Welling Mathematics Ancient Cultures



·         First the ordeal of how a culture is put together

o   Two people meet

o   Two families meet

o   Three families meet

o   Breeding the appropriate partners par off.


·        List of ancient cultures Early civilizations

o   The earliest of hominids had to grow alongside some of the hardest and harshest conditions imaginable

o   Land-based chronology of Quaternary glacial cycles



§  This entire period of 13000 foot tall ice walls advancing and retreating mark distinct period when the presents of humans in pre-history can be dated. A site thousands of years later has to be intact and not bulldozed by ice, crushed by construction, removed by weather, or erased by a conqueror.

o   Prehistory


·         Lower and Middle Paleolithic

o   c. 200,000 BP - Anatomically modern Homo sapiens appear in Africa.

o   c. 300,000 BP to 30,000 BP. Mousterian (Neanderthal) culture in Europe.

o    c. 75,000 BP - Toba Volcano super eruption.

o   c. 70,000 - 50,000 BP - Homo sapiens move from Africa to Asia. In the next millennia, these human groups' descendants move on to southern India, the Malay islands, Australia, Japan, China, Siberia, Alaska, and the northwestern coast of North America.[12]

·         Upper Paleolithic

o   40,000 -6000 b.c.e

§  a minor glacier age starts. The ice is not a solid mass moving south. The ice comes down in fingers allowing passage to some very far north areas; but blocking other areas till the last 5000 b.c.e.


o   37,000 30,000 bone flutes in the Swabian Alps.

o   c. 32,000 BP - Aurignacian culture begins in Europe.

§  Venus of Hohle Fels

§  As well as the later Venus of willandorph 27,000 represent as much as the weather would permit remenance of the Sarmartian/German peoples


o   c. 30,000 BP / 28,000 BC - A herd of reindeer is slaughtered and butchered by humans in the Vezere Valley in what is today France.[13]

o   c. 28,500 BCE - New Guinea is populated by colonists from Asia or Australia.[14]

o   c. 28,000 BP - 20,000 BP - Gravettian period in Europe. Harpoons, needles, and saws invented.

o   c. 26,000 BP / c. 24,000 BC - Women around the world use fibers to make baby-carriers, clothes, bags, baskets, and nets.

o   c. 25,000 BP / 23,000 BC - A hamlet consisting of huts built of rocks and of mammoth bones is founded in what is now Dolni Vestonice in Moravia in the Czech Republic. This is the oldest human permanent settlement that has yet been found by archaeologists.[15]

o   c. 20,000 BP or 18,000 BC - Chatelperronian culture in France.[16]

o   c. 16,000 BP / 14,000 BC - Wisent sculpted in clay deep inside the cave now known as Le Tuc d'Audoubert in the French Pyrenees near what is now the border of Spain.[17]

o   c. 14,800 BP / 12,800 BC - The Humid Period begins in North Africa. The region that would later become the Sahara is wet and fertile, and the Aquifers are full.[18]

·         Mesolithic

·         Neolithic

·         c. 8000 BC / 7000 BC - In northern Mesopotamia, now northern Iraq, cultivation of barley and wheat begins. At first they are used for beer, gruel, and soup, eventually for bread.[19] In early agriculture at this time, the Planting stick is used, but it is replaced by a primitive Plow in subsequent centuries. Around this time, a round stone tower, now preserved to about 8.5 meters high and 8.5 meters in diameter is built in Jericho.

·         Chalcolithic

·         c. 3700 BC - Cuneiform writing appears and records begin to be kept.

·         c. 3000 BC - Stonehenge construction begins. In its first version, it consisted of a circular ditch and bank, with 56 wooden posts.[22]


·         Cradle of Civilization

o   The cradle of civilization is a perfect example of the fallacy of the single number line. There has to be a beginning. And that beginning has to start someplace. This specific concept also has a second much larger fallacy anchor; the cradle of civilization is the place Adam and Eve from a very well-known religious collection of books states all came from one. That one place being the cradle of religious civilization. The problem is not any of the evidence from any source backs up the claim of one location is the start of civilization.

o   Although the answer to the riddle is later on in that same book. How do you get a 1000 foot long ship onto  of a 16000 foot tall peak. The answer is rather simple; A glacier one either side (measuring from bedrock up, 13000 feet clears the top of Everest by several feet. Because the glaciers will be sitting on bed rock at the base of the mountain; bedrock is usually about 6000 feet above sea level. 29,029 ft. Everest the surrounding elevation still have to get the 13000 foot tall glacier over it.

o   The emphases on the glaciers is simple; no building can take place above ground even at the tail end of a glacier age unless that tail end construction is more than 700 miles from the closes glacier face. 700 miles is the closest it is safe to start to construct anything. The glacier could move south again for a few hundred years and that 700 mile distance is just about enough to give the civilization enough warning to move the item constructed.

o   In another section it has been discussed and evidence presented that life during a glacier age is no pick nick.

o   In short, life during a glacier age makes a hard nasty middle of winter day at the south pole look like a very nice balmy almost too hot a day on the nicest of on the move glacier days. Not only did humans survive but they thrived and came out of the 40,000-6000 b.c.e mini-glacier age with tools.

o   What tools did those that survived the last minor glacier age have; they had a mathematics capable of measuring the motion of glaciers, track the migration of herds, a science capable of finding and manufacturing medications out of the supplies around, construction techniques capable of being moved quickly but study enough to take on an attack by the measured in tons ice age creatures.

o   There is no real cradle of civilization. There is on the other hand a number of places where the cooperative cultures of the last glacier age were able to start turning their knowledge into permanent buildings. Where the ice had retreated enough.

o   The places the ice retreated enough


o   The Holocene is a geological epoch which began 11,700 years ago

§  End of the last ice age

·         This time has been noted as when the ice started to retreat in earnest. When something like this ends. It takes thousands of years for a glacier to retreat the 1000s of miles necessary to either stay up on the mountain peaks, or above the article line.

·         Consequently even though the ice was retreating; does not mean the ice was not still moving north and south regularly up till 4000 b.c.e in some high mountain areas.

§  The places the ice retreated enough we find instant long term construction.

·         Vinča

o   The number of sites dating back 10,000 b.c.e

o   Although Hungary and Germany are very close; as the Turks found out there are mountains between Hungary and Germany.

o   The alps do extend to the east and west of Italy. East of Italy is the northern areas of the ancient Vinča lands.


·         Sarmartian

o   There were small pockets of save zone in central and eastern Europe.

o   When the ice retreated enough the population boomed. Unfortunately the archaeology from Germany is extremely limited. For a variety of reasons

§  One two world wars were found with extremely high explosives. High explosives effectively removes archeological sites which sit below the fortified cities of the about to be conquered enemy.

§  The Vatican did a great job in finding and burning every single building or structure to the ground which existed before they arrived.

§  The building and temples the Vatican could not destroy where retask and reshaped to form the new structures and temples the Vatican wanted

§  The megalithic structures were either torn down, or huge cathedrals were placed on top.

§  The Vatican learned to rule by obliteration for the Romans who learned it from their cousins the Greek's.


o   Dolni Vestonice Czech republic



·         Indus Harappa


·         Middle east


·         The Mediterranean

o   The Mediterranean is a strange place to label as what culture categorized by language existed when. Who built what. Are all very hard questions.

o   The Mediterranean cultures encompass

§  The middle eastern Canaanite/Proto-Canaanite

·         Turkey Gobekli Tepe 9000 BC (this is closer to a Canaanite town temple than Hittite.

§  The Vinča of Hungary

§  Iberian peninsula

§  Egypt

§  Carthage

§  The Aegean.

§  Morocco

§  Italy

§  Anatolia

§  Minoan settlement in Germany

·         Minoan settlement in North Germany by the border with Denmark. 


·         Philistine Ships were the Minoan ships of Gaza.
Amos berates Tyre for assisting the Assyrians in exiling Israelites and turning them over to Edom.
Amos (1:6) also condemned the Philistines of Gaza Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Ekron and the rest of the Philistines for assisting the Assyrians in exiling Israelites and turning them over to Edom.
The Philistines  were part of so-called Minoan and Mycenean civilizations. The distinction between Minoan and later Mycenaean Greek Civilization may not as clear-cut as often assumed. http://britam.org/Ships.html


·         http://britam.org/Ships.html

·         http://www.geo.de/GEO/kultur/geschichte/4669.html

·         http://dienekes.blogspot.com/2008/08/minoans-in-germany.html


§  The cultures of the Kearn aka the Stacked stones

·         Proto-Canaanite ? -2000 b.c.e

·         Vinča 6000bce

·         Sicilian ?-4000bce

·         Indus Harappa ?-2000bce

·         Ancient UK ?-1500bce

·         Proto-German/Sarmartian ?-200 ce (the last of the cultures to be conquered, and their language/math to be erased)

·         Asian; Korea.

·         Hyperboreans

·         Kurgan Culture 4000

o   Possibly known as the Æsier . Since the definition of their effects on the later to be labeled sarmaritan German people seems to match.

§  The

o   originating in the area between the black and Caspian sees. The Kurgan as the highlander movie suggests of that populations archetype; the kurgan were a war like and blood thirsty people. Causing mass damage and destruction in most places they went. The snake cult in the Conan movies might also be a rough characterization of these people. I strongly disagree I think the so called an badly labeled (although a dominant culture who likes to go off and kill indiscriminately; being labeled the burial mound culture is appropriate); the Kurgan culture might very well be the Semitic culture later to move into an conquer.

o   The first to be conquered were the Germans in central and eastern Europe. Who had an agrarian society. This culture has been labeled in the poetic edda as the Vinča.

§  The archaeology points to what the books point to. The Vanier were a peaceful and warm culture with few enemies. A few squabbles here and their but mostly cooperative.

§  The horse invaders from the steppes came to invade.

§  The response was to war back.

§  The Vanier and Æsier fought to a draw. But the draw cost the Vanier to very core of their philosophical and social structure. Not long after the draw the Æsier culture absorbed the now destroyed philosophical and social structure of the Vanier.

§  In the process the language, mathematics, and sciences of the Vanier were copied over and used by the Æsier for their own beniifits.

§  The secretes of the Vanier were kept at least semi by the Æsier.

§  When it became time for the easier to be conquered. The Vanier’s secrets were hidden along with the secrets the asier culture had obtained.

§  Cretan/Linear A settlements in Germany/Hungary

o   They second conquered or at least did the Vinča a major amount of


o   They third conquered the proto Canaanites

§  Illustrated by way of the semiotic tribes


