Welling Mathematics Ice Ages


Climate conditions of a glacier age.



Times when glacier ages have occurred.


·         Glacier age

o   When cultures are forced together it is amazing just how much cooperation is possible. Life and death make awesome cooperation points.

o   “I know we disagree on almost everything imaginable. But we also want to live to be able to argue again. So we both need to put out petty differences aside and help each other live. It is 60 below, sharing a campfire in a unexplored cave sounds like a good way to survive. I watch the entrance, you watch deeper into the cave.”


·         Glacier age ending

o   Lets build an empire. Buiding an empire starts with building a trade route

o   Every time family units form, the youth need to go out and sow some wild oats

o   Letting a family out to build a new settlement on the horizon

o   Creating a trade rout between the parents village and the childrens village

o   The grandchildren venture out and create a new settlement to the left forming a triangle. Or so

o   The greatgrandchildren repeat.

o   Not every generation are capable of holding up the family expantion business.

o   Not every generation is capable of maintaining a sufficiently high enough grasp of complicated language.

o   Not everyone always gets along. Just because two cities are generally allies, goes not mean one brother will not raise an army and attack another brother or cousins city.



An ice age general conditions

13000 foot tall wall of ice which moves. At first there are not patterns to the movements. But then given enough time and tracking enough variables with the correct tools; the patterns or motion start to emerge.


The only safe place in a glacier age is


The animals of a glacier age




Humans venture north as fast as their feet, boats, etc. can carry them.


Crossing the pond

Across the Atlantic an ice bridge was present. For almost the entire time this major ice age existed travel by both “land” and sea was semi easy to achieve. Clovis man could have easily walked back and forth over the ice bridge on a regular basis for thousands of years.


At the end when the ice started to come down again. Humans, Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthals were trapped where they were.

Neanderthals could have easily built boats and sailed either west following the ice sheets into the Atlantic, south to northern Africa, or east again following the ice on rafts and such.


(in no small consequence of the north Atlantic trade current either not kicking back on all the way, or shu8tting off after a time)



20,000- 8,000 (6000 b.c.e)years ago (legendary mythical cultures existed during this time. (Atlantis, lemuria, MU, City of No Name)



Atlantis, lemuria, MU, City of No Name

The category of mythology and unbeliebablness has been a part of math and science since the very first day the Greek's conquered the Dorian's.


Atlantis, lemuria, MU, City of No Name

But stories of the fabled and few academics believe such wild and until the last few decades unsubstantiated rumors. None the less if the pure evidence is examined; some aspects of the legends are grounded in hard facts.




There is no great mystery involved when discussing so called mythical cultures. Logic, critical thinking, evidence, linguistics, and the rules of science are the only tools needed.

Of course the ice age culture of Atlantis existed. We have proof from the Spanish who reported back from the culture they killed on the canary islands; they pointed west. Socrates reported that the culture of Atlantic was well past the shoulders of Hercules. Which puts his description in the same area west of the canary islands cultures statements.

Now for the science.

These facts of science are undeniable, undisputable, and absolutely truth.

0 an ice bridge formed east west over the Atlantic ocean allowing foot and boat traffic ease of access to both Europe and the Americas.

1 A wall of ice 13000 feet tall will scarp the bottom of the sea, since the sea bottom of the north Atlantic is only about 10,000 feet deep

2 the Mid-Atlantic ridge is an active volcano. Meaning volcanoes constantly pours out new material no matter if tons of water is over them or ice.

3 the glacier from 20,000- 8,000 did move over that very volcano for thousands of miles.

4 as 13000 feet of ice scrape the top of the volcano the decree started to gather on the face of the glacier.

5 at least a few hundred if not thousand feet of ice stuck out from the water.

6 several thousand feet of volcanic soil is absolutely rich. As soon as the salt is drained from it, the soil should be like Hawaii soil. Able to grow just about anything.

7 volcanoes produce large quantities of crystals. (where the crystals came from Socrates description)

8 the face of a glacier is almost always warm and pleasant, except when the glacier is on the move. But that movement would be tempered by all the dirt and sea water below.

9 When the glacier finally does start to retreat circa 6000 b.c.e the floating continent in the middle of the Atlantic would vanish overnight. The exactly scientific explanation is called; liquefaction.

10 the liquefaction would then be added to all the societies which interacted with the floating island in the middle of the ocean past the shoulder of Hercules. The floating island or continent would then after about 3000 years become mostly legend. After 1000 more years the legend would drift into myth.

11 there is a very large area of piled up dirt approximately where the face of the glacier would have ended. Since it is approximately the size of a continent smaller than Australia, several cities could have existed on that one floating large island.

12 the legends of the Thera volcano forced the Greek's to combine the stories of Atlantis and the stories of the city at the base of the Thera volcano. The reasons for this are simple; both major cities were founded next to volcanoes, the population taking advantage of all that entailed. Two based on galvanized nails, the Bagdad battery, etc. we can draw a good idea that the Aegean Cycladic and their I hypothesis parent culture experimented with and have a fair bit of knowledge when it came to the subject of electro-magnetics. Further coberation for said can be made by the Jewish people and their Arch of the Covenant. Josh X digging for the truth traveled to a very remote holy island in Africa were ceremonial garb was still examinable and wearable. The religious garb was made of metal and could be seen as a personal “lightening rod” to absorb arrant electrical shock and dissipate it around the body and into the ground.

If the two stories are separated; the Thera volcano and the floating continent some actual evidence and examination of cultures is then possible.


Crossing the pond

Without 13,000 foot tall walls of ice blocking expansion. Humans could now venture back up north.



Could be a second city on the Atlantis continuity. Or the continents name was Atlantis and the capital city was Lemuria


Other rumors put Lemuria in the Pacific near Santa Cruz.




At least a small portion of one of the cites of Mu has been located. The sunken city of Yanaguni off the coast of Japan strongly points to the rumors of Mu. Sunken, off the coast of Japan or in the area of Asia.


The city of No name

This city has the most wild and unsubstantiated by evidence rumors. The citizens of x time choose to use their technology which they and all humans had to use in order to survive a glacier age; they took their technology and formed some type of underwater city. Either in the ground in caves, in underwater caves, or an actual architectural structure underwater.



As the world started to pull out of the glacier age, it became fashionable for later conquest cultures to not only dismissing