Let this begin by saying this is the definition of personal to me. Thomas and Joseph did the actions which resulted in the following actions taking place. Thomas his son Joseph, Josephs son Elmer, Elmer’s daughter Helen, Helens daughter Mary Lou, Mary Lou’s eldest son Dad. I call him dad you call him Mr. Welling. Wes Ogle Welling. The Ogle came from his grandmother’s maiden name Ogle. Ogle in Gaelic is spelled Northumberland in English. As in Northumberland Britain. Mary Lou obtained a degree from Heidelberg in social work which is a field directly from psychology. Dad obtained one of his degrees in psychology and held a license for several years.

Wilhelm Wundt (16 August 1832) was born (Neckarau near Mannheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Confederation) during an extremely difficult time in north eastern Europe.

The theory, Wilhelm Wundt did not start the notes for what would become the field of Psychology in Prussia at the University of Heidelberg Germany. He began them while translating under an assumed name under guard and very much a prisoner of the Prussian Empire and its paramilitary spy organization the FreiKorp in Tiffin Ohio. Although it was only called that from 1835 forward. The first hard undeniable piece of evidence, before Wundt began to study medicine, he was hired by the Prussians as a translator in his teens. He was 18 in 1850. He had been working as a translator for most if not all his teenage years. Although working would imply some type of pay, which most likely was a few pennies more than a slave could earn. 3 meals, a place to sleep, and a promise to not beat him too badly today was most of his pay; other than the best education the Prussians could provide.

When the FreiKorp secured the library south of the Sandusky River circa 1845, they renamed he library  Heidelberg. They sent off paperwork to establish a new University under their own name. However, the entire GDP of Prussia and Russia for the previous decade was not enough to pay off the books they stole. The Ogle family on the other hand had possessed a library larger than the present Vatican and Smithsonian Library’s combined for the previous several millennia. At 50 b.c.e the Ogle library grew as it absorbed a huge portion of the Alexandria library. Those parts Cleopatra and Caesar could smuggle out of Roman control to Northumberland. The Prussians knew that the libraries in Tiffin held books which continued what even today would be considered insanely advanced technology. They wanted those weapons and would stop at nothing to obtain those weapons. Hence hiring translators to turn other languages into Prussian so the Prussians and Russians could learn about those weapons and of course build them. Which Wundt, among a few dozen others, was used to translate ancient languages into Prussian.

But at Heidelberg the library was about 40 tons of books. Several rooms of books were captured by cannon from Fort Ball, just a few hundred feet away. The hard first real evidence of this theory.

The Prussians stationed at Fort Ball, all were spies so they were either given false papers or were operating entirely unscripted. No records of them exist, or ever existed. You do not record what your spies do.

It is easier to transport 20 scholars from Prussia specifically Heidelberg to Ohio than 40 tons of books from Ohio to Prussia. The chances of the ships sinking, or one of the other nations fleets capturing the library ships, or the books being stolen by a greedy captain are beyond 100%. So, the Prussians could not ship 40 tons back to Prussia. But 20 scholars traveling clandestinely is a piece of cake. Just ask any smuggler, materials which can fill several cargo ships of unusual description will gain the attention of everyone. Passengers are a dime a dozen. Nothing unusual about passengers on a military transport. 40 tons of books is not only unusual, but will draw attention harder and faster than a group of females on a ship.

Shipping Wundt to Tiffin is the only real choice in the matter. All the negatives are unacceptable, and all the positives to ship him and his fellow translators to Tiffin Ohio are entirely acceptable. Losing Wundt and his friends to capture is no big deal, just get more. Losing the books is not an option in all ways. So, Wundt was shipped to Ohio. Arriving at or before 1849. If he arrived in 1848, he would have likely crossed paths with Oliver Cowdery. The city based on population records was only about 300 English and American residents. But the British, French, and Prussians were not included in the census. Some Germans were, but that is entirely political. Oliver’s presence at the birth of modern Psychology is beyond huge. Only a 1000 people were present at the birth of modern Psychology, one of only 9 people to see the plates first hand (at least by claim) to also be present two and a half decades later to be present at the birth of modern Psychology. This is extremely interesting.


 He was born during a time when the Prussians and Germans were fighting pitch battles over the location of the border. The German Empire and the Prussian Empire borders changed constantly.

Just 4 decades previous, the Prussians equivalent of the KGB/CIA achieved a century long goal. By sending in to France a huge group of their FreiKorp members with the sole purpose of destabilizing the French Royal family to topple the government. Which would leave France an ally of the Prussians. The libertine government which took over after the French Royal family evacuated to the America’s were about as strongly allied with the Prussians as the Prussians were allied with the Russians. Even though the real power brokers in Russia were not the Czars but the descendants of the militantly violent blue Mongol horde. The Mongols simply allowed the Czar’s to assume they had more power than they did.

Wundt was born into this incredible struggle. He might have even known that the French Royal family had evacuated out of France to the Arkansas River in America. Which is beyond extremely important to a couple events which took place a few decades later in Ohio. Those events are difficult to sum up in just a few words. But Oliver Cowdery (who claimed to be one of the 9 official LDS documentation people to see and interact with the golden plates Joseph Smith found) was living in Tiffin Ohio from 1838–48. A dozen highly clandestine operations were forced from 1844-1850. The LDS were under extremes in “kill on sight” orders from each of the “Great Awakening Groups” which included the Methodist. The number of LDS killed by Methodists is not small in most ways. But what is interesting is just a few years later in 1862, when the Methodist and confederates moved out of the south to Colorado “Rocky Mountain” renamed to “Colorado City” they performed open season on the LDS there too. Destroying a huge and thriving LDS community in what would become Colorado Springs in 1870.

What does this have even the slightest thing to do with Wundt and the foundation of Psychology. All those events were happening both before in Tiffin Ohio and connected communities, as well as in the decades after. Wundt by this theory arrived in Tiffin Ohio to translate the books out of Heidelberg U and what could be stolen from what would become Tiffin U, during a spy on spy on spy, etc. war which has been raging most of his life and would continue to rage into the present. Spies from all sides making various and assorted political maneuvers. Almost all this clandestine minus the murdered people and toppled governments they left behind.

Moving to the next most substantial piece of evidence for this theory. The Prussians used those same clandestine operations strategies to infiltrate and take over the Thule Society’s political wing “The DAP”. The DAP was only pretending to be “Anti-Semitic” as most of the culture around you are anti-Jewish and you want to keep breathing. You must make sacrifices, one of them was to pretend to be anti-Jewish to not be labeled a sympathizer and killed for it. Sympathizers were usually treated worse than the Jews themselves. For the crime of betrayal and treason against the base ideals.

Most of 1919 the DAP operated nicely and kept the political heat off the Thule Society think tank, so they could operate without fear of destruction from the governments. The previous 100 times the previous named think tanks which ended being called Thule Society, were all outlawed very quickly. For a variety of reasons, mostly  take the assembled paperwork and force the organization to refile think tank paperwork at extreme costs. Every time the German/Prussian government needed to fund raise they would start to outlaw think tanks and force them to pay for new license fees. They would also seize their research and use it for their own military needs.

In 1919 operating under false papers, the Prussians ordered in small ones and twos their FreiKorp members to join the DAP. After 6 months, the FreiKorp had sufficient members to form a solid undefeatable voting bloc. Adolf’s boss sent him in to both join and take over the organization.

He attended, made the leaders feel comfortable, then joined. After joining immediately started to shift the focus of the group away from their founding principles to that of the Prussian Government. Every vote came up with what Adolf wanted to do passed with huge margins. He was elected leader of the DAP in Dec, a few weeks later he announced a vote to change the name of the group from DAP to NAZI circa January 1920. From that second forward when the DAP became NAZI, the Third Reich eg NAZI party were entirely focused on erasing all people who were against them. Real or perceived threats were hammered as hard and genocidal as possible. The Nazi’s did not start killing Jews in mass until 1935, but then it was only dozens and hundreds at a time, not 1000s in 20 minutes.

The same military and political organization which organized the holocaust were in charge and causing all manner of problems in Tiffin circa 1845 and the surrounding 1000-mile area of the Ohio river valley. Just because most of the genocide evidence was erased over the course of the next century does not mean for a second it did not take place.

So, the question becomes “why did the Prussians reform and rename their paramilitary spy-organization in 1754 to FreiKorp.” That answer is almost purely a hypothetical with huge sequences of theories backed by dozens of statistical consistencies to back up the evidence. The few and far between consistenteices of evidence.

The FreiKorp command and control structure learned from history that the British and their allies are excellent at.

From the point, the Prussians found out about the Electro-Magnetic technology during the first crusade when they witnessed one of the most highly trained, best equipped, most knowledgeable, most if not all the knights could read and write in several languages, the armor they wore was incredible, etc. the Prussians and the Russians knew flat out the Templars were an undefeatable force. The last time their cultures met a similar force was when the Vikings came a calling and won every single battle from 400-1066. The day the battle of Hastings occurred the Vikings vanished from history. The Templars went directly to the temple mound as if they knew to the inch exactly where they were going. They brought every single piece of equipment to create an archaeological dig with them. And they had a sufficient sized Knights in armor for the scholars to dig in completely comfort and ease no matter how large the army which attacked the knights circling the temple mound. The Templars were so good that no combination of armies could last more than a short duration without being close to obliterated where they stood.

Obviously that type of weapons and organizational skills that the Prussians wanted every aspect of what the Templars were digging for, found, and took back to Northumberland. The Prussians decided that to avoid being the next obstacle to the Templars knights in arms, they would leave Levant lands and travel to north eastern Europe and conquer a people easy to conquer. Southern Slovakia became Prussia about a century later.

But something important was missed in most history descriptions of that situation. Two myths/legends/fictional concepts. The first is that King Solomon used Electro-Magnetic technology to build his grand temple. The second is that the armies trying to steal the library from the temple mound from the Templars were dead stopped in their tracks. They were dead stopped so hard that in some cases they were literally dead. There could easily be a format regarding an assumption based on putting these two concepts together by an extremely schizophrenic and delusional culture that the reason all the enemies of the templars were defeated so hard at the temple mound when the Templars were digging was they used some type of Electro-Magnetic weapon. Even though all common knowledge even words regarding said concept would not be invented for about a millennium. So, they would not use rail gun or lightning machine they would use “harnessing demons’ like those that witness the construction of King Solomon’s Temple spoke and write about. Did the Prussians believe that the Templars were evil and they must defeat them because they were working with Lucifer? It is a reasonable hypothesis. Although paranoid and delusional. But when has group paranoia and delusional thinking ever stopped a culture from forming and going to war. Do not ask the American government that regarding the native populations, the Muslims when they invaded Egypt to kill the Christians and Jews present, the Third Reich when they went to kill all who questioned their authority. The precedent of paranoid delusional thinking spread from the leaders of a culture to its citizens through a genocidal war has occurred more times than can be counted. Win a few battles and the leaders start to say, “god in on our side.” Or worse “god wills it”.

The Prussians and their parent cultures have been mistaking war glory for gods will since Esau. But they forget something, god did not interfere when Cain killed Abel. But that concept does strike at the heart of the subject.

Why were the Prussians in Ohio or for that matter operating in 1850 on American soil? Why were they formed in the first place 1754? What were the Prussians doing specifically the FreiKorp doing on colonial soil in during the American revolution? They were fighting full scale engagements in Europe, the troops and supplies they had in America stretched them more than a little thin. Strategically it was a stretched thin which cost them more than a few battles and wars over the centuries. But still they maintained more than several 1000 troops on the American continent for centuries. Despite losses at home.

That is an extreme motivator to have 1000s of troops and equipment 1000 miles inland across the ocean when you cannot properly defend your own homeland. The entire Modus operandi for the Prussians from inception to the last day the Prussians were an organized concern circa victory in Europe day when the Prussian army surrendered, although they were not called Prussians they were called Nazi’s. The entire time they wanted, more power, money, influence, the best weapons their most hated scientists could imagine (in exchange for better military weapons, the Prussians agreed not to torture and kill their scientists). Ruling the world is something they tried twice in three decades once in 1914 and again in 1939. With devastating results for the globe both times. In the present beginning of the 21st century there is another threat from a reformed Prussian culture, although like in 1754 they are operating under a different name. This time they are calling themselves neo-fascists, skin heads, white supremacists, white nationalists (the n in nationalist is the same as the n in Nazi), and of course the old tried and true “Nazi”. Giving up is not in their nature, killing all who get in their way is in their nature. Using all weapons imaginable to kill any dissenting voice.

To reference the bible again eg Cain and Abel, the motivations of the Prussians are not all that different than the motivations of those that built the Tower of Babel to challenge the power and authority of god. Although the story is mostly fiction. The actual story according to the city of Eridu is a huge army out of the city of Ur about 20 miles away conquered the city of Eridu and sacked the tower. To steal its technology, and were rendered brain damaged in the result. The working theory is the Eridu ziggurat was a working Electro-Magnetic machine, much like a Tesla coil, but a person or an army (with chainmail or other similar conductive material) can chain lightening and either kill those involved or act like a megawatt Electro-Magnetic shock therapy rendering the brain at least in part useless for a matter of time. The higher the voltage the higher the degree of neuropathway damage.

Although little actual evidence of this exists, the consistency within the structure of previously mentioned actions which do have direct Electro-Magnetic machines involved is an interesting consistency. Frankenstein published in 1820, the Germans, French, Americans, etc. had been experimenting with Electro-Magnetic machines since the late 1500s. It took 100 years to go from the Miramar to Apollo 11. 1590-1820 is more than sufficient time to create Electro-Magnetic machines to create Electro-Magnetic weapons from.

Plus, Frankenstein is not the only example from the 1600s of a structure capable of generating and directing huge amounts of electricity. The Prussian Amber room 1710, which was given as a gift to the Russians. Which the Prussians stole back in 1942 Operation Barbarossa. Although the Koch family stole it from the Third Reich and shipped it to either OK or Kansas.

Compress amber and it will release electricity, the amber room had roughly if not more than 60 tons of amber. 60 tons of amber over the course of a day will through the natural process of the progress of the sun expand to the heat of the day and contract to the cool of night. That expansion and contraction will release a measured amount of electricity over the course of the day.

Saying the Tower of Babel had some type of Electro-Magnetic machine, all they needed was a sufficient amount of amber or other rocks with an extremely high amount of quartz will also generate electricity. The cover stones for the Great Pyramid were mostly quartz and about 5 feet of it.

Which points to the pyramids being electricity generators has a connection with Frankenstein and the myths surrounding “resurrection of supposedly dead tissue” which is exactly what the defibrillation machine does. Although very early in the process.

This brings the academic conversation back to first the language of Adam which would have had to be “Indo-European language”. But since IE has been erased from almost all knowledge for the last 5000 years, it is extremely difficult to find and translate words which originated in a language time forgot. But the third son of Adam and Eve was a man by the name of Set. But according to an ancient language which at least in small portions can still be read and understood. The Egyptian god Set is the lord of the underworld. Set is a fighter with underworld things, then after a few centuries and a dynasty change. He is recast into an existing story but the original deity was renamed Set, to edit the story of Set and Osiris. Set in the new format is the one who killed his brother Osiris, cut him apart, placed him in a Djed and sold him to the city of Byblos. Which is the city that exported papyrus to be used to write both sacred text on then later to write the Greek library scrolls on. The word bible is a derivative of the name Byblos. Although the Greek word is biblos.

But sufficient to say, Sets story has been changed and edited enough to not find reliability within the earliest documents. Too many anti-Semitic cultures destroying originals and rewriting to put their own influence into the mix.

But Set in hieroglyphics is a word associated with death and the underworld. Fighting off the forces of chaos.

Those forces of chaos could be interpreted in any number of different ways. But the metaphor of being sent to the “after life” and some way coming back is in line with key aspects of several of Set’s stories.

What if Abel was in some way murdered, but was brought back to life in some way.

That technology would be the definition of the most important want of all the descendants of Esau. They would prize that weapon above all. Killing your enemy is easy if you have unlimited soldiers and you just resurrect the ones killed in battle.

You do not need the best weapons, just a billion-man army.

The ancestors of the Prussians were Esau line descendants. They began life as a recognized organization in Acre during the first crusade. Previous they were just Hyksos descendants trying to avoid being crushed by the armies around. Most of the rest of the armies around were either British or Ottomans bent on killing all who stood against “the prophet.”

Speaking of a different prophet. I have a theory as to why Oliver was not on an hourly basis under a direct and hard target “kill on sight order” from the several 1000 troops stationed at Fort Ball.

We think logically, that does not mean everyone does or everyone has the capacity to think logically.

In fact, some cultures like the Prussians operated from a standpoint of paranoid delusion their entire stretch of existence. When the Prussians found out about Oliver’s Cowdery’s past they immediately knew that he in a very realistic manner had direct access to an ancient language. Whatever language the plates were written in.

The Prussians required linguists, Oliver had experience with ancient languages. The Prussians would have dragooned him into service. which means he might very well have set on a chair next to Wundt for a period translating books the Prussians stole from the Ogle family that years later would be renamed to "Heidelberg University" same name as the German one. But this is entirely a clandestine operation. so, the same name was needed to hide the details. First rule in clandestine operations, do not document anything. Second rule do not talk about the operations. Third rule do not write anything about any aspect of the operations down. No documentation would exist regarding this from a Prussian standpoint. But placing Wundt in Tiffin is easy, placing the weapons library in Tiffin is also completely easy, placing Oliver in Tiffin is a proven fact. Heidelberg University its facts are without question. Wundt’s involvement is statistically entirely easy to prove. 40 tons of books from Tiffin Ohio (not called Heidelberg till 1849) Heidelberg to Prussia. The city of Tiffin had only been renamed that in 1832, despite the Prussian army presence for the previous several decades. Fort Ball was rebuilt in 1812, from the previous battles which destroyed the Fort. What evidence exists regarding these facts, the Maples on the corner of 224 and Market street was built in circa 1770. It was a replacement mansion for the one destroyed in circa 1750. There is no possible way to ship 40 tons of books from 100 miles give or take from Tiffin to Lake Erie, through the Great Lakes shipping corridors, to New York State. Then overland to the coast, then ship those same 40 tons across the ocean without someone taking rather extreme interest. Interest in those books would fly faster than the speed of light. Capturing those books would give the enemies of the Prussians weapons against them, it would also allow for a huge if not impressively culture shattering humiliation to both the Prussians and the Russians. Both react with genocidal rage when they are humiliated.

Oliver being dragooned into service would have been entirely part of the M.O. of the Prussians. Oliver and Wundt talking would have also been completely part of their translation job. It is possible the overseers in charge of the translations would have insisted they work together. One with experience in ancient divine dead languages, and the other a professional translator.

Wundt and Oliver working side by side for even a few months, Oliver would have imparted portions of the ideas of the LDS to Wundt. Those ideas could have found their way into the basic infrastructure of the notes Wundt had already started to work on which would become the first psychology textbook.

The LDS can with this statistical analysis and documented evidence as well as the books which were entirely out of the ability for the Prussians to purchase a couple rooms floor to ceiling of upper end PhD level textbooks. But the Ogle family possessed miles of libraries in a couple various locations in Northumberland. As well as former owned libraries in the former colonies.

The Prussians demanded to gain access to the Electro-Magnetic technology the Ogles had been hiding in secret since the Crusades. The Prussians would stop at less than nothing up to and including god stopping them from possessing said Electro-Magnetic weapons.

Which is one reason why Wundt’s work focuses so much on Electro-Magnetic testing machines. He learned about them from the books not in Germany but in Tiffin. Most of the Electro-Magnetic books had been evacuated out of Germany when the Prussians began getting nasty after they found out about the experiments that Mary Shelley turned into the novel “Frankenstein.” Although they had more than sufficient evidence previous to pursue, but not with a genocidal bloody wrath. After that novel was published January 1, 1818, the Prussians obtained more evidence that would lead them to beef up the forces at Fort Ball and attack the Ogles without mercy until they obtained the secrets they demanded.

The novel only gave the Prussians more mental ammunition to pursue their goal of a weapon which would kill all their enemies. From any distance.

Wundt and Oliver sitting hypothetically side by side, or absolutely in the same room. Beyond doubt in the same linguistics translation areas, would have interacted. Allowing for the strictest interpretation of the facts that Wundt could have included into this textbook some of the basic ideals of the Book of Mormon into what would become the first modern textbook about psychology. The good part of this is, now that those facts are present, then both the first psychology book and the book of Mormon can be more understood.

Also, the Mormon Church can claim they helped develop a small percentage of the field of Psychology. Although these facts, and statistical analysis will not assist in making Psychology more accepted, since the LDS church is considered by most a religious cult of the worst order. But that is only because the leaders shaped it into a cult to emulate the teachings of B.Y.

But this also brings up evidence of something else.

Oliver in 1848 traveled supposedly west to some small hick town where he lived a few months before dying. That is pure fiction. If anything, some body double went in his place, and he traveled up to take a ferry to Beaver Island where he and dozens of other loyal to Smith LDS were transported to German controlled areas. Or that was the plan, which the Prussians changed their minds and forced Oliver and the others to under disguise and of course false papers to travel back to Prussia to avoid the bloody conflicts of the Civil War just years away. But just because it did not officially start until the firing on Fort Sumter, the bloody fighting began as early as 1845. The Prussians wanted no part in the actual fighting, but wanted to instigate and destroy America, so they could conquer it much easier. When union and confederates in Ohio started to exchange gun fire in small ways, the Prussians pulled out circa 1850s. leaving only a token few platoons behind. Be very interesting if Oliver was forced to go with them. He obviously proved to be an intelligence asset the Prussians valued more than kill him. However, Oliver had an ace in the hole the Prussians did not know about. Smith had sent some of their good friends to Germany in ??? to set up a community entirely clandestinely. So, when the slave issue came to a war, the LDS would be alive and safe in Germany. What Smith did not count on was the Great Awakening Movement infiltrating and destroying his church from the inside. Using the exact same technique Adolf used with the DAP 87 years later. The Prussians knew that strategy worked, so they did not think twice about using it again for Adolf to use it to take over the DAP to turn it into NAZI and the Third Reich. The Prussians backed both militarily and financially the efforts of Martin Luther and John Calvin. Protestantism is itself a very strong and substantial offspring of the Prussian Culture. Protestantism is a religious form of conquest like the FreiKorp is a paramilitary spy organization, designed to do the same thing. Divide and conquer the organization it is sent in to infiltrate and destroy from within. Protestantism and the FreiKorp operate under the same strategy. Both have the same goal, to gain access to divine Electro-Magnetic weapons.

1827-1848 an entire generation of German converts had been working on clandestine orders from Smith to achieve secondary goals. But those secondary goals included starting to write the next books. Which Oliver, Strange, and 1000s of followers had been working on for 20 years. By 1855 they, were at least could have in part, been joined by Wundt at Leipzig.

The themes of the books according to the language of IE are as follows.

Setting the priorities, the Tabernacle of Adam System (the Electro-Magnetic machine), boundaries also the definition of a castle, language which is a bit more complex than it sounds, travel, learning, partnerships, how the AEtt works.


Knowing Oliver was in Tiffin is beyond doubt.

But also knowing that the Prussians would stop at less than zero (including a dozen times they committed genocide, not just the Holocaust of the Jews, 1935-1945) to obtain advanced weapons was again a proven fact. So, since close to the only real option to allow Oliver to remain alive in Tiffin surrounded by that many troops were both a larger military to ward off the Prussian’s at Fort Ball, or a second more evidence based scenario.

June 22, 1844 just a year or two before Oliver met Wundt in Tiffin (hypothetically). Could the Prussians have kidnapped Joseph Smith, put a “body double” into place, who they killed. Taken him clandestinely back to Tiffin (a city he knew very well, having his first temple just 99 miles away) and dragooning him into translating the captured Ogle books.

Of course, after the bulk of the work was done, with Oliver, Wundt, and a few dozen others. Smith would have been far too valuable an asset which would have then forced the Prussians to smuggle him back to Prussia. Forcing him back to Prussia would have had an instant reaction from those entirely loyal to Smith. Oliver, Strang, and 1000s if not 10,000s of others.

They would have attempted to form groups to go over to Prussia and rescue their mighty leader. But most if not all their rescue attempts until a specific point would have failed. But Young hated the entire concept, and wanted to be the leader of the church so badly that he forbad knowledge of Smith at all. His orders were Smith died a martyr and that is the end of the entire conversation.

The Prussians taking Smith by force to Prussia to translate their undecipherable works, as well as take advantage of a man who claimed to have a direct corridor to god through the angel Moroni.

The Prussians would have seen Smith as one of their most powerful weapons. Capturing him in fact for the Prussian FreiKorp would be an entirely expected thing. The fact that all the researchers for the last 173 years have not put the pieces together that a spy organization equal to today’s Navy Seals/Green Beret/etc. would not have perceived Smith as a “must get” in the same exact direction and category of Van Braun during operation Paperclip is simply ridiculous. To the Prussians Smith was more valuable than most of those taken to America through Operation Paperclip in 1944. For that matter, so was Oliver. Two of the most valuable intelligence assets the Prussians could possess. Since the Prussians were paranoid delusional sociopaths, they did not need convincing that what Smith and Oliver did was correct. They would “test” them first hand and if they failed kill them and destroy the evidence. Which would not be the first millionth time they did that action. Their cultural ancestor the Russians have done that so often it is a standard concept for the Stazi to take someone in the middle of the night and they are never heard from again. During the Soviet and Nazi Era’s, it was so common the amount of people “disappeared” was well over a million people.

But it also gives a strong hypothetical concept as to why Ivan Pavlov’s (born September 26, 1849 - Died: February 27, 1936, Saint Petersburg, Russia) work was so successful. Also, why his psychological research laboratories were in the Kremlin. He would have if this theory is correct, with the evidence strongly points to its accuracy. He had direct as a prisoner contact and ability to question Smith in his cell in the Kremlin. Why move Smith from Prussia to Red Square, to keep him as far from his supporters and followers as humanly possible. After Smith began to cooperate, he was moved from the Kremlin to St Petersburg, to work on the Amber Room which the Prussians built based on rumors from what the Germans had dismantled and shipped to America in 1680. Under the disguise of Leisler's Rebellion (Date: May 31, 1689 – March 21, 1691). But the story of that rebellion is long, detailed, complicated, and of course directly tied to the Salem Witch Trials. A more psychologically dysfunctional situation is very difficult to find.

Finding violent and unforgivable disappointment when the Prussians captured the castle the Amber room sat in to be empty and almost all documentation regarding said was removed. The Prussians decided to build a replacement to save face. Thus, the Prussian/Russian Amber room was born. But a non-functioning replacement circa 1701, was designed badly, in the Baroque style, and not according to the rules of Electro-Magnetics. The annoyance and frustration the Prussians experienced, they gave it to the Russians as a gift in 1716. With the idea, the Russians with more resources could rebuild it “correctly” and make the weapon of the divine work. They mostly Electro-Magnetic lobotomized themselves, like the girls in Salem Mass.

It would only be 38 years of frustration for the Prussians and Russians before the FreiKorp was formed upon the immediate start of the “Seven Years War” aka “French and Indian War”.

Although a serious and substantial problem with the name contains the real reason the war began.

When the Hyksos (the answers of the Russians/Prussians, Dorians, Romans, Avaris, etc.) invaded Egypt, those who could evacuate did. They evacuated to various places, but the Royal family evacuated so far away it would be impossible for the Hyksos to follow within 1000 years if not more. The Royal family evacuated to the Italian Peninsula. The city they either built or rebuilt they called “The Eternal City” or in Gaelic “Samhain”. Which in Gaelic Samhain is pronounced 7. The city of 7 Hills.

The 7 years’ war, since the same participants were still fighting several millennia later “the Samhain War” is not an incorrect name. just pronounce Samhain as 7.

From 2100 b.c.e to 753 b.c.e. The inhabitants lived in that city and thrived. Until sufficient Dorians and Avaris from Troy moved their army from the defeated Troy to Samhain. The Trojan War then continued from 1330 – 753 when the city of Samhain was finally defeated and conquered. Being renamed to Rome. To honor the commanding general.

The entire time the Hyksos have been chasing access to the same technology their descendant culture the Prussians demanded of the Ogle family in Tiffin Ohio. 3700 years of the same war “give us that divine technology, so we may kill you, if you do not we will kill you.” As stated sociopathic, or did the several genocidal waves not give that idea, including the Jewish Third Reich holocaust. The spur for the holocaust “you Jews will give us the secrets of your Electro-Magnetic divine technology or we will kill you.” But by 1935, most of the entire population were entirely ignorant of the ancient Jewish technology. Too many millennia at war with the Hyksos descendant cultures. Not enough scholars around to teach about the Electro-Magnetic technology. The Jews and related cultures by then had be running for so long they had not had time to learn as a community those details. By the time the Nazi got the Jews exactly where they wanted them, the population was too ignorant to know the secrets they demanded. Which angered the Russians and Prussians to a point of mass lunacy, we will kill you all until you give us what we want. But by then only a very small handful of scholars knew anything at all about it. But there is one and only one way to know for absolute sure. Start mass killings, if a million die or five million die then it is a bit more trustable that the remainder do not know anything.

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Alexandria library

The books in both Heidelberg U and of course Tiffin U were both taken from the Ogle family by cannon from the FreiKorp soldiers at Fort Ball.

There is less than zero chance the FreiKorp would have agreed to spend 1 penny on a book unless it was directly about weaponry. But they would rather kill the bookdealer than to pay a penny.

The Ogles at both Newcastle and Edinburgh U have entire building size collections. A small portion of those books were shipped to first Boston, then New York, then Ohio specifically Tiffin.

But how did they arrive in Edinburgh U?  They were shipped to Edinburgh from in a roundabout way the Alexandria library. 



Young died 1877 when Wundt started writing the book







plus, how did Wundt obtain his in-field residency experience to earn his MD??

Ohio was an active battle zone.



if at all is to gain access to more detailed and specific records

Wundt’s personal papers,


To fear something, or to be feared for who you are. Humans have fears, some are realistic, and others are based on nothing. Personally, few things scare me more than being hurt for being me. The difference between paranoia and a several thousand-year history of people like me are that almost no other group minus a few notables are hunted down and hurt for the fun of it. Smart people are on a constant basis. There are biological reasons for most fears.

Top of Form



 “German viewpoint.”

Can you expand this point a bit?

Since Wundt was born, lived, and died in the gray area between the German Culture fighting for survival and the Prussian Culture being stereotypical of the previous 700 years in most ways nasty. He was privy to battles which took place in more than one location directly outside his door. Soldiers fighting and at times dying on his doorstep. The Franco-Prussian War began shortly after the end of the American Civil War, which took place in Wundt’s academically speaking “back yard.” (Schofield, H. A., & Watkins, S. B., 2015)

More than a few of the soldiers were ex-confederates who had renounced their ties to America circa 1861 and flat refused to even consider the fact that the south had lost.

My question is, can you define a time when Wundt was not forced to witness first hand at least two and most of the time three battle hardened armies trying to push dominance over both each other and of course the populations around them. The Ottoman Empire was not more than a few hundred miles away (Arslan, M., Şar, S., & Şahne, B. S.,2017). The Battle of Vienna had taken place two centuries previous, but elements of all the armies were still very in the area and mostly pulling clandestine operations.

Please explain what you mean by German View Point?




First question; why did the German (not Prussian) culture reject the Enlightenment (Posesorski, E., 2017). What part of the Enlightenment did Wundt find disgusting. The answer to this is both found in solid evidence, theories regarding Wundt’s like, and as I have mentioned previous portions of the hard evidence point directly to Wundt having a direct and solid Tiffin, Ohio connection. The aforementioned Fort Ball packed with Prussian Troops, pretending to be Germans. Reference the rather sizable German community in Tiffin. Most of the names are from Prussia not Germany. I also remember some vague house which had been in the immediate Tiffin area, built onto a dozen times from 1830-1970 which was about as Rhine as you could get architecturally. The parents/grandparents of mom’s friends spoke German in the house. I was 5 so I do not remember that much.

What was the Enlightenment, exactly what were its “transmission” e.g. its working parts?  Answering this question will assist in understanding your next points (Balfour, I., 2016).

The next question is where did the Romanticism of the heart, spirit, and soul originate? Part of that answer is in the Holy Roman Empire (Close, C., 2017). But another part of that answer is in what happened to the Royal French Court of Louis XVI and where they went (Caiani, A., 2016). The fiction the Prussians, French, English, and Americans sold have no basis. But those events occurred literally only a few decades before Wundt was born and had the strongest effect on his birth culture to its core.

One of the failings of the Intellectualism movement was about trying very hard to erase the connections which forms one of the load bearing walls Wundt was talking about. There is no logic to why some women become mothers and some women have no “maternal instincts period.” Intellectualism does not and cannot answer why; but the origins of the Romanticism does and is based on those concepts. What is the association between a mother and her child, versus a female and her offspring.

What does this next part mean? Mid-point between intellectualism an its association with anti-intellectuals? I do not understand this point.

Of course, it has a great deal to do with the Eastern Orthodox Church and its connections with the Greek Church Paul set up (Paul was a Hyksos descendant) and the Mongol Horde and their violently militant Islamic religion (Jarocka-Mikrut, A., & Gleń, P., 2016). Islam was the major religion of the ruler of Russia for centuries (Amitai-Preiss, R., 1997).

Next question what does the Mongol Horde (Islam), the Russian Orthodox Church, and Martin Luther/John Calvin have association together. Since those three connections are the foundation for the Enlightenment. It is very complex and most of the actions are not based on strict adherence to Intellectualism.

You bring up next ideas about the differences between utilitarianism and individualism of British philosophy. What are the differences between the British Culture and the English. Note the cultures are different in the extreme. This associationism layers are part of what Wundt was arguing against as being super bad.

I think that is sufficient questions for now.



Wundt saw this coming through his Prussian handlers who had not lost their deep and insane need to seize control over any dissent to their laws, rules, and order. The second WWII was over, the survivors almost to the person were still not satisfied with the previous 18 years of hard core violence, killing, mutilation, and degrading behavior to their perceived enemies. 18 years of unlimited violence and the population of the Third Reich (not the people mind you) but the actual Third Reich core members and the most loyal to the cause stated in effect “wow we were just getting started.” Paraphrased from the violence which came out of Europe which spread to America immediately after.

Volkerpsychologie is what Wundt was talking about. To understand how a culture can be identified which has pushed itself so far outside the boundaries of reality that they function despite themselves. They as a collective are beyond all forms of higher brain function of “this is wrong.”

Wundt proved that not only are most people are cognizant of it, but will act accordingly if the leader is strong enough to force the person to accept they take no responsivity for the damage from their actions. “You made me push the button, I had no choice.”

How can we look at Psychology from a framework that we do not understand what Wundt was talking about? Some of these discredited theories are valid, but it is our own higher brain Wundt stuff which does not permit us understanding what the was talking about.

How can we stop thinking badly and start thinking correctly?




The previous way Psychology was studied was for the most part rather bad. Little real science, even less integrity, and it was as William James put it “mostly philosophy”. The philosophy was for the most part derived from a deep and unabashed study of the Trojan War e.g. the Iliad and the Odyssey which itself is mostly fiction versions of very real events (Porter, A., 2014).

Hence Wundt’s’ Völkerpsychologie which has no real English translation (Freis, D., 2014). Volk is in a way translatable to community psychology. Being able to separate out the different Volk to find out how each made decisions. Volk means people, but it is not the people like Americans mean people. It is more “one of us” people. As opposed to the Muslims 100 miles south, the Russians 100 miles to the east, the French 100 miles to the west, the Prussians north east by 50 miles, etc. (Doğan, E. H., 2017). They are not us, we are us. A committee of citizens is close to the definition of Volk. Not just a small community but a larger collection of 1000s of us, as opposed to them. But you also should remember for the previous two entire millennia being anti-Semitic was not only institutional but it was entirely acceptable (Thurn, N., 2011). Depending on the year, the laws regarding abusing Jews were fluid to say the least (Gilman, S. L., 1990). Some years in some cities it was not a crime to harm a Jew or an entire community of Jews (Simpson, M. S., 1978). Every action you can think of, it was not a crime. Wundt observed these changes, and knew that the way Psychology was studied before was a complete waste of time. You cannot compare the Volk to each other of different cultures. You must dig deeper to find the pre-hippocampus shuffling of pockets of information around the brain.

Wundt grew up surrounded by this junk. Knowing that he witnessed those “Not us” were ok to perform any bad action against was ok. But us our community would rally around and prevent said violence. But Jews, Romani, etc. were not allowed said protections (Belišová, J. ,2015). Chatting with the people who did not think their actions were bad, did not reveal why (Victor A, F., 2015). Neither did it reveal any real evidence of truth, other than “if the community says it is ok, why is it not.” His reshaping Psychology came from pulling away from filters in place after the conscious mind decides (Ziche, P., 1999). He wanted to find out what was happening well before hand. He wanted to find out what was happening in the brain from the brain stem up, from the hypothalamus out. The horrors that Wundt witnessed is a standard thing based on PTSD to go into the exact opposite direction to the dominant culture (Karatzias, T., ... & Cloitre, M., 2017). Anti-Semitism and white supremacy flip to multi-culturalism.

It is not all that realistic to try and have “talk therapy” with a hard core bad person who is entirely convinced that their actions are acceptable. You can talk to a Nazi all day long for decades and they will still not see what they did was bad (Wilke, J. 2016). Hard evidence the Nazi’s that did live decades later were still defending their actions. However, their brain stem understood what they were doing was, according to their own religion, evil. Wundt devised tests which cut past the conscious mind to the sub-conscious using pure hard science and Electro-Magnetic machines to invoke a real reaction from the brain of the human itself (Goodman, G., … & Bercovich, D., 2015). Not the part of the mind that is still convinced that it did nothing wrong.

The centuries and millennia previous the emphasis was on understanding the mind from after the decisions were made not before. What was the line between the part of the mind still thinking, and when a decision is made.




In 150 years no theory other than Wundt’s misunderstood base structure has or can come up with a grand unification theory.

When the brain forms a “perception” or as they call it Gestalt, the concept lives in the brain. The image in the brain and the actual image are then two different things. The item can change and alter itself, just as the brain and use different thinking tools to process and imagine how the thing can be changed. “The whole [the item itself] is different than the sum of its parts”. Which is an entirely different translation than the famous one. Thinking about the items in question transforms both items in your head and the real external object as whole.

Gestalt is not a well-defined theory since it does not consider how the brain can break each part down and apply logic and imagination to the version in the head. Behaviorism has little if anything to do with perception and all to do with information processing. There is you and there is everything else. The everything else is perceived and reacted to; the reactions are behaviors. Those behaviors are what Skinner studied, not how the brain processes information. Gestalt attempted to understand how the brain processes information but did not have any of the needed tools, technology, or acceptable culture to succeed.



If you liked this one, you would have really liked my first draft. Which explained in 1000-word detail where the violence and population control tools came from which Skinner found.

He did not invent the devices, he just used Wundt’s work to make them work effectively.

The Prussian military had invested monstrous amounts of money, time, and resources into securing “population control devices.” (Kamissek, C., 2016)

Since the Trojan War, teaching “The Classics” has been seen and used by the leaders to cognitively control the masses just before the leaders decide to go to war (Flores, J., 2017). This has been a 3000-year proven fact. Lots of skeptic and anti-war people given the ability to talk, put on the Iliad/Odyssey and a few other similar classical theater productions, and the population has an individual and group thing cognitive change from anti-war to pro war almost overnight. The group instead of listening to the anti-war people either start to ignore them or flat out silence them. The “Music Man” is based on these exact aspects (The Music Man. Book, m. t. ,2016, June 9). But instead of being done with an unknown con-man the leaders pay the best actors and performers they can find. Work the classical theater productions hard enough before the start of a war, and the population will be looking for “victims” to attack. People who were just fine and dandy living their lives before, were suddenly in the middle of a mob performing barbaric acts. What changed the performance of those plays with the best actors and of course the leadership endorsement. Standard procedures for the last 3000 years; “All the world is a stage, and all the people are merely the players.” (Zajac, P. J., 2016) Playwrights it was their job to change the minds of their audience from x to y; to manipulate the public’s cognition of the real world.

Those devices Skinner collected a few and used them as the base to create Behaviorism out of. But what I find truly disgusting about the situation, is that you cannot find a Behaviorist, or a behaviorism textbook which gives the actual insanely well documented history of where Behaviorism comes from.



What can be done to work with Behaviorists into the future to fix the problems in Psychology?



Years ago, I did a lot of research into the “Blood Countess”, aka Countess Elizbeth Báthory (Campbell, J.,2011). A century between but cousin to Vlad Wallachia (Goldberg, E. A., & Itzkowitz, N.,2008). Both were presented with a rather insane problem trying to function in their everyday lives surrounded by enemies both foreign and domestic.

Both were killed by their own governments to make the Turks happy.

Vlad III’s actions were to be a barrier between the invading Ottoman Army from the south and the invading Russian Army from the east, and the Prussian Army from the north He was stuck in a massive pressure cooker with larger armies all around. But he managed to defeat them, by knowing their weaknesses.

His cousin, the countess, was accused of every nasty and disgusting thing imaginable. But the forensics were so slanted against her that no testimony is trustable. Centuries later the facts finally came out that her main accusers were men who owed her tons of gold. About five lords borrowed money from her, they used it to attack Islamic armies and other lords. They lost. Losing means they were not able to strip the city of its riches to repay her. So, she could have easily confiscated their lands and titles as her own. They were so afraid of that, they accused her of the worse crimes to avoid paying her back.

The young girls in her care “locked in her dungeons” were entirely wrong. Yes, she had a staff of hundreds of young girls in her care. Yes, they were locked in her dungeons. But most were recovering from critical injuries from the battles which raged all around them. The area they lived in was almost nonstop war for most of the least 1000 years. Islamic fighters like to kidnap and abuse little girls (Achilov, D.,2016). Western soldiers like the same, but only in smaller groups will you find a small group who are willing to go out and perform crimes against young women for fun. It is almost part of violent militant Islamic society to perform said actions. There



But there is something else which is of more importance.

Psychology has institutional problems of its own it must address before the subject of women can be addressed. Of course, women are in desperate need to be included in the fixing of the problem, as well as identification of what is wrong. But again, back to the “The deplorables” comment from last year. I can think of about a dozen women who were so offended by the idea of the equals x person was not them, that they would never in a million years vote for x person because it was not them.
At least one on fb personally and a few on cable news stated flat out “I would vote for Adolf, before I voted for x”. Psychology is about studying both the individual and the group; what is happening in the lower brain which cascades into upper brain function. But that cascade effect occurs over time.

I personally found it beyond disgusting, but to answer this question take 2016 as a 350 million Americans case study and laboratory controlled test of mental health. To provide an answer for this question using real hard physical data, the answer is of course “beyond no” not even close. As a society, the West is just not ready for the leader of the free world to be female yet. Americans are ok with lobotomy level stupid, but female is an absolute no go in any way, shape, or form.

The world of a billion people in various other world power cultures observed and for the most part shook their heads thinking “what is their problem?”. The problem is, the west has fundamental issues which psychology has no real tools to identify let alone know how to start to fix what is wrong with the glass ceiling.

The first most obvious answer for women in the field of psychology is to perform a total and complete reorganization of the entire field of Psychology. First thing on the list. Create a tier system.

EMT’s who are trained in basic mental health, and can work on street level emergency “mental health melt downs” (Dagher, M. … & Kaafarani, B. R., 2016). Examples in a domestic violence, or other violent tempers are flaring. Instead of bringing in the guys with automatic weapons. Bring in an EMT to help identify the mental health issue to calm everyone down.

Paramedic, for that metaphorical equivalent of in field care (Simpson, P., … & Close, J. (2017).

Of course, nurse level care for between the street and in a proper medical felicity (Beyersmann, J., & Schrade, C. (2017).

Remove the masters in psychology entirely. And create a masters/PhD program exactly like law and medical school.

That reorganization will allow a stronger organizational structure as well as legally force the organization to be more accepting of females in the ranks. Have mental health at the first aid level, EMT, paramedic, nurse, and of course full Ph.D. level. Remove the Masters level program and kick straight into the PhD program which will allow for the accurate level of medicine to be obtained and not over or under educate to achieve both the student and patient’s needs. It will also force police to have said training. Since they are required to obtain various levels of first aid, obtaining that level of mental health should also be a requirement. Which can and will based on all evidence assist with the society as a whole being able to work through their mob mentality misogyny a bit easier. Attacking the individual members of society and showing them the benefits on a personal level is the only way to fix this hate based problem.

Start to work on the cultures “The deplorables” from the homes and in small community groups, and real change can start being accomplished when the masses begin to realize “hate is not a family value”. But first accepting a b and c actions are hate and not just “the way things are”.





the machines Wundt used, that is physical evidence as to why Tiffin.

eg Frankenstein technology,

which later was developed into among others a defibrillation machine

that is called evidence

where did he learn the plans for an electromagnetic machine?

a radio shack was not on every street corner

Ben Franklin just 70 years before had to build his own from scratch

the parts were still a complete mystery to science

so, where in 1870 did Wundt gain the knowledge to build his em machines to test his patients regarding their nervous system reactions.?

Electro-Magnetic machines were the definition of cutting edge technology in 1790, still were the equivalent of a nuclear bomb tech a century later 1880. Both misunderstood and entirely frightening to most people. And in just a few decades used by the Prussian paramilitary branch who name changed to NAZI under the banner of the “Third Reich” heavily for many many things. The NAZI’s used miles of electrical fencing around their death and isolation camps.