Document Equation

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Document Equation

Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics

UNESCO History


This part is actually a predictability Engine

From the Dawn of recorded time, mark around that date as the start of “History”

From then forward mark the events which allowed for the creation of “World Heritage Locations”.

Each World Heritage occurred at a specific time and place.

Those fixed points allow for fixed points in history.

Chart out the long way of history. in a sequence of numbers/letters.

Then chart in the facts of when each event occurred and where.

Each event where, and when will tell its own story.

Which means that with all that information.

Since Jesus and his people did thing (what did they do), where, and when. It is possible to take those numbers convert them to words, so that the story of them can be told.

Then in the future the next locations, who might be involved, and of course what the event might be about those numbers to letters could be a predictability engine.

Which this might be the definition of the High Holy Jewish (for Royals only) education of Alma.

As in Alba Longa, just alter the B to an M which linguistically is rather close.

Hebrew which was not actually a fully formed and together language when the city of alba Longa was built by at least by legend it was built by Aeneas the cousin of King Priam.

 The Trojan War Started in very brief with Herucles and his labors, and ended in Whatcom County 3300 years later. The descendants of Agamemnon and his Philistine Culture followed the evacuating Trojans out of Anatolia to Italy, then followed them to Gaul, then the Britain, fighting fighting fighting, followed them to the Americans, then followed them across the Continent to the Pacific North West Whatcom County.


AErdology UNESCO Compass

UNESCO World Heritage Locations

Time Line

UNESCO History




















TR Welling