The T Welling Web Site


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated 5/19/2004 6:06 PM

Under construction while research lasts. Check back daily







I would like to remind my readers that this is an under construction site.  I am adding material on a constant basis each page, each branch sometimes goes months with out, and sometimes each branch gets new and updated information on a daily basis.  So please be patient my research is ongoing, and I find new and interesting things on almost a daily basis.  Keep checking back; see the last updated on the index page.  Any and all questions please do not hesitate to go to the yahoo groups listed below join and ask any question you like.   Your input has helped shape the way I present the information, and helps me to be more definite with issues in showing my work.







Metaphysical:  This is the philosophy of the New age movement.


New Age:  This is the reemergence of the old religions of the world into today’s understandings.


Pagan:  Originally this term meant non city dweller.  When the priests came north from Italy they concentrated their work on the leaders.  Hence the cities became Christian and the people living within those cities also were ordered to convert.   The people in the country who followed the old path remained with the old path but chose not to go to the cities where they were disliked.   Hence the understanding of the old religion stayed in the country.


Crystal:   A crystal in any form focuses the energy put off from what it is around.   When we work with crystals we can enhance our own focusing ability into that of the crystal.  


Magic:  This is simply working with the energy which is around us all.


Spell Casting:   The ability to work and shape the energy coming off of us and tap into the energy which is around us shaping it into a beneficial form.


Meditation:  The ability to close off the world and go within to discover who we are at our center.   Or to travel around in the astral or 5th dimension


Protecting Yourself:  The ability to shield yourself from

your surroundings


Religion:  Religion has been categorized as the belief in a higher power.   The following are terms which indicate the various different religions encompassed within the New age ideal.   Some are ancient, some are new.   All are valid amongst themselves.


Wicca,   The religion of the God and the Goddess.  This is covered in many different forms by its followers which include Gardenarien, Alexandrian, Witchcraft, just to name a few.


Celtic:  The religion and philosophy of the ancient European cultures.   This is an earth based religion with emphasis on not only  the earth itself but of her inhabitants.


Anglo/Saxon:  One of the religions which made up Wicca.  Worship Freya, and Frey of the Old Norse tradition.


Dianic: The worship of the Maiden Goddess, Roman Goddess Diana


Goddess:   The Worship of the Great mother Goddess.


This is a brief explanation of the different terms and understandings of

the New Age, metaphysical, Pagan, Goddess worship. This includes phrases, concept, words, tools, and the accouterments that go along with the different forms.






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T & Emma Welling

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