The T Shawn Welling Web Site


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated 5/30/2004 9:23 PM

Under construction while research lasts. Check back daily







I would like to remind my readers that this is an under construction site.  I am adding material on a constant basis each page, each branch sometimes goes months with out, and sometimes each branch gets new and updated information on a daily basis.  So please be patient my research is ongoing, and I find new and interesting things on almost a daily basis.  Keep checking back; see the last updated on the index page.  Any and all questions please do not hesitate to go to the yahoo groups listed below join and ask any question you like.   Your input has helped shape the way I present the information, and helps me to be more definite with issues in showing my work.





Symbolic science Ingwaz atomic theory


The counts

1.       Fehu the one count 

a.        Ingwaz the infrastructure of how the machine works. 

                                                  i.          Fehu the first Ætt. 

1.          Fehu

2.          Uruz 

3.         Thurasaz

4.          Ansuz

5.         Raido

6.         Kannaz  

7.         Gebo

8.          Wunjo

                                                ii.         Haggalaz second Ætt 

1.      .  Haggalaz

2.         Nauthiez 

3.          Isa

4.        Jera

5.        Eiwaz

6.      .   Pertho

7.        Alhaz

8.         Sowillo

                                              iii.        Tiwaz   third Ætt 

1.       Tiwaz  

2.        Bircano

3.           Ewaz

4.        Mannaz

5.        Laguz

6.        Ingwaz

7.        Othallo

8.        Daggaz

b.         Uruz inside the number 2 count.  Establishing the strength/fuel of any given situation. 

c.         Thurasaz inside the number 3 count 

d.        Ansuz inside the number 4  

e.        Raido inside the number 5 

f.          Kannaz inside the number 6 

g.         Gebo inside the number 7 

h.         Wunjo  inside the number 8 

2.           Haggalaz

a.       . Haggalaz  inside the number 9 

b.       Nauthiez inside the number 10 

c.         Isa inside the number 11 

d.       Jera inside the number 12 

e.        Eiwaz inside the number 13 

f.        . Pertho inside the number 14 

g.        Alhaz inside the number 15 

h.       Sowillo  inside the number 16 

3.           Tiwaz

a.        Tiwaz inside the number 17 

b.       Tiwaz inside the number 18 

c.          Ewaz  inside the number 19 

d.       Mannaz inside the number 20  

e.        Laguz inside the number 21  

f.         Ingwaz inside the number 22  

g.        Othallo inside the number 23  

h.       Daggaz inside the number 24 


From the first Electro-Magnetic short circuit to the formulation of galaxies, this section deals with how to same rules of Electro-Magnetic



a.       atomic building blocks

                                                              i.      building bits

                                                            ii.      bits make up basic atomic structures

                                                          iii.      the atom

                                                          iv.      the atomic structure makes other structures to balance it out

                                                              i.       I think there are spaces within this framework that there is greater detail involved than moving from there can not be just one atom made there is balance within the universe as to the construction of atoms in the Electro Magnetic balance.

                                                            ii.      Then molecules

                                                          iii.      Then more complex molecular structures

b.      Molecular structures interact

                                                              i.      atomic structure

                                                            ii.      Then there is the more complex structures the more complex the thing is

                                                          iii.      Then there are things like rocks and minerals

c.       Then things like

                                                              i.      heat

                                                            ii.      pressure

                                                          iii.      time, what happens at each stage of large counts, the first counts is basic stuff but then again after the basic counts what happens,  and at what point are the more complex molecular structures constructed and in what manner are they constructed

d.      Galaxies

                                                              i.      At what point is there enough material to start the construction phase of a galaxy. 

                                                            ii.      Planets

1.      rocks

2.      minerals

3.      size

4.      make up

5.      atmosphere

a.       aerodynamics

b.      life forms

c.       engineering

d.      metallurgy

                                                          iii.      Then what is that, how according to Futhark rules how are galaxies made.

                                                          iv.      Then what are the forces involved to begin the rules of the planet and what are those rules, what governs the building of planets and what rules make up what ideas

e.       Life forms

                                                              i.      what are they

                                                            ii.      At what point do life forms become something,

                                                          iii.      What do life forms need,

                                                          iv.      How to regular health from problems

                                                            v.      Environment in which life forms exist,

                                                          vi.      Why are they there

                                                        vii.      Agronomy and medicine

                                                      viii.      Molecular biology and genetics

f.        Physical sciences

g.       Astronomy

h.      Biochemistry

i.        Biophysics

j.        Biomathematics

k.      Bioengineering

l.        Mechanics

m.    Optics

n.      Physics

o.      Meteorology

p.      Zoology

q.      Botany

r.        Chemistry

s.       Geology

t.        Music

u.      Mechanics,

v.      Cosmology

w.     physical

x.       chemistry

y.       meteorology

z.       physiology,

aa.   embryology,

bb.  anatomy,

cc.  genetics

                                                              i.      body differences around the world

                                                            ii.      northern European body types

                                                          iii.      Caucasians not one people

dd. ecology are subdivisions of the biological

ee.  physics heat, magnetism, and electricity

ff.     botany and zoology

gg.   geology

hh.  chemistry

ii.      astronomy

jj.      physics

kk.  anthropology




Fibonacci rabbit experiment, leads to one of the keys to Futhark mathematics.


The process of nature was what it was about, a mathematician one day set out 2 rabbits and there was 1 pair.   The next month there were 2 pairs. Then the next month there were 3 pairs, and then the next month there were 5 pairs.   8, 13, 21, 34.  and so on   This all fascinated me.   1 2 3 5 8 13 21 are all interesting numbering in the Futhark and I could see how its relevance to the Futhark was incredible but I had not made the connection of the entire process.  I looked at the sequence on the map I created on the wall and I could see that there was a great deal of activity going on with in the numbers described.

The one.  With its bi polar application

The 2, The witches understanding of the 4 corners, the earth air fire water, each has its balance point.   Earth air fire water.   Each works with the other in order to create that which is needed.

The 3, In order to get anything accomplished there needs to be an internal application.  This internal application is that the priorities of the initial thing, the first 3 steps are all about the first initial application of the initial priorities.   The next key to the application process is that the strength of the second step in the middle of this 3rd step is apparent.  The strength of the second step makes the 4th step even possible.

There is an internal structure to the way life is,   This structure takes on the.

The 5, 

The 8,   the first pair and 1 of its off spring have bred but the interesting thing at this point is that the second generations pair has bred also.  So there are 3 generations breeding.


What this means is that there is lots going on within the numbers since this is a cycle of nature and broken down to its simplest format the application of the self within the confines of the mathematics of nature.



Old name My Futhark Atomic Structure Map

Symbolic Atomic Structure


Shawn Welling



The omniverse runs in cycles.  These cycles are the utmost simple in their design but complex in their application.




To begin with there are remarkable


 Each section has its own very specific meaning as well as its own specific concepts to life.  The map is also difficult since it represents a number of different things.   The first is 24


   (Side note everything covered in this first 24 is actually the first section of a much larger count.  So everything in this first section is actually establishing the priorities of much larger sections to come.


Also there are repeat loops following each individual group and section.  

The loop repeats itself in a horizontal pattern as well as a vertical pattern.   The only difficulty is when there are individual repeat loops within each part that require their own calculations and grow and reprioritize themselves into creating their own individual repeat loops.     This is where things start becoming very interesting   )



24                Fehu

This is the beginning This is where everything stems from


576              Uruz    

There are 24 individual repeat loops that make up this section.   Here is where the strength of the priority is established

13824          Thurasaz  

The individual consolidation of what the priorities actually are is here.   Working from the stand point that the 576 repeats itself 24 times then the things that are established here are the consolidation of bringing together that which is needed.   The electromagnetic impulses which are the basis for this entire process.    What will come is the individual electro magnetic currents gel into a solid format.  Creating an electromagnetic bubble from which the priorities of the initial action can then bring themselves into a much bigger flourishing.

Interesting things that happen at this point is that there is enough energy for the basic building blocks of life to start their own construction.   The atom is now formed.

331776                  Ansuz  

This section deals with the concepts that the 13824 have repeated it another 24 cycles.   Following the extended rules of nature and brought down to their base components this is to say that the basic repeat loop.  1, 2,3,5,8, what actually happens here is that whatever is built has to have its own time in which to construct itself properly.  That proper construction is not only essential but in all cases if it does not happen then there is  ever the possibility that that which was created will wither and die because of the fact it was not given time to congeal and reorganize itself.   This step is all about searching within to reorganize and reorient to a much bigger life.   There are a tremendous amount of more tools and skills that can be worked with now that there is 331776 large cycles.   Each 24 repeats enough times that there are hundreds of individual priorities loops interacting with one another. These are important since it is these repeat loops that are the basis for the reorganization.


The atom changes and formulates itself within the structure of the various vibrational alignments   As the Electro Magnetic Current becomes more prevalent and stringer then so does the prevalence for the atoms change.   Certain splits happen which cause the bases for atoms to change their make up.  The simplest of atoms form together to create the basic materials of this specific priority establishment as well as the vibrational accuracies caused by the last cycle.  The stage is set for the advancement of more complex structures of chemistry as well as Electro Magnetic currents

Each repeat loop has its own affect on everything around it from the atomic structure to the foundations of its energy currents needed for the advancement f life as well as the advancement of more  complex structures still to come but outlined in the first 24.

7962624       Raido  

This is where the 331776 repeat 24 times.   Carrying the basic contents of the 24 with it.   Here the reorganization is complete which allows for the first basic steps on the path to accomplishing the goals established within the priorities.

A beginning to work with the talents found within the inner cycle.   Since it is within the inner cycle that those talents are found in the 4 Ansuz section.


The historic structure now begins to split itself off strongly into separate defined areas.   The first major splits in structural alignments come from a direct result of the initial splits of the 3 8ths.   There are individual atoms, outgoing atoms and of course base atoms.   These will eventually make much more complex structures later but for now it’s just the basis.   This first section is of course just establishing the priorities of life itself.   There is some formulation of what the individual atoms and combined atoms in to some structures which will affect each individual member of the 8ths but for now its just the initial 8 depict.


1991102976  Kannaz  

As before the previous sections cycles are repeated 24 times.  Producing similar results.   Here after such incredible things have happened and the setting of experiences have produced the results of intelligence.  Or the beginning of intelligence.   Seeing that personal actions have direct result comes into the spectrum.  But this is only several stages after the initial energy is congealed producing the results of action reaction.   As well as the inner cycles happening at virtually the same time.  Virtually since there are literally trillions of inner cycles happening at the same time now as well as  a large emphases on the growing need to continue on ones path to accomplish that which has been set forth to accomplish.


The other thing that is happening at this point is that there is another going within cycle.   Within each of the segments there is a strong going within ones self to determine the next course of action.   Here is the beginning of the 5 to 13 stretch.   Whose number is going from 4 to 5 in that specific cycle.    In the sequence guide to things the application of the various stages reflects back upon where each of those stages outlines.    The beginning of the cycle is another going within ones self to determine what all these interesting affects has on the harmony of the inner person.     Combining the 4th and 6th cycles at once within the bigger whole that produces the results of paying attention to what is happening as a result of actions taken.


In chemistry here is where the individual atomic structure starts to formulate itself.   The Electro Magnetic grids are now strong and focused enough to produce the next alignments within the framework of the sequence.   Severe individual focus of what is truly needed to accomplish what goals.  All these atoms are restored here


4586471424 Gebo  



Here the previous cycle again repeats on itself.    Energies coalesce to create for themselves bonds and alignments with other cycles.   Setting forth during this specific cycle to determine what can be worked with and what will not happen according to not only alignment but also the greater balance to the overall cycle of everything.   The partnerships are tested at this point.


In the expanded sequence this is the 2 in the section.   Here we learn to find the inner strength to accomplish the priority.  The priority is set forth in the previous cycle.   This is finding the strength.



The structures that matter congeal here as partnerships are established and the beginnings of complex atomic structures are built.  Formulations of which structures harmonize with what other structure comes into being and complex atomic structures begin their formulations at this point.    Explorations of what will work as well as what will not work are formulated here as well as the basis for some complex structures have their basic formulations in its specific area.


1.100753142 (11) Wunjo  


This is the accumulation of not only the 8th extended 24 cycles map but also the extended nature map.   Here is where the inner cycles reach a critical mass.   That critical mass that has been reached is one of intense bonds between almost everything around.     Here is recognized for its ability to only set forth with a solid structure of priorities but a solid based structure.   From here on out things, which have achieved this level of Electro Magnetic vibration attunement, are solid and a part of everything that follows.  


The atoms structures take large advancements toward formulating their goals and orientations here, instead of stumbling blindly around there is now direct application toward actually building more complex atoms models all the way up to the beginning construction of some molecules.


It now becomes possible for extremely complex molecular structures to begin their construction phases. 

(Yes there are cycles to everything.)  


After the above cycle has been finished a time of reflection before going on to the next in the sequence of cycles.   The priorities to everything have been not only established but have also been solidified enough that they have formed their own inner cycles.   The priorities that began this journey way back in the first 24 are still present but they have multiplied as well as set into something tangible as well as workable into something more than a glimmer of an idea or a glimmer of a slight difference in the electro magnetic pulses which ripple through everything.   That which has been created is now not only a visible grounded form but it also is an Electro Magnetic to be reckon with.   Everything around has to now sit back and reorganize their own em’s to be able to move forward.


Haggalaz    2641807540224

Nauthiez    6.340338096538e+013

Isa     1.521681143169e+015

Jera    3.652034743606e+016

Eiwaz    8.764883384654e+017

Pertho      2.103572012317e+019

Alhaz     5.04857282956e+020

Sowillo    1.211657479095e+022









Group 1. 1-9


Section 1


The ways of the world are to be found in the process of nature itself.   Since nature has three sides to itself.  A masculine a feminine and a balanced.  Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.  But all are mutually dependent on each other to form the world in which we who come from the earth are.


In fact the whole of the omniverse can be measured simply by understanding a simple measuring device.


First establish priorities

Then find its strengths

Then comes its individuality

Then it starts to seek out into its surroundings

Then it begins to truly explore the world around

Then it learns from what it has experienced and becomes more understanding of what we are and how to apply the priorities established in the beginning


Seeking others from which to connect and learn more from


Then an emotional establishment occurs between the new connections


This ends this first section of what happens in the beginning.


The second part has to do with the establishment of the individual to learn and grow to go forth and accept, that which has been presented in the initial priorities


A reflection of the past where one has come from


Identifying where one is now at this time


A concept of what the future holds as well as how one will alter that of the future


Time at this level of understanding is not really an issue.  IT only really becomes an issue after the 3rd cycles is complete.


Creation then begins its process of truly building that which has been set forth in the priorities


An application of that which had been created


Into the flow of it all is then brought  observation.   Seeing how things are truly is looking out ward at the world as it is known


Seeing how one can apply that which has been established in the priorities as well as the learned and experienced since then


This is the end of the second 8 this has been a time of establishing and building that which is the heart of the priority


Action setting forth to do that which has been made


Growing in a large scale from that which has been made or established


Profound movement follows substantial growth


A personal reflection time to see who the individual truly is rather then being that which one has been


Seeing the overall omniverse and how one fits themselves into that specific area one needs to be in


Concentrating on the smallest of details in ones life so that the inner most priorities can become enhanced with the passages and that which has been learned

Creating a stable and well adjusted home life within ones self as well as without ones self


Reviewing that which one has come from in order to learn from what has been done


This is now the end of the third 8 this has been a time of combining the first 2 section into a uniform balance.


Each has their own specific section on what are feminine priorities what is masculine and what the balance is in turn between.  Each section has its own strengths with in each of the three divisions.


All life follows this specific pattern in its own specific forms and time forms involved.



Section 2



When the pattern repeats itself those that follow are according to the number in their sequence the first is establishing the simple priorities of life. 



The second is the establishment of the strengths of life itself.


The third is identification of each individuals own identity as well as personality what are its own personal talents, abilities, skills and so on


The fourth is the identification of what happens in the outer realm.   What is that that is outside of its own personal auric  space


Traveling toward that which is established within the first section of priorities


Pure knowledge,  identification of the ability to think and contemplate what is around


Connection with that which is around in order for one to accomplish that which has been established within the priorities


A spiritual connection with that which is on ones path and what one needs to actually do to accomplish  the priorities


This ends the beginning of the extended map of the universe first 8 cycles,   Here the priorities are established and a connection to what is needed is built.


The next set of cycles deals with the formulation of that which is needed to go forth and create that which has been identified as ones inner priorities


Identification of where one has come from  in all aspects


Seeing in all aspects where one is right now


Seeing the future, where to apply that which has been learned


Creating more elaborate sections of what needs to be built according to everything learned or experienced so far on the path.


Applying that which has been created on a bigger scale


Seeing the bigger picture to that which has been seen before as well as seeing where to apply what which has been established within the framework of the initial priorities


Identifying that which is known to that which is unknown from this standpoint


End of extended cycle identification of the individuals path


Beginning of the next section of combining the first 2 sections


Go forth and toward that with has been built on


growth with that which has been built


Interference movement happens during this cycle


An extended identification of the self occurs with a greater and more profound understanding of what the individuals standing is within the established priorities as well as the inner balance.  More of an understanding follows as to what and how the inner priorities to life are.


A seeing the much bigger picture with all to personal understanding as well as the ones own place within that bigger cycles as well as the smallest of the priorities.


The smallest details in life are to have the focus of intense scrutiny as well as compared to the intricacies of the initial priorities of life and where it all began.


Establishing a more profound inner stability as well as external


A deeper review of not only that which has been the basics of the path of the initial 24 but of the extended individual accomplishments of the 24 cycles which follow


The end of the third 8 combining the entire extended cycle



Section 3


Everything actually from this point is a continuation of not only individual cycles working but of a much bigger picture of intricate smallest details cycles repeat and create their own priorities as well as their own reaction and place within the greater whole but also within the greater parameters of larger cycles come in to place with much bigger details of life and universes as well as omniverse.  


Everything created on a larger scale is subject to the checks and balances of does it truly fit in to the greater cycle of everything.


This next part of not 24, repeat 24 ,but of the extended map 24 with 24 within each 24 is a 3 set cycle.   With a 24 within it as well as a 24 within each section.


This is where life starts getting complex and time begins to have a serious affect on all that is establishing its own priorities.




Section 4

4        79,626,24

Ansuz                   4        331776  /  13824  /  576  /  24  =346200


At this point life gets interesting for the interrelations become even more intense and more things need to be tracked


This is where it becomes possible for the elements of a world to begin their transformation into something substantial.  Basic elements begin to formulate as well as interact with other elements that are around.


Out of this chemical structures are made and they interact with other basic elements, creating the necessary priorities to be in place for the electro magnetics of the world to allow for spiritual energy to be strong and focused enough that rampant energies focus themselves and determine their own priorities that there is a specific form in which they would like to not only live in but interact with other things of that level of vibration.



Here is the beginning of the complexity of life itself.


Now if you have been keeping track there are 24 sections to the original orientation although the 12th is only a factor when the vibration is high enough for it to be affected by the influence of time.   Then the cycle doubles to build a 24 of 24.  That’s 576.    Then the third cycle represents itself to the vibrational attunement by their own 3 layers of interaction.  The primary layer is the individual 24 working with in a 24 Then each individual itself creates a formulation of a larger section of 576 of 24 that is 13824 of the understood cycles.


Now here we have 24  13824 =  331,776.   This is important since there are not only 331.776 individual cycles involved but each of the individual 331,776 has its own individual subsections involved.   Each capable of producing their own sections and grow by themselves.   But that will be talked about later.

Each specific 331.776 is itself  has 4,586,471,424, sections subsection and the like added to the individual cycles.   That is of course give or take since we are that this point talking about quantum mathematics.   Or the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide on not a 1 or 2 dimensional scale but on a 3 and 4 and 5 dimensional scale.


The runes of the omniverse get little shaky about now.  Up till this point there has been an incredible amount of emphasis on the development of the linear movement.  A goes to b then to c as in 24 then 576 then to 13824,    here things get interesting because it takes time for things to be built and orientated to the differences in the cycles.  As in it most definitely becomes non linear.   When watching the omniverse the atoms which make up the omniverse specifically this section the first 3 generations of the linear path are straight and defined.  After that it becomes muddled.  For instance rabbits  their reproduction rate if left in a confined space and have no interaction with other bunnies would be  the first month 1 pair  the second 2 pair,  add another pair of from the first pair and there are 3 the third month the first pair would breed again the second pair would breed again producing 5.   Well a quick calculation has it that first the priorities are established as in the first pair.  The quick calculation sets forth that there are 2 the second go around.  The third go around makes 3 since the second pair are now breeding.   Add the first number with the second will produce the third number continue doing this and you get.  5.   Well since this is a nature map it should apply to all nature in its own specific way.   Here it applies by way of between the 4 and the 5 cycle’s there is an interaction which takes place. 


Now within the boundaries of the known omniverse the fourth section is all about dealing with the intricacies of establishing the priorities of the situation.  Here there is a description of not only the cycles of human life but also the cycles of the planet we live on and the omniverse we are attached to.


Within the boundaries of the 4 section there is great need to seek out beyond the limitation of the self to not only beginning to apply that which is established in the priorities but also to seek the information of other things out beyond the boundaries that are not all that is in our selves.   This is also where babies are born.  There is enough permutations to the initial seed, it has grown enough and is established enough in its own determination that it can seek outside itself for stimulation.   Now in the first year there is very little it does other than try to figure out what the thing is that it has constructed and how to work with it.  The other thing it does is it very carefully will sit there and letting the cycles to life in this specific cycle drift by without getting too much involved sitting back and assessing the new priorities of life and where this new found creation will not only react but also interact with everything around it.


Section 5


Raido          5        7962624  /  331776  /  13824  /  576  /  24


Now that this external thing has been figured out and the new priorities are established the journey to actually accomplish that which has been from the beginning the direction.   The first steps toward accomplishing that goal are now within reach.   After discovering what that outside world is sort of about.   Its time to take the plunge and take a step outside the norm.



Section 6


Kennaz                 6        1,911,012,976  /  7962624  /  331776  /  13824  /  576  /  24


Now here instead of where things have been progressing there is a deviation behind the entire mix.  That deviation is that this has become the time in which there are added measures of intelligence.  Conscious thought comes into the mix.  An added ability to go forth in a new direction.  Instead  of discovering what is out there the initial priorities of the initial act come into play bringing about a change in environment caused by the individuals seeking a new path, a way of setting forth to accomplish that which has been presented.  All along the journey to this point there has been great emphases on the building of raw materials in order to accomplish the goals set forth.  Now it is time for that which has been built to go forth to accomplish its tasks.  To deviate from what every other thing is doing.  This vibration change is doing in part to the application of the next change in cycle.  


Note that all cycles also repeat by themselves on and on.   From here we have had 79625540.67 times that the individual 24 cycle has repeated.    Bringing itself into own unique perspective as well as its own heavy vibration attunement.


At this point a severe shift in attitude occurs with the bringing on of the more complex cycles into being.  Molecules can now juncture themselves inside of the 6 fold omniverse.  Creating junctures that were not possible before.   These junctures although they are important need to also have their own cycles and individual vibrational complexities in order to accomplish the goals that the individuals have set for themselves in the priorities of their creations...


Section 7


Once created these new junctures in life need to be able to independently operate and function with others around them learning on their own what they can interact with and what they cannot interact with according to the 24 rules set forth already.   Each individual 24 has its own vibrational patterns or positive, negative and balance.  Now there are about 2 dozen different combinations of the 3 base rules.  Since each individual will respond to its environment differently, negative can be a grounded form of energy or a negative, an out from an inflow or just sit there if the other two are stronger.   Balance can be a true balance between the other poles or it can have an active role to play with one or the other it all depends on how they mingle and interact with one another.   There is also a series of events which marks its sequence.  Each of the 24 have its neighbors in which it can be and have its own place when things get mixed that’s when interesting things happen and cause most complex structures.


Section 8


Each individual section settles down into a very harmonious rhythm and interacts positively with everything around it.    Here are complex bonds between things are made and worked with.



This is the end of the first 8 major priorities establishing sequences.




Group 1 . 9-16

These next 8 are all about finding the individual place in which to work and perform those tasks set forth.


Section 9


An identification with the past as to what happened.  Not anything more than just what had happened.  Where one has come from


Section 10


An examination of where exactly you or the situation is right now.  This is the present what  is happening right now.   What are the internal things going on.


Section 11


The outlook of the future.  What are the perspectives on what would one like to accomplish next.   How would the priority at this stage like to affect or interact with what the priority is?


Section 12


This is where things get fascinating.   Here is where things are complex enough to allow for there to be a interaction with in the “time space continuum” for lack of a better word.   Since it is not just the space time continuum that is affected but that is a rough way of saying that to begin with.   The complexities of time begin to have an effect on the other things which are around at different times.    That which is needed to be created also needed to have some sort of time frame involved.  


The concept of time also has its own parameters as well as its own forms and effects on all life these are categorized within this specific section.   We are still in the molecular stage of life and the planet or world that has been created or the omniverse or universe that has been created is directly affected by the goings on of the time frames involved.  But that is not to say that the same rules and guidelines do not have a similar affect on to what is truly happening to al that is affected by the “Ravages of time”     it is only ravenous when it is fought against.  Like the rest of the guidelines, if they are fought against then the lessons the priorities have established will produce harder lessons but that is not until the forms of chemistry are capable of formulating more complex structures as well as more complex electromagnetic signatures to build everything that is needed   for stronger vibration creatures.  


Section 13

Creation takes on a whole different meaning when time is thrown in to the mix.   Now everything has to have a defined beginning middle and end according to that specific scale.  Others scales are a conception a building and orientation cycle  for most advanced cycles.  A middle intense action, a wind down and determine lessons,  then the need of spreading the knowledge learned back to the ones just starting on their 5 stage path.


Section 14



This section deals with the chemistry and the application of elements of nature


See each of the elements in the periodic table of elements have a specific meaning and orientation to the other elements.    There are cycles to all molecules flows, these cycles can be tracked in a certain way.   This model maps that sequence and will aid science in discovering how each chemical model or substance flows together.


The sequences are mapped here but for more complex compounds the calculations happen in section 4 physics


there are cercian rules to be followed .  The  basics of the following situations which are involved within the the nordics phylosoph is based on the consepts of nature and who it workes.  The consept of movement that are within the

Fehu           1  Priorities Carbon and the begining of basic sell struckture.

Fehu Carbon

Uruz Oxygen

Thursaz  Phosphates


Raido   Nitrogen

Kennaz    Sulfer flammibility

Usuz                    2   Gasses    Hydrogen  2 Oxigen  Nitrogen   Carbon Monozide  Nitrogen Oxide  Methane  Florine      Noble Gasses Helium   Neon  Argon  Krypton


Thurasaz    3 Phosphates

Ansuz         4 Mercury

Raido          5  Nitrogen

Kennaz       6        Sulfer flammibility

Gebo          7

Wunjo        8


Haggalaz  9  The past. 

Nauthiez   10 The present, right now

Isa     11  Stablity,  and models 

Jera   12 Timing,  all things realated to the opperation of time

Eiwaz         13  Rocks   Earthly things

Pertho        14  Metals,  Iron,  Copper,  Sivler,  Gold, 

Alhaz 15 x rays

Sowillo        16 Salt?  Resinent heat


Tiwaz         17  Directions actions happenings

Bircano      18   minerals?

Ewaz 19  Radio Activity  Polonium,  Radium,  dariutive,  Thorium,  Uranium, 

Mannaz      20 identifiers

Laguz         21 a overall flow to averything

Ingwaz       22 Atomic building blocksa

Othallo       Stablaizers

Daggaz   24   Acids and bases first section acetic such as vinigar second set is the sulfuric acid



The basics of


In chemistry



In chemistry there are basic rul;es to follow as to how to obsderve propperly.   All of the below chemical compounds are raited not by what they look like and a measures effect from the standpoint of measuring with time movement and distance or intereaction with extremem stimmulation.  Instead each item is measured as to what it truly does in regardes to all other atoms it encounters.

Fehu Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction






























Ansuz         Hydrogen

Fehu Oxigen


Carbon Monozide

Nitrogen oxide



  Noble Gasses

Wunjo        Helium





Thurasaz    issoation and cvhangeing atoms and molecules

























Radio Activity















The periodic table of elements

the atomic weights of elements

















































































The basics of


In chemistry



In chemistry there are basic rul;es to follow as to how to obsderve propperly.   All of the below chemical compounds are raited not by what they look like and a measures effect from the standpoint of measuring with time movement and distance or intereaction with extremem stimmulation.  Instead each item is measured as to what it truly does in regardes to all other atoms it encounters.

Fehu Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction

Fehu Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction Fehu  Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction Fehu    





























Ansuz         Hydrogen

Fehu Oxigen


Carbon Monozide

Nitrogen oxide



  Noble Gasses

Wunjo        Helium






























Radio Activity













The nature of breaking down an atomic structure.

Som attoms are the product of breaking down large complex atoms into there basic structure or several of there basic structures to determine whast is in that puzzle, ( and what can we hamans use to better our lifes)   This is taking each and every step in order of understanding and working directly with the sequie c to breakm each and every atom down into its basic compontsrts.   This possess is a goodf possess and illustrates the basic nature involved and inherent behind the futhark, to a large complex structure ehtere are alsoways basic components within,   in chemistry and as it relates to atomic structure the key things to kepp I mind are that say a complex fehu a carbon based atomic structure.    There is lots goign opn within the atoms structure of every atoms.   From the most complex to the basic hydrogen.

Science atomic classifications


The atomic breakdown

earth                            rocks

air                                gasses

fire                               flammable material

water                           water and all its various forms

energy/spirit    the bind which makes building atoms possible, allowing molecules to be made.




Mannaz: Medicine, the full tarot deck

This is Futhark medicine.  Futhark medicine is a combination of 3 disiplines. Soul, Body, and Mind.  In that order.  Now  Futhark medicine doctor needs to be proficient and an expert in all 3 disiplines to be able to treat the self.



idea of futhak chemistry is that there is a need for an order in life and the presume of knowledge.  In the atom this is no different.  Futhark chemistry is based soly on the idea of determining what is the Electro Magnetic Current put off by each of the atoms in this universe and what interaction will that atom have with every other atom in thisn existacne.



Organic and inorganic elements for organic elelcemts shuch as carbon oxigen hydrogen would would translate to teanlate to life force runes.   The inoragnaice sould translate to non life force runes.  If there are any.


Type element.  Helium argaon neon


The same consepts would work it may jsut be setain runes would translate


In chemistry and in all the others the main cust to pay attention to is that the elements are not the periodic table of elements as to the individuals as in there waights and the number of protons and electrons revolving around each one.   This catagorizes the elements by what they do. 


As in in an appemt to convert the the perioding table of elelments over in to a older map to track the flow of all elements and the flow of nature itself,  let alone the flow of the nature of the universe



The molecular structure


Electro-Magnetic cycle

This cycle is a simple circuit, but when it reaches a new Fehu it will split into two, a short circuit if you will


The short circuit

The short circuit, on its own can be a positive negative or balance, my negative I mean grounded, unless the short can formulate itself quickly all it will be is a short, but if it has ---- a thing then it will Thurasaz and become its own circuit of energy


Multi circuits, revolving around each other

These circuits of energy, each individual will formulate its own internal structure as to what its own priorities are.  


Their will be interactions, these circuits will then interact, and some will change there internal Electro-Magnetic attunement to balance, with what is needed to happen. 

















This is some of the ideas that I had for the development of the atomic structure. 

I put this here for me to have a ready build cheet sheet for me to follow.


I need to work on the molecular structure and tranlate what I understand from the structure into the map. 


Interesting side note at what point does the cycles come together to allow for there to be a a complex moleculare atability and bonding between various forms.  


Fehu is obvisously the chemical carbon for humans on this earth but then again there is also the need for there to be.




Fehu                    carbin

Uruz           oxigen


This is just a start,  I need to finish the other things before digging into this specific section



Ansuz                   Language

First definations / second definitions / polarity






Haggalaz             past,  everything dealing with what has happened


Nauthiez    10 everythign happening right now the forms the werfors and how of the things existing now as not only we speak but as we exist.


Isa     11 what is happenign next or what will be next and such.


Jera             12 is tieming and cycles,  seperat sections found here will be thurasaz weather patterns gological patterns eiwaz and ocean patterns as well as  as well as manny other forms of not only earth but solar system patterns but those are in extended maps not just within the


Eiwaz                   13 eiwaz cretion the acctuall construction.   The building prossess.


Pertho                  14  where such supplies will worked with and dealt with.



Sowillo                 16  we are getting into the consepts of solar understanding



Tiwaz                   17 is action the not sparkbut het umpph  bhind what we cansider to be movement.  (  this will have e draamatics affect on science since the urles here will enable new and different forlms of prupultion as well as different engines.)



Ewaz           19 is movement shich raites and intracture speeds and flows of how exactly not only time but emp’s flow from one point of section to another with time being a small or not at all factore.


Mannaz                sectio  20 all different forms of phycology are found within this specific map.



Ingwaz                 Ingwas or 22 section would be chemistry or intracute biology.


Daggaz                24 eth balance between the old and now and the next




The following map represents the flwo of the extended map.


Evernythign has a basis of understanding.   Everything known about the urnes and soem new bitts and pieces can be found sectioned off withing the first section each with its own sections aprticles and parts.


The second section wich deals primritly with building and  creating things that would containe the science and other simmilar items.


This is some of the ideas that I had for the development of the atomic structure. 

I put this here for me to have a ready build cheet sheet for me to follow.


I need to work on the molecular structure and tranlate what I understand from the structure into the map. 


Interesting side note at what point does the cycles come together to allow for there to be a a complex moleculare atability and bonding between various forms.  


Fehu is obvisously the chemical carbon for humans on this earth but then again there is also the need for there to be.




Fehu               carbin

Uruz               oxigen


This is just a start,  I need to finish the other things before digging into this specific section



Ansuz             Language

First definations / second definitions / polarity






Haggalaz                   past,  everything dealing with what has happened


Nauthiez        10 everythign happening right now the forms the werfors and how of the things existing now as not only we speak but as we exist.


Isa       11 what is happenign next or what will be next and such.


Jera                 12 is tieming and cycles,  seperat sections found here will be thurasaz weather patterns gological patterns eiwaz and ocean patterns as well as  as well as manny other forms of not only earth but solar system patterns but those are in extended maps not just within the


Eiwaz              13 eiwaz cretion the acctuall construction.   The building prossess.


Pertho             14  where such supplies will worked with and dealt with.



Sowillo                        16  we are getting into the consepts of solar understanding



Tiwaz              17 is action the not sparkbut het umpph  bhind what we cansider to be movement.  (  this will have e draamatics affect on science since the urles here will enable new and different forlms of prupultion as well as different engines.)



Ewaz               19 is movement shich raites and intracture speeds and flows of how exactly not only time but emp’s flow from one point of section to another with time being a small or not at all factore.


Mannaz                      sectio  20 all different forms of phycology are found within this specific map.



Ingwaz                       Ingwas or 22 section would be chemistry or intracute biology.


Daggaz                      24 eth balance between the old and now and the next




The following map represents the flwo of the extended map.


Evernythign has a basis of understanding.   Everything known about the urnes and soem new bitts and pieces can be found sectioned off withing the first section each with its own sections aprticles and parts.


The second section wich deals primritly with building and  creating things that would containe the science and other simmilar items.


The molecular structure


Electro-Magnetic cycle

This cycle is a simple circuit, but when it reaches a new Fehu it will split into two, a short circuit if you will


The short circuit

The short circuit, on its own can be a positive negative or balance, my negative I mean grounded, unless the short can formulate itself quickly all it will be is a short, but if it has ---- a thing then it will Thurasaz and become its own circuit of energy


Multi circuits, revolving around each other

These circuits of energy, each individual will formulate its own internal structure as to what its own priorities are.  


Their will be interactions, these circuits will then interact, and some will change there internal Electro-Magnetic attunement to balance, with what is needed to happen. 
















v Chemistry Notes




Solid liquid and gas, 3


Then there is the classification of metal and non metal  2


There is a concept that there is a distict change in molecules around an 8 number.






Molecules with 2 atoms

Noble or inert gasses








































































Chemistry notes


Organic and inorganic elements for organic elements such as carbon oxygen hydrogen would translate to life force runes.   The inorganic should translate to non life force runes.  If there are any.


Type element.  Helium argaon neon


The same concepts would work it may just be certain runes would translate


In chemistry and in all the others the main cusp to pay attention to is that the elements are not the periodic table of elements as to the individuals as in there weights and the number of protons and electrons revolving around each one.   This categorizes the elements by what they do. 


As in an appemp to convert the periodic table of elements over in to a older map to track the flow of all elements and the flow of nature itself,  let alone the flow of the nature of the universe


Solid liquid and gas, 3


Then there is the classification of metal and non metal  2


There is a concept that there is a distinct change in molecules around an 8 number.


Family groups

IN thsi chemistry example there are important notes to keep in mind.   But the most imp[oratnt is that in this there is little need to pay annention to the atomic height of an atom it is farr more impoarntt o apy attention to what is is, what family it comes from, and what its intereaaction with the other atoms is.





This section deals with the chemistry and the application of elements of nature


See each of the elements in the periodic table of elements have a specific meaning and orientation to the other elements.    There are cycles to all molecules flows, these cycles can be tracked in a certain way.   This model maps that sequence and will aid science in discovering how each chemical model or substance flows together.


The sequences are mapped here but for more complex compounds the calculations happen in section 4 physics


there are cercian rules to be followed .  The  basics of the following situations which are involved within the the nordics phylosoph is based on the consepts of nature and who it workes.  The consept of movement that are within the

Fehu           1  Priorities Carbon and the begining of basic sell struckture.

Fehu Carbon

Uruz Oxygen

Thursaz  Phosphates


Raido   Nitrogen

Kennaz    Sulfer flammibility

Usuz                    2   Gasses    Hydrogen  2 Oxigen  Nitrogen   Carbon Monozide  Nitrogen Oxide  Methane  Florine      Noble Gasses Helium   Neon  Argon  Krypton


Thurasaz    3 Phosphates

Ansuz         4 Mercury

Raido          5  Nitrogen

Kennaz       6        Sulfer flammibility

Gebo          7

Wunjo        8


Haggalaz  9  The past. 

Nauthiez   10 The present, right now

Isa     11  Stablity,  and models 

Jera   12 Timing,  all things realated to the opperation of time

Eiwaz         13  Rocks   Earthly things

Pertho        14  Metals,  Iron,  Copper,  Sivler,  Gold, 

Alhaz 15 x rays

Sowillo        16 Salt?  Resinent heat


Tiwaz         17  Directions actions happenings

Bircano      18   minerals?

Ewaz 19  Radio Activity  Polonium,  Radium,  dariutive,  Thorium,  Uranium, 

Mannaz      20 identifiers

Laguz         21 a overall flow to averything

Ingwaz       22 Atomic building blocksa

Othallo       Stablaizers

Daggaz   24   Acids and bases first section acetic such as vinigar second set is the sulfuric acid



The basics of


In chemistry



In chemistry there are basic rul;es to follow as to how to obsderve propperly.   All of the below chemical compounds are raited not by what they look like and a measures effect from the standpoint of measuring with time movement and distance or intereaction with extremem stimmulation.  Instead each item is measured as to what it truly does in regardes to all other atoms it encounters.

Fehu Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction






























Ansuz         Hydrogen

Fehu Oxigen


Carbon Monozide

Nitrogen oxide



  Noble Gasses

Wunjo        Helium





Thurasaz    issoation and cvhangeing atoms and molecules

























Radio Activity















The periodic table of elements

the atomic weights of elements

















































































The basics of


In chemistry



In chemistry there are basic rul;es to follow as to how to obsderve propperly.   All of the below chemical compounds are raited not by what they look like and a measures effect from the standpoint of measuring with time movement and distance or intereaction with extremem stimmulation.  Instead each item is measured as to what it truly does in regardes to all other atoms it encounters.

Fehu Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction

Fehu Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction Fehu  Priorities Carbon  and the begining of basic sell struckture.  The ways and fors of chemical construction Fehu    





























Ansuz         Hydrogen

Fehu Oxigen


Carbon Monozide

Nitrogen oxide



  Noble Gasses

Wunjo        Helium






























Radio Activity

















The animal kingdom.  Track using both indo European science and Futhark science.


Pick up the atoms, and go from there.


Have to have atoms in place to be able to build large complex bodies.





Complex compounds




Single sell organisms


Multi cell organisms


And so it goes
















And the line of creatures.   From the most simple to the most complex






Molecules with 2 atoms

Noble or inert gasses









































































The  onmiverse runes in cycles.  These cycles are the utmost simple in there design but complex in there application.

Now somewhere in here the might be asked how does the Futhark section lead into the discovery of a better way of doing chemistry or more specific construction of atoms into molecules. There is a certain flow to all chemistry, and when those things are established as to how and why things happen within the model of chemistry itself. 

The model of building and establishing a chemical understanding is in the form of specific models and the guide lines below

Fehu the model construction

Fehu You must start with a priority of what you want to construct and lay down certain ground guidelines as to the application of the end result

Uruz   The start is, begin adding molecular

atom building blocks this will ensure that the application will go successful if the guide lines in the Fehu section are observed carefully.  

The polarity of the specific atoms and molecules structures can be placed together in different ways carefully observing the polarity as well as the intent.  

Some atoms and molecules will change there polarity if they are attached to different molecules or verses so the polarity needs to be monitored extremely closely


The cycles of the needed affect are to be monitored and calculated next


    This is where the application of the interaction with other molecules around.   This provides a secure and proper stability within the makeup of the molecule compound or the like.


Once the basics are established and the molecule is the working stage of development. It is free to proceed on its own path of creation.  In other words go and accomplish your appointed task


Identification of application within what the molecule will do.  It will then performing on its own the tasks set for it by the first 5 steps.


Partnership with other molecules as well as incorporation of raw materials to further the construction of the specific tasks the model or compound.


The interaction between this compound / model and the surrounding models or compounds to create a more stable environment in which to expand and work on.

The Second AEtts:  HAGALAZ    Individual construction



individual progress and focus toward specific and inner goals


Patience To establish where it is that needs to be done a the present time


Planning for the next movement.   After every action there needs to be careful rebuilding.   There also needs to be permissions for the next leap in action.


The clock, cycles timing


This is the section for application of the big thing being  created a major actions.   This also deals with the overall growth if the molecule or compound as a whole.


This is the big project application this is the command for the next step in where its all going.


This is the eyes.   This monitors, keeps track, and insures everything else outside the chemical compound is running smoothly and that there are no problems arising


The Builder.   The conscience of the system.   This is insures the

molecule or chemical compound is working correctly with the environment

The Third AETTS:  TIER     Society


Direction the actual accomplishment of the outcome  of the molecule.  This is where it affects and changes its surroundings


following all the rules of all the above sections


insures everything is running and operating smoothly with the surroundings


This is the self sustaining section to the model building prosses.


the overall flow to everything working together


this is where the next generation of individual chemical atom and molecular system is balanced with the flow of the universe


The stability of it all.   Insuring the differing parts of the molecule work as well as the working of the entire molecular strain.


The balancer.   When things go wrong and what to do about it if it and when they go wrong.




To begin with there are remarkable


 Each section has its own very specific meaning s as well as its own specific concepts to life.  The map is also difficult since it represents an number of different things.   The first is 24


(((   (side note everything covered in this first 24 is actually the first section of a much larger count.  So everything in this first section is actually establishing the priorities of much larger sections to come.


Also there are also  repeat loops following each individual group and section.  

The loop repeats itself in a horizontal pattern as well as a vertical pattern.   The only difficulty is when there are individual repeat loops within each part that require there own calculations and grow and reprioritize themselves into creating there own individual repeat loops.     There is where things start becoming very interesting   )))




Fehu  24

This is the beginning This is where everything stems from

Fehu You must start with a priority of what you want to construct and lay down certain ground guidelines as to the application of the end result

576      Uruz    

There are 24 individual repeat lops that make up this section.   Here is where the strength of the priority is established

13824   Thurasaz  

The individual consolation of what the priorities actually are is here.   Working from the stand point that the 576 repeats itself 24 times then the things that are established here are the consolidation of brining together that which is needed.   The electromagnetic impulses which are the basics for this entire process.    What will come is the individually Electro-Magnetic currents gel into a solid format.  Creating  electromagnetic bubble from which the priorities of the initial action can then bring themselves into a much bigger flourishing.

Interesting things that happen at this point is that there is enough energy for the basic building blocks of life it start there own construction.   The atom  is now formed.


331776             Ansuz  

This section deals with the concepts that the 13824 has repeated itself another 24 cycles.   Following the extended rules of nature and brought down to there base components thick is the say that the basic repeat loop.  1,2,3,5,8,.   What actually happens here is that whatever is build has to have its own time in which to construct itself properly.  That proper construction is not only essential but in all cases if it does into happen then there is a ever possibility that that which was created will wither and died because of the face it was not given time of congeal and reorganize itself.   This step is all about searching within to reorganize and reorient to a much bigger life.   There is tremendous more tools and skills that can be worked with now that there is 331776 large cycles.   Each 24 repeats enough times that there are hundreds of individual priorities loops interacting with one enough these are important since it is these repeat loops that are the basis for the reorganization.


The atom changes and formulates itself within the structure of the various vibrational alignments   As the Electro Magnetic Current become more prevalent and stringer then so does the prevalence for the atoms change.   Certain splits happen which cause the basis for atoms to change there make up.  The simplest of atoms form together to create the basic materials  of this specific priority establishment as well as the vibrational accuracies caused by the last cycle.  The stage is set for the advancement of more complex structures of chemistry as well as Electro Magnetic Current.

Each repeat loop has its own affect on everything around it from the atomic structure to the foundations o the energy currents needed for the advancement f life as well as the advancement of more  complex structures still to come but outlined in the first 24.

7962624          Raido  

This is where the 331776 repeats 24 times.   Carrying the basic consents of the 24 with it.   Here the reorganization is complete which allows for the first basic steps on the path to accomplishing the goals established within the priorities.

A beginning to work with the talents found within the inner cycle.   Since it is within the under cycle that the those talents are found in the 4 Ansuz section.


The historic structure now begins to split itself off strongly into separate defined areas.   The first major splits in structural alignments come from a diecert result of the  initial splits of the 3 8th.   There are individual atoms,  outgoing atoms and of course base atoms.   These will eventually make much more complex structures latter but for not its just the basis.   This first section is of course cuts establishing the priorities of life itself.   There is some formulation of what the individual atoms and combined atoms in to  some structures which will affects the each individual member of the this but for now its just the initial 8 split.

1991102976  Kennaz  

As before the previous sections cycles are repeated  24 times.  Producing the similar results.   Here after such an incredible things have happened and the congealing of experiences have produced the results of intelligence.  Or the beginning of intelligence.   Seeing that personal actions have direct result comes into the spectrum.  But this is only several stages after the initial energy is congealed producing the results of action reaction.   As well as the inner cycles happening at virtually the same time.  Virtually since there are literally trillions of inner cycles happening at the same time now as well as  a large emphases on the growing need to continue on ones path to accomplish that which has been set forth to accomplish.

The other thing that is happening at this point is that there is another going within cycle.   Within each of the segments there is a strong going within ones self to determine the next course of action.   Here is the beginning of the 5 to 13 stretch.   Who’s number is going from 4 to 5 in that specific cycle.    In the sequence guide to things the application of the various stages reflects back apron where each of those stages outlines.    The beginning of the cycle is another going within ones self to determine what all these interesting affects has on the harmony of the inner person.     Combining the 4th and 6th cycles at once within the bigger whole that produces the results of paying attention to what a is happening  as a result of actions taken.


In chemistry  her is where e the individual atomic structure starts to formulate itself.   The Electro-Magnetic grids are now strong and focused enough to produce the next alignments within the framework of the sequence.   Sever individual focus of what is truly needed to accomplish what goals.  All these atoms are restored here

4586471424     Gebo  

Here the previous cycle again repeat on itself.    Energies come together to create for themselves bonds and alignments with other cycles.   Setting forth during this specific cycle to determine what can be worked with and what will not happen according to not only alignment but also the greater balance to the overall cycle of everything.   The partnerships are tested at this point.


In the expanded sequence this is the 2 in the section.   Her we learn to find the inner strength to accomplish the priority.  The priority is set forth in the previous cycle.   This is finding the strength.



The structures to matter congeal hear as partnerships are established and the beginnings of complex atomic structures are build.  Formulations of which structure harmonize with what other structures comes into being and complex atomic structures begin there formulations at this point.    Explorations of what will work as well as what will not work are formulated here as well as the basics for some complex structures have there basics formulations in its specific area,


1.100753142 (11) Wunjo  

This is the culmination of not only the 8th extended 24  cycles map but also the extended nature map.   Here is where the inner cycles reach a critical mass.   That critical mass that ha been reached is one of intense bonds between almost everything around.     Here is recognized for  its ability to only set forth with a solid structure of priorities but a solid based structure.   From her on out things which have  achieved this level of Electro-Magnetic vibration attunement are solid and apart of everything which follows.  


The atoms structures take large advancements toward formulating there goals and orientations here,  Instead of stumbling blindly around there is now direct application toward actually building more complex atoms models all the way up to the beginning construction of some molecules.


It now becomes possible for extremely complex molecular structures to begin there contraction phases. 

( yes begin there are cycles to everything.)  


After the above cycle has been finished a time of reflection before going on the next in the sequence of cycles.   The priorities to everything have been not only established but have also been solidified enough that the have formed there own inner cycles.   The priorities that began this journey way back in the first 24 are still present but they  have multiplied as well as congealed into something tangible as well as workable into something more then a glimmer of an idea or a glimmer of a slight difference in the electro magnetic pulses which ripple thought everything.   That which has been created is now not only a visible grounded form but it also is a em to be record with.   Everything around has to now sit back and reorganize there own em’s to be able to move forward.

Haggalaz    2641807540224


Nauthiez    6.340338096538e+013


Isa     1.521681143169e+015


Jera    3.652034743606e+016


Eiwaz    8.764883384654e+017


Pertho      2.103572012317e+019


Alhaz     5.04857282956e+020


Sowillo    1.211657479095e+022







To begin working with the


Fehu  Group 1 . 1-9  Section 1

The ways of the world are to be found in the process of nature itself.   Since nature has three sides to itself.  A masculine a feminine and a balanced.  Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.  But all are mutually dependent on each other to form the world in which we how come from the earth are.


In fact the whole of the omniverse can be measured simply by understanding a simple measuring devise.


First establish priorities


Then find its strengths


Then comes its individuality


Then it starts to seek out into its surroundings


Then it begins to truly explore the world around


Then it learns from what it has experienced and becomes more understanding of what are and how to apply the priorities established in the beginning


Seeking others form which to connect and learn more from


Then an emotional establishment occurs between the new connections


This end this first section of what happens in the beginning.


The second part has to do with the establishment of the individual to learn and grow to go forth and accept that  which has been presented in the initial priorities


A reflection of the past  where one has come from


Identifying where one is now at this time


A concept of what the future holds  as well as how one  will alter that of the future


Time at this level of understanding is not really an issue.  IT only really becomes an issue after the 3rd cycles is complete.


Creation then begins its possess of truly building that which has been set forth in the priorities


An application of that which had been created


Into the flow of it all is then bought into observation.   Seeing how things are truly be looking out ward at the world as it is known

Seeing how one can apply that which has been stabilized in the priorities as well as the learned and experienced since then


This is the end of the second 8 this has been a time of establishing and building that which is the heart of the priorities


Action setting forth to do that which has been made

Grothing in a large scale from that which has been made or established


Profound movement follows substantial growth


A personal reflection time to see who the individual truly I os rather then being that which one has been


Seeing the overall omnivese and how one fits themselves into that specific area one needs to be in


Concentrating on the smallest of details in ones life so that the inner most priorities can become enhanced with the passage and that which has been learned


Creating a stable and well adjusted home life within ones self as well as without ones self


Reviewing that which one has come from in order to learn from what has been done


This is now the end of the third 8 this has a been a time of combining the first 2 section into a uniform balance


Each has there own specific section on what is feminine  priorities what is masculine and what is in turn the balance between .  Each section has its own strengths with in  each to the  three divisions


All life follows this specific pattern in its own specific forms and time from s involved


Section 2



When the pattern repeats itself those that follow are according to the number in there sequence the  fist is establishing the simple priorities of life


The second is the establishment of the strengths of life itself.


THE third is identification of each individuals own identity as well as personality what are its own personal talents abilities skills and so on


The fourth is the identification of what happens in the outer realm.   What is that that is outside of its own personal auric space


Traveling toward that which is established with into the forts section of priorities


Pure knowledge,  identification of the ability to thing and contemplate what is around


Connection with that which is around in order of rune to accomplish that which has been established with in the priorities


A spiritual connection with that which is on ones path as what one needs to actually do to accomplish  the priorities


This ends the beginning of the extended map of the universe first 8 cycles,   Here the priorities are established and a connection to what is needed is build.


The next set of cycles deals with the formulation of that which is needed top go forth and create that which is been identified as ones inner priorities






Identification of where one has come from  in all aspects


Seeing in all aspects where one is right now


Seeing the future to where to apply that which has been learned


Creating more elaborate sections of what needs to be build according to everything learned or experienced so far on the path


Applying that which has been created on a bigger scale


Seeing the bigger picture to that which has been seen before as well as seeing where the to apply what which has been established with in the framework of the inisial priorities


Identifying that which is know to that which is unknown from this standpoint


End of extended cycle identification of ht individuals path


Begin of the next section of combining the first 2 sections


Go forth and toward that with has been build in


Growth with that which has been build


Interence movement happens during this cycle


And extended identification of the self occurs with a getter and more profound understanding of what the individuals standing is with in the established priorities as well as the inner balance.  More of an understanding follows as to what and how the inner priorities to life are


A seeing the much bigger picture with all do personal understanding as well as the ones own place with in that bigger cycles as well as the smallest the priorities


The smallest details in life are to have the focus of interence strutany as well as compared to the intricacies of the initial priorities of life and where it all began


Establishing a more profound inner stability as well as external


A deeper review of not only that which has been the basics of the path of the initial 24 but do the extended individual accomplishments of the 24 cycles with follow


The end of the third 8 combining the entire extended cycle


Section 3

Everything actually from this point is a continuation of not only individual cycles working but of a much bigger picture of smallest details cycles repeat and craft there own priorities as well as there own reaction and place with in the greater whole but also with in the greater parameters of larger cycles come in to place with much bigger details of life and universes as well as omniverses


Everything created on a larger scale is subject to the checks and balance of does it truly fit in to the greater cycle of everything .


This next part f not 24 repeat 24 but of the extended map 24 with 24 within each 24 is a 3 set cycle.   With a 24 within it as well as a 24 within each section.


This is where life starts getting complex and time begins to have a serious affect one all that is establishing its own priorities.



Section 4

4          79,626,24

Ansuz                          4          331776  /  13824  /  576  /  24  =346200


At this point life gets interesting for the inter actions become even more intense and more things need to be tracked


This is where it becomes possible for the elements of a world to begin there transformation into something substantial.  Basics elelbmemtss begin to formulate as well as interact with other elelmemts that are around.


Out of this chemical structures are made and there interact with other basis  elements,  creating the nexssessary priorities to be in place for the electro magnetic of the world to allow for spiritual energy to be strong and focused enough that rampant energies focus themselves ad determine there own priorities what there is a specific form in which they  would like to not only live in but interact with others things of that level of vibration.



Here is the beginning of the complexity of life itself.


Now if you have been keeping track there are 24 sections to the original orientation although the 12th is only a factor when the vibration is high enough for it to be affected by the influence of time.   Then the cycle doubles to build a 24 of  24.  That’s 576.    Then the third cycle represents itself to the vibration al attunement by there are 3 layers of interaction.  The primary layer is the individual 24 working with in a 24/  Then each individual itself creates a formulation of a larger section of 576 of 24  that is 13824 of the understood cycles.




Now here we have 24  13824 =  331,776.   This is important since there are not only 331.776 individual cycles involved but each of the individual 331,776 has its own individual subsections involved.   Each capable of producing there own section s and grow by themselves.   But that will be talked about latter.



Each specific 331.776 is itself  has 4,586,471,424, sections subsection and the like added to the individual cycles.   That is of course give or take since we are that this point talking about quantum mathematics.   Or the ability to add subtract multiply and divide on not a 1 or 2 dimensional scale but of a 3 and 4 and 5 dimensional scale.


The runes of the omniverse get a little shacky about now.  Up till this point there has been an incredible amount of emphases on the development of the liner movement.  A goes to b then to c  as in 24 then 576 then to 13824,    here things get interesting basis it takes time for things to be build and orientated to the differences in the cycles.  As in it most definitely becomes non linear.   When watching the omniverse the animals which make up the omniverse.  Specifically this section the frit 3 generations of the liner path are straight and defined.  After that it becomes muddled.  For instance rabbits  there reproduction rate if left in a confined space and had n interaction with other bunnies would be  the first month 1 par  the second 2 sar,  add another rpar of from the first par and there are 3 the third moth the first par would breed again the second par world breed again producing 5.   Well a quick circulation has it that first the priorities are established as in the first par.  The quick calculation sets forth that there are 2 the second go around.  The third go around makes 3 since the second par are now breading.   Add the first number with the second will product the third number continue doing this and you get.  5.   Well since this is a nature map it should apply to all nature in its own specific way.   Here it applies by way of between the 4 and the 5 cycle’s there is an interaction which takes place.


Now with in the boundaries of the known omniverse the fourth section is all about dealing wtihteh incracacies of establishign the priorities foht esituation.  Here there is a description  of not ony the cycles of human life but also the cycles of the planet we life on and the omniverse we are attached to


With  iun the boundaries of the 4 section there is great need to seek out behnd the limtation sof the self to not only begin to apply that which is establishe dinteh priorities but also to seek the information of other things out behond the boundaries that are not all thit is in our selves.   This is also where babies are born.  There is enough permutation sto the inicial sead has grown enough and is estalbuhed enough in its own determination that it can see out side itself gor stimmulation.   Now in the first year there is very little it does other then try to figure out what the thig is that it has constructed and how to work with it.  The other thig it does is it very carfully will sit there adnlettign the cycles to life in this specific cycle drift by with out gettign to much involved sittign back and assessign the new priorities of life and where this new found creation wil not only react but also interact with everything around it.

Section 5

Raido               5          7962624  /  331776  /  13824  /  576  /  24


Now that this external thing has been figuredd out and the new priorities are established the journey to acctually accomplish that which has been from the beginning the direction.   The first steps toward accomplishign that goal are now within reach.   After discoverign what that outside world is sortof about.   Its time to take the plung and take a step outside the norm.

Section 6



Kennaz                        6          1,911,012,976  /  7962624  /  331776  /  13824  /  576  /  24


Now here instead of where things have been priogressing there is a deviation behind the entire mix.  That deviation is that this has becoem the time in which there are added measures of intellignese.  Contious thought comes into the mix.  An added ability to go forth in a new direction.  Instead  of discovereing what is out there the initial priorities of the innisioal act comeinto play bringing about a change in environemt caused by the individuals seeking a new path, a way of settign forth to accomplis that which has been presented.  All along the journey to this point there has been great emphases on the building of raw materials in order to accomplish the goals set forth.  Now it is time for that which has been build to go forth to accomplish iots tasks.  To deviate from what every other thing ios doing.  This vibrational change is do inpart toteh application of the next change in cycle.


Note that all cycles also reapeat by themsel;ves on and on.   From here we have had 79625540.67 times that the individual 24 cycle has repeated.    Bringing itself into into own unike perspecive as well as its own heavy vibrational attunement


At this poin t a sevear shift in attitude occurs with the bringing on of the more ocnplexe cycles itno beingi.  Moleculres can now juncture themselves insidfe of the 6 ford omniverse.  Creating junctures that where not possible before.   These junctures although are important need to also have there own cycles and individual vibration complexities in order to accomploishj  the goals that they individualsy have set for themselves in the priorities of there creations

Section 7



Once created these new junctures in life need to be able to independently opperate and fuinction with others around them learning on there own what they can interact with and what they canot interact with accomrding toe ht e24 rules set forth already.   Each indivifdual 24 has its own vibrastioal patterns or positive negative and balance.  Now there are about 2 dozen difffernet combinations of the 3 base rules.  Since each individually will resopnde to ints envirenement differently ,  negative can be a grounded form of energy or a negative,  a out from ain inflow or just sit there if the other two as stronger.   Balance can ba a true balance between the other pols or it can have an active roal to play wit one  or the eother it all dependes on how they mingle and interact with one another..   There is also a searease of events which marks its sequence.  Each ofghte 24 have its naubors in which it can be and have its own place when things get mixed that’s when interesting things happen and cause  most complex strucktures.

Section 8



Each individual section settles dopwn into a very harmonious rhythm and interacts possitivly with everything around it.    Here are complex bonds between things are made and worked with.



This is the end of the first 8 major prioritie establishing sequences


Group 1 . 9-16

These next 8 are all aboiut finding the individual spac  in which to work and perform those taskes set forth.

Section 9



a ideantificatio with the past as to what happentd.  Not any thig more then just what had happened.  Where one has come from

Section 10

An examination of where exactly you or is the situation righ now.  This is the present what that is happening righ now.   What are the internal things going on.

Section 11

The outlook of rht efture.  What are the eprospectives next what would on elike to accomplish next.   How would the priority at this stage like to affect or intact what the prioritie is

Section 12

This is where things get interesting.   Here is where things are complex enough to allow for there to be a interaction with into the “time space continuum  for lasdk of a better word.   Since it is not just the space time contiuoum that is effected but that is a rough way of saying  that to begin with.   The complexities of time begin to have an effect on the other things which are around at different times.    That which is needed to be crerated also needed to have some sort of time fraime involve.  


The concept of time also has its own parammiters as well as its own forms and effects on all life these are catagorixed within this specific section.   We are still in the moleculare stage of life and the planet or wolrd what has been created or the omniverse or universe that has been created is directy affected by the going s on of the times frames in volved.  But that is not to sya that the same rules and guidlenes do not have a similar affect on to what is truly happening to al that is affected by the “Raveages of time”     it is only ravenous when it is fought against.  Lie the rest of the guidelines, if they are fought against then the lessons the priorities have established will produce harder lessons but that is not until the forms of chemistry are capable of formulating more complex strucjktures as well as more complex electromagnetic signatures to build everytghing that is needed   for strongewr vibrational creatures,   

Section 13

Creation takes on a whole different meaning when time is though in to the mix.   Now evertyign has to have a defined beginning  middle and end according to that specific scale.  Others skales are   for most advanced cycles.  A conseption a building and orientation cycle.  A middle intense action, a wind down and determine lessons,  then the ned of spreading the knowledge learned back to the ones just starting on there 5 stage path.

Section 14

The actions of the















To begin with ther are remarkable


 Each section has its own very specific meaning s as well as its own speicif consepts to life.  Tteh map is also difficult since it represents an numer of different things.   The first is 24


(((   (side note everythign covered in thsi first 24 is accutally the first section of a much larger count.  So everythign in this first section is acctully establishing the priorities of much larger sections to come.


Also there are also  repeat loops following each intividual group and section.  

The loop repeats itself in a horizontal pattern as well as a vewrtical patern.   The only difficulty is when there are indivudal repeat loops within each part that require there own couculations and grow and reprioritiez themselves into creating there own individual repeat loops.     There is where things start becomeing very interesting   )))


The following map represents the flow of the extended map.


Everything  has a basis of understanding.   Everything known about the urnes and soem new bitts and pieces can be found sectioned off withing the first section each with its own sections aprticles and parts.


The second section wich deals primritly with building and  creating things that would containe the science and other simmilar items.


The other senctions which follow have there own catagoriess.

The 4th would be lanage and communication.


Ingwas or 22 section would be chemistry or intracute biology.


12 is tieming and cycles,  seperat sections found here will be thurasaz weather patterns gological patterns eiwaz and ocean patterns as well as  as well as manny other forms of not only earth but solar system patterns but those are in extended maps not just within the


19 is movement shich raites and intracture speeds and flows of how exactly not only time but emp’s flow from one point of section to another with time being a small or not at all factore.


17 is action the not sparkbut het umpph  bhind what we cansider to be movement.  (  this will have e draamatics affect on science since the urles here will enable new and different forlms of prupultion as well as different engines.)


sectio  20 all different forms of phycology are found within this specific map.


9 is that past,  everything dealing with what has happened


16  we are getting into the consepts of solar understanding


The atoms structure,   the atomic structure is a very simpliefired complex strucvtrire,.



A sphere has 200,000 different degrees.   I thought to myself that threre are more angles then just 350, horizontal, and there are more angles then just one vertical line.   So take the horizontal 360' make a copy of that compass, and make it on the top and bottom established lines of the compass.   Move the second compass on a pivit line up and down one degree.   Makign 2 compasses,   repeat for the remaining 358 angles not convered yet.  Theat # is then 200,000 because yopu take 360 * 360 and then minus both angles alrtready covered.   -360 -36-, that’s 200,000.  



Now that’s only the first layer, in all things there are 3 things going on within the basci layer itself.   Those things are.  The polarities, the feminine of establishing itself.  The masculine of the application of the priorities put orth durring the feminine, then the balance between, the balance between is all byut the key to the entire thing, because the balance between allows for both to be working in simultaneous formas to, eachoeter.   This makes a total of 600,000 things all ahppenign at the same time.


What happens then

Now this is the abso,lute core situation going on.   Everythign which happens at thiis point is all dependent on the cycles which ahppe after this bacic thing is made and developed.  



 From the get go there si a great deal; of things which happen in irder to go from a solid Electro Magnetic Current which as some point will develope a bubble within its structure, this bubble is the beginnings of soemthign new.   This interruption in the flow of the Electro Magnetic Current at first may just be a hickup but then it will turn into a Electro Magnetic Pulse , this pulse may not start out as anything more then just some really basic ideas but then it will expand and create more ripples and more hickups,   this has been explaned in the develpoement of the atomic structure idea.   To continue.   After a bubble has solidified itself and become an atom, this then produces a effect on its own.   This effect allthow it may be triviall it this atom then gives off its own pulse and is then drawing it its own kind,   and repelling energy which is not its own,   then give and take push pull, leads toa chaion reation and will produce its own unique emps which will create there own unique atomic structures, each one will have its own unique place to be,   for it too will be attracting and repelling.    The balance is the placement with its own balacen, ever atom has its own place to be.   


The cross overs

there are times when atoms will get together and form new thigns, some times these atoms which bond to eachother are from seaminginly different families.   Liek the making of water.  A gass atom and 2 fire atoms come together to make a spposed third element but it different then that,   water or a liquid in all its many forms is not different then the other materieals involved





I have had this idea before.


Ingwaz may be a new version or form of atomic structure.


Neucleus, the diamond,


Orgit  the stuff  coming off the neucleus


Focus points, these area areas that are for Electro-Magnetic solids. Internal Electro-Magnetic structures is solid and formed.


The motion of atoms,

the motion of an atom is not caised by the random accounts of the moevnemt of its protons and neutrons.  It is as a mater of the futhark ideas, that it is caused by the interaction with the Electro Magnetic Current the currents comming off of different molecular structures pull other similar structures to them as well as repell other molecular structures.  

In air movement

Also the floatign molecules which move are not moving because of the neutrons and protons they are floating because of there interaction with the atmosphere and there attraction to and repelling frmo other molecular structures.


The attom-struchtures

the center is positively charged and the outter stuff is negatively,   in the futhark when something is negative that is the energy to build someting new.   The positive is an action oriented ideal.



Proton-                                    center              positive

electron                                                           negative

neutron                                                            no electrical charge


to be electricly neutral and atom must have 26  electrons surrounding the nucleus.


An atom has a sentral nucleus, which contains most of the mass/weight.  


the nuclues                                positive charge   the center of the atom

proton                       positive

neutron                                              no charge           this is located at the center of the atom but has no charge


the electrons                              negative charge  in orbin around the center or nucleus

within the confines of the nucleus is the protons and electron carries a negative charge.





The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus is called the mass number, since these particles account for almost the entire mass of an atom.


Generally, the number of neutrons in the nucleus is equal to the number of protons (See also Chemical Elements). However, atoms of the same element can have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons, thus giving rise to varieties, or isotopes,


atomic breakdown

earth                            rocks

air                                gasses

fire                               flamable material

water                           water and all its verious forms

energy/spirit    the bind which makes building atoms possible, allowing molecules to be made.


The idea of futhak chemistry is that there is a need for an order in life and the presume of knowledge.  In the atom this is no different.  Futhark chemistry is based soly on the idea of determining what is the Electro Magnetic Current put off by each of the atoms in this universe and what interaction will that atom have with every other atom in thisn existacne.


The nature of breaking down an atomic structure.

Som attoms are the product of breaking down large complex atoms into there basic structure or several of there basic structures to determine whast is in that puzzle, ( and what can we hamans use to better our lifes)   This is taking each and every step in order of understanding and working directly with the sequie c to breakm each and every atom down into its basic compontsrts.   This possess is a goodf possess and illustrates the basic nature involved and inherent behind the futhark, to a large complex structure ehtere are alsoways basic components within,   in chemistry and as it relates to atomic structure the key things to kepp I mind are that say a complex fehu a carbon based atomic structure.    There is lots goign opn within the atoms structure of every atoms.   From the most complex to the basic hydrogen.


Family groups

IN thsi chemistry example there are important notes to keep in mind.   But the most imp[oratnt is that in this there is little need to pay annention to the atomic height of an atom it is farr more impoarntt o apy attention to what is is, what family it comes from, and what its intereaaction with the other atoms is.


The atomic breakdown

earth                            rocks

air                                gasses

fire                               flamable material

water                           water and all its verious forms

energy/spirit    the bind which makes building atoms possible, allowing molecules to be made.



The atoms structure,   the atomic structure is a very simpliefired complex strucvtrire,.



A sphere has 200,000 different degrees.   I thought to myself that threre are more angles then just 350, horizontal, and there are more angles then just one vertical line.   So take the horizontal 360' make a copy of that compass, and make it on the top and bottom established lines of the compass.   Move the second compass on a pivit line up and down one degree.   Makign 2 compasses,   repeat for the remaining 358 angles not convered yet.  Theat # is then 200,000 because yopu take 360 * 360 and then minus both angles alrtready covered.   -360 -36-, that’s 200,000.  



Now that’s only the first layer, in all things there are 3 things going on within the basci layer itself.   Those things are.  The polarities, the feminine of establishing itself.  The masculine of the application of the priorities put orth durring the feminine, then the balance between, the balance between is all byut the key to the entire thing, because the balance between allows for both to be working in simultaneous formas to, eachoeter.   This makes a total of 600,000 things all ahppenign at the same time.


What happens then

Now this is the abso,lute core situation going on.   Everythign which happens at thiis point is all dependent on the cycles which ahppe after this bacic thing is made and developed.  



 From the get go there si a great deal; of things which happen in irder to go from a solid Electro Magnetic Current which as some point will develope a bubble within its structure, this bubble is the beginnings of soemthign new.   This interruption in the flow of the Electro Magnetic Current at first may just be a hickup but then it will turn into a Electro Magnetic Pulse , this pulse may not start out as anything more then just some really basic ideas but then it will expand and create more ripples and more hickups,   this has been explaned in the develpoement of the atomic structure idea.   To continue.   After a bubble has solidified itself and become an atom, this then produces a effect on its own.   This effect allthow it may be triviall it this atom then gives off its own pulse and is then drawing it its own kind,   and repelling energy which is not its own,   then give and take push pull, leads toa chaion reation and will produce its own unique emps which will create there own unique atomic structures, each one will have its own unique place to be,   for it too will be attracting and repelling.    The balance is the placement with its own balacen, ever atom has its own place to be.   


The cross overs

there are times when atoms will get together and form new thigns, some times these atoms which bond to eachother are from seaminginly different families.   Liek the making of water.  A gass atom and 2 fire atoms come together to make a spposed third element but it different then that,   water or a liquid in all its many forms is not different then the other materieals involved


Healing the symbols in the body

Healing Placement of the symbols in the body

Mind   Red   

Body   Green

Spirit   Blue






Energy     Purple



|                |

|                |




/                          |                         \

/                            |                           \

/                               |                              \

/                                  |                                 \

/                                    |                                    \

/                                      |                                      \

/                                        |                                        \









|                          |

|                          |

|                          |

|                          |

|     Ansuz            |

 |                           |

|                           |

|                            |

Thurasaz |             Fehu         |       Uruz

When desighning remember you are working with a 3 dementional items  the aura is in 3 an dat time 4 dementions at once.


the balance barr fitts into one of the 3 systems from haggalaz to sowillo. 



IN the aura durring building establish when the chakrtas come on line and in what order!   That willalso determin that personal walk in this world???    Are they all created at the same time??   the map I have so farr is a good begining but soem of the characters are in the wrong place and two need to be fliped write idea but incorrect atribute



Mind   Red   

Body   Green

Spirit   Blue






Energy     Purple

Mind     Fehu June 29 July 13    Priorities

Body    Urus July 14 - 28   Inner Strength

Spirit    Thurasaz July 29 - Aug. 12 Changes


Mind     Ansuz   13 -27   Insight

Body    Element   Raido   28 - Sept 12   Journey

Spirit     Kennaz Sept 13 - 27  Wisdom


Body     Gebo Sept 28 - Oct 12   Connections

Spirit     Wunjo Oct 13 - 27  Healing

Mind    Haggalaz Oct 28  Nov. 12  Disruption


Body     Element   Nauthiez Nov. 13- 27  Patience

Spirit     Isa Nov. 28 - Dec 12  Center

Mind   Jera Dec 13 - 27 Timing


Body      Mysteries    Eiwaz Dec 28 - Jan. 12  Awareness

Mind    Pertho Jan. 13 - 27  Knowledge

Spirit    Element   Alhaz Jan. 28 - Feb. 11  Attention / Focus


Spirit     Sowillo Feb. 12- 26  Balance

Mind    Tiwaz Feb. 27- March 13  Direction

Body     Bircano Mar 14 - 29  Growth


Body     Ewaz Mar 30 -  Apr. 13 Movement

Mind    Mannaz Apr. 14 - 28  The Self

Spirit      Cycles   Laguz Apr. 29 - May 13  The Flow


Spirit     Ingwaz May 14 - 28  Fertility

Body     Othallo May 29 June 13  Manifest

Mind    Daggaz  June 14 - 28  Metamorphosis

Fehu June 29 July 13    Priorities


This is your connection to mother earth

Urus July 14 - 28   Inner Strength


This is your connection with your grounded center.


Thurasaz July 29 - Aug. 12 Changes

Left Knee

Your knees are your balance and dexterity toward what are receiving


Ansuz August 13 -27   Insight

Right Knee

This is your connection to what you are doing in our life towards what you are



Raido August 28 - Sept 12   Journey


Raido tells you what you are needing to be doing toward your emotional center.


Kennaz Sept 13 - 27  Wisdom

Right Side Hip.

This is telling you that you


Gebo Sept 28 - Oct 12   Connections

Left side hip

This is telling you that you what you need


Wunjo Oct 13 - 27  Healing

Your Belly Button

This is the emotional rune centered at your belly button and where the silver

cord attaches.


Haggalaz Oct 28  Nov 12  Disruption

Solar plex


Nauthiez Nov 13- 27  Patience

Barrier between the basic instincts and the heart


Isa Nov 28 - Dec 12  Center

Heart Chakra


Jera Dec 13 - 27 Timing

Barrier between the heart a the spiritual instincts


Eiwaz Dec 28 - Jan 12 

Left hand


Pertho Jan 13 - 27  Knowledge

Right Hand

Alhaz Jan 28 - Feb 11  Focus

Left Shoulder


Sowillo Feb 12- 26  Balance

Right Shoulder


Tiwaz Feb 27- March 13  Direction



Bircano Mar 14 - 29  Growth

Chin Chakra


Ewaz Mar 30 -  Apr 13 Movement


Mannaz Apr 14 - 28  The Self

Third Eye


Laguz Apr 29 - May 13  The Flow

Left side of head


Ingwaz May 14 - 28  Fertility

Right side of Head


Daggaz May 29 June 13  Manifest



Othallo June 14 - 28  Metamorphosis




In Body reading

When reading the body your body tells you what to do by if the sign of the rune.   The rune tells you by if you are doing something good according to your path if you get a little tingly sensation at the front side of the rune, or where it reads as good.   IF you are going something incorrectly then the feeling will be more of a harder sharper deeper feeling at the negative side of the

Individuals on their path will at times develop other chakras throughout their body to perform different tasks and functions, however these are not species wide and act primarily for specific tasks.


Fehu Priorities

This is your connection to mother earth

The root is located at the bottom of your aura and is the centering and grounding point to your aura.  This is where your connection to Mother Earth is located.

An  Exercise that can be used to reconnect you with your ground is to visualize al energy pulse coming down from your heart chakra traveling down the connecting energy conduit shaft running up and down your body


Urus    Inner Strength

This is your connection with your grounded center.

The ground chakra located between the hip and the knees is designed to insure a solid connection between Mother Earth and what we are here in body to do. Since what ever we do has a direct effect on this world, we need this connection  Having this connection allows for out of body travel with your spirit, or astral travel with your mind. Being able to find your way back is one of the keys to learning all about being in body.  Being in body is a rare privilege reserved for accomplishing specific tasks,  goals, and learning specific lessons.  This is one of the reasons why this world is difficult, since this is a big testing ground for new concepts, new ideas and allows for an infinite amount of learning.

Left Knee

Thurasaz Changes

Your knees are your balance and dexterity toward what are receiving


Right Knee

Ansuz Insight


This is your connection to what you are doing in our life towards what you are doing.

Right Side Hip.

Raido Journey

Raido tells you what you are needing to be doing toward your emotional center.

Your libido is your emotional center, this is where your emotions are focused.  

The libido is located behind the hip bone and before the spinal column and is where our emotions are centered.   This is also the location for our sexual organs consequently our emotional pulls are sometimes answered without thought but with instinctual reactions.

Right Side Hip.

Kennaz -Wisdom

This is the center of where your movement is this life is directed.  Positively or negatively


Your Belly Button

Gebo -Connections


This is to tell you of how you did in the past situation.

Your Belly Button

Wunjo Healing

This is the emotional rune centered at your belly button and where the silver cord attaches.


Solar plex

Haggalaz -  Disruption

This is your center of earthly communication. 

The solar plex is located just below the diaphragm and above the belly button.  This is the center where our gut reaction, the animal instinct and our ability to learn a skill are located.

The Three Base Chakras, the ground, libido, and solar plex are the energy centers that make it possible for us to live in the animal world.  The instincts and our inner animal nature are here for us to guide and learn from, not to take over our lives and be an unthinking animal.

Barrier between the basic instincts and the heart

Nauthiez -Patience

The barrier between the animal and the spiritual side to ourselves is located between the solar plex and the heart.  This buffer is there to let us know we can use more than the other species that are around us but we are also no different since there are dozens of other animals besides ourselves that have the above chakras.  We are also not the only animal that has grown into using them either, we just use the higher chakra differently than they do.   The Heart, Throat and Third Eye are for spiritual understandings.  These chakras represent higher growth and development.  They also act as a focus point for the base three chakras to enhance the bases abilities.  For instance the crown aids the ground in developing a stronger energy loop between this world and the next, the third eye aids in creating a clearer vision of the individuals reality and not be led astray by impulsive ideals, the throat aids the solar plex in taking the natural skill a body can do and building that skill into an adept form of ability.  The heart is the go-between for the three above and below and acts as the central processing unit for the self.

Heart Chakra

Isa -Center


This is the hub of all the activity with your energy working

The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest and is the center-point to the system. The heart chakra is where our soul is situated in our system. operates in a manner commonly found in most higher operating computers, it traces in all the vital information the system sends its way and decides what to do with it where it needs to be since and what the bodies response needs to be All other chakras send their information to the heart chakra which connects with our mind and soul.  When the action is decided upon, the heart chakra also delivers the message back to the chakra to carry out the action.


Centering the body: Begin but visualizing a pin prick of white  light in the center of your chest visualize it spreading out to your entire body moving up and down together.   When your body is full of light proceed with filling your aura with the same light when you have that filled visualize that energy going down and connecting with mother earth.  

Visualize that connection until you feel energy coming back up towards you.   Accept this energy as a gift from mother earth and wrap yourself with it.   Fill your being with this light and feel your connection to the planet.

Then Visualize your body filling with energy again from your heart chakra, filling your body and your aura.   Send this energy up to the heavens connecting with your vision of the higher power connect with it, sending all the love and energy you can.   As you feel the enrage returning again surround yourself with the white light from above  moving it with the energy from mother earth and yourself.   Feel yourself as a conduit between mother earth and the white light from above.   Allow the energy to move up throughout  yourself to above and down to the earth.

This is centering yourself

Barrier between the heart a the spiritual instincts

Jera -Timing



Left hand

Eiwaz  Awakeing


This is the left side of your surroundings.   Where your lessons of where to go, and what to do.

Right Hand

Pertho   Knowledge


9.  This is your Right side

Left Shoulder

Alhaz  Focus

This is your energy out place.  This is how you effect others around you.


Right Shoulder

Sowillo   Balance



Throat Chakra

Tiwaz   Direction


            This is your spiritual communications center.   If there is a problem here you need to clear your Aura.

The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat just behind the indentation, below the voice box, and is the spiritual communicator and center-point to skill.  Spiritual communication allows us to communicate on a deep level and allows for understanding and helps us grow not only as individuals but as a race, species, and aids in planetary growth.  Skill is where an individual is superbly adept in an act, ability, or sense.  The basic ability of this is found in the solar plex but the extended ability to comprehend the skill is in the throat.


Chin Chakra

Bircano -  Growth



Ewaz  --Movement

Third Eye

Mannaz   The Self

This is what you need to focus yourself on

The Third Eye is located directly above the middle of the eye brow. The third eye works as an information gathering device and personal energy focusing point. It gathers and sends out specific vibrations and is a censoring device to read the vibrations it is presented to read.

Cleaning the third eye

Cleaning the third eye is a matter of visualizing a spiraling cone of energy coming up from your heart following the energy patterns

Left side of head

Laguz  The Flow


Right side of Head

Ingwaz  Fertility



Right side of Head

Daggaz   Manifest


is located about 6 to 8 inches above the head and is our connection to spirit, allowing us to receive information and energy. We also are able to send energy back to spirit, to travel, explore, and act as an energy conduit between earth and the other dimensions.  This transfer of energy allows changes to happen easier and with smoother results.

Father Sky Chakra Connection

Othallo   Metamorphosis


is located just above the crown and is the connecting link between yourself and the rest of the omniverse.







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T Shawn & Emma Welling

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