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Last updated 8/4/2015 8:52 PM








Erdology Month of 32%20copyBircano (Litha calendar)

Feb 28 – March 13


T Shawn Welling

For more information contact me T Shawn Welling

For more info on Erdology, go to my web site which has much more detail than I can put into an email.





















































































































































































































This is the current time count c

















































This is the feminine forward count a






















Feb 27-Mar 13


Feb  13 – 26


Jan. 29 - Feb  12


Jan. 13 – 28


Dec. 29- Jan 12  


Dec, 13 – 28


Nov.  28 - Dec. 12

Nov. 13 – 27


Oct.28-Nov 12


Oct 13 – 27

Sep 28 Oct 12

Sept 12-27 


Aug. 28 -  Sept  11 


Aug.13- 27

July  29-Aug.  12 


July  14  28 


June 29 July 13

June 13-28

May 29 - June 12


May 14 – 28


April 29-May 13


April 14 – 28


March 30  - April 13 


March 14 – 29


This is the masculine reverse count b


This is the month of Bircano

Growth, in all its various shapes, sizes, colors, varieties, and everything else you can think of.  This is the month for absolute total and profound reach for the sky.  Take all that bottled up energy and as you have been taking aim at what you have been aiming at, let your ambition fly to all the points in the world.  As last month it was important for you to be working diligently on the ideas of taking aim at the target you needed to take aim at.  This month is let your energy fly and follow up your flight by growing and establishing roots in your wake.  Allow your roots to grow deep and strong into your new found life, skills, talents, and what you want to do with your life.  Roots is not a stabilizing stay in one place, only do one thing for the rest of your life the same way. Roots are allowing the you to root into the talents that are deep within yourself.  Allowing the talents you have to gain the experiences those talents need to progress from talent to skill.  And eventually from skill to ability, which is dependant on how you progress with how you deal with the experiences you will be having over the course of the next year.


1.      Personal Months: If you were born during this time this is what you can expect for the next 16 days in your life. 


F Priorities      Fehu   June 13-28 1    Litha 1 16  Tower

This begins the first month you are born during a time of establishing boundaries for yourself.  Your life will be about establishing personal boundaries and personal understanding of what your path is what your life is, and what is important to you.  Your life will be about getting to know what your priorities are, what are your ethics your responsibilities, where do your loyalties lie.

Your Month count Bircano

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Is a great deal of over whelming action, growth, happening, experiential progress, and the first tentative steps of the new life that you are interested in building for yourself.  This is the month in which you will need to just allow the experiences in your life to happen in a meaningful and full of joy way.  By experience, take the good with the bad during this next month and the next few months.  Just allow yourself to be in the moment of taking those first few steps into the world of life that is all around you.


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                    i.      U  Strength   Uruz   June 29 July 13  Strength

This is a life of Strength, figuring out how best to apply that which is your strong suit of strength.  Apply that strength badly, you will become harder to be around for you always push your will around, apply that correctly and you are a strong force for what needs to happen around you.

Your Month count Tiwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You need to direct your strength at the world with laser light precision, for what you aim at this month are your goals.  So this month take special care at what you think about, dream about, what you have been wanting to access.  You will be needing to step forward into the roll of accepting all those complex lessons you have been working with on and through for the last 8 Erdology months and apply each and every one of them to your vision and view of what will be happening to you over the course of the next 8 Erdology months.  Take special aim at the goals you want to accomplish, for the aim you take this month is the aim that will guide you for the remainder of spring season, summer, and autumn seasons.  You will have a chance just like the one you had during the first of the tri seasons last year to readjust and reorganize yourself for better aim next year but this year, the lesson you learned about your internal processes will carry you forward through the next 16 Erdology months.  Aim well and direct all that strength in really good ways.


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                  ii.      T Boundaries                        Thurasaz        July  14  28  Hierophant

Boundaries, this is a time for those born during this time to understand the basic concept of safe boundaries; for it is the essence of safe boundaries that is what Thurasaz is all about.  The line between what is ok, and what is not, to whom it’s ok and to whom it is not ok.  These are the questions that will need to be answered on a daily basis by the people born during Thurasaz.

Your Month count Sowillo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Explore and express that which is yours to express this.  Take the lessons that you have learned over this past winter cycle and truly just take this Erdology month and sit with them.  Just take some time within your own reality and examine and explore that which is your lesson to explore.  This is your time to learn all you can about what experiences you experienced during your time in the tri winter and tri seasons.   So instead of going rushing off into the new year, take a good solid minute to just sit with what you have learned so that you can appreciate that which you have come to experience.   You put the good time and trouble into learning the lesson in the first place, its now time to put some good sit down time absorbing what you put yourself through.


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                iii.      a                   Communication                       Ansuz July 29-Aug.  12  Hanged Man

Communication and connection with the unknown and the known.  This is the time for those born during this time to truly understand and recognize that their path is the path of connecting the unknown, the mystical and darkness with the light of understanding.  Go forward and communicate, make the connections that need to be made.

Your Month count Alhaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

The most important thing for you to be focusing all your attention into is the facts of how to go about paying enough attention to the world around you.  For this month there is not one thing more important for you than to be looking absolutely intently on seeing just what the new world has to offer to you.  This is a new month, a new season, and a new year.  So since the best thing you are good at is your just profound ability to take a situation and see all the adaptations, connection, communications, and all the other aspects of any given situation, you now need to for this coming year to get a really good bead as to what is happening out there in the real world.  Take this month and just open your senses and see what the world has changed into during the last 3 months.  This is not only a challenge but the lesson you will learn over the course of the next 15 days will carry you through for the next 20 Erdology months, so pay attention well to everything your senses tell you.


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                iv.      r Journey                   Raido              Aug.13- 27 2   Lughnasadh The Fool

Journey, to finish tasks, to walk with what you understand to be correct; to allow yourself and others to walk that which is the correct thing to do.  The journey is the important thing during this time.  To put one foot in front of the other is the lesson of the month.

Your Month count Pertho

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Just do.  This is the best month for you to just go forward with yourself and just apply with everything that you possibly have to just accomplishing the goal of striding forward with everything that is yours to apply.   You are working rather hard at working combining and obtaining that which is your goals, this month just apply all your talents, skills, abilities, and your over the top will to everything that comes up for you to apply yourself to.  There are no half measures this month, there is only all or nothing.  So instead of picking and choosing your battles, whatever happens in the next 15 days, each and everything gets your absolute complete and total everything, save nothing for anything else.  You are good at all in so this month you will have an unlimited supply of you to do what some assume is stretching you to be everything, and everywhere, for everyone.  But what you know deep down is that what you are asked for is only a very small sections of the true you, so there is plenty to go around this month.  There is no reason at all anywhere to not throw your entire complete and total self behind absolutely everything there is, go do this month.


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                  v.      c                   Wisdom                       Kannaz Aug. 28 -  Sept  11  Magician  

Learning and wisdom, people born during this time are the wisdom seekers; those that want and wish to partake in the concept of going from ignorance into the learning process.  These people are forever learning, in their own way.  Sometimes it’s regimented and scholastic; other times they learn best by the pure experience of being in the middle of the situation and learning from it.  But learning is this persons goal in life.

Your Month count Eiwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

This is a very unique time for you, for you are entering a time of deep and profound internal work, that when you get a bit more into the sequence and cycles of this year you will look back and appreciate that you spent this month internally and memorizing all you could about the subjects you are the most truly interested in mastering.  This is an internal month for you so take the time you need to go internal with yourself.  The more you master your talent this month the easier the rest of the next 24 Erdology months will go for you.


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                vi.      g                   Partnership                  Gebo Sept 12-27  Lovers

Partnerships and connections, connect between opposing positions, opposing poles, or simply differences of opinion, this person is a go between, a negotiator;  someone who spends their life making partnerships, agreements, connections with all around them. Let’s see what we can all do here.

Your Month count Jera

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

When looking for direction this Erdology month, you always have a bench mark to gauge your reaction by, your body.  So this month you need to just flat out look to your bodies reaction to what is happening with your life.  Look to how your body is acting and reacting which will be the guiding influence to each and every decision you need to make this month, trust the body it never lies to you.


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              vii.      W                 Emotion                      Wunjo Sep 28 Oct 12 3          Mabon  2  16  High Priestess

Emotional: This person is the most emotional person around.  So knowing you are emotional be with your emotions, be solid and strong with being emotional.  People born during this time it is vitally important for you to constantly and continuously be with your emotional state of being.  So do not try to not be emotional be emotional, just do not let others around you control your emotions.

Your Month count Isa

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Start to not only make plans and outlines for what you want to be doing in the future but to concentrate on how you want to be doing about implementing those plans into the world around you.  Always remember to lead with your emotions when making any plan, not someone else’s feelings and emotions yours.  Your emotions will be your best guide as to what to and how to go about figuring out what you want for yourself in the future. This is the time to figure out what you want to be not only working on but working with and around.  Embrace that which makes your life you.  Dive into your talents and see how you can apply your inner thoughts feelings, dreams, and desires to that which is your life over the next year.


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           viii.      H                  Past                 Haggalaz Oct 13 – 27  The world

The past, this person has a keen understanding of not only the past but finishing up projects that are put in front of them.  This is the beginning of the feminine 5th season.  This is the time of year for going within to contemplate that which has been done over not only the last year but also to contemplate that which has occurred over your lifetime. 

Your Month count Nauthiez

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You need to spend just about every waking moment of your life in the right here and right now.  For there is no other place that is good for you to be concentrating and spending any time doing.  Just be right here right now.  All your efforts, emotions, thoughts, feelings, dreams, talents, and the rest of your that makes you you.  Needs to be directed into being in the absolute moment for when during this month for you, being in the absolute moment is the key to all that life has to offer you.



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                ix.      22%20copyn               Present                        Nauthiez Oct.28-Nov 12 4   Samhain 3 16  The Devil aka God aka wood god, the horned one, ceranunos, Odin, Zeus,

The present, this is an interesting time for those born during these times.  This the time of Samhain.  The sabot of Samhain is the time of femininity or focus on the feminine of the self so that you can go into a creative cycle during the coming winter.  This is the feminine half of the 5th season.  This person is keenly interested in what is happening now.   What is the present situation, what happened in the past and what can be happening in the future. These are all highly interesting and needed items for people born during the month of Nauthiez to work with during their lives.  All that is the now all that can be the now; keen interest is the present.

Your Month count Wunjo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

This will be an emotional month.  So instead of fighting against your emotional self just go with it.  Just be with it; just allow your emotions to wash over you in the best ways.   For all life’s experiences are the very definition of what life has to be.  So live life to the fullest, which this month includes you being rather overly and completely emotional, which is the definition of perfection for you.  So live it up this month.


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                  x.      i                    Future              Isa Nov. 13 – 27  The Hermit

Future: People born during this time are future people, people who have a profound understanding of building ideas, concepts, models, and ideas for what to do with the future.  Seekers for tomorrow.

Your Month count Haggalaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

When building for the future this month, remember to temper all that you make build and organize with the fact that you do have experience you have done this before, and you will want to include that past experience with what you will be doing in the future.  Spending time with your past experience is the very key definition of not only what you want to do but how you want to go about shaping your future.  In the coming months remembering and allowing your past to influence your future plans and growth will be the key factors in your future successes.


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                xi.      J                   Cycles  Jera Nov.  28 - Dec. 12  Death

Timing and cycles, people born during this time are keenly interested and devoted to the cycles of things and the cycles of life.  What happened yesterday and what will be happening tomorrow and how the 2 tie in together.

Your Month count Gebo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Partnerships and growth are your key words this Erdology month.  If you just keep those words in mind this month you will go very far with all that your endeavors bring to you.  Partnerships of whom and how you and those around you can get things done, well working together is a great first step.  Second growth, as long as the partnership leads from growth you will be just fine.   Partnerships that lead to growth for both sides is the point to everything you do this Erdology month.


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               xii.      I                    Creation                       Eiwaz Dec, 13 – 28 5 Yule 16  Temperance aka Goddess

Creation, this is an interesting time since this is the time of Yule, and the happenings which take place in and around Yule are there very much for the person to work with and around.  Just as in the day midnight, this is mid year.  This the half way point for the year, what people born during this time are concerned with are the inner times, they are inward turned people who spend a part of their lives in the search for inward understanding, and inward balance.

Your Month count Kannaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

This is an excellent opportunity for you to go about learning something completely new and different about your life.  This month is a special month for you to start a new learning process.  For you this month this is the best time of year to take all that you have learned about yourself over the course of the last 3 Erdology seasons and apply those internal lessons to what you have always wanted to learn about.  This is the best time for you to solidly go to the book store, go to a library, and get online and immerse yourself in the new learning process of what you have been wanting to learn about.


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           xiii.      P                              Pertho Dec. 29- Jan 12  emperor

Application of skills learned, people born during this time are people that are keenly interested in applying that which they know to the world.  To identify what they like, to learn as much as they can about what they like, and then apply what they know to the world about the skills they have learned.

Your Month count Raido

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Taking that first tentative step into your new life and your new surroundings can be the very definition of frightening.  But for you to accomplish the path you need to walk in this coming year, the first step is always the hardest.  And right here and right now is the time to just not worry about where your first step is being placed the point is to just take that first step.  See course corrections can be done after you are walking, but until you start your journey the lesson on the journey will tell you which way to go on your way.  So do not worry about which direction to go that you will find out about on the way.


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            xiv.      Z                   Awareness                   Alhaz Jan. 13 – 28  The Moon

Awareness of the world around them in spades, people born during this time have a built in sense of the world around them.  Not anything else just a sense of the world which is around them.  They have a keen awareness of the world.  Not how to apply that knowledge, or how that knowledge affects the self, or even, if this is a good thing or bad, those lessons why are learned along the path of life.  No they have the keen understanding of the purity of awareness of their surroundings.

Your Month count Ansuz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Communication skills are high on the list of things that you most definitely need to be concentrating on and working with.  You will encounter communication issues this month best thing to do is to say more with less.  Just allow yourself to calmly think before telling, even if you have to ask for a minute, just allow yourself to just tell it like it is.  Even if it takes you a while to communicate your feelings correctly.  If they want to hear it, they will listen, if not they were not interested in the first place, but even if they were not interested in the first place you have the benefit for clarification for yourself.  You know after that long process of clarifying your own personal thoughts may just have been the reason for that long drawn out conversation.  To make sure you knew, and were aware of what you needed to be conscious and aware of.  Self communication is always more important than communication with others, making sure you are aware of all the items that are important to you is always first.  Telling others is always second.


               xv.      32%20copy28%20copyS            Consciousness             Sowillo Jan. 29 - Feb  12 6     Imbulc  The Sun

Knowledge, this is another interesting time, this is the other end of the 5th season.  A time of masculine application of what one has learned.  Adding days is put here.    People born during this time are profound knowledge seekers, people that just about no matter what will seek out new things, new knowledge, new wisdom, and new things, to learn that which is unknown in just about any way possible.

Your Month count Thurasaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

For you this month this is a very interesting month since you will be encountering a 16 day in your month this year.  So that automatically means you will be experiencing a bit more this year than most others.  So take all that happens this year with a grain of ok, these lessons are a bit over the top and need to be carefully observed and paid special attention to.  This specific month for you is a month of heightened awareness and attention to your own personal boundaries and where down deep you want to be going with your life.  The more your boundaries are questions unfortunately the better in the long run, the more you clarify for the inner self of what your long term plan is, the more you get specific about what actions you want to do in order to get to where you eventually want to be going is the very essence of the point of this month.  The more you are aware of what you want, where you want to go, what you want to do, and how you want to get there will help you clarify what your true needs are.  This month is a true test of your needs.  A need, you need reliable transportation, you may want a Porsche but you have feet work from what you have and build your needs from what is applicable to your life and what covers your needs.


            xvi.      32%20copy31%20copyt            Direction                     Tiwaz Feb  13 – 26  Direction

Direction, People born during this time are keenly interested in the application of taking what they know and applying that which is them to the world; to their surroundings, to the world around them and to all that is.

Your Month count  Uruz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

To use all your available strength is unlike most every other month a cautious tail of be very sure of where you direct you’re over the top direction.  This month the answer is go for broke, swing for the rafters, since in this one month there is the answer of use your strengths to get as much accomplished as you possibly can.  Bruised egos are easier to apologize for later then to ask permission to accomplish your needs today.  So temper your strength with what your needs are but all your actions will be directed from an avenue of there is a huge list of things you have been waiting to accomplish, this is now the time in which to accomplish those goals, and have your needs met.


          xvii.      32%20copy32%20copyB            Growth                        Bircano Feb 27-Mar 13 7      Eostar 5 16  Empress

Growth, this is an interesting time for this is the last of the Litha year 16 day months.  This Eostar is all about growth and building for the future.  Taking that which has been thought up and created during the winter cycle and applying it.  People born during this time need to be aware that they are being born at a time of incredible growth and advancement,  a time of it’s still cold but winter is over this is now spring;  a time of new growth and new experiences.  So people born during this time are geared toward growth and building new and interesting things.  What ever interesting new things they can dream up this is what this month is all about, new thoughts, dreams, emotions, ideas, just new stuff, and applying those new things to the world. 

Your Month count Fehu

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

This is a double time for you, not only are there rather impressive pressures on you to accomplish that which the new spring has in store for you but also the prospects of doing a total reevaluation, reprioritization, and reexamination of all that is a part of you to accomplish.  So in one way you have the rites of spring, and on the other hand you have the most intense time of year that you have to go internal and reprioritize.  So this month is a month of directing yourself internal, and figuring out not only who but how to go about doing what you want to be doing over the course of the next year.


       xviii.      32%20copy33%20copyE Movement                 Ewaz March 14 – 29  Chariot

Movement: People born during these times are people of a rather profound sense of movement and time.  They are never quite happy just sitting back and relaxing with themselves they are always much more interested in the movement of what can happen.  The movement of where they can fit in and how to fit in to the world.  Moving things is the point to people born during these times, the priorities of movement.  Be it an action job or watching things move.

Your Month count Daggaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

This is a time to reevaluate and reexamine all that has happened to you.  This is a review time for you and a time to start to figure out just what you did do, what you wanted to do, how you wanted to do, and what was the result of your actions and inactions over the course of the last year.  This review will help you tremendously next month when its time again for your yearly birth day and reprioritization.  So take this time carefully and put this time to really good use.  Do your year and a bit of life review well and put all that effort and energy you have about self improvement and self understanding and realize that its ok, what has been done has been done if you do not learn from it that is the true failure and tragedy.  So your task one time a year is to truly just get into yourself and get into what you did, all of it, and review it so that you can learn from what you did not only correctly but incorrectly.


            xix.      32%20copy34%20copyM         Self                  Mannaz March 30  - April 13  Star

Know thyself: that is the key to this life.  To have the definition of a profound understanding of not only who you are but where you want to go.  People born during this time are people who have a profound sense of self, based on the culture into which they were born.  Their task through life is to know thyself, which is quite a hard task if you think about it.

Your Month count Othallo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Take this time and put your intense growth and intense wanderlust for action and excitement into your home life.  For where you put your hat is not necessarily your home until you feel comfortable and relaxed.  Comfortable and relaxed is the very essence of the point in which this Erdology month is for you.  Take the time you need to establish all that is required of you to build a nice stable comfortable relaxed and rooted home for yourself.


              xx.      32%20copy35%20copyL             Flow                Laguz April 14 – 28 

Flow, people born during these times need to have a profound understanding of how things in the universe flow; to be able to grasp their place in the universe and be settled and secure within their frame of reference.  What and how things flow in the universe and how each person in that universe flows is the point to this persons lessons.  The more they know about themselves the more they can then accomplish in this world.  One can not have enough knowledge or data about how they fit into the flow of everything.

Your Month count Ingwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

To progress and advance in your life right now, you need to put all of your attention into building and maintaining the smallest details of your life.  Right now there is so much going on in your life, the best thing to manage all the details of your life, keeping your eye on the smallest details and keeping track of all the small details is how to go about getting your future in order and accomplished the best way.  This is the best way to go about achieving the greatest of results, attention to the smallest details.


            xxi.      32%20copy36%20copyN Fertility                  Ingwaz April 29-May 13 8    Beltain  Judgment

Intricate detail, this is Beltain, growth and fertility, people born during this month are drawn to the smallest details of life. They are drawn to concentrate on the minutest of details, both in the world and in their surroundings.  For fertility is truly found in the smallest of details in this world, and by tracking the smallest of details and keeping track of all the little things in this world is when this person is ok with life.  When everything on the smallest level adds up to that which is acceptable.

Your Month count Laguz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Just allow all the hard work you are the best at doing and let that hard work carry you this month attention to the details at times like now can get tedious.  So this Erdology month just let the good times roll.  Allow what needs to happen this month to just go forward and happen.  Just sit back relax and allow the fruits of your labor to germinate into what they will eventually become.  Sometimes, like this month for you, you have to let the seeds of your life just do their thing under the surface of the soil.  You will see the fruits later on.


         xxii.      32%20copy37%20copyO Stability                  Othallo May 14 - 28  

Stability home and heart, people born during this month are drawn to the existence and understanding of a solid and balanced home.  Stability is the key to this persons entire existence, if they are out of balance nothing works but if they are in balance then there is no catastrophe big enough to throw this person off their centered with in themselves. 

Your Month count Mannaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You are undergoing a profound concentration of self exploration.  Just go with your need to self examine all and every part of your life.  For just going with and this deep examination will aid and assist you in accomplishing more goals later on than you can possibly imagine.  But the most important aspects of life for you this Erdology month are to allow the intense growth of the first month of spring to occur you must go within and examine deeply that which is you.


       xxiii.      32%20copy38%20copyd         Cycles              Daggaz May 29 - June 12  Wheel of Fortune

Cycles end, people born during this time are absolutely keenly aware of the duality of life, the end and beginnings of all.  They are absorbed into the realization that for a beginning you have to have an end.  For there to be balance there needs to be a twin, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.  People born during these times are often conflicted between the balances of the cycle of life.  They have a foot in the old and a foot in the new and it is often times harder to balance between the old and new than most people can comprehend. 

Your Month count Ewaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

The greatest and most profound movements are going to be happening to you this month, you are not only being affected by your month of Ewaz which means movement but also by the beginning of spring, but also by the Litha month of Bircano.  So you will have a rather busy and hectic Erdology month this month.  Just relax and go into this month with warmth care and relaxed mood while you progress toward all the events that will be happening to you this month.  Allow these events to just happen deal with what you can the rest just let what you can not deal with just let it find its own solutions.


For those that read this, this is a column; I send the same report out to hundreds of email groups.  So it’s virtually impossible for me to track all the on line correspondents of more questions.  So please if you have questions email me or find me on the web. 


For more information contact me T Shawn Welling





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T Shawn & Emma Welling