Runes, Tarot, Art Gallery, History, Religion, Education, Research, Video Production, are just a few of the things on this web page


The T Shawn Welling Web Site


All information contained with in this site copyright © 1989-2003


Last updated 9/4/2003 1:11 AM





T Shawn Welling Research      T Shawn Welling Projects       Library             T Shawn Welling Tarot Deck

T Shawn Welling Publishing






Art Gallery




Multi Media



What the research is


My research into the runes is a journey of uncovering the truth from the ancient European Mediterranean world.


I was looking at what we have been told about what happened in the ancient past, I took a couple sentences about the ancient past of Europe and there where a few things which just did not add up.  There where sentences here and there that just did not seam like they where the truth.  So instead of looking at the ancient past as if it was based on true information I started looking for the wholes in the data.  What about really happened from around 1000 b. c. e.  to 600 c. e. .  Those details about what really happened really got my attention.  Because nothing really makes sense as to what truly happened.


So my research is all about the application of what truly was happening and going on during all those interesting times that history glosses over and just leaves to be what the conquerors where talking about.

Table of contents


Master Tables


Language Table of Contents


T Shawn Welling personal language translations and beginning research





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Bellingham, WA 98119






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This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling