Wannsee Conference part II


The First Wannsee Conference was held January 20, 1942.

The second conference took place March 6, 1942




the thule society forms

the thule society forms a political party in order to protect itself from being declared illegal.

x political party is declared illegal.

Nazi ism is formed out of the previous illegal political party.

the rise of the nazi third reich.

1933 the nazi party declairs the thule society illegal, disbands it. which is close to iimpossible sice all the prinaples who formed the thule  think tank form the core of the nazi party or are dead.

the four year plan is arranged under the direct supervions of Rudolf Hess,

the four year plan operates from 1934 – 1942. indicating the plan is just the thule society reorganized with a new name. which the new naming process had occurred enumerable times trouh the trail or tears, confederacy, the couple dozen names before thule was formed, then the foru year plan, then  branched not a thousand mini-hate groups neo-nazi, skin heads, etc.

the first hour of the conference

the first hour of  the conference was specifically about what happens if the ajenda fails and they are captured by either those still loyal to adolf and or by the allies about to land in Normandy. only the truly crazy were still thinking callei. the rest understood it was going to be somewhere else. the thule society members knew all too well the nazzi prty has split into two. The pro-adolf group and the pro-thule society group.

the first hour was discussing fairly close to that of which was presented in the accepted literature and the after intervirews/interogations. the first hour of the conference was entirely about creating a beleivble smoke screen in order to ensure the chats which occurred immediately after were entirely hidden from the pubilcs knkowlge.

“if captured and interrogated , this is what we tell our enemie.” the next hour was about what is assumed happened. the problem is, what happened after that hour is actually the truth.

The SS present to a man “A ship can have only one captain”, the SS took their orders not from “The citizens leaders” translation of the surname Hilter. But the second I command of the Thule Society Heinrick Himmler, Herman Goring was under Himmlers command. The SS were planning a coute detant against those absolutely loyal to Adolf.

September 1939 France mobilized for war against the Third Reich, by June the following year 1940 NAZI troops were marching down the Champs Élysées. Within 19 Months Rudolf Hess has evacuated (11 months later), the invasion of Russia (6 weeks after Hess evacuated) and the first Wannsee Conference was held (Seven Months later). In the reports and documentation of the events at the conferences, a couple small references to Electricity was used to eliminate the Jews in the chambers.

The time for the gas was about 20-40 minutes. Electricity takes less than 10. Especially if the water is turned on and several inches of water on the ground. If the inside of the room is entire covered in Water, as the Shinlder Jews testified “They were put in a chamber and give a shower” proving the gas chambers  possessed working showers.

the question becomes, why would the nazi to the time and trouble to built working showers into a several thousand square foot room if the water was not needed. Electricity is an absolutely essential thing for extremely fast executions. Turn on sufficient amps and up to 500 people for the larger chambers up to 1500 people could be executed by electricity within 10 minutes. The time consuming part is the removal of the bodies after. but there is also a sufficient wy to wrk this into the system as well. have a cord tied around the wrist or ankle of each person. with the assurance of  similarity to a chain gang. then use the chains as an additional way to pull the bodies out of the chamber faster. water, metal, electricity is the definition of an effiecietn way to kill 100,000 plus a day. Millions of Jews a year; with these estimates, the number of Jews killed could be well in excess of 40 million Jews.

did the Russians leave rows and rows of Jews in fields tided together. forcing the German army to shave to stop and dispose of them. The Russian Jews could account for millions more exuecuted which never made it into the official records. The nazi could have been responsible for killing 30 to 60 million “undesirables”.  

the question becomes, how many undocumtend Jewish and other “undesirable” cultures were living under the radar and undocumtned which the Russian empire rounded up and sent to be executed. from 1840-1870 their was a camp in Belingham which was set up not al that different from Aushwizt. the nazi always claimed they based their disposal camps on American modles. those models have not been found in confederate strong holds. but Whatcome county was a confederate stronghold. for a short time so was Colorado Springs, before William Jackson Palmer and his group of clandestine soldiers conquered the confederate outpost and fought fro 1864-1910 with the confederates in the aareas. the battels were bloodly but entirely undocumented.

Invasion of Paris

            The NAZI’s based on how much they relyed upon Electrcity were literally in need of every single bit of kowldge on the subject they could get. Part of what they watned, but were denied was access to the information in the archives in France. The French Reolvution seized control over the Royal Fmaily’s libraries and found huge volmes of research and equipment regarding electro magnetics.

            the reason electro magnetics is so key to all advanced armies is the weapons which can be made from said technology. a electro magnetics pulse generator could wipe out any machine the allies send against the third reich. ending all hope of an invasion well before the ships, plains, etc. reach the shores. the Germans possessed a great deal of electro magnetics research, but they wanted to find out what the French possessed, since the guillotine the blade was electrified. the cuts were cotorized while the blade sliced gthrough the neck.

            the need to seize control over any type of electro magnetics weapon is key to understand both the NAZI reigm and the Wannsee Conferences. the conferences afterall were not about what has been assumed for the last 70 years.

ME 262

The first flight of the ME 262 was April 18, 1941. Although the Jet if funded by Rudolf Hess correctly would have literally been a mainstay to the Luftwaffe in 1935; if the Luftwaffe had the 262 in 1935, that would have ended the ability for the Allies to enter and train in Britain. Britain would have been conquered, and the Third Reich would have reigned for 1000 years. Hess knew this as a matter of the hardest fact and was beyond angry with the end results of Adolf being too big for his britches and outlawing the Thule Society. The NAZI party was co-founded by Hess to ensure the current form of the ex-Confederacy Garden of Eden think tank would literally not be outlawed. Adolf outlawed it anyway.

Rudolf Hess

evacuated out of the Third Reich 17:45 on May 10, 1941. Only 22 days after the first ME-262 flight. Knowing that if he stayed in the Third Reich the organizational structure he built was so good and substantial that the Luftwaffe would literally be capable of seizing control over the sky’s and

Heydrich was authorized by Göring dated 31 July 1941 to plan a Final Solution to the Jewish question.

Hermann Göring

was an extreme Anti-Semite who was also a World War I flying Ace.

Heinrich Himmler


Nicola Tesla was found dead January 7, 1943.

            Nicola Tesla played on of the most important parts possible in the development of the Holocuast, his electrical generators allwoe the NAZI to build sufficient sized generators which did not need much feul to operate from to maintain miles of amps in fences 20 and 30 feet high. Every camp which electrical fences were huge, each huge fence requires miles of fencing. miles of fencing requires a gignatnic amount of power. all that power had to be generated in some way. the nazi purchase the two powers from American in the decades bfore the way, because they knew they needed them. the americans and confedrates only perceived money and profit by then, not the needs of the upcommign wars.

            In colrado psrigs tesla built both a power generating station and a ray gun. The ray gun he buit was in Miramont Caslte under the paid for and mutual agreement between the builder of the Castle Fr FRancolon and his equipment. The largest building West of St Louis was wired for electfictiy and every room produced sufficient light to be a becon in the night. the quakers and confedeartes could not stand the ideas Francolon or tesla were building and taalkina bout. so within months both men were violently forced to leave Colorado or face execution. leaving evyerhitn they owned in Colrado of their enemis to seize control over and sell for profits. with the false claims of unpaid bills.

Part 2 

Sex Magic in the Third Reich

            This is beyond a difficult subject to discuss since it involves all manner of really difficult and entirely inappropriate subject manners. It is no secret whatsoever that the Third Reich employed Sex Magic in their organizational structure.

Citizens of the third Reich

            the Sex Magic rituals were conducted on more than just loyal Germans. They were conducted using enemies of the state as well. which is truly a beyond disgusting topic.


used in every single way possible, and as sadistically up to beaten to death in order to extract information passed to them from Smith. who was passed that information from my ancestors.

from my ancestors it was all good and holy stuff. but what the nazi did with it was obviously highly ranked on the evil scale

they wanted to turn humans into electricity to fuel a WMD

if the electricity from x actions can somehow be captured, then funneled to a machine. technically it is possible. x actions in holy perspective are exactly the opposite from their evil actions. Their is unfortunately a substantial amount of evidence to the x actions were not only done by encouraged by the youth to carry out. the entire movie "A few to a kill" is about one of those offspring.


Part 3

the build up to the third reich.

            the events of the third reich did not start with Adolf joining an exsiting Political MOvment after his Commanding Officer ordered him to check out the group to find out how dangerous theywere. He reported back, they were not dangerous at all. which at that point was entirely accurate. They were less than not accurate period. the problem most face is the third reich did not start in 1922, nor did it start when the Thule Society think tankn formed. It did not start with the confederacy, it started long ago. The society keeps renaming itself to avoid its past crimes against humanty.

Joseph Smith and the LDS

            some of the Key aspects to the Sex Magic the NAZI used came from those who learned about its existence from the Mormon’s in Germany. Joseph Smith in long either buried under a huge amount of junk or destroyed entirely by B.Y.. the early LDS church had a strong component of Sex Magic in their higher rituals.

the highest level of achievement and ritual a Mormon can achieve, is the exact same ritual as the FreeMasonic Entered apprentice degree.

The Confederacy


The Dutch and the Slave Trade


The Slave Trade


part 4

the French

            the French royalfmaily evacuated out of Paris to the west weeks before their body doubles left heading straight north east.

their British alies in America promised “safe passage” and places to live. First travel around the island of englland to Ireland. where the British still possessed some levels of power in both castles on the shore, armies, and of course  money.

the French royal family with their body doubles safetly captured, most of the rest of the world accepted the body doubles as the real people. the libertine govemnrt wnted blood and most of the rest of the countires in eruoep did not want their own revolaution. so they accepted so the libertine French would then exectuve the royal body doubles and the revolutionary spirit would die when the blade fell.

but most of the royals in Europe and America knew full well the people were only body doubles, not actually the real people.

the royal family evacuated from Ireland after a short stay to America.

but they did not travel to the east coast, which was controlled by the English, Dutch and other enemies.

they did not travel to the MMississippi because it was controlled by the Dutch and Islamimc forces.

they did travel to the rio Grande and sailed up the river as far as they could in order to seek shelter in the city of Manitou. which was at that time still semi controld by the French govmernt. Louisiana soon to be called Texas. the first capital of texas was Manitou Springs Colorado.

this is 1791.

From 1791- 1830 the British and the French lived rather nicely and quietly in Manitou without being disturbed. The French had time to build a new Versii located in where Bancroft Park is located now. The remnance of that bulidign can be seen in the buildings wich were built in down town Colorado springs from 1850-1890. A couple dozen huge several feet thick red sandstone masoned buildings were built from the remnance of Versii II in Bancroft Park. The old log cabin present on the site was moved their from a few miles away from Glen Eyrie, to the Broadmoor golf course, then to Denver capital grounds, then to Bancroft park. But that log cabin despite all the propaganda inn that city was never the “Capital of Texas, Kansas, Or Colorado”. That lodge cabin was only a residence and partial medical business office. It was never the state capital. That building was located closer to where the Current Stage/ampatheoror is. but the park in 1850 was profoundly larger. It was mostly wood slowly converted over to rock. The first structure was wood, replaced over time with Stone construction. The stone was to withstand cannon shot.

but in 1810, the English/American/Islamic nations armies were pushing west and wanting to find and oblislterd the British and the French. so a desperate solution was cooked up.

The British specifically the Ogle family still in the east coast desided to find some youngster who had ties to the fmaaily in his ancestroy and an esoteric talent. Hire the lad, teach him how to be a spy, and eventually he would be ordered to form a religion. THenhe would take his followers out of New York to Ohio, then from Ohio to Illinnois, then create a new Jerusalem in Texas. the only place he could go was Manitou.

this religion adnhis followers would be the absolute perfect cover to evacuate out the British and the French from Mantiou to safetly in the Pacific North West.

From 1820-1844 the plan worked beyond perfect. the huge wagon trains had not yet started past the Mississippi yet. But their was a huge movement of white settlers moving west past the Mississippi. The rage regarding the Engish and Ameircans wanting to follow the settlers moving west was more than  they could take and many of the “mOrmons” were killed because they were traveling into an areas the rest of the entire population could not go. so instead of allowing nteh Mormons to move 1000 miles west, where the English and americans could not go; the englsih and ameicans when they found Mormons they killed them. “You cannot have better opartunies then I am allowed. as revenge for your opterutines I am denied I will kill you. If I cannto have it, neither can you.”

Manitou Spring Texas the first state capital


Manitou possessed a huge 50,000 plus population from the end of the 1700s up to and through the 1880s. most of htose decades the population was well in excess of 100,000. but when the quakers arrived, if you were nont a friend, you were an enemy and subject to the fulest persecution under the law which meant execution or banishment. After 1890 the western oral tradition of the Quakers shifted away from violence, but they also managed to deny al reports of their genocidal violence from founding to 1880. “We would not do that, we are simply Christian folk, who have no interst in violence.” which is the definition of several sins; bearing false witness, killing, and coveting what others have.

Republic of Texas 1836–1846


Mantiou Springs


Lynden wash

The city was renamed to Lynden after Colonel Peterson in basic gave the lands to his indentured servants Pheobe Judson and her husband in exchange for raising his half white half native America daughters for him. he had to go back into military service for the libertine French under the command of Maximillian of Mexico. The libertine and Mexico had been close allies since 1780. Colonel Patterson was left in the area in order to dismantle any and all signs of the French and British Royal family presence in the area. Versii III was located in what is now the center of Lynden Washington state. the renmnace of which were dumped into the nookesack and formed a log jam close to the city of Ferndale.


ogle  casyle

