The T Shawn Welling Web Site


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated 6/2/2004 1:54 PM


Under construction while research lasts. Check back daily





I would like to remind my readers that this is an under construction site.  I am adding material on a constant basis each page, each branch sometimes goes months with out, and sometimes each branch gets new and updated information on a daily basis.  So please be patient my research is ongoing, and I find new and interesting things on almost a daily basis.  Keep checking back; see the last updated on the index page.  Any and all questions please do not hesitate to go to the yahoo groups listed below join and ask any question you like.   Your input has helped shape the way I present the information, and helps me to be more definite with issues in showing my work.


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why this research is important, what can be done with it.


Not long after I first started the intencive part of this research project. 


Several things came to my mind.

  1. why was there so much effort put into the creation of the runes.  This thought idea and concept was just too much for me to ignore.  Why where the runes created in the first place.  Their creation simple does not make sense. 
    1. First they where created in war time.
    2. They where created using a native language, and Latin mix.
    3. The religious tradition scholars had to go underground to keep the runes alive.
  2. why did the Europeans hide the secrets from 3 different conquerors so hard.
    1. The Greeks where the first to call the northerns Bar Bar’s, there are several source of this info but I have my source directly from a woman that can read and write in classic Latin and Greek so I take her word on it. Bar Bar was shortened to barbarian.  As an insult since the northerners would not teach the Greeks their language or there higher technology.
    2. The Roman's did not fair much better, the Roman's invaded the barbarian territories just to conquer and take what they could.
    3. The Vatican sent emissaries to do all kinds of damage, but the result was, when forensic tools came along, “dead men tell no tails” well I can tell you as a matter of fact that the simple fact that the Vatican killed anyone for heracy in a foreign land tells you instantly that the Vatican feared that person. Even if the inquisition only killed one person state sancionted murder is a huge sign of something is very wrong one some end.  So if someone’s life is prematurely ended, that tells a tail all by itself.
  3. why did the Europeans go to such great lengths to burry the keys to the rediscovery of the Futhark long after the conquests began.  If you have something called “secret or hidden meaning” translates to “VAULT DOOR” that is some seriously good reasons to spend time, trouble, energy, effort, and money to hide if something is that valuable.  So if the runes where so valuable they where carefully hidden for 1800 years, that criminology wise tells you something about the weight of what that hidden artifact is.
  4. why did the Europeans choose to call there ancient language runes.
  5. what was the possible reasons for spending so much time effort and energy on something that did not by history starndards deserve so much time and energy over so many different generations as well as cultures.
  6. why did the euopean scholars choose genocide over telling the Greeks and or the Romans the secrets to the runes.
  7. why did the Vatican take such a special interest in destroying everyone and everything associated with the old ways. 
    1. Why the extreme hatred over more then 800 years of active battle.
    2. Why is anything from the ancient European history and culture still to this day hated and wanted to be destroyed by members of whatever organization that can trace its origins to the Vatican.
    3. If there was no language, no education, no scholars.  What did the Vatican spend 800 years in Europe burning, killing, and leveling to the ground.
    4. Why if the anicnet culture was nothing did the Vatican seek out the old ways and the old temples burn them to the ground, plow the groun under, kill all the inhabitance and all those those where still aligned with the old and build huge missions, abbies, and cathedrals on the same ground as the ancient temples.
    5. If the ancients had no written language, and no math. How did they build the structures that the Romans destroyed.  The temple to Odin in Holland was rumored to have been 6 stories high and took a week to burn to the ground.  Do you have any idea how much fuel something has to have to burn for a week.  Not to mention the heat generated to burn something for a week.  The flames myth has it could be seen for miles around.
    6. The engineering
    7. The architecture
    8. Live in Europe


I noticed there was a lot of good info that can be used in the right here and right now for each and everyone of us


After taking all these items into account, I realized that what history tells us about Europe is simply wrong.


Not only am I interested in what truly happened but I am interested in finding out why the aincents buried there secrets and choose not to truly fight back?


And if the runes or the Futhark or the language the Futhark is a part of what I call symbolic truly was 6000 b. c. e.  and a good possibility it dates to 35000 b. c. e.  then there is plenty of evidence that the Futhark is much more then it at first glance as a post 200 c. e.  Latin derived invention.


Ok the Futhark could be 8000 years old, and it was all fine and good for 6000 of those 8000 years. Then it had to have soemthign on the ball.  It had to be worth something.


Ice age, if the symbolic language that I theorize that the Cro-Magnon had which is cave paintings, then they used the Futhark or its parent to survive the last minor ice age.  If that is true then the Futhark is worth learning about.


What can be done with all that info.  Well if only half of the above document is true then the Futhark is well worth its time and energy to learn and investigate further.  For even if just a few died to protect the secrets of something that something is valuable. If hundreds if not thousands died over hundreds of years to protect the same thing, then that just adds to the credibility that there is something to the Futhark to investigat and uncover.  And entire cultures chooseing not dead but outright genocide, then that just adds more fuel to the what was it that the conquered choose to end there entire life of the culture to protect.   And what did the Vatican have such a hissy fit about going to the greatest lengths to destroy.  All these are well established historical facts. Just the facts make one want to find out the truth.


What was so frightening/intense/incredible/powerfull/ that dead and conquest where the only answers.  This I had to find out.


The answers where well worth my time and energy to find out.  what I have been able to reverse engineer and recreate will simple stun you into thinking in a whole new way.







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T Shawn & Emma Welling