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Last updated 5/30/2004 11:40 PM

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Divination Layout patterns


  1. Celtic cross spread


1. The nature of the question.

2. The Challenge, Lessons to learn

3. the foundation or the base of the situation

4. The Previous situation 3 months three week

5. What is the overview,  Situation may come up next or

6. this is your possible next 3 weeks to next 3 months

7. Personal Feelings

8. How those around you view the situation

9. Summing up the Question at hand

10. What is the outcome to what is going on.

11.  The first card is the Significatore,  This card is What the reading is all about.


The Nordic Germanic runic/Elder Futhark 24 circle spread

  1. Fehu
    1. Fehu: priorities
    2. Uruz: strength and or the fuel
    3. Thurasaz: boundaries
    4. Ansuz: Communication, The start of the Learning process
    5. Raido: Journey foot physical
    6. Kannaz: Light, Torch, the beginning of wisdom
    7. Gebo: Partnerships connection working together
    8. Wunjo:  Emotion
  2. Haggalaz
    1. Haggalaz: The past
    2. Nauthiez: the Present
    3. Isa: The future
    4. Jera: Year, time, the cycle of life, from the smallest time measurement to the largest
    5. Eiwaz: Creativity
    6. Pertho: Travel by boat, train, plain, car. Business partnerships, business machines, gambling
    7. Alhaz: Instincts, the awareness of any and everything around you
    8. Sowillo: Knowledge gained through experience
  3. Tiwaz
    1. Tiwaz: warrior, arrow, the path one takes. Commitment,
    2. Bircano: growth, trees
    3. Ewaz: Movement on a large scale. How a planet moves, continental drift, external plan movement, celestial movement.
    4. Mannaz: Self. Totally and complest reliance on not only how but what is the self.
    5. Laguz: a glimpse into the big picture.  How does what the smallest thing do affect the larger picture
    6. Ingwaz: small planets, the smallest details of life.  The structure of how things work.  From the smallest to the largest how the machine works.
    7. Othallo: Home, Stability
    8. Daggaz: a day.  A rotation of the planet.  The end of a cycle the beginning of a cycle.



  1. Elemental spread

This spread shows where your energies are



            Present Situation                    CHAKRAS


1.  Spiritual                                    Crown

3.  Air                                            Throat

7.  Water                                       Heart

11.  Fire                                          Solar Plex

13.  Earth                                         Libido Root



2.  Air 3 months

5.  Water 6 months

6.  Water 3 months

10.  Fire 3 months



4.  Air 3 months

8.  Water 3 months

9.  Water 6 months

12.  Fire 3 months


  1. cup spread
  2. 3 card spread
  3. aura spread




1. the center, the heart chakra, this will tell you have the system is running.

2 the solar plex.  This will tell you how the body and the machine of the body is working

3 this is the throat, this will tell you about the communication of the person. If they are honest, telling themselves what they need to tell themselves, holding info back, anything and everything that has to do with the aspects of communication this is the place.

4  labedo.  This is the chakra to tell you about emotions, and the security of how the self feels.

5 this is the third eye.  This will tell you about not only what is the person paying attention to, this will also tell you about what they are not willing to see or accnowldge.

6  ground chakra,  this place is all about where this peron stands on the earth, are they confidence, know themselves, and are comfortable in there onw shoes.

7 crown, how this there path, what are they here on earth to do. How are they connected to the divine of there own personal traditions.  What is happening with there own personal stuff.

8 right side energy influence out that persons affecting there world.

9 left side energy in how the world affects this person.









This shows the lessons you need to learn from your elements to become more attuned to yourself.


1.  Analytical East, Action, Fire

2.  Subconscious South, Grounding, Meditation

3.  Intuitive West, Flow, Water

4.  Spiritual North, Air, Movement

5.  Your Center where you are most Zen.  Where you are the most spiritual, powerful, and truly in balance.  Those times that are all too rare, but we all are trying to attain.


9.      cup spread, this spread type was created and developed by my first wife Shakra Rick.  She is no longer with us but her knowledge is.



I sincerely hope that Jamie simms does not mind this spread type is such a great spread type that I just wanted to include this. From the sacred path divination set.


            The Sacred Mountain Spread

1.  The First card appears in the East and signifies the lesson needed to remove any present limitation.  This is the place of the golden door that leads to all other levels of awareness.  No matter what card appears in this position you are being asked to look at what you feel you cannot achieve in the cards lesson.   Hence your limitations made clear for you.


2.  The second card appears in the South and represents the lesson needed to restore your trust.  The South card is also where you limit the faith you once had as a child.  where you need to handle your ego. where you need to heal the hurt of being betrayed after you trusted.  The second card may also reveal if you have become a whining child like victim instead of a courageous child that saw the world as an adventure.


3.  The Third card appears in the West and points out the lesson needed to find your personal trust.  This West card may also imply that there is a limitation you have put on yourself regarding your a

ability to know what is right for you.


4.  The Fourth card is in the North and represents the lesson that will assist you in acknowledging your personal talents or gifts.  If you are taking your gifts, talents, abilities, and material possessions for granted, you maybe limiting the future gifts from the field of plenty because of the ones you have.


5.  The Fifth card,  the Sacred Mountain card,  represents the lesson needed to find personal freedom.  To find personal freedom.  In letting go of the limitation you may have placed in your own path.  The choices are now clear, the place of inner knowledge and Balance high on top of the sacred mountain is now accessible because you have confronted your fear and self limitation.  Now it is time to bask in the Beauty of the unlimited view.





The Celtic Cross

Keyword Chart




Example - Jill's Tale


The Celtic Cross is probably the oldest and most popular pattern for reading the tarot. It has survived so long because the layout of the cards is simple, but powerful. A strong energy has built up around this spread due to its use by so many people over the years.

You can think of the Celtic Cross as divided into two sections: the Circle/Cross (six cards) on the left, and the Staff (four cards) on the right. (See diagram above.) The Circle/Cross simulates the Celtic cross found throughout Ireland. This cross has a circle linking the four perpendicular spokes. The circle and cross symbolize the joining of spirit and matter and the unity of all events in time.

The feminine energy of the circular section works in unison with the masculine energy of the Staff section. These two parts of the Celtic Cross mirror the dual nature of manifested reality - the polarities that abound in the human psyche.

The Circle/Cross section is made up of two crosses - a central one (two cards) nested within a larger cross (six cards). The smaller cross represents the heart of the matter - what is most central to you at the time of the reading. It is the hub around which the wheel of your life is turning.

The larger cross consists of two lines that overlay the minicross. The horizontal line (H) shows time moving from your past on the left into your future on the right. The vertical line (V) is your consciousness moving from your unconscious on the bottom to your conscious mind on the top. Together these six cards give you a snapshot of your inner and outer environment at the time of a reading.

The cards of the Staff section comment on your life and lie outside of the immediate situation. Here, your Inner Guide helps you understand what is shown in the Circle/Cross section. You receive guidance about yourself and others, your life lessons and your future direction.

There are a number of versions of the Celtic Cross. The differences are usually in cards 3-4-5-6. I use a circular placement to emphasize how the unconscious and the past (Cards 3 and 4) lead to the conscious and future (Cards 5 and 6). I have also added some meanings to Card 9. This position traditionally means "hopes and fears," but I also use it as a lesson or guidance card. It is always possible to adapt a spread to your own needs as long as you decide on any changes before you do a reading.


This section contains a page of information about each of the ten positions in the Celtic Cross.

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ How to interpret position pages]


Here is one approach to interpreting the Celtic Cross.

  1. Look at the six cards of the Circle/Cross section. They show what is going on in your life at the moment of the reading.
  2. Examine the cards in pairs, perhaps in the following order:



heart of the matter

central issue
major concern
basic worry or upset
primary focus
focal point
fundamental problem

present environment (outer)

"that which covers you" - traditional
surrounding circumstances
immediate problem at hand
what's going on around you
what you're dealing with
external factors

present environment (inner)

internal factors
how you feel about the situation
key personal quality
basic state of mind
emotional state
what's going on inside of you

primary factor

major influence
dominant characteristic
outstanding feature
most important element
most striking quality


    • Look at Cards 3 and 5 to find out what is going on within you at different levels.



opposing factor

"that which is crossing you" - traditional
contrary element
source of resistance
balancing tendency
moderating influence
rival or subversive agent

factor for change

something out of left field
unpredictable element
new consideration
unbalancing force
what's rocking the boat

secondary factor

tangential concern
another source of information
side issue
subordinate problem
minor factor

reinforcing factor

supporting feature
additional emphasis
cooperating person
extra attraction
magnifying force
related issue

To place card 2 correctly, rotate the card 90 degrees clockwise and lay it on top of card 1. Card 2 is reversed if the top of the card's image is on the left after placement.


    • Look at Cards 4 and 6 to see how people and events are flowing through your life.



root cause

source of the problem
basis of the situation
why things are as they are
childhood or past life (karmic) influence
reason behind events
starting point

unconscious influence

"that which is beneath you" - traditional
unrecognized motivations
unacknowledged goals
most basic impulses
driving needs or desires
denied or rejected aspects of self

deeper meaning

larger picture
fundamental pattern
all-embracing point of view
soul purpose
underlying context
what's really going on

unknown factor

hidden influence
unrecognized contribution
undiscovered participant
concealed agenda
behind-the-scenes machinations


From these six cards, create a description of your immediate situation.

  1. Consider the Staff section of the spread, perhaps in this order:
    • Look at Cards 7 and 8 to find out how more about the relationship between you and your environment.
    • Look at Card 10 - the projected outcome. How do you feel about it? What does it say to you?
  2. Review the cards to discover the factors leading to the outcome. See if one card stands out as key. Also:
    • Compare the projected outcome (Card 10) to a possible alternative outcome (Card 5).
    • Consider how the near future (Card 6) contributes to the projected outcome (Card 10).
    • See if Card 9 tells you something you need to know. Do you have a hope or fear that is relevant?


  • PAST

something related to the past


receding influence

feature that is losing importance
fading concern
former focus
someone/something going away
falling star

resolved factor

fully realized quality
completed task
what has been wrapped up
what can be set aside
what's been taken care of

quality to let go

outmoded approach
what's no longer useful
unnecessary baggage
someone/something no longer needed
factor to be discarded



attitudes and beliefs

what you accept as true
how you view what is happening
delusions or illusions
where you are placing your trust

conscious influence

what's on your mind
what you're focusing on
what you're worried about
what you're obsessed about
what you acknowledge
what is known

goal or purpose

what you intend to achieve
expectations for the future
what you have set your heart on
desired result

alternate future

"what could come into being" - traditional
potential development
different possibility
another option
what you think will happen
future you are consciously projecting



something related to the future


approaching influence

feature that is gaining importance
developing concern
coming focus
someone/something coming nearer
rising star

unresolved factor

unrealized quality
incomplete task
what is still pending
what must be considered
what is to be taken care of

quality to embrace

valid approach
what will be useful
desirable attribute
someone/something that is needed
factor to be welcomed



you as you are

personal style

your temperament or disposition
your approach to the problem
your unique orientation
your point of view
your way of being
your position or stance

you as you could be

inner resource to tap
talent or ability you can use
what you are capable of
an ideal to live up to
a possible approach
what you want to be
your goal for yourself

you as you present yourself

your public face
how you think you should be
mask you show the world
what you do for appearance's sake
role you accept
self-imposed duty
your false self

you as you see yourself (traditional)

your self-image
your beliefs about yourself
your sense of where you are
your fears about yourself
your assumptions about yourself
how you limit yourself
how you magnify yourself



outside environment

"that which surrounds you" - traditional
emotional climate
physical and social milieu
setting for the situation
playing field
context in which you must operate

another's point of view

how another sees the situation
the other person's side
another slant on the problem
different outlook
an objective opinion

another's expectations

what others want from you
demands placed on you
what another thinks you should be or do
claims of others on you
outside restrictions imposed on you
your assigned role

you as others see you

"how others see you" - traditional
how you are coming across
how you're being assessed
public opinion about you
impression you create
effect you have on others




what you might do
how best to proceed
how you can make a change
word of warning
truth of the matter
different approach
helpful suggestion
honest assessment

key factor

fundamental aspect
lesson to be learned
what explains everything
clue to what is happening
what you need to know
connecting link

hopes and fears (traditional)

what you're afraid of
what you suspect is true
what you're avoiding
personal demon
what you long for
your dream
your ideal
your secret desire

overlooked factor

something you haven't considered
missing piece of the puzzle
someone else who has a role to play
something else to consider
element of surprise
underestimated influence



outcome (overall)

the most likely result
what may come to pass
how the situation may be resolved
where everything is leading
probable resolution

outcome (inner state)

how you will end up feeling
what your mood will be
understanding you will gain
lesson you will absorb
attitude you will assume
quality or ability you will realize

outcome (actions)

what you may have to do
how you may succeed or fail
conduct you will have to adopt
required behavior
what you may accomplish
approach you may have to take

outcome (effects)

how someone else will be affected
how the environment will change
what others will do
possible countermeasure or backlash
possible benefit or reward
improvement that will occur
change in status



Jill's Tale is a series of three complete Celtic Cross readings.



Compiled by David C. Jones (
Copyright, 1996, David Clark Jones.  Please see the table of
contents for the location of the full listing of the copyright
1.21) The Celtic Cross
Layout:                 +-----+ - Q
           10           |+-----+ - 1
     03    09         +----------+ - 2
  06 1Q2 05           |          |
     04    08         +----------+
           07            +-----+
Note that card 1 is placed directly on top of, and therefore
concealing, the Querent card.  Also note that card 2 is placed
across (or perpendicular) and on top of card 1, as the diagram on
the right not-so-vividly demonstrates.
All comments in the 'Reading' sections will refer to this diagram. 
Ignore alterations in the dealing pattern when cross referencing
with this diagram.
1.21.1) Waite's Celtic Cross (#11, C4)
Deal:  Numerically as shown.
Card 1 - Influences, atmosphere.
Card 2 - Obstacles
Card 3 - Often called the crowning card.  May have one or more of
         several meanings:
  3a - Highest state the querent can achieve in the matter
  3b - Highest perception the querent has in the matter
  3c - What the querent wishes to achieve
Card 4 - Often called the base card.  It represents foundations or
     possessions of the querent.  Events that have already passed.
Card 5 - Past
Card 6 - Future Influences
Card 7 - Attitude or position in the matter
Card 8 - House, Environment
Card 9 - Hopes or Fears
Card 10 - Future Events
1.21.2) Danburg's Celtic Cross (#11, C4)
Deal: Reverse Cards 3 and 4.  Reverse Cards 5 and 6.
(These are all lifted from the alt.tarot FAQ)
1. Where the querent is at the time of the reading.
2. What holds the querent where they are.
3. How the querent has been thinking about the question.
4. Base of the question - why it is being asked.
5. Near future
6. Recent past
7. What the querent has to bring to the situation.
8. What the situation has to offer the querent.
9. Querent's innermost hopes and/or fears.
10. Final outcome of the situation, unless deliberately changed.
1.21.3) Peach's Celtic Cross (#11, C4)
Deal: Card 3 is in the top position.  Card 4, left.  Card 5, down. 
          Card 6, right.
Card 1 - What is on the Querent's mind.
Card 2 - Obstacles
Card 3 - Past
Card 4 - Immediate future
Card 5 - Far future
Card 6 - Present
Cards 7-10 - Same as Waite.
1.21.4) Lines within the Reading (C7)
This section is taken from memory, out of a book.  Unfortunately,
I can't remember where I originally saw it (sorry).  If you use the
Waite method, there are four lines, or associations of cards, that
exist in this layout.  Similar lines may be constructed from the
other Celtic Cross layouts shown here.
Cards 5, 1, 2, 6; Time:  This sequence follows an obvious pattern
                    from past to present to future
Cards 10, 3, 6; Future:  These three cards all essentially project
                    into the future.  Sharing information between
                    these cards can yield more specific details
Cards 7, 8, 4, 6; Influences:  Cards 7, 8, and 4 all represent 
                    things which influence the querent with
                    respect to the question. It is through the
                    combination of these influences that the
                    outcome shown in card 6 may be achieved or
Cards 4, Q, 2, 3:  I have not seen a good qualifier to describe the
                    relationship between these cards, but it
                    generally goes like this:  The querent would
                    like to achieve (or can achieve) what is
                    depicted in card 3, but certain influences
                    (card 2) prevent him/her from doing so. 
                    However, the querent does have the proper
                    resources (card 4) to overcome the obstacle. 
                    This line can vary depending upon which
                    interpretation you use for card 4.
1.21.5) Variations and Comments.
Variation 1:  Sometimes cards 7 thru 10 are placed on the other end
(the left side) of the cross.  Again, this could alter the
interpretations of the groupings stated in 1.21.4.
Variation 2:  I have seen the Celtic Cross done locally (& it seems
to be a local variant) with 3 cards allotted to each position in
the "pillar" to the side of the central cross (i.e. positions 7 -
10).  This means that there are 12 cards to work with, as opposed
to the usual 4; it can be quite useful.  (Smith)
Comment:  I have seen a few different (and occasionally
contradicting) methods of determining whether the obstacle card
(card 2) is upright or reversed.  Use your own discretion.





Double Celtic Cross
 by Laura Clarson

Basically a take-off from the original Celtic Cross layout, this spread incorporates two layers of cards in the same basic pattern, meant to amplify the depth of meaning in the reading.  The first ten cards are laid out the same as the original Celtic Cross, and then cards 11 through 21 are laid out in a second layer over them, with cards 20 ad 21 laid to the side.

Click here for picture

Since you are meant to read the cards in groups, as they are layered two deep in a single position, it is best to analyze them in order of position rather than in numerical order.

Cards 1 and 11 are read together, representing what is a description of the present situation, or what is in the mind of the querent that has prompted him or her to seek your counsel.

Card 2 represents an obstacle to that situation, or a factor involved in which way it will swing.  Depending on context of the surrounding cards, this can be an opposing factor or a helpful one.

Cards 3 and 12 are read next, in the position of the foundation of the matter, or the influence in the querent's life which has enabled them to become the person they are today, and will show some frame of reference as to how they will handle this situation in question.

Cards 4 and 13 are read together, representing the recent phase which the querent has been passing through.  This will show how the situation has been presenting itself, and how the querent has been dealing with it thus far.

Cards 5 and 14 are read next, and they show a public view of how the situation appears.  Often giving a view to a possible outcome, these cards show one way this situation could resolve itself if the querent doesn't apply any advised behavior.

Cards 6 and 15 are read together in the position of the phase the querent will be moving into in the coming period of time (days, weeks).  They will also be an indication of how the querent will deal with the situation in that time.

Cards number 7 and 16 represent the psychological level or mindset of the querent in regards to the situation at hand.  It may be something that the querent has not wanted to deal with, or has been unaware of.

Cards number 8 and 17 are read  next, representing the relationships aspect of the situation for the querent.  This is in regards to the other people in the querent's life who are affected by this situation, and can show their perspectives as well as who the key players are.

Cards number 9 and 18 are read together, representing the querent's CONSCIOUS hopes and fears, or their goals and desires regarding the situation.  These goals can be goals of avoidance as well as goals of achievement.

Cards number 10 and 19 are read next, these pose the Final Outcome to the querent.  Summing up everything else that has gone before, this would be pretty much the end result of the reading.

There are two more cards left, these are posted off to the side and represent timing and advice of the cards.  The advice of the cards should be interpreted as a key action or figure in the situation that shows the querent how to handle the advice given throughout the reading.

The timing is more complicated, giving the time interval covered by the spread.  The suit will indicate to the reader the following:

  • Cups..................... days
  • Rods.....................weeks
  • Pentacles.............months

The numbers of the cards themselves will indicate the number of days, weeks or months as follows:

  • Aces through through ten
  • Pages....................eleven
  • Knights................twelve

There are times when the timing cannot be determined.  This can be due to the querent's ability or determination to take action.  If any of the following appear in the timing position, this is the case.

  • Any swords.........undetermined, up to client
  • Queens..................undetermined, up to client
  • Kings....................undetermined, up to client

Lastly, if any Major Arcana cards come up under timing at all, it indicates immediacy and that the querent has already set into motion that which will determine the outcome of the situation.

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Layout Review Copyright 1998 by Gina M. Pace






















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