Weapon of Destiny


An incredibly powerful weapon has weaved itself legend through history. Possibly a weapon used throughout western culture from Jacob down to Longinus. After is an unknown.



The weapon might be severe weapons; but each of the times this weapon was used each of the cultures involved were not only directly connected but the weapon had a profound effect on the bearer and the culture it touched


The sword after passes into Dido who gives it to her husband; who takes but then rejects it. But takes it to alba longa; who used it at alba longa. His descendants using it to conquer the7 hills army with hundreds of years later 1200-753.

Then use it to rule the newly named city of Rome; formerly 7 Hills.

That sword is used in various battles. Over time and sharpening it would be whittled down to a spear; having been possibly broken at least once.

The spear portion only thing remaining 700 years later at 30 ce.



1.      Longinus; be interesting if this theory  is correct that a Jacob weapon of power was used to execute a direct line descendant. Emmanuelle means son in a straight light of sons from Jacob to this person; aka Jesus Christ.

2.      Alba longa; Aeneas a hero of troy on the side

3.      Troy

4.      Carthage; what legendary ancestral weapon did dido give to her husband Aeneas, who would later found the Roman Family Julius.

a.       This weapon could have come from Tyre; a Jacobs’s descendants.


5.      Tyre

6.      Memphis

7.      ?