mini psychology bio


I usually have to write at least two of these posts when I am less interested in the subject. It is not that I am less interested in this subject, it is that I am aware of a large number of the DSM issues. My father was a professional licensed counselor for years. A larger pain in the butt of a person you will be very hard pressed to find. However, what he did as a career profession he was a teacher, so who best to teach than your child. Did anyone see the movie “Molly’s Game”, I had more than a few chats with my father as an adult like she had with her father. His interests in psychology and my interests in academics were so different from each other the phrase “how did we come from the same DNA” was uttered several times. But that has an extremely long by extremely long I am talking documented 1000s of years of genealogical history. Our ancestors had a huge hand in the creation of Psychology. By huge hand I am not saying little by any stretch of any imagination. My ancestors I do not mean 10th cousin 1000 times removed, I mean x, y, z, etc. great grandfathers and great uncles. Several of my ancestors were the leaders of various countries and cultures, not all that long ago. Two still carry our family name. One used to and, in a way, still does. Another its nick name is our family name. If you know enough about history; you know exactly what city/state/country I am talking about. But those are all very very long stories. When the subject of culture comes into play, I am almost always coming from a comparing my family to some other culture. Unless I only discuss specific areas of the globe where my family did not have reach.

My family had possessed a library from 3800 bce to 1880 ce. The last of that library was seized from 1850-1880. Hence the genealogical parts of, my father being a very strong outsider regarding the family history of scholastics and the specific field of psychology.

So, for 7 weeks I have had to choose between either my family and an enemy culture which deliberately put my family members in the ground. Sometimes less than inquisition level nicely, or deal with cultures which took information from my family members gave it to other cultures. Who the b and c cultures then used the information wrong and came up with treatments which have built in errors in the understanding, diagnostics, treatment, and general theory of how to fix problems. I knew where the information from 1840 came from which Wundt translated, I know the books, the library, where that library came from, I know where that library came from, I knew where the previous 100 libraries were located from where the books came from. The librarians inside were my direct ancestors, the soldiers outside were either hired by my family or were family members.

I have an extreme to a perspective of only my fathers’ brother’s oldest child has any idea about this information. Why because as I rebuilt the family history, I informed her of said details. But she and her kids could not care less. Her grandkids are too young to care at this point.

In psychological terms, not a subject in the DSM does not have a foundation which does not come directly from about 1000 of my direct great grandfathers.

What treatments have I learned about in the last little while I was unaware of, none. However, the new CBD oil treatments for nervous system issues does fascinate me. But I learned about it soon after the treatment entered human trials. Although the first ones were the absolute definition of NOT FDA approved. Just weed growers being asked to produce non-THC plants for medical purposes.

For more than 10 years watching the religious fanatics in America twist themselves in knots over their own pill popping addictions, hammering away at the street users using almost identical forms of heroin but in shot form rather than pill form. Having a loss their minds hissy fit over declaring all weed is evil and bad but ignoring all the medically proven benefits.  Patients with nervous system issues which CBD is the only real option which is extending the child’s lives by years, but facing religious zealots who cannot function in a world where everyone is not following their rules of acceptable order.