week 3 dq Falicia Jensen 


I partially grew up next to a major Polytechnical College in America. When I became an adult and ventured into academics, I was simply shocked to find out that open discussion and an exchange of ideas was not only not encouraged in non-polytechnical colleges but was for the most part openly discouraged. Outside of polytechnical colleges and research facilities, these types of  Locus of control power dynamics are simply not welcome. I am still in a way shocked that the schools in many ways actually strongly discourage open exploration discovery.

There is a huge amount of encouragement you can obtain in a classroom when the students are given an element of freedom. Focused encouragement regarding how to improve technical ideas.

In psychology, everything is about technoloyg. Biological technology. The body is an incredibly complex machine. It is just based on biology and of course huge aspects of quantum physics, eg thinking. Taking on more of a polytechnical aspect of learning and teaching in the field of psychology would serve the field extremely well.