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 Erdology Monthly article Bircano


For more information contact me T Shawn Welling  rebuilt and redesigned. brand new Question and answer group.


Hello and welcome to my Futhark monthly column.  I wish to invite you to this exciting adventure of the discovery.  Where you can learn, grow, understand, and build that which you have always wanted to create in yourself as well as help those around you build within themselves.


This column is designed to introduce you to my invention, Erdology.  In basic Erdology is a chart of many different cycles and their respective counts put together in one place at one time, for you to understand just a bit more about yourself then you did before.


I encourage you all to learn as much as you can about Erdology.  Hence the reason why all the information at least in the beginning is free.  For how can you learn the value of something unless you have a taste of what that item is and understand how it can affect your life to the positive?


So I have branched into several items during the time between the last column and this one.  The first thing I did was get the Erdology book outline in order, which will be appearing on the web site in its own area soon.  The outline and the individual parts will be appearing as soon as they are finished editing.  The second thing I did was make a separate column specific section on the web site and a special yahoo group discussion area specifically for the Questions and Answers that are a part of Erdology.  I invite any and all to go and join the yahoo group Erdology and ask all the questions you like.  I will answer as I have time to answer.


I will also be building a chart to do more personal readings with.  Now a reading in this case is not really a divination reading it’s more telling you where your counts are in this world.  I will be building this slowly over time.  But the basics are your birth date, the birth dates of your parents, any children you have their birth dates, and what the birth date from your tribe: city, county, state, country (this tribe to country: words vary depending on which culture), and any other countries in which your country deals with.  This is what is happening in your chart.  And since these counts can be read, translated into English of course.


I have been very recently reminded of an even greater importance of a detailed explanation of how and why Erdology is important to you.  What the entire thing is about is “The study of the earth” that is not just one aspect of the earth but the whole thing, the earths everything, inside atmosphere, the relationship it has with the sun, the relationship it has with the moon, the circle around the sun, the circle of a day.   And this is just a small amount of the patterns that Erdology covers.  Why are these things important?  Well I will tell you, one part of Erdology covers the days in ones life, another covers the years in ones life, another covers the seasons for planting and growing, another covers the meteorology or weather patterns letting one know when the big storms will be arriving, and whether this year is going to be a very easy and nice year.  Other patterns include business trends, what will happen to businesses over a second, minute, hour, day, week, Futhark month, season, Sabbat cycle, year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 8 years, 13 years, as well as animals what is happening with a specific kind of animal well Erdology can track the rise and fall of a species’, Erdology can track the rise and fall of cultures civilizations and tribes.  If there is anything going on with the earth Erdology can track it.  Not just with numbers but with meanings to each and every number from the atomic level to the largest counts imaginable.  Each and everything between the short circuit that created the path for the first atom to the rebirth of a galaxy from the shattered remnants of old galaxies that are not longer viable.  Each and everything is counted and meanings to each count in Erdology, Erdology happens to only track what is going on this planet.  There are other sections for other items.  Galaxies and other planets have their own counts which do in some ways fit together but in other ways they are separate beings.  Just like everything else, some things are deeply interconnected on another angle those same things are totally void of interaction with each other.


The current month’s column the graphics and format on line looks much better.




Erdology Month of Mannaz

Erdology Month of Mannaz


T Shawn Welling

For more information contact me T Shawn Welling


1. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles eiwaz.html

2. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles pertho.html

3. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles alhaz.html

4. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles sowillo.html

5. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles tiwaz.html

6. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles bircano.html Feb. 28 March 13

7. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles ewaz.html March 14 – 29

8. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles mannaz.html Current Month March 30 April 13

9. 8 column erdology 24 monthly cycles laguz.html Next month  April 14  April 28



  1 March 30  10 33  Spring/Cups

  2 March 31  11 32  Spring/Cups

  3 April 1  12 31  Spring/Cups

  4 April 2  13 30  Spring/Cups

  5 April 3  14 29  Spring/Cups

  6 April 4  15 28  Spring/Cups

  7 April 5  16 27  Spring/Cups

  8 April 6  17 26  Spring/Cups

  9 April 7  18 25  Spring/Cups

  10 April 8  19 24  Spring/Cups

  11 April 9  20 23  Spring/Cups

   12 April 10  21 22  Spring/Cups

  13 April 11  22 21  Spring/Cups

  14 April 12  23 20  Spring/Cups

  15 April 13  24 19  Spring/Cups



This is the month of Mannaz

This is a month of deep and intense focus, concentration, and establishment of personal understanding.  You have gone through so much over the course of the last few months that this is actually the time to truly integrate all that you have been learning about everything since the end of autumn.  When the feminine cycle began, through winter, then into the masculine, and into the first few months of spring, you have been under the most intense learning process of the year.  This month you need to look back and truly get into yourself and contemplate that which has happened to you, all the decisions you have been making, where those decisions have brought you to this point, actions of those around you and how those actions affected your life, and what the big picture of how all these items now create the life you now have in front of you.  This is the center and the point to this month, to look back and realize that this is the time to understand the decisions that you have already made in your life that will guide you through the actions of the following time until feminine tri again.  Consider this month a Y in the road of your life, but instead of looking at the Y as you have no idea of what decision or choice you will make; look at the Y as you have already made the decision that you will make, this point is to understand the decision you have already made.  Which course you take, which ever road you decide you have already decided which one you are going to take, this time is for you to understand the decisions.  So review the past as best you possibly can, remember, go over it in your head. If you must ask counsel for help remember to choose your counsel wisely for counsel can only give you an external answer, you are the only one that can truly answer the hardest questions about yourself.  This month is no exception, this month is the definition of the seek answers with yourself.  For only you can guide your own path.


1.              Personal Months: If you were born during this time this is what you can expect for the next 16 days in your life. 

F Priorities   Fehu   June 13-28 1    Litha 1 16  Tower

Your Month count Mannaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

A complete and total focus and acceptance of self.  How are you standing there in those boots? The concept of walking a mile in your shoes, well this month is the most impressive month of the entire year for you to truly think back over every one of those steps of the last few miles in those boots of yourself and to truly come into being of how those steps brought you to this exact position at this exact time.


               i.                                    U  Strength   Uruz    June 29 July 13  Strength

Your Month count Ewaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Great and profound movement in all the directions that you can possibly think about, this month for you is an impressive time of year, for you are indeed blessed with an overabundance of setting up to the challenges of life and giving a nice shove into the correct direction.  This month is not only no exception but this season for you is a time of as much profound movement and shouldering responsibilities as of any other time of year for you.  Just allow where you need to apply your profound strengths to the world, well apply your strengths and not concern yourself with the consequences of your actions.  You know how to apply your strengths to the world correctly, without causing too much undo stress and strain on the world around you, well this is the perfect month to apply all that you are and more to that which needs to be done.  You spend the rest of the year learning constraint of your talents; this is the time to instead of looking for constraint look for what needs to be moved along.


              ii.                                    T Boundaries             Thurasaz        July  14  28  Hierophant

Your Month count Bircano

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You will be growing and making profound and monstrous alterations to your external and internal being this month.  So just keep reminding yourself that you need to be in a very close to who you are and what you will be doing and accomplishing this month.  For it will be the lessons of this month that set the tone and direction of what you will be doing over the course of the next year, until you get here again next year.  The more you concentrate and manage to balance between the internal of the dream of the current self and the reality of the who you actually are; the more you will be profoundly affected in a good and positive way and format in the coming year.  For the reality of who you are internally and the reality of who you are to the world sometimes is a vastly different picture. This month is a great month to review both pictures and make alterations to both pictures to bring them both a bit closer to the reality of who you truly are.


             iii.                                    a        Communication                       Ansuz July  29-Aug.  12  Hanged Man

Your Month count Tiwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Go forward with all due speed to accomplish any and all goals you have been waiting for all this time to accomplish.  For you this month are under going a profound sense of coming out of your inner middle Erdology months and coming into the ideas of applying what you have learned in your middle 8 months.  So since you have spent so much time internally, it is now time to spend some serious time applying all that you have been working on for the last 16 months and put all that work to good use.


             iv.                                    r Journey       Raido   Aug.13- 27 2    Lughnasadh The Fool

Your Month count Sowillo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

This is a time of deep reflection and contemplation of the journeys pause.  This is your month of Sowillo and the year month of Mannaz, so this is a time of deep contemplation as to what you have accomplished over the course of the last 8 Erdology months.  It is a good thing for a journey to have a bench occasionally to sit and think about the steps walked, the experiences encountered, and how you dealt with the experiences you have had.


              v.                                    c         Wisdom                       Kannaz Aug. 28 -  Sept  11  Magician  

Your Month count Alhaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You need to profoundly, stop, and take an extremely good look around.  For it is this months key lessons for you that you will learn the majority of what you need to be learning from is outside your current line of sight, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  So the best thing you can do, take an extremely good and hard look at everything that is not you this month.  The more you look at your surroundings the more you will see what you did not know was there and expand your understanding of the world you live in.


             vi.                                    g       Partnership                  Gebo Sept 12-27  Lovers

Your Month count Pertho

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Concentrate your efforts as to how to best apply your hard learned talents.  This is the perfect month to set forward all the goals, ideas, strategies, concepts, plans, dreams, and thoughts you have had about what you want to be doing.  Well for you this month there is absolutely no better time like the present.  So instead of being concerned about who you are, and what you want to be doing, you need to just take those steps forward that will eventually lead to the accomplishment of your dreams.  Any journey begins with a single step, time to go for a walk.


           vii.                                    W       Emotion                      Wunjo Sep 28 Oct 12 3               Mabon  2  16  High Priestess

Your Month count Eiwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

There is a sense of personal growth unlike any other time of year.  This is a nice wonderful growth experience month.  So instead of trying to do anything else, go within and concentrate on finding your talents. For it will be finding your talents which will guide the entire rest of this year for you.  You are your talents, the more you know about your talents the more you will know about yourself.


         viii.                                    H       Past                 Haggalaz Oct 13 – 27  The world

Your Month count Jera

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Taking the initiative and seeing the timing and cycles of who you are, how you fit into this world around you is the very point to this month.  In comedy every thing absolutely everything is about timing.  So keep that idea squarely in your mind as you set forward to accomplish the goals you have for yourself.  Timing is everything, the lessons about how to best apply that which you want to be doing will guide, direct, and be the lynch pin for everything you do this year.  Strike while the iron is hot, not before. And not after.


            ix.                                    n        Present            Nauthiez Oct.28-Nov 12 4                     Samhain 3 16  The Devil aka God aka wood god, the horned one, Ceranunos, Odin, Zeus,

Your Month count Isa

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Seriously sit back and imagine what life is like for you while you are working on the ideas you have been thinking about.  Think about how to apply those ideas this month.  Do not start to apply those ideas; just think about how to apply them.  Start to come up with plans, thoughts, blue prints, and models of future actions.  For this month the best thing for you to do is truly get your wholeness in order, get your organization in order, figure out truly just how you want to go about achieving the goals you have set for yourself.  Just plan it all out.  Since a game plan is the most important issue for you to be dealing with this month, for with out a game plan, you will have no stability going into what you are working on in the future.


              x.                                    i            Future              Isa Nov. 13 – 27  The Hermit

Your Month count Nauthiez

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Be in the here and now, for there are lots of items you need to be paying absolute total and complete attention to as those items of here and now apply to who you are.  You are undergoing a profound change of self this month, relax this is what is supposed to happen during the middle 8, so since you are in the middle 8, see the world around you the way the world around you truly is.  This will give you a perspective on life that will be so far beyond your current understanding of life that what you see this month will be affecting you for the next several months, until you get to your own Mannaz, and then things will again start making sense.  So just take a good long look at what is in the here and now for you.


            xi.                                    J     Cycles  Jera Nov.  28 - Dec. 12  Death

Your Month count Haggalaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You will be experiencing a lot of flash backs to ideas, dreams, images, plans, events, and just about everything that will be of importance for you to be remembering this month.  For the lessons from your past that come up for you this month are lessons that you need to revisit and reexamine so that when those same experiences come up again in your life, you can plan to do things a bit differently in the future.  But it will depend on how much of the past you allow yourself to reexamine.


            xii.                                    I       Creation                       Eiwaz Dec, 13 – 28 5                   Yule 16  Temperance aka Goddess

Your Month count Wunjo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You will be experiencing intense and profound levels of emotion the likes of which only really happen to you during this time of year.  So instead of looking to the outside world as not being nice, realize that this time of year is just for you an emotional to the max time.  So now you know this is about as emotional a time of year as you can have, you can not make plans so just be emotional. 


         xiii.                                    P                    Pertho Dec. 29- Jan 12  emperor

Your Month count Gebo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You need to be working on meeting new friends, reacquainting yourself with old friends and just taking stock of where you are now.  To truly get an idea of whom you are, look to whom you surround yourself with as friends.  For your friends will tell you more about who you are than just about anything else will at this point.  So spend some time with friends and family this month, relax it has been a difficult cycle for you this last few months, have some fun.  Go spent time with friends and family.


         xiv.                                    Z      Awareness                   Alhaz Jan. 13 – 28  The Moon

Your Month count Kannaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

It has come time to pick up that book on the shelf that has been catching your eye, go and buy books on subjects that have been fascinating you for some time now, go to the library and let your fingers just wander the card catalog for subjects that have in the past been a fascination but you never had time.  Well guess what, you now have a month to start and crack a book, sit, and truly get into those subjects in which you have always been wanting to know more about but never had the time to do it, well there is no better time than right here and right now.  There is nothing else truly more important to you and your future progress than to embrace the knowledge that you have been denying yourself all this time.  Go learn, grow, become more knowledgeable, and eventually more skilled in the areas you have always wanted to be more in.


           xv.                                    S        Consciences                 Sowillo Jan. 29 - Feb  12 6      Imbulc  The Sun

Your Month count Raido

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Take the next step on the journey, now that you have successfully reset your priorities from your birthday, and you are now going in a slightly better direction.  The key thing to do is, to take those first tentative steps toward your new goal.  The more steps you take the closer you will get.  Each step is one less step you have to do later.  The more you step and experience new things those are more lessons that will help you redefine who you are now.


         xvi.                                    t       Direction                     Tiwaz Feb  13 – 26  Direction

Your Month count  Ansuz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Communication and language are your keys to working with your self and your world.  Take the time to stop and chat, communicate, interact, see from a new angle, observe that which as not been observed before.  For everything you are working in your life this is a great month to take stock and have a good look around at what you are trying to get done and seeing how to apply those plans you have about what you want to be doing is a very key part of just about everything you have thought about in your life.


        xvii.                                    B        Growth                        Bircano Feb 27-Mar 13 7               Eostar 5 16  Empress

Your Month count Thurasaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Is a profound and complete focus as to your boundaries, as your boundaries are a reflection of who you are.  The more you work with and on your boundaries this month the more you will be working steadily on improving on your center and who you are down deep in yourself.  This month is a boundary month, so everything is a decision about what is on the inside of you and what is on the outside of you.  You have to decide what is safe, sane, and consensual.  The only true way to determine those 3 words is to negotiate out with yourself first what you hold truly dear, what are your most important yes I want, need, desire that, and what are your most important no I do not want, need, desire that.


      xviii.                                    E Movement                        Ewaz March 14 – 29  Chariot

Your Month count Uruz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

You need to push with all your mighty strength, courage, will, talents, skills, abilities, and personality everything that is a part of who you are.  That needs to be brought to the surface so that you can proceed with the greatest of your own personal goals and achievements that which you have set for yourself this year.  What you thought about last month well this the month in which you use all the stuff in the first sentence to accomplish those goals.


         xix.                                    M    Self                  Mannaz March 30  - April 13  Star

Your Month count Fehu current month of you

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

A reexamination of who you are, what you are doing, and where you want to be this time next year.  This is based on that review you did last month.  So for you this month, take into account that you are undergoing a serious and profound sense of self and experiencing events which are designed to shape your personality, the more you learn from these events the more you will draw your future being as who you truly are, and live the life you have always wanted to be.  You have to do the hard work of building your own self. Here is where that hard work starts, in the Fehu month, your birth month is the month where you reestablish the priorities that will carry you through to your next birth day, there are no dreams in which you can not accomplish when you balance your needs, wants, desires, and what you have to do on your path, with the needs, wants, desires, and what the community in which you live has to do and accomplish also.  The more you work and do on your path the better everything will be.  The more you learn about those around you, the more you can fit your wants into the greater picture of life.


           xx.                                    L         Flow                Laguz April 14 – 28 

Your Month count Daggaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

To take all the experiences you have had over the preceding year, sit and think about them.  The more you contemplate that which you have done, the easier next month will be for you.  This is a month of end of the old year cycle, and prep for the new cycle.  The preparation part is the idea that you will need to review and organize that which you have done so that you can then move forward with not only yourself but with what you have done.   The point to that whole thing, so you will not have to do those things which did not end well the first time.  If you review these experiences and really think about them you can then learn the lessons from what happened so you do not have to do that again.  Those that forget the events of the past are doomed to relive those events in the future.  So sit and review.


         xxi.                                    N Fertility             Ingwaz April 29-May 13 8                     Beltain  Judgment

Your Month count Othallo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Concentrate and work diligently on getting your household affairs in order.  For you are approaching the end of your cycle year, and you will need to be working on other things about your life soon, and your house needs some attention.  So work on the ignored household items that have been needing attention for a while now.  This is the perfect time to get your house in order.


       xxii.                                    O Stability             Othallo May 14 - 28  

Your Month count Ingwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

The smallest details in your life right now are the most important aspects to deal with.   The answers to most of your questions lie in the smallest details that are a part of the main event.  So to deal with the events, do not try and figure out the whole picture concentrate totally on the smallest details you can find and organize them.  There you will find the solutions to the situation.


      xxiii.                                    d    Cycles              Daggaz May 29 - June 12  Wheel of Fortune

Your Month count Laguz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Just flow with whatever happens around you.  Seriously just let all the events just wash over you as they are no big deal.  There are times in which it is a good thing to concentrate on solving everything, and times like now which the only thing you can truly do is wear full body wet suit and not worry about the storm around you at all.  For this is a super time to just set up a chair, sit with your legs up, and watch the storm roll past and enjoy yourself.


For those that read this, this is a column; I send the same report out to hundreds of email groups.  So it’s virtually impossible for me to track all the on line correspondents of more questions.  So please if you have questions email me or find me on the web. 



For more information contact me T Shawn Welling


 Erdology Book


 One more note, I did offer articles, that offer no longer exists.


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T Shawn & Emma Welling

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