plates of destiny


The plates of destiny are supposedly a library which contains beyond radically advanced knowledge on them.


The plates are supposedly capable of any number of different mystical and mythical abilities.


The language they are written in would be Indo European language; or in other words the language that Adam spoke.


Since the only language around circa 3000 b.c.e were; Indus Harappa, Vinča, a very early form of hieroglyphics, etc.


In in basic and truth; it is possible the plates of destiny were written in Futhark. Which makes the Futhark itself the language, mathematics, science, engineering, etc. which allowed for the cultures which possessed htem to do radically advanced things.


Associated with the Plates of Destiny

The sword of destiny

The spear of destiny aka the spear of Longinus

The throne of destiny which used to be located t Perth Scotland now under the English Throne London

Stone of destiny which supposedly held the mythical Excalibur