

From 365.4 days.

Mathematics measures from fixed point to fixed point.

Over the course of a year there are many different ways to measure from fixed point to fixed point. not the least of which are your personal birthday. Mixed with the birthdays of those you know.

When specific events occurred those are also fixed points.

When any given country/culture formed is also another way to measure from a fixed point.

Example the USA can be measured from 3 primary points.

First July 3, 1776. When the declaration was finalized but not signed. The final draft had to go back to the printers to be rewritten, then it could be voted on and signed.

Making July 4, 1776 the official date. But that is just the formal stuff, the hard work was finished the day previous.

The Jewish calendar is 5796

The Egyptian Calendar is 6200

The number of years since the end of WWII 1946 is another fixed point.


The year is divided not approximately 356.4 days with a few extra hours. Western culture measures said from the point of view regarding the Gregorian Calendar which is based off the Julian calendar.


The Julian Calendar was based off the idea of removing as much trace of the Etruscans from Rome as possible. The Etruscans which were connected to the Cycladic culture had access to a calendar of immeasurable accuracy which the single number line is incapable of becoming even close to identifying let along measuring.


The Cycladic culture was a descended culture from the Indo-European culture of the culture I call the People of Kaern.


Year sequences

Futhark Year format

Gregorian Year format



Eight fixed points in earth’s orbit


·     Litha

·     Lughnasadh

·     Mabon

·     Samhain

·     Yule

·     Imbulc

·     Eostar/Easter

·     Beltain



