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According to statists logic and reason there is very little about this article which is true (Wolfgang G., B. 1975). Wundt could not have achieved all those things in Prussia, the library he had access to simply did not contain the resource material for Wundt to be able to write the notes which became the first modern psychology textbook. This is mostly fiction.

It is a fact that William James did purchase the textbook Wundt wrote and founded the Psychology Department at Harvard U (Sullivan, P. 2017). His first student Mary Cakj went on to become the president of the Ameriucan Psychology Association. Lieghtern at purchased Wundt’s book and founded the Psychology Dept at Penn State. Lieghtener also is the father of Clinical Psychology.

The differences between the two are one article is mostly fiction with a few facts scattered around to pass the peer review board. The other is a collection of solid facts which are entirely evidence based. The Scientific Method is a wonderful tool for erpsetating out the facts from the fictions. I simply employed the method breaking down each point in the available psychology articles to create a statistical analysis. The variables which line up with each other become facts, the variables which are fiction become clear.

Sullivan, P. (2017). Towards a literary account of mental health from James' Principles of Psychology. New Ideas In Psychology, 4631-38. doi:10.1016/j.newideapsych.2016.02.003

Wolfgang G., B. (1975). Wundt in Heidelberg: 1845–1874. Canadian Psychology, (2), 124.