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Last updated 5/6/2004 10:08 AM


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Symbolic Language and Linguistics


Well this one was one of the harder to figure out, but based on the same gathering of info and processing data the way I was processing my research. The linguistics came naturally.


What I used was exactly the same tools the ancients left as in the other forms of symbolic science the language came from the same study of how the world worked and figuring out a way to process the info so that everyone knew what was going on from the time each individual started to learn lanuage.


So in my theory about the symbolic cultures.  Life was just a bit rougher to live in.  Today we really do not have to concern ourselves too much with annoyances like consent invations by any and everything that could want to have something we have.  So with out a constant threat humans get complacent, and lazy, going to the extremes of elitism and prejudice to be ok with themselves. But when the symbolic cultures where first starting to put their cultures together they did not have the luxury of being elitism or prejudice.  You work together or you die together.  Nice choices.  But that is the reality.


So using exactly the same tools, the ancients built,


  1. Language, written and spoken
  2. Science, since they had to know what there surroundings where going to do at any given second. Blizzards are nasty things. Especially at the end of ice ages blizzards are slightly different then what we understand a blizzard to be.  20  50  100 foot snow drifts are not all that unheard of on the wean of a glacier age.
  3. Math, well they had to figure out how to measure using there new science, and what better way to measure then to use the tools you have right their in your surroundings to measure with.  Now many moon cycles, watching animals reproduce 1+1= 2, watching the only set calendar they had access to the 8 sabbots a year, soon many cyclical patterns emerged and became obvious through the use of the math.


So this section is all about how they could have put their language together based on my findings in rebuilding their language.


Yes I am aware this chart below needs some serious work.  But it gives you a general idea.




Symbol Points of Regularity

Symbol as commonly drawn or commonly understood from monolith


Name as spelled: Fehu

Language Meanings: Priorities, Wealth

Calendar:   June 29- July 13

Divination Meanings: You need to be working steadily and heavily on your priorities and what you do with what you have.  The beginning, where all things come from. 

Establishing the priorities that make everything else possible.  The idea, the genesis, the inspiration that starts the ball rolling.

Literal Translation:   Cattle, money, village.

Symbolic Meaning:  figure your stuff out, establish that which is most important to you.

Phonetic vowel: ef

Phonetic letter: F


Religious implications: What you do with what you have, how to bring a community together

Deity: The Village Æsir Vanier

Magic Spells prayers ect.

aspects: Use this symbol to help establish what needs to happen in a situation, or to bring into the picture a connection to the planet itself.  The whole planet not just the goddess aspects.  For the goddess use Eiwaz

Medicinal uses:

Herb: nettle

Tree: Elder

construction uses:   Keep the structure secure and the inhabitance what happens in the structure is good and upstanding according to the morals, ethics, and culture of the inhabitance.

Tarot:  Tower Card

Magical aspects:  This is good symbol for using as the base or connection to the mother earth.

Octave Musical:  







Name as spelled: Uruz

Language Meanings: Strength Primal Strength Audumla, the mother cow.  Beasts, animals, pure animal strength. Oxen


Calendar:  July 14-28

Divination Meaning:  The primal strength that comes from the inner self.  We all have that down deep with in ourselves is the fight or flight instinct, well that instinct is fueled by the souls strength of pure will power.  Well that pure will power is what is begin talked about at this point.  The 2 in all numbering is adding strength or action, the spark needs fuel to function.

Strength to carry the idea forward to the next level.  The action to get the idea or the concept done

Religious implications:

Deity: Adumla

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  TO add strength and muscle to a structure.


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Strength

Magical aspects:  IF you have a spell that needs to have some pure muscle power added, this is the best symbol to use.

Herb: sphagnum moss

Tree: Birch

Octave Musical:: 



Name as spelled: Thurasaz

Language meaning: Inner Cycles Defense

Calendar:   July 29- August 12

Divination Meaning:  Boundaries, the essence of this is establishment and profound application of inner boundaries and external boundaries.  Everything has boundaries, having your boundaries up and solidly in place is the point to this character.   Boundaries, after strength is added it becomes time to separate between the inner world of the new initiation and the outer world.

The wise one of the tribe usually a holy person that walks in the spirit world to guide the tribe to the cultures idea of success.

To create a good solid inner balanced world so that the priorities created at step one can actually be put into action and created.

Religious implications:

Deity: Thor      Thor is a god of thunder, son of Odin and a member of the Aesir. He smashed giants' heads with his mighty hammer. The day Thursday honors him and still called Donnerstag in Germany (Donner = Thunder)

Sites compares Thor with the Greek  god Zeus and with the most popular Athenian goddess, Athena.

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Hierophant   

Magical aspects:

Herb: houseleek

Tree: Oak

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Ansuz

Language Meanings: communications, Gods language

Calendar:   August 13 28

Divination Meaning:  There are a hundred and one different and variations of communication.    Once the inner priorities are established its time to take a good look around to the outer world and see what is actually going on out there.  Since after all the newly created boundaries are going to have an effect on the environment you are in.

Religious implications:

Deity: Odin  He is also known under the names Woden and Wotan and I have much more written in the Wotan link. 

Listed as father of all gods and Head of the Aesir after the death of his father Bor. God of war, poetry, wisdom, and death. He gathered his portion of the slain warriors in Valhalla. He had a spear, Grungir, that never missed. He made sacrifices, including his eye, for the sake of knowledge. He has two brothers naMediterranean  Ve and Vili with whom he ambushed and killed the great evil giant Ymir and then created the world out of his carcass.  During the creation of the world, Odin noticed maggots emerging from the carcass of Ymir.  He turned them into dwarves and fairies.


Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:


Magical aspects:

Herb: fly agric

Tree: Ash

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Raido

Language Meanings: Journey Motion

Calendar:   August 29 Sep. 12

Divination Meaning:  The journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step.  Not all that wander are lost.  The point is the journey not the destination.  These are the phrases that best sum up this card.  The slow and steady step after step of learning what you need to learn to apply that to your life.

Religious implications:

Deity: Forsetti     was  the Asgard god of justice and the son of Balder and Nanna.   Every day he would reconciliate the differences between the gods and between men, often also between men and gods.  His judgments were so pure and fair, that no one ever felt treated unfair.  He resided in Glitznir.

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Hanged Man

Magical aspects:

Herb: mugwort

Tree: Oak

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Kannaz

Language Meanings: Wisdom Illumination

Calendar:   Sep. 13-27

Divination Meaning:   After you have achieved a certain level of your journey and accomplished a couple steps, you now need to start the on the journey training, start to learn as you go.  Start to assimilate that which you are experiencing into actually first hand knowledge .

Religious implications:

Deity: Gullveig     

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Fool

Magical aspects:

Herb: cowslip

Tree: Pine

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Gebo

Language Meanings: Partnership Gift

Calendar:   Sep. 28-Oct 12

Divination Meaning:  On your journey of discovery you will encounter various things on your path that are there to aid and assist you in learning and growing.  The people you met the places you go and the things that you encounter are all there for you to get a better and better idea of the direction you will be needing to go in the future.

Religious implications:

Deity: Odin and Freya

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Magician  

Magical aspects:

Herb: heartsease

Tree: Elm/Ash

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Wunjo

Language Meanings: Emotion Joy

Calendar:   Oct. 13-27

Divination Meaning:  As you travel along your path, you need to be working as much with yourself as your talents.  The goal is not all about accomplishing the task but you have all these tasks to accomplish so that you can be with yourself and understand just who you are.  The more you know about yourself the better everything gets.  And the easier it becomes to accomplish the tasks you have laid out for yourself.

Religious implications:

Deity:   Freya/Freyia

Vanir goddess of sex, fertility, war, and wealth, daughter of Njord and sister of Frey.  She was taken in by the Aesir, perhaps as hostage and remained there becoming an Aesir. Her daughters, by Od, are naMediterranean  Hnoss, who is so beautiful that whatever is valuable and lovely is naMediterranean  "treasure" after her, and Gersemi.

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Lovers

Magical aspects:

Herb: flax

Tree: Ash

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Haggalaz

Language Meanings: Reflection Constraint

Calendar:   Oct. 28-Nov 12

Divination Meaning:  The past, occasionally it is a very good idea to look to the past to see where you have come from.  Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it.  So occasionally spend time with what you have done so that you can go forward having learned those lessons.

Religious implications:

Deity: Hemdall  Heimdall  Watches the rainbow bridge , for the coming of the frost giants at the Ragnarok, at which time he will sound his horn Gjallar. In the Ragnarok, he and Loki will kill each other. He never sleeps, can see in the dark, and can hear sheep wool growing. His dwelling place is Himinbjorg [heavenly mountains].  Nine sisters, signifying the waves, gave birth to him.  As Rig, he begets Thrall, Carl, and Earl, representing the three classes of man; slave, freeman, and noble.


Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  World   

Magical aspects:

Herb: lily of the valley

Tree: Yew/ Ash

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Nauthiez

Language Meanings: Patience Necessity

Calendar:   Nov. 13-27

Divination Meaning:  Present, being in the here and now is the thing to do, since you are needed to be in the here and now to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.  The accomplishments of tomorrow is the hard work of today.

Religious implications:

Deity: Nornir

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Devil

Magical aspects:

Herb: bistort

Tree: Beech

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Isa

Language Meanings: Serenity Stasis

Calendar:   Nov. 28-Dec 12

Divination Meaning:  Thinking and planning ahead to tomorrow.  Coming up with a good idea, concept, head space, place of action.  You have not put enough thought into what you are going to be doing tomorrow and that is having an affect on today.

Religious implications:

Deity: Frost Giants  

Magical aspects:

Mediterranean uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Hermit    

Magical aspects:

Herb: henbane

Tree: Alder

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Jera

Language Meanings: Time, the future Year

Calendar:   Dec 13-27

Divination Meaning:  The cycles of time.  What we do as we do it.   We are all working with time,

Religious implications:

Deity: Freya        

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Death       

Magical aspects:

Herb: rosemary

Tree: Oak

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Eiwaz

Language Meanings: Creation

Calendar:   Dec. 28 Jan. 12

Divination Meaning:  This is the goddess card,  this the the essence of creation. To carry forward with who and what you are.  Focus supremely on your own talents as to what to do next.

Religious implications:

Deity: Freya

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Temperance  

Magical aspects:

Herb: mandrake

Tree: Yew

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Pertho

Language Meanings: Understanding

Calendar:   Jan. 13-27

Divination Meaning:  This the business card.  This is what you do with what you have.  With you skills you need to go around the market yourself.

Religious implications:

Deity: Uller  Ulle also Ull

 Ull was the god of the chase, archery and hunting.

His weapon was a longbow made out of Yew and he lived in Ydal.

He was called upon for help in duels. He was the son of Thor and Sif 

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Emperor 

Magical aspects:

Herb: aconite

Tree: Beech

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Alhaz

Language Meanings: Awareness Elk

Calendar:   Jan28 Feb. 11

Divination Meaning:  Warrior card,  This the battle, card, the skills and awareness level that comes from the shear understanding of battle.  You can never truly know yourself unless you have gone through the riggers of battle to see just who you are.

Religious implications:

Deity: Valkyries   

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Moon   

Magical aspects:

Herb: angelica


Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Sowillo

Language Meanings: Consciousness Sun

Calendar:   Feb. 12-26

Divination Meaning:  Continuousness.  To take all that is you and present that to the world as you are a new whole person.  Over the course of 15 steps you have developed a great deal of knowledge about who and what you are.  It is now time for you to go out and present that which is you to the world.

Religious implications:

Deity: Balder  Baldur

also known as Baldur and Baldr

Aesir god, son of Odin and Frigg, husband of Nanna, father of Forseti.  He was killed with mistletoe thrown by his blind brother Hod. According to Saxo Grammaticus, Hod (Hother) did it on his own; others blame Loki.

Baldur is the god of light, purity, beauty and justice.  He is the god of the season Spring and it is said that a light emanated from within him.  He resided with his wife Nanna in the Breidablick territory.  Baldur was always plagued by terrible nightmares that he could not decipher.  To investigate these dreams, he decided to ride to Nifelheim.  A Wölwa (magic woman, shaman) told him that soon his brother Hod will kill him and the land of death has already prepared for his arrival.  As a counter meassure, his mother Frigg removed all poisons, illnesses and elements from the world so that no harm may come to Baldur. However, she overlooked a  mistletoe bush during her removal that Loki noticed.

And so, the Asgards were calMediterranean  down and enjoyed a meeting at which the invincible Baldur was amongst them. Loki however broke off a branch of the mistle toe and handed it to the blind Hod  who in fun harmlessly threw the branch and hit Baldur with it thus killing him.  In rage, his brother Vali avenged Baldur's death by killing Hod.  Everyone was very upset and began to cry.  Quickly they sent for Hermod to ride on his father's (Odin) horse naMediterranean  Sleipnir into the land of death and offer a bribery to Hel in order to release Baldur and then bring him back.

In the meantime, funeral procedures have begun and as per tradition, Baldur was laid out on his ship naMediterranean   Hringhorn and they wanted to push it out into the sea with the help of the giant Hyrrockin .  She barely had to push the ship when it headed out to sea.

Baldur's Wife Nanna could not stand knowing her beloved husband being dead and died shortly thereafter of a broken heart.  She was laid on a stack of wood which was blessed by Thor with his hammer which ignited the heap of wood.  Present at the funeral were not only the Asgards, but also the Vakyries and even some of their enemies like the Hrimthursen and the mountain giants.  In addition, Baldur's horse was also cremated and as a special offering, Odin laid his ring naMediterranean  Draupnir onto the ashes.

Hermod, who after 9 days and 9 nights ride finally arrived at the land of death  sah Baldur sit there on the homor chair and so he addressed Hel to please allow him to bring Baldur back home.  Hel, goddess of death decided that only if all creatures alike would mourn about Baldur, she would release him out of her kingdom.  Hermod thought that this was not impossible to do because Baldur was a well like and loved god by all.  Hermod returned to the Asgards with the news and messengers were sent all over the world and the world started to cry and mourn over Baldur.  Only the giant Thökk refused to mourn or cry and therefore, Baldur had to remain with Hel.  Not until Ragnarok will Baldur and Hod make peace and return from the land of the dead to reign over a newly


Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Sun

Magical aspects:

Herb: mistletoe

Tree: Juniper

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Tiwaz

Language Meanings: Direction Cosmic Pillar

Calendar:   Feb. 27  March 13

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Tyr   

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Justice         

Magical aspects:

Herb: sage


Octave Musical:  



Name as spelled: Bircano

Language Meanings: Growth

Calendar:   March 14-29

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Frigga  She was a Norse goddess of love and fertility. In some accounts she was Odin's wife, making her foremost among the Aesir goddesses. She receives credit for seing the fate of all mankind.  She was the mother of Tyr, Hod, Baldur, Bragi and the day Friday is dedicated to her.

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Empress

Magical aspects:

Herb: ladies mantle

Tree: Birch

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Ewaz

Language Meanings: Movement Horse

Calendar:   March 30  April 13

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Sliepnor 

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Chariot 

Magical aspects:

Herb: ragwart

Tree: Ash

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Mannaz

Language Meanings: Self Self

Calendar:   April 14-28

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Heimdall 

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Star       

Magical aspects:

Herb: madder

Tree: Holly

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Laguz

Language Meanings: Flow Flowing water

Calendar:  April 29-May 13

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Nord    Njord        God of wind and sea, father of Freya and Frey. His wife was the giantess

Skadi who selected him on the basis of his feet which she thought belonged to Balder


Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  N/A     

Magical aspects:

Herb: leek

Tree: Willow

Octave Musical:  



Name as spelled: Ingwaz

Language Meanings: Fertility expansive energy

Calendar:  May 14-28

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Freya 

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Judgment 

Magical aspects:

Herb: self heal

Tree: Apple

Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Othello

Language Meanings: Stability Home Possessions

Calendar:   May29-13 June

Divination Meaning: 

Religious implications:

Deity: Odin   

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  N/A     

Magical aspects:

Herb: clary


Octave Musical:



Name as spelled: Daggaz

Language Meanings: Day        

Calendar:   June 14-28

Divination Meaning:  Balance

Religious implications:

Deity: Thor 

Magical aspects:

Medicinal uses:

Construction uses:  


Symbolic Meaning:

Tarot:  Wheel o Fortune 

Magical aspects:

Herb: gold thread

Tree: Spruce

Octave Musical:





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T Shawn & Emma Welling