The T Welling Web Site


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated 5/19/2004 5:19 PM

Under construction while research lasts. Check back daily







I would like to remind my readers that this is an under construction site.  I am adding material on a constant basis each page, each branch sometimes goes months with out, and sometimes each branch gets new and updated information on a daily basis.  So please be patient my research is ongoing, and I find new and interesting things on almost a daily basis.  Keep checking back; see the last updated on the index page.  Any and all questions please do not hesitate to go to the yahoo groups listed below join and ask any question you like.   Your input has helped shape the way I present the information, and helps me to be more definite with issues in showing my work.








The Fae folk and other mythical creatures




Fae folk are a part of most of the cultures around the world’s legends and or myths, coming maybe a little taller or shorter descriptions vary a little between cultures.  I think that mythical creatures do exist in our reality for a couple of different reasons.  One because without mythology to allow our fertile imagination to run rapid we become complacent inside our own little reality.  For another, there is so much out there in the world that we in our scientific culture still do not know. Elves and other creatures may just be really good at hiding, for creatures living in the wild; it is not hard to avoid humans if you want to.  We make lots of noise, and the smell whew.   Some of the creatures that are more like us would have almost definantly interbred and our genes mixed.   So in that way some of those mythical creatures are still with us.  Just inside.



Brownies are


Are creatures we would like to believe in but at the same time are very afraid of.  One of the ultimate creatures the dragon Immortal, wealthy, highly intelligent, but also a loner, and have built in phobias that can be used against them in battle or a struggle of will.


Elves are creatures that according to legend have amazing dexterity, to be one with the forest and are supposed to be able to do incredible acts of magic and animal husbandry as a part of their incredible basic nature.  Amazing bowmen, elves are written to be able to shoot through the eye slots in helmets from a hundred yards out.  Firing 3 times for every one shot of an equally skilled human bowman.

Now the reality, elves are amazing creatures that do exist in this culture.  The true elfin DNA structure was simply absorbed into the mass DNA of human evolving.   Hence the craft abilities that are in this book are a direct result of 2 strong blood lines coming together to form a talented in the craft body. 

            Fae Folk

Fae folk are the little people that many cultures around the world have. 


Fairies are creatures with wings that are no bigger than your hand.  Never doubt fairies exist.  They make their presence known very well by moving objects around your house or your business just to get your attention.  Fairies enjoy games and sugary foods.  To appease your houses fairies set out a plate of good food away from animals or kids.


Gruggies are land protectors.  Gruggies form a protective barrier around the area in which they claim as their own.   Everything in their area is protected.






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This Site designed, built, and maintained


T & Emma Welling

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