when cities in Europe after the Vatican confiscated their books and educational material; they asked the Constantinople library for copies of their books.

Constantinople agreed and started sending books. (Whether those books were edited from the original by order of the Vatican or they were the best the scholars at the time could do is an unknown.)

They started sending books to the most important cities in the roman empire

The list






As the Vatican allowed literacy back several hundred years later. Each city applied a most received a papal bull allowing them to create a university system from their Constantinople library. 



Guild system

It became very clear as the population of Europe rose and fell based not one any good reason but the lack of technology in order to produce enough societal infrastructure to maintain survival.

So to be able to get enough food to the population the Vatican chose to give the population back some pieces of education and technology.

But it had to create an organization which could keep the most tightly and stringent hold on all layers of knowledge.

That high hold would be called the guild system.

The guild system would assure the population could eat, etc. but it could also keep a very tight hold over everything.



As the Vatican power relinquished academics was able to pull away from its master guild structure framework. Although most of the basis of academics is still framed by its oppressive father (guild structure), grandfather (Constantinople), great-grandfather (the Vatican), great great grandfather (imperial Rome), (Athens), and of course branching off from Athens into several major families.


Much to the rage of the Vatican they could not suppress knowledge, education, and understanding forever. Once they started to lose power in the northern portions of Europe; the flood gates of knowledge opened and scholars were finally allowed or more likely pushed to be able to gain access to any and all written material

Some even pushed to see scientific papers from the past.

But one fatal flaw which is still effecting everyone in the western world to this very day. Not a single books etc. we have access to do not originate with the Vatican.

A more tainted source for information, truth, and scientific tools would be a hard press to search and locate. Although most of the militant Muslim cultures give the Vatican a run for their money when it comes to the application of destroying knowledge and technology the powerful priests and politicians do not like.

However what the Taliban, al-Qaida, etc. lack in determination the Vatican makes up for in longevity. The Vatican openly killed scholar and suppressed anything they did not like; science wise from the day Paul woke from his vision to this very day. The amount of rage and violence the Vatican can direct has done up and down through the years; but there was 800 years the Vatican had full permission to kill anyone (within political reason) it wanted.

All of modern academics is based on what the Vatican would allow, and most importantly what the Vatican would not allow.

 Although the renaissance did do one very important thing for the advancement of knowledge, education, language, mathematics, science, engineering, technology, etc. it reintroduced the subjects to all aspects of western culture. In the middle of the dark ages almost no one in the entire population under the rule of the Vatican had even heard of such concepts; in the middle of the renaissance, most had heard of those fields.


Prussian parochial system 1700s

The renaissance broke to the philosophy of the German Prussian educational systems.

Most of the renaissance took place in Italy western France and the UK; the organizational structure of our modern school systems came directly from the Prussian parochial.

The Prussian parochial system is designed around the following parameters.

It is designed to teach peasants to be good factory workers. Small daily rewards, lead up to larger weekly rewards, which leads to larger monthly or by monthly rewards, etc.

At east step critical failure and loss of position is always a threat. Work hard to maintain work even harder to advance. Only a select few to one will make it to the proverbial top in the selected field the individual has chosen

Individually is almost stamped out; filling out constant forms “in your own words” is a multi-time a day task. Each and every task has to be done to perfection or a sudden loss of top position will be the punishment. Unless everyone else failed harder by having more answers wrong on the forms.

Form paperwork in both daily class

Word; definition

And papers which also have a rigid form quality.


Sentence one design

Sentence two design

Sentence three design


More than one paragraph each proceeding and further topics of each paragraph needs to be addressed in specifically selected sentences in progressive pattern. The entire paper will need to have both an Introduction and conclusion. With each paragraph being a mini paper; each with its own Introduction sentence layout and conclusion.

This system is wonderful for cranking out peasants to work in factories. Where the person gets used to even through most of the task are beyond boring, the focus is not on the task but on completing each boring thing as best as possible for as long as possible.

In factories unless the population is trained to pay attention after hours of grueling and mind numbingly boring repetition accidents will happen during the times when the person is “day dreaming” and a machine hurts them or a coworker. Making sure to keep alert for the dangers of the machines through the boring work is the heart of the Prussian parochial school system.

Germany 1806

Knowledge has always been a tricky subject when dealing with any and all cultures.

Some culture some cultures love knowledgeable and cannot get enough.

Other cultures begrudgingly accept knowledge and the technology which comes from knowledge

They like the technology, but hate the people and the process of creating the te4chnogy.

When the scholars of Germany were allowed to have almost unfettered access to the entire reach of the Greco-Roman library; that which could be copied and prevented from antiquity that is. The scholars gained access to some of the literally most interesting knowledge the world has ever seen.

The list of problems which came wrapped in that library system are so profound as to defy belief or understanding.

Who knows how to read ancient Greek?

Who can read italic?

What is italic some pre-Latin language. Almost completely lost to almost all scholars.

How much influence over the translations did the Vatican have. The Vatican being known as a hater of knowledge and technology they could not control or did not point to them being the greatest thing since sliced bread.


The lost tribe and diplomacy

Why has that information been hidden? The answers are as many as the stars in the sky. But it does serve a valuable political purpose to suggest the Canaan kingdom did the first holocaust to the 13th tribe, and the bastard quarter Jewish boy (born of a good high ranking tribe of Israel; as a grandson) was just repeating the actions of the ancestors to his delusional mind created “master race” complete fallacy. He thought the master race were originally from the Fertile Crescent. The Canaanite kingdom of the Middle East ruled Canaan before the Semitic tribes invaded; or slightly more accurate revolted from within. Most of the Semitic tribes were living under the protection and control of the Canaan kingdom before they started the whole Canaanite (Cane) versus those descended from Abraham(Able) war. Brother cultures not blood relatives. Although some of the battles between similar armies might have had siblings fighting siblings.

One future head of one of the 12 tribes was born in Nineveh tent city. Converting to Abraham monotheism. He rose up an army and started to attack the tent city of his birth; among other tent cities. Some still on the glaciers, others already descended by then; including the city of Eridu. Eridu being of critical importance to the Canaan kingdom for that was the location of their version of oxford.

Middle Eastern Dark Age most previous information before 3000 b.c.e.

Sack and take all the material out of oxford and the entire educational and intellectual advancements of the entire kingdom is reduced by a measurable amount. Over time if the university is not replaced; the long term effects are some equivalent of a dark age. Which could and does account for the loss of Sumerian cuneiform, proto-Canaanite, and Indus Harappa. As well as any technology which might have been invented pre-3000 b.c.e. 

The Jew boy.

The origins of his syphilis deluded mind. Although in truth there was much more wrong with the little quarter Jew from Austria than just syphilis from a Jewish prostitute (or at least that is what he convinced himself of <now if that prostitute was a male or a female; that is a question which cannot be explored without using only circumstantial evidence. Using psychology tools and modern detective skills; one can reasonably assume the person that gave him syphilis was male. The location of the outbreaks also cause one to assume the sex was male to male with the boy on the bottom. Based on this later relationships with most everyone he did have a character trait of being Dominant submissive. Dominant on the battlefield and in boardrooms; submissive in his personal life. The woman in his life he was attracted to other than the last were close female cousins. The anti-Semitic laws at the time told him intimacy with Jews was bad but for Jew descendant’s incest was completely acceptable.>). Whether or not he did have an intimate encounter with someone just after getting back from WWI; later propaganda might have changed to story from just someone to have sex with, or a prostitute to rail against the negatives of prostitution, or any kind of intimate embrace with one deemed unclean, etc. Whether or not the person was a prostitute has been lost to history. What is clear; being at least bisexual and a hard core north eastern European catholic did not do his psyche any good. Add to that being quarter Jew from a bastard union and the child of that bastard child. Add to that the anti-Semitic laws which hurt his grandmother, father, and him in ways incalculable. The little Jew boy would have had to build his entire personality on complicated layers of contradictions. Not giving him excuses by any stretch of the imagination; providing accurate variables to create a picture of the birth of a dictator.


The boy chose to use at least the rumors of a 13th tribe of Israel genocide by the hands of the kingdom of Canaan; as at least the idea of an excuse for his actions. Although it does not get as much press; his rage against himself played out in all the actions he did. From is adolescence, his teen years, the army, every decade of his life he always turned against himself. His homosexual tendencies played out by first only being comfortable around men; rejecting the company of woman through most of this teen and 20s. Party girls who would wanted to go to bed with him; he refused flat out on almost every occasion. His errant catholic backed by his mother religious thinking also caused him to attack and kill the enemies of the Catholic Church; which included any and all FreeMasons. As a sign of his and similar European dictators when they feel someone has betrayed them; their vengeance is not only palpable but it is long lasting. The concept dish best served cold; for dictators why strive for 0 degrees Calvin. Making several courses, for the express purpose of teaching a former ally never to betray the hand that feeds them. The Catholic Church supported part of his efforts, as they had supported the efforts of most of the power hungry dictators they have encountered. Anything to gain more power is almost the MO or the Vatican; or at least it used to be. Because of that policy is another reason Egyptians chose to keep the truth of the kings chamber a secret.

Be it a conscious or subconscious decision the outcome is exactly the same. Fallacy and errors in the basics of academic studies of Egypt.

Such erratic behavior from all of Europe and the majority of academics is another very good reason to hide the truth. Just because the little Jew boy from Austria might be the figure head of awful behavior does not mean he acted alone.

Building a dictator from the framework of central and eastern European culture would be easy. Attempting to keep truly powerful tools out of the hands of those that would not only use them; but their motivations are so horrific and contradictory that destroying the entire planet would not be outside their frame of acceptable behavior.

It is during this time that wide spread publicity and attention was put toward ancient Egypt. Partially because it was after the start of the renaissance that privileged youth were given time to go do what would be called “the royal walk.” An activity reserved for late teens early 20s children of both sexes. After finishing basic education and before heading to university, or while attending university. The youth would be expected to explore the reaches of western culture. They would be expected to see the pyramids (although most of the time sand dunes covered almost all of the monuments of Giza. They would be expected to travel; Greece, Egypt, Rome, France, Germany, and of course the UK. No matter what country they were from; they had not seen every major location in each of those major countries.

The Egyptian government making all kinds of money on the rich tourists coming into Egypt would have also had to contend with the facts of extreme anti-Semitic behavior. A major move to identify as Egyptian and not their Semitic tribal past. Even though they had absolutely no contact with any form of the originally Pharaonic times some leaders took on the title of pharaoh; just to make the transition complete.

It was during this extreme anti-Semitic time that the Egyptian government just allowed the western scholars to assume (whether they knew or not the great pyramid was a vault or did not care whether it was a tomb or a vault) it was a tomb like most of the rest of the monuments of the time. Especially since the greatest pharaoh next to Ramses it is only logical to assume his tomb would be the most grand and in addition a building the entire world up to that point had not seen.




Part of the reasons for the decision would be the Egyptians and Middle East explorations done by Germany scholar's between 1806-1946.

I can think of a hundred valid reasons to hide key pieces of detail form the western academics with anti-Semitic verve at a pitch so high it is open season on all. “Death. Death. Death to all who oppose us.” is one very good reason to hold back detail as to the true not only origins of what happened, but hold back key pieces of detail towards any possible hint as to even the slightest notion of a weapon of mass destruction.

Talk about having the armies of the world at your doorstep over night saying; “hay mind if we and our fleets, tank divisions, marines, entire army, and air force take a look around for a bit. Do not bother showing us around we can find out own way around your country. Thanks, we appreciate it.”

Several of the tribes which are about to be hunted and killed for good measure because they breathe are actually running the country where it is entirely possible a weapon of mass destruction; or two are located. There is not greater answer to lying than self-defense preservation. If your enemies do not know about it, they cannot hurt you with it.

Modern academics

Modern academics has an almost dubious distinction. Modern academics is born from several sources; several of those sources are almost horrific in their layout.


Cyber academics

In the age of at least one personal computer being owned by at least one person. The age of knowledge has taken off again.

But a pc is only as useful as the network that pc is connected to.

In the late 1990s; the internet finally grew enough for major companies to start offering country wide internal access.


The entire dynamic of academics changed. Now instead of having to be forced to deal with the political and social structure of the Greek city state academic model; academics opened up. Those that wanted to learn could access information on the net from around the entire globe with just a few key strokes and or a few clicks on a mouse.

As a direct result the entire world can now community with the entire rest of the world at 300,000 kps.

Academics used to be the purview of only the institution of which came directly from the guild system. Unless a person had credentials and certifications from a papal bull signed document official guild orient educational system, the person was thought not to be educated.

The next age of technology, academics, etc.

Everything in academics is about to change.

It does not take much of an education in history to know how flawed and full of mistakes modern academics is as well as modern science.











Modern academics

Modern academics is where almost all knowledge and understanding of the great pyramid came from. Consequently all knowledge of which and for the great pyramid has to be filtered through the very thick rose colored glasses of modern academics. But what is not covered are how to compensate for the framework and rose colored glasses variables modern academics exists within. The answer is the same as all the above answers, hypothesis, theories, ideas, etc. map out the variable and do calculation adjustments accordingly.


There is a strange dynamic which crated the footers to the foundation supports of modern academics

Part a the combined in knowledge of the people of Kaern hypothesis

The people of Kaern hypothesis indicates that the kingdom of Canaan and the Aegean Linear A culture shared knowledge.

The Kaern had a specific and heavy philosophy; born out of ice age survival and thriving.

When the Athenian army rolled in; they changed the base philosophy of the city from Cycladic/Cretan to theirs.

When they changed the base philosophy it created a chain reaction event which is still to this very day effecting the pillars of western knowledge. Not academics western knowledge.

The library the Greek's had access to thanks to the 8 people of Kaern cultures, the Athenian and Greek polymaths had access too.

The Athenian polymaths where operating under Athenian and the New Greek philosophy; but all their books were written from the old Cycladic and Kaern philosophy.

A complete change in philosophy will completely change the framework variables, facts, evidence, and the examination process is due by.



About the time the Jews were exodusing out of Egypt the basis of modern academics was being drawn up. Sometime between the Mycaenan culture pulling away from the Linear A governmental model and towards a totalitarian dictatorship circa 1500-1400, the Jewish Hypnosis were fully in charge of Egypt.

Since not only did the Canaan kingdom have long standing trade routes with the Egyptians so did the Aegean cultures with their parent culture the Canaan and the Egyptian?

In effect the thera volcano removed a very important triangle trade route and mutual friend’s enemies with each other. But it removed a significant ally. (More later).



Athens renamed from Poseidon circa 1500

All the constant battles happening after the thera volcano gave an opening for a conquest tribe from the Canaan kingdom to invade the Aegean.

That invasion let directly to Athens being sacked the philosophy changing from what it was to the new.

The new Athens philosophy is the foundation or the first floor of what would become modern academics.

Modern academics is where both archaeology and Egyptology come from


**All the info below is the foundation of where all aspects of modern, this minute, today, and tomorrow academics came from. This is the exact people, location, mind sets, and sociological infrastructure from which the very foundation of cognitive psychology comes directly from. Without the info below, this class would not exist. The first written concepts of site were pen to paper, in the decades of Socrates and Plato.

The reason I am so confident with my different translation of what Plato was talking about is this. About 2 years ago I was in a history class; where I actually took the time to look up Geocentric and translate it correctly.

Geo is Greek for earth. But not the earth you might assume. Their definition of earth was the area in and immediately surrounding the city in specific question. If you notice even to this very day, every city has a slightly different “x” factor. LA, New York, London, Boston, etc. are all cities but they operate with their own unique sociological infrastructure. That uniqueness is exactly what I am talking about.

Which brings us to our next word Centric. Centric; centered on and or near. So in actuality the definition of Geocentric would be location based, not the planet as a whole. The geocentric of Athens, Sparta, Marathon, etc. to all the Greek city/states.

So Plato was talking about a specific interaction he would have been talking about a centralized specific interaction. Since he was talking about site; site is a personal thing. It is so personal that he figured by default his readers would just understand the self-centric portion and know he was referring to the site which occurs in our heads.

The mix of languages in Classic Greece was another hard to define concept. Classic Greece circa 700-300 b.c.e (give or take), most of the cities were well over 2000 years old by 800 b.c.e. How do I know this; because the story of Medusa is a very edited (emphases on extremely edited) version of the conquest of the City of Poseidon by a Greek tribe, during or just after the Dorian times (Dexter, 2010). It is possible the conquest took place at 1100 and the attacking army was not Greek but Dorian; but those details are hard to determine. Suffice to say the City of Athens (renamed for the Commanding armies Mother, Athena) used to be called Poseidon before it was conquered. The history of Poseidon according to several Socrates sources places the cities age during his time at well over 2000 years then. Placing the cities age well before the 1650 b.c.e Thera volcanic eruption. The city was founded by the Cycladic/Cretan culture e.g. the Palace at Knossos. The language they spoke was Linear A (that is what linguists and historians call it), the Mycenaean’s spoke Linear B (kind of), and the Greek's created Linear C out of the bones of their previous to moving to the Aegean, linear A and Linear B. 

How do we know he might have been speaking or writing in Linear A.? Well Classic Greek is academically labeled Linear C. Linear C being the third in the sequence of the same language format. Similar to all the Latin formatted languages; Latin, French, German, English, etc.

Plato would have had access to not only the Athenian libraries, but also other cities libraries. His mentor Socrates his father was a powerful and influential man, he had access to the library which would eventually be moved and relabeled the “Alexandrian Library” but before Alexander the bulk was in Athens.

So we have a good idea Socrates had access to the Linear A books in the library. So having a good idea about Socrates, he would have either taught or shown one of his brightest students the info. Plato being a shining star of his students.

Plato we can assume would have had access.

Why is all this important. Because as cognitive is strongly part of behaviorism, we know what the body does and what the thought patterns are; there is a direct correlation. That direct correlation carries forward with the following examples

We know the classic Greek writers (most of whom had access to some of the Linear A writings) where the writers who gave the Romans their educational formatting. The Romans gave their formatting to the Vatican. The Vatican gave to the Guild system. The Guild system created Academics. The assembled and remaining Roman/Greek library was opened to Academic scholars in 1806. Notice the Greek library in which some of the copies that Socrates might have looked at German scholars were given access too. Linear A directly to Socrates, to Plato, to German Scholars, to Philosophy, directly to Psychology, directly to behaviorism, directly into Cognitive.

“I think, therefor I am” is almost the definition of the geocentric Greek city/state sociological model applied to the self. I am my own castle.

The thought patterns which create “I am my own castle” is a direct line from Greece to you. Understanding as much about the footers of your foundation is what psychology and cognition, to understand thinking patterns, is all about.

Dexter, M. (2010). THE FEROCIOUS AND THE EROTIC. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Indiana University Press), 26(1), 25-41. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Development of academics

People of Kaern


Dark age 1


City of 7 hills


Dorian's Dark Age 2 (possibly a Semitic tribe?)

The Dorian's might be either a Semitic tribe displaced from the east by a conflict with a Semitic tribe or were a Semitic tribe attempting to not only conquer the kingdom of Canaan, but conquer all allies as well.

Leading to the first recorded dark ages. Although a case can be made the first actual dark ages in recorded history is the sacking of the tower of Babel. Since the infrastructure of civilization was already up and appearing with millions of inhabitance in the Canaan kingdom by the time “technology” records start to show up. I am not a fan of “poof” instant something exists; especially if that something is as complicated as architectural and engineering technology. Multiply into the mythological area when the architecture and engineering are as advanced as what was built pre3000 b.c.e. instead of arguing the Dorians created the first Dark Age. The evidence points to the tower of Babel was the first Dark Age.

Dorian can translate into English very roughly as "the country people", "the mountain people", "and the up landers “,” the people of the woods". Which if you add the concept of a glacier and a tribe who had a reputation for living on, near, around glaciers, etc. the definitions of the first and last country and woods would be similar and indicate a tribe who did not life on a glacier. But up lander and mountain might point to them living on or have interaction with glacier tent cities.

It is possible not all the cultures who descended from the ice continued the innovation philosophy. It is entirely pathological to add the variable of once the pressure was off, the citizens only wanted to not do most of the actions and maintain at least an educational infrastructure.

If they did not want to maintain an educational infrastructure, even though they were alive only because of said, than a ruler or two could have pushed for a different set of philosophy on the ground.

It is not unheard of

Change in base philosophy forces some cultures to become violent

Attacks from violent tribes could have forced a cultural PTSD and turned a formerly peaceful and innovative culture into a warlike and conquest culture. Who could have gone as far as to reject any and all technology except for that which made the leaders happy and feel safe/secure?

Not an unheard of concept. “If technology brought all this death and destruction; maybe it is the technology which is to blame and not us. If we downgrade and erase all the technology except for what we need to survive in a non-glacier age; maybe we can get back to peace and tranquility.”

southwest Asia Minor,



Classic Greece

The remaining library

The polymaths


Roman republic

Other than a few carefully selected items; most of the educational formats of the Roman republic were not included when the Gaeis family took over; both great uncle and grandnephew were more interested in power and domination than they were interested in making Rome the most technically advanced culture around.

Rome Imperial

Gaeis Julius Caesar and his grandnephew became the first dictators for life in Rome. Changing the format from the most 1700 years of existence of the eternal city, almost overnight.

Imperial Rome was only interested in the knowledge and technology they could gather and use to exploit political aims.

They applied their knowledge of the newly gained library at Alexandria to further glorify the empire instead of using it to advance the causes of science, innovation, advancement, and understanding. They were simply not interested in almost any way; expect militarily.

The dictators allowed some aspects of the knowledge they gained from the library. (Side note, just because they burnt the building to the ground does not mean they did not take books and other materials out of the building first. Doing in effect the same thing the later conquerors of alexander did; took the books out and destroyed the building. Why is a cultural question for the ages; other than both the romans and Semitic cultures only wanted to control information not advance it.

One of the worst things the first roman emperor did was design to dispose of the calendar the city and entire population had been using since antiquity. The old calendar has mostly been lost to history; the new calendar named after the first emperor Julius Caesar is a combination of 5 statistical models. Each statistical model does not work to measure time effectively. But like most things romans did; they made it work by way of forcing more imprecise statistical models for measuring time onto the first device.

Hoping to remove the errors by 2 or more negatives will cancel each other out. If the things I full of mathematical errors than in the mix something good can be created.

Unfortunately adding more things broken will only cause a structural error.


To eliminate the threats from those that knew of things from before; the Vatican choose to kill them.

Not because the organization necessarily wanted to do such barbarous actions; but because the information was deemed as has been pointed out in previous points in this paper; something good in the hands of evil the something good needs to be removed from the evil person/culture/group/etc.

So the Vatican choose to create heresy laws. Heresy laws are designed to do one thing; reduce the level of education down to the bare minimum. The bare minimum levels are set by the officials as to who individually they choose to learn how to read, what information that person will receive, and what they will be allowed to write down. Several hundred years of this and absolutely everything in almost every library within the control of the Vatican would be from the Vatican.

Dark ages

The heresy laws plunged almost all of European into a major dark age. All aspects of society collapsed. Most could only meagerly support themselves and family.


Always valued the applications of education. Had to follow some rules of the Vatican but mostly scholars were allowed to go into the libraries.

The libraries were always on the lookout for additional material

Additionally when cities in Europe after the Vatican confiscated their books and educational material; they asked the Constantinople library for copies of their books.

Constantinople agreed and started sending books. (Whether those books were edited from the original by order of the Vatican or they were the best the scholars at the time could do is an unknown.)

They started sending books to the most important cities in the roman empire

The list






As the Vatican allowed literacy back several hundred years later. Each city applied a most received a papal bull allowing them to create a university system from their Constantinople library. 



Guild system

It became very clear as the population of Europe rose and fell based not one any good reason but the lack of technology in order to produce enough societal infrastructure to maintain survival.

So to be able to get enough food to the population the Vatican chose to give the population back some pieces of education and technology.

But it had to create an organization which could keep the most stringent hold on all layers, aspects, etc. of knowledge.

That high hold would be called the guild system.

The guild system would assure the population could eat, etc. but it could also keep a very tight hold over everything.



As the Vatican power relinquished academics was able to pull away from its master guild structure framework. Although most of the basis of academics is still framed by its oppressive father (guild structure), grandfather (Constantinople), great-grandfather (the Vatican), great great grandfather (imperial Rome), (Athens), and of course branching off from Athens into several major families.


Much to the rage of the Vatican they could not suppress knowledge, education, and understanding forever. Once they started to lose power in the northern portions of Europe; the flood gates of knowledge opened and scholars were finally allowed or more likely pushed to be able to gain access to any and all written material

Some even pushed to see scientific papers from the past.

But one fatal flaw which is still effecting everyone in the western world to this very day. Not a single books etc. we have access to did not originate with the Vatican.

A more tainted source for information, truth, and scientific tools would be a hard press to search and locate. Although most of the militant Muslim cultures give the Vatican a run for their money when it comes to the application of destroying knowledge and technology the powerful priests and politicians do not like.

However what the Taliban, al-Qaida, etc. lack in determination the Vatican makes up for in longevity. The Vatican openly killed scholar and suppressed anything they did not like; science wise from the day Paul woke from his vision to this very day. The amount of rage and violence the Vatican can direct has done up and down through the years; but there was 800 years the Vatican had full permission to kill anyone (within political reason) it wanted.

All of modern academics is based on what the Vatican would allow, and most importantly what the Vatican would not allow.

 Although the renaissance did do one very important thing for the advancement of knowledge, education, language, mathematics, science, engineering, technology, etc. it reintroduced the subjects to all aspects of western culture. In the middle of the dark ages almost no one in the entire population under the rule of the Vatican had even heard of such concepts; in the middle of the renaissance, most had heard of those fields.


Prussian parochial system 1700s

The renaissance broke to the philosophy of the German Prussian educational systems.

Most of the renaissance took place in Italy western France and the UK; the organizational structure of our modern school systems came directly from the Prussian parochial.

The Prussian parochial system is designed around the following parameters.

It is designed to teach peasants to be good factory workers. Small daily rewards, lead up to larger weekly rewards, which leads to larger monthly or by monthly rewards, etc.

At east step critical failure and loss of position is always a threat. Work hard to maintain work even harder to advance. Only a select few to one will make it to the preverbal top in the selected field the individual has chosen

Individually is almost stamped out; filling out constant forms “in your own words” is a multitime a day task. Each and every task has to be done to perfection or a sudden loss of top position will be the punishment. Unless everyone else failed harder by having more answers wrong on the forms.

Form paperwork in both daily class

Word; definition

And papers which also have a rigid form quality.


Sentence one design

Sentence two design

Sentence three design


More than one paragraph each proceeding and farther topics of each paragraph needs to be addressed in specifically selected sentences in progressive pattern. The entire paper will need to have both an Introduction and conclusion. With each paragraph being a mini paper; each with its own Introduction sentence layout and conclusion.

This system is wonderful for cranking out peasants to work in factories. Where the person gets used to even through most of the task are beyond boring, the focus is not on the task but on completing each boring thing as best as possible for as long as possible.

In factories unless the population is trained to pay attention after hours of grueling and mind numbingly boring repetition accidents will happen during the times when the person is “day dreaming” and a machine hurts them or a coworker. Making sure to keep alert for the dangers of the machines through the boring work is the heart of the Prussian parochial school system.

Germany 1806

Knowledge has always been a tricky subject when dealing with any and all cutlers.

Some culture some cultures love knowledge and cannot get enough.

Oth4er cultures begrudgingly accept knowledge and the technology which comes from knowledge

They like the technology, but hate the people and the process of creating the te4chnogy.

When the scholars of Germany were allowed to have almost unfettered access to the entire reach of the Greco-Roman library; that which could be copied and prevented from antiquity that is. The scholars gained access to some of the literally most interning knowledge the world has everyseen.

The list of problems which came wrapped in that library system are so profound as to defy belief or understanding.

Who knows how to read ancient Greek.

Who can read italic.

What is italic some pre-Latin language. Almost completely lost to almost all scholars.

How much influence over the translations did the Vatican have. The Vatican being known as a hater of knowledgeable and technology they could not control or did not point to them being the greatest thing since sliced bread.


The lost tribe and diplomacy

Why has that information been hidden. The answers are as many as the stars in the sky. But it does serve a valuable political purpose to suggest the Canaan kingdom did the first holocaust to the 13th tribe, and the bastard quarter Jewish boy (born of a good high ranking tribe of Israel; as a grandson) was just repeating the actions of the ancestors to his delusional mind created “master race” complete fallacy. He thought the master race were originally from the Fertile Crescent. The Canaanite kingdom of the Middle East ruled Canaan before the Semitic tribes invaded; or slightly more accurate revolted from within. Most of the Semitic tribes were living under the protection and control of the Canaan kingdom before they started the whole Canaanite (Cane) versus those descended from Abraham(Able) war. Brother cultures not blood relatives. Although some of the battles between similar armies might have had siblings fighting siblings.

One future head of one of the 12 tribes was born in Nineve tent city. Converting to Abraham monotheism. He rose up an army and started to attack the tent city of his birth; among other tent cities. Some still on the glaciers, others already descended by then; including the city of Eridu. Eridu being of critical importance to the Canaan kingdom for that was the location of their version of oxford.

Middle Eastern Dark Age most previous information before 3000 b.c.e.

Sack and take all the material out of oxford and the entire educational and intellectual advancements of the entire kingdom is reduced by a measurable amount. Over time if the university is not replaced; the long term effects are some equivalent of a dark age. Which could and does account for the loss of Sumerian cuneiform, proto-Canaanite, and Indus Harappa. As well as any technology which might have been invented pre-3000 b.c.e. 

The Jew boy.

The origins of his syphilis deluded mind. Although in truth there was much more wrong with the little quarter Jew from Austria than just syphilis from a Jewish prostitute (or at least that is what he convinced himself of <now if that prostitute was a male or a female; that is a question which cannot be explored without using only circumstantial evidence. Using psychology tools and modern detective skills; one can reasonably assume the person that gave him syphilis was male. The location of the outbreaks also cause one to assume the sex was male to male with the boy on the bottom. Based on this later relationships with most everyone he did have a character trait of being Dominant submissive. Dominant on the battlefield and in boardrooms; submissive in his personal life. The woman in his life he was attracted to other than the last were close female cousins. The anti-Semitic laws at the time told him intimacy with Jews was bad but for Jew descendant’s incest was completely acceptable.>). Whether or not he did have an intimate encounter with someone just after getting back from WWI; later propaganda might have changed to story from just someone to have sex with, or a prostitute to rail against the negatives of prostitution, or any kind of intimate embrace with one deemed unclean, etc. Whether or not the person was a prostitute has been lost to history. What is clear; being at least bisexual and a hard core north eastern European catholic did not do his psyche any good. Add to that being quarter Jew from a bastard union and the child of that bastard child. Add to that the anti-Semitic laws which hurt his grandmother, father, and him in ways incalculable. The little Jew boy would have had to build his entire personality on complicated layers of contradictions. Not giving him excuses by any stretch of the imagination; providing accurate variables to create a picture of the birth of a dictator.


The boy chose to use at least the rumors of a 13th tribe of Israel genocide by the hands of the kingdom of Canaan; as at least the idea of an excuse for his actions. Although it does not get as much press; his rage against himself played out in all the actions he did. From is adolescence, his teen years, the army, every decade of his life he always turned against himself. His homosexual tendencies played out by first only being comfortable around men; rejecting the company of woman through most of this teen and 20s. Party girls who would wanted to go to bed with him; he refused flat out on almost every occasion. His fervent catholic beliefs backed by his mother religious thinking also caused him to attack and kill the enemies of the Catholic Church; which included any and all FreeMasons. As a sign of his and similar European dictators when they feel someone has betrayed them; their vengeance is not only palpable but it is long lasting. The concept dish best served cold; for dictators why strive for 0 degrees Calvin. Making several courses, for the express purpose of teaching a former ally never to betray the hand that feeds them. The Catholic Church supported part of his efforts, as they had supported the efforts of most of the power Hungary dictators they have encountered. Anything to gain more power is almost the MO or the Vatican; or at least it used to be. Because of that policy is another reason Egyptians chose to keep the truth of the kings chamber a secret.

Be it a conscious or subcutaneous decision the outcome is exactly the same. Fallacy and errors in the basics of academic studies of Egypt.

Such erratic behavior from all of Europe and the majority of academics is another very good reason to hide the truth. Just because the little Jew boy from Austria might be the figure head of awful behavior does not mean he acted alone.

Building a dictator from the framework of central and Eastern Europe culture would be easy. Attempting to keep truly powerful tools out of the hands of those that would not only use them; but their motivations are so horrific and contradictory that destroying the entire planet would not be outside their frame of acceptable behavior.

It is during this time that wide spread publicity and attention was put toward ancient Egypt. Partially because it was after the start of the renaissance that privileged youth were given time to go do what would be called “the royal walk.” An activity reserved for late teens early 20s children of both sexes. After finishing basic education and before heading to univeirty, or while attending university. The youth would be expected to explore the reaches of western cutlers. They would be expected to see the pyramids (although most of the time sand dunes covered almost all of the monuments of Giza. They would be expected to travel; Greece, Egypt, Rome, France, Germany, and of course the UK. No matter what country they were from; they had not seen every major location in each of those major countries.

The Egyptian government making all kinds of money on the rich tourists coming into Egypt would have also had to contend with the facts of extreme anti-semiotic behavior. A major move to identify as Egyptian and not their Semitic tribal past. Even though they had absolutely no contact with any form of the originaly8 Pharaonic times some leaders took on the title of pharaoh; just to make the transition complete.

It was during this extreme anti-Semitic time that the Egyptian government just allowed the western scholars to assume (whether they knew or not the great pyramid was a vault or did not care whether it was a tomb or a vault) it was a tomb like most of the rest of the monuments of the time. Especially since the greatest pharaoh next to Ramses it is only logical to assume his tomb would be the most grand and adasion a building the entire world up to that point had not seen.




Part of the reasons for the decide would be the Egyptians and Middle East explorations done by Germany scholar's between 1806-1946.

I can think of a hundred valid reasons to hide key pieces of detail form the western academics with anti-Semitic verve at a pitch so high it is open season on all. “Death. Death. Death to all who oppose us.” is one very good reason to hold back detail as to the true not only origins of what happened, but hold back key pieces of detail towards any possible hint as to even the slightest notion of a weapon of mass destruction.

Talk about having the armies of the world at your doorstep over night saying; “hay mind if we and our fleets, tank divisions, marines, entire army, and air force take a look around for a bit. Do not bother showing us around we can find out own way around your country. Thanks, we appreciate it.”

Several of the tribes which are about to be hunted and killed for good measure because they breathe are actually running the country where it is entirely possible a weapon of mass destruction; or two are located. There is not greater answer to lying than self-defense preservation. If your enemies do not know about it, they cannot hurt you with it.

Modern academics

Modern academics has an almost dubious distinction. Modern academics is born from several sources; several of those sources are almost horrific in their layout.


Cyber academics

In the age of at least one personal computer being owned by at least one person. The age of knowledge has taken off again.

But a pc is only as useful as the network that pc is connected to.

In the late 1990s; the internet finally grew enough for major companies to start offering country wide internal access.


The entire dynamic of academics changed. Now instead of having to be forced to deal with the political and social structure of the Greek city state academic model; academics opened up. Those that wanted to learn could access information on the net from around the entire globe with just a few key strokes and or a few clicks on a mouse.

As a direct result the entire world can now community with the entire rest of the world at 300,000 kps.

Academics used to be the preview of only the institution of which came directly from the guild system. Unless a person had credentials and certifications from a papal bull signed document official guild oriented educational system, the person was thought not to be educated.

The next age of technology, academics, etc.

Everything in academics is about to change.

It does not take much of an education in history to know how flawed and full of mistakes modern academics is as well as modern science.


The study of any and all things requires the study and the application of languages. Since ideas are shared by the use of language. Be that language verbal, written, math, equations, or perception communication is the way one brain sends and receives from another brain.

It is in the brain where language allows for all things a human wants to do.

Not on dead languages. Because of a wide range of issues and political problems most of the language son the list are either dead or have been dead for at least 1000 years.

List of languages from the first through western history.

Indo European language


Of the many languages I Egypt hieroglyphics stands out.

Of course there are many versions of









Old Latin


Middle Latin


Modern Latin

Old English 800-1400

Middle English 1400-1600

Kings English 1600-1900

Modern English 1900-present

American circa 1950-presnet


Was allowed into existence for the express purpose of gathering evidence to not only find where all the holy sites of the bible were; but prove the basic tenants and aspects of the bible as being a factual document.

Several negative aspects within the foundation of Christianity provoked some in academics to question the validity of not only the goings on within the framework of Christianity; but also the validity of the specific sacred sites.

The sacred sites in the bible are all either in the Middle East, the Sinai, or in Egypt. But the faithful wanted to not only know where those sacred sites were but wanted to know as many details about those sacred sites as possible

The structure of archaeology


Modern science


Modern archaeology

How modern academics came into existence

1600s forward

All the evidence produced by modern archaeology strongly points to the indication that something is completely out of place in ancient Egypt. So many inconsistencies, so many errors, so much still hidden.

Not all that long ago the Egyptian government choose to not only ignore all that stuff out in the desert but they happily sold it to anyone who wanted to buy it.

Then to add insult to injury, even though networks of tomb raiders had complete maps of the entire valley of the kings and knew were almost all the tombs were, all the treasure, etc. was; the government choose to not only not partner with those that know but choose to in fact arrest and punish those that knew more about the ancient secrets out in the desert the new government could not have possibly have known anything at all about any of it.

At least four major changes of entire top to bottom governmental changes occurred after the romans left. Of those radical changes to governmental structure, most if not 99% of all the secretes of Egypt’s ancient past were lost. The religion sects who still took care of the remains and guarded the treasures were ignored. The thieves were punished. So the secrets every person in the governmental and religious structures know as a matter of course and fact did not trickle down into the structures of 1100 ce Egypt.

Consequently in modern times when Egyptology has become a major fashionable thing to deal with again for European and western cultures. The Egyptian government has taken extreme interested; but only enough interest to keep the western public interested but not enough to stat correcting major errors from past fallacy theories.

A fallacy theory is a theory based on incorrect (be that purposely or unconscious) data. Then banking on that theory as fact; fighting against any and all who challenge the validity of the theory.

Modern science and the scientific method

Modern science has been shaped into the equation format of using the scientific method. Which is an awesome and powerful tool. But this tool also have a large array of fatal flaws. The layers of good helpful tools and the layers of destructive and disabling tools are as follows

List of Helpful tools in the scientific method

Basic scientific criticism

The subset of rules and regulations within the scientific method specifically refereeing to the application of the most powerful tool in science.

Basic scientific criticism is the most powerful tool because it is similar to “do not use a cannon to kill a fly” or in the case of most scientific endeavors do not use thermal nuclear detonation to prove or disprove an idea.

Almost any and every idea in the world when put through the rigors of basic scientific criticism will fail the basic tests. Unless the parameters of the tests are in absolute exacting detail.

The problem is, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (used as a profound cornerstone to the operation of all science) is an immediate disqualifier for any and all scientific tests designed to destroy the hypothesis.

Change the parameters around enough and the whole of the of the testing process becomes void.

Most of those details of how science itself invalidates hypothesis by changing the base parameters are both ignored and fought against

The point to basic scientific criticism is to fight. The more experienced scientist wants to win and the younger wants to have their theory validated.

Until the younger scientist realizes basic scientific critism has nothing at all to do with the pursuit of knowledge and all to do with battling by use of words to win. The younger has no chance at every having any theory taken seriously.

A friend recently commented about one of my recent battles “that is how dorks fight.” Which was funny and well placed comment. The ideas I presented to an older and higher ranking person were correct and I won the battle; not because my ideas were better or correct but because I did not care of my ideas were correct I only cared about using my words to carefully hammer at the defenses of the older scientist. Once I knew basic scientific cristism has nothing at all to do with the ideas and all to do with fighting first a battle; then fighting a war when more scientist get involved.

That is the Achilles heal of basic scientific criticism.

An ancient Irish proverb states “turn the ankles of my enemies so I know they are coming” turn the ankles is a metaphor but in the area of basic scientific crisitsm the metaphor could not be more accurately described.

Constantly attacking the scholars

I am wondering if western cultures has some kind of built in pathology of “this is how you are supposed to respond” as a citizen. So with the constant attacks on scholars by both internal and external power groups, I

I am wondering if a scholastic MO was created within the academics communities which forces us to instead of being able to interact with each other normally, examine each other theories, and give those theories an accurate examination

I am wondering if the pathology of attack the scholar's which has been in evidence but not apparent evidence since at far back as the tower of babble war. I am wondering if that pathology has carried over into the framework of scientific tools

Observing rehab; addicts recovering from. I see the same exact pathology which created the self-destructive cycles which drive people to in taking various chemicals. If that same mechanism is not present in science. Instead of a fair examination, each scientist has been trained to (

(since scientists weapons are words and ideas; might it be words and ideas instead of various mental altering chemicals or physical prowess which is the avenue for science to explore the abuse patterns if which are in every aspect of western culture attacking and hurting science, scientists, academics, mathematics, engineering, innovation, etc.

Might the actual appl9ication of all that abuse be partially responsible for turning the good tools of the scientific method, basic scientific criticism, etc. into tools science then uses on itself and others.

The most powerful weapon to use on a target it a weapon of which the person has no defense against.

Most weapons in science are weapons none scientist have no idea what they are, how to use them, how to defend against them, what the damage taken from those weapons is, how to heal from the damage, and how to react better next time.

That entire pathology is almost a complete unknown inside of science.

Real weapons causing real damage. Inside the field of science few understand how they work. Outside science 100 % pure ignorance

The outside world knows less than the scientists of what those weapons are.

The reactions to the damage is to further hurt intellectuals. Even though almost all the interaction on both sides is subconscious; does not mean the mind does not know it has been attacked and seeks ways to defend itself.

The pathology of








I find it fascinating all the gathered evidence which points to a wide variety of radically different conclusion. Unfortunately due to politics from day one; most of the facts presented in this paper have been fought over, killed over, intentionally erased from history, unconsciously erased from history, and it is up to modern scholars to take a serious look at the facts of what truly happened in the middle east from the end of the last ice age till the Muslims took over and correct the errors.

There is no blame, guilt, recriminations, etc. the only real answers are those directed at finding truth.

Although truth is the most power of all weapons.


Part seven

Castle Bellingham VI 2014 9 11 0925


Castle Bellingham

Before the Slave portion of the Triangle trade began the Dutch, the French, and the British were very close allies. They were so close in fact that they had been allies since pervious to the Roman Empire invading Gaul.

The North American Ogle Trade Route


New France

The area which became known circa 1805 as the Oregon Territory was known by other different names before

North American Ogle Trade Route

The North American Ogle Trade Route required protection. An ocean away from the Cannon the best and most effective way to defend territory is by the use of a sacred fortification aka a Castle. A fort which contains a sanctified temple with a priest in residence.

Dotted along the Ogle family trade Route were Castles.

Castle Bellingham Louisiana

The Bellingham Metro area which currently contains the cities of Ferndale, Seahome, Whatcom, New Whatcom, Fairhaven, etc. is the area of influence of Castle Bellingham. Named after Castle Bellingham Ireland, which itself was named for Castle Bellingham Northumberland. To erase the information and evidence the castle was incorporated into fort Bellingham and the previous history erased.

Part eight el Beth el

El Beth El; el Beth el was put in place as a reminder and or a 0 a fixed point to measure backwards and forwards from. 2700 b.c.e is a fixed point in the which to measure forwards and backwards. The events of the construction of the temple itself are beyond important.

The construction of El Beth El aka Memphis was not some random and undetermined structure hidden in the pages of history. The construction of el Beth el has only been hidden from the world from those that wish to possess and control the location as well as the power of the contains. There are some aspects of the A culture which they have chosen on a base cultural level to hide away from the rest of the world because they know what will happen the second the truth is revealed. The reaction from Culture B is almost universal; erase, obliterate, destroy, and conquer all that culture A has created. Which includes on the DNA level understanding of where the true location of El Beth el is.

El Beth el is not just a house, it is not just another temple, the significance of El Beth El goes so far beyond the realm of just another the two almost do not belong in the same sentence.

The structure of el Beth el the most sacred of the Long House and the person in charge of the long house as well as the family whom supports the person in charge of the long house, this concept is almost outside the realm of English to explain.

The structure of the long house itself is important, but what is more important is the facts regarding what the person whom is in charge of the long house can and could do.

The structure of the Long Sacred house (which is a copy of the original Tabernacle; which itself is as copy of the structure Adam built at the center of the Garden of Eden. That structure had four trees, three of those trees are feeder influences to the structure of the fourth tree. The fourth tree the tree of construction would look something like Spanish moss growing from it. That moss would be long and structural. In essence a lattice structure, which the materials from the other trees would be woven into it. In essence the Spanish moss tree would be the braid itself and the other three trees would be the interesting stuff woven into the moss.

To work the weave correctly would require a semi-free-floating boat. That free-floating boat would be designed more like a donut with a whole in the center for the structure tree to grow through.

The end result being after assembling the various pieces and portions of mythology in order to reassemble the science and engineering regarding the structure of the boat itself. The boat would be a platform from which a person or people would weave the Spanish moss into a basic structure, along with way of the weave material form the other three trees and other items from the rest of the garden would be added. Each piece of material would be added to the structure at different intervals.

From the Garden of Eden would emerge the string most religions understand to be the weave of time. All existence emanates from that string. That string woven from the metaphoric Spanish moss; points strongly to the ancients at least from the origin of this culture had a very good idea of the concept of String Theory, since the weave created would look very much like either a string or a series of strings. Since more than one string of Spanish moss grows on any given large type tree.

El Beth el itself would be the structure created as an earthly copy of the original. Or the mythological original the temple at El Beth El which the city of Memphis was built around although when it was named and rebuilt was not called that. The name was changed circa 2600 b.c.e by the Grandson of the person who built it (biblically speaking). The person according to the bible who built it in Hebrew his name was Abraham in Hieroglyphic his name was Mem. Memphis translates from Ancient Egyptian into English as “the Sacred Long House of the descendants and followers of the one who follows the divine inspiration of EL” condensed down significantly to All Father or in Hebrew Abraham.

But El Beth El was not the first said copy. That copy was one of the first made from Stone. The previous were tents but the ones made of stone were obliterated and or in hostile lands controlled by Culture B.

The structure itself

The tree in the middle,

A boat around

The boat having more than a few levels. Each level designed to perform a specific function to create the weave.

Internearing that the internal shape of the grand gallery and the internal shape of a Nordic Long House have a similar shape, engineering, etc.

A blade would be needed in order to create a hole to insert the next piece and to cut that piece off. The length of a things life determined by where the blade made an opening and the length cut by the same blade. The blade of course having writing on it. That writing later to be renamed reclassified as not a blade but a tome.

Descendants of Adam who would not have possessed permission enter the long house and or touch the tools being the descendants that on a culture level have spent every second from then till now fighting to in effect “If those that have permission to go into the house and work the tools can but I cannot than I will conquer them. If they are not alive they cannot enter the long house and make those types of decisions” which is exactly the same behavior pattern as an abusive spouse.

“If I cannot be with the person I love, no one else can.” Consequence either murder or murder suicide. To maintain that level of control means that ever present diligence is not only a must but kill all who question both the authority of the situation and challenge to be head of the long house.

After Adam and eve by legend descended to earth from the garden

Adam as soon as he could started to reconstruct what he could remember regarding not only what the tabernacle at the center of the garden of Eden looked like, but attempted to continue the path and jobs on earth he performed in the garden.

Consequently to rebuild as close to his old life as possible he needed the proper structure in which to perform said duty. .

So Adam went about first from simple shelters and tents

Eventually growing ever more complicated architecture

List of Adams tabernacle/arc/ship copies

Rosslyn chapel

Tome of Jacob

The Tome of Blade of Jacob has a profoundly interesting trip through history.

The Tome of Jacob would be better understood to be the Tome of Israel is or was a symbol of power of for the Israelite people. Who in a way entered the history books as the namesake of the culture which lived in Egypt and proclaimed Jacob as their King. He was not the first king, nor the last, but he was one of their kings. His fourth son would be become king after him accepting both the Cloak of Many colors a cloak with the colors of Roy G Biv and Biv G Yor from middle out. Which the Bent Pyramid was designed to reflect this combining of both sides of the Rainbow. Which is also reflected in the name itself Is Ra El or Isis Re and El. El the balance between Isis = Biv G Yor and Ra = Roy G Biv. The Long house

History of the Tome

Plates of Destiny

Tome of Israel

Tome of Jacob

Blade of Alba Longa, Italy

Blade of Longinous

Taken to Northumberland after the crucifixion

Renamed to be the sword in the stone

Author and the tome of Jacob

Pictish revolt

India Indian

It is possible the proto-hieroglyphic name of the Nile was Indus River

Making the Indians of both India and the native America’s at least some portion of their ancestry or some small portion of the ancient culture the same.


Akenaten sent his kids with treasures to the safe cities





The word and concept of Jerusalem means a sacred city. 

A list in order of the western world’s Sacred City Capitals. A Sacred city can be defined in two ways. First which city contained the/or a copy of the sacred library; two what city obtained the seat of power the other nations wanted. In modern terminology; which city was the for that age superpower.

The library which contained the information which pertains to the information relating to the arc of the covenant. Just because Esau’s line did not like the fact that Jacob’s line was given sacred information previous; does not mean said information was not given. It only means said information was removed/edited out by Esau’s line descendants. Which Esau’s line schema has a long history from day one of editing out what they have not liked; including the ultimate editing process of throwing the plates at the golden calf in a fit of rage in the middle of the exodus. If that act of rage is not editing something out of existence; I do not know a better definition.



It seems that each time a New Jerusalem is founded and the center of knowledge, wisdom, light, etc. is established the same old behavior patterns start between Esau’s versus Jacobs’s descendants again. The problem is; each time Esau’s descendants win small victories, Jacobs’s line finds a new one. Each time Esau’s line loses, not because of a lack of military power, but because something else intervenes and causes Esau’s line to fail. Some might see the mathematics below as a 6000 year behavior pattern of Esau’s line (which includes Mohammed and Islam) is not supposed to be rulers but a military army commanded by Jacobs line. If each time the mathematics works exactly the same; without exception, it is time to stop expecting a different result.


Jera; timing and the cycles of life

Salem; Shem, the third son of Noah. Who was able to raise (possibly resurrect) his father from the grave to find divine guidance regarding the direction the descendants of Noah should take.

Jesus Christ is identified as a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. The temple from which the priest on high does his work thought is the great temple at Salem. Salem being a temple built and maintained by the brethren; which temple/salem becomes the question.




Without the Long house there is no progress forward

Even though the Pope does not know how to translate ancient Sumerian; he is correct, the house of Adam from which sits upon the peter which the person standing/lord of said house speaks from the divine source. The house, the ground, the sound, connection (Aten) to the divine), etc. is absolutely important.

Now since there were several locations from which the state of Israel existed and the capital of that state there were obviously more than one built. This pushes one to start to examine the ideas of basic hydrodynamics. Make a large splash the waves will eventually peter off into nothing, but when the wave from the first small start to disappear adding another stone right behind the leading edge of the first wave will increase the power of the first by double to quadruple, down that enough times and you have a wave more than strong enough to achieve any goal needed.

So the question starts to become if there are scattered around the world at last in African, the middle east, India, Europe, the at least a half dozen in America, etc. than if there are more than one house e.g. one more than one sacred long house from which the leader speaks the will of the divine from. Than would that not equal hydrodynamics?

The great temple might not be one building but most fi not all the buildings working in tandem together.


Northumberland Throne Room

First moved to Holland after the 780 exile.

Then move to Germany circa 800 ce

Then sold to Russia 1800

That room could have arrived from Egypt to Northumberland, then taken to Holland, then Germany,

I wonder why I was left or stolen in Germany????"





The sword in the stone


Pulling the sword from the stone is the one and only way to find out who the true king of Britain is.


The sword could have been put into place courtesy of joseph of Arimathea; since he was of sufficiently high enough Jewish royal rank to allow him to travel in the Roman Empire.


Leaving the spear or destiny in the UK circa 30 ce; just in time for the power of Northumberland to stop the romans dead cold in their tracks from conquering north. Stopped at Ogle castle.


The spear came into josephs possession from the roman officer who executed Jesus aka Emmanuelle

Who would that officer who has been label Longinous since; have given up the named spear he was in charge of. The spear had the name; not the officer in charge of its safe keeping.


Only the true heir can carry the blade once identified. Since the roman officer who carried it was not the true heir; he had to give it to joseph. Allowing joseph to carry it to Northumberland;


Words and names meaning Northumberland





Connecting the spear forwards to Excalibur, backwards to Longinous, back even farther to a primary weapon of the roman republic, back farther to the Etruscan kings, back to Alba longs and the princes of troy who escaped before the Trojan Bull (troy means; descendants of the warrior foot holder. Jacob means foot holder. So Dorian, Greek's, and Romans {who were mostly Esau line descendants}, etc. edited the Jacob symbol bull to a horse.) Conquering and sacking. Excalibur might be either the same sword or a similar blade to the spear, one of the swords of Rome, the sword or Alba Longa, Italy, the sword of troy, back to Jacob.


Only the true descendant can pull the sword from the stone.




A blade stuck in a stone; harkens back to the ben ben stone in Heliopolis. The word and definition of both IWNW and Heliopolis both mean Northumberland. The black stone in the eastern cornerstone Kaaba; which the entrance of the Kaaba is in the NE corner, most megalithic structures have an entrance in the NE corner.

What does Egypt and Mecca have to do with Excalibur; the sword by Northumberland tradition going back to pre-Pharaonic Egypt has a great deal to do with stones and mounts. Even in the very description of vertical land.




Excalibur and Ben Ben stone


The Caliburn; has the same code as Camelot.


Oxford and said areas from 800-1400 were a safe place to hide during some of the harsher tribal conflicts. Oxford among other reasons was built for and to protect scholars from the constant wars and conflicts. Which is one reason the older buildings at oxford are built outside as fortresses inside as large classrooms. The cultures were growing increasingly tired of having libraries burned and scholars killed by routine.

Nice thing is; the "from an older Celtic manuscript" points to my theory being correct. If you know enough about Celtic history that is. Also points to a secondary theory I have regarding Excalibur and how old it was at the point it was pulled by legend from the stone. Which points to another ancient mythology which is much closer to some very interesting evidence. But that theory regarding the sword itself has its origins in where the word Celt originated. Be very interesting if that stones name was close to or apart of the same construction as the stone I am thinking of.

Sorry if that last part was cryptic, but I wanted to wrote some notes while I was thinking about it.

Also points to an area very much in the control of the royal family I am thinking about who is where Arthur was from. Very interesting connections. Thank you very much for helping me make these two connections. I very much appreciate when evidence is dropped in my lap.

If you pay attention to immigration laws; this documentation found at oxford goes a very long way in backing up my theory.


William is responsible for building or at least reestablishing oxford as a scholastic community.

William and his kin build and allowed certain types of studies to take place. Add that mathematics together and you can easily figure out where Camelot was and who Arthur’s blood line was.






American Egypt



Egypt means the temple of Ptah







ST Louis/ Memphis



First during the 19th dynasty

Second under immanent threat from the Pictish aka Viking age

Third under immanent threat from the Tudors

Ogle Family North American  Trade route

The ogle family created a trade route between Beacon Hill aka Boston and Astoria Oregon in the 1500s.

The trade route was obliterated by the Dutch, English, and Americans

New Amsterdam

The Plates of Destiny

The Exact area The North American Ogle Trade Route passed through, is the area John Smith claimed to find the plates

The Plates led him directly to St Louis

The Plates also lead Bringam Young directly to the very mm of the location of the Salt Lake City Temple.

Lot and a Pillar of Salt

Pillar as in City of Pillars


Salt lake City

Salt: purity

Lake; like Poseidon a defined area with a specific sacred distinction.

City: a well-defined area for people to live.

Megalithic Construction was accurate

The salt lake city temple square

The LDS temple in Socorro

Aka the Old San Miguel Mission

The Current San Miguel Mission

All these things either line up perfectly with each other, or are off buy just a little bit.

Legend of the Garden of Eden

By legend the Garden of Eden was moved from Tabriz, across the ocean, and lowered around the area of Chicago.

It is conceivable that the Ice Bridge between Spain and Maine was still present.

Chicago would be approximately where Heliopolis was

Heliopolis previous name IWNW; the City of Pillars

The City of Pillars by legend was built by Adam.


City of Pillars

Built by Adam as a direct reflection of what he could remember from the Garden of Eden

The first White settlers to arrive in the Areas of Detroit and Chicago arrived courtesy of the North American Ogle Trade Route.

To honor one of the Ogle family who made that trade route possible for the 100,000s of settlers to use was John Ogle. Ogle county Illinois is named to honor.






Exodus Holocaust





The number of cities and people entirely erased from the map immediately after the exodus is only equal to the NAZI party’s application of destruction after taking power; both times.

The NAZI did massive destruction “beer hall revolution” which failed; which saw most of the major leaders go to jail for different periods of time...


When they got out; the violence only escalated.


Exactly the same behavior patterns the Exodus circa 1280 b.c.e in the Middle East.


Esau line Moses/Ajax performed a massive Holocaust against all who stood in his way (exactly the same behavior patterns as Adolf); evidence the massive amounts of Egyptian technology and architecture suddenly appearing in the Levant lands immediately between Seti and Ramses.



Only this time Adolf/Moses/Ajax not only won; but is heralded as a hero to the Jewish people. Same exact behavior patterns; one a hero, one the villain of modern history. Moses/Ajax won and his descendants wrote the history, Adolf lost and his opponents wrote the history. But side by side; minus a few minor details, Moses/Ajax and Adolf’s behavior patterns match very closely.

Burning which that was not wanted

Both leaders were from Esau's line.

Both leaders spawned radical movements which are still in very much effect today

Both radical movements have violent actions against anyone questioning their authority.

Both leaders spawned movements which are in very real effect extreme anti-Jewish movements and leaders.

Both leaders where oppressed by the previous governmental structure

Both leaders where from previously extremely prominent/royal families. (The more difficult to show the connections but the aftermath of what each family did and what each family’s behavior patterns were show the ancient royal lineage)

Both led rebellions

Both were brilliant military strategists

Both destroyed synagogues; for Moses/Ajax he destroyed the apis/Jacob line bull, Adolf obvious

Both destroyed libraries; Moses/Ajax the plates written by god, Adolf anything he did not like.

Both died just before a major event; Moses/Ajax died before his people could pass into Levant lands, Adolf before the Russians could kill him. At least that is what the Russians claim; their history of telling the truth to the west stands on its own merits/or lack of merit.

Both performed extreme genocide against enemies.

Both were from Esau's line

Both created Futhark based languages. Adolf his own stylized version of the Futhark, Moses/Ajax Aramaic based on the Futhark, his descendants created Hebrew which uses the Futhark as a linguistic and character shaping model. Then erased the facts of the truth. Few if anyone other than who I have informed know Hebrew is created using the framework of Futhark.

Both lied extensively about their pasts.

Both lied extensively about what they did during their lives

Both lied extensively about what they wanted their followers to do

Both created elaborate ceremonies to honor themselves.

Both rewrote vast swaths of history to suit their own needs. Moses/Ajax the bible itself, Adolf anything which disagreed with him.

Both renamed vast areas to suit their own needs. Adolf virtually erased; France, Austria, Normandy, etc. Moses/Ajax erased Israel, renaming Levant to Israel. Killing anyone who disagreed and burning any book which contradicted him.

David fought Goliath; killing goliath and after a few more battles against an enemy goliath worked for/with was able to topple Moses/Ajax’s line off the throne. Implying that from the exodus for the next 200 years Jacobs line was fighting off attacks from Esau/Moses/Ajax’s descendants. Showing evidence that it is possible Moses/Ajax was attempting to erase Jacobs line; same/or similar behavior pattern to Adolf.

David hides the truth in his star

Solomon hides the truth in Temple

Both performed genocide; Sadam and Gomorrah to say least regarding said types of Esau line genocidal activities.





Middle East peace is only possible if the Adolf of the Exodus is identified and dealt with accordingly. First reverse the exodus; Israelites need to return to their homeland of Egypt. Second Muslims need to return home from invading Israel.



Why Bellingham

The question regarding all this effort, energy, emotion, time, money, etc. spent fighting over the area of Bellingham Washington makes no sense at all unless the true motivations of the situation have been hidden. Many towns and cities have gone all but entirely ghost which had much more going for them than the city or metropolis of Bellingham. So the question would be; why would Captain Picket bring a company up into the area for almost no real reason. India troubles would not normally force 1500 men; a couple platoons would normally be plenty. But 68 regular soldiers and 1200 + conscripts (mercenaries) means the previous couple platoons had encountered more resistance and violence than they could handle. They were taking casualties beyond acceptable proportions.

What types of unacceptable proportions and in what timeframe would these battles be taking place. The years before, decade, decades, etc. how long previous to Picket being sent up to secure the area were the battles occurring.


The word Indian was created as a false label applied to the natives of the area by Columbus. But he was a converto under immediate execution order by the priests and conquistadors onboard his ships. He had almost no rights at all spending most of his time making sure the priests and soldiers onboard were happy with him. Which psychologically places the priests into an extremely powerful and manipulative standpoint.

But the voyage which Columbus took part in was not just any voyage part of his voyage was paid for by the British Northumberland/Ogle family.

Amber room

Originally the Amber room was the place which was the throne room of the Holy Roman Empire in Germany. The original was moved to an unknown location and a new room was constructed. That new room was the place where Prussian Kings were crowned till the room was given to the Russians as a gift.

That room was built and expanded into St Catharine’s Cathedral and St Petersburg Russia.  A few weeks after Rudolf Hess escaped from the Tyranny of the third Reich a matter of a few weeks later the NAZI launched operation Barbarossa. Which one of its primary goals was not only to capture the Amber room back from Russia but to bring the room back to Germany to crown Adolf King of Germany.

The Russians from the time Hess landed in Northumberland till a few days into operation Barbarossa had a bit over a month to disassemble the room and move it to a more secure location.

Where the original room went it anyone guess. But the original dated back to the time of the Pharaoh’s, most likely before that.

Legend states that the room itself was either made by Adam himself to reflect the throne room he had in his tabernacle/ark or a copy of a throne room he had built but had slowly rotted away.

What in the world would the German Amber Room have anything at all to do with Bellingham; one very good reason to have a world war would be to seize control over and possess the infamous Amber Throne Room of Adam.

Amber room


Was originally the German Amber room but it was sold to Russia.


The Amber room used to be the throne/holy sanctuary from which the rulers would commune with god. Directly connecting it to the definition of Northumberland. Also directly connecting it with the monotheistic legend of the Noachite Rite (Noah dead and his three sons tried to resurrect him to ask his a question, or if repeating said god would tell them what they needed.)


Extremely polished Red granite and amber have a semi similar concept and ceremonial function.

Reference Sakkara Necropolis and the Kings chamber. In a way this directly connects this room with both megaliths and the monotheistic concept of resurrection.



Portions of the cultures which built both were from the west side of the Nile; traveled to both Germany and the UK to escape invading armies.


Interesting to note; amber naturally produces electricity. Mary Shelley who had access to the ancient Roman Imperial library with books directly from Egypt; which would have included material regarding resurrection. She included electricity as a key component of resurrection.


Another interesting legend; Solomon is said to have used the existing stone structure on the mound he built his copy of the great temple of god which was a direct copy of the great temple of Tyre. Which itself was a copy of the great temple which Abraham himself laid the foundation for in Egypt (Memphis).


Solomon is said to have used both the rocks and various types of an unknown to force demons to move the extremely heavy 100+ ton rocks of the foundation into exact alignment. Moving said blocks as if they were only a few lbs. bricks.

Electricity being a key component to said type of control over other worldly creatures.


Said types of technology evidence is all over the ancient world. The crystal skulls for instance could have been made using electricity. Several types of stone cutting could be easily explained using electricity.


The color of the soul is amber/red life would be symbolically recognized as the sun.

Electricity is blue; symbolized by way of water. Which is also the electro-magnetics opposite of water is fire.

The soul life;

Electricity death; or a symbolic representation of death. Since it will kill you very quickly if you do not know what you are doing.

Electricity is also part of the descriptions from the arc of the covenant.

Electricity could be part of the Khenti Amentiu guardian of death symbology.



Wood as compressed amber the basic building material of civilization

Foundations made of rock structure made of wood; same symbolic configuration of both buildings and monotheistic temples



Amber Throne Room

This story traces the occurrences of what happened to a specific tool which dates from before the Eridu Ziggurat up to and through one part of it which is the Russian Amber Room.


This tool has been used from the 1800s back as a throne and sacred room from the Germans back to Crete back to Tyre. Back from Tyre to the Temple of Ptah. From Ptah back for a few decades to the sacking of Eridu.


Although over the millennia the idea and pieces of the tool were carved off and they created their own Amber rooms. The story of what happened to the main Amber Throne Room is beyond fascinating.

Sorcerer’s stone Russian German amber room

This is an interesting idea to look into

It is possible the sorcerer’s stone is actually a room, not just a single stone.

Templar treasure

Bamburgh Castle, Pharaoh’s Throne, Templar treasure, etc. castle Bellingham Washington state,


Battle for the Aegean

The Aegean has been the center of more than a few major battles throughout the length of western cultures. The area has been invaded almost more times than can be counted. The only reason the area has not been invaded for the last few decades is the powers that be chose several centuries ago to switch the seat of western culture power away from Athens, first to Rome, then to Paris, Then to London, Berlin for a short time, and now New York City America.

The wars, conflicts, battles, etc. have not changed almost at all since proactively the first day writing was invented to tell the tails of the conflicts. But the epicenter of those battles has shifted.

The battle of Armageddon is a sequence of fights and battles which are not about what most people assume they are. In truth the battle of Armageddon is not actually in a city itself; the battle is not over the city, the battle according to various religious scholars the fields outside the city are where the armies of the world gather to fight.

The fight is about determining which version of philosophy is closer to that of the truth.



The Lummi people are a name change from Northumberland.

Not the first time Roman descended cultures changed the name


Adam the boatman

I order to pay the price for resurrecting Able, Adam became the boatman who farriers the dead across the river to the other side of life.

The coins for the eyes to keep the eyes closed where stone, which were originally inscribed for the journey. Those markings on the stones could be one way in which writing could have gone from beastly markings, to cave paintings, to a tome/tomb stone where the markings were scratched for the person’s journey.

Adam became the boatman, because Adam was the boatman in the garden. The boat being the loom from which the weave of life is created.

The solar boat being part of that concept.

Scratching symbols onto those rocks, eventually metal, transported onto ever ore completed writing structures.

Jonas the whale and Boat

Which connects Adam as the boatman to Jonas and the wale, which has been a symbol for Jesus since almost the beginning. The Whale/sea creature, the mythical boat from which Adam ferried people to the other side. But according to mythology, can ferry people back from the other side. But it requires unknown to accomplish.

World wars






Royalist  French

Loyal Dutch


Some native tribes

Some Pacific island cultures

Cultures from India and Indonesia




French revolutionary




All the Islamic nations

Some native tribes

Latin cultures



Some Pacific island cultures








The vortexes of Bellingham

Pi of Bellingham

The area of and around the city of Bellingham has just as many if notn more Energy Vortexes than Sedona Arizona

The area has the Architecture of Stonehgne built in.

Ferndale itself was originally designed to be a copy of Memphis/Luz Egypt.

Profound amounts of energy vortex issues occurring in the area.

Fort Bellingham North to Pickett Plantation

Snake because energy coils like a snake

Infinity loop



The wedge of cuneiform; from the center of the 0 the 17 line out to form the next aett

A candle; a wick and paraphine rotate into an infinity loop. The rotation of the melted fuel come together then up the wick. In an area which has architecture built on top of various ancient megalithic sites will show through the modern architecture portions of the ancient.




The History of the City of Bellingham Washington State Version III 2014 8 25 1606


The city of Bellingham is directly connected to the Roman Empire through the North American Ogle Trade Route. The City of Bellingham Washington State is also directly connected to ancient Egypt with architecture, city names, and descended cultures extending from the earliest civilizations and city layouts up to and through the cities of Whatcom County. The evidence regarding the exacting details of various Indo-European architecture is comparable within modern architecture since the ancient cultures from which the cities contained in Whatcom county are built from are exact in their parameters. Exacting down to the millimeter.

The following his how the city of Bellingham Washington state could have been founded.

First point to make

It Of Course it is a cultural default to found cities in the islands of a river and or on its banks if not directly on a coastal waterway. That is not significant in any way shape or form; that is not what is being pointed out. What is being pointed out in a significant way is the shape, placement, design, and material used in the buildings of that city.

Based on established measurements from the Megaliths, the architecture in which the buildings were built was exacting down to the millimeter. Example the causeways of the Pyramids are so precise that the language, mathematics, science, and engineering included the curvature of the earth and continental drift. Which to put it mildly modern academics has only just started to study the concept of continental drift in the last few centuries. Whereas the cultures which constructed the megalithic infrastructure were experts in the concept.

Additionally the City of Bellingham with so many architectural connections with the sequence of cities (from which it is part of this theory) that the ancients in sequence from pre-translated writings through to the present have rebuilt each time they have been exiled from their previous rebuild and make copies of cities. The cascade effect of the same architecture from 4500 b.c.e to present of the hundreds of copies of a similar city design create a statistical model from which to find each city from present back to the earliest remaining evidence. Which that evidence is itself a copy; that copy of at Hierakonpolis, the City of the Hawk, ancient Egyptian Nekhen. The Hawk on the Crown of the Pharaoh’s comes directly from this city. The Snake comes directly from Wadjet from the city of Dep.

The below cultures are divided into two groups. A culture and B culture; a are the builders, B are the conquerors. In almost all cases in the cultures being presented the Builders are almost exclusively descendants from the same culture which built the pyramids. B are descendants from a culture which has stopped at absolutely nothing to erase all traces of the A culture. The mathematics are so exacting that in any given event, you can almost predict when the B culture will arrive after A has built something. A cultures actions are almost universally the same, they rebuilt a new copy of their ancient infrastructure, B soon as they receive word A has rebuilt they summon up an army and attack without mercy till as many traces of A are obliterated as they can reach. The farther away A culture is the more difficult the battles and the longer it takes to erase A by descended forces from B.

The North American Ogle Trade Route

The North American Ogle Trade Route was an ancient trade route created first to promote trade, connection, communication, cultural support, etc. to cultures from around the world.

It ended being a military infrastructure to prevent humanity from being destroyed under descended cultures from tyrants whom only wanted to destroy and control everything on the face of the world.

The area of Whatcom was refounded by English and American settlers whom followed the then reestablished North American Ogle Trade Route renamed Lewis and Clarke Trail. Lewis and Clarke plagiarized their journey, plagiarized most of their findings, then aided/assisted in the erasure process of the North American Ogle Trade Route so that the newly formed America could claim any and all credit absorbing the profits. Merriweather Lewis also built Grand Lodge of England within a few miles of a Grand Lodge of Britain; thus breaking both French and International Law.

The North American Ogle Trade Route specifically the leg which had Bellingham Washington state as part of its infrastructure.

Side Note before the areas of this trade route are explained. A few notes must be addressed first.

First note; the Vikings were a Mercenary army hired and trained by the Ogle(Northumberland) family in order to battle against the Pictish Revolt and work to unseat the coup d'é·tat forcing the Ogles off the British throne and Preplacing the British Throne for a Pictish English Throne. Same throne different ruling family and societal infrastructure.

Second note; the Vikings and were more than skilled enough to create a trade route across the north Atlantic from Scandinavia to Newfoundland. Down the Eastern Sea board is nothing coparared to the North Atlantic.

The Extremes in evidence regarding Scandinavian and Viking presence in America on a regular basis date from no later than 50 ce. 2000 years of presence in America erased because those that wrote the history books were the Romans. The English are a descended culture from the Romans. Whom themselves are a descended culture from at least a portion of the cultures which make up Rome were and are Dorians. Same with the Germans e.g. Anglo Saxons more than a few of the Anglo Saxon tribes were roman and Hyksos Descendants.

The Northern American Leg of the Ogle Family Trade Route;

First Boston through the river system to the great lakes,

The great lakes to the Ohio River

Ohio River to the Mississippi

Mississippi to the end of the Missouri. Where the Missouri dumps into the Mississippi.

The end of the Missouri to the headwaters of the Missouri

Across the continental divide to the headwaters of the Columbia

Down the Columbia to the Pacific

That entire journey would take less than six weeks, more like three weeks. Whereas the journey from England to the Columbia would take close to if not over two entire years.

There is extremely good reason in all aspects for the B cultures to want to conquer, possess, and then erase the A culture creating that lucrative of a trade route. Not only based on the money but the time saved in creating a from the east to the west Silk Road.

Lewis and Clarke Plagiarized their entire journey

The Santa Fe Trail was also in existence long before the opening of the west occurred. The Santa Fe Trail began at approximately the property from which Captain Joseph Ogle owned and his family had operated from the early 1600s very likely late 1500s to the 1800s.

Whatcom county and the Bellingham/Ferndale Washington area was a safe and secure place in which to make an attempt at re-creating a new empire/kingdom/country to model/copy from their previous countries from which they had been violently exiled.

The re-founding of Bellingham Washington State after Lewis and Clarke

The city was named after Lord Bellingham

Whom possessed said title from the castle his family were lords of.

That Castle being Castle Bellingham Ireland (which is only a few miles south of present day Northern Ireland)

Castle Bellingham Ireland was a city which existed for a considerable amount of time before the Vikings conquered the city and renamed it for the castle in Northumberland

Castle Bellingham Northumberland sits about 10 miles north of Hadriens wall. This castle was just one of a dozen the Northumberland family used to defeat the Romans every time they crossed north of the wall.

Castle Bellingham sits only a few miles west of Ogle Castle. The Name sake Castle of the Family Ogle. Which the area of Northumberland is the Latin translation (the conquering Pictish army changed the name from the original Gaelic to Latin) the Gaelic is Yr Hen Ogle DD.

Why is this beyond significant for the founding of Bellingham Washington. New Castle e.g. where Hadriens wall ends to the east (from the west to the east; reference intended) is only 7 miles away from Ogle Castle. New Castle is a beyond significant city for a huge number of reasons. Not the least of which is New Castle in Hebrew translates to Jerusalem. New Castle is partially built on and around the islands of the Shimna River.

The Ogles whom had created the Trade Route which Whatcom county and the cities therein directly own their founding and earliest settlers followed the Ogle Maps to find. As well as the North American Ogle Trade Route had negotiated for centuries with the kingdoms of Europe which allowed the earliest settlers to obtain passports and permissions to create new settlements to begin with. The Ogle family are who named and the Royal Titles of Bellingham originated; the Ogle family is where the Name and Title Lord Bellingham on the Vancouver expedition are a direct result of. The Ogle family is where the City of Bellingham and Ferndale draw direct lineage from.

The Ogles are the army from which the entire might of the entire width and breadth of the Roman Army broke itself on at Hadriens Wall. From 50 b.c.e to the last day the Roman Empire the Romans lost almost 100% of the battles 100% of the time. Which is why Emperor Hadriens after close to a century of losing ordered a defense wall to be erected. It is true that the wall in its last decades was mostly used for Trade as a center of commerce. But in the previous centuries the wall was a place Romans went to die.

How in the world does Hadriens wall connect with Ancient Egypt.

The City of Bellingham Washington State and Ancient Egypt.

It is amazing and not very realistic to assume the city of Bellingham Washington and ancient Egypt have anything to do with each other at all, but in fact the connections and the evidence is almost overwhelming from the proper perspective. In the most extreme brief Ferndale and ancient Egypt have a very likely and strong commonality. The city of Memphis Egypt at several different points in the history of Egypt was the capital city. This city started out as a little settlement on a sand barge in the middle of the river. What if the City of Ferndale or the old name Jam was intentionally built from a collection of logs from which gathered together in the middle of the river to reflect the ancient city of Memphis by the British decades before the Lewis and Clarke trail. The British either taking advantage of a naturally formed log Jam and or forming the log jam intentionally.  If that city of Jam or whatever its original name was did exist on that jam with the remnance of the city on that jam being the logs which stuck up if no one knew or remembered that decades or even a century before it was a full city. If the natives were all but entirely ignored, that places the city of Jam and the city of Memphis as well as the city of Venice with the same architectural design features.

Which the logs sticking up do also connect Memphis/Ferndale with the City of Pillars aka the Temple Adam built before the flood. That city was conquered and renamed Heliopolis (Translates from Linear B into English as Jerusalem).

The Roman Empire the cultures which founded the city or in this case conquered the city and renamed it <erasing the entire length and breadth of the previous centuries the city existed> Rome to honor the commanding general of the city itself.

Previous the city was called “The City of Seven Hills” which was a direct reference to the original founders from the Aegean aka the Cycladic culture which had reestablished in the Aegean after Egypt was conquered and they had to evacuate/exile far away. Apparently the Aegean was not far enough.

The city of Seven hills aka Rome and Bellingham are directly connected not because of some odd trade route but because the following legend fits with the standard conquest of A built, B comes and wants to erase as much of A as possible. The founding or re-founding of Bellingham Washington itself follows the exact same pattern as the founding of the City of Seven Hills then being conquered and all the history from the previous centuries erased. Same pattern; almost exactly. Which is exactly what the Romans tried to do and failed badly at Hadriens wall, conquer then erase the armies north of the wall. Which only 10 miles north of the wall and about 20 miles west of Ogle Castle is the origin of the namesake of the city of Bellingham Washington Castle Bellingham Northumberland. Ogle Castle is beyond significant to the founding of both Bellingham and Hadriens wall since the Ogle Family named the Castle, but they also named the area of Northumberland. Northumberland is a Pictish renaming of the Ogle Kingdom after the Pictish revolt.

The Romans failed so hard to destroy the Ogles north of the Wall that they in fact during one specific sequence of battles; the Romans had to negotiate < beyond unheard of in all of the Roman Empire> with their enemy and the Sitting Emperor had to accept the daughter of the Commanding general as his wife to secure the peace treaty. Which only lasted for 10 years, at which point the Emperor filed for Divorce. The product of that marriage was future Emperor Constantin or Constantin the Great. Founder of the Christin Nation Byzantium. Byzantium being a close enough name to his mother’s family British ancestors. The same ancestors which were forced to evacuate out of Troy <not all that far away from Constantinople> to form both by legend Alba Longa, Italy and a few generations later the British Royal Family and the British Empire.

The City of Seven Hills

Was the pre753 b.c.e name for the city of Rome.

The Theory is the city was named courtesy of the Trojan Princes who escaped the battle of Troy when the Hyksos/Dorian descendant Agamemnon attacked the city and spent a decade to conquer the nation of Troy. Picking away at the little cities around till there was only the capital city left with no defenses and no supplies to fight off the attack. Unbreachable walls; but a population tired after more than 10 years of hard battles. The Trojan horse was more likely the Trojan Bull; since Jacobs animal symbol was a Bull. The Dorians are who wrote the history of the battle; more specifically the grandson of Odysseus.

But there is an obvious problem with this scenario; in truth there are a dozen problems with this scenario.

First problem with this concept is the facts regarding the battle of Troy took place roughly by Heinrick Shlemons evidence circa 1300 b.c.e, and founding of Rome was circa 753 b.c.e. The close to half a millennia between the two dates causes too large a gap between. However if the Princes of Troy simply moved to an already existing city which was built by their ancestors, they would not have needed to found the city they could have simply moved to an already existing major city having full military and political power when they arrived. Kind of like a returning from exile branch of the royal family.

Second problem Rome was by legend not founded till 753; although archaeology points to the facts that the City itself was founded no later than 1000 years before. Which places the founding somewhere in the circa 1700 b.c.e. Or before the Thera volcano erupted. Making the 1700 b.c.e Aegean Cycladic and the Trojans in some way related on a cultural level and a likely family level.

Third problem; there is another city in the area of Rome “Alba Longa, Italy” which could have been founded about 1300 b.c.e which was on the coast a few miles from Rome or at that time the city was still called “The City of Seven Hills”.  It would make the city of Alba Longa, Italy the city founded by the Princes of Troy. Which is why and how Hadriens wall, Constantine, and Egypt are directly connected with the Founding of Bellingham Washington State.

The descendants of the princes of Troy who founded or had by legend interaction with either or both “The City of Seven Hills” and or “Alba Longa, Italy” traveled up to the Islands which later became known as Britain to found the British Empire and the British Royal Family. The British Royal family claim to be direct descendants from the Princes of Troy who managed to escape the Hyksos/Dorian onslaught.

But there is a  second layer problem with this.  That problem is, that the Name of Troy itself has a very difficult meaning. The city of Troy itself means “Descendants of the Foot Holder” but in Sumerian the Descendants of the Foot holder <remember when the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/etc. conquer they erase as much of the past of those they just conquered as they can get  their hands on>. The foot holder in Sumerian <which at 1500 b.c.e was still an active and thriving living language> is pronounced and spelled Jacob. Jacob according to biblical stories was the Blessed brother of Esau.

Jacob possessed a blade (so did the scorpion king Narmer) which he used as one of his symbols for power. The Blade of Jacob was also known by another name “The Tome of Jacob” since the blade had writing on it.

Through a wide variety of languages, that blade/tome could easily have a name which would be close to that of the name of “Alba Longa, Italy” which translates from Linear B into Latin as Longinous. So in this linguistic and sociological experiment it is very likely the Blade which by legend pierced the side of INRI was not held by a Roman foot soldier but held by an Officer and the name was the name of the Blade not the name of the person. Making that Blade Alba Longa, Italy/Longinous and not the person.

Fourth problem; the Romans hate embarrassment more than the English do. The English hate embarrassment so much that they gave up control over the continent of India because Gandhi embarrassed them so much. Before the American colonies did the same thing, embarrassed the English Crown so much the Crown ordered the army out of the conflict. The Romans hating embarrassment would have done everything in their considerable power to erase any and all things which would show them in any other light than they were the greatest country the world had ever seen. Which causes a problem when it comes to following the documentation of history; the Romans falsified more than a few documents then claimed the documents were beyond question regarding their authority. If something cannot be questioned, a few generations later the lies are accepted as if they are hard facts. No need to question a hard fact especially one which has a strong society wide institutionalized rejection of questioning lies which have been accepted as fact.

This is a major problem for the founding of Bellingham Washington since all the evidence the Americans, Dutch and English could lay their hands on they translated and edited as each individually and collectively saw fit. Then erased any trace of any other story than the newly created version.

Psychological implications of Cultural Cognitive Dissonance.

The founding of the cities of Whatcom and the links to ancient Egypt and the very foundation of civilization has not only been erased but the suppression of that information has caused cascades of extreme difficulties in all aspects of the cultures whom have to live within the framework of a lie which the population has been forced to believe is truth.

In the cities, communities, etc. all around the Pacific North West can be found groups which suffer significantly from Cognitive Dissonance, where they the individuals have been taught which diverges from reality strongly enough have a huge difficult time interacting both internally and with most other groups. The interactions grow in difficulty other groups are to operating within the framework of truth and or close to how the real world functions.

The founding of the City of Seven Hills has actually several portions which link directly from the much later Rome to both the founding of the British Empire and the re-founding of the new British Empire from the San Juan Islands east to MT Baker.

First the City of Seven Hills was founded just before the Thera volcano erupted.

Second the Esau/Hyksos army(the founding of Troy, the entire area of the Phoenicians, Byblos, Tyre, etc. directly connected to the following battles) immediately after invading Egypt from Mecca (most likely descendant culture from the legendary Esau), after they conquered and possessed Egypt, they set out to conquer and possess the west side of the Mediterranean, the second the Esau/Hyksos captured the middle east they set their sights on the Anatolia Peninsula aka Turkey, immediately after taking as much of Turkey as they could they immediately set out to seize control over all the Aegean. Which is interesting since obviously from that second forward to present Esau’s descended cultures have been working to take and conquer the Aegean ever since. Which strongly indicates both a desperate need by Esau’s descendants to seize control over the Aegean but also since the Aegean from the time of the Cycladic’s to around 100 b.c.e was the center of power and control over not only the Mediterranean but the known world. Even after Rome conquered the Aegean the place was still almost beyond too powerful to control. In comparison Egypt was easy for the Romans to conquer. But the facts that the Villanovans were for a large part Dorian descendants the conquest of both the Aegean by the Romans and then seizing back control over Egypt again is part of the Culture itself sub-conscious nature. In effect if we cannot have Athens, Rome, Cairo (whatever that decades location and capital name was), the middle east, Madrid, Paris, London, Edinburg, etc. than they as a subconscious culture simply cannot rest till those belong not only to them but also control all aspects of political power with education. Esau’s line through the Hyksos/Dorians could not seize control over the Aegean being called Persians but could attack and seize control being called Romans. Nor could they seize control over Egypt again being called their previous names but they could being called first Romans and then Muslims. Although it should be noted that even though Esau has no real documentation or physical item to show a having existed, the cultures which aligned themselves according to that same philosophy and sub-conscious controlled behavior patterns starting with the Hyksos from Mecca which has been in the area of mecca since that army had invaded said area from Levant lands only a bit after a similar army left Ur to sack the city of Eridu. Whether they are the same culture is immaterial, from the Hyksos through to the portion of the English culture which are direct descendants from the Hyksos. That information and cultural sequences can be tracked through dna, language, philosophy, customs, laws, etc.

Third the Cycladic culture knowing the Thera volcano was about to erupt had been evacuating for centuries before. As the Cycladic culture left the Hyksos followed and captured all the abandoned cities in the wake of the Cycladic evacuation. The Hyksos were entirely not interested in hearing any kind of information about how unsafe their actions were. They had 0 interest in any kind of predictions about a volcano. Culturally this might account for the Anglo Saxon tale of Mnt Doom, the one ring, middle earth, etc. which also could account for why the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the entire width and breadth of the Hyksos culture suffered when virtually overnight they lost their entire army which was within about 100 miles of the volcano. They also lost all the lands of the Aegean which were spoiled from being many feet burred in volcanic ash. The worst was yet to come.

Fourth when the Thera volcano did erupt; about 90% of the entire Hyksos army, culture, rich, powerful, etc. were turned to literally human toast in a few seconds. The volcano erupted with that much force it obliterated the entire Hyksos culture in the north eastern portion of the Aegean both overnight and over the next years when crops failed and the fish left.

They then lost control over the Antonia peninsula

They then lost control over almost all the armies and cultural infrastructure around the black sea

Some of those armies headed north east into the Steppes of Russia. One very likely becoming known later as the Aesier; commanded/lead by Odin.

Then they lost the middle east

Then adding the most grieves insult to injury, their shield wall Israelite slaves revolted and seized control over Egypt. Becoming the 18th dynasty.

Which would explain in detail why culturally they have to get even and obliterate the Cycladic and all descended cultures form the face of the earth. Even though they were warned not to perform those actions, it is still the fault of the Cycloid and Israelite descended cultures they were destroyed in 1550 b.c.e when the thera volcano erupted. That culture from then till now has been working very hard to gain the power they possessed before the volcanic eruption and destroy the culture guilty of causing it. Mental and emotional trauma does not rely on logic or reason to function. Many times mental and emotional trauma operate so far removed from reality the two are difficutl to quantify as to how separate they are.

Fifth the Cycladic in bulk moved their culture west in order to avoid catching the Thera volcano in the teeth. Which would be either the approximate time the Cycladic could have been founding the city of Seven hills.

Making the Cycladic culture the true founders of the city.

But there is so much more.

By legend Amenhotep IV aka Akenaten sent out his surviving children to form their own kingdoms since he knew the Avaris (the capital city of the Hyksos; and after the 17th Hyksos dynasty was removed from power <thanks to the Thera volcano> the 18th dynasty the ancestors of Akenaten took over.

In effect he used the Symbol of the Aten in order to send his surviving children out. One line per child.


They were sentenced to be only able to be in their former capital city and not to venture out. By the middle of Akenaten’s reign the Hyksos were more than ready to raise an army and topple the 18th dynasty. So Akentaen sent his kids out to create their own kingdom which allowed the Hyksos to seize back power in Egypt.

Where Akenaten (ATEN) sent is surviving children out to would be the cities the previous hyksos conquest were either established and or merged with centuires past relatives

Why is this important; the descendants of the Hyksos have been chasing and hunting down the descendants of Jacob from Troy to the cities of Whatcom county. Same battle verutally the same war from prehistory to present; almost without stop. As it happens the occurance was a double blow to the Cities of Bellingham, Ferndale, and Lyndon which were founded cnetures before, force to be abanded, refounded by Ogle descendnats and tehn seized by theforces from the Dutch, English, or americans. Just because the Esau/Hyksos/Dorians name changed to Romans at least part of their founding culture were Hyksos. Does not mean the Romans at Hadriens were not still acting out the same exact behavior patterns from the beginning of (translated) written  history to present. Or acting out the same pattenrs which caused the Batle of the 300 aka Thermopolie, all the persain invasions, the Hyksos to conquer the middle east, the Hyskso to invade and conquer Egypt, previous the pattern si present but without the documewntation the Esau’s line destroyed of the abilty to read Indo-European language also something the hykso and their descended cultures performed. Modern academcis can only guess the same exact behavior patterns present in western culture from the earliest records to the present existed in the centuries and millennia previous. Since the langues were destroyed from the previuos; the statistics are almost 100% guaranteed the need to find and destroy the A culture by the (Hyksos/?) B culture is assured.

The Hyksos Army and Troy

When the Hyksos army invaded from Mecca into upper Egypt they immediately seized their remaining enemies in Egypt and used them as front line troops. Those front line troops aka the remaining Israelites slowly under pressure of fight and live or die became really good special operations troops very quickly. If a person is under immanent threat of death from both in front and behind; you add a person and a group will either have to get really good really fast or you will be cut down in stride. With 0 mercy from either side.

Those same battle tactics tracked into the basic outline for the Spartan Phalanx. Train so well and hard that an army is in truth one unit, they move and act according to the orders of their commander. No random brawls, act and move as a single unit. Which that training could have been partly learned and adopted from the previous centuries memories from when the descendants of the Hyksos shield wall troops performed so well they literally became a serious threat to their slavers.

When said would occur, those units which had proven themselves would be gifted with the control of a city or a sequence of cities.

The list of cities who’s leaders it can be hypothesized descended from the Hyksos shield wall troops are as follows.




All the cities in the Phoenician influence

The area of Ionia


Athens<although still called Poseidon before 800 b.c.e>


When the slaves become better than the master, steps need to be taken

As stated the Hyksos shield wall soldiers came in part of the Israelites who were unable to escape Egypt before being captured.

Makes the City of Seven Hills aka Rome a rebuild from previous the Aegean, previous Troy, previous various sites in the middle east < including but not limited to Athens, Biblos, etc.>, and finally back to the West Side of the Nile between Sakkara and Giza where Pharaoh Narmer forced gave that conquered foe that land as either a refugee/reservation area. To do with as they so chose.

The Pyramids being concentrated into that exact area between Sakkara and Giza give or take a few miles. Which would be about 35 miles north to south built between 2800-2100 when the Hyksos invaded. The Hyksos continued to build pyramids; but theirs were a small and unacceptable imitation of the originals.

The Pyramids are laid out in seven distinct areas; seven areas with an eighth being Memphis or its pre Pharaoh Mem name Luz.

Which makes the city of Bellingham and the area of Bellingham the last copy dating from Ancient Egypt <guaranteed previous> to the founding and architectural layout of the county of Whatcom.

Area of Seven Hills

The area of seven hills could be an easy way to define and describe the areas of the Pyramids in Egypt.

Evidence of the city of Rome its original name being the City of Seven Hills from refugee from Egypt can be found in the waves of construction on the Salzbury plane.

1 3800

2 3500

3 3200

4 2800

5 2100

6 1550

7 1300

Which is the start of the last wave of construction at Stonehenge

Seven invations of Egypt; seven waves of construction at Stonehenge.

When a culture which is rich and powerful perceives an enemy on the horizon they have two basic choices, to stay and fight or to evacuate the non essential personal to preserve as much of the culture as they possibly can.

The first wave are the woman and children, followed closely by the library and scholars, the rich evacuate closely in that same time. But culturally the peole themselves start to evacuate the woman and children; since the Rich can pay for the journey themselves.

But where to go, does the entire population travel to just one lcoatino; that is ridiculous. Best to split up and try to maintain as much of the culture in pockets spread out as possible. Far enough away from the enemy as to be able to maintain a safe enough distance so the army has a place to retreat too if nessessary and or the population can come back. But the larger the cultural infrastructure the more influence and harder to be destroyed the culture will be.

Sending out different families to different areas is the best way to ensure cultural survival. Hence sending familes out to the Aegean, Antolia, Italy, Iberia, different areas of Britain, etc. the wider the array the less chance of being destroyed.

The city of seven hills dates to approximately the correct time when at least one of the invasions of Egypt occurred 2100-1900 egypt was invaded by the Hyksos.

It is likely the area of seven hills was the name not for what today we call Rome but for the areas the pyramids are built in clusters around.

Which is directly reflected within the framework of how the infastrcture of the cities and communiites in groupings in Whtcome country are arranged. Which also includes the islands in the Puget Sound.


Bellingham/Ferndale the New Jerusalem

The city of Bellingham was not the first city founded in the area but it has grown to become the largest.

The connections with the area itself with ancient Egypt are easy to connect the dots.

Lord Bellingham, from namesake Bellingham Castle Ireland, from namesake Bellingham Castle Northumberland, which is only 20 miles from Castle Ogle Northumberland, Castle Northumberland is only five miles north of Hadriens wall, Hadriens wall was built by the Roman Empire to keep the Ogle out of Rome, (from here there are several direct paths to trace the origins of Bellingham Washington back to ancient Egypt) Hadriens wall dead ends at New Castle Northumberland.

Properly translated NewCastle Northumberland translates as Jerusalem. Which is a rebuilt city from the ashes of the destroyed other copies of the same city. Those that built Jerusalem have had to make dozens of replacement copies since they have an aggressor nation whom is always just  a few steps behind ready to genocide anyone whom gets in the way of their power.

Hence the pursuit of those that built NewCastle e.g. the Ogle family and this strange game of Run and build to prepare for the coming enemy who culturally only want to seek out their intended victim and erase them and all trace of their presence from the face of the earth.

The Romans attacking into Britain was only the latest in a very long string of A culture being conquered and forced to run away, B culture entirely subconsciously needing to always keep a weather eye on the horizon in case any type of report comes back regarding if A culture is either still around and or building another copy of their ancient infrastructure. Soon as word comes back that the A are still in existence and thriving; B goes on the war path.

What does NewCastle Northumberland and Bellingham/Ferndale have anything at all to do with each other and some mythical connection to ancient Egypt.

The proper translation of New Castle is Jerusalem as stated, but here is how it translates.

Jera is Futhark for the motions of the earth around the sun

Salem in Latin is Sacred Fortified city. The difference between a fort and a Castle is a castle has a temple/church/synagogue/sacred defined room inside it. But that sacred space requires a high ranking priest to be present and sanctify both the fortification and the room itself separately.

The Futhark character of Jera is the language from which Hebrew was built within. The parent language of Hebrew follows exactly the same behavior patterns as the rest; A culture creates something, B culture does everything in their mighty power to seize control over it and erase (patricide) all traces of the past.

The City of Bellingham/Ferndale/Lyndon is just one set of cities in a specifically designated area which were built as a defacto “New Jerusalem” to rebuild from the corrupted and not controlled by Culture B forces, which was built as a new Israel. The shape and design of Ferndale and Bellingham can be traced backwards to each of the major cities which the previous culture from the original claimed founders obtained access too.

The culture (Culture A) north of the wall had some 1000 years give or take a few centuries to prepare for the coming Roman Empire(Culture B). Circa 1200 b.c.e to 50 b.c.e when the Roman Empire arrived in force. Since they had so much time to prepare they were actually able to formulate both sufficient defenses (network of Castles) but also sufficient trade network where goods and services (specifically mercenaries hired from other countries could come to Northumberland to fight against the Culture B forces) could be traded back and forth supplying everyone with profits.

The culture B name change so often that they are best labeled as simply culture B. in the modern age Culture B had had no less than 15 different names but each have close to the exact same cultural behavior pattern. Almost no one in Culture B understand their behavior patterns are literally controlled by sub-conscious forces which have been present with culture B since before the languages of Sumerian and Hieroglyphics were invented.

By the time the Defenses were in place in Northumberland; the new named Culture B arrived to perform the same exact behavior as they had done countless time from 50 b.c.e to 4000 b.c.e. Guaranteed before then but Culture B likes to erase previous languages in order to escape their bad actions. What they did in the past they name change to claim they were not party to the actions of the previous name. Which psychology call “Cognitive Dissonance” the firm belief that the facts are incorrect and the fantasy is correct.

In large measure the Romans are a simple name change B culture from the Dorians, who themselves are name change from the Hyksos, who are also name change from whatever their name was before. The Hyksos are most likely Esau line descendants; but since Esau by legend and various stories lived around 2600 b.c.e and the same behavior pattern existed for some 1500 years before that. It points to “Esau” simply became the head of and or the new leader of the Culture B at that point. His Brother becoming the Crown Israel of Egypt at around the same time.

What does this have anything at all to do with the Founding of Bellingham/Ferndale Washington; that answer is, the founders (Culture A) of what is now the SanJuan Islands and Whatcom County (the original founders, before The Vancouver Expedition (1791–1795)) were attempting to build a new Israel and Jerusalem were found and battled against (Culture B) by the English and the infrastructure the Ogles built in the area of Whatcom county was erased and abandoned.

1780 to 1840 the area was mostly abandoned; waiting for the American government to send Lewis and Clarke up to finalize the erasure and replacement of the North American Ogle Trade Route with the Lewis and Clarke Trail.

Once Lewis and Clarke (Culture B) retraced the path the Ogles created, settlers from both Culture A and Culture B could arrive back in the area to rebuild what was already built but close to 200 years of neglect and all but erased.

But the basic infrastructure of what was built 200 years previous was still in place. The new settlers simply used the same infrastructure they found to fix it and built anew.

That infastructure being just another copy from the original Culture A civilization from no later than 4000 b.c.e (the city of IWNW aka Heliopolis) and most likely 4500 b.c.e (the city of Heiraolopis in upper Egypt.).

Culture A kept rebuilding the same infrastructure where ever they went.


Ferndale and the Garden of Eden

Although by legend the garden of Eden was transported to the Chicago area (the Creation of the City of Chicago thanks to the Trade Route created by the Ogle family, specifically Captain Joseph Ogle<the namesake of Ogle County Illinois>) and lowered from heaven to the area.

This legend directly connect to the city of Ferndale by way of the architecture of the original layout of the city by way of the Log Jam.

The layout of the garden of Eden can be seen through the understanding of the Plantation system which is a direct reflection of the Persian Garden.

The Persian garden layout architecturally can be seen directly in the houses of Roeder and Hovander. Both large estates and the; which estates of said size and archtectureal layout pattern reflect the Persian garden engineering and mathematical parameters. Which the Persian Garden System reflects by legend what could be remembered as to the architectural layout of the original Garden of Eden.

Why is this impornat; for the persuit of academics, their can be no greater persuit of academic discipline than to understand advances in understanding from the past. “Those of whom forget the past are doomed to repeat” the more you know about what your actions, behaviors, etc. both culturally and indiviuldlkay are the more you can work with your self instead allowing those same actions and behaviors to control who you are and what you do.

Religion without the dogma is a wonderful tool to study from a mathematical and statistical point of view. Cross comparing the facts will present information beyond that offered by just academics itself.

Best example regarding a study of monotheism is clues to the concept that ancient cultures might have understood String Theory. For western culture string theory is only a few decades from hypotheisis, the ancients had millennia to explore. Would it not be a good idea to understand their ideas and concepts regarding string theory?

The city of Bellingham connected to Ancient Egypt

The city of Ferndale connects with ancient Egypt by way of its most basic founding and infrastructure is most likely a copy of the city of Memphis Egypt. Which itself is a copy of the city of Heliopolis which by legend was built my Adam named IWNW or the city of Pillars. Which the Woodhenge in the middle of the River directly points to; the Jam or log jam

The city of Bellingham connected to Jerusalem

One of the key componments of Bellingam and Jerusalem are the libraries each was founded around. Power comes from the observance of knowledge. Knoewldge comes from the collection of information. Information comes from the abiiltiy to allow scholars the freedom to be both supported and to generate the time (jera) sequences (salem) in which to produce the nessessary thoughts in order to process vast amounts of data into a cohesive set of ideas. Those ideas then can grown into a cohesive hypothesis. Hypothesis and more ideas with testing produce and provide a solid theory.

Jerusalem had a library within which had information so advanced the Templars and allteh cultures before and since once they gained access to said information were able to have radical advances acorss all fields of study. The library at Western Washington University possessed a library courtesy of the founder of Lyndon which can trace itself all the way back to both Jeruslame and the great library at the Eridu Ziggurate.

Bellingham the city itself which sites under the campus of Western Washington Univeirstiy some of the matierla in a variety of ways can trace itself all the way back to the first documented libraries of the western world.

The city of Bellingham directly connected to the Biblical Genesis

The City of Bellingham and the Biblical book Genses have a very interesting albeit a bit on the unusual side when it comes to their connection.

First the definition of the word Biblos is hwere the paparious was shipped from to Greece in order to hand copy over the first books of the Bible.

Second the city of Biblos is by legend close to the city were the pillar (City of Pillars connection to Helioplis) which contained the body of Osiris was carried off in the Djed to after Set killed and sealed his brother inside.

Which also comes to a point where the city of Bellingham and a portion of the concept of Resurrection are connected.


Genesis connected directly to biblios

The city of biblos is the city where the papyrus was made or imported from Egypt in order to be shipped to Greece in order to print the first books of the Bible. The city of Biblos is also where the Pillar (Capital of the city of Pillars aka Helioplos aka Jerusalme) aka Djed which conteined the body of Osiris was taken and used in the city itself.

Why this is important to Genesis and the Bible; simple answer, what normal, sane, and heathy parent in the world would not immediately upon leanrign their son was murderd not want their son to be returned alive and well.

Since by legend Adam knew god personally; he could know exactly how to not only talk to god but also know exactly where to travel to in order to beg god at the gate to bring his murdered son back from the dead.

Which is an incredibly huge deal; why, because Osiris’s wife was named Isis, his son after resurrection was named Horus. If you break the word Israel down into its individual Hieroglyphic parts you get Isis Ra and El.

Israel first letter is Isis which is the wife of Osiris who was in the Byblos Pillar and Djed.

The city of Byblos (Genesis, Castle Bellingham<both Ireland and Northumberland>, Bellingham Washington state) connected to Osiris/Horus

The Log Jam only a few miles north of Bellingham itself is about the same ratio as the distance between Memphis to giza and or the Step Pyramid.


Ogle Castle (Bellingham Washington state) connects with the 18th dynasty

The Egyptian 18th dynasty is part and partial with the concept of Northumberland.

The start of the 18th and the end of the 18th both have significant items regarding the founding and the power of the culture which inhabited that area circa 1500-1200 b.c.e.

Both Scotta from Egypt and Meritaten are both rumored to have traveled to that exact area in order to avoid the conquests occurring the Egypt at the time.


Eg Y Pt, translates to Temple(EG)<Pillars> of (Y) Pt (god). No reason to assume Hieroglyphics we spell god with a god with more than one Israelite group and thousands of years no reason to assume they did not have more than one spelling for the divine, Pt being just one name for the god of Jesus.

Horus the son of Osiris

The connections between Horus and Noah is an obvious one; although the obvious is from a specific set of perspectives. Each piece of evidence has to be understood as an isolated entity rather than as part of the existing picture within the existing theories which are without base in fact.

The Horus tax collection ceremony of ancient eygpt takes place in the spring. That ceremony started out taking approximately 2x2 breading animals or the equivalent from every person and or family group. Collecting the Animals two x two in part began as an adaptation from the Noah concept.

Another puzzle piece is; the name and spelling of Noah comes from Hebrew a language which would not exist for another close to 2000 years. Whwatever the spelling was based on how many names were tranlsted over from the previous into Hebrew it is a solid staticalal likelihood that Noah was not the original spelling in suemrian or Indo-Euorpen lnaguae.

This is important because as Egypt was conquered two and from by a number of different cultures, each one had different prejudices regarding acceptable versus unacceptable information from the past. Some would alter seriously information from cultures they hated. Consequently a hated culture can and will have their hisotyr altered to suit the needs of those that conquered them. In other words a cultures strength will be turned into weeknesses nda their weeknesses will be greatly exagurated. The conquered cultures symbols of power will be stripped away and become the property of the new culture. Like Pharaoh was stripped from the Israelites and to this day not given back; or in other words the Jews have not reclaimed their primary leaders title.

Osiris the first Pharaoh (Israel)




The city of IWNW aka Heliopolis

The City of Pillars or in Heiroglyphics IWNW was by legend built by Adam before the flood. He built it to reflect what he could remember regarding what the center Tabernacle at the center of the garden of eden looked like.

Alhtough it has undergone extremes to the Maximum amount editing; the story of the Tree at the center of the garden of Eden is much more complex a situation than the current word flow indicate.

The current word flow still maintains some aspects of the sentence structure of Sumerian and Indi-Eruopean language. Which can be proven based on a graphic and a simple letter by letter examinatino of the Book of Genesis.

The tabernacle at the center of the garden of eden possessed four separate trees, which were feed from a fountain of sourts which divided into four separate rivers.

Each river and each tree were used by Adam to create what was mentioned in the first two chapters of Genses as the fabric of lfie itself. Which is odd since the sentence structure could strongly point to the presence of the basic ideas behind sprint theory.

Adam was placed incharge of the naming and flow of all the things on the planet. Their length of life, naming them, etc. Working to support the plants, animals, etc. which exist on the planet. He was placed incharge of their in effect strings.

By legend it is that tabernacle from which Adam rebuilt a copy on earth. That copy at least one of those copies was built where Heliopolis now stands. Why is this important to the foudnign of Ferndale and for that matter the city of Lyndon; because those cities were first founded on the principle of recreating an infrastructure which the British Ogle’s have been violently conquered off of. So where one is good two copies are better. In the past rebuilds the Ogles had followed at least by architectural and archaeological evidence left behind (which the conqueor did not destroy) they only built one. In Whatcom County they build several of the Most key and sacred cites they could get their hands on. Making more than one copy in the hopes that when the dutch, English, and Ameircan did arrive to erase them again that the duplicate copies would be missed and key architecture would be simiply incorporated into the new buildings.

Lyndon and Ferndale both have serious and significant architectural city layout patterns close to that of the city of Pillars. Not to mention the facts regarding why the conquerors of lyndon the Dutch managed to erase their connection to the slave trade. Since the entire culture had been directly involved with the slave trade; not a single family which are dutch descended can claim they are innocent in making centuries long business deals with the militant muslims which soley ran, operated, participated in, etc. the eradication of semitic peoples from inside the cultures in Niger. Which more than 10% of the slaves were Coptic's from Egypt; who fled Egytp when the Militant Muslims invaded. Which brings this story back to both Heliopolis and Lyndon/Ferndale. Ferndale and its Log Jam and a Ogle faily connected settler founding the city city of Lyndon being discovered by the Dutch then having as much of the old British and ancient eygtian connctions erased. Makes no difference whatsoever as to how much of the information from the ancient past the founder of Lydon and Ferndale knew about Egypt. The fact that the cultures they came from the Northumberland/Ogle Family and Egyptian information was part and parcel wthin how the culture itself was formed.

The city of IWNW most likely was founded on a sand barge in the middle of the Nile River. that Sandarg being in a large degree the safest and most secure area in which to have both a culture start to thrive and to built a sacred building aka temple.

The city of Memphis old name Eternal or in another way of saying it Heaven “The City of Heaven” was itself a copy of the city of Heliopolis. It was renamed Mem to honor Pharaoh Mem; but since later conquerors hated both the children of Israel and the sons of Jacob aka Jews the hatred edited the information they did not like away from truth to very convenient lies.

In the sequence of those same lies is why today the true location of the city of Heliopolis has ben entirely lost. A city which was a huge metropolis for thousands of years, on all the maps from 4000-500 b.c.e and only guesses remain as to where that city was located. All those maps were either destroyed, and or are in private collections locked away from the world.

The river where Heliopolis was placed either next to or on has changed its location possibly by dozens of miles in the more 5000 years since the city entered the history books.

Be interesting if the city itself was in the middle of the river, it would account for why hidden within the framework of the descended copies of the temple Adam built at Helipolis the tabernacle was designed in the shape of a Boat.

This same design is reflected within the framework of the 1000 years later sotry of Noah and his Arc(the great flood was not nessessarily water, more like the blue of electricity. Means the culture in the area has a philosophical change from previuos to the teachings of Adam), down into the Solar Boat or Boat chamber found inside the Pyramid.

the Great Pyramid some type of a sled or said was used. That sled held huge many ton blocks. The assumption is those blocks were used in the contructino of the building. But the at that time Israelites being industrisious and under genocide conditions hd to make one thing do more than one task. So the sled could have been a card/sled carroying a boat. Which is reflected directly within the framework of the stories. The body of the Pharaoh would be carried on a boat. The journey of his soul would also be in part by way of a boat in the after life.

The gabled roof rooms within the pryamids; would make more logical sense for htose rooms to be the chamber which held the “Adams Baot/Ark” which would be renemaed 1500 years later to “Noah’s Ark”.

Hiding the boat ceremony within the gigantic fortifications of the pyramids would ensoure several things. One privacy, two security, three a 64’ temperature in which to perform actions (versus the 120’ in the shade outside), four to provide a place to learning and security for the individuals themselves, etc.

The boat beign part and parcel within the framework of both the Adam TAbernalce, and a serious part of the entire structure of monotheism from Adam to present.

We have an idea of where Heliopolis used to be as well as the shape, design of the building itself based on its relfection in copies from Mem to Ferndale/Lyndon and all the cities which were settled by culture A then conaerued and erased by culture B. bits and pieces of the original strucdtures can be found by reassembling most of htose conquered cities comparing each piece of architecture with the others in order to come up with a composite idea as to what Helioplis iused to look like. From the look like we can assemble a composite idea using the same techniques to rebuilt at least in part what the original adam cemonires used to be. Since it is harder to destroy a cermoney than a building.

A culture thrives on its cermeonies. Change nad reorganize the cermeoney but the essence is still very muchy the same as it used to be. Cross compare the various protentsim ceremonies and you will find most of the ceremonies of catholism buried within.



One of the primary rules regarding Vampires is “they cannot enter a structure unless invited”, they also cannot enter a “Sanctified Location at all” “Crosses and other holy relics are also painful/destructive, and can kill a vampire”.

Reflected within the framework of the definition of Pharaoh; lord/head/leader/king of the long house. The long house which contains the sacred trees.

Which “tree” specifically wood can be used to shove through a vam pires heart to kill it.

The story of the Vampier and the story of the word “Pharaoh” are more than directly connected.

Heliopolis translates to Jerusalem

Helio; means the motions of the sun itself also another word for the Aten. The Aten being a pre-heiroglyphic name for both the sun and god.

Opolis; in Heirogphyics the name for a city is different than the name for a Sacred city. Opolis is the word they used for “Sacred City”.

Sacred City in Latin is Castle; the difference between a fort and a Castle is the sanctified room/area within the fortification which both contain a sanctuary and a high ranking religious leader. Castle in Latin means the same exact thing as Salem in Hebrew.

Helio in Futhark is the word Jera; which means the Motions of the Sun. Jera is also the 12th symbol in the Futhark sequence.

Salem means Sacred city;

Heliopolis literally translates to Jera Salem in Futhark and Hebrew. But since Hebrew came in to existence based on the facts regarding Moses/Ajax and his line used the Futahrk as the scaffolding to build the characters on Hebrew from. Every single Hebrew character is an entire word in Futhark. Makes every word in Hebrew virtually an entire sentence in Futhark.

Thus proving that Heliopolis in English translates to Jerusalme. Which is interesting since the currently accepted Jewruslaem is in Levant constructed by David’s grandson solomon after the Exodus. As a copy of the Jersualem great temple of the city of Tyre (from which Alexander Pours huge amounts of resources into conquring that city and seizing control over its library. Which he had sent to his conquered and renamed city of Alexandria.).

The Great Temple of Tyre itself was a copy of the Great Temple in the City of Memphis. Which based on very sketchy information was itself based on what the culture could remember from the original Great Temple Adam built at Helioplis. Which as it turns out that city aka the City of Pillars aka IWNW its original name was Jeruslame.

A city which was already in existence and a fully functing large temple at 4000 b.c.e being called and or a reflection of the name Jerusalem. Calls into radically serious question the entire structure regarding the descendants claim to Levant. Looks like the actual location of Israel is in Egypt.

Back to the subject at hand; Heliopolis actually being called/named the Jerusalem and or the city of pillars.

Pillars are a megalith. A megalithic structure aka Stonehenge is mentioned in the genesis. Jacob left Luz aka Memphis traveling North West to the Light Place. The light place being a locatino which would be an area to identify and measure the passage of the sun in the sky. In short this is the same definition as the Futhark word Jera; a place to practice and work to translate what the motions of the sun was doing in accordance with how the earth was moving. Tracking and working with the actual motions of the Sun itelf. Although the sun does not move what moves is the earth. So the light place is the area by with and from which the motions of the Aten can be understood.

The light place or what information can be gained by way of learning to decode the lessons of the Light place aka Megalith can be perceived within the mythology of Medusa. Being turned to stone, the stones which Jacob spent the night the next day deciding to build a ladder to heaven at the light place. To angels could assend and descend from heaven using the light place.


Starting with creating a new (Jera) Capital (Castle/Salem) City at the base of the Tree. Could be a vague reference to the Queens chamber Khufu Pyramid.

Yggdrasil and Ragnorok

By legend the descendants of the Futhark will cling to the roots and trunk of the Yggdrsil tree, till the “flood 35%20copy” has subsided. When the time (Jera) is correct, the descendants will descend from the roots and form the ancient culture anew.


Noit much of the mythology of Medusa and the Dorians would not come down very hard on the aspects of knowelge commign from the interaction between humans and a megalith. Medusa was banished and transmorphed into a hideous creature half snake with snakes of hair (Eve and her interactions with the Snake at the Trees at the center of the garden. The Diety of lower Egypt being Wedget the animal symbol for Wedjet is the Snake). Snake, stones, the language of the Aten using pillars (capital city of pillars), extremely advanced language/mathematics/science/etc. at Heliopolis, the world snake of Nordic mythology, Yggdrasil and the tree of life,


Heliopolis was by legend built by Adam

At the center of the Garden of Eden was a structure built by

The garden of Eden

The basic shape and design of the Garden of Eden based on a reassembly of the descended cultures building copies, and copies of copies, etc. regarding what the garden of eden looked like

Persian Garden

Englsh Garden

Existing copies







The working tools

The working tools used by Adam and or copies of used on earth.

Blade/Tome; of course why would a blade have writing it it. Why write a book on a blade. That answer has yet to find a solution.

But mostly from the dawn of civilization to present kings have used a Sword to represent their power.

So the tome written on a blade could be metaphoric. The power was in the words not in the blade itself.

So a tome could just be a tome, using a symbolic representation of a blade to indicate the type of knwgle that tome contained.



Jug of presumably wine; is a terrific conductor of electricity. Vinegar is use to this very day as the fluid in some batteries.




Tells the basic information regarding the Lion’s Inn, a bit about its history, a small amount regarding how the city it sits in was founded. THE property it replaced e.g. the Roth Estate. The Roth Garden. Hiway 99 which runs in front of the property to the west. The Vikings. A very likely British trade route between first Boston using the river system to cross west and east to the Columbia.

Part 2

THE history of the name Bellingham. The Ogle family trade route connected to the East India Company. War of 1812 and Churchill’s quote regarding the actual first world war, which part of that took place in Bellingham Washington. The Great library of Heirakonopolis and Alexandria copies of which made up the core of Western Washington University library. Radical anti-Semitic laws of the 1700-1946 which directly and with emphases effected Bellingham and Whatcom county directly and over the long term. George Pickett’s 1500 men and his plantation in Bellingham. Armageddon and Ferndale. Megaliths of Bellingham. Great Awakening movements.

Part 3

Megaliths of Bellingham eg Stonehenge the remaining infrastructure which presents the evidence a megalithic infrastructure was not only present but were it could be located.

Part 4

Great Awakening movements in Bellingham Lyndon. It is a standard procedure to push the agenda of the radical ideas from which John Calvin and Martin Luther proposed. The truth of their influences, both culturally, and how they mixed the messages. The founding of what would become the Vatican Pope Simon Peter and the Impostor Paul. The Slave trade 

Part 5

Energy Vortex’s; scientifically all megaliths mark a place which has a naturally occurring energy vortex. An energy vortex is part of the planets electro-magnetic machine which makes a compass needle point north. The scientific evidence of said can be spelled out in as easy to understand format.

The vortex’s of Bellingham are known to exist but so far no one has charged out what they are, where they are, how they work, how to interact with them.







About the author


My life began in North Central Ohio. My father’s family is from Tiffin, they had lived in Tiffin for a considerable amount of time.

My father’s name is Welling; a Dutch family origin. It means the caretakers of the well.

My Father’s Mothers name is Ogle; a family from Northumberland UK. Specifically Ogle Castle, which my family named the Castle and the lands of the Kingdom.

My Mother’s maiden name is Jeffries (adopted) her father’s name pre-adopted was Costello. Part of the Basques who were pressganged into service by the Spanish; who crash landed on Ireland and were accepted into the Irish community.

My Mother’s Mother’s maiden was Real (Gaelic UaRaghaill) from Oola Parish South East of Limerick.

My parents divorced soon after I was born. My mother and I lived in Tiffin for a little over six years, when we moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I grew up in Colorado Springs; attending elementary, Junior High, and one year of High school (Coronado) before we moved to New Mexico, in with my mother’s mother.

After I graduated high school I started to travel around to pick up the necessary information I would need to pursue my life’s work. My life’s work has been to find and rebuild the Ogle family Heritage. Fill in the gaps where the family achieved goals other cultures spent vast resources to erase. The Ogle family have not only a profound history but an ancient one as well. The Ogle family were the only army in the entire length and breadth of the Roman Empire to not only defeat the legions but perform said actions from 50 bce to the last day of the Empire.

Currently enrolled in Graduate School at the University of Phoenix studying Psychology. Rebuilding ones heritage is great and all, but unless ways can be found which allow for the family to not self destruct again and to interact with the world in a way which does not cause the world to want to erase our family. There is no real reason to progress forward with reassembling ones heritage, unless ways can be found which allow for a cohabitation on the earth. Reassemble the family legacy only to have it destroyed again is not a wise path.

My interests are in ancient history, mathematics, space technology, avionics, linguistics, FreeMasonry, etc. just to name a few.

Several years ago I started my FreeMasonic journey. Within a year I passed to the sublime degree of Master Mason, a few weeks later I was asked to be lodge historian, the next year I was asked to be Tyler, currently I have asked to step away from the chairs.  Working on assembling my own Rite which reflects the events from Adam to King David; called Ogle Rite.

I have also been honored to be accepted as a Shriner and Scottish Rite 32’.



Acevedo-Gutiérrez, A., & Cendejas-Zarelli, S. (2011). Nocturnal Haul-Out Patterns of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) Related to Airborne Noise Levels in Bellingham, Washington, USA. Aquatic Mammals, 37(2), 167-174. doi:10.1578/AM.37.2.2011.167

Cassidy, R. (2013). WILLIAM HERON, 'HAMMER OF THE POOR, PERSECUTOR OF THE RELIGIOUS', SHERIFF OF NORTHUMBERLAND, 1246-58. Northern History, 50(1), 9-19. doi:10.1179/0078172X13Z.00000000026

Dougals, L. (2014). THE VIKINGS MADE TO LAST. Engineering & Technology (17509637), 9(3), 42-45.


GAPOSCHKIN, M. (2013). THE PLACE OF JERUSALEM IN WESTERN CRUSADING RITES OF DEPARTURE (1095-1300).Catholic Historical Review, 99(1), 1.

George Edward Pickett. (2013). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1.

GEORGE VANCOUVER. (1999). California Explorers Fact Cards, 21.

Gough, B. (1990). Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition/The Journals of George M. Dawson, I (Book Review). Canadian Historical Review, 71(4), 561-564.

Harryman, E., & Lasley, P. (1997). Off the beaten path. American Fitness, 15(4), 64.

Haswell, A. (2010). The flute players of the regions of Britain: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland and Durham. Flute (20454074), 29(3), 33-43.

Heinz, J. (2011). Washington Universities Seek Recordkeeper. Money Management Letter, 45.

Hingley, R., Witcher, R., Nesbitt, C., & Carver, M. (2012). Life of an ancient monument: Hadrian's Wall in history. Antiquity, 86(333), 760-771.

JANSSEN, P. A. (2010). Bellingham, Washington. Motorboating, 203(10), 34.

Kleinerman, A. (2013). Two Additional Old Babylonian Sumerian Literary Letters From Nippur. Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie & Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 103(2), 149-161. doi:10.1515/za-2013-0010

Laynesmith, J. L. (2012). A Canterbury Tale. History Today, 62(10), 42-48.

Selcer, R. F. (2005). THE PICKETT-LINCOLN CONNECTION. Civil War Times, 44(3), 50.

STUBBS, K. (2014). LAST STAND AT ELY. Military History, 31(1), 28.

We must support the democratic process in Egypt, even if we dislike its outcome. (2013). New Statesman, 142(5171), 5

Acevedo-Gutiérrez, A., & Cendejas-Zarelli, S. (2011). Nocturnal Haul-Out Patterns of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) Related to Airborne Noise Levels in Bellingham, Washington, USA. Aquatic Mammals, 37(2), 167-174. doi:10.1578/AM.37.2.2011.167

Cassidy, R. (2013). WILLIAM HERON, 'HAMMER OF THE POOR, PERSECUTOR OF THE RELIGIOUS', SHERIFF OF NORTHUMBERLAND, 1246-58. Northern History, 50(1), 9-19. doi:10.1179/0078172X13Z.00000000026

Dougals, L. (2014). THE VIKINGS MADE TO LAST. Engineering & Technology (17509637), 9(3), 42-45.


GAPOSCHKIN, M. (2013). THE PLACE OF JERUSALEM IN WESTERN CRUSADING RITES OF DEPARTURE (1095-1300).Catholic Historical Review, 99(1), 1.

George Edward Pickett. (2013). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1.

GEORGE VANCOUVER. (1999). California Explorers Fact Cards, 21.

Gough, B. (1990). Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition/The Journals of George M. Dawson, I (Book Review). Canadian Historical Review, 71(4), 561-564.

Harryman, E., & Lasley, P. (1997). Off the beaten path. American Fitness, 15(4), 64.

Haswell, A. (2010). The flute players of the regions of Britain: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland and Durham. Flute (20454074), 29(3), 33-43.

Heinz, J. (2011). Washington Universities Seek Recordkeeper. Money Management Letter, 45.

Hingley, R., Witcher, R., Nesbitt, C., & Carver, M. (2012). Life of an ancient monument: Hadrian's Wall in history. Antiquity, 86(333), 760-771.

JANSSEN, P. A. (2010). Bellingham, Washington. Motorboating, 203(10), 34.

Kleinerman, A. (2013). Two Additional Old Babylonian Sumerian Literary Letters From Nippur. Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie & Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 103(2), 149-161. doi:10.1515/za-2013-0010

Laynesmith, J. L. (2012). A Canterbury Tale. History Today, 62(10), 42-48.

Selcer, R. F. (2005). THE PICKETT-LINCOLN CONNECTION. Civil War Times, 44(3), 50.

STUBBS, K. (2014). LAST STAND AT ELY. Military History, 31(1), 28.

We must support the democratic process in Egypt, even if we dislike its outcome. (2013). New Statesman, 142(5171), 5


Acevedo-Gutiérrez, A., & Cendejas-Zarelli, S. (2011). Nocturnal Haul-Out Patterns of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) Related to Airborne Noise Levels in Bellingham, Washington, USA. Aquatic Mammals, 37(2), 167-174. doi:10.1578/AM.37.2.2011.167

Cassidy, R. (2013). WILLIAM HERON, 'HAMMER OF THE POOR, PERSECUTOR OF THE RELIGIOUS', SHERIFF OF NORTHUMBERLAND, 1246-58. Northern History, 50(1), 9-19. doi:10.1179/0078172X13Z.00000000026

Dougals, L. (2014). THE VIKINGS MADE TO LAST. Engineering & Technology (17509637), 9(3), 42-45.


GAPOSCHKIN, M. (2013). THE PLACE OF JERUSALEM IN WESTERN CRUSADING RITES OF DEPARTURE (1095-1300).Catholic Historical Review, 99(1), 1.

George Edward Pickett. (2013). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1.

GEORGE VANCOUVER. (1999). California Explorers Fact Cards, 21.

Gough, B. (1990). Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition/The Journals of George M. Dawson, I (Book Review). Canadian Historical Review, 71(4), 561-564.

Harryman, E., & Lasley, P. (1997). Off the beaten path. American Fitness, 15(4), 64.

Haswell, A. (2010). The flute players of the regions of Britain: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland and Durham. Flute (20454074), 29(3), 33-43.

Heinz, J. (2011). Washington Universities Seek Recordkeeper. Money Management Letter, 45.

Hingley, R., Witcher, R., Nesbitt, C., & Carver, M. (2012). Life of an ancient monument: Hadrian's Wall in history. Antiquity, 86(333), 760-771.

JANSSEN, P. A. (2010). Bellingham, Washington. Motorboating, 203(10), 34.

Kleinerman, A. (2013). Two Additional Old Babylonian Sumerian Literary Letters From Nippur. Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie & Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 103(2), 149-161. doi:10.1515/za-2013-0010

Laynesmith, J. L. (2012). A Canterbury Tale. History Today, 62(10), 42-48.

Selcer, R. F. (2005). THE PICKETT-LINCOLN CONNECTION. Civil War Times, 44(3), 50.

STUBBS, K. (2014). LAST STAND AT ELY. Military History, 31(1), 28.

We must support the democratic process in Egypt, even if we dislike its outcome. (2013). New Statesman, 142(5171), 5