week 8 dq response Lauren Doran 


I chose Leadership Schema, with a strong emphasis on how female leaders rise to power but then are forced into compromising positions by threatened men. It is actually amazing to me how threatening a strong female is to patriarchal men. Men who actually demand to be dominant over all around them. Then get upset when the decisions they make which benefit them and harm others causes those being harmed to not be happy. They almost seem shocked when someone hurt by their decisions gets upset with them. They are happy with the outcome so why is everyone not happy.

This schema concept reminds me of a thing used in entertainment and in personal interactions. Where the “villain” thanks the victim for cooperating. The Victim is more than a little upset, but the villain is so happy things worked in their favor they want to share the happiness of their victory. They simply fail to understand that their victory came at the expense of others, and that expense is not something the villain cares about.

I remember watching “Imitation Game” shortly after the team cracked and code. Alan informed the team that they could not inform the Navy of the situation; they had to let the U-boats sink the convey. Hugh hit Alan. Alan’s response from the floor was “Do you know why people like violence Hugh, because it feels good….” the rest of the quote does not matter. The feels good is the point. The Villain won, and the exhilaration of that victory the person wants to spread their joy around. It is actually a really nasty thing, but still the schema of the after victory is something which needs to be examined. How many men at NASA and other organizations which are so blind to the suppression of both females and anyone else who questions their authority, how to identify said schema and extinct it.