Trojan Clock


The following subjects can be understood/defined as a collection of clocks. Each tooth on each gear is a specific “Verse” or subject of that gear. The gear is a specific set of information.

However, in this Trojan Clock concept, the subject of Troy and the Trojan War is more like a very complex clock. With an entire transmission of Gears.


Just a small number of the major topics related to the Trojan War. The Clock Gears, and the connection to different clocks.


1.  King Priam

2.  The 18th Dynasty

3.  The city of Poseidon (renamed Athens; renamed to honor the ATEN)

4.  Samhain (later conquered and renamed Rome)

5.  Romulus

6.  Philistines

7.  Paris

8.  Spartacus

9.  Ptolemaic Dynasty

10.                The foundation of Christianity

11.                Pharaoh Jesus, Pope Simon Peter, Emperor Claudius, Emmanuelle,

12.                Hercules

13.                Meritaten

14.                Theseus

15.                WMD of the Palace at Knossos

16.                The Ancient Fertility Rite (the queen of Knossos and the Poseidon Bull, forced to perform the same ritual as Judah and the Phaorhas Wife)

17.                Cassandra

18.                Queen of Sheba

19.                Meketatan (the future wife of King Priam, her son Paris married the daughter of Theseus)

20.                Ankhesenamun; the widow of King Tut and last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. The future wife of Prince of Troy Ǽneas. Their son/grandson would take the Trojan Refugees from Alba Longa and Samhain and transport them to the UK, creating the British Culture, naming Britain, and becoming its first King. His Seat of Royal Power is Bamburgh Castle 70 miles north of New Castle, and 65 miles north of Ogle Castle.

21.                The Old Kingdom (builders of the Pryamids, they came back and retook the throne after the Thera Volcano erupted 1530 bce)

22.                The Pyramids

23.                Gilgamesh/Noah

24.                Gilgamesh/Noah’s Fleet

25.                Gilgamesh/Noah’s Flag Ship (the original Vatican/Caligula’s Circus Maximus

26.                Gilgamesh/Noah’s Electro-Magnetic Wave Telescope

27.                Israel

28.                Adam

29.                IWNW (renamed Sistine Chapel)

30.                Vatican first

31.                Vatican Second the classic 200-1510 Vatican design

32.                Vatican third St Peters Basilica and Square; based on Da Vinci’s Versailles

33.                Versailles

34.                Versailles Phase One

35.                Versailles Phase Two

36.                Versailles Phase Three

37.                Versailles Phase One; copy Bancroft Park Colorado

38.                The 7 Years War aka Samhain aka the French and Indian War

39.                Whatcom County

40.                Tiffin Ohio

41.                Psychology

42.                The Mormons church of LDS
















TR Welling