The life of Leonardo Script

The life and times of Leonardo Da Vinci

The life of Leonardo is almost entirely devoted to the Function and Structure being one of the smartests humans to live. The only realistic way to define and detail the life of Leonardo is to compare his life to that of one of the other smartest people the species has seen, and equally treated as badly as possible. Katherine Johnseon.

Katherin Johnson was born in nail bitting poverty in the middle of one of the poorest counties in west virginia. But she presented herself in math class as one of the absolute smartest people in all of west virginia. Sjhe had a mathematical mind at the age of 8 which was well past that of most triple phd in mathematics professionals. That 8 year old was better at mathematics than people in their 50s who had studied mathematics their entire life.

So compare this with Leonaordo, he was no shrinking violet in the mathematics department either. Assuming a direct collolation is possible, minus the equations which had not been invented yet circa 1460 to 1940. The four entire centuries between the two a huge amount of mathematical quations were invented over that time.

So Leonardo was in effect forced to invent some of those equations himself to achieve the goals needed in his lifetime.

He was born on his grandfathers estate in the city of Vinci. To a well to do but middle middle class notary and an  unknown female who was given the most common name given to African slaves at the time. both his father and mother had children after he was born but not any of them presented the legendary brilliance of their son.

Which could be in part due to the fact that he was ceincieved based on an ancient Egyptian fertility rite, wich the medici had experimented with, as part of their pursuit of medicine.



Part 1


The young Lenoardo, becomes a prodedgy at aroudn the age of 5.


Leonardo is given a 1000 acre tract of land when he is about 8 based on advice he gives to his fathers friends the medici and other politicians in the area. His advice consntalty proves to be not only the best solution, but he can think of things and plans the enemy has put into place and he gives them advice where the next attack is coming form and how to prevent it. he is rewarded with several tracks of land by the medici family (all of which are in Frnace) and he is set to be sent to the university of Balonia to study there.




the guttenberg bible


his first trip to France


his first trip into Louvre,


Vatican spy's figure out that the little kid is Leonardo and report back to the pope. Who is by default a bit concerned but still not overly angry.

However the next pope sees the kid for what he is, and looks into the camera eg the pope with a look of pure (when I sit in that chair. I will seek out that kid and kill him.)



his first trip into the Sorbonne


his first trip to the lands the Medici gave him, to do with as he pleased. The future Versailles (means one of many connected houses of scientific exploration), which he begins to design Versailles based on what he read in the bible. Based on the description of King Solomon's Temple and the city of Mempihs which was moved to Rome by the Julii family.


back to France

Lenoardo becomes board on the way and begins to think about how to make the trip faster. His mind begins to think about lightening, as his caravan makes it ways through a thunderstorm.


back home he askes his elders for any and all materials he can read which feature magnetism, electicitdy, etc.


in his spare time  he sketches, draws, and paints. Becommign a master of all three by the time he is 12


the 14 year old Lonardo is sent to the Florence school of art, but is informed by both the master of the house that fi he can pass the entry exam he can do what he wants and what the medici want from him will be granted.

Two exils are set up side by side. The master of the house instructs Leonardo to paint the model, if leonaordo can paint it better than he can, he will gladly hand over his certificats of mastery and he can spent the next 7 years doing anything he wants to do.


 as they paint, it is clear Leonardo is the better painter. He has already masters most of the techniques required, he had already mastered how to hide his brush strokes, and he is much faster than the master of the house. By the time they are done, the master of the  house without ego and arrogance aknowelges the 14 year olds superiorty in the techniques of the hhouse. He had nothgn to teach the lad. When he is 21 he will be happy to sign his guilt certificats, till then he is free to do anything he wnts.


Leonardo makes his way back to France, to design and build his School. A task the Italian govmernet would in no way, shape, or form allow him to do in Italy. But the French King is not only happy about it, he promises to match funding with the medici as long as Leonardo will continue to advice and invent things the French Kings can use.


leaonrdo is in Frnace about 6 months when he is informed that the Vatican wants the Sistine chapel to be constructed. They open the bids, the Medici on Leonanrdo behave has already put in their contact.

The contract is accepted and Loarondo sends in his blue prints for the chapel. However the vaican has one caviot, wich is absolutely non negotiable. Since leonrdo is a basterd with no social standing, they will accept his bid only if he does not insist on putting his name on it.


construction at the Sistine chapel. The person who was chosen to have their name on it, is the sight forman, hwefver Leonoardo’s blue pirnts and onside observations are what is paid attention too. Leoanrdo is clearly the boss, but cannot put his name on it.

the bishop from earlier begins to form a group of cardions and bishops who hated the kid. They begin to plot to find out all they can and to kill him.


the Vatican is clearly happy with the results. But when the more nasty of bishops and Vatican insiders learn that it was designed and overseen by a 16 year old basterd they loose there minds. He to them becomes an instant enemy of the state, they vow to kill him for heracy if it is the last they they ever do.


lenaordo is forced to evacuate Italy for the first time and goes back to France.

(in the weeks to months it takes Leonardo to travel back and forth between Frnace and Italy he spends his time working on his primary career, which is a master spy to keep Italy and France from being invaded from either the Prussians and or the Muslims. He spots and foils 100s of plans they have. Which places Leonardo in a very difficult spot, he is also marked for death by both cultures, and occasionally by the Italians. He does a lot of thinking, note taking, letter writing, etc. on the road from France to Italy and back again. This will be a theme in his life, he does a huge amount of work on the road, which makes it look like he is in x location when he is in fact not anywhere close to those locations. When the assassins come to kill him, he is almost ever in the places he is expected to be. Which angers those hwo really want him dead)


Leonardo’s school is partially done, and some of his machines are coming along nicely.


Several years pass while he continues to work in Frnce on his in effect JPL dediced to the study of both the Temple of Solomon and of course Electro-Magnetics. Which the Medici and the king of France could not be more happy.


enough time had passed that some of the older bishops hwo hated him have died. And the younger ones their temper has cooled. Leonoarod is in this early 20s and needs to come back to Italy to Florence to accept membership into the artists, painters, etc guilt. He passes his tests without the slightest concerns. He has been a master painter for more than a decade and he is only 21 years old.


a private meeting between the bishops who hate Leonoardo takes place. The begin assemble a dose on the kid to find out as much about him as possible.


Part 2

As a professional, Leoanrodi is first and forcmsot a Master Planner Spy. He is not a field agent type, he is a in the office thinking of plans to prevne the enemy from achieving their goals type spy. He does the smallest amount of work in the field but that is mostly to gain intelligence first hand. His second job is as a school master, to a school which for the next half millennia would remain one of the most carefully guarded secrets in all of France, and Europe. However the evidnece is beyond plane and easy to see.

This third career is as a guild member in Italy, taking commissions from very rich people and painting what ever they want him to paint. But that career is almost entirely cover to make it look like his not the ethreat the evatican, the Prussians, and the muslims would outright kill him if they knew over.


the bad bishop who hates leonaordo has a private in the Vatican meeting with a major Islamic leader.

They discuss the various aspects of Paul and Islam. The bishop is informed about the Fatimah situation, and the bishop not only agrees, but informs the imam that their records match. He even knew her name but some of the lake nemi details were sketchy.

The pope walks in at the end of the meeting and has the bishop arrested. The imam thrown out of the Vatican, but several of the biships allies are in the room and proceed to take over the bishops hatred of Leonaordo. In this case the hatred deepens, since their leader was just arrested for treason, and will be very privately executed far away from the publics eye.


he travels back to France to continue to work on his building, his laboratires, the machines inside, and the associated mathematics. He spents 3 years in France.


he is needed back in Italy to at least look like he is taking his guild position seriously. So he comes back to Italy to take a commission. The commission requires a male model since the person he is supposed to be painting is almost very around, he is a soldier and spends most of his time in the field. He offered the commission as a favor to the medici, but did not care about if the painting would be done, or that he would need to sit for hours before the painter. So Leonardo hires a male proestetue as a close enough stand in for the real man. He and his students do their sketches, labors, and being the painting. But this is exactly the excuse the Vatican needed, Leonaordo is arrested for homosexual acts with the prostetue. The Medici and the soldier step in and Leornoadi is release due to no evidence.

he finishes the work, and leaves


the new leader of the bad bishops opens to Leonoardo walking out of the situation under heavy Medici guard. Leonardo ignores the hatred directed towards him, however he is not ignoring it. he just does not show his attenionss. He is focused more on keeping his head up surrounded by 6 of the largest guards in full plate armor the Medici could find.

The bishops begin to make a plan on how to catch leonrdo in his next act of heresy and to find ways to kill him.


Leonaordo goes back to France and continues to work on his school. he also works on building several aother buildings in Frnace and works on building copies of his school in Britain and the Americas.


he has to return to Italy to keep up the illusion that he is a professional artist in Italy. A solid member of the guild. He takes a commission and lives with the family for several years, at least on paper. He does a few months work, does most of what needs to be done. Then heads back to France.

He comes back at the end of the schedudaled commission to competle the work, and make any political arrag,etns the guild requires.



Part 3

Versailles phase one is done


Leonoarso spends enough time in France to make his Electro-Magnetic machines not only begin to produce 1.21 gigawatts, but he is beginning to make them do what he wants them to do.


He uses a dish full of water to connect to another dish of water in another location. He looks into the water and he can see the other room in the reflection in the water.

He knows flat out that this technology is the absolute most dangerous technology man has ever thought of. Make this technology large enough and you can  have a few spy's break into a castle. Set up this machine, and out pours 1000s of men in side the defenses of a castle with less than zero warning.  

(Leonardo worked in Milan from 1482 until 1499)


Leonoardo sends letters to each of the three main people who will be attending the future cereony at his school.

He instructs them to send the messenges carryign letters to them to write, drawn, etc something or anytign give it to the messanger, put it in a sealed container. Send the key with another messnager. Have the container be one they own. A container which is in all ways absolutely secure and they would trust there most valuable items in that in this case chest. Send the key to said chest seperately.

Send a message with the person carryign the chest, will they see whatever sign you want to have said on a piece of paper or a gesture. Not to open the case under any circumstances.



Leonoardo spent most of his time from 1482 to 1499 in France building his university and exploring his best and most incredible ideas in France. He would come back to Italy to finish some of his commissions and of course make it look like he had spent all of his time in Milan. However this was not the truth. He was such an incrediblel mind that Italy was simply not a place for him. By the age of 30 the Italians and Vatican had already tried to kill him on at least two occasions and had sent several assassins to kill him well away from the public eye.

The Vatican had several groups who supported Leonoardo entirely, but one specific group were so disgusted by his existence and the fact those bishops felt that Mohammed was the second coming of Jesus and that the Bible should actually be “the Old Testiment, the New Testiment, and the Quran”. They could not understand why Mohammed was not equal to and worshiped the same as Jesus. They worked and still do half a millennia later to merge the Catholic Church and Islam into one. Allowing the shia to co rule Catholics and Muslims in the Vatican. They simply do not understand.


Leonardo spent his lifetime working to undermine these efforts, he understood the function and structure of what the philoopshy of Esau was and that of Jacob. He was absolutely clearly on the side of Jacob, his enemies were clearly on the side of Esua. From Prussia to the Vatican (those pockets) to Islam itself. The Sunni simply want to destroy all questioning of their authority from mecca, the shia want to worship Mohammed as equal to Jesus, and or replace Jessuu with Mohammed since Mohammed is the reincarnation of Jessu.

Durign the life of Leonoardo, he spent his entire time fighting intellectually against the followers of Esau/MOses/Paul/Mohammed.


Leonardo has two sets of notebooks,

One he keeps in Versailles the other travel with him to wherever he goes.

A note of this division needs to be done.

Him instructed his students in France what to do with each step in his designs. He did not mind not having his works published. He did not care about the accolades, he cared about his ideas, his students, not living under the threat of death.

Scene depicting and describing a deep and intnse scene where he describes and explains those details to his students. Probably after the official opening of his school with the best and brightest in attendance. The King, select members of his private court, the medici of course, many of his students, a few diplomats, etc.

After the opening ceremony. He and a group gather in the main room to discuss what is next.


They move into a different room, where the machine is off.

He turns the machine on and the audience is invited to gaze into the very large water dish in a very shallow gold

(the palace at Knossos has a very large shallow bowl stationed directly in front of the kings throne)

(Same thing, the neutral material the gold base sits on )

He turns the machine on and the 3 foot or larger wide dish shows a scene from a differnet room in a different building.

Leonaordo explains where this is and of course instructs the three men with whom he had communicated with previous to givethe designated sign to the people standing in the room which can be seen through the mirror on the floor.

All three do, they open the cases and pull out the item inside.

Proving that this is an active open window here and now location different and miles away from Versailles.

“this my friends is only part of whaat yoru money paid for. I have more inventsions in other rooms”.

A medici turns to a friend of his and says “not only was that worth ever lbs of gold, it was worth more. I knew that boy could do simply amazing work, my betting on him not only paid off but, wow. Never in my wildest dreams would I have assumed I would see something like that”

To put it mildly Leonarndo’s funding was increased and his needs were met easily by those around.

However he on occation did need to return to France to make an appearance.



During the French invasion of Italy, Leonaro was one of the largest influences on the French. Most of the battle plans were Leonardo’s.

However his plan was for the French army  was to head to the Vatican, in order to sieze control over Rome and the Vatican itself. However the iddiot French king chose to follow the insanely dumb idea of instead of turning his army into rome, to travel more than a 100 miles south to conquer the city of Naples. Which was not only the dumbest ting he ever did. but his troops could not reach him. In subsequent invasions, he lost his army and was forced to travel back to France in utter and total defeat. He did not live long after that war ended in complete humiliation.


The Sistine chapel.

Scene Leonaordo is forced to evacuate Italy for the last time. his work on the Sistone chapel ceiling was so good and so incredible that it was thought impossible for the name sake Michaelanglo to have painted it. however those rumors were soon destroyed by the people who did them were arrested and exdecuted for heresy against the church.

His last years were spent in his university in France, enjoying his students, his ideas, his life.

His wearabouts became a larger state secret to the truth behnd his school. that school would remain a clandestine school from the point it was founded to 1792 when the school was closed by the French REovlution.




Movie 2

The next Versailles school master

Nostradomus, would not become the school master till much later in life.  He was smart but he was no leonoardo.

However he did great things with his writings and his expariments, but he was more focused on political intrieges in the Louvre and following the French Royal family aroudn giving input as an advisor, than to spnet his time writing, inventing machines, and furthering the ideas of one of his masters Leonanrodo.

(many flashbacks to points in Leooardo life at Versailles not covered in the first movie)





Part 1

Leonardo stepping through his golden bowl into some future place in a hospital here he could be treated for some of his old age disorders. In the hospital he is quickly treated and his stroke is nullified. He does some PT and is back to normal in a few weeks.

However he continues to communicate with his students back in France in 1519. Sending a radio through, so that they can hear each other. The radio works not only great but beautifully.


Part 2



Part 3



Movie 3


The third movie is about the nazi’s. to figure out ways in which the thwart the Prussian empire from obtaining control over the time machine built into the function and structure of Versailles and other locations

Part of his movie takes place in 1840 in tiffin ohio.

The ogle family take a huge part in this part of the movie. They also take part in fighting against the freikopr in tiffin but loose.

The Ogle family participate strongly in this movie, and witness Wundt develop modern psychology in a building designed to reflect that of the design of Versailles which is that of


Part 1



Part 2



Part 3


Movie 4

Miramont Castle

Fr Francolon and tesla

Tesla discovers some of Leonardo’s writings while on a trip to France. Spends the rest of his life working to decode the information Leonardo write down four centuries previous.

Part 1

Construction of Miramont


Part 2

Funcionting of Mirmaont


Mirmont is taken over by the FreiKorp of Palmer, Le Pamar, etc. they were FreiKorp agents working for the Prussians not nessessarily for the American govemrnet.

Palmer and friends were in all ways completely dedicated to the actions and pursuit of the politics of Andrew Jacksonn, the man he founded the dem party. The two parties which came as a result of the dem party, the first being of course Jacksonians who followed the specific teachings and philosophy of Andrew Jackson. The second being the uber radical confederates who grew angry with Jackson for not taking the fight for states rights to the ultimate degree, reducing the size of the fed down to the smallest amount they could get aaway with. Just large enough that if enough states got together they could force the feds to do what they wanted.

Jackson was a strong allies and supporter of the Prussian Empire and the Prussian spy's living and working in America. Including huge numbers of them in Ohio.

The battle over Miramont ends with both tesla and of course francolon being evicated from Colorado.

But Palmer and his friends, as well as the confederate enemies under the command of Margret Davis Hayes attempt to make the weapons built into the castle work. both fail.

Part 3

However a small clandestine group of people on occasion break into the castle and make the machines work.

For a while not only do the machines work, but the work in concert with other machines.