Week 10 dq post Nicole Lacey 


I find your descriptions to be very interesting. However, through your description I figured out a way in which to explore the hierarchy in academics while explaining why introducing ideas which are contradictory to the schema are such a problem.

For example the Pyramids of Egypt have a problem, they are being studied with the absolutely perfectly wrong schema from start to finish. Not a single pyramid held a mummy within 1000 year after construction ended. Only two after. But the schema regarding the Pyramids being graves has become a theology which the related fields of academics stick to like glue. The basic schema of this idea becomes part of their most basic needs.

but if the field looks at the actual evidence, they will learn that the science and engineering of the Pyramids themselves are an Electro Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope. Which is on the extreme side of difficult to sum up in less than a few hundred to a few thousand words.

The mechanism which allows for the Electro Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope (think Jodie Foster in the movie Contact circa 1992) to exist is based on the same engineering of the synapses in the brain. The pyramids could actually think, in some rudimentary way. Now combine that idea with a few others and the field of Psychology could truly expand into areas like Astrophysics, cosmology, etc. There are so many ideas which the ancients built which academics today have less than no idea they are standing on things which were actually more advanced than our modern most advanced Radio Telescopes. The very idea that the Old Kingdom itself developed technology which is centuries ahead of modern tech is looked at through the schema of “do not make me laugh”. However Notre Dame is 850 years old, but it sits on a foundation which was built circa 1330 bce. Khufu was more than 1300 years old before the foundations of that building were put into place. Buildings modern engineering cannot duplicate. Nor understand that the pyramids and associated causeways have all the engineering specifications of a synapse in the brain. Our best and brightest cannot duplicate the Pryamids but we still say we are superior in all ways to a culture which built things we cannot duplicate.

Suppressed emotions and the like have been proven to be a link in the causes of addiction. Dig into why the person or group have suppressed something, then dig up the thing suppressed and the person can be on the road to some form of recovery. Or at least not continuing in the addiction process. Intaking the chemicals  versus not taking them and working the treatment eg recovery.