week 8 dq dr r

Obviously I have a deep love of history. I have spent the last 6 days looking up any and all research I could find regarding Notre Dame. It is interesting to watch the population of a city go from rather hard civil unrest to coming together to mourn the trauma of 0000 of Paris.

Then when the emotions were for the most part over, they returned to rioting and protesting. Making the point that the billionaires who donated huge amounts are receiving vast amounts of tax breaks for their efforts. although the building itself is a 15 million person a year tourist attraction. So there is extreme to the max ample reason to rebuild. But the schema of “The Lady” is interesting. What is more interesting is that of the 3 times the building has had to be fixed in the last 3 centuries. They did not think about “fire safety” any of the times. UP to and including the last 2 over the last 4 decades. A simply sprinkler system, and the forest would have only burned for about 5 minutes. hide the pipes on the sides of the beams and they would not be seen. installing fire doors also an extremely good idea. But no one had the idea to put those measures into place. Their schema is, 850 year old building, do not mess with it. Leave as it has been. Although in truth, it is extremely difficult for people to break long standing and generationally long-standing schema regarding how things are societally perceived.

The really interesting part is, that very likely based on the missing other data. The building which was torn down to remake this building on the foundation of the old one, that building was likely 2300 years old. The Parissi evacuating out of Troy and other locations which is too long and complex to discuss in this post chose to go to a new “kingdom” and reset up a new Alexandria Library. BTW based on statistics the schema that the Roman senate told the truth regarding destroying the first Alexandria library has less than zero basis in reality. As in there is more evidence that mummies were buried in the pyramids than that library was burned. The building was destroyed but the contents were removed First. Which is actually the most important part of the entire situation of Imperial Rome and in this case Paris. Part of said library formed the base of what would be called the Sorbonne in about 1100 years, after the Vatican decided that they needed to allow education again. Another really nasty schema. But the evidence for said kept the books destroyed the building is that immediately after the building was torched, every aspect of Roman academics and technology took a violent leap forward. As in they possessed the capacity for an industrial revolution and decided against it. It is possible the Romans instead of focusing on war, could have put boots on the moon shortly after Hadrian complete his waist of time and money wall. They had the steam engine and chose not to use it. 1840 steam engine 1969 boots on the moon. 20 bce, count forward by 150 years. Set schemas create problems. The way things are looked at/perceived then processed into a whole picture in the mind. Can and has been proven to be a problem. BTW the same place the steam engine was finalized is the same place Wundt was to recreate modern Psychology. Both events happened in the same building, at the same time. But the schema for both based on academics and the events which actually happen. The field of Psychology is not ready to face the cold hard facts of said yet. Partially become the cold hard facts are that (side not I am not a Mormon, no interest in the church, only read a few hundred words of the book and found it not to my liking) Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith both men in their 40s plus had the 10-18 year old circa 1842-1852. Wundt was with them while the three translated ancient texts. A solid legal argument can be made that Wundt’s book is the book of Mormon Part II. Hence the schema which discounts all of that evidence.