The Sistine Chapel Theory

In brief we must first dispel some basic illusions which several different bodies of “they” usually government officials but not always, would rather die than to admit these truths.

One based on evidence the Crucifixion took place in Rome, the trial took place literally in the Senate Chamber. Yes of course there were more than one “senate chamber” based on the needs of that specific meeting. But whichever one was used, “that one”, for that meeting. It started there and progressed to the 13th steps to where the Vatican Hill used to be. Shortly after this event it was quarried and turned into the Vatican Wall. Most of the Vatican Hill was quarried, because the Senate wanted to remove the location from both history and to prevent it from being a mecca for his followers. Which utterly failed in all ways, minus the knowledge that “this is the location of the crucifixion”.

What does this have anything at all to do with the painting of the Sistine Chapel. The events which Caligula did immediately before the Crucifixion occurred. Caligula spent the previous more than a decade preparing for the Crucifixion. His Julii family had spent more than the last two entire decades preparing for the Crucifixion. The Julii and Lucias families were both present and major players at the Battle of Carthage, to seize the city, dismantle it, and ship the city back to Rome. Then use Carthage the buildings to rebuild the delipidated portions of the center of Rome. Some of the buildings had been in constant use and not much repair for 700 years, a few had been 1000 years. So, they were in grave need up repair. So, the Julii and Lucia family worked together to rebuild the center of Rome at least three times; using the buildings of conquered cultures. Including Athens, Troy, Memphis, Heliopolis, IWNW, etc.,

There is a point to that. Each of those cities were built using the engineering specifications of a Tabernacle of Adam System. What is that, the engineering which made Noah’s Ark; fleet of ships. For evidence of said look no further than the Scorpion King’s monolith aka Pharaoh Narmer close to Thebes/Heirakonopolis. Look also to the 25 years the NAZI party and the Italians put into the ships at Lake Nemi. Then look to the fact that to hide the fact the ships had been dismantled and shipped to Nuremberg, with replicas in their place. To hide this evidence the buildings and replicas were burned/destroyed. The Italians and of course the Prussians who were the command and control structure for the Third Reich knew full well what those ships were and how divinely important they were/are. Shortly after arriving in Nuremburg, when it became obvious the great circus maximus Adolf had planned to build next to his open-air theater. That building was partially built, but a key allied target. The ships were removed again, to as yet only guessed at location. However, the person in charge of the railroads, and virtually the entire U-boat fleet was Erik Koch.  His kissing cousin close cousins the Koch family of Kansas, owned a huge dock in Texas. It is a virtually straight north shot from the Koch Dock in Texas to their compound in Wichita. A compound which is more than large enough to house several extremely large buildings, with hectares of grounds around, etc. The Koch compound in truth is more than double the size of Wichita itself. Two of the noted serial killers mentioned in “Mind Hunter” tv show on Netflix, they were born within 100 miles of that facility. Denis Raiders family lived in Wichita and worked for the Koch family during the pregnancy, birth, and first bit of life.

Since 1940 Oklahoma and Kansas the populations themselves, not to mention Texas and Nebraska have turned away from being just Prairie communities and being violent to the extreme regrading religious fanatism. Kansas has passed laws regarding the teaching of creationism in their science classrooms, OK has for the last 5 presidential elections. Not a single county has voted liberal. Not a single county. Nebraska is only slightly less radically conservative, but Texas has accepted a half Cuban Canadian, as a born again American white supremacist. Ted cannot join the KKK because he is half Latino.

There is a pattern of insanity and psychopathic behavior associated with people who interact with the tabernacle system wrong. 1861 Jefferson Davis was considered one of the smartest men in America at the time, 5 years later he was noted to have issues stringing a complete sentence together. It took most of the rest of his life to regain even basic mental function. His patterns of mental acuity are matched by about 2 dozen other European and American leaders who “had encounters” and came off nuts or mental feeble.

Caligula ordered the city of Heliopolis moved to Rome. That move required the construction of at the time the largest ship in the world. Its sister ships were constructed on Lake Nemi. Once again, we must consult the Caligula’s last breath and who plunged the knifes in; on orders from the Senate. The knives were driven into Caligula’s head body double to make them feel better about themselves. So, the previous 1500 days of “terror” cannot be believed, since the same exact people who lied about the life and times of Caligula ordered his execution then liked that they killed him and not his body guard. Why was Caesar immediately cremated, to hide the fact his foreskin was removed. He was a Jew. If most of the history of the republic and empire homosexuality was not illegal and openly practiced, why did Caesar have to spent from this teen years to his final breath denying he had homosexual relationship with King Nicomede of Bithynia. The answer is, that the King was Jewish. While at his court Caesar converted back to his family’s secret religion of Judaism. Which what was the penalty for an official of the Roman Republic regarding being Jewish? What was that law, oh I remember execution.

So, Caligula ordered Heliopolis to be moved from Egypt to the area the Vatican now sits. Well kind of, the swamp to the west of the fields to the west of where the Vatican Hill used to be. Things were changed around a lot over time, and Vatican remodels. But the buildings of Heliopolis are still the base construction supplies of St Peters Basilica and Square. But then there is that odd thing “the Sistine chapel”, since it was “rebuilt” from storage. It has been “the place”, for the business of the Papacy.

We must remember that way back 3800 BCE, the temple of IWNW had been around for at least 1500 years if not 2000. Be legend that temple was built by Adam himself. All the details regarding have mostly been lost by conquerors who would rather die than to tell the truth.

During the Vatican rebuild in the 1400s, what to do with the temple of IWNW remained, were a serious and substantial set of problems. So, it became an obvious answer, put them back into their original Adam and Noah configuration. The Temple of Adam to the east, and one of Noah’s Ships to the west. Just as they had been from 4000 BCE to 10 ce. Two others of Noah’s Ships were brought from Heliopolis and reassembled on Lake Nemi.

The evidence for said Caligula part of the most powerful Roman family and largest army the Julii family, can be found in what he did and how the senate chose to execute his body double. Remember it was so common knowledge at the time the senate could not erase the fact that at the same exact time of the Crucifixion that Caligula had spent the previous year preparing to renounce his claim to the throne and give it to someone. The only thing the Senate could do under Vespasian half a century later was to adjust the timeframes; Caligula’s action are pushed by about a few years, as well as Cleopatra’s actions were also “adjusted” to make her twins the offspring of Mark and not Caesar. There is less than zero chance that Mark would have been allowed within 3 feet of her, let alone in her bed. She was a Pharaoh and Empress of Rome, he was a good XO, but would never have qualified to be a royal suiter. That is pure fantasy invented by the Senate to make her whore. Which for the last 2040 years has worked; question the authority of the Vatican for 90% that 2040 years and you will be executed for heresy.

After Caligula was executed/renounced his claim on the throne. It passed to Claudius. Who’s parentage is pure fiction. His family and mother both were fictions created by the Senate and Augustus. Good luck finding the lands where both  his mothers family and fathers family owned in Rome, so a non-land owning general in Rome and senator was appointed to be emperor of Rome. Since there are not property deeds showing where his mothers’ family and fathers’ family owned property. All the rest is fiction as well. Octavian’s sister was not married to who Vespasian altered the documents to show. That is also pure fiction. Tiberius’ his father is a fiction. But it is easier to present documentation when to question it is a capital offense.

That is like saying “the Germanicus family own 221 C baker street London”. The problem is C is a fiction, it does not exist. But if you go to 221 c and come back to the senate and say “sorry but that address if fiction”, they will kill you. Ever incentive in the world to, say nothing and live.

Note, every single Pope from number 2 to present has had more than one name. When elevated to Pope, they have all but one taken on a different name. Every pharaoh from Narmer to Cleopatra took on 5 names after the elevation ceremony. So why that one? Funny Claudius has no family history, this parents were fictions, his actions previous to a few years before being emperor were also fictions, but the Senate had to tolerate that Emperor. Claudius arrives on the scene and with no background just about the day that Jesus exits the scene, and Simon Peter enters.

Jesus “build your house upon me, and build my church” build peter, church (to speak the word) speak/preach Simon = Simon peter = build yoru house of the lord upon me. Jesus proclaimed his new name at the end of the last supper as Simon Peter, and became Pharaoh. At this exact time a pope/pharaoh was not acknowledged and not given the 5 names. 3000 years previous and 2000 years post, unbroken lines of continuity. But at this exact place, a man changes his name at the end of a ceremony of Easter. The Rex of the Jews, but he is not acknowledged by one and all as both the new Pharaoh,  Pope, and Emperor. Despite the facts that a new Emperor was suddenly from fiction invented, the Egyptian people did not go ape over no representative, and the first pope had no name previous to being appointed pope.

Scientific Method points to; if you believe that I own some swamp land in az I can sell you cheap. It becomes easy to accept when for the next 1700 years it is an executable offense to question it.

Which the Senate hated all htings Caligula did with an unmeasurable passion. Same unmeasurable passion they hated close to everything the Julii family had done for the previous 300 years, minus the tons of gold thy were paid upon completion of various military exercises. Which were supposed to get Caesar killed in combat. However, the Julii and Lucia families had a better plan, which involved Spartacus.

All that power, money, and they were Jews. the senate from 40 bce to 50 ce could do almost nothing. The Julii family were simply too powerful. However, they could whittle away at the power base. And eventually over the decades various windows of opportunity would present themselves, and the senate would flex its Hyksos muscles to erase the Jews from existence. Enter Vespasian and a total and complete erasure of as many of the accomplishments of the Julii as humanly possible. Adjusting calendar dates, stripping as much power, money, lands, prestige, etc. away from the Julii family as they could. Erasing the fact that Cleopatra was sitting empress for several years after her husband’s assassination. They had three separate armies all backing her up, all battle hardened and all loyal to the death to her. The senates combined forces were less than half of her total number. They had no chance to challenge.

Hence the next 1300-year intentional dark age. to destroy the above facts and insert fictions. The Vatican had a problem. Once the guilds were allowed back, it would not take long for the scholars to begin to piece back to other the above information. Which the Vatican did not like and commissioned “Malleus Maleficarum” 1485 book to be written and laws backing it up put into place. Killing all who questioned the authority of both the Prussian Empire and the Vatican. Depit the fact that Prussians were secretly Muslims.

Ok the Vatican agreed to the Sistine Chapel aka the temple of IWNW and its Adam connection. But not acknowledge any of those facts. Dig into that building, the Vatican previous to its 1400 remodel, was simply a remodel of the ship and buildings Caligula brought from Egypt. The former city of Heliopolis. The problem is, form 3500 to 800 bce the name of the city was erased. A huge thriving city which was the capital of Egypt on 4 separate occasions, and it had NO NAME. Again, if you believe that, I own this bridge in New York. But again, if you do not believe it and or worse question the authorities about it, they will kill you where you stand. It becomes very easy to tell a lie and make everyone believe it.

Ego and arrogance aside there are some aspects of this divine situation which are impossible to argue with “god” over. The Sistine chapel is one of those subjects. The Vatican could lie all it wanted to about everything about the chapel minus to build it and where to place it. Although the paintings reflect the story of Adam. Since the oldest materials of the building itself are the temple of Adam circa 5000 bce. Lie about the rest but do not deviate from the building itself or its connection to Adam. Lie about Noah’s Ark one of the ships is what the Vatican itself is built from. Lie, lie, lie, etc. however somethings cannot be lied about.

Michael did not have any of the necessaries for the Chapel. Leo did, and his necessaries were legendary. Construction on the Chapel when Da Vinci was 20, he was a bastard so a point of fact he could have been part of the buildings construction and design since day one and the Vatican did not have to spend one letter describing him.