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Last updated 5/12/2004 1:11 AM

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Erdology column






Erdology column outline

  1. What Erdology is, Erdology is the study of the earth.  How the earth works, how the creatures living on the earth interact with themselves, and with others.  How the planets natural cycles affect life on earth.  And how we as a part of those creatures living on this earth are affected by those cycles of this planet.  And we have our own cycles internally that we are also affected by.  The more you know about yourself and how you tick, the better.
  2. What Erdology is not, Erdology even though it comes from a base of runes is most definantly not a divination device.   Erdology in basic, is a pattern recognition devise.  Instead of looking at something with a idea of what is the statistics of what is most likely to happen, or the add up a group of figures to come up with a approximate sum.  Erdology is a pattern recognition filter, using very specific pattern recognition items and specific mathematical models.  Erdology can tell anyone at anytime very specific and detailed information on and about any subject they want to know about that has to do with this planet.  Ok, for example, a weather patter, that is a very specific pattern recognition mathematical model.  Well Erdology uses weather patterns but instead of coming from a base of 4 seasons Erdology comes from a base of 6 seasons.  And a 24 year flow cycle as a base of why some seasons are harder, longer, shorter, mild, medium, and or just the feel is a bit odd. Well Erdology can tell you why.  Another example, human development is a serious part of Erdology.  What humans do from there first breath to there last is a major aspect of the work I have done on Erdology.  In fact human behavior patterns is how I saw Erdology in the first place.  I watched with the help of my counseling carrier that humans undergo certain very specific changes at every stage of there lives.  I compared that scientific data to what I was starting to see in the runes a totally misunderstood and completely clouded in mysteries and falsehoods as to what it is was and origins I saw the first year of life, ok take my adjusted establishing priorities, the entire process of what a child does in there first year of life and take that as what establishing priorities are.  The second year is all about finding ones strengths, the third year is about establishing boundaries.  Do we see the pattern recognition filters yet.  Compare the a human does every single year of there lives, add in there experiences, and the simple repeat loop of the Futhark and you have right there what Erdology is, does, and how it works.  Take anything, where does it start, the next step is always add fuel strength a energy source, the next step is always establishing a boundary so that this new thing can be its own internal thing.  No matter what you compare that sequence to in this planet in 8 years since I saw it for the first time, there has not been one thing that history, science, math, psychology, meteorology, the equinoxes and solstices, and anything else that is in direct Electro-Magnetic field influence of this planet that Erdology can not track. Tell you where it has been on a 6th dimensional platform, where it is now, and where it will go next based on all the options in front of it.  There is always choice, but even the choices that are there is predictable patterns that will mostly dictate what the choices that most likely will occur.  So Erdology is most defiantly not a divination devise with out the smallest amount of psychic ability use the maps I am starting to write out, compare them to your life.  Its just pattern recognition, not divination.  With each step of the pattern meaning something absolutely specific.  And in some cases the precision can be tracked all the way down to atomic precision, and the exactly the same patterns can predict what will happen to solar systems and galaxies.  So Erdology may have been from the bones of a completely misunderstood religious devise, what it has become under some very careful detective, forensics, Crime scene investigation, psychology, and some just good old fashion logic put to good use, has become a investigation tool that will tell you  what you want to know.  Just pick a subject put the basic tools to that subject and see the patterns come alive.  Another example the pattern of the generation map, the US of A in the Gregorian year 2000 was undergoing its own mild reshuffling, Haggalaz is the sequential placement holder of revisiting the past, which is also the first of the middle Ǽtt well it only made sense that this country would spent 4 years of the first 8 year of the middle Ǽtt of the Nauthiez generation.  The first 24 years is establishing the priorities, the second 24 year is establishing the strength, boundaries, etc, etc, etc.  so this is now the Nauthiez or present here and now generation deal with all the stuff that is in the underbelly of the country/tribe that is what Nauthiez is about the present, bring up all the issues that are the most pressing and most important in the here and now and get them some air and let the tribal issues breath.  So this 4 year as been about focus on the past, then the present tribal personal situations and dealings with international tribes, then building a plan just a plan, this election year is about putting the best plans forward into the next 4 years of the second part of the middle Ǽtt.  This country is undergoing a think of it like this a 9-12 year old in the hear and now present.  The 13-16 years are equally as difficult but now we have to made arrangements to go into the teen years, which can be the very definition of self destructive.  So Erdology is a pattern recognition devise. 
  3. What Erdology means Allow me to tell you what Erdology means.  Erd. Ology  So I put the 2 together study of the earth.  Since this concept the earth is exactly what is being studied.
  4. Copy written information © 2003-2004  I do have this information copy written.  If you wish to down load this and print it out, or post it on another list that if fine as long as you give me the credit for it.  And remember that this research is a full time thing for me, so just keep the fact that these pages may be written for your understanding but I still have to pay the rent.
  5. Symbolic Science, Erdology is a part of my findings into the ancient cultures I have been studying.  The ancient cultures I have studied had too many advancements and 5 of the 7 wonders of the ancient world to not have some form of organized science.  I say this since the Canaanites had a language that fits character, time line, organization style, and mysterious disappearance into the pattern of the other cultures that had a very advanced science.  Not to mention the extremely advanced sciences.  The Babylonians who where a part of the Canaanite culture had 2 of the wonders.  The Greeks, who where the great grandchildren of 2 separate symbolic cultures had several of the wonders. So the tie in to understanding the ancients had a science is actually not all that far off.
  6. Start of reverse engineering
    1. Event. In this case I was attracted to the ideas of why prehistoric Europe say 100 b. c. e.  and back did not add up with the facts of the history books.  I was most uncomfortably aware that the facts I read in history books simple did not add up, I did not understand why they did not add up but I was aware that they just did not add up.  So I progressed with finding out why they did not add up.
    2. History of the runes what I am refereeing to in a much more specific idea is, ok, the runes where create by a human who became a god at some point in ancient European history.  His name was Odin, and he was leader of the tribe Ǽsier.  He after learning a bit about the runes from the Vanier a culture the Ǽsier war with then merged with.  Found out about the runes from a Vanier source.  He then went to the tree of Yggdrasil which near the well or eard/erd and hung himself from the right left ankle for 9 days and nights. On the 9th night, he looked down and saw the runes, took them up screaming, and died. He then went to Valhalla learned more about the mysteries of the universe learned rune and then came back. Becoming a god.
    3. Evidence after taking into account all the different and various items that I saw in
    4. Holes in accepted history Archaeology, antiquity, anthropology, history.  I begin this paragraph with the understanding that the runes if you look at them logically with just a bit of archaeological evidence could not possibly come from 200 c. e. .  For one there is too much evidence to suggest they did not exist before hand, for two something this complex and machine like takes longer than the Europeans had to invent it, for three its really hard to invent something at all when you are under constant attack, researchers need quiet time to think and contemplate that which they want to think about with out the need to concentrate on if they are going to be killed soon or not.  Fourth all the books I have read all the papers I have read all say this sentence translated into a form of Latin at a given date.  Sometimes the date is a day in a month in a year by some priest sent to convert the heathen.  Fifth what did the inquisition and Vatican burn if there was no language, no written information, and no education? What was so threatening they had to burn it?   Sixth who was killed as being a witch or heretic and why if they had no religion, no formula of communication why did those priests and priestesses need to be executed to keep them silent if they did not have some form of pre-Latin language.  Seventh, why do the Edda’s state suddenly Odin hung on the tree, the runes suddenly appeared.  But Freya knew them? Freya was a Vanier, the Vanier were there long before the Æsir got to Europe.  And the Vanier culture looks a lot like the archaeological evidence of the Vinca culture which was in existence at 6000 b. c. e..   Eighth point the Celts the artifacts left by the Celts and the Vinca artifacts are remarkably similar, and we know from archaeology that the Celts were slowly driven from all of Europe into the British isles by invaders.   All these points add up to the runes are much older then the 200 c. e.  we have been told my catholic historians.  As well as there are direct ties to the runes and the Celts being much closer than previously thought about
    5. Putting the puzzle together So I looked to the past to reverse engineer how the calendar could have been made, knowing that it could date back to the end of the last ice age.  More likely it dates back farther but that is not something up for debate that is just speculation on my part.  I looked at the year and divided that up into the runic 24 characters, numbering 15 days, and 5 months of 16 days.  This is all fine and good but the problem is none of the symbols matched what was happening at that time of the year.  So I took it upon myself to think, well if this is a calendar based on the Sabbat’s of a year, there are 8 at the equinoxes and the equinoxes are where the calendar was created from in the first place.  Then Litha would be in the first month.  Knowing also a bit about the ancient northern European religions, they do not start their festivals as the first day, they have their festivals where the Sabbat’s are in the middle of the festival.  So I took this as a engineering key, and put Litha directly in the middle of Fehu, I did a bit of counting and putting each of the months into place, paying attention to the months who were already at the 16 day mark and noticed immediately that the months that had 16 days corresponded to that major sabot.  I knew immediately that I was on to something, that the ancients did in fact bury their secrets in plain sight, waiting for the children of Heimdall to climb out of the tree after Ragnarok.  This is our time to shine.
  7. The information listed below is the information I have gathered through more than 10 years of private independent study into the runic Futhark.  Trying to figure out its secrets.  Trying to find out what was behind the vault door of the name runa itself.  What I found was a set of counts, set at very specific points where the earth moves in its orbit around the sun.  These points, are as follows; the seasons there the earth is on its rotation around the sun, the months there are 24 based starting at Litha one of the 8 Sabbat’s a year putting Fehu the first symbol of the 24 with Litha being mid summer in the middle of the month of 15 days and then counting 23 months more, which leaves 5.4 days unaccounted for.  Take the most important Sabbat’s the ones that affect this world the most and add the 5.4 days to those months of 15 days making them 16 days long.  Now there is a great deal more to this map than just the brief description I have written in this paragraph as well as in the extremely brief information I have written in the document that follows this paragraph, but the point is, you get a starting place, and for this Erdology which is instead of studying the effects of the heavenly bodies that are outside this planets atmosphere, this is all about studying the effects this planet has on this planet.
  8. where I came up with the idea
  9. Possible connection to the origins of the runes
    1. Language Map Languages Chart
    2. Languages Ancient that look like runes
      1. Vinča
      2. Linear A
      3. Indus
    3. Electro-Magnetic Cycles: These cycles are when it comes right down to it.  The cycles are the Electro-Magnetic patterns of how this planet deals with its cycle in this solar system. 
      1. A note on the concept of what the Electro-Magnetic fields we live in are about.  This planet has an Electro-Magnetic field, or else this computer would not work, the solar radiation and winds from the sun and solar system are deflected by this Electro-Magnetic field around this planet.  All Electro-Magnetic fields on a vibrational level effect all other Electro-Magnetic fields on this planet.  The Electro-Magnetic fields I refer to are the fields of this planet, the plants, animals, water, regions, and everything else that carries or has an Electro-Magnetic field.  Each and every one has effects on each and every other thing here.  This Erdology is an exploration of what these interactions are, and what they mean.  Based on very specific criteria of birth, solar bodies alignment, tilt of this planet on its axis, formulation of tribes and communities just to name a few of the Electro-Magnetic cycles this Erdology tracks.  The fields that the earth goes through I have attempted to chart out their meanings as well as how they work together. 
  10. Baal and Nordics Adulma, the other Jewish connection to the Erdology map. The sacred calf that the Jews reverted to when Moses went up to mt sinai.  To bring down a watered down version of the old Canaanite laws.
  11. German and Yiddish are remarkably similar Yiddish is Hebrew translated into German.  Yiddish actually means German.
  12. Lost 13th tribe, well there is a connection with when Abraham converted to Zoroastrian, the Canaanite peoples in which Abraham was one of the tribal leaders of the Canaanite, the culture split one group choose the old pagan ways, the other groups under Abraham choose the monotheistic Zoroastrian ways.  The tribes that choose the old ways where then not welcome and where eventually forced to leave.  Hence the Jewish connection to the old Canaanite holy lands, since the ancient Jewish background before the split was Canaanite.
  13. Music, the Cro-Magnon had music instruments tuned to the obtav at 35000 bce, a flut found in Germany.  There are stone carvings of some form of musical instrument used to move the blocks of stone used to make the pyramids.  The Tibetans have used harmonics for an unknown amount of time to build there cities, using voice and instrument harmonics.
  14. End of the last ice age, my absolute favorite part of the idea that the Neanderthal and or Cro-Magnon where nothing.  All I have to do is remember what life was like back then and the picture is clear.  You either developed a tools that worked or you died, it is just that simple.  To go through a glacier age, minor or major, these are the tools you have to solve in order to accomplish the goal.  Now after reading the list below you are going to tell me that well there was lots of animals that survived the ice age in tact that did not have any of the advances below.  Well I actually do have an answer for that.  We do tn have good claws, good winter coat of fur, we do not have the hibernation thing to hide during the heavy of the cold of winter. We do not have the size to scare off large creatures that want to eat us.  We do not have a quick moving ability, we can at fastest run really fast over a very short distance, but just about everything else other then the box turtle moves faster in short bursts and long bursts.  So we can not out run, our fight with out tools, out last the cold, eat, bread, or just about anything of the items needed unless we figure out a way to help ourselves.  A building comes in really handy when it comes to defense, and heat.  Weapons evens the odds a bit with beasts measured in tons.  Buildings also offer a nice source of storing food for a while.   When glaciers have this really really annoying habit of advancing and retreating, and the building you build has to be mobile. Or you leave the protection of the temperate zone.   The temperate zone is a space somewhere in the area of .4 mile to 2 miles from the glacier face out ward that is mostly warm unless you have an advance or retreat.  But you have to figure out in a hurry or have a really good idea of the weather patterns to know if its advancing or retreating.  Either case the family house has to move.  Where is up to the math and the sciences.
    1. Building,
    2. Weapons,
    3. Food,
    4. Navigation
    5. Ship building tech,
    6. Architecture,
    7. Engineering,
    8. Animal husbandry,
    9. Science,
    10. Map making,
    11. Math,
    12. Written language.
  15. Mathematics, this articles section is about the mathematics of how the counts work, which also is how the calendar came into being. With out math, there is no calendar.
    1. when I started working on this mathematics, I knew there was a complex mathematics/arithmetic underlying how this worked.  So after more then 10 years of digging and working to find the key to the math I finally found it.  The math works on a rotation base.  
      1. This graphic is a representation of how a count works.  A feminine, masculine, balanced counting system is in place of each and every count there is.
        1. A, feminine counts forward from the onset of the event. The event is Fehu.
        2. B, the masculine is the backwards count that counts to what happens next.  At any given event any given Fehu, there is always a opposite count happening at the exactly the same time.  Daggaz starts at in the opposite direction.
        3. C, balanced is there that event is at any given situation.
        4. D, the brackets of 1 count.  This is just for an example
    2. Navigation
      1.  when I draw better graphics, I will upload the file, till then they are for me to remind me what to draw better.  Very rough sketches do not make an explanation well.
        1. Fehu planes above
        2. Uruz ground, the element of earth not the planet
        3. Thurasaz the planet itself.
        4. Ansuz air communication
        5. Raido fire, action
        6. kannaz water, knowledge
    3. 1-24 count, the basics of how the calendar works, the 1-24 count is the essential months, day, and generation sequences.
    4. Fibonacci
      1. 1-3 count, this is the boundaries count.  Even the US of A presidential count is a 1-3 count. The extra year is for deciding who is in the office next.
      2. 1-5 count, this is the journey count.  To take a journey is a 5 step process from the idea to the first step.
      3. 1-8 count, the aetts count, this is a whole mini journey of not only self discovery but also of self realization.  Since there are 3 aetts, this is only 1/3 rd the journey.
      4. 1-13 count, the creative moon count.  So called from the connection to the woman’s menses, and the goddess representation of the moon.  This whole thing is based on the observations of the symbolic representation of how the earth works.
      5. 1-21 count, the flow count.  Since this count in itself is the very essence of the machine that is this world, this earth.
    5. There is also a 6 count, but that is the very essence of navigation. With out the 6 count there can be no application of where any thing at all is, anywhere at all.
    6. 18 count,  the is a much harder count, since this count is a count of 3 6 counts put together.  Where something has come from, where something is, and where something is going is all equally important.  This count is how to navigate anywhere at any time.
  16. Wonders of the Ancient world,
    1. Tower of babyl, (a part of the Canaanite culture)
    2. 2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, (a part of the Canaanite culture)
    3. 3. Colossis of rhoads,
    4. 4. Light house of Alexandria,
    5. 5. Pyramids,
    6. 6. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia,
    7. 7. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus ,
    8. 8. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus,
    9. Walls of troy, (a part of the Canaanite culture)
    10. Stonehendge, there are actually many stone circles scattered all over northern Europe from Germany to Ireland.
    11. Newgrange, (Ireland) a huge hill that was actually hand made. And has a temple inside, with lazer light accuracy. And alighned to the sabbats as the others are as well.
  17. Calendar, what the calendar is: this calendar is my attempt to understand the creation of the Nordic Germanic runic/Elder Futhark.  See I knew that the items involved with the runic half month calendar were just flat out wrong, not out of being designed to be wrong, they were translated to be wrong.  When the calendar was translated into Julian, the Julian calendar was off by a few days, so the runic half month calendar was off by a few days.  When it was translated into Gregorian, our western world current calendar those off days stayed put.
    1. Month
      1. Why Litha, because that is how it was set when I found the calendar, the calendar itself was set with Litha at the beginning.
      2. Why put the Sabbat in the middle of the month: Because mathematically adding all the 8 sabbots and the floating days to the year, putting Litha in the middle of the month is the only way to keep the Sabbat that refers to that month in the middle of that month.  It also helps with the addition of the days to each month.  To have the Litha in the middle of Fehu.
      3. Fortnight  This is an every fortnight column, it is updated info I write and rewrite every 15 to 16 days depending on the month and the Sabbat’s involved.   Although some of the information contained within repeats exactly, most of the information contained with this column changes dramatically.  I add, change, and rewrite some parts of the intro each column before I sent it out each Futhark month because as I gain a deeper understanding of the Erdology and how it works, I need to update the column.  Every time I get feedback on the content, I make subtle changes which improve the way the column is written.  Definition of fortnight: this is from the Ancient 14 day calendar of 14 consecutive nights.  Which could have easily been changed from the origins of 15 and 16 days of this calendar.  Too much from ancient European history has been changed, altered, subverted, and out right spun to be something else that we have to rebuild the history from clues left from the spin of time and conquest.
      4. Biblical reference to the Sabbat calendar, in the bible and Koran it tells that the people of ancient times lived 600 to 900 years.  Well what if that was not years but the count of sabots.  As in 8 Sabbats a year.  600 to 900 Sabbats a year is just about the regular human life span we have come to expect from the last 3000 years of human history.
      5. 24 sequence.
    2. Month days in month The month, breakdown of how the month works
      1. Fehu: the first day of the month this is a day to set the priorities of what you want to be doing over the course of the next 15 to 16 days.
      2. : the focus your strengths into the priorities you have set down
      3. Thurasaz: the create good boundaries for your pursuit of what you want to be doing
      4. Ansuz: the establish a good base of communication and seeing the world around you to see just how to apply that which is your wants to apply
      5. Raido: the start the journey of what you want to be working on.
      6. Kannaz: the learn from your past experiences as to how to apply that which you have learned
      7. Gebo: the connect with others around you so that you can see how to put forward that which you have been seeking a way to put forward.
      8. Wunjo: the allow some emotion to come into today.  For without emotion to help the guidance you will not get anywhere
      9. Haggalaz: the remember the past, remember where you come from this day.
      10. Nauthiez: the take all that you have experiences in the last bit of time and combine all that into a good solid idea of setting forward with what you want to do.
      11. Isa: the make a long term plan for what you want to be at next time this cycle comes around. Next month, next year, next when ever.
      12. Jera: the see the timing and the cycles of life, allow yourself to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.  See what from the past you have accomplished and what you want to accomplish in the future.
      13. Eiwaz: the now that you are nearing the end of this month, thing about what you have been wanting to create for yourself.  What can you put into place and create for the long term on the priorities you have set this month.
      14. Pertho: the start to set those in place, the long term goals
      15. Alhaz: the see how you can start to set those goals in place over the long haul period of time.
      16. Sowillo : this is the extra day of a month.  During those months with 16 days, you need to spend this day thinking about what happened during this time, think about what you did and be very intent on learning from where you are now.  So you can improve your position over the course of your path till the next 16 day month.
        1. a slight addition, I have not found information yet as to if the 16th day was at the end as in Sowillo, or was a blank floating day on the Sabbat itself.  As in was there a set 15 days a month, and the actual Sabbat day was a day of Sowillo.  When I find that out, I will defiantly include that information in the column.
    3. Standard Year
    4. Leap Year  this is an unusual year since this happens to be a leap year.  So the counts for Erdology the current month and the last month are a bit different.  This month has Feb. 29 in Bircano.
    5. Sabbat  Definition of Sabbat, this is a term I found in the dictionary that is the only word that I can find that truly gets close to that of the original origins of the 8 equinoxes and or solstices of a year.  In celebration of that time.  This is also called witches night.
    6. Seasonal actions and reactions to items

                                                        i.            Allergies, some people are only effected by some items at specific times a year.

                                                      ii.            All animals have certain behavior patterns at specific times a year.

    1. Seasons:

                                                        i.            Summer

                                                      ii.            Autumn

                                                    iii.            Tri Feminine

                                                     iv.            Winter

                                                      v.            Tri Masculine last month of tri As you come out of the grip of winter, instead of going into the grip of spring, the Futhark I found had a balance problem  the counts just did not add up correctly.  So I did some math, and found that the time before and after winter there was a missing seasons.  To check my results in math, always go back to observations of what the planet and the things on the planet are doing for confirmation.  Indian summer and ground hogs day, was all the confirmation I needed.  That floating time that brackets winter.  Then it was even more obvious, instead of just going straight from action of spring summer autumn,  a transition time of a small amount of time bracketing winter is needed,  in the Indian summer time it’s a progression into the self.  But this time is a progression out of the self.  Out into the world again.  Out of the head and mental exercises of the winter and the lessons of the internal and out into applying that which was learned during the internal time.  This tri masculine is about the transition out of the winter internal and seeing how to apply that knowledge of the self to the world over the course of the next year.

                                                     vi.            Spring

    1. for southern hemisphere, peoples line up your calendar according to the Sabbat’s, apply meanings accordingly,  the calendar starts at Litha, then around to Beltain.  So that would be Litha in Dec your longest day and Yule in June your shortest day.
  1. Navigation, how Erdology created map making, geometry, and how to navigate.
    1. symbolic representations of land masses,
    2. symbolic navigation showing how to circumnavigate.
    3. Map making, what is where,
      1. Weather patterns,
      2. Currents
      3. Land masses,
      4. Mountains,
      5. Plants,
      6. Minerals,
  2. Arthurian legends,
  3. Anthropology,
  4. archeology,
  5. Wicca and magic,
  6. Pagan and general magic
  7. New age, metaphysical, self help,
  8. tarot
  9. Ancient Sciences,
  10. Atlantic, Lemuria, Mue, City of no name.
  11. Celts and the Basques,
  12. Celts and Germans, one of the things that totally throws me off is that there seams to be a misunderstanding of the connection between the Celts and the Goths/Germans and the runes.  Well I hand you one piece of absolutely solid proof of the connection.  The Celtic cross on the monoliths of Europe have runes carved in that cross.  Before Christianity.  So the runes where used in the Celtic cross pattern as a language format.  Wow, sounds like proof the runes and the Celts where connected way back.
  13. Druid, and this Erdology, how does it connect.  First the druid are a fire religion based from the Mediterranean.  Which is you look at history they probably came from Crete, or some where in that area.  Making them a part of the symbolic cultures circle.  This entire project is about finding and understanding the symbolic cultures of the ancient world.
  14. symbolic language, math, culture, navigation, science.  I keep using this word symbolic why.  Well I will be happy to tell you.  I use the word I found most of the time in commune through my entire research project.  Everywhere I went I found the word “symbolic meaning”   the more I dug the more the word symbolic became apparent through everything.  So I named the stuff I was looking at after what name that was presented the most in explanations of its definition symbolic.
  15. Religion Belief and groups.
  16. Linguistics,
    1. Linear A,
    2. Canaanite,
    3. Vinca,
    4. Etruscan,
    5. Runes,
  17. The future is what ever you make it.  You choose the decisions that make your future.  Even not deciding is still a decision.  So even though these Electro-Magnetic field maps are generally set, you still have to make your own decisions about what you want, need, and desire to do with your life.  You still have to do all the hard work of walking this life.  As you walk through the various stages of life, various stages of development of personal talent, all the stages of personal interactions with everyone else around you, you still have to do all the hard work yourself.   This is a guide to help you navigate through your life easier.
  18. There is another set of information about choice that you need to understand that goes with this Erdology.  Most times when you are at a decision cross roads in your life, you have already made that decision the cross roads are not to make the decision but to understand the decision you have already made.  So this map is a way to give you an additional guild book, additional information, additional knowledge, wisdom, consciousness about the decisions you have already made but need to be fully or partially aware of the decisions you have already made but need to have that knowledge on the for front of your mind.
  19. So here is how this information applies to you.  This section is about how the Futhark calendar will help aid and assist you in your everyday life.  Astrology is based on the movements of bodies of influence outside this planet.  But this Erdology is not about outside this planet this map is about tracking the Electro-Magnetic fields of this planet and how they affect you.  This is not divination this is, Electro-Magnetic facts.  By telling you what to expect from this world around you; you can then make decisions on and about what you want to be doing with your life.
  20. Making a chart, the best way to go about putting this sequence to work for you is to apply all the counts to who you are right now.  From you
    1. date of birth, what was established in your first breath.  What counts started at your first breath.
    2. your current age,  what current generation year are you in.
    3. current month of that age, this month this section goes well into the column,
    4. the town you live in its age, the age of the town
    5. the country, the age of the country you live in.
    6. when where your parents dob, to establish what your mothers age was when you where born and your fathers.  The masculine count is then set and the feminine count is then set.  As is what predominant vibrations are you from.
    7. Siblings, and sequence in siblings.
    8. Your chosen job and or profession, and how does that balance with the above counts.  Some jobs are chosen for you, others you choose the job.  The court is the job concept.





Erdology Futhark Monthly article




T Shawn Welling


  1. Through the Year Individual Months
    1. Eiwaz
    2. Pertho
    3. Alhaz
    4. Sowillo
    5. Tiwaz
    6. Bircano Feb. 28 March 13
    7. Ewaz March 14 - 29
    8. Mannaz March 30 April 13

i.        Laguz April 14  April 28

j.        Ingwaz April 29-May 13

k.      Othello  May 14 – 28 Current Month

    1. Daggaz May 29 - June 12 Next month  


  1. Making a chart


The column outline


Litha Leap Year Gregorian 2003 2004

Litha Year Gregorian 2004 2005


For more information contact me T Shawn Welling






Living life chart

00 a

the chart itself


















1-8 count


# in Season

Actual name


3 count


5 count

5 count and lessons

Blot of Sabbat


Calendar from litha

Major Arcana

Months in ones life

Months in year sequence

Vowel sound from original language


First Ǽtt Fehu's village

























Litha 1 16


June 13-28

Tower Card


June 13-28












June 29 July 13



June 29 July 13












July  14  28



July  14  28












July  29-Aug.  12

Hanged Man


July  29-Aug.  12












Aug.13- 27



Aug.13- 27












Aug. 28 -  Sept  11



Aug. 28 -  Sept  11

K c











Sept 12-27



Sept 12-27










Mabon  2  16


Sep 28 Oct 12

High Priestess


Sep 28 Oct 12


The Second AEtt:  HAGALAZ    Individual



























Oct 13 - 27



Oct 13 - 27










Samhain 3 16


Oct.28-Nov 12



Oct.28-Nov 12












Nov. 13 - 27



Nov. 13 - 27












Nov.  28 - Dec. 12



Nov.  28 - Dec. 12










Yule 16


Dec, 13 - 28



Dec, 13 - 28












Dec. 29- Jan 12 



Dec. 29- Jan 12  












Jan. 13 - 28



Jan. 13 - 28












Jan. 29 - Feb  12



Jan. 29 - Feb  12


The Third AEtt:  TIER     Society



























Feb  13 - 26



Feb  13 - 26










Eostar 5 16


Feb 27-Mar, 13



Feb 27-Mar, 13












March 14 - 29



March 14 - 29












March 30  - April 13 



March 30  - April 13 












April 14 - 28



April 14 - 28












April 29-May 13



April 29-May 13

Ing in











May 14 - 28



May 14 - 28












May 29 - June 12

Wheel o Fortune 


May 29 - June 12







Erdology Book






One more note, I did offer articles, that offer no longer exists.






This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling

Diary of Construction