The Pictish Revolt


So many things occurred in the UK which brought about the end of the Age of Camelot.

From the end of the Roman Empire to the time the Vikings invaded the Abbey on Lindisfarne (a raised piece of land surrounded by water) is considered the time of the Viking.

Which the  problem is, with the Pictish in militant control over the whole of the UK they erased, destroyed, razed, etc. every possible piece of evidence they could which pointed to a story they did not like

As much evidence of Camelot was destroyed as could be found. The entire city itself was taken part piece by piece, those pieces scattered to the winds to make other buildings. In hopes of permanently erasing any and all traces of what Camelot was, where it was, who was the royal family in charge, etc.


From 750 to 1066 the Pictish army gained more and more power over the whole of the entire UK. Erasing as much of the past as they could. Including Gaelic, which for a while Gaelic was illegal to speak. Pockets of people continued to speak it, but till the last decades the situation was cultural genocide of all and anything associated with.


Why was Camelot a threat so huge all the conquering cultures associated with it literally spent decades in concerted effort to erase every single trace? If it was not for the Northumberland family in exile in Holland Normandy, a family member writing the story. The entire mythos of Camelot might have been literally erased from existence. But the story, novel, etc. captured the hearts of the people. The people were allowed to remember how nice things were before the Pictish seized control and tore the entire country apart.


The Uniformity of which the culture dresses could be an early reason why the Romans called that culture Pictish. As in see one see them all; they are all copies of the same picture.

Since the Persians were absorbed into Islam; the Persians had an army which were called “The Immortals” that army was little different than the Islamic army of today. Entirely anonymous, take picture they are virtually all the same.

Below the cloths you will find all types of different personalized items, but the cloths make them all one.


Previous to Mohammed it is very likely the culture were strongly influenced and demonstrated their individuality by tattoos. Which only those of their individual culture and or family could or would see..