revision The Morning I Met Ted Bundy when I was 6 the Minotaur Behavior


That Morning

Serial Killer

contract killer

Super Symmetry

Rocky Mountain Greyhound Park

Davis Hayes family


Old Colorado City

Bancroft Park

Miramont Castle


Freemasonry adult Ceremony

Strange Fruit

The Slave Trade

Tabernacle Systems of Adam


The Ceremony

Lebensborn Project

Lake Nemi Ships

Prussian Amber Room

Minotaur Behavior

Trojan War


Conscious Political leaders

Broken Circuit Board
















·       That Morning


o   A picture containing building

Description automatically generated

o   B Where Ted was parked, A where he dumped her body, C where I walked when I was 6.


o   The entire point to these things is; to understand the DNA compulsion which drives someone to become a Minotaur. The Minotaur was/is a mythical creature from Greek mythology that  lived in the Labyrinth of the Palace at Knossos. The Minotaur was the product of a fertility ritual (the same fertility ritual Ted and other serial killers are all but totally ignorantly compelled to perform, which is different from a Charles Manson who was abused as a child, and took the frustrations out on the usual identified pattern) between the King’s wife and a “Bull” that was a gift from the King of the city of Poseidon. Now something of rather extreme importance. Previous to being called Athens, the city was called ATEN, prior to being conquered by Theseus the city was called Poseidon. After the Minotaur grew up, it had an unquenchable need to both kill and eat the flesh of humans. At least according to mythology. In response 12 cities were demanded a male and female tribute each to be sent once a year.

o   Obviously, sex is a huge part of the situation. Sex in the form of a ritual/ceremony was part of the creature’s creation. Sex was part of the tribute system.

o   Ted among others like him have a compulsion to perform this ceremony/ritual. They perform it wrong, but they are still compelled, hence the ritual and marking of the body portions. One aspect of it is also similar to Jerome Henry "Jerry" Brudos, his ritual and marking was done through photography and bindings.

o   That morning I got up from my bed and walked out to find Uncle Pat passed out on the living room couch. Which over the next 6 years became a normal and expected weekend morning routine.

o   Even at the age of 6 I knew that being around an either drunk and or a hung-over adult was an extremely unsafe situation, so I put on my clothes and went out for a walk around the neighborhood.

o   To the right was up and over the hill was the Bear Creek Nature Center that would take a bit less than an hour to walk to.

o   To the left was down the hill and to the left was a block, then a cemetery. Unlike the creepy and uncomfortable cemeteries, this one is/was actually rather inviting.

o   Even though I was young I went into the cemetery. Which was not the first time I had done that in the months since mom moved me in with Uncle Pat.

o   Walking down the hill, in the times before walking around I had not experienced much if any traffic on that street. In the 6 years after, almost no traffic on the street, maybe a total of between 600-1000 cars total. It would have been far less, but it was one of the 20 direct ways go to the Bear Creek Nature Center and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

o   A car went up and down the street about 3 or 4 times in the time I walked from 2682 to the bend in the street, where I turned left to the cemetery.

o   I did not notice since that street is so much larger, but that car very well might have driven past me once or twice more. I was 6 I did not notice, nor want to.

o   I arrived at the area. That car was parked about 100 feet away with the driver leaning against the back of the car looking dead at me.

o   Thinking to myself “ok so Sunday morning and an adult in a city I am totally brand new to is looking directly at me. This might not be a good idea.”

o   But I kept walking, assuming the man was simply looking around and I happened to catch his eye.

o   So I walked over the left side, across the street, to the other side of the same road his car was parked on the right side.

o   I walked from the other side towards the cemetery.

o   I did not look in his direction, only glancing to make sure he was not closing the distance.



o   I knew I needed to scream and run if that happened. (I was 6 I think I would have made 10 feet before he caught me, but a 6-year-old thinks they can run faster than they actually can).

o   him “hi kid”

o   I think I smiled I might have said hi as a politeness.

o   he said something I did not listen to

o   “hey kid, do not go over to the left side of the cemetery”

o   I thought to myself, “I was not planning on it”.

o   I have no idea if I said it or not, or I might have shrugged.

o   “I mean it kid, do not go over to that side of the cemetery. I think I saw him gesture with his left arm to the location of her body”.

o   “Ok”

o   Boy I hope  he leaves me alone. Kids know good people and the walking evil. He was the walking evil.

o   To others he could play the angel, but he was in kill mode. Which means he was in full Devil Face and mood. I was a boy, very young, and not a threat so I was not a victim. I was also more than aware enough that screaming and putting up a fuss was my only defense. Evil predators e.g. the characterization of the Minotaur (Greek Theater, Playing a predesigned role. As Shakespeare eloquently stated all the world is a stage and all the people its players. The citizens in a culture take on roles or have roles thrust upon them. Quantum Physics aspects thinking, do the cultures which are more heavily drawn to following the dictates of Esau’s philosophy, or his descended cultures e.g. the Hyksos/Dorians/Agamemnon/Philistines/Romans/etc. are they more likely to create the role of some type of a killer. Be it a mass murderer/mass shooter, a serial killer (like Ted, Jerry, BTK, etc.), a killer in general (Richard Speck, Charles Manson, etc.), spree killer, etc. are those killers in some way simply drawn to perform the task/role the society/culture has determined is some type of a need.) know the difference between a true victim and a too small to defend themselves sufficiently not victim. I was small but had plenty of fight, as the rest of my life from birth onwards has proven.

o   After about 10 to 15 minutes of walking around the cemetery, I heard the car start. I think I heard it leave, but the car starting was enough for me to relax. If it left or not I could not care less, he was no longer a threat to me and my safety.

o   I finished walking around, and chose to start walking home.

o   As I gathered someone found out about her within 20 minutes and the cops had the area coordained off within 45 minutes.

o   I got home and Pat was awake, mom was working on breakfast. I walked through the door and asked the usual.

o   I told Mom about the creepy guy on the way to the cemetery.

o   The phone rang, Pat picked up the phone.

o   He talked with his boss Don Cloud for several minutes before hanging up.

o   Pat ordered Mom and me into the car.

o   We did not turn left but turned right.

o   We spent the rest of the day at the zoo.

o   After the zoo we took a very odd way out, turning on a street which did not take us close to home.

o   He went someplace else for a while. Then went out to the Flying W Ranch that night. We arrived back home at about 9 or 10 pm.

o   Within an hour Ted Bundy was on his way to Florida according to the FBI. He arrived in Tallahassee within about a week. He spent the next 6 months doing odd jobs, traveling back and forth between the sons of the confederacy in Tallahassee and St Cloud. Sometimes driving through St Augustine on his way back sometimes not.

o   On that specific day immediately before he was arrested, he was less than 10 miles away from my dad’s only brothers oldest child Senette. She was 11 years old, long dark hair, and the correct look for his intended target.

o   6 months he was not that far from me while I walked through is crime scene, very likely driving past me about 6 times. Having a conversation with me. 6 Months later less than 10 miles away from Senette. Hours before his arrest.

o   The night before he spent hours if not a day or two at the Cloud 9 Room in the Rocky Mountain Greyhound Park Colorado Springs Colorado. He selected that victim from that location. Ironically Uncle Pat, the victim, and Ted interacted for hours that night. She chose to go home with Ted instead of Uncle Pat.

o   Or   of   course the three of them might have had a 3 way, before he left to kill her (very likely in Miramont castle not that many miles away in Manitou), then to dump her body in the cemetery, less than half a mile from my bedroom.

o   Months previous in Tiffin Ohio, the state was given a Be On the Lookout for a killer praying on females on college campuses. Tiffin U and Heidelberg were both less than 2 miles from moms’ trailer.

·       Egypt Ogdoad

o   In the Egyptian Pantheon are a collection of 8 gods. Those 8 gods are a collection of deities which the Hyksos had a difficult time including in their situation.

o   The Hyksos have a motivation, that motivation is to be better than their cousin Jews. They do this in part by making their deity “superior” to the deity of the Jews. The Jews “god” or in the older very inappropriate definition Esau and his Hyksos culture are completely convinced in all ways, shapes, and forms that the god of the Jews is actually Lucifer/Satan. They worship the devil or at least some type of devil and that Esau and his centuries later named Hyksos centuries later renamed Dorians, millennia later renamed Philistines etc. by enumerable names. His descendants worship the correct god and that the Jews worship some either minor god or they worship the devil itself.

o   The god of Esau/the Hyksos wants human sacrifices to appease his need for some x factor.

o   It boils down to this. All who follow the philosophy and theology of Esau are good people, all else are beasts who must either be converted or sacrificed to the greater glory of god (which is actually what Allah Akbar means; to sacrifice the beasts to god as a religious devotion. God is great Lucifer/Satan is evil and his follows must be purged form the earth. The more his followers are allowed to thrive on earth, the less favor the good people will have in the eyes of god. These are the primary purposes why Esau’s line are always at open and violent war with the rest of humanity. They have been taught for the last 4500 years that to purge the followers of the beast from their surroundings is the most divine thing you can do as a devotion.. 

o   Part of the reason for the teachings to go kill, genocide, destroy the libraries of the beast, etc. is to remove entirely the functions and structures of the technology the descendants of Jacob possess. The Ogdoad is part of that technology.

o   The Ogdoad are a collection of 8 Egyptian Deities which existed long before the invaders from Egypt landed on the shores to the east and began conquering Egypt. Although they were not deities, they were something the eventually named Hyksos simply did not understand. They did not understand it, or want to. This not understanding leads to fear, which leads to anger, which leads to violence, which leads to the item of fear being  erased from existence.

o   The Ogdoad is not a collection of gods, it is a reflection of an ancient Calendar. That ancient calendar is in the most basic and brief a road map to find among countless other things, both heaven and Hell.

o   This is so because the road map is built from an interaction between the Sun, the Solar Wind, the Earth, the Earths Magnetosphere, and the recording the earths magnetosphere makes as it merges into the suns solar wind. The Planet’s orbital east is the future and depending on how much evidence is left behind ????

o   Roman Senate

o   Jack the Ripper; he surgically removed the vagina of several if not most of his victims. Said vagina as it applies to the science of AErdology and of course the Heaven and Hell concepts. The Vagina is orbital east (Lilith) from which Lilith’s Cervix could be an Electro-Magnetic fixed point and entrance to Heaven. Whereas Hell is the combination of the solar wind and the earths magnetosphere. Which is more than a bit on the complex side.


o   Benjamin Franklin wanted to have several rotating capitals. Spent a few year in each one, then move to the next in observance of the Ogdoad. He understood the function and structure of what the Ogdoad actually were. It is a reflection of the ancient science of Ǽrdology. Although that is a very modern name, it is a reflection of the science and gears of the T Calendar. Thomas Jefferson had a huge amount of connections and knowledge within the framework and structure of the FreiKorp. Franklin even stated a couple times that he would rather spend an evening in conversation at David Rittenhouse’s dinner table and of course den afterwards than to spend a week in Paris. We all know how much Thomas Jefferson absolutely in all ways, shapes, and forms loved Paris. He if could have lived in Paris full time after the revolution he would have without the second of doubt. However during the French revolution (the very earliest stages of it) the libertine government saw Ben Franklin as a threat and did not allow him entry. He was too close to the Royals to allow that power dynamic. Although he had helped in huge ways the libertine cause to overthrow the  French Royals. Thomas Jefferson on the other hand was eagerly allowed back and ???

o   Franklin and Jefferson at Versailles, obviously Thomas Jefferson spent a huge amount of time at Versailles. But as a youth and as an older man a diplomat of the American Revolution. He had been a student of the school set up by Leonardo Da Vinci.

o   David Rittenhouse unlike the fictions presented by the tv show “Timeless” which is about 60% facts to I,. was not some nut creating this evil organization all on his own. Rittenhouse was an enemy agent of the colonists, the English, and the British. He was a born and bred Prussian spy. He might have been born in America, but he was from a hardline Prussian family, who had a militant attitude towards anything and everything that threated the power of the Prussian empire and its supremacy over the sub-humans of the world. He was an Aryan more than a century before that concept would take on the name Aryan. He was an extreme white supremacist; however the Aryan philosophy has huge problems since it is not entirely about white skin. It is a supremacy that is rather hard line contradictory. Aryans love to take on “gifts” from their Arabic business partners. The larger the business deal, a gift is a standard procedure. The Arab gives a daughter from his second or later wives to seal the deal. The daughter is given as a gift, the more powerful the Arab the more wives he has, the more wives he has the more children he needs to produce. The more kids he produces, the more upper end business deals he can perform. If he has 5 wives, and 40 kids, he can have at least 10 daughters. His daughters from his first wife are promised to his friends to keep the blood lines solid, but his second – x wives daughters are to be given as gifts to seal a  huge business deal. The Prussian culture has operated as if “gifts” are just a normal part of the business and family for over 1000 years. To them females are nothing more than objects to be used to further the power and money of the family. Thomas Jefferson based on the use of his gift “Sally Hemmings” produced several children. But those children were specific children, their descendants were specifically designed to have connections to being divine tools but not  be part of the family. The Ogdoad have a fertility rite. This fertility rite is what in part Ted and others Minotaur’s are compelled to recreate.

o   The Fertility rite comes from the Egyptian fertility rite which was as well as other locations discussed as part of the worship of the ATEN which Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten ruled his culture would observe that religion again. He performed that rite and produced several children from it. His oldest daughter Meritaten was a product of that rite. One of her sons, Theseus, was able to defeat the Minotaur, he ether killed it, or he took it as prisoner to work as his own personal “battle instrument”. His daughter Helen of Troy; is the cause of the Trojan War. Four generations of the same family Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten through to his Great Granddaughter Helen of Troy all conceived and raised through the use of this ceremony. Which the Hyksos/Avaris hated its use when not use for there purposes. Anything which was not done to directly benefit them in some way was perceived as a threat to them. Species wide it is like for 5000 years they have to have the first drink of water, the first bite of food, and to have their belly full of food first, they need to have the largest houses, the largest bank accounts, the most of anything and everything or they as individuals in a culture feel cheated. someone is taking something from them, and they will fight to the ends of the earth to make sure no one has more than they have.

o   The T Calendar is a reflection of the gears which modern governments that are based on the representative democracy system follow.

o   As each season comes into play, the previous seasons change gear positions. One back those letters take a step to the left, the next fixed point takes position one step to the right. The characters of those time periods change letter positions according to their counts in direct association the orbits position.

o   Intimacy was absolutely part of the Roman Government process. The Romans used both sex and human sacrifice to conduct business. Financial and political business.

o   As each season came and went in Egypt, so did the influence of that specific god. Instead of perceiving a pantheon, they should have seen the language, mathematics, and science involved with the pantheon.

·       Being a Lebensborn Child the Perfect Aryan

o   the scientific method. Gather evidence, the facts, proof, etc. and then test it. Science has no interest in anyone’s opinions, feelings, emotions, etc. Science only cares about facts. According to the Third Reich they were hell bent on creating the perfect Aryan Race of super humans, in the same line to be related to the Nephilim. However just because the western world “believes” Ayran means blue eyed blond does not actually make those who only see blue eyed blonds as pure Aryans. The Prussian Culture is mostly comprised of Arabic and Mongols descended cultures, which means very dark complected. This means that Adolf might have had a “thing” for blue eyed blondes, but that does not mean all of the Third Reich shaped that definition. In fact a large number of the Third Reich were rather dark complected. High ranking officials in the Reich were seriously dark in colorations. Hair, eyes, skin, etc. Western cultures have a large and very bad tendency towards inappropriate thinking when it comes to complex issues. They want to simplify it to make sense of it. However there is less than zero reason why Ted’s understanding of the perfect Ayran bipedal would be blue eyed blonde? His definition was different than the western culture classical definition.

o   The only person whose opinion mattered in this case was Ted’s. What he considered to be the definition is the only one which mattered. Those females he loved and cared for were in his mind Aryans, and those who he killed were not Aryans and therefore to his psychosis mind “inferior”. Not anyone elses version of a good person, what he defined as x. What people misunderstand about these types of individuals is, they do not care at all about "universal" definitions, they only care about what they care about. Their definitions, their wants, needs, desires. Others are immaterial to the self. He liked what he considered to be Aryan, or the "correct" type of person. What most people in the west have no understanding of is how could the black-haired Adolf claim to be Aryan. It is in part blue eyed blonde, but not entirely. A huge amount of hard core third Reich were of Islamic descent, they counted as Aryan under that psychosis. Facts matter. Do you have any idea how many self-described "Aryans" came to America and South  America before and after the war. More than a few had "housekeepers" with them who were the old name is gifts from their Arabic fathers. The gifts were just that, to be used for the master for any purpose the master chooses. We find this on the extreme side of disgusting, but it is still a practice in the present in those cultures. Ted’s family were from that background, extremely pro third Reich, violently pro FreiKorp, and Prussian to the core. Prussian culture is in part an offshoot of the Blue Horde aka Mongolian Horde. The western ideas of Aryan are just that, western ideas. Does not prove that the Prussians ideal humans are all blonde blue eyed. Based on 1000 plus years of behavior, it is close to impossible to define what they considered to be a pure human and what they do not. Hence that each person might or might not be Aryan, it is entirely up to each individual, in this case Ted decided if each female in this life were either "good Aryan stock" or inferior bipedal. However he had powerful political allies and enemies, these things could not be talked about at all or he would not survive long. His actions have to be judged specifically not based on what he says, a proven lier. His behaviors and repeat pattern behaviors can be trusted. Not his voice, he loved to lie.


·       Ted’s Nazi and Confederate Past

o   He loved what can be defined as Aryan females.

o   based on his family did not think "undesirables" were human.

o   So to Ted his victims were nothing more than a bipedal animal. His family had numerous connections to the deep south and of course the third Reich.


o   Grandpa was a card-carrying American Nazi.

o   Stepdads family still had connections to their plantation.

o   Owning slaves was part of stepdads 120 years back past.

o   Ted’s stepfamily informed him of stories of what you do with gifts. He was also informed that gifts are simply that, they are sub-human nothings you can do with them as you so choose.

o   Hence the aspects of Strange Fruit in the south.

o   The Strange Fruit comes from after both the plantation owners after the Civil War, they did not stop performing the harvest fertility ritual. Isolated pockets of southern Freemasons also conducted the ancient ceremony which had been stripped out of normal practice in the late 1700s early 1800s. Partially because said ceremony some wanted/needed/desired to perform the death rite, others found the death rite a crime against humanity. UGLE chose to erase the ceremony from all records, but that does not mean that individuals and pockets of those who knew did not still practice it up till circa 1980.

o   The Ceremony entails bringing a female into the lodge during the opening. Lay her on the altar, then proceeding to do at least one of the following actions.

o   One have sex. Which way the female is facing and how many male partners is a solid question.

o   Two less often; to use the female as a Ouija board. To have the board on her back or torso, using the medal to spell out the words.

o   Three the board would be either an actual board, the bible, a scroll one of the books of the bible very likely the new testament, the torah, etc.

o   At east part of the situation, the Officers in a lodge perform said actions and you can see where this ceremony was removed/edited out. Things are stated, but no action follows. This occurs several times at the start and at least once at the end.

o   The benefits are that said ancient fertility rite has a huge amount of evidence of its existence. It was even used in the lead up to the Salem witch trials.

o   The Devil is amongst us, is a pre-science understanding of the radiation given off from the sparks from the partially destroyed Tabernacle of Adam System.

o   What puritans refuse to understand is, it is not the devil, but in part destroyed technology. It is not the fault of uranium 235, the substance is not evil for killing you. It is in effect your fault for either getting too close, or destroying the housing unit the uranium is stored in, etc. The British and French understood the technology all too well. Their enemies are afraid of it, and feel good after in part destroying the reactor. When in reality, the reactor does not stop pumping out radiation. On occasion the radiation will corrupt someone’s neuropathways and cause them to venture out of control of the rules an regulations of the community and perform actions they have little control over.

o   Serial, mass, spree, etc. killers some of them their actions can be connected to said radiation/Electro-Magnetic Pulses not in control of their actions. But to treat usually requires the same parameters as the current prison system, lock them away from causing harm to themselves and others. Repairing the System is another option, to adjust the communities neuropathways back to “normal” would be great. But that requires a level of education most humans are not interested in performing.

o   It does not matter how many mass murder serial etc. future victims it would save. The culture would have to accept a sea change in education and human rules of order in how to be human to educate a person and or a group in said technology. Then to, after education, proceed to actually identifying where the systems were and begin to repair them. It is like discovering uranium in 1870, cultures would not be able to accept the basics of said information for more than half a century, which included more than a dozen sci fi novels exploring the technology in fiction form.

o   Jefferson Davis is among many who encountered said technology. He entered the war as one of the smartest Americans, he exited the war hardly able to complete a full sentence. It took him about the same amount of time to recover his mind as a really bad TBI from electricity does, about 5-7 years.

o   A couple of Davis’ guards protecting the technology more than a century later claimed to be still alive but had been guards at various science facilities. They did not know what they were guarding potentially expanded their lives by decades, but this system could be very well the origin of the “Fountain of Youth” fable.  

·       He was a serial killer; but to perform a ceremony his DNA demanded he perform. Although incorrectly.

o   Image result for DNA

o   The Ceremony Ted and like serial killers are forced to perform actually has an extremely long and detailed history associated. However almost every single word of said ritual/ceremony, actions, reaction, etc. was deemed by the Puritans and the followers of Islam to be entirely unacceptable. They perform the rituals, but privately and have to deny to their dying breath they are compelled to perform said actions.

o   Example the politicians and the rich who have enough money to pay for exotic vacations where they can indulge these “impulses” without causing problems for themselves or their culture. In America, the actions are a lifetime in jail and or the death penalty. In other countries, the poor are used all the time as victims for serial killers.

o   The Ceremony derives from the concept and legend of Adam resurrecting Abel then forward called Enoch.

o   Apparently based on the evidence through the descendants of Esau and his Hyksos culture (which name changed enumerable times after they lost power in Egypt circa 1530 bce), they have repeated this ritual serial killing to appease some divine being or another almost non stop from 2500 bce to present. It appears to be a group thing to serial kill. The wars which King David was forced to be part of, the Gladiator Games, contact sports, Medieval combat tournaments, slavery, etc. similar actions before the Romans.

o   The Ceremony/ritual involves picking a victim, isolate that victim from the group. Then performing whatever version each killer needs to have the gratification from the event. Which then allows the spirit of the victim to travel into the other world.

o   The victim becomes at least in the (this goes without saying) eyes of the not right in the head killer an in effect metaphoric the “Paper” the telegraph writer uses to convey the message from this world to the next. The victim becomes the instrument from which the killer or in some cases killers (Bonnie and Clyde, other two and more groups of people who perform said evil actions) through thoughts, deeds (markings), etc. mark the body/soul with the message to send the victim to the other side as the paper telegraph is, the message written on the body and or the soul. Carried to the other side through the act of murder. No words exist to describe how amoral this is, however,  the evidence and 1000s of years and millions of murders later does have at least some basis in reality. The killers do not need to be conscious of said actions at all. They only need to compulsion to do it, and the inability to direct themselves away from said compulsions. The compulsion the society by evidence seems to possess the needs to have its “outlier” citizens to perform these “messages” to the divine. This was a key part of the plot of a tv show episode Dominion where the city folk would confess their sins to someone, and that someone would be sacrificed (killed) to take the sins of that community to god as penance of the group. This is also a key plot line in a 1970s movie which was a movie of the week played in Colorado Springs.

o   The movie was about a large city couple with their teenage daughter moving to a small likely Pennsylvania town. An old female riding a wagon with a single horse was in almost every picture. The town had harvest festival, where a selected female would choose a partner and they would have sex, she would be impregnated by the partner (almost guaranteed not her husband), after she would then kill her that night only lover. Usually a teen to very early 20s farm boy from the area. What the name of the movie was no idea. The last scenes of the movie are the husband sitting in a chair blind, the wife about 4 months pregnant, the old woman caring for the mother and her daughter, the old woman “you will be in the festival next year”, the 15 year old daughter looks up at the old lady and smiles.

o   This is in part based on a short story from medieval Europe, the Lottery. A lot of communities in Europe especially rural communities to prevent the population from starving would conduct lotteries. Those lotteries few if any of the residents of those communities would want to win; unless they had death wish. The winner of the lottery would be in some way, shape, or form put to death for the betterment of the community itself. To be one less mouth to feed, usually the vote was rigged to remove the “undesirable” residents, the loud mouths, those who questioned the authority of the leaders, non-compliant females, etc. I read the short story  in English class in junior high somewhere 8th grade.

o   Each of these talk about a ritualized killing to benefit the community.

o   A huge sanctioned and approved by most of the participants involved in a mass serial killing was in effort to cover up the pedophilia ring of very bad men who needed to have sex with pre-pubescent females. John Proctor was 50 years old, Abigail Williams when the affair started unlike all the fictions about her, her rapes started when she was 8 years old. John Procter had great granddaughters older than Abigail Williams. By the time the trials were over, she was finally 12 years old, she saw him hung for pedophilia and very likely killing “undesirable” children in the area. The other females were also engaged in various and assorted aspects of this same ceremony. None of them had much of a clue about the ceremony, they were all compelled by either their cultural DNA, and or some type of Quantum Physics neuropathway connections.

o   Apparently “We who are about to die, salute you” is done in order to bolster the community. A community growth experience. Which is exactly why the Puritans demand to keep “The Death Penalty” on as a legal action. Same group actions to enjoy the execution of the victim, in this case the victim is supposed to be an executioner for other victims. The façade is to prevent future crimes, future victims of any one given killer. However based on an overwhelming majority of the laws, the court system, and the populations reaction after the prisoner is executed. The community enjoys the kill close to how much the serial killer enjoyed killing their victim. Similar enjoyment on both sides; which means from a scientific perspective the law and public officials have simply recreated the concept of being a serial killer but instead of being a bad thing, they took their ideas into being a good thing. A good thing for the individuals and the group of the community.

·       He was also a contract killer

o   More than a few of his victims were the young daughters of low-end politicians.

o   The American political system is full of very inappropriate behind the scenes deals. Most laws start out in behind closed doors sessions, where the law makers, business leaders, special interests, etc. meet and find out where they can compromise. Usually the deals deliver vast amounts of harm to the people the politicians are elected to protect and serve. However the facts remain the same, behind the scenes business and laws are close to the only way things can actually get done.

o   On occasion those dealings include either directly threatening the lives or their families rivals and or killing the family member as a negotiating tool. That is where people like Ted Bundy come in. They are hired to kill the children of rivals, occasionally they are hired to kill an assistant or said of the rival. But those events are very few and terribly far apart. However, the evidence does exist for a pattern to be present.

o   Most of the time the opponents are either mob connected and or are in the mob.

o   Ted was a rarity; most contract killers have huge problems with killing young females and kids. But Ted did not have that problem, he liked killing, he had no problem killing young girls.

o   So he was used to perform said by various groups connected to the KKK, the Sons of the Confederacy, NAZI’s, White Supremacists, etc. he make a nice living for himself by contract killing between his serial killing events.

o   Hence the change in Motus Operendi, he killed for his divine and sexual gratification and he killed for money. His money kills were all but pure violence, his serial and sexual  kills were a totally different behavior pattern.


·       Super Symmetry

o   The ability to know what some aspects of repeat patterns can and will repeat themselves. To know enough about the patterns to predict outcomes days, weeks, months, or even years out.

o   Based on a small sampling of serial killers, it appears there is a connection between the actions of the Knossos Minotaur and every once in a while people from the Esau/Hyksos culture are born of the path of the Minotaur, they have compulsions to find victims, kill them in specific ceremonial ways, mutilating the body previous/during/ and post death, then have an after interaction with themselves and the body.

o   Having a refractory period between each kill.

o   Now add the functions and structures of the Quantum Field e.g. where thought originates and in part exists. Criminology have a rudimentary ability take the above information and create an algorithm to in basic could predict where the next mass shooter, serial killer, spree killer, etc. will appear in what communities.

o   Since in a lot of cases the “I wanted them to feel, my pain”. May or may not have anything to do with the above; the spree, serial, mass murderer, etc. some of them do have the sense they are performing a divine act. Since they feel they are performing a divine act, said divine act an algorithm can be created to predict where the next quantum (Newtons third rule) in effect community storm/lightening/hurricane/? will occur. The Physics of a storm and the physics of a community creating a serial, spree, mass, etc. killer/murderer can be cross compared.

o   Heaven Up and Hell the Firmament; the Quantum Field function and structure.

o   The serial killers like; BTK, Ted Bundy, Monte Resil, Monster, etc. are in a different category from the Richard Speck, Ed Kemper, Darrell Gene Devier, etc. their issues comes from childhood trauma and sexual violence in their youth.

o   Charles Manson obviously sticks out as having aspects from both Minotaur patterns and physical and trauma abuse as a child. Ed Kemper also has a bit of both, but his murders were mostly just trauma and the fact he is almost 7 feet tall. In the 1950s being 7 feet tall was an unacceptable oddity the American culture could not accept.

o   America entered WWII because the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, which has its own rather inappropriate history all on its own.

o   Minus the attack from Japan most Americans had no interest at all in entering the war. A large chunk of Americans wanted to enter the war on the side of Adolf. They liked and in the present still do like the fascist and anti-inferior race message. After WWII, many Americans took up the NAZI ideals and built communities to further those political concepts. Being “not normal” e.g. not Aryan was culturally inappropriate from 1920 to 1990 with the election of Bill Clinton. Kemper was in that category of “un Aryan” should be abused as the society saw fit for those “unacceptable” to the Aryan way of life. He was treated in some ways not all that different from being either native and or black.

o   Predictive patterns using Troy as an example of how to predict patterns. The Trojans were “not Aryan” Jews, so they needed to be hunted down and killed. Agamemnon and his culture were descendants from the Esau culture Hyksos name changed to Dorian. They were what the Germans would later call Aryans. Esau being the greatest of Aryan.

·       The buildup Rocky Mountain Greyhound Park

o   Uncle Pat, the manager of the Cloud 9 Room of the Rocky Mountain Greyhound Park Colorado Springs.

o   This specific victim was hunted in that restaurant. 

o   The Cloud 9 Room

o   The Cloud 9 Room was a specific hangout for the Davis Hayes family. They spent a huge amount of time in that establishment. Very likely laundering money through the dog races.


o   Ted, Pat and the Victim earlier that night


·       The Davis Hayes family

o   Image result for margaret Davis Hayes

o   Image result for margaret Davis Hayes

o   25 Feb 1855 - 18 Jul 1909 (aged 54)

o   The facts and evidence surrounding the situation regarding Ted Bundy and his compulsion to kill young females does not start as a teenager, although some of his first victims would have been Lummi natives in the late 1950s, when his parents came up to Lynden WA to see friends. Friends who happened to be in either the KKK the Sons of the Confederacy, and or other ultra-radical conservative hated groups. Some of which are still operating in Lynden WA in the present.

o   Which brings the case of Ted Bundy to both Colorado Springs and Lynden WA state. He killed in both cities. The victim in Colorado Springs appears based on the available evidence to be one of his last if not the last victim in Colorado, and in the west itself. Based on when he arrived in Florida, he left Colorado within hours to a day of the morning I met him in Old Colorado City. Where we met is less than a couple miles away from the home of Margret Davis Hayes and her by then descendants. Her descendants still live in the area more than 110 years after her death. Margret died in Colorado Springs in 1909, her enemy General William Jackson Palmer died only a few months before (March 13, 1909). Statistically speaking it is difficult to reconcile the deaths are not connected in some way. Palmer was 73, and Margret was 54. The two had been military opponents from the middle of the Civil War when she began to take active participation with her father’s battle and strategic plans. As her father’s health deteriorated, and his mind began to become unstable. Although she was just 11 when the war ended. She had to step up and help her father. Not unlike the similar age Cleopatra.

o   As a teenager and then young 20s woman, Margret married a man with TB. First he was sent to a sanitarium in Glenwood Springs, but that proved to be difficult. So he was transferred to the hospital in Colorado Springs which would later be closed as a hospital and reopened as Colorado College. Some of the dorms and classrooms in the middle of downtown Colorado Springs are original to the TB hospital.

o   As her husband was treated, unsuccessfully, until antibiotics were discovered in the next century.

o   The move was done in part because of the climate, in part because the clandestine battles occurring on the west side of the Great Lakes many soldiers were pouring into the hospitals set up along the railroad Palmer built from Mexico to Canada.

o   Margret needed to be around her fathers and then her soldiers to regroup and present new ideas for the confederacy to rise again. One of the tools the Confederacy would use would be Ted and other killers, to target their opponents and either kill them, kill their children, and or force them into better business deals. Killers are very effective tools when performing clandestine battles.

o   Those clandestine battles occurred between Palmer and Davis Hayes from 1870 till circa 1980. Shortly after Margret’s grandson died in Jefferson Addison (Hayes) Hayes-Davis March 8, 1975, two years before Ted arrived in the area.

o   Based on growing up in the city, you hear legends and rumors regarding the history which you will not find in a single history book. Especially the historical aspects of the Great Awakening Movement and the Friends society in the areas. Their understand of history is based on what happened with their religious beliefs, and when they are attacked. Other than those two subjects the Born-Again fanatics in the area could not care less about historical events which might show them to be anything other than the greatest of gods humans.

o   They absolutely demand to have their version of history be the only version of history.

o   Miramont Caste had been used several times from 1905-1970 as a battleground between the Great Awakening forces in the area versus the descendants of the confederacy. First it was the Palace in what was renamed in the 1920s for Mr. Bancroft, but previous the area had a different name. But all of those details are not wanted by the conservatives in the area. They want to erase anything which does not point to them being the greatest of the greatest of gods children. The battles over the Palace which was torn down in sections from 1850-1910 shifted to Miramont castle.

o   The Palace and the castle were both based on the same engineering specification of the Tabernacle System of Adam.

o   Those specifications led to stark concepts which are difficult for most humans in the modern age to understand, let alone accept.

o   The losses from those clandestine battles were intense, the losses were also over time trigged a need for tough guys like Ted to step in and remove political and financial  issues.

·       The Confederacy

o   Image result for confederacy

o   Ted Bundy and the Confederacy. Just because the Confederacy lost that war does not mean for a second they stopped fighting. The confederacy has actually been much more effective pushing their evil agenda in politics and hate groups than they did firing bullets at their enemies. Although a huge amount of bullets have flown from the descendants of the confederacy to Americans from 1865-present. They just do not call themselves confederates anymore. Of course they did not call themselves confederates previous to about 1850.

o   Outside the immediate south the Confederacy had several what can be called secondary capitals.

o   Those secondary capitals acted and still act like a temporary front line command post.

o   New Orleans

o   Colorado Springs Colorado

o   Lynden WA

o   Spokane WA

o   For a time Vancouver WA

o   Pockets of Seattle before the huge tech boom, thanks to Microsoft and other cyber companies. The pockets of white supremacy, SOC, KKK, etc. from 1950 to present have greatly reduced by a radical amount.

o   Salt Lake City Utah; a huge confederate city and state. Brigham Young on several occasions attempted to join the Confederacy but was prevented from performing the task for a huge amount of reasons. But some in the post War confederacy axis themselves with the LDS for a wide variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are why Ted joined the church after leaving Seattle. He needed to join the church to gain access to said ceremony and of course to assist in human sacrificing young things to empower the church. A number of girls and young females disappeared with  no trace at all while Ted was in the area. There is in basic no way to prove conclusively that rogue groups of the church and or LDS in some way did not assist Ted in his human sacrifice applications while he was in Utah.

o   He traveled from one stronghold to another from his youth to his final arrest.

o   It appears based on the evidence that the build up to the presidential run of Ronald Reagan was preceded by a huge amount of violent and disgusting behaviors on the part of the GOP to do anything and everything in their power to push the election of their future St Reagan into office. Despite the fact he was already suffering from early stages of Alzheimer’s, the best medical care money could buy, and hard-core experimental treatments kept him alive for much longer than the usual 10 year death sentence for a rotting brain. Perhaps his doctors shot stem cells into his brain at various times to slow down the process.

o   Statistically Ted did kill all those females in some type of Human Sacrifice Ceremony, which led up to the insurgence of the Great Awakening Movement as well as the Presidency of Ronald Reagan.

·       Old Colorado City


o   One of the strongholds for the Confederacy was and still very much is Old Colorado City. The history of this city has been mostly removed from knowledge. The Great Awakening and Confederates hate the fact that the city was decades old in 1850, they hated the fact that people and groups they found out to be not only disgusting but as their cultural descendants would state later “undesirables” and or sub-humans. Those two groups then through into the present have a visceral reaction to those they find inferior.

o   The residents of what was called Old Colorado City circa 1858 were in for a very rude awakening. Lands which had been purchased and paid for decades back were suddenly the property of the state of Colorado and found nothing from the past was valid. So all previous business, houses, residence, etc. had to repay for their new land. For the rich who wanted to have said lands, they could afford to pay cash up front sight unseen. Which means that the people living on the lands, some for decades had to suddenly move. Some of the new property owners came with the military and at gun point forced the current residents to leave, with just the clothes on their backs. Some were nice enough to allow for some stuff to be packed and leave. But the structures were suddenly the property of the new landlord, who either wanted to move in, or tear down the existing to build something better. Hence the need for a clandestine troop presence in the area. to keep the non-Americans from causing too much trouble for having their lands, property, and things stolen from them. It is amazing how much  of a fuss people who have had their lives work stolen will complain about it to the new government. The solution most of the time was to send in overwhelming forces with guns, cannons, and infantry. The Colorado government was not going to tolerate any questioning of its authority. True in 1858 every day from then through the present the behavior patterns have not changed at all.

o   Ted for the short amount of time he lived in Colorado Springs, was right at home in the lap of luxury between the Great Awakening followers and of course the Sons of the Confederacy under the direct leadership of the Davis Hayes family. He could move around entirely comfortably, despite a statewide manhunt. He was not in any trouble as long as Ted stayed within very strict confines of his protectors umbrella. He even spent at least one night if not several nights within clear sight range of the Police in the Cloud 9 room., where he picked up the victim he killed which I walked through that crime scene.

o   *

·       Bancroft Park

o   Image result for • Bancroft Park


·       Miramont Castle


o   Miramont Castle has been the site of more than a few clandestine battles between the SOC and their enemies. In 1977, it could have been the site of a human sacrifice ritual between Ted Bundy and his last Colorado victim. Now if he broke into the facility and or was he let in by the people in charge of the facility at the time is also an unknown.

o   However what is absolutely known is that Miramont Castle is itself as close to an exact copy of King Solomon's Temple that was an exact copy of the Temple of Tier, that was also a copy of a Temple in Egypt likely the Temple of Ptah Memphis (a long and drawn out story all on its own, which ironically involves Jesus and his crucifixion which the evidence clearly states occurred in Rome Proper, not the fictions the descendants of the evil priest Paul and of course the Roman Senate wished to present), which itself was a copy of the Temple at Heliopolis. That temple also has a huge history which backwards directly connects it to being the actual  rebuilt 100 times Noah’s Ark and forwards to when Emperor Caligula had the ship rebuilt 100 times from a ship into a building. That building was moved from Heliopolis (Jerusalem) to just south west of where the Vatican sits in the present.

o   Like I said a longer and more complex story is difficult to find.

o   With all that history of Miramont Castle, it is only about 5 miles away up Colorado Ave from 21st which is one of the ways in which to arrive at Wheeler Ave, and my bedroom.

o   Go up Colorado Ave till it turns into the main street running up the middle of Manitou Springs Colorado.

o   Old Colorado City used to be the Capital City of Louisiana post 1750  when the Libertine seized control over New Orleans and St Louis.

o   It was then the Capital of Texas for decades, which is also where Joseph Smith sent his Jewish followers to create a city in and or around what would be called Old Colorado City post 1858. This was more than 2 decades before.

o   Then Old Colorado City was rejected from Texas then Kansas absorbed it.

o   After Kansas rejected it, Old Colorado City became the Capital of Colorado. It stayed the Capital for about twenty years till 1870, when during a huge amount of clandestine battles between the Union under the command and control of General William Jackson Palmer. Who was more of a Prussian spy then he was a Union officer. He resigned his commission after the Civil War and regained his commission under the Prussian Army specifically the Freikorp

o   All that Politics, fighting between the forces of the FreiKorp the Union the British, the French the SOC, etc. the state of Colorado had had enough and moved the Capital permanently to Denver. Image result for • Miramont Castle

o   However Miramont Castle is the perfect place within 200 miles of Colorado to perform said human sacrifice ritual.

o   The Ritual took place mostly likely in either the assumed chapel and or the room directly above in the Windows Room. Image result for • Miramont Castle

o   Those rooms have a direct Khufu Pyramid connection.

o   However this is pure speculation based on what better place to perform said ritual than in a copy of King Solomon's Temple. Since the ritual itself was and is designed to use the journey of the soul of the victim from  this world into the next as the “paper” of the telegraph which the killer would send instructions on said metaphoric paper into the afterlife. The victim would be sent to wherever, but along the way, the victim would have to pass by some aspect of god.

o   The assumption the descendants of Esau have made since 2600 bce, is that as the paper of the person passes by “god”, the message is relayed. What that message is, is anyone’s guess from that culture. However it is a ceremony which has been practiced for more than 4500 years at the absolute minimum.

o   Since we have covered the why Miramont Castle, the next question becomes. How was the ritual done. It obviously involves intimacy, but exactly how is the true question.

·       Freemasonry

o   Image result for • Freemasonry


·       Freemasonry adult Ceremony

o   Previous to about 1820, part of the opening and closing ceremonies of  Freemasonry involved an intimacy ceremony conducted in the lodge on the altar.

o   There is no way to determine if or how much Ted knew about this ceremony. But since my heritage is part of it and the internet it only took me a couple years to rebuild the ceremony.

o   The killing part is all Esau’s people, Jacobs people do not use the killing part.

o   A girl posing for a picture

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o   A picture containing floor, wall, indoor, person

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·       Strange Fruit

o   Image result for • Strange Fruit


·       The Slave Trade

o   Image result for slave trade

o   Image result for slave trade


·       Tabernacle Systems of Adam

o   The Slave trade was in part created to find the secrets Ted Bundy, the entire Lebensborn project, Christianity, etc. were created to rebuild. To rebuild the secrets which in basic the Mark of Cain; which based on 5000 years of repeat patterns is that the descendants of Terah and the next Standard-bearer Esau would need to get close to the System, but never be able to operate it.

o   That anger and compulsion to be connected to the System but never be able to achieve culminates into an extreme frustration, which comes out as a homicidal rage. A rage which can only be partially quenched through the process of Human Sacrifice to send messages of the rage and hatred of the Mark to god.

o   Genesis 2 9; the Tree of Life

§  this is not one tree but 4.

§  life A picture containing object

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§  deathA picture containing object

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§  good A picture containing object

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§  evilA picture containing object

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§  Griphon

§  Pishon

§  Tigerous

§  Euphrates

o   A picture containing file folder, stationary

Description automatically generated

§  Each of the 4 buildings you see are a Kaaba, similar to what remains of this same design in Mecca. Although from 2600 bce to present the design has changed from being what you see in the graphic to being the single Kaaba with out the fountain, river, etc. Tons and tons of human arrogance, egotism, etc. changed the design from being accurate to the bible Genesis 2:9 to being a symbol of humans deciding they know more/better than god.

§  This is where the ceremony of which is buried in any descendants of the original humans was created.


o   The foundation of the serial killer part comes in next.

o   After Cain killed Abel, tell me what good father in the world would not do to the ends of the earth to have their child brought back to life.

o   What other father in the history of humanity mythology and legend knew exactly how to go to have a direct conversation with god. Adam was born in the garden of Eden and had numerous conversations with god.

o   So obviously what any good father would do immediately after they find their son murdered. They take a trip to the gates of heaven to beg for the return of the loved one.

o   “Take me instead”. would be the usual beg.

o   What happened next grew into the structure and function of the mummies and Egyptian resurrection from the dead.

o   Suddenly Enoch is present. Enoch the word itself has an otherworldly definition in several languages.

o   Statistically and Psychologically speaking

o   Enoch would be the resurrected Abel.

o   Adam and Enoch began to work on creating a network of Tabernacle Systems in the areas they could travel to.

o   Over time, as Adam grew old and was about to die, Adam gave Enoch his blade which he had used in his steward job in the Garden. Adam continued to use the blade on earth.

o   That blade was handed down through the millennia from in effect Head of the Tall/Vertical Sacred House or in Hieroglyphic Pharaoh. Which also translates into Gaelic as Yr Hen Ogle dd, in English Northumberland.

o   *


o   working on idea of where the compulsion to be like Ted, BTK, etc. came from

o   obviously it is in the DNA for some of them.

o   Richard Speck, Monte Rissil,  Ed Kemper, etc. are in a different category.

o   the ritual killers, the ones who turn the event into a form of a religious ceremony. to human sacrifice ...



·       Timeline

o   after he escapes from Fort Collins,

o   he traveled down to Colorado Springs,

o   in all likelihood the descendants of Margret Davis Hayes hid him and entertained him for weeks.

§  the only people in the area from south Denver south capable of hiding a serial killer/Contract killer in their midst. Deflecting the police from investigating.

o   he scouted out his next victim

o   which included Miramont Castle as a very likely kill site

o   the body dump was easy, between Uncle Pats house (2682 Wheeler ave.) and the backyard of the Davis Hayes family.

o   the day he left he killed her that night. he left for Florida a few hours after our encounter. where he spent the next month’s being hidden by the SOC in Florida

o   once in Tallahassee (a rather strong center for the KKK, white supremacy, conservative military, the Sons of the Confederacy, the state capital, etc.) he traveled back and forth between Tallahassee, St Augustine, and Kissimmee. Each one a huge Confederacy center.

o   He took several to half a dozen round trips between the three.

o   He was arrested 3 days after he was less than 10 miles from my 11-year-old cousin in St Augustine.

o   After his arrest the rest of his life is extremely well documented.

·       For more information about the Ceremony



·       The Lebensborn Project

o   Image result for lebensborn project


·       The Lake Nemi Ships

o   A large ship in a body of water with a mountain in the background

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·       The Prussian Amber Room


o   Image result for Prussian Amber Room


·       Minotaur Behavior

o   Image result for • Minotaur Behavior

o   It is interesting that the event/creature which launched the Trojan War, is what we in the present in the non-fiction world would define as a serial killer.

o   Stripping away the Esau/Hyksos/Dorian/Agamemnon/Philistine/Greek/Roman/Vatican fictions to the real events.

o   The Minotaur was the offspring of a female Rabbi and a Male Rabbi. The Male was a Jewish slave from the future called city of Athens (although it would not have that name for more than half a millennia). At the time the city was still called Poseidon.

o   A rabbinical couple forced to perform a fertility rite according to the rules of the ancient Ogdoan rites is a challenge.

o   However when the Third Reich found out information about said events from ancient Egypt they created the Lebensborn project to recreate said fertility rite on both “good aryan” stock in the Reich, as well as forcing Jews to produce children to expariments on them.

o   Based on several factors, Ted was more than likely based on a statistical analysis he was a child of the Lebensborn project. Which means he was in the same statistical equation as the Minotaur.

o   The Minotaur according to the functions and structures of Greek Mythology is a creature which was born after a successful fertility rite occurred in the Palace at Knossos (which was in part a Tabernacle of Adam System). Now the Labyrinth part of the situation was a ship or a couple ships which were washed upon onto the front yard of the Palace after the Thera Volcano erupted and sent a several hundred-foot tidal wave in the directions of the blast wave. Crete only 60 miles away was in the direct path  of said tidal wave.

o   Inside the Ship/ships is where both the fertility rite took place as well as where the offspring lived.

o   As the legend goes.

o   Soon after ending its time as an infant, the now toddler presented signs of psychosis. The signs were a taste for human flesh, extreme violence, and an inability to control its temper.

o   To prevent further damage and issues, the King sentenced his in-effect stepson to a life in the Labyrinth. That labyrinth looked a great deal like the Lake Nemi ships.

o   Of course there is no evidence available to prove those ships from Lake Nemi were not the same ships from the Palace at Knossos. Since the Romans were the only culture in the area capable of moving the ships back to the sea, making them seaworthy, and sailing them to  Rome.

o   Which that academic idea presents a very real and substantial  issue regarding was the Lake Nemi Ships move into place about the exact same time the foundation of Christianity occurred. Of course that word Christian would not be used till 80 c.e., more than half a century after the Crucifixion events occurred.

o   It would be on the extreme side of interesting to determine how and if the Lake Nemi Ships are the same location which birthed the Minotaur, and became known at least for that time period as The Labyrinth.

o   Of course way back during the time when the Lake Nemi Ships were first built, there was a gantry between each tower, the 2x2 towers had a gantry and of course a suspension platform over a fountain. The fountain of eternal youth.

o   The ships at Lake Nemi were laos connected through their own gantry system. you could enter one Kaaba and exit any of the 7 other Kaaba’s.

o   The Theseus string part is an interesting aspect of ancient mythology.

o   It speaks directly of “String Theory”.

o   The Minotaur itself being half “bull” hugely insulting eastern Mediterranean term for a Royal Jewish Rabbi. The half bull half female Jewish girl roamed the Labyrinth in search of food.

o   The King of Knossos decided that since this creature was so dangers, that all the large communities within reach had to pay him money and tributes to appease him and to keep the Minotaur from growing too angry and out of control. He could control the mythical beast, so they had to pay up.

o   They paid him both money (or its equivalent) and each major city had to pay the King of Knossos 2 tributes every year. One male tribute, one female tribute.

o   They were to be pushed into the Labyrinth for the Minotaur to do whatever the minotaur wanted. Up to and including having sex with the tributes and then killing and eating them.

o   It was only given 48 bodies a year, the creature had to figure out how to make those 48 bodies last an entire year. Or face starvation at the last weeks to months, if it ate them too quickly.

o   This went on for years and years.

o   Enter Theseus and Agamemnon.  



o   The Minotaur itself would go on to in effect become the “DEVIL” for the descendants of the Evil Priest Paul.

o   Aurox

o   Image result for o Aurochs

o   Measuring 10-14 feet at the shoulder, the Aurox is the mother cow symbol of the Vanier of Nordic Mythology.

o   The Aurox licked the first man Ur out of the ice, the Aurox was called Adumla.


·       The Trojan War

o   What in the world could the Trojan War have to do with the outbreak of serial killers from the mid-1850s to present.

o   Obviously there were serial killers before.. But the extreme prevalence of them from the point the British Culture that was in charge of the Tabernacle of Adam Systems, they began to crumble and disintegrate as a culture. As the British whole culture ended, their Tabernacle technology slipped from their grasp.

o   As the tabernacle technology slipped form their grasp, it both opened up a fantastic technology advances the likes of which were almost beyond measure impressive from 1810 to 1850 the leap was ballistic, from 1850-1900 the next leap was quantum.

o   From 1900-2020 that leap has been a timeline shift.

o   Humans are starting to understand the function and structure of time itself.

o   However those advancement without discipline to understand them come with radical costs.

o   Handing a pack of in basic still operating from animal instinct people technology so far above and beyond their cultural and spiritual grasp they simply have no personal and or group tools to do with said quantum leaps from living in tents and wooden tents to living in the cyber age.

o   As a result the descendants of Esau (which Ted and his family are absolutely descended from) have no ability to leap forward into a higher vibrational understanding of the world and the species. They are stuck in rage, anger, bitterness, boundaries, control, power, money, greed, etc.

o   Serial Killers are quantum relief for the descendants of Esau to feel better for a small amount of time regarding how much power and control they do not have anymore.

o   Ted Bundy, Dennis Rader, Ed Kemper, Monte Ralph Rissell, etc. plus others obviously have either strong connections with a Tabernacle System, and or were from the cultures which had worked with them in the past generations. The Minotaur was part of that structure of killing and eating the “tributes” sent from the areas surrounding the Palace at Knossos.

o   Although the Minotaur was not a half bull half human, that part has no basis in reality. He was Jewish. his mother and father were both Jews. That part of the story is long and very complicated.

o   However, the Trojan War does start out with what can be defined as a serial killer/cannibal. The beast itself by legend could only be satisfied by killing and eating the bodies of 24 males and females. All of which every year were Jews.

o   Ted obviously based on his Mother, Stepfather, and moms family were violently anti-Semitic. Several of Teds victims were Jews, he was also a contract killer to kill the daughters of politicians and businessmen. The sorority house, several of them were young Jewish girls.

o   Theseus volunteered to be a tribute to enter the Labyrinth and confront the Minotaur.

o   He entered, engaged in combat, defeated the Minotaur, and freed the victims of the maze.

o   He turned that information and built in army to his advantage. He conquered the King, took the population out of Crete and back to the city of Poseidon, where he used his huge army and of course the Electro-Magnetic technology the king used to force the cities in his area to give him tributes to give to his serial killer in effect stepson. Do we get the connection, Ted’s stepfather fictionally would be King of Knossos his wife’s intimacy with the Poseidon Bull (Jewish Rabbi) produced a child who grew up to be a serial killer. Who had a taste for biting and marking his victims. The Cannibalize is in question. 

o   Theseus conquered the city of Poseidon and renamed it ATEN, half a millennium later an H would be added after the T and to make it personal possessive an ‘s at the end. Making it AT h EN ‘s, or just AT h EN s.

o   Agamemnon was in attendance and wanted to seize possessions of Knossos himself. He chased Theseus back to Poseidon and lost.

o   He regathered an army and attacked the new city of ATEN, losing again.

o   He gathered another army, but it took him a while.

o   In the meantime, Theseus married and produced a Daughter.

o   That Daughter was named Helen. Helen was pledged in marriage to Paris of Troy. Making her Helen of Troy.

o   The Trojan Army arrived for the Wedding to take place at ATEN.

o   Agamemnon’s army arrived to do battle, kill every Trojan and ATEN they could and turn the rest into slaves for his army.

o   He lost again.

o   The wedding having been completed. The Trojans went back home, with Helen.

o   Agamemnon formed a third army.

o   Instead of attacking ATEN he chose to attack Troy.

o   The start of the Trojan War.

o   the Iliad and Odyssey later.

o   The Trojans evacuated to central Italy specifically the city of Samhain.

o   The assembled culture of Agamemnon took on the name Philistines.

o   The Philistines arrived on the islands off the coast of Italy and began to push and conquer the areas around Samhain to eventually conquer the city. which took not 10 years but 577 from 1320-753 bce.

o   The British as mentioned before possessed technology which prevented their enemies from possessing what has been defined in the bible as divine tools. Which the descendants of Esau are in close to desperate want/need/desire to turn those tools into weapons.

o   The Trojan War began in basic at the Palace at Knossos and it ended   in Whatcom County. Only a bit more than a century before Ted was burn in New York.



·       Jerusalem

o   Tabernacle of Adam System, pure subconscious interaction with the radiation/Electro-Magnetic pulses from what remains of the ancient Electro-Magnetic systems. The people living within a given distance from a Tabernacle System. Usually most if not all the population is ignorant of said actions.

o   However the Electro-Magnetic pulses radiation speaks for itself, driving select induvial in the city crazy.

§  some turn to religious fanatism

§  some turn to mass murderers (including police and military)

§  some turn to serial killing

§  others turn to political  power

§  others turn to massive hard-core greed; they cannot assemble enough money to sate the Electro-Magnetic pulses they live in.

o   Can the Minotaur characterization role be identified.

o   The Minotaur lived in a Tabernacle of Adam System.

o   Consequently, can the remaining Tabernacle Systems even their pieces parts, be identified.

o   If they can be identified, does the population surrounding said structure/structures show increased levels of Psychosis.

o   Locations where Systems were/are

§  Bellingham WA

§  Seattle

§  Portland

§  St Louis

§  St Paul MN

§  Boston

§  Salem MA

§  New York City

§  Orlando Fl

§  St Augustine Fl

§  Georgia

§  Old Colorado City (Bancroft Park)

§  Miramont Castle

§  London (that city contains several Systems)

§  Chicago and surrounding cities at least half a dozen systems.

·       The west side of the Great Lakes was a new area the British and French evacuated to, they created a neural network of systems in those areas.

·       The East India Company were in charge of building them, maintaining them, and working with them.

·       During the late 1500s early 1600s the Dutch chose to betray their millennia old allies the British and the French and turned from good to pure evil.

·       They stole everything the East India Company possessed and turned those things from tools to weapons to control their populations.

·       The interconnected cities in the east side of the Great Lakes was linked with the system which has been built in the Ohio River Valley.

·       Which was linked with the “Mound Builders One system”. The Mound Builders Two culture were Aztecs, who could not see past their desperate need to human sacrifice to appease their gods.

·       (do we see a behavior patterns?)

·       The Illinois and Ohio River Valley Systems were connected in a larger network of systems, designed to reflect a brain tissue neural network. Yes the engineering presents evidence that each synapse e.g. System could think. Producing various and assorted Electro-Magnetic Pulses with different waves, frequencies, patterns, signatures, etc. were built in. Which is exactly how the Synapses in the brain operate. Electro-Magnetic pulses.

·       That network is large and extends over to the north east e.g. Salem, down to New York, down to Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, northern/Central Florida, over to New Orleans, Arkansas River, up to Manitou, a not well-built system was constructed with Salt Lake City as its epicenter. But Brigham was not educated how to build it correctly, so he could only half heartedly build it.  

§  Northumberland

§  France

§  Versailles

§  Rome

§  Athens

§  Troy

§  Tyre

§  a couple dozen if not 100s were in Egypt.

o   Could the influence of those systems have a both positive affect on the citizens which live in the immediate area, as well as a radically negative affect.

o   Living in effect that close to a Divine Tool connected (even if the network is mostly broken) to a network of divine tools. Could the Electro-Magnetic pulses which exist in the network have a radiation type effect on the humans living around it.

o   Could that radiation/divine Electro-Magnetic pulses bring out the good and or the really bad in the people living around it.



·       Bellingham WA State well more specifically The House of Simon Peter

o   Bellingham WA is a city with a completely mysterious history. The history in general is ...

o   translate Bellingham

o   ham is short for hamlet

o   bell is the English translation of the Hebrew Simon, so speak divine.

o   belling means to actively speak divine. or holy speak

o   sacred speak, in action, from a defined location city.

o   which contains the 3-part code.

o   North/Vertical sound waves travel, sacred sound waves are a form to divine communication e.g. praying.

o   Sacred the using the ing part is using or in active participation or Umber/Amber/Red

o   Ham or Hamlet and or Salem; Sal over time and 40 languages can convert to H. Ham from Sam.

o   Making Bellingham the name itself is another form of the Gaelic Yr Hen Ogle dd, or in English Northumberland.

·       Conscious Political leaders

o   leaders and groups who knew they were going to be interacting with the system, used it wrong, and gave themselves an Electro-Magnetic Pulse Lobotomy

o   Leaders who have continuously worked with systems, and those systems gave them a lobotomy, Electro-Magnetic pulses lobotomy.

§  Jefferson Davis

§  King Ludwig

§  Frances II holy roman empire

§  Custer

§  Terah

§  Napoleon

§  Caesar’s senators

§  Paul

§  Robespierre

§  Nero


·       Broken Circuit Board

o   Image result for person being electrocuted

o   Image result for person being electrocuted


o   This is where things become very complex.

o   What happens when you keep running electricity through an electrical device. The electricity will go to the end of the line/wire/cord/metal/etc. and then arc to something else. Even if that something else is literally the charged particles/molecules of the air and in the air.

o   Two things are happening

o   One you have recessive DNA which draws a person to perform said actions.

o   Two you have a person close to said Tabernacle of Adam System’s broken circuit board. When it sparks, not unlike the physics of Radiation, when those sparks hit in an area or a person, that spark can active or de-activate said one or two recessive genes in the person to pull them towards the need/desire/etc. to kill. Of course this subject is vastly more complex than is currently being presented.

o   DNA, neuropathways, etc. are all intensely complex and current understanding of said subject is only a few decades old.

·        American Philosophical Society (APS)

o   This society on its surface has less than zero to do with the applications and organizational structures associated with Ted Bundy and his victims in just about any way.

o   However the facts in the equation itself differ greatly from the surface evidence.

o   Of course Ted personally had nothing to do with those events. However like most think tanks with a variety of really evil people as members, not all of the “research” studies conducted are ethical or public knowledge.

o   Example the Magellanic Prize, what greater feat of navigation is there (minus one subject, which the Fertility rite has a huge amount to do with celestial navigation. Optimally, that ceremony must be performed on one of the 8 fixed points of the year. The birthdates of those “deities” are on those 8 fixed dates in the Egyptian Calendar and was supposed to be part of the Julian Calendar, those fixed 8 dates are to be “High Holy Dates” which means they exist but are not supposed to be part of the calendar. When those events occur, that day is a “holy day”, which means everything shuts down in observance of said event. But the early Christian church hated the very notion of said concept, mathematics, science, and philosophy. The greatest next step in navigation is to tackle the subject of how to identify and map out time, the T Calendar and Ǽrdology does that exactly is to navigate from the living world to “after life”.

o   Ted, BTK, Aileen Carol Wuornos, and others who killed in similar serial fashions which are on the heavy percentage side of being reflected in the actions and reactions of what the mythical Minotaur performed in the Labyrinth. To study the ritual/ceremony of human sacrifice; from the hunt/tribute selection, to the capture, to the holding till, reaching the sacred area, to the start of the ritual, the middle, the end, disposing of the body, etc. Those actions are a form of beyond belief amoral and violently unethical academic and scientific exploration. They do produce information about the process of killing, the mental illness which causes the killer/character role of the Minotaur to perform the actions despite being almost entirely ignorant of said actions. The actions are done, despite very little to zero consciousness of “why” from a theological/theocratic perspective.).

o   Several of the members of this society itself were card carrying FreiKorp members, who were obviously not as loyal to the USA than they were to the Prussian Empire. Of course conservatives have always played a very odd role in American government and politics. Conservatives have such a radically different perspective as to what America should or could be from the vast majority of Americans. In general conservatives perceive America as the new Prussian Empire, whereas the rest of the country perceives America as it truly is.

o   It appears that this APS was in part created to study first navigation, then to study in a very real effect “Time”. Very little if any real progress has been made regarding the study of time since accurate clocks were invented. Although the definition of “accurate” clocks is an extremely  loose term which in truth has very little impact as to what the truth is regarding time itself. Atomic clocks are little more than a candle clock, subject to the mildest change in Electro-Magnetic Pulses Weaves etc. Hence America has more than 100 of them, our official time is a statistical analysis of all of them together. In basic they are doing a “thumbing it” measuring. As in that is close enough. But when you have things which depend on split second timing, off by 1 10,000th of a second that could be a radically huge difference.

o   Navigation is vitally important.

·       the APS and the Vice Presidency.

o   the old title for Vice President in the Roman Government was Emperor.