The Brain, the Mind, and Multiple Intelligences


Walden University

Week 4 paper

This weeks assignment has been an interesting one for me from a standpoint of being extremely sick. I am usually able to use a huge portion of my mind and thinking capacity to answer questions. However for the last 8 days, I have been so sick I have hardly been able to get my basic homework done. My mind has been so stripped of what I can normally do, I feel like I am firing on one cylinder from the v12 I am used to.

It is interesting to try and think when the vast amounts of my mind are off line. Usually I can write between 120 – 200 words a minute. Right now I am averaging about 40.

It is interesting to examine IQ when I have had a drastic and extreme drop in my neuropathway access. IQ tests began in the late 1700s early 1800s as an attempt to convert agricultural cultures to factory based. The layers and complex information regarding why is a subject all on its own, however those subjects smash into Wilhelm Wundt’s trip under clandestine conditions to Tiffin Ohio, followed by William James several years later. Wundt was in Tiffin for extreme reasons, that directly contributed to the industrial revolution, to the development of Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, the entire field of Psychology, etc. Think of it as gears in a clock, each gear is specific and important. But each gear itself is part of a total whole. Which is in a large part where the IQ test came from. The IQ test was originally developed to build factories. The gradation of Intelligence quotation.

Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence. According to Sternberg, it took more than 100 years to break the Factory floor set intelligence factor model. The old IQ test and results assumed that if you have a 70 90 IQ the only thing you would be good for is pushing a broom and or working on a farm or similar simple labor position. 90-100 factory floor worker. 110-120 you were good at being a line supervisor, or an area supervistor, 120-130 management have an education doctor, lawyer, accountant etc.

However, this hierarchal society structure says just as much bad about the society that imposed this incorrect standard as it does about the standard itself. It is institutionalized forced labor.

Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence developed a three-pronged approach to intelligence. Componential, experiential, and practical. Each one could be worked on and improved over time by different stimulations.

Howard Gardner multiple intelligences first developed in 1983 (Notice of Retraction The Enigma of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory in the area of organizational effectiveness. 2010).

The Categories are:

Linguistic intelligence (“word smart”)

Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”)

Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”)

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”)

Musical intelligence (“music smart”)

Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”)

Intrapersonal intelligence (“self-smart”)

Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”)

Being on the Neuro A Typical spectrum (not autism and not Asperger’s) most of the above do not apply to me minus extremely bad social skills. However the social or people smart in the Neuro-A-Typical neuropathways works different, so the above IQ formats do not apply very closely (Tova Cooper, 2018).

Although based on what I have seen others with remarkably similar behavior patterns can do, I am beginning to think there is a lot more happening with Neuro-A-Typical than is currently understood.

However the subject is about descriptions of Gardner Intelligence Theory, which for the vast majority of people is a good benchmark regarding  self- examination(Joneja, 2016).



Notice of Retraction The Enigma of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory in the area of organizational effectiveness. (2010). 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science(ICAMS 2010), Advanced Management Science (ICAMS), 2010 IEEE International Conference On, 767.

Joneja, R. (2016). Study of Multiple Intelligences Model of Howard Gardner in Higher Education. Anwesha Research Journal, 21(2), 13–18. Retrieved from

Sternberg, R. J. (1993). Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test. Unpublished research instrument available from author.

Tova Cooper. (2018). Orbiting the Neurotypical Universe: Aspergian Narratives by Lydia Netzer and John Elder Robison, (4), 423. Retrieved from