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This is the first generation the first 24 year of life. In brief




The first 8 years are about begin in body, the transition between a spiritual life and a physical one takes place in the first 8 years.  In the first 8 years you will undergo a massive transition from not having a functioning body to begin just functionable to start to build your personality and talents.


In the first year of life everything is about establishing the ebasic priorities of who to live in this world.


You start to come out, the you that is who you are and bits of your personality start to form by way of you find a little talent called your strength


Your boundaries start to form, you glmmers of who you will eventually be spring to the surface, your personality truly starts to form at this juncture.


Wow, where did that come from, there is a world out there.  This year is devoted to learning about that odd thing out there which is the world.  Now you have have brief glimpses of the world around you most of the last few years, but the image has been rather heavily shadowed and protected by the adults around you, now the image is open wide or at least as open and wide as your awareness needs to be open.


Here is an extermly important year, for it is this year that your journey of “temet nosce” know they self beginning.  Guided heavy by the culture, society, parents, village, and your own talents allow.  This is the year you first encounter the idea of taking your first tentative steps into the life that is ahead of you.  This is where the journey of your life beginning.   Interesting that the journey of life beigning at the fibinacci 5 mark.  But here is where its beginning.  This year is about not only the courage to take those first tentative steps into that new world around you but also to start to take those first tentative steps to find your talents.  You take that which has been friendly play stuff up till now and start to consnetrate on what you like to play with and what you do not, partially based on emotion, and particaly based on talent. Your base skills start to truly shine this year, as in are you an intellectual, a warrior, a sport person, a politician, the in crowd, or a worker.  This year will lay the foundation of that understanding


This is the year where what you found out last year starts to come about.  You start to put konwldg and understanding behind your talents, your likes and dislikes.  You start to learn just what it is to be who you are.


Its also during this time that sparks of your personality start to come to the surface, who your will eventually become comes to the surface.  Who your fiends are is also sparks of the kind of friends you will have your entire life are around you now.


This is the year of the end of your first 8, this is the year of the emotion.  During this year, you will be emotional, unpredictable, ununderstandable to yourself as well as everyone around you.  Since it is your emotions that guide the creation of your peronsality this is the year that your emotions take over and are your guide.


The Second AEtt:  HAGALAZ    Individual


This is the beginning of the second 8, the next 8 year is about formulation of the identiy of the self. You will start to build, understand, and formulat just who you, as you are.  This is the best time of your life to spend in absolute seeking knowledge of the self.


A year about the past, this year will be about hwer eyou have come from.   A review of all the past 8 years.  You need to review so you can remember that which is important, you need to remember your skills, talents, likes, dislikes, and all that is you over the course of the last 8 years.


Now that you have doen your review, who are you now.  What does all this mean, how will you be putting all that knowledge into yourself.  Who are you, what do you want, where do you want to go, how do you want to get there.  All these questions and more.  You need to figure out just where you are at this current and specific time.


Tomorrow.  This year is all about the experiences of tomorrow.  This is the ultimate tomorrow year.  For this is your first tomorrow year.  What do you want for the future. This year is all about the prospects and the situations of what will tomorrow bring, and what do you want in your life tomorrow.


Wow, there is this thing all the adults around you have been talking about it for a long time now, but there this thing call tomorrow.  And there is a yesterday, and there are things in this world bigger then me, and those things some of them revolve around me but mostly its does not revolve around me.  There is an entire world out there which is just there.  Its out there, in the world.  And wheeather or not I do ro do not do anyting with that world its still there.  Wow.


Ok, brass tax, its time to start the contstuction of you.  Who are you, what do you want to do with yourself, how to you want to go about this life of yours.  An dmost important what do you like, what it is about your lfie, your skills that you enjoy.  What it is in this world you are drawn to.  Well all these are indicators of what your talens skills and what you can do to be a productive member so the civilization in which you live. So take your talents you have been developing for the last 12 years and start to truly train yourself, start to truly learn about what your talents are, what you can do with your talents, how to find them how to train them, what to do with your talents after you have them trained.


This the year of action, of progression toward the enevitablable what do I want to be when I grow up.  Well this the year to buckle down and truly look in the mirror at all the talents you have, all that you really like to do, all that you have wanted to do but there too young.  Well this is the year to go forward and get the job done.  Charge forward to learn grow expand and to try and work on that which are your talents to apply them to the world.   Learn as much as you can about everyrhtin this year.


Since there  is a unknown world out there.  Its high time you stoped.   Got very quite. looked around.  The best and most productive thing you can do during this year, get as quick quiet as you possibly can.  Spend time just in pure observation of all but everything around you.  See the world as it truly is, see what are all the possibilities that are around for you.  The more you spend time looking, understanding, feeling, and exploring just what is the truth of the world around you. The more you will be able to see everything as it is.   The lessons you learn this year will carry you through your entire life.  The more you learn grow expand and become aware of how everything around you truly ticks the better absolutely everything in your entire will will become.  Since there is this great big world out there well to truly see it you need to build the observation skills that will enable you to build the map of how to world ticks in your head.


Take all that you have learned over the course of 15 years, and absorbe it all. And make it all whoel with in yourself.  The key task to this eywar is to integrate all that you have learned into something that you can truly use and world with over the course of the rest of your life.  See you have a lot of individual lesson you have leanred over the course of your life, and and lot of random detail you have learned.  Well its is finally time to put all that knowledge into a sifter and combine that random knowledge into somethgn that is now beginning very usefull. Leanri9ng from all that you have doen, and put all that knowledge into the framework of just one item you.

 The Third AEtt:  TIER     Society

The next 8 years is about what you did last year but stretched out over the course of the next 8 lesons.  You need to take all that is you, all the lessons you have learned, all the talents you have identified, all that you are drawn to, all hat you like, all that you dislike. And carry forward with that knowledge and hone that knowledge of you into something tangalge you can use the in the long run.


Take all that you are, all that you have worked on, for and learned about yourself.  Charge forward into the life that you want to build foryourself.  For this year is the year to just charge forward with all that is yours to charge forward with.  It is in the 17 year that you will build, move, and establish all the motion and early movemtn that will carry you forward over the course of the next 8 years.


Intense heavy growth of the kind you have always wanted, begged for, disiered, and been learning, growing, saving up for, and preparing yourself to do.  Well this is finally after 17 years of waiting its time to speard you leaves and reach for the sky with everything you have.     This is the year that you expand iont yourself.  So go and expand, what are you waiting for.


After the intencsenss of the last ye3ar.  This year is about just ride the wave of all the movement and action you did last year. This year is about riding the momentum of all that work you have been doing.


Fish after all the motion action creatures we’ve been doing over the last nineteen years.  We may be working on his is.  Though am I wear my going what am I doing.  Which may be working on his the is the self this year this year’s all about the self all about who are and how we and learning all Walesa’s they have been a receiving doing EV been working ever the been even expressing everything you have been working on for your entire life it’s now time to go hold them I am know what am I doing period this is the year were your personality truly forms.  This is the year were you were where you have all the ingredients that’s you have been working on learning on growing on being done functioning down and all the rest this is the year and put all the ingredients this you into a pot And start to simmer. 


While you were all the ingredients of the law of your life are now inside of yourself in you are learning and growing and expanding that would choose who you are.  Walls this pot simmers of all the grief of your life simmers.  What’s the big picture.  How do you learn how do you ever advance. What is it to the you are trying to accomplish. For this is the year were you learn how to look around your entire world who you are high usage and the world around you the world around you that which is what you need to fit into that which is which do not need to feed into this is thelook around and everything all. This is the year were you see in the big picture, this is not how you fade into the big pictureyou’re this is just looking at the big picture and senior small tiny take part of what the big picture is. 


Now they’ve gone big it’s that time ago small.  The team used tiniest its smallest little ppecrl concept of your life needs to be reviewed this year the smallest picture for life is what your focus needs to be on.  This is a perfect year for the detail oriented people to get into the details of everything that is about them.  For the delay are not detail oriented this isn’t a bit of hard year for you that it’s okay show get through because this everything about you this year is about office small picture of life. 


Full instability the most the more of them massive the major you cause from the on the home stability the better everything will be for you year.  For if you are now trying to the end of your 24 year for shoe generation cycle.  And that drawing to a close of your first 24 years requires a stability before you truly going to the end cycle.  Cleanup of your business gets your affairs in order.  Gur coal mine in your home life solid and stable before you can truly move toward into anything else.  This is all about home, stability, a gain your affairs in order. 


Office in a sequence in a cycle and of the first generation of life.  This is the lesson of reviewing the last 23 years of your life and finding out who you were at the beginning and who we you are now.  Since this is the first generation are going through Your first generation your first year was taking your first breath taking a first step all the first’s also in the priorities and now you’re out their personalities formed who you are is formed we’re going you have to guess about where you’re going.  Yet some ideas about what you want to be going.  What you need to do now is to review.  The more you review the more you go back over the level Othallo lessens the you’ve learned in the last 23 years the better your entire rest of your life will be.  Learn goro understand go back over what you have when you use to think was facts and go over the knowledge you have now has to what the facts used to be as to what facts are now a. 





1.      Months of the year your where born in Fehu – Daggaz

2.      Master year chart

3.      Seasons of a year

4.      Master months chart Fehu – Daggaz

5.      Master chart Living Lessons

6.      The year by blots/sabbot,





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T Shawn & Emma Welling