The Wind Cannon and Vortex Gun

Although this device was real, its actual purpose was a complete mystery to the allied war effort. Since it did some vague wind stuff, they assumed it was a “Tornado Machine” or some type of wind weapon.

Although a good guess, that is not the purpose for this technology. It was designed and built for the purpose of Generating winds, to generate clouds, which could generate not rain but a thunderhead.

A thunderhead which when harnessed the lightening might be able to produce electricity. Electricity which would then be used to power one of the many Systems.

Now something of profound interest.

Knowing how much electricity was needed (1.21 gigawatts, ha ha) one of the things NMIMT specialized in was in the study of Electricity and Thunderheads through Lightening.

Dr  E. J. Workman, Dr Colgate, and Robert Jeffries M.A. of NMITM collaborated on this type of technology from 1945-1964. Portions of this technology were shipped from Germany to Tech immediately upon the allies seizing control over it.

Dr workman was already an expert in Frankenstein Tech. His academic career focused on the study of Lightening. That which powers the Tabernacle.


The wind cannon, or WindKanone, and the vortex gun were German anti-aircraft projects, designed to use the power of wind to damage enemy aircraft in flight. The wind cannon was designed and built by a firm outside of Stuttgart, and the vortex gun was the work of researcher and scientist Mario Zippermayr. While the two both relied upon wind and turbulence to damage aircraft on bombing raids over German cities, they were quite different in both construction and operation.

The wind cannon consisted of a 3-foot in diameter cast iron tube, some 35-feet in length. This was loaded with a shell packed with hydrogen and ammonia to create a burst of compressed air. When shot at an aircraft, the intent was that the explosive burst of wind or air would damage the plane in flight. While the weapon did successfully shoot shells of compressed air, the planes, even when flying quite low, withstood it without difficulty. In fact, the wind cannon appeared to have no effect at all on planes. The wind cannon was later tested on enemy troops; however, this was also ineffective. The 35-foot metal structure was easy to spot, making the people manning it an easy target on the field.

The vortex gun was a large-bore mortar weapon buried into the ground. It was packed with a combination of coal dust and a slow-burning explosive. The intent was for the shell to explode, creating a wind vortex or fake tornado. In theory, this tornado would bring down any plane caught in it. In tests, the vortex gun performed well in perfect conditions, but war rarely provides perfect conditions.

Zippermayr worked on a number of other projects relying on coal dust, including the HexenKesser, or witch’s cauldron. This was an attempt to create a weapon of mass destruction by exploding coal dust over a target. After the war, Zippermayr became known for his treatments for respiratory illnesses, including pertussis.





TR Welling