The Ogle Family FreeMasonry Lynden Washington State and the Slave Trade



The Ogle trade Route

For those that understna that Money is the root of all evil, can understand the beginning and the Western Cutlkure end of the Slave trade. The Slave trade in Americna did not end with the end of the Civil War. That is to an extreme amount incorrect. The Slave trade did not end till a few months before the end of the 1800s. The Slave trade although at the time it was still called “indentured servants” was still thriving up to and through the end. Esau’s line change their name and the names of what they do all the time to make sure they can conitinue their behavior patterns but not be caught. Always going with the prhase “y is not x, till sufficient evidence is gathered to prove y is x we are going to keep doing y. nothing will stop us from doing what we want to do.” But y, z, aa, etc are always variations of x but they will not admit it till eiter violently forced if that. The Confederacy attemntped to turn Whatcom County into a new Confederacy partnering with Colorado Springs from 1850-1901.

The Ogle family trade route ran from first Boston using the river systems West. Rivers to the great lakes, the great lakes to Ohio. Ohio to the Mississippi, Mississippi to the Missouri, Missouri over the contientnal divide to the Columiba, columiba down the river to the Pacific. Cutting about 18 months off the journey from the middle of the Atlatic to a the equiator in the pacific. The British owned and operated that trade route from Britain to the Orient for centuries. The enlgihs, Spanish, Libertine French, Italians, and of course the militant Islamic cultures wtaned (covered) that trade route with an unmeasurable lust. Most of Versii was paid for from the parternship between the British Royal family and the French Royal family.

But money and power are reveal the true nature of a person and a cultre.

But it was not just the money and power.

the evidence from the French Revolution was the French and British owned and operated electrical equipment which they for the most part kept from the commoners. That technology was turned into a killing machine by the Libertine French; that killing machine was the Guillotine. The machine generated electricity, as the blade descended. The French also possessed various size working steam engines. The Nooksack possessed dozens or working steam engines and miles of working rail road tracks in the 1850s. which is entirely odd since the closes other working steam engines were on the Mississippi, only about 2000 miles away.

Which strongly provides evidence the French brought their steam engine technology to Whatcom county in the late 1700s. which the armies of the world followed and would stop at not a single thing to kill all who prevented them from possessing said technology. Either possess the working systems, or destroy them to make 100% said technology would not be used against them.


The Kensington Stone

The Kensington Stone has a radical problem. That problem being that it was left in one of the isolated places the British built up along their American trade Route. They built several large city collections in America. Most of those city pockets have been entirely obliterated, but the remnance are still very much alive and well. NewCastle Delaware, Manhattan, Boston, Tiffin Ohio. Manitou Springs Colorado, Vancouver Washington State, Bellingham and of course Lynden.  But Bellingham and Lynden Washington state are one collection of cities which were built as interconnected.

The Kensington stone was built as a marker for one of those collection of cities. That collection being in and around St Paul Minnesota. I 94 being an updated and upgraded interstate road from the original British roads connecting those cities.

The Kensington Stone is on its surface a pure mythological fake. But it was designed to be a fake. It was designed to be a signpost to ward against the idiots who would just read the Latin Translations of the Runes and ignored the old original meanings. Ignore or be entirely ignorant of the pre-Latin variations. The stone was carved as a last ditch effort by those leaving the area in extreme hast to leave a marker for those who would be brave enough to not only be able to translate the pre-Latin version of the Futhark but follow the map written into the writing which would appear to be nothing more than just a simple rough and badly cut forgery. Most of the signs of forgery were intended. Never give a genocidal enemy the abilility to literally follow you where you need to go next.




The Surface of the Map is designed to be a fake. The British people with their partner cultures the French and Norweigans were in a fight for their very lives. The Norweigans who were allied with the British were not part of the regular Nordic/Scandinavian cultures. They were a separate culture which has been in existnance millania before their cousin cultures invaded and set up living in the area. The Romans were experts in moving into an area and starting to call themselves by the existing cultures name, but imposing on the existing culture Roman Rules of order.

Those Roman Rules of Order are of course designed to slowly and mythodically take over and erase the previous cultures existence. Eventually the new “Romans” or whatevery they were claling themselves would be the only culture and the previous would be outlawed. Their language, religion, customs, etc would be entirely erased from the new language the Romans would impose by missing the native language with Latin. This exact behavior pattern did not start when Italic was rreplaced by Latin then erased, nor with the several hundred European languages were slowly “Latinzed”. Nor did it stop when uprising occurred and

Lynden Washington State

The city of Lynden Washington has more than a few start dates. It also has an incredible name translation.

The word Lynden means; Lemon Tree line. Or in the line of or sequence of in this case a Lemon Tree.

Pheobe Judson named her refounded city that and hid the name inside a Biblical Quote in order to give homage to the British and French who founded the city and how had lost the city twice under extreme levels of conflict.

The city of Lynden was founded no later than the 1700s but was conquered in the early to middle 1800s by a collection of invading armies. Those invading armies included the Russians, Mexicans, English, Canadians, Americans, etc. about 12 to 15 armies of the world all at full strength gathered for no appareitn reson.

Well there is at elast one if not several really good reasons for the armies of the world to be gathered in Whatcom County to fight for a century. Small clues regarding said battles can be found in the complete incompentance Captain George pIcket’s involvement with the Pig War. Which was both over a Pig as well as a deep insult to the British and French who were present in Wahcom County and literally on their last gasps of cultural identidy bfore either shipping out to Northenr Ireland ad or blend into the cultures which had attack and destroyed thsem.

The belief was two fold, first tthat the British still possessed the structure of a Weapon of Mass destruction which they had held the secrets since the Tower of Babel. They had not intention of using the tool as a weapon but Esau’s line of descention generatios previous specifically Terah absoutlely did. He wanted to turn the tool into a weapon to destroy all his enemies. Which the tool is not designed or suppoed to be used that way. But Esau’s line has not interest in said types of restrictions, they want to do and perform the actions they want to and iggore all reules and regulations which indicate they might be in the wwrong.

Which is interesting since the Dutch who seized the city of Lynden from Pheobe and her family the Judson’s were freshly arrived in the area courtest of Custer and his men violently kicking them out of the West side of the Great Lakes where they had evacuated to in order to continue their plantation and slavery lifestyle and continue their business associations with the Barbary Coast militant Islamic cultures. The Dutch had been very close allies and business partners with militant islamc since centuries before the Dutch culture called itself that. The Dutch partially heoped the invasion of Islam into France.

The Dtuch arrived in the Pacific NORtherth West after being forcibly evacuated out of bth the South and the headwaters of the Great Lakes. They were in those areas before both of those areas were previously British and French cultural strongholds. The city of Georgia was founded by the British Explorer Oglethorpe. The Thorpe line is a branch of the Ogle mfilay. A founding British family from the evacutees from the city of Troy. The Ogles can trace thheri heritage back to the Pharohs of Egypt specifically the 18th dynasty 1530-1330 b.c.e Egypt. The last pahroah of the 18th dynasty was King Tut his father Amnehotep iv aka Ahkenaten was the Phaorha which was the only and only documatend Pharoha to bne a Monotheist. His dieity was the very ancient ATEN.

Everywhere the British go they rebuild the County of Israel and its Capital City Jerusalem.

Whatcom county can easily be stated and be understood to be previously named Israel and at least one Jerusalem within the Boarders of Israel.

The first was of course Western Washingoton University “Old Main” which was built as a copy of the Tmeple of Ptah Egypt which was one entire Wall of the City of Memphis, Old name Luz. And Jacob left Luz traveling North West to the Light Place aka Megalith. Thery he had a dream to build a ladder to heaven so angles could more easily assend and descend.

And now the importance of the founding or refounding for at least a third time the city of Lynden.

But the story of the refounding of Lynden Washington state is one of extremes in difficultly.

Since the story starts well back in history in the Kingdom of France.

The French King Louis XIV strongly supported his allies the British in their exploration and expansion of the American Conditnent. A huge portion of the Palace of Versii was paid for courtesy of the British trade Routes across the American continent in the 1400-1700s. but the entlish were so angry and upset about the vast amounts of money they were denied that they went to war with the British in order to secure those trade routes for themselves. trade Routes and organzaitonal structure whch had been estaglished over the course of millennia were bing attacked by the English, Italians, Dutch, Americans, Mulsims, Russians, etc. everyone wanted to money the British and French as well as their extended allies were raking in. but not a isngle one of those attacking cultures oucld understand the organizational structure of hwo to oiperate a global trade route, let along make it function profitable. They could understand how to operate something which was the size of the triangle/slave trade which was the equivant of a 100 million dollar operation. These trade routes were the eqiuvalnet of a 15 trillion dollar operation. The British and French could undersand the complexity of operate something of said size, but not a insgle one of their attackers could. but what the attackers wanted to do was to break up the larger complex organizational structure and divide each section up amongst htmeselves. That way they could internally handle their individual section without being overwhelmeld.

The problem is that large complex strucugtres require a well oiled machine. Very little if any corruption can be tolllerated. Corruoption or some little managering sizeing power is a problem within overall organization. But the English and other attacking culktures have organizational struutrew which do not function without about 40% corruption and power hungery managers.

The managers which have to be paid huge amounts in order to achieve any medium size goal. But they refuse to allow large things to happen because they are not capable of understanding how large complex sturcugtres work. If they have no idea how to work with a large complex sstyem, they will lose power and cannot allow it to exist.

King Louis XV’s grandson was an  absolute rank incompetent. He was king in name only, he was so incompendant he had little idea how to do anything or funcaiton as a true and just king. By the time his decades on the throne were over with his death, his grandson was appointed King. His grandson was more incompentnat and more of a whimp than grandfather. The inacceptable treatment his grandfather visited upon the French people continued under Louis XVI, which was beyond unacceptable.

But instead of the situation ending the way the shitory books destribe. Which is almost exclusively written by the English and the Libertine French. The end result was almost the entire French Roayl family evacuated out of France, very likely using the by then 150 year old steam technology to power them across the English channel in rrecord time. Leaving several weeks to several months before word was sent back of the safe landing of the French family in Ireland so the body doubles and Royal standins could then evacuate to Germany and be caught. The ones in Jail were body doubles and stand ins.

The only real records of the events which were in any way impartially were done by Madame Tussaude who had done hundreds of scetches for the French Rmaily family over the previous decades. She knew the French Royal family faces as well as she knew her own. She when he went to the cermeonry to the pile of decapitated heads, she knew exactly what her friends looked like. She created death masks of her firneds and made wax impression of them. the French people were satisfied with Maduame Taussau’s work and believed the impostors were the real people. They wre enot

Can you imaging Athos Porthoes etc being as incompentnat with their escape plan as the way the French family family were captured. That is well beyond the realm of an ingnorant plan. So this was designed to be a decoy.

Now as to the hard evidence of the situation regarding the French Roay family and Lynadon. That is a bit of a complex story.

But it also explains they Coronol Patterson was in Lyhdeon. He won the lands of the “New Versii” which the ruins of said sit below the city of Lynden. Patterson was give the lands so he could spent years to destroy  just about literally every single scrap of evidence a New Versii was in the generearl location of Lydnen. He did not build anything because he was so busy with a commission for the liberinte French to destroy the entire structure of anything the French Royal family built in Lydneon. Which was more than a small amount.

A huge portion of said scrap was cast into the River which ended up caught in the upper Log Jam in the Nooksack circa 1870.

Be very interesting to make a comparison with the name Jam and the name Versii.



In the field of psychology there is a thing called a Conditioned Response (CR), a CR is the western academic name for the same exact phenomenon Pavlov found in Russia. Ring a Bell (say something) and with enough repetition over a described amount of time that Ring a bell (say something) becomes a physical response. “I cannot belief x” say it enough times with either yourself or a group and the thing which is unbelievable becomes reality, the x becomes an unbelievable myth. No matter how true it is, or how solid the foundation of truth, if your psyche will not accept the truth e.g. the CR than it becomes impossible for the mind to accept the truth as truth.

The benefits of said response is the facts regarding if you say something enough times with enough enthusiasm it becomes a statistical application regarding

“It is easier to convince someone a lie is truth, than to convince someone that lie is actually a lie” A.H.

The Story of Lynden Washington State is an unbelievably complex and difficult story to tell. The Founding of the city starts well before Phoebe Judson herself arrived in the area. It started long before Castle Bellingham North and South were founded to protect the East India Company from invasion from the north and south. The area of Bellingham Washington used to be called Castle Bellingham, after Lord Bellingham of the Vancouver Expedition. An extremely long story very short, the City of Bellingham Washington State itself is a rebuild from Castle Bellingham Northumberland. Itself was a rebuild from a Castle the Ogles built as a replacement for a Castle they possessed in the area they had been displaced from due to losing an invasion in the East. A possible name of one of the cities around the city of Troy. Yes Homer’s Troy.

Although the name of Troy was not Troy, that city was called Jerusalem.

The name of Troy translates directly as “The city of the Jews” an extraordinarily deep insult regarding the attacking Dorian/Hyksos themselves were literally ancestors of Mohammed, at least culturally. Esau is the cultural ancestor to the Hyksos, whom are the cultural ancestors to both the Avaris and Dorians. The Dorians were the aggressors in the Trojan War. Agamemnon, Odysseus, etc. were Dorian’s. Survivors of the Hyksos invasion of the Middle East, they name changed after the Hyksos culture were all but erased by the Thera volcanic eruption circa 1550 bce.

The war in Whatcom County started long before the revolutionary war of 1776.

Although Captain Patterson himself at least in part owned the land before Phoebe Judson, it was owned by someone before he owned it.

THE largest problem in this situation, the number of Wars and battles which were occurring in the area of Whatcom County were impressive to say the absolute least.

A large number of different armies were all battling not only with each other but against each other at different times in order to obtain their own unique military goals.

Captain Patterson

In the 1850s where were two up and operating slave (indentured servant) plantations working in western Whatcom County.

One was from a bit north of Castle Bellingham curving south two present day Holly and F streets north to the area to be known in a few decades as Lynden Washington.

March 1, 1871 the Judson’s arrive and begin to work to build their glorious New Jerusalem. Since Judson is a Jewish name, Phoebe married into a Jewish family.

Captain James Alexander Patterson (brother of U.S. Senator David T. Patterson) from Tennessee, his family were previous to the civil war extremely prominent plantation owners. Their family had been in the plantation business for generations.

Which means that the Patterson family had been for century’s long standing business partners with militant Islamic cultures from the Barbary Coast. Unfortunately for the Patterson’s the acceptably of the Slave Trade followed from Europe, to the Caribbean, to the south, to the Mississippi river, farther west. Finally in the 1860s-1870s, the pattern of acceptable behavior regarding the slave trade for the plantation system was at an end. Even though the American nation rejected slavery outright after the civil war, pockets still sprang up and were influential in the community. Namely the Klan which possessed an extremely strong presence and membership rolls in Lynden till circa the Second World War.

In the early to middle 1800s there was a great deal of effort made from the point fi view of the Spanish, Portuguese’s, Islamic cultures to exploit the last pocket on the American continent where their inhuman and crimes against humanity cultural behavior patterns were not only acceptable but in most cases treated as if those behavior patterns were a good way to conduct one’s life and business. Profiting off of the labor of others and eventually killing them, was considered a good thing.

Patterson and Pickett were not the only Confederate sons of the palntatn system to be Whatcom County in the early 1800s. There were lots of plantation system support personnel in the area. Whatcom County 1852-1880 was the concepts of diplomacy.

Even though the Judson’s were Jews, or conversos to look Christian they were experts at diplomacy. Being able to literally negotiate with those whom if they knew the truth would work very hard to strip them of their rights and or kill them outright.

Although for his arrogance and ego based on his background as a son of the planatin system. Patterson might have taken the Judson’s’ on as literally indentured servants, but when the politics of the area turned against him, that contract became illegal. So he was forced to live his plantatn lifestyle in Mexico where slavery was not only still legal but accepted as a natural way to live and conduct business. The paperwork would have been destroyed. There would be no reason for the Judson’s to mention at all any type of indentured servitude. That would place them in a very bad position if the entire community knew.

Especially when the ex-Slave masters the British culture betrayers the Dutch arrived with their by then very well established Dutch reform movement Protestantism. They had less respect for and like for Jews than Patterson did. To the Dutch at the time the only good Jew was a dead one from being worked or tortured to death. The Judson’s planned on building a New Jerusalem from the several hundred acres of land she negotiated with Patterson along with the vast acres her mother owned on the other side of the river, from the other side of the river to Canada was her mother’s property. All that land used to be the Patterson planation. Which after the laws and militant presence did not allow him to work the place as a slave master, he could not make a go of it. So he had to give up his property to the Judson’s.

In around the same time from Lynden south to Castle Ogle aka (Old Main Western Washington University) first someone else was running a planation in the area, and Pickett was assigned to the area. He and his 1500 solders only 68 were scripted, set up a military operation. First capturing Castle Bellingham, tearing the place down and rebuilding Fort Bellingham. The other Castel in the area was impenetrable having been built in a box canyon, Castel Ogle in Whatcom county is where the Judson’s were forced to retreat to when the Dutch became too military violent and demanded that there would be no institute of higher learning in their area of control. Instead of having two centers of higher learning in Whatcom county the Dutch whom by then like their very close cousin the militant Islamic slave cultures were so afraid of educating other would rather burn a library than read a single word. Somme of those words might tell them their cultures actions were wrong, so best to destroy all books minus the holy books than to chance the other. So instead of Castel Ogle (aka Old Main WWU) being one University and a second in Lynden; the Judson’s were forced to bring their books and materials into the safety of the old main castle. Over time in a box canyon and miles away from the militant Dutch, a woman’s teachers college was able to be established.

Which is a major change from in the 1850s (plantation system run by militant Islamic light future members of the confederacy) being an all education is bad, burn all the books, kill all whom know how to read, to only three decades later the establishment of a solid school.

Evidence regarding Patterson’s background as a Plantation owner was his Lummi tribe native wife or more appropriately called/titled a gift for the successful completion of a business deal. The natives became used to those from a plantation background would demand as part of the negotiation within the business. That Lummi tribe native woman Patterson treated like a common slave. The two daughters why had together became an inconvenience to Patterson. An inconvenience he took care of by selling his land to their caregiver Phoebe Judson; with the promise she raise them as her own. But in truth the land Lynden sits on belongs to those two girls. Unfortunately for both the daughters and phoebe had the land that Patterson make a business deal to obtain was by force taken from them by the Dutch. The Dutch reform culture being famous for restraint and compassion when it comes to being nice

Army’s present and at full strength




Libertine French

Royalist French








Several Different Native armies

Fighting or domination and control, the question starts to become. Why would more than a dozen armies be in Whatcom County. No gold, no major populations, the trees are not sufficient in quantify to justify the number of armies present for decades.

Whatcom County

The story of the founding of Whatcom County is more complex and detailed than literally the foundation of Medical School. Hard linguistic evidence can literally connect the foundation of Whatcom County through the Trojan War with the 18th dynasty of Amarna Pharaoh iv his son Tutankhamun with with Hyksos at both Avaris circa 1330 and the Hyksos invasion of Egypt which stopped the construction of pyramids circa 2100 bce. The story is insanely complicated because of the more than a dozen armies present and at full strength (almost exactly like the conditions at the Trojan War; the Trojans/British of the Ogle family and the East India Company versus the rest of the world) the library and megalithic infrastructure present which the Estates like the Roth, Roeder, Peabody, etc. which were built at a replica replacement for the Stonehenge’s and dolmans present. The library, the temples, and the megalithic infrastructure present would be not only a reason for the armies of the world to be around but to fight to both protect and capture the power of the megaliths and the library (held inside either Old Main or the building which Old Main on the WWU campus was built to replace) would be a serious reason for those armies to be both present and at full scale battle with each other and to capture Castle Ogle aka Old Main. Enumerable times in history have the armies of the world been drawn to great libraries. Alexandria library has been attacked about 100 times, four times burned to the ground. Constantinople, Rome, Edinburgh, Paris, etc. to either possess the library or to destroy  it has been a consistent theme.

Which directly connects why capt Picket was in Bellingham and seized thousands of acres of land for himself to build a plantation. Where the Picket House stands and the Picket Tower used to stand is the old location now obliterated from time and record of the office of the EIC which Roeder and Peabody were sent out by the Ogles in Tiffin Ohio to be the next head of. Pickett arriving immediately after and destroying as much of said infrastructure as possible.

The Library contained which Phoebe Judson was chosen to be the guardian of and head of that school. There was an attempt at least for a bit to have that school be located in Lynden, but the violence and invasion from the Dutch prevented that possibility entirely. It is possible some notes and plans could have been drawn up for where the place the Temple of Solomon in Lynden but those records have been buried or destroyed. So down to the box canyon she was forced to go to protect the library and the scholarly work. Three major cities and army population ensured her safety and the safety of her staff.

Phoebe Judson

The story of the founding of Whatcom County is literally part of the fabric of Western Civilization. Phoebe Judson herself possessed a Jewish background. Her family converted from Jewish to Christian before the Judson’s arrived in the West.

Her early life was mired in so much controversy that it becomes difficult at best to even contemplate separating truth from fiction.

First the Judson family were the same thing which Columbus was in Spanish the word is Conversos; which translates as Jews who assumingly falsely convert to Christian in order to avoid being killed outright or tortured to death.

The library Phoebe used to found the Woman’s college was directly from the Ogle family from tiffin Ohio. Copies of the works in the Ogle library were the foundation of Western Washington University, Heidelberg University, and the college of Tiffin. With an extremely good chance the dozen other world class institutions within 200 miles of Tiffin Ohio itself additional copies of the Ogle library were used as the foundation of those universities.

What does this have anything at all to do with the founding of Whatcom County.

Lewis and Clark Trail

The Lewis and Clark Trail was created by Jefferson (a plantation owner and his heritage had been close business associates with militant Islam for the previous several hundred years) in order to conquer the British Ogle families hold over the trade route which extended from by then NewCastle Maryland to Vancouver Washington Territory.

But the entire tripe, trail, etc. was entirely plagiarized due to the facts regarding there had been an active trade route back and forth through that area for the previous several hundred years. The British specifically the Ogle family had too strong a hold over that area till the middle of the 1780s to threaten their military hold over the area, as well as the money generated. Every other nation not working with the Ogles and the British their trade routes to Asia took 2 years, the Ogles could make several round trips in two years.

Lewis and Clarke literally claimed the trade route as the property of America and erased the facts that the British and Ogles were present at all.

Each trading post, settlement, city, and metropolis along the route had extensions several hundred miles out. The cities in Whatcom county as well as Vancouver BC are part of the East India Company’s British Ogle family trade route extensions from the main east west in effect metaphoric hiway.

The best way to demonstrate those issues is by progressing within the framework of why all these details from 1806 (Lewis and Clark) to the area becoming a state were erased. Why did the English, Americans, Confederacy, Spanish, etc. need to work very hard for decades to erase and suppress the facts which founded the area in the first place. Then create an entirely incorrect and radically edited to the point of mythology story to cover up what accurately occurred to found the area.

The Area of Whatcom County itself was literally founded centuries before the currently accepted foundation dates, but the conquerors want less than nothing at all to do with the facts.

The present being Jewish in Whatcom County is not exactly safe and sane thing to be. Persecution is still not only present but at times still violent. The voice of those cultures in the area descended from the “Great Awakening Movements” are still literally interested in being as violently against the truth coming to light in the present as they were when the first white (American, English, etc.) settlers arrived.

The first white settlers are not the first white settlers, they were merely the first white settlers from that specific wave. Previous white settlers did come out but they were erased from existence and their presence was edited to make the latter conquerors feel better.

Whatcom County itself was a major warzone from 1500-1890 c.e. Very likely earlier, but the evidence for earlier settlements is difficult to find and classify, two full centuries of CR’s training the population to both ignore the evidence and believe the propaganda instead of seeking truth.

Ogles of Tiffin

The Ogle’s of Tiffin would never have given copies of their library to anyone just passing through tiffin on the river. They had a plan, Judson along with Roeder, Peabody, etc. were sent out to build a “New Jerusalem” since at the time being Jewish or having more than a little interaction with Jews was not only a capital crime. Killing a Jew or a group of Jews in America was not even a noteworthy event. Most of the time Jews were simply called Natives, killing natives was not only not illegal but so strongly encouraged by the government bounties for proof of the kill was a profitable business. A large percentage of Natives killed were Jews.

The back story regarding why the native populations had Jews in them goes back a very long way to the beginning of slavery in America.

Jews infiltrated the native ranks in both Niger and the colonies in more than a few ways from the 1500s to 1946 (After 1946 being a Jew was no longer considered a capital crime).

Tiffin Ohio and Bellingham

Ogle Castle sits just 18 miles east of Castle Bellingham Washington.

The Ogles whom founded Tiffin although for the first several decades of the existence of Tiffin the city was called something else. It was renamed Tiffin to Honor an American legislator whom helped to destroy the British and Ogle family in Ohio. Stripping them of their rites, lands, etc. and selling those rites and lands to settlers from the east.

Almost no difference from the 1790-1855 decades in cities in Whatcom County. The Vancouver expedition knew where they were going. There is too much built up infrastructure in the cities in Whatcom County for their not to have been a major culture present whom lost the battle and wars in the area. The evidence is Old Main, the massive library, the layout of Bellingham, the lettered streets, the positioning of the estates north of downtown, etc. Just too much evidence which cannot be just thrown together randomly. The measurements are too exact to be chance. The Collection books 1000 miles away from the closest large city, minus Vancouver Washington. Seattle till the 1880s was not a large city.

To survive the Ogles of Tiffin sent out settlers to areas they had previously created trading posts, settlements, and cities in. in order to hopefully keep enough of their culture in existence so that one day their culture could be found, pulled from the ashes of conquest, and the world to know what the Ogles and the British culture once was before they were conquered. Their conquerors the English, Dutch, Libertine French, Spanish, Muslims, Americans, confederates (the confederate army had a huge both population and military presence in Whatcom county the decades before and after the civil war), etc.

Carnegie library

Previous to Carnegie libraries were almost exclusively private institutions connected to either extremely rich families and or academic institutions. Those academic institutions were for the most part founded by extremely rich families. Those families would donate either their library or copies of their library in order to start the university.

Heidelberg, Tiffin, Western Washington U, etc. were founded around the school’s library. Most academic institutions including Trinity Church (after the English took the island from the British the college was renamed Kings college after the American revolution renamed to Columbia)founded by the British ogles the main stacks of books and the anti-rooms around the stacks would be classrooms. Over time those anti-rooms would grow too large to be contained within the library structure itself. Outbuildings would be required in order to accommodate both the growing library and student populations. Eventually expanded to different academic departments.

Lynden Washington State was no different. Other than the fact that the armies present were so violent that the planned library and Jerusalem planned for Lynden literally had to be transplanted south to a box canyon to the north east of Fairhaven. Where another Jew Dan Harris had created a different city. Harris agreed to not only provide construction to alter the by then abandoned Castle Ogle, transforming the building from a Castle to a library/school. And provide defenses in order to protect the collection Judson was the caretaker of from the Ogle family.

A library the size which started the school Judson started would have been worth in today’s money 10s of millions of dollars. No matter how much money Judson was worth, her entire family would not have been worth that much in the early 1800s. 15 million dollars in books would make her literally in the top 1000 riches people on the planet; less than 0 evidence exists which would point to the Judson’s having that level of money. So the library was placed with her for safe keeping by some family whom would have had that much money. In Ohio at the time the Ogles were close to the only family which had both a library and the money to defend their library.

Libraries were literally private and unobtainable.


Literally means son or the tribe of Judah.

Judah is the fountainhead of the Family of the Jews.

Pheobe was not the first wave of settlers sent out by the Ogle family to reestablish a power base in Whatcom County. She would not be the first nor the last. But she is the most famous.

Dutch Reform

When the Dutch betrayed their longs standing allied for the money and power of the slave trade they labeled themselves with worst reputation imaginable. Only the American government would have much if anything to do with them after.

Fortunately they had amassed so much money over the millennia they had and have huge banks from which they could do just about anything they wanted.

When the new America came a calling for a loan, the Dutch were only too happy to comply.

Militant Islam

When Mohammed chose to recreate the ceremony of Esau which ends in the Kaaba with a very unacceptable ceremony. The end stuff Esau did in the Kaaba might by some be considered to be almost literally western cultures understanding of “Selling ones soul to the devil”.

It is an unknown how much of the original Mohammed repeated, but one thing is for certain. Without the help of his daughter and heir to his religious philosophy, his newly reimagined religion would literally have stayed just a small grouping around mecca.

The daughter Fatimah worked tirelessly to promote her father’s philosophy. So much so that she can be easily pointed out to be the reason the concepts spread beyond just Saudi Arabia.

But her efforts also drew sharp violent reactions from Abu Bakr who shortly after he in most likely hood poisoned to death Mohammed attempted to kill Fatimah. She evacuated out of the Middle East and sought refuge in areas of Africa her father’s army controlled. Spreading both his message and her philosophy everywhere she went.

Why is this of unequaled importance, because it was her traveling around both Africa and into Europe that cause the spread of Islam into Europe from both the Aegean and Spain.

Both from her detractors who wanted to kill her and her message and to conquer the areas she traveled in order to further convert all to the philosophy of Esau.

Soon vast amounts of both men and women converted from their previous philosophy to either the philosophy of Mohammed or the updated version from Fatimah herself.

Which caused a large movement of onto only was their Sunni, and Shia, but Fatimah followers in African and Spain.

But she did not stop in Spain, from northern Spain she has a choice move into Ga ’al or across the English Channel and start to spread the word in Britain. She chose Britain.

Plantation System

The Plantation System itself has an extremely difficult and complex story to tell all on its own.

The Plantation system itself started off literally as a copy of the Garden of Eden.

As the legend goes

Adam upon descending from the Garden either by choice or by force. The original stories and legends depending on culture go both ways; the stories of being kicked out are from mostly mysogenitics cultures who needed a reason for them to having the garden. Blaming a woman or the women in his life seems only natural. The audience more than a few times have strongly dictated the terms of what they will accept regarding how a story plays out.

If the audience needs to hear a woman is the root of all evil, than that is what you have to say in order to convey other important points. For instance if you are literally a story teller the third Reich, your story telling has to include arien superiority and Jewish mistakes or the audience will not want to pay attention in any way. The story teller themselves might find themselves on the wrong end of a violent crowd. The end of the 1800s and start of the 1900s the Klan was not only very strong in Whatcom county it was especially strong in Lynden. The KKK worked very hard to create a strong and vital community and forced more than a few of the undesirables in the area to not only leave but leave with violence. Leave with a beating or leave dead. The Klan was a huge problem in Lynden for a considerable amount of time. Up to in including the point where the Klan was considered a terrorists organization after the events of September 11, 2001. The membership numbers dropped off and the radically restrictive laws against the undesirables in Lynden have finally started to not only drop but the culture in the town itself has begun to equalize. Less hate, more close family town.

Upon the descent of Adam from the garden. He built everywhere he went a copy of the Tabernacle he possessed in heaven. The tabernacle he possessed and worked from in genesis chapter two talks about the tree, the problem is that tree is housed in a large tent. A large three story tent. That tent or tabernacle was not 1 tree but four, the tabernacle was not just a small structure but a huge structure between four trees like a tree house but more complex.

The complexness of that tree house was needed in order for Adam to perform his job.

Part of his job and the excuse bad cultures have used to promote slavery is that the master or Adam of the great house or tabernacle is the steward of that house.

Everywhere Adam built a new tabernacle descended cultures assumed he meant for the next lord to rule over that tabernacle as Adam ruled over those in his care. But when you have dominant and aggressive cultures, care for all those in your sphere of influence the lines between being a good Stewart and being literally a slave master become blurred.

The best and most successful way for a tyrannical person to care for those in their charge is to make everyone live according to the rules of the master. The more resistance the more violent the response.

I own you and you have to do everything I say, becomes the ultimate rule regarding how to property care for those less than you in your charge.

Tabernacle layout

The tabernacle itself is laid out not according to how the garden itself is laid out but according to how to

The Kaaba is by legend a recreation of the Tabernacle of Adam. Which is the same basic infrastructure as the architecture of the Khufu Pyramid. Three primary stories, subterranean, an elevated ground floor, and the top floor. The roof and the Dolman or possibly the Stonehenge on the Roof is technically speaking a fourth but the Stonehenge on the Roof is supposed to be not only open but designed to measure the rays and patterns of the Sun.

Exactly as Stonehenge is designed to do. Capture the raise of the sun or the ATEN in order to literally measure were the limbs of the sun fall to earth, which is the name and definition of Jacob.

The Raise of the Sun streaming through the pillars at Stonehenge.


Is the place where the Dolman or the Ring of Pillar’s would be located. Although it has been entirely lost to history as to the reasons for the pillars on the Roof. The pillars on the Roof are so the Sun’s raise can be not only measured but also worked with.


Where the majority of the work is done by the Entered Apprentice’s

The location of the secret and hidden library. Specifically to the North.

First floor

The location of the library

Second Floor

The location of the Amber Room.


Jesus versus Paul

Esau’s descendants are infiltrators like cancer, they name change constantly, and almost all their acti0nos are based on violence. They act statistically speaking like spoiled three year olds whom have never been told No to.

Paul was an Esau line descendant born and raised in a former Hyksos major city. His Hyksos roots cause him to be accepting within the framework of ask for what you want, if asking does not work take it with violence. Depending on how much resistance depends on how much violence is needed.

Many rapists state after when they have been caught, “Just let me do what I want, the more you fight against the more violent I will react. Just lay back and enjoy, let me do my thing and it will all be over soon.” No matter how nauseating and utterly despicable the deceptions form the point of view of the violator, this is extremely similar to the perspective of Esau/Hyksos descendants. Just give me/us our culture what we want and no one will be hurt. The easier you give in the less violent we will react. So just peacefully submit to our rules and everything will wonderful.

The problem is, most have no interest in living their lives according to the slavery rules of Esau/Hyksos descended cultures.

The Hyksos themselves are a name change culture from when the biblical Esau invaded Mecca and stayed. The Hyksos are in almost all likelihoods literally Esau line descendants. Whatcom County is difficult to ignore. Always pushing forward to take what does to belong to them.

The Evil Priest Impostor Paul (evil priest is what all the apostles from the Dead Sea scrolls call Paul; a reference to selling his soul to the devil in line with his cultural fountainhead Esau. The question is did he have cardinal relations with a fallen as well, was that fallen a male or female. Best guess would be male.) his writings and teachings caused a division in the church which is active in the present.

Augustin of Hippo which is a city only a few miles to the west of Carthage. He was so heavily influenced by the writings and teachings of Paul that his own writings were enhancements from the perspective of Paul.

The problem is, those writings were literally the foundation for the writings of John Calvin and Martin Luther.

St Augustine of Hippo

The People of Alexandria were so taken by the teachings of St Augustine of Hippo that they revolted and created a revolution against the Coptic’s, Jesus followers, and Jews of Egypt. His teachings were strongly mysogenitics, highly critical of the love and care for one another. He write extensively about the applications of the answer to the problems if human darkness is violent suppression. If suppression will not work, kill it.


Great Awakening Movement

Few of any of the current descendants of the Great Awakening movement followers including the born again Christians want to or would agree to

John Calvin and Martin Luther are literally some of the base founders of the Protestants movement. Which Protestantism is literally the answer to the problems of Catholic versus Islam

Calvin and Luther were attempting to literally create a bridge of understanding between Catholicism and Islam. The results were Protestantism.

But since Catholicism is half the teachings of Jesus and half the teachings of Paul. Add half the teachings of Islam to the mix creates the statistical application of 1/4th the teachings of Jesus and ¾ the teachings of the Esau/Hyksos.

Many of the most poor and disheartened settlers on the east coast especially in and around the new England ship yards were in the colonies from being pressganged into service because they embraced the protestant faith. The authorizes of the time knew the protestant faith was mostly Islamic in origin but the western culture history books have been mostly written by protestants. Literally no honesty regarding who they are and where they came from.

When the Dutch with the highest level of dishonor and betrayal turned away from their catholic roots and turned to Protestantism. Literally betraying the British whom they had been allies with for more than two millennia. That turn away from the path caused a cascade effect of the highest order to infiltrate western culture.

Instead of fighting against the slave trade and militant Islam, the Dutch not only embraced Islam but went into a long standing business relationship with them.

Slave Trade

Islamic cultures would control capturing the slaves in Africa. Whom a large percentage were Jews, Coptic’s, and Jesus followers. Paul and Jesus follows were still very much at war with each other till the 1700s.

Islamic would sell their product to the Dutch see sailors whom learned how to sail from the British. And would transport the product from Africa to the colonies.

The English would then buy the slaves and sell the slaves to the plantation owners.

For large quantifies like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, etc. they or a proxy would sail to the Barbary Coast and negotiate with the Islamic cultures first hand. Which could take months if not years to fulfill the contracts.

Where the buyers would be wined and dined with the best of all the comforts a sultan could shower onto their guest. Including giving gifts for both slaves and the lowest ranking daughters of the slave masters. More than a few negotiators would come home with a female gift or two, the daughters of the slave master.

When Islam under orders from Mohammed invaded to capture all of Egypt. The Jews, Coptic’s, etc. present had to evacuate or face genocide under an Islamic invasion. Strange how cultures descended from Esau kill all before them in some sort of need to kill, torture to death, etc. then place everyone they are too tired to kill or the blood lust is gone by then are turned into slave. To perform the bidding of the master for their will, pleasure, and eventual gross profits.

To sit and make others work for you seems to be a major portion of the behavior surrounding Esau’s line. Others never work hard enough for Esau’s line; while they sit back and feel they are working 18 hours a back breaking work.

Islam invades Egypt. Those not wanting to be killed evaluate, but not evacuate north to follow the meditation around but south. Following first the Nile then to other rivers. Eventually ending up in Niger.

The key detail to that entire adventure, 99% of the slaves taken were natives from the Niger area. 99% of the slavers were militant Islamic cultures. Makes the Africa portion of the Slave Trade dating back to the 1000 c.e very likely earlier entirely under Militant Islamic control. The same culture which attacked and obliterated the city of Troy. Troy was rebuilt a few times, but when Islam took over the area, they buried what was left underground so no one could find it.

Same burial under other construction is what happened in Bellingham Washington and Lynden. All the previous infrastructure was literally ripped out or buried under later construction

It would be fascinating to discover what is under the large 1880s buildings in old town Bellingham.


The City of Jerusalem is only a pale compassion to the original city. The currently accepted information regarding this cities location is almost directly comparable to a synagogue in the Warsaw ghetto. But in this case the Jews were under military threat to gather in the Levant lands. So Levant became a ghetto.

In so doing even though the entire situation is wrong, the current location has been accepted as if it were true. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Jerusalem has a long and strange history.

The Temple of Solomon itself was literally a copy of the Temple of Tyre in the city of Tyre.

Which itself was a copy of a previous temple which could easily have been the Temple of Troy.

The Temple of Troy itself could have been either a copy of the Temple of IWNW or the actually pre 3500 bce Temple of IWNW. Moved when the invading army from Mecca invaded Upper Egypt and forced the inhabitance from Upper Egypt to evacuate to Lower Egypt. When an army from Upper Egypt started to push north, no need to be told twice. Once that army is on the move best to take the library, temples, and sacred tools and evacuate out of their reach or go on the war path to wipe their entire army from being a threat. .

They as a collective culture will not stop till they are literally either too tired to keep conquering or are not at a sufficient strength to fight. The only other thing which stops them is a level of technology which will not allow them to follow the enemy any farther.

Jerusalem is directly connected to the Futhark


A city in Upper Egypt which was invaded from Mecca circa 3800 bce. The survivors evacuated to Lower Egypt.

This specific situation is beyond significant to the application of the founding of Whatcom county and Lynden because it provides evidence from no later than 3800 bce of a pattern of behavior.

From Heirakonopolis, to IWIW, to Memphis, to Tyre, Troy, to Poseidon/Athens, to the city of Seven Hills/Rome, to Paris, London, Edinburgh, Ogle Castle, Bellingham Castle Northumberland, Dublin, Normandy, Beacon Hill/Boston, Manhattan, NewCastle De, Tiffin Ohio, Detroit Mn, Chicago, St Louis, Manitou Spring Colorado, Vancouver Washington State, Bellingham Washington state, etc. of the people with an extremely similar knowledge base and associated library to literally keep running away from an aggressor whom only has genocide in their heart.

A consistent pattern or extremely advanced technology, with scholars, a huge army, a world class library, with a worldwide trading center, etc. then an invading army arrives mostly from the same cultural descendants. They arrive and start to attack to invade.

The enemy has no interest whatsoever in negotiating, only in blood killing and erasing all that came before them.

The actions previous to 3800 bce are present in the previous name of the city of Heliopolis aka Jerusalem but since the entire city and its location has been obliterated from all records. Finding actual evidence of these battles in a city which existed for 1000s of years but was so erased that even though it has existed from 3800 bce to 500 c.e all records of its location have been surgically erased.

What does this ancient library have anything at all to do with Lynden Washington State. A foundation for a university is a sufficient sized library. Libraries were in that point in history equal in expense to gold. Gold might have been less expensive. A good solid academic book from a reputable source would be of extreme value and importance. The library at Heirakonopolis itself not the books from that area but descended copies of that library, at least a few of the books came directly from heirakonopolis to form the basis of the library Phoebe Judson used to found her schools. Unfortunately for the Dutch, whom had less than 0 interest in said subjects the violence against an upper educational institution in Lynden became all to obvious. The library was moved from Lynden down to a box canyon between the cities of Seahome, Fairhaven, and Castel Bellingham. Although the original City of Bellingham cascaded north from Castle Bellingham South or the currently understood building/location of Old Main on the Campus of Western Washington University.

Western Washington University itself can claim its origin back to the library at both Eridu and Heirakonpoolis.

George Pickett

George Pickett while stationed in Bellingham Washington Territory worked on several things at the same time. First he worked to secure the security of the area for the military. He worked very hard to create a place of the growing confederacy to have a backup position in order to literally regroup and form the confederacy in another location. He also worked to build a plantation of slave labor from just north of present old town Bellingham north to Phoebe Judson’s lands. Assuming he could seize for himself and the confederacy a backup plan and take most of Whatcom County for that purpose. Of course during that time the northern border of America was literally miles north of its current location.

George was the son of the Plantation south. He was also very much a son of the plantation lifestyle. He not only would have experienced first-hand militant Islamic slave traders he could have interacted with them as well. For a few decades Washington territory some were pushing strong for the area to be the next confederacy. But diplomacy and politics were the battlefields not necessarily large armies’ bloodletting to solve the problem.

End of the Slave Trade

1860 the slave trade became so unpopular those whom profited off the slave trade found themselves facing communities which started to react violently against them. So from the late 1600s forward the Dutch and other Slave trade axis were forced to pick up their homes and move farther and farther west. As they did so, in the 1600s early 1700s they moved from the east coast to Ohio and the Mississippi. Where they continued toe slave trade this time just outside the reach of any authority which would stop them.

When the English government sent out troops to aid in the slave trade from Ohio to the Mississippi. It was still legal to perform slavery in the colonies but public support was strongly ebbing down. In New England by the middle of the 1700s to own slaves from Connecticut north was shunned and opposed. Although it was still going strong in Ohio and the Mississippi.

The violence against kept pushing the slavers farther and farther west.

Late 1700s early 1800s they were pushed to the north west side of the great lakes, where the farming was insufficient and the slaves if kept badly would freeze to death. The plantation owners had to either give up and move back to Africa (many plantation owners were literally militant Islamic) while their allies the Dutch and similar were forced to move from the North Western great lakes area to Colorado and the Pacific North West.

Where the continued the planation system and slavery. Although the name used was not necessarily slavery but indentured servitude but it is slavery in all but name.

George Pickett and his confederate friends as well as his Islamic allies were attempting to create a plantation system confederacy in Whatcom County. From the early to end of the 1800s for a bit of time the plan was working. There were plantations present, lots of Spanish Islamic slave traders present, and about a dozen armies all at full strength living in the area. The area was full of people but the events were almost under penalty of execution not recorded. The conflicts and the threat of violence prevented those actions from occurring.


Lynden was originally supposed to be a New Jerusalem. But battles and the war fought in the area literally kicked the first white and Jewish settlers off their lands. Most likely killing all whom did not run away circa 1810 – 1830.

The slave cultures who moved out of the area of the upper Mississippi on the north western side of the great lakes through harsh pressures from the settlers whom followed were forced to move again. This time to Colorado and the Pacific North West.

Whereupon the Dutch reform and other allies of the slave trade found cultures with slavery (under a different name) operating full and with some community support.

The Dutch arrived in the 1850s and started push their own interests into the local slave trade of Whatcom County

Captain Patterson whom violently seized control over the city would he tore apart to create a new planation for himself owned a huge amount of land. He was in the military and had more than a few dozen well-armed men to push his violent wants upon anyone who questioned his abli9ity to do anything he wanted to.

To his commissioned the Judson’s to be in effect foremen for his plantation.

He would give his lands with the proviso that his children would be cared for as if they were the Judson’s.

As soon as the Judson’s took over his lands, they immediately stopped the plantation and slavery and started to build a New Jerusalem.

The response from his Dutch and other slave trader allies and plantation owners was shift and violent. The lands she owned were slowly stripped away from her and the town of Lynden was built from her lands. She was paid for those lands, but what the Dutch settlers did with her lands was not what she wanted to be done. But the Dutch reformers and other slave master cultures do what they want and listen to no one about anything which might sound like the masters are wrong.

The Plantation itself

The Plantain system was designed to reflect both the Garden of Eden and the bad men’s need to not only seek out Adam’s centers of power but also to control those centers of power. Esau the brother of Jacob and the legendary organ of the line to be called Hyksos, then Avaris, Dorian (Think Trojan War), Romulus, the English, etc. Those centers of power are literally part and parcel within the framework of the Tabernacles that Adam built as a reflection of the ATEN. Why he chose to build Buildings which directly reflected the ATEN has been lost to three separate Hyksos forced/imposed 1000 yearlong each dark ages. For some reason Esau and his cultural ancestors hate anything to do with this subject. What that subject is has also been lost to history, but the damage, burned out buildings, etc. left in the wake of the losses is findable and pattern recognition recordable. Same M.O. from ancient to present tells the tale of Esau’s line seeking out Adam’s tabernacles to either control them or obliterate them from existence.

The Planattn system came directly from those war lords who managed to capture the city intact and rebuilt.

The estates north of the currently called Old down Town Bellingham itself were each themselves a copy of the ATEN. Their locations as well as each possessed their own specific and unique city of the Garden of Eden.

Every rich or well to do person in the British culture which was conquered and absorbed into the English culture (whom name changed later on to take on the name British) continued the cycle of building their own city of the Garden of Eden in their backyards. Some very small, other gardens were on the extreme side of huge, Versii to name one which is acres in size itself. The Garden is larger than the building and the building is more than ¼ mile long. Large enough to hold horse races in the hallway.

The Persian Garden and the British Garden it is an unknown which garden was labeled first, but they are both from the same origin.

Garden of Eden

The Plantation system is designed to reflect the Garden of Eden

Consequently what Phoebe Judson was attempting to do was built a New Jerusalem in Lynden, but was unable to mostly because the timeframe involved prevented the completion. The decade or more needed to build the garden and wall,





Lynden Washington

“Pilgrim searching for a New Jerusalem” mentioned several times in Phoebe Judson’s own hand. THE 1500-1800s was a time when the Jews were working hard to seek out and find a New Jerusalem. A place they could hid in order to rebuild their culture.

Even though for a few years, Lynden Washington State was literally a full slave plantation. It was a New Jerusalem before and after. But the Dutch with their populations, army, and need to be violent could not bring back slavery by the 1870s they could strip the Judson’s of their lands and build a community of almost exclusively Dutch reformers to have their own version of Jerusalem. Just without the proper temple of Adam infrastructure. A protestant (mosque) church on every corner would suit them just fine.

Several waves of religious groups attempted to come to the North West to the area of Whatcom County in order to secure a stable home and city stronghold from which to literally have a last stand against the coming tied of violence from whatever the Esau/Hyksos were calling themselves this decade. In this case they were calling themselves Dutch Reformers, Confederates, Americans, Libertine French, etc.

The white settlers previous to Judson, Peabody, Roeder, etc. were called Natives from 1850 forward. Stripping the earlier settlers of their white status in order to do anything the English, Confederates, etc. wanted legally. Just because something is legal does not make it good, many laws throughout the history of western culture have been legal but almost pure evil.

Dutch invade Lynden

Even though the actions are not called an invasion, an invasion is what happened. A huge group of ex slavers and plantation support system personal whom were literally forced to evacuate from the west side of the great lakes due to political pressures and losing a sequence of battles. From 1800 to 1860 those communities and cultures directly involved with the slave trade faced increasingly difficult times and situations which caused them to have to leave firs the east coast, then Ohio, then the Mississippi area to head to the north west.

Information for them, they performed very bad actions. Those very bad actions included but were not limited to the facts regarding, once they arrived in Ohio, Michigan, and finally Whatcom County they chose to instead of fading into history performing other jobs and cultural infrastructure. They chose to continue working in the slave industry. Insanity, perform the same actions over and over expecting a different result.

Forced to leave Europe, then the east coast, then Ohio. Then Michigan, only to end up in Whatcom County.

But instead of pursuing life different from the slave trade, they chose to instead pursue the slave trade again. This time in Lynden Washington Territory.

Since several of the native cultures and Spanish still in the area were still engaged in the slave trade. The Dutch simply assumed that since it was part of the culture they could continue without restriction. They were wrong.

Soon after the Dutch arrived and by force seized most of the Judson farm and took over most of the infrastructure she and her family had constructed. They left her some lands and allowed her to keep her house. But immediately upon her death her house was moved so that area could be used for the new court house. The house was eventually destroyed the thrown away.

Evidence the pioneer museum in the center of town has almost nothing about Phoebe herself. Almost nothing from her house, nothing about the woman, only stuff form the Dutch families whom took her lands. She was paid for the lands but she had no choice in either the pay or the mount they took. Since she was what the Spanish call a conversus, she was literally lucky not to have been outright killed. Jews in the 1800s were not illegal to kill. On occasion in some communities, killing a Jew the city council even provided a reward.

As the Judson’s slowly lost more and more lands and power to the invading Dutch, she was allowed to keep her main property and live in her original house. But the rest of her large amount of acres was latterly forfeit to the Dutch at the point of societally pressured metaphoric bayonet. Do things our way and we will not hurt you.

Freemasonry in Lynden

Lynden Washington State possessed, FreeMasonry in the 1870s but it was not a lodge dedicated to the United Grand Lodge of England or UGLE. The first lodges in Whatcom County as well as on the American continent were not allied with the English culture but the British. The British owned a United Grand Lodge of Britain more than a Millennia before the English conquers of the Northern Kingdom destroyed the British grand lodge to be replaced by the English Grand Lodge.

The English Grand Lodges in both the UK and America slowly replaced the United Grand Lodge of Britain. Whatcom County being one of the last holdouts. Even though there were English settlers in the area in the 1850s, more than a few of them were FreeMasons. The first Lodge were not established for another four decades circa 1880 in Whatcom County. The transition from British to English FreeMasonry was as difficult as it was painful. Almost all records of the Grand Lodge of Britain have been surgically erased, the Canadians, English, Americans, Confederacy, etc. each possessed a similar passion but different reasons to hate the British and need to see them and their culture devastated and destroyed in front of them. FreeMasonic lodges in Whatcom County previous to 1880 were present but those lodges were allied with the British culture not English, and were destroyed. The cities in Whatcom County almost all the architecture is from the 1880s forward. Only a handful of buildings which have been to the strongest degree to the English culture have survived from 1850. The oldest would be The Pickett House circa 1856; although that house was literally deigned to be in the process of a 10lbs English castle. A 10 lbs. castle is a systematic building of a sequence of fortifications designed to bring a military presence to the area. Usually the land used would be as close to or copying a building or the lands of the center of power. A Tower, or some such would be set upon and commandeered for the prose.

In Bellingham the Pickett House sits on lands that used to be part of a Tower System. The original tower which sat on the top of the hill close to DuPont and F streets. The original was torn down by Pickett and a new Tower and manner house were designed. But in the time it takes to design and build a manner house capable of expanding into a full mansion and or a full military style plantation complete with Persian garden (a copy of the Garden of Eden) a smaller house capable of being constructed in a manner of weeks is assembled. That smaller house is the only evidence which remains of the 10 lbs. castle construction sequence. That house was built in 1856 and still stands. Although as the standards of the construction goes, the house was expanded upon a few times as building materials were made available. Firs the initial box, then other things are added. A second floor, a kitchen, a porch, etc. the design is presented to allow for infinite expansion. Start with a room, then make four rooms, then upstairs with an enclosed staircase, keep expanding as the needs arise.

The construction of the 10 lbs. castle the engineering of said is built into every aspect of the Pickett house. What does this mean for Lynden, the main square house from which Phoebe took over and lived in, which became the base of her expanded house was designed the same way. Patterson chose to build the same exact design. Which means that in almost all likelihoods there were plans for some type of a Tower within a specified number of feet from the initial square house. Patterson did not get around to building more than a simply square house. Expanding to the four squares was next but he spent his time working on business and expanding the concerns of the confederacy not in maintaining his plantation correctly. But he was such a diehard son of the confederacy, his perception was it was impossible to run a successful plantation if you actually have to pay the workers. The only way the plantation for his perspective work is if the workers are literally slaves.

Either in those buildings or close by would be the location of the British Lodges in the area.

Within a few hundred yards would be the location of the original British settlements in Lynden which were obliterated in favor or the English and Dutch whom would be more than happy to make sure only their perspective of history was the one paid attention too.

There is an extremely good chance that under the current infrastructure of Lynden Washington some archaeological evidence might be findable regarding circa 1830 sentiments. A wave of Mormons could have been sent out by Joseph Smith to the area, attempting to avoid being killed by both B.Y. and (Islam light) great awakening followers. The Dutch reform church and community being strongly part of the Great Awakening movement.

Israel in Whatcom County

Since the British (aka Trojans) were attempting to create

Castle Ogle Bellingham

Castle Ogle Bellingham: this name is of course a guess but it is a guess based on a statistical analysis covering the evacuation and reconstruction of several British cultures. Several times of a forced evacuation, they rebuild in a specific configuration, WWU sits in the area where Ogle castle sits in the previous rebuilds. Whatcom County in the 1700s; exactly when old main was built or in some likelihood rebuilt is up for some speculation. But what can be understand is that the building was in a location which was isolated enough that the armies of the 1850s could not effectively reach it with their military might. Castle Bellingham was hidden away in what can be realistically determined to be whole designed to be so well hidden, it would be easy for most armies to miss. Then the problem of forming an army large enough to attack when the entire castle would be surrounded by large trees.

Unless the Romans and the English. Whom deforested the entire area around a castle. Castles for the British which were made to keep things secret and private were not placed in open fields. They were placed well away from everything in areas where just getting to the castle would be a serious challenge, fighting the castle to breach it would be close to impossible.

The founding of Lynden Washington and the Slave trade were occurring at the same time Castle Bellingham and Ogle were being through diplomacy handed over to English and American control and losing their title of Castle for fortification. However the location for fort Bellingham became confederate stronghold immediately before the war. Pickett’s superiors not being aligned with the confederacy sent a large collection of troops north to take Fort Bellingham away from the confederacy. But Ogle Castle was left mostly alone. It did not pose a threat, it only counted enough British and Northumberland family to maintain the library and treasure vaults. Not enough to mount a credible defense. About the same number of troops stationed at any embassy. Just enough to evacuate the key personnel fi the locals or invading army would become aggressive.

This is where Phoebe set up her college. But the question still comes, where exactly did the collection of books come from. Did Phoebe possess the books which started the college or were the books already present in Ogle Castle

Phoebe could have had her library moved from Lynden down to the box canyon ogle castle sat in. that Castle along with castle Bellingham was to protect the EIC and its library/treasures. Castle Bellingham was seized by Picket in the 1850s, but since he was a confederate and allied with the Barbary Coast militant Islamic cultures once he seized the castles in Whatcom county Bellingham and Ogle North and South respetively. They were no longer castles. What their original names were has long been lost. The North Castle which still has the name Fort Bellingham was most likely called Castle Bellingham. What the name of the Southern Castle was has been almost entirely lost to history. Possible Ogle Castle, but the rest is an unknown.

Why castle Ogle. Because the Ogles of the British culture still possessed all the necessary skills and libraries in order to literally built huge cities well outside the reach of all the other cultures in Europe. Exploring is easy, setting up a new city takes engineering well beyond the technical specification of the exploring cultures.

Judson chose to literally move her school from Lynden when the invading Dutch chose to ramp up their violence. She moved to school to what would become known as Old Main. Eventually that old building and campus which is completely surrounded by either natural or city fortifications or defenses is where she chose to place her school.

Tall hills on three sides, 100 foot trees all around. The City of Fairhaven (founded by a group of Jews), the City of Seahom to the east, and the city which naturally extended from the Castle present now called old main the support city of Bellingham to the north west.

That Castle was not built to offensive purposes, that castle was Castle Bellingham renamed by Pickett to Fort Bellingham. The Southern Castle assumed name Ogle Castle housed treasures, a library, etc.

Castles designed for offensive purposes are placed in aggressive locations. Castles designed to be vaults are placed in hidden and hard to find locations. Which describe those two locations perfectly.

Castle Bellingham for offensive purposes, Old Main a vault to house books, treasures, and possibly the Royal Family.

It is most unfortunate that Judson was forced to move the school from her founding city to the presumed Castle Ogle to protect both the library and her students. But in the 1870s education was still considered a bad thing, strict and hard rules were passed to prevent education over a specific level by more than a few communities.