week 10 dq post Dr R


I was specifically attempting to point out something I observed in IQ, but yes it does apply to general quantifiable and qualifiable models regarding behaviors which fall out side said established patterns.

Socrates answered this question rather well. Translated through a dozen languages from whatever he spoke (which could be one of between 3 and 20 languages spoken and written in Athens at the time. Which to a rather extreme to a point of schema shattering information on this exact question. The battle which changed the name of the City from Poseidon to Athens, is what led to the Trojan War. The Trojan War birthed “The Classics” which Wilhelm Wundt used those books to find the tools of psychology.  Saying this is a bit on the complex side is a homo sapien sapien understatement.) translated into English as “So tell me what is the exact definition of regular behavior patterns”.

As for the previous city of Poseidon renamed to Athens. In truth the name was “The City of ATEN” from 1330-? some time before 800 bce when the earliest forms of very proto-Greek began to form out of Linear B. The Dorians over the centuries from 1330 – 800 bce added the H and the ‘s to create a chasm between the ancient Egyptian Deity ATEN and the city of Athens. From 4000 bce to the Trojan War 1330 bce (that date is marked based on the death of King Tut), that is its own large and extremely complex story all on its own. From the Trojan War to present is its own very long and complex story. Both stories contribute to the foundations of psychology.

However in that extremely brief two paragraphs of information there are about 50 major and 1000 minor cultures mentioned. Each one had their own schema’s regarding what is “acceptable” behavior patterns versus “unacceptable” behavior patterns. Which frames the question a bit better regarding deviations from the normal behaviors of any given society’s parameters. To make the point a little harder, in India there is a not small group of people who have a theology which most in the western world could consider to be arrestable and put in jail for the rest of their lives. However, in India said culture is fringe and not ok, but they are not arrested on site. Of course, there are groups in say America which the rest of the world consider some of our behavior patterns to be paramount to some of the worst behaviors imaginable. Species wide, what is the mean? That is an extremely good question, which I would say to some degree of fact that since 1850 when Wundt first began to in his mind to write the book which would found this field, the field has taken only scratches at trying to understand the glacier which is that question. The answer is entirely outside the grasp of almost all of the current “schemas” the field of psychology has chosen to research from.

I wonder “if x has any basis in reality” let us test various hypothesis to determine fact from fiction. I is a great way to by default bring in your own layers and layers of schemas to the idea before the first letter is written regarding does the idea have merit.

To study this, requires applying the scientific method to the order of operations of the motions of thought which moves the body. Start with the molecules which move in the synapse to create the spark which starts the thought which eventually moves the body. For species wide answers, start at the atomic, then molecular, then molecular structure, then synapses, etc. look for species wide inside the synapses because the first synapses will not have the schema’s of “that cannot be” hammered in yet. Those neuropathways come later in the sequence. At first they are just the stuff we think of but do not say. Or the stuff our brain does not allow us to consciously think about. Dig into those areas.

For example one of my favorite TV shows is coming to an end “The Big Bang Theory”, which for the first 4 years I refused to watch. I refused to watch it because I wanted to binge watch, not in 23 minute sequences. I wanted to watch in a three day sequence. So I had to wait till there were sufficient shows to watch over 3 days. Yes I have repeated that since, I watch seasons at a ttime, Then do not watch at all for years. Then binge all at once. That Show is coming to an end. How many times has some of the characters said “can he hear himself, he says things which are wildely not ok, but they do not seem to have an affect on him”. Sheldon does not think the way his friends do, his friends are smart, but he is at least 20 if not 50 IQ higher. Depending on which friend. However he thinks it, and does not have much of a filter between his brain and mouth, as the rest of societies rules say you can think anything you want but you cannot say it. Which would be another example of outside versus inside the behavior deviations; why is x group of sentences ok to say, but y are not, and z will bring punishment upon saying them. Depending on the sentence and culture x, y, z could be totally different groups of setnences.