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Last updated 9/4/2003 1:11 AM





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The archaeology information is quite clear.


A tribe of Mediterranean's from either the middle east or from northern Africa.  My idea is that the sphinx culture, a matriarchal culture or then would have made the sphinx a male was a goddess based culture to begin with.


After leaving Africa, and traveling around the middle east there was only one place to go, north over the mountains.  Since there was still more cultures that where unfriendly to the east.  This is mostly if not all speculation at this stage the evidence is with the Vinĉa and farther into modern history.


Traveled north over the mountain pass between turkey and Transylvania.    Settling in the Vinĉa valley.  They are latter in history to be called the Vinĉa but in actuality they are called the Vanier.  The Settlements and some of the more permanent structures date from 6000 b. c. e. .


The aesier invaded from the north east  some 2 thousand years later. And the cultures merged after some time.


The Vinĉa language was adopted by the aesier and turned into the runes.  And later much later it changed from a language into a divination devise.


Another one of my thoughts on the subject with no evidence is that the invations to the north by the romans turned up the old language and since the old European language worked better, the romans took there language and added the Futhark and created Latin.  But that is almost pure assumption.


Most of this is covered in archaeological evidence

Table of contents


Master Tables


Language Table of Contents


T Welling personal language translations and beginning research





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T & Emma Welling