Types of People


There are at least two major types of people


The workers and the thinkers


The workers entire view point is they just about only see value in some type of physical activity. While thinkers see value in physical activity but see more value in what can be produced through the labor of thinking


The view points are so radically different that the two have a great deal of trouble seeing from the others point of view.

A thinker working for 12 hours of labor is a very difficult thing to achieve

While a physical person thinking for 12 hours is equally as difficult.


It comes down to biology. If the body is designed to do physical labor the neuropathways build to accommodate moving the body in appropriate ways for appropriate amounts of time.

For the thinker; the neuropathways are designed to put most energy toward layered thinking and deemphasize layered physical motions.


The two come from such different biochemical standpoints that the two view the world almost entirely different.


The only thing wrong with either biochemical system is trying to force a thinker to be a physical and a physical forced to be a thinker.

Identify what and who you are; then proceed accordingly.

Let thinkers think

Let physical do physical.


If a thinker is forced to think physically they are great at physical strategies but have an underlying anger regarding being forced to be physical when they are in truth a thinker.

If a physical is forced into applying physical into thinking it works not as well. The physical person will work at jobs or tasks that require thinking while the main emphasis is on the physical. For instance cooking, cleaning, heavy emphases on the physical with a little bit of thinking applied. With a great deal of anger and bitterness revolving around things require thinking.