week 1 dq reply to teacher

What I have found being on the spectrum that different audiences in their own statistical sequences from not much to almost violently militant require their own specific packaging to process information.

Some require

theoretical; to in effect see the nouns converted to variables, then see the variables in equation format to process the information. To build the theoretical models to show where c should be but is not.

inferential; this is a form of statistics which in some ways takes over some of the limitations of theoretical stats. Where the we guess or theorize that at a given point, from B distance, at C time x will occur or at least should occur based on similar models where x has occurred at A, B, C points.

descriptive; a slightly more complex form of population understanding statistics. Where larger somewhat more complex behavior patterns are identified (which repeat working behaviors inside) but labeled as a given identifiable thing. Example the number of people who in general perform the same action Monday through Friday going to work at a given time and coming home at a given time. That going to work at say 9 am coming home at 5 that is a descriptive statistical grouping of behaviors; which mostly follow a similar set of behavior patterns every time (within some deviations). Designed to measure central tendency and measures of variability (spread).

Depending on the complexity of the information, use all three. Different audiences require differnet formats to process the information.