week 9 dq post


The General systems theory but it only applies to people who are plus or minus 3 deviations from the mean. Which means it does not apply at all to a large portion of the population.

General systems theory is based on the concepts that in general groups of people work in generally specific schema’s that the group over time develop said schemas, and look to the younger generations to fulfill specific types of jobs.

This is most notably applied in special forces training. Where the instructors and existing teams will come and look at the new recruits and pick which ones would be good to fulfill specific jobs.

However a lot of mistakes are created in this type of structure. There are people who no matter how hard the society pushes them to do x job, they simply cannot do it. Part of that does cascade into aspects of domestic abuse. When authority figures and care givers decide what the youths are like and set the schema in their heads regarding what that person is and will do; will then fight against any questioning of said authority over that schema. They have made up their minds, and very little to nothing will change it. They would rather become violent than to admit they were wrong.

Which bleeds into Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model with its micro, macro, and exosystems being applies. As the description pointed out, the child started out feeling good and comfortable, but both macro and exo became violent in various ways and the child was forced to comply.  The word guilt was used as an explanation, but the guilt was a direct result of domestic violence. As well as the exosystem hammering as hard as possible the thing which threatened the overall systems function. People above and below 4 deviations from the mean do just by breathing. No need to add any type of transsexual issue to the general, not in societies normal schemas of operations.

Microsystem is the self, and those closest to the self. In a child’s example parents, guardians, care givers. A huge amount of love and support is a must from  them. When said love and support is removed, that causes lifelong trust issues.

Macro; how the self-interacts with still close but a step or so removed from being the parents or close day to day caregivers. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

Exosystem; the rest of the world from peers, to adults who need to be interacted with. Examples coworkers, bosses, teachers, people we are forced to interact with. 

As humans we have to take into account everyone’s schema regarding what they will and will not accept around them. We as members of the community have to accept that to some people we have to present their microsystem of interactions. To others they are fine with macrosystems way of interacting. In a school setting, the first thing most students have to learn is what the little quirks for each teacher are. Then conform to those demands no matter what the subject the teacher is teaching. Example I was in a class where the teacher from each and every student hated with a passion every post that went more than 250 words, 251 words and the teacher sent a note say ing “too long”. I was in another class where the teacher demanded that the max word count had to be doubled or else. Everyone in the class had to hand in 3000-word papers. In another class, if every post did not have at least 3 cite/ref, a very clear intro and conclusion; the post was considered unacceptable. Examples of how exosystems with a little bit of power and  authority become micro systems which the people the person in authority over demands.

At family gatherings most of the people involved have built in rather intense micro, macro, and exosystems they want in varying degrees to be followed. It is up to family members to know and obey those rules. But in a good micro system, even semi extended family learn what each individuals microsystems schema’s are, and they do their best to follow them. Hence the very easy way in which a great deal of exosystems turn into rather nasty situations quickly.  In a classroom offending the teacher has consequences, in a family gathering that is called domestic violence. It is not a pleasant thing to encounter. But some people have really good times surrounded by their friends and family; their micro and macro systems work. Everyone’s schema’s seem to mesh together.
