Wundt and the Foundation of Psychology v2

·       Table of contents



a.      The largest problem with the field of Psychology is the parts which the overwhelming majority of the professional in the field refuse in all ways, shapes, and forms acknowledge.

b.     The largest issues with the field are the originals which predate the birth of Wilhelm Wundt, the Classics (the Trojan War and Medusa, the Minotaur, etc.), predate the Thera Volcano, predate the Hyksos invasion of Egypt, predate the construction of the Pyramids, predate Narmer e.g. the Scorpion King, predate the Hierakonpolis, predate all languages post Indo-European.

c.      The worst part of the entire process is the following. The books by which Wundt and Oliver Cowdery were given access to by the point of a musket in circa 1840 belonged to the Ogle family. The Ogle family were in Tiffin Ohio before the United State of America formed. When the Ogle family owned the Entire Ohio River Valley and most likely all the area from Montreal down to New Orleans.

d.     Joseph and Thomas Ogle were present and in conflict with the Prussians stationed at Fort Ball when Oliver and Wundt were forced into service and put to work in the newly captured Heidelberg library. A library which had just a few years previous still belonged to the Ogle family.

e.      But to professional Linguistics it does not take much time to realize one of the most hard and undeniable truths build into the Footers of the field of Psychology.

f.      That hard-undeniable truth is that the name/word Nephilim is a 4-part code. Which those four words happen to have the greatest significance when it comes to the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Pharaohs who built the Pyramid’s. It also has the same exact code as the last name of the Ogle family who used to own that very library and build that building Wundt and Cowdery were pushed into service to translate the books to find the weapons so they Prussians could possess weapons of Electro-Magnetics and or divine. Either would work just fine, but they needed those weapons in order to find and kill their enemies. Their enemies included anyone who told them no about what they wanted. Including god.

g.     The Ogles there is little doubt that the name possessed the same code in the full Gaelic version of the name as the code in Genesis chapter 6 sentence 2; the Nephilim were the descendants of the offspring of angels and humans.

·       Abstract

a.      After bouncing through 5 separate grad schools, I can state this as the hardest evidence defined matter of fact. I have almost all As in my classes, but the teachers still “showed me the door” despite my 3.9. Why, because instead of teaching psychology, teaching the scientific method, and of course teaching the proper “order of operations” my teachers chose to either skinner box me to study me and have a lot of sadistic pleasure in the process. Or they were entirely demanding to force me and all the rest of their students to submit to their method of teaching. The method it appears to the vast majority of the teachers of their own personal fictions is based on more than 50 teachers most of which I dropped their class, is the entire reason for the degree. They could care less about the scientific method, the order of operations, the structure of teaching, the theories which are obviously junk, teaching only the proven correct portions of ideas. Instead they throw out Wundt’s work entirely, ignore the vast majority of the tools and how they are applied from “The Classics”, and worst of all only care about teaching emergency medicine to future therapists. Which is a huge and unbridled waste of time. The Psychology field churns out Emergency Medical Technicians by the 100 every few months. But not a single real researcher among them. But science is not science in stagnation, if there is no innovation there is no science. The old ideas are wrong, and have to be updated. It is easy to prove that the ideas and hypothesis used over the course of the last century are wrong, they do not consider the science of synapses and the neuropathways. Ignore those subjects and 99.9% of all psychology if flat wrong. Every single thing Wundt learned academically was through the books in the various libraries he was given access too. Those libraries were of course the problem and the main point of evidence regarding this theory. Those books were not written in Tiffin, the Ogle’s did not have enough time. Nor were those books written in America, same problem, facing battle from 1850 back to the 1400s, the last time the Ogles possessed a sufficient army to create a large enough buffer zone between the scholars and the front lines was at Ogle caste previous to the Tutors. After the culture in basic disintegrated and within 500 years no longer existed. Tracking the formulation of Psychology, the most key ingredient the Prussians and Wundt required were the books. Those books were of course where the technical, scientific, and mathematical explanation books required for both the weapons the Prussians demanded and the books Wundt was under orders to create a better population control methods. The Prussians were tired of putting down revolts from people who did not like their genocidal rules. Following the path of the library is the best way to track where the books came from and from previous battles what the previous copies of the library contained. If you avhe 10 copies and 9 fall to enemy forces, the 9 times the library was compromised will give an indication of what information philosophies and of course weapons the library contained.


·       The library of the Ogle family

a.      Everything below is directly related to the path of the various portions and copies not to mention addictions to the Hierakonpolis library near Thebes.

b.     No library no technology. No technology no matter how much money you have, you cannot achieve any civilization goals. All engineering depends on libraries to hold the collected information, for students to review and then of course apply what they learned. Then add to the library their own work, experiences, and of course their own education to the collection.

c.      Most of the knowledge held in western cultures libraries has been through the generous work of the Ogle family of Britain. For 3000 years the Ogles have possessed the world’s best libraries, they possessed alexanders he just relocated a few dozen and had them place in a city he renamed, in a building he named, and build a protective tool e.g. the lighthouse next to the library so the library would forever be safe from damage.

d.     That lighthouse contained a tool which would be turned into a weapon and destroy entire sections of fleets and army marching to conquer the city.

e.      That lighthouse was also turned off to allow Caesar to remove the library materials and burn the empty building to the ground. He also took possession of the lighthouse tool and shipped most of them to Northumberland.

f.      Tracing the library from Constantinople back to Hierakonpolis is relatively easy, all you must do is follow both the buildings and the weapons of war advancements.

g.     As the buildings and civilization grew they had access to the library, as the buildings shrank, and the weapons of war become less complex, is the arrival of the library in the area and then the either destruction of it or the removal of it to avoid being destroyed. The Palace at Knossos the builders had access to the library, King Minos did not. Neither did the Greeks or the Romans, since they did not build taller than 3 story buildings for the next 1000 years. Minus a few well-educated Jews.

·       The Ogle family secrets

a.      The secrets of the Ogle family are many and mostly complex.

b.     Those secrets are why they have been hunted till the culture itself has been all but entirely erased from existence. If not from common knowledge, despite the fact that Ogles have been present at almost every major event of the last 3000 years, and easily more based entirely on the following collection of facts.

c.      The Ogle family were experts in the art and design of the language  and mathematics of the Universe. In other words, the Ogle family understood the structure of time in a way which is difficult for most humans to understand.

d.     The structure of time was mapped out by the Ogles over the millennia in order to understand the order of operations basic facts of existence. The enemy has wanted to either control those facts, or destroy them if the facts do not match what the enemy believes. Which has resulted in the close to annihilation of the Ogle family as a culture and the British as whole. The British are mostly English now.

e.      However, the secrets of neuropathways was given to Wundt by the Ogles in Tiffin Ohio, but he had to spend his lifetime trying to understand the secrets he was given.

f.      Which is an extreme problem when you introduce a concept like that to someone who was forced to live a life so sheltered, the only facts were mostly fiction from the Prussians. This is not a blame game; the Prussians for the last 900 years have been engaged in battle with the British virtually the entire time. X damage occurred because the Prussians did the damage. Does not help the Prussians bragged endlessly about it all. However, it is very difficult to both brag and keep all military operations clandestine. The Prussians are specifically bad at keeping their clandestine missions secret, they just have to brag about them.


·       English v British Cutlers

a.      One of the most important things to make note of. The English and British Culture are entirely different and have been fighting the same war in various locations since well before the Trojan War. The War did not start at the Palace at Knossos either.

b.     The library

·       English Culture

a.      The English Culture itself are in most ways descendants of either the Romans and or a couple different Muslim families. But the Romans themselves are descendants form the invaders from the Dorian Culture. Which the Dorians are those left in the Aegean after the Thera volcano eruption. Which makes the Dorians in language, behavior pattern, and attitude descendants of the Hyksos. The Hyksos are an extremely difficult culture to portray as anything other than directly from the bowls of hell. Slavery, genocide, pillaging, etc. all the really bad actions humans are capable of the Hyksos do with pride and challenging each other to outdo and be even nastier with each other. The English fought on the wrong side of the Trojan War, since the Trojans are Jews. the Trojan War has been a War against the Jews which in a way was part of the Third Reich holocaust, but has existed well past and for millennia before. Since the descendant armies of Agamemnon followed the evacuating Trojans to Alba Longa and the city of Samhain to continue fighting, that lasted for 600 years. The British on the other hand are trojans, what the Romans claimed to be, which is why they worked very hard to erase 600 years from the end of the Trojan War to Romulus entering the city and renaming Samhain to Rome. They needed to be “descendants of the Princes of Troy”, for some type of community support. However, nothing could have been farther from the truth.


c.      The library

·       British Culture

a.      The British Culture has a very complex path, not because they did anything negative and nasty. But because they have spent most of the time from 2500 bce to present running away from conquering armies who would stop at nothing up to and including genocide to kill them, erase them from existence, and of course steal their technology. The technology they wanted to turn into weapons to use to dominate first the entire world, and then challenge god for supremacy over the heavens. To run things better, and according to their philosophy of might makes right, instead of gods “love each other as I love you”.

b.     The British Culture by legend since there is almost no possible way to prove it was founded by the son and or grandson of the Prince of Troy Ǽneas and the Queen Dido of Carthage, formerly known as the widow of King Tut. Their son and or grandson the documents from the Romans are intentionally confusing.

c.      Their son/grandson was named Prince of Troy Brutu and his was given the task of taking the remaining refugees out of Alba Longa and Samhain to the defenses Queen Dido’s oldest sister and mother had set up in Northumberland. Defenses more than capable of holding back the mutant hordes from every nasty army which dared threatened the homeland.

d.     That would be Northumberland and or the Gaelic name Yr Hen Ogle dd, which means the same. Brutu named Britain after himself, but the family named the Kingdom. The family named the kingdom of Ogle. The family which created the kingdom according to the evidence was the 18th Egyptian Dynasty and descendants of Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten. Which is of the most vital of importance since, the 18th8 dynasty possessed libraries and of course deep knowledge of the ATEN of Egypt. The ATEN might not seem that huge of a deal on the surface, but it is in basic a neuropathway, it is also a sign of engineering so far beyond what modern science can recreate the two are in different categories of skill. Modern engineers have a huge distance to go in order to catch up to engineering which literally covers half the globe. The books at Heidelberg contained information about the ATEN, Electro-Magnetic machines, and of course defensive books. Those books were used by the British Ogle family to defend against the Romans, the Pictish, and recapture Britain from the English at Hastings 1066.

e.      The library from the time the British Culture formed in their own named Britain, they were already operating from rather extremely advanced technology. That technology allowed for huge defenses, walls, roads, bridges, agriculture, navigation, fishing, metals, etc. every aspect of building a civilization occurred in Northumberland up to and including the founding of several libraries. The problem is, when you have a huge beacon of light, you will attract both people without sufficient light, and of course those who hate light and want to either seize control over the light and or worse destroy the light so that no one can gain access to it.

f.      The End of the Viking Age brought about the founding of Universities based on the decades and sometimes centuries of the libraries in those areas being safe and the scholars not under threat. The Vatican approved the application for scholastics only after a city could prove beyond a doubt that they could maintain the library and scholars no matter what battles raged around them. A portion of these rules still exist in the present, to found a new university requires not Vatican approval but the areas accreditations boards to approve all curriculum.

g.     The libraries in Europe birthed the Universities, and the Vikings are who brought the books back to Europe from Constantinople. But they did start the journey centuries previous the Vatican simply refused to acknowledge said, since the Northumberland culture was too powerful for the Vatican Army to take on and most of those in the control of the Vatican were illiterate, the cultures which owned libraries on the other hand did not suffer those mistakes. Track the libraries, tracks the technology the Prussians demanded from Tiffin and of course the NAZI’s all way back to the city of Hierakonpolis in upper Egypt circa 3800 bce.


·       Ogle Family Library

a.      Hierakonpolis

b.     Luz/Memphis

c.      IWNW/Heliopolis

d.     Poseidon/Athens

e.      Troy

f.      Samhain

g.     Paris

h.     Northumberland



·       Noah


·       Abraham

a.      Abraham’s life was nowhere in the neighborhood of simply or easy to understand. he began life it is assumed in the city of Ur under the dominance of his father Terah, and his older brother. Very little about him the Jews recorded after the exodus. during the middle of the battle to attack the tower of babel which is either to seize control over it or destroy it outright. Terah and his oldest son were rendered idiots due to the Electro-Magnetic fields they played with and were lobotomized. Leaving the area with treasures and a portion of the Babel Eridu population as slaves, the backup army supporting Eridu arrived and there was not time to evacuate with the head of the entire family rendered unconscious. Abraham stood up to take command, he ordered the family to evacuate as quickly as possible away from the army of the city. That army proceeded to chase them mercilessly for the next several years all over levant and of course Saudi Arabia. Till the Pharaoh of Egypt agreed to have them move into Israel the specially selected for Jews to life on live on the west side of the Nile between Abu Sire and Giza.

b.     Which is where things take on a very difficult and amazingly difficult turn.

c.      In the book of Genesis this next part is well documented, but also backed up by engineering which is far and above any and all aspects of what can be recreated by modern engineering. As Abraham led the Jews into Egypt, he met with the Pharaoh south, south, met the pharaoh, south again which means he was likely meeting the pharaoh in the city of Heliopolis south of Heliopolis is where Abraham felt like building east of El Beth El a great temple to the lord. The problem is, the only way he could build a Tabernacle was to rely on the plans provided and passed down for millennia from Adam to himself. He could rebuild the Tabernacle system of Adam using east of El Beth El as a location finder. The Technology collected from the destroyed Terah Ziggurat aka Tower of Babel in part allowed the construction of the Pyramids.

d.     The Tower of Babel circa 2600 bce.

e.      The Tower of babel aka the Eridu Ziggurat itself was an engineering wonder. At least 300 feet all more likely pushing 1000. Anything other 4 stories requires a huge and substantial level of architecture and engineering. Something the owners with libraries connected to the Ogle family library proved enumerable times that as a matter of the hardest fact they possessed a library system of said caliber. Simply put being able to engineer defenses and weapons which could hold off the entire Roman Empire and its army from 50 bce – 400 ce then as the Romans changed names to Anglo-Saxon then English held them at bay again 400-680. Which by no means is a small feet. The Eridu Ziggurat itself contained information which reflected such described extremes in engineering. So, since these are established and all fact-based theories, and most of the working portions are facts. Than when Abraham stole them and the princesses of the city of Eridu, it only goes to show that his descendant Jacob who was appointed to be overseer, protector, and leader of the Semitic culture itself. He would have possession of said library to build said infrastructure.


g.     Abraham takes his family to Egypt

h.     Abraham takes his family to Egypt upon being given permission by the Pharaoh. The pharaoh’s son was promised to the very female that Abraham had claimed as his slave wife Sarah, she has only spent the previous 10 years with Abraham, so he was not only spoiled, but she likely was suffering from more than a little Stockholm syndrome. She was in effect forced by the situation to stay with her slave master. But she was only allowed to stay in Egypt for a short time, instead of ruling at Queen next to her pharaoh husband when her father in law died. She lived most of her life in levant lands.

i.       In Egypt he leaves most of his family

j.       Abraham was forced to decide, he could either take most of his large family to Levant lands. Or leave them in Egypt in Israel and to build a large and thriving community of Jews and civilization in Israel. Moses 1500 years later hated the very concept of this, and rewrote their history according to what he wanted it to say. Aka the 5 books of Moses. He was not a Jew he was an Esau line descendant, and the exodus was nothing more than hiding a Jewish slave shield wall army. Abraham achieved so many goals, most of them were erased by Moses because he hated the entire concept.

k.     Orders the reconstruction of the city of Luz

l.       Between Abraham meeting with the pharaoh the first time, Abraham traveled south to Israel where he encountered the mostly destroyed city of Luz. With extremely advanced technology in hand he ordered that they start fresh. Since that section of the Nile was at least at very low water levels at that time of year, it was easy to begin construction of a city in the middle of the River. Guaranteed to be enemy proof year around. In the flood season, the floods would move around the city, in the dry seasons the walls were simply too large to scale. Secret entrances capable of holding back the raging floodwaters and the river the rest of the time were built. If you have the knowledge you can build the tools. With the tools you can build anything. And Abraham’s people built. A City which was all but impenetrable for the next several 1000s years. So impenetrable in fact that several dynasties used it for their capital city. To honor Abraham Jacob, order the city of Luz (Eternal aka Samhain) to be renamed to honor him, however the name Abraham would not exist till Hebrew was invented circa 1300 bce. When Hebrew was invented it was created by a radical Jew hater.

m.   The city of Memphis is built with amazing levels of technology equivalent to the Dutch Dike system.

n.     In the absence of other reasonable ideas, the illogical becomes the only realistic solution to the problem. Since there is almost no evidence remaining of the city of Memphis despite being the capital of Egypt on several occasions, as well as possessing more than a million people on at least one occasion. That much of a city infrastructure is impossible for all of it to be under the Nile. The Nile has changed its banks too many times to not reveal at least some level of evidence behind. Consequently, if no evidence is present than the city was moved “lock stock and barrel”. But that is extremely difficult, since they possessed extremes in technology, there is zero reason the Abraham family did not create a plan to have a floating city capable of being a core city of more than 2000 feet long. Instead of wood, use various materials and of course reeds. That way the city would not be anchored to any specific location. It could move up, and down. The city could also be shipped out of Egypt, although no hwere in the neighborhood of easy. Adding sections to the city would be as easy as attacking stay rods to the several feet of reeds which composed the bottom and of course the sides. But once the reeds were in place, create a normal rock and or wood floor. One which would be for the most part devoid of sand and nasty rocks. Just keep adding rafts to the walls and then every once in a while repair a section which became either rotted, old, and or lost structural integrity. All in all, a very easy concept to perform. If the necessary mathematics were involved and of course the population size capable of performing the tasks. The argument scientifically is if they could build  1000-foot-tall ziggurat, than a 2000-foot ship/ark would be a no big deal.

o.     Where did they obtain the technology to build a city in the middle of the Nile?

p.     Tracking the technology is one of the more difficult aspects of ancient history to deal with. Not because the evidence is not in extreme plenty, but western culture specifically those who have entirely bought into the idea that it is impossible for civilization to have existed before the Greeks, forget about before the Hyksos invaded Egypt. However, said puritan concepts needed to go the way of the dinosaur centuries ago, like during the dark ages when bleeding was still considered a “good idea” by Barbars who had all but zero training in surgical skills and even less anatomy courses. They knew how to cut, with some instruction as to hair, but gross anatomy forget it. ancient Ziggurats were not an oddity which there was only one, there were dozens of several hundred feet tall ziggurats. Not only were their dozens if not hundreds of them, they were engineering marvels which several cases were equal too if not were taller than most modern skyscrapers. Ziggurats which easily lasted for centuries if not millennia before they were usually intentionally torn down. The last few were torn down because they were not wanted by the local leaders. Modern skyscrapers will mostly be reduced to nothing when the steel frame rusts enough through the concrete. Since concrete after all is porous. As the concrete hardens, and the steel rusts/degrades due to microfractures from the massive amount of weight they support. They will mostly be collapsed by about 500 years after construction. But the Ziggurats lasted for 1000. Why is this important, it goes an solid and substantial idea how what level of engineering ancients at 3000 bce possessed. To build ziggurats, to build the other civilization infrastructure they did. just because later enemies wanted it all destroyed does not mean for a second what they needed to destroy was not in existence. The point is that some portions of the evidence still exists. Megaliths scattered over most of Europe, Monoliths with an untranslatable language on them, Stonehenge itself which was started circa 3800 bce shortly after a culture from Mecca invaded upper Egypt and slowly made their way north conquering eventually Heliopolis which translates as Jerusalem. Not to mention Göbekli Tepe dated to roughly 10,000 bce, which means it was approximately 12,000 years ago. The site has several circles, each one an impressive by any standard engineering and of course architectural factors. There is no possible way to deny the culture and or cultures which designed said area possessed some type of library, which they either invented or were handed from somewhere. There is also a city under the water by about 80 feet off the coast of Japan dating back even further. A huge carved out of the rock city, a multiple layer city with stairs, a stage, etc. all carved out of the rock. Ancient technology is all around, it just has to be perceived for what it is.

q.     An oval walled city capable of being expanded upon exponentially over the millennia.

r.      Whether the city was all rock and grounded below the base of the Nile to ensure no or only controlled flooding from the floor came up, which would also point to several feet of reeds below the buildings to channel the river coming up from below into defined areas for drinking, agriculture, etc. or a floating city. Either way the city was capable of existing for several millennia then disappeared from existence at the same time that the library of Alexandria was also clandestinely put into ships and sailed to private Julii estates and Northumberland for safe keeping. The empty building was burned to the ground. So, the romans with the few and far between books they could get their hands on, could brag endlessly they “invented the technology” when all they did was read the books and build from blueprints.

s.      The core of the city was taken by Caesar to Rome. So was the core of Heliopolis by Caligula those buildings were remodeled into the Vatican three separate times.

t.       All that technology, where did it come from.

·       Jacob versus Esau

a.      First thing to correct about the name of Jacob, it does not mean twin, nor does it mean he held his brothers foot. That is pure Moses fiction, which has zero basis in reality. Pre-exodus Judaism was an entirely different kingdom of thing from post Exodus. There is almost no connection between the two other than the DNA of the former Jewish slaves under the command and control of the Hebrews renamed from their Hyksos/Avaris origins, which itself is a renaming from what they went by as a culture previous to 2100 bce when they invaded Egypt. All in all, a very complex set of information. Jacob means the holder of the limb of the ATEN. In effect he was given the name Ptah, the man/leader of the people who stands on the Ben Ben stone holding onto the limb/arm/leg/body part of the ATEN. The ATEN is a huge disk in the sky vertical from the earth, the disk has extensions from the circle fanning out from the circle to specific places on the earth. Those specific places are sacred. Those sacred spaces are areas which the monotheistic god the ATEN has designated for man/Ptah to build Tabernacles of Adam Systems on those specific locations.

b.     However, Esau the brother of Jacob was not that smart, but he was an incredibly talented warrior. In battle he was an extremely lethal foe, but he had virtually no head for tactics. He decided when he was young that he being might over right would seize the title of Pharaoh from his brother and rule over the tabernacle of Adam system himself. Since Jacob was week, meek, and of course all but useless in battle. Esau felt that unless you have been bathed a few times in the blood of your enemy by killing and gutting at least a few dozen to have their blood spray out onto you, that you are not a human or a man. You are nothing but a slave girl.

c.      The library

d.     To punish Jacob for constantly winning in the connection to god contest, and denying Esau the ability to connect with god. Blaming all Esau and his descendant’s mistakes and junk on others fault. I would not have done x if they did not make me. Or worse they denied me my connection with the divine, so I must genocide all to allow myself connection with god. When according to their own philosophy, every bad action is what cuts them away from god. If they want to connect with god, the logic dictates they need to stop human sacrificing the Jews and others to please god, when all it does it please their idea of Satan. One of the things which is the most difficult for them to realize, the facts that to further punish themselves and Jacob e.g. the Jews is they find libraries just to burn them. Because every single word in that collection of books is an abomination which describes their mistakes. So, if they burn them, the mistakes are also erased from existence.

·       1776

a.      The War of 1776 the American Revolutionary War has an extreme problem. The problem was that most of what everyone knows about the American revolution is mostly fiction, with a smattering of incorrect facts here and there. First fact, there were more than a few sides to the battle. Two a huge portion of the legal maneuvering was in direct opposition to the Salem Witch Trials which has occurred only 80 years previous. Grandparents told their children’s children who were for the most part the people in charge currently. The fear that the Massachusetts Puritans would wave after wave force the country back into the grips of puritanical laws and of course taking the legal fight to Satan himself and start to execute people again for in effect being a threat to the political structure. Most if not all the victims of Salem both those in prison and murdered/executed were entirely innocent of their charges. Minus of course John Proctor (1632–1692)who was pushing 60 having a fully sexual affair with at the start an 8-year-old Abigail Williams (July 12, 1680 – death date is fiction she left the area on that date) in 1688, or the affair started in 87 making her 7 years old. That is just 12 months away from being 6 years old, and a first grader in Parochial School. If a culture allows that, the culture itself is coming a crimes against humanity. He was not on trial for the adultery, or pedophilia, he was on trial for consorting with the devil, and corrupting an innocent 6-year-old into sexual relations with the devil. To the puritans, it appears based on the evidence that having sex with an 8-year-old girl was just fine and perfectly legal.  “The crucible” although a great play is almost word for word fiction, with about 1percent accurate information in it. the names of the characters the court house, the year, but the rest are mostly a fictional late teens early 20s female seducing a late 20s early 30s male with a stern and sickly wife. No mention of the fact the John Proctor was a great great grandfather, many of his children as of that time and place married in their early to middle teens and would themselves been grandparents in their own late 20s early 30s. great grandparents by 45, great great by 60. This is a huge problem since, in the holy bible it says Alma not Bethela. Alma means a fully educated female in the field of mathematics, usually late teens to middle 20s. sometimes late 20s. but to the families which paid for the education, the father or the family chose to educate their daughters instead of turning them into slaves to increase their lands, money, or political power. The Puritans loved the idea of getting away with licensed pedophilia, old rich men could marry 12 and 14-year-old girls. Get them pregnant, and by the time they aged out of attraction, the man would simply find another 12-year-old to marry and repeat. Sanctioned crimes against humanity, and disgusting to boot, but this is just one of enumerable subjects the rest of the country did not want to allow the puritans to force the country to live by puritan rules which are shockingly close to sharia law. the negatives of sharia there is one aspect the southern plantation owners liked, that was the very nice laws about slavery. But the rest were not their cup of tea. At least legally. Morally and ethically, that is a different story all together. Most of the plantation owners would have a second or third “gift” performing business with the gifts father. A daughter from a second – x number wife would be given to the American plantation owner as a gift to seal the deal. But not to worry, the plantation owner would own the gift fully and completely. If he wanted to produce children with the gift and the gifts offspring that was find, as long as at some point the offspring would be married off to the offspring of a different plantation owners gift. Disgusting to the extreme. But grandfather assured the plantation owner the offspring and any successive generations would not cost the plantation owner a single penny. Grandfather would cover all expenses, including a huge dowry. Grandfather would also include upfront money to purchase a plantation for the offspring and their own family, so the plantation owner could choose just how far away from him he wanted to place his bastard child, or children. Many chose the west side of the great lakes, which is where Custer found many of them and proceeded to hunt down every single plantation family and kill them all. The natives made all the headlines but a point of fact he was not present to kill natives, he was there to kill Muslims and ex-confederates who managed to slip by and continue their ways west of the headwaters of the Mississippi. He chose to attack natives because he could not distinguish between the DNA of an Arabic and a Native. So, he chose to all dark skinned must die to ensure none in the area are ever a threat to the security and safety of America. Which ultimately backfired in a rather spectacular way.

b.     Custer’s battles in a very bad way reflect the actions and behaviors of the Prussian FreiKorp through the entirely Samhain War. Which ended just a decade before the conflicts with the colonies pushed the Colonies to declare war against the English, but used the world British. Since the war was primarily the Americans versus the English, but the English had been using the façade name of British for the previous century, and did not want to be associated with their actions and their own fiction name. since their previous fiction name was Anglo-Saxon, previous was Roman, previous was Dorian, Hyksos, ?, etc. dating back to previous to 2100 bce.

c.      America was not founded as a tax revolt that was a puritan complaint mostly, which said complaint in 250 years has not gone away. Puritans always think they are paying too much in taxes, they would love no taxation at all in any way. but love roads, bridges, the police, firefighters, the military, the coast guard, etc. but hate the idea that people are not willing to just volunteer full time and starve to death so that puritans do not have to pay for any of the services they used on a constant basis. That was the puritans huge issue is “no taxation” despite wanting to have everything for free. Which is actually worse economic structure than the crimes against humanity state of slavery.

d.     The British owned and controlled the trade route across the Atlantic till the Vatican and other countries gave permission to start their own trade routes. Which did not take long before they all realized how much money the Atlantic trade route could generate. No comparison with previous profits. The silk road to the east usually took 5 years, to the west was 3, but they had to sail around the Horn. About 18 months one way 18 months back. But the Ogles had figured out how to negotiate with the natives, and set up cities along the way. they could said about 2 months across the ocean, land in several different cities on the eastern sea board, or New Orleans, then use the river system and natives to send the cargo across the interior in about 2 months, then put it on a ship in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, etc. and said directly to the orient saving huge amounts of time. This was documented in the library’s the Ogles set up along the way, to interact with the natives. And if they so chose to educate themselves. Thus, the Ogles, the British cultures, and the natives got along beautifully for centuries. Then the English, Dutch, Spanish, etc. found out and instead of cooperating demanded to have it all and kill the natives as well. Since the Ogles did not want plantations, but the slave cultures did. they wanted plantations from sea to shining sea. Filled with millions of slaves, working for free. Producing so much product to sell, they could corner the market on a variety of goods and services. But first they had to take over the British trade routes. Which was not easy in most ways, taking all the 1500s, all the 1600s, and the majority of the 1700s. only achieving profit success in the early 1800s. when the military expenses dropped due to the majority of the British and Ogle armies were obligated by the 1850s.


f.      The library

g.     One of the primary targets of the English and Americans was to gain access to the huge libraries on the east coast universities. Most of the Ivy Leagues and of course the smaller colleges which the Ogles did not have the time to  build up to anything before the enemy rolled in cannons and proceeded to seize control. Most of the really important stuff was either carried farther west of was buried in hidey holes to be gone back for later and put back into the collection. However, there is a reason they wanted to keep the libraries and not destroy them. The enemies of the British had figured out that there was valuable weapons technology in some of those books. They might hate with a passion scholars, but they love with a divine level passion new and better ways to kill more people quicker.

·       Current assumptions

a.      The Currently accepted version of the founding of psychology is that Wilhelm Wundt wrote a book at Heidelberg University during a time of extreme battles raging all around. He did so because he was asked to translate various newly found texts out of the holy roman empire library. Since the holy Roman Empire had collapsed circa 1806. But Wundt was not born till 1833, the Prussians who conquered each library for the express purpose of gaining access to every single branch of that library system. Were demanding to not only have access but also to were demanding to have the books translated immediately so the ancient weapons could be found and utilized, the Prussians wanted the most advanced weapons they could get their hands on in order to kill all of their enemies as quickly as possible. In the late 1830s Wundt was finally old enough to be contracted with the Prussian Empire to be trained in linguistics in order to assist in the translation process.

b.     It has been assumed based on what the constantly lying Prussian Empire documented, and from Wundt’s own notes point to was he found hidden in various copies of “The Classics” a different formulation of the same stories told form differing perspectives. Those differing perspectives were problematic since each story was told to a very specific class of people. Some were designed only to be performed before the low classes. Those stories were theater productions designed for maximum impact to the state is all important and that sacrificing for the state will earn each individual in the community a special place in the history of the state itself. The state itself being a given city, and the cities it controlled. If that person was killed in combat, that person’s history would be remembered as a hero of the people. A very pro-nationalistic ideal.

c.      Other stories were entirely about how to manage the lower classes, how to keep the soldiers going when their friends and family members were being killed all around. How to go on and keep fighting to honor the state and the memory of their loved ones.

d.     Most of the rest of the stories were formulated for the upper classes to add what ingredient at that point to manipulate the populations in order to get them to do what you want them to do, knowing the casualties would be extreme. But they would still volunteer in droves. To keep the population directed at the governments wants and demands for money and power.

e.      Wundt by all accounts took the Trojan War books and a few others and began to look at them academically, not according to inspiration but to look at them based on the facts they were/are population control tools. That if you remove the fiction, you will find tools which do not need the fiction to wrap them in. They are tools which work no matter what the fiction package is. in fact, those tools can be used to help or manipulate people in the present with their own lives. Tell them their own story back to them, and point out the manipulation tools others use to get them to perform unhealthy actions and reactions.

f.      Wundt wrote those into a book he started the notes for at Heidelberg but worked on the actual book at Leipzig. Finished the book and published through Leipzig. Along with a huge amount of lab work revolving around his Electro-Magnetic machines to measure nerve impulses. Machines which in 1850 did not exist, just a few years later a dozen varieties of them did.

g.     Upon publishing Wundt’s book became a huge success. His book founded Psychology departments all over the academic world. Moscow, Harvard, Penn State, etc. dozens of Psychology dept were founded based on Wundt’s book. Lightner at Penn State recreated close to an exact copy of Wundt’s laboratory.

h.     From there the ideas and hypothesis from said institutes flowed like a raging river.

i.       After that the names began to flow fast and hard, everyone trying to become published in the new field of psychology. Most trying to just create a better “mouse trap” to take the population control devices and make them work better. Since the cultures the scholars were being paid by wanted wars, and the best way to get a population to become cannon fodder is to perfect the tools found in “The Classics”. Which is in part why Vaudeville was supported, funded, and encourages. So that theaters could also generate huge amounts of money on the populations going to see performances by artists who would write by following the rules of the classics, the more unruly the population the more “the state will save you” plays and acts were created. The more the leaders wanted to go to war, the “hero” stories were produced. 1880-1930. Till it was replaced by instead of hiring actors to perform all the time and give them huge profitable contacts to play one or two plays a day and 2 to four on the weekends. Creating a movie which is to pay actors once, and you can rerun the movie indefinitely. After the first payment to the people who made it is paid. All the rest is profits. Which make the economy leaders happy, many of them owned the theaters as well as sat on the counsel boards. So, they could literally give themselves huge amounts of money based on creating entertainment programs which served their political purposes.

j.       Wundt’s work became “he wrote the book” but his work was put forward into this theory by this guy. That guy is great and wonderful and let’s talk about this school’s ego for the next 1000 words, or entire book. Leaving Wundt’s work to a sentence or paragraph, but do not want to talk about him much.

k.     In the modern age, Wundt is almost never covered, the scholars with raging egos like Skinner, etc. were the topics of the people who came up with some of the major hypothesis which became the field of psychology. Wundt and his work became a half thought in the beginning of psychology, but his work would be lucky if it was included that much. Most scholars and teachers in a dozen different academics programs have never heard of Wundt despite having PhD’s in the subject. They have no idea who Wundt was. Most of the time they could not care less because the events from 1840 have no impact on today’s addiction therapy. The overwhelming majority of current therapists are entirely based on counseling drug addicts. Self-admitted from about 2000 fellow students at 5 separate institutions, they are former addicts who want to use the 12-step system to keep themselves from returning to the addiction lifestyle. But what they do not realize and in most cases have zero interest in the facts of the case study. They simply changed one addiction for another. Counseling and manipulation is actually a much more powerful addiction than the chemical variety. The addiction comes from convincing someone, you become dominant and have the same rush of brain chemistry as being totally high when the client submits to the will of your ideas. It is not only a huge rush or high producing chemicals, it is also a better high since there is no one around to say, “what you are doing is wrong”. And want to you to quite being a junky. But people manipulation is just as much if not more of a drug than a hot shot of heroin.

l.       The library

m.   Based on the rules and structure of Academics. Knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, etc. are nowhere close to important to most institutions. Almost all institutions depend entirely on the government for funding. That funding of course requires the scholars and students stick to what the governments wants. Which is education only up to a specific point, knowledge also up to only a specific point, classes which are designed to force specific types of thinking, all other thinking and scholastics are suppressed to the point the students are either flunked out or asked to leave, etc. The stars of academics are usually only the people who were born egotistical, arrogant, and at times so narcissistic that they would never question the authority of the institution. They have no ability to question anything, they read a book and give a book report, or read a dozen articles and give a report on what they read. With almost no outside thoughts regarding “is what I am reading truth or pure fiction”.

n.     The library the scholars of the late 1800s and the 1900s depended upon were almost exclusively chosen not based on their academics but on if they agreed with the perspective of the leaders of each community. A few generations of all academic work has to agree with what I think is correct “all the scholars from that school are forced to write papers (publish or perish) according to what the review board wants to see.” If the review board which the leaders of the community have seat at, agree than the scholar is allowed. If the leaders do not agree, than the scholar is stuck in a necrotic academic situation. The 1700s brought a huge amount of really bad influence from leaders in America to scholastics. The 1800s continued this tradition, in very difficult and in most cases disgusting ways. editing out of scholastic works anything the leaders did not like. Example downplaying the slave trade, erasing entirely the crimes against humanity the Prussians performed, the horrors of the slaves endured during slavery, the genocide of the native Americans (some of the disease stuff is still believed, despite most of the deaths away from the media were the natives became allergic to hot lead delivered at high velocity), the facts of the FreiKorp operating in America, Tammany Hall, etc. those things which are not included in the history books because the leaders do not approve. The leaders are who approves all publications. Including Edison listed but not Tesla. The problem is, a huge collection of books which the Ogles had kept safe in their possession for centuries was all but erased between 1750-1920. Most of those books are either in private collections, or were destroyed behind closed doors with the public being entirely shut out of all information regarding said topics.

·       The Prussian Empire

a.      What can be said about the Prussian Empire, a more disgusting, despicable, straight from the bowls of hell culture is difficult to find.

b.     From the time the culture entered the history books as a knight order at Acre, the Teutonic knights have been a thorn in the side of Western Culture every single day to the present. The Teutonic knights culturally are a cousin of the Persian empire, which in circa 1100 they were the enemy of western coulure. But they had a problem, the Teutonic Knights were in part European, but culturally they are pure hard core fanatical Islamic. Proved over and over again over the course of the next 800 years.

c.      The Prussian Empire began when the Teutonic Knights, those knights chose to instead of joining the fight with the Templars and their command and control stcutre ????the British Empire, the Teutonic’s witnessed the Templars at Jerusalem performing archaeology. Finding books and other materials, which were taken under extreme guard just about straight back to Northumberland and sat behind 10,000 Knights at full alert for the next several centuries. Not allowing anyone to get close to those treasures. Up to and including the catholic church. The same family which performed the archaeology and took the books back home, a branch of that family are who directly interacted with Wundt, Oliver, and likely Smith at Tiffin shortly after Heidelberg was seized by the cannons of Fort Ball. All facts, but all erased by the structure of American Academics which does not like their own actions being questioned in any way. American Academics is great at censoring anything they do not like. Consequently, there are entirely areas of scholastics not allowed to be studied, because it will hurt the descendants of the FreiKorp which is a direct spy organization under the command and control of the Prussian Empire. although after 1945 the Prussian Empire simply name changed, became a corporation, and changed headquarters from Kongsberg/Berlin to likely two locations. One Kansas with a huge amount of help from the Koch family (the amber room), and the Great Lakes area possibly St Paul Minnesota. Why because they founded the Third Reich, but did not want to take any of the blame for their genocidal actions. Plus, the Jewish communities in those areas is relatively small, new York on the other hand and Boston are huge. The one thing the Prussians cannot understand is how to exist in a world where Jews exist at all.

d.     The Teutonic knights avoided most of the battles in the middle east, and headed straight to Greece, then straight north to Thracian lands, then straight to Austria. Has a huge problem with the king of Austria, then headed to southern Slovakia areas, conquered the existing cultures and set up Prussia. With direct partnership with the Russian government.

e.      That partnership would assist in the blue horde conquering Russia about a century later, and installing hard line sharia law enforcing Mongols into the emperor’s throne in Russia. The Prussians and Russians worked together from 1200-1700 when the Islamic moguls were forced to give up their seats of power in the government. But were allowed to keep their seats of power in the companies they owned/controlled. But interactions with the West, America, and of course Europe forced the Islamic Mongols to take a strong and substantial step back from the day to day operations and public face of the Russian Empire. the Prussian empire on the other hand had already learned that their public face had to look European, e.g. white, their language had to be westernized, and their public fact had to reflect western ideals. However, their private lives for the rich and of course politicians was pure hard core Islamic. But that is their power, they were able to maintain the façade of looking western but being Islamic the entire time including in the present.

f.      This was in part solved by their support of scholars like Martin Luther and John Calvin and a dozen others who hated Catholicism with every fiber of their being, but were under orders from their military command and control structure to repackage Islamic into a form Europeans could accept and convert too. Which worked so well, the protestant movement has become a threat to mecca on several occasions. Which is one reason Mecca calls the west specifically Protestants “devils” because they pretend to follow the teachings of Jesus, but in all hard reality protestants follow the teachings of Mohammed and the Esau Paul. Mohammed is also a follow of the teachings of Esau.

g.     The Prussian government from day one when they name changed from Teutonic to Prussian, has had one goal and one goal only. That goal has been to find the secrets of the ancient divine weapons and use them to first crush their human enemies and then reconnect with the divine using said tools. That goal has been prevented every single time they attempt to achieve it. not only because their enemies win, but because god does not want them to succeed. Which was the point of the entire exercise from the time Jacob wrestled the fallen sent by his brother at mecca circa 2500 bce to present 4500 years of failing every single time. Should teach Esau’s line, bad idea, stop doing those actions. But every new generation is sure they will do it different and will achieve the goal of a solid connection to god through those divine tools.

h.     The library

i.       One of the major problems which came about because of the Prussians always chasing down libraries to either destroy them because they did not contain books they wanted, or worse finding the books they wanted and doing everything in their power to turn the technical books into weapons of mass destruction, so they could kill in larger volumes all of their enemies. Depending on the ruler and at what point in their insanity of premediated homicidal rage, included god for not allowing their ancestors to erase the Jews from existence in the past. Life would be so much better if Jews were simply not created in the first place, if Esau and consequently they would allowed to be the ruler of the whole world without anyone questioning their authority.

j.       The Ogle library after an exhaustive process of elimination, and conquering virtually every other culture they found. The Ogles were the only culture which possessed both the knowledge and of course the skills needed in order to create the tools the Prussians their axis the Russians, and both their business and religion partner Mecca demanded. It is easy to create a statistical map to show the evidence connecting that the Islamic and Protestant cultures are simply puppets to the descendants of Abu Bakr who is usually perceived as the head of the Islamic people. Nothing happens which the supreme leader does not either directly direct or ok one of his minions performing.


·       Salem Witch Trails

a.      One very difficult for the American people to understand is what happened in the Colonies circa 1680, which those actions led directly and forever to the Salem Witch Trials which that event lead along with a dozen other actions to the American Revolution. One of the key arguments between Judge Rutledge and John Adams who became the second president of the United States, was about the legal overreach of the puritans into the American Legal System. To Rutledge the protestant version of sharia law was not law at all, it was a collection of mythologies and fictions which were given the power of the law and enforced as if consort with the devil was a very real thing. which is not only mostly pure fiction, it is also mostly pure unbridled psychopathic paranoid delusional. The person and or culture need psychological treatment, not to have guards arrest and put on trial delusions especially form teenage girls who have yet to figure out the differences between fantasy and reality. Little boys dream of and play military, little girls have differnet fiction/real world issues they have to work out over time. Hence the very real problem of a teenage girl having a child too early in their maturation. They become incapable of being mature enough to not just play with their dolly, but need to actually raise their child.

b.     The Salem Witch Trails were one extreme example of the FreiKorp being a direct and violent part of the Colonial Legal System despite not allowing the evidence of their involvement be present or part of official court documents. But they were not only in the area, but they were fighting a war with the Germans stretching from Salem south to Manhattan. Leisler's Rebellion 1689 to 1691, which was a war over that is a very difficult question to answer since the documentation is very unclear. The winners being the English, Prussians, and the Puritans in basic declared different reasons for the war. Over all the reason for the war is to hide the facts of the Amber Room the British and Germans (English using the façade of Britain are still English) hiding the Amber room in first Boston, then Manhattan. Thanks to the efforts of Henry Ogle commanding the British Troops who recaptured Manhattan from the treasonous Dutch. The Battle of New Amsterdam, which was not really a battle, since the Dutch surrendered well before the British arrived.

c.      The Amber Room was the prize the Prussians had demanded.

d.     The Prussians assuming the Room was boxed up and shipped north to older British holdings in Massachusetts first hunted in Boston and then began to search in and around the area of Salem. Where they found evidence of other Amber Rooms which they attempted to take immediate possession of and turn said into Electro-Magnetic machines to use as weapons of mass destruction. The only thing they managed to successfully do was to give themselves Electro-Magnetic Lobotomies, or in medical terms Electric Shock Therapy. The mold in the grain did not help, but the symptoms of too high a voltage from EST, explains more of the symptoms and of course the length of time which it takes for the brain to recover. Only those who were directly involved with the System were harmed by EST. Most of the community was not EST, the grain makes less sense since only some of the residence suffered symptoms and the rest seemed to just go with the strong leaders wanted. But did not suffered from the ill effects. But this discussion is an endless loop where points and counter points can be brought up for the next half a millennia as to why those trials happened.

e.      But what is not a mystery, since there is a huge amount of evidence to back it up the Puritans from Salem to present have never backed down an inch when it comes to pushing their religious perceptions onto the populations they are in. they keep pushing and pushing no matter what the outcry of “stop” from the community and the personal costs. Because they operate from a strict perspective of they are operating from the will of god and they knew god much better than anyone else knows god. If a question about the will of god comes up, than question is blasphemy and must be removed. Usually by silencing the person or killing them. If they will not shut up over the authority of the divine belief the leader has. Which is in truth the definition of not only bad but what Judge Rutledge was yelling about over Liberty with John Adams. The argument John was making is a great argument, but liberty without proper protections is the definition of a soft underbelly to the Puritans, Muslims, and of course any other cult leaders to take advantage of.

f.      The Salem Witch Trials took place which was founded and ran but the British for decades if not century previous to the Dutch and of course the English arrived and brought their insanity and violent. The most difficult aspect of the entire situation, is the battles which raged in the area between the British who were renamed by the English (façade British) to Indians to both insult them and to rename them so there would be no confusion between the fake British and the insulting Indians. Plus, what is the red man (amber) and the real British difference. They both need killing to get them out of the way of English/Roman/Dorian/Hyksos/Esau supremacy. If it is the last thing the descendants of Esau every do, it will be to rid the world of the Jews.

g.     Most of the cities in the colonies were founded by the British, only a few 1000s of them were either captured and their previous history erased and or they were freshly founded by cultures not British. Salem, Boston, Manhattan, etc. are absolutely founded by the British and taken over by the English and or the Dutch and forced to erase their history or be killed and the history erased anyway. The city of Salem itself was still suffering an identity crisis through the issues of was it Dutch, Puritan, English, British, German, or native American. From 1630-1700 the battles over cultural supremacy raged, after the trails the cultures most impacted violently brought in reinforcements and the culture war raged further on. But most if not all of those records were either not written down or they were lost. A lot of negative things happen when you have clandestine soldiers operating from orders to be nasty but leave no record of their actions.

h.     In the 62 years between the end of the Trails and the FreiKorp taking on a new name, the FreiKorp worked every year of that time to undermine the British every place they found them. Up to and including the colonies and Ohio. Everywhere the British were the Prussians wanted them found, identified, locate the library, then proceed to kill them. If that did not work, work on turning the population against them, if that did not work bring in 1000s of Prussian settlers to have a huge voting block to turn the government against the British. Democracy works great unless there is an organized movement to rid the election. Then democracy not only does not work, it is a tool used by dictators to get their way and keep their way.

i.       The best and most specific way to perceive and or work with the EST is to just deal with the facts of the case. Know the youngest was 7 or 8 when the nasty behaviors started, and the oldest female was in her early 20s. The primary problem was, with religious psychopaths who were operating from a standpoint of paranoid delusion are running around scared and seeing the devil in every shadow. Add to that the war raging all around between the citizens still loyal to the British, the puritans fleeing from French and English tortuous behavior, the Dutch and their new found Dutch Reform church which is just a repacking of Islam, the Germans and their battles with the Prussians, and the Prussians present but refusing flat out to have any of their actions documented in any way by anyone. Killing anyone who questioned their authority. The entire situation is not only bad but the definition of a pressure cooker of traumatic stress, which most of the time traumatic stress leads to cognitive disassociation disorders perceptions become altered.

j.       Evidence of a Tabernacle System in Salem is in the middle of a very large farm, of dozens if not hundreds of Acres, one of those accused was seen swinging through the trees at least 50 feet off the ground. The tall trees in the orchard were obscuring the System. That person was simply observing their religion of Judaism in private, and not expressing themselves to the community. But that was more than sufficient for puritans to want to execute any Jew. Killing Jews was not entirely illegal in the colonies.

k.     The Tabernacle System secrets have been held by the Ogle family for the last three millennia, that court document testifying about the accused working in a structure 50 feet off the ground if not 80 is entirely consistent with the Lake Nemi Ships catwalks between the towers. 4 catwalks to a platform from the second floor, 2 catwalks on the third floor between the paired towers. However, that information is mostly speculation since several cultures including the Prussians worked to destroy those ships on two separate occasions. The last time was burning the building which houses the recovered ships to the ground to hide any and all evidence of their original configurations. Hiding and destroying is something the Prussians are uniquely good at.

l.       The application of the Tabernacle of Adam System and its basis of engineering applied to King Solomon’s Temple itself come directly from the Ogle family. The organization founded immediately upon the Ogle Knights aka the Templars returning form Jerusalem with the library caches from both Constantinople the Ogles immediately implemented the reintroduction of Freemasonry. Which from that point circa 1100 to 1706 the British Grand Lodge operated and controlled, but with Henry VIII’s war against the Northern Kingdom raging non-stop one of the goals of the English was to seize control over the Freemasonic organization and use it to their own library type interests. This is obviously not part of the written account of the Salem Witch Trials but the sacred room which held the ark was by most accounts not build of Gold but Amber, which when compressed releases electricity. And the real Prussian Amber rom was shipped out of German before the Prussians could seize control over it. which pushed the Prussians into a genocidal rage which forced them to build their own Amber Room fake as quickly as possible. But the fake was never able to be a weapon, it was just a pretty. Since it was never able to generate electricity correctly. When it did, it harmed those around it.

·       Amber Room

a.      The Amber Room as pointed out previous was a room of Amber and Gold. But the important part was it was mostly Amber. Walls of amber. Originally it was all 6 planes were Amber.

b.     When compresses the Amber will release electricity. Channel the electricity correctly through the gold inlays aka wiring and you have a strong amount of volts and at times amps of electricity.

c.      Why this is important, because as the Prussians and Russians full well knew, electricity when directed and applied correctly can and will power Electro-Magnetic motors. Those motors can be built to produce both machines and of course weapons.

d.     Which is what the main goal of  Esau’s line from the point he learned about his brother being smarter then he was.

e.      He knew that an electrical weapon is all but undefeatable. Although that is a pure ignorant standpoint, a Ferriday cage can and will defeat a tesla coil meant to kill. Which ironically there is physical evidence for in the island in Lake Tanna in Ethiopia. Which according to the priests and libraries present was a layover point for the Ark of the Covenant.

f.      What happened next after 1701 is extremely important to take note of. The Prussians flat out did not possess the knowledge of the weapon, they did possess portions, and ideas. But they did not “understand” the information they had gathered. They only understood the puzzle pieces fit together, but no idea how. Hence when it became clear that the British Ogles had set up a Tabernacle System in what would become Whatcom County in almost a century, they dispatched troops immediately. They dispatched troops and a dozen other countries dispatched troops. However, reaching the area is to an extreme amount more difficult than can be easily imagined. Especially since no maps exist minus the maps the British  Ogles refused flat out to share with the rest of the world. Mostly because the rest of the world wanted to identify where the Ogle family relocated to, to find them and kill them.

g.     Logic dictators, “if the enemy who wants to erase you from existence has no idea where you are, the best idea is to NOT TELLL THEM WHERE ALL YOUR AREAS ARE!!!” Whatcom County was the perfect little hiding place, second only to Manitou Springs. A huge community was nestled up in the foothills at the base of Pikes Peak despite the fact that it would not be called that for more than a century. The facts remain, coming straight from the east the foothills are not noticeable behind the “Garden of the Gods”. You have to approach from the extreme south to see Ruxton creek merge with Fountain Creek which eventually flows into the Arkansas river. But you have to all but come from Pueblo to see the entrance, the Garden of the gods acts like a mostly shut door. The entrance is only a few miles wide. After you get past the red pillars of rocks, then it opens up a lot but only by a few more miles. Then very tall hills  in front of very tall mountains, in front of Pikes Peak, which is volcanic. The Caldera is in the middle of the city of Cripple Creek. Which after the last eruption left 1000s of tons of gold as the surface lava cooled in extremely fast rate. The Eruption tore the entire top 1000s of feet entirely off and flattened a red wood forest about 20 miles to the south next to Florestent ???Colorado.

h.     What you might ask does any of this have the slightly thing to do with the Russian Amber Room which the Germans with a huge amount of help from the Royalist French e.g. Louis XIV and the British Ogles helped to store and transport the original to the Colonies and then to key areas west of the colonies. The Ogles possessed the maps and the enemy had no idea. Colorado Springs Colorado as it is known today is one place the Amber Room was most likely taken, before it was shipped to Whatcom County.

i.       Why is this so unbelievably important. Because the battles and following the ogles across continents, oceans, and every obstacle imaginable is simply part of the enemies demands to take possession of the divine tools, so they can be turned into weapons. The books to explain how to make the tools work.

j.       The problem is, the fake Prussian Amber room despite a huge amount of money spent on its recreation, did not actually work. The Prussians were forced to give it to the Russians to experiment on in St Catherine’s Cathedral in St Petersburg.

k.     Where it sat till 1942 when it was boxed up and shipped by U-Boat to a Dock in Texas owned by the Koch family. Then shipped north to the family compounds in Kansas, likely Wichita.

l.       What does this have to do with the Ogles, the Ogles knew exactly how to build them and how to make the tools work. But could not turn the tool into a weapon, since the tools is not a weapon. No matter how hard the operator attempts to force the situation. Everywhere the Ogle’s traveled they were followed, everywhere they set up a library. That library was immediately under attack.

m.   WWU, Old Colorado City, Tiffin Ohio, Boston, Manhattan, Maryland, Georgia, Virginia, Edinburgh, Newcastle(Jerusalem), Paris, Samhain (aka Rome), Athens (aka Poseidon), Palace at Knossos, Carthage, Troy, Tier, Alexandria, Heliopolis, Memphis, Hierakonpolis, etc. a dozen extremely well-known libraries. All either conquered or erased from existence. But the education level of the locals is impossible to ignore and bypass. Education of upper end engineering is not possible to just build block large buildings of 4 and 6 stories without the engineering that goes with. The Steam Engine and associated locomotive was started in a Military Camp in what would become Colorado Springs in several decades in the 1850s. That railroad was required because all the gold in the creeks and behind Pikes Peak.

n.     The origins of the Amber Room

o.     The ATEN is the key to understanding both the Amber Room and its many copies. The original Amber Room according to an assembly of the documents and a careful editing process using statistics to translate the 50 languages between Sumerian and of course Hieroglyphics into English is the following. The Original was in the Garden of Eden, and is most likely still present.

p.     However, copies of it were built by both Adam and several of his descendants in order to show the humans the power and ohm’s law of the ATEN. E.g. the rules of Electro-Magnetic and electricity.

q.     The ATEN


s.      Patton


u.     The Dirty Dozen


w.    Rudolf Hess


y.      The Thule Society


aa.   The Third Reich versus the Thule Society


cc.   The British and the Thule Society

dd.  The OTO







kk.  The original was built in Ancient Egypt, supposedly as a way for Adam to connect with his Tabernacle in the Garden of Eden. Which is why Christmas Trees have ornaments on them. The Star/Angel on top is the Circle of the ATEN, and the ornaments are the areas the ATEN limbs touch.

ll.     He built dozens of them, forming the Symbol of the ATEN.



oo.  Which is the reason why six short weeks after Rudolf Hess defected from the third Reich, the high command immediately set to invade Russia. Making an almost literal bee line from Berlin to the East side of St Petersburg and the Cathedral of Catherin the Great to seize control over the Amber Room. most of that part of the operation was like most NAZI Troops and Russian Troops in full on battle. A distraction away from the truth. Both sides were working very hard to erase the “undesirables” in their respective countries. The NAZI wanted to remove those not entirely loyal to the Cause, and the Russians wanted to remove excess civilians and military they in reality could not feed. For evidence of this, look no further than each army killing its own troops for being disloyal. Ordered to attack a line of machine guns, anyone who retreated were met with their own machine guns. The orders were attack that line and do not retreat, if you retreat you will be shot for treason. If the Russians killed them or the Nazi’s kill them, the point was a massive body count in the battlefield. Not all that unlike ritual human sacrifice.

pp.  Bible tools



ss.    The Third Reich possessed a working Weapon of Mass destruction with their efforts to capture and rebuilt biblical tools.

tt.     The Ark of the Covenant,

uu.   the Cup of Christ,

vv.  the blade of Enoch aka the spear of Longinus (the story of that Blade is complex, and the overwhelming majority of it has been erased from knowledge. The story of the blade is not only complex, but it the name of the blade is Longinus the soldier whom carried the blade was very likely the Roman Officer and a Member of the Roman Jewish counsel of advisors in the Middle east Joseph of Arimathea.)


xx.   Think of a cell phone tower but a million times more electricity. That electricity similar to a Tesla coil could produce in effect an electrical short circuit from the coil to a given object. For example, in the fictional story of “Warehouse 13” the story creators built a “Tesla Gun” which could shoot electrical short circuit from a mini Tesla Coil up to several feet away. With sufficient voltage to act as a stun gun.

yy.   A working correctly Tabernacle of Adam system complete with built correctly amber room, which would be located on the third floor or the main building or Kaaba could be worked with to generate and direct said types of electricity. A bolt of electricity of hundreds to thousands of amps shot out over several feet to dozens of yards would be an impressive weapon.


aaa. The story of the dirty dozen is about a secret paramilitary group sent into not a luxury resort but a working tabernacle of Adam to make sure that weapon could not be used to stop the allied invasion of Normandy.

bbb.                  A secret military special forces group were sent well beyond enemy lines to find the Secret reassembled from spare parts Tabernacle of Adam System and turn that system into either kindling or in the confusion dismantle it and ship it back west.

ccc. The Lebensborn Project was part of this, using intimate electricity in a way to power the specific voltage signature like a radio signal to turn the tool into a weapon.


eee. Hess told the allies were the Tabernacle system was and how to quickly and easily dismantle it.

fff.  Although most of the situation was strange and unusual since the Russians had already dismantled their Prussian gift starting hours after Hess defected. The English warned the Russians was the plans were. The Third Reich was going to invade Russia at some point, but when was still to be determined.

ggg.                  However, the Russians did manage to dismantle their Prussian gift and ship it somewhere else. While they sent work crews into create a new fake set piece in order to literally allow the Third Reich to take the fake and try to work the Russian Fake into a real tool.



jjj.    The wrinkle is, the Russians had been in Whatcom County specifically Bellingham for decades from 1750-1860 fighting over control of a working Tabernacle of Adam system built by the descendants of the 18th Amarna dynasty and the Trojans renamed British. The British and English cultures are vastly different. The British are descendants from the Trojans and Amarna Dynasty the English are descendants form the Pictish and Romans.

kkk.                  Although for a while the Pictish culture had allied itself with one of the only pure evil cultures on the planet, militant Islam in order to seize control over Jerusalem Northumberland. Which is only a little south of where Hess aimed to land and be captured by the British. He body double was captured by the English.


mmm.            The third Reich upon invading Russia only six little weeks after Hess evacuated literally were hunting for both the Prussian amber Room and the Tabernacle of Adam system the Russians either copied form the system they witnessed from Bellingham or had captured ports and rebuilt in St Catherin’s Cathedral. How much of the St Catherin’s Cathedral was from the Prussian gift, Whatcom County, copies from legends, etc. is an unknown.


ooo.                 What is known is the events of the Russian Amber Room, the Prussian invasion, Whatcom County, Bellingham, Troy, the Amarna Dynasty, Heliopolis, etc. draw a stark contrast to the facts presented compared to with publicly spun story which when the evidence is exampled can produce little if any real evidence other than political spin. The official stories are almost not believable

·       Leisler's Rebellion

a.      1689 to 1691, this clandestine military event achieved several goals all at the same time. This rebellion was the start of the American Revolutionary War, which took place about 80 years later. This rebellion ended 11 days after the start of the Salem Witch Trials.

b.     The Level of Mythology associated with this battle is strong, layered, detailed, and in most cases entirely a façade designed to distract the world from what was actually happening.

c.      Henry Ogle was directly on the British Ships as they entered the harbor of Manhattan. The Dutch who were previous by a few decades were strong and substantial allies of the British, turned their backs in a second to focus their attention and building and profiting off the African slave trade. A slave trade with the strict purpose of performing two actions. One to find and erase the Jews, Christians, Coptic’s, and others who had evacuated out of Egypt when the forces of Islam invaded circa 630 ce. They were cut off from traveling north, could not travel directly west, so they could evacuate using the river system south to northern Ethiopia then travel west using the southern Sahara river system to the Ivory Coast specifically Niger. Where they lived happily and at peace from 640-1100 when the Islamic forces finally conquered west around the long way to Niger. Upon discovery, the Islamic army went into immediate sociopathic rage mode, knowing millions of “undesirables” had not only lived but thrived in this isolated pocket which is extremely difficult to get to.

d.     So, the leaders in  Mecca sent word to their friends in Prussia to begin encouraging the rich and the descendants of previous and current ottoman empire invasion citizens to evacuate out of Europe and come to Africa to have huge plantations.

e.      Which worked to an extreme amount. But the problem was, despite the fact there was huge amounts of land more slaves to use than could actually be used in only a century of field work. The problem was, Islam is designed to create pockets of families and or individual cells of people who demand their version of violent and militant sharia law be the only laws the entire Muslim work obey.

f.      Feeling threatened the west African Islamic War lords on occasion would round up their troops and go try to force the half European plantation owners to convert to their specific philosophy of Islam or be killed and their plantation destroyed. Not surprisingly most did not convert. So, they were killed, and their plantation was destroyed. This occurs over the decades and West Africa no longer appears to be a great place to generate a fortune from growing crops.

g.     By the middle of the 1300s killing Jews was great and all but the war lords were taking their toll. Plus rebuilding the plantation every few years or decades because of following the wrong philosophy version of Islam began to eat into the profits from the slave labor. Not to mention the facts surrounding on the same continent, even 1000 miles away, the slaves could escape and return to their villages. A new solution was required.

h.     That solution became the new world.

i.       However, the Vatican for the next century refused outright to acknowledge that other continent was in existence. The Muslims knew, the British knew and had a regularly scheduled trade route between Maine and point south to Europe.

j.       That trade route produced huge amounts of profits which the European kingdoms had forgotten about. the trade routes were too well hidden, and the departing points were so far north that most in the Mediterranean would never have interactions with that portion of sailing life.

k.     This rebellion was in part about the Dutch trying to capture the power of the British in the new world and take all the money. Kill Jews. and of course, generate unbelievable profits off slave labor. With 10,000s of acres of lands to plant, the Dutch only perceived the profits and not the crimes against humanity or the genocide of bot the natives, and the Jews. they saw piles and piles of money.

l.       The core of the Leisler’s problem is the slave trade. The entire University of Timbuktu was assembled to educate Muslims not in the traditional aspects of Islam but to be a storehouse of knowledge regarding tracking individual Jewish families from Egypt to Niger, so the Nigerian family groups could be identified as to who were “undesirables” e.g. needed to be executed on the spot, and who would be good to take into custody and sold into slavery. To produce large strong children to be sold and spend a lifetime working from sun up to sun down in backbreaking work to produce profits for the in-effect Ottoman Empire. which worked to an extreme amount.

m.   The Dutch after their conversion to Protestantism embraced Islamic or at least the  martin Luther’s repackaging of Islam into a more acceptable format of Islam. The part which is key to the resurrection of “The Teacher” which is what “prophet means” aka Mohammed. Fatimah’s entire adult life was about trying to find a way to resurrect form the dead her father who died during a heated argument with Abu Bakr, Mohammed was convinced he was equal to if not better than Jesus. So, he would cross over, and come back. When he did not come back, his daughter went about trying to resurrect him. Her teachings using the philosophy of Fatimah is same of the key documents Martin Luther and John Calvin used to create the concept “born again”. Mohammed born again in the hearts of his followers. Despite the fact that his followers think/façade they are following the path of Jesus Christ. They are in fact following the path of Mohammed.

n.     These are several of the reasons that the whole rebellion took place. The Dutch trying to use politics and spy techniques to recapture Manhattan, they simply would not take no for an answer. Which is in part what led to the Salem Witch Trials. The Puritans backed rather strongly from the Prussian Empire both the suppression of the rebellion and the Salem witch trials. They wanted the technology of the Electro-Magnetic machine which the amber room can act in part to fuel the machine.

o.     The official story is Henry Ogle was on board and immediately upon the Dutch Surrendering the island back to the British, Henry renamed the Island to honor his uncle the Duke of York. Although under direction of the King of England.

p.     The Duke set up a monarchal government, which angered the Prussians, Dutch, etc. in Manhattan. And pushed the Prussians to sow the seeds of discontent which eventually lead to a full-scale rebellion. That rebellion led in part by the Prussian military, who in 1754 would name change to FreiKorp.

q.     The Germans and Prussians in effect fought a war over supremacy that the Germans lost. Which forced the Ogle family farther south and west.


·       The FreiKorp

a.      In general, the FreiKorp were given a mandate to rename them from their former name. their mandate was to hunt down the British and the Ogles specifically and to find their library, then take the books the Prussian Empire did not possess yet. To enslave linguists to translate ancient languages to the Prussians could find out what information the ancients possessed. What of that technology could be turned away from being just tools to weapons. They are still this same MO in the present, they have just name changed. The most important name change was when the Munich branch name changed inside the DAP to NAZI January 1920. Immediately name changed the DAP to NAZI and founded the Third Reich. The Third Reich took all of its command and control orders from the Prussian Empire through the Prussian Military.



d.     The library

·       The Hessians

a.      Prussian paramilitary hired by the English to fight the British and Colonists.

b.     The library

·       Wilhelm Wundt mini-bio

a.      16 August 1832 – 31 August 1920

b.     Young Wilhelm was born in the Saxon area of Germany. Which was under almost constant military invasion from several cultures for most of the previous centuries and would continue for the next decades. The Prussians were demanding flat out that they had to possess ancient technology, they were entirely convinced that the pockets of some German families and libraries possessed said technology and the Prussians would not stop till they possessed said technology.

c.      The German families the Prussians suspected were connected to various diplomatic agreements with the British, not the English mind you but the British. To obtain said

d.     1837 Wundt is recruited to learn linguistics of the Prussian Empire.

e.      1845 eight years after his recruitment Wundt is ordered to Tiffin Ohio to translate the newly captured books from the Ogle family library.

f.      1848 Wundt Oliver and Smith work directly on the stolen ogle library.

g.     1850 all three men end up shipped back to Prussia to continue their work translating the materials, to find the Electro-Magnetic machines, to create weapons.

h.     1856 his MD

i.       1862 Beiträge zur Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung

j.       Neuropsychology



m.   The library

·       Wundt as a slave


b.     The library

·       The Teutonic Knights


b.     The library

·       Formulation of the Prussian Empire


b.     The library

·       The city of Samhain

a.      The city of Samhain has been in existence since roughly 2100 bce, when the Jews of Israel were forced to evacuate out of Egypt to a land too far for the Hyksos to follow and kill them.

b.     However, the entire history of the place before 573 bce was erased the second Romulus crossed the threshold of the city gates and renamed the city Rome.

c.      But originally the city was a recreation of the Pyramid’s to keep that library intact. A library consisting of books written using the structure of architecture to tell the story. Before 500 bce all western languages used the same characters for letters and numbers depending on use. So 1 and A were the same character, depending on use. IE is an exactly complex language.


e.      The library

·       The Crusade 1070


b.     The library

·       The Teutonic Knights War with the British Ogle family 1100-present


b.     The library

·       King Solomon’s Temple 1000 bce

a.      By Legend King Solomon’s Temple was built using the same technology which built the Pyramids. Using two powerful Electro-Magnetic generators to create a zero-gravity sphere on either side of a carved stone to put it into place.

b.     Although the legend stated, “harnessed demons”, since none of the above words were in existence to the illiterate Esau line descendants who witnessed but did not understand. Although were entirely convinced that the Jews who built the temple were the ultimate evil for working with and participating with the spawn of Satan.

c.      But those legends continued from the construction of the pyramids forward to the holocaust regarding the fact that the Jews interact with the devil and his minions.

d.     The Prussians demanded to have that technology and would literally stop at less than zero to obtain that technology. The Prussians in Acre decided they would go to war with the British Ogle family to steal the technology they found in the caches below the Temple Mound. But the Templar Knights were too strong, the Teutonic Knights were no match for the Templar Knights. So, they had to wait and formulate a plan to destroy the British and the Ogle family to find and seize control over those weapons. Which is what caused the next 900 years of destruction of the British (not English but British Culture) in all pockets of where they lived.


f.      The library

·       The Dorian Dark Age 1300 bce


b.     The library

·       The Trojan War

a.      The Trojan War did not start out in the location of Troy.

b.     The Trojan War was not about Paris stealing the bride of Menelaus. That is pure fiction, Menelaus never in his life was closer than 200 yards from her. She was a Jewish Princess descended from the 18th Dynasty the great Granddaughter of Akanaten the second to last Pharaoh. She was a prize of the war, Agamemnon promised her hand in marriage when his army killed the rest of her family. So that his brother could travel to Egypt and claim the throne of the Pharaoh for himself. The rest is pure fiction. Also the fact that Paris was killed in the battle, that is also fiction. Paris and most of the entire Royal family evacuated through tunnels constructed centuries previous for this exact reason. To evacuate when the Hyksos returned.

c.      The Trojan War did not start at Troy, nor did it start at Athens, nor did it start at the Palace at Knossos when Helen’s father Theseus volunteered to be a tribute for the city he would come back and capture renaming to honor both his mother and the monotheistic deity of his grandfather the ATEN. Add an H after the T and ‘s after the n to make it possessive.


e.      The library

·       Homer



c.      The library

·       The start of The Classics


·       The Iliad


b.     The library

·       The Odyssey


b.     The library

·       Odysseus

a.      Odysseus had one very difficult life in most ways.

b.     He spent the bulk of his short life being slave master to Agamemnon’s Jewish slave wall. He was the supreme commander over the slave shield wall. It was his job to place uncooperative unites next to “indoctrinated units” so fellow Jewish slaves would keep their fellows in line. Killing those most unruly when necessary.

c.      Jews killing Jews just to keep the rest of the Jews in the slave wall from acting out. But the Esau line descendants do not want their house slaves to kill the unruly Jews. they wanted their unruly Jews killed by the enemy. To harm moral of the other side. Jews begging for help and “please brother do not kill me, were forced to because it was difficult if not impossible to determine which were real new slaves and plants to rescue and then the rescued Jew would then kill their rescuers to win favor with their slave masters. Or worse to rescue a loved one back in the tent under guard and with orders to the guards “if your family member does anything we do not like, you die”, aka psychological warfare.

d.     Odysseus was hired to collar the Jews in the slave encampments to be the front-line troops. He spent 10 years in Troy and then was forced to travel to the city of Samhain following the Jews to Italy to continue the fighting. But that part the Hyksos Dorians refuse to have any acknowledge of in any way.

e.      Odysseus’ job was to use every population control device he knew to keep this Jewish slave shield call troops in line.


g.     The library

·       Alma Longa

a.      Queen Dido


b.     King Tut

c.      Aeneas


e.      The library

·       The Punic War 1330-200 bce

a.      The Punic War did not start in 753 bce, it began immediately after the conclusion of the Trojan War, the Carthage people needed to come to the defense of their Trojan sister culture as well as keep the Hyksos/Dorians who took over after Agamemnon retired to his new city of Troy renamed to something else, then renamed himself a pharaoh name. He took a fake bride descendant of the 18th dynasty, likely a handmaiden to Meketatan and politically forced his way into being part of the 18th dynasty. But the female had no biological connection to Akanaten, she was simply a commoner for a royal. A Stand in body double designed to allow the real royals to evacuate from the danger.

b.     The new army at the cities of Alba Longa and of course Samhain


d.     The library

·       Julii and Lucia families


b.     The library

·       Samhain becomes Rome


b.     The library

·       Rome


b.     The library

·       The Roman Civil War


b.     The library

·       Conquest of Carthage


b.     The library

·       The history of Academics



·       Carthage becomes Rome

a.      Most of the center forum government buildings of Rome is rebuilt using the buildings of Carthage.


c.      The library

·       Caesar travels to Turkey Bythia


b.     The library

·       Caesar converts back to his family religion Jew


b.     The library

·       Caesar is given command of the family armies


b.     The library

·       Caesar and Spartacus


b.     The library

·       Spartacus and the plan


b.     The library

·       Caesar invades Europe


b.     The library

·       Caesar and Rome


b.     The library

·       Caesar invades Britain


b.     The library

·       Caesar becomes Emperor


b.     The library

·       Caesar invades Egypt


b.     The library

·       Caesar marries Cleopatra


b.     The library

·       Caesar takes possession of the Alexandria weapon


b.     The library

·       Caesar and Cleopatra ship the overwhelming bulk of the library to Northumberland.

a.      The Ogles regain primary possession of a library they had previously overseen since the 18th dynasty.

b.     The library with obvious Alexandria Lighthouse technical manuals as contents.

c.      The library which obvious Temple of Solomon books and reference materials.

d.     The library which obviously contained information about the pyramids.

e.      The previous ogle family library contained similar books, but now they had most of the engineering collection.

f.      The result was impenetrable defenses of the core of the Ogle Kingdom.



i.       The library

·       The Ides of March


b.     The library

·       Cleopatra’s three children


b.     The library

·       Octavian


b.     The library

·       Cleopatra and her man at arms Anthony


b.     The library

·       Cleopatra and Octavian go to full scale war


b.     The library

·       Cleopatra travels away from Rome and back to Egypt


b.     The library

·       Anthony allows himself to be captured to return to be a roman citizen and retire in Athens.


b.     The library

·       Cleopatra Evacuates the Roman Empire

a.      takes the rest of her treasures, library, and all the rest of what she can assemble and sails to Northumberland

b.     at Actium the Romans could not follow Cleopatra sailing directly west. They had to sail within site of the coast. Cleopatra did not suffer from insufficient navigation and shipwright skills. She could have sailed to America if she so chose.


d.     the newly named of Octavian to Augustus


f.      The library

·       the death of Cleopatra


b.     The library

·       Most of the entire army is dispatched to the future Hadrian’s Wall

a.      The Ogles and the Roman Army do battle against each other from 30 bce to 400 ce. When the roman empire collapses.


c.      The library

·       Roman Empire collapses

a.      The Romans name change to English, Anglo, Saxon, Jute, Dante, etc. and continue pushing Pax Romana.

b.     the pressure from much harder and more blood thirsty cultures from the south and east push the remaining Romans out of the Rhine and west to southern Britain.

c.      They invade and seize control over London.

d.     Their new kingdom is from Mercia lands south and east.


f.      The library

·       The British and the Ex-Romans battle over supremacy

a.      From 320-700 ce the British and Romans battle over supremacy of the Island.

b.     Most of the time the Romans loss and lose badly. But occasionally the British lose, but when the giant falls it falls hard.

c.      The last time the giant fell was 680 a few decades after the Picitsh revolt

d.     The giant fell and was forced to evacuate the entire island for the main land and Ireland.



g.     The library

·       The Age of the Viking


b.     The library

·       The Crusades

a.      The most awkward thing to understand about this entirely situation is the following.

b.     There were several almost a dozen crusades, but most of them were not hosted or paid for by the British, they were other nations and the Prussian Affairs. And the latter ones were not sanctioned by the Pope.

c.      The Crusades were after the third were mostly political and military profit machines designed to kill the commoners the royals did not like, steal as much money along the way, and to forge alliances with the Ottoman Empire. because the Ottomans had massive amounts of money from their business ventures, and were about to start the Slave Trade with the Prussian, English, Dutch, Spanish, and Italians help. The White cultures would oversee the European operations, but the Muslims would handle the merchandise till it was placed on white ships.

d.     By then of course there was the huge problem with 1450 and the need for undisturbed lands. The Americas was the only option, but the Popes before 1480 refused outright to allow exploration to the continent to the west.

e.      Till the Muslims and their business axis in Europe informed the Pope, “you either allow the next petitioner with a solid plan to go west, or we invade Italy and replace you with someone more cooperative.” The Pope agreed in 1489, Columbus filed paperwork in 1490 and set sail in 1492.

f.      The travel west by the European nations was covered by Columbo’s journey so no one noticed the radical number of slaves being shipped to Brazil, and the Caribbean producing so much money the plantation owners both Muslim and European hardly had any idea what to spend it on.

g.     The Vatican took its 20% from the European cultures, and they soon had more money than they knew what to do with. Then they had the bright idea of rebuilding the entire Vatican with a grand new floorplan, take the existing structures and rebuilding them to the most grand and opulent but only 5 stories as they could. The did not possess the necessary technology to build 7 to 10 stories, yet.



j.       The library

·       Protestantism

a.      Martin Luther

b.     John Calvin


·       The Salve Trade Aka Triangle Trade

a.      The southern plantation owners were petrified that the religious nuts of the Puritans were going to rule over American and the colonies with their fanatical theocracy and force the plantations to operate under puritan rules.



d.     The library

·       The British Ogle Cross America Trade Route


b.     The library

·       Israel in America


b.     The library

·       The Ogles are forced to evacuate Britain again circa 1490 complete by 1690


b.     The library

·       The Samhain Years War (Gaelic 7 is spelled Samhain, same as the city renamed to Rome, and the spelling in hieroglyphic Luz in Egypt aka Memphis)


b.     The library

·       The FreiKorp

a.      The Freikorp although were given a specific mission, some of their individual actions were beyond disgusting.


c.      The library

·       The Ogle Family Trade Route and the FreiKorp

a.      At several places the Ogles set up settlements, built cities, and the like. The Freikorp came a calling with cannon, spies, and assassins.

b.     The City of Tiffin is just one example, but for the purposes of Psychology is the most important of them all.



e.      The library

·       Tiffin Ohio

a.     The ogles invented psychology, they handed their research to Wundt in Tiffin Ohio to write it down. they were facing genocide, and did not want their secrets to die with htem


c.      The library

·       The Ogle family


b.     The library

c.      Was reduced to 500 acres after statehood circa 1790. The original size of the city was most of the Ohio River Valley, however when you loss lost and lots of battles in a row, you cannot dictate terms what the eemy will allow you to keep.

d.     100,000 acres down to just 500 which had to be purchased back from the enemy.

e.      Although the waves of attacks were difficult since they were coordinated from 8 different direcdtions. The enemy destemriend that the Library in what tiffin was called previous to 1830 was where the true prize books were kept. Since they had been evacuated out of all the toher libraries the Prussians had conquqered. The Ogle library was close to the only library left the Ogle constroeed.

f.      The battles from 1790-1820 were not unlike Armageddon, the Armies of the world gathered outside the city and did not stop till they had achieve their evil goals of genocide and possessing the weapons of the lord. So that the lord in his heavenly throne could be challenged for his power and dominance.

g.     The books and materials over the course of the next century from 1820 to 1920 were slowly shipped to Prussia so the technology could be worked into Weapons of Mass destruction.

h.     However there is also a part where some bits of the library were shipped out circa 1830 by Joseph Smith and his LDS to caches to what used to be called “Rocky Mountain” city the original capital of Texas.

i.       The ORignal Capital city of Texas itself is/was hwere Old Colroado Cty is now. However the city was renamed in the most violetn way possible in 1854 shortly after the 1849 gold rush. When the enhabitance of the area were put under military siege by the Texas and American gvonerments who wanted the gold but did not want the people present to remain. So killing them became the best and most efficient option. Since most of them were Jews and Mormons.

j.       The movie “Paint Your Wagon” is in part a very cleaned up version of killing the enhabitance of that city, religious fantaics taking over, renaamign the city, and of course removing all traces of what used to be present. Although Bancroft Park still possessed the foundation of the original Capital Building of “Rocky Moutain” which itself used to be the in exhile palace of the French Royal Court of Louie XVI. But that is extremely complex and difficult for the cognitive dissonance but fully believed history of the situations. The history books lay out a very convincing story which has little if any basis in reality about Tiffin, Old Colorado City, the original size of Texas, the Jewish original settlers of Texas, and library caches the Prussians and then the NAZI’s would stop at nothing to possess. And what they did with those books and weapaons after they gained possession over them in Prussian from 1920-1946. Part of one of those weapons which combined the tools from Tiffin and of course Tesla’s work in Colroado Springs became the “NAZI Bell” which is in part what the tv show “TimeLess” is based on. A Time machine, and a time war between the Prussians and the British, or at least the very small portion of the British Cutlure. The British not engils hbut British are one of the last intect pockedts of survivors rom the Troayn War  and of course the 18th Dynasty. The Ogles in Tiffin mainted thse secrets till 1980 when Helen (Ogle) Shaffer died and refused to tell her daughter, grandson, or her great grandson the family secrets. It took the next three plus decades for her great grandson to rebuild the family secrets.

k.     Half was sold in 1920 the west side of the 500 acres, leaving only 250 on the east and south of Market and 224 bipass.



n.     The library

·       The Maples


b.     The library

·       Fort Ball


b.     The library

·       Tiffin Library aka Heidelberg


b.     The library

·       The FreiKorp demanded access to the Ogle family library

a.      and would stop at less than nothing but the hand of god forcing them to stop

b.     since god did not show up, the FreiKorp kept fighting

c.      eve


e.      The library

·       Frankenstein



b.     The library

·       The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

a.      This combined with Frankenstein was more than enough evidence to spur the Freikorp at Fort Ball to redouble their efforts to seize control over the Ogle family library and rename it Heidelberg.



d.     The library

·       Joseph Smith


b.     The library

·       The Plates


b.     The library

·       Oliver Cowdery


b.     The library

·       The Kidnapping of Joseph Smith by the FreiKorp


b.     The library

·       Wilhelm Wundt a linguist


b.     The library

·       Oliver, Wundt, and the Ogle Family

a.       worked other to work out the details which became the first notes which Wundt turned into the structure of the first modern textbook on psychology.

b.     He had witnessed enough horrors in his life that he knew flat out that he could turn the “population control devices” found in “The classics” and turn them into mental health instead of weapons to use against individua’s and populations.



e.      The library

·       Taking the classics and turning them into psychology


b.     The library


·       The book was published


b.     The library

·       William James


b.     The library

·       Lightener


b.     The library

·       Mary Calking


b.     The library

·       American Psychological Association


b.     The library

·       Deviation away from Wundt’s work

a.      The efforts from


c.      The library

·       BF Skinner


b.     The library

·       Skinner box a new level of population control


b.     The library

·       The Prussians and the Conservatives in America

a.      Psychologically this is a huge deal, since those two political forces were only interested in funding research directly regarding population control devices. To force their populations to “do what we say, and never question authority”.



d.     The library

·       The American NAZI Party and Psychology

a.      The American NAZI party from 1880-1960 worked tirelessly to promote fascism in America. The propaganda hit on deaf ears in major cities but was picked up and accepted as hard facts by the rural communities and embraced just like they had embraced the confederacy and of course the slave trade.

b.     The only place for the deposed Prussian Empire to evacuate to after Prussia as a country was erased circa 1945, they came to America changed names and continued to perform. But instead of a government they perform as a collection of corporations. Hundreds of corporations designed to achieve basically the same goals they were did aka Prussia but operating under 1000 different names all at the same time.

c.      If the US obtains taxes and pays fines, the feds could not care less.



f.      The library

·       Wundt and Neuropathways



b.     The library

·       Wundt tested Electro-Magnetic machines

a.      Wundt’s Electro-Magnetic machines had to come from somewhere, and they did not just poof from non-existence. They had to have blue prints, technical manuals, and enough information for Lightner to make as close to a perfect copy of Wundt lab at Penn state in the 1890s.

b.     The Royal French had been experimenting with Electro-Magnetic machines for the previous three centuries. Fortunately for Wundt and psychology, the Ogle’s and the Royal French had been long standing allies since well before the Crusade's.

c.      Which only provided further evidence to the Prussians and FreiKorp the Ogles were indeed hiding advanced Electro-Magnetic weapons. Which is what they wanted since King Solomon’s and the Pyramids.



f.      The library

·       The Future of Psychology

a.      is to follow the order of operations and start with studying the synapses.

b.     The synapses of course are control through the science of Electro-Magnetic.

c.      Which is the field of mathematics of Quantum Physics.



f.      The library

·       As Psychology continues to Merge with Medicine

a.      The fields are merging no matter how anyone looks at it. so as they merge it is of the utmost important to realize that the scientific method will be implemented harder, stronger, and without mercy. Old junk ideas, and hypothesis will be tossed to the side as they should be since new and exciting research makes its way to the forefront.

b.     Upper end mathematics will have to be included and accepted as facts despite what old world teachers want to keep holding on to their geocentric ideas over.

c.      Quantum Physics and the mathematics of the order of operations force the reorganization of the entire concept of psychology from Wundt’s work on the Electro-Magnetic field of the body, up to the blood brain barrier, up farther to the structures of the brain, farther up the order of operations a few billion steps to a single synapse. That single synapse is what caused Wundt to want to study machines and the body’s own Electro-Magnetic field which is generated in part by the structure of billions if not trillions of synapses. That is all the study of Quantum physics, the rules and regulations regarding the science of Electro-Magnetics.


e.      The library



·       Conclusion