i.            Time progression: in any given object idea and or anything else. 

1.      Fehu Daggaz: the start and end of anything.  The first is starting with what are the priorities, the second is the what is the start of the end count.  How will this end, as how will this start.

2.      Uruz Othallo: strength comes from a stability 

3.      Thurasaz Ingwaz: boundaries and the internal structure are linked and work together.

4.      Ansuz Laguz: senses only work if there is a wave length pattern available to have the eyes, ears, nose, throat, skin, mouth, third eye to work with.  Their has to be a way for wave lengths to travel through to use any sense

5.      Raido Mannaz: to travel around at all their needs to be the desire among that which is traveling to travel. Motion requires a need to do that action

6.      Kannaz Ewaz: to learn requires their to be motion involved with any and all things.  You see that when there is motion their needs to be the process of motion. Wave lengths of energy is what we learn from, what makes knowledge possible is the application of celestial motion.

7.      Gebo Bircano: to grow and all things requires their to be a bridge and or a connection in the gap between 2 separate items.

8.      Wunjo  Tiwaz: in all things a internal desire is what forces motion.

9.      Haggalaz Sowillo: to learn anything more complex then basic wave lengths around you, their has to be a processing of information from the past, several steps of motion have to be in place for their to be anything at all that in the realm of higher learning.

10.  Nauthiez Alhaz: the present and the senses alive with the now.  To see what is happening in the now their has to be an awareness of any and everything in the environment around at that very specific second in time.

11.  Isa Pertho: future and forward motion with the combination of mechanical application.  To plan anything in the future requires their to be a partnership with the building something that is part you but still is not you.

12.  Jera Eiwaz: the sequence and timing of anything is a partnership in both ways by the concept of creation.  Creation and the motion of time are so intimately connected that the whole of Jera Eiwaz and Eiwaz Jera balance each other out.  One is impossible without the other.  Creation coming and going is all about the motion of time.  There is no creation on this planet with out the understanding of time.

13.  Eiwaz Jera: the process of creation on this planet requires the internal cycles of time to work. There are 3 places in the sequences of Erdology that are key points.  Fehu Daggaz Daggaz Fehu and Eiwaz Jera Jera Eiwaz.  These 3 places are the keys to life on this planet.  And with out understanding these key points life anywhere else is simply not possible.  The first part the initial concept is laid down, the first connections are made, from this point on the balance, the other side of the coin is then brought into play, the connection is established, the harmonizing can now apply to that which is going on in this Erdology. The more things are similar the more they stay the same.  But this similarities is based on a harmonizing and balancing between all the cycles.  Here the double count forward and reverse are the definition of balance, as the first dominates for what is needed, the second comes in behind and dominates to balance out what needs to happen.

14.  Pertho Isa:  to build a machine requires a sense of how to apply that machine too the world and what time is necessary for one to actually thing about it, put the idea together, start the internal construction process, finish the project, then present that information to the world.

15.  Alhaz Nauthiez: to see the outside world one needs to see the moment, slowing everything down to the smallest of second is the key to working with the

16.  Sowillo Haggalaz: the long lengths of wave motions allow for the progress of time to have set the repeat wave motions of  any action comes back with a reaction. Ripples on a pond ripple back when they bounce off different objects.

17.  Tiwaz Wunjo: all direction is balanced by motion.

18.  Bircano Gebo: to allow growth their has to be a even greater balance of their is balance and harmony when it comes to the other side of the Eiwaz and Jera connection.

19.  Ewaz Kannaz: the motion of celestial bodies, and the ability to see and understand the motion.  The short wave length is a large part of what causes the initial application of knowing that you can see what is happening in the world around you. For the Kannaz light waves we humans can mostly see. Sowillo roygbiv is in side Sowillo but there is so much more to energy waves then what can be seen by our limited eyes.

20.  Mannaz Raido: the journey of a thousand miles may begin with the impulse to do the journey , but here is here the steps for completing the journey happen.

21.  Laguz Ansuz: the energy waves of all electro magnetics cycles and sequences, well in the beginning its was in interaction with them, here its allowing the electro magnetics patterns to affect you

22.  Ingwaz Thurasaz: in the beginning the internal structure needed boundaries, now the internal structure is the structure of the boundaries.

23.  Othallo Uruz: pure strength is the base of home and stability,

24.  Daggaz Fehu: the end of any and all cycles is a reprioritization of any and all things.