1/29/2013 08:59:44

1/29/2013 09:22:59




Lower Egypt crown


The crown might be a modified version of both http://www.astronomy.org/programs/seasons/pictures/06direct-indirect3sm.gif and the sunrise arch http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0960982298704610-gr1.jpg.

 The circle of the crown http://buffaloah.com/a/archsty/egypt/jpgs/psch2.jpg the circle is a representation of the orange of the color between light and dark, the raised back portion is the arc of the sun in the sky. The tall portion which extends above the arc of the sun in the sky could be a representation of Polaris. The stick pointing up in the middle is the sun, itself.



The capital of the People of Kaern was Heliopolis (IWNW); the major temple and the shape of the temple was


Similar to Stonehenge; profile of Stonehenge short rocks, medium rocks, and tall rocks, in a specific circle https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrI9SZoiSNS_dwTRUpNjeOQ6rdS_BF9ZTo26SjudIQd4uqzBYH. Remembering the crown of lower Egypt is the post 3500 conquest of the city. No reason to assume the monotheistic conquerors did not modify the crown to suit their own purposes. The crown could have looked and or was designed to reflect a much closer version to Stonehenge before the 3500 b.c.e invasion. But since both cultures were heliosphere based, it stands to reason their base symbols would be similar but from a different point of view.


To represent the arc of the sun and the circle separating dark from light; into their own schema understanding of the sun.


The crown is pointed south; from Heliopolis pointing south.


The pre-israel one (first empire)