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Last updated 5/26/2004 3:10 AM


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Symbolic Science math count 11



1.      The Sabbats throughout the Year

a.       Yule: December 21, the beginning of the Gregorian New Year.   This is a time to draw within your self.   The coming year will bring new experiences which will continually reshape your reality.

b.      Imbolc February 2, begin coming into yourself, spring is coming.  This is a time to begin coming out of your shell discovering how you are and where you are coming from, begin working on your future.

c.       Ostara March 21, the beginning of spring.  Start working with and bringing about what you planned on during the long winter rest.   A new year of growth is up on you.

d.      Beltain April 30-May 1. May day, A time of rich celebration, summer is coming, you need to get out enjoy life, and prepare yourself for the summer of abundant activity.

e.       Litha   June 21, Midsummer, This is a time to celebrate who you are and what you are doing, a time to achieve the best out of life you can.

f.        Lughnasadh August 1, the approach of fall, Midsummer, Finish the projects of summer; prepare yourself for the changes which will proceed the changing cycles to the seasons and your life. Finish preparing the crops. 

g.       Mabon September 21, Harvest,   Finish up the details which have occupied your time in this year.  Prepare yourself for the coming of fall by finishing what you can.

h.      Samhain October 31, Fall, The end of the old cycle, the beginning of the new cycle.   The coming winter a time to withdraw within yourself and begin the process again


As the earth goes around the sun, these 8 times of year have been long regarded as special or holy times of year.  Now with my research I can tell you that these 8 time of year are special markers used by the ancients to give them the fixed points not only in space but on this planet. For use in everything from determining the proper layout of the earth sciences, but also to give themselves a proper measurement tool to determine exactly not only where they where but what was going to happen next to their world.


See even storms can be predicted by the days/minutes between the Sabbats.  If the earth is rotating especially fast, that is a key indicator that more then usual storms are happening.  If the earth is rotating especial slow, there is more days between the Sabbats.  Which tells anyone that pays attention to the counts the weather patens of the planet.  Now this might now sound like a life and death thing to you, but to the ancients living either during the last ice and or after the last ice age. knowing exactly when the glacier was going to move, the day and a good idea of how much it was going to move was literally life and death.


If you know the exact minute/second that the earth is going to be on one side of its orbit, and you know the exact minute that the earth is going to be on the other side of its orbit, and you know the exact to the minute amount of time between the Litha day and the yule day.  You then have a good idea of the amount of space in the orgit of the planet.


If you have a good idea of the space, then to figure out a more presise space width of the sun and earth you take the measurement of the average shadow mid winter and mid summer and compare the ratio together. Use your 8 d geometry and you then have a good idea of the width of each body in the celestial orbit and you also have a good idea of where the sun is. since the sun may or may not be dead center through the entire orbit.


This is the basics of celestial and planetary navigation, they had all the tools they needed.


They even knew the meanings of each and every step inside each repeat loop count.  Form somethings beginning to somethings end and how the transformation happened between the first count of beginning to end to the second count of beginning to end. Hence the ancients had a very advanced form of math.


The counts

1.       Fehu the one count 

a.        Fehu inside the number one count.  What are establishing the priorities. 

                                                  i.          Fehu the first Ętt. 

1.          Fehu

2.          Uruz 

3.         Thurasaz

4.          Ansuz

5.         Raido

6.         Kannaz  

7.         Gebo

8.          Wunjo

                                                ii.         Haggalaz second Ętt 

1.      .  Haggalaz

2.         Nauthiez 

3.          Isa

4.        Jera

5.        Eiwaz

6.      .   Pertho

7.        Alhaz

8.         Sowillo

                                              iii.        Tiwaz   third Ętt 

1.       Tiwaz  

2.        Bircano

3.           Ewaz

4.        Mannaz

5.        Laguz

6.        Ingwaz

7.        Othallo

8.        Daggaz

b.         Uruz inside the number 2 count.  Establishing the strength/fuel of any given situation. 

c.         Thurasaz inside the number 3 count 

d.        Ansuz inside the number 4 

e.        Raido inside the number 5 

f.          Kannaz inside the number 6 

g.         Gebo inside the number 7 

h.         Wunjo  inside the number 8 

2.           Haggalaz

a.       . Haggalaz  inside the number 9 

b.       Nauthiez inside the number 10 

c.         Isa inside the number 11 

d.       Jera inside the number 12 

e.        Eiwaz inside the number 13 

f.        . Pertho inside the number 14 

g.        Alhaz inside the number 15 

h.       Sowillo  inside the number 16 

3.           Tiwaz

a.        Tiwaz inside the number 17 

b.       Tiwaz inside the number 18 

c.          Ewaz  inside the number 19 

d.       Mannaz inside the number 20  

e.        Laguz inside the number 21  

f.         Ingwaz inside the number 22  

g.        Othallo inside the number 23  

h.       Daggaz inside the number 24 






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T Shawn & Emma Welling