The Life and Times of Emmanuelle Jesus Christ


Caesar had Memphis moved from Egypt to Rome. Then reassembled, that reassembly process is the subject of a very difficult concept. Caesars ancestors had Carthage and Athens dismantled and moved to Rome. some reassembled some were left in packing crates. Same with Troy, but the city of troy was dismantled and moved a couple times. Only the smallest fraction of the “Homer Troy” was left in its original location. the city was profoundly larger than what was left for Schliemann to find.

there is all but no evidence that Jesus existed period, there is also less than zero evidence that Jesus lived in Levant lands. Several of his family members did live in Levant lands, but no direct evidence he did.

Immediately after

Rome and Alba Longa have a similar relationship between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.


Caligula ordered the largest ship in the world to be built, so that it could be sailed to Egypt. the city of Heliopolis (Jerusalem) could be dismantled, placed on that ship, sailed back to Rome, and reassembled.

Caligula ordered that city to be the building blocks of his grand circus maximus “horse stadium”. which was later dismantled and rebuilt into the Vatican.

what if Jesus was not born in Bethlehem but in Alba Longa. He evacuated out of Alba Longa to Egypt. Sailing straight south to Carthage, reversing the path taken by his ancestor Brutu leaving troy.

Jesus stopped at first Carthage, then Egypt. did his due diligence in Heliopolis 30 years before that city would be dismantled by Caligula and shipped to Rome.

then moved out of Egypt for Levant lands, where he picked up his apostles.

but instead of all that stuff happening in facade Jerusalem, that stuff happened in the city of Samhain aka Rome.

Battling both the Senate and Esau’s line descendants.

Paul lived and was executed in Rome. A very difficult journey period unless that difficult journey took place within the framework of Paul traveled to Rome the second he knew Jesus/Simon Peter was present. Paul started his ministry based on hearsay about Emmanuel’s ministry. so he “copycat” created his own ministry based on Esau’s teaching’s and his followers thought they were listening to the teachings of Jesus.

the place of the Skulls would be interesting to locate in Rome. Although the interesting things is, since the Rock of Mars is located in the area of the Vatican (the Vatican walls are made from the Rock of Mars; that rock was quarried to destroy all evidence from its 1000 year history) and Simon Peter was supposedly executed/crucified in that exact area. the Skull of mount Zion has some solid evidence to suggest previous to being called The Vatican it was called “Mount Zion” or “Jerusalem”

The Rock of Mars; Mars was the Roman God of War. War or in this case in Italic Death. Death is a slang insult for the path of Esau. His death came at the hands of his nephews who when he arrived at his brothers “Funeral” he tried to pull violent junk. One of Jacob’s son armed with the Blade of Enoch killed Esau with that blade. but since that blade is a divine tool. there is every single reason based on the mythology that Esau could have not been killed but became a half a life half dead creature. Similar to the concept of a werewolf, or Were Beast. a beast which is cursed to wonder the earth undead. But unable to satisfy his rage or control his beastly temper. The rock of mars could be an insult regarding where the Esau descendants were sentenced to live in a “prison” during the post Trojan War battles in Italy. The army of Agamemnon split into two forces, the more established commanders stayed at Troy to kill every single Jew/Trojan they could find. The lowest tier commanders who were treated badly my Agamemnon left the main battle, to follow the refugees as they headed to Alba Longa. from 1330 b.c.e (time marked by the death of King Tut by the Avaris commander Moses) to the fall of the city of Seven Hills aka Samhain. The eighth hill is the hill of death, or Samhain. The seven inside the walls hills are The Eternal or Jerusalem city. The Eighth Hill is the prison for Esau’s/Hyksos/Dorian descendants. which for a time included Moses. He escaped and traveled to Levant lands. The rock of Mars/Death was by hard evidence located outside the sacred Rome Proper, or inside the walls of Rome. The Rock of mars is one of the Hills or former hills of Rome, now quarried to build something else.


Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman and the Blade of Enoch.  If you dig into the history of the Headless Horseman, the horseman became that way when the mercenary horsemen attacked a group of British Royals (British and the English are two entirely different cultures. the British are descendants of the Trojans, the English are descendants of the romans. The Romans are descendants of the Dorian Agamemnon who sent his lesser commanders to continue to kill the Trojans on their way to Alba Longa). The British has possessed the Blade of Enoch since Cleopatra was Pseudo-Empress. They possessed the Blade previous but was taken under conquest by the Dorian commander Romulus.  the headless horsemen attacked the group, and he was fatally stabbed by a divine blade. Well decapitated, by that divine blade. Making him both immortal and beastly.

The Bishop of Lyon

All the documents related were written 200 years later. After the Narcissistic Tyrannical Dictator the devotee of the Evil Priest Paul the Bishop of Lyon. Lyon ordered every single copy of the gospels sent to him. he would review them, destroy anything he did not like, and write the version he liked. but he was a violent devotee of Paul, so he shaped the message of Simon Peter away from the message of Jacob and Adam and strongly toward Esau.

in the events in question took place in Rome, than the events would not favor paul but favor Simon Peter. so the Bishop set out to edit every single piece of paper which would have pointed to any events took place in Rome before his glorious leader arrived in Rome for trail and execution.

the Senate loved Paul and hated Simon Peter.

the Emperor Caligula hated Paul and Loved Simon Peter. but since Caligula was forced to evacuate out of Rome shortly before his body double was executed. He had to give up control over the entire Roman Empire and live his live in exile in Northumberland. the only place he could go where the army against the roman empire was strong enough to defend him.

the Roman senate then went about the task of erasing all documents regarding Caligula converting to the new Christianity, like his predecessor Tiberius and paint him as a paranoid lunatic. the senates who hated him the most write volumes of books about how bad Caligula was and those books formed the base of all the history books ever written about Caligula in the 2000 years since. 99% propaganda but say a lie enough times and that lie becomes truth.

The Vatican Seizes Power

Shortly after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Vatican passed laws that make it impossible for the populations under their control to own books, possess writing materials, and or learn to read. the Vatican was so afraid the story they wanted to present was going to be challenged for the next 1600 years asking questions of the Vatican became a capital crime.

the Vatican as it obtained more and more power sent out its army’s to find and burn every single piece of paper they could get their hands on. sending some of the material back to be housed in the Vatican achieve, but mostly the material was burned. Usually the connected scholars were burned on top of their books. destroying the scholars with their own materials seems a fitting end to all who questioned the authority of the Vatican.

so looking for evidence that Emmanuelle aka Jesus Christ after assembling his apostles, traveled to the real Jerusalem aka Heliopolis in Rome becomes an extremely accurate assumption.