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Last updated 6/1/2004 2:21 PM


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Symbolic Science Erdology calendar monthly math formula


The counts

 Fehu the one count 





Inside the world of Midgard

1. Midgard

what happens in here is what concerns this planet. See there is a great deal going on inside the circle of Midgard.  That large amount going on can be most readily tracked by using the Celtic cross. Because the Celtic cross has the 7 and 6 possitions prepresented by the 3 and 5 in the Celtic cross.  But in order to understand what and how this works the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil is the outside and the Celtic cross is the inside.  Both are good navigation tools on their own, but put togheter they make symbolic math. Symbolic physics










0 9 worlds of Yggdrasil  




1. Fehu base set of info

2. Uruz  the multiplier.  The add subtract multiply divide and by what and how much.  As well as a host of other qualifiers to set a count and calculation.

3. Thurasaz boundaries, in Erdology this is almost always a Eiwaz or earth concept, in a time frame concept this is the year/generation marker/age marker and or what the planet is going internally marker

4. Ansuz the past,

5. Raido, motion rules to propel you forward

6. Kannaz where do you want to go next and what do you want to learn next.  No matter where you are in the counts, or how you plan to go from one to another in the counts. This is the formula

this is where things get a bit on the odd side.  Since the middle are the set 6, but the 4 below are the navigational aids to tell about what is happening in the middle 6 counts.

7. Mannaz what is happening internally

8. Alhaz

9. Sowillo =x

10. Laguz the overall big picture.

0. 9 worlds of Yggdrasil if the count is a special count like an extended count: this tells you that the count is just starting.  That the orientation to the celestial count is still going, this I where the count going into a sub count level with one of the characters, to tell a specific story about some very specicfi aspect of if this planet,

if Laguz then its celestial all over navigation

then Ewaz for intern planetary interactions.  Many bodies of celestial movement and how they interact with each other on a celestial scale, and also how those bodies interact with each other based on the movement of how exactly the movement rules of that galaxy are and is.

Jera, is a orbital navigation. Of the specifics of what a planet is doing in its orbit.  What is happening internally to that planet is not really the point.

Daggaz for  what is happening internally to that specific planet.

Inside each planet inside its rotation and curvature are the things on that planet.  There are 2 main physical rules that govern the physical movements of items on the surface

Raido, physical biomechanics

Pertho, mechanical/machine mechanics

There are other movement counts, and other mechanics that rule things on planets but those are the ones that most concern this specific count.

The only other thing which will have to be addressed is the rules of

Mannaz, which are the how the individual in this planets case 2 leggers that walk around the make decisions. Well they are affected and affect the Electro-Magnetic currents of this world just like everything else.

a.        Fehu inside the number one count.  What are establishing the priorities. 

                                                  i.          Fehu the first Ætt. 

1.          Fehu

2.          Uruz 

3.         Thurasaz

4.          Ansuz

5.         Raido

6.         Kannaz  

7.         Gebo

8.          Wunjo

                                                ii.         Haggalaz second Ætt 

1.      .  Haggalaz

2.         Nauthiez 

3.          Isa

4.        Jera

5.        Eiwaz

6.      .   Pertho

7.        Alhaz

8.         Sowillo

                                              iii.        Tiwaz   third Ætt 

1.       Tiwaz  

2.        Bircano

3.           Ewaz

4.        Mannaz

5.        Laguz

6.        Ingwaz

7.        Othallo

8.        Daggaz


















1. Fehu base set of info

2. Uruz  the multiplier.  The add subtract multiply divide and by what and how much.  As well as a host of other qualifiers to set a count and calculation.

3. Thurasaz boundaries, in Erdology this is almost always a Eiwaz or earth concept, in a time frame concept this is the year/generation marker/age marker and or what the planet is going internally marker

4. Ansuz the past,

5. Raido, motion rules to propel you forward

6. Kannaz where do you want to go next and what do you want to learn next.  No matter where you are in the counts, or how you plan to go from one to another in the counts. This is the formula

this is where things get a bit on the odd side.  Since the middle are the set 6, but the 4 below are the navigational aids to tell about what is happening in the middle 6 counts.

7. Mannaz what is happening internally

8. Alhaz

9. Sowillo =x

10. Laguz the overall big picture.

0. if the count is a special count like an extended count, this a Significator is needed an extended count,

                                                                                                                              i.          Fehu the first Ætt. 

1.          Fehu

2.          Uruz 

3.         Thurasaz

4.          Ansuz

5.         Raido

6.         Kannaz  

7.         Gebo

8.          Wunjo

                                                                                                                            ii.         Haggalaz second Ætt 

1.      .  Haggalaz

2.         Nauthiez 

3.          Isa

4.        Jera




10   country code so this is in the round the orbit.


5  ?  ??


9  the =x or  what the planet is doing in the orbit.

4 last month


2  to fuel of the year in the orbit,

6 next month

8 Alhaz

based on the month in the year.

0 where in the counts is formula

3 single or in the round this is more a generation thing


7  Mannaz

1. Fehu base set of info

2. Uruz  the multiplier.  The add subtract multiply divide and by what and how much.  As well as a host of other qualifiers to set a count and calculation.

3. Thurasaz boundaries, in Erdology this is almost always a Eiwaz or earth concept, in a time frame concept this is the year/generation marker/age marker and or what the planet is going internally marker

4. Ansuz the past,

5. Raido, motion rules to propel you forward

6. Kannaz where do you want to go next and what do you want to learn next.  No matter where you are in the counts, or how you plan to go from one to another in the counts. This is the formula

this is where things get a bit on the odd side.  Since the middle are the set 6, but the 4 below are the navigational aids to tell about what is happening in the middle 6 counts.

7. Mannaz what is happening internally

8. Alhaz

9. Sowillo =x

10. Laguz the overall big picture.

0. 9 worlds of Midgard: if the count is a special count like an extended count, this a Significator is needed

The month of Ingwaz Count C current time overall.

What you can expect to happen to you during this time of month is a heavy and complete concentration on the smallest details of your life.  Last month was external everything, this month is internal everything.  When you look out it’s the big picture, when you look in ward it’s the smallest details that need the attention and concentration.  For over the last bit of time you have done amazing amounts of working, learning, understanding, building, engaging and all kinds of various acts of doing into the world.  Well now its time to turn inward to get some internal work done.  There has been so much done externally that the inner world actually now needs to be readjusted so that the internal world can then be brought into the new world you are building for yourself.  So this month concentration on the smallest and detailed oriented items of your life and just see how well you can proceed with organization of the smallest and most intimate details of who you are.  Get all those little things organized.

Personal Months: If you were born during this time this is what you can expect for the next 16 days in your life. 

F Priorities Fehu   Count A June 13-28 1             Litha 1 16  Tower

People born during this time Count A:  Those born during the time of Fehu will be born with the experiences of establishing not only priorities but will have a strong and valued sense of personal integrity.   Personal integrity is a concept that most do not understand, people born during this time have a profound and complete sense of themselves, what makes them tick, function, operate and understand life which may or may not have all that much to do with the way the outside world works or fits.  So the people born during this time have set in motion a lifetime of serious and absolute attention to what their own inner priorities are, for those that have their own inner balanced they can have an understanding of what others priorities are as well.

Your Month count B: Ingwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

U  Strength Uruz  Count A June 29 July 13  Strength

People born during this time Count A:  Have a lifetime of lessons devoted to figuring out how best to apply themselves properly to the world.  When dealing with strength lessons there is always the idea of how much strength to apply to any given situation, too much is crushing, not enough strength is insufficient.  So when we come right down to it your life lessons are all about figuring out just how best to apply that which your talents, skills, abilities, and last but most definitely not least your inner will that allows you to do anything in your life that you want to you just have to figure out how best to apply your inner will to the world with the proper balance.

Your Month count B: Laguz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

T Boundaries           Thurasaz Count A July  14  28  Hierophant

People born during this time Count A:  Have a life long understanding of personal boundaries and self identification.  These lessons of this life are the lessons of the purity of boundaries.  What is acceptable to do when and where?  Personal boundaries, private boundaries, public boundaries, the boundaries of the world in which we live in, these are just a few of the lessons that are the key points to the world in which people born during the time of Thurasaz will be working with.

Your Month count B: Mannaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

a Communication Ansuz Count A July  29-Aug.  12  Hanged Man

People born during this time Count A:  you will be dealing with and around the ideas of language, communication, and connection as to how to express the ideas that you have to the world around you.  Ansuz is all about how to go about the process of you have an idea, that idea takes on a form of education, understanding and experience, you now need to figure out the best way to have that idea presented to you, the people in your life, the world around you, and or anything else you can think of as to how to express that idea.  This is communication, how best to present various ideas.

Your Month count B: Ewaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

r Journey Raido  Count A Aug.13- 27 2  Lughnasadh The Fool

People born during this time Count A:  your life lessons are about the journey of discovery. 

Journey, to finish tasks, to walk with what you understand to be correct; to allow yourself and others to walk that which is the correct thing to do.  The journey is the important thing during this time.  To put one foot in front of the other is the lesson of people born during this month.

Your Month count B: Bircano

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

c   Wisdom           Kannaz Count A Aug. 28 -  Sept  11  Magician  

People born during this time Count A:  Learning and wisdom, people born during this time are the wisdom seekers; those who want and wish to partake in the concept of going from ignorance into the learning process.  These people are forever learning, in their own way.  Sometimes it’s regimented and scholastic; other times they learn best by the pure experience of being in the middle of the situation and learning from it.  But learning is this person’s goal in life.

Your Month count B: Tiwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

g   Partnership                  Gebo Count A Sept 12-27  Lovers

People born during this time Count A:   Partnerships and connections, to connect between opposing positions, opposing poles, or simply differences of opinion, this person is a go between, a negotiator;  someone who spends their life making partnerships, agreements, connections with all around them. Let’s see what we can all do here.

Your Month count B: Sowillo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

W    Emotion          Wunjo Count A Sep 28 Oct 12 3       Mabon  2  16  High Priestess

People born during this time Count A:  You are in the unique amongst all the 24 signs here to be blessed with an uncanny understanding of emotion.  The understanding comes from always having to be surrounded by your emotions.  So you have a built in understanding since you always have to be experiencing things from emotion first everything else second.  So the lessons for this life with you, instead of fighting and arguing with yourself and your emotions is be with your emotions and work with them.  Shutting the key part of what makes you great and wonderful is an awfully large disappointment to those of us around you that want to be experiencing and enjoying you as the emotional self you are.  So we are waiting to see the true self that is the true emotional you.

Your Month count B: Alhaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

H   Past                 Haggalaz Count A Oct 13 – 27  The world

People born during this time Count A: 

The past, this person has a keen understanding of not only the past but finishing up projects that are put in front of them.  This is the beginning of the feminine 5th season.  This is the time of year for going within to contemplate that which has been done over not only the last year but also to contemplate that which has occurred over your lifetime. 

Your Month count B: Pertho

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

n   Present  Nauthiez Count A Oct.28-Nov 12 4           Samhain 3 16  The Devil aka God aka wood god, the horned one, Ceranunos, Odin, Zeus,

People born during this time Count A: 

The present, this is an interesting time for those born during these times.  This is the time of Samhain.  The sabot of Samhain is the time of femininity or focus on the feminine of the self so that you can go into a creative cycle during the coming winter.  This is the feminine half of the 5th season.  This person is keenly interested in what is happening now.   What is the present situation, what happened in the past and what can be happening in the future. These are all highly interesting and needed items for people born during the month of Nauthiez to work with during their lives.  All that is the now all that can be the now; keen interest is the present.

Your Month count B: Eiwaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

i      Future              Isa Count A Nov. 13 – 27  The Hermit

People born during this time Count A: 

Future: People born during this time are future people, people who have a profound understanding of building ideas, concepts, models, and ideas for what to do with the future.  Seekers for tomorrow.

Your Month count B: Jera

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

J  Cycles  Jera Count A Nov.  28 - Dec. 12  Death

People born during this time Count A: 

Timing and cycles, people born during this time are keenly interested and devoted to the cycles of things and the cycles of life.  What happened yesterday and what will be happening tomorrow and how the 2 tie in together.

Your Month count B: Isa

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

I  Creation                       Eiwaz Count A Dec, 13 – 28 5          Yule 16  Temperance aka Goddess

People born during this time Count A: 

Creation, this is an interesting time since this is the time of Yule, and the happenings which take place in and around Yule are there very much for the person to work with and around.  Just as in the day midnight, this is mid year.  This the half way point for the year, what people born during this time are concerned with the inner times, they are inward turned people who spend a part of their lives in the search for inward understanding, and inward balance.

Your Month count B: Nauthiez

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

P                  Pertho Count A Dec. 29- Jan 12  emperor

People born during this time Count A: 

Application of skills learned, people born during this time are people that are keenly interested in applying that which they know to the world.  To identify what they like, to learn as much as they can about what they like, and then apply what they know to the world about the skills they have learned.

Your Month count B: Haggalaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

Z  Awareness                   Alhaz Count A Jan. 13 – 28  The Moon

People born during this time Count A: 

Awareness of the world around them in spades, people born during this time have a built in sense of the world around them.  Not anything else just a sense of the world which is around them.  They have a keen awareness of the world.  Not how to apply that knowledge, or how that knowledge affects the self, or even, if this is a good thing or bad, those lessons why are learned along the path of life.  No they have the keen understanding of the purity of awareness of their surroundings.

Your Month count B: Wunjo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

S   Consciences                 Sowillo Count A Jan. 29 - Feb  12 6  Imbulc  The Sun

People born during this time Count A: 

Knowledge, this is another interesting time, this is the other end of the 5th season.  A time of masculine application of what one has learned.  Adding days is put here.    People born during this time are profound knowledge seekers, people that just about no matter what will seek out new things, new knowledge, new wisdom, and new things, to learn that which is unknown in just about any way possible.

Your Month count B: Gebo

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

t  Direction                     Tiwaz Count A Feb  13 – 26  Direction

People born during this time Count A: 

Direction, People born during this time are keenly interested in the application of taking what they know and applying that which is them to the world; to their surroundings, to the world around them and to all that is.

Your Month count  B: Kannaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

B    Growth                        Bircano Count A Feb 27-Mar 13 7   Eostar 5 16  Empress

People born during this time Count A: 

Growth, this is an interesting time for this is the last of the Litha year 16 day months.  This Eostar is all about growth and building for the future.  Taking that which has been thought up and created during the winter cycle and applying it.  People born during this time need to be aware that they are being born at a time of incredible growth and advancement,  a time of it’s still cold but winter is over this is now spring;  a time of new growth and new experiences.  So people born during this time are geared toward growth and building new and interesting things.  What ever interesting new things they can dream up this is what this month is all about, new thoughts, dreams, emotions, ideas, just new stuff, and applying those new things to the world. 

Your Month count B: Raido

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

E Movement                     Ewaz Count A March 14 – 29  Chariot

People born during this time Count A: 

Movement: People born during these times are people of a rather profound sense of movement and time.  They are never quite happy just sitting back and relaxing with themselves they are always much more interested in the movement of what can happen.  The movement of where they can fit in and how to fit in to the world.  Moving things is the point to people born during these times, the priorities of movement.  Be it an action job or watching things move.

Your Month count B: Ansuz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

M  Self                  Mannaz Count A March 30  - April 13  Star

People born during this time Count A: 

Know thyself: that is the key to this life.  To have the definition of a profound understanding of not only who you are but where you want to go.  People born during this time are people who have a profound sense of self, based on the culture into which they were born.  Their task through life is to know thyself, which is quite a hard task if you think about it.

Your Month count B Thurasaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

L    Flow                Laguz Count A April 14 – 28 

People born during this time Count A: 

Flow, people born during these times need to have a profound understanding of how things in the universe flow; to be able to grasp their place in the universe and be settled and secure within their frame of reference.  What and how things flow in the universe and how each person in that universe flows is the point to this persons lessons.  The more they know about themselves the more they can then accomplish in this world.  One can not have enough knowledge or data about how they fit into the flow of everything.

Your Month count B: Uruz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

N Fertility                      Ingwaz Count A April 29-May 13 8  Beltain  Judgment

People born during this time Count A: 

Intricate detail, this is Beltain, growth and fertility, people born during this month are drawn to the smallest details of life. They are drawn to concentrate on the minutest of details, both in the world and in their surroundings.  For fertility is truly found in the smallest of details in this world, and by tracking the smallest of details and keeping track of all the little things in this world is when this person is ok with life; when everything on the smallest level adds up to that which is acceptable.

Your Month count B: Fehu current month of you

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

O Stability                       Othallo Count A May 14 - 28           

People born during this time Count A: 

Stability home and heart, people born during this month are drawn to the existence and understanding of a solid and balanced home.  Stability is the key to this persons entire existence, if they are out of balance nothing works but if they are in balance then there is no catastrophe big enough to throw this person off their centered with in themselves. 

Your Month count B: Daggaz

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month

d Cycles              Daggaz Count A May 29 - June 12  Wheel of Fortune

People born during this time Count A: 

Cycles end, people born during this time are absolutely keenly aware of the duality of life, the end and beginnings of all.  They are absorbed into the realization that for a beginning you have to have an end.  For there to be balance there needs to be a twin, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.  People born during these times are often conflicted between the balances of the cycle of life.  They have a foot in the old and a foot in the new and it is often times harder to balance between the old and new then most people can comprehend. 

Your Month count B: Othello

Personal Month: What you can expect to happen to you during this month. 

5.        Eiwaz

6.      .   Pertho

7.        Alhaz

8.         Sowillo

                                                                                                                          iii.        Tiwaz   third Ætt 

1.       Tiwaz  

2.        Bircano

3.           Ewaz

4.        Mannaz

5.        Laguz

6.        Ingwaz

7.        Othallo

8.        Daggaz


a.          Uruz inside the number 2 count.  Establishing the strength/fuel of any given situation. 

b.        Thurasaz inside the number 3 count 

c.         Ansuz inside the number 4 

d.       Raido inside the number 5 

e.         Kannaz inside the number 6 

f.          Gebo inside the number 7 

g.          Wunjo  inside the number 8 

2.           Haggalaz

a.       . Haggalaz  inside the number 9 

b.       Nauthiez inside the number 10 

c.         Isa inside the number 11 

d.       Jera inside the number 12 

e.        Eiwaz inside the number 13 

f.        . Pertho inside the number 14 

g.        Alhaz inside the number 15 

h.       Sowillo  inside the number 16 

3.           Tiwaz

a.        Tiwaz inside the number 17 

b.       Tiwaz inside the number 18 

c.          Ewaz  inside the number 19 

d.       Mannaz inside the number 20  

e.        Laguz inside the number 21  

f.         Ingwaz inside the number 22  

g.        Othallo inside the number 23  

h.       Daggaz inside the number 24 






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T Shawn & Emma Welling