Oliver Cowdery was in Tiffin Ohio working with clandestine linguists for the Prussians about the same time that Wilhelm Wundt (the founder of modern Psychology) was about to write his notes which became the first textbook for Psychology. A textbook which was then used by William James to teach the first Psychology class to Mary who went on to form the American Psychological association with help and become President. The same book was used by Lightener at Penn State to found their Psychology department similar James at Harvard, the entire field of Clinical came from Penn State and that single book. Years later Skinner used that same book to create at least semi-behaviorism from. One book, the founding book regarding the foundations of Psychology written by Wundt at Heidelberg Ohio. Not Prussia, since the Prussian paramilitary clandestine troops wanted less than zero information about the weapons they wanted built from Wundt and Oliver’s translations to become public knowledge.

Oliver was a gifted linguist, so was Wundt. Wundt was smuggled from Prussia to Ohio. Since it is entirely easy to smuggle a couple dozen scholars from x to y locations. But impossible in all ways to smuggle 40 tons of books from y to x location. Since the Prussians were never known for their respect for education, knowledge, and books, minus those capable of being used to create better weapons.

Smuggling books was entirely out side of character. But people was just another day for the future Nazis.


Oliver being dragooned into assisting and Wundt being under contract, they would have been put together to work as a team to translate the ancient Gaelic, hieroglyphics, Sumerian, etc. into German so the Prussians could build their better weapons.

Since Oliver had the book of Mormon memorized 20 years previous 1825 and Wundt had not begun to write the notes for this book yet 1848. A very strong argument can be made that a load bearing wall of psychology came directly from what Oliver told Wundt about the BOM.