The Life and Times of Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormons


The name Smith is originally a British name meaning skilled in the Academics of Skill. When the English conquered the British it became illegal to know anything about the Ancient Rites of the Academics of Skill. The Academics of Skill are those who have an aptitude for literally the science and mathematics of the Elder Futhark.

The Elder Futhark is something that Joseph Smith not only knew about, but was the key to being able to translate the plates from Indo-European into English.

The largest problem was, he was a foreigner living under extremely dangerous and bad situations.

Joseph Smith December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844 was born during an extremely tremultious time. The New States were less than 25 years old. Several different forms of govern had been attempted and filed before the “constitutional conversion” occurred. About 17 years previous the Libertine French had started to rise up, first in American and then in Paris itself to demand reform and changes to eth Monarchy System. The Libertine demanded with every fiber of their being that the Monoarcy be dissolved and they put in charge.

The Slave Trade

Years before Mohammed’s family circa 610 ce captured a transport ship from Constantinople bound for Northumberland, laidened with books and materials. The Slave trade was well in full operation. One of the reasons the Amiercan southern plantation system was set up 800 years later circa 1492 was to provide more elbow room for each of the major Islamic fmaillies to have enough space to work native africnas to death for profit and to indistriminately kill any Jews hteyd could find. This had started well before when Esau and Jacob spent their entire lives fighting each other. Esau always aggressive Jacob always defending. Esau would never forgive either Jacob or god for not being appoiend to be the King of Kiungs of the Tabrernacle of Adam System. Esau would teach his descenndeatns to never forgive either. Killing a Jacob line descendenat was not only not illegal, but it was a moral impartive. If no descendants of the Foot Holder exist (in Suemrnian Jacob translates to Holder of the Foot) than Esau’s descdntnats will not be challenged for the throne of Adma inside the Tabernacle system. The only way the rivalry will stop is if and or when Esau’s descennbtnt kill every last Jew and erase every last scrap of influence from the philslphy of Jacob. The problem is,  this goes directly agains the will of god. Esau’s lien will be able to achieve veraius levels of success based on free will, but never actually achieve the ultimate goal of being able to rule the universe form the Tabernacle of adam system.
Mohammed’s wife (Khadijah or Khadīja bint Khuwaylid)( c. 555 or 567 – 620 CE) had been married three times before. She had killed eavh of her previous three husbands in combat. They tried to kill her but hse manted to kill them instead.  Based on the genetocis of Mohamemds only surviving to adulthood daughter Fatham, her sons daughter, and severlaof their descendenatns Mohammeds’ wife was from Nothern Euroepa. Blue Eyes, Red Hair, pale skin, tall, strong, the soul of a warrior.

When her daughter came back home to claim her heritage and Royal titales, the culture of north western ruoep had a mixed reaction. Some cultures embraced her others knowing she was more her fathers daguther but looked like her mother decailmed her evil and went to declairre war on her. Those battles are known as the “Pictish Revolt”, which she lost but her ain was not to win the battles bu the obtain sufficient knwoegele in the hwo the Tabenascle of Adam systems work sufficiently in order to return to Rome and work with the Nemi Ships to turn them on. Turn them on and resurrect her father, who she had left in the Catacombs.

Her father had been arguing with Abu Bakr since practically day one of finding the keys translating the books the wife (name unknown, her Arabic name was a façade <Khadijah or Khadīja bint Khuwaylid>) was in charge of. It was her ship which was captured. Her family had been transporting books back and forth from constantinopoel to the universities in north western ruoiep of the previous severl ahunsered years. Just becuae the Arabic ciultures were always wanting to destroy, and the Romans had name changed and were still wanting to destroy does not mean the British and their allies in north western Europe were goig to go down without a fight.

Mohammed was given the captain of the ship as a wife to see if he could either tame her of killer, he was not a warrior. Her previous thre husbands were all warriors ro delussionlally assuming they were good with battle. After a few rapes, and her resulting preganancies x3 hubands. When they had their guard dwon she would then dispatch them. But since she was a really good fighter and they could not kill her. She was given honors. If a woman and stgnad her ground and has an obviousl blessing for the divine, that woman earns honor. She does it three times and that honor is worth something in that culture. So instead of being married off to another warrior who she would eventually simply kill anyway, she was given to a academic/scholar. Since he had no itliary skills it would be assumed he would not be a threat to her or her children. Although her previous children born of rapes were given to her husbands fammikly to raise. Or were given to her husbands family to sacrifice becuas of their genetic differences. In some Arabic cultures blue eyes are an ingredient to some of their nastier spells and potions. Some of the more inappropriate Arabic cultures do still in the present practice canabalkizm. Expecially if said potion contains “special” genes. Albino and simiar Blue eye, red hair, etc. gneetics. Crimes against humanity and barbaris bhaior absolutely beyond a doublt but this is a cultre which also strongly advocates the etermnination of the Jews and forcing other cultures to work themselves to death for the pleasure and profit of the storng arabci families.

Mohamed and Abu Bakr after more than a decade of arguing over the tnrasltioans of Esau’s works into Arabic their discussions were finally starting to become phycial. Abu Bakr was solidtly onteh side of wanting to achiowelge Esau while Mohammed wanted to only acknowleg the general status from which both Terah and Esau both played from. The Prophet is a concept not a specific person. God appoints a pesoni to be his voice, abd that voice changes on occasion. Bakr watend to acknoageld Esau as the one true, and only. While Mohiammed wagtend to acknowledge Tareh, Esau, and the ones who came before including Adam and the ones still  to come. Like himself.

The argumesnt became so violent that open and hostile death threates were a constant thing between them. What is beyond measure worse is the fact that fatham the adolescent daughter of the ship(symbolic Noah’s ark) captain and moahmemd was a brillinant young thing and based on her others culture possessed a profudn insight into the granslations. But Bakr would only tolelrate the femailes presence. But would only tolelratei it to a specific and small degree. she could help but only if his authrioyt was not questioned.

A coupel times in the trnastiaont processes bakr attempted to become violent to silence the little girl up, her mother informed violently that touching her daughter was beyond measure unacceptable in all ways. Only Mohammed and the mother could disiplien their aughter and not when she was correct in her understanding of the transtainos. This enraged Bakr to the point of insanity. If it was athe last hitng he ever did, he was going to kill that evil little nymph.

Mohameds army invaded Egypt, but Bakr did not want said information to be out let alone widely understaood. So instead of publicinging the military victory Bakr forced the events in Egypt to be mostly done in levant lands around the Temple Mound. Which forever changed human interaction with the temple mound. Mohammed as not in Levant, the Isra took place in Egypt. But that is a problem since the actions and interactions were changed and altered by Bakr for unknown reasons. Possibly Bakr did not like Egypt. Or Bakr’s mind was already set on Jersualelm being the key location, not Egypt. Bakr was ruled by Hate in many of his decisions.

As Mohiammed made mnroe and more motions toward eygpt. This angered Bakr and other enemines more and more till Mohammed had to spent ost of the last decade of his life literally running from assassination attempts. Not the least of which was his single minded determineatioon about Egypt seonc and not least giving his daughter Fatimah a strong and substantial voice and role ithe organiazatiooal structure of Islam.

According to both Esau and Bakr, if Man could reproduce A-Sexually they would happily kill every single women on the planet to the glory of god. Although biochemically we are all women before specific hormones are added to change our phisiloopy from female to male. Transgender people have issues with a sequencial hormonal problem balancing this female to male transition. Biochemically something in the transition went wrong or the nervous sytems maintains some level of trauama memory from said change.

Hwen Moahmeds forces invade Egypt. The cultures ruling Egypt had a problem. They could etiehr be killed flat out in eegypt, or they  could evacuate as quickly as they could find ways to travel. Most who could move chose to evacuate. But not to the Mediteranan. Only a few chose that route and only if they had the ability to get onto ships which would take them to places they could go safely. Most of the mediterians in 600 ce was not a place a Jew could go and not be killed.

Most of the Jews, coptics, christinas, etc. when south following the Nile. To the headwaters of the Nile. Then using the rivers systems west to the Niger river. Where they mostly settled.

But half a millennia later they were discovered by descendants of the same Islamic armies which had invaded eygpt partially to seek out and kill every single Jew they could find 


Knowing things were going to become extroridinarly bad, mOhamed ordered the mother of Famitham to leave the middle east in order to start setting up the exist strategies.

Khadijah left the middle east 620 ce, her daughter fatiham was born 4. Khadijah left when her daughter was about the age of marriage. Which is about the correct time for family obligations to keep Khadijah in the middle east. Whether or not she left the area with permission, she left the area. She had remained a prisoner for just about long enough. Bore many children, none of her children would have been allowed to follower her. But she might have spent her years from evacuating out of the middle east circa 620 to either her death or 632 when her daughter and her ex-husband/slave master had to evacuate out of mecca or be killed. Setting up an evacuation route is a bit more difficult than it sounds. For one thing it is extremely expensive, depending on how clandestine the situation is. If the entire evacuation route has to literally be secret than the final prepertaions cannot be done till just hours to days immediately before. Horses just sitting brided and saddled waiting for hours, days, weeks, on end is a dead diveaway. Espexially if there is a run on equipment but the in reserve are aways available but never used.

From 20-32 the 12 years between simply sending out individuals to stand guard and wait, till the appropriate teim. Then have all the major preparations put into lace.

Although there is no reason to assume Khadijah would have helped at all. She might have donen a little bit but her aim was to go back home. Back to her family and people.

Which would have caused a serious problem, because she would have flat known with no middle ground that her daughter and her slave masters family were commign and were commign for blood. mOhamem would have read about the Tabernacle of Adam system, he would have relyd upon those factds to reusret himself. He knew that if he poisoned himself that the sytem would resurrect him. So when bakr pushed the finall violent encounter itwh the “I wil not back down or stop attacking till yo puroduce the final measure of proff. You avhe to die and come back, full and completely uder my supervision for me to believe you. no tricks, or theater involved. You will die, I will take custody of your body, I will ensure your body will be prepared, and then if you come back from the dead, it will be under my direct interaction with your body” that is the only level of proof Bakr would accept. Nohamed knew that no matter what happened nothing would convinced bakr anything mohamemd did was good. So even with those carefully laid out steps, bakr would still not belief and would fight even harder against mnoahmed. If he did come back  it would simply prove to bakr that Mohammed was in fact evil and the devil simply cast him out of hell, for a variety of reasons.



Fatimah the last day of records which include her was the last night she saw hwer father. But both of them disappear from the official records. Her father told her she was no longer even close to being safe. She had to evacuate out of the entire middle east or at some point one of the next assassianation attempts by Abu Bakr was not only going to work but her entire family would be erased. Bakr’s hatred of her was that storng.

Fatimah’s parents had been preparing for the death of mohammed for months. It could vahe been Abu who poisoned Mohammed, or mohamemd took the poinson himself to prove he was a true and rightful son of god and profit. Most of the presiovdu profits had conquered death in some way. So to prove beyond a doubt he as a true and rightful profit, the only way Bakr was going to back off was if he personally witnessed Moahmemd die and be reusredted. But Bakr had a plan, he was going to oblistteas all traces of the body of mohmaed, the only way he could be resurrected is if god reassembled all the pieces and make mohamemd immortal. He was going to torture the body, descrteat the reameins in as many different ways he could think of. Desecrate the ashes. Anything and everything he could think of to prevent mOhammd from fulfilling the “Holy Sea Prophecy” since Bakr was mostly convinced that Mohamed was an evil imposer who needed to be reviealed as a speaker with a forked tongue.

When the night came, all the preparations had been complete. The hroses, and ships were in place and waiting command. In a grand cermeoy mohmaed sent of her daughter, who came immediately. They had a coupel hours of interatidon both public and in proviete. Then with a small diestactioon they were both gone. They  and most of the close iner familyll had diapeared. Fatiamha husband and boys were still around but most of the rest of the family and close garuds had vfanished. Within less than 15 minutes 1000 people simply vanisthsed in the middle of the night. The next day 10,000 more also vanished. Those closested to and were the most loyal to mohamemd had been disappearing for th epreiovus month without much notice. In the morning the vanishings had beomce entirely obvious.

What happened, a relya check  point system had been created. New horses set up every few hours. So each set of horuses could run their hardest for an hour or two, then have the next station horses all ready to go. Transferring from exhausted horses to fresh ones to not have to stop for almost naythign.

X amount of hours from Mecca to the coast. Waiting ships at the coast crossing to Egypt. More waiting horses in Egypt to transport to the nile. Waiting ships on the nile to trsnapot to the pyramids. At the pyramids would find a working Tabencale System and make it work to turn the Tabeyace System on and reusrrectd her dying father from the grave.

That failed misterably.

To make a several decades long advanture short. Fatiahm tranvefld from Egypt to Alexandria, alexandrai to Cartghage. CArtghage up to Rome. Found the nemi ships at least semi-still intact. Attepteid to but failed to having no idea what she was doignn. Traveled back  to carthage onie small step ahead of the Vatican army. Over to Morocco. From morocco up to Iberian peninsula. In the ibiorioan peninsula spread the word of her fathers faith andi spread like wild fire. Traveled through France on her way to the Coast. At the cost crossed over to Dover. In Britain traveled straight north to NewCastle (Jerusauel) to force the British  Ogles to teach her how to make the Systems in NewCastle work. They refused outright. Infact not only did they refuse outright they informed her they were goig to fight her and her descentnas to the last man to prevent her actions and plan from happening.

John saw the beast "rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." (Revelation 13:1). Theier was no way the Bristh of the sub-Familly the Ogles were going to help bring out about the end of days just to allow a grieving daughter to have one more day with her father. Although based on her mothers heritage she was northern European royality. Or the ship and matiears from Coinstnatinople would never have been entrusted to hher.

On eurpe Fatimah attepted to



New France




Libertine French


Palmira New York circa 1805


The Louisiana Purchase


Ohio Kirtland


The French Revolution

A more complex subject is difficult to find.

The French Revolution did not start in Paris, it started off of the misguided and psychopathic writings of Martin Luther. Martin Luther hate d the Catholic Church and went about spending the rest of his life literally working to reform a new and different religious orgianzation. But that organization woiudl be based on the teachings of Esau and Paul not Simon Peter. With a storng amount of the teachings of Fatimah.

The teachings of Fatimah strongly influences Martin Luther, especially the “Saviro” portions of her philsoihy. She was so devsested by her fathers death that hs epent every second of the rest of her life trying to raise him from the dead.

Including a full scale war with the Bristh Ogle fmailuy.


Smith Clandestine Operation

Upon arriving in Kirtland Ohio. Smith was only .99 mile away from the Maples Tiffin Ohio. One of Smith’s major supporters lived in Tiffin for a long time from the 1830s to the early  1850s. that man being a strong and significant “cut out”/”go between” the Ogle family and their courier Smith. While Smith was working to transport the rest of the Bourbon and britishh out of New France and Louisiana to Wahtcom County Washingitn State. With several armies directly in pursuit.

In Tiffin Smith could have been contracted by the Ogle family and commissioned to take an armed escort too the area of  Old Colorado City, find any remaining Royal British and French and escort them to Bellingham Washington State.

The descendants of the French King Louis xvi were very likely in Colorado and had been fighting wars in the area presently known as Colorado since 1800.

upon arriving back in Missouri with said task accomplished, Joseph smith found himself on the wroing side of the law. the unwritten charge was Treason. High treason at h tat. Finding, providing aid and comfort to two speraste ameircan govenrmetn enemies, armed escort to the Pacific North west, and then returning home after the family had successfully evacuated out of Bellingham under larger armies arriving in the area of Whatcom County to deliver the coute degra on to the Bouron and British famiielis.

The very distant descendants of Paris and Helen of Troy are the Parisiisnas. The bourbons being on efo the royal fmailly which direct ties back to the Trojan Raoy family.

The 1850s descendants safely out of harms way and on ther way to Northern Ireland, Smith made his way back to Missouir. Where his acgtions were identified and charges of high treason were filed. But since high treason for actions which were behind unacceptable to even mention wil have less than no papertrail, there is litteraly no reason at all to do anytign but execute anyone connected to the clandestine operation to evacuate the Brihst and the bourbon family out of harms way, twice. Once out of colroad and the second out of Wahtcom County.

King Louis xvii and his ? son xvii could be why Smith was killed. Providing aid and comfort to the enemy.