I love psychology, I cannot stand Skinner. My aggression comes from the annoyance I have regarding almost a full century after Skinner’s death, some of his "disproven" theories are being tried again and again and again. Because in the short term they work beautiful; example a pressure bandage. However long term they do not, on any treatment which would be inappropriate to use his techniques on. Hence my cancer and bullet symbolic metaphors. If you have either of those two psychologically speaking than bring on the Skinner, if the patient does not, those are to various degrees damaging. But you are also forgetting something, a large amount of academics is not run by morals, ethics, character, etc. it is run by people who are to varying degrees arrogantly egotistical. People who would rather die than admit they are wrong. Example, the MD who found microscopic creatures which lead directly to infections, his work in the 1850s was purposely ignored for a century because he hurt the feelings of the medical establishment. It was not until the end of WWII that the first anti-bacterial’s (sulfur drugs for example) and soap was brought in as a field wide use. That was because commanding generals demanded the field of medicine reduce the "butchers bill" after battles. When the General gives an order, you follow it, or you go to the stockade. So the 1000s of surgeons in the army were forced to dust off a 100-year-old paper and use it. The amount of similar arrogantly egotistical actions revolve around the foundation of psychology itself. I have spent a huge amount of time researching from 1842 when Wundt was 10 for the next 2 decades until he started to work on his book. That book is the reason this class exists. The amount the field itself knows about those 20 plus years is about .001% of what actually happened. Wundt lived at the epicenter of the Industrial revolution. He was stationed as a slave of the Prussian Empire on the front lines to first translate the stolen books and then to train as a surgeon to handle the wounded. All that took place in a location you have never heard of, despite the fact that location should be an entire chapter in world history books, and US history. Entire books psychology should be written about the events of those 20 years. So much happened in a very tiny space. But since the wrong army won and the wrong armies lost; the winner hated and still hates any and all transparency with their actions. They are the ones who financially assisted Skinner decades later to develop population control devices. Talk about a bully, the Prussian Empire has used every bully tactic known to man to make others comply to their demands. Up to and including genocide on about 1000 occasions. But since they were allowed and are still allowed to write the history of their own actions; they get to lie and no one can question them. Do I have anger regarding the Prussian Empire performing genocide and erasing most facts about it, absolutely. Will most people listen, including most of the field of psychology. So far I have been met with stunning "what does it matter" that Milgram proved beyond any shadow of a doubt most patients suffer from some form of trauma from the actions described above. But let’s make sure to not hurt the feelings of whatever the Prussian Empire is calling itself now. Since after all calling a bully a bully hurts their feelings and they get even more violent. A culture with less than no problem performing genocide is a bully who is usually allowed to get away with it.

I can go on and on about my disdain for Skinner’s work being used as a population control device, which will eventually in most individuals come out as uncontrollable violence. The violence is then punished harder to keep the person compliant. Instead of looking at the situation and the field of psychology realizing it has an internal structure problem that they have to keep relearning over and over and over again. Skinner’s techniques have been discredited in 4 separate waves over the course for the last 100 years. But they are making a comeback again, because this generation is sure "they can do those techniques correctly". Talk about bullying. The Scientific Method and empirical evidence cannot stand up to a group who are convinced that a good tool used wrong is still the best solution. Hence the arrogantly egotistical; which results in bullying. There are current therapists giving children adult dosage anti-psychotic meds in the here and now to make them comply to societies demands. The children are reacting badly, but that gives the authority figures permission to punish harder. If you can predict with 100% certainty that a child will react in x way in y months. Based on the addition of said medication, but the response from the mental health professional is to punish harder. That is throwing the scientific method out to be a bully. Well it is other legal things, but the field ignores all self-regulation flat out.