Bobo experiments

One of my major difficulties is actually part of this Bobo doll experiments structure.

I have been informed on several occasions that I can come across crass and difficult to work with. Which I suppose, based on the number of different people who have said it to me who have zero connection to each other, has some basis in reality.

However my blunt nature does not negate the facts which I have learned over the last 4 years since I earned my bachelor’s degree. I have spent most of the last 4 years in deep study trying to understand the function and structure behind how Psychology was created in the first place. My findings were not based on anything I could have guessed in the beginning. My findings and conclusions were entirely based on following the evidence as each piece presented itself. That attention to detail is in part missing from the  bobo doll experiment.

A piece of evidence comes into view, study it and as many of the relevant details of that one piece of evidence example with Bobo; ignoring the social and cultural structures of each person’s background involved is part of how to thoroughly examine the evidence. In some families they follow certain rules of acceptable order, in other families they follow another set of rules and regulations for proper social behavior, the number of cultural rules of order are enumerable based on the number of sub cultures and where those cultures came from.

Some communities say that are primarily Italian based, some of their rules of order come straight out of the Roman Empire, others like the Irish are entirely different. Not good or bad, just different. Add in a global perspective and the number of “what actions/behaviors are acceptable” rules of order can change in radical ways.

All of those sets of rules some kids follow those rules in different ways than their family would like.

Have to take every single piece of evidence and examine it independently of other pieces of evidence. Create a statistical model of each item to compare categories, and of course compare behavior patterns in other layers of statistical analysis.

The American Psychological Association  can trace its origins back to the Egyptian Old Kingdom in about 10 relatively easy steps. The Kingdom that built the Pyramids. What do the Pyramids have to do with Psychology and even less with the Bobo doll experiments? The Pyramids are made of mostly quartz-based material. When quartz is compressed, it releases electricity. The Pyramids are in all hard, physical, laboratory testable reality, are a form of a telegraph line. A constant stream of electricity pouring through the compressed rocks, when interpreted that can be understood to be a dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot dot. However just because the evidence is clear and definable, does not mean that the entire field of Egyptology has not ignored due to situational blindness. Similar situational blindness is present in Bobo doll and a number of other psychological experiments. They cannot see the Pyramids as anything other than graves, so they have spent decades and in some cases for the field 2500 years being told “x is truth” so no need to test it. The social structure of the Bobo doll’s presents facts which are not backed by real hard evidence. Several of the key equations are based on situational(social) blindness.