Research Proposal

T. "TR" Robert Welling

Tiffin University



Theory that Psychology was developed in Tiffin, Ohio circa 1846. With the assistance of Oliver Cowdery and his boss Joseph Smith. From direct assistance from the British Ogle family, and genocidal force from the Prussian spy organization FreiKorp at Fort Ball.

First gathered evidence indicates shortly after the Prussians figured out where the British and Germans took the Amber Room from Germany, before the Prussians could conquer that area and seize control circa 1695 the British and Germans had already dismantled their Amber Room and moved it to the American colonies. Those actions smashed into the events that led up to the Salem Witch Trials, but all but the Electric Shock Therapy (EST) portions have been edited out of the official reports. But it does add additional evidence regarding “chasing the library”. The Prussians were absolutely addicted to the concept of seizing control over it, to turn the tool into a weapon and use it to kill all who opposed them. This is the exact same behavior pattern the Munich Branch of the FreiKorp used 75 years after they brought Wundt under false papers from Heidelberg Prussia to Heidelberg in Tiffin to translate ancient texts to find the secrets to Electro-Magnetic machines.

It is similar and much easier to move 20 scholars from Prussia to Ohio than 40 ish tons of books from Heidelberg to Prussia. The chances 20 men traveling under false papers will draw attention is zero, the chances tons of books traveling under guard from Tiffin to Prussia will draw attention is greater than 100%. The question is not “will the Prussians be attacked” by other cultures to seize control over the books in the ships hold but “when will the first culture attempt to attack and seize”.

Second equation securing the documents in place, but using the name of Heidelberg University is a clandestine way to allow the scholars stationed at Heidelberg linguistics department to keep saying in their diaries, letters to friends, and the like “I was at Heidelberg” when in reality they were at Heidelberg in Tiffin. Which has been a standard spy versus spy technique since the day spies were invented.

The novel Frankenstein is further evidence of clandestine operations the FreiKorp might have forgotten about in centuries past, they were reminded of and likely based on what happened over the next half century that the British Ogles of Tiffin took a copy of the real Frankenstein’s Electro-Magnetic machines laboratory out of Germany and to eventually the Colonies. Then to Ohio. But that story is long, detailed, and extremely complicated. The Bride of Frankenstein, the D-Fibrillation machine, Lebensborn Project, the intimacies involved with said Electro-Magnetic machines, etc. add to the evidence that Puritan culture cannot deal with the facts of what the machines were. Or in some ways to operate the machines to use them correctly and not lobotomize (Electric Shock Therapy) the self, or others.

The short story of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. Although set in 1790 Sleepy Hollow New York. The city was conquered by the Dutch and renamed. The Dutch with a huge amount of assistance from the remaining Prussians, and their ease with genocide. However the story is not just one story the story is based on about 10 different encounters between the Prussians and the end of the British Culture with their technology up and down the east coast. Then in the 1760s began to move west to the Ohio River Valley. Rumors and legends again surface shortly after the Prussians create a fort next to a British City the name of which has been mostly lost to history, trying to reconquer form a previous conquest which destroyed the original Ogle family house. The Maples was that house’s replacement. The Prussians were entirely convinced that the Ogles possessed books which would allow them to create an entire army of Headless Horsemen, who would be entirely loyal to the Prussian Military. Difficult if not impossible to kill, and would kill anyone their commanders told them to, usually without mercy. A dream for genocidal commanders, no pesky morals to interfere with killing threats to their power and money. It did not take long for Washington Irving to hear stories in New York about the battles raging in the Ohio River valley. And the “resurrection” portion of the Prussians demands. The Hessians were just a slightly different named FreiKorp. Still paramilitary, still bloodthirsty, and still entirely loyal to the Prussian Empire.


The indentured servitude of Oliver Cowdery and of course in staying with the tradition the Prussian Army had done millions of times. The evidence of the FreiKorp performing a clandestine mission in Carthage Illinois on Joseph Smith circa June 1844. A note which is extremely important. The rift between Smith and B.Y. began shortly after Young joined the Church. He wanted power, and would not mind in any way killing Smith to obtain his power. But the harder the issue was, the more Smith turned away from the normal Christian and Catholic philosophies and towards the facts that Jesus never claimed to be anything other than a Jew. Which angered/enraged Young to a point of madness. Killing Jews in both Europe and America depending on location was not only not illegal, but in some communities, it was encouraged.  The Prussians had more respect and care for cattle and females then they did Jews. The more Smith turned his church and his followers to follow Judaism,  Young and the Prussians had no problem with their anti-Semitic behaviors towards him and his followers.

To bring him into the slave service of the Prussia Army to translate the books at Heidelberg would have been odd to an extreme amount for them not to have kidnapped every ancient language scholar in their area of military influence. Not kidnapping Smith would be odd, not the other way around.

Proving the theory that modern Psychology was created in the Heidelberg original library rooms in the city of Tiffin, Ohio. With the assistance of Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith has more evidence than just being a hypothesis. Bit more research and a bit more physical evidence, it is very close to be a fact.


The Location Modern Psychology was Developed

The Cultures which created Psychology


Wilhelm Wundt 16 August 1832 – 31 August 1920 did not have an easy life. He was born into a war which in basic would not stop until circa 1945, decades after his death. Arriving in Tiffin as a 14/15-year-old, would have been a culture shock. Which is something Wundt would have had to live with from birth to his late 20s early 30s when he was finally released from service and transferred to Leipzig to begin his Psychology textbook. That book would serve as the foundation document for the entire field of Psychology to be birthed from.

However, the number of massive details which are entirely difficult to work with and through are the following. The massive amount of cultures in the Ohio River Valley from 1650-1940 playing genocidal blood sport is significant to say the absolute least. At least 50 if not 100s of cultures were in the Sandusky River valley and most were either defending their areas of control, or attacking to seize what others possessed. The British had been present since the 1400s, just because the Vatican outlawed reading, writing, ships, trading, navigation, does not mean the mighty British Ogles paid attention. In fact, the exact opposite is true. The mighty Ogle family had been both loyal to the church of Simon Peter and a soul level enemy of the church of Paul since day one. The second Paul presented himself and began to force his philosophy onto the church was the minute the British began to fight against Paul. Fast forward by about 1700 years, the Prussian FreiKorp formed in 1754 to create and then fight the British in America to seize control over their libraries, lands, treasuries, citizens, and to crush the British culture before they could build up sufficient defenses to rebuild as they had done in for the previous three entire millennia. Nonstop attacking from all sides not just from the south e.g. Hadrian’s Wall became the attack.


Clandestine Operations

Clandestine operations almost never leave records. To create records requires a huge amount of red tape, which the Prussians wanted not a single letter for their enemies to find and harm them with. Harm regarding finding their clandestine operations and sending a larger army to take back what the Prussians had seized under cannon fire from their enemies. The gaping holes in the history of most of the places the FreiKorp previous Prussian Empire spy groups possessed is more than enough to create a statistical analysis to rebuild what the Prussians were demanding. To prove the history of those couple dozen places in America itself means those cities need to have their history rebuilt. Boston, New York, Tiffin, what Tiffin Ohio was called previous (likely the city of Seneca and or Castle Ogle, or Jerusalem), Manitou Springs Colorado, etc. that does not include what 1000 cities in Europe used to be called and their ancient names. Example Athens was called for centuries “The city of ATEN” the Dorian’s added the H after the T and possessive ‘s. before 1500 BCE it was called Poseidon. This links that city directly to the “Classics” and of course the Trojan War.

Chasing the library

This is where the structure of the library and books Wundt and a couple dozen others translated becomes difficult. It is easy to trace where the books the British Ogle’s brought with them came from. The problem is, most of the information is not acceptable to the powerful acceptable version of history. The books, codexes, etc. were not written in Tiffin. They were brought from larger libraries to Tiffin by the great grandfathers of Thomas Ogle. From Maryland, Kings College New York (Columbia), Boston (Harvard), Salem, Edinburgh U Scotland. This and dozens of other subjects are part of the Ogle family DNA. The Ogles have possessed Electro-Magnetic machine technology since not a day under the start of the Trojan War documented. Previous undocumented that since most of the languages at in those centuries have been erased by the Hyksos who birthed the Dorians, Agamemnon, the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, etc. One side culturally loves knowledge and build libraries. The other side genocides and burns libraries.

But the books were not written in Tiffin. Although massive amounts of scholarly works did occur in Tiffin before it being called Tiffin. A massive amount of work was achieved in Edinburgh and Constantinople, ancient texts were copied into modern materials to preserve ancient knowledge with materials which would last for centuries further. The old materials had already lasted for centuries if not millennia. Some of those books came back from Constantinople library after the Ogle family were forced to evacuate Britain for Normandy and Ireland. Taking the books to Constantinople. Bringing them back was not easy in any way. Bringing the books back required the invention of a new entirely autonomous Knight Order “The Templars”. To ferry pilgrims to and from the holy lands, picking up books clandestinely at the same time.

The Constantinople library was a combination of the Roman Library post 300 ce and the portions of the Ogle libraries in Britain. Since the family knew flat out that they would be under siege worse than during the height of the Roman Empire seize 50 bce – 300 ce. the books were not in a secure enough location. Constantinople was secure enough post 1100 ce. With the cannon, they had to be shipped back. Constantinople fell not long after the last of the library caches primary and oldest books had long since been shipped to Northumberland or the English name for the Kingdom of Ogle.

The Kingdom of Ogle library had been safe and secure in dozens of castles in Britain from the fall circa 1330 bce of the 18th Egyptian dynasty, The Trojan War, and Carthage until 300 ce. Most of the cities before they were conquered shipped their library according to ancient translations of the 18th Dynasty hidden documents, found in tombs, mummies, etc. is that the Court of Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten. He knew his time and the family were done. He could not bring himself to massacre the Hyksos gaining power at Avaris. They were going to rise and genocide all who opposed them. He knew he had no choice, follow the teachings of the ATEN. Or genocide them before they can genocide us. The rules are specific “thall shalt not kill”.

So as his fellow Aten philosophy follower ancestors had done in 2200 bce, he ordered his family to evacuate Egypt to set up kingdoms of their own. His wife and oldest daughter to first Athens and then Britain. His next daughter to marry King Priam of Troy to produce Paris. His oldest daughter’s son Theseus would marry Paris and produce children. Launching the Trojan War. Which is both the basis where Wundt found the tools of psychology in, as well as proved to be mostly fiction regarding the Trojans actions. They evacuated out of the city and by the time the Trojan Horse only a small token amount of the city was populated. The fight was about taking Jews out of Agamemnon’s slave wall and allowing them to live free among other Jews. The Trojans being Jews.

However, before the Avaris could seize control and of course Agamemnon could perform his actions, the library and treasures of the 18th dynasty was shipped out of the area to Britain since it was so far out of the reach of the Hyksos enemy. Not entirely correct, but close enough. Ǽneas was ordered to ship the library and treasures out of Troy, collect copies of books at Tier, Egypt before the fall of the 18th Dynasty, then over the Carthage to collect copies of their library, then to Alba Longa/Samhain. To create a solid city and defenses for the evacuating Trojans to live in. But Agamemnon’s army followed. Thus, the undocumented start of the Punic War. The official start would be in 600 years. Aeneas’ son Brutu was sent to Britain to help his aunt form a kingdom capable of withstanding 1000 years of attack from the descendants of Agamemnon.  The Carthage culture was an ally and their scholars had been sharing information back and forth with the 18th dynasty, the scholars at Tier, Troy, and before 1600 with the city of Poseidon (Hippocrates found a library cache at Rhodes and rebuilt medicine from the exchange of books between those cities. After the Hyksos invaded, one of the storehouses of the books was Rhodes.). Some copies of those books were stored in Rhodes Greece for the next century until Alexander had them all moved to his Great Library. However, this is a dozen subjects taking place in different millennia; oddly enough it is about copies of the same books.

This is not the first time Egypt has possessed a world collection of information. The first time Egypt possessed a huge world knowledge shaping library was at 3800 bce in upper Egypt location Hierakonpolis. Which was attacked, and the residents were forced to flee to first Memphis then north to Heliopolis which the Greek to Hebrew translation of Heliopolis is Jerusalem. Heliopolis was transported from Egypt to Rome exactly where the Vatican sits now by Caesar’s “Great Grandson” Caligula. Tracing the library backwards is easy, just follow the technology. However, when people go from tents to 10 story houses and weapons of steel, the enemy and politicians hate the fact they are and will remain ignorant since they have no care for studying. Killing absolutely, they will engage in battle for days and weeks on end. But sitting at a desk for 4 hours to read a book is beyond their patience level. When they go back to tents from 10 story buildings, you know as a matter of fact the library has been burned or the library was moved out by the enemy of the people who like tents.

Carthage, Troy, the 18th Dynasty that would have included bits and pieces of the Hierakonpolis library, pieces of information buried for most of the last 6000 years minus a few times when those that knew dug up the sands and read the walls. Then buried it back to not be destroyed by their enemies. After Memphis the information was shipped to Heliopolis (Jerusalem) Egypt. Where it sat until 3500 bce when the invading army from Mecca who had conquered Hierakonpolis pushed north. The city was not called Heliopolis until the Greeks recreated academics in their form. With a strong and violent hand from the renamed Dorian/Hyksos. Pushing their agenda against a nonmilitary protected scholars of Greece. Many secrets were lost, which arrived over to the Romans who carried forward their own hatred of Jews and knowledge. The city of Heliopolis was called IWNW, which means “the Capital City of Pillars”. The Pillars are the main limb touch points of the ATEN from the disc in the sky to the ground. The Capital city is one of the major locations those arms/legs/limbs touched. What is most important about that, by legend the city of IWNW was built with some connection to Adam. Now the legends number about 10 versions of the story. Not just that but after the flood, Noah landed in Turkey then sailed to Adam’s city of IWNW and weighed anchor. Which the Khufu pyramid has some reflection of evidence regarding that concept. However, the enemies of the Jews want nothing at all to do with that information. But it does point to the 3800 – 1300 bce building and moving of the library in and out of Egypt by the Jews. Then shipping it to Ogle Castle. The Ogles shipping those libraries finally 2600 years later circa 1300 ce to the American Colonies. Assuming an ocean was far enough away. But not counting on the Muslims wanting to start the slave trade again and descendants of the Muslims invasions of Europe wanting to purchase slaves to create huge plantations in America to obtain profits the likes of which were impossible in Europe or Africa. All they needed to do is genocide entire populations.

The Ogles were forced to keep moving away from the invaders until they were cornered at Tiffin. Enemies all around. That is where the books and knowledge came from. 3800 bce bounded around a dozen places not mentioned, but the major provable libraries present post 1300 bce.

British Library

The British were given possession of the libraries of the Trojans, the Egyptians (18th Dynasty), in part the Carthage library, the Samhain (Rome), Alba Longa, etc. they had placed them under extreme guards in key cities they controlled which the enemy would take centuries to develop the necessary skills and men to threaten.

The books contained information which the Greeks had stolen part of and developed amazing technology from.

Acroteria mechanism

A rudimentary steam engine. The Romans found said technology in the Alexandria library and turned it into military advantage by destroying most of the evidence of its origins and bragging they were the ones to invent those incredible things from 10 years after the Romans gained access to the Alexandria Library forward.   They would have started the “industrial revolution” at 20 bce but they were too concerned with finding and killing Jews to care about the money they could make from the slave, they did not want the steam engine. The slave economy was too central to the roman cultures psyche. Enter the industrial, age “what would we do with all the slaves” said one senator.

Engineering to make huge buildings

Engineering to create the aqueduct system



Mechanical engineering to make machines they could connect to waterfalls and steep rivers. Having a “paddle wheel” every x feet powering a sequence of grain mills.

And of course, Electro-Magnetic machines.

The Prussians and of course their axis cultures either knew flat out what the books contained they could not access and or they had a clever idea.

When Mary Shelley and her friends were in one of the newly opened “libraries” to the academic public. She found the story of a medical doctor who had built his own Electro-Magnetic machines and had conducted experiments. She fictionalized his actions into Frankenstein. The real man was one of 100 of upper class and rich scholars who had conducted said experiments. The Prussian spy organizations which the FreiKorp was just one branch of had laid siege to each one and stolen as much of that technology as they could. However, they still as of 1790 did not possess sufficient know how to use said to create weapons from it, they needed more.

The hunt to keep chasing down the British did not end with the conquest of America by the Prussian axis the English. Capturing Harvard, Trinity U (aka Kings college aka Columbia), etc. in the colonies did not produce the materials the Americans demanded access to. The Prussians already knew the materials were not present, they kept up the pushing west. Venturing farther west to find hidden library caches the British were still holding onto keeping as low a profile as possible.

That points to Tiffin and the libraries around Tiffin almost perfectly. Which also explains why northern Ohio has 10 of the best Universities in America. But each one is relatively small. They were designed to be that way.

The contents of the library

The libraries contained secrets which dated back to the Hierakonpolis library of 3800 bce.

Which also means some of the books contained the secrets of the Pyramids. The Pyramid technology is almost beyond imagination more complex than is currently understood by academics and science. The ATEN is built into the Causeways. 100 million tons of carved rock stretching over miles and miles. Modern science has no idea how to repeat but our technology has finally in the last 13 years risen to the point we can now proof an even higher level of mathematics and engineering which makes the still mystery of the pyramids look small in comparison. How did they do the next part is so far beyond human knowledge right now, it is like a preschooler trying to understand a 40-year experienced Theoretical Quantum Physics equation person describing how C curves around a black hole.


The descendants of Esau e.g. Mecca, Russia (blue horde), Prussia, the Third Reich, Protestants, Dutch, etc. cultures have a problem with digging too deeply into the past. They will only go so far and then stop. They stop because the information they find strongly contradicts their philosophy. When that occurs, they must stop or must reorganize their theology. Which most are not willing to do.

Consequently, instead of performing the research and learning themselves, they recruit thugs from their citizens and go capture scholars from other cultures to do the research for them. So, they can maintain ignorance but force the captured scholar to decode the books they cannot read to build their weapons.

Enter for the specific purpose of the field of Psychology. Wilhelm Wundt, Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith, and dozens of others yet unnamed. They were brought to Tiffin to be forced to translate the books captured or stolen from Heidelberg.

Need to kill all Jews

Although the Axis cultures have very little conscious understanding, the leadership chose millennia ago to hide the facts of the situation. That they are fighting and desperately want to kill Jews to replace them on the Throne of Adam. The Throne is mostly a mythical concept since most of the corroborating evidence has been erased by the Axis powers dating back well before the Roman Empire. But the throne of Adam was part of the Tabernacle System, that System has some limited documentation. Although in fact some of the documentation is misleading, some leaders knew about information they kept secret and performed actions which they were acting from secrets.

A perfect example of the Throne is the Russian Amber Room which was a gift from the Prussians circa 1730 to Russia to cement another piece deal. However, when the Russians and Prussians went to war with each other, it was not for the reasons most think. They did not want to end the war, they wanted to remove percentages of their populations. They either had more mouths then they could feed, or they had too high a population of “undesirable” citizens they wanted to get rid of. So instead of mass executions, both sides would round up those citizens and have them fight each other to the death for entertainment. In a way gladiatorial combat for the fun of the crowd.

The equation is rather simple if you break it down. The argument between Esau who demanded to be the next “King of the Throne of Earth” kept stealing the birthright from his brother Jacob. But Jacob was not physically strong but mentally, and always managed to come along when Esau had put himself into a compromised position to force Esau to give up his cognitive dissonance, might makes right. Jacob was the chosen one, not Esau. But Esau was always convinced that with enough muscle, weapons, and blood lust that he could eventually take the power away from his brother.

Esau after losing another combat session and praying hard to send a fallen to go kill his brother on his way back to Egypt. Esau used the Kaaba at Mecca his newly conquered city and its captured residents and killed them all to have that fallen go kill his brother. His brother survived the attack and was renamed Israel.

From that moment on the Hyksos culture the supposed descendants of Esau have had one cultural goal. To seek out and destroy the Jews, take their synagogues and turn them all into mosques to worship god correctly.

However minus Mecca, this has never worked.

And from 2600 bce to about the time of the Roman Empire the above details were removed from common knowledge. The reason to seek out the Jews to kill them, because just seek them out and kill them. The Esau and Jacob thing has been well buried by history.

Pro cultures


Royal French

Germans (not Prussians/NAZI)

Austrians (the non Muslim descendants)

Some Simon Peter descendant Italians



Mormons under the leadership of Joseph Smith


Genocidal cultures




Paul's Vatican


Libertine French




Dozens of Islamic sub-groups

The LDS under the leadership of B.Y.

Mongolian Golden Horde

Blue Horde 1240s–1502


The Prussians/Hyksos Motivations

On the Sandusky and Mississippi River in that exact same time the first Steam Engines were being built and tested. The first working and at least semi-"Steam Engine" went into service as a business just 5 small years after 1847. Talk about a jump in technology. The soldiers at Fort Ball to perform the actions they did. Exact same pattern as when the Romans took control over the Ogle libraries captured by Alexander in Egypt, the giant leap in technology thanks to the Ogles and their Knights Templars founded by the Ogles of Normandy aka the Renaissance. The knights grew up, trained, and became knights under the banner of British and French Knight orders. All Knight orders were under the command and control of the King or Kings of partnerships worked. The British and French worked together just fine. The British turned 8 returning from the Crusade knights into a brand-new knight order “The Templars” wrote the documents and petitioned the Pope. The French were focused on other aspects of the other knights. The Prussians aka Teutonic knights were infuriated with said developments and would stop at nothing to gain access to those books and weapons. By ship and knights over land brought the books back to Europe from Constantinople, the birth of the Renaissance was just decades away. The birth of the American Industrial revolution started circa 1850 just a few years after the collapse of the Ogle defenses at Heidelberg Tiffin Ohio. The first technology improvements were within 1000 miles of Tiffin. The first working Steam Boat was within just a few miles of Tiffin. The Prussians had a very strong idea of the technology books they were chasing and were more than slightly angry in the 1000 other libraries they seized control over, that they could not find "key divine weapons books". So, they looked to Heidelberg, and lay siege spy v spy to the city 1812-1850. What the FreiKorp/Prussian/Russians have an axis and all but kissing cousins with a different culture which had power, money, and of course a desperate need to seize control and destroy their enemies. The new tie discovered is the Blue Horde which invaded and controlled Moscow for several centuries, they still were powerful and in the government just about a century before in the late 1600s. After they were still strong and powerful but were reduced in their governmental control.  The Blue Horde on the other hand when they were part of the Golden Horde had converted to violently radical Islam in their time in and around Mecca. They were still fundamentalist and wanting to kill all who questioned "the prophet" in Russia in the not too distant past, which includes all the 1800s. Prussia and Russia have been close axis for most of the last millennia. The Prussian Government began not that far away from Mecca, aka the Teutonic Knights. The Russians and their axis Prussians work very closely with Mecca. Have for the last 1000 plus years. Is it any wonder supposedly western cultures have a huge thing about being anti-Semitic? Their connected cultures are close business and politically tied to Mecca.

Prussian FreiKorp

The Prussians in America. A major chip on their shoulder from both the Salem Witch Trials (what they were called before 1754 were present and military active), then the huge chip on their shoulder during both the Seven Years War and the American Revolution. Their other named political group/party Tammany Hall which was about as nasty regarding politics has the NAZI’s were minus no gas chambers. They would just kidnap their enemies in the middle of the night and kill them.

Rome and Psychology

The books had to arrive in Northumberland somehow. The books the romans stole from 800 bce – 400 ce.

The question becomes what in the world does these strange and unusual topics have anything to do with the development of Psychology. That answer is before being called Rome the city was called “The City of Seven Hills”. Which has several key aspects.

One English did not exist yet for more than 1500 years circa 753 bce. English would not be until 750 ce. How to spell seven in the language used by the residents of what became known as Rome after the conquest was Samhain. The residents did not use Latin since it too was not invented yet. They used Italic which had been all but entirely obliterated from existence. Italic based on a huge amount of research, the actions of the Julii Emperors, Emperor Vespasian, and the Evil Priest Paul. Julius Caesar spent his entire life preparing for the coming of the Jewish Messiah (Osgood, 2008). The Julii family had been Jews since the city was still called Samhain; which means eternity. Same meaning as Mem, but add the phis, and you get “The Eternal City”. Which is what Caesar renamed Rome, but it only stuck as a nickname. Caesar converted to Judaism while performing diplomacy in the Antonia Peninsula.

Back in America circa 1754, the war which was in part spurred on by the FreiKorp under the command and control of the Prussian Empire was called “The Seven Years War”. Rome and Tiffin the War was fought over virtually the same thing, killing Jews, and taking the technology of Solomon to harness demons to turn them into weapons of mass destruction. Kill all who opposed Esau and his descendants.

The Prussians did not speak English as their primary language, neither did the British. Both used their native tongues, only the Americans used “The French and Indian War” to both insult the Royalist French in America and to insult the Jews. The French Jews and the British Jews. But since the main armies did not use English, they spoke of the war using a different name. The Seven Years War, but spelling Seven in Gaelic is not spelled Seven it is spelled Samhain. Because the meaning of Halloween is still present and was named that holiday twice. Once before 753 and once by Caesar. Why is this beyond significant. Because the British Ogles of Tiffin had been in Tiffin since the “Samhain War”. Their first “house”/Mansion/Castle was obliterated during the wars and the after-spy v spy events and they were forced to live in a cabin until the “Maples” was constructed circa 1770. The Ogles knowing full and completely well that they were going to lose their New France lands when it became Ohio Territory, they gave their lands to family friends. When the FreiKorp came back attacking and building Fort Ball. All family but the soldiers evacuated out of the damage path. But when they arrived back circa 1823, the Maples was still standing. The house was not touched, neither was the bulk of the library out buildings which has been constructed in huge stones decades and centuries previous. Although the Prussians and Americans informed the Ogles that they had demanded access to those libraries or we will kill every single one of you will you are no longer blocking access to the doors.

Now something of profound interest. Most of the books were not written in English. Because “why write in English” the mother language is Gaelic. But they possessed more than a few dozen volumes of ancient texts. Sumerian, Akkadian, linear A, etc. languages were in the library. The Prussians had zero ability to purchase similar books, so these were it. Other copies existed but these books were well known as to their location. The other libraries were not located yet. Hence the presence of Fort Ball, the American and FreiKorp troops since the middle of the 1700s, and the entire sequence of “Samhain War” and the “revolutionary war”. To seize control over the weapons the British Ogle’s had possessed for the previous proven millennia. The Teutonic Knights witnessed the Ogle family formed Templars find book caches and transport them back to Britain. Specifically Ogle Castle, New Castle, Edinburgh, etc.

Human Sacrificing is a subject which was relevant to the Prussians during the time of Wundt. It became a center point to the entire cultures existence when their puppet Adolf began the “Third Reich”. But that is a subject for later in the document.

Right now, focusing on that phrase “harnessing demons” is what the FreiKorp based on the fiction Mary Shelly wrote into her novel about Dr Frankenstein is what they wanted. The Prussians demanded access to Electro-Magnetic technology. What is so hard core heavy about Electro-Magnetic Technology is the fact that the modern Electro-Magnetic machines which have come from said are without question tools which defy death and are weapons of mass destruction. E in E=MC2, the rail gun, radar (can be used as an offensive weapon), electricity to be used to electrocute death row prisoner (same technology can be used with extreme ease, if you have enemy soldiers crawling through a moat. Electrify the moat and the dozen or hundreds of soldiers trying to scale your walls will kill themselves with chain mail on.) These weapons the Prussians were entirely convinced were in Tiffin in the books they wanted Wundt to read and translate, and part of the buildings construction. They were entirely convinced of it.

In part because of the Electro-Magnetic lightshow performed when the Kirtland LDS temple was dedicated in early 1830s.

A point of extreme fact, Wundt had to be forced into the middle of all this and give his Prussian slave masters exactly what they wanted or else be killed for not producing. That trauma was more than sufficient to have Wundt give up on studying languages and then medicine because he was not a strong man, the Prussians no longer needed his translations. They needed medical doctors in 1848. So, he was ordered to shift from translations of captured Ogle family books to becoming a medical doctor. So, he could apply his knowledge of the Electro-Magnetic machines from the book he translated which were like the books Mary Shelly read which turned into Victor Frankenstein’s laboratory. Wundt spent the rest of his life studying medicine but after his release he spent his medical career studying the human nervous system. Obviously based on the facts the FreiKorp wanted him to build them a D-Fibrillation machine, to resurrect their dead soldiers. Wundt wanted to study why these genocidal killers did what they did, what caused their brain to be so against humanity. Otherwise known as neuropsychology. What is most interesting about that are the facts that his Electro-Magnetic machines were a unique set of machines which even Tesla learned about Electro-Magnetics from those machines. Tesla was born 10 July 1856 six years after Wundt began to build his Electro-Magnetic machines which the Prussians loved beyond measure the translations and blue prints of those machines. Those machines were extremely effective part of the Prussian War effort. They could be used to kill dozens if not hundreds of enemies in just 5 minutes. If they set up the battlefield correctly, water, chain links, etc. they could kill most of the entire enemy camp. Provided the enemy set up camp over pre-set up metal areas. Electrocute the entire army. Use D-Fibrillation machines to resurrect e.g. Frankenstein their dead soldiers to have a continuous supply of battle hardened soldiers who when killed in battle the hope was to resurrect them, then send them back into the fight. Although that machine does not work that way.

Wundt was forced to use his genius to make those machines for his slave masters. They were extremely grateful. The proof was he rebuilt those machines in his Leipzig lab. Which Lightner at Penn State copied his lab almost perfectly.

Electro-Magnetic Machines

“I have become death”

But all that was happening in Tiffin, but where did that technology come from to begin with. That stuff is not really all that easy to develop under battle conditions. The Manhattan Project for the most part was developed 100 miles away from the nearest nothing in North Western New Mexico. Although part of the work and development took place at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, which is 80 miles south of Albuquerque.

Which means there is little evidence or reason to assume those weapons were not under discovery and invention in the 1700s or 1800s. they were developed centuries previous.

Which means to understand where those tools came from requires an investigation into the structure of “The Classics” which is where most of the mental tools came from to create both psychopathology and of course mental diagnostics.

The Classics

To study the classics requires a huge amount of work and effort. Most of the classics were written in languages which have been dead including Wundt’s time for more than 1000 years.

Tools of Psychology

The tools of Psychology primarily come from a breakdown of both the great thinkers of the Renaissance who gained access the books the Vikings and Templars brought back from the Constantinople Library. Emperor Constantine’s Mother, there is only one place she could have come from. That would be the daughter of the commanding General of the North side of Hadrian’s Wall or about 8 miles south of Ogle Castle. Ogle Castle is about 12 miles north west of New Castle, Northumberland which is rather redundant. The tools came from a deconstruction of the “population control” versions of the Iliad and Odyssey. There are about five different versions depending on century. Some had as many as eight and as few as two. Based on the Dorian Dark Age occurred immediately after the Library was taken out of Troy by the Ǽneas to first Samhain and then New Castle. The two was for maximum control over the population.

The first was a play to be performed before the leaders of any given city would perform various actions which the citizens would suffer in huge ways. The emphasis on the citizens play was to get the citizens to focus in on “Heroic Sacrifice” for the glory and honor of the state. If the citizen lived they will receive winners accolade, if they lost their sacrifice would not be forgotten. A very skinner box application of tools.

The other primary version was strictly for the rulers; the story revolved around the complex states regarding getting their citizens to commit to being on shield walls and in effect be cut down in stride by better armies. How to manipulate other leaders in order to use diplomacy first to get what you want, without having to commit troops. How to identify week rulers, hwo to create strategies for political success, how to read a court to find out who has power and who is only pretending to have power.

Wundt took these books he had read and translated them before and during his time at Heidelberg, and worked to understand the working portions. To separate out the sentences in order to isolate the facts from the obvious fiction. Then narrowed down the Conditioned Response CR, Operant Conditioning OC, and other psychological Techniques. But without proper follow up those tools only work  semi-effectively in the short term. Long term the citizens can only be convinced to work against their best interest for so long. The Prussians loved these tools, but demanded Wundt find ways to apply those tools better and longer lasting. They wanted to control their populations with tools which would last for years, or last for ever. So their citizens would never question their authority.

Medusa; the story of medusa is the story of a person who acted against the will of the leaders and was banished (Eck, 2016). But kept in an isolated place, so if the leaders needed her. The skills she brought to the table could be captured (like Joseph Smith), snatched, and forced to work. Making each person in those stories were applied to, it gave them an illusion of freedom. But in truth their enemy is nearby and more than willing to perform any manner of really bad actions to get what they wanted.  

Crowd control which skinner turned into behaviorism; BF Skinner read Wundt’s book and knew how to play with his newly reorganized techniques from the Classics, and how to turn them into individual manipulation techniques. He knew he could achieve the goals the Prussian’s wanted achieve. To control people through various applications like “talk therapy” and “aversion therapy” to control them much longer than a few days to a few weeks. However most of his techniques which work has been labeled “torture” and the rest do not work in a healthy way. Short term fix for simple mental health issues, is great, but do not mistake nurture self destructive patterns which need to be redirected for nature patterns. Suppressing nature will result in bad outcomes.

Wundt worked very hard in his life to take the tools and created a working model of psychopathology and of course diagnostics which those tools could be entirely removed from the Trojan War, Medusa, and still be applied in a scientific way. His theory worked perfectly and became the field of Psychology. What those that become Psychologists after did with his work vary. But his new isolating human nature v nurture as well as what are universal human traits, separated from culture specific traits. Isolate and research them individually was revolutionary and is still not well understood by the field of Academics.

Wundt and the library

To study the cultures who were directly and in some cases violently influencing the foundations of modern psychology (Kress, Hoffman, & Eriksen, 2010). Forwarding from the hypothesis that Wilhelm Wundt was not at Heidelberg Prussia the entire time but spent part of that time in Heidelberg Tiffin, Ohio (Zhao, 2011). Witnessing first hand all manner of horrible actions done by the Prussians aka FreiKorp in 80 years the Munich branch to change their name to NAZI (Paulus, 1955). To study all the cultures involved to discover why Wundt had the inspiration he did to start the notes that became the first modern psychology textbook (Zhao, 2010). Also, the machines he gained access to that he later recreated in his Leipzig lab (Vobořil, Květon, & Jelínek, 2009). The amount of missing information is staggering (Wassmann, 2009). This is a problem for the entire field of psychology not just the field of cultural (Davey, 2014). But it is also a problem for cultural since from 1870-present psychology is still struggling to find its place in science. The culture of psychology has more issues than solutions (Matsumoto, & Juang, 2013).

FreiKorp to Tammany Hall to Confederacy to the NAZI party

One of the largest annoyances to the structure of studying history, is when the work very hard to hide their warts but when their cultural warts are found. That information is almost never reacted to in a positive way. thus is the structure of how the spy organizations of the Prussian Empire name changed string from 1754 to 1920. Different names same organizational structure, under the command and control of the Prussian Empire.

Courtesy of the Prussian Empire, Fascism traveled through Tiffin on its way back to Prussia to name change to become the NAZI Party (Hirschel, George, & Jean, 2002). Wundt witnesses said first hand, and the horrors and genocide they conducted could be one of the major contributing factors to his early notes circa the late 1840s which became the first modern textbook on psychology (Redlin, 1970). Studying the events which took place in Tiffin from 1814-1850 could and already has revealed a huge amount of previously unknown details regarding both the foundations of psychology and of course when the FreiKorp soldiers stationed at Fort Ball name changed January 1920 to NAZI (Engstrom, & Weber, 2005). Why Tiffin, to do battle against the Ogle family and to seize control over their libraries (Arnold, Crooks, & Moore, 2015). The one in the family house, what would become Heidelberg, and eventually decades later TU.


Hypothesis Mary Shelley’s book “Frankenstein” was courtesy of research Lord Byron allowed his friends to do in one of the Holy Roman Empire Libraries that contained books and discourses regarding electrical machines and reanimation of dead tissue experiments. For an army, especially as violent and blood thirsty as the Prussians operating under 1000 different names, having soldiers, they could simply “resurrect” and would keep fighting, is worth any price. Electrical engines were a specialty of the French, German families, also the Austrian Royal families. Experimentation using severed animal limbs had been occurring for centuries. Wundt rebuilt those machines in his laboratory in Leipzig a decade later (Schmidgen, 2003). His lab was obliterated in the two world wars which occurred in the next century.

Library of Congress

Despite owning the tons and tons of books in Tiffin, the Ogles in Tiffin post 1825 had their history erased from them. Wundt used those and many other books to create psychology (Wan-chi, 2009). Erasing history of the enemy is one of the things the Prussians are the best at. Destroying the culture of their enemy so the descendants cannot seek revenge. A quote from Amon Goethe “The last 1000 years of Jewish history in Poland is a rumor, it never happened. Tonight, we erase all evidence the Jews were here at all” The descendants are not educated enough to know they have been cheated. Physical evidence in 1812 the entire Library of Congress was a single bookcase in a relatively small room. Heidelberg’s library in Tiffin at the same time was several rooms full of bookshelves.  The facts are “where did the books come from”, the Ogles have had access to huge libraries for well over three millennia. The Prussians stole their libraries from other cultures, but could not read them. Hence the need to hire Wundt and dozens of others to translate those ancient books for them (Diamond, 1984).

Consequently, the statistical chance that his Prussian overlords would have left Wundt in Prussia to translate the library they just took by cannon from the Ogles in Tiffin is zero (Carpenter, 2005). The chances they would have allowed a skilled linguist like Mr. Cowdery not to be “dragooned” or at least indentured servant/slave into their service to translate the texts in their newly conquered library are also zero (Asthana, 2015). Oliver with almost 22 years of experience as an adult with ancient archaic languages and Wundt a teenager with a background of the previous more than a decade learning to read every ancient language the Prussian army could get him to learn how to read and translate (Lin, 2015). Those undeniable facts lead to the concept that some of the basic concepts of the Book of Mormon are almost statistically impossible not to be found in Wundt’s notes which became the first textbook (Cíntia Fernandes, & Saulo de Freitas, 2011). That information is unacceptable, but every work of the LDS portion is dead on the money true or extremely difficult to disprove the theory based on the statistics.

That would be the community which was established by Smith in “Rocky Mountain” just east of Manitou Colorado well in truth it was called Texas in 1825. Rocky Mountain was the first capital of Texas back when Austin was about 5 tents next to the river. 1822 when “Texas” was on legal paperwork founded but the French had been living and thriving in Texas since the 1600s. the French royal family of Louis XVI King in exile had been living in Manitou since 1790. Just because the legal paperwork said x does not make it true at all. In fact, the armies present, the musketeers in Texas were more than a match for the Mexican, Spanish, and of course all their axis put together. Which is one reason Coronado had to travel to Manitou one by himself and a very small unarmed continent of his closest advisors about 12 men. He was escorted to Manitou to have a chat with the British and French in Manitou. He came back a changed man. But the mission was entirely clandestine, and no documentation exists regarding any aspect of it.

The British and French wrote assorted items, but in 1800 those documents were either confiscated and classified by the American government or destroyed entirely.

Smith sent his “unacceptable” followers to Rocky Mountain to help the French Royal family in exile built the city. One small piece of evidence exists regarding this in the physical. The Bancroft School building, its foundation and of course a least one picture of it still exists. That building began as a replacement of the Louvre.

It was partially torn down and remodeled several times.

It used to stretch wider than the streets to the east and west of Bancroft parks current dimensions.

But the infrastructure built from 1860-1890 has obliterated all but the most basic aspects of the original city of Rocky Mountain.

Although lots of documentation exist regarding the Bancroft Palace, it was just not called that. Mr. Bott a serious and early developer of the area to be called Colorado City lived in what would become a school in a decade for month before his house was finished. The Texas and Americans loved the amount of gold they could extract from Colorado City in the 1830-1840s. but hated the people present. I do not mean a small amount of hatred, I mean soul level “put them all in the ovens” smelter (21 street ruin) and erase them all from existence. Jews, blacks, ex slaves, Muslims, French, British, natives, etc. but said information has been entirely erased from history. Or was never documented in the first place.

But something is entirely erased from the situation. The French royal family had a decade or two to prepare for the FreiKorp to invade France and perform a spy coup de etant upon the Royal family. Not even the first 100th time the FreiKorp used their spy skills to topple threatening governments to the Prussian and Russian governments. The French had more than sufficient time to take their more valuable technology “steam engines” and “electrical generators” out of France and to America. The FreiKorp wanted those machines and would happily commit genocide to force the subject.

Electro-magnetic machine instructions in Heidelberg and Electro-Magnetic Machines in Manitou. Both have a beyond significant documented LDS presence in the 1840s. Smith in his own hand wrote “I am going to Rocky Mountain” in the last year before June 1844. Immediately before his was supposedly killed/martyred by the FreiKorp in Carthage Illinois.

The evidence he was kidnapped along the way or the night of the 27 is difficult to disprove knowing that the FreiKorp desperately wanted him in their possession as a skilled linguist. They would stop at nothing, so there is less than zero reason while the intent was to aim at the city of “Rocky Mountain” he was likely captured, given a new name, new papers, stripped of all identifying personal items, and shipped to Tiffin to work on the translations.

Why Rocky Mountain. Because it possessed a huge army combination of the French (musketeers) and the British armies. It also possessed electro-magnetic engines. Which could easily be converted from being good machines to being weapons of war.

It is a documented fact that in France Denis Pepin built a steam engine capable of pumping water out of a mine circa 1690. 1690-1790 a century between the first documented powerful steam engine in France to the time the court of Louis XVI evacuated to Manitou Colorado.  A full century one country, with a huge amount of money, and the backing of the French royal family there are few limited to the reach of steam technology. Combine that horse power with an electrical generator and you have amps if not watts of power. Watts of power and the machines which can be built are all but unlimited. Up to and including a computer.

Most of that stuff was shipped to American in the middle 1700s. To keep Prussian and Russian hands off it.

The next question is, what does anything at all of this have to do with Wilhelm Wundt and the subject of Psychology. The answer is in the form of a question. Tell me exactly where the electrical machines which filled Wilhelm Wundt’s Leipzig psychological laboratory came from? Trace every single piece of machinery from where Wundt built it from, or had it built, or where he obtained the dozens of pieces of machinery to assemble into his electric machines. Electrical machines were not anywhere close to a dime a dozen. They were a special custom built each piece. A few machines were put on boats in France to make the first “recognized steam engines. In 1850 the first fully recognized steam boats were operating on the Mississippi, Ohio, Sandusky rivers, etc. just months after Wundt's work on Electro-Magnetic engines became real engines.  But the libertine government did not see the potential in them yet.

Wundt was absolutely fascinated by the body’s electrical system. He combined all that technology together to study the body’s electrical system in his laboratory.



Tiffin began as a little community next to Fort Ball, which was a part American culture fort but primarily manned by the Prussian Empires’ paramilitary spy organization the FreiKorp. The most important thing to remember about the Freikorp is in 1920 the Munich branch of the FreiKorp name changed to NAZI.

Talk about the interesting history.

The hardest and most physical evidence regarding the proof these odd events occurred in Tiffin in 1810 is both the presence of the Ogle family and most importantly their library as well. As Fort Ball that was situated approximately half way between the position of the two libraries’ north south today. The Ogles were in the area and were planning on a very long stay, if not indefinitely. They also possessed their own Army, which is why Fort Ball was needed to keep the British Army at bay long after 1815.  The Maples and the libraries in the immediate area prove beyond a doubt that the Ogles had money, power, influence, and there is every reason in the world for the American and Prussians to taken them as the definition of a hard target threat. The full libraries 100s if not close to 1000 miles away from the closest of equal sized library also point to the importance of said books. Those would-be books which even in the present would be valued at 1000s if not 10,000s of dollars. If not entirely classified and only readable in a clandestine location. Likely in a vault. Although the original building of Heidelberg is a Castle, renamed to be fort, renamed to just a building. But inside it was built to repel invaders trying to either destroy or steal the books. Back then a 10,000-dollar valued book with insanely advanced mathematical equations like if not a little bit less than the ATEN equations of Egypt, a RR would be less expensive to purchase. A complete collection of rooms filled with books of that academic quality and of course that academic level of technology. That is more than the GDP of Europe for about 10 years. During the slave trade. This gives a solid and substantial idea of how the Prussians reacted from 1812 up to and through 1845 when they finally seized control over the Heidelberg library. Imagine the books the Ogles managed to sneak out. Since the books which were left were used by Wundt to recreate the structure of psychology. Since this was a Prussian operation, the Prussian empire within a very short amount of time in Prussia began to develop advanced technology. Ballistics, rockets, motors, the steam engine, engineering, architecture, etc. almost all areas of technology took an extremely large leap forward in 1850.

The Library of Congress in 1811 entirely fit in a medium size room in an anteroom in the congressional building. That same room is where the electoral college met every 4 years to elect the president. The books did not take up that much room. The library in Tiffin took up a huge room in the Maples, in several story buildings on the north and south sides of the river. The cultural issues which followed from 1820-1890 are significant since all the above can be easily proven, the problem is, where did the Ogles obtain that much money to possess that many books. Or did they have access to huge libraries. The answer is they were both rich and had access to monstrously huge libraries.

The Prussians having been a primary enemy of the British since they formed. Primarily because the British refused to allow the Teutonic Knights to gain access to the caches of books they located under the Temple Mound which were carried back to the University of Edinburgh in their home kingdom. The Teutonic knights were entirely convinced the books they were denied access to contained very advanced and detailed technology regarding electricity. Technology which is difficult for modern science and academics to understand. The ancient math the British used came from both the Trojans and the Egyptians. 

The British based on evidence are both the descendants of Troy and the descendants of the 18th Egyptian Dynasty. Both of which the 18th and Trojan cultures possessed huge city block sized libraries. Those libraries were for the most part not seized by their conquerors. Those libraries became the backbone of British education until the Romans arrived circa 50 b.c.e. the books were kept so well secure that the Romans could not penetrate the defenses. They were being destroyed at where the wall would be in 200 years. The reason emperor Hadrian built the wall was to keep Roman casualties down. But the British Ogles were more than a match for both the Picts to the west, the Romans to the south, and the Scotts which are likely the Hyksos evacuees from the 17th Dynasty when the Thera Volcano erupted and obliterated the Hyksos in the Aegean. But that is another long and complex story. The Ogles in their kingdom managed to thrive despite fighting a war which lasted from circa 50 bce up to and through the Pictish revolt of 650 ce. That would include the Romans. However, from 1330 to 50 they only had to fight against the Scotts to the north and the Picts to the west. Which they were more than a match for.

The Britta from 1330 b.c.e. to 680 ce were all but undefeatable in their kingdom. But things happened, and they lost circa 680 that ushered in the Age of the Viking. The age of the Viking stops at Hastings 1066, and the Teutonic Knights begin to form. The Templars head to the holy lands to collect the Constantinople library and bring it to safety at both Edinburgh U and Dublin U. Then farther east and south to head off a huge Islamic army headed to rid all life in Europe. The Teutonic name change to Prussians. The British and Prussians fight from that second circa 1190 to present. Despite the fact most of the British culture has been obliterated and scattered to the winds. Most of the Ogle family have no knowledge at all their incredible past. Most have no interest in the traumas of what our ancestors went through. The Prussians are still a formidable force despite living in exile from 1945 to present. The Prussians still want to destroy the British and seize the weapons of the ATEN. Despite neither side having any real idea of that is the real target anymore. They just fight to fight; the reason has been lost millennia ago. The books the Vikings helped to bring back formed the backbone of the Europeans Library System which after decades to centuries the pope allowed each one to be Papal Bulled into a University. Eventually those libraries were incorporated into the “Holy Roman Empire” which collapsed in 1806. Which is one reason Mary was allowed access. To write the novel Frankenstein.

The War between the British and the (newly named Prussians) did not begin during the Middle Ages, nor did it begin during the Roman Empire, and certainly not when King Solomon was building his Temple to house the Ark. It in a way began with the Trojan War. This became the foundation for the literature of “The Classics” and the dozen versions of the stories are not about the history of the cultures clashing but is about population control. There are about 100 cultures on each side of the War which did not start at Troy, or at Athens. It in a way started at the Palace at Knossos.

Continued to the city of Athens. Now to give a solid and substantial idea of the scope of this no big deal little thing called the Trojan War. The Technology the Trojans and of crusade the 18th Dynasty were hiding which the Prussian FreiKorp were demanding was directly associated with the following puzzle.

The Capital city of Greece is undeniably Athens. Now take off the Linear C ‘s, and of course change the TH to a T. since in Linear A the T and TH are entirely different characters which mean in that language family entirely different things, not just sounds. You have the ATEN; the ATEN is about the largest and most powerful technology deal imaginable. Explanation to follow.

The ATEN is the first recognized deity of Egypt. The ATEN is a monotheistic deity. It was alone from 4000 b.c.e. up to and through 3500 b.c.e when the invading army from Mecca brought their own and forced their captured populations to convert or else. 1000 years later most of the Pyramids are constructed, and their causeways are laid out in the most amazing and intricate fashion. But until the world developed GPS, Satellites, and of course the International Space Station to release an up to a few months ago images of the changes the Planet Earth goes through over time. No one had the smallest idea that the ATEN was built into the infrastructure of the Pyramids. The mathematics is beyond anything even close to what our best and brightest can do today. The Khufu Pyramids Causeway bisects this little mountain top only a small distance away.

The mathematics and technology to perform those calculations are well beyond us. We are just capable of proving it in the last 12 years. How to repeat, that is decades if not centuries ahead of current most advanced technology.

What does this have to do with the study of Psychology. The first Medical Doctor was Imhotep who was equally skilled in medicine as he was in how the brain worked. Clearly since he is credited with being one of the primary inventors of Pyramid technology. He had to be an expert in the ATEN, and said type of mathematics, we cannot even imagine.

The field of Psychology was believing from Medicine by the Hyksos who were descendants of the same invader culture who invaded upper Egypt and obliterated most of the cities around Hierakonpolis Thebes was not a city yet. It would not be for several centuries. The Hyksos operating under the name Dorians cleaved “the classics” from the study of Medicine. Medicine went on and psychology became an entirely misunderstood manipulation tool leader would use as a population control device. It was not until about 200 things happened in the century before 1846 about 50 of those events taking place in Tiffin itself. Did Wundt start to collect the tools buried inside “the classics” the tools of pathology in medicine, and of course the separate tools of diagnostics and reassemble them into something which worked. But this work did not start in Prussia. His work began in Tiffin Ohio. Not because of the simplest of all the equations, but because it is easier to smuggle using false papers 10 linguists from Prussia and other locations to Tiffin. Than smuggle secretly 40 to 100 tons of books from the captured library’s in American back to Prussia.

Why do because the publishing of Mary Shelley’s book “Frankenstein” was the finally nail in the coffin of any illusion the British culture did not known about and possess books about explaining the technology, ceremonies, medical information, and of course the associated machines which would resurrect a human from the dead. What we call a D Fibrillation machine, they only understood “resurrect a dead soldier”. A brainless one who is only good at combat is a plus. Put then individually in the battle. Point them at the shield wall and let them have at it. Nothing could be simpler. Then according to the delusions, the Prussians statistically speaking had been operating under since they saw similar technology during the crusades at King Solomon’s Temple circa 1100 ce. They knew the books at Heidelberg were close to the only location left not to conquer and search. The only way to accurately conquer and search is to have linguists at the ready. The FreiKorp were ordered to take the Ogle library and seize the books. Circa 1820. Took them decades but they finally achieved the goal circa 1840. They needed to bring in linguistics to translate. Enter Oliver Cowdery a skilled and three decades experienced linguist, and to capture and bring into slave serve Joseph Smith. With the help of Young, which the “help” of Young has been well proven through various sources. The rest of the information about Smiths execution has been created to hide his presence in Tiffin obviously under a different name and of course distinctive look.

The Prussians would stop at literally nothing to possess said technology. Had spent the entire stretch of recorded history Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Levant lands, European, etc. history performing the same exact behavior patterns operating under about 10,000 different names. But the complexity and evil of the behavior patterns are an unmissable mark. Their actions are so district as to be close to a DNA marker. Although their longest name after Prussian is Hyksos. Which they used from 2100-300 when Alexander the Great conquered them and sent them running from both Greece, Levant lands, and Egypt. Pushing them east till they landed in India. 

Mapping the progress of the Technology the Prussians were demanding

We also know as an absolutely measurement of undeniable fact that Wundt built and experimented on Electro-Magnetic machines from 1850 till the end of his life. Lightner copied his Electro-Magnetic machines lab as close to perfectly as Penn State in circa 1890. Electro-Magnetic machines all over the place for half a millenia. More than enough to say “Electro-Magnetic machines” not only existed but the Germans, Austrians, British, and Royal French had at least two entire centuries documented to experiment. But the Prussians could not understand how to use them correctly. Lots of Lobotomized military and political leaders. Too much Electricity used wrong, boiled brains.

This is not the slightest doubt.

Where the Prussians through their troops at Fort ball how much did they know they were chasing Electro-Magnetic tools. Their leaders wanted to turn them into weapons. Based on the available information, unless they ere entirely ignorant. They knew Heidelberg possessed both Electro-Magnetic textbooks and Electro-Magnetic tools. They would stop at nothing to possess them.  


As the evidence clearly shows, this hypothesis needs just a little bit more work to turn into a solid theory. It is most of the way to being a proven fact. Wundt his location, his influence under clandestine operations, his slave masters treating him most of the time with mild contempt, how he reacted to the influence of Oliver Cowdrey and of course Joseph Smith. All of those just isolated to Tiffin Ohio and Heidelberg University. Although before 1850 it was still just Heidelberg library. Then there is the people only a few 1000 feet to the west the British Ogle family who were actively engaged in wars with the Prussians at Fort Ball. From 1810-1850 losing and the family coming to terms with their was only one remaining pocket of power the Ogle’s still possessed. That was 1000s of miles away in the farthest still connected to the mainland county in America, Whatcom County. But that Evidence of Castles Ogle, Bellingham, and New Castle are subjects to explore further into the facts and evidence of this hypothesis regarding what the library could do. Who were the enemies of the Ogle family library systems. What technology was produced by the Ogle family library system, and why did it draw the worlds clandestine attention for the overwhelming majority of the last 3500 years. What connections to the incredibly advanced Pyramid Technology which are mentioned but not explored are contained in the research and materials of the Ogle family library. A library which ushered in the industrial age of the Romans which they turned down flat, the Roman Empire, the Byzantium Empire and buildings like Hagia Sophia, the renaissance, the industrial revolution which Wundt through his translations of ancient texts helped in an extremely huge way usher in the books which others used and became famous. There appears to be much more in that library (wherever it has gone to) than just the surface stuff the conquerors allowed to leak out to the public. Wundt statistically it is impossible to argue against he was not in Tiffin Ohio. Since the technology explosion immediately upon his working on ancient book translations expanded exponentially including into the Rail Roads, Steam Engines, the Telegraph, etc. the list goes on and on. All those were just imagination figments before 1850, after close to real working items within months, years, and decades. Which is the exact same equation scale as the Romans after they lied about burning the Alexandria Library. The Evidence just keeps mounting up. Not just in psychology but all the other books he and his friends translated from ancient texts.



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